#i will delete these later of course
potionpeddlerpatchy · 5 months
Also! I would like to invite you to share what lingerie a fav of your choosing would absolutely drool over you in >:3 ✨✨✨
So so so funny you say that, because I do know what mine would like and I had the opportunity in the summer to do my OWN photoshoot with them on.
So, allow me to showcase, with myself as the model >:3
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assiraphales · 1 year
I do think it’s unfortunate that people (europeans) automatically assume that “american” style versions of foods are immediately the most bastardized version done purposefully out of lack of culture, when the reality a lot of times it’s rooted in a response of millions of poor immigrants stepping foot in a foreign land attempting to recreate beloved recipes with what few ingredients were available and affordable
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bixels · 2 months
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Why the hell, shit, you damned bastard son of a bitch
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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journalists underestimate the magnitude of my addiction and how far i'll go for the bit
#snap chats#im lying i physically could not marathon this i got school LMAO BUT IMAGINE#my god speaking of school i signed up for a japanese history class. because of course i did#i also needed an extra class and i didnt know what else to put LMAO but i might swap it or somn#thinkin i should get back into theater..... i got like two months to decide anyway#i was thinking about how im gonna play IW during streams... if the lord will let me i might stream for 2~3 hours or so#im putting such a small time limit due to Aforementioned School but also idk if my computer can record any longer than that#when i tried saving the video to my flashdrive it only lasted about two some hours right ? maybe 3 if i remember right#i decided to record to my computer's hard drive instead of the usb since it has more space so maybe i can record longer#ill prob do a test run later today and record a nonsense video. i WILL delete it i just wanna see what the limit is#cause my plan is to just Record One -> Upload It -> Delete OG yk. Lazy Susan type of plan#didnt mean to type out my whole gameplan in the tags LOL BUT HEY I WANTED TO TALK BOUT IT AT SOME POINT#my final message is that ive Hopefully preordered the ichi statue. i say Hopefully cause i am once again doing it through jp rabbit#and i didnt get the confirmation it was successful yet so I Will Simply Wait.#point is it was a lot cheapter than i thought it was going to be <3 yay <3#ok im running out of tags tl;dr im gonna marathon IW until my eyes bleed BYYYE
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infamous-if · 10 months
August is proving to be just as hard to write as G. What is it about characters that don't plainly state their feelings in a clear and concise way that attracts me so much? What happened to being direct and not having any angst-ridden thoughts that are wrapped in multiple layers of avoidant behavior?
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red-sneakers · 8 months
Fun fact for smut fic writers: Did you know that short people can top? 😱 It’s true! You don’t have to make a canonically shorter character taller than another character to write them as the top! It is, in fact, physically and emotionally possible for a shorter person to be dominant!
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chahnniesroom · 4 months
what's the point of being a skz fic writer when chan himself has started writing chan x reader fics??? time to close this blog
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months
The reason this fandom hates IDW Optimus isn't because he's a cop (plenty of people are fine with Prowl) or because he's a bastard (most characters in IDW are) but because he commits the crime of being an actual person who's messy, flawed, and makes a shitload of high stakes mistakes fitting for the intense situations and pressure he's put under constantly.
But we can't have Optimus actually react to his situations by lashing out or being unpleasant, no, he has to have the personality of a cardboard cutout of G1 whose only defining personality traits are "dad, funny, nice," and if he ever vents negative emotions it can only ever be #relatable depression or him being sad on his own without ever letting it show during the important parts of the story. If Optimus dares do things like be angry or frustrated or bitter it's just a sign that he's a bastard and LITERALLY the worst Optimus ever. If Optimus ever makes mistakes or does wrong things in the heat of anger/frustration/stress it's because he's just an evil bastard with no redeeming traits.
God forbid Optimus go through an unending gauntlet of war, politics, atrocities, near-complete loneliness, and a seemingly endless cycle of violence for his entire life and come out of it kind of bitter, angry, and tired of dealing with people's shit. He's not allowed to be a realistic person, context doesn't matter, sympathy doesnt matter. IDW Optimus doesn't fulfill the fandom's fantasies of Father Figure or Perfect Cultural Icon or Twinky Fucktoy and since that's the only reason most people care about Optimus in general, the fandom collectively trashes on IDW OP.
All because he can't fit into the overly simplified and childlike double standard the fandom has where if any other character is messy and flawed, that's good writing and interesting and compelling, but if OPTIMUS is messy and flawed, he's Literally The Worst and he's an asshole for no other reason than He Sucks, context be damned
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dxkjf · 2 months
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These are ocs purely for me to indulge in my stupid little love for detectives and mystery stories. And i rewatched the great mouse detective and I'm going a wee bit mad perhaps. I'm not sure.
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 11 months
Do you sleep with socks on
this is such a random ask that I feel like i’m morally required to answer it lol
and the answer is- this ✨mysterious✨ museum curator obviously never sleeps soooo that answers your question :)
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skunkes · 5 months
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It's Sun-day, post unfinished Sun doodles
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willowser · 5 days
thought about once-again quirkless deku on my drive home and BURST INTO TEARS
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grumpy-nyks · 6 months
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i felt quite nostalgic some time ago and i've planned to do it (in august actually...), but life hit me with everything, and... yeah.. but hey! it's here, finallyy!!!! it's my version of '#sixfanarts', but with my favourite ROs from games that mean the world to me. Big THANK YOU, to the devs who created these games!
Atlas - The Immortal Kingdom @vouxie-studio xyx - Blooming Panic @robobarbie Alkar - When The Night Comes @LunarisGames (twitter) June - Andromeda Six @WanderlustGames (twitter) Castiel - My Candy Love Caleb - Gilded Shadows @steamberrystudio
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cyberspacebear · 1 month
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captain-k8kat · 1 month
The idea that Kaeya witnessed the fall of Khaenri'ah is so uninteresting to me. I find him learning about it second hand and piecing together clues about his ancestry and past to me far more interesting. That the only Khaenri'ah he knew was a Khaenri'ah in ruins if even that. Having to go through that sort of generational trauma. I find it to be a more interesting explanation than he's actually secretly 500+ years old because of abyss fuckery. There's enough characters who are 500+ years old, Kaeya doesn't need to be one of them imo
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