#i wanna make a banger manga one day
indigo-val · 1 year
I love studio ghibli so much GOD one day I will make something as cool as kiki's delivery service
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masked-and-doomed · 8 months
Hello, I'm Kat/Kats (or Yomotsu), welcome!! I am so normal about my boyfriends.
Other places you can find me:
@katsdoodles - art blog/archive.
Discord: thatonekats
👆 just in case. Tumblr explodes. Talk to me if you wanna ig (I am not good at conversing. So. Keep that in mind.)
Ao3: ThatOneKat2
👆 Might as well have it here. I've been more in a writing mood this year.
Suspected BPD, have been diagnosed autistic. I will feel things very intensely either forever or feel nothing about it in the next hour max. You may see vent posts. Every now and then. Check the tagging system to block em out.
I am deeply in love and sickly affectionate for 4 men. They're my boyfriends, girlfriends, besties- our relationship? Is uhh whatever man. It's love. It's love. (Also not the best fathers but hey I take what I can get)
First two being Yomotsu Hirasaka (pfp), and Takao Hiyama. They are my most intense hyperfixation of 2 years.! They are from Mirai Nikki/Future Diary. An anime/manga which I don't really like.
The next beloved is Pocketcat! He is from Fear and Hunger. He's. A silly :) There's so much intrigue of him aaaghhh ough he is so sad.
Last one !! Faust. From Guilty Gear. He's a. He's somebody. Got him on Valentine's Day. He makes me a different kind of ill. Alas, this doctor cannot cure me.
They're 💙 just like me fr. I love them. URL is them btw. Masked men, doomed.
(comfortable with sharing and gushing together with everyone. I don't mind if you send or @ me in stuff that has Faust shipped with someone, (I like appreciating art of Faust in any form :] ) just know I'm uncomfy with all (canon x canon) Faust ships except Happy Chaos)
I do block on some criteria but I will not disclose it. So, you may get blocked by me for something, and you will never know. (Followers only)
(if we're mutuals and you block me, I'd like to know the reason why. Not a requirement.)
Yayaya tagging system time!
#ah rambling - general yapping tag
#[MN/funger] rambling - ramblings of MN or funger
#[MN/funger] bangers - memes/shitposts of that fandom
#oc time - posts about the little OCs I have
#unnamed girlie - posts about my self insert. (UG for short)
#guy in my head - headcanon posts
#doodle tag - stuff not high effort enough to put into my art blog goes here
#reblog moment - reblogs! So you can filter them out
#lovesick - yandere / obsessive behaviour
#gatito - kitty tag.
#belalang beloveds - grasshopper tag. Belalang is grasshopper in Malay :)
#art save - images I wanna draw (typically memes I wanna draw with my guys)
#art reference material - reblogs of posts with helpful art stuff
#general reference material - reblogs of posts with whatever that isn't art. Not really 'general' perse but I don't have another word
#epic meowtual art - art by the meowtuals!
#ask game - reblogs of ask game posts
#ask game answer - answers to asks abt the ask game
#hello asker - ask tag
#tag game - reblog of posts that are meant to have you tag other ppl to continue the chain
#negative. And #/negative are used for vent posts. Make those sometimes.
#hxrny aroace on main - (mind the x) epic posts where I feel feelings for some characters (carnally)
#fanfic shit idfk - posts related to fanfics I'm reading (or something like that)
#shit I send to fictional guy - posts I'd send to fictional characters. Will prob have their name tagged too.
#unnamed oc core - wow it's just like him fr. Many things will be tagged this btw. They are not okay. (Same person as UG jsyk)
#pocketkitty - for posts I don't want in the pocket.cat tag or reblogging posts that are like pocket.cat. (only applies to him everyone else gets tagged with their name in posts that are like them)
#robot nephew - similar to pocketkitty just that it's. Mr robo.t K.y
#silly doctor man - I fell into gui.lty g.ear and now I'm in love with this bozo. When I don't want it to be in the main tag. Yes like pocketkitty and robo bo.
Liveblog tags:
#mister omelette - guy that asks which came first the chicken or the egg. Answers himself, it's omelette.
#mask quartet - fucking stupid masked bitches trying to kill humanity
Guilty gear: #pride in my gears: sign, #pride in my gears: rev, #pride in my gears: overture
Tag me in stuff you think I like!! I don't mind! Or like tag games.
There's also a *cough cough* side blog. For degenerate thoughts of mine. If you want it just give a DM ig.
That's all for now!! Have fun!!
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
What are some of your favorite manga of all time?
Oh this will be one of the easiest asks I've ever received! You've got me all hype, anon!
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Fruits Basket
Wanna get me to talk for hours? Mention Fruits Basket. This was the first manga I ever read back when I was still in elementary school and I've never grown out of my love for the series. I will always have a spot for this manga but it's honestly perfection to me.
I love the characters, the messages, the themes and the emotional depth this manga has made me feel over the years? I honestly wish I could experience Fruits Basket all over again. This is without a doubt my favorite shoujo manga of all time. I love all the characters, I love all the ships. Some of my favorite characters off rip have to be Tohru, Shigure, Hatsuharu and Arisa and Saki. But make no mistake I adore Yuki and Kyo and so on and so forth.
This series does such a great job in such a complicated subject matter concerning neglect and abuse in a way that humanizes the abuser without using said humanization to justify their shitty actions. You leave those moments understanding how that person became how they are but can still completely acknowledge how terrible they are. How you don't have to forgive that person for what they did. And that, if you do forgive that person, that doesn't mean you're just letting bygones be bygones and being kumbaya with them. You can forgive and forget or you can forgive and never forget and that's okay. Your forgiving and moving forward for yourself, not them. And that's one of the things I really liked in the series.
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Fullmetal Alchemist
Another series you can get me talking for hours about. You will catch me watching video essay after video essay analyzing this story. I was so into FMA during middle school, one of my moms even bought me the games and made it habit to occasionally buy me the volumes! This is without a doubt, the best shounen has to offer. Quality female characters? Amazing action scenes? Stunning romance? Banger after banger with so many panels I can still recall perfectly.
My favorite volume is definitely volume 15! Because of the manga, Brotherhood is my preference when it comes to the anime adaptations. It has all the homies in it. Another series I wish I could just start from the beginning again with no memory of the source material. These brothers and their friends have altered the chemistry of my brain.
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Still believe that one day Yozawa will grace us with her beautiful art and storytelling all over again. NANA was my first ever jousei read and my dive into jousei as a whole. Until that point all I had consumed were shounen and shoujo so the maturity of the series was one I wasn't expecting. I consumed this series when I was about in early to late middle school and it was so much fun to read.
Now that I'm in my late 20s, holy hell is this hard to binge the way I used to because the themes, the struggles of the character and the realism of those struggles are hitting a little too close to home now. So I can only do NANA in small doses now haha. I even got both of my moms into NANA. Which isn't too impressive when one of my moms has watched the anime of every manga I've mentioned on this ask, but my other mom is NOT an anime fan and she loves NANA so much.
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Children of the Sea
Oh my goodness, you definitely oh it to yourself to read this manga. It's not a long a read by any means with only 5 volumes and 43 chapters but it was such a pleasure to read. Maybe this bias comes from someone obsessed with the ocean (which my url definitely implies) and the life teeming underneath the surface but wow this was truly an experience. I watched the movie first and then read the manga, and I'm not sure if that'll shape anyone's viewing experience differently but I do wish I had read the manga first. But both are truly great to check out.
If you want a story about a girl meeting two boys raised by dugongs, this is the story for you. One of my favorite aspects of this read were the side stories labeled Testimony of the Sea. It adds so much to the story without even directly influencing the plot as you see all the strange phenomena that take place in the sea leading up to this mysterious event drawing in our protagonists and what will continue well after its conclusion.
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Skip & Loafer
Currently ongoing and a series I was not expecting to like as much as I did. I'm one of the people who got into sukirofa after the anime dropped. 2 episodes in and seeing the absolute beauty and grace of how the staff handled the protagonist's transgender aunt, I had to give this a read and I do not regret in the slightest. This is such a great series and a perfect example how one utilizes 'don't judge a book by its cover'.
Characters you meet at first glance? It only takes a chapter or two before their layers are peeled back and you see how much went in to crafting them and making them more complex than meets the eye. A perfect example of this is the character Mika.
But my favorite chapter has to be ch 29 where you learn what made Nao decide to come out and transition. If you haven't read this series, I won't spoil it, you have to read it for yourself. Prepare for a monthly update schedule, because once that day of the month pops up, it's amazing to see how the sukirofa fandom comes together to scream on twitter and tumblr.
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
The series that gave birth to the greatest hater in anime history. Araki truly drinks and leaves no molecules every time a part comes out. Another ongoing series I didn't expect to like as much as I did. But it's become a series close to my heart since diving into it after I got over my initial hesitance with the art style. Honestly JJBA's art style really grows on you, especially as you see Araki's art and writing develop so spectacularly.
You get equal parts continuous story and standalone adventure. You do need other pieces of the pie, but each part still feels so rich and in-depth and bright and colorful. You don't feel like the new JoJo and characters introduced are extensions of previous existing ones or usurpers that have stolen the panels away from other characters. It's like watching a torch be passed down from JoJo to JoJo, generation to generation (which it technically is since this story follows the descendants of the JoJo that started it all, Jonathan Joestar).
Araki's biggest source of writing inspiration came from how he felt watching Prince concerts. How the story of the concert would suddenly flip and give you a whole new experience. I feel he truly has that down with JJBA.
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Concubine Walkthrough
Can't believe I even forgot to add Concubine Walkthrough, so take this quick addendum. This is one of the best manhwa I've ever read in my life and not enough people talk about it. I'm working on a post right now all about why I recommend it.
If you're a fan of sci-fi, romance and want to read an otome isekai romp that subverts your expectations? Please read this manhwa. It's The Matrix mixed with historical Korean fiction (and of course, otome isekai at its finest).
I loved loved LOVED the philosophy behind the story, the themes. The discussion of what reality is and choosing what reality means/is to you. Just because your entire life is a simulation, does that make your entire life up until that point irrelevant? Simulated it may be, your joy, your pain, your love, all of that still felt real, right? There were so many things I never considered about that very topic until I read this series and I feel like more people should give it a go. It's not that long a read (only 128 chapters for the main story with some extra bonus content on the side), please please PLEASE read Concubine Walkthrough if you haven't already.
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zero-ek · 1 month
It's M3 day!
I was particularly excited for this one, the releases on the past two were absolutely amazing, and the XFDs for this one also looked very promising. This time around i also took some time to check out some newer artists and see if i vibe with any of them.
First and foremost i want to give appreciation and massive props to ハルちゃん for putting together this behemoth of a roundup playlist, i couldn't check every single video but it was a lifesaver for me to have it at hand.
Ok then, starting with my Big Four™
Oh my gosh...
I could go all day explaining the reasons why i absolutely adore this, but to list the main ones:
First, it's nayuta and i'm madly in love with her by default. Second, look at this art like holy god. Third, i adore her concept albums, in my opinion it's some of the best stuff she puts out, like, the worldbuilding and sheer atmosphere that "Imaginary Arcadia" and "The Girl in the Alleyway..." invoke is nothing short of incredible. Fourth, the composer for this one is RD-Sounds, who y'know, made me ugly cry last month, and also made absolute bangers like LaPri's "Sore wa Sekai..." and Tamu's "Son Joyeux", so i have super high hopes for this. Fifth, i'm into the scenario for this one, i swear i've read like 10 yuri mangas with the same premise, so i'm excited to see whay nayuta does with it.
From the XFD it seems that this one is following up on "Clarity" and leaning heavily on the rock direction, but i think the lyrics are going to be front and center on this one, so i'll see if i can hold out judgement until it comes out proper but i'm soooo absolutely hyped to see what these two came up with!!!
Reject futuristic aesthetics, return to tradition.
I love the diversity on this one, i know that Sennzai is best known for her "burning-down-the-house" songs, but with how unique and captivating her vocals are, i just love seeing all the different directions she takes her songs towards (i really recommend checking out her karaoke streams she sings all sorts of stuff in those).
I'm particularly interested on the instrumentation for this one, i love when songs mesh together traditional instruments with modern composition styles, and Sennzai in particular seems to marry this traditional-but-not-quite theme perfectly, so i'm really excited to see how this one plays out.
(i really want to hear her sing Kalafina's Hyakka Ryouran now)
The Hifumi girls are taking a break from original stuff and putting out a cover collection this time around (apart from their usual commissoned work), and seeing how busy they were last year i don't blame them, get that bag and get some rest!
I'm particularly excited for Tamu's, she's covering "Killer Neuron" and Isekaijoucho's "Dimension" and i particularly want to hear how the latter sounds like in her voice, her vocals do have a similar texture to Ojou's but in a higher register, so i kinda wanna AB the two just to see what it's like.
Also also, the fact that they're covering each other's songs reeeeeeally makes me think that there's gonna be something big with these two coming soon, like the amount of "wink wink" vibes i've been getting from them lately is off the charts.
The fourth and final installment on the "Colours" series. I don't have much to say here because while it pains me to admit, i don't listen to Endorfin a whole lot. I have been making an effort to listen to more of them since Nakucha's first live and also because i really liked "Qulalim Stella", which is also by sky_delta, but i'm gonna have to do a listen-through on the whole series before i can say anything concrete.
As a college student these levels of comfiness are the stuff i fantasize about.
Not gonna lie, i was expecting this one to be much more low energy (in hindsight i don't know why she almost never does that), mainly because of the even-fluffier-than-her-usual-fluffiness visuals, but also because one of the reasons i love Nanahira is because her voice is actually very touching when she sings more calmly (see track 4).
Well, while not totally relaxing, i do like the slower stuff she's been going for lately, since her stuff is usually very upbeat, it's nice how between this and "It's a Message for You" she's been putting more "vibe-y" stuff in between the usual 200bpm madness. Something else that picked my interest on this one is that apparently the physical version comes with a manga, which as an overseas listener is out of my reach but the previews i saw on twitter were very cute, so it made me extra curious.
A back to back yosumi release? What world is this we live in??
Well, while it is a lot less tracks than her previous EP (which was more like an LP) it's still just surprising to see her at all. It could be just me, but i feel like she's been getting out there a lot more lately, like anytime i go on Twitter (which i do very sparingly these days) i see a post of hers, and i don't think that's how it usually was, but then again i'm very forgetful and it could be just normal. Whichever way, good for her, it can only be a good thing.
I really like the instrumentals on these, i know she's closer to the Electronica and EDM scene but dang if the mixing on those guitars and drums isn't just soo satisfying to hear.
Yuuri's got her first album ready! I've been keeping tabs on her since the NaYuri singles and i've been really enjoying her stuff so far. Her vocals are right up my alley, and from the looks of it she's going for that modern chill "slow-pop" vibe, which i also like quite a bit.
Also also, can i just say that for a first album this is incredibly well put together, the visuals are simple but very well made, and the mixing on the tracks is top notch. I noticed she has been getting some work on other albums but i do hope her solo stuff pops off because this is good stuff and i feel like she can make it very far with it!!
Here's one i ran into by chance, this actually popped up on my Twitter feed because the illustration is by an artist i follow, so i decided to check it out. I can't place it but i feel like i've seen the front girl, NoiR, before, like her design and name feel very familiar to me but i can't tell from where.
I'm not completely sold on the songs just yet, but i do think it might be worth keeping up with the group, they seem to have been at it for a while now and it could be interesting to see where this goes.
I absolutely love the vibes on this! Both of their voices are very gentle and easy on the ears, and they seem to have a very good grasp on how to blend them together. Not only that, but the instrumentals are also very well recorded and mixed, and go perfectly with their vocal profile.
I couldn't check both of them out in detail, but it seems that this is a very new unit, so i'm gonna keep an eye out to see what else they do.
And... that's it, again, i didn't check the whole playlist, so i definitely missed a few. But for my first time actually sifting through XFDs this extensively, i'm surprised not a whole lot caught my attention, considering i usually find something to like on pretty much anything. A lot of it was just instrumentals, or they had vocals that didn't particularly speak to me all that much.
Also, while i knew that male utaites are the minority in events like Comiket, i'm surprised that i didn't come across any looking through these, though, seeing the amount of kawaii pop in there i can see why they wouldn't find much of an audience there.
(also also the handful of ai generated album artworks there was a major bleh)
Well, while i did enjoy a couple of the albums, it wasn't particularly worth scanning the whole playlist for them, so i'm not that sure that i'll be as inclined to do another XFD deep dive on next M3. I did check out the XFD's from other big utaites that i don't follow (like Risa Yuzuki or Wotoha) and i liked it, but i'm still not super sold on them either.
I suppose i'll be sticking with the utaites/composers i already know for the time being. Now to wait for all of these to come out on streaming...
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animusiem · 1 year
Billboard USA Exclusion Zone Episode 9 (04/22/2023)
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Hello there and welcome to my weekly show where I look at the new debuts from the Billboard Global Excluding US chart. Yes I didn't do this last week. Part of it because I had final thesis to revise. But also I didn't feel it with most of the debuts and the less I said about Melanie Martinez...the better.
Anyways this week is definitely more interesting than last week because we have three j-pop songs and one of them came from the most hyped anime this season Oshi no Ko. We also have some k-pop too and even some surprises. Let's do this.
16. "People Pt. 2" by Agust D ft. IU
Another day, another new solo song from a BTS member. Now we get Agust D who usually do the rap portion of a lot of BTS songs with this being another rap song. This reminded me of early 2010's rap song where you have a singer doing the hook and it just reminded me that Airplanes is now could be considered as retro...next.
23. "Search & Rescue" by Drake
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (this is shit)
30. "I AM" by IVE
I love a lot of IVE songs and I will say that After Like has the best obvious sampling last year. Which is why it's kinda disappointing that this didn't clicked with me as much as it did. The production is tiring and it's basically "I'm back bitch" singles.
80. "Un Finde Crossover #2" by Ke personajes X Big One X FMK
I was vibing to this...then the farty synth and the laser beam sound appeared.
83. "Baby Don't Hurt Me" by David Guetta, Anne-Marie & Coi Leray
This is just sad now. Like I think this song that made me realized that maybe AI music isn't so bad after all when anything David Guetta made in 2022-23 sounds like AI generated mush.
102. "Mera Na" by Sidhu Moose Wala, Burna Boy & Steel Banglez
First and foremose Rest In Peace Sidhu Moose Wala. Secondly this song is just a well produced Punjabi rap and the addition of Burna Boy here is needed.
135. "Idol" by Yoasobi
And here it is. The song that might be the center piece of Oshi no Ko. Anime series based on critically acclaimed manga made by the same guy that did Kaguya-sama. Now even though I haven't watched the anime, I have been spoiled by the manga and well the reason why I swelled up while listening to the song while reading the lyrics...yeah this song is something special.
141. "Kizuna no Kiseki" by MAN WITH A MISSION x milet
Oh hi it's another Demon Slayer song but tbh might be the worst one imo. Yeah this song is great but it's typical for shounen anime to have banger OP at this point and nothing could beat Gurenge.
146. "Never Felt So Alone" by Labrinth (uncredited: Billie Eilish)
One of my favorite content creators Spectrum Pulse coined a term "Riverdale-core" to describe songs with bombast but no substance tackling social issues but with the gaudiness of a vaudville villain. Well for this song I wanna coined a term "Euphoria-core" which is lowkey mostly RnB song with strings and mechanical production.
154. "Zero" by NewJeans
Now I am interested what NewJeans will follow up after the big success of Ditto and OMG. And seems like they are making...a drum and bass song about Coke Zero....okay then.
162. "Chanel" by Becky G & Peso Pluma
Now we will see more impact next week, but what a year it is for Mexican music. Seems like the sound of the trumpet plus that bassline is caught on (tbh idk what to say at this point like after listening to Idol with subs on I'm a jsdhjkdsh)
178. "LADY" by Kenshi Yonezu
I highly recommend everyone to listen to these songs.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
001 gakuen alice
wow really! how random that u chose this manga that i dont even care about or whatever
Favorite character: tie with natsume and mikan! natsume has been my favorite since day one but even though it took me some time to love mikan as much, they rly are equal to me.
Least Favorite character: UGH like theres characters i hate, like esp and persona, but whose roles in the story i mostly appreciate. if theres a character im kinda meh abt, even regarding his role in the story........ maybe tono? lol i have no real outstanding feelings abt him
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): im assuming this is romantic? if so: natsume/mikan, hotaru/ruka, koko/sumire, tsubasa/misaki, narumi/misaki-sensei. but ill include nonromantic as well bc i want to: natsume&ruka, hotaru&subaru, mikan&yuka, main 4 as a friend group (which is what we deserved rather than the three of them barely interacting outside of their bond with mikan), and the special ability group (namely tsubasa and misaki with mikan)
Character I find most attractive: kaoru
Character I would marry: maybe yuka. shes the one i would most trust above all. definitely the Best adult in the series. and most sensible.
Character I would be best friends with: UGh maybe yuka again. i trust her the most. its also bizarre now that im closer with age to her than i am with the main characters lmao. yuka is underrated though
a random thought: i have a rudimentary understanding of how alices are sorted according to ability but im ngl i still have trouble comprehending why some of the special ability students arent in latent or somatic. i just accept that i wont understand and leave it at that.
An unpopular opinion: the ending being bad is NOT unpopular. my unpopular opinion is that im not a big fan of like the last 30-40 chapters in general, not just the last three. theres parts i like, but mostly i think it could have been better done. also i dont like that mikan got the stealing alice. i dont like that choice really. i hope that doesnt sound arrogant but honestly im tired so if it comes across that way oh well.
My Canon OTP: natsumikan... ahh im so lucky
My Non-canon OTP: tbh hotaru and ruka! my sister and i made a banger playlist for them and i have sobbed just thinking of their potential. i honestly rly dont care if ppl think theyre a random couple or a way to pair off the spares--i think theyd be a genuinely good match and their scenes together are to die for.
Most Badass Character: probably either natsume or yuka but that badassery also just makes me sad
Most Epic Villain: ew none (ga is not an example of media where i root for the villains lol)
Pairing I am not a fan of: this is such a vague prompt. ill just say that i resent when ppl make one character the character they "ship with everybody" (namely mikan) bc that character tends to be female and there tends to be some very suspect implications about her agency and role in the relationships, like its more abt other ppls interest in her than in her own feelings. im not saying ppl who multiship are all like that (and im sure most multishippers are entirely reasonable) but ive seen enough takes in that vein for it to really rub me the wrong way. i rly genuinely only ship mikan romantically with natsume.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): ugh i lowkey dont wanna fully answer this but ill give it a go. first idc abt persona redemption, especially if it comes at the cost of his victims' experiences, so like no. he couldve just maybe died or smth instead. ALSO as ive mentioned with her having the stealing alice, i think mikan's end was not really that great for her character. it bums me out.
Favourite Friendship: natsume and ruka hands down no contest. dont argue with me; i wont listen
Character I most identify with: ah a lot. natsume bc. child abuse victim with anger issues. ruka bc pervasive loneliness and feeling of being a burden. mikan bc god am i really good for nothing can i even offer anything? i hate this prompt its too personal
Character I wish I could be: none lol the choices are to be abused, abuse others, or both so none. maybe id be jii-chan, he truly is outside that whole mess.
if you would like to send me an ask for a character/ship/show or you'd like to rb the original post yourself, heres the link!
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luffythinker · 8 months
Is there any way shape or form that i can get you into Kingdom hearts? it has a manga and novel but the best experience is playing the game. I know you've probably heard about how crazy and confusing it is but it really isn't so confusing. but you gotta do it in the correct order to understand everything.
You wanna play final mix cause it has the first 3 important games in it. first game: kingdom hearts the very first installment. where the journey begins, you are a little boy name Sora and you and your three friends want adventure and off the island you've lived on your whole life and Sora is like 13 years old he's a lil bab, Riku your bestie who may or may not be jelly of you cause he has a crush on you or something is like that super cool guy whos always so cool and better at everything and Kairi obvious love interest character but she has her things about her that are interesting in it's own shes not super super nice but shes just a scrappy young girl whos your friend. Something wild happens when you guys are building a raft which Riku offers if you race him you get to name it whatever you wanna name it (yes this is a real game mechanic but it's hard to win the race against Riku cause he's like a year older and taller and faster and stronger and- you get it) Riku also wants to wooden sword fight you later on and you guys fight for the right to give Kairi a fruit that binds your lifes together and whoever wins gets to be with Kairi forever or something, you guys don't end up making that raft cause night comes and you guys were goofing off. SOMETHING HAPPENS and you can't find Riku or Kairi in the night so you go and look for them and these creatures are attacking your island, RIku is talking nonsense about how he's not afraid of the darkness and gets taken away by a darkness portal you go in the cave you guys always play in and you see Kairi she like fades away.
This is not extremely detailed i was super into Kingdom hearts but my memory is shit but i do and don't remember the most important things.
ANyway Donald duck Goofy from mickey mouse, final fantasy characters and other disney characters show up and now your pulled into somebody elses mess trying to find out what the shit happen to Riku and Kairi.
Chain of memories is the next game, im not gonna spoil it for you if you do decide to read/play Kingdom hearts but hot guys in black cloaks show up in this weird castle, one guy is really pretty there is a girl whos a bitch but we love her for it and a guy with super long hair, a guy that can smell you by your darkness and a hulk of a man whos going to end your life. Also a little girl in white ALSO RIKU IS HERE but he's acting weird where is Kairi you ask? who is Kairi? i've never even heard of that person in my life before are you sure you didn't just dream Kairi up? i don't think Kairi is a name of anyone i know.
At the end of this game you are met with another character he's a boy and he's blond, whos this kid? he's important character watch kingdom hearts 358/2 days cause this was a ds game that they remastered you can also watch it on youtube if you want
anyway the next game is Kingdom hearts 2 where mystery adds on another mystery and only like 3 questions get answered while it raises 7 more questions
Kingdom hearts birth by sleep, opening is a absolute head banger. Anyway there are these 3 teens Aqua, Terra and whoa this guy looks like that other guy, i wonder why??? is this the guy or is he another guy?? anyway 3 stories play either character but to get to the final story you have to finish all 3 YOU NEED TO PLAY/WATCH THIS
At the end of Kingdom heart 2 Sora and does find RIku and they are going to take a test to see if they can be masters of the weapon they have this game is Kingdom hearts Dream drop distance which also sets up a lot of stuff for Kingdom hearts 3 a also NEED TO WATCH/PLAY The world ends with you characters show up in this game
Now you think your ready for Kingdom hearts 3 don't you? well yes and no, see there was this game on the phone where you could make your own character and it took place a long time ago there is important stuff for Kindom hearts 3 in this game you can't really play it anymore cause the online service ended but you can watch it on youtube it's called Kingdom hearts union X
still not ready, there is a short movie thing it's Kingdom hearts back cover, it sets up stuff for Kingdom hearts union X
NOW can we play Kingdom hearts 3 after playing all these games? YES yes we can i never finished Kingdom hearts 3 but i know what happens in it cause i watched the spoiler when it came out
Kairi has DLC so we know how she got to the island in the very first game it's a musical game where you tap to the beat of the songs
They are making kingdom hearts 4 and we have some things we need to do before that there is Kingdom hearts dark road a ipad game i believe is still being updated, and Kingdom Hearts Missing Link a game they are still making
i left out one it isn't super important but there is Kingdom heart kingdom hearts recoded it's just about Data Sora and Data RIku it goes between kingdom hearts 1 and chain of memories i think?
Please consider playing the games, reading the novels or watching a playthrough i love this series it's so crazy we got powerful old people and gay guys basically divorced couple silly guys Disney characters and places Lion king, beauty and the beast, tangled,pirates of the caribbean, sleeping beauty, snow white you name it with weird anime hair characters, we got kids in war, blue icecream that is super important, darkness and light getting mentioned 24/7 final fantasy characters left and right anything you can think of we got it
sorry anon i really don't think games are for me, but I shall indulge you in this!! let's see what this is about
[I actually have never heard about it before, like I knew the name but nothing else]
guys wait i'm a little shocked, I didn't know games had this much depth in the stories (I'm obviously not familiar with it but!!!), like I thought it would be missions and quests only, I didn't know there were this much storytelling into it
this might be a bit embarrassing to admit but since the other anon also mentioned this and you did it too, I had to google wtf a ds game was fkjdfjfjk and now I know that I knew about it but never really knew they were named ds ~anyway~
how many Kingdom Hearts games are there, like how did we get on 3 of these??? Are they like novels with a bunch of books?? and a bunch of spin-offs??
you did so well explaining everything to me i feel so bad i wish i could start right now, i will consider reading the novels/manga you mentioned though!!
i'm sure this will push somebody into playing the game!!
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cosmic-abysss · 10 months
okay so this was meant to be posted at the end of the year but ive realized that im incapable of not changing my status all the time so it's a long list..anyways bc its august (aka me month who cheered??) i figured i would do this half :DD so without further ado...
a list of my discord statuses of 2023 ^-^ :
a quiet alcove in a ginormous library can actually be something so personal <33
i think im falling back into my anime and manga obsession.. i will be crying <3
kusakabe maron deserves the world <33 loml behind gumbi
heart time heart time!! 💕 💓 <333 iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou <-youve been hit with my gay love beam ^-^
the road to happiness is paved, with rows and rows OF VERY TEMPTING PARKING SPACES!!! CMWYL 24HR LOCKDOWN!!! ABSOLUTE FIRE <33
💙💜♡ its love day!!! no one is safe from my gay love beam >:) get loved idiot youre important to me <333 ^-^ im very happy
huh. 3 years already, how time flies...
i hate having a reasonable sleep schedule >:( why cant i stay up until 4am and then wake up at like 8 without wanting to die
i wanna get a tattoo so bad this is fucked up
i get the hype now, i really do, yes i know this makes me a clown im just accepting it
get fucked im embracing the cringe and im going to live!!
fiction is starting to give me too many unrealistic expectations to pepper into my daydreams
um okay yeah im starting to get the hype about it all now
<3 hehehe ^-^  💜💙
oh cat & dog by TXT my beloved <33
doing hot bitch shit <-rewatching mianite for the 3rd time
i need to go to a live concert,,,, it would fix me i think <3
yellow yaks winners pov!!!! gumi is absolutely slaying!!!
i have so many tabs open and theyre not even fun+interesting ones >:((
RAAAAAAAHHHH i survived my first college semester holy shit!!!!
screaming... screeching even,,,
oh kyo souma how i wish you were real <3 ......my favorite lil guy :3
WU&IO OUT NOW HOLY SHIT!!! oh lovejoy my beloved you only release bangers <33
what if i just cried about minecraft again,, what then???
going to the beach would fix me in an instant
cyan coyotes are going to win today as a pride present for me specifically <3
i deserve to be unreserved about my music obsessions and thats what im going to do ^-^
spider punk and gwen stacy how i love you,,, damn a good pride month fr,,,
step one of becoming a passenger princess complete... now i just need to become someone thats trusted with the aux
slay pussy queen girlboss cunt server <-finished an amigurumi project
peak of my hot girl summer rn, devastating effects on my social battery though
i had forgotten the joys of creating things, its nice to know it again
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Everything Everywhere All At Once (Movie) - Desperately need to find a way to force my loved ones to watch this. What a fantastic experience, not since The Good Place have I seen a piece of media that so expertly marries incredibly moving and relevant themes about life and morality with absolute batshit chaotic comedy and the most out there scenes you will ever bear witness to. 10/10 Everything I could ever want.
- Interior Design Masters (TV) - I mean I like interior design but boy do I wish they would stop putting the contestants in teams, it’s fine sometimes but I wanna see just one complete vision for once.
- The Umbrella Academy (TV) - While I’m not sure the season was as cohesive as the first when it comes to themes or narrative, I did have a lot of fun with this one. I appreciate all the sibling interactions we got, the multiple dance scenes, the end of the world wedding and outside destruction effect, and more Lila. Also Klaus’ whole plot was great, as usual. And of course the music is on point and incorporated so well into the scenes, which has been one of the series greatest strengths from day 1. I’m glad this hasn’t fallen into the Stranger Things/Westworld Seasonal rot and as a whole each new season has been more or less as entertaining as the previous ones, though in some cases it does kinda feel like they’re making some of it up as they go so hopefully they do actually have a master ending they are working towards, even if the exact details are malleable. 
- First Kill (TV) - Enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting to, and I did figure I would like it. It was just the right mix of sincerity and corniness, and I just adored how much each of the families loved each other in their own odd little way. I was of course on board from the moment I read the monster/monster-hunter lesbian drama/comedy premise but there was a lot that surprised me, like how well written and likable both of the mothers were, how unfetishized the lesbian relationships were (no homophobia or creepy frat bros to be found), and how they actually bothered to write an interesting ongoing plot outside of the forbidden romance.
- Witch Hat Atelier (Manga) - Still great, eagerly awaiting anime news. 
- Land of the Lustrous (Manga) - Back from a 1+ year long hiatus, it was actually really nice to see all the gems vibin on the moon, though of course the last part had to remind us about poor Phos and their horrible awful no good very bad 10,000 year solitary vacation. 
- Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes (Video Games) - Caved in and got it because I miss these characters and wanted to see the new supports. I’m getting more used to the gameplay, though I still prefer 3 houses, and am a bit disappointed that there weren't nearly as many supports as I was led to believe, but I am liking newcomers Monica and Shez and can’t say I’m not having fun so eh.
- Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations (Video Game) - AS a whole this game has been leagues better than it’s predecessor so far, with the first two cases being bangers and the third being adequate enough. I love all the extra time with Mia and think the crimes are at least a bit more sensical this time around. My main complaint is that I miss Franziska, who was great, and am kind of disappointed in Godot, who’s design I like but who’s personality seems to be unessisarly mean and boring which I really did not expect from his design. Maybe he’ll get better in the last case, I do want to like him, it’s just not working for me.
- Shadows House (Anime) - Very underrated light horror/mystery, finished season one with my sister in time for the current airing of the second season. It’s hard to talk about without giving anything away given how good the series is at throwing you blind into it’s setting and slowly revealing wtf is happening in interesting and organic ways, but suffice it to say it’s got a really unique premise that I’m super intrigued to get more of. 
Listening to: Patron Saint by Regina Spektor, Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel, Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns, Killin’ It by Foxy Shazam, Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money, Sympathy by The Goo Goo Dolls, Planetary (GO!) by My Chemical Romance, Heathers OST, Cat’s in the Cradle by Harry Chapin, Encanto OST, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OST
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toukatan · 3 years
my children, my gals, my mans, lemme tell you something: beni is in fucking town. she back, she better and she going to steal your wife.
we've been clowning around together for so long my sweetie, my honey, my sis, i already feel like we truly sis omg please adopt me wth.
you're the most amazing person out here on tumblr and whoever says the opposite, y'all accepting the terms and conditions for me to beat your ass in a fucking ring. you're the most precious bean here and, just so you know, i'm the current leader of the beni protection squad.
but now getting serious; never forget that you're so loved, honey. you built all this by yourself and you should be proud of all the amazing people who surround you in this blog and irl bc i'm pretty sure they're amazing people too (if not, you go and beat their ass, be right over to help you out). you should also be proud of who you have become through all these years.
as someone who knows your blog since it was aot only (saying this i feel old af (no longer follows you from that ear bc of fucking tumblr)) i can tell you that your blog is the most wholesome side of the every fandom ever. this is were all the cinnamon rolls join to fangirl about new shows around the cinnamon roll supreme. you gave me so much serototin you should be going to jail for drug trafficking.
talking about legal shit, you cannot legally have bad taste like wth. every single show/manga/song you recommend is a fucking banger like mams what—
i have many other things that i could be writing rn but i don't wanna take your whole day with this sappy bullshit. anywayyy~
love you lots, bitch. you amazing, you hella nice and if anyone here doesn't like you send me your location i just wanna talk.
ps: for the tr anonie: i'll make sure she watches the whole show and reads the manga. as a big ass tokyo revengers fan, i won't let this opportunity pass. beni beware ✨
i back and i ready and i be watching the olympics and cheering like i am literally right there so i cannot steal your wife. i ain’t got time keep ya wife. she’s not hime. BWJDHJWBSJS
we’ve been clowning around for a whole ass year now and we’re still doing it like there is no h8 in this household just love and good vibes and roasting each other’s taste like we really do be like this.
and i really didn’t know what i did to deserve you and every other person on here and i can’t be more thankful for such a loving supportive environment. my safety net. my safe space. that’s all of y’all. right here.
and i know im always saying this but you and every person on here have been one of my biggest supports out there especially with the past month being the most difficult thing i’ve ever endured. you reminded me that it was okay to take time for myself, it’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay to just take it one step at a time. to not rush into things and just take it easy. i really needed that. i can’t thank you enough for simply being there. that alone was more than enough.
thank you for always checking up on me, you started worrying the moment i disappeared off discord for a bit just to find out i was with my fambam and watching the olympics— like sis you’re literally the sweetest bean ever and i don’t know what i did to deserve you. instead of thanking me, thank you for being you. never change bestie. you’re amazing just as you are. you are a blessing. that’s it. you are and you better know it.
anyone with mía in their life rn irl or online are the luckiest beings because she brings nothing but warmth and love with so much support and she will spam you with 273848 sports animes and you’ll love it no matter what because she attack but most importantly she protecc and treasure and love her dorky bois
love you lots we are not in h8 we are doing gr8 and if you want me to watch tokyo revengers you have to watch every olympics event i’ve seen in the past 3 days— that is the only way we are gonna do this whifbajfhs
mía most precious being ever i said what i said you cannot fight me on that i will throw hands if you said no u
me at you right now because you had the audacity.
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e1ana · 4 years
Character asks-- gimme Hotoshi Shinsou, if you haven't already, and Hanta Sero if you have please!
omg these two are the absoLUTE homies. you asked at the wrong time though, because i am smacked as all hell and my eyes are about as wide as a piece of paper. ill try my best to form coherent thought lol.
for shinsou:
favorite thing about him: this is really fuckin hard because he’s honestly one of my favorite characters. if i HAVEEEEEEEE to pick than probably just his general spirit. he obviously has a can do attitude, with the way he thinks he can become a hero, but he isn’t so like in everyone’s face about it. just because he’s a positive(ish) person, he’s not an extrovert or anything remotely close to it. he’s allowed to be a chill dude. i just love his vibe.
least favorite thing about him: i don’t like his attitude towards other people. i’m not saying it isn’t justified because of the tiny glimpse we got of his being bullied. i’m also kind of an ass so i can’t talk. i just wish he wasn’t such a cold person. i think spending more time with new friends will help him thaw out his dead heart though.
favorite line: "Maybe I failed this time, but... I'm not giving up. I'll show them I've got what it takes to make the hero course, and I'll become a greater hero than all of you." (basic, i know.)
brOTP: i love him and midoriya. i just think its another great example of a friendship between two people of contrasting personalities. i also wanna see more interaction between him and ojiro and the bakusquad in general. i think their dynamics together are pretty funny.
OTP: OH BOY DO I LOVE SHINKAMI. now don’t get me wrong. i am a massive multishipper. i love me some good old monoshin, and i like kaminari with other pp as well. but fuck, there’s just something about shinkami that hits so DIFFERENT. i don’t know, i just love them a lot.
nOTP: i don’t really have a lot of nOTPs. obviously i hate the illegal shit (shinsou x aizawa?? what the fuck???), but there’s not that many shinsou ships to begin with. i guess just anyone i can’t really see him with - maybe todoroki.
random hc: this boy definitely has sleeping problems. coming from a bitch who literally has Birkin x Tanaka level eye bags, i can say those puppies are not for show.
unpopular opinion: this isn’t that unpopular, but i think he’s probably going to be in 1b, not 1a. while i would lOVE to see him more frequently, he is still high key irrelevant to the plot. his moment (or his first moment at least) is getting into the hero course period. maybe he’ll be more involved later, and i hope so, but i really just dont think he’s gonna be with the hell class :(
song i associate with them: i have an entire playlist for him. for real. so this song question... not easy. if i have to pick one, maybe Loser by McCafferty (but here’s the whole playlist, if you want to listen to some punk-ish bangers.)
favorite picture of them: i don’t have assess to the full, glorious library that is the manga because i’m on my computer, but this one is pretty great. he just looks so... lost. like by is he staring so intently at the scarf? did it bite him or something?
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okay. i’ll put the homie sero’s under the cut becuase this is getting insanely long.
serooooo omg the mf og. i feel like we would get along so well. i bully him a lot, but he really is one of my favorite characters. anyways. also i am 110% going to write shinsou in here by accident.
favorite thing about him: he’s just... sero. he’s a little shithead. he’s annoying, but he’s also weirdly chill. he literally smiles like :D. he’s dumb. he looks like a fucking TAPE DISPENSER??? i want to give him the worlds biggest hug.
least favorite thing about him: so underrated...holy shit... i have met like two sero stans, and that is not okay with me.
favorite line: “Hey, something amazing happened, listen to this! It’s r-18 ;)” i let out an entrire GUFFAW when this happened. and then he just exposes midoriya for being next to the hot, naked mystery chick.
brOTP: you already know i’m going to say the bakusquad. the way the interact with each other is lit rally a+. i love how close they are and i really hope we get more bakusquad moments.
OTP: I’ve very (very(VEry) recently gotten into both SeroRoki and KamiSero. I also think the would low key look good with someone like kinoko komori, but that’s just for the looks. i think little short mushroom lady with lanky, string bean tape boy is cute.
nOTP: anyone that’s also got that lowkey vibe, or anyone who’s super over the top sweet and girly. i just don’t see him having the patience to either one make negotiations because nobody can decide, or two being able to deal with a crazy affectionate, pet-name calling, daily-date-having, always-on person.
random hc: he smokes weed. period. this is like one of my only hcs that i feel strongly about. i am a stoner, i know by brethren. there is ZERO way that fuckhead does not smoke pot.
unpopular opinion: his quirk is stupid. like cmon, tAPE ELBOWS??? uh honey what the fuck??? he makes good use of them though i guess. i think the quirk is stupid, not his use of it.
song i associate with them: any meme song. tiktok songs too. i also just so haaappennn to have another playlist with him. seriously, i was hyperfocusing on this the other day and made playlists for a shit ton of bnha people. anyways, here. literally anything off that. 
favorite picture of them: look at him. look at his little >_< face. appreciate him.
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that does it i guess. fair warning to anyone who sends any of these in the next hot minute: they are all 100% going to be this chaotic because like i said, i a m doped up, smacked, zooted, zoinked, stoned, clapped.... you get it. 
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riskeith · 3 years
aside from that, ur graphics must look incredible! i’ve seen some comparison pics and pc graphics are God Tier. help the second lowest being “high”... good riddance. 😶
summer 2016! it seems so long ago like a whole different universe. everything was so beautiful back then.. everybody was out and about hunting pokémon’s... that zine is so cute! i wouldn’t say main i actually only got into them a little while ago and i’m still mostly tddk and kiribaku but bkdk is interesting.. to say the least. i haven’t seen what happens in the manga (only a bit of spoilers especially that cover...) and s4 didn’t give us That many scenes with them but i’m keeping my eyes open... wbu?
IDK like their descriptions make it seem like they might help you find some specific treasures??? like the gold seelie giving you fortune aka mora? not sure tho hehe... YEAH THAT FANART!!! so cute i wanna eat them all.. forbidden snack. 🥺 omg funny you mention that... i met xiao just earlier for the first time and when i saw his entire outfit i was like.. hm i wonder what he would look like in darker clothing HAHA. but yeah skins would be awesome!!!! like a clothing shop or smth somewhere????? anyway when i saw him i was like HEY that’s cluna’s boy!
ALBEDO IS A BAD BITCH. his hair is perfect perfect perfect. actually everything about him is so perfect he’s just a delicate little guy... 🥺 dude us talking about albedo and opening up the game and seeing his banner is like... 👀 temptation.
with venti??? i’m not sure which quest you mean i did the archon one with him though and it was awesome. does he have more? I DID LOOK IT UP AND MURASE IS MAKING HIS VOICE EVEN HIGHER AND IT’S SO CUTE I WISH I KNEW IT BEFOREHAND SO I COULD’VE HEARD HIS VOICE WHILE DOING THE MISSION. 😭 oh well 😭
hopefully there are some good 4 stars too. who are you wishing for? anyone special? imagine having xingqiu and chongyun.... that’s like the dream. and bennett and razor and you have the boy scout party haha!! do you have mostly claymore users?
i remember you mentioning you don’t like book users but i’ve actually really grown to love them hehe. their long range attacks are so nice and handy! KAZE DA! 😭 bro stop i literally have a crush on venti it’s ridiculous.. imagine closing ur eyes and talking and it’s his voice.... (OR HINATA!!!) murase is so lucky... he seems like such a great guy too ajsksjdk..
ok friends to lovers goodness! 🥺 i’m considering getting twitter just to see fanart... maybe.. o.o
ooooo that’s so thorough! in all caps caught my attention, why do you do that? personally, if it’s something longer i write bulletpoints of the concept but never like... actual plot yk? i’ve tried before but i doesn’t work for me very well. so.. i wing it! and like you i just get inspired randomly, it could be from song lyrics or thinking about tropes i enjoy. 😜
loona is cool! they have this whole story about their group. i highly recommend checking them out! i wonder if they kept it up though lmao. oh yeah everyone loves hozier he just speaks to the soul.. LOVELY IS MY FAVORITE SONG!!!!! LIKE EASILY TOP SONGS OF MY LIFE!!! it makes me so happy that you like it even if you skip it lmaojsjdjsjsjdk and i like billie a lot!! ariana too she has great music.., idk if you’ve heard of the group the neighborhood but i like them too. lana del rey as well! haha guess it’s super basic stuff tbh. all of them with mostly slow songs.. sorry 😭
OK GOOD. all nighters are honestly horrible. i don’t get how people can pull them off and get things done... (hopefully you never have to either!) YEAH haha 8 am is my favorite hour i think... that and 9 pm. they’re just special. what’s your favorite time of day? listen if you stay up to read fics that’s valid. midnight up is like the perfect time to read fics it makes them appear more magical sjdkdhdk.
i hope i caught you today but if not, hope you’re sleeping well babe! ♥️
sorry i was playing genshin! JFKSNXKSNKSJ i started before 12am and before i knew it it was already 1am… my goodness
and yeah i watched this vid comparing the graphic quality settings (i play on the default one) and i was like??? people really be playing like this? LOL can’t relate
edit: missed this paragraph oops but yeah what a time 2016 was! (lmao voltron started that year iirc) i remember we had an athletics event and legit everyone was on their phones jfksnfksnd. oooo! nice tddk and krbk are very good very nice. and also yeah that cover lol i love that you didn’t even have to specify which one i just Know. hmm i think rn bkdk would be one of the top ships i’m interested in aside from todobaku? they just have so much history ya know? and they have a lot of moments in the second movie! oh wait did you know that there are movies? two of them in fact!! the kiribaku is pretty strong in the first one (but there are some todobaku moments too lol). and there are a few OVAs too. WAIT are you all caught up with the anime? can’t rmemeber if you’ve told me or not 😫
oooo if that were the case tho what would the others give? i did like the “sea blue” description or something of the blue one tho 😩 YOU WANNA EAT THEM FJDJCJSKNCSKJCKSNXJS NO!!! but i can understand.. they look very squishy. THAT’S MY BOY!!!!!! honoured you thought of me <33 yo i was also wondering what chongyun would look like in darker clothes too HDKSKDN see this is why i need to learn how to draw.… gotta put them in the clothes i want since we can’t do that in game!! but a shop would be so cute omg
JFKSKSKAKS i’ve legit been staying away from opening the wish menu as much as i can.… it’s too tempting i can’t!!
yeah the archon one is what i meant sorry! forgot the name for it lol. and yes there is! once you reach AR 35 or something you can unlock story quests and venti is one of them 👀👀 RIPPPP BUT AT LEAST YOU KNOW NOW 😭😭
i think just xingqiu rn!! i’ve been holding off ascending barbara in hopes of getting him, bc i grinded some oceanid (literally the worst fucking boss ever) before i ascended so i’m just hoarding those materials rn fjskdnd. yesss the boy scouts 😭🥺 but i heard chongyun and razor’s elemental skills cancel each other out so rip.. hmm i did a count and i think i have 3 each of claymore and catalyst users! hbu?
omg nooooo betrayal 😭 tho ngl i’m considering using ningguang bc i see people play her so well.. so i’m just carrying her around in my team hoping to passively level her up HAHAHA. i def appreciate their long range attacks too, lisa’s burst especially is quite nice. CHJDKSKD that’s so cute but also very relatable 😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 also did you know murase is like tall af it’s kinda crazy lol
there’s /so/ much good fanart!!! it’s where i’m getting a taste of all the ships too lol but yeah there’s angst and fluff and just charas looking s*xy they’ve got it all 😩 but that also reminds me, like most other big fandoms genshin fandom is kinda fkn shit 😔 once again i’m thankful to myself for keeping such a small circle lmaooooo
honestly i don’t know either?? i think it helps me distinguish between what i’m actually writing vs what i’m planning like if i do something like “JUMPS OFF PLATFORM, LANDS IN FRONT. so, are you going to introduce me or do i have to do it myself ETC THEN THEY TALK SUDDENLY there’s the sound of a windchime, and VILLAINS HERE GOTTA FIGHT” it’ll look something like that jdjsndkskd where the lowercase is exact dialogue I wanna write in but the caps is just planning
but winging it ey that’s hot of you 🤪 god do you ever just like thinking about potential ideas before falling asleep but then your phone is far away/you don’t wanna hurt your eyes looking at a screen but then you’re also afraid you’ll forget the idea DJKSXKSK
:o! i think i stayed away bc of the whole “stan loona” thing DHSKKS but i might give them another shot! therefore i am is one of my go to songs rn hehe i really like the beats she uses they’re so funky. i don’t really like ariana sorry FJDJKSKS but she does have a lot of bangers!! side to side… 😘👌 and i do know the neighbourhood! sweater weather is so iconic but lately i’ve been skipping that too aahah. but have you heard daddy issues slowed? oh my god. that singlehandedly started my obsession with slowed songs (ironic isn’t it when you consider i don’t listen to normal slow songs fjsjdj) i like summertime sadness from lana! and young and beautiful too (the radio songs AHAH) but yeah.. they’re slow fjdkksks. how do you feel about halsey + melanie martinez + bastille? (i’m always paranoid about listing artists bc so many get cancelled or what other and i feel like randos are gonna come for me too JDKSKSKA.) oh and troye sivan!! and pentatonix if you’ve heard of them? i was obsessed with those two back in 2015 ahaha
omg crazy.. how!! hm my favourite hour is maybe 12pm? or 2pm? just some time in the afternoon i like when it’s still light outside but it’s also like “after school” time kinda .. and yesss reading fic at late hours… gets me crying more easily 🤪
i don’t think i’ll catch your next reply so goodnight in advance!! hope your day is great <3
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thanatasia · 3 years
Your the only mutual who’s seen demon slayer so I apologize if my ranting and raving is a little overwelming 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
So I’m finally getting around to Demon Slayer —mostly in part because I was waiting for the hype to die down but also because I was waiting for a streaming service that I had to grab it — and after binging 13 episodes, I can safely say that my favorite characters are The Demon Doctor Lady, The cute dude madly in love with her, Tarzan Pig Head who’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit, and Nezuko, because she gets all of the UwU’s
Crybaby Tanjiro is a decent main character but his inner monologue sometimes gets a little grading to listen to but he’s big of heart, dumb of ass sometimes so I’ll let it slide. Also he’s a big brother who absolutely adores his baby sister, so he gets brownie points for good, non problematic familial sibling love.
However, Zenitsu can literally walk off a cliff for all that I care. He’s like Sanji from One Peice but instead of being so annoying that he’s funny, Zenitsu is just annoying (also I’m very sorry if Zenitsu is your favorite but like, the screaming... the screaming...) and like, I get that being a wuss and screaming all the time is his character flaw and his arc is to become more brave as he gets confident in his demon slayer abilities, but like... can he not be so annoying about it please...?
Also Demon daddy Michael Jackson is pretty cool.
Another thing that kinda grinds my gears about this anime is the pacing. I feel like a lot of these demon fights and training montages can absolutely be cut down form three episodes each to like one and a half... maybe two at the most. I don’t know if you had the same problem, but to me it defiantly feels dragged out for the sake of getting the story to the 26 episode mark.
Hopefully the pacing gets better during the rest of the anime, but I’m not holding out hope. Time will tell I guess. And hopefully Zenitsu will learn that the power of silence can be a blessing.
But overall I am getting a positive feeling out of Demon Slayer. It’s not terrible by no means (trust me I’ve far worse) but it’s defiantly not the show-stopper that most people back during Demon Slayers time in the sun were screaming about. I personally, as of episode 13, give it a solid B-
a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of 5.
Also I’m sorry if this was too long to read 🥺
@simplysparrow14 don't feel bad about this long message. Reading other people's opinion on something I enjoy is nice!
I can definitely understand not wanting to get into a series that has a lot of hype, I kinda felt like that with BNHA in the beginning (I still need to catch up but I literally just look forward to Dabi lol)
Ahhh all those characters are so good! Lady Tamayo and Yushiro (I hope I'm right) I love them too. I love the scene where he calls Nezuko unattractive, literally his energy was funny.
Inosuke is fun! I enjoy him too. At first I thought I'd be annoyed with him but he proved me wrong. And Nezuko!!! I don't think there is anyone who truly hates her, I just want to hug her!
As for Tanjiro, I totally get being a bit iffy with him. I still enjoy his character but main characters are almost never my favorite characters in anime/manga because of how predictable they are (My faves are all side characters where anything is possible. And I really like the Hashira those character designs!!!). However, as you said, his big brother love for Nezuko is wonderful (I really like that this series has two siblings as the MC's and we see how far each would go to protect the other. We rarely see loving sibling bonds unless they'rerivals or they have grudges against each other) I also like that he's a sensitive MC. I've seen a lot of shounen anime and I like that Tanjiro isn't a Goku or Naruto (loud, obnoxious, the whole shebang). I feel like BnHA was my first experience of a sensitive MC in shounen.
No offense here about Zenitsu. It's funny I said I don't really like the loud characters but Zenitsu is the loudest one of Demon Slayer lol. I feel like comic-relief characters walk on the slippery slope of annoying af or well received. I noticed a lot of people want to see more of him fighting (because they can't stand awake Zenitsu lol) and I definitely want to see more badass, confident Zenitsu too!
OMG "Demon daddy Michael Jackson" I'm dying!!! We need to see more of him, especially being threatening.
As for the pacing (Right now I'm going by memory) I'm pretty sure the training sequences are dragged out. Usually I skip around if I'm bored, which I think I did or get distracted while it's happening. I wanna say the only training that I could see being dragged out, while making sense is the training Tanjiro did with Sabito and Makomo. One of these characters gets brought up again later (maybe the important detail was said but if you look carefully two characters have a similar haori). I'd also say it helps us to be attached to them since we later find out what happened to them. The old man (I forgot his name) meh if it went more than 1.5 eps I totally forgot because I can lose interest in training arcs lol.
I will say in future seasons (because I read the manga) some fights feel dragged out and there might be an arc that drags out but I honestly see it being at most 2 eps (the first being quick and comedic the second being more serious)
I feel like this 2nd season will be paced better because they (what I assume from the trailer) are animating one arc, "Red Light District" and I cannot wait because
1) The music I picture going alongside the calm, action and scenic moments. The trailer had a banger!
2) The fights. Something super cool happens
3) The comedy
4) ...Uzui with his hair down/messed up.... I always find a husbando in a series and it became him. (there's a joke I wanna make but after it's released)
Honestly, same. When you break it down "Demon Slayer" is your typical shounen anime that follows a lot of the tropes necessary for a series featured in big magazines like "Shounen Jump." But where it does separate itself from protagonists and characters such as "Naruto", "Bleach", "Dragon Ball", "Bkack Clover" etc, it does really well.
I wanna say this series has by far the most eyecatching character designs which is great because I can remember them a lot faster.
And I love their "breath technique" effects. Besides the first episode reeling me in, the effects kept me in (as well as characters). It's a visually appealing anime and the animation team did a wonderful job bringing these characters and this story alive.
I also like that the series takes place during an evolving/modernizing Japan, some places are modern for that time period/influenced time period (1900-20's fashion, trains!?!? I legit face-palmed at the end of season 1 because I forgot that this series wasn't taking place in medieval-ish era) Sometimes I forget that Demon daddy and Tanjiro live in the same time period because of how different their worlds are. (I'm very use to shounen being either just european medieval fantasy world, just medieval/edo fantasy Japan or in the rare case modern fantasy Japan. A mix of both if it's like Bleach but the difference was extreme and literally different worlds) In Demon Slayer, it was a work in progress, a set up perhaps. But I mean, countrysides still exists in more developed countries today but in most anime it was either or. Pre-modern or Present day modern.
And the character backstories are pretty intense. I wanna reread the series again to give a better review. But yeah, prepare to cry some things did catch me off guard and oh geez, I will be crying when certain chapters get animated.
I 100% agree with you on the rating a B- or ⭐⭐⭐⭐ is fair for "Demon Slayer"
For me to give an A+ or 5 stars, the series would have to really surprise me, main character wise (I've read so much that I can predict what will happen, kinda like my mom and horror movies)
Berserk is the closest to a 5 star but that's a Seinen series that goes by different rules and has a lot of dark and really messed up things (big big trigger warning) happen but when that big surprise came it literally took me by surprise the 2016-17 anime was a disgrace and don't get me started on that lol) and of course even then I would still critique it lol
Thank you so much for your ask! I don’t mind reading a bit more and as you can see I love writing...a bit too much. And I hope my rambles aren't too repetitive or boring.
I really do want to draw some Demon Slayer stuff, I really do love the characters in this series.
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