#i wanted to include a doodle as a response :3
12am-motivation · 2 years
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sol is very happy :>
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sm-baby · 6 months
I want to see all the carnival AU bios again, but finding Zooble's is too hard, even when using the search. I hope there's a more organized way to view them.
(Trying to come up with nicknames that said characters would give my characters.)
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Augh... I never know how to organize stuff! But here is a mini master post of the TADC Info Cards (edited):
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The Main Cast (Minus Zooble :C)
Zooble ( Plus Zooble!!! :3)
Shiny Cards ✨
Lesser AI
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Level layout
The Entire Comic has also been dubbed by @volticglitch !! If you're not a reader, You can watch their dubs instead!! Here is the dub
Your best friend!
Jesterly duties
The hallway
First clue
Special event!
Foul language - a silly
Characters Relationship Chart ( Bonus, OC relationship Chart!)
The Tent
The Funhouse
Pomni expressions
Character design
Meet Pomni
ALT character skins (Bonus, Maid skins because of course I did)
Pomni expressions AGAIN!!! (and a bonus)
The Jester's Circus tent (and a bonus)
Shape language ramble
Neck pieces
Neck pieces (prt 2)
Neck pieces (prt 3)
Silly Frilly
Toxic Positivity Duo
Quick Ragatha Doodle
The Rabbit
Non-sentient Pomni
Pity Laugh
First act of violence
First and only visit
First look
Meet Jax
Meet Ragatha
Meet Kinger
Meet Able
Zooble's room
Theatre shinanigans
Thanks for listening
Jax Doodles
Ragatha doodles (Feat. Kaufmo)
Caine doodles
Colored doodles
Eye popping
Jax Ko-fi request!
Final boss Pomni Theory
Ofcourse you would
Shoulder Pads
omg showtime teeheeh ehehehe
Carnival AU meets Original
its ok she's not drowning
The Amazing Digital... Circus???
A Christmas Carol Play!
Carnival Freakshow AU Merge!! (Freakshow AU by @hootbon)
BUZZBUZZ!! Fan character by @awful-little-goose
Whore Pomni Inside joke - more slutshaming
Pomni where yo pants at
shitpost doodles
SCANDAL!! (alt)
Genderbend time!!
Stupid fucking doodles i made at like 11 pm
Stupid fucking doodles i made at like 11 pm (I dont know why I keep making these ToT)
stupid shinanigans involving Pomni's tent (Pomni's tent for context)
Please hear her out guys
Kinger with no robe!!!
Bunnydoll real?!?!!?(Kofi request by amazing people :3)
Genderbend Jax!
Dollar store Carnival AU
Gangle simping over Able slay - Gangle PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER
Carnival GAINE!! - bro's so strong and cool and awesome
Flirty non-sentient pomni Inside joke (TW For suggestive themes): NON-CANON
Flirty non-sentient pomni (shitpost)
Memory storage restart
the silly!!
no you're not.
oh god
someone paid me 10 bucks
╔══ ❀•°❀BOUNDERIES/FAQ❀°•❀ ══╗
"Can I make OCs In Carnival?" - Yess!! Multiple people already have and they make me so happy! do whatever, as long as you're happy and having fun!! " Can I make NSFW?" - Yas and slay, just be sure to warn and spoiler it, etc. etc. be responsible when posting NSFW! " Can I make Fanfics?" - Yes and please show me!! that would be lovely!! " Can I dub/voice your stuff?" - Yes but, I have only one rule... show me pleaaasseeee pls pls pls 🥺🙏 " Can I ship the characters/self ships/ OC x Canon?" - Aughh.. this is gonna suck to explain cuz its a lot to ask.. You're allowed to ship any ship! My only boundary is that it doesn't include either Pomni or Caine being with others who are not eachother! For example: Ragatha x Jax ✅ Pomni x Jax❌ Kinger x Queenie✅ Kinger x Caine❌ As long as the ship does not include Pomni or Caine individually, I'm all aboard!! I respect Jax x Pomni shippers, as well as Kinger x caine shippers, I just don't like them myself and don't want to accidentally stumble upon them in the tag! I do apologize if that's a lot, it just makes me uncomfy! Bounderies can be very tight! :')
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shepscapades · 1 month
DBHC [Detroit Become Hermitcraft] AU MASTERPOST
This is a compiled list of links to every major dbhc post, including links to art, a list of tags that I use to organize everything for this au on my blog, character tags, and any other content for the au that you may want to specifically look for! I will do my best to update this Masterpost with every new major post I publish, so feel free to keep checking the original post (not reblogs, which will not retain edits) for new content! (Likewise, if you stumble upon a link that doesn't seem right, please feel free to let me know!)
Everything is organized below the read more by an Overview of information about the au and content organized by character. Within each character's section, posts are organized in a narrative chronological order-- NOT the order in which the posts were published. Most characters are organized in groups so links do not appear more than once.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my silly au! It's baffling to me how many people have found an interest in or love for this project, and everyone's support, encouragement, and general insanity means the world to me! <3
Dbhc, or the Detroit Become Hermitcraft AU, is an au that started as a joke and very quickly stopped being a joke LKFJGDG It’s called Detroit Become Hermitcraft, but not really because it has anything to do with the base game DBH– really, I only yoinked the android mechanics and inserted them into the minecraft-based world of hermitcraft. It’s an au that starts in Hermitcraft Season 8 (aka, many of the first androids were built for the beginning of s8 in this au), meaning that the seasons prior in this au do not technically have those hermits as part of their history. The Life Series are canon to this au, but like earlier hermitcraft seasons, 3rd Life is missing all of the android hermits due to it having taken place prior to HC Season 8.
GUIDE TO ANDROIDS - An official guide to how androids function, for those unfamiliar with dbh androids!
#dbhc – any and everything dbhc! #dbhc art – any art, comics, or silly doodles that feature the dbhc characters #dbhc ask – any response to an ask or submission that I answer related to dbhc– could be silly asks or asks related to lore! #dbhc music – any art or asks in which I speak about the music on the dbhc playlists or use the songs as inspiration for art of the narrative #dbhc fanart – any dbhc art not made by me! #dbhc fanfic – any dbhc writing not written by me! #dbhc writing – works of writing that either I’ve done or works that I consider canon to the au! (see below for links to each of these works) #dbhc sillies – these are usually asks I’ve answered that include ridiculous doodles or humorous references to more serious or angsty lore posts #dbhc theories – not a consistent tag, but something I decided to start using for asks that have interesting theories that I don't want to confirm or deny. Also used in general for large theory-based asks/my reactions to them #dbhc mechanics – any explanations related to the way the androids function [i'm still currently in the process of going back through everything and working this tag in!] #dbhc ref – official reference sheets for the characters
Character tags will be listed as #dbhc [name]. They contain both art of those characters and any mentions/discussions of them from asks. If a character is discussed or shown in any capacity, those posts should have the respective character tags! I believe these are all of the characters discussed/referenced so far:
#dbhc beef || #dbhc bdubs || #dbhc cleo || #dbhc cub || #dbhc doc || #dbhc etho || #dbhc false || #dbhc gem || #dbhc grian || #dbhc hypno || #dbhc impulse || #dbhc iskall || #dbhc jevin || #dbhc joe || #dbhc joel || #dbhc jimmy || #dbhc keralis ||#dbhc mumbo || #dbhc pearl || #dbhc ren || #dbhc scar || #dbhc skizz || #dbhc tango || #dbhc wels || #dbhc xisuma || #dbhc zed
Since Tumblr has a link embed limit of 100, I had to move every character section to it's own post :[ Which is a little annoying, but giving each character group their own post will hopefully prevent any issues going forward as I continue to add to the au without fear of hitting a link limit.
As mentioned above, the below individual posts are organized by Characters or Groups of Characters. Within each section, drawings are organized by NARRATIVE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER (Not the order in which they were posted/published).  These links contain links to posts/art specifically centered around the characters they're listed under. All posts that have a collection of characters, moments, or drawings not centered around any one specific character/characters will be found under "Other Drawings!" Stuff from Secret Life, Decked out, and other silly drawings can be found there. Character's are often cameo'd all over the place, so if you're looking for all of the content of a specific character, your best bet is perusing their respective character tag (listed above)! The posts below are to present a better/more cohesive idea of the ordered narrative of each character.
Canon Events. To Me <3
[x] @tunastime Gear of the Heart, Turning [ethubs] [x] @tunastime Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? [docsuma]
Fanfic Works I consider closely adjacent to canon:
[x] @bruhman745 [ethubs first kiss!] [x] @bruhman745 [s9 reset etho re-deviates] [x] @drachis917 [Impulse meets Gem!]
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mars-and-the-theoi · 10 months
Deity Letter Writing
Deity letters are, in my opinion anyways, a wonderful alternative to traditional prayer if praying is something you struggle with for whatever reason! Sometimes praying can be uncomfortable for me-for personal reasons, and also formality kind of squiks me out-but writing is something I’m very confident about! And it tends to come much easier to me than praying. I started writing letters about 3 years ago on a whim because I was just frustrated with praying not always working for me. And it’s worked wonderfully ever since! It’s a great way for me to be able to get whatever thoughts or feelings I’m having off my chest! It’s really no different than say if you were writing to a pen pal, or a friend, or whatever. It follows the same format and generally includes the same content (with some differences of course).
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When it comes to formatting I keep it to, like I said, like a traditional letter. I start it with ‘Lord/Lady [insert deity name here]’ sometimes I’ll precede that with ‘dear’ but that’s totally up to you! (Which is another amazing thing about this, you can tailor it to your and your relationship with the deity you’re writing too!).
Then I follow it with a quick ‘introduction’ paragraph, I just say hello, tell Them how I’m doing, tell Them that I hope They’re doing well, little things like that. And again- you can tailor this to you and your deity! You can completely omit this section or add to it. Whatever you want.
I don’t always write to Them when I need something from Them but if you do I usually include it in the second paragraph. If I don’t I usually just tell Them what I’m up to, or that I saw something that made me think of Them, etc.
In the last paragraph I thank Them for well…anything really. Maybe for being in my life, or like with Zeus I may thank Him for any rain we’ve had, etc. to me this is the most important part as it kind of builds this certain…reciprocity (idk if that’s the right word but it’s the best way I can describe it) and also it’s just kind to do! I may also ask if There’s anything in particular they want from me or anything like that. But again- you can omit or include this as you please. It’s not a must.
I don’t always do a like…’sincerely Mars’ part but if you wanted to you totally could! Sometimes I’ll just do a little doodle or maybe a funny joke that I think They’d like, or a book quote that made me think of Them, etc. whatever you want really!
Now I know a major concern is ‘do They receive these?’ And my response is a resounding yes, at least in my experience. If you talk while you write you could totally treat it as a prayer! But I usually don’t and just like…’hear’ the words in my head as I write which is good enough! I usually just call whichever deity it id I’m writing to beforehand in the same way you would before praying or giving an offering! I usually just say ‘Hear [insert deity name] as I write this letter to you’ then go for it! And of course, you can alter this to whatever works best for you. I also may light (or turn on, I use electric candles) their candle and bring it over to wherever I’m writing or listen to Their deity playlist. Just whatever I need to do to ‘get in the zone’.
As far as ‘disposal’ goes, I have a little wooden locked box that I have that they go into! Then when my aunt and uncle do a bonfire I just take it over and toss the letters into the fire. But this part totally depends on you and your situation. You could rip it up, or shred it. Or set it on their altar. If you wanted to you could just write them in a notebook and keep them in there. Or you could do it on your phone! In your notesapp or whoever else.
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Freaky Friday - A Stranger Things Story (Part 2)
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
Word Count: 8.4k
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader, Eddie and Steve (Enemies to Friends)
Summary: Eddie thinks that Steve has everything in life handed to him on a silver platter (including his new girlfriend who Eddie has a crush on). And Steve just can't believe that the kids look up to Eddie the Freak, or that he lives his life without giving a single fuck.
Must be nice. But you know what they say, the grass is always greener.
Warnings/Themes: AU with no Upside Down. Body swapping, dark magic/alchemy, unrequited love, mutual pining, Babysitter Steve, No Upside Down means slightly still King Steve, unresolved feelings, manipulation/deception, Reader gets a nickname (Honey), no Y/N if I can help it, no smut in Part 2 either but the next chapter does get steamy.
Note: Ok big shout out to @ghost-proofbaby for her Steve lessons and just generally being a Steve soundboard. I'm not a Steve girl yet but...idk. And then also to @trashmouth-richie for being so supportive and listening as I ramble on about plot things. I admire you both as writers and love you guys as friends; thank you for your support.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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“No, no, no,” Steve whined as he approached the mirror, squishing his face and pinching at his cheeks. “This is a dream. I’m still asleep. Or I’m dead.”
He cleared his throat a few times, slapped it, pinched his Adam's apple. He used every bit of willpower in him to stop the voice that was coming out of his mouth from being Eddie’s voice. It didn't stop that everything else was Eddie's though.
Eddie’s hair. His face. His body.
Steve was in his house—trailer, Steve recalled. It was a trailer. He was wearing his clothes. Sleeping in his bed.
Steve vaguely recalled the thing he thought last night when Eddie left Family Video.
A curse.
Eddie had put a curse on Steve. Steve had made Eddie pay non-member prices for his stupid video rental and Eddie put a fucking curse on him?!
There was a knock at the door and Steve jumped.
"Everything alright in there Ed?" a hoarse, muffled voice asked.
"Uhhh," Steve tried to come up with some kind of response, but suddenly all of the excuses he could ever come up with eluded him. Every scrap of knowledge he had ever reluctantly learned about Eddie Munson—thwip—gone.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had to focus, get in the moment, clear his head. If this was a basketball game or a swim meet, he would never let himself get this worked up.
"I'm fine," he started and then paused.
Eddie's parents weren't around anymore, who did he live with? The kids had mentioned it once or twice, said the guy was nice, a little rough around the edges. Said he let Eddie do whatever he wanted for the most part. His uncle...
"I'm fine Uncle W-wayne," Steve answered.
"Late for school," Wayne sighed. "You skipping again?"
Steve didn't know what kind of excuse to come up with. What kind of excuses did Eddie give his uncle? His attendance was abysmal, Steve knew, and on the days he was in class, his attention was barely there. Always scribbling and doodling and cracking jokes when he was called on to answer.
He should have just dropped out the first time he failed, a fact that Steve had mocked him for repeatedly, let alone this second time.
Fuck, but if Steve was stuck in Eddie's body, he couldn't not go to school. He had enough trouble with his high school diploma, let alone without one. Maybe...maybe he could ask Dustin to help with his—
That little brat would be at school. Of course. He and others...they were a part of this little cult...maybe they knew what Eddie did to him? Or they could help him at the very least figure out how to reverse this curse.
"Listen son," Wayne continued. "I know it's hard to do this all over again; I told you that you didn't—"
"No, it's ok," Steve quickly cut him off. "I just slept in...accidentally. I'll go. I'm late but I'll go."
"Alright, whatever you say. I got a fresh pot going for you but I'm gonna get cleaned up and hit the hay alright?"
"Sounds good," Steve replied absentmindedly, staring around the room trying to figure out what, in all of the piles of clothing and junk, he could wear.
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"Steve Harrington."
Eddie rummaged through the products in the medicine cabinet. Shampoos and after shaves and hair gels and mousses. Way more interesting and expensive sounding than the bottom shelf stuff he got at Melvald's.
He had to be honest, some of it didn't smell great and he didn't see the appeal. Oh well.
"The name's Harrington, Steve Harrington."
He shuffled through the clothes in the closet and the dressed. A lot of trendy, Sears catalog-looking stuff. Polos and windbreakers and jeans in various shades of blue. All neatly hung and folded, nothing out of place, even the underwear drawer was pristine. Nothing black or ripped or...god forbid a band tee or something like that.
Eddie was gonna have to change that...eventually.
"Hey, uh, have we met before? I'm Steve, Steve Harrington."
After the initial shock of finding that he was, indeed, in Steve's body, a sort-of calmness washed over Eddie. The panic subsided pretty quickly, to be honest; he might have been full of electric, frantic energy that dared to be contained, but he was also very good at improvising and devising a plan thanks to years of DnD.
But what was the plan when you found yourself in someone else's body? There wasn't really a handbook for that but like any good player...he would just have to play the part until the answers were revealed to him. And that meant he would have to become Steve Harrington--know Steve Harrington--in a way that he would have loathed if he wasn't in this situation specifically.
The first step had been checking out what Steve was packing.
Eddie peeled away the tight purple briefs and stared at his dick.
"Alright Harrington, alright," Eddie bobbed his head from side to side in contemplation and then grinned ferally. "Mine's bigger." And with that he adjusted himself back in the underwear and continued on his exploration.
Clothes, shoes, books—or more accurately the lack thereof.
Jesus, how have I failed twice and he graduated?
He dug through drawers, found the stash of dirty magazines under the bed, and then scanned over the calendar neatly pinned above the desk with shifts at Family Video clearly penciled-in in a handwriting that looked way too nice to be Steve's.
Steve would be expected to open the store this morning and Eddie grimaced. It wasn't exactly how he wanted to spend his day, but he had a part to play.
He grabbed the little green and orange vest hanging off the back of the desk chair and threw it on over the trendy striped polo that made him itch—did Steve have some kind of allergy or something? God, his chest and arms were just itchy, and it was driving Eddie nuts.
He headed downstairs, through the immaculate house that he vaguely knew the layout of having dealt at a party Steve held last year, to the kitchen to rummage for some kind of breakfast.
He had already checked upstairs and now again as he walked through; the house was empty. Steve's parents gone for the day.
Eddie rolled his eyes as he opened the fridge and found, among the very neat and plentiful groceries, a brown paper lunch bag with the name "Stevie" written on it with a little heart.
"Great," Eddie scoffed bitterly, the first really sour thought he’d had all morning. "His mommy still makes his lunches."
Eddie thought about the handwriting on the calendar upstairs; it was the same as the lunch bag. Thought about the neatly folded clothes, about the extremely tidy rooms. He knew Steve's mom didn't work; she didn't do much of anything except parade around town flaunting her perfect life.
And she was a real bitch.
She was on the Hawkins Town Council and the PTA. She was the first person to call Hellfire Club a cult when they had originally petitioned for some money from the PTA for shirts a few years back. She had called Eddie a menace too many times to count, periodically to his face if he parked a little too close to the front to her liking at Bradley's.
"And she makes her precious baby boy Stevie tuna salad sandwiches and ants on a log like he's 6," Eddie grumbled as he peeked inside the bag. He couldn't remember the last time someone made his lunch for him.
Well he could...in those early days with Wayne. They were both trying to navigate the new living arrangement after his mom had passed. He wasn't that great at peanut butter and jelly or carrot sticks...but he did teach Eddie that you could put potato chips inside of your sandwich though. Taught him how to make the best of a situation, to take care of himself.
So that's what he was going to do. He was gonna make the best out of this situation and play the part and get through the day. Because things were always good—life was always good—if you were Steve Harrington. And he was Steve Harrington now.
"And Steve Harrington," Eddie pushed past the bitterness and found a little spark of goodness. "Drives a BMW."
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"Watch where you're going freak!" Someone grunted at Steve as they rammed their shoulder into his as they passed.
"When did everyone get so damn rude?" Steve grumbled to himself. It was the fifth person who had done that today. Hawkins High really had gone to the pits in the past few months since he graduated.
To be fair, everything had really sucked for him so far that day. He thought, Hawkins High was his stomping ground. Just put on the Harrington charm—despite the rough exterior—and everything would work out.
He was so wrong.
First he had gotten detention for being late to class, apparently for the third day that week—
God, Munson needed to get his act together; no wonder he hadn't graduated yet.
—then when he had tried to schmooze Mrs. Worth, the school secretary, into giving him Dustin's schedule, she laughed. And when he asked if he could have a copy of his own schedule, Eddie's schedule, she had just rolled her eyes and said,
"Trying every trick in the book to get out of classes, Edward. I can't help you unless you help yourself."
"How can I help myself if I don't have a schedule Jeanine?" he snarked, figuring Eddie's own signature shitty attitude would get him somewhere instead.
It only added an extra 15 minutes onto his detention.
Finally he managed to find the crumbled scrap of a class schedule in Eddie's locker—the only locker without a lock on it although he doubted anyone would want to steal from this absolute cesspit—amongst the piles of incomplete homework and garbage and overdue library books. It took everything in Steve not to rip it to pieces when he saw archaic symbols drawn all over it, no doubt another curse Eddie was waiting to enact on someone.
Steve just went through the motions and still got picked on and berated by every teacher and most of the students. Of course, Eddie fucking deserved everything he got. He was a lazy student and a menace, always causing some kind of trouble. But it made Steve especially grumbly that he would now have to deal with the fallout of Eddie's shit. Despite trying to adapt his own good behavior.
"Just gotta find Henderson and this will all have been some silly dream," Steve muttered to himself all day. And thankfully he had survived until lunch and immediately spotted Dustin and Mike as they sat down at the freaks' usual lunch table.
God he needed to get those kids away from Munson and his cult. Especially now that he knew what they could do.
He quickly crossed the busy cafeteria, uncaring of anyone he bumped into or the sharp words they spat at him.
"Henderson, we need to have a little chat," Steve announced as he reached the table. One of the older kids at the table—Steve tried to recall his name: Gary, Garth, Garrett—perked up at the sight of "Eddie" though and started chatting excitedly.
"Hey we were just talking about Hellfire tonight. I know you won't tell us anything but do we ne—”
"Hellfire's canceled," Steve dismissed coldly.
"What?!" They all started talking over one another.
"You never cancel Hellfire."
"Are you sick?"
"Guys he's dying. Or he's lost his mind."
Steve felt the annoyance bubble up inside of him and he raised his voice.
"It's canceled!" He leveled all of them with a scathing look. "I've got detention. Alright?"
"You always have detention," Mike spoke up, then cowered slightly as Steve glared at him. "Y-you've never canceled before..."
"Tough shit. Maybe next week." Steve turned his attention back to Dustin. "Let's go."
He grabbed Dustin by the arm, hauled him out of his seat, and pulled him out of the cafeteria.
As soon as the heavy double doors clicked shut behind them, Steve fell back against the wall and buried his face in his hands.
"Shit! Eddie!" Dustin's demeanor immediately went from fear to concern. "What's going on?"
"'m not Eddie," Steve groaned.
"I'm not Eddie!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands out as if it would reveal who he actually was. "It's Steve, I'm Steve."
"I'm Steve and I woke up in Eddie's body and I don't know what's happening and I'm..." He started breathing heavily. "I'm so fucking pissed off and I'm so fucking scared."
"Hey listen man, I know," Dustin began hesitantly. "I know you keep telling us that the weed is not for freshman but if this is supposed to scare me—"
"This isn't to scare you," Steve grumbled, grabbing Dustin by the shoulders so he could pull him closer. "I'm not high. And I'm not Eddie. I'm Steve Harrington."
Dustin blinked at him.
"Ok..." he nodded slowly. "You're Steve Harrington? Tell me something only Steve and I would know."
Steve wracked his brain; there were a lot of things that he and Dustin shared, he was closer to Dustin than all of the other kids. But now, so was Eddie...so what was something that Eddie wouldn't know?
"Last year...last December..."
"The Snow Ball?"
"I helped you with your hair...I told you my secret."
"Which was?"
Steve and Dustin stared each other down for a moment before Steve caved.
"Thefarrahfawcettspray," he muttered.
"What was that?"
"The Farrah Fawcett Spray, alright? I swore you to secrecy, I wouldn't tell anyone else, let alone Eddie Munson." He clenched his hands into fists and gritted his teeth.
"Son of a bitch!" Dustin hissed. "It really is you."
"I told you so, you little punk."
"What did...I mean..." Dustin clutched the bill of his cap with both hands and exhaled. "How?"
"I was hoping you could help me figure that out," Steve sighed. "And how to undo it."
"I think this is a little beyond my academic ability Steve."
"No, not just because you're smart. Because you hang around Munson. He's the one who did this to me."
"Wh-what?" Steve started talking a mile a minute and Dustin stopped him. "Ok, slow down. I'm gonna need you to start over. If you want me to help you, I need to know everything."
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Steve spent the rest of lunch explaining everything to Dustin, from the interaction with Eddie at Family Video to feeling off last night during dinner and then waking up in Eddie's body this morning.
Dustin asked, what seemed to be, random questions. Like if he had remembered brushing his teeth the night before, if he’d had any indigestion, or if there were any scars that he had as Steve that might have appeared on "Eddie's" body instead.
"I wasn't exactly eager to check Eddie's body out," Steve scrunched his nose in dismissal.
"You didn't even take a shower or anything?" Dustin asked.
"I mean, no," Steve shrugged. "But now that I think of it...how am I gonna even be able to take a shower. Ugh, I don't want to touch Eddie's junk."
"Your junk," Dustin reminded him.
"Eddie's body," Steve insisted.
"And you're Eddie for the foreseeable future," Dustin shrugged. The bell signaling the end of the period rang and Dustin sighed. "Listen, I'm gonna skip next period and see if the school library has anything useful. But I'm not hopeful."
"Hey, you shouldn't skip class!" Steve argued.
"It's just Latin."
"Which you're failing."
"Skipping one class while you've literally had your mind transplanted into another body over night seems like the correct choice. I'll see you later." Dustin disappeared amongst the throngs of students and Steve sighed, resigned to go through the motions for the rest of the day.
It was a lot more of the same shit he'd gone through in the morning: getting body checked in the hall, having his books slapped out of his hand, teachers purposefully calling on him thinking he wasn't paying attention—even though he was, thank you very much. Although...considering that Eddie's notebooks were filled with doodles and poetry and shit...it wasn't a far stretch to believe that no, Eddie didn't actually pay any attention in class.
Steve actually had never had any classes with Eddie except for PE, really. And the fact that Eddie got into constant arguments with Coach should have been enough of an indicator of his poor academic performance as it was. But he’d based all of his assumptions on other factors. They hadn’t really interacted short of seeing him roaming the halls, the many few times Steve and his friends had mocked the Hellfire kids, even the one or two times Steve had gone up to Eddie himself to coerce him into dealing at a party.
He had always thought of Eddie as a thorn in everyone's side...but now being Eddie...
The bell rang signaling the end of the day and although Steve knew he had to get to the cafeteria for detention, he still went to find Dustin and see if he had any answers.
It wasn't a long search, Dustin was waiting by Eddie's locker looking...incredibly nervous.
"Anything?" Steve asked.
"The school library isn't well-stocked with occult books," Dustin sighed. "Best I could find was this, Mysteries of the Unknown, which I'm gonna read, I just don't think it's gonna help us out very much."
Steve groaned and covered his face with his hands.
This was just great.
“Listen, I’m gonna level with you this is…kind of outside of my expertise here Steve,” Dustin said hesitantly.
“But what about the cult stuff,” Steve asked, throwing his hands out. “You spend every Friday with Hellfire Club.”
“Playing a board game,” Dustin defended. “One that you could have learned by now if you just—”
“You’re telling me there aren’t any spells or...or something that could do this in your little game?"
"It's Dungeons and Dragons. Not Jumanji."
"...does that game maybe have a spell that—"
"Well what about all of this shit Eddie has drawn in his notebooks, huh?" Steve fumbled to flip to one of the pages that had little symbols drawn in the corner. "What is this?"
"Probably something for a campaign. Maybe you should ask Eddie?" Steve froze and Dustin frowned. "You...have talked to Eddie about this right? You didn't just...come to school...without talking to Eddie, did you?"
Steve felt like an idiot. Of course Eddie would be in his body if he was in Eddie's. Eddie didn't just...banish Steve...he put a curse on both of them.
"Dustin Henderson, you are a genius." Steve pressed a kiss to Dustin's head, turned on his heel, and ran towards the door. Detention be damned.
"I'm not a genius, you're just an idiot!"
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For all of the fears Eddie had about growing up—finally graduating, deciding if he should take some classes at the community college like the guidance counselor suggested ages ago, having to get a job or really throwing everything he had into making Corroded Coffin successful—he was honestly having a good time working at Family Video.
Steve always seemed a little bored and grumpy every time Eddie had stopped in. But it wasn't that bad if Eddie was being honest.
He'd been a little frantic at first, trying to figure out which key unlocked the door, and how to turn on the computer and open the cash register—thankfully there were little handwritten instructions taped under the keyboard—but once everything was up and running, it was a good time. He got to put a movie on—Star Wars, duh—easily chatted with some of the apparent-regulars who came by to make returns, even processed shipments of some new releases. It was a blast.
Eddie vaguely wondered, whenever he found himself back in his own body, if he should apply for a job here.
The bell above the door rang and Eddie turned, expecting to greet customers, only to be met with a fuming Robin Buckley.
Eddie didn’t know Robin very well, but what he did know he respected, if not outright liked. During his first senior year, she and a group of band nerds had gone up against Corroded Coffin in the last round of the Hawkins High Battle of the Bands. Now, he knew that the whole competition was rigged—Corroded Coffin had gotten second place despite being the best metal band in town—but she was pretty cool to shake their hands after the event was over. Tell them how good they were.
Of course, her band did a cover of "We Will Rock You" and "We are the Champions." Kind of cheating if you'd asked Eddie...but they did a pretty good job of it. He couldn't fault the student body for choosing that over the alleged Devil Worship music.
However, gone was the bashful Robin in his memory, and instead there she stood seemingly gearing up for a fight, with her sleeves rolled up and teeth gnashing together as she sneered.
"Forget something today dingus?" Robin asked "Steve" through clenched teeth.
"Uhhh," Eddie fumbled. "I don't kn—"
"Me! You forgot to pick me up for school," Robin exclaimed, hands thrown up in the air in exasperation. "You didn't even call? What gives?"
"I, uh," Eddie wracks his brain for an excuse. Because he didn't know he needed to? Because he wasn't actually Steve? "I accidentally overslept."
"And then I was worried about you," Robin rambled, running a hand through her bangs as she went on. "You could have...crashed into a pole, or...or...had a stroke and drove into a ditch."
"I'm sorry," Eddie offered with a half-smile.
"You better be! And your alarm better be set on Monday; I am not walking to school again," Robin grumbled as she headed to the back room to clock in. Eddie sighed in relief as the door shut behind her.
He really did feel bad about not picking her up for school. His friends were used to him skipping or just...sleeping late. If he wasn't at their houses to pick them up by a certain time, they knew they'd have to find another ride. Or just walk.
Gareth's mom was usually nice enough to give them rides on the days when Eddie didn't show.
But Robin...well, shit, Eddie knew Steve and Robin worked together...not only here but at Scoops Ahoy before this but damn, he didn't know Harrington was driving her to school. He must have been really good about picking her up every day if she was mad and worried.
"—and the thing is that I worried all day for nothing." Robin continued as she walked back onto the shop floor. "What if he's dead? What if his parents don't know? I think I failed my algebra test because of you so...just call next time ok?" She stared at him expectantly.
"Ok, I will," Eddie nodded. But Robin just narrowed her eyes at him and folded her arms across her chest. "What?"
"What do you mean what?" she asked. "What are you still standing there for? It's almost 4."
"Oh!" Eddie checked his watch. "Is it? I guess...my shift is over right?"
She stared at him with a dumbfounded expression and then slammed her hands on the counter, making him jump.
"This is why you're single, this is why you can't find a girlfriend," she whined. "I don't even feel bad for you anymore. Not when you're screwing it up every step of the way. I really thought you were gonna get it right this time."
What was she talking about?
"How could you forget!?"
And in spectacular timing that Eddie could only have expected in a movie, the clock struck 4, the bell rang as the door opened, and you walked in for your date with Steve.
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You were nervous.
Of course you were nervous, this was your third date with Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington. You sort of still didn't believe that he had asked you out.
You didn’t believe you were still going out with him.
It was just a random night that you'd run into Family Video to grab a movie before they closed. How easily he bantered with you, how he made you laugh, how he suggested Sixteen Candles of all movies for your study night with the girls from your classes at the Tri-County Community College.
He had made a joke when he looked up your mom’s membership…if the number on file was up-to-date so he could inform you of new releases…or just to ask you out.
You had giggled so stupidly after you left. He had called that night.
You'd always been sort of afraid of him during school. He was cute, sure, charming when he wanted to be...but he was popular and a jock and kind of a douche. You’d seen him pick on countless nerds.
He was King Steve, The "Hair" Harrington, whose dad owned the car dealership and had even run for Mayor once and was expected to run again. And you...you didn't have confidence issues really, but there wasn't anything really special about you either. You'd always held out hope that your silly high school crush would ask you out, so you never accepted any of the offers you had from any other boys.
But he never ended up asking you out, no matter how many signals you gave him, how much time you spent with him. How you wore the cutest outfits if you knew you’d partner with him in class.
And shy of some random drunken makeouts and one unfortunate hookup at some stupid party to get your first time “out of the way” (according to Julie Williams)…you stayed single.
Now you were out of the dregs of the high school hierarchy, sure, but you never expected Steve to ask you out. You weren't popular by any means...
But neither was Nancy Wheeler before Steve dated her.
Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler.
You couldn't get the name out of your head. Or more accurately, you couldn't get Steve saying her name out of your head. You hadn't even heard of her until they had started dating in your junior year; she was a year younger than you and Steve. Sweet, a little timid maybe. You thought they were cute together, always kind of near each other. Holding hands or kissing or laughing.
Nancy stood in the spotlight with Steve, and they spent enough time for him to become nicer and for her to become more confident. Confident enough to dump him about halfway through your senior year.
Rumors were afloat about King Steve losing his crown. That the new kid Billy Hargrove had taken it when the king was down on his luck. But Billy was an even bigger douchebag and you'd thought...well, Steve was the big man on campus, he would bounce back right? Surely once you graduated at least? He’d find his footing and move on?
And you thought he had. He’d stayed in town, gotten a job, went about his life like it was normal. Still drove around and charmed the town, asking girls out and whatnot. Asking you out.
Imagine your surprise when he mentioned Nancy on your first date. Coffee at that little bakery in the town square; he had ordered for you before you got there and you asked if it was his favorite or something.
"Well Nance always liked it so I figured you might."
And then again at the movies, he'd ordered you a cherry coke and Mike and Ikes. No popcorn.
"Nancy always complained about the kernels getting stuck in her teeth."
You were patient and you tried to be nice. But it created this constant, subconscious comparison to her that hit you every time you saw her around town. And she was always around.
And Steve…tried, he made sure the dates were nice, he called on the phone, asked you about your day, told you about his. You just knew you couldn’t…allow yourself to feel less than, even if Steve didn’t realize he was doing it to you.
So you decided you were gonna end things.
You'd gone to Family Video to tell him as much, to have a nice discussion, before heading to your shift at Benny's. But he was very sweet, unexpectedly so. Promised your third date would be something special. You'd both dress up. He'd take you out to dinner somewhere nice.
"You're gonna love this place," Steve had said, taking your hand in his. "Nance thought it was great when I took her there too."
Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler.
And at that moment you decided to just pull your hand away and tell him "I'm sorry Steve" and "you can’t keep bringing her up, it’s over."
Until you caught sight of Eddie Munson at the corner of your eye.
Your high school crush.
Who was funny and clever and silly and handsome and more. Who was everything you could kind of ever dream of. Who you got into a fight with your best friend over because she thought she had dibs since her brother was his friend. Whose name you scribbled in your notebook and almost died the one time he flipped through to copy your notes.
Who never saw you as more than a classmate.
And you decided...even if you were tired of playing second fiddle to Nancy…you had spent enough time waiting to be noticed by Eddie. All of high school and, you were ashamed to say it, even now after the fact.
You couldn’t do this anymore. Couldn’t pass upon another boy who actually noticed you just to keep waiting on Eddie.
So you told Steve that his idea was great and you went on your merry way.
You had convinced yourself that it could work out, that you could be Steve’s girlfriend if he asked, if he kissed you at the end of the night. You'd dressed up to go to class today, knowing that you wouldn't have time to change for the date after. Your friends had teased you about your date, about the fluffy tafetta dress you'd chosen, giggled along with you and inflated your confidence.
It was still a little bit of a shock when you walked into Family Video promptly at 4 only to find Robin standing in front of the counter with the most pitying, sympathetic look in her eyes. And Steve still behind it, looking like a deer in the headlights, still dressed in his casual work clothes, hair slightly disheveled.
Not prepared for your date at all.
Did he forget?
You shouldn’t have felt bad, really. You were meeting him after his shift. You knew that you didn’t always look or feel great after work. You should have given him the benefit of the doubt.
Or did he change his mind?
Because he talked the talk yesterday and you fell for it. You let your pride get the better of you and you should have just followed your instinct to end things.
That insidious voice in the back of your mind though…
Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler.
…told you that he realized you weren’t good enough.
"H-hey," you greeted sheepishly. Your throat got tight
“Say hi dumbass,” Robin muttered over her shoulder. “Steve was just telling me how excited he was for your date!”
And then…it felt like Steve was suddenly seeing you for the first time. Because Steve Harrington just had a way about him, right?. That cool, casual exterior. That easiness.
Looking at him now…his eyes were wider and brighter, his smile bigger, eager. It was a version of him that you hadn’t experienced.
Was this maybe what Nancy Wheeler saw when she looked at him…looking at her?
And now he was looking at you this way.
"I...I'm not late am I? Or too early maybe?" you asked, suddenly bashful under his gaze.
“No,” Steve shook his head. “You’re perfect.”
“Gross,” Robin gagged. “Ok get out of here before I vomit.”
Steve practically vaulted over the counter and disappeared into the back for a moment, then situated himself at your side upon his return.
“You ready to go?” He asked eagerly. You raised your eyebrows in question and glanced down at his outfit, still dressed the same, still wearing his Family Video vest even.
“Oh you…” you started and then stopped when his smile got even brighter. “Yeah let’s go.”
You were barely out the door when a familiar van skidded into the parking lot and came to a halt in the spot next to your car. Eddie jumped out of the driver's seat and slammed the door, before pointing at Steve with a manic look in his eyes.
“You!” Eddie shouted. “What did you do? How did you do this!?”
You immediately turned to Steve, whose eyes went wide for a moment before he smiled lazily, almost condescendingly.
“Me? I didn’t do anything,” Steve announced, holding his hands up innocently.
“I know you’re in there Eddie, you son of a bitch,” Eddie grumbled and practically lunged at Steve. Steve jumped a few steps back and you got between the two of them, hoping your presence would put Eddie at ease.
Did he call Steve…Eddie? Did he call Steve by…his own name?
Was he high or something? You tried to rationalize it: The anger, the manic look in his eyes, the way his shoulders shook as he breathed heavily. It only made sense.
“Hey look at me,” you said gently. “It’s gonna be ok, you need to take a deep breath and calm down. You’re gonna be ok.”
“Stay out of this honey,” Eddie said through clenched teeth. “This is between me and him.”
“Steve, what’s going on?” You glance back at him for an answer.
“Nothi—” Steve began but Eddie quickly spoke over him.
“He put a curse on me, he put a curse on us,” Eddie heaved.
A curse?
“M-maybe you need a doctor or something,” you tried. “You aren’t making any sense.”
”He doesn’t need a doctor,” Steve called from behind you. “He’s a freak, a criminal. He needs to be locked up.”
Eddie froze and looked between you and Steve, fear suddenly in his eyes.
“Steve are you crazy?!” You turned and hissed at him, but by the time you turned back to Eddie, he was backing away and retreating into the van.
“This isn’t over,” he threatened, pointing at Steve through the window. “You’re gonna fix this.”
“Eddie wait!” The van backed out of its spot and sped back out of the parking lot. You sighed with worry. “Eddie.”
“Sweetheart,” Steve casually put a hand on your shoulder “Don’t worry about him.”
You turned on your heel and slapped his hand off you.
“What the hell is wrong with you!?”
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Eddie played the part perfectly...
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"
...or so he thought.
While he would never call anyone else a freak, standing and staring at his own face--despite the realization that Steve was in there--it was almost cathartic to yell those things at himself. To get a feel of what everyone else felt when they yelled those things at him. To not be on the receiving end of it for once.
Except you didn't seem to see it that way.
While Eddie had felt like he had hit the jackpot all day, being in Steve's body, he knew that he really came out ahead when you showed up for your date with him. The thought briefly crossed his mind...if he broke your heart as Steve...it might be a better chance for him to ask you out and for you to say yes.
But considering that he might possibly spend the rest of his life as Steve Harrington...having you was too good of a chance to pass up.
He would rather have you as Steve, knowing you would never care for him as Eddie, than lose you altogether.
Except that might be exactly what he had done as you stood there glaring at him.
"W-what?" He asked nervously.
"Are you kidding me right now?" you exclaimed. "He...there was clearly something wrong with him. How could you say those things? How could you call him those names? And then he...he left...what if he gets hurt?"
"What do you care about Eddie Munson?" he scoffed.
"He's my friend!"
Hearing that made his heart ache in his chest. He was a friend. Yeah. Just a friend. Which is why...if he wanted to salvage this, he would have to think quickly.
"I just...you're right," he explained, holding his hands out defensively. "He looked like...there was something wrong. And you were so quick to jump in the way...what if he hurt you?"
"He wouldn't!"
"I was worried."
"He wouldn't have hurt me."
"Listen to me," he soothed and approached you carefully in case you lashed out again. "I...I care about you, honey. I don't want to see you hurt. And Eddie...definitely looked like he was ready to hurt someone. I needed to get him away from you."
You gnawed at your bottom lip for a moment, pulling at your fingers nervously as you contemplated his excuse.
"Alright," you finally nodded. "I understand."
"You do?" he asked.
"Yeah," you sighed. "But please...please don't do that again. Don't call Eddie a freak. He's my friend and he deserves better than that."
Eddie's throat got tight, wanting to scream--
It's me. I'm Eddie. I'm in here.
--instead he took a few steps closer and folded you into a hug. You shook for a second, and god damn did he feel like he was on the verge of shaking too.
He needed a distraction.
"So...how about that date huh?" He questioned after a few moments of savoring the feel of you in his arms. "You ready to go."
"Sure," you pulled back and gave him a small smile. "Where are we going?"
Eddie, of course, had no idea where Steve had planned to take you. His mommy didn't mark dates in his calendar like she did his work schedule. So he simply decided to make something up on the spot. One of his favorite places.
He simply told you it was a surprise and led you to Steve's BMW, opening the door for you like a gentleman should, before he got you both on the way.
His fingers fidgeted on the steering wheel as he drove. He debated asking you questions, but decided against it on the off chance that they were things Steve had already on your first two dates. And the music that Steve had in the car was abysmal and wouldn't do anything to calm Eddie's nerves.
You seemed content to stare out the window as he drove though, still fidgeting with your fingers as the drab scenery passed by once he got onto old highway 77.
A few miles past Starcourt sat "Stoney Creek Adventure Center," boasting a halfway decent arcade and two miniature golf courses. With all of the new amusements in and around Hawkins, it wasn't as busy as it was the few times his mom and Rick had taken him when he was a kid. But it was still pretty lively on a Friday night: some families with younger kids, a couple of teens who snuck into the windmill to get high and make out.
Eddie escorted you out of the car and watched as you stared at the half-faded turf and oversized obstacles.
"So?" he asked, hands on his hips. "What do you think?"
Your hesitation to answer made his throat tight again.
What if this wasn't a Steve Harrington-calibur date?
"Uh..." you paused and looked at him out of the corner of your eye. "This is the place you took Nancy Wheeler? You said...you were taking me someplace she really liked."
Alright, time to make it or break it.
"I just thought you might like something different," he shrugged. "I thought...I've been bringing up Nancy a little too much. I want to enjoy new things. With you."
The way your gaze softened and you smiled at him...yeah, he was really fixing all of Harrington's fuck-ups. Give you everything you deserved.
"Oh, that's...yeah, that's really sweet," you giggled. "I...I didn't want to say anything...I know she was important to you. But I was actually starting to feel like--"
"Hey, listen," he interrupted you, knowing what you were going to say next...feeling a little smug that he was right. "The past is the past. I'm sorry I made you feel like you were playing second fiddle to Nancy."
"You really did," you confirmed.
"But I really like you," Eddie admitted, feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders as the words escaped him. Even though the voice he said them with was not his own. "I want you to feel important too. Ok?"
"Ok," you agreed, lips pursed and nose scrunched as you obviously fought a smile.
"Alright then, let's get to putting," he clapped his hands together and started walking towards the arcade to pay for your rounds of golf.
He stopped, however, as you grabbed him by the arm.
"Don't you think I'm a little overdressed?" you asked bashfully, gesturing down at yourself. "You told me we were going someplace nice."
He placed a hand over his heart and acted wounded.
"You're saying mini golf isn't nice?" he whimpered.
"No, it's perfect, I just..." you shrugged. "I don't know, I think...I don't even have a jacket or anything."
"Well tell you what," he said and peeled his Family Video vest from his shoulders. "As long as you don't tell Keith that I made you a temporary employee for the night--that's what this means you know, so don't take it lightly--you can wear my vest."
You didn't fight the smile this time, it beamed brightly in the golden afternoon light. You put the vest on and did a little turn, modeling it for him, looking slightly ridiculous with your fancy dress and the stupid green and orange vest.
What Eddie wouldn't have done right then to have his battle vest instead right then. To make you look like you were his girl and not Steve's.
"Beautiful," he told you truthfully. "Now you ready to lose? I happen to be a mini golf champion."
"In your dreams," you scoffed.
No...not in his dreams anymore...
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At the end of the night, well past it getting dark, Steve drove you back to the strip mall parking lot for you to get your car and head home. But it felt no less romantic than it would have been if he was actually dropping you off at home and you were chatting on your porch before you went inside.
“I really did have a great time tonight,” you told him honestly. It felt like a cliché, like something from a tv show. But...despite the rocky start, you did have a great time and it was absolutely nothing you expected from Steve of all people, especially not after those first two dates. After all of the things you had doubted.
You had played both of the miniature golf courses, sat at the little picnic benches and shared a basket of half-soggy fries with ice cream cones--yours strawberry, his a chocolate-vanilla swirl--and chatted about your classes, and then ended the night beating the high score on Space Invaders.
Maybe things were looking up after all. Maybe you were right to give him this last chance.
“It was kind of perfect," you continued. "Thank you.”
“Well, what can I say?” Steve beamed. “I’m full of good ideas, when I’m inspired to have them.”
“And I, um, inspired you?” You asked hesitantly.
“You have no idea,” he laughed. “You wouldn’t even believe what was going on in here even if I told you.” He tapped his forehead a few times.
You reached up and rapped your knuckles on the side of his head the way you would a watermelon to see if it was ripe.
“I dunno, sounds kind of hollow to me—Steve!!” He grabbed you around the middle and started tickling you. You yelped and giggled as his fingers relentlessly tapped and pinched at your sides. “Stop it.”
“Sorry, honey, I told you I was full of ideas,” he pouted playfully but didn’t let up. “You just looked awful ticklish; it inspired me.”
“I can’t,” you laughed. “I can’t breathe.”
“I guess I can stop,” Steve sighed, the tickling letting up for a moment. His hands stilled on your waist as you caught your breath and he inched closer. “I think I’m inspired by something else now, to be completely honest with you.”
And then he did a thing--something he had been doing all night--he was looking at you like he couldn’t really believe you were there with him. His eyes were sparkling and happy. His smile wasn’t the…signature smooth Harrington smile that you’d grown accustomed to the last few dates. It was wider, easier.
“Y-yeah?” You whispered. “What’s that?”
He leaned in closer, rubbed his nose against yours. Your eyes fluttered shut and you exhaled softly.
"C-can I," he whispered, soft enough that you could barely hear him. "Can I kiss you, honey?"
"Y-yeah," you agreed just as softly. He hummed but didn't make another move, choosing to continue giving you such soft attention. It made your heart melt.
"You sure?"
"Please," you keened.
He let out a soft chuckle and pressed his lips to yours and you sighed.
If was all of the tender softness you deserved, but never knew in the fast, hormone-and-alcohol driven kisses you had experienced in high school. However few. You were simply surrounded by him.
His touch--his soft lips molding to yours, pressing, and his hands on your waist, pulling--constant and pleading for more but never pushing. His scent that invaded your senses--sharp and citrusy and fresh, like a summer's day. His sounds, that simple...constant little hum as the seconds ticked by.
He was everywhere and everything.
You thought about Eddie earlier that day, the striking, wild look in his eye. So different from the Eddie you were used to, the Eddie you cared about, the Eddie your heart beat for over the past 5 years. You were worried about him, yes, but one thought occupied your mind.
How would Eddie have kissed you?
Your heart stung when Steve pulled away and you blinked back the burning in the back of your eyes.
You couldn't entertain those thoughts, not when Steve was standing right in front of you, after he had just kissed you so perfectly, and looked at you as if you were the only thing that could ever make him happy.
“G’night honey,” he murmured.
“Goodnight,” you whispered guiltily. "Goodnight Steve."
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Eddie made it back to the Harrington's house with a big smile on his face.
He could do this forever if he had to.
Live in Steve's body, go to work at Steve's job, drive Steve's car, kiss Steve's girlfriend.
He'd been partially wondering on his drive back to the house--
Between the long, sweet moments of recalling your kiss.
--if this was, perhaps, some kind of karmic reward for all of the shit life had handed to him. A terrible father, a dead mother, a short attention span, and the entire town voicing their opinion that he was some dirty, rotten, trailer park freak. And then on the contrary, Steve--who had been given everything he never asked for and was an ungrateful shit--could have some karma as well.
As he made it up the stairs--the stairs, Eddie still couldn't believe it--to his new bedroom, Eddie thought about Wayne and did feel a little guilt. He definitely suffered just as Eddie did, maybe more so, simply for the fact that he had to put up with Eddie for 10 years and now would have to put up with Steve too. Eddie's stomach turned when he thought of all the things he did just to take something off Wayne's plate. Repairs around the trailer, grocery shopping and "making dinner" (which was usually code for some kind of takeout when he was too lazy to pop some frozen pizza in the oven). Not to mention the extra cash he made dealing...would Steve do those things now that they were stuck like this?
Where was Wayne's karmic reward?
There were so many things Wayne sacrificed for Eddie. And Eddie knew and did everything he could to give back to his uncle, as much as his uncle would let him. Now with this situation with Steve, he had to do a little more to lift what would end up being an additional weight off of his uncle's shoulders.
Maybe "Steve" could convince Mr. Harrington to offer Wayne some better, cushier job at the car dealership? So he wouldn't have to suffer as much as he did at the plant. He definitely deserved more, but this was the first thing Eddie could think of off the top of his head. After a few months it might be a new car, or some...help with a down payment on an actual house...or at the very least, a larger trailer so that he could have his own bedroom instead of that fold-out bed.
Yeah, that was it. He would think about how he would bring it up next time he saw good ol' Pa Harrington...but since the house was still empty almost 14 hours after Steve's parents apparently left for work that morning, it might not be any time soon...
Eddie opened the door to the bedroom--momentarily dismissing his thoughts of Wayne to consider if he should get some posters to cover the pretentious plaid-papered walls--only to find the light on and his own face staring back at him, scowling, as Steve sat propped against the headboard of the bed.
Eddie hesitated in the doorway, stunned.
“I told you this wasn't over, Freak."
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Tag List: @luna-munson83 @kaitebugg03 @invaderzia1 @delusionalbabe @secretdryrose @eddiesguitarskills @simplyundeniable98 @imaslutforcuddles @hanobe8
695 notes · View notes
merakiui · 5 months
for the fwb asks, "you're enjoying this way too much." with trey please? I am. frothing at the mouth <33
<3 forgive me for being indulgent with this. I wanted to include food play as well,,, orz please enjoy the tasty treat that is Trey's dick. >:D
(fwb dialogues)
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In hindsight it was dangerous to do this in the Heartslabyul kitchen where anyone could walk in at any moment. But it's late into the night, and Trey had been kind enough to sneak you in on account of owing you a favor. That's all your relationship really is, truly. Just transactions. Mutual give and take. You help him relieve some stress (because Queen knows managing Riddle is an undertaking in itself) and in return he offers to pay you in sweets (and bodily pleasures, but the former is far more tempting).
You'd been expecting one of his renowned strawberry tarts or a slice of cake, so you're stunned when his lips lift into that trademark scheming smirk. He holds up a can of whipped cream next. Having known Trey long enough to decipher his tastes, it doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.
"You're crazy," you breathe, eyes wide.
"Just risky," he corrects, pushing his glasses up, because everyone's mad here. Moonlight catches on the lenses, shimmering back at you in a foreboding glint.
"We can't do that in here. What if someone walks in?"
Trey procures his magic pen from his pocket, pressing it to his lips. "I won't tell if you won't."
Right. Doodle Suit. Convenient.
"All right then. Get on with it," you concede after a short internal debate. The rewards outweigh the risk in this case. Something tells you Trey would bail you out even if you get caught. Partially because he'd be just at fault.
Trey grins. "Would you like to do the honors?"
"Absolutely. Did you even have to ask?"
Snatching the can from his hands, you squirt some on your finger for a taste while he works to fish himself from his pants. He works himself slowly in one hand, peering down at you after you've lowered to your knees. This isn't the first time you and Trey have fooled around with food and it certainly won't be the last.
You make quick work decorating his erection, unable to tamp down the delighted giggle when it twitches in response to the cool cream.
"Eager," you comment, finishing off with a dollop to his tip. You set the can on the tiled floor and admire your handiwork with an approving nod. "Do we have any cherries? Ooh, what about sprinkles?"
Amusement flickers on his face. "I've been meaning to pick some up. We used the rest of them last time."
"Aw. This'll have to do for now then." You press your lips to the head of his cock, swirl your tongue over it, and draw away with a mouthful of whipped cream. "It's still just as good."
Trey inhales sharply, grabbing at the counter behind him to brace himself. "Mm, yeah," he mumbles, clearing his throat. "T-That'll do..."
Scooting closer on the ground, you place your hands on his thighs and lean in again to lick a languid stripe up the underside of his shaft, gathering cream as you go. The motions come easily; you've had his cock in your mouth more times than you've truly studied for any of Professor Crewel's alchemy exams, a bad habit Trey's working to correct. To think you could retain information better when he's blowing your back out... Isn't that something?
Breathing through his nose, he tamps down the slew of sinful groans and instead grips the counter with more force. He's purposely holding back, whether for the sake of keeping quiet or because it's the build-up that entices him. You're not sure which it is, but you're determined to break him tonight.
Licking your lips clean, you look up at him through your lashes to assess the lustful haze glazing his eyes. Whipped cream spots your cheek; you pay it no mind and lean in and wrap your lips around him once more. It's sweet. There's definitely an innuendo to be found there, and Trey seems to notice it right away. He throbs in your mouth, painfully hard.
"You're enjoying this way too much," you say around the mouthful.
Trey chuckles, feigning sheepishness. "It's that obvious, huh?"
You pull away to speak more clearly. "It's cute."
"Not the adjective I'd use, but if it fits..." He laughs, shaking his head. Your word choices always enthrall him. Once you called him a midnight snack, a callback to previous times spent wrapped around one another. He doesn't mind it. Not particularly.
His fingers card through your hair to hold you firmly in place. "Sorry in advance."
"You don't mean that," you tease, and both of you know it's true. He likes seeing you choke on his cock. It's exhilarating.
You don't mind it. Not particularly.
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yaekiss · 11 months
#Mailroom Open! If you still have open slots/want to do this <3
I'd like this letter to go to Tighnari, please and thank you! Subtle yandere and SFW. Thank you again!
The contents of the letter are as follows:
Things have been absolutely marvelous in Mondstadt. Your idea to visit my family was genius. It's been a long time since I've been back home. My mother asked why you didn't accompany me, isn't that cute? She called you her future son in law.. Then asked when we'd be giving her grandbabies.
I have been missing you to pieces though, my love. You would love a few of my friends over here, they're interested to learn more about you! Well.. aside from one. He seemed a bit upset when I gushed about you. But never mind that! How are things back home with you? How is Collei? Please let her know that Amber sends her regards. But most importantly! How are you?
I also hope that the package I sent gets to you safely. I thought you'd really appreciate my finds.
Love you so much!
The package itself is smaller in size, yet still larger than the envelope sent. Inside the box are new glass storage jars, made for storing herbs and spices. Aside from the jars, there's a hand woven bracelet. It matches with Tighnari's typical attire, and is woven in order to prevent fraying or breakage. There's another, tiny sticky note at the bottom of the box with a doodle of Tighnari and his partner. They're stick figures and holding hands.
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꩜ Letter Content: GN! Reader x Slight Yan! Tighnari, SFW, no gendered terms for reader, possessiveness from Tighnari, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ Delivery Notes: Tighnari was absolutely covered in pollen when I picked up his package in Sumeru, HAHA! However, judging from his droopy ears and tail, I think he really misses you :( ꩜ Wanna write a love letter yourself? Check out it out here!
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Sent back to you is a small, lovingly handmade, woven basket that you recognise to be the handiwork of Tighnari. Weaved between the strips of dried Kalpalata lotus vines are cute tiny flowers native to the forested area around Gandharva Ville. There’s a ribbon tied around the handle in your favourite colour that’s lightly scented with the perfume of Sumeru roses.
A dark green fabric that matches his fur colour sits nicely atop the contents of the basket, it’s embroidered with the stick figure drawing of you and Tighnari. The Tighnari stick figure is made of thread in a light emerald green that’s the colour of his eyes while your doodle is woven in a gorgeous shade identical to yours. There are extra little hearts floating around the two of you in the embroidered picture too, how cute! 
Removing the embroidered cloth cover from the basket, you first take his letter out. Reaching into the envelope, the first thing you pull out is pressed Nilotpala lotus petals. They retain a delicate faint glimmer of how they shone when they bloomed at night and infuse the parchment in the envelope with their light floral scent. His reply is written in his usual scrawling handwriting you see in his research journals but there's an underlying tenderness present. You think he makes a noticeable effort to ensure that his words are more legible, especially just for you. His response reads:
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“My dearest lotus,
It’s about time you wrote back! Just before I got your letter, I was going to mail you a lengthy lecture regarding important safety tips while one is travelling. Really, with your extended silence, I was worried about you for a bit, lotus. It's good to hear you're enjoying your time in Mondstadt with your family though, how’s the flora diversity there? I do hope you bring me back some flower and mushroom samples.
Collei too sends Amber her very enthusiastic regards, she was so excited at the mention of Amber, the way her eyes lit up was precious, I wish you were there to see it, lotus. Now, I’m sure with your keen eye you’ve noticed all the flowers included in the basket. I can’t take all the credit, it was Collei who helped to collect the flowers for the basket. She came back with so many that we spent almost a whole afternoon just picking out the best ones for you. Seriously, you should’ve seen the way she came into the hut with her arms full of flowers, I didn’t even know how she could see in front of her!
Also, new jars! You know me so well, how did you figure out I was running out of them? Gods, thinking about the hassle of procuring them gave me such a headache. You really are my saviour, gods, I miss you so much… Please come back soon, lotus, I’m getting sick of longing for you. Your lovely handmade bracelet has done well in curbing the urge to go over to Mondstadt to sweep you back up in my arms. It’s beautiful and I appreciate all the work you put into such a sweet gift, lotus. I’d never take off the bracelet, ever.
I’d hate to nag but do take care of yourself alright, it worries me to be so far away from you. (this part is written in a small font, but squinting, it reads out) Especially where you can meet with all sorts of people… and that friend of yours you mentioned. Ugh, I feel my headache coming back.
Help me pass my well wishes on to your mother, and tell her that calling me her “future son-in-law” is not too far off from the truth. Write more often to me alright, lotus? Hearing from you helps keep my longing in check. Come back soon!
Ever awaiting your return,
-Tighnari -”
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Tucked underneath, is a sealed bag of dried mushrooms, the kind that Tighnari favours the most. It warms your heart to know that he’s willing to part with the stash of his favourite shrooms to make sure you’re eating well in another region. Tacked on are some collated recipes for the ingredient, with little notes scribbled in the margins on how the default recipe can be improved after gathering feedback from many many many rounds of him cooking it for you. Everything is so sappily domestic that you’re sure your mother would coo over how adorable the two of you are when she finds out about his gift.
And finally, there’s a small box at the side, crafted in the form of a lotus using expertly preserved Kalpalata lotus petals. Gingerly opening up the petals reveals an exquisite ring resting in the centre, woven from sturdy plant stems entwined with golden fibres that almost seem to shine. The stems are fortified with a sheer shimmer of dendro (no doubt Tighnari’s) so that it endures, staying evergreen. Included is a tag reading: “A temporary placeholder for an engagement ring, so that no pest steals you from my side while you’re away ♡”
Slipping it on, it fits perfectly, snugly home on your ring finger. You’ve never told him your ring size though, lucky guess?
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Thanks for reading! Consider supporting me on kofi if you enjoyed this or check out my other works hehe ♡
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Trembling Essence [Extended Demo]:💙What happens now?💙
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Hello and welcome new followers!
Firstly, I just want to thank everyone that have been playing the updated [Extended Demo] with the Endings Gallery and Day 3 notifier! From this I was able to get a good amount of responses to help me with quality of life ideas going forward. :]
The game page has also been fixed to include the Windows and Mac logo downloads as I had no idea they weren't there until I was told. :,,]
Again, please let me know if you run into any bugs, glitches, misspellings, etc or if the Endings gallery doesn't show up for you correctly.
"So what happens now?"
As far as the [Extended Demo] goes, I do have plans on updating it with certain paths/routes HOWEVER, it will be some time before that happens. There's a lot of stuff that I need to rework and look over before I can add anything. Here's a peek from some of the old game development posts.
[Please remember that this is still a DEMO and anything is subject to change.]
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The sections missing from the [Extended Demo] were from routes/paths I wrote during the late spring-summer of 2023. In the fall my writing style developed significantly which lead me to discover multiple pacing issues in the story that went unnoticed. Out of everything I wrote, the two full routes you get while playing were the only sections that were good enough for me to polish up and didn't contain spoilers. As for when the new routes/paths will be added to the [Extended Demo], I don't have an answer for this.
Right now I've been giving myself a break and mainly focusing on brainstorming things out.
In other news, I'm still in the process of creating Noah's reference sheets! There will be a total of three(?) which will have specific details for each one! It's taking some time to create since I'm still learning how to do angled faces/poses, here's the w.i.p sketch version below:
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Q&A / Ask box is still open:
Thank you to those who have sent in asks! I'll try to get to them when I can. I just need time to answer since I like to respond with doodles/drawings as practice. :]
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
This is all I have to share so far, Thank you to everyone for the continued support and encouraging words while I continue working on the game, I really appreciate it. :,]
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rosemaryandarsenic · 2 years
The Sid to my Nancy
pairing| Gareth x f!reader
readersynopsis| Y/N and Gareth finally get together after a Halloween party
warnings|SMUT! 18+ only as always, minors DNI. TW: Vomit lol. Includes a little bit of hurtxcomfort, mentions panic attacks, biting, fingering, oral sex, and dirty talk! and cursing. Also unprotected sex!
AN: I hate the whole Sid and Nancy story IRL, but its a cute idea so I ran with it. Inspired by an Eddie prompt I saw recently, I HAD to write it for Gareth. As always, I don’t have any sexual writing for underage characters so Gareth is like 18-19 in this, as is the reader. Hope you enjoy <3
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Gareth flicked his pen against the notebook in front of him, face scrunched in irritation. Fall classes at the local community college had started, and he hadn’t seen the harm in taking a few before deciding if he wanted a degree. Y/N sat across from him, intently staring at her textbook, headphones on. Her hair fell across her cheek, fingers fidgeting over her lips. Gareth was doing his best to concentrate and had failed, his eyes going to the hair on her cheek, the way she absentmindedly brushed her lips, as he tapped his pen. Y/N never noticed the drumming anymore, she was used to it after years of being in close proximity. She didn’t look up until the vibration of Gareth’s tapping on the table woke her from her reading. 
“You good?” Y/N asked, catching Gareths gaze as she removed her headphones. 
“Yah, yah, just…yknow…studying.” He nodded, still absentmindedly drumming his fingers. 
Y/N smirked as she watched his hands move, “sure, studying.” She laughed. 
“Let me see.” She said, grabbing his notebook. 
“God your notes suck.” She laughed again.
“Like yours are any better.” Gareth chuckled, “I don’t know why we need to take math again anyways.” 
Y/n blushed slightly at the mention of her notes, then recovers quickly, nodding to his statement. He brushed off the strange response. 
“If you swap the 2 here and divide this, it makes more sense.” She says, pointing to the section he’d been working on.
“Oh…” he mumbled, staring at the page. “Can I see how you did it?”
She looks confused as she searches through her bag, “I left my notes at home.” She shrugs, and he groans. 
As Gareth gets back to his math work, Y/N gets lost in her thoughts. Her math notebook was not at home, in fact, it was tucked between two other books in her bag. It wasn’t that she cared about him copying her work, it was the idea that he’d see her other notes. She groaned internally. In class, she’d been distracted, absent-mindedly doodling, when she realized she’d sketched a tiny heart in the margins. Her initials, and Gareths, stared back at her from the page and she couldn't bare erasing them. It was stupid really, she was literally a college student with a crush. She’d known Gareth since elementary school and knew his gross habits (the way he refused to wash his flannels until they smelled so bad his mom threatened to burn them lol). Her crush had started innocently enough, little glances here and there during freshman year. It had gotten worse when Gareth had started dating sophomore year. No one lasted long, but every escapade had left Y/N with a dull ache in the pit of her stomach. Senior year, she'd been high as shit and doodled his name in the waistband of her underwear. She blushed at the remembrance of it, chiding herself for the way she let her eyes linger too long on him. Despite being embarrassed, she never got rid of the underwear, and still wore them when she was feeling insecure. The secret of his name being tucked so close to her made her feel bolder somehow. 
“I got it!” He said with an exhale of relief, slamming his book shut. His rings clinked as he moved.
Y/N smiled, closing her own book. “Finally, Jesus.” She responded, “can we please go get coffee now?” 
He nodded, slinging his bag over his shoulder, waiting for her to pack up. 
“Actually, i’ll meet you in the car.” She said, “I forgot something in my English class.”
“M’kay,” he shrugged. “Meet you in the car.”
Y/N bolted down the hall as soon as he was out of eyesight, and headed for the bathrooms. Closing herself in a stall, she pulled out her math notebook and ripped the heart from the corner of the page. With a sigh, she flushed it down the toilet, leaning her head against the cold metal of the stall door. 
Snap out of it. 
A few days later:
Y/N stared in the mirror, adjusting her bangs one last time and yawning loudly as she heard Gareth and Eddie pull up outside. Since her dad had gone to prison, and the trailer was paid off, she lived alone. It came with a lot of benefits, and a lot of downsides, one of which was the bills. Y/N worked two jobs while in school to make ends meet, and she was tired. Sometimes she wondered if the lack of sleep made her delirious, seeing things that weren��t there. Nightmares of monsters, like slimy dogs with split faces. Lights that flickered too often and sounds out in the night. It was in those moments of feeling overwhelmed that she relied heavily on her best friends, all of hellfire really, but especially Eddie and Gareth. They’d been an unbreakable trio since fifth grade when Eddie had walked into lunch, head shaved and D&D book in hand. College hadn’t changed much, they were all relived to be out of high-school, doing what they wanted for the most part. She heard the front door swing open and a grunt, as Eddie tripped over game pieces on the floor. An empty trailer gave them a new location for meetings, and they hadn’t bothered to clean up after yesterdays meet. 
“Can you maybe not fuck up my living room, or does it just come naturally?” Y/N laughed as she walked out, Eddie stuck his tongue out at her as he knelt to pick up the pieces. 
He whistled as he looked up, grinning. “Nancy Spungen huh? Nice. Where’s your Sid?”
“Still looking.” Y/N laughed, grabbing her rings from the counter. 
Gareth honked outside, as Eddie grabbed several packs of beer from the fridge. The sounds of Metallica echoed as Y/N locked the door and hiked her way to the car, her heels sinking into the soft ground. Her outfit was more extra than her usual denim and band tee, and she’d added her lucky underwear as a final touch. 
“These shoes are gonna kill me.” She huffed as she climbed in the back seat, leather pants sticking to the seat as she tried to settle among the loose band equipment. 
“Nancy Spungen?” Gareth asked, from the drivers seat, with a laugh.
“Why are you laughin-“ She cut off as she caught sight of him, his brown hair spiked out in all directions. Gareth was decked out in all black, a spiked leather jacket and chains adorning his torso. “You’re joking.” She laughed, trying not to blush and throwing Eddie a look as he slid into the passenger side with a devilish grin. He always seemed to know her little secret but he never said anything aloud. Little shit. 
“Sid Vicious at your service.” Gareth laughed. 
“This is why we should’ve talked about our costumes in advance.” Y/N whined, “no way I’m getting laid now.” 
Eddie chuckled, elbowing Gareth, “told you she liked the movie.” 
“Of course I did.” She rolled her eyes, and reached over the consul from the back to turn up the radio. “Speaking of costumes, Ed’s, where is yours?”
“I’m Eddie Van Halen.” He chuckled as Gareth and Y/N groaned. “What?! Its easy.” He lit a blunt, passing it back. 
The drive to the party was quick, thankfully, because Y/N wanted nothing more than to get out of the car. She’d planned to make tonight a new beginning, get smashed, flirt a little, maybe mess around. But there he was, freckles and pink lips, looking like the devil incarnate. The Sid to her Nancy, without the murder. Maybe she should’ve gone with Carrie. 
As they pulled in, she smiled at the smoke and lights in everyones yards, people milling around in clown costumes and plastic masks. Halloween had always been her favorite holiday, a day for treats and dressing the way you actually wanted to without judgment. 
Synth music was blaring as they stepped inside, and she felt the weed hit, relaxing her muscles and making the lights twinkle brighter. Tonights going to be good. 
Hours passed as she drank and danced, talking to friends from class and old classmates from high school. It was nearing midnight when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Eddie. He motioned for her to follow, and she did, dazed from social interaction and the mix of substances. 
“Time for some air,” he said as he pulled her onto the porch to sit, handing her a water. 
“God, thank you.” She whispered, taking a sip greatfully. “What time is it?”
“Midnight.” He mumbled as he slipped a cigarette in between his lips. She watched as he expertly lit it against the wind and inhaled deeply. Eddie always seemed to do things so easily, like it came naturally for him to be wild. She envied it. 
“What.” He nudged her knee, taking another drag.
“Ehh. Nothing.” 
“Quit being coy, sweetheart. You’re a bad liar.”
“I’m not!”
“You are.” He said, making eye contact and refusing to break it. 
She shifted, not replying.
“If its about Sid over there, I’m gonna pry it out of you eventually, you know that right?” He said, still staring at her as he gestured to Gareth, who was arguing with Jeff a few yards away. His hair had started to fall, the curls showing around his neck. He’s so…pretty. 
“Goddamnit Eddie.” She said, tugging at her hair. 
“Goddmanit yourself, dumbass, now spill.” He retorted, rolling his eyes. 
“Nothing to spill, its stupid and its nothing.”
He laughed. “I’m so convinced.”
“Im serious, Eddie. Okay?”
“No.” He raised an eyebrow. “If I have to watch you make googly eyes at him one more time im gonna slap the shit out of you.”
“Are you fucking drunk?” She said, a little to harshly.
“You wish princess, like I said, you’re just a shit liar.”
She was feeling neaseous now, unwilling to have this conversation. 
“I see the way you look at him, Y/N.” Eddie said.
“Looks at who?” Gareth asked, sauntering up with Jeff and reaching for one of Eddie’s cigarettes.
“N-nobody.” She stuttered, looking anywhere else in an attempt to avoid eye-contact. She jumped up, almost toppling over from the awkward stability of her heels. Gareth caught her arm and she practically jumped away muttering something about needing to pee as Eddie snorted. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Gareth turned to Eddie, who shrugged.
“Trouble with Sid,” Eddie chuckled, “why don’t you go ask?”
Jeff and Eddie gave each other a look as Gareth watched Y/N disappear inside. 
The bathroom smelled like puke and cheap perfume, Y/N slamming the door shut behind her as she gasped for air. This was so stupid, Eddie was just prodding her because of the alcohol, right? She just needed to steel her nerves, go out there and dance again. Fuck this. She spun too fast and was hit with another wave of dizziness as she heard a knock at the door. 
“Y/N? You good in there?” Fuck. It was Gareth. FUCK.
“Im fine!” She mumbled, feeling the bile rise in her throat. Fuck.
The door knob turned and he slid in as she collapsed in front of the toilet, heaving.
“Oh shit, hey hey.” He carefully scooped her hair in his hands, holding it back and away from the mess. “Its okay, I got you.” He whispered, as she squirmed. 
She couldnt stop heaving, only feeling slightly less anxious as it all came up. She finally slowed, coming up for air and grabbing for the toilet paper. Mascara was running down her face and she really didn’t want anyone else here but she couldnt speak yet. 
“This is bad timing probably but uh…why do your underwear have my name on them?” He asked quietly, still holding her hair, the skull on the chain around his neck bouncing on her shoulder. 
She froze. Oh shit. OH SHIT. Grasping at the rim of the toilet bowl she turned awkwardly, panicking, racking her mind for a response. “I…don’t know.”
He looked at her funny, reaching out with tissue paper to wipe her chin. She was burning alive, could feel the bile rising again and tears peaking behind her eyes. 
“Did you?” He gestured towards her waist where the leather pants had ridden down, exposing the pink lace and sharpie. 
She groaned and leaned over the bowl again, staring at the water and truing not to scream into the bowl. HOW could she be so stupid, writing his name on her underwear of all places. What the hell was she thinking. 
“Can you please look at me?” He scooted closer, “im not mad, I uh -“
“I’m sorry, its stupid.” She yelped, still leaning over the bowl.
“It’s not stupid.” He laughed, “its kind of…cute?”
“Cute?” She sat up, holding onto a roll of toilet paper for dear life. “You think its cute?!”
“I mean its weird, yeah, but like…”
“Like what?” She looked flustered, cheeks burning and hair flying everywhere.
“Like..like its hot. Uh…I mean its like you’re labeling your…yknow.”
I am going to astral project out of this house from embarrassment. 
“Listen we don’t have to talk about it right now, you don’t look like you’re having a good time.” He mumbled, and she noticed he was turning pink as well.
“Why don’t you get yourself cleaned up and ill take you home, mkay?” He said. 
She nodded. 
She stayed on the floor as he got up and closed the door behind him. FUCK. Fuck. 
Gareth stood on the other side of the door, waiting for y/n to come out. He felt the burn on his cheeks and couldn’t even try to hide it. His name, on her underwear. HIS name. He couldnt think of many reasons why a girl would have someones name written in their fucking underwear, and was trying not to let his imagination run wild. He’d always liked Y/N, since middle school, but she was so focused. So smart, and driven. She didn’t make time for relationships, said so herself many times. So he’d resigned himself to keeping their friendship going, but there she was, on the other side of the door with his name tucked into her pants like a secret label of ownership. He was too overwhelmed for this, only two beers in and feeling woozy. He couldnt tell if it was everything he’d just seen or if it was the booze, but he took in deep breaths to settle himself. Eddie sauntered over, seeing him hover by the door. 
“She in there?” He gestured to the door. Gareth nodded.
“You good?” Eddie whispered, raising an eyebrow. 
Gareth glanced at the door and slid over a few steps, Eddie moving with him as he leaned in to catch whatever gareth was trying to say. 
“She uh…she’s vomiting,” Eddie winced, still listening. “But dude. She uh…she…” gareth was blushing and Eddie shoved his shoulder. 
“She what?”
“She wrote my name on her underwear.” Gareth blurted, staring at Eddie. 
Eddies eyes widened, and he set down his beer. He looked stressed, rubbing his eyes. “Did she say anything?”
“No!” Gareth was sweating, “Does she…?” He stared at Eddie. “Did she say something to you?”
Eddie opened his mouth to speak as they heard the door open beside them, Y/N walking out. She turned and saw them standing there, eddies expression shifting quickly. The three of them stood there for a split second as they waited for someone to say something, anything. 
Gareth cleared his throat. “You ready to go?”
Y/N nodded, “Are we dropping Eddie off first?” 
Eddie shook his head, “actually, uh, Jeff said he would.”
Y/N looked between the two of them and then turned and walked away, towards the door. 
Eddie grabbed Gareth’s jacket as he started to follow and whispered in his ear quickly, “fucking go for it.”
Gareth exhaled and nodded, slapping eddies arm as he followed Y/N to the car. 
The car ride back was quiet, y/n staring straight ahead wordlessly. Gareth’s palms were sticking to his steering wheel as he struggled to find any words at all to ease the silence.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked finally. 
She still looked ahead, her face blooming with color again, “fine now.”
He nodded carefully. 
She didn’t move when he parked, she just sat, like she was trying to work up the nerve.
“About the bathroom…” she trailed, “Im sorry.”
“You really don’t need to apologize.”
She chuckled, and went quiet again. 
“There’s no chance you’re gonna forget this in the morning is there?” She asked. 
He laughed softly, “not a chance.”
She turned to look at him. “Were you serious about…about it being cute?”
He blushed again, and nodded. “Guys dream about that kind of shit so yeah.”
She blushed deeper, and turned away, opening her car door. 
Leaning in after she got out, she said, “do you wanna come in for a bit or are you going back?”
He tried not to jump out of the car head first, “nah, I can come in!”
“I need to brush my teeth.” She said, running for the bathroom as they walked in the door. 
Gareth tried to situate himself on the sofa, but couldn’t seem to get comfortable. What the fuck am I doing, he said to himself, standing up and walking towards the bathroom. 
The door was open, and he knocked on the frame to let her know he was there. She spat out the last of the toothpaste, and leaned against the edge of the tub with a towel in her hands. 
“So…uh.” He started, and she giggled, burying her face in her hands. 
“I really am sorry, I ruined everything.” She groaned, still covering her face.
“You really didn’t.” he laughed, sitting down on the tub next to her. 
“Its probably time I said something anyway,” she whispered. “Apparently according to Eddie, it’s written all over my face.” She sighed. 
“A little bit, but its fine.” He whispered back, staring at the way her thighs spread agains the edge of the tub, fighting against the leather that constricted them. “Its not like I’m exactly subtle either.��
She gave him a surprised look, “what?”
“You can’t tell?” Gareth said, his chest tightening at the realization. She has no idea, does she?
“No?” She said, looking at him intently now. 
He shifted, trying to ease the anxiety in his stomach. “I’ve always liked you, y/n.” He exhaled at the admission, and her jaw dropped. 
She didn’t say anything so he continued. “You always said you didn’t have time for sappy stuff like relationships and I thought…yknow, I thought that included me. Then I saw your underwear and I swear I wanted to pin you to the floor then and there.”
She was pink now, watching him talk, eyes wide and lashes fluttering. He couldn’t help but stare at her lips, the way they curved, the plumpness of them. His heart was pounding, hard.
“Pin me to the floor and do what?” She said, breathy, leaning in. 
His eyes darted from her eyes to her lips a few times, before he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her jaw, slowly moving down towards her neck as she gasped. 
“That,” he whispered, “and this.” He gripped her hips and pulled her towards him, sliding his hands over her ass and the small of her back as he continued devouring her neck. She moaned into the crook of his neck, as she kissed him back. 
Gareth felt like he was going to combust, the friction of her legs against him awakening the rumble in his gut that he shoved away so many times. She’s so warm and so close, he thought, cherishing the feel of her lips on him as she moaned softly. It was unlike anything he’d dreamed of, felt better than he could’ve imagined. He’d spent so many nights with his hand wrapped around his dick, picturing her hands instead, her mouth. He moaned now too, heat radiating between them as they slid off the side of the tub and onto the tile floor, grabbing at each other frantically. She pulled off his jacket, hands running over his clothed chest as she straddled him. 
“You’re so pretty,” he whispered, letting her fingers dig into his skin as she panted, “so pretty.” He mumbled.
She leaned down, her movements making him grunt as he felt her warmth over his hardening cock. “Is this okay?” She whispered, running her hands under the hem of his shirt. He nodded aggressively, taking her hands in his own and pushing them up further. She flushed at the feeling of his skin, the sight of his happy trail as she pushed his shirt up and over his head. He craned his neck to kiss her as she pulled his shirt away, both of them gasping for air as she ground herself against his hips and wrapped her fingers in his hair. The spikes had fallen completely now, and his curls stuck to his forehead he watched her move against him. Pausing for a breath as she continued to grind on him, he stuttered, “we should get off the floor.” His head arched back as she nodded, hips grinding into him harder and slower, making no move to get off him. “Y/N, up.” He growled, thrusting his hips up as he spoke. She slowed, standing carefully, whining at the lack of him between her legs. 
They barely made it into the hall when he pushed her up against the wall, slamming his mouth to her's and kissing her deeply. His hands pinned hers against the wall and he panted, refusing to break the kiss as she wiggled, trying to break her hands free to touch him. 
“Be a good girl and let me look at you,” he whispered, planting kisses on her jaw. She complied, and he let go, watching intently as she unbuttoned her pants and peeled them away. Her legs were red, indents left from his belt buckle on her torso, and she wobbled as she pulled off her spiky boots. He could see how damp she was already, the folds of her pink underwear soaked. He leaned in, stabilizing her as he took in the sight of her from head to toe, slowly unbuttoning the cheetah print vest she wore as she reached for his pants this time, pawing at his hard member. “Fuck,” she groaned, hands stroking him as she met his gaze. “I have thought about this so many times.”
He chuckled, kissing her again as he pulled the vest away and cupped her breast with his hands, running his fingers over her nipples. “How many times.” He whispered.
“E-Every night,” she mewled.
He pulled back, eyebrows raised. “Every night?” 
She giggled, “every. Single. Night.” He was so hard now, his dick was losing circulation in the confines of his jeans. He clawed at his belt buckle, unclasping it.
“No bra and those pretty little panties,” he groaned, “you’re killing me.” 
He pulled his jeans down, not bothering to move them off his feet as he grabbed her and spun her around so her back was facing him.
Leaning down he traced the outline of her underwear with his thumb, “is that why you did this?” He asked, grabbing her ass cheek and making her lean back into him with another moan. 
“Mhhmmm.” she panted again, arching her back as he slid his hands around her, dipping them under the little bow in the front, teasing her. 
“do you know what that does to me?” he whispers, fingers inching towards her folds. She cried out at he finally swiped across her slit. She was shaking, hands up and behind her, looped around his neck, ass grinding into him and chest stinging against the cold air. 
“You should’ve told me sooner,” he mumbles, drawing circles around her clit and kissing her neck, “all those nights alone, pretty girl. I would’ve kept you warm.” 
Her legs were trembling as she replied, “what about you, Gareth? Did you think of me?”
He let out a low groan, pushing into her with one finger. “Every goddamn night.” 
She was crying out now, pushing against his fingers and he savored it. “You know that picture of you from last summer?” He muttered, “the one where you’re laying in the sun in your swimsuit?”
She nodded, unable to form words. 
“I keep it on the ceiling above my bed.” He groaned, humping her softly as he felt her orgasm coming. “So I can look at you when I jerk off. Those pretty lips, and those tits.” He moaned again, and she could feel his dick throbbing against her. 
She crumbled, moaning loudly as she came on his fingers, still grasping at him. 
“Such a good girl,” he growled, “so pretty.” He didn’t stop grinding into her as he pulled his fingers away, and reached for the waistband on his boxers. 
“Let me do it.” She panted, turning to face him and grabbing the elastic. Her mouth watered as she pulled them down, freeing his thick cock. 
“I wanna feel you.” He whined, grabbing for her. “Please, Y/N.” 
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the ground, gasping as he climbed on top of her, pulling her panties off and settling between her legs. 
“This okay?” he whispered, lining himself up with her entrance. She rutted her hips up into him, pushing him in some of the way and he moaned, quickly pushing his cock deeper. 
“Oh my god.” He panted, thrusting in until he bottomed out and slowly pulling out before he slammed in again. “You’re so wet, Jesus Christ.” 
She was grinding into him, his balls slapping against her ass as he thrusted steadily. They both moaned loudly, he was sure the neighbors could hear it outside and he didn’t care. He just kept pounding into her, loving the way her walls squeezed against him, the way she was moaning his name. 
“Come for me, baby.” He growled, quickening his pace. That was all she needed as she felt her orgasm explode around her, losing vision for a second at the intensity of his thrusts still pounding into her. 
“I’m gonna -“ he whined, thrusts getting sloppy.
“Come inside me.” She moaned, locking her legs around his waist. “I- I’m on the pill, please, I wanna feel it. Please!” She was begging, moaning as he felt the knot building in his stomach. 
With one last thrust, he came hard, painting her insides white, cock twitching. 
“Oh my god.” She whimpered, walls clenching around him, mascara running even more. “Holy shit.”
He laughed, carefully pulling out once her shaking subsided. 
“Hang on, let me get you something.” He pulled himself up, ripping off the rest of his pants as he grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom and ran it under warm water. 
“Here you go, pretty girl.” He said gently as he wiped her off carefully, trailing kisses on her torso and thighs.
She sat up suddenly, surprising him. “Gareth,” she said shakily, eyes watering, “can we get pizza?”
He fell back laughing, “you scared me, Jesus Christ.” 
She crawled over and snuggled into him, “sorry.” She giggled.
“I’ll make you a deal,” he whispered, “You be the Sid to my Nancy and you can have all the pizza your little heart desires.” 
She smiled, “can we be gomez and morticia instead?” 
His heart melted a little. “We can be anything you want, babygirl.”
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svt-nari · 11 months
what tattoos does nari have?
a/n: thank u SO MUCH for requesting! i hope you like this and nari’s tattoos! much love to u, bae <3
nari’s tattoos and its’ meanings !
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— she has 5 tattoos! as soon as she was of age, nari did her first one and since then she LOVES doodling on her skin, though she wants to get even more tattoos on her body.
1. left rib tattoo — ohana.
nari’s a really family oriented girl, she loves her family and everything she does she does for them including her members, who are her second family. also, she LOVES lilo & stitch, one of the biggest stitch enthusiasts out there. so, putting these two together, she decided to tattoo the word ‘ohana’ on her skin, which means ‘family’ in hawaiian and is a quote of the movie itself.
2. left arm tattoo — butterflies.
since her nickname is ‘nabi’ and it means ‘butterfly’, she decided to get it tattoed as well. she also loves this insect, she thought and decided that it had to be on her skin as well — it also reminds her of her trainee days, when she was afraid of being alone and, on her first day there, she even got a nickname, it being her most meaningful and dear one.
3. left wrist — whatever.
when nari’s sexuality was exposed by her to the public and she got a good response, she just thought ‘whatever’ to the bad comments. she couldn’t care less about their opinion and problematic minds, all she could care about was her love for herself and the people who accepted her as she is. so, to mark on her skin that she is proud of who she is, she got the ‘whatever’ tattoo on her wrist, with the pride flag colors.
4. nape — svt units tattoo.
she adores this tattoo, it represents each unit by the drawing – arrow; vocal, heart; performance, “plus”; hiphop. she got it because she loves her group and their history together, they mean so much to her that she had to get it tattoed.
5. right arm — kidult.
‘kidult’ is one of the most meaningful song of theirs to nari, it represents her a lot. she is a kidult herself, she is wants to have no responsibilities but has to be responsible all the time because she is an adult wishing to be a kid. it’s a song that really messes with her and means a lot, so she got it on her skin — it’s probably her most favorite tattoo too, since she really relates to the song.
examples of how each tattoo looks like:
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all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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bonefall · 1 year
Bonefall RiverClan Family Tree: Draft 1.2
Subtitle: The whole hog. It's EVERYTHING folks. I did it all the way back up to Darkstar's Commandment. Nearly 8 generations of cats. This has taken several days and meticulous work and I DID IT.
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[Update 1.2: Swapped the birthing parent between Sedgecreek and Greenflower to Sedgecreek with the honor sire being Duckfur, made a note of Harelight being an honor title.]
Caveats as usual:
Check out my Info for Family Tree Reworks, including my 3 Strict Rules and general guidelines.
This tree is still subject to change, especially for modern RiverClan.
I made some doodles this time lmao I hope you enjoy them
If you want to check out my diagnosis and see the canon family tree, it's over here!
Under the cut: Renamings, removals, and changelog
RENAMINGS: Format: Old Name (Origin) -> New Name (Reason)
Molewhisker (CotC) -> Moletooth (conflict)
Snaketooth (CotC) -> Snakestream (conflict)
Oatpaw (CotC) -> Oatbelly (save)
Sloefur (FQ) -> Sloefall (conflict)
Perchpaw (MV) -> Perchshine (save)
Magpie (CP) -> Magpiesky (repurposed)
Swankit (TPB) -> Swansong (save)
Copperpaw (Po3) -> Copperwing (save)
Wavepaw (AVoS) -> Waveshine (save)
Shimmerpelt (BS) -> Shimmerbright (conflict)
Shadepelt (AVoS) -> Shademuzzle (conflict)
Mintfur (Po3) -> Mintflower (conflict)
Rushtail (OotS) -> Rushfish (conflict)
Carpkit (Missing Kits) -> Carpwhisker (save)
Bluefur (the one and only) -> Bluemoon (better)
Emberdawn (LH) -> Emberdusk (conflict)
Duckkit (Missing Kits) -> Duckfur (save)
Dragonflykit (Missing Kits) -> Dragonclaw (save)
Heronwing (AVoS) -> Heronflight (conflict)
REMOVALS: These may be shuffled to another litter at a later time, but for now, are effectively cut.
Grasspelt, because I would like Grasswhisker to be an old lady who was friends with Briarlight.
Nightsky and Breezeheart are currently dead as kits to further torment Icewing about losing Beetlewhisker in the Dark Forest. Like StarClan's mad at her.
Robinwing had a conflict name anyway so I just killed them as an apprentice because I want more young deaths.
Lizardtail. Being effectively replaced by Hollowflight, but may have been Hollow's original name before earning an honor title. (the honor title is for betraying the dark forest and running a marathon across the lake to fetch help during the Great Battle-- the name would become Hallowflight.)
The drowned kits of Mosspelt and Frogleap, Robinkit and Woodkit, are gone. I may use them at some point.
Pikepaw from Battles of the Clans. Holding onto them in case they're needed.
Gorseclaw. It is more tragic for Harelight to be the only surviving sibling, plus there was a name conflict anyway.
I completely missed the following cats and it's the only reason they weren't used, and I'm making a note of them here for my own reference should I ever need them;
COTC: Brindleclaw, Graywing, Foxwhisker, Foxclaw, Hayberry and kits Minnowkit and Wildkit, Sunspots, Fernleaf, Blackbee, Kinktail
Lightningpaw and Lilyflower gave Crookedstar a life
CHANGELOG: I tell you why I did the things
Code and the Clans and Darkstar's Commandment
There's a lot of weird quirks around Code of the Clans, namely that there are two Darkstars associated with two different commandments in two different Clans. If that weren't weird enough, one of those Darkstars is very similar to the MAPLESHADE'S VENGEANCE Darkstar, but these are canonically three different people???
In my rewrite, no lol there's Darkstar of RiverClan, known for Darkstar's Commandment/The Queen's Rights, and Dalestar who created the "don't question your leader" commandment in response to Ripplestar's Rot.
I also snatched a bunch of the cats out of the CotC story to explain the confusion!
Aspentail (the magic spirit who assists the battle) was Darkstar's sister, and Perchpaw's mother. She is going to have a small but emotionally important role as part of StarClan in Darkstar's Commandment.
Splashheart was Perchpaw's father, and Splashfoot was named after him.
Moletooth, Nettlepad, Lightningpelt, Oatberry, and Meadowpelt are all repurposed from another CotC story, conflict-renamed when necessary.
I was going to allow Darkstar's lineage to peter out since Perchshine is going to go live at the barn, but Mudthorn had a mate slot open and I had a stroke of whimsy realizing I could have a kitten join RiverClan from the barn.
Magpiesky is Magpie from Crookedstar's Promise, now a sibling of Fleck and Mitzi instead of a child of Mitzi.
"Magsky" is now the one who brings young Stormpaw to the barn; Domino was her mother but she tries not to talk about her outsider heritage too much because... Clan Culture, y'know.
She was able to join because Volestar was gracious, citing her Darkstar blood.
Appledusk and Reedshine's children, only named in authorial statements, have been broken up and reworked. Willownose and Shyheart belong to other cats and only Applefrost remains; Duskwater has been made into an AppleReed kitten.
I really like how it's two kits, named for both parts of Appledusk.
Duskwater's mate Oatbelly was a victim of Mapleshade.
Rainflower is now the Appledusk descendant, not Shellheart. Her mom was killed in the same storm she gave birth in.
Greenflower's sibling was Duckfur, previously a Missing Kit described as her dead child. Needed more fodder.
I am probably going to make her mother Dragonflykit, the other Missing Kit described as a dead child. I need a good name though. Dragonflyclaw? I kinda want to drop the 'fly' suffix and make the name Dragonclaw because that's cool as hell
MAN what if Clan Culture has a concept of 'dragons' but it's actually a large dragonfly that flies like a hawk, bites like a snake, and swims like a pike...
1.1 UPDATE: Added Dragonclaw as Whitefang's mate and Greenflower's mother.
Greenflower and Sedgecreek were not capable of having biokittens, Duckfur was the honor-sire and Sedgecreek gave birth to the kits.
Greenflower loudly announces this during TigerClan to display their loyalty to the Code, Sedgecreek feels extremely uncomfortable having their personal information aired like that.
Swallowtail fell in love with Rainwhisker on the Great Journey, and became pregnant shortly before his death in the WindClan Rebellion!
The kits are Rainstorm and Rippletail.
Swallow named a son after her forbidden mate. It was BOLD, because Rainstorm is practically Rainwhisker's reflection.
Sedgecreek tries to forgive Greenflower and make amends, but Greenflower turning on their daughter Swallowtail when Ripple and Rain were born was the last straw.
Mudfur and Brightsky
I needed Mudfur's genes because as you can see things get pretty tight, since there's less named characters the further back you go
Say hello to Carpwhisker! She's a sweetheart. Previously a Missing Kit, I picked her over Waterkit or Oatkit.
Voletooth is named after their famous ancestor.
Volestar actually gave the family their spots, and they are all quite large like she was.
Brightsky is not actually dead. She left to become a kittypet, and only Hailstar and Mudfur know this. It was kept secret.
The other two kittens stayed with her.
Sunfish's Bloodline
Frogleap doesn't need kits. Society has progressed past the need for Frogleap kits.
Sunfish's lineage is continued through Grasswhisker. I am fond of Grasswhisker for like no reason. I just think she's Neat.
Her sister Vixenleap actually dies in Mudclaw's Rebellion
Dapplepaw is going to get eaten by a fish in Po3
Grasswhisker can't catch a break and that's how I like it
I made Lakeheart older because I like the idea that she was named after their new home and that effect kinda lessens if she isn't one of the first RiverClan births here.
Harelight and Tragedy
Like I mentioned before, Gorseclaw's getting cut completely. It fits Harelight's story a LOT more for him to tragically lose all of his siblings in TBC.
Denied the ability to mourn his sister Softpelt, being forced to bury Dappletuft like a rogue, Harelight is becoming a Light in the Mist next to Misty. He has a bone to pick with the Impostor.
He's kinda becoming a blorbo ngl.
I imagine he's very polite and a bit silly, but more astute than people give him credit for.
Based on ABSOLUTELY nothing he keeps reminding me of Donnel from Fire Emblem. I have NO idea why I keep thinking of him.
Me trying to reference a greek tragedy about simple mourning rights being the ironic downfall of a tyrant but all I can hear in my head is "YEEEEHAW"
I am probably going to cut more warriors, too, to make way for some of the more interesting warriors to stick around. No one cares about Brackenpelt.
UPDATE 1.2: Harelight's first name was Harefur! Mistystar likes to 'match' the names of siblings according to a theme; SoftPELT, DappleTUFT, and HareFUR were all hair-related!
Harelight is an honor title because he is now a Light in the Mist, alongside Mistystar herself.
Graymist and Pouncetail, Mallownose and Sneezecloud
In-canon Shadepelt was acting like an elder when she was barely 2 years old. Lol. Lmao, even.
She is the mom of Pouncetail and Graymist now. I think this is a very funny idea. They are very silly as siblings.
Mallow is Pounce's son and Sneeze is Gray's son.
Mallownose and Sneezecloud are no longer siblings; but they are cousins who were really close growing up because they both lost their littermate!
Mallow lost Robin, and Sneeze lost Duck.
I made them more distantly related because I KNOW there's going to be some kind of romantic drama between Frostpaw and Splashtail in-canon and I want that to be less weird.
Sure, they're far enough in-canon to not break my Three Strict Rules, but still, I wanted to fix it really hard in advance.
1.1 UPDATE: Father of Sneeze has been changed from Voletooth to Beechfur. This may change again.
Copperpaw has evolved into Copperwing
He's called Copperwing because I was planning to have him replace Robinwing, and then I ended up using Robinpaw anyway as a kill… but the name remains.
Got hit with sudden inspiration to make him REALLY shiny and I leaned into it. Him and his kits are sparkly even for RiverClan cats, lmao.
Waveshine and Shimmerbright are pretty evocative of that, I hope! I'm glad I was able to use the -bright suffix at least once.
I approached my renamings with Mistystar in mind; I like to think she tries to give cats "thematic" names. For example, Rushfish is named after his dead brother. Heronflight, Perchwing, and Sneezecloud are sky-related. She even gave Lake and Otter the same -heart suffix.
The SwanMoss Family
Swansong, a surviving child of Graypool x Rippleclaw and the adopted brother of Mistyfoot and Stonefur, is replacing Frogleap. SWANSWEEP.
For a LOOONG while I was planning to make Willowshine the oldest child of Dawnflower, but now that I've definitively worked out the specifics of my tree, I can say with confidence that she works best as a Mosspelt kitten.
Because, y'know, unlike canon Mosspelt's mate isn't dead.
I put Troutstream in here because I feel like she looks like Swansong, who looks like Rippleclaw.
I kinda like her as a family outlier, she's a huge jerk... but she is a PRETTY jerk.
I think Mossyfoot was badly influenced, and her death made Trout grow up.
Icewing and Mintflower, Dark Forest 'curse'
Mintfur is now Mintflower because there needs to be more boys with the -flower suffix.
Also he is an ex-tribecat. He had to take refuge in ThunderClan when the Clan got dangerous during Stormfur and Brook's exile, but Mistystar invited him back when she gained power.
I'm killing Icewing and Mintflower's second litter. I think it's a lot more tragic for Icewing to feel like StarClan is punishing her by not letting her have more kittens.
The fact she trained in the Dark Forest and brought her son Beetlewhisker in with her is haunting.
On that note, Petalfur... either needs more to happen with her, or I'm replacing her on the Beaver Quest. Rippletail dies on it, the other RiverClan cat really needs to have some amount of importance in OotS and possibly beyond.
Other things
Havenpelt is an ex-rogue who used to cause problems, but eventually was badly injured and RiverClan took her in for healing.
I am not fond of Lizardtail because he's boring, in spite of having really interesting kids. He is either going to be combined with Hollowflight or axed completely; more DF Trainees need to survive.
If it's an honor title, it's going to become Hallowflight. The title will come because he defects from the Dark Forest Attackers and runs a very long distance to get help/warn the others before collapsing from exhaustion. A sacred marathon of sorts.
Mousewhisker x Minnowtail REAL. Mousewhisker joins RiverClan after TBC, so we'll have to wait for ASC to be completed before I can give any details. But this is set in stone.
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ferris-the-wheel · 2 months
Thanks to your lovely input, I'd like to request a 💙 for your 100 followers event. One-sided Malleus x Kasai.
You already know about Kasai, so I'm not gonna bother explaining her personality.
I've got 2 ideas that I can't pick from, so you can do whichever one you like more. Either Malleus doesn't know Kasai is Aroace and gets rejected (so a bit of 🧡 with kasai giving comfort) Or He gets told by someone and has to try and push his feelings away and it only ends up hurting him and their friendship in the end.
(If you do decide to have him get rejected then Kasai wouldn't be mean about it because she's used to getting confessed to)
This poor dragon man finally meets another Dragon who doesn't fear him at all only to learn he can't be with her. (Delicious Angst)
You don't gotta do this if you don't want to obvi.
Posted 4/18/24
{ 100 Followers Event — Twisted Wonderland }
Included Character(s): Malleus Draconia
Setting: Inside Diasomnia for the most part
Emoji(s): 💙/🧡
Perspective: Malleus Draconia
Scenario: Second option of the request.
A/N: I love me some angst and have the perfect idea. Tysm Doodle-loo ♡♡♡ Also! Trying a new writing style as I normally write in past-tense, but consider your request a test run to see if I like present-tense <3 Also sorry it's a bit short–
Contains (TW): Heartbreak? (rip get Malleus an angst rain check)
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Admittedly, Malleus is quite fond of Kasai. He values her friendship more so than most of the other people he knows. He doesn't quite know what this feeling is, only that it's different from the fatherly feeling he feels from Lilia, or the brotherly feeling from Silver.
He knows of love and has heard it described by many, but it felt different to him than how he'd heard it. He doesn't know how to describe it, even now that he's experiencing it.
He realizes now that the feeling is love. He's surprised to discover that he feels that kind of attraction toward someone, not platonic, but romantic. Pleasantly surprised, though, but with this pleasant feeling came one of nervousness, which is a new thing for him to feel in this way.
What if she does not feel the same toward me? He asks himself, then decides to do as he always does when he cannot figure something out: ask Lilia for advice.
He leaves his room and travels down the long, winding corridors of Diasomnia until he reaches Lilia's door. He knocks, and upon hearing a "Hm? Come in!", he stoops to avoid hitting his horns on the doorframe and enters.
Lilia looks surprised yet amused by Malleus' presence. "Oh, Mal Mal! What do you need?" He asks with a grin. Malleus sits on the desk chair, casting a quick, curious glance at the computer before turning to face Lilia.
"Lilia. I come to you in need of assistance." Malleus replies with a somber expression. Lilia gives a giggle. "Fufufufu! What do you need?"
Malleus hesitates for a moment. "I would like to confess my feelings for Kasai." He says, waiting for Lilia's teasing response and eventual agreement. However, he is confused by Lilia's almost comedic wince.
"Ooo, um... about that, Mal Mal." Lilia says with a pained expression on his face. "Kasai is not interested in being with anyone that way."
Malleus is caught off guard and confused. "What do you mean?"
"I mean she's aroace." Lilia says, causing Malleus to become even more confused. "Arrow... what?" He asks with a quizzical look to the smaller fae.
He's heartbroken. Lilia had spent a good thirty minutes explaining what aroace was to the fae prince and answering his questions. Malleus has a crestfallen look on his face as Lilia hovers by his side and gives him a pat on the shoulder.
"Don't worry, Malleus. You'll get over it eventually." Lilia says comfortingly. "You're still young. You'll find another love one day."
Perhaps not the most comforting of words, but they seemed to some effect, for the prince lifted his head, a slight pout still etched upon his lips.
Malleus teleports away from the corridor he was in, appearing in an empty one. He had seen Kasai meandering down it, chatting with someone else. His heart still hurts too much to be able to compose himself in front of her.
As Lilia had told him, he has hopes that soon his feelings will begin to fade. He misses his fellow dragon's company, but is unwilling to face her, despite knowing that she would not act any different because she does not know what he feels for her.
Until the day comes that his heart does not sink every time he sees her, he will keep himself at a distance.
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Twst taglist: @edith-is-a-cat @twst-om-lover @l7k-a @lu-lul @lyle-my-beloved @xen-blank @cookiesandbiscuits @mermaidfanficlibrary @doodler17 @felixsterprankster @v-anrouge @casp1an-sea @h2llish
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stellarunimoon · 2 months
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im so scared right now. this is the first time ive posted on here in a WHILE so my artstyle is :skull: completely different. i plan on revamping this whole uhh profile. ill still keep up the artwork though so my growth can be visible :- )
so this is a part of my blue diamond au i was doodling. i dont plan on making any comics or anything just some little silly pictures cause i like that kind of thing.
so i kind of felt like keeping all their previous personalities, i dont like when they take after the one that they were replacing, but thats just a personal preference. im just gonna infodump lmao
yellow - since shes more of an easily aggrivated one and has a superiority complex, i thought instead of controlling gems like white does, she could paralyze them, so the finale keeps its effect while still being in character. her pearl is still the same, likely a different outfit or form though, i havent decided yet.
pink - she's still childish and tempermental, but it's more forgiven due to her rank, and it's less because of her responsibilities. her old pearl, pink pearl, was still given to white, however white also already had a pearl. she just has two now. ( it is not our regular pearl, its a new one with a new design ill give. ), she's probably the one who needs them the most, and they will NOT be controlled, pink pearl will just be rejuvinated and given a new form <3 more on that later. our pearl does not exist in this au, or she does, i guess, but since our pearl is just the "default" settings, i feel like THIS pink would give her a form that actually matches her, and due to the different style of her being raised, she felt less remorse for damaging pink pearl. still remorse, just less so due to her desensitization and her having to shatter gems with her role.
white - this was mentioned in the artwork but my handwriting is sloppy so ill repeat it. she controls all the gems in her court, because she wants perfection. this includes the gems of different colors, for example.. our peridot, our peridot WILL be a different gem, and she'll probably be a light pink naturally, white when controlled. during future all of whites court will be freed. these gems are controlled from screens, like the ones in yellows room in SU:F. most of her gems remain idle until necessary, but her pearls would assist her in controlling them because. That's a lotta work. she likely has a lot of different gadgets to figure this out cause, yeah, the gempire is big but . . i made this up like an hour ago so cut me some slack.
blue - blue will still be emotional, and that's likely a causation of her rebellion. her pearl is the same as hers in the canon, she did not hit her like pink did. their relationship is still toxic, and like rose in canon, she was trying to change. she just failed. while pink affected the gems because she didn't realize the power she held, and never finished what she started ( spinel being abandoned... she's a little freak for that honestly. also commanding pearl to stay silent, (i don't think that was intentional, i think she just felt like it was a normal request, and didn't realize how much power she still held. that could be debated though cause "for my last order to you as a diamond"..) i think blue affected them emotionally. guilt tripping, self pity, and 2-D thinking. blue was probably more prone to shattering, but would also be very hypocritical. she could not see from the rebel gems perspective EVEN THOUGh she's trying to recruit them. to her, she just wants to win.
anyways that was what i was thinking lmao i kinda just made this up #Sorry
i only drew banded white agate because i did "random steven universe character generator" and it was like "holly blue agate" and i was like Yea Sure im down.
thanks for listening if you did. if not i dont really care i mighjt just add do this IDK WHAT IM DOING!!! this is probably just gonna be a doodle account for my different fixations. (except saw i dont like drawing real people. yet.)
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hellishradio · 3 months
✦ O O C B L O G . 📌
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SO SO SO sorry for so much ooc blogs recently i promise i'll make less after the blog goes back to running normally but i'm implementing some new stuff for you guys !!
also thank you for 150+ followers!! the list of listeners are growing so fast HAHA
✦ under the cut !!
due to a lot of positive responses i'll be doing art dumps of hazbin hotel stuff sometimes!! it may include doodles i do in my freetime or fully shaded art with colour haha
this blog only featured responses to asks until now but i will be sometimes reposting content from other blogs (like fanart, other ask/rpblogs, etc) and make alastor react to them!!
and also post "vlog" formatted things of how alastor's day is running and maybe a few podcast things like recent news, music reccomendations, etc!! it will be tagged #hellishradio!podcast
i receive a lot of questions through asks and dms so i thought i'd just answer them all here!! though most of the answers are in my rules and info :')
any other questions, please ask me in the comments!
— " i don't think my ask got answered! "
most common question i receive nowadays but! it is most likely that your response is in queue and will be automatically posted in the span of a few hours to a few days. i'm sorry that they get posted late but unfortunately i receive so much asks daily and don't want to spam the tags nor the account :')
this is mostly only relevant to the event but art and writing will take longer!! and it is selective because i can't get through all these writing and art reqs, please understand!
— " can we roleplay? "
unfortunately i can't do more than simple interactions. anything with a lot of plot, i won't be able to do. yes i can do simple action sentences but anything that's too long is where i draw the line due to my busyness!!
you can still send asks in character, and you are free to send long paragraphs, but don't expect me to do the same </3
— " do you follow back? "
I REALLY WISH I COULD. i didnt know this account with gain so much fans when i created it, so i made it a sideblog instead of a main one :') and my main blog doesn't have any (like i mean 0) content so 😔 though that MIGHT change in the future?? maybe??
— " can we be friends? "
yes we can!! shoot me a dm and we can talk anytime <3 you aren't bothering, i promise!
— " can i take inspo from your blog! "
absolutely! go for it! no need to ask or credit, i don't own these types of layouts so you're free to do whatever!! though if you did credit, thank you anyways <3
— " where do you draw? "
i'm really sorry to break your bubble but.. the doodles i do when i respond to asks are not done with an art app haha.. i drew those in a notes app that i use while taking notes from a lecture.. though if you're still interested, it's called collanotes!
the actual art apps i use for my serious art (which has not been posted yet but shh it's coming i promise) are procreate and ibis! usually i draw on procreate and add some extra effects and do fixups on ibis.
i use an ipad 3rd gen pro and an 2nd gen apple pencil!
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thelatecaptainpierce · 5 months
I love your fanvids, so 15 but maybe for your top 5 fave characters instead of just one?
Ah thank you! <3
15. Pick a theme song for one of the characters. Why do you think that song suits them?
For Hawkeye I just have to pick something by Springsteen. I've said before that Born in the USA would be his favourite album and I stand by that, and if I had to narrow it down to a song it'd be Dancing in the Dark. But since I've already made a vid to that song, it feels like cheating, so allow me to overcompensate with reasoning for some other tracks: Cover Me for desiring shelter from a turbulent world and taking comfort/protection from a lover, No Surrender and Bobby Jean for the way they walk the line between male/male friendship and romance, I'm On Fire for horny reasons, aaaand of course the title track because I don't think Hawkeye would like the Vietnam war very much.
Hmmmm is Landslide a really cliche option for Margaret? I think it fits her changing attitudes over the course of the show after initially building her identity around the rigidity of the army (and often her relationships too, most obviously with Frank) and the lines about growing older remind me a lot of her line 'I feel as old as I’m ever going to get, older than I ever intended to be'.
I'm cheating for Klinger since this wasn't my idea but I couldn't possibly come up with a better song than Draft Dodger Rag, this fanvid made me lose my shit the first time I saw it.
Ok the Trapper one is really specific but I think a lot about post-war Trapper adjusting to being at home (while also missing Hawkeye bc I'm biased) in relation to the line ‘I got some colour back, she thinks so too, I laugh like me again, she laughs like you’ from Hozier’s Almost (Sweet Music).  I could make the whole song fit if I really wanted to, like maybe Trapper bonds with his wife by going out dancing but that was also something they all did back in Korea to create a sense of normalcy, including moments specific to Hawkeye and Trapper (hello Yankee Doodle Doctor dancing scene) but tbh it’s mostly that one line I highlighted.
Those are my top 4 characters and I don't have an easy 5th so I think I'm gonna stop there because this response is fucking huge to begin with, thank you for making it to the end :')
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pencil-urchin · 8 months
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Doodle of my Mirialan OC, Iria. She's a scholar--Peofessor of Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology, with a minor in Art History: all centered on what she calls "The Culture of Warfare" and how it defines and shapes those cultures which engage in war.
She also put herself through school as an exotic dancer in a not-very-nice place, like you do.
(Hold on because I'm about to word vomit)
She has a list of other skills and knowledges, but I don't want anyone crying "Mary Sue!" so a quick note:
All but a handful of her knowledge and abilities are skills I currently have or had at one point, and I promise I am not anyone's idea of a "Mary Sue."
These skills and achievements include:
-Multiple Advanced Degrees (I have an Associate's, a Bachelor's, and 3 Master's degrees)
-Art (I am a professional artist, and although I have a long way to go and a lot of room to improve, I have worked hard to get where I am, and obtained both an MA in Visual Development and an MFA in Concept Art in the process)
-Martial Arts (I stopped one test shy of a black belt when I was 17 because I started college)
-Fencing (I started fencing when I was 21, which is how I met my husband; we were both competitive until and somewhat during grad school, but now we mostly just coach)
-Music (clarinet and vocal primarily, then violin and piano for a short time)
-Writing (creative and academic, my second degree was in Literary Studies)
-Multilingual (I have studied Spanish, French, Latin, and Russian)
-Organization schemes/data analysis and curation (my first Masters was in Library Science, and I was a librarian for over ten years)
-Handling of rare/historic artifacts (I studied special collections, collection management, and rare books in my MLS)
-Cooking (my husband and I love cooking together)
-Fashion (as part of my MLS I worked in a designer and historic fashion archive)
-Metalwork (I have taken metalsmithing classes, worked as a jeweler's apprentice, and even got to try blacksmithing once upon a time)
-First Aid (through my first two years of grad school I was Healthcare Provider certified to offer assistance with CPR, use of a defibrillator, assisting with someone choking, etc)
-Emergency Response (for a while in my late teens, I participated in a program meant to prepare young adults for Firefighter I training, which included a rigorous exercise routine, specialized training in the use of emergency equipment, and learning the most basic foundations of Fire Science)
-Acting (listen I don't think I'm good, but I was in Improv as a kid, love to RP at the game table , and was even a mime once)
-Field Ecology (loved this class, caught so many snakes, frogs, turtles, and lizards: I do not do spiders or insects, and therefore neither do my characters)
Skills I ABSOLUTELY do not have that my OC has:
-social grace (I'm an awkward weirdo)
-physical grace (despite all I have done, I am so clumsy)
-beauty (I am a swamp witch without the swamp)
-confidence (see above)
-dancing (I did dance and drill team when I was in junior high, did swing choir in high school, did the "shimmy" belly dance workout, and took a pole-dance workout class once which was an absolute blast, but JFC I am NOT a dancer, I promise)
I'm sure there's more, but you get the idea. A multifaceted character with a collection of experiences that seem disparate isn't different from what we are IRL when we break ourselves down into a list like this. In addition to all the positives, I'm also old (35), neurodivergent and mentally-Ill.
So yeah, not a "Mary Sue."
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