#i was so happy lashana was back in a couple of scenes in the movie
unicornspwnall · 5 months
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THE MARVELS (2023) dir. Nia DaCosta
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ice-wtr · 5 years
reasons why captain marvel exceeded my expectations lol
not that anyone asked but i thought that id share why this movie is an overall good movie , not just action/super hero , a genuinely good movie :
a) this one is a bit biased because i am black ; the amount of screen time w black characters is a lot . not just fury , but also maria (lashana lynch) and korath (djimon hounsou)  . my Favorite part was that their blackness wasnt token (in this case excluding korath because hes not human)  its refreshing to see black people being people especially in mainstream movies .
b) one of the driving forces to carol becoming captain marvel is a little black girl , monica ( akira akbar ), who just so happens to be maria’s daughter .
c) i had braced myself for some sort of romantic sub plot , idk from who or where but there was none !! i was excited because sometimes things like that can take away from whats happening in the moment . ( im not including talos and his wife because we can assume for ourselves that this is a relationship and it doesnt take away from the plot but adds underlying reasoning to his actions and builds more sympathy for the character that wasnt there before ) 
d) i didnt kno what to expect from the character , i kno my fair share of characters but i dont spend time researching every back story ( esp if im going to get a movie about it ) i did have some fair knowledge of this character tho and i enjoy her . the casting choice wasnt clear until i was able to see it in action , but brie and carol’s personalities are alike so the choice made me happy
e) they went with an unconventional looking white girl , and i mean this in the best way possible . im not saying shes not pretty im saying her features arent ones you commonly see , like the square jaw and brown eyes , brie just looks different from the majority of white women you see on tv and film and its refreshing 
f) THERE WERE NO UNNECESSARY DEATHS ( they had me when they shot talos but he didnt die and i was very happy !! )
g) they filled in soooo many “holes” throughout the mcu such as why fury started the avengers initiative , why the teseract was kept on earth , how fury got his eye out ( lol ) , the most important one imo WHY NICK FURY ALWAYS SAYS TRUST NO ONE ( even tho the skrull later revealed themselves as peaceful so there may be other reasons why ) ( also in the comics its somewhat common knowledge that the skrull are peaceful and the kree are the aggressors ) . this one isnt much of a hole but the connection of ronan the accuser ( he’s kree , not surprising since thanos adopts all his children )  and korath , somewhat alluding to why we see them in guardians of the galaxy together . 
h) it had its funny moments of course , these movies ( ever since being adopted by disney ) have mastered the art of being naturally funny , like no actual jokes for the most part just normal behavior that is humorous given the situation . 
i) it was a girl power movie that didnt shove girl power down my throat . now im all for empowering women and showing us as strong people but the one narative they tend to push gets a little bit worn out imo , this movie said “ im a strong powerful person And im a woman “ , not “ im strong and powerful Despite the fact that i am a woman “ 
j) she showed that you dont have to prove yourself if you kno your power / worth ( the point i related to the most lol )
k) the first after credit scene is my favorite out of all of them
but yea , we can totally say that iron man may have started the mcu but that captain marvel is the origin of it ( and is arguably the first avenger ) but yea i thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a very good introductory movie and the pacing wasnt slow at all imo ( i also watch dc movies sooooo ; i mean have you seen man of steel ?? its a couple minutes longer than infinity war !! like whats that about ? )
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