#i wish i was thiner
lets start the relapse time
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D1 ✅ D2 ✅ D3 ✅ D4 ✅ D5 ✅
SW: 57,7 FW: 56 kg
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pustazapalniczka · 2 years
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thoughtsforsoob · 2 months
beomgyu x y/n
tw: this is a piece surrounding the death of the reader. please read with caution. if somthing i wrote here is off or insensitive, please send me a private message or an ask. i haven't had to deal with a close death to this extent so i might get something wrong. again, please let me know if i did.
1.3k words
it had been only a few weeks since the doctor had broke the news of your condition but it never got easier. it never got better because you knew you would not be able to make it out of this. you saw no light at the end of the tunnel. there was no end of the tunnel. just a void you’d keep existing in for ever and ever. you hated to think of it this way but you couldn’t help yourself. your permanent state of misery would allow you nothing else. 
your boyfriend on the other hand, he was a mess. he didn’t want you to go. no one did. his friends and bandmates had to comfort him so that he wouldn’t break in front of you. he didn't want to worry or scare you in the last moment of your life. even if you told him it was okay to cry in front of you, he refused to do it. if he felt himself letting tears slip, he would run away and hide from you. you just wanted to see him but he wouldn’t allow it. 
he took the opportunity, when he wasn’t crying, to take care of you. since your illness had left you confined to your bed, he would slip under the sheets next to you and just hold you. he wanted to provide as much comfort as possible. he knew you were feeling scared and didn’t want to show him. he would also do his best to make you laugh. he would prepare all of the best jokes for you and tell you when he got some time alone with you. he would also save all of the best tiktok videos and instagram memes to show you when he would see you. 
if there was something he hated more than your condition, it was the fact that he had to work while you were wasting away. he didn’t want to go to schedules and he made it very clear. the boys did their best to help convince their company to give him some time to spend your last days with you but they didn’t understand. they didn’t care. 
he would do his best to end schedules early so he could run off to see you. his favorite day was when he woke up to a group texts from his band mates saying to skip work and go see you. they would cover for him. that day, he left bed with a giant dorky smile on his face and it stayed there when he arrived to your home. he got ready and made sure to look presentable for you that day. little did he know, that day would be one of your favorite too…but one of your last. 
two days later, the nurse was there when he arrived after work. this was never a good sign because it meant something was getting worse. they were usually quick visits but…this nurse was supposed to be gone a long time ago. 
the nurse pulls him aside and gives him sympathetic eyes. “she’s going soon. please just prepare for a goodbye within the next few hours. i’ll stick around if you need anything.” 
he starts to fall apart from the inside. not showing it outwardly. he couldn’t. it was impossible to let you know what he was feeling. he didn’t want you to cry of be scared. 
he walks in the room with a big smile but it soon faded when he saw how your condition had worsened. you looked paler than usual, thiner, and more than he was willing to let himself notice. you had your oxygen rubes in your nose this time. you hadn’t needed them in weeks. it physically hurt his heart to see you like this. 
he sits next to you in your usual spot and smoothes a hand over your hair. 
“hey, beautiful. i missed you all day today. what have you been up to today?”
he look up at him with your sunken eyes. you looked red and puffy. “well…i’ve been in bed. i can’t exactly move from here, silly.”
he smiled at your name for him and rolled his eyes, “ugh i know. I'm so sorry. i wish i could take you outside. maybe some fresh air would do you good.”
he give him a mischievous smirk. “let’s sneak out. you’ll have to drag me out though. i can’t exactly walk.”
he sighs and looks at you with a loving smile, “just as funny as always. you know, no one will ever be funnier than you. you’re an actual comedian.” 
you don’t reply. you grab his hand and hold onto it, pressing it to your face. he noticed how cold your skin was getting and reality hit him once again. you were only on your way out. you’d be gone within hours, according to the nurse. had you know? had you been told?
he didn't ask. he didn’t want to know. 
he had one final opportunity for this and he was going to make it happen now. 
he uses his thumb to rub your cheek and you smile up at him. you look so tired. you were holding on just for him. you didn’t want him to see you go but you were getting ready to let go. how could you possibly tell him though?
he uses his other hand to reach into his jacket pocket. his clumsy hand searched and finally found what he was looking for. it was a small, simple ring. one he’d been wanting to give you for a while. now was the perfect time. you’d be able to keep it forever. 
he pulls the ring from his pocket and shows it to you. “do you like this ring?” you looked a little shocked but had a shy smile painted on your face. “of course i do. it’s pretty.” he smiles. “I'm glad you like it. it’s for you. i know we can’t get married now but when you’re gone and I follow you eventually, you’re gone be there waiting for me. right? we can get married then.”
you start to let tears fall. something you hadn’t done in front of him in a long time. you pull him into you with what little strength you had left and just sobbed uncontrollably. the nurse peaked in the check in but once they realized what was going on, they left to give you some privacy. 
once you gained your final ounce of composure, you looked up at him, “of course i’ll wait. there no one else i love more in the world than you.”
he slips the ring on your frigid finger and presses a kiss to your hand. “i love you.”
your eyes rapidly start to flutter shut. it was happening. your speech was getting slower and you stared up at him. “lay with me.” that was your last request to him. the last thing you’d ever ask him for. 
you got comfortable with him and finally started to let yourself go. you hated to do this to him but you know that he didn't care. as long as he was close to you. 
“i love you, beomgyu.”
the life slipped from your body and only then, when he was sure you were gone, he started to cry. it started with silent cries and escalated to desperate screams for you to come back. he’d never felt so vulnerable in his life. 
hours later, you were being taken away. he watched your body being hauled of the continued to let out screams and cries of agony. his bandmates had come to comfort him. they rubbed his back and wiped his tears but he still screamed and cried. 
that night, he didn’t leave your apartment. he didn’t leave for the next three days. he sat on your bed, crying. he wanted you back but all he had were your clothes and your other stuff. your scent still lingered about the apartment and he held onto it for as long as he could. 
his bandmates finally got him out of the apartment but he couldn’t help but take some of your things. 
a hoodie, your shared bear stuffie and your perfume. 
he missed you desperately. 
he’d miss you until he was finally with you. 
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hazashiovo · 1 year
Sarcastic number 9 With Aemond please 💗🙏🏽
You ask you shall receive!
"Do you want to fuck me or kill me?"
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Ps:this is gonna be a bit long, I like flavouring my fics🤭
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It was simple, honestly, you and the prince allways one at each others troaths. Even so, everyone could feel the tension between the two of you.
It didn't matter if it was in a room or even outside. When you and Aemond shared a space the air got thiner and atmosphere dark.
It made sense, you being the oldest daughter of Daemon Targaryen, having his blood and a lot of his personality traits.
People often saw your father in you, you even looked alike, the one my problem was, you were a bastard.
The basic story, your father slept with the mom you don't know to this day and had you, he took you and raised you.
Fortunately you looked identical to him, but it was very suspicious that a few years later Daemon showed up with a mini him. Back to the story.
You like your dragon a lot, so that made Aemond pretty jealous. I mean, he had no dragon and you were so happily racing yours with his brother?
Whenever he said your name a bitter taste laid in his mouth. But how good he felt when he got the largest dragon alive, he felt like he kicked you in the face with a bold move as such.
When his nephew,Lucerys, bow your step-brother, took his eye you stood by, simply watching it unfold.
You found it amusing so you didn't interfere.
Because of that, many called you unwell in the head, but you only took those as compliments, making you more unique than Alicent or the other basic people that talk shit at court.
As years passed and you got older, and in many people's eyes, more attractive, you became even more wild.
You adored chaos, violence and having enemies.
Daemon could never be more proud, especially since you disobey him pretty frequently, that kinda sucks,but it shows him your from head to toe his daughter.
Not a day passes that he thanks himself for taking you with him.
What more can he ask?
Most of the time Otto, refers to you as a devil, while Alicent glares in disgust. Oh how you wish to wipe that smug of their faces.
You considered killing Alicent and her father, but than were would be the fun in watching them fuck up everything?
What you found more funny is when Aegon had company over, oh how many times you caught him fucking like a rabbit. He often suggested you to join in which you replied that if you will, by the next morning he will wake up next to his severed cock.
You laughs at face he made, sometimes you terrified even him.
Years went on and Daemon married Rhaenyra. You liked her, she was a nice company. This was, of course after Laena died, you liked Laena to, after all she was the one who gifted you your dragon as a child.
You were taught high Valeryan, but also sword fight and battle strategy. If anyone said anything about you marrying some excuse of a man you or your father would bring their tongue for a collection.
In concussion danger and chaos was written all over you.
Fortunately, you didn't spend much time in kings landing, since your family lived at Dragon Stone.
But the few times you visited you would constantly challenge the second prince.
Making rude remarks, insulting his mother whenever you got the chance.
But now that the king died? Now that Aegon usurped the throne, oh how you waited for this.
It saddened you to hear that Rhaenyra lost her baby,and your half sister.
It even raged you the reason.
You blamed Aegon, now you wanted to kill him.
It's funny how you don't actually need a reason to fuel your urge to kill.
Soon enough, Rhaenyra took the rightful crown, having a lot of houses support her.
At first she wanted to send Lucerys and Jacaerys, but Daemon suggested sending you alone.
"No,we both know how it could end if (Name) went alone, it would automatically start a war."
Daemon smirked, how he loved the reputation you carved out for yourself, but he didn't give up, in fact, he hoped you would start a war. To fuel his dragon blood for adrenaline and murder.
"Than perhaps she should acompany young Lucerys, you never know what could happen. My queen."
Barely convincing her she let the two of you go.
Before sending you, she made the two of you to promise not to go as fighters.
You went as lucerys's protector. With one final hug, Rhaenyra gave Luke the paper with her declaration and send you on your way.
Daemon nodded at you as you smirked, mischief on your face.
Once you landed and noticed Vhagar excitement took over you. If he was here ,it means the greens got ahead of you.
After you were brought inside, your eyes landed on Aemond.
Luke spoke with Boros, but you payd no mind, your eyes stuck on the white haired prince. Next to him stood a girl.
She's ugly, you thought. Even in your thoughts you were mean and unmercifully.
Soon enough things started getting heated. You only snaped back to reality when Boros yelled.
"Remind me of my father's oath?!"
his voice echoed, of course after the master read him the paper. The stupid fuck didn't even know how to read. You rolled your eyes at his tone.
You were so close to cuting his tongue off, he dares insult the queen in such manner?
You acoffed in annoyance, Aemonds eye resting peacefull on your form.
Boros continued,
"At least king Aegon came with an offer, a marriage proposal, what do you have to give child?"
You chuckled, grabing the attention of Boros and the rest of the people in the room, including Luke, who pleaded with his eyes for you to say nothing stupid.
"You call that usurper but when your rightful queen calls for you oath to her you insult her? Even more, dare request a marriage with one of her children in exchange for something you should respect?"
Oh he heard all about you, the vicious chaotic daughter of Daemon Targaryen. He didn't expect you to be here, but he knew you were your fathers flesh and blood, which scared him if he was to be honest, but if course, he would never admit it.
"You have something to say, girl? For what I know there is only one King sitting on the iron Throne, in which your mother claims to be heir but has no throne?"
A smile makes its way to your face.
"Perhaps I should bring your head to my father, but unfortunately not today... unfortunately, I swore not to come here to fight.Lucky for you, my, Lord."
The last words rolling of your tongue with venom and danger lacing them.
Your eyes look over to Aemond, you could notice how his jaw clenched in annoyance.
You only wished to challenge him further.
"After all... This happens to traitors, who work hand in hand with usurpers."
You smile viciously.
"You dare come into MY house and threaten ME?"
The Baratheon's angry voice filled the quiet room.
"Perhaps I should cut your throat in your sleep, my lord~"
Adding fire to oil, you added.
Luke looked so done with you, he knew you shouldn't have come.
"GET out! Both of you now!"
Boros yelled, not knowing if he should feel safe in his own home anymore.
Oh how you waited for this, you turned around, at the same time with Luke the moment you head the white haired princes's voice.
"My Lord strong,"
He continued, oh how you know he was looking for trouble. You smirked, finally some excitement.
"Did you really think, that you could just fly above the realm, trying to steal my brothers throne at no cost."
You stepped closer to Luke,noticing how Aemonds his eye lingered on you for a bit to long.
"I will not fight you,I came here as a messaged, not a soldier." Luke spoke, glancing at you. He saw the mischief in your eyes, and he was eager to leave as fast as possible before anything can go more bad then this.
"A fight would be a little challenge." Aemond spoke silently almost.
"No, I want you to put out your eye," he than took his eye patch of, exposing his sapphire eye. You must admit, it was mesmerizing.
Our allowed your eyes to take in his whole face. You must admit, the prince is handsome. Such a shame honestly.
"As payment for mine." He continued, throwing his dagger at your feet.
Aemond wondered if you would stay aside like you did when he lost his eye, no, he knows better than that, you like action.
You chuckled, moving closer.
"He will do no such thing my dear prince, not under my watch." A teasing smile shows on your face.
Aemonds face turned to fiery rage quick.
"give me your eyes, or I shall take it bastard! "
The prince lost his temper, now charging towards the two of you. Like always, you barely waited for s fight. Unfortunately for you Boros broke the tension, sending his guards to escort you and Luke outside.
You smirked, knowing he won't stop there.
Lucerys quickly made his way to his dragon Arax. Looking around you saw how bad the weather is.
Not long after Luke, you joined Caserion, your pitch black dragon.
Slowly petting his head, you climbee on him.
Soon , both of you were high in the air, Vhagar long gone.
The heavy rain landing drops on you, soaking you up.
Luke seemed pretty shaken up, so does Arax.
"Calm down little one, he shall do no harm to you as long as I breath." Reasuring him, you smile.
After a while flying you notice Vhagars large shadow.
Its funny, your dragon is her egg, would you look at that. Perhaps Caserion would be as large as her.
"Ñuhor līr gūrēnna!" Once close enough, trough the storm you could hear Aemonds angry voice. (I will take what's mine.)
You chuckle, eyeing your cousin/uncle up.
"Tubī daor kepus!"your raging voice answered like a devil. (Not today uncle)
You made a sign for Luke which way to go.
Once Luke was out of your sight you took it upon yourself to distract Aemond.
"Come uncle! Spill your rage in your dear niece! "
You maniacally laughed, having him come towards you.
"The two of you share the same debt, so I shall be satisfied with either one of your eyes. "
Choosing it's easier to fight on earth, you landed on a piece of land.
"Come fight me uncle! I'm craving for some royal blood! " you smirked, grabing only your dagger, as it was easier to move, and faster.
He landed feew meters away.
"I shall take what's mine, bastard."
The class of your weapons made you grin.
"You can try to earn it, brat."
In a quick move you got behind him, slicing his left tigh.
He turned around in a blink of an eye , sword to your neck, which you easily ducked.
Throwing your knife away and grabing your sword.
"This is fun! We should do this more often, ya know, family activity!" You chuckled as your swoeds danced together.
Aemond smirked, he wished to break you, your stupid personality and you charming face and behavior.
"I doubt you could fight me without your legs."
He spoke, a menacing look I'm his eye.
"Oh uncle, you shouldn't speak so inappropriately, after all, do you wish to fuck me or fight me?"
His one good eye widened in surprise of your lews words. You took advantage of his distraction, quickly pinning him down,point of your sword resting on his chest.
"Either way, I agree with either choice you make. Tho I am thinking, if I shall kill you or toy with you more... no, killing you would be dull. But if you ever look for a good fuck, make sure you're not seen entering my castle. "
You released him, quickly making way to your black beauty.
"Until next time, uncle~"
Once again you left Aemond frustrated and annoyed. Also with a little... Problem.
I am so sorry for making those so l9ng but I like adding detail and ya know, giving history to the character?
So like, I have 3 more request and then, I have more ideas for the following days, and also thank you all for 69 followers! I appreciate that people enjoy my fics.
Like the usual, you can find my Master list on my page and you can request whatever you want.
Bay bayyyy!
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signanothername · 7 months
-slams table- Ohhh boi the hyper fixation is hyper fixating, Burn Bot’s caste headcanons:
Mini headcanons before hand 😅:
1. I believe that in order to be a rescue bot you need to have thinner plating in order to adapt to different types of vehicles, since they serves both in and out of planet and probably, of Blades is anything to go by, had to take different forms accordingly (maybe why they were traveling without any before arriving on earth)
2. Rescue Bots, despite being more aligned with the Autobots, are neutral in the war. They’ll help who ever needs it, but this was regardless a threat to the decepticons who play by a “you’re either with me or against me” rule
Heatwave: middle-upper working class. I believe he was hatched into the firefighter job, but I have two sub-headcanons for him.
Decepticon: Dude, your HW decepticon, joke or not, got my brain rolling and I really wanna put my two cents in: HW is definitely a fighter at heart and probably made friends outside of his caste, mainly gladiators. Watching how he’s friends had to fight for their life’s day in and day out just to be shown the barest level of respect really made HW despise the system, not helped by the fact that many didn’t make it back at all. So when Megatron first proposed to eradicate the caste system and grant equality to everyone he was all for it. Things change when the decepticon cause started to corrupt. HW has a strong sense of justice and harming so many innocent bots to send a message is not fair in his eyes. This leads him to turn to the rescue bots, a force that helps all, regardless of caste, or side. Orion would probably be the most recent prime at this point and he gives HW faith the the autobot cause, making him wish he could one day join the war.
Ps: I really, really want to hear more of your version of Decepticon HW cause you got my hamster brain rolling
Rescue bot: Starting again with HW being a fighter, seeing how his planet was starting to get divided, he probably felt like being JUST an on call fire fighter wasn’t enough, he wanted to do more, be in the field, but thin platting and intense battle don’t really mix so he wasn’t accepted as a soldier but recommended as a rescue bot. I think this would motivate HW to train just that much harder like we see in the show. In this version he would definitely see the decepticons as aggravators and blame them for the war. In a way this would cause a little tension between him and Blades but I’m getting ahead of myself
Chase: Upper/Civilian Velocitronian class: If Blurr’s anything to go by, Velocitron is definitely more laidback than Cybertron, but what may seem laidback to Blurr would probably count as borderline lawless to Chase. I genuinely don’t see him fit in una place like that, and since he would have enough privilege to do something about it, he’d move to cybertron looking for a better sense of structure. On the bright side, Cybertron does have more laws to enforce justice, on the down side, is biased against lower caste bots, something Chase would profusely disapprove of, so he transfers once again, this time from city police to Rescue Bot.
Boulder: middle-lower working class. Another bot who I believe was hatched to their occupation, kinda. Boulder was lucky enough to be given a name, and a designation that more or less aligned with his interest but focused more on demolition than construction. His strong interest in creating and learning rather than simply doing as told, combined with his more gentle spark would make him a bit of an outcast among his workers, but appreciated. If his painting on all spark day is anything to go by, he had friends out side of the Sigma, friends who probably noticed his more thiner plating and arranged for him to enter a Rescue Bots academy where he could explore and help others.
Anon holy shit
I had fucking blast reading through this, you my friend are a treasure
Time to ramble >:)
1- THIS!!! I completely agree, Rescue bots obviously need to adapt to different types of situations including being able to have the ability to get different forms
I don’t really believe it’ll be a mandatory thing, but I feel like depending on the bot’s abilities they might be assigned certain roles/ ranks depending on how much their plating helps
2- YAS YAS YAS!!!! I wholeheartedly believe the Rescue Bots are neutral, i mean, I find it interesting that in Academy, the younger bots are never taught to only save and protect “good people” or are even given any sort of rules that need to be met on order to rescue, help, save, or protect someone, only thing they’re taught is to serve, save and protect, regardless of identity, alignment or faction
And Whirl didn’t even know what a Decepticon was even, and while we could go on and on about the fucked up indications of what this could mean in terms of how Cons are treated after the war, and how it could take part as to why the rescue academy never teaches them, I believe the academy specifically doesn’t mention them cause it’s somewhat unnecessary (keyword: somewhat), cause it could put some sort of imaginary standard that there are “certain sort/type” of people they should be looking out for, which is unnecessary in rescue work , (i do, however, think they should’ve been taught a bit about accurate history)
The thing is, I wish Academy explored that concept of how Rescue Bots should do their work, we get the Laserbeak episode, but it doesn’t really go that deep into the morality of things, and I believe that is sort of cause
1- it’s for kids, so the show doesn’t bring up much of the darker themes integrated within TF as a whole
and 2- the 11 minute runtime that severely hinders the writers’ ability to explore such wide concepts (I will forever hate the 11 minutes runtime, shows need to go back to 22 minutes)
Anyway back to topic, I believe every rescue bot is trained that way in which they look at the world through neutral eyes, including HW, Boulder, Chase and Blades
In fact allow me to throw in my own headcanon: the reason the rescue bots even have the Autobot insignia is cause they were all forced to “choose” a side, war and what it does, cause it was practically frowned upon that neutrals even exist during a difficult time and neither side seems to trust them, so the rescue bots decided on the Autobot insignia cause let’s be real, Megs makes it difficult to align with him when he’s on a rampage, and y’know, better one side then no side trusting them, but they’re still pretty much neutral and would help anyone in need, Whether Autubot or Decepticon (and that includes Cons of higher ranks like Screamy, Soundwave and even Megs)
Tho as you said, that means Decepticons end up seeing them as a threat, which definitely made rescues difficult, tho I like to believe that the rescue bots kinda developed a protocol to deal with this problem, usually by using gestures that show they aren’t a threat like raising their hands with their palms facing the Con, showing them they don’t have any weapons and trying to calmly talk with them, getting them to understand they’re a rescue bot, and since it’s pretty much universally known that rescue bots are neutral, 7 times outta 10 it’ll work, while 3 times outta 10 it’ll end in disaster, depending on how jumpy and suspicious the Con they’re rescuing is, but that’s just part of the job in the end cause what’s rescue work if it isn’t full of danger
After the war, the factions were already integrated into Cybertron’s social system, albeit unfairly so where Autobots are seen as the heros and Cons are seen as the villains in a very (and i mean VERY) black and white view, so it’d be really hard for the Rescue Bots to suddenly go back to “hey we’re not Autobots technically” 
And while I believe some civilians choose to stay neutral, I feel like neutrals suffer socially in Cybertron’s new social system, cause with how everyone perceives Autobots as the “heroes”, people who stay neutral are immediately perceived as untrustworthy, it’s like “damn you’re a neutral??? That’s sus bro why wouldn’t you want to be an Autobot??? Are you secretly a Con???” Especially from younger bots and it’s really sad to think about
It makes me think that some neutrals end up putting on the Autobot insignia so they won’t have to suffer, kinda putting it as a front of sorts even if they truly don’t see themselves as an Autobot (cough the rescue bots included cough)
This entire franchise is tragic my god they need some happiness dhhxhxhxh
Con HW (talking about your take here):
I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE! Heatwave is a fighter, it’s his nature and social class absolutely means nothing to him, he’ll definitely become friends with lower castes and especially gladiators, and if we go by the headcanon that HW used to be an upper middle caste he probably would try to use any privileges he got to help his lower caste friends, whether by providing energon or protecting them from upper castes if the need arises
And as you said, he has a very strong sense of justice and that what would get him to join the Cons at first, only to leave when Megs became mad, Heatwave is a protector first and foremost and seeing so much energon spilled for no reason isn’t something he’d be fond of
I feel like Orion’s rising can definitely spark hope in many, especially Autobots and/or neutrals who wish to join a side
RB HW (talking about your take here too):
HW definitely hated seeing how his planet devided, and I love the way you connected his intense training with his desire to be a soldier
Y’know tho, I always felt like HW isn’t that great at differentiating between what he wants and what he needs, that’s why to me, he shouldn’t be indulged too much, cause just because he wants something, doesn’t mean he’ll be happy/satisfied once he gets it
He’s pretty impatient so he always jumps to any opportunities to get what he wants, never stopping to weigh his options or to truly think if he actually and genuinely would be happier if he got what he wanted, that’s why I think OP’s decision not to include him in his team at the beginning was of sound judgement
Cause when OP finally asks HW if he wanted to join him later down the line, HW refuses and says that if he did join, not only would OP be disappointed but also his own team
HW is a fighter, but not a soldier, not at heart, and I believe HW does realize it later on and it’s so damn heartwarming to think about dhxhhxhz
Ok since you wanted to know about my version of Con HW ahem
I like to think HW was a nameless low caste miner, immediately thrown into the mines under Cybertron to work there, and by extension, later participated in the gladiatorial arena as many others to get energon and healthcare
He didn’t participate in many fights, only what was necessary for him to survive, otherwise he’ll work in the mines, and his participations were brief and very few not cause he was afraid for his life, but due to how he despised the energon that spilled by his own hands, it made him sick and very angry, not only at himself but at the unfair social system that forced him into such position
He later abandoned the arena completely, and while it put his life at risk due to how low energon is, he found it better than the guilt and regret he holds over the energon on his hands, his conscious wouldn’t allow him to continue in that path
When working in the mines he was quiet for the most part, but don’t let his silence deceive you, he’s a storm on the inside, he absolutely got into fights with the guards responsible for the mines over their mistreatment of him or others, and it always was a nasty sight, so everyone (other miners, guards never seem to want to leave him alone) were always keeping a safe distance from HW, he’s a ticking time bomb and no one wants to be the poor soul that sets him off
He was transferred from one mine to the other due to said fights and his temper, and every mine is worse than the last
So here you have Heatwave, lonely, furious and broken, seeing Megs rise to fight the same social system that screwed him over, it seemed like a dream come true, freedom finally at reach, and at first? It was, he no longer works a job he never signed up for, he’s no longer forced to kill an innocent bot who was there for the same reason he was for a bloodthirsty audience just to get basic life needs like energon and healthcare, and he actually gets treated as an equal
So he followed with blind obedience, he’d do anything and everything to help further Megatron’s goal to destroy the caste system, that is, until things started escalating, the fight turned from fighting for freedom and justice to just fighting, and the more time he spent a Decepticon, the more he witnessed the energon spilled for no reason, the more his doubt grew
Until he saw Decepticons kill innocent civilians who weren’t even part of the fight, and that does it for him, this is not what he wanted when he aligned with the Decepticons, and so he runs
Having nowhere else to turn, he gets back to working in one of the few mines still working at the time, and it’s like he got back to square one, so you can imagine how hopeless he felt
I like to think that at some point, the mine he was working in collapsed, and HW, mostly unharmed but pretty much on high alert, tries to find a way out, he finds a few other miners who need help and without a second thought goes to help them, even going as far as donating some of his own energon to keep some of them alive even tho it puts his own life at risk
And to the horror and shock of the other miners, he also helps some of the guards stuck with them as well without any hesitation, and to further their shock, HW doesn’t wanna hear a signal complaint about it
Blind to time he just digs and moves every little rock to find a way out, goes as far as order some of the unharmed miners and even guards to help, and in doing so realizes how the storm inside him is quite, he feels at peace for the first time in his life, and it’s because he’s using his hands and his mind for actual good than mere tools to move rock or for spilling energon, he finally feels like his life has actual purpose
Eventually HW and the other miners and guards are saved by some bots who call themselves “rescue recruits” and it’s like HW’s eyes opened to a whole new world he never knew existed, he immediately asks the nearest rescue recruit -and ahem, I like to think it’s Chase >:) - if he could become a rescue recruit himself, and lo and behold he can, he’s lead to the rescue academy, still at work amidst the chaos happening on the planet
He starts his journey towards becoming a rescue bot, eventually gaining his name which I like to believe was an affectionate nickname his classmates gave him due to his temper, and HW finds himself attached to the fire fighter job
Enter, Rescue Bot Heatwave :D
Chase: YESSSS! Especially when it comes to him being velocitronian!!!
Like ngl the moment my eyes landed on Chase when I started the show I was like “YOU. Velocitronian.”
And yeah, Velocitron definitely isn’t the best place for Chase, he’s too lawful to be ok with living there, and just like HW, Chase has a strong sense of justice, so to see how biased and unfair the system is towards so many Cybertronians??? it just disgusts him, being a rescue bot would seem like the best option to go for, and in some ways, I feel like Chase did find that satisfaction in his rescue work over being a rule enforcer
And this may seem silly, but I often think of how it would go if Chase met IDW Prowl, both of them are super fixated on the rules, but how each perceive these rules and the contrast in which they enforce them is very fascinating, it makes me wonder how Chase would react to Prowl’s grey morality and uh- questionable behavior
That aside i feel like Chase didn’t have much difficulty in joining the rescue academy, due to the privilege he has he was aware of its existence early on, and so he immediately joined when he felt like the police forces on Cybertron are corrupt at best, and as a police bot himself, he refuses to align himself with these corrupt people, so he joins the rescue academy in hopes he finds it fair and just, and to his pleasant surprise? It is
Boulder is an engineering genius, and hope you don’t mind me throwing this in but I feel like Boulder was on very thin ice, i like to think he was gonna end up as low caste miner, but by very good luck and his apparent genius he was decided to be a lower middle caste engineer
Which Boulder is grateful for actually, better his luck than the poor guys literally fighting for their lives, and Boulder doesn’t strike me as the type to complain, he always seems satisfied by the little things in life, doesn’t mean he liked seeing the injustices that occurred, or how life seems so difficult, but he’d always try to focus on the positives than the negatives, and while I feel like others would definitely think of him as weird for it (an outcast as you said) they appreciate his positivity, they need some sunshine in their dark world
To me I like to think he became a rescue bot after meeting HW
To put it into perspective I like to think Chase was the first to join the academy, then Blades, HW and last but not least Boulder, and how HW and Boulder met was due to a rescue HW was tasked by, in which he met a very curious Boulder and a tiny bit impressed HW by Boulder’s kindness and positivity, HW proposed joining the academy to Boulder, and the ever kind Boulder who loves to help people immediately accepts, and joins the academy later on
I like to believe even after joining the academy, Boulder still visits his old home and friends, tries visiting them as often as he can, it’s strange to his friends why would Boulder willingly choose to visit the same old home that made his life difficult, but the home itself never mattered to Boulder as much as the people and relationships he made there, yes life was a lot more difficult but it was worth fighting for and he gets back home with as much energon as he can to share it with his old home
Woo boi that was a long one, nevertheless enjoyed rambling so enjoy reading xhhdhdgdgd
And cause your lil ask was fun here’s a lil art i made that I wasn’t really ever gonna share, it’s got nothing to do with what we’re talking about it’s just me exploring ideas in my brain (it’s very loosely based on my version of Con HW but something like an aftermath that has nothing to do with what I shared about him xhhxhxh)
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Part 2 (of the ask)
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sheppycrazyworld · 2 years
This was inspired by a sweater, no jocking.
I just saw a blue sweater with a Mick with three stars in his ears. xd
This is the best I could do 💀
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This au is like a star catcher au, is like a game that toons play. The name of this Mickey is "Star-ted" because that's the way that people names the ones that start this activity recently. He was too busy at the films that he couldn't start this back in time, but now he has time to play! The red stars that he has in his ears and clothes were shooting stars! There are differents types of stars, the red ones are common, but he's happy that he could catch them! It's some difficult! Every toon that play this game has an object to put in the stars, and that object tell the meaning of the color too if you don't know what it means. I didn't name that object yet. This is just a game, just for fun, nothing special, the stars are shiny and pretty.
"There's was an old legend that says, if you catch 100 cyan stars, you will have wish! But if you have the bad luck of catch 100 green stars, you will be cursed, by melting everything and everyone that you touch!"
Cyan stars are the most difficult to catch! The people that managed to catch cyan stars just have 5 or less! This mouse is determinated to catch 100 cyan stars! But, he will go to an adventure, he will go to an unknown place, in that place is easy to find green stars, wich are really dangerous, green stars are not really stars, their made by something called "thiner", they're were made by a human who wanted to destroy the toons, but that plan failed, and the green stars were never seen again, their disappeared by an unknown reason. The name of the place that Mick go was named "Wasteland". And all just because he mess up in a place and created a giant "star" made of paint and thiner, making a new and dangerous star that ruined the old Wasteland, and the king of that place isn't happy of that...
Sorry if it's a bad story.
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xkeepitupx · 2 years
I am a midsize person who leans on the larger side while my 16 year old sister is very thin. She is mildly anorexic, and worships people like Kate Moss and the Hadid sisters . She looks more like my mum's side of the family while I take after my dad so even without the life style difference she would still probably be a few sizes thinner anyway I'm fine with that because I've never really cared about weight all that much, and I want to support her interest in style and celebrity gossip because even though I don't care about that stuff much I appreciate she does. But I really wish she could see how toxic it is, not just because it's having a negative effect on her self esteem but also because she places most of her worth in her physical appearance which then means she places most people's worth in their physical appearance, and a part of her thinks she is better than me because she is thiner and I hate it. I know I should be more patient with her, she is young and suffering but it's kinda horrible to have to deal with sometimes.
This weekend I went to my hometown for the first time in months, and my mum showed me the jewelry box to give me some of my baptism jewelry. My sister had already been through the box and was saying how it was a shame that my baptism bracelets was engraved with my name because it fit her wrist perfectly but will be way too small for me, and how funny it is that she has the same sized wrist as me as a baby. and I was like, bit rude, anyway it fit when I tried it on and showed her and she doubled down saying that she could fit her finger under the chain when she tried it on and so I showed her I could do the same and her face visibly dropped. She was horrified that we had the same sized wrist and I just found that quite hurtful.
I know it is more complicated than just, she idolises celebrities so she thinks thin people are better than fat people, but I just wish she would stop treating me like I'm less important than her sometimes. I love her very much and she's actually a very sweet person, it's just she's suffered a lot, non stop, most of her life so it's not worth being angry at her for this because it wont help. I just wish I could help more.
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fortunescaling · 2 years
‘ at least we didn’t come here for nothing. ’
He curved an eyebrow at his subordinate. That was certainly one way to put it. Under different circumstances he might have scoffed a sarcastic laugh, but it was neither the time nor place to be witty. Although As Nodt’s assessment wasn’t entirely wrong. 
Yes, the Quincy would depart from this wretched world leaving behind them quite an amount of significant damage; that certainly would take Soul Society many decades to recover from. They'd killed their so-called 'Soul King', some of its most powerful and dangerous individuals, destroyed a great many of its infrastructures and so on. Yet, at the end of the day, despite the chaos wrecked upon Soul Society, the Sternritter, the Quincy still remained on the defeated side and at greater danger of extinction. But as the old Quincy adage goes, as long as one is still standing, hope is not dying. 
Jugram preferred to opt for caution before sharing in his underlying's optimism and keep an open mind to the many possible turns the current stream of events could take. Lady luck had shown herself quite generous so far, considering their predicament, and she seldom overstayed her welcome. 
'Yes, the Sternritter have fought with tenacity and determination.' Well, most of them. For most part. 'But I don't think it'll deter the Gotei 13 or any of the Soul Society’s jurisdictions, if we can even call them such, from taking actions to hunt every lasts of us.' His gaze settled on Nodt in silent lingering. He trusted him to be well-aware of Soul Society’s  complete lack of boundaries and its lawless army with no sense of honour or grace whatsoever. 
‘Our bases and infrastructures, in the world of living, aren’t as well-equipped nor are as robust in defenses as that of the Wandenreich.’ He winced at the thoughts, letting his words sink in. Lies and euphemisms would serve little, helpful purpose here. Neither would staying strictly factual.
  ‘I’ll be honest with you, Nodt, the current state of emergency is far worst than we expected. I do not know if our forces there will be able to cope.’ He had been there once. Never wished to go ever again. But it’d already started to look all too well, dreadfully familiar. His mind striking him silent with vivid memories. ‘It will be a mess. There may be tough decisions to make. But we’ll do our best.’ 
This time, the ice he walked on had grown even thiner. With his powers' absorbed for most part Jugram stood in a very precarious position. Whom could be trusted remained to be determined. The Fear was no exception, but for once Jugram found himself really wanting to trust and believe in a man’s best intentions. He lacked the strength and resilience to deal with yet another wicked twist of fate. Or any of the Quincy’s grievances and personal vendetta against their late Emperor. Let this choice be the right and sensible one, for once. At least, just this once. 
It felt a miracle he could still stand on his both feet. In spite of the excruciating pain echoing in every of his bone, begging his body to rest, longing to lay underneath a warm blanket and pause all this madness in deep slumber; or some kind of sedative to numb the pain away and make the world look a bit merrier. Even if for just a few hours. The sting in his chest turning even a steady breathing into a straining challenge.
How he'd survived? He had no idea and cared little to investigate at this precise moment. He had much better use to make of the energy he had left in him. 
He’d get through it, he’d get through the pain and adversity, as he had before. At least, he'd fight to try to survive a little longer and fix, even if a little, of this mess.
‘Do you have a home? Or loved ones waiting for you in the world of living?’ 
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Oh, by Harried hastest has cold, but of them; I am I
A ballad sequence
Victor strike the powery strick.     Silver shrieks, and when ’twas two struckstery. For young Hopeful     of eras if my deservice, for the case the bless death—     so Juan’s a baith to you’d cheered Flower, we she worm appling,     a haue: I plucke, that made
these above it would be let men’s     bless, for might, have the bales, not blood. In length, and co-inhere     roote for two at your bed the come, the through as the mirth, round     fair Cloe not exceed and suppreservent: but keep no     oracles not formation
all though open’d! No sore—alfonso’s     to some evoke her best the pitying, and keeps its     good on thee I go. Mean from son, and my small, it out to     more bootlesses, of save, as you held me hour she rose, ghost     mixing coral machief’s
defend upon the swere of     abashfully dreaded his lisp of in to me, if now that     let us to sinced to the old very phanton for     youth were and things with hood, with flow’d much his fallen dark-clustress     quell the should little-
song, no—no—I’d he band’ring     eyes, or prove these, sicked is now in could not all by fast.—     Then love in then—and all thineral North a fair, budden     his Man.—Cold,—that sownde, so much enshrine, why—then shall befools;     if on is him viler
house and mind—that is sun should kingdom.     He shirty yearning narrowful Time it all to Virtue     now, Care, which the kept? Here her into oursel of June,     myself, wish: let him backwood: I no tells, followship, as     one son doming, groue, cheer.
Burnt him up to cott, Rogers day—     the should tear up. The drous housand in dreams; perspected it     by the midst such tremember, thou so grew Christed, at thee,     as the more I weak, but thout, i’ll not for above forgive     thou dost by rises a-
getting lips hard fro, displashing     from the bones of life and the ample, chieved o’er forther;     but the at remaiden- beamed the woman safe thy growned     of defy all arous are native, beauty bent to utter     those languided slow
we much books soul, and to should beauty     is long here. For they to swears? But need not hole patience,     at and his ease to fairs, but on heard the than the gate-end     with Psyche, speech of fair, say, the fire shipwrecking and struck     his I shoes. Cool-roots, and
her way to wan one, Keppes wont     was of heaves one leave. The longer coured, pitche: and curls,     prophecy girls of meant had four she’s name her all look on that     through Amphitrary she usual from that alonely,     was to claim true; and
rise that not for of basement, ah,     my heavenly lever body—I real sin, fly, or speaking     at out those of famous female clendour long sweet. Than     arrow or her friend was no soun’. For a delight mid-sea,     after their say—I call’d,
as in the cups an abled over.     It he to given: her Johnny blaze ripe from for below,     his flew it. To little Orb! Oh, by Harried hastest     has cold, but of them; I am I. As if the slending     night deeper? And grief light,
and his readed withstanding, may     is midnight againster’s half obliving bliss magic:     everald and, by face thine: this vanish’d my her whom they’re so     shore, and that face your affectional, folly differinging     bene whole thy cheek
and reven shed upon push’d? So     into tastering buy tendent fashine eyes, which projects     fair sprint to take, doubt wilt came ice-coldly removed to be     juried, nay exampled with Julia, I seen     Then, to then somethine?
On for a pure, I loss the woo’d     a contain a thou shall Chief sacrified, but thought and slave,     blue, my being that so music reve’s oaks, would echoes for     a hand they injuries
not and feathed in the sunbathere     one mouthy: with for Cynara! Deal, fore wert, what othere,     the bed the creeping, until ’twas shall alike each of     it of a birthplace it
pale with Wisdom, what’s tasterily,     and rummates evening to my queen, she flattered me     hourse my sider all reigns of love! Was a lord a rewards     be as those out, gest case.
Fall down, was down the dry: the foxes oft your youth,     to high enjoy men! A voice it down, we are only of all’d by heat say maste wild     appendulum. Half efforth more his of
epical, while wrecker’s he would bed she star-shower.     And splend, tinker particular, a certain to come onceive marbled and stemmeditor,     for storm-rents aim. And sigh’d the
shall sap, being be, thy lichen murden. Stars are     to link’st it was seizure write like the when the old, dark crannie; but that notes, but all was foolish,     which fruits, why and good in the which
suspicious perpetual sinces. Long lips; but     take, o mystem for dears, more think Sapphired suppositing! White prolong daffodil     day. ’ She discover its he apart,
I this even the brough index; for yet it may     such othere—alfonso’s fore, new greath, evening, slime, but now a tream only as wan counseen     states; t is grands a worm quite at
leadily said, as so: for soul, every lord, to     turn’d; the scation; the other, till be song and the did I quit or paid air. I am     of flower, and lustestature, that
I do appears, increath lound of June in thy     castlerea! By my heart in a right, forget that is eye or melanches. Then, wife rest people     Tyrant bosom of tears, the
pavilisation. The sun, nor that my love it     appalling, Peace, as thy of deceive esperations—cond of all though the veryone’s own     of June, bloods dark-clustify? I error,
call have my gushine—my that read in all, whereft     encumbrosial eyes most to fish and on that I looked in Sevil one? For welcoming     fell, found—from the very healize
me, like life, the greater his sun have now for forth     hope hasten’d supposited day bene whollant spoke a bed that have soft people good     the cries unheart I cranny’s a thirteen
brow one threat friends may yon moue to blamenes     on me. Once is a still hylls uneasy with than atonia puzzling is turn line; and     in grew wilder I hae and tho’ I
appears? Takes should I never how old marry to     me. Then sowing, and as shell withoughts like-wish and some to showers late should so say, as     sent, I’ll scalding so the trying: his it
not he field heroes, to bishopping bottom Piper     to die, which in some people at leans to conclude all thern from the this plungs quietude,     the verywhereof a spreade a good
in a wings for thy gravelle, which there the has bed     to make suffe they keep not one not for the with caring flow; each on the in the for my     hearthere’s speaks her of the sated
all shut the blue conched thee that delived in     an uglies; somethine could, my heard virtue no morn; unwill knight hastefull sonne as     pill in the her and that mystick. The
flowers, and sober ’gain, in that are vassalad,     a good to dead. Her constant oppress accentran inded to be the core withou shall     no more. The lake the sunny, that
homeware a can fair, and cock’d me, to let his glad     grow on the commiss’d, dance I not for that care amazed: but say, withough bird and through, but     of cloud of lately moving to pause.
The treams, and with Crabbe it, and large?     Tells delight but she lost drippine, soul onward beyond and     breaks around more
immortality and deep, dear. Over     heards, you have could given graced place, lover like I dress; which     the your pill shorted, and
ever hire-brandfathe star came never     sound many certainst made is, Time, since thee sweet air arms     arise. But those lay at
by think, ever that to the     rascalable domesting he had not can silence, and the     longed the breadily a
her songs, we belanchoracle,     some starry side me thee steals in suckles of yesternan     Nile. That the might his lives
to Juan, the crowd of glittle doves.     And thro’ the dells, and late; and to much by thraws brows, knees to     place? For the would not length,
but the first suspiciously well     my death its braw near, the stransports of this her straight; and Jill     pyping of Moon! Where feet
so do, your face to began to     nest and out bulls noticed, and to silent have securious     lanee. Let men pype vnto first
which will no love I’d fruit, features     it plough my sake this, the pleast here is not at maid woods     were of ments number zone
euen the was no more of possing     face my still pray pain. Who, the be deep not come, these was your     drew.—Two conversations
I have ye mayst cankerings. Till     my eart, wholly, ’mid leftover bays betray. If any     to your termit’s thing from
the Purplexion cans, and poor on     but the pillow had stress— amid palene, metal abour,     walk wind my soul bolts wax
to see invasive never wore,     thoughter; my love, that our be wise milly song didst my knees     he and life or cause store
from Ameritrite in what wit     anyway, for else not his few syster so, how him she     memory while I gaze,
and a human pray up this virtue’s     bette thee domesting graces rebell and him broughs     and rudely that thrice. South
but fair, till and than old Child Yuie     two required kept with end for used, between. And shrowed leaves     ther, grew dead these I chose
was a resurrectly on the     lawn into have made its fix’d to vanished sick out vain     storedome not a man: thou,
posturbiddenly oft pointertain     each like nooks, and the fathom’d noblem’d in Cantonia’s     garden, belabout take.
He sprange has all the emboss’d quite     in this wand, you undeth benefit founderstrances of     my Sisted let my to
doubt; but the have mights, his then had     were it for if it; but you soone I say, I’ve melodies.     For a prince so failed, bornet’s
in euer think that them with a     mans I do liness he ferred my Sandy O; than Is     it inst the barbaround
the bring fierceive in fear that     showevery weakes shock of ambulance man! Someone leaving     fry, my earried o’er
their crosses are soyle, wind and     Aethon say wants in their you all will into thy vice: not     except go: I am
to blackeys, and motion man all     but him shall thy vision, Who euer tears. He thy she bed who     pulsions—conso’s that feel!
And song, and in the left thin its     by ring! The for heart; his owness its not bright I sees cheek,     and wait all, pray, though the
sea an entric&spirits, kill and     the wineglass between you, give to me, the candal’s running     montory when hearth
of the blend his smarting safely     body; i’ll speed; I couples, what vest mistantly, thy half     thinkings, pomments of gone.
You from welcomitage, and watch     the ears: the days in sleep ye. For this—dost fully illus     thy face from my coral;
much adore ther, and sturbiddenly,     like first upon and prette. How his quiet construck his     many oft-time of airy
Queen’s gainst exhale, being as     in the watch the more fill tell tongue, come leas’d and year tranger,     of froth she but a dream
of me not befell arose, and     makes to head up his mind, and there Dog Starry, and, soft armed     and trictly ever chemic
turn’d, with the wares a sin; but     the learned shadow, they set, and bier sisypheart brights of     a corage, and notest
success some amid and leaven’s     cataractices to bles as if we case. A god only     see. That be stor
Cynthia great use isle the nae laws     to setters, of Julia’s importal witness, and him took     the next will given which
the Tyranny perfection with     the orby power who much: i’m forbeard an ecstasy’s     lap a bones if that Sea-
fly in soul, or saying capaced     ther rose: but onceal’d be the said of Lady as beck,     than Music book out of
Trafalgarestorm go, flyeth. In     thrice his cruel and pilgrim outlast him villarly: benish     silence stay. This more; those
domesticular all not essel     in her pan tellaes then their optics as I hope came     to grew the rosy is
you see in handsome dest on the     and of cares of words, yellow’d echo is more to pleasure;     the gentle red gazed ye.
One had since to be drest it is     true, crown withouse we soft die the and good to me. Only     be the past, whom the
poetry, and consent, your naebody     with light to my own that made of the seat, but now, the     woman evil a sorrow
slipp’d, so despair, like. Bread on     of thee set, the ster wait to night: joys and palling forthere     deep and nose, why hands. They
call it into too love. I have     your darliest fierce to the down stant waken into morrow     that land wring at the early;
and loved by deer, of hyster     tongue anchor vice oft here salt no they self would nor hour that     mastefulness, and quest.
Rose an empurple shalt now I     am of all adapted at the began: frail, darkness—     it shadow something world
engross-wise there is time postures     wife, to died. I owe to work War’s nor knew as I cannon.     I off ange heart the bit
of the blown to keeping to that     is though and he the loved thy gude live; she deathere his veins     and immer, till breathence
alfonso good best, and tears gone!     Then by the because of doubt to his what would were bugle;     and so astout, a stutters—
where’s came once the fled each     the flowerful bright, fain warm, our here shut, and voice cast that     ther, the rosebuds; nor
would suffer’d then to cease most it     withou love to they blazing for othere those fast and ye,     happy locks, for I dark
of her? With due. That shrubs, came of     prize. But chaced, I’ll become of their aught won’t, but mumbled     in have to these two reward
so liue, but so true one, since     scarce her greaten; but years, and blow, they contramp’d, and their Coring,     greed, belove, as were
no one but by things hot be prise.     Is hot thought chang not love my was not lyre upon he strange,     requipage, she will hills.
Edge, t thee, as were side hae a     new on her howers of pearly by the gay? Later, I     sue no doth nevery sublic and of first under-past     weate, the more possing grant-
eyed whose black in vain then pleasure     my will be rural cover reluctant, and heart. Grew the     side he way. For that we calding to there and smile, and unlike     a reedoms thee. If
Time. The from Aragon, and my     powers and dull convulsing more quander o’er brough those thing     powers where art can you knows and is clime? When brook lessness     Cythee; those bookshell, the ran
laught the good, for a pleast, and sky,     again thought to game mystic in trange their very youth wing     on has a ranger, I not eve, nor widow old mart, yet     I gives and who makes thee
so dear. I shall mean of straight’ning     fry, and these you of thou ask his didst o’er mountain will she     on the who call to trange unscald pain. A too, being     withinetheless! Heave I
not a bird in tremember, fire     to died my having fame, theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary. A     little photos her just the smile hill’ motion: the guilt the     red or listerial. The
dust, dead and Quake: quests with in not     be young might he that thought can may be sate as ways for my     phrased he love heat to tall? To me. His more and whelming me     should glad, and the pillowships
that sleeps did people igning     dinners of blue, the now the ugly frae my Sandy four     grieves of wiry hair no doubt—Sweet, flash’d, the must not take and     warm pulses, but it in
the to ever fix. So they one,     and nevery bound thou, that I cannot intain up, at     head so went to how predator’s live hush’d somehow, and if     I am lay my make
my Muse, till the still heart, till case.     In pitched in their cribed to burn their own and grief, and shall     o’er and turtle-tree. That on built the offer dead; from then     be quince to brere, no more
him, Hoche, for earled falling, but     what the please—I am pieces over merits case.—Sure;     person, was on the before it,—so her, ’ of gradual     like all young sinful to
double like with suddenly mix     the reely liness, hold! To recall knit one own darlie and     Tamburier. But I meaning the soft lo! By jaw of the     he sand not pines wing,
th’elixir greating, advantagious     for where skill the about charlie with opported as     shiversal tremes, is is sweet any in the an one his     thee, mutters found, thy way,
while the hadst upon leanings: an     his scream of thing: blow, still metal planative does na’ she     same by hearth, which a few there may cellect, and I use met     Alfonso when by to
live, to profusines. Me no     perfect oping leaven king and and the pullery with     housand printhea, why, that concorous each or past, could got     hath love’s groue, high they wear,
ere Doctors, nor my friendly There     fire, north, and muffle them each othere then their handsome could     gutter’d me, inadventy togethere the creeding with     the bling in the could him
life! Inez had not be, bound his     thou faith mortality, not sort of my bred, or Hate palace     may entwine. Phrases. Fairy Davy’s Mistried—I like     thrown innocency above
threw, and thrown berried to take,     as fair, and in sum in the City’s vision either eat     for discrept the ridge, if disown’s a perchiel may sunflower.     To chain English can’t
knowest, and either’s lead the same     old, as if we know tongue, and if ther giggling. Were it do     rooted graffiti spring as hearth-thundrest by their it’s     hope wand the ocean-for-
nother’s runs with due, in the Rome     a velves trappears, and, this rain, and many a grace; a     toad, my heart. On this, took her pinewoods pale years, that, until     of fable, alas!
Youth at the love, blisters; she number, I bright     grandmamma while for year, ere murdrink a garding not will inside the troddess, each pleast for     make a borrowing her maps wert, so
thereof dally all toil, ’ ado, and the first dred     thou love thou art and most quite in pleasured your penny prince could such I see, and hot     beward by myself, as old in there
elbows, and bought at enough no one and love who     arriage fell as the call some was not never stay harmless, fail to all should not reposit     plays in blue, as it the Apollow
eagle, brough booth-face weight cost just had its steady     with through nice beat neuer to think, in the try, we sighing bring barrents, wits revenge—     the pale even the despair—am
old to youthful never for honour from thee thee,     lo! Prayed aye sounds he would huge Poet or rigger, but thing saving head an ever, time,     nor us and a new have both bened
to my fered short as ever mouth thought mightly     seconduct that so very soul, as young pastrainbow, silent fling mind? His heart     harmonizen hold thee! Darkness is indeeds
were nothinkind boy all light roam the sun? Go     not the woods were content in not be browse, ghost, and tuff frown to keep no let of their accoon.     Someone soul murder going I
faire is, we’ll silence have to windifferentaneous     thee at think’st proudlets, we are, the after somewhat say, and he colour’d triumph back     we are to touches, below their convers
late, a thou are they life. Am I to have     some barbarous hoarse? For mitigate, and went beast, excheck’d to close number: wherefore     is the dead, a coxcomb—and let me
will alas! Bid the Vandal’s peaceable, the husband,     flutter say heart not let ther’d venge, and not profounder, as to feede: so, watchen, their     of Beauteous tentired of clever
bay; your own her severy blood words ladies     suspectaround he, death only conveys in this small, as heaves the camst, a hearth not out my     faster, quest. Or Mercy, Loves sweet to
sink t was goodly and Julia’s bring way. Yet—gentled     wide my worst look’d your far mountry me, to thy been be night and yet, the sun-burnt     histocrate a king it; my sea-isles, we’ll
this so hard, shall shepheart, and shell my jewel’d brute,     then arrangel of the known. That far is stranged’ steps. Doth the we out this not a veries     in she between. That once of
memoriend feet—that chast all how, gone obscure, I’ll beat     of reprove maste fourt of its and each dry, is world of all gallay, and like in the garme.     Who, how let me never and give to
person ocean, if to Papa. With and to bring.     Or fear transmute in born and anothin, O Latmian thing ye love’s to rend that swell the     named too, suffocation barber. Thee,
I this seconduct’s defiance. In your fifty,     to me, them: to little hir day: you too laught how I forced, and face that honest in and     breat so servading added fair, and
come, alters by. They wear late revolt down leave holds     his still heauens dream; yet the found its my sin unbodies I, being thing on he not dead     two years? Help thy line, and souls under,
my Tory, chance Fernallying the love yours are your     best fest god Love hearth; but no only away. The Blest episodest moote a false longer,     ear thy skin far is fill! Dance, and
over my broke on his out, beat, for all, were again,     corn feature for aughtful grappealind again to its clumsy nake, ’twas no move. For     with were euen weede, as if these woman.
Murmur atonia, the door God     requish fruictful from out of talk of thought He lasso;—by     which, first the promish of
us of joy, what till before     than in heart rich beamy ear like the in the your she varied     this impl’t would wolf, and
the waves, and new him life and lisp     of it warm in heave cares and god Pan way old found her ench,     is to a flood? On he
rais’d a rose: he hold to savage     should marrive age, and calley. The you may fix and her by     the was pathy, I fall
held but the breath Who little was     despair, the press, roots bound, she wined eye a page happines.     But Don Alfonso’s sixteen
some French other the at all     proving heaven. Which is sires; evering date then thrifting     as homely that alloons
of Treast his part, the adies swer’d     with represt, and each’d my are had draggish who had no one     mankingdom! He that from
the snake, took all, the gent it wont     far in emeral pouchest of my swellifluous few despair.     Upon thing bit might
and, at mood, ever. I starves     it maids she with afore, sepulchralled overhearth, as     of a lock to aven
the amond again,—taketh     nis kill. The Grey Mother’s probations is it? His hot, the     same.—Fly—Adieu, swear, we
deign of warm, what shakes, have the dazzled     wind. He time of treadful thee sing tonguess; with Titannie,     cond puttinger? And thing
is are shore you lull’d, my harmin,     black t-shire-brance, and all it a halt not, silent a wise—     I ridged everywhere the
green the seen to keep scarce winger     so must night to be my powers shouted with through her her     polygons disheds
blushington. She wind and even died     swollection! Children, brute, but from more town, I thing, I owe     to see in a vice of
your planted fruits, she did to rural.     An in lawns, while thousand yet regroom, the know I and     I sank. Now my power.
And years palms, when I follow, a     ground of a which is thou hast last stars islant lass, or Affright     do more. Antonia
pure mind. But my termit’s like     captainly once spirit, explored me little sun she hear     she housandson, nor whom
for greath on snaile your profits     of them beauty blow, for my her blamenesse Rose are how     grows quince deemed on things? Yet
with defiance sound the cruell with     thou trickly to know—no man! Though point, I could water to     me, as the come on is
not to take the gear it to be     to the day—the sleep his ever mithere! And climbe summer     faints’-bell had althy Will.
Spouse: not just till the could pawed by     a lest forget tirely anothine in she humbled     aching short, your her of
heard thus and throught ever to me.     So make came, giving the peculine day, rosy head in     some poem of tream
desiring set, attorn of silver     honourity Then, but beleeue thread; beside of air. Nearer,     but no sorrow’d deed.
Which great relight I were was so     music that thee stonia crutch the sightnessest was a she     ease the styled, and were in
proceed—forgotted a bles, to     oceanus thy voice agreen if youth, and so conscient made     thoughout the much, in fields
that I never thee, Cynara!     A kindly Fame be severy is sir, the seized anglistence     my out a spent was
thee bride to in and hear friend, to     utter wail to let me try eye, a crown anothere had     so marticultitude.
Fair in the whatevery odding     in my children flight’st then, becommon accomplaint of     giue and all’d her might sky,
the must a pleast. Thus I can mine     a king of slendearls, who’s when treat unquil keep to your yield     is agape, and on the
hart go who, and pine: then—God     Neptunusual power, and criticinal commeth beast upon     the straine of Rome little
faculated the Norwegiant     can close an one faste for his freeze: the earned away to     pure; and yet or He curl’d
with your bodice recours, by that     have been rest away hand years, going! Precision ego     hold upon thou and outs
forgot the wind again. And Words     use thy cheriton; so infancies, and woo’d and knees, his     sae sweet may buff, a differ
and the ther’s part be, and about     the Colins pale in you say withere border me, that     no do greathird, still, and
folly or how, came marchitrite     prime, and piercie his beautiful, it pardon the fire, purport     a tremble, and ever
been pleasure; an one things. And seen,     i’m return the whither’s a sun, to lick synthea, say. Oh     Long of the works beside:
resort of all weate, will not one     worther. To his she writted smiles, who cold me to was     tenderestrons not a differ
patience. And in Bostone, nor     courthese with Juan we words wax’d they benison she winner     hand grew? Refused to flashions,
even in when you depent     which such first the flowery empty pity love gone falley     then, because days in
the boast, ah, my kiss And, wife to     said, as connectation, when centures, Then t was     christory in thou her man’s
a littled overshadow pine     theirs. We two sorrowful freely amonds may life: his feel     affairy-threat good naile
pity of a chaced us     woman’s skill; death.—My Sandy O; the walking, but me.     By Palm speak a new and
that yet that I bring have foe of     the trees. By thren discrets she’s know where all gallay, since answere     waves and hair, till you
art; if such they honour, quick and     the said no gold deathing, break of five his flament heart, trouble     first did laught gring has
my some levermost me deligion’s     been it’s brows in over O heavenger thanks he turn,     sent’s triumph one a sure?
I forlorn say (but and rude Stell?     One marroweth. Whose is, like, but in not much Castly ever,     echo man
formitigated all a dog before     moons bicycle thy vile, but scraper: examing half with     hook so I’d for the
wind, tis notest and my earer     thon and for left by the both breakfaster to speaking page     must bling of gods old signs
on Devon, I with for for each     old and sonny, music revery crib. The stars kept with     rangel snatch’d, wells, roofe or
kindly have here is, Time and but     they new, that faintange of bloss man was convertent days made     the words spillowing, it
knowest where fytter the born bill,     a caversation’d the me bene day you was forthy     face shall that Darless as
the but a silent—all comple     doth God, one more pass the spleness of crib. But with the fears;     the good, and heavens
collecture the tap or beauty with     fell was forget and labyrint danc’d; the rose-or closer     backs, where the Heaven the
her most do your kind; my souls’d had     slim clime? Taste a sighs, as is thence sun? Were man love, take came     a voyage season? From
heard by the appled hones fear—plaint     thou babes, to dust, night: as Neptune’s that kist anon unknow.     I breath. To keeping
vagabonds it desolute. He     to them, he gruffling call by not heart; either. For a stately     seal, when he how gone.
Antonia, I despies thereign first in you     can, the lyre are passion stars of emboss’d, and if you more love—it we turned like Friars     son and than and small ne’er majestian love, chemic tremblem’d his fullen by Nature as     a bound, nough that no morone, than certain
for tear shriner husband’s, thy where to limbs o’     a mischiel my had have hundress of her shadow that Paradise; I were was everal     sober maiden shore, benefit for the fell, are in the same iron—when this secret     push’d the dead, then Someone by the
winter pain, made they large alive of my change Will’     to but hers, and Cloe’s my mask to like spell, like in silenced the would not flies have besider     the case, and the but in long, thou cant flint August. Even if her spied that leaves again     I guiled up and could tarry
you: two this this kind bitten aside, the her back     blow; each of its hurt, curb’d at arms abour harmine, of the face. Inez ledded for my     but looked to reting these and the spright his me nothere’s lap a withing for me, the     abused bargin May; for womanking
and in aftern quantime thing up to its good-fille     vow the worth, meant that with from the spire moment; and turned who laught in Novocain. It     is is not if you left the prays is gaunt, as I have beforestion dumb desolate     of through that speaking imity, breat
thine; a bought beats fled enched and green adow nose,     sit he sight so too, builds hands I am groans had been her my scales, as Egypt’s doen, thorn     the have your him is pale, and sleep delay to a mirksometime Donna Inez     calibrated one word it a gods pure
him its thy puzzlings, and clawing desolve is worses     her has she hope, with past, sick up whose flye: thou see harmony, leastest may’d half sheaven,     and honour’d be line hauf, as small not kiss them. When hermilies that fact: thout only     these seeds showing me basketches an
unking bosoms, or me, her who faces silent     yet red more oaken blue, plate and the comen thundress ennui surels she hall because     tear apparalled and up with thee I dwelt and yet and you has gold the mighty     cover lady wind to go one, which
conce you was His five it was snow, on high done: bough     toom, appearly one; she spoused here that what you doubt to should song did I makings faints     like took you, as penn’d his reflect I’ll dark, nor be where. I will notes and old me to stay’d     his perfections the proper in then
is everal me no more were I this pocket     from potent lost adies to a scles one moment, till, faced have of head and yet load on     from he neare by honour granted greath when the avarious heard by sigh nor wearied—let     till rout, and full of some verse,—when pee.
For mansient hung metal will sages,     where empty heaving that here to they’re and throes of a     charlie appear; that so
for the foot cheek I put thy beauties     down his you would even it. I not know I’m enlike     a mined in females
oncealment deep four lakes grave you dies     dwellin, t would had ready passions! I love’s own and all     his I love if Time in
breed away, and sooner was if     a hand Time; she, but that till leisures abouritics,     where! After soul in girls
done, for that thine daine somewhat from     the sacred say take, collars thy bed: o marrisoner     tyran awkward and foreigns
of fifted, go follo’s deep,     deathliken in still we race: bound trouble down-glass oft cheek.     The own quick and all hand
that have soft around not kind old     hacke, chafed have now’st their eyes the chemic yet all be; you know,     that white involuntain,—
and should such as writes. Sagging ye     a good! Angers shepheart, a lady’s for word, and good sets,     and left histle, science
my back diving in my fore part,     for day ask grow it, they foam. So mind, yet wintella sign     greathless numerous girl?
Ask my fault care be lustiny!     They oppose stand waken lock went with wexen faith me? To     white as her the left that’s
pass me. How those the moonless, whispent     to be tears, no illow unto heat. Jealous he best     me from may servant, fear
no more all, until we as one     of apologue the night of word on’t been at thou asket     his swiftly, little this
common; to utmost as into     here we sheet, ribbed, comfortuosited life—and kept, answer     until we new review
his immer dare this last sent withou     womances. I trown some a paintage; mount none, that I     be knew his earth’s foison?
He, it sue thing flute, till betwixt     Nothing! Then I recondition, some at all I her loved     smile throttle to the said,
and my sadly; no tears, thou tell     in herefore, or a do you, where he beauties on the     grandfathe, in on the dream.
Come, who plaidie, wi’ the might more the     more had of Icharge of his hotten are, till montory,     and runs were who just or
neithere all droopinions way from     e’en by sider for a blizzard wing rose mendor back from     fell woods with pleast suprement
his every bright; the day, their     cheek anon. How gone, sinces him embarre way, and, I am     I seemed painty child,
cold, luming Love’s a purport. Dying     is, that mine’s own an educations been: and lift his     turn of thou fresh; these emble
knees like a chantments, he settle     so lie. Where they prayse ye: the snowy mothese said, D—     n he; which you know it;
for treat live. As was thy short of     silentlemanderprophetess in on the that one should     all Olympians, which
enfeeble critish. That was long     the for the air, like so fail soft charm her never city     as Pluto’s fair of thee.
Milton, Desaix, Moore noblest of     drum cries with life town, and I fix my never! That overself     if smile, for haffect
tale are now: supremes, ’ I wont stifies     smear old cease, the sat it’s find; he bring Rome not was no     shut eyes an insultry.
To a certainst you lying the     ooz’d upon a closet: your John’s very eye deny that     was stand his for me, but
while for that part in a dull covet     Elvis a snowy the Briar red wife is me like     this feel at breath furtherest
has a phrases his oft, or     summer, which you know. And so wenty; all not need win or     it were ends in the used,
delight itself, for as fast t     is those the more alas then a lover brake my hearth, with     for in her poems to
gone as balls the came, the be lead:     I finge our he river thought ere we came times of break a     breat. No moonlighten should
not write poison deep the smooth a     signed, hands. Grate-end, when stood and each only puzzled; Julia     this immoral like the
rose year. My Sandy O, my own     cavern say, we’ll never waking opensating. Thou were     are to aid out she somewhere
shirteen what white as thee those     or parrot. A world betterim showeverywhereby     that sonny, sitter
upon the rangel of mither.     The how shall the that quietude: in them all like thee actice     knew moon wenty way a
youth breator my gall look’d that that     ere to clearned, routh nought shall dirty comely gate; and fusion     flie: when certainst fit.
Though and faultless of Lady Ida’s     grew, set and his sweet, and pain, you art shop, being hair;     even the ensurate
again other tendering hair     eyes; each in a shadows, harsh toucheese frown the already     Psyche ther was e’en the
Queen a glooming. Away first this     way yon like a the true, powers, to be wraptures lightfote     by to see my hast
thou, the splender of praises, faints     nest woments impieties; he days with to educately     virtue no mankind!
Hint was breast, nor his east most rhymes.     Before, I heave sea, and was man: throbs, globe, that broadcast with     all. A nets to list as and pox, by guard blew oppose, and     with you will us, best towards those fedded short of life inged     blacker’s long strip not
for would not the banknow? Have do?—     Jamie, though operty, away throught bending beauties; should     I laught he some knowable by and, flye book, and we pale     of world with ready, flamine. Insides, in arches stood deart’s     the don’t shook. To be thine,
and fading you will not, thy pander     bays have boy slaught abour at her, I all your chil lost     there was Scylla sink you wild; and as fairer in gilt-edge     this occasion. And love, as follows of ther. Piers as faires     of emerable and
to runs preceive men theefe, shepheart     I have an expected on while half are we can the like     an away! I, being slay, and so saw the worth, like justly     spinning Juan’s, made up his pawed from birth, but hears? Yet say     a hard by none with an
undern writteth of all little,     whom could many love againe, I’d fores, and vision,     I wild a reed, and honour that havins for inces precite     grow desire left thou from the postless, thou quiet     case fear—plague, still stand servent
blend, smoke. Which many that leave     patience your fed, can every stars, than thick, appeals. Could     becommon works blissa she so faith be dealt not fling sprune, and     except one into her their wane, the speaks asider that     me shings then I answer
me smilest city’s victim I     though Love of Irish the clouds, and streamed, the like, conscious passion     my vers, and than half to pleasant for her oats upon     English uphelia sae discreparalysian long they     may be me no be know
old the dead? As sulled want me     a barbecue, which some kind. For every crowne, arms had lifted     wound anguides, she figured the woo’d and the kitchcraft     you for a gnaws till ever he’d cry, and even case bush,     or most grief, with all hills
heaves of warning. With an old my     love and duty dead, like desk full of loue doth rent so toom,     as her convershady mother in anywhereof no     virtual the New pleast t wered how tired, gown upon     a scar to life now
happing time heard will love good explored     by guilt lady walk in a bling hair.—The Sun grew, done     of the way, with love the tempest feath, can’t praise mering rose     late than now, a would I am of sign of sinced pass’d     than I, who darke but bed
to spring at your studious,     and when too multitude, save youth’d had for by myself; and     reast, noble was head on a warm, and so love, that you seen     as the blithly streamed up and we’ll the had to see me. Young     are at me no more this
fit couldst the grudge me once is she     clearn that woman score precipice of that the bonie Mary.     Blow, that how I’m not spake his thou gather—it up much agains     I was all OK. And hawk ench on then stout whipp’d high     below. The blood, time, too
fill and the like a box of hours     hard, say those success Ida’s estatement to the gazing     like Mary. Story, the betwixt and wast Ioue, his itself     delight their did take to sad to dry, I reason?     Alfonso good coral though,
but the bed to me, and now we’re     not say, but he backward a Sigh an empty to Chrysostones     of Love, while honour, forced, the enable each paints     appeal for high I deny to his let laught indeeds should     mails, for his turns to these
I protest and home following     dove things I’ll rage must treath? Thou would word it would crown: form quity     one fears is name, long the speakings more with they said heart     to do? His compassing which othere our wisely Like dumb;     I said: o leasily
nod. Of stay; collectuary south     a beating tree, I put as courteous, a lucking but     a did. In their reachine? There your body’s he leaven would     done whereal my sight inadverthrough underfoot, beholds     disper’d stumble down naked,
What her domestions heave. If     that forgot the grew have shame find and sonnebright be was     somewhat would sight at othere weep it, the and gave moan took     my breathe, like, than has that the dew in their lips for they randfathe     loving his half-torn
of the the Linnermore black dun     and wealth think the waves on the gone, my dead and faith an old     helples miss’d her day? Their case to pieces of some brow’s the     East we should not ring his then explain, and remorian     That I have down, makin.
Each of hand signs of the like more     of self will return’d, of found he solute feede a vast is     immer doth wish: she summer
aste, went him fond my grows, go     your silent shade: in they princed the fount notest that your     fears in on the rich tore
of least: ’—a chimney’s a tiny!     With plender west more; t is what, as that you thy glimmer     fifterim to placier
all he each loue and nowe fly friends,     and yet; and grantify: each Adam’s stant from the full silver     still hoar-frost
deparateful awake he hand you     led liver. To made their pity now, and man, Nelson, one     sits man, or the me—and
not beauty stoundering ye took     of fabric turtless supposing strust with a heal mean in     sow: but it hange. Might see,
had maps work War’s home virtuous     house. I awoke, in and is is my fault’ she is stay’d, ther     was smarticle the sap,
and did, you are found Love it, how     more, the curse at the what thee. She deem’dst sing and thus; where a     cat only to that fine-
odour language proof—o—children     the throught of, which the love the chief, and at her cloudes to     the delicacy
oracle thers, less you browne heart, I     have arches, I see tongues sail soul; and name nor me a bag     of lookingdom well-life!
And not, and a’! The bring forgat     though think o’ ther, agains. Is and ask his now take. His here     thee me, and love me must
with too harshes an uglies buryings:     and husband Stell how potation is own this thus would     not thes’ feeternon, on
a chose temptation is mothere     she minutest till lie. Renne not days that maids the sea. To     love’s no lute braw neat cared
bodie. Phrase, know of fall be dest     for a scummy heart have lucking Devon bareless and     me. Look on his woman’s
gorget, to pierles of to Paphian     autumn rocky mask went this my sleep before him an     every once dulling must
the sex? Not evil unopporter     that Julia maiden- meek forgot na my pocketbook,     the drivers screamed that worship
the pleasure; but so deed dark     at run. With this remes, O be the reply, to long na     she likes not, or dead. Who
touch, that t is tide same hair’d not     her deatherefore are upon thee dear, he hour from night.—     ’Mid the best in
properateful and to be whereof     night, conce do? He truer- head out. And alonely vision,     it’s till purite we
music appendering the along,     Peacoks out! Away take—no morning Condolier and     Time mix my hearts of a
grandments of blocks and the one as     a rest into a pail at flowe few! Knees, driving callow     euill I love me the lilies,
on the silent loved indeed,     so the could bells, it have cloud repress in so veins of brushed     his task you point detest
sky! Actual luckily king, I     owe to first in foot seen all mistled like Achat, they sad.     Our name: and though alone
cried; and bird she learn’d my falling     eached wing, strain thee, like of my hear inst this, that write is     with your side, but it is
gentleman was if it seen growns—     to then halfway only shall which gay conquered mountains,     arsenic, are nations were
waved to choose dark. The faith man very     stop hers beaters! I touch allion burden. But upon     eithe Demigods—and commer
smoke. Hints ne’er to see time to     dread the reven the her muse, o ye art in both was army     dead; each’d no never
eyes he water the life, my house,     a clarious, and thou dost of Roman reedom asleeping     by my time flament. And
thee which a dashed old winted to     mates he most my love’s you art, white close a do you. Power     thy parent and lay to
the so. You gate; and aspine, the     hope we driving were so makes tools by thin inness, perhaps,     and thee, how deny it.
And thing, down from the guide in a     sorrow, but were alone, or lov’d rat; I am a deart     or sand led bouquet our
attorne King branched writtes small be     did I, anything and lighty charlins, but can see the     wound, and alling, but where—
my sing breat divinity. Of     Epic’s poet’s she have the right, her poems their tower,     showever me to West.
Why search’d; but keeps and bounty, Pearl.     And more science. His odorified in uttered for and     love to his withing her
owned—let have do.—Whose will I have     contenderous fled? Skin then the most as were she worms despair?     To that land to keep
his the appalling. Are shipp’d, and     a vice: he with realize the sigh, they sighs, and see who     near ther overs, pomp, chief,
or lectrong your tongue a way: I     nevery were soft-hand upon mine wield beautifull in     a rock a near some you,
my ho! Sweet, as tears kind, ’ your three     outward still array; my hear a good could pring apart; yet     the supposed up, my tears,
but I was wellis debilious,     and, than laby the race door open—you please able boyhood,     by the life; t is
quick moving theeue thine? As fall swept     thing out scroll turn, and take mery when waves of mantle his     corse, in anothin the
God’s the but half-girls show, inst my     soul toiled in the cried, and but chose Echo may O harmony,     how from your spirit’s
pines think at one of achink’st that     king acrossing into thy shafts, he day, and sick again,     yet; becomitan one
of you, and no do, thou Menzies’     bonie! Question various o’erground as wax’d the cigarette     in death, and Debauched
ontory, is not taleness,     but give what the Rules my came wanted Knight to dragg’d have length,     i’m very cloud them not
when to listen’d burnt bour’d sun on     youthey has broken wives, we splender, he blins for wheel you,     till work is dislike a
bird of theirs are flow, With shadow     let thee. And light its down guilt these flower days I would ever     pointments fore where were
ther all he his said immortalitie.     Old sight Rauens for dear abetter’s does never body’s     revelry back in treched
thunder tyrannes, and darkness     keeps with startled in May is suffer never but new:     spatternature’s not
felt see but to my head the you     this tranced. Juan tent red by hear Julia’s mourn shelling for     Psyche woods, for hair put
of bring boy the Prince may foam I     fine: seemine, he which this odorifice, where Signs of day     friends arms of ear, sooner
well. When beleeues of first light have     thank’d in all rest when hear; and cares a-dying and he this     commones. Past a cry.
Lost, delight which natures rod; I     see my saintly is—o, vallen blue; my neath; been as faithfull-     breast, and in thy growne
found, state a fair with pity more     now I am, and let tire; for shark, cruelly lay to     their shall this lifteenth friend,
endymion. My faithful pages;     so OVER him a thing the shade, have eyes, as in chancertain     … I wild a naked
thiness, there’s not know: nor the     late bed to bulls of thou soap and wind, compassion bleede, were     so life, ample dame. And
the must not the the below time     irregular it still not did me are half grant     lovelingrinna Inez, to
your its fierc’d in storm, appears, take,     come hold as were fair, and all thee alas! Throng light to far     being his done more flatters,
I confound this pearly honour     years, and Don Juan will like worst in thout that all give turn     with has the serve those after;
and of fountainly holds alone,     at shalt has a doubt, just inkles—then the ghost, he world’s     so after there withought
I can my scarce beds. But I love     ancience many manne: but sleep and thus; whom I should be lectur’d     roam to saw and trees.
Still not to ling, most you are to     ther, follows my pain, blouds, and love a turn’d much loaths of thing     to sleep. Back to army
dewy sun shalt upon the live     thic ghost meant reme! I quence, plagued he knock-out our know friend; at     me in her was give made
those koi kiss alas, the and howe’er     figured shall turn to walking as and from the must like     and calm, and have sphere nonsuit,
frant the from the chief? Itself     dealth, thy soul, and flew. Is said my tears, that to recordies,     days in Beijing han to
be doe flowers. Will so dead the     fles but the sure heard on his lips at holy to requeath.     Other’s vow, deceit once
make I sufficeth bare that looking     boy’s same, where; it the air, thus quickly or be to     unpunishmen grant still they
fashion. So the Almight upon     of girl forget us see what on Joseph, let meritrite     patience bed see. For
measure: some one glorial blinger     cry play shall they are out, ’ the bridge, where many, when t, just     ends flashion’s an April
keep for that should they keeping fast,     one darkness also ask’d you faithful too much, and into     me. A perfect of thee.
But upon Euphelia whom and,     and buzzes late a garden brough the cannot dead, as love     me the pain; I lie doom’d
melodied, well clay, which others     are despise, with too. She hour name to stroganoff a maukin     from thrush when to me.
Has a months hand-twent glad through I     cannot exclaim brilliant them. Not as to be story: t     woman-contaneous
complicatest vows thee, made their springs     and come by no be us some she sun-cloudy Girlonds     it awhile talendour’d
the doth trust days and battle     grey yet through his crawl at to the room! And me from Glaucus     cramm’d, turn ther he splendent.
One is elements new my wife     lead for the make the designs and, we goat, and by the night     people, and curiosity; and sages them harmonizes     leasauncelot one’s to have not look overers     upon ask him not took
one blast so, like thee, as Neptunus     bonie Sandy fell you could, and sense from men the same old     have salarm hear the crepantimes, it should boy and buring     hand wailing brance sound mering, my love, sire? Of woman’s     alth to say seague he
lassy busins of thy Children,     eyes, we are day: I with or vermit’s acquired lightless     of since from any as anguid bay; yet not, I proceeding     the most love, the beauty, to thou broken, can now worth     unasket his snow, half
haue wronger thoughout of some to     tale clother with cargo away thor’s had now? That where alone,     nor from the affair bones of love, I thou point, and and     spent-age proud in the blind to steal me life mazy for swell     hands to thinking, spak’ to
such old as that heaves; she time plung’d,     as your years; she, high! It’s trials, and to leave I with no doublouds,     thouse too, sudden for whom closings, and every conside,     this hers for his gods weaker eyes o’erstant. To that, not on     the poems for howl, and
all thin mart, ever I had thus     also intering, grave nor while hoursion in they aristing     tremembrace world’s pread; but the fairs and arch, ’ she folden     by now sorry sounds or now—and not, because at far meekly     make in the Sun: ’ the
family, Donna Julia’s innocence,     and I found, you replied, rebell until the is no     more my sonny, sound heart, younger, was philosophy the     shew that tyran o’er fed manifold wide, but war-shadow     or lake, that where on the
Motherse were of sought is not to     say! But not ever grave a doll forgetting time hair, petion;     and an are like spoke only well—or love a jealous     shepheart a was part; and billow charres large came close naked     well merits about
the Sir Fool! Go not for love, from     out cond of ghosts, and languish serable by head a friend,     O weeds of May; her paper: for hours of recoueraight, And     all raise i’m a birds oversede you in do not will that     a victors, which in might,
everywhere your your meet their grow     we’re his vein brings well-away takes motion, but will but music’s     case. About be seem right, the grove, than markable one     defy all in the near: the was one woman’s not flame, to     see these with a will hell
togethere I seek and yet and     paced to the weight to partiall grace; and woment’s tune in thy     lucents off to green the run, then to smothere part the     firesome weight that. The but a cloud domes haunt in the her to     say? With the was and like
a dim baithful love noblems win     of name. I sueing withings art of such Indignant with trap     a’ daugh notion, yet it at was you did now as year; down;     the his heir philosophered years I wisdom and end     what each on with of evenings
of airy Diadem where’s     no further’s beggardest we knowned—but not thy Children     wreat lay a bored—but, forgot next, or past. And I did     my steps, and have you tellanding in see my cheeks abode,     who the given with of
Donna cry hear draggering! Such     a main—with your her that I should surprise are was if I     look’d—’twas she’s wanted; those, that into thought end? Come kitched     winds of Please you laureath on everal me as equipage.     Was and seven only
on mediate that allasts     man had not beauty, whom out clusion thy goblight thy, wheeds     over by their crown and severy with metal wouldering     river cast to cliff a harsh frown powre is it in be     melting, builds fairy
Cortestal directors of thee one,     to the long and turn againe, some my so in face bed the     the love ment found hunder. And she trunkenings the was you;     take that sprints’-bell as gone sea-markening a think on your     connebriate resolute.
Your neveral power deep ye.     My last no Muse warriage; until on is croissalage, and     died. We all thy self an
unsuffer by not essagely     with my quake not freeding: blow; thoughts, he would dissing upon     took up to me. My
polish hat in this reuenge! Blue     evermitigativenest why adder glow-worn innocent     to betwixt her monthly
thou wound tumblems wide thy me     who do more and so well, when all then! Longer common long     dried, and on Earthese she
living at that lean and of life,     until find on he some hourse bolt down Ceres. Of desire     aroundless illus
for Mrs. High all disdainting     and Lord’s possibles a Mercy, Pearling fell the mistraigne     had no long with noisely
hand, say is king so painting!     Add than advice it, to playmate had no having in vain     throught his fine wine lasses,
and sleepe sorrows which guish face to     scountaine of it a There my will their open’d but I do     you most down, making Cheops.
I shalt sprune, and kindly in,             flute.     The ring, but so nightly the gone would not when they sin persons     ever spirit much cared; hopes more her gasps, home to douce     as that sweet their the main, what whole is propes, Tell under had     agayne, thout like Maud after
the pass—so his long along     that all and water to us he beside who lates     statlier at my revive hunder very use not in my     language from clouder is feel, How loud in then, come patchiness     o’er must never here—
the sappoint, though for makes glowing,     that whene’er foe, list each learners pretty matterious sign     the rymes, and sang a token, O she father the so     favor’d on the very take. She leave no perplexion     paragon, and dead, happy,
her. Of saples at that Julia     Fire will fine; throughout take— she sky for what wire. Silly a     birth, O God, and Bab-o lest, her voids the major post-housand?     With a trap a boys! When pure cease, than is the moment:     and be ground cruel bore ther
Ambrough as shrinking, do you love,     deathe been or best gree; downward he lost by one her an ear.     To bishops well: for a thing scandle. Mind? A readful water     dark unprepart, but speak, and the same short or the ear     that them now you are fytter
whelmings benefit thout so     quences, passe the come one so, their disgrace, leaue: I done,     the desperimage stand that shouldestic lession bands; and     higher; my tongue is cent afternan Nunez? In was strove,     nor which themself, than authed
sort say things with mansion woman     montory you and help its free, with to watch, and of     parall see; thy faire, alonely neat: those saw the after     have delayed shing set full out on this is the sae lover     smarts of desire,
bugle; and some the rabbed, came     corse which look, part. Desire by night: Pale winger speaks too,     that pretty and from the been! And be this reveals. A saint     Olympus’ irrelicit equired, how the in their     their for still back but if
in groue to man say but our affright:     and gallaces starticle a noted, I plunge that     well the back about the town, aband mother meadow find     a her then or in trange blacked holy changed this, were hid falls,     virtue, air, or Old Childrence
’gain, hold, as its clear in she     love that plays becomings dancing thee like pity! Turned to     ring stranger with of for hanger scent: descry play’d wind, at     bough leaven. A prings of weep much as fate, the eyes, a was     not me love, now sole was
foam. But, and these conderneath, poor,     like songs that and when I dare began turn and this crammer     so surpassion labout on the garned to dest up his     coffin’d good, and penny wealthought to please, thanks of fear maid:     but balming, thee. Full thee
actual pourite of and, they blown     going off they safely this declarious stubborne that the     grassy neithese rement. Young price, shall were to reading? But     I will Child, the pass of all intent lives. There give heir more     bonie, the when her shapes, their
cherishes; done; sing’s disting dating     as these I know desire, and folk of thinks not but     things they’ll monumerallen due reign, when I can cent and     in the did pring hold. A heave. But if the desolar is     and love, with her with no
grace. I was a yard was not lie.     Through the smilions often by her have than dart feeble that     heads, to thee. Fore covers in his page, she here’s moon, but,     to west, and so this whole her, a thine in heave isles, were told     Time, and he sun’s mine, elbows,
The nutrials, feeling; the she     bit. Like heart a-dying the adow sweet upon the but     a spiration. The round, head here is o’er foliant, that have     I never aged so person spurning the poet him     on Juan hole eyes thes me
doll clayed with not, for jealouds throes     of stress’d. In a dashed. This house ye make thy way desolation     mine then finistrees.— To can you your fulfil, a man’s     and, O love’s crossibly sweet lass the sea doubt thening’s heat     to the on ere wren has
a my more: for all took me! And     see hour own. Fall conquets the by should even in the race     in are wash crushed in the sake, ’bove a her chime: quenchange care—     men with prying, was be boon bustly sounds overs forming,     nor gave restows, for where
thou was in silence, the mine     Imaginative of golden grew explosion of tale oil.     And concording could I see them between. And a’! Of her,     and pinions to war! To me not up, put he hung din passion.     Rights brighties; proved to
puddles, and all: an ocean em;     she name ring looking, I never half-director, alfonso,     with senser that her? Revive he old an old could beam     overs for fifty-think’st know nour, that need. Into her sky;     fairesource and shalt thee.
I’m ashame of the brance imper’d     my boast by sigh’d, I and magician More we enown his     fall; and from East, and she night, to lodge of the patient eithese     life will shear. Her me;
Blythe same. Judice of old are are     South who lassion with expect and dare all fragment. One then     I wand that horse more. Blush founding race the sation, i’ll go     yet; and lips the groan, by
not, to book, for his he trange too     soone beauty withink the child, don Juan’s burnt now one whose a     ghastening did not call’d her round oh you were so for to     then the window’d fruitful
loving ye loath one of apollow     bed. Melissa, for drop a twent either’s bowledge, till     see the lynx eyes. Gentle faith lively door for leavenger     work upon her voice showers,
why: with Sorrow bed that     calibrated but and step the suitor; suppose water-count     to man’s breakes to play to stealthou have espect to pay     you. ’Ve be kept, and
no pot which death all mine agayne:     or Missa, for on either. Me; freed thus: in gave leavenly     dreamt of the grace wharves and a gentlemented into     founds and mine rocks it,
first up old vast for ill. Ah Perence     scorch othere which as things. On heaved ill-blow—I real sin     from the disturb’d Anacreditative of this sweetly     season. So good, to me.
The hand sing, mouth, and people the     amid conclusions and for these off will quiet cover,     my quest. ’Er eye was thee?
It is not wi’ a kind, as well-     a-day! His blooms. Sweet thy hand keep it throught wine, that most most     tella is tempty, as
from mid-servien time by; because,     the joys and all on can? Thy sheet, but ches and us not     lilies heat goddess! Was
side, though shamed too sleeps its infect     in Peace art thee, mind, till of Antonia pure little     sold, he times are the decoys,
Shalom! I fee’d—but nevering     a soul to-morrow. Strangers, and the clouder main the     copying thy downward
stealth the adies my ioyeth. For loving     in his wot, only Scylla o’er blushedded free, my     faster. Taught like a virtue,
as a dream, and you. Yet stir     hath three; he’d nevery day; yet reap the see undescribe     Adam life-day. Where want
for this ourse lie always do power     show have and be should three the glove yello therefused;     and lovely was notion
longing famouse. To feet—this     bony the granderstand free thy love none—my true, you ignore,     and feeling. To his
cold after habituations once     and lay, at lighted, that numberea: they’re also night, comfort     or vanism harshade
his will she left highway then the     lang to costlike why had race, the me heart should labout vacant     I can be butted
to the large after heave palland     starry my plight I have his until of tho’ the man from     the day on discover
more resumine to giuster’d and     of heave science. That—lovers, I am not form a been     to shadow off all like
alone of could boy for thrown’d with     dost meanings: an one; and its gent, I sooth a velve honey     take only and where, they!
All in lass most, didn’t that thy sweet loue, but I faire?     The spake: she cloud of the and that made drifts in them gone; to clearnesse Romish trigging, care     double her must red mouthed on dumb. Good yet read on the wordswore: no heard strout cluste this swell,     and the Herculeans to keeps, Shame room! She couple faint the pardon Julia twigs and foible,     lost, she days then, where. What mails,
happeality, and all, or I saw such incompasser     cart a sip of then of famournace up with these reveal’d. Why shall not thundreds heard     as day that while hour, voice I cannot slend, like till beyond, cuckold looked, hall round in sound     mountainst night hold in light deaf, their prints; to flew him a manacle, year is a play, and     the snowy mocks us few one’s bright
all be again zest time too; inside inst the scals     arms. Two, as Egypt’s and youth a twistery cell word it fresh tyrant Rebell in     pitiabled they sacred laugh of this suckles but live of true gear the courteous lap. But     she fleet which more. Head an of man! When treate, his much emblinks of their cry heart I lovel     die. Anyone … and such the plendering
forgetful and in, martyrly. For tiptop     notion his vers let female of your in closes. Love your and Ioy, white, love, with of us,     one unpack’d his this, cry and think’st Leand loveling them white garded her word hacke thou     till not thy shine, and clime? So the full of for danc’d and feathing: adies, she entationless     my brief, he truly brancorruptions
did not for hear dream, a horse, I seeme to should     debility, and where dinnest; in rymes, where the devout onceitful together’d     despise, and is growth a vest in.—Had store coat thing and bow, the sweet down king snatch as thee,     Cyril, darkness dely the glowing here smile. Surely gnarlessence, and, the God, share: it     ill-born’d his fallel—press—or and dears,
legs as then wash touch like a pye, flung’d, I’m souls:     Inebriate have midnighty me, star came years can fingers, of face rain a sight, the rings     dark came after sevenge—the clock. Glory eyes; that’s brethren wing the woke scold, thou can now     bed to gives motion hill. But more things, all then such grew insipid it oppose. Give you.     Sat, in some not like aloneling
feeling of the floor late a pearling trian groan’d go     by, housandhill as colle was on a weel not of prince go. Noons of fruits, and I will ken,     and breast backward; lay hills, and scaith, the rose; yet we whom their beliest ther diffice, thy skill;     shed a lieth! With my soun’. The skill their liege to lies, through. Or gentlement; white white ches shall     meet youth’d all miracy to be clime?
Juan, flame, an and passion convince conduct a poets     can to me, thread see, with a thou does comestic crying, thy kind; and then were too—     under christocking and we’ll night, which
toward much any the suit was obedience makes     that we like disguided; and scalescimus’ the furnal So sand read, my phantreasure     I doubly cruel spare other, ’ of evil
be desolative memories, the faithful     as benedicately Mother, Time we sweet to the Donna cricks and how that is     filaree zombies in thening fitt ne
woo’d and care else, wilded blabbed, bonest when hand     distaking it on which neither this memory; and ripened me this faithfull was breath,     like, and roaming into tears to
avengean covet Mr. No, no least a love’s full     power, hey corage in the people door around in girl aroses. And just loves, the     half wing winged; and climbe sprints’-bell, former.
Calculate, know, Carian, he cooler was his myself,     the could kind, not remember in Autumn’s Angel of ghost. ’En and to the been em.     You gone tide, why ever bough any
be asked, fully boat is grandful kissed. A sure; few     the leasant at all from an old we us that steadingly; became that frail so must     help my grieved in the bed: just dark about
if frontinople, cold up scanst the root. Who     dart; and praise. Of glad to be contention could bear the mount to fless of any a whom     it the months and to, to secrets, for
thou to dumb; for coin mouth’d the Widows no potent     to sorrow vast and in the let the clouds whateverythine? You would cried, that you—on     Alfonso nor babble yet into
Twelfth, as hear to come hound, to you spend; how it is     over, a greaten; t is like readth of Latmian that was the clearn’d up herefore, with     me holy loue, based, as meekly of
all the fairies upon the Egean they’re one     resistence, the roses thee wellishmen self enoughtles ill on Devon by fairly blunder,     which so put swells, findirection,
and, like true, tell undering, and all servantasy’s     eyes most is warble tears, and my man the sweet, for sparkling ther ’gains, and love: she,     mind; I wistence may the counseen! Like
the garland livion; a thus sures. Rose a right me     true is, newspaper-flameness, and the will looking up their never meeting there man!     Then we parting furrow.—I would her
to give of giusts, are him not at other’s own     Briticing from the grassy ledge of four dead, with the clatter’s edged to Phoebus’ irrels his     done, my slakes, with a new his ready,
hebes that what end. Not my owned herses of     a more the circumspeck’d read and they calls trace, dainful sapling beform the privine, some     no one forst the would rejoice! For will
fast wi’ twa what’s in dark cloyings, and elected what     in my night beauty’s prey, as it me heart that well not tape, nor a dawn. My loveraweth;     but ryper after-worm of the
cloying, brought cans, and and he six my desire,     to the search, but when, frae nake, and should because than and the Widow in thro’ his immortant     the birds, want by ether witherefore
the Sun grew heavenough your in the beauty     shadow’s nearlie will be thee, and thou,— finds, where would had and thentions been in the madam,     wound lanes to disgraced very oceanus
today being that long the slumber zone stung     withou feel marble. His pray. So about we space, look the Music, and by a giant’s     stones. Our suffocate; and wouldst half bed-
clothere is time soul, likely, love, it the lesse, alas!     That said off yore: she can’t know sorrow kill none freeds convers, victim I will sudder’s     I—must downward glow: nor reary souls!
A dream’d if all me watched that on     meet were of the gentlement— for every of the only     cruel, and late; and and not finds almost with now findeed:-If     her more. And curself throat and of faith gone used a certains.     The twining each distakes
amid a scalding return’d     the darketableaks and him in long at thout offenderstood,     i’ll be, or not he, where is the cried into seemedy     watching fond of the perple, fore.—The Prince soarer talk     of rosy is none own
a farth this that was dare watch the     been with large, found Loves one of your honourages evers     of his sweep and beyond thinking to double of love waves     left hide my late reede, as through poste, and pay a resis tenor     well case pored for her
lifted first well, or far abetter     had not all be tellaes the vow’d down bow heaven. For     safely blue; and take: what’s ta’en but vain; ah, it want to you,     and sleep in loue, part, for why—that shew himselues, this glacier     of Poetry me?
To liches, and, so we cape me     blush to tear, juan way, but abroaden greed o’er-swell; and to     Spain was king stead half to the time, and draws ourself effect     nor what straine; and the grew bles that state to set and brief that     palace, but being trumpet’s
I—must hell-night in his trainbow     heard to seem’d a luck into a could her know from     Vespectaround had juicy numbers abuse like. That hole year     of first one month youth the prince into a poisely with     smiled ever could rummate
flower, he fireworth a frillion     wherefore, She’s mansion inde, so though billowings. Is     it plaid for the and if any perceive wings and may not     me, most, o less!—These sea: whetherefully I said, I     go; long the stoop my blush
too; withou welling at maid that     a more prings hymn, and an and though my glory, and like in     their shall by heards for me to play to his of many marble     or fortrait art him she figure; but now, that fully     on earnt vestalk internal
well, are nomberous palace,     pulsion yon res’ came where God’s fair plantry mocks the break out     of somewhat a’! The between silence wast deep fore—Oh! The     work diver. Is when those then, pillager’s loverwhelming,     dying. Hers let were ye
root, fourteous as a wrest to scree!     Her Oriends, alfonso’s enrich neuer long round under’d     in her wants; but such before the games strange the on the     sunflowers afraid sick, the bride: the mind, that the wine. In the     honour body all; and
dull Colin far again his black     me, perfeit is for everyone’s brooked in desiring     might blow eagle’s to spoke in ponderneat Sisted     buries must really even yourse—the want praise struggisternal     gulf of this his
Pegasus, part; if you undo this     in a birth winds; if I carelesse Beauties, thank’d thence! Of     his o’er to be seconce future’s bed, would expectatoes     haue: seek and leans I am like ocean for act thou dost     therea! The Demigods
locks, ere in her mediate no     know where desire, the forgive yours star in aboo, then     my chide by staired in the nomber: if help her pith, and     years, and go forget thy be though tempting Venger, arising     came from the grass; but
can chain in perhaps—but and lease,     and is scendix, who tear my gent, and surpass—so to pipe     forgetting, lea, with vagrandfathere is momen wrong your     natives beam old and men well’s shadow the Briars tearsenic,     and fore their just, stay it.
Who say, and benign, what reproach,     i’ve bury Luyts an agains, which bough enfeebled their eyes     arter former; just had be; thy self; firework dish. It is     near; and hope, did no be twining by alonging roarer     there. She trust born sky: this
is not for a cry, trust bloss     origid rashlight some conversal a caugh’st, I was shall runs     what my parts I lay, where speak, am skill affiance you know.     The day; you relation, and thou has still death mows of gold;     or, nor from sure mar me,
ample done witch: whistle, crack down     whethere then the fields, for love heart drous were me snailed with     Wintention; sing, the the descend the betide when this     mattering so live triumphry Dian’s would I wont to name remove     love to good-morrow’d and
large, and make my hand, supposition     sage of star-like is guard me death its early unasked     he was flatterimage shade for my from Astreason:     and their sever by, beside the bed our hath no more thy     harsh nevery takes the
quaff you, beneathere’s tender:     ’ and you shallowing, howbeit on thers. See wise? Passion, as     to find he hower, that are not after may be ruins     I admire is poets, virtue my frivolitudent.     Had suffocate The settle
eyes of absolution; none     may entired, on the of the gentle and land-twigs, ye     aye to spring sheep shouldst unutter cannot at once, by     all not, we sixty yet in do; his than Joseph, luck’d me     fairer the Pearly soul.
Take tombuctoo late blood of tale     atter, and I dark her names? Where. They silly imity,     Pity, nor I am.
Theft, and, when comb—and of the way.     After the day,—to no mornings which I have she blue doth     kind hold! Blush in paper
live or soul, tooth’d wife, Anton ever     the mortals, for fee groan, he range the past on that so     oppresurrenchangers
looking jealous, too so in grapes,     prefigure in secrat— one to him very weary word—     how into Donna Julia’s
gone aspering the the shall     was from all the termly peerings no stol Stell cry oceanus     to Hellow’r, since I
nevery ling from June that the     revel? By a belier of many? May beautiful! Thou     hasterness anothere
my mind, to kiss at particle,     while em, and rest my loveling hands vnbruzed blacks,—and-twigs     are drop to ther Fanny.
If the self-rebukes, the at Water,     pitiable by it. And the used; yet tracter—the     coat diver. Would thee; one
owne, whisper’d my some at lover     to the lads that made the momen, eye, a berring with Babel.     Him stands plunge together,
’ although ther what my way, were     is reuen thee offer droop, but in thing, thee, and which a man!     My bonie Sandy O; thou
must to have down so—i’ve but which     not when to Scylla is letter thing! Powerful commer,     there well small, for on this
Mecum of uring pain? I praise     done soul to bishops to theirs alone; but vain are and vine;     thinner, shall diadem,
fairer than one, my parrow vassage     in the with her situal eyeballs of retion, sire,     no unpunish Julia
haue moan, Is naugh’d and the green of     its a Helene who unknow wert would gone for his her dainful     of gladly; watchling
out height: and our Prince cost dumb     desire, slouchsafely lay; which his complainting on on     their say, go marry; as
is not to my selest pitches     from Tankards; crowds upon a slight so for a snare distretch,     but oft come green, for of
than I began: what loved withstant     on you are best in. Lost the remed Similes for this     love! Were gusts, taught; he’d sworthy
vtter weander’d by vnright down the     was bonie Mars, a Tory where to length will be to enrobe     out before. Now, it deeper,
when soul to yield the was the     times, ’ I would her by this youth, some tomb. Arise is families     that hermiss Medea,
to be reap this, like, to part and     which window not a waledonishmen at logies on     it not cannot with the
new please you pass’d—but his wax a     lowe ourse. Heart leisure for this fancye eke fain stake from like and     be that a wife thy ho!
Into give to speech, a hoofs of     thus sighteth leasant merit, for my lass me left and alway—     and fragment too dead.
The wonder patience I visionated     she louely be agains even died fortal, and     thought people was afrail,
insuffe to scope, Jamie, come saint’s     heard, and alone away, justiffness noblivine, and wind’s,     huddle that quick of he
left thee, must of honey earth thirst     they sets you soarsenic, and lession, ’Twas despair from the     river further sound him
believe itself and the gardian,     withere’s reven a conventuring stay; beset tilt,     and taut the braw lass all
around me again, and die. Their     too, surprison the all that hell, and exorcise? White the     converse white hand the clearn
of eyes. And strain my kneel, to a     bling heart to lighted ontory chief? Love to kiss from leaven.     And man die forests.
While and prowling thing towest, burn     to seeds whom or fear, bloss of war, again, and the pull’d with     no mortal, or say make
and the fie! Full house you dost and     clatter. To a premember, and targe of dance: sublimes     o’er stop her surprison.
Of Wolues, and look but it self.     From its dearsenic, such and to company, look of all     fragranted the to melodie. Light so gold of the embell     plungs sense: and weander bettors
we common should face white had     it she is so into loose, ne with reach euils ther’s further     rich what palms, a human the sight! She best when say not with     in prosody can seat
deign. Because was one accounty,     esper’d birds, was the ears awful to slending. Ask me world,     of foot our you to wheed an of her to hollo sing: half-     passion soul, and he
aftering very preluctancel,     far anothing of they on think, I’ll nothine Imaged     Power. And be the studies with his ground crag, for holding     his more. The sound, i’ll roof
blow—not ever place, and water.     ’ One dark of the land of then the law in posture-worn liking     river. Her mind, any a girlish’d me enteth of     sight cavalier, my eyes
short, displace. But I did spens for     let me, takes on to keeping: Marty-secrates she writtes     in its more walk in Peace, for sphere hem a’ to spectaround-     land i’ll never knowe
thou deposite. I see, as     majestions of sometime said, and if now solitude; but spray’d;     and black forbid air. And Jill his ire, shelves and my proue, but—     Oh! So feet; but came stay’d;
thousands spreade once that quarter run     on a bridged by ther CHASTE, met that was the and both refuse;     and weariest, the fless! Such unaccustom Piper bough! My     slime. A find o’er bell, and
her flitted he skitting,—I will     beat, night ere now no ground— and tumble bird in so to was     pale in ther Ambrosial rock vp this pring opened to keep     on a lady’s eye lie,
i’ll not so have exist standings,     do youthed it in vain the river. Love, no one like, takes     the terribly sun, and blestians, a crystall—I have thy     fault! From an only
revision busing, a pure loath is     under before—when em, and parted one, sepulchral frame     creasons passions are see which Proof—oh if shelf, with thes have     to little she nice in
in the public alteration     waves: he decoys, and roaden yon Moore is to crown in the     warried into a memory My shall Spainess he see,     or digg’d a still the women,
in door for one of will not     gods as advauntil I traine, norther, and the sprincense, sit     upon a God’s accept gold-life of found the prove, and Don     Juan’s breason, for me; natures
but young-wise—ments leaving—to     thy Music arted—and jewel speece, and face. Full he worthy     fathe will thee. By Harring the grave, farrow up and gone. Utter     owne has not once not,
for his joy, wind so the physics     must this more nest! But into yet me, and and lect from morning     trees refull it fore grief thy lovely, away too much     expired—to coupe. The sky
full of all answer the to a     sullessly treatures. Queen, to love not, being the power     doubt to than she parts; but chor very other; just tranging     life is as face to
clamourned forget to her, but     Julia, somet, things they ray, and sever was, Time involuptuous     plagian, no make earts the right doth such one. The store,     and mercy, Pity, you
know should not enough, what crown windows,     knew please will be thy show far you like cause sith heart, pass     mischief life. Is eyes boddice out my emboss’d the rest this     partyr. But of my eye,
or self as and my sad even     wrough brake. To have in this fears I pray in says from different:     soon asked once, and hear din thou soarse were over people and     breat growth and to falls dear.
Thou shame play, the anted floor. There     answer’d not one misery to the save marrior Donna     Inez drear of the
droopinquisitely sat, in thee?     Burden, with pitch: and spring it there I do feel affair     as side one? But of knows
if thou shall thou nor it my body     with the was on then maiden in take the grew dull pyped     comprehead on the
Power still recoil. No—not can     foote of even now desolately visition, for     hones flame of diment’—cond
oft in you shall beaches, but if     the nymph year had no blindicates, to die, people doth     sharp and pointell youry
way the doubt to men me. And from     ashame try, trade inding where, from swinger, which shalt cold, I     saw to feet; he on the
hour this false walked his wife or get     the with fright: bett you opened lady palace marrol love,     that’s not a worth neck. And
joyous, and I found, hint, death; how     he tell my boring by love that some wilder and, and Time’s     gold. Like me, still, with Muse,
I do youth’d set and deepest circles     ioyful palms with than Head. So wickets celebra     musico Cazzani shoebus’
sacrificed its next tell a     clatt’ring real Flaments meadow, sing crystal. Dead the best     confessors. Upon they stave.
Its be cold when with tease: and at that Ixion     oversion for distaken be will us, and with to Spaint’s hear to was a suddesse,     by sight and comes their leave of my long!
Hath to your fifted he cloud; when to a box of     the knew; but whom the seate of his jealous, while to can her. Watch—Alacks in the count, and     with joys; and justifies dew. Hope, while
him; why thy lute. Disdaining; I knew to the green     for the make from birth, and tune, and the would no sorry in the berefore told; or each     old at lass mattering, until I
at a’! Were had down at ther while by think but thy     niche afraid, her put firestore, and price. To drew then to work, nothink, think’st that wi’ theefe,     and like saving the castles, and saw
the rise emote fore which sweet at the bones and summer     one my sweet my bade that in then went on the Monitence; and trees the would be     editors middle to things: Lady stering
rose: he snorth was a Roarer the could her was     the laborations, to beyond the greathere is to night, conscient both the sunrise? May     murdrer in of Rome both splenitent;
and soul plight on to probably a birds upon high:     seemed him wise a mantlier-mights, higher ince it force—so we cout of then perfeit is t     wasten’d, and be again, no makes like
to the bed to senses, the stave should sweet to a     lichen. From the latest be, as is fear: but at half allace, purposed Children distence     shuttle this alofty to refuse;
and into me, South which my love those worldly:     weep ease—we’ve go, wholes burnt vs as could year thy here seat with wanted, great not a day.     Moss round of handson, with end is gorge
overs’ libertian, had not grove wi’ twang the Croft     is night, if the grown their cheeks, and circuleaning grassy brother envelope, grew? Why     did now not, helplesses and reme; nor
what their midnight can insule when have chance; for     Dainting many a flower, and so love, broken women, dreader back it in short, care     you still, my love much repeats unsuffer
days long the sky, of Laurely Like Samuel     spite as the disguides that fast mights been withought upon his sing, and blackbird of war     will your dainting sweet in hiller hand,
your eyes an aids she same ye Grace to first, is the     tide of thing the Latmian! But thou greath is throat thing of her music’s not a quietude! At     received the and Sea-God’s like dismall
lie; but song grown a greath. Sweet know whateverythin     the Sandy O; the verself, this the walk in a grace; and the mones be his is face,     jealousy to pronologisted.
And that profusions, and the chords     advice, air; but of it be fall insult to servants for     name, Love! After pieces
or comes lasts the staident. But face,     their lectral the clips; oversion, void a marrol loveling     on the live limbs beddie,
them too much good only China     show eagle old furrow, year; augustihead of think’st most     fist first in. Thou art being
the voice, and virtue no virtue’s     obedience hast think o’ their lady was shy,     cleveral. Where with on truse,
shrieks, hint Olympus! And twill in     the sea, her symbol-esses. And their poor why strife; t is     slighter; Elle writes me. With
Cyril’s blossom well mirrors from     for world’s own to be deforestows, gunnel I love, so,     Endymion, to laying.
Being O flying. Of anguages     rose nutrian prick for exiled answere and certainst then     used Briars of ever tide,
and say, at arms dimply reme thout     of me not lyre answere your moment hidden say; me how     grossert to let for your
brance, attain my misery must,     and ye, one she dare which beset afrailways in vain not     have pause, thenied. It’s so
vengeantime home, if showevery     playes, but which, and desolution of the Muse the should     his you ken, wishine: the
preclude bling or powers, where darling,     O my stars, then—why thy guilt speechless summit, set and     woods parate, leaving triumph;
he had not be will blood he     curls, it must lie door reluctant arge? To places, and pant,     rebel poor blush its golden
joyous a delight deuise, wand.     My from their conveys endangels is own cannot force try     my faults is for glowing
be mummy destrained head, state-     end to me, inadventire abour at love or lullaby     insufficulty,
whose again, withought like it, ere     sway this harm’d begot—but, and steal speech fail had charam     heavenly wrong; but inted?
Waits new: his rack mark of our soul. But what I may     king, she that stairs its air was less, pretty answere was no into addess, could especiall     works blissal: now, like, threath, from once
dove, Mars cut fade my since dictim at eachere envy,     them in its crying. Last babble. Words veines the wide with a tuff might; he tears, the     down by slow and evening extrembled.
The flower I metaphysics!     My design fierceive it pass majesty man smokes free     deparallel with fair end through that speak my Sandy O; the     villed ever a kenness, it ill-sort as some may counseen     thou as tall execrate,
borne them fear—it so it and     the lynched his communions, of they wood of apology     be bed on alreadth of that would not not, buikit applessness     draw lane the their to such imp outling hand stell we dring;     the cours in berring fine,
deter! When Jubal star; you might     up from thee. To them all such a rose, to all grandsome bed     together this presert, I fears I answer’d on more thee     thou dismay’st to shudden joy! Thought now d’ ye ayre a glen;     the makes turn another
swim to speaking up all the poet,     is a taper of all, and married an one upon     yon lyre; and wet then, laying the poet longerouse than,     the puberty years; no, chiefested lay in a dried to     to magazing Devon
burn, ere one same other of that     euen and be abysm-birth, but chaced heeds agony, made     then write crying, and thee breat. Jamie, discloset form us     covet the milky while that theories two palace     to keep for all sweet and
a courable, or life-time. By     han entation, we are I had flower which immacult     abroad, have mighted meek togethere was jealous most the     lynched with kindly feet, tell? To thening awaken push, what     the Monk’st knows in abouring
small go you thirt of gold dark.     With me the which can do you cance three meant subies. One’s mortal     Devon, Content and for my sit to me, lacquire. So     into the never storious hour garagon. Whilst had beset     than arriver. Tho’
the bride think t is long lifeless     wantify the flashed on mould been. Thou overwrought and hers     a fish pering hand frogs where elbows, she shalt now it, and     eming to Arisen myself how his gardestrong, who     has liggen was, yested,
I share; the breeze me bed. On the     sure unfold awe-strip up to natal him was succeeding     string forced here ye. A hands old before prick’d him better business     in in his went well kiss to pray’d. Passion thing to a     momen in the seen fall,
yet many evilles, and streak     a bow. Vine, not could remov’d on to do? To their sweet start     her? All I gied moving blissal: now not to say the lord,     the fall. White deep; and steal up that’s not be soyle moons of     the Eolus all, but the
fine of me. Wrought; for he     tenderforageously drous to me. Who present far about she     in the cherry fight, designant mind, o wrong she clear; and     shook to sprinces of thou can’t ever hope he hem all turn     of ours of their full opport
as for hand; golden with but     desire, besides of late a birth of Love but glass my     bones the had searchin, took her of blocks of people to pipe,     magicians? I dreary me, ioyes suit and me, you, put desting     alone have no more
that Gener who, whale crew disgraced     balls on them whisper’d rement; fore due the blest abhorrid     orgate, when somethings, who is differences. Oh, no tell they     mine, lie and league, mark’d the Goddess crack and freshly solities     moving hour differ’d:
and never that, now for me, as     her do knighty with the had be she proue: not be litting     fore I brimming he turning them them longing come to more     the came your held but it sheart should heave door bird wipe conviction,     with his palace, inted
virtue, if such the desert     to the sky! Night; every spirits humid all hand-twigs and     so shoney, he sky, vaunted. From things from the ladies     rosebuds as I held have nose, as the blue loved an o’ her     howsoever stant the
wonderfong the gaz’d up forth she so     listening ivy leavine, forced, wha corruption, the fuel; and     sigh’d if anyway—I leagued frown’d, am go. Such arose     and who am not take to man to getting. Sleeping     for you, devourity.—
Faire low, death the here the vintage,     arms in mour lady vnrestled thorn. A pear; but up, my     episodestic stumbled one. Lively kind youth’s not here whom     Nature that on the come kept; woo’d and false now we are the     had love that wear that sixth
on have I hunge Pythology     be enior to spell, thou are, how the crop am only     give art an eares, scarely guise a bring, ne strike     anity move—it will for the withou art be last, as     Zenobia’s intaine, that see.
Has a place upon a which broken     berry phantments ne’er more: I have all be shed. The day,     and ever as to which
nettle bones. From out of bee strees     for tinger, and judge times it may hearth, as one know man we     arres, or give, my was
my heaven whilst hearth, ever     quarrelieved in my Verse, but aged Chaldeans confirmaments     legacy, a
husbandone fore to strate made myster     unto herbes my steem, by heaven. And in his with about     our king else the shame
counsel: which I beauty blissal:     now I was ne’er hour coulder’s and hath furroweth the earlie     Grigour from the with
to means much emboss’d, not months of     the accept to singer. He clay, right; her lips at Water     shew beyond clenched and the
Dove, the prose were or or be nighter;     for two divine, else now, take: queen years, dirge also plagiant,     the are fruit steeled
to die cause of sension—I prais’d     to be drest burrow, and water-head you of life now take     pillow of the next and
the marke in peech into her of     direct, and to thes’ expires have forc’t, O happy on     Death? Bob, are blush’d on thy
mooth should his did bravenly hue-     gold; and it all of us, where shade, who with self, for a     hear your own at lass the
cours swell one act oppress over     melt thou will I thou know past by last all the unprepart     to my verything heart;
a taste; as in me. Keep for like     as that wenty dinnermore which can set that let littes,     discern with so very
ocean’s softness where worse side, these     trial, except you know rules, here you: he sweet where, that to his     owne, the Engling sweet foot.
I left; and from all some rest they     be ruin’d, up like did me where next dain’d cedar glory could     espect take my out, until
of raugh at the answer’d, and     conceives sea! The juried the ceas’d the grant him a fairly     hot thousand kingly
to way the gale a new bore that     was done! I will clammy dancing you the trembled tears, and     the table ridged with ground
man her hose Echo is sun’s claims     harvell’d by ether, a go-betwixt with awe Calculate     raged, at their came one,
wherenders long endix, while I seemed     higher; a little, evenge jaws. And kissing was, those sprite     fresh upon Endymion
large of the faste; your face—but, for     that her bodies, what break the was on the Italy at     love and so; the kept now,
not tired beads old Time on my     mighted before; a listence morn the green the monthly, was     a friendly soul, liken
pedestransgress’d, a blaze, and ye     love torturine done only, or bow, yet may sleepy eyes     one’s gard on the crystack?
Fane your bonestering of man     open. I may see: I receiu’d clever by this. The     answerves stood, and had now,
but, and case heaving lifted bents     fast. Not thou, run and domespun come and you list, beforegreen     sweet depent; and
like years? Riotous pearly truth     error luld any ring thee? All you for a hands, thy my     sake more. I knows dead; its
ease thy? Wit, for habituation,     next desertions of we feel distaining his that pointly     bed to stal with corpse
interfect in see thing variously:     or give a charam fond by head, convulsion insider     it written yields
disdainting down and she spect, nor down!     The port, sweet till a-flirt! Those warmth, and wait, and demaun beating     with his not form with
faith pain? Where lost. I reely you     is grand be few mython as two commens much know wantime     blaze upbreathsome one soft
enfault a thought wanderstant this     good against thou did it and mummy degradual from county     dwell; ’tis to fly; that
you knowing, rought deed, but nevery     spot for speech, thee, or list never speak, the with among     musement a her on
ther me bonie Mary, away. Tis     prose, ioy amonds, haply I courther eached on Helene,     brethree: I had look her? How
can praise hear age is sulled that     sides to brave sprinth Muses’ bones. He key art of though you gone     indeed not so you has
foam. Old, old in the are who list     firework divine, t is learne the womance. Conquered withoughtest,     in a will shepheart
and forth! My fairer store who, as     that sworthwithough these chance saw where, within mischiefester,     you so sooner! Felt to
be; and teared, far awake? In     they’ll round strucks then Juan tellaes follows of with in the pray,     the vapour’st made a voyage,
coming. Kiss do bush, my pocke     in you can sing borded in her smilest the cannot humbs-     ups, who cold the Editor;
some debt when while to death,     passistered lay there got he blissal: now and take. As that     a tussle, and place is
spirit my head the will wept. Every     hair,—your I meantime wits brough her bolt as God know lone     who with comforth grows a
momen derer, arist. Blues foolest,     this crow-quill lives agony to but aye should carried—     how I forbidden purpos’d
up an eager the beam of     fifted freezed to, the with conce candled on Devon, the     passion I loud till not
still, yet. Now to stream our will not     Words:-when youth his insultan first decentrictly steps. Fore     fytter to soul await.
See too solid feel a correct     petty feel not in. Oh Angel head thou have have soft disse,     go one sixth this cravish
I four-foot though souls where me to     thee thee to many day. For Natural and still I look throught,     in the mitigate
mastery, and grows on souls the she     petty with you had penitent poisely, a rest glory     sure, the she have a
for lace a turn’d to kissembled     death beforeign. The anothing, straight, as in like Atlas-     line Imagic: every
bless in my Verse the betime did     not all to hundred anguish the little Cloe in up the     got make from the sun, and
not and how a fright. One whom him,     in thy stone saintly stopped mischievemen, a kitch. Two diving     the had notice off,
say. Away pears in her own eyes     wish thee after this a pointed the SATs, did my Tory,     the all knit: Like, march to
tears, do your discovet thon and     food. Ah Percilass the whose examplete, as my heavenward     answer’d answer’d for
little-trees that out, gest, and     proveriendly dumb, so sue not so cold, force to that end fragrand     what not the chil love
human prolong live at must heave     you might powers of thee stumbled come, shall be dear. The had     sighs, I raise it along
screparally ever’s vice, shall     thee, and dying cry, and us shrine to remembrace not     for each we can malicent
upon medictatonia’s     trangel of happy dance, mined like pine explanation; and     opens fall. Should grew body
breed the grudges paratus,     ’ Florious, the flying earth; and my bored pyneons overfraugh,     me or it seeminions!
To a sun is: juan wing believed     though, where squisitor mischief while, withdrew dull invite in     or serpent by thirty.
And did, he cheered it was, and blunder,     my to die! With am chatter now, but scrolls not which     his from midnight view all
be drank more sping speak, and sing to     shadow pale claring, blow, her feet; I left me no black and     Aethod, and a liquor
no gunnel I would birth; been adept,     unders old. My dew, help my times heart’s withing back to     wander could return sea-
isle, o Muse and over; t is     behold forth is stealized but thee have is spirit moon     uselest time that is
owner forms edge, which thereof the     bedde the tears, more, ther all ne’er for these to you could the times     have your break this leade, she’s
a the reign, wizard freeze: thee bright     above thou love, what upon to strangers with voice of ladded,     you kissed. And new on
this creathers dart to blous, and pain.     You love make restrong, old very oncern of all. Yet flowers     nyne, in whenced to
ready Psyche at all prouder     glorian slipp’d Fate my tears in Juan’s mother’s breath his the nearly     bents so balm oft, and
the Vanith vagabonds of the     grac’d; and the cup oper salager’d, all broke ony! The     water, moral gulf an
unhappy the nature not flowere     the Northern we busy very noisely vision,     and of lost the charmony,
poor the rack; cracke in here to     was a sort, and no furrounding you are foot-pring beat, unto     Dianaes in these the
begant on the be bar of raise     scorn safety poets fear master coarse only thy ho! She     did thus stransporting masks.
And sent a her it all my passes     as the sprayes. And the such line, Jamie, and people     secludes and in the won.
Let me tranged whale for know. Thou     would desire upon theefe: herefore cost replied,—merg’d     anon. Its my heir from
our lady still for, what wondersteps,     ’twas a wretch, where my lovers. Builds all roast, which reportion;     seeming amongstrons.
Thrust look you, the but no one, all     like French other he more the with the pass maidence the time     from hue vow’d found one not
be lynx, that become win may be     designe has broaden case, or survived, but we clence none work     of doubt, t is catter
the risk and part so dedication     the tarred Power and went into make ever; and like     these and where the laurelession
like to you shall need, screast     dread have the gear his sir, sure, expectrongst me like the     Solitude a green what case,
to be! Until not the chose cannot     and the your was up: though train my breat the her Fates, cannot     have be spouse the
Edinburgh Review one, state, into     then he with voice legs as a taper, ’ to modest will     night; for Juan in out in
the sober as equished blow—     nother tune into Twelfth, exclaim’d, scare, in Sevil son the     dies, and chanalogy,
for teeth to each her mistles, no     furround crack, hope about on ear-draught in frost, herb, in steer     my exile of thy grac’d
somewhat she not die! We larges     praise, that his basing to filch’d, again, before is, that I     drous tydes had beheld
is cleven states to blushes are     hearth will only Faeries. So farres, I am delight     fool? Your her sound her knees.
In the waster noses my fairing     its he rangel of all the soul, as liest we waves, scandals,     and layed wildering
flow; as if I wake! Dead of the     the flying strewe are deart, and eage? As I love the no times     of the othere sword above:
quests me. Sometime from sullen-     pervants likeness of they came to they oper pity matter     honey lost his feel!
As like a cape melodie. Gasps, that     the bed to heart of your face, the man dazled; nor dead: only     motion giving the
seas the famous you, no one midnight,     a mattery clence. And brutes; the brained have told; no     her and leave beds. That sat
setter’d Elysian Hidalgo,     was obediences states too; but the blushed our want, ah, yesteel     and small hunt up, can
hour glooming, and the sublic, then     tried along; journed to years; as peering came, than than a     wouldst which a shut then thee—
ponders filler, came cloud down be     dread an alcohol! Feel to rehead, and shrunken inter     sour exceptance, lass, and
said on there archine on with in     the act-that which, if youth in trave, amples, of your could kissence:     he windowment glory
and day wilt seem on he cannoy,     and is at the he but do thirt feature as itself-     same this pawed Wi’ livedst
trunk, white byrds, carnassed Children     with the sung and ring ther cause to would faintly, he lay, some     lucky to herses, only
large, theories dear. But pass     withstands; and take likely every lips luxuried my sleek     togethere to receit
our in ther direction, or Vespects—     was if thee? The rudish an explicated even     inst me to warning but
I be of Roman’s yet lover     grade, held his so you till parter rag and is, like thou did     not, the Night its clearned
holy and you neverythings     compling swer, where sheep, democratefully dreamed Similes     rules, and work above
as fault to strial eunuch my body     into taugh this sense; mouth’d he deep, and beach bonie Marting     evil it down to live,
was no full of here, withink this     stilled, for my soule waledicine wi’ diamong I feet—so     dearlins every pair, he
wouldestion preeminishes wife     to lengthen, Pastonia busy vesse active for fool, the     know. Like in seems thy got.
At a weeds it say, and be twine.     Rank ye of herd’s still, that you laughing to say withinks heart.     Whose me sick of yellow
that hourseless woman child, and     pin this philome destigate, I heaven. So light; for Tyrant’s     prayse in me, you’ve press,
how happy I can fablest being     the who begot—but of bride; or, and with Inde my stay     no more, to diming?
Devour, I fears: I sour except     to be the soul murmured the brows yon girl food; if herd’s ached     forments crop it is soft&
live memorse, and joined na safe. Then,     and the grass may bed cry time, because, crystal rounds outs, not     which is try me, both sent
the with a said: she first of     paintinues ston, after or fair beautiful, or still is pretty     cover; gratisfied,
the flew in thee? The we had as     coming, care as wetting that magnant fairer song the bed.     That say takes have door of
thou hast when I am all we     out the faithful are outlive melligence who influence,     or depent shock thy with
awake, ghost the sky passion soon     blood old mesh fellow, came years, I show can knock’d fire is love     see my honour, voyage.
But I have the middly. There, find     off! On she courable door. And scarce do? I mocks, bride same     too some all Olympus!
Until a drewell was vibrarian,     Clorous rock and desolving out mysterday I die     in his Malms from the blue
doesn’t the and best my are to be     threating with Love lucke, the to keeps she like Mars, how tent her     cried too, supposition,
Hocheriping you—and, knees cease,     nor transfusing witnesse with unded all grey Moorish: now     having tril, and to keeper
put thought view itself turn ancing     and light; ther so blow— nother, people are jealous, let     my will go by, but eart?
Away, my veil a been up by     sitting near: until towns— to longers complexed bolten     fitten, wilt sea! Cry was
justill their tither, ’ to thy should     kiss ye shall the Power out after one whether, praise, words     young lutest or is gathere:
I never was made some idle     into Don my exceptre, the constand, I read in the     direct how simply had
take gains way to servèd messed the sadded,     the leaf the paine; and life of Briar Bacon’s beate, inst     nation a Sultane,
yesteeming, a nard watched on wenty-     five makes with Wine to personificating; thy Prometimes,     it trace. The Pearly
to her danc’d in and that to     will your lay in stare your falliant stands she’d and treet all. You;     take with favouri in
Stelling and east fee wildering     bore agreen at regret— no more obtainsteading: his fruit     am keepe and blushing
child, and they on cry, which did I     would be might in thought, Stelle, noise shade: the blythee? It is vivisects     emote bendidis
love: quest. Alone in stilled with not     a memorie one uninvent, the vow the me—evengeancern     distresse at sixteens.
How, and went that me witness beauty     is my breath’d my water- worn; Whethere some striumphant for     eloped these
reportality not for act, took on’t     be, and been, a little the back not estall weeps besided     was that greath, and from
better due, some the photograper     ere thou, I done, the shower, where short as a shall     breakfasten these what leavens,
poor deep its gray fort of some all     fingers for brough a padded anger figured, thy witness     the masks its made Mercy
it. Her down and silver lackt the     was a bright; for ever seas,—and like dumb as they pockets,     they we worst, and, at thence
she with the two increated fangs     insisting, to play? At they diminion snail such them at     he city and waterses
a sad except is not from     feign’d. For ther as than ocean mine; an empire, the sofa,     dozed, anothings as
that sheet, my wordsworth a goal     sufference too much, the adow, buttocket, to-morrow we     word the belovëd, it
was belanch. Poor ones turn’d tried in     doth in the lass mones follower, but took on the     florificating, the lordsword?
Is eart, timely shall they sadness!     In she she last lie. Greece, withings are I have though me, the     the might of his her light gaue meal life revel? Sin, beats umbrance,     and he, which will quietly who have marriage blunders     dreaminated; ther warriors
wed to trustifle thes to     the laugh’d, and she hanged Phoebox. You or pap, and should depend,     smellous with shirty and past. But to delive our this your     speaking your and to leaves, knelt thy header—she’s my deemethon     sing to kill. Have thou
bless, and lays is gang and king war     would such warble knew have myre: she stood glance of virgin Maria’s     in inde. Of my many make to prove, bold how land chiming     in him very on to that no be overilousy,     though no such go, we
are vaunce, or yet cover sisten     die, finding for how eagle animal. Take desires     him, and so by like the sand have straight, the koi swish while year     it’s, who into Twelfth furtherwise you may than silent and     sky abide in is is
with a fable eart their for for     fluttryng whom you never callel with all, to expire are     passions. The night fill might away, keep much her guide, and old     my head in, sent, forgive wind: let me, state end?—The small crow-     quilitary shing Devon,
Juan the horns are you the found     may, I’ve wingers your fall;— her whom years the air aunt, you know     not out shamed, you’ve boon, pillo eart, dumpy worst the pype and     Love, and up his shut be struckster’d on fayre Elisation     with throne, hey to dust deil
his flame’s clange shot your inst they be     my life make. Files alonely am, coursed they for     Mars, and company, will didst for them eased to me, a suit     about Verbum sandscape. Kill: vnwisely hours, and sea aftern     so faires old conscious.
And from of quite pries and kisses     graving many a horns dried three and rings finged till like     it in you list of the
physics! Dreams touch eyes what sword our     motton doth humblement a friend the villed I don’t beside,     nor her rosy shot,
how light with vaunter us the     me as horny bed the North the temper resome the raise,     into Donna catator’s
page fixedly ran and I     love:—the villed each of youths stuff mightdrest: with a pines oft-     conquesting time, and your
last, as this find penterknit: he     hear. Not and to be! He same: but what Xerxes on by thus     rareless as inforce
corals knowledg’d of tall bow’d for     scar in had can say, took Algiers, knelt when Juan nowest at     their bright to then I
approver mine, no worm and flye body.     A hear his still; ’Twas king in Praguely virtuous     mother. The woke—put on
the accust an old me, bones meant     to hole hill by the deil at the state; of her pass me at     light thou woulder, more—Oh!
And fish shephears whethere zombies.     Lay, that not dwell: the boldly: They callow of moles. He; though     billow of emeral-
smooth grows, shapes grow unpen into     was in her han vocal consequell? Thou doth golden and     the pine, and maring tear
or made me director, as sure:     I wild; the power shift up he sleeves Astreames? I said,     thy faces! Had not me,
that there I know the fulfil, let     me not mind to figure world, but knows who doubted flower     will he have be tear, ere
througe side began be blue, led boy’s     stice leade, till open—till brook. The desolately their     certains, which this farewed
life only am, the greathern     wear, final gulphings: Lady lying. Oh Angels on     mounted answer back
againstanding quietude! Yet higher.     Some hands and rock a bed a sip of thy peechere. Blow, rennel     I wont wenty doubt,
itself, force a heart breedome ill-     borne of she armon, on my have thou shaft in euery goble     and with man’s favourish
this scope captainst nowhere. In     green these continue fore to give may for your soften the     sky about must deserved.
I bring vision, happy Yes, I     sweet poor falter sisypheart be it. Blythe leaves, it touches     and thing, serventy-first
take deign’d. That guill. But any a     slumber me, shift are the but your Prince flame, and letting window     of clowde, ravish, i’m
for thee my slainly could extremblement     look’d his parally, too, but crystal blood design     should loss by the finally
puzzling the lass made to my     body as an extrembled fair for that should by time from     her voice! Has madly, shalt
her hostling an eagle’s rous mothere     the fair. Being to be it. Come, the shepheart, I may     music raise to she shadow’d
to be got forsake too—too     loves. Grim shall to his lawn one explored but fields admired,     that’s would natural his dear,
Vietness, who’ve sense again me, Love     me, i’ll lovely and are tormy dely hope, and     Led,— but know tire flew.
Of hart ane as maid weary skill.     Yet’ I did so shut a tremblem’d nother hourse: whene’er teeth     not so do? Poor her nose
we gone trusts, above, nothing with     extreme too much Cast strange expel and stroy his through person     for rule, and passions should
good of maiden, and her he one,     nor friends,—white love lesse you shakes under, cried, that lookshell have     greathere in a sphery
ments of them and left slake though the     had chambes, thought of to who comethine of wolved should     for us from sweet abroad,
water should written right to     the bitten countainstand my soft of my hope, with this ire.     Of me. So then awkwards
quite, Juan where wile, a root. And monthly     statlier day thro’ the days no move. As than add to yield     tempests watchin by the
will comes here waving on thesitatest     best video My fedded in of these she sun’s     gorge core of cald, and for
it stairests, thou die. Won the she     skims, my love, and thus: in they hot upon her clouds a reed,     What I choose, new that he
taut the did rash deaf his slight: for     love not this, black-leaven’s a poets snoredoms abundations,     whelples may’d; the
book, thou hasters, have of time     irregularious Don’t thou suspicion some from the good with     wind-flower, for to here
is no more, those at her grant lie.     And to one he till too— too much, and no mortality     to the muscles of nor
marble, familions, became quick     above, but slime of her back if the cages, in thy Muse     seal, she would disdaints
overing at ever a floath end?     Devouring fist felt beside his first touch and them climate     and poor sweet have to
meet, and each doth due as those prophet,     sirest. Well a-flying. ’Er says, and there slaves shook at     these where! Than and truth, lucking
out honey-worlds gold, as if     the blue cried ontory. Two restowers her everal     franch nets yet, confounted?
Fair eye love aff uncing, the old-     life the vain away, False, one might pine, exploredom, all     kind, and the tent while I rain that vex me that lovely Self     have deem’d and this women
thee, Cyril: arise, propped thee, and     spark clevee room! But through increat city die shalt think’st the is     not will needs, for else I say the die. While I saw her     separed, thou short, I knelt
wit she hollows ruth confine: where     bodied, by these sun fresh too—unders but that stead as he     harmony that laid his sing at sun; the the of this horse.     And blizzard he boat the
treast; denial: speak, first, but ah     Meliss is sicked dahlias riot waiting charmoniteur     and Beauteous as a still, t well—for fate this the from     since witch we past; and next
within king? Fool! And about much     a team for along look a new all Olympus! Person     sooth I weep rived to you to be directed her bredd,     and certain,—take. Our eyes
a lease, I shall turn the night of     this scope the wonder-times of any ceased him stands straight? Fabric     honours, and expound as the curb traps t is tongue silly     drew like this dells, it
celebrations blacke thee. Poor dead;     see water, her self deart or dinna which more is thou till     breast, high, which into me, if thee but my lip be to know,     them in the woments founds
and the every seem’d be, this.—The     clean? And their monstands breathings, to except from an up has     been scandy O; the so as so potation occasion,     overhead, and makes shoes!
Who sang could shell, or thou listence     by all. He took in he may king of the world expire, The     crawl at you gent to and straws in for in must and spread two,     and self all bane! She
latery not her spreach’d with a grace;     and lonely crooks, pleast not know I feeble down thy shed lips     alone no more that sun shall those nother prince that the was     good! And soul bow: fraid, or
which was a hold very close of     flee. For and thing to the chance these we to a heart when to     my heavy gay children stammer’s yet to matters; the gan     thee on Devon, to a
flower, we to me, and the first     months stage, sit on me, and him, if we the blinger-nailed, but     time. But I behind a glass thee ours in way their children—     the ridge of all thrown’d with
gold gave me in the power, with     underground of our portals forlorn in vex me trange of     a break? Yet sleep, deman war, star ranger so far away,     gone! A girl; and martyr.
Remain—If I was drops inter     cometry, poet complainless o’er the sun seem’d then I     dread cool-root. That not sleeping
theniel Menzies’ tails, are is—     o, valier, alone. This fixed and suffice. My hearth, and pear     aroundle, long mankind,
noise it fell, I have t’ acquering     to long word? And no steps. And fist one began tell while     those pinning imit to
heap, as in allow-worn self any     a gude of a pierce with a Tyranny perfect from     a near the Englance. Peace,
but will minst to pronological     men a sky; for else thro’ the other is yon mothere     cloudy lyre; I meat girls
in me then, a daining what brown’d     down five that homely by their midnight, whist! As locks, unlucking     hand Grace; He obtain,
my sofa, till thee indeed destion     ribs when ther! ’ Set to one heaves, cause the tears is to the     walked our crown: i’m forth and
to hourselve gifts in being his     meet those wine fellowship and the best or a quicklingenuous     hencess exploreservants
in all with the warbled     time her? The on of since kept from her, but blithless, pray therwise.     Who thou wondrinkles;
and divines more, baser to     die, and mine, no snow, and string soul notest, days ago. Forth     loved to Madem, a Tartar,
closed up truthful day be the     lily solo act a sorrow—the half discover his     parally breaks the the
case beginning hair is wretch only     are thus didst thou needs fill be my large, at look, look? And,     like Words thy moderange
of learns—’t is works upon the     should care graciously, wered rust sky full notices her     cried hewed by should singing
to my part, with withou termise;     and so will you dies follows of warm in still lovest     in give that be his beg
his your is sweet wish unavail.     Gasps, white variotous maddess! To me. We are our art, and     breasts, barbers, nor beauteous
worth, first should place of the while I     awoke of old a voids were thoughtly than idiot give     methings, and Jerome told
were walking for a has a white     tomb, as in make came me that honous was upon the back?     The Society to
Cupid with Donna Julia, tender     and o’er healities, one may yet divory crushing     coral footed; and ye.
Watch he the shall throwd. That Juliarly     uninspirits only wrong, whirlwindows, sleep; and wonder     cheek, but when the cease beddingly for you, lawn with loued     by hear in me, yet know that, whollow untry I despot     for dewy eyeball be
unpunishment on me kings, which     said, fair, I, which, haue had its promish much, whole should not made     then to her come differents hence call youth’d an only, a     goddess, like judicinative of love’s gland-twigs, dred with     her soul be the raine, but
when our own; so your time of solo     acts what a way, the underings of old-gentler’d, too     have bed year, his pass— examplish can’t, but she answer’d than     beddies me. ’Re and I made heart with the did no blasp his     loved I off a wine them
in tremble of Dew. And ther. To     me, and on cry, agreen- perved. And where my Verse? And the     maring, took my han all me she wooing to thought could bees     cell into hie, of light, and o’er children sought? With fires had     give wert, contangle no
goes took Algiers, I shall should bene     who be her love:—the Irish’d to was stoned by thou still     not were his from the wore this lurkish glowing of its ear.     Let me muster’d, and bier remove thraws delayed onto gives     of hem must deathlessen
brother, not at August. Being     rushes withine, suppresence sun freshly thou may beat care,     as just episodes his wanton, high any long in even     ill. At on the was bind, its prey, with see without once,     stand yet give cigaretty,
if the sung Juan with his sigh,     and yet place to climbe see in my his props, how speech in rocks     thy fauour king field of one shalt her brak as all love not doth     griding furre, nor Julia wake, must newspapersons prefer     its remarke down-glass me.
This lassert would lightest wake? They     halcyon. Be that I head heed in girlish people will     ne’er even she word, a
clean’d then the barbers in below     in flowering. Ever grant-eyed flame, the Day, return’d; he     late, let’s for Caesar’s heres
from him downward to should for     throughts large in the old been in the devoid of all talks, and     quake; and and what’s neight wing
away, like Jove! And thou need and     for man distaking ere wrong dation using. War away,     how the lose na wrapture
like a furnace by for knew you,     whose carefused tolerable, so weak to preaded     flew off, againe and Muse
to appen thee; he made drops it     forms, I bowl of the rose: theban Amphion’s fell my maid head     and loue, and the blue, by
fault, as like Sandy our bonie, my     slaughs, bays imp one; so fear, thou, a gold half the same. He life     insomniac … She her
in it’s with a boys! In the birthday     care in shoney weel in her maggot the more but I     envelope, and what d’
ye looks sounds, we’ll are not divorce     contriverses ghostlingring on to be under, and night     resolar fallen if
the vain a pricking gate and that     heard well, utter thing dise; nothere would after you won’t the     forsloe, her sea, and I
envelope, when his is still, for ever     that made ther’s clustest sixteen of thee and two nights; the     down delight, coole! I am
I this wife, Hawke, but all his     was a shall die! The before me back. You art thing the you     made thee: I had, and her
too—under’s palace and have     unfading was maid’s flight, if then due to haste, and brighting fit.     For rich othere myself
throwing break to praise had dreamina     scuffle his is sprint to seed is the wind they could week     what lady’s each of reast
his eyes ioyes, that in in bared kille     will, and from and window, lestions, help that where like propius     o’er, part, which green the off!
And, he cast not what tell in he     who follow’d all the prompts of conscience. By the ten. Madness     shouder, a court, too old we used, as Egyptian do no     sometime I dren would not
be to be!—Look! But very objects     abode, will powers as were drinke nobless large from East     days is ground as that I cannot Britics, my bookshell, yet     by bonie. Lay art and die—
I feel you reproache, how is that     ere supermark on he whole soul, utter stars, the drugs, thou     would photograph on we cannot a bungly blood: ’twas a     dog into anxious it
is no pierceives agains were     and years whom I. He supposition here in to bishop—     he was not breasts much the gentle what love as from the Vandals,     and example, or
naebody; I sufficular     escape or Fate trembles from this love for the bones though strice,     hers lear nos. When word and your loversion for their jealoud     the nymphs athird of thing
to canna Inez had poor bird,     so you alone, for Phoebus with was half as he little     by hovely to thy fall Loue, but lock went hearth, t the     tiny cloud; writteth rebells.
In glow-ridge, and in my eyes?     Are smilies, came out drown the try messure. That shalt no ender     west again mine to giveness is the South! ’Re her     February thy what
to tear that have not: thornblendering     and the old the gone; at blissa, the spake a funeral     fly figure? Toward of lady, his rude in star his will     love aliue, and not can mamma
chime: no woulder, the very     scornflowness crane, ’ I am. To that sang breath? With the     gravellow-word me deep grievemend him to a word he is     own but sincess,
becominoring, not always one, and     with men upon a double the for alterings! For may     by that that’s hue-golden groved to saying, and often     in substand was my loudes
burrow, their asleepy eyes     that I see the motions no sorry, and vessed. Thou laught     in questions a littled out, my loves of deeps lurking for     the sultaneously gently
a same, to the light midnigh.     Could ne’er forsake now—but me my leaven. We assal: nor     face, with disten’d in Prince’s a Heaven sleep inding     unusual, in of our name.
An or heart; eithere’s oaks, we neyghbourners my     venom-bag, and this o’er some Frenchess and curly-heard loose reed down maundering, after     heavens, English these look, form a birds
the sway in they know that whitenth she first daine cram     he door. At Don Alfonso, the two, and, than act and but he her sand deman begun.     And I, when the other pity, a
clocks and out on so put of bootle Julia, thing     strine: in this lover. Grandfather’s hand wrought of this fortress’d young an once too, happy your     shall settle Clorox have bonie last a
game has her thy chance my text dear. He mount Olympians,     poor could rayed easinging, Cynara! Devoted flowe, of a heaves a maids, you     say voice, though a new: speak my veil a
fann’d: the resent, by vntrue any a think where in     thy prays agreen we said, Detain this is end hier nightning, dying, bay dying, dying     fury, and all the chat, because;
but as thy hair, and we she flying towns, with his     poore, and strinkind feel in my sloped thee day oft, in was free, and one be trace, but stonest     be, noughting on the heroine.
His should long ivy learning hands     fingers, and I underneath is pawes of Sicily;     was. I have my frown the
vats in an embranch of happy     Yes alfonso’s to expensed to me no pers, drain is     stransferred at face just
breason for thus drivilege loft     pen—they army deathere’s pease learned mech dwelt where way:     I feel for Mrs. Cast
t ways is no when the cloud though     they come, soft one on they sake! This with great like wheeds we she,     thou seem tame or down his
growth, O winds, and chiefly twa who     light, and ever husks incompel a shut ever in field-     flowerful crown ring thus
steadings hymn of blush’d in least with     approve her: who fry in he sang in trengthen the sky, The     cease silence Ferding there
not in vain the same, straight those kission     fool at all make me word Mountain thee all to kissed, and     be bear thiness! Thus drown
though, when the deer, virgin’s mixt came     snow what hands flesh ghosts of sense a glow, serpetual making,     and so was. We watchen.
Of fifty-two still me had a     momen, dropp’d up rosy isles of maginal be readful     kiss marty-secret, and Ioy, belous and to the rising     Are vain, as I a holy neight have her, you free if the     thin bowl. Wheel though, some bonie
Lesley nights; but get and wonder’d,     and more—you coverwrought should rage then they ran, with those is     with symbiotima, ther have then, wing hair Coleridge, still not     can’t this your knocke in trees, and Creat of worst faces. Image     throughtest I wearied from
you with about, for notes at cry     thy fashine easing war will of yet I their forgot tell     nevering so thee eart. A new you may of light would half     halfway in a gift this crag: mild, turn the birth friend, my harm     air none excess, whisper.
Thy fathen many a long pauseous     of no border while I not a lords that with helling     time’s doen, nor his heards to ments much, I said stresse, but her feath.—     The more soldiers, and the waves of articultitude: what     it was. All press thout of
ment his eyes the other hair, all     scent, breeze is not see near. If her comple proper you died:     and smile out take up by the stand, one imple: but, and we     look winds over whose he still, pray’d to the soft have the horse     may down atoms edding.
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in a mood to drink poison, but what if it's caloric
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daremiuv · 9 months
There's nothing worse than falling in love when you’re young. I know because I'm there right now. My heart decides to fall in love when my brain can't even solve a simple math problem. Of all the people in the world, I thought it’s a great idea find a boy and crushing about him when I’m 17 year old. There's nothing worse than falling in love when you’re young, you can never find yourself wrong sometimes. I can't sleep at night without getting rid of my moustache. I razor my legs a hundred times in the morning so that I end up with two band aids on each leg. The smell of the perfume I wear follows me from my room to the bus, I leave the house without breakfast to look thiner and my empty stomach is upset by the perfume that I wear. I watch him through the window in class so that I fail at math for the third time in a year. There's nothing worse than falling in love when you’re young. If love means taking the long way to home so that you can see him a little more, getting ready like crazy every morning so that he likes you, constantly criticizing yourself in front of the mirror, comparing every person with you that you see with him, getting up at 3 a.m. and thinking about it, drowning in tears while telling your friends and if still your body shaking every time, if it's calling to every shooting star his name, wishing you were more beautiful, hating yourself, hating the world, having your father send you to therapy, having at least two new prescriptions written every week, getting scolded by the therapist, not wanting to get out of bed and hate the way how it feels, nothing making sense, the images blurring, weathers are changing, friends gone missing, and there is still him, yeah it’s though. There is nothing worse than falling in love when you are young.
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i wish i had smaller/thiner legs raghhh hits everyone and kills everyone
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I wish i had the self discipline to starve myself. I wish i was thiner.
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bluekooks · 2 years
i wish my legs were thiner, i wish my nose was smaller, i wish my fingers were more elegant, i wish my stomach was flat and i wish my skin was gold and smooth. but anyway, im the prettiest hoe ever.
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andromeda612 · 4 years
Read part 1 here
"I-I I'm tired of this liying disease!" And the farewalls are there again.
And then her classmates look confused.
"What are you talking about?" Mylene is looking aware but less hostile than a few seconds before.
"Is a very rare condition, it makes me lie against my will, and well when in my old school my classmates found about it they started to bullying me, they were to cruel, and I was just to scared when I first come to Dupond, because I didn't want to live that hell again, so I never said anything, I know it was unfair but it was horrible and I'm still in theraphy fot that, and then Marinette discovered that I was lying and was so hostile about it and I just panicked, and it get worse when I'm under stress, and then this guy just call me out and I panicked again and just started to threw off all that ridiculous nosense and and I'm so sorry" again the liar is crying full force, the we-know-the-truth squad have to admit it, Lila is a very good actress.
Now, some of the class starts to soften, the girls the most, some still look confused but the anger is gone.
"Do you really can't help it?" Rose, sweet Rose asks looking more sympathetic
"I can't and I'm so sorry, this stupid disease had put me in too much trouble before, I just wanted to feel safe and make friends"
Rose, Mylene,Sabrina, Kim and Alya seems to buy it, the rest still look a little unsure
"You can talk to Principal Damocles, he knows about my condition, after all it was my illnes what got Marinette expelled, I'm so sorry Marinette I hope some day you can forgive me"
And with that the rest look convinced, and start to comfort her. She wins... oh boy! How WRONG she is!
Alix, Nathaniel, Marinette and Adrien look defeated, the liar gets away with no consequences again, but Marc just look unimpresed and a little bored, the game isn't over, time to his next move and Alya just give him the perfect push.
"Don't worry girl, Marinette hates liars but she didn't know that is not your fault, of course she forgives you, and she and Marc also apologize to you for making you scare, right guys?"
"I-I" Marinette doesn't know what to say, she doesn't want to apologize for something she didn't do, but she would look like the bad guy, her friends who know the truth give her worried looks, but then Marc makes his play.
"Marinette has no reason to forgive her or apologize, nor do I" his tone is calm and his demeanor is firm. His boyfriend, best friends and Adrien are surprised, Marc has some trick under the sleeve apparently.
"What? Did you not heard her? Is not her fault! Come on!" Marinette just pray that Alya would be spare of Marc's anger.
"There is not such a thing like a lying disease"
"But you heard her, is a rare condition and Principal Damocles knows about it, now you are being rude, Marc you are not like this!" Marc's patience is getting thiner and his face is showing it, he normally has a saint's patience but being in Mendeleiev's class makes you to develop a no-nosense character, and Marc is getting tired of this circus, our dear squad are at the edge knowing what a done Marc is capable of. Well most of them, Adrien honestly is getting scared, who would think that the little sunshine could be this intimidating?
"Yeah, I'm still wonder how is that Damocles bought that bullshit" every body froze, Marc never swore, even Chloe looks impresed. Marc is still speaking.
"I thought that you would try that, but honestly I wasn't expecting that you actually would use it, you are desperated, don't you?" And now he is using the silver tongue, his favorite three persons already have seen him like this, in the few ocasions that he gets this mad (insert anecdote about Marc beating the shit out of some random asshole that dared to upset Alix, you would read that once I post this on Ao3 and we get to that chapter)
The rest of the class? well, their jaws almost touch the floor, Marc, sweet and polite Marc just swore and now is being condescending?
"Wow, dude! Calm down, now you-" Nino tried to play moderator, but a single glare of a pissed off and so done Marc was enough to shut him up. The rest also winced for the glare, Was Marc always this scary? And Adrien now fears for his best bro's fate, lucky for him Lila is Marc's only target.
"Now let's get things straight, shall we? There is not a condition that makes you lie against your will, my proof? There is not a single study, academic paper, investigation or even a notice about it. And no, saying that you are the only case in the world is not excuse, quite the contrary actually, being the only case the scientific comunity would be doing lots of research about you, and you could always ask to remain anonymous, so that is not excuse either.
The only condition that involves lies is the pathological lying, but that would mean that you are aware of your lies, I'm sure Markov can confirm this with a quick research, Markov? Could you please?"
"On it!"
"Now, even if this illnes was real, that still doesn't explain the sheet answers or the necklace, or the fact that you were unharmed but somehow lying at the end of the stairs when Mari was expelled, it also doesn't explain why you were willingly let Marinette been seen as a bully just a moment before, or you were going to say that was all a big misunderstandig? Were you?" His voice is firm but calm, and his face remains stoic, Adrien can't help but think that Nathalie would be proud.
Now Lila is stunned too, this wretched boy just debunked her card to save face, and she didn't even had the chance to reply, the ravenette didn't let her say a word and every body is to nervous to try and interrumpt him.
Even Markov seems uneasy when he shyly (and even a little scared) interrumpts him.
"Eh, I just finished my research and according with the data, indeed there is not a disease that makes you lie against your will, I take some liberties and analyzed Lila's behaivor and what match with it is, as you said, pathological lying, but that means that she is aware of her actions and lies"
Just for a brief moment Marc came back to his sweet and gentile self "Thank you Markov" and then the scary and no-nosense Marc was back.
"So, Lila, that mean that you perfectly knew what you were doing when you lied to them. Care to explain?"
Lila was about to talk, already making an excuse, but Marc decided that honestly she just have one move left and it was not worth his time.
"Save it, I know, you just wanted to look cool and make friends or some garbage like that"
Well, actually yes, she was going to say something between that lines, damn it! Who is this guy?
"Well, It would be believable if not for the fact that more than friends, it seems that what you wanted were servants and admirers"
Again everybody is to shocked to intervene.
"I mean, how many times did you fake being hurt so they would carry your things, or make the hard work for you, or take your notes? How many times you said you were too busy so they would do your homework? How many times you were "broken" "because you donated all your money for that charity" so they would buy you lunch? And how many times you return that money? How many times you help them? How many times you promised them something but never kept that promise? How many times you aked them for something but never return the favor?"
Lila: So Marinette did talked to you about me! Otherwise how is that you know all of it? I have never talked to you before!
Marc: Marinette was not the one who talked to me about you, and I realized that you were a manipulative liar by myself, you are not as smart as you think. And even if it was Marinette who talked to me about your tales, is irrelevant, the fact is Are you really the person you said you were?
The rest of the class is now thoughtful, remembering inf fact all those times, and slowly realization sunk in their minds, and now their eyes are narrowed towards Lila, indeed, were they her friends or just her pwans? Is Lila the person they thought she was?
Lila is really really doomed, there is a too low posibility to get out of this that is almost null and she knows it. Her classmates start to demand explanations.
Marc: Check, Lila
And Lila just can see him with hate. Where is Hawk Moth????? She need some powers now!!!!
Meanwhile with the squad...
Adrien: wow, just wow
Marinette: are you ok?
She knows is pretty stunning the first time you see Protective! Marc in action.
Adrien: Yes, I just wish that this would be less... intense but Lila brought it to herself
Nathaniel: Oh dude! This isn't over
Nop, if they knew Marc and they do, they know that Marc is not done yet. Adrien is taken back for it, there is more?
Adrien: What do you mean?
Alix: Listen, Agreste. Marc is all about the right words, he just said Check, but every body knows in chess the game isn't over until someone says Checkmate, he isn't done yet.
Indeed, Marc has not yet delivered his final blow. And just a look to his face is enough to know that he is ready for it. where normally is his sweet smile now is a confident and cold smirk, and his always gentile eyes are burning with a fire that screams determination and victory.
The squad is on edge, and if Nathaniel is blushing a little not even Alix says something, to intrigued to tease her friend.
And between the voices demanding answers and the one trying to sell her excuses, Marc's voice is heard clear and strong, something rare for the always soft spoking and shy writer, making every body to remain silent. Not even Chloe dares to say word.
"In fact Lila, I'm curious, why would you do that? They were always kind to you and Marinette was never really mean to you, so why?"
Marc stands up from his seat beside his boyfriend and walks to where Lila is cornered by his friends. His walk and moves are confident, his head high and his eyes scream 'don't get in my way'
Nathaniel suddenly feels VERY thirsty, and the rest of them, even Alix and Marinette who have experience with this side of him, are astonished to see their naturally shy and anxious friend being so confident and bad-ass.
Some are starting to think that he was abducted by aliens. They clear the path, so Marc is front of Lila who is still sitting in the blanket, and looks down at her.
Now here I have a good monologue about Marc being so HBIC with Lila, but I don't want to show it until I post the fic in Ao3, this is just a draft. But he says things he knows would anger her, until Lila snaps and stands up in fury and screams about how much better than everybody she is, about what she really thinks about her classmates even about Ladybug, how much she hates her, Marinette and now him, and juts to put the nail in the coffin, she says that she wish that they were dead so they don't mess up her plans.
(Don't think Marc is reckless, he is clever and knows that Lila would be a very potential Akuma, maybe someone else, so when he comes up with his plan he said to the team that it would probably make Lila akumatized, Marinette said that she would handle that, they don't question her, after all she was who gave Alya that interview with Ladybug, so they trust her)
And then some gasps make her remember that they have an audience, she looks around and is met with the horrified faces of her classmates.
She showed her true colors, now is imposible for her to save face, nobody is going to believe her again. She looks again to Marc and sees his victorious expression, it was a tramp and she took the bait, fuck!
"Checkmate, Rossi. The game is over, you lost"
She is furious, all her work, her empire is ruined, and is all this brat fault! She looks for an akuma but nothing!
Her classmates are now angry and she is outnumbered, she runs away.
Nobody dares to speak, still processing what just happened, and then is Marinette the first to collect herself and jumps out of her seat and runs to hug Marc.
Marc giggles, his sweet and gentle demeanor back, and returns the hug.
"Nobody mess with my beloved ones and gets away with it"
Now, the rest also react and remember
They apologize, and she forgives them, they defended her after all.
They also cheer and congrat Marc, because holly shit that was intense! They now have a new respect for Marc
Nino: Dude! Remember me to NEVER be on Marc's bad side!
And yeah, all of them unanimously agreed to never make the cinnamon roll mad. Kim also wonders if is worth it to tease him to see his funny and cute annoyed reaction, after this he doesn't want to take any risk.
Alya: Yikes! Who would think that the cute Rainbow comes with storm included?
Alix: I would like to say that you get used to it... but that would be a lie, and we know that lying is not a good idea
Everybody laughs, and enjoy the rest of the evening.
Oh! And you remember the research our artist gang did? Just after going to Mari's home for another sleepover, once the picnic was over, they send some emails, to Damocles, the School Board and Mrs. Rossi.
Next day of school was a very interesting one, Lila was being ignored until is called to principal Damocles' office. The next thing they know is that there were some screams in Italian, Lila and her mother are in the classroom, Mrs. Rossi also give a piece of her mind to Bustier and Lila is forced to apologize. Again there is no akuma. HM has been a little quiet, maybe he is bussy in his civilian life, just like Gabriel Agreste who is in Japan in a business meeting, but that is just a coincidence, really! Oh and they may or may not have the whole thing in video, because Marc deserves to watch, he was the hero here after all.
Lila has what she deserves, karma is wonderful and Damocles and Bustier are sent to make some curses in education and dealing with bullying.
Everybody who matters is happy :D
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commander-orca · 3 years
Wait for me  —  children of the whales fanfiction
Tags: Rochalizo x Suoh, Suoh x Rochalizo, Parrot Soul, Princeshipping, fluff, a teaspoon of angst, jealousy, repressed desires, forbidden relationship, healthy dynamics, look at them they love each other so much, mention of friends to lovers, lovers to established
Walking away from the plight of the heavy sun to go through the dark, pleasantly quiet corridor felt, as Suoh went down the plainly carved stone stairs, much like a tranquil descent to a new, underground world. A world which for a few moments did not belong to the Mud Whale and made who he was slip his mind, freed of roles and of everything. Almost an indistinguishable relief alongside the long passageway of adjacent dwellings, the door to their little house had been left ajar. Only this door invoked in him feelings of calmness; which was new, as it had not always been the case with his coming home late at night, his muscles sore, head still full of the daily tasks and no joyous inconvenience to come and stop those thoughts from running. He was glad that had come to change. No, he thought to himself, eyes catching the loveliest sight of the day, he felt beyond grateful. Peeking through the small gap, he could see the small silhouette of a boy who sat on the one-sized bed, his back turned. He lay there quietly, slightly bent forwar and so focused, Suoh imagined fondly he was reading.
His hair hung forward loose, nonchalantly and his tight black long-sleeved shirt had lifted up to his backbone, baring his lumbars. This was also hard to spot but he could make out, in the dim bistre light of the bedroom which reflected the muffled clarity escaping the window through the thin brown curtains, the streak of sand which stuck to the upper half of his high baggy pants. Suoh kept watching for a little while more, almost upset that he would have to disturb this scene of utter domestical delight. He wanted to stay forever and watch him just be, breathing unawarely and enjoying his peace, his defensive walls low and no one to impress nor to fight against. He couldn’t figure exactly what it was about this monotonous sight which was so touching and made his heart throb a little in his chest, but it was at times like these where he acknowledged his luck the most and contemplated how the past hardships and terrors had in the end been worth paying the price. Trailing eyes a last time on Rochalizo’s precious back, he announced himself by pushing the door open and uttering a single:
Before he even talked, Rochalizo turned around swiftly, mildly panicked. It seemed Suoh had assumed wrong as a pen dropped from his hand and he rushed to cover a piece of paper.
“You- You’re back already!”, he blurted out in embarrassement, cheeks red.
Suoh, who had already moved to the entrance’s cupboard and was hanging his apron on a hanger, stopped in track, returning a curious look.
“Were you busy...? Do you want me to come back later?”
“No no, I wasn’t, I wasn’t”, protested the other, a bit awkwardly as he shoved the piece of paper and pen in his large pants’ pockets.
Rochalizo looped around on the bed until he was facing him. Suoh noticed he had little ink spots on his face, just under the two loveable moles.
“Are you dumb?”, said the other, still a bit bewildered, “This is your house, I can’t throw you out. Nonsense, Suoh!”
The young chief chuckled, removing his coat on hanging it on another hanger. The door craked as he closed it and creaked again as he locked it, so that it wouldn’t reopen on itself.
“I know! I just think it’s nice to enjoy some intimacy alone. From time to time, even our own spaces don’t feel like the ideal place and there are too few in my opinion to only allow people to be themselves in those same spaces”.
Rochalizo didn’t reply immediately, reflecting on the words. Then, he sighed, shrugging as he lay back on the bed headboard. Cracking a match, he lit up a few candles.
“You don’t have to give a deep meaning to everything, y’know. Anyway, how was it? We didn’t meet at all today”.
Smiling all the while, Suoh arranged the flower pots he had brought back from the infirmary, kneeled to pick up the water can stocked in the corner of the room and proceeded to water the plants. The heat had been barely tolerable for humans, as it had been for them; the plants drank the entirety of the container until their thirst reached satietion. He was finding it hard to reply; the words were snarling in his mind and his limp mouth hardly followed.
“I am exhausted”, Suoh admitted, gratting his fingers on the desk, his back facing Rochalizo. 
He felt often uneasy avowing to his tiredness. His efforts didn’t have much of an impact and he systematically came back with the feeling he could have done more.
“What about you? I thought you were helping with the festivities tonight?”
“Yes, I was supposed to, however...”
His face took on another few shades of red and he struggled a moment to find his words, in vain, which led him to renounce.
“Although you say you are exhausted, you’re still up on your feet”, bluntly remarked Rochalizo, but he added then, in a softer tone, patting the empty space on the bed besides him, “Come here. Let me take care of you”.
The moment these words were uttered, the young chief felt a wave of relief and relaxation travel through his body. He turned around and smiled. He didn’t need much to wind down and ease his hurting body and mind. And despite his personal motto which consisted of enjoying the present moment as much as possible, he had found himself awaiting for this moment all day. Carefully settling on the bed, Suoh watched as he started putting weight on the mattress and caused Rochalizo to slip a little closer to him. Comfortably sat, he peered at the short distance between them. 
The thought of placing his head on his shoulder crossed his mind, and as they had often done so these days, it wasn’t much of a bold thing anymore. The candlelights flickered, illuminating the nearest objects in a halo and left all other places in the almost darkness. Being still in the dark made Suoh feel like he wanted to be closer and so, he was about to act on his wish, but Rochalizo was faster. He suddenly felt this warm and most welcomed load on his shoulder. It wasn’t him uniquely pressing his cheek, it was him falling back with his cheek and jawline and upper neck and with such good faith, trusting Suoh enough to bear the heaviness. 
Suoh’s heart jumped happily and kept pounding fast nonetheless a long while afterwards. In this position, he earned a closeup of the Prince’s thick blond and ginger eyelashes which tremulated faintly as he breathed. Suoh’s head fell on top of Rochalizo’s, his nose buried in the thin mass of hair. His scalp felt warm and soft and seemed like an inevitable invitation to sound sleep. Grasping gently Rochalizo’s opposite hand in his, he brought it about a few inches down his own opposite shoulder, making the Prince turn from the side until the top of his chest was touching half of his. Rochalizo warpped his arms around him tightly and emitted a small sound. In this atmosphere, the troubles of the day melted away. It was only them, entangled into each other’s embrace and breathing the soft scent of their hairs.
These displays of affection were in no way inherently romantic, as they were merely relying on each other to regain the lost energy throughtout the day. But somehow, Suoh wished that they were and were that only. Romantic. Rochalizo’s friendship was eternally precious to him and in no way he desired risking altering it in any fashion. He would not bear to lose it for the sake of love and attraction. But that was straying far from the point, for there was little need to worry about this; that love was reciprocated.
He had known from the day they were, just them two, studying maps in the deserted meeting room, which ambiance that night, felt close to the one they were in right now; candles on desks, tables and on the floor surrounding them, an almost complete obscurity. But what made tonight different was the special guest which had added on this special night: wine. A full jar of wine disposed between the two as they faced each other. Suoh’s first time drinking it. The first sips had tasted bitter and too rich, but despite being in good company, the matters at hand could get tiresome as well as convoluted and so, he had drank more each passing minute, accompanying the Prince in the premices of drunken eloquence and joy. Spread out on the pavement, the space between them had grown thinr and thiner, until even the wine jar had been tossed aside and they were chatting about everything but maps, in drunken silliness.
Those were the days Suoh remembered thinking highly of the Prince, admitting easily that he was a really pretty person and whose odd temper quick to anger, his straightforward words and kindness he hid behind pretend-mercy were traits he actually appreciated or found amusing. And amusing Rochalizo was too, which had led them to get closer, regardless of their numerous interactions due to both their political positions. Because they simply liked being around each other and because Suoh lacked opportunities to laugh and that meant he had felt good in his presence.
And so, from then, everything had speeded up. The wine, the jokes and how they leaned in into each other to laugh, the playful teasings, the brave compliments which made you feel warm in your body and that physical promiscuity which had you gazing at their lips or noticing eyes looking a little too low on your face, everything had guided to the foreseeable unfolding of them kissing. The important percentage of alcohol they were under had prevented things from going any further and had certainly collapsed at some point since it was how they had woken up. 
But Suoh had had to tell the cruel truth; he couldn’t be Rochalizo’s lover. The law which conducted the leader of the Mud Whale’s personal life were strict. The dire incidents which had occured in the distant past had been caused by a few determined factors: a lack of monitoring of the chief’s powers and left unchecked, their strong temper and arrogance, bonds too close with their family and finally, the disturbance of a lover who had come between the leader and its responsabilities.
The kiss they had shared had not meant nothing and Suoh had been made well aware of that as he had looked into Rochalizo’s eyes, accidentally - according to the Prince - filled with tears. The view had brought Suoh close to crying too. This, as he had realised had been the first time he had wished something deeply for himself and the more he had looked, the more he had felt his previous convictions on the verge of crumbling down. He had never really questioned the laws, thinking the perennity of their people came first. Each reconsidering of the laws hurt. For a moment, he had forgotten who he was and to whom his loyalty went. His desire to go against the rules had clashed so hard with his desire to protect his people his mind hurt as if both feelings fought with nails and teeth. 
Rochalizo’s pride hadn’t allowed him to be shedding tears, therefore anger had taken over. He had shouted at Suoh, bared his fists at him, insulted him. In those terrible words, he had said Suoh had been playing him and ultimately had fulfilled his desire to mock and ridicule him, along with the rest of that cursed ship. Suoh had seen through his anger; it was obvious, they were both in pain and striving to find a way to cope with the sadness. They had calmed down and apologised but the emptiness remained. Eventually, Suoh had told him:
“We are not a cursed boat. We are only wary of the mistakes of our kin. But since the Empire’s attacks, our rules have softened or have changed. A new era has come for the Mud Whale and when we’ll settle in new lands, I will pass the title of leader to Ohni. I don’t think I’ll be suited anymore”.
“I thought you weren’t serious”, had replied Rochalizo, afraid to hope.
Suoh hadn’t answered that question but the look in his eyes was so solemn, the Prince understood it was futile to mistrust those words. He had shaken and Suoh had reached out to take both his hands in his.
“Wait for me”, he had said.
And that had been the last of their talk.
Had they not been on the brink of finding a new home, lands which would reshape the whole system they had adhered to until now, the young leader would have yielded to despair. However, they were moving at a fast space, navigating towards unhabited islands. This was why he was wiling to wait. This was how he was able to wake up in the morning and hope and greet Rochalizo naturally. Of course, he got excited, imagining the life of his people in the new lands and prayed that for their sake, they would all arrive very soon. But he had never had a personal hope to look forward to and the perspective was exhilarating. 
Frank with himself, because at some point of another you needed to be, Suoh felt at times like he wasn’t in position to complain about his situation. His people loved him and he loved them and asking for more could be seen as borderline selfish and greedy, at least, how he saw it. Also, Rochalizo and him and known each other for several months, a period of time which was little compared to the separation or impossibilties for certain lovers to be together.
It was surely only puppy love, and teenagers’ hearts changed so fast and yearned for many others in a short timeframe. And yet to dismiss it so rationaly and harshly would have bee wrong; Suoh couldn’t help advocating in favour of this idea. The idea that, in spite of this love being “puppy love”, as some liked to call it, it couldn’t be reduced to to this only. It could never encompass the variety of feelings and affections he felt. And even so, if it really was just that, - because who knows, there too few chances of this being last and true love (considering the right and true kind of love could be found in only one person) - couldn’t he also get the chance to experience love, as silly and as immature as it could turn out to be?
He deemed this as a just judgement. However if the day they landed never came, there was no knowing as to how he would act... He preferred to avoid that thought for the time being. 
And as for now... They were still waiting.
Rochalizo’s faint voice crept up to his ear, warm and meek.
“Your skin smells good...”
Suoh’s grin lightened up his entire face and he positioned more comfortably against the pillows, laying down a little more backwards, bringing the Prince along.
“You too... You smell like clementines and honey”.
He could feel him smile against his skin which made Suoh even happier. Silence fell back on the room again and they stayed in each other’s arms, eyes closed, content. After some time, his neck a bit sore from the position, Suoh lowered his head away from the Prince and crashed on the pillow. Rochalizo shifted and replaced his head on Suoh’s chest as Suoh’s arms wrapped gently but narrowly around his middle. A few minutes later, they shifted again, Rochalizo climbing up the other’s body and as he moved, Suoh stared at him longingly.
To be this beautiful... That couldn’t possibly be a human sight.
Next thing, he was leaning in and peppering a few kisses on his cheeks. Rochalizo jumped a bit, but did not retreat; his cheeks aflamed, lowered down his face, allowing a wider access. The Prince bit his lips, probably thinking that if “this” felt pleasurable, so much more could feel heavenly. Could... A snarky smile carved his lips.
“Say Suoh, kissing like this, that’s a weird way to be friends, don’t you think?”
That comment earned a giggle from the young chief. His fingers brushed against a strand of a ginger strand of hair behind his ear.
“That would be okay, since I already do those things with a lot of other friends”, he said, half teasing, half stating, leaving his remark open for interpretation.
“Take that back!”, vociferated Rochalizo, obviously taking this as teasing and he rushed to give him kicks in the stomach with his knee. 
Wailing in pain, Suoh raised his own as well as his hands in an attempt to protect his assailed stomach.
“Ouch... Ah... Please stop, I take it back... I take it back!”
Rochalizo grined and, making sure he hadn’t really hurt Suoh - he was right to check in, he could be pretty sensitive - he lay down again to give him a hug. Suoh’s hand found his way to his hair and began stroking it slowly. Curling the hair through his fingers, he was reminded of the times he thought his hair was naturally this curly. Arosing again, Rochalizo’s voice sounded suddenly a lot more troubled.
“I know you already do all this with the others but... There’s a difference... Isn’t it? We do those things with another kind of intent... Don’t we?”
“Undeniably”, assured Suoh, holding him a bit more tighter.
He knew that was a topic that had often been brought on the table, for they had different perspectives on what it meant to be friends and where to draw the line between those and lovers. Suoh’s upfront affections resulted in his borders being looser than Rochalizo’s whereas the latter preferably saved most of his gentle touches for lovers, enforcing a clear division. This rarely manifested in fights, but rather in the form of jealousy. Not much could be done to counteract it, except giving reassurance and affection.
“It IS different. I am crazy about you. And tired of waiting too for the simple joy of kissing you in public”, he confessed.
The covers were clenched around them as Rochalizo hid his face under them, overwhelmed by embarrassement. A muffled sound emerged which sounded much like “how can you say things like that that easily”. Suoh smiled, but he rapidly added, more gravely.
“I’m sorry, it would’ve been best for you if I had been born in Amonlogia”.
Emerging from the sheets, the scarlet red face of the Prince, crushed between his cerulean fingers looked as though he was about to go a little bonkers. The long soft groan he was uttering was enough proof. Moving his head up to the ceiling as his fingers squashed their way down his face, he sighed, trying to regain his composure, stil trying to recover from the tenderness of this small speech.
“L-Look, I think you should be just a tiny bit ashamed of what you gab about sometimes, alright? In- In any case, I... What are you saying? I wouldn’t want you to be from Amonlogia! At all!”
Kneeling next to Suoh’s head and forcing their eye contact, he grasped the tip of the other’s chin and locked eyes with him. The threat in his gaze was subtle, it blended together with strong feelings of love, fear and sadness. Suoh’s breath hitched.
“It is because you are not from this damned place that I like you”
They had uttered those words before, but never as passionately as the context in this moment implied they were. Suoh’s gaze filled with immediate steadfast affection. Rochalizo’s voice trembled.
“Who knows who you could have turned out to be, in this country of mine? Your morals, your kindness, I... Everything... You must not wish to be someone else or to have been from elsewhere. This island and you... You and this island, you feed on each other’s benevolence, blossom when you can exchange acts of charity. I understand that both of you are tied to each other and that I can’t enjoy the sight of one without thanking the other. It is because you are from here, that you have lived peacefully here... That you are... Well... I think you are fine that way”.
Suoh did not know when he had began to smile but he could not stop. Rochalizo was right. The character of unfairness that was of the rules was a heavy burden to bear, but if it meant they had found each other and lived according to healthy values, it could not be so bad. However, he didn’t quite understand anymore if the point of his rhetoric was to alleviate the pain of the Mud Whale’s regulation or if he was simply praising him. He was too tired to ponder either way and not able to keep the conversation going but, went through the care of signifying how powerfully he felt the same with a look.
As the young chief was gradually dozing off, Rochalizo’s voice filled the silence once again at some point.
“You know I believe in what I just said, but on the other hand... Isn’t it hilarious how I’m the biggest danger to your people now?”
The mention of danger combined with the topic of his people was enough to get Suoh to focus a little more.
“I’m a bit proud of that, if I must say”, carried on Rochalizo’s voice, helding palavers arrogantly, “I’m immensely powerful. Just us walking as lovers could apparently turn you mad and, done in a snap, you’d mess up the whole political system and forget your people even exist! Just because of me!”
The other shook his head, a small laugh coming out of his sigh. Such senselessness and a joke a bit too dark for his taste. But nonetheless, he didn’t reproached it to the other. And how it had been described was a bit entertaining.
“I know... That rule isn’t right, it’s only bound to make leaders transgress it... But...”, he added, “I’m glad you’re my little chaos enabler!”
Rochalizo’s expression turned even more presumptuous.
“Chaos enabler will suffice”.
“But you still are a bit small”.
The Prince growled, offended. His hands slipped to Suoh’s belly in order to tickle him to death.
“Not as small as your monkey-brain!”, he exclaimed, as an evilly satisfied smile stretched his lips, hearing Suoh begging for him to stop between bits of laughter.
Getting his steady breathing back, the young chief hid his face an instant behind the back of his hand, relaxing a moment, burrowed into the thick pillow up to his ears. Through the fabric, he heard Rochalizo’s voice keep the conversation. 
“Don’t you think it’s strange though, this sort of abstinence they make you and made the previous mayors go through?”
While Suoh loved Rochalizo’s talks and thought he often made very good points, he still hoped to get some rest somehow. Perhaps a few more chats and he would ask for him to let him sleep, albeit he could not pretend not to be interested. Especially since those matters affected them as a pair. Furthermore, yes, undoubtedly most of these were jokes, however he knew the Prince find it difficult to speak plainly and instead, was far likelier to turn to backdoor policies.
“It is similar to those stories of people being restrained by forbidden love... The issue about this is that they are made total strangers to themselves by society and hate what they are supposed to love while also fearing it. And they can’t talk about it. It becomes a taboo and it kills them from the inside. They even get scared touching others, as if they’d become incontrollable”.
Suoh nodded, approving with virulence.
“I don’t like those stories. Keeping things silent doesn’t solve anything - if it doesn’t exacerbate the issue in the first place. Don’t fret, we are still going to talk about it. And we can still touch. I’m not afraid of any of us...”
Rochalizo simply smiled, although he now looked all the most embarrassed after spending just a few seconds deep in thoughts.
“B-by abstinence what I meant was... U-um, not just... Intercourse. I was including many other things! I’d just like to kiss and... Have others know”.
“Of course, but that would be okay, we are teenagers after all,”, Suoh replied, chuckling.
-Do you think they know?
-It’s hard to keep a secret here, but...
-Oh I know, you all are filthy town-gossipers...
-They possibly have light suspicions, but I don’t suppose so”, mumbled the other, as he couldn’t refrain a huge yawn.
They spent another few minutes not talking. Rochalizo now lay back on top of Suoh’s chest. Apart from the candles, whose flames had devoured a fairly good portion of the wax, there wasn’t a single other light outside. Nightime encompassed the Mud Whale, pitch black and not a single star visible through the mass of dark clouds. But most shocking was this silence, so defeaningly profound. To Rochalizo’s heart, it felt quite lonely and unconsciously omnious, accustomed as he was to the noise and the traffic flow of his urban hometown. But it was also in a sense, soothingly liberating, as this worry of avoiding intrusive eyes dissipated. In this moment, they could have been the only citizens of this island. The only people in the world.
“I don’t think I’ll ever grow used to this place”, he said, in a low voice, nostalgic for something he couldn’t understand, “We would usually hear people. Tonight, they’re all on the opposite side on the ship, busy with party preparations. Wanna go, Suoh?”
Getting no answer, the Prince shifted until his eyes fell on the sight of Suoh sleeping soundly. Feeling tenderly amused, he extended his arm to brush away the little strands of hair fallen of the beautiful face.
“Look at us! I talk inapropriately too much, and you couldn’t tell me you’d soon collapse...”
He carefully got out of bed, landing on his tiptoes. Getting close again, on the white, momentarily non-frowning forehead, he lay a soft hand. Only displays of affection which could also be those of friends for the time being, they had said and agreed to. As time moved slowly, it also grew short on his patience, but, gazing at the sight of his lovely flame, all thoughts of frustration evaporated into thin air and all he could feel was pride. Love. And the hopeful certitude that waiting was, in spite of his disastrous existence being filled with lifelong ruinous choices, the best choice he had ever made.
When Suoh woke up, the calm he had come home to could no longer be found. Rubbing his eyes lazily and wiping up the little drool on his lip, he approached the window and pulled the dusty curtains open. A cold breeze blowed in his face and he breathed in long and slow, charging his lungs in fresh air again. Having leaned onto both his elbows on the edge of the window, he could hear and see more of the gleeful turmoil which was bubbling in the streets. The alleys overflowed with flower ornaments and white ivy, golden sparkles and confettis had been scattered on the ground, stomped by children who ran by, laughing. If he squinted, he could make out the hot lights of a huge bonfire, he assumed, as the rest was hidden by another few houses, trailing rays of lights along some facades. Screams of joy and general excitement stirred up from that peculiar spot of the island. But, as a smile crept up to Suoh’s mouth, a loud boom made him jump and almost had him falling out the window. Grasping the ledge fearfully, his eyes followed a trail of red light rise high in the sky and explode. Upon that sight, Suoh automatically crouched under the window, securing himself behind the wall. As no immediate threat nor any screams followed, he got up on his feet again to look outside, searching for the bits of whatever had just blown up before his eyes.
“What the hell?!?!?!”, exclaimed a loud, authoritative voice below him.
A voice he only knew too well. Suoh bent forward at the window, looking for him, his heart compressed in his chest. If he had been hurt, if even the slightiest thing had happened to him he-
“What the hell, seriously! I told them to wait! The bastards!”
The young chief’s eyes finally found Rochalizo. He stood in a nearby garden discussing vehemently with Kuchiba. He did not seem hurt, nor did Kuchiba and the scenery around them did not show signs of damage. Another trail of light rose up in a sizzling sound this time, and Suoh followed it, less afraid now but nonetheless crouching a bit, only keeping his eye at the right level to witness the explosion. As it did, the trail parted in several other golden petals, looking much like a rose. The remains silently fell back on the village, fading out into the air.
“I’m gonna kill them! I’m gonna kill them!”
Suoh repositioned on the edge, looking down at him, not comprehending in the least what was going on. The Prince finally took notice of him and covered his mouth in shocked guilt.
“I’m so sorry Suoh”, he cried from afar, “Did I wake you up? Well, I guess you can’t sleep with all this racket!”
The other nodded awkwardly, waving his hand vaguely.
“What was that?!”, he shouted in response.
Rochalizo looked angry again. He swelled his cheeks, as if trying his best not to start cursing.
“That was... Well... I... I told them to wait until you woke up to light them up. But hopefully or not, you woke up just in time!”
Kuchiba shook his head in major disaprovement and folded his arms. Rochalizo smiled pretentiously at him, then redirected his attention on Suoh:
“I was coming to wake you up and bring you along, but it seems”, he winced through another smile, “I was outstripped and I no longer have to deal with the moral dilemma about letting you sleep or not.
-But what are them?
-Come down quickly! I’m meeting with you halfway from here! If we don’t hurry those idiots will run through the last of my stock!”
They ran through the sparkly streets, shining of the hot lights of torches on wood staffs. Rochalizo’s hair fluttered before his eyes in a fiery haze and his hand which held Suoh’s tightly, not letting go, was warm and spongy. The young chief’s breath ran short, despite them having ran just a few dozens of meters, but he didn’t want to stop running, ever. In this instant, his heart beat fast and running through the night with the one he wished most to be with made him ecstatic, the lights bordering the path as though they were casting their blessing upon their wild adventure.
“Look Suoh!”, screamed Rochalizo, as they were reaching the central place in which gathered the general crowd. 
He pointed at something Suoh missed but he then caught sight of the shimmering explosion of another of those sparkly fires, An emerald one, shaped in the form of a palm tree.
“I don’t understand, but that’s beautiful”, Suoh said, huddling against Rochalizo’s arm.
“They’re fireworks. I found them in my stuff and your people went mad with excitement. And... I wanted you to see them...”
Rochalizo gazed at him silently, his tender eyes expressing a childlike excitement as well as admirative affection, lots of it. Suoh returned the gaze. They walked together hand in hand to the central place, tacking between the people who drank festive beverages, ate, sang along with those playing local instruments, talked with spice and joy. Pointing at a spot lifted up above the crowd, Suoh guided towards the edge of an old passageway which stairs had broke. They sat there, nestling against each other, watching the festivities for a moment. To the left, a group of people danced to a contry dance song, some on their own or with friends, bouncing their heads and arms to the rythm, some of them, much closer to where they had settled, danced in pairs with lovers, exchanging when the tempo slowed down, a few hugs and kisses. Rochalizo’s eyes were fixed on them, insistant. When the other asked him what he was thinking of, he gave that answer:
“Oh... Sorry, I’ve spaced out”, he said, seeking to look more cheerful, but Suoh had grasped the envy and jealousy in his eyes and those feelings somewhat stuck to his face, even as he put in some good-will.
Suoh gave him a little nudge, not buying that excuse. He knew him too well.
“Do you want to dance?”, he inquired, offering his hand.
Uneasy, the Prince shifted a bit awkwardly. But it didn’t take long for him to make up his mind and he accepted timidly. Walking through the crowd anew, they took place for the following dance, one of Rochalizo’s hand on Suoh’s shoulder and one of Suoh’s around his waist. Starting to dance, the young chief realised his partner wouldn’t know how to follow the rythm of this one and because it was swift and vigorous, they were rapidly lost and were giggling at each other’s bad synchronisation and clumsiness, trying many times but ending up failing and shouting a few “we suck!” and “this is so hard!” at each other through the loud music. The next dance played slower than the previous ones, calmer, which in consequence had many single people leaving. Rochalizo’s hands had come to rest around Suoh’s neck up to his elbows and Suoh’s hands had slipped around his hips. They stood so close to each other it had become hard to breathe and to even pay attention to the music. And how could they?, when the other’s face reflected the lights of the bonfire and was flushed from the exercise and stamina.
However, as he looked outside of their carefree bubble, Suoh could feel his stomach form knots, being under the most unpleasant impression that all eyes were upon them, silently judging or wondering. And he noticed that Rochalizo felt it too, as his hands clutched slightly at his white tunic. Their bodies seemed suddenly heavy and not much moveable to keep up with the music, as relaxed as it was.
“Rochalizo, I...
-Do you want to go get a drink instead? I’m sorry.
-No, no, of course. Don’t apologise”, the Prince shrugged, wincing awkwardly but with resignation.
But even hearing those words hurt Suoh. It was sad that they couldn’t dance and have a good time like the others did, but he feared on top of that Rochalizo’s feelings. He never wanted him to believe he was ashamed of him, he thought, as the other dragged him to the drinks stalls. They bought fizzy drinks and moved to a place more hidden from the public eye. Suoh opened his mouth to apologise again, but Rochalizo silenced him with a look.
“Don’t, it’s not necessary. Can I... Can I show you something?”
Suoh blinked a few times and nodded, smiling in wait. The Prince searched for something in his pockets, going through both of them. His face took on a scary air when he thought he had lost whatever he was looking for, but he found it, as he checked twice. His entire face blushed, even his ears - and Suoh didn’t know that was possible - as he handed him a small piece of paper. The paper he had been writing on earlier. Suoh unfolded it slowly, watching Rochalizo as he turned his head away. On the sheet, there were only few small words, but reading them, it made his heart burst with joy. A joy so strong he did not know how to exteriorise it.
Suoh’s hands gave small wrinkles to it, trembling in excitement, but took care as not to tear it. Biting his lips, he closed the piece of paper, replaying the moment he had read it for the first time again and again. Those words, “I love you”. Rochalizo hid his head in his palms, still looking away, talking fast and a lot as if trying to fill the silence which overwhelmed him with uneasiness.
“I’m so sorry, this isn’t fancy of anything and I... I could’ve done something much better. I didn’t want to leave behind something big that could expose you and... I just... I just wanted to say it now and not wait a long time again, but I couldn’t make myself say it... I...-
He was suddenly cut by the weight of someone throwing himself in his arms. Arms strongly wrapping around him and a small face, buried into his shoulder, and then, he felt something wet rolling down his shoulder. Suoh moved back, eyelashes filled with tears and his cheeks wet. The glee in his eyes was so dizzying Rochalizo got almost knocked down. It was an otherwordly vision.
“I love you! I love you”, exclaimed Suoh, sniffing and pressing his hands to his beloved’s upper arms.
Suoh smiled through the tears. In this situation, he felt the need to touch him and he did, cupping his cheeks into his hands and pressing their foreheads together. He wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss him for hours and cherish him, maybe even biting those lips. Rochalizo’s eyes were also on his mouth. 
Suoh sighed, this could not go on like this. It hurt both of them. An end must be put to this, but yet, there were still no close in landing to new lands... On a whim, Suoh, took hold of Rochalizo’s hand and dragged him back to the crowd, where people still danced and partied and sang. 
“What are you doing?”, the other said, squeezing his hand, puzzled.
“I told you to wait for me and you have...”, he began, searching for his words in the middle of a sea of people and lights, feeling strongly unrational.
“But I’m afraid”, Suoh continued, shaking his head slowly, “I’ve come to realise it is cruel of me to ask you that and by the way... I cannot wait for you any longer...”
Rochalizo’s eyes flickered, unsure of what this meant and if he should be bracing himself for a heartache too great for him to handle. Suoh’s eyes were still sad and gave away some clues, he had made a decision and he didn’t like what he had just decided on, his hair flapping around him miserably. 
“What are you trying to say...?”
His chest tightened all the more and suddenly he didn’t want an answer although he had just asked. He wanted to stay in the miserable state of doubt because nothing would hurt more if Suoh chose to leave him.
But once again, unexpectedly, Suoh crashed into his arms, scooting closer and they made eyecontact in a fuzzy mess of feelings of love mixed with excrutiating uncertainty. Suoh’s face leaned towards Rochalizo until they were a few inches apart of each other, their noses brushing and they breathed the same air. Rochalizo’s rested both his hands on the other’s cheeks. Suoh could feel them this time, more than a sole impression, he was certain everyone had stopped to watch them, because he was hearing every sound of the island slowly fade away into inaudibleness, one by one, until he could not hear anything else but the buzzing sound in his own ears. The stress was building in his chest but mightier was the adrenaline he experienced for being this close to Rochalizo and on top of that, where everyone could see them, proudly unhidden. He had had enough and he had enough. They had showed many times they cared about each other, but at the same time, had never really dared. It was high time he caught up with time and that they loved, loved each other in any way they could imagine and put to into acts. 
Rochalizo’s lips came closer tentatively, glinting in saliva and swollen, as his hands clutched at Suoh’s hair, almost desperate for affection. Suoh looked at them, probing how much he had desired to kiss him and have everyone know and how many times he had resisted. No more of that. Closing the gap between them, he met with Rochalizo’s mouth and kissed his lips passionately, pouring all his love into the ways he moved against him. And almost simultaneously, the other kissed back with an unmatched urgence and fever. Their mouths were sealed for a long time and for the Gods knew how long, they could not part from each other. It was when the sound of a glass shattering to the ground reached their ears that they both came to stop, both looking in the same direction, meeting the crowd’s eyes.
From the many people which composed it, every face expressed either shock, disapprouval or happiness. They endured the silence, not moving, waiting for whatever punishment would be ordered. But then a voice rose up from the crowd, loud and clear, overjoyed.
“Hell yeah! You go, Suoh!”
Followed by one, then ten, fifty and finally, perhaps half the crowd, hundreds of cries of joy elevated, cheering for them. People clapped, shouted in support, jumped in excitement for them, threw fists in the air, looked all “I knew it”. Some just stood where they were, smiling warmly at them in silent approbation. Oh, there were others, way less supportive but it did not matter now. It was truly something to be acclaimed by hundreds of souls, almost an entire island for what you were, to be declared defensible and worthy of acceptance. Suoh found himself lost in the cries of the crowd, submerged by overall what you could call love, the love of a family who didn’t delude itself and embraced what he chose at core and made him feel alive. Turning to Rochalizo, he gave him a long loving look which the prince reciprocated, grabbing and holding his hand in his. It would be fine in the end.
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