#i think i'm clever
catlover4536 · 4 months
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I am once again here to remind y'all that I love them.
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einsteinsugly · 7 months
No-vember! Writing prompts (dialogue), with the word "no" in them.
1. No matter what, I'll always be there for you.
2. No, I can't do that.
3. I guess you've never heard the word "no" before.
4. Will you marry me? No.
5. I take no prisoners.
6. I have no idea what to do.
7. You have no sense of style.
8. No one can tell me what to do.
9. I have no money.
10. No uterus, no opinion.
11. I've got no time to waste.
12. I have no friends!
13. There's no going back now.
14. "No" is a complete sentence.
15. No thanks.
16. No way!
17. There's no point in trying.
18. I don't want no scrub/s.
19. There's no need to rush.
20. Leave no stone unturned.
21. I've got no complaints.
22. There's no coffee?
23. Are you saying no?
24. No, I don't think I will.
25. There's no one who can do this, except you.
26. There's no place like home.
27. I said no!
28. No, you can't do that.
29. No one can ever get between us.
30. Saying "no" was the best thing I ever did.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Blue: My little Ash’ika needs friends—I’m getting one for her.
Awwww look at Blue being a doting buir 😊
Jango Fett is either rolling in his grave, or is watching with pride. No inbetween.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ahsoka asks Blue as Ashanii peers around him to look at the slightly bigger boy stepping off of Master Plo's ship. "Well..." Blue pauses, "What's the worst that can happen?" He places his hand on Ashanii's head, and nudges her towards the boy. He's a bit taller than her, with his curly hair pulled back into a messy tail. Like the majority of the clones, he's identical to Blue, just smaller. Though, unlike Blue, the boy has a white streak at his temple. "Ash'ika, this is Dust." The children eye each other suspiciously, and then Ashanii beams, "Wanna go catch frogs?" A bright grin crosses Dust's face, "Yeah!" Ashanii hurries to his side and takes his hand, before leading him towards a creek near the ships, and the Blue and Ahsoka are left staring after them. "...There's going to be so much mud on my ship." Ahsoka whispers. "So much mud." "I'd be more concerned about them turning one of the unused rooms into a terrarium," Blue admits. Ahsoka just stares off into the distance, "So much mud-"
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howlingmoon08 · 1 year
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A Sonic Au based off a Godzilla movie from me??? Crazy!!! anyway very loosely inspired by the mechagodzilla duology from the millenium and maybe pacific rim? I got to see Tokyo SOS in theaters a few months back and I couldn't resist. Fun Fact, Mecha Sonic is based off of Mecha Godzilla so, I'm suprised I lasted this long. Sonic is a mech pilot working in sync with Mecha's AI through a mind link helmet and they fight giant monsters together c:
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Random SOS Chronicles snippet from book 1, Mayday: when you’re only 8-years-old and terrified, hiding in the vents from aliens but the kids following you are even younger and you’re an escaped slave, so you have to be the adult.
           Oliver looked around. The place they’d landed was bigger than any they’d been in so far- big enough that they could stand up in it. He stared at the floor for a moment, then spied a hatch.
           “We can see where we are,” he said as he tugged on the lock bar. Nix wordlessly came over and helped him pull it back. The hatch whooshed open and the boys peeked through.
           “I think we’re one level above the cargo bay,” said Nix. “I only came down here once but they keep the brig cells down here. Not that we ever have any prisoners.” Nix sounded disappointed.
           Oliver shuddered then took a deep breath, ignoring how tight his chest felt. “Are there stairs or an elevator down to the cargo bay?”            “Yeah, both, I think, but they’re in the middle of the hallway. If anybody’s down there they’ll see us.”
           Oliver weighed the risk in his head. Going down another level in the vents would mean more falling- maybe straight down this time, which wouldn’t be good- but if the attackers saw them they’d almost certainly be captured.
           “I’ll go down and see if anyone’s around,” he said finally.            “What?!” Nix stared at him like he was insane. “If they catch you they’ll kill you like they did to Miss Tina!”
           Fae whimpered. Oliver frowned and shook his head.
           “I told you, I don’t think they killed her. It’ll be okay. If you hear someone chasing me go the rest of the way in the vents- but be careful in case there are any more drops.”
           He jumped when Nix grabbed him, staring at him with fire in his eyes and a voice that wavered. “If you go, who’s gonna look after us?”
           Oliver blinked, surprised to see Nix’s fear, to see the tears in the other boy’s eyes, to hear his words and feel that Nix meant them. He had forgotten that Nix was two years younger than him, it was easy to forget, since Nix was as tall as he was and always acted like he knew what he was doing. But Nix was younger than Cassie, and Cassie got scared sometimes, even though she was much braver than Oliver. Oliver got scared too. He was almost always scared.
           What did Silas tell him when he was scared?
           Oliver lifted his hands and set them on Nix’s shoulders, looking into the other boy’s eyes. “Being scared isn’t something you can change. All you can do is keep going till you get past the fear and you can see the stars or the sun shining again.”
           Nix stared at him. “What?”
           “You have to keep being brave,” said Oliver. “Even if I’m not around to remind you, okay?”            “Until we can look out a window at the stars?” said Fae. “Because if we can look out a window the bad guys must be gone, right?”            Oliver nodded. “Right.”            “If you go,” said Nix, his voice still shaking a little. “Am I in charge?”
           Oliver tilted his head and shrugged. “I don’t think it matters who’s in charge as long as everybody works together.”
           Strangely enough, Nix seemed to relax. “Okay,” he said. “Fine. But be careful, okay?”            “I will,” said Oliver. He looked out the opening at the floor far below and winced.
           He looked back up at Nix and Fae and tried to smile. “C-could, can you guys help me down please?”
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ki-flor · 2 years
Force of Gravity chapter 31 has me rooting for byler over anything.... Chapter 32 now‼️
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memorystormsanctuary · 10 months
Day 6~ One Choice New Life
Today’s @khoc-week prompt is One Choice, New Life. I spend a lot of time focusing on the choices my characters have made during the 3D entry of the series, so there are many places to go with Y. She’s all too aware of the choices she’s made and how they landed her exactly where she is. But part of her looks back on her choices and sees they weren’t always as much her decisions as she may think.
Sometimes, it was hard to see just what choices she had. Time and time again she could remember her back to a corner with no way to go but forward. And in those moments she had sworn again and again she had a choice. That she had some kind of control of where forward was. Even now a part of her wanted to believe that. But she was starting to see the honeyed words that had led her here.
Maybe it wasn’t always honeyed words. After all, X hadn’t even tried to sweeten his words when he offered her a choice. The choice between leaving the world they called home or staying and never speaking to him again. Perhaps it was a childish notion. Part of her knew it was nothing serious. X would have never been able to spend so long without speaking to her if they were close. Or that was what she tried to tell herself, as she fought with her own mind. To stay or go. So it was definitely her own choice to leave with Master Eraqus.
And Vanitas was never capable of honeyed words. He could only hiss out venom. So it wasn’t because of honey she left the Land of Departure to chase after her friends. She had made that choice on her own. With the ringing promise from Vanitas, her friends would die. And so would her light. She hadn’t just been following someone else’s plan. She had made that choice. It just happened to play into Xehanort’s hand.
Maybe it was honey that had drawn her into the Heartless organization. Into chasing after Kingdom Hearts, the thing she hated so much. That had cost her and her friends so much. The honeyed promise that one day they would be themselves again. That she wouldn’t have to be a Heartless forever. And maybe being beside her brother was just a happy coincidence, when she was so scared to be alone again. And leaving them had been just as much her own choice, when the fear of Kingdom Hearts really struck her. It hadn’t been that same fear of being alone that made her follow her friends.
And it had certainly been sly words and clever truths that had forced her to remember. She couldn’t even pretend for a moment that had been her own choice. Not when she had spent so long trying to forget. Purposely looking past all the familiar feelings. She had never wanted to be Light. To be the thing they all chased after. She had begged to forget in another lifetime. She would never choose to remember. Even when it was right in front of her. She had loved the bittersweet taste of her brothers lies.
Maybe, she had really loved the honey traps. Pushing her down the path needed for the story. For someone else’s plan. Maybe all she was was a pawn. Not able to make her own choices.
But then, she didn’t think they were expecting her to make it this far. There had been moments they weren’t planning. The same moments she hadn’t been planning.
There had been no honeyed promises of a tomorrow when she gave up her heart. Perhaps she had really been in a corner then. One way or another she was going to lose her heart. X had always been stronger than her. Faster and smarter too. But she could have fought. Tooth and nail she could have fought, made it hell for him to take it. That was what they had wanted.
But in that moment she chose to give it to him. To let him take it from her.
And in that moment her choice had changed everything.
Instead of all the apprentices being lost, one remained. She held onto her mind. Her power. She was still her in almost every way. And she still had those ties. The connections to her friends who maybe now where lost, but she knew the way to find. And everything that had happened, she could pass on to the next generation. To Sora and Riku and Kairi. To guide them on the path she could take alone.
She stayed in the light, to be sure her friends had a beacon to follow. And that would be Xehanort’s undoing.
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1-dum-bitch · 1 year
Ava: *does something stupid*
Bea, sighing: I'm marrying that
Yasmine: you don't sound too happy about that
Shotgun Mary: you know you don't have to right
Lilith: guys, if you don't keep it down-
Camila, apparating: wrong, Mary, the venue has a strict no refund policy on deposits and the cake artist I found is so highly sought after I had to arrange the date around his schedule and I already ordered 150 place settings and I finally found someone for the swan training so they don't attack during the dove release so YES they have to
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acryptidcreates · 2 years
Hey Davey
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(You still going to complain about my game choices? Be nice and I might let you snuggle up)
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mariacfrantz · 1 year
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Clouds and creeping dogwood (colored)
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unsigneddreams · 2 years
Everyone talking about how unexpected jhope’s More is. But it’s been right there in his music/sound all the time, it’s in the background. It’s not an entirely new sound like I see some say, it’s a development. It’s almost like Jack in the Box will flow from Hope World quite seamlessly, because we’re now on the blue side. 
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candle-scm · 3 months
my takeaway from natla is that og atla zuko is hot topic flavored gay and natla zuko is barbie flavored gay
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meyerlansky · 22 days
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#hboww2rewatch timestamp roulette: MASTERS OF THE AIR, PART THREE ↳ what the hell is a "reserve command pilot"?
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kaelidascope · 1 month
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I heard @ghoulsamgrusam 's call to arms and I'm here to deliver. So anyway is this anything chat LMAO cus if there's an audience for this I will 100% write this
Rated E for monster fucker (as usual), violence, on-par with Beestfic stuff. Apocalyptic virus/monster/survival AU
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haarute · 8 days
please share!!
previous poll
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saintsenara · 2 months
Not disputing you ofc but do you remember the exact line about ron looking like bill perchance? I would love it for referencing purposes
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
and i am afraid that you're getting a more long-winded answer than you may have been hoping for...
male weasleys are split down the middle into two camps, physically:
charlie, fred, and george are described as being short and stocky [although "short" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, since they're all taller than harry: fred and george shrink when they take polyjuice potion to transform into him in deathly hallows].
the implication - i think - is that charlie and the twins look like molly, who is described several times as short and plump in build. ginny is also described numerous times in the books as short and is said in chapter thirty-three of order of the phoenix to resemble fred and george facially, which, since's she's described in deathly hallows as having her mother's brown eyes - which probably triggered some sort of freudian shudder in harry - means i think we can conclude that this half of the family all look their mam.
[and also that molly is a hottie herself. she often gets turned by the fandom into a fairly sexless being - even though she didn't have those seven children immaculately, did she? - with a strict, prudish vibe. and - to do some discourse for a moment - we all know that the fact that she's described as fat is the direct cause of this. but several men are canonically ready to risk it all for ginny - and it's time we all acknowledged this is because she inherited her bonafide baddie powers straight from molly.]
percy and ron - on the other hand - are, like arthur, described as being tall, thin, and gangly. bill is never explicitly said to be slender, but he is described in the fifth chapter of goblet of fire as "tall" immediately after harry has stated that charlie is short[ish] and broad - which allows us to reasonably infer that he's on the arthur-weasley-skinny-legend side of the family.
and we can also assume - since ron is never said to resemble molly, nor [to harry's great relief] ginny, facially - that his features - his long nose and blue eyes - come from his father, who is also the source of percy's short-sightedness.
and, while harry [the narrative perspective] never says that he thinks arthur is hot - because why would he? - nor percy and ron [although i think it's worth noting that he doesn't consider it ridiculous that both of them manage to pull - and it's never suggested that penelope clearwater and lavender brown aren't cuties] it's actually possible to justify the idea that they are canonically fit using more than pure hot air...
[harry does - obviously - think bill's a babe. he sees fleur checking him out and immediately thinks... same.]
because a very striking narrative choice that the series makes is the idea that all pureblood nuclear family units look identical to each other - which serves as a visual metaphor for the importance of blood-status and lineage within the wizarding world. this is why narcissa malfoy is as pale and blonde as lucius and draco [even though bellatrix and andromeda are dark haired] and why molly is a redhead even though red hair and freckles are stated in the text to be weasley - rather than prewett - traits. harry's resemblance to his pureblood father eases his passage through wizarding society. voldemort's lack of resemblance to his pureblood mother does the opposite.
the weasleys and the malfoys are narrative mirrors within the series - with the fact that ron and draco are both so near-identical to arthur and lucius as to be immediately identifiable as each man's son by anyone who meets them part of this mirroring. it makes sense, then, that since the non-ron weasley children don't have a specific malfoy mirror, the same general principle applies, and the three weasley brothers who are built like arthur also strongly resemble him facially - and that bill also has a long nose [and a long something else, i'll wager!] and a cracking pair of baby blues.
or that if bill is hot, arthur is hot - and therefore if arthur is hot, ron is hot.
[where bill outpaces his brothers, i fear, is that he clearly has rizz - whereas ron's seduction skills are famously weak before he gets his hands on a copy of twelve fail-safe ways to charm witches - i.e. when he cockblocks harry spectacularly by beefing with cho unprovoked about the quidditch team she supports, which always sends me - and percy is... percy.]
[if ron had simply played it cool he could have finessed going to the ball with fleur, and i'll die on that hill...]
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