#i think the anon that wrote that said it in response to my tags saying bruce airs out his pussy to attract selina
martyrbat · 1 year
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[ID: Batman punching a criminal as he fires his gun in the air from shock. The sound effect above them has been edited to say 'cock' instead of 'sock'. END ID]
shoutout to that anon that told me bob kane is rolling in his grave bc of my posts. personally i like to think he had the gift of prophecy and made batman specifically for me to make dick jokes <33
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fairysluna · 1 year
hi! not sure if you’re receiving request rn but if u are would u do a one shot cregan x targ wife? basically domestic stuff with their kids who’s half wolf and dragon and all the fluff <33 i love ur writing style sm!! don’t forget to take care of urself :)
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Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targ!Reader.
Summary: Once the time has arrived for your child's dragon egg to hatch, things don't go as planned, and Cregan simply cannot stand the sight of his son's saddened eyes.
Tags/TW: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, cregan being a dilf, and just that I think, it's pure fluff tbh.
Author's Note: THANK U for requesting this, I've been waiting to write something like this since I wrote my first Cregan one shot. Just softie Cregan for you, anon, hope you like it!!🤍
Word Count: 2.0k
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"What are you doing here?" He asked, visibly worried as he stood up from the snow leaving the two boys behind, "You should be resting…"
A small chuckle left you as he placed his big hand on top of your swollen belly, you looked down at it for a few seconds before looking up to his face. The love in his eyes was visibly obvious as you felt, once again, bewitched by his deep brown stare. The same butterflies that were present the day of your wedding, were flying in your stomach as you felt his loving touch on you. So protective and caring.
"It's time for Rickon to go to his classes with the Maester," you informed. The older child looked at you with puppy eyes, begging for you to not send him away from his little brother, "go on, pup, he's waiting for you… you can play with Aelor after you've finished."
The brown haired boy stood up from the snow and walked half-hearted towards the castle. Once he passed right beside you, you stopped him to kiss him softly on his forehead before letting him go. As a response, he wrinkled his nose and left obediently. Cregan saw the tender scene with a smile on his face,
"He was comforting his brother," Cregan said, "Aelor needed his company."
"We've talked about this, this is usual, this happens to everyone… My brother, Aemond, went through the same thing and now he rides Vhagar," you shrugged.
"He's ten, he doesn't understand it, he feels unworthy," he turned around to look at him.
Aelor Stark, a beautiful brown haired boy who carries his mother's eyes. The first born son product of your love for Cregan. He was bigger than the other children of his age, and his only friends were his half-brother, Rickon, and his younger sister of five, Lysara.
And while Lysara's egg already hatched, Aelor's hasn't been so lucky to say the same. The poor boy spent the prior night crying on your lap as Cregan looked at you with pure distress in his eyes, knowing that he wasn't able to do anything that could cheer his son up. That same night, you told Aelor that he could claim a dragon of his own once he was old enough… but, as your husband said, his sadness was not only because he didn't have a dragon yet, he felt sad because he felt as if he was unworthy of having one.
"I can't bear to look at his saddened eyes," Cregan said, "he has your eyes, everytime i see sadness in them is as if I'm seeing sadness in yours. I can't allow my family to be miserable."
"We're not, my love," you quickly answered, placing your hand on his cheek, "you have given us nothing but pure happiness. What is happening is beyond our control, is what nature desires."
"We need to do something," he spoke sternly, "I will not sit back and see our son suffer."
You couldn’t help but smile genuinely at his sweet words.
"There's nothing left to do, we just need to wait and take him to King's Landing so he can claim an already hatched dragon… there are plenty of them."
"Is it my fault?" Cregan asked suddenly with a soft voice. You quickly frown, visibly confused.
"Your fault?"
"What if my- my genes are too strong and his Valyrian blood is not working… he already has brown hair, and-"
A chuckle was heard as you stood on your tiptoes to silent him with a soft kiss. He immediately grabbed your waist as he sighed once you captured his lips in a touch that made him forget about everything for just a couple of seconds. That was the power you had on him.
Once you pulled back, Cregan's eyes slowly fluttered open until his eyes met yours. He took a deep breath and you smiled,
"This is not your fault," you said slowly, trying to make him understand, "you're a wise man, husband, it surprises me that you were able to think such a foolish thing."
"I apologize," he muttered, a bit embarrassed.
"No need, my love," you softly shook your head and sighed before pecking his lips, "now, Lysa is asking for her father, she said you promised her to help her with her Valyrian classes."
Cregan smiled embarrassed, a soft tone of pink covered his cheeks as he looked down at the snow beneath his thick boots. You bit your own bottom lip as you let out a breathy laugh, seeing your husband being so flustered was a bit amusing for you.
Especially because you knew you were the only one who was able to make him feel that way.
"She told you, she betrayed our pact,'' he said between soft chuckles.
"I told you it wasn't necessary…"
"I want to be able to teach them, my love. They're my children too, I need to be part of their culture."
"That's very kind of you," your arms wrapped around his waist as you kiss him again.
"You won't be able to gossip about me in another language," he joked between pecks.
"I would never gossip about you, you fool," you laughed.
Cregan placed his hands on your face and took a look at your features for a long time. He would always do that; hold your face between his big hands and stare at your beauty for a few seconds, admiring every single bit of you. He sighed, completely enamored by the view in front of him, and then he gently rubbed his nose against yours, closing his eyes but still being able to perceive your small smile.
"You're the most beautiful woman in the world, my love," he whispers, pressing his forehead in yours, "I love you more than words can tell, my princess."
Your heart, filled with joy, skipped a beat as you heard that nickname that he now uses only in intimate moments like this, for he wanted to let you know how you had all the control of him. You opened your eyes, looking at those gleaming dark eyes that you loved so dearly.
Those tiny little moments made you think about how lucky you were.
Later at night, when the crackling sound of the fireplace was the only thing you were able to hear, you were laying in bed with Aelor under one arm and Lysara kissing and caressing your belly as she spoke to her new sibling growing inside of you. You looked at the scene, with tender eyes and a giant smile decorating your face.
"Sagon gīda, zaldrītsos," Be careful, little dragon, you told her gently, caressing her curly brown hair, "Your little brother or sister is too small yet, so you have to be careful, okay?"
"I hope is a girl…" Aelor whispered on your side. You turned to look at him, asking him to explain his answer, "maybe she'll be able to have a dragon if she's a girl like Lysa."
You pressed your lips in a thin line as you cupped your son's face and caressed his chubby cheeks. A soft kiss was left on his forehead as you shook your head,
"Listen to me, zoklītsos." Little wolf, you called him, "gender has nothing to do with it, and you will have a dragon."
"In a few months we'll visit your grandmother, and once we're in the capital we'll go to the Dragon Keep, where you will choose a dragon to claim," you spoke softly, but sternly at the same time, "so, just be patient and wait."
"I'm sorry, muña," he said before he cuddles under your arm once again.
"No need to-"
Your words were interrupted as the door suddenly opened with a deafening sound as it smacked against the wall. Your first instinct was to grab Lysara and Aelor, and place them behind you as you grab your small dagger from under your pillow.
However, your body relaxed once you saw Rickon entering the room with a suspicious big smile and laughing as he covered his mouth. You took a deep breath and you hid the dagger under the pillow once again.
"Rickon, darling, you scared me," you said, scolding him but keeping your voice as soft as you could, "what is it that has you so cheerfully laughing, huh?"
"We have a surprise for Aelor!" He said happily.
"We?" You asked.
Cregan walked inside the room as soon as those words left your mouth, and your eyes widened as you looked at the half grown direwolf between his arms. It looked quite small in them.
Your husband had the same smile as the one his first child had, two pairs of eyes gleaming with excitement as they looked at your eldest son. Soon you realized what was going on, and a horror look was seen in your face as you grabbed Lysara and held her close to your body.
"Absolutely not!" You said, trying to grab Aelor too but he already stood up from the bed, "Aelor!" You scolded him.
"What is this?!" The small child asked as he caressed the soft fur of the wolf.
"Your new pet, my boy," Cregan said, kneeling so Aelor was at the same height as the animal.
"Cregan?" You asked, confused and astonished, "mind to explain what is the meaning of this?"
You stood up from the bed, your daughter hanging from your arms as you walked back, far from the animal that started to move its ears each time Aelor would touch its belly.
Cregan left the wolf on the floor and walked towards you, removing the girl from your arms and holding her in his instead.
"Be careful, my love," he warned you, "you cannot strain yourself, not with our little pup growing inside you."
"Cregan, what is this?" You asked again, yelping as the wolf started to howl.
He laughed softly, "my love, you ride a dragon, how can you be scared of a wolf?"
"I'm a Targaryen, we bond with our dragons, they would never harm us."
"Starks bond with direwolves, love…" he explained softly, "Look at them, they already love each other and they've just met."
You looked at your son as the wolf licked his cheek and he laughed gleefully. Rickon was looking at them with excitement, for now he had another thing in common with his little brother. Your heart lighted up after seeing Aelor smiling like that after days of only seeing saddened eyes on him. That mere thought softened your heart, and made you sigh.
"Listen, I will take care of everything, okay?" He said, grabbing your hand and kissing it gently, "And I assure you, my love, nothing will happen to you because I will always be here to protect you."
"Whose idea was to get this… thing?"
"Uh… mine," he muttered, smiling shyly, "I told you I had to do something about it, I can't bear to see my family being miserable."
Your haze softened at his words; you were Cregan's weakness but he was certainly yours too. The only one that can make you bend.
"Alright, he can keep his pet, but it will stay away from me," you warned, "I don't want that thing being close to me, I feel that it will chew my face off."
Cregan only laughed at your words before kissing your lips.
Aelor stood up from the floor and ran towards Cregan, hugging him tightly as he cheerfully yelled, "thank you, kepa! thank you!"
You would've looked at the tender scene being displayed in front of you, but your eyes were fixed on the animal sitting on the carpet. The wolf made eye contact with you, and tilted its head as it sighed. With your lips pressed in a thin line, you heard at your daughter saying,
"Can I have one too, kepa?"
With widened eyes you looked at your daughter, seeing how her eyes shone with the sight of the direwolf just a few meters away from you.
"Oh, Gods…" you muttered, caressing your belly.
You started to beg for the next one to claim a dragon instead of a frightening wolf.
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haecien · 5 months
hi! can I request seventeen's reaction to having a girlfriend who's often misjudged because of her cold appearance and attitude to strangers, but to seventeen she's very sweet and caring??? thank you!
ANON THIS IS AMAAZINGGG!!! Literally what i just needed to get my writing fuel up
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A/n — Happy new years btw!! (From gtm+8), hoping you guys will have a wonderful year mwaaahh. I wrote this in a rush so I hope u don't mind how I did it hehe &lt;33 ALSO THANK YOU TO SKY AND SKYE (double sky(e) ) FOR HELPING OMFG.
Tags — Fluff, a bit of humor?
Since it's new years and I'm being nice ill give you guys TWO versions! First one is this fic right here:) and the 2nd one will be posted soon ! &lt;;33
Ver 2
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🗣 : " Your girlfriend seems so scary, I wonder how you keep up with her! She also seems like she doesn't care AT ALL !! "
Would get mad and instantly defend you
— Hoshi, Seungkwan, & Mingyu
Flabbergasted you decided to call his GIRLFRIEND mean and DOESNT care??? Oh how absolutely WRONG that is!! They would start defending you like a lawyer in a serious case, they would pull up receipts and read them to you then eventually start blabbering how your the sweetest most loving girlfriend ever.
Just try his best not to laugh at the very wrong assumption
— Jun, Woozi, & Jeonghan
"You're wrong + L + ratio " I swear they tried there BEST to not laugh not wanting to embarrass the poor person, and considering you act like such a sweetheart infront of them is funny too..... they do eventually end up laughing then explaining how its the complete opposite.
" Oh no- she's actually the sweetest person "
— Vernon, Joshua , & Dokyeom
Will just immediately say that there assumptions were wrong, no arguing just straight to the point! He will go on and ramble a bit on how happy you actually make him and how you are the most caring person ever. He will go back to his normal convo tho afterwards:D (the most sane response tbh...)
Glares and looks like he about to fight
— Wonwoo, Minghao, Dino, & Seungcheol
Bro you just told that to the wrong person... basically the first one but WAY worst, they will stand up and start threatening you. Like how dare you say those types of things about HIS GIRLFRIEND and think you'd get away with it?? Let's just say you didn't exactly have a nice chat with him after you said those words.......
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Svt taglist — @slytherinshua , @woozvc , @weird-bookworm , @mayashu , @bangantokchy
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i-care-4u · 1 year
more central cee pls !
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TAGGED: @playboykenz
A/N: to the two anons that asked for more central cee, i hope you enjoy this little fic i wrote!
FACE TO FACE SERIES: jack harlow | central cee
as the cameras were getting ready, oakley couldn’t help but to giggle about the fact that his girlfriend was going to interview him.
this was something you loved doing with oakley at home. coming from work, you and oakley would be having long nights together, answering and giggling about each other’s answers. this time, the public was going to watch this, and oakley felt comfortable sharing his answers to them.
you introduced yourself to everyone, “hello gq, i’m y/n l/n, and today i’ll be asking a set of questions to central cee.”
in front of you, there was a laptop, with oakley being in front of your screen. you start the call, “hi cench.”
oakley blushed, “hi y/n.”
“today we get to share to everyone what we do at home,” you show the cameras the set of cards filled with questions, “the couple’s quiz!”
“three words,” oakley starts saying words that came in mind, “focused, candid….”
you nod, using this as a sign to keep going. “come on, one more, one more!”
oakley immediately went back to thinking mode. you lay your head down, trying not to burst into laughter. you raised your head afterwards, “you want me to help you out?”
“of course,” oakley said, with a charming smile at you.
with a straight face, you admit, “i think you’re very cute.”
“focused, candid, and cute it is.”
for this question, the staff brought in the items, and oakley removes his chain in order to showcase it to everyone. “obviously, we have to go with this one first.”
you tried not to brag, but you let it slide since you’re his girlfriend, “picked by the best.”
oakley nods in agreement, “mhm.”
he then showcased the watch on his wrist, “another one picked by y/n, and it’s this watch.”
he then explains three other objects: headphones, crackers, and a book.
“i have two headphones - one i use for the gym and the other during my spare time,” oakley pulled a bag of crackers close to the camera, “these crackers were gifted by my mum in christmas, they’re so delicious.”
he smiled as he showed everyone a book. the book was very special to him, as it was another gift - this time it was from you to him. “this book is gifted by y/n, and i love to carry it on the road. i still remember those words, telling me it’s a reminder of love.”
“it’s like you’re carrying a piece of me, you know?”
sarcastically, oakley answered, “i’m a hopeless romantic…”
you jokingly glared at him, “really?”
“i don’t know man, i’m transitioning, i’m changing. this is all hard for me like i’m trying to think-”
“boo hoo,” you mocked, “it was so hard for you. why don’t you just grow up?”
oakley admits, “it’s easier said than done.”
oakley repeated the question, “my self care routine?”
you looked down at the card, “yes.”
“my self care routine consists of sleeping, waking up to do my skin care, going to the studio,” oakley gets into detail, “people don’t tend add that, but music is a form of self care. it’s enjoyable and arguably, a form of therapy.”
“i can see where you’re coming from, and i agree,” you comment, “music is universal.”
oakley shrugs, “god knows.”
“i don’t know that one.”
“do you swear on the shore?” oakley asked you.
“yeah,” you nod, “shit.”
he laughs, and you added, “crumbs.”
oakley continued laughing at your nonsense, “what?”
you lied, “i swear all the time, okay?”
oakley knew it wasn’t true at all, leaving it with a simple response. “okay,” he shook his head, “it’s not that attractive though is it?”
as a joke, you tried to impress your boyfriend, slamming your hands on the table. “okay, i don’t swear!”
oakley leaned on the chair. “ooh, this is a tough one. am i allowed to say my favorite runway look?”
“just red carpet.”
“yes.” you got close to the webcam, and the only thing that showed up on oakley’s screen was your eyes and forehead. “…say it!”
he picked his top five looks of yours, “as of right now, i would have to go with your mtv video music awards from 2022, the met gala look from 2022, and last year and this year’s grammys look.
“and you got to thank law roach for the styling.” you start giving him a round of applause.
oakley recounts, “apologies y/n, but i got to tell the funny one.”
you blankly stare at him, “the one where we met drake?”
“yes,” oakley smirked. he starts telling the story behind it, “so we went to this festival, and drake decided to invite us to the after party. during the party, he was on his phone scrolling on instagram, and that’s when he showed me a picture of y/n. he was like, who is this, she’s so pretty? that’s when i answered him, saying that it was y/n, who was right there. she didn’t say anything, but rather laughed about the whole situation.”
you add, “he was definitely drunk there, and he was surprised by my appearance at the party afterwards.”
“i think people should pay attention to what i’m about to say,” oakley exposes your hobby, “but y/n loves gardening.”
you playfully rolled your eyes at him, believing that it’s not that big of deal as he makes. “why are you making it such a big deal? leave me and my plants out of this!”
“i find it very cute though,” oakley visualizes, “walking outside to see you watering your plants. i can name some from the top of my head.”
you crossed your arms, having a smug look. “oh really?” you scoffed.
oakley starts listing names of your plants, causing you to be left with a speechless face that was soon filled with laughter.
reflecting at this question, you also found it cute that oakley remembered your not-so-secret hobby of gardening. the way he remembered the names of your plants indicated his love language.
“what would y/n do?” oakley asked himself as you listened.
as soon as he came up with the idea, he shared it in front of everyone, “if i were you for a day, i think i would head down to the studio and try to make music.”
“smart,” you recall, “i’ve always wanted to make music for a long time, but i think we’re good as a model for now.”
“new date idea,” oakley states, “make music with y/n.”
“that sounds lovely.”
“this one’s a bit cliche but my thing is live yours,” oakley said, “that’s what’s inspiring innit.”
you agree to his piece of advice, “so basically express yourself?”
the tenth questioned marked the end of the interview and was left with one more scene to record.
the cameras starts recording oakley, “if you want to see me ask y/n these questions face to face, go to vogue.com.”
“thank you to gq for being involved in this conversation between central cee and i. thank you for watching!” you waved to the camera. the video cues to a white screen, placing the names of the people involved.
after the interview, oakley waited for you to exit the studio. when you saw him, you gave him a tight hug. “you were amazing!”
“thank you!” oakley smiled, “you know what sounds more amazing? bringing you to the studio right now.”
“you and your bad flirting skills,” you sarcastically rolled your eyes at him, “but a studio date sounds nice right now.”
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all-things-jily · 3 months
Ok but we get harassed for tagging ships that are in the post too just because there’s other ones mentioned
The fandom is supposed to be fun! You guys support harassment and bullying over fiction! The problem that needs addressing is the people who harass not the people who tag! There’s a way to get people not to tag btw it’s tell them nicely! Not act horribly! Jily fans been sending jegulus writers hate & writing “if you wrote jily maybe you’d get treated better” the problem lies with the way jily fans act & people will start biting back because people can only take so much.
OK so I was looking at this for some minutes, truly dumbfounded. Because it's like no matter what we say we're not being heard.
Rant below for those who want to avoid it lol
"You guys support harassment and bullying over fiction!"
I'm ?????? Where in the world have either of us who have spoken up done that? When have we ever said anything other than "tag your posts properly"? Don't these two sentences have completely different meaning? Who are these people that are harassing? Because harassment is never ok and we have not encouraged that. But if you think that simply telling a person who used incorrect tags to remove the extra ones is harassment, I'll have to tell you that no, it is not, it is a very normal thing to do actually.
Yesterday there were a few posts about asking people to tag properly and in response we got that "Jily fans are horrible and inhumane, they harass and bully, they're the worst people ever" and actually got harassed in response. Do you think there's anything normal and fitting in what happened and in that reaction?
"Jily fans been sending jegulus writers hate & writing “if you wrote jily maybe you’d get treated better” this is actually wild because NONE OF US in our community have done that or WANT that, we want to stay as far away from all of that as possible. If you have some anon trolls going around in the community, that has nothing to do with us, most of us are grown people who have been fans since books came out and ain't nobody got time for that, I'm sure most of us don't even know who your writers are or their accounts. In fact, you can tell just by wording of that message that it's clearly a troublemaking troll and not a serious fan, no normal human talks like that.
As for fandom being fun, YES, it's supposed to be fun! But this is where my words about it not being a group project come in, because what's fun for you is not fun for us! In fact, it's the opposite of fun, we dislike it immensely, it upsets us and puts us in a bad mood and it doesn't even belong in our tag. So why should we be upset every single day, going into our tag that's supposed to be a place of comfort and fun, seeing things that are not supposed to be there, when people can simply --- tag properly according to Tumblr guidelines? And this is not new, we've been put through this for years now, and we've been asking politely over and over and over and nobody is listening, and now that we've gotten louder - in our own tag - suddenly we're the bad guys and harassers. When should it be enough? So this part of the ask "people will start biting back because people can only take so much" was incredibly ironic, because we've been taking it for YEARS and now we aren't even biting back, we're simply asking to tag and posting silly memes in our own space but are still getting vilified.
I will also address the first point because I think it causes a lot of general confusion about tagging:
"tagging ships that are in the post too just because there’s other ones mentioned"
A ship tag is for posts that have positive mentions of that ship. If a post mentions multiple ships and is "X is great, Y is good, Jily is bad, I don't like it anymore" - this is not for Jily tag; If a post has "Jily were together for 2 minutes, broke up and then *insert 3 paragraphs gushing over another ship that were true loves*" - this is not for Jily tag; If a post has a poly ship that includes James and Lily - this is another ship, not Jily; If a post is a huge fanfic dedicated to another ship with James or Lily and then has the last sentence about Jily basically settling together - this is not for Jily tag, though I see how there could be arguments about it; There are many other instances too that I can't think of right away at this moment, but basically there's nuance here and just because Jily is brought up in a post doesn't make a post about Jily and the tag is for people who love the ship and want to celebrate their love, and the last thing they want to see there is completely unrelated posts with random Jily cameo in them that do not even portray them in a good way. This last topic is a bit of a complicated one with slippery edges, but I hope it was still comprehensible.
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maochira · 1 year
Also thank you very much!!! I'm so happy people are enjoying my headcanons!!!
Masterlist of the father figure series (I recommend reading at least the first part before this)
Tags: gn!reader, reader is dating Shidou (based), father figures are confused and concerned (also based), I love Shidou so much thanks for letting me write him indirectly, occasional swear words, I get very feral over Shidou so my writing style is less in order in this one, Shidou my beloved cockroach (can you guys tell I love Shidou very very much? Please request more with him)
Noel Noa
-how did you and Shidou end up together? No fucking idea but it's Shidou so let's not ask too many questions alright?
-Bastard München vs PxG match. Shidou says something. Uh. Well. Something Shidou would say. RIGHT WHILE LOOKING INTO YOUR DIRECTION.
-Noa is playing on the field right now. And when he realizes what Shidou said was directed at you. Uhm.
-let's say Noa had to hold himself back from fouling him
-as soon as Noa leaves the field he walks to you and asks if you're alright and if you're uncomfortable by what Shidou said and. AND. THEN YOU...
-you tell Noa you and Shidou are dating and he can barely process the information. How? What? WHY??? All that running through his head
-despite the match still going on, Noa starts asking you all sorts of questions about Shidou. He tries to stay calm and you can hear his voice is a little more strict than usual
-he's so concerned that out of all Blue Lock players, your boyfriend is FUCKING SHIDOU RYUSEI
-but you reassure him it's okay and the relationship is going well
-get used to that reassuring because Noa will ask literally EVERY DAY multiple times about your relationship
Chris Prince
-Manshine City vs PxMatch, halftime break
-Shidou comes up to you and says something Shidou would say to you, while Chris is standing a few meters away, talking to Loki
-then the overprotective dad mode kicks in
-Chris walks over to you and Shidou, giving him a death stare. Shidou just grins
-to you, the whole situation is kind of funny so you burst out in laughter while Chris starts telling Shidou he should NOT say things like that about you
-"Oh, but they like it."-Shidou.
-Chris then looks at you and. Honestly, you're slowly getting embarrassed. You tell him Shidou is your boyfriend
-Chris is so confused because??? How??? So almost as an instinct his response is an immediate "no he isn't" which causes you to get more embarrassed and Shidou to laugh his ass off
-when the halftime break is over, Chris goes on the field to play and he's playing more aggressively than usual, which confuses you a bit
-later, when you're back in your room Chris starts asking you all sorts of questions about your relationship and it takes you a while to get him to calm down and not be overly worried about you anymore
-FC Barcha vs PxG match
-Shidou said all sorts of stuff during the match, and afterwards, he came to you and says something like "all of that was dedicated to you" AND LAVINHO CAN NOT BELIEVE HIS EARS
-probably starts yelling at Shidou for a solid minute while you try to get Lavinho's attention
-you calmly explain that it's okay because Shidou is your boyfriend and-
-Lavinho can not believe his ears (part 2)
-he takes you back to your room and makes you explain yourself. Most importantly he wants to know why you didn't tell him earlier about your relationship
-"Shidou said not to tell anyone because he thinks it's funnier if everyone finds out on their own."-you (took this directly from my OC x Shidou thing HEH)
-honestly Lavinho thinks that's funny as well so it's okay for him
-he'd like Shidou's sense of humour I think?? So he actually comes to terms with you and your boyfriend quite fast
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
Just popping by to say how much I appreciate you. Thank you for always keeping a level head. Even when you're disagreeing or calling out bullshit, you still manage to stay diplomatic and respectful. And of course, you always focus on the important things, the main one being that Michael is David's #1 fan (and vice versa)
Aw, thank you so much for this! I can't tell you how nice it was to get this message in my inbox (and apologies for not replying sooner, as I've been entirely swamped and am now trying to catch up on my Asks).
Given that this was from two weeks ago, I'm going to guess that this is mainly in response to the whole situation with David's BAFTA nom and some of the reactions that have occurred as a result. I think a lot of people have said a lot of clumsy things (looking at you, Neil) and while some may not have meant to take away from David's big moment, that still seems to be what's happened. I absolutely believe David is more than deserving of the nomination and it is long overdue at this point. He should've been nominated for Des, or even before that, his role as Alec Hardy in Broadchurch, but I am so glad he's finally gotten a nomination now.
I think the reaction a lot of people had was borne out of how tied together David and Michael's performances are as Aziraphale and Crowley, and the thought that if David were to be nominated for that specific role, then one hopes that Michael will also be nominated for his role as Aziraphale at some other point in the future.
But to your comment about my keeping a level head, I find it interesting that, in the midst of all the theories flying around about why Michael wasn't nominated and questions I got to that effect, this post showed up in the tags the same day you sent me this Ask (blog name is cropped out):
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This was very obviously in reference to this Ask that I received and had answered just prior to then. This person didn't even have the nerve to mention my blog by name, but had no problem calling me an "rpf fucker" (really nice...). The question pertained to whether Michael's lack of a BAFTA nom could have been because of Anna's off-putting social media posts prior to the announcement, and I indicated in my response that I did not believe this was the case. I am not about to place blame on Anna for something that she had no part of--which I suppose this person was hoping I would do, to give credence to their ludicrous claims of sexism--and I made my position on the matter clear.
So to your comment about me disagreeing, this was exactly what happened...and yet this person had to twist what I wrote so far around (to the point of lying by omission) just to make their point. And yes, I took that Ask seriously, as I take every Ask/Anon that I get seriously, even the ones that attack me (which is also why it takes me for-freaking-ever to answer the questions in my inbox). According to the above blogger, however, instead I should've responded to the person who sent the Ask by mocking them and telling them how ridiculous and stupid they are. Because just politely disagreeing while still allowing someone the space to share their thoughts is so horrible, but telling someone to fuck off is apparently the height of discourse. Ugh.
In any case, I am very much grateful for this message, and for you and everyone else who follows my blog and has been so lovely. It's your encouragement and kindness that gives me the drive to keep posting, so thank you! ❤️❤️
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Another reply from this same anon who sent this ask - you can just append it to the previous one I sent earlier tonight if you want
You and a few of the replies seemed to regard my lack of detail as suspicious, so I wanted to clarify about that: I didn't put much in my ask to you purely because I felt like if I did, it might make it too obvious what fic it is. This is in a small fandom where identifying details would make it easy to find, and I didn't want to risk anyone going after the fic or author. Not that I thought your readers necessarily would, but you never know with Tumblr. I did put more detail in my report than I gave you, much more.
I recognize you can't render a verdict on a fic you haven't read, and I wasn't really asking you to (sorry if that didn't come across clearly). My question was "is it fair to report something for lacking a warning if it is non-con, but the author didn't seem to intend it that way with the tone of how they wrote it?" (The rest of the fic's tone/framing was such that they did not expect the reader to be put off by the scene, see it as negatively impacting the relationship, and later the "assailant" basically tells the "victim" that he forced sex on him out of his love for him, and the victim accepts it.) Or more generally "should you report for lack of a warning if you're not quite sure if something qualifies as non-con?"
As it is, you fully answered those questions, so thank you! And the more general advice about not being afraid to use the report feature so long as you're familiar with the rules and doing it responsibly, because AO3 does truly looking through it in detail and there are low "consequences" for the author. Thanks to what you said, I did end up sending in a report.
Ah. I see your point.
Since AO3 has extremely limited tagging requirements, the few it does have are enforced based on an attempt at community consensus. Like... would your average reasonable person think this seems like noncon that should get a noncon warning?
That's sometimes hard to judge, obviously, but the author going "I think it's fine!" does not always get the last word here. If it were a dubcon fic, tagged as such, PAC might side with them and say it's up to author discretion where the line is. If it's pretty blatantly noncon and seems to be presented as fully consensual, they typically won't.
Underage is probably the most objective of the archive warnings and graphic violence the hardest to decide on with noncon and major character death somewhere in the middle.
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mbti-notes · 2 months
Anon wrote: Hello MBTI-notes! I'm an INTJ seeking for help on how to deal w my situation that involves considering finance. I tend to be good at dealing with these practical problems but this dilemma gets mixed into a great relationship that I'm very unwilling to let go, my relationship w my current bf who's INFJ.
I'm not someone who seeks a lavish lifestyle, but I'm apprehensive about facing homelessness in the future, having to rent year-round.
We've been together for over six years. Meeting him brings me so much joy; he's truly the man of my dreams I've been waiting for all these years. My second love. He's warm, gentle, kind-hearted. I can feel his sincerity, he treats me with affection, often buying gifts to make me happy, doting on me. He cooks delicious meals and often cooks for me. Attentive, taking care of me in every way, always proactive in expressing his love. We also understand each other in a spiritual way that no one had ever done to me in my life. A quiet morning with him is blissful. Sometimes, we even know what each other is thinking without speaking.
Everything seems perfect; his love for me is beautiful, but unfortunately, he comes from a difficult family background. Ten years ago, his family had to sell their house to help his father pay off a large debt, and since then, they've been renting. His mother passed away long ago, and now he lives with his father and older brother. He's filial, responsible for the family, the main pillar, burdened with the responsibility of providing for their needs. Financial burden had been his obstacle both in personal relationship & job. Without intrinsic motivation, maybe he would have dropped uni in his last year.
Understanding his situation, I don't demand material things from him. Even when we dine out, I share expenses with him, alternating who pays to ease his financial burden. Often, I feel sorry for him, such a good man in such dire family circumstances. My own family is luckier; we don't have to pay rent monthly, though we're just a middle-class family, not affluent.
In this relationship, I feel like I'm standing at a crossroads. Because of his financial constraints, loving him requires me to consider many things: thoughts of the future, a small family, future children. Is it okay to have no stable home, to rent from year to year? Will we argue over financial matters constantly? Is love enough to overcome hunger? I truly don't know. We love each other sincerely; I'd regret losing him. Is this economic instability sustainable? Should I let go of a good but poor man? I wish he was at least richer.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
Deep down, you suspect this is a once-in-a-lifetime relationship, and you may be right. Can you really put a price tag on something as precious as that? You're basically asking whether one can put a price on love. It is a matter of opinion. Some will say yes, some will say no. Perhaps I'm a hopeless romantic, so I would say no. At the end of the day, it is a judgment you have to make based on what you value most in life or how you decide to rank your values. It's not my place to tell you what you value or what to value.
The obvious question is: Have you brought this issue up with him and have you had productive discussions about it? If so, what are the key points you keep getting stuck on? If you haven't discussed it properly yet, that's a problem, because these things should already be clarified by year six of a relationship.
Like you said, you don't demand to live lavishly. You are mainly concerned with financial security, and you use home ownership as a barometer. I don't believe home ownership is an impossible goal for two highly motivated people. You might have to hustle, work hard, be creative, manage finances very closely, choose your residence wisely, etc, but it's possible. It might also help to get expert financial guidance. However, you both have to commit to the goal and make some sacrifices in order to achieve it. For example, he may have to pull back a little from his family duties, or you may have to put off children for a few years.
What are you each willing to sacrifice in order to contribute an equitable effort to this goal of home ownership? In a perfect world, these practical matters shouldn't interfere with love. In reality, they don't have to, as long as you can communicate, negotiate, compromise, and reach an agreement that both parties can live with and abide by. Although money can be a sensitive issue, it is a practical problem, isn't it? So, use practical methods to resolve it.
When you feel stuck, it often means you haven't taken enough action to address a problem. And you should remember that big problems can't usually be solved all at once. You need to break it up into steps and then take one step at a time. By doing this, you create some forward momentum and feel less stuck. Since you are both Ni dom, it might be worth mentioning that you shouldn't approach life as though every decision is a life-or-death or all-or-nothing decision. It is okay to change your mind upon gathering more evidence that things aren't going to work out after all. Until then, all you can do is give it your best shot, step by step. A great way to avoid regret is to make sure you've completely exhausted the opportunity before deciding to move on to the next one.
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artsyunderstudy · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you @bazzybelle and @aroace-genderfluid-sheep for tagging me in this game!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 29, but there's a chunk of them where I'm just the artist and not the author, so 23 actual stories written by me.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
522,789 words. That's honestly surprising since I've only really written a handful of longer fics! Tho also some of that word count isn't actually me.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
All Carry On these days. I wrote for SPN in the past, like seriously a decade ago. It's been a minute.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
These are all my SPN fics, even tho I do genuinely think my writing has improved drastically since those days, it was just a bigger fandom.
Blackbird Fly (163,191 words) Kudos: 3,368 
In Our Nature (62,200 words) Kudos: 2,086
To be Alone with You (6,248 words) Kudos: 1,664 
We Are What You Say (8,868 words) Kudos: 1,361
He Woke Me Up Again (7,642 words) Kudos: 1,121
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I really appreciate comments and I feel like it's one of my favorite things about writing, getting that active feedback and engagement, and so I want to engage in conversation about it and also make sure the commenter knows how much I appreciate it. And maybe provide additional context! Sometimes people's response to my writing is profound and unexpected and meaningful in ways I can't anticipate, and I love it, and I want to talk to them about it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really write angsty endings (just beginnings and middles and climaxes and maybe a bit of angsty denouement). I write a lot of imperfect endings tho, because I'm also allergic to tying things up in a neat little bow. What We Crave specifically doesn't have a happy ending but it does have a clearly hopeful one. I just stopped writing before everything was resolved basically, but you know those crazy kids figured it all out in the end. I could make the argument that there are angsty elements in a lot of my endings. Other Penny from The Mirrors that Hold Us comes to mind.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The fic with the most unambiguously happy ending is probably ... oh god this is tough. Because actually like I said I write imperfect endings, and I can think of how every one of mine might not be perfect. Sixty Seconds has a very happy ending. But also eighth year hasn't happened yet so who knows what's in store. But WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE FIC, its definitely happy I think ... I think. Or maybe it's Touch Starved, because they are in a happy committed relationship and Baz finally (finally) (finally) gets to *censored* Simon's rock hard *censored* until he can't *so fucking censored*
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not these days, I think this fandom is particularly kind. Or maybe I've just been lucky. I did get hate on fics back in my SPN days, not so much on AO3 but definitely in anon asks. Pretty much "you don't deserve all the attention you get" which okay, fair.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. Emotional as fuck. We're not getting off to this smut, we're crying about it. I occasionally do write kinky stuff but its harder for me. Not because I don't want to, but I have to be in a particular mood and willing to let Jesus take the wheel for a bit and not overthink. (Yes you can thank Jesus specifically for my kinkiest of smuts.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope and I kinda doubt I ever will.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of! Had art stolen before, tho.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, I've kinda dipped my toe into this pool but I'm a very independent creator in general and so I kinda veer away from it. I'm not good at group projects.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, it's obviously Snowbaz.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have tried really hard to finish everything I start but I do have a few outstanding WIPS. Actually, one per fandom. In Our Nature will never be finished because its been a decade and I don't care for Destiel anymore, but A Mild Case of Madness still has hope. I'm just struggling to write anything right now. But I do still have a ton of momentum left on AMCOM. It just might take a really long time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write emotions and intimacy really well. I'm good making people feel those emotions. I also think I shine writing people navigating relationships and trauma.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I'm pretty meh at dialogue, I tend to enjoy writing people's emotions and actions more than their words and if I don't check myself I will sometimes put very minimal speaking into scenes. I also narrow in my focus when writing to interpersonal drama and trauma and therefore really struggle with big plotty stories, and im not good at setting up antagonists so the conflict tends to be smaller scale. Like I love stories with quests and some evil to defeat and complex politics and action and adventure but I've realized thats probably never going to be the kind of thing I'm good at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it, but I do appreciate a translation unless the point is that the POV character also has no idea what's going on. If it's important to the context of the story PLEASE give me translations.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Homestuck, actually. My fic still exists on Fanfic.net and I'm too terrified to read it.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's gotta be Someone Wicked - I think this was the fic that convinced me of what I really cared about when writing a story. Before that I thought I needed something maybe more compelling than just exploration of character and relationships and trauma and intimacy, but then I wrote this very like, simple story where I just got to hyperfocus on those things and it was just exactly what I wanted to write. And apparently people liked to read it, too, which is neat.
tagging @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @fatalfangirl @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias @whatevertheweather @nightimedreamersworld @orange-peony @larkral @shrekgogurt
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 days
I'm so glad to read your tags on the Chris announcement (?), I didn't say anything publicly but I thought the same you thought.... like, who cares if it was fake? at the end it's still used to train the military to use real bombs which is gross .. that's the one fact about Chris that I've never really liked... his undeniable support to the USA army... it's just a big no. 😶
#chris evans #I'm glad he said something about this but also... I don't like that it was fake either like we're still using it to train people to #bomb and kill people you know? #sigh #oh celebrity politics #always disappointing #always a little gross because... hollywood
Yeah. Like, babe, that's terrible clarification. Do I feel a tiny bit better knowing it wasn't real instead of speculating that there's no way it was real but living in the unknown? Sure. Is all of that better feeling swept away by the fact that this is the clarification Chris gave and he didn't attach anything else to it like regret or perhaps giving information on what people can do to help get the actual, real, active bombs being dropped on Palestinians right now to stop? Yes. Do I wish he hadn't shaken hands with the president who's allowing the U.S. to fund a genocide and refuses to call it one? Yes. Do I wish he would use ASP to call attention to the intentional media misrepresentation and politicalization of Palestinians and this genocide as a whole? Yes. But he hasn't. I will not excuse that or wave it away. I'm allowed to be mad at him, even as a fan--especially as a fan, perhaps.
I do understand how the moniker of Captain America will follow him around for the rest of his life even though he no longer is, and Anthony Mackie now is, and how that plays into what he's expected to do and how he's viewed and his PR. It's similar to my interpretation of Steve Rogers, the character, and how he's always looked at, on the surface and by those whom it benefits, as this pure U.S. American with good ol' Republican values running through his red blood and reflected in his blue eyes and written across his white skin. But Steve isn't. The circumstances that Steve grew up in would make him much more liberal to me. His life experience. I don't think it's on the same level with Chris, not by any means, but I do think people (and Hollywood standards) expect him to be a certain way, and he allows that. And I think that Chris holds more of those expectations as personal values than Steve. Chris has always been pro-military in a way that doesn't sit well with my alignment. Whereas Steve sits well with my alignment of fuck shit up when it's not right, no matter who's telling him it's okay.
And I actually had someone bring this signing of a maybe-real-maybe-not-real bomb up a few weeks ago. I started to draft a response to it because it bothers me as well--it's one of the things that Chris has done that I hate. But, then, whether it was the same anon or not, I got a bunch more asks following the first that made it clear they were not actually looking to discuss anything or hear any of my thoughts on it. They were simply looking for drama, and I could not care less about that. I feel it may be worth interjecting here, though just because I sat down and thought about this and wrote it:
*I wrote this before he put out that weird statement, and before I knew if it was real or fake or what*
Did Chris sign an artillery shell in 2016?
Do I agree with everything Chris has done?
I have a parasocial relationship with him and quite a few characters of his, but I recognize that he's a human being that I do not actually know. He sometimes does things that I don't like or I outright hate. For example, shaking hands with Biden in the midst of an ongoing genocide. Biden has blood on his hands, as all presidents generally do, but also in an ongoing way. Blood is still actively being spilled, with nothing being done to stop it.
Now, I understand that the handshake was mostly a public relations thing, mostly for the purpose of celebrity endorsement in a how-do-you-do-fellow-kids way, trying to encourage young people to vote. And that is a good thing. Everyone who can vote should be voting, especially young people. But... does the voters he may or may not have encouraged outweigh the knowledge of shaking hands with someone who could stop this slaughter of Palestinians but hasn't? Personally, I don't think so.
It's easy to say I wouldn't do it. But I don't know if Chris chose that or if someone on his team did or if they [Chris, his PR, whoever] just didn't look at it like that. That's unknown. It still isn't my favorite--not by a long shot. It's the same with the artillery shell. It turned my stomach the first time I saw that, and it still gives me the ick. To put it lightly.
Again, I wish he hadn't done that. And who's to say, maybe he wasn't bothered by it, so he just did it. Maybe it did bother him, but he was around all these people who really wanted him to do it, so he did. The whole USO tour bothers me, generally, because while I am pro-veteran and giving them the support needed, I am anti-military and anti-war. So... it really fucking rubs me the wrong way. However, I understand it makes sense to make Captain America do that. Public relations. Whether or not Chris was eager and willing to do it, I won't know. Leading by the examples of most things he's done, I don't imagine he was thrilled, I don't imagine it didn't make him lose some sleep, but again, I don't know. He totally could have been excited to do it, too. Who knows. He's a person with complex understanding and thinking and the ability to choose to do things or not.
What I know is that, yes, I am biased toward him. But I don't know him. So, baseline, he did. If you're looking for permission to be angry at him or permission to sweep it under the rug from me, I will not give it to you. How you feel about actions some else takes is based on how it strikes you and your understanding of the world with your morals.
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starlightshore · 2 months
Thanks for the Measured Response™. Unfortunately the character limit doesn't allow for much nuance in asks. My issue isn't so much with the character's actions as the way their conflict is framed. It always feels like we're supposed to judge Asriel way harsher - for ghosting the person responsible for their trauma - than Chara, who is actively trying to hurt them. I know you don't want to trivialize abuse, but the story still botches the subject pretty badly. Still, good luck with the rewrite.
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(sighs) please anon, while I do appreciate the effort to acknowledge the lack of nuance in the previous ask, I would much rather you approach me more reasonably. I don't appreciate you coming to me, a complete stranger to both of us, with this attitude of already guilty. can you please learn to talk to people more reasonably? like, I'm living my life out here and you come and accuse me in a really rude way of promoting abuse or whatever the far-fetched conclusion that ask could come across as.
I am more than happy to accept fault over my writing and do my best to improve, but I want to do so on friendly, acceptable terms. please withhold condemnation and explain how and why you feel the story was mishandled. You do so really nicely in the second ask and I appreciate that.
Ultimately, regardless of my intent, my story didn't convey the message and that's, at the very least, mostly my fault. I can try to explain why I'd argue I didn't fuck up as badly as you paint me as, but I will accept that the story I wrote was not emotionally paced well made it weigh more towards cruelty without the hope and understanding I wanted the story to be read as.
I want to stress that I take abuse deadly seriously. I'm a victim of emotional abuse myself and this is something I am desperate to portray in all of its ugly, dirty detail and I want to do it without hurting people. I obviously failed when I first wrote this and I want to say thank you for coming to me about it, even if I feel there is still some friction here I want to express that gratitude. But also please be aware of how you approach people. (referring to the OG ask here).
i wanna defend myself here a little and say I think you're missing the bigger picture of the framing of that scene. I feel you forgot the context of that scene and where it's placed in the story. It's this post.
Previously, that entire chapter had Chara idolizing the Asriel they knew as a child. Their timetravel ability being removed meant they longed for that power to control the narrative and live in the past. its like, metaphorical shit for how when growing up its hard to move on from the past and accept that you're aging.
That scene was the point where Chara realized that Asriel wasn't perfect -and has never been. The story is framed by Chara's POV exclusively and navigates Chara's feelings about their separation from Asriel. The "abuse" of that scene is the feeling of an older sibling telling them to "fuck off" and "stop acting like a victim" which are like... like devoid of the context of Asriel's perspective (which we didn't have at this point in the story) is a very hurtful and emotionally damaging thing to say to someone. I can see how someone reading that, who could have been through a similar situation, would react very badly to seeing that in the comic. Thus the content warning. I honestly don't know if "abuse" is the right word here, but what is someone going to have blacklisted for this? Like I said, my goal is to avoid hurting so I'm not going to not tag it. It's an issue of vocabulary vs. accessibility. I still wouldn't know what to tag this tbh.
the overall narrative of the comic is that Chara's perspective of Asriel was holding themself back. they were wallowing over a perfect picture that never existed -which reflected how they hate themselves for not living up to the perfect angelic ideal that they obviously could never have lived up to.
Chara condemning Asriel for being Flowey and being a jerk is the first step towards chara acknowledging their own blame in the equation. pretending the problem doesn't exist and that you're inherently awful doesn't fix things. Immediately after tossing out Flowey, they realize they are a flower as well. (literally becoming the thing they just condemned Asriel)
Once The two reconcile with the help of Actual Adults in the situation, the story changes POV to Asriel. It's then we're given context to Asriel's perspective and to show, that yeah, both of them Suck as people. That both are capable of majorly fucking up. And that's because the tools they're given a life of trauma and being reborn into a world that doesn't understand your damage is in itself traumatizing.
so idk man. the framework here serves a purpose and while I plan on showing a more nuanced and balanced pace -I really need to show the characters having more things going on than their larger conflict + be happier with each other. (the problem with writing for an askblog is that its very reactive and its easier to lean into tension and relationship drama than focus on the lighter but necessary moments. I know for sure the redraw will be better at this)
But yeah the framework, as it stands, feels good to me. Maybe in the details of how it's shown I'll be able to handle the nuances more gracefully but with the larger goal in mind, I'm not sure how I can change that? I would really love to hear your thoughts on that.
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laithraihan · 2 months
I'm the anon who sent you the long message that apparently came off "pompous & infantilizing" and more to your followers.
I find it interesting that that message sparked such a flood of defenders, when I did not send it in bad faith at all. From your answer it seems I'm lacking context so sorry if I took some of your statements the wrong way, but nonetheless I just found the parental love addition strange and reacted to that, that was all there was to it. I clearly stated (three times) I'm not taking any issue with your headcanons.
By saying they are far removed from canon I did not mean to say they are "too unrealistic" or something is wrong with that, I literally said the opposite. I meant just that, that factually, this will not be a common interpretation for someone who is familiar with the source material but not your blog. This is not a statement that I made with any judgemental value and I thought I made that very clear but apparently not.
So I'm sorry for the additional ask.
Have a nice day.
Thank you for the response.
I was fully aware you said there was no issue with what I drew, but the way you wrote everything else sort of negated that statement. At least that's how me and many other people saw it.
If someone finds what I drew strange or confusing then they could always just... block me or ask me about it (and btw I expected people to be confused, otherwise I wouldnt have labeled it "non-coupling" as soon I posted it lol)
Someone did ask me about it, and you seem to have already seen that response, yet you still felt the need to send another message basically implying that an explanation wasn't enough (turns out it actually wasnt enough because people said I was lying and in denial) and that my explanation was weird too? Which is whatever I already ended up clarifying that, English is not my first language and I type things with the help of a translator (I wish people could actually keep this in mind. I only type in English because it'll reach a wider audience and it's the language most of my followers know. Often I have to google words people tell me online, or I ask my friends fluent in English to explain things for me)
You can say "that's not what I intended" but that's how it came across... you wrote a lot of nice words while also saying it was understandable that people were ganging up on me over a drawing, it seemed patronizing.
That's why me and others took offense to it, but I think it's difficult to tell tone through text so I don't want to keep nitpicking this any further. If you say you had no ill intent then I believe you.
The following will just be me adding more context and not necessarily aimed at you: Again I understand the lack of context of my account can make people confused about my art, Ive made that clear many times.
The art I made where I said "if your parents didnt love you then it's obvious" was a direct response to people who were mocking me specifically for tagging the art as "non-coupling" because they didnt believe me. They got the context and decided I was trying to hide a fetish because a kiss on the cheek was "obviously shippy". They proceeded to compare this to drawing NSFW of Mob and Reigen by labelling it "non-ship" as if it was comparable to tucking a child into bed, that's what upset me. I did absolutely nothing to these people, I dont know them, if they said this privately I wouldnt care but it was public, and they also targeted another friend of mine for no reason.
All Im gonna say is that my drawing shouldnt have caused this much controversy in the first place. I labeled it "non-coupling" as soon as I posted it, which should've been enough honestly. It's not like I posted porn or anything like that, I got the idea from something Ive experienced in my family as a teenager and I could easily google stock images of the exact same scenario to use as reference, like I really didnt think it was that bad.
Anyways I think I've explained myself many times already. Im not gonna be hostile and say to people "roh t9awed dont ever send me anything else related to this" but just.. check if Ive already answered your question so that it doesnt end up being repetitive. If you have a question about this that I havent answered yet, then feel free to ask.
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Hi gang!
I received a bunch of anons that weren't exactly positive, but I do want to address them before closing further public conversation on the Gogtroversy.
They will be put under the cut because they are DICEY my dears. Will have the same tags though and with proper responses :)9
(Also apologies for the caps people seem to be missing my point so I'm trying to emphasize the important bits to help with comprehension).
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Hello nonnie!
I was, in fact, very confused when you wrote "Yes does not mean consent" because, out of context, I was asking myself "Then what is consent?" Thank you for clarifying.
Now, onto your points:
As I have stated multiple times, I do not blame Caiti for what happened; that also does not mean I blame George for misreading her signals. I wish this had not happened to her, and I hope George NEVER does something like this again, but I also realize that this was MOST LIKELY based on PAST EVIDENCE an honest mistake.
Furthermore, as I also have stated, alcohol is a gray area I simply have no right to explore since I personally do not drink. If you want to argue about the morality of that PARTICULAR situation, please do so with someone else. That is why in my statement I excluded my opinion on the matter because I simply cannot give one. But for the miscommunication and incident I do have enough experience to discuss those.
Moreover, Caiit herself admitted she was already drunk before she was at the party. She chose to drink, which, YES, is illegal, but it was her choice to do so. All other party members were MOST LIKELY under the assumption she could drink since she already was.
Finally, please, PLEASE, stop calling this sexual assault. He touched her under her shirt above her waist. This was, at best, molestation, and even the evidence for that is slim. He touched her in a flirtatious manner, which made her uncomfortable. Since you mentioned legality, no court would view this as sexual assault or molestation.
That said, he SHOULD have asked for her EXPLICIT consent, and I do not support that. I ALSO think he can grow from this and become a better person without losing his friends and livelihood.
If anyone believes that a single mistake should dictate your entire life course, then I am sorry to say that you will have a reality check as you grow up and make those mistakes yourself.
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Hi nonnie!
So, uh, the last bit of your ask seems kinda irrelavent to the discussion as I have never spoken about those here? So I won't be addressing that.
Also, I stated my reasons why she should have kept this private:
She will most likely not receive a proper apology if she used her situation against him.
In my opinion, this situation did not warrant public attention because, at best, it was molestation, and, from outside perspectives who saw this evidence without knowing anything about the fandom, most likely flirtatious advances gone wrong.
Her story is now no longer being used to support her but instead is being used to attack the Dream Team.
Caiti's story is now being scrutinize for "if it's real" "if it is really assault" "was it malicious" isntead of validating her emotions and feelings. At the end of the day, those questions don't matter: what matters is she felt uncomfortable, and although George most likely did not, he needs to apologize.
To your statement "George does not care about consent," I honestly don't know the answer to that. I am not George. I won't know his every thought or if this was malicious.
What I DO know is that if we treat this as unforgivable, we set a dangerous precedent for people who want to change. So, for that reason, I am choosing to BELIEVE he did not mean it maliciously, and until FURTHER EVIDENCE COMES FORWARD, I will see this as a single mistake and not a pattern of abuse (which was the case in Wilbur's situaton).
Also, again, this isn't sexual assault, please check yor facts as I am. Moreover, please re-read my statement because almost everything I said was in that initial statement.
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Hi nonnie!
Saved this for last because it was very polite, and I appreciate it :)
I think we will disagree on this point, and that's okay. In your opinion, content creators should handle serious allegations publicly, which you consider these as such. In my opinion, I believe smaller issues should be handled privately without accusations since I don't view this as a serious allegation (although I still know Caiti is uncomfortable and deserves better).
In this current moment, based on what I know, what I have learned, and what I can interpret, I stated my opinion on the matter. I stand by the words I say here because they are, again, based on the knowledge I have. If, one day, I come to realize I was ignorant, like you said, I will change my position.
Thank you, nonnie :)
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folklauerate · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @bad-surprise and @ladykettlechips
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
71 under my name and a few on anon!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
796,982 which is kind of insane to think about. I started writing creatively for the first time in years in January of 2022. To have published this much is kind of crazy to think about. I'm likely going to hit 800k this year which is... Just wild. Lol.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The vast majority of my fic Bridgerton! I've written a two for The Rings of Power (Haladriel), one for Shadow and Bone (Darklina), and one for The Hunger Games (Everlark). I have plans for a few more Haladriel and Darklina :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(NOTE: I actually have never looked at my fics by kudos, I only know the set up is the most kudos'd one because well it's over 1k and none of my other fics are. So going through this was interesting!)
The Set Up — My Kathony royals au where Anthony is the King of England and Kate is a world famous actress. This is my most popular fic by far, I'm not sure how it ended up that way! It's a mind boggling amount of kudos (1,769 as of right now) and I know a lot of folks have much larger kudos counts, and it's hardly the most kudos'd in the fandom lol, but it's pretty big for me and I'm not sure if I'll write something else that'll get more lol. I do love this fic a lot, it feels like they're my own characters and that's likely because I've taken plenty of liberties and whatnot. Anyway. I could do talk about it for ages so I'll move on!
Hold Onto You -- A oneshot of Anthony holding babies--his own and his siblings. It was one of the first things I ever wrote for the fandom! Looking back it's a bit of foreshadowing for how I started to write lol--it was a pretty long oneshot written in less than a day which I've done multiple times since then. I haven't revisited this one in a while and don't even know if I can--writing regency is not my strong suit and my earlier writing is still hard for me to read these days lol.
leave the light on — A twoshot where Kate and Anthony are roommates and fall in love. It's set in NYC and is very rom-com-y! It has some of my favorite things to write; domesticity, people growing with one another and around one another, descriptions of the sky, descriptions of the subway, descriptions of NYC, a big wedding, a love confession. I recently finished it lol! I'm actually surprised this is up there!
Office Hours — I wrote this in September of last year in an attempt to get better at writing smut! I actually posted this on anon first because it felt too revealing to post this lol. I was actually really uncomfortable writing smut back then and I think I've improved a lot since then. The response was wild, I really was just so in the weeds with this fic that I couldn't even tell if it was hot or not lol.
lost in your current like a priceless wine— this is my prof au! And an age gap au :) writing this was wild and special. It was a lot of texting Kara and being so very thoroughly enveloped and possessed with this idea that was taking shape. I wrote this over countries and continents and on planes. I wrote all 40k of it in far less than a month and just! I dunno! It was so immersive. It's one of my favorite things I've written. It's crazy it was just this year.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Lol that being said--I have quite a backlog right now. Responding to comments takes a lot of energy and time from me and I usually figure that people want me to write fic as opposed to responding to comments. I do want to say that I honestly sincerely appreciate every comment. I think all fic writers do. We love hearing what you loved and love hearing your thoughts! I'm sure my not responding to them is likely not encouraging so I'm sorry. Know that I want to respond to them and I am quite literally in the process of doing so right now lol. If you commented on Bridgerton, Actually (my Love, Actually AU from last year) then I've been responding to you lol!
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This fic isn't finished but my daddy warned me about men like you lol!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm a sucker for a happy ending! I'm not sure what my happiest ending is, but the vast majority of fics have a happy ending :) Feel free to lmk what you think the happiest ending is.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. I've gotten some really inane hate comments that are just... dumb and easy to brush off. I've also gotten really intense hate comments that are so long they've required multiple comments, with people reposting exactly what they wrote after I deleted it. It's been really tough to deal with and I think I have some mild anxiety around comments in general as a result. Anyway, it's tough! I think hate comments tend to stick around the most in my brain and so I do appreciate all the nice comments because the gut clench from negative ones never really goes away :,)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do indeed write smut! I'm not really sure if I can describe what "kind" or how you can tell what your kind of smut is? I write plenty of dirty talk and smut with and without feelings. In general, I think that smut does need to do something for the story if it's in a fic with plot--if it's a fic that's just smut then it doesn't really matter. If it's a fic with plot, I like to make sure the smut actually helps the plot along and works to carry the reader through what the characters are feeling and their journeys.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't but I will enjoy adding celebs or pop culture things in fics!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope but if anyone ever wants to, lmk! Translation is an art form and tricky and time consuming and I'm happy to work with anyone who wants to :)
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I have and I have LOVED doing it!!!!! I was so thrilled to write the West Wing AU with Rama, whose Tumblr @ I simply cannot find, and @grantairesbottle and I wrote in our perfect park together! Both AUs will be getting follow-up fics :) I truly adore both of their work and getting to write with two dear friends and incredible writers was just so lovely. Even more fun than that was just getting to freak out over this shared idea together! It was just such a lovely joint venture.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I could not pick one! I love James/Lily from Harry Potter, Katniss/Peeta from The Hunger Games, and Kate/Anthony from Bridgerton. I'd honestly say they're my OTPs! I love them so, so much. I've read so many Everlark and Jily fics growing up, too, those I've had for so long. It's kind of hilarious how those three have so much in common, like it's not like I went around looking for ships like that but it just happens. You like what you like, I suppose :)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I honestly do want to finish all of them but I don't think I'll finish my Gilmore Girls AU, simply because the characterization is so far off from what I think or how I understand those characters now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Creating really immersive worlds through specific details. Doing research to make worlds lived in. I write a LOT of modern AUs for a book/show that takes place in regency England so I think world-building is one of my biggest strengths. Being able to transport characters into new worlds and understanding how they'd respond to that specific world and situation of the fic is another strength. I think my banter is pretty good? I also like to think I have a pretty good pulse on what my audience will like and what seems to be the thing du jour in the fandom. I usually don't end up writing to it lol but this is a strength as a reader, I'd say, not as a writer.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PATIENCE lol! If I spent more time perfecting, editing, and letting things percolate, I think my works would all be better for it. Instead, I largely write and write and write and then hit publish the moment I'm done. With a few fics (specifically the royals au) I will have someone beta for me and then I at least have another level of editing and another pair of eyes for a vibe/gut check before I publish. I do think, however, that if I was brave enough to actually face my work and sit and edit, it would all be better in general. I'd also then be able to finish a fic before posting, which I've simply never done.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I do plenty of this for Bridgerton fic because I usually try and include Marathi or Hindi for Kate and her family. Idk if i'd count it as another language but it is another language in the sense that it's not English!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter lol! I wish I still had my old HPFF fics :,,) that website sadly went down and I don't know how to use the wayback machine to find that. But yeah!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh, I couldn't pick just one! The Set Up is def one. I've done a lot of work with world building and research for that one. Sweet Like Honey is another favorite fic. I wouldn't even say that it's really a great example of those characters because I did a lot of work to bend things to make stuff work for this particular situation. I maintain that it's true to the characters for this specific situation which is a p bonkers one. I mean, I wanted a step-father fic so I wrote one! It turned into something a bit more involved. lost in your current like a priceless wine is another fav. This one is just... it's special to me. It was really different from the other fics being written at the time and I hadn't seen or read an age gap like that for these two or a fic where they don't have that initial bickering/fighting vibes, which was a result ofc of Anthony being a bit older and the characterization I gave him for the AU, so it felt really scary putting it up for people to read. The response was really overwhelming and wonderful and so kind. That fic also marks a sort of turning point in my own writing, for me at least. I think I got braver after that one.
Thanks for the tag! I hope this is fun or interesting to read :) tagging @grantairesbottle @amalinwrites @somethingclearandtrue @tinacentury and Rama whose @ is not coming up !! Also tagging anyone who would like to do this :)
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0junemeatcleaver0 · 10 months
Anonsense: A Deconstruction of a Bad Faith Argument
I honestly don't know why I'm even posting this. Will it be helpful for people who don't know how to immediately clock a bad faith argument? The people pleasers who might feel compelled to answer every anon no matter what? I hope so.
Do I have a bit of a bee in my bonnet after being woken up at 4am because I forgot to silence my phone only to see this bullshit after living through the most stressful week of my fucking life?? Also yes.
Whatever. At best this is a learning moment, at worst it's an opportunity to point and laugh at someone who thinks they deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for failing at being real pussy cunt-cunt in a stranger's inbox.
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I am confused. You haven't watched the show but you hate the show...? Correct! You can, in fact, hate a thing you've only gotten a taste of. I saw the trailer (you know, the thing networks release to get you interested in a show?) and didn't care for what they were doing. That opinion was only cemented when I saw the ridiculous clip of Louis chasing a fucking goat around.
Something fans of colour especially black fans talk of so enthusiastically and fondly? You're right, VC fans of color are all a monolith and all enjoy the show. And the fact that I--a rando white person--hate the show is mortally wounding to them all. This is in no way infantalizing to fans of color, to imply that I somehow have enough power as some random person to ruin their good time by making posts about how silly I think this show is--posts I don't tag so that fans of the show don't have to see them.
And these fans aren't always show onlies. I know. I've talked to a few of them. They seem nice.
Idk if this ask is going to come off as bait Yes you do. You absolutely know that. And if you didn't know that, that was your clue to go back to the drawing board re: how to phrase what you meant in a good faith way.
-think of it as you will How kind of you. Thanks for the permission.
but this...you realize this comes off as some type of way, don't you? Only to the people who are actively looking to be upset, yes. And I don't care about those people. They are not of my concern.
You have had an ask that you published where the anon says they don't care that "certain demographics" of people are loving AMC. That's very very sus. 'Very very sus'. Am I suddenly on Twitter? Anyway. You do realize that book-only fans are constantly accused of belittling all show fans no matter what we say, right? That it's much more likely that anon said "certain demographics" meaning "the fraction loud, obnoxious fans who will accuse you of being immoral for not liking the show" and "people who never read the books and have nothing to compare it to" and not as some dogwhistle to mean "fans of the global majority", right? Also, my memory is shit. I may have used that phrase and if so, see the above reasoning for why I used it but also if I didn't: Why am I being held accountable for a random person's choice of wording?? I'm not anon's mom.
I don't particularly care if you answer or not. I'm sure. That's why you wrote an essay in my inbox. To not get a response.
If you block. I did. Fuck outta here.
I just had to put it there. Did you? What was the goal in this? Do you even know?
Maybe this is rude as per tumblr etiquettes. It's pretty rude regardless, but hey what do I know. I'm no Emily Post.
But this was just so odd as I am new to both the book and show fandom and while going through blogs I found yours So what I'm hearing is you're missing a lot of context for what's been going on around here and you've not realized that, is what I'm hearing. And you're either purposefully ignoring of didn't wait to find the many, many posts I've made detailing why I personally think the show is bad, why I think the white cishet frat bro turned wanna be auteur showrunner is doing a bad job of including characters of color in the text, the reblogs of fans of color who have brought up similar points, etc?
Stretch before you reach this hard, anon.
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