#i want it on repeat now
brittie-frog · 6 months
Silently screaming in my room at 7am because of that date.
Truely Richas, fuck around and find out - engineering a whole rp in rp thing in his room to get them to admit their feelings and then Bagi just giving up and saying that the date'll happen then and there. And it being so chaotic and constantly shifting moods but still so fun to watch.
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mikakuna · 1 month
nothing would be funnier than the bats universe-hopping and finding all these different versions of jason, and shoving in their jason's face that these alternate jasons would not agree with his fatal treatment of criminals (because some of them look straight up happy and have great relationships with bruce + the others).
but then to everybody's surprise, each jason has their own variation of their jason's methods. they literally all have similar opinions, even the ones who didn't die at the joker's hands. some were robin and some were never robin, some were adopted by bruce and others weren't, some lived worse lives than their jason and others lived much better lives-- but they all became their own version of red hood either way.
and jason is just absolutely having the best time looking at the bats' disappointed faces
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vellichorsdesire · 2 months
loove thinking abt nonsexual intimacy with an f/o like taking bubble baths with them. their fingers running through your hair, massaging your scalp so gently with shampoo— it feels so good you’re tempted to make excuses of staying a little longer, feeling their relaxed presence so close to you as well. laying in bed with them with little clothing/none at all and admiring each other’s body, hands brushing over every scar, bruise, birthmark or stretch mark with absolutely no judgement whatsoever. mumurs shared of stories of those said old scars, whether they’re visible or not. helping each other dress up or get out of clothing after a long day, buttoning up or unbuttoning clothes, giggling while doing a small fashion show with them and helping them pick things out of their wardrobe
… honestly i say all of this but imagining them only in a tanktop or shirtless is enough to kill me already i think
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sergle · 4 months
color accuracy is lost bc of lighting but this was the start of the granny blanket project, I gotta take another progress picture when I knock out a significant amount
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zelraiya · 2 months
Save me past platonic RadioStatic, save me
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They are dumb and dumber
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hyakunana · 3 months
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Motivity Builds be like
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
I have a lot of leftover drawings in my gallery. [Blank Scripts AU]
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[Content Warning: Images below contain Gore, Death, and Disturbing/Uncomfortable Imagery]
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I find it a bit cute knowing they start out as crazy and then slowly settle into something calmer and relatively healthier after learning to adapt to each other's lust-turned-love. [Stanley did it first but hey :3]
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
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this was a result of me reading this post/conversation between @originalaccountname and @iwritenarrativesandstuff (hope you guys don't mind the tagging skjfksdjf) and getting really sad about Chuuya — and I had been rewatching the Dark Era episodes for the billionth time and was thinking about Oda and Dazai hugging Ango while they're all smelly to make him go with them, and so I thought "ok what if Dazai did that to Chuuya but in the process they both accidentally discovered how touch-starved Chuuya is"
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myuminji · 1 month
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vash who loves wolfwood who loves vash in every universe that seals his fate with death.
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marc--chilton · 2 months
house finding wilson ""interesting"" amongst a literal crowd of thousands is one thing but then to be proven right later when wilson flips his lid at a bar. theyre literally fanfiction but real but not
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
I'm sincerely very happy for anyone who is enjoying the show but every time I see takes that the show has improved the book characterizations or that the book characters are underdeveloped in comparison to the show...
#our experiences are very different lmao#pjo show crit#sure the show isn't completely out yet#but id argue that the characters (namely the trio) seem way more developed and well-rounded in the book by this point in time (episode 4)#and look im not saying every change the show has made is bad#but by and far there has yet to be a change to characterization that feels like an IMPROVEMENT from the source material lmao#the closest contender I'd say is show Percy does seem a tad angrier than book Percy#but again I wouldn't call that an improvement... its just different and I think that /change/ works because it feels like the same essence#but even that has had some issues because I feel like the show has inadvertently cut down some of Percy's canon book empathy here and there#I think the show has nailed Annabeth's pride and intelligence and her warped worship of her mother#... but they've also made her hyper competent to the point that she's not making half of the mistakes she did in the book#which ISNT good because book annabeth is smart but she isn't infallible#its a big point that she has the theoretical intelligence but none of the real world experience/application#she gets tricked by medusa and goes to visit the Arch just cause she loves architecture and that's okay!! she's twelve and a nerd!#I also dont like that they've cut/toned down her little crush on Luke#actually they've not even showcased the familial bond between annabeth and Luke either in the show so like lmao#and then grover#by now grover's fear of failure and repeating this past mistakes and wanting a license has already been acknowledged in the books at least#in the show?? not so much#and his canon book suspicions and wariness of medusa... were given to annabeth#like medusa in the book was Grover's moment to shine cause his instincts were right!#and in the book fight he even very intentionally attacked medusa#but his highlights there were cut completely in the show#and finally sally#...idk who that is in the show but that's NOT my sally jackson#percy jackson#mine
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soracities · 2 months
if we should protect children because they are vunerable, this means you would protect cruel children who bullies people who different than them then. the children who responsible to trauma for someone else's entire years
You're assuming that "protecting" children is the same as absolving them of responsibility and that's not what I said. All children are vulnerable, because all children are children; they don't come out of the womb with a perfectly working moral compass anymore than they come out of it waiting to hurt people--they're vulnerable because their understanding of the world is entirely at the mercy of what we, as adults, consistently tell them and show them. Children behaving cruelly aren't exempt from that--they learn that cruelty from somewhere, or someone. Your job, as the adult, is to make sure they understand that it's unacceptable so it will not happen again--but your job is also to ask why someone that young is behaving this way to begin with, so you can ensure they become better.
"Protecting" kids is not ignoring when they hurt or torment others, it's not refusing to teach them consequences or right from wrong, it's not "zero tolerance" policies in schools that treat a child being bullied and the child bullying them as equal instigators, and it's certainly not protecting them from recognizing, and atoning for, the pain they have caused someone else. You don't have to make peace with the now-adults who hurt you when you both were kids, but you cannot let the horrors of your own childhood impact how you treat or respond to the children living theirs around you right now, either.
You don't protect kids so they can get a free pass for bullying or tormenting another child. You protect them because kids are impulsive, emotionally reactive, and profoundly social (which means deeply impressionable) human beings who are still learning & processing insane amounts of information every day about what it means to be alive, to be alive as yourself, to be alive as yourself with other people. Protecting them is realising that you can't isolate the responsibility of a 10 year old from the bigger responsibility of the literal grown adults around them, adults who are in charge of teaching them about the world and how to behave in it. Whether you have children of your own in the future or not is completely irrelevant to this; we all become those adults eventually--no matter what happened to us as kids.
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catlover4536 · 5 months
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Coming here to say masc presenting Julie is one of my favorite Julie ideas out there and that, of course, I needed to make a femme presenting Frank to compliment @cyanwyrmy and their wonderful Julie!
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mummer · 2 years
you know how resurrected people in asoiaf get singularly obsessed with like one thing they were doing before they died so beric is obsessed with defending smallfolk from invaders and stoneheart is obsessed with revenge against the freys. i think it would be funny if jon came back and he was just tirelessly devoted to the same bland nights watch management as before. just murdering anyone who tries to tear him away from drafting architectural plans for a greenhouse or writing pointless letters. can i dwell on what i scarce remember? sometimes i think i was born on the floor of that stock room, counting barrels of turnips
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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only took 2 years but he's done now
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I can imagine anything guy image: “I can spiral into tears and convince myself I’m the worst person alive over anything”
#it’s soooooo easy#‘hey that thing you said was kind of insensitive’ -> feel awful and apologize immediately ->#try to explain that I’m a flawed human being in hopes that they don’t hate me as much -> realize I’m using it as an excuse -> feel worse ->#want to explain that I feel bad in hopes that it makes my apology sound genuine -> realize if I do I’m starting a pity party ->#Devil on my shoulder says that I SHOULD start a pity party bc then people have to console me even though I’m the one who fucked up ->#realize that if the devil on my shoulder thinks that that some part of me must think that. thinking that is kind of terrible ->#feel like I’m terrible -> start crying -> realize that crying will turn it into a pity party anyway ->#realize that I don’t want to feel like I’m terrible. that I do actually want people to console me -> realize I don’t deserve it ->#admit that I am truly horrible for trying to turn my fuck up into a way to make people comfort me ->#post about it on tumblr to vent (?) -> realize now I’m starting a pity party in front of almost 8k people ->#realize that makes me even worse. -> break down in tears feeling sorry for myself when. again. IM the one who fucked up#repeat at and slight inconvenience or mistake. feel like a piece of shit forever :)#it’s a flawless system. if someone sees me struggling and tries to console me I can redirect that to confirm that I’m a horrible person#try and tell myself that I’m spiraling bc of mental illness -> that’s an excuse ->#excuse = horrible person bc I’m not willing to own up to my mistakes -> return to spiral
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