#i would say this is juliantina
queerbird · 10 months
9 people to get to know better
Thank you for the tag @ibrake4trash :D
Favorite color: Purple! It used to be green but tbh the ace pride flag grabbed hold of me lol
Currently reading: Nothing atm but I’ve been thinking of rereading Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
Last song: Down Under by Men At Work
Last series: I’ll say The X Files cuz I’ve been slowly and sporadically making my way through from the beginning (more technically I guess the answer would be Grey’s Anatomy but I only watched one random ep for a specific case/plotline and was disappointed by it lmao)
Last movie: Evil Dead Rise as well!! Just watched it last night
Currently working on: My ronance fake dating au, as well as trying to get through some smut for a juliantina Titanic au I’ve left of the back burner for far too long lol
I tag @danieljaehobae (yes I’ve known you since birth shush) @dufrau @monstrous-femme @maggierosestudio @fuck-off-im-ace @longowatchrepair @thenarrativefoil @chicagoflight @fantasticlyclever
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estamos-destinadas · 5 years
This gifset reminded me of how much Val gives me strong high school jock vibes sometimes -- I’m pretty sure someone here mentioned the same thing, but I forgot who it was -- because of these scenes (excuse the quality):
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The way Val leans towards Juls in all three makes me think of a popular jock flirting and being all soft with the quiet girl they have the biggest crush on. (That plain white shirt with the choker? It screams pretty boy girl that every girl everyone fancies.)
So, High School AU idea:
Val is that girl who plays all the sports. After all, the Carvajal mansion has all those sports facilities. (I imagine that she and Guille often played together growing up, and sometimes Sergio gets invited.) That, along with the fact that she’s very rich and very pretty, makes her super popular among both boys and girls in school.
Meanwhile, Juls is the quiet artsy student. She’s a new transfer, and she tries her best not to stand out. Perhaps she’s on a scholarship and she doesn’t want to get into any trouble. However, I prefer to think that Lupé works at the school so Juls studies there as part of a staff benefits program.
Juls notices Val on the very day she starts at her new school. It’s difficult to miss her; she has dozens of admirers following her, and everywhere she goes people always go out of their way to say ‘hi’ to her. But also, Val is really nice, and she always has a ready smile for everyone. Juls’ admiration crush grows when she goes to one of Val’s games for the first time.
So Juls admires Val from afar, believing that Val -- a very popular girl a year older than her -- doesn’t even know she exists.
She couldn’t be further from the truth.
The thing is, despite the fact that Juls is a quiet student, anyone with eyes can’t miss how cute she is. You know how in high school when there are new transfers (or first years) and stupid boys always talk about who the pretty ones are? It’s like that, and Val’s group of male friends -- Sergio among them -- definitely talk about Juls the first couple of weeks after she started at the school.
So Val listens to her friends talk about the cute new girl is and even though she doesn’t say it out loud, she most definitely agrees with them. Not only that, she’s seen Juls around drawing in a notebook or making crafts, and her interest goes deeper than any of her friends’. There are moments where Val is surrounded by her admirers but whenever Juls is nearby she just keeps sneaking glances at her.
Juls doesn’t approach Val; she thinks that the most popular girl in school will never give her the time of day beyond a quick ‘hi’ and a smile. She’s not extremely shy, but come on, it would take an extraordinary level of boldness for a new girl who’s at the school because of staff benefits to approach a popular older girl whose family probably donated a huge amount of money to the school.
Val doesn’t approach Juls either. She’s always surrounded by other people, and it’s not that she doesn’t want to be seen with Juls, but, if she ever manages to introduce herself to Juls, she doesn’t want people to witness and gossip about it. She’s been there with people gossiping about her relationship with Lucho, her ex-boyfriend. Besides, she saw Sergio try to talk to Juls -- with a gaggle of other boys behind him -- and Juls looked like a trapped animal. Val doesn’t ever want to make her feel that way.
It takes some time, maybe several weeks or even months, but they finally get to interact.
I imagine they’re both good in class so there will be no tutoring of one by the other. But maybe, on top of Val playing a lot of sports, she also writes for the school paper. They need a new illustrator so their editor-in-chief posts a bulletin about it. Juls tries out for and gets accepted to the position. At their next club meeting, Val and Juls finally get introduced. Juls is totally amazed because she didn’t know that Val can write too. She gets all shy with Val, but it’s okay because Val becomes all awkward and clumsy. So that first meeting is just them being shy and awkward with each other, while the other students stare at them in half-fascination and half-amusement because wow, they are so gay for each other. They get over the shy and awkward phase eventually, but they never stop being gay for each other.
- or -
They meet properly at the school waiting shed, after school on a rainy day. Juls was finishing an assignment and instead of going home immediately, she decides to wait the rain out before taking the bus. Val just got done with sports practice. Her driver is maybe five minutes away waiting for her text asking to be picked up, but when she sees Juls in the shed all by herself, she finally introduces herself. They hit it off immediately, finding each other more and more interesting with each passing minute. They talk for over an hour, even after the rain has stopped. They only notice the time when Juls gets a text from Lupé asking where she is. Val offers to give Juls a ride home, and Juls readily accepts, wanting to keep talking to Val for even half an hour longer. Juls also realises that Val could have left whenever she wanted, she didn’t need to wait the rain out with Juls but she did, and that makes her feel all kinds of things. The next day, they seek each other out -- maybe tentatively on Juls’ part -- and they decide to get lunch together. They keep seeking each other out from that point forward.
- or -
Val’s team lost a game because she missed a last shot/goal/point and she’s crying by herself in an empty classroom. Juls passes by and all the things that stopped her from talking to Val before are thrown out the window because she can’t stand seeing Val cry. So she approaches her and, like in the series, Val says she wants to be alone. Juls makes to leave immediately but when Val looks up she sees that it’s Juls so she asks her to stay. Juls cheers her up and makes her forget about the losing game. The day after, Val makes the extra effort to shake off her hangers-on so she can ask Juls to lunch (outside of school) as a way to thank her for the previous night. Juls accepts, of course, and they become inseparable after that.
- or -
Same as the last one, Val’s team lost because of a shot she wasn’t able to make. (In this scenario, the game is specifically basketball.) Frustrated with herself, she stays in court practicing until well after school hours. Like the last one, Juls passes by. She doesn’t approach Val, but she does stand rooted to the spot, mesmerised, as she watches her make shot after shot. Eventually, Val notices her watching; Juls apologises for intruding and starts to leave. Val tells Juls that she doesn’t have to go on her account. Juls, feeling that pull towards Val, takes that as invitation to approach and they finally introduce themselves properly to each other. Juls says something about the lost game that makes Val laugh and not feel so bad about it. She also says that she only really started understanding the sport after seeing Val’s games, and Val realises that Juls has actually been to all her games. Val is super charmed; she smiles like an idiot and doesn’t speak for minutes. Not that Juls is any better, with Val standing in front of her all sweaty. Eventually, after minutes and minutes of them just staring and smiling at each other, Val asks Juls if she wants to go grab dinner together, adding that whispered and breathy ‘porfa’ for good measure. Juls can’t say no, not that she ever wants to. After that, Juls starts sitting closer to the court when she watches Val’s games, her cheers louder. And sometimes, she would wear one of Val’s old jerseys with the bold printed ‘CARVAJAL’ on the back when she’s working on a big art project. That, along with the fact that they are always together when they’re not in class, leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind as to what they are to each other.
--and so...
They become high school sweethearts, but of course, their story goes beyond that.
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booasaur · 5 years
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Amar a Muerte - 1x77 - translated by @debnamcari
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kindofalways · 5 years
guys i'm sorry but i have a lot of feelings about what happened in today's episode....
i know people are mad about what happened but i want you to think about all that juliana has been through, all the things that people have been telling her, and even if she is sure of her feelings for valentina it makes sense that she would be confused by what everyone is saying to her. it makes sense. if you didn't go through that confusion, that's great, honestly. but there are many people who did. 
i think what this is showing is how harmful it is to force people to try things just to try them, esp this trope, by showing how hurt and upset juliana was. she has never backed down from her feelings for val. i am sorry if i am not making sense or presenting my point very articulately, but i honestly feel like i can relate so much to what she is going through that people hating on what she did and saying its stereotypical kind of... it kind of hurts...?
maybe its stereotypical or not, but it's also a real story that happens to people. i don't think it damages like the queer community to show this story - in fact i think parents watching this show could really see how damaging that trope is and how harmful it is to their children, and they could understand better why it is wrong if they still have that mindset. and i also think the build up to it really makes it understandable (juls being isolated, rejection from her ONE family member, having no one to go to - except for sergi.... (and val but remember what just happened??), being lost / having no where to go, plus you could see her reaction to what her mother said to her last episode..)
does it hurt? yes. am i sad for juls for what shes been through? absolutely, so, so much so! but personally i don't think i am going to hold this against the writers and if you do, of course you are valid, but i just wanted to kind of put some of my (sadly quite incoherent, i'm sorry) thoughts out there too..
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Is it safe to say that Magnum ad is basically a soft core p///orn at this point?
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*watches amar a muerte for five minutes*
*immediately pays eighty dollars for a one year membership on duolingo*
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ambssssssssss · 4 years
Juliantina as teachers hcs
(bc it’s my first year teaching and i’m Going Through It so ofc i’m projecting)
Val teaches English, Juls teaches art
Val has been planning to be a teacher for a long time, majored in English and minored in education in college
Juls, on the other hand, very much stumbled into teaching
Juls has an art degree and does a little work as a freelance artist, started teaching as a sub and ended up falling in love with the job. 
It's Val's first year as a teacher, Juliana's second
They meet on the first day of teacher in-service, at the first staff meeting. 
Valentina shares half a doughnut with Juls while they wait for the meeting to start
After the meeting, Val heads to her classroom and realizes that she and Juliana are in the same hall but on opposite sides. 
"You're much nicer than the last teacher that was here," Juliana says on the second day of in-service, perched on one of the desks in Val's room. "Prettier too." 
Valentina is so glad she isn't looking directly at Juliana bc could her face be any warmer right now geez Val get a grip
By the end of the week, Val has decided that Juls is her best friend (she likes the other people she works with-but Juls is different) 
There's a huge faculty dinner that weekend where Val meets some of the other teachers. 
It's also when the not-serious-but-obviously-series rivalry between Juliana and Lucho begins. 
(Lucho coaches football/soccer-most of the kids think he's an ass) 
Anyway, by the time the school year actually begins, Val and Juls are the best of friends and both are oblivious to the heart eyes they have around one another
The other teachers, however, are not oblivious
Neither are the students
It starts on Monday of the second week of school
A student asks Val why Ms. Valdes is always in Val's room before the first bell. Val says that Juls brings her breakfast in the morning and they sometimes make plans for lunch 
A few of the more shippers/fandom kids raise their eyebrows but the students accept the answer
They start watching more closely 
(more under the cut bc this got out of hand)
It starts with just first and last period, the time of day when Val and Juls would most likely be able to visit one another in their rooms
It's like a schedule, the students figure out. 
Monday and Wednesday, they meet in Val's room after the last bell. Tuesday and Thursday, they meet in Juls' room
They don't meet on Friday's, at first, bc of pep rallies, which they always leave together 
By homecoming the rumor mill is flying
The other teachers hear and gossip amongst themselves, only occasionally missing a student eavesdropping on them
Almost everyone-meaning everyone but Lucho lol-are positive there is something going on between them, especially after homecoming
Bc Val and Juls had coordinated their outfits for everyday of Homecoming
Monday: pj day - they wore the same outfit but in different colors, red for Juls and blue for Val
Tuesday: decades day - they both go as hippies, one student is positive they switch glasses halfway through the day
Wednesday: meme day - a coincidence that they both wear t-shirts with horrible, yet matching, puns? I think not
Thursday: character day - thing 1 and thing 2, it literally could not be more obvious
Friday: spirit day - okay, doesn't count bc literally everyone is wearing school colors but the students are positive that Val doesn't own the white converse she wears (that have Juliana's signature on the heel) 
They sit together at the homecoming game, with the rest of the teachers sure but still noticeably there with each other
A band kid catches them taking a selfie together and did Ms. C just kiss Ms. V on the cheek?!?! 
Text to the almost school wide group snap chat that just says "please tell me someone caught that on camera" 
Several people did, from several angles, including a yearbook kid who happened to be photographing the stands at that exact moment 
(The extra, very zoomed in pic wasn't necessary but the sponsor won't complain-she ships it too) 
Everyone is shocked when a very brave student asks both Juls and Val, during class no less, if they are dating anyone and they both say no
All the students are like “excuse me? Ur gf is literally down the hall” 
Mission ‘Make Juliantina Canon’ begins
(there’s almost a hashtag for it, but the students thankfully decide that’s a little too much - they’ll settle for what is basically light stalking instead) 
Word is spread to the teachers, accidentally-on-purpose, and pretty soon the whole school is in on it
Val’s mentor teacher casually reminds her that there’s no rules against co-workers dating
On school trips (Val somehow ends up coaching basketball and Juliana is co-sponsor of the yearbook so they travel together a lot during the winter), it works out so they always are sitting either in the same seat or right next to each other
Lots of discussion on the development of Juliantina during these trips on the student’s part, lots of teachers trying to discreetly tell the kids to shut the fuck up, they’re literally a seat in front of you 
Val and Juls being oblivious to the rumor mill going wild around them and continuing to be friends
Just friends though, not more than that, even though they both very much want to be more than that
So. Much. Pinning. 
As they get closer, Valentina gets much more expressive with her affection
Physical touch is her love language, I will die on this hill 
If she and Juls are alone, they’re always holding hands or hugging or cuddled up together on the couch for their now weekly movie nights
They’re spotted more than once strolling down the street hand-in-hand
Even Lucho starts to see it and well, it’s kind of hard to miss now that Valentina has turned down his invitation to a date for the fifth time so she can watch Grey’s Anatomy with Juliana
By Thanksgiving, the whole school is going mad bc will they please just date already 
The rumor mill goes wild when they find out that Valentina had hosted a friend’s giving over Thanksgiving break (this au takes place in an imaginary Texas where homophobia isn’t a thing, deal with it) and Juliana was already there when the first guest arrived early in the morning to help Val cook. 
Juliana had come into the kitchen wearing pajamas that were just a little too loose on her and fixed herself a cup of coffee like she did it every morning, even kissing Valentina’s cheek as she stepped up to the stove to make herself breakfast
Please, they’re basically married
Juliana has spent a lot of time at Valentina’s place, it’s bigger and homey-er than her own, plus Valentina has a big TV and a very comfortable bed
Juliana basically lives there
Valentina doesn’t complain, even when it gets to the point that she has to bring Juliana’s blouse to work bc the one Juls wanted to wear, she had left at Valentina’s 
(thankfully, the students don’t catch wind of that trade, can you imagine) 
They spend Christmas together too
Valentina can’t really travel bc there’s still basketball practice and games over the winter break, Juliana simply can’t afford to travel to Mexico to visit her mother
So they spend Christmas together and one day while Juls is watching a basketball game and paying more attention to Valentina than to the actual game, she begins to wonder what exactly they are doing? 
Like, Juliana has other teacher friends, but she doesn’t hug them, or kiss them on the cheek, or bring them breakfast every morning, or get sad when she doesn’t see them at work, or want to cuddle up on the couch with them after a long day at work and - 
Oh shit I’m in love with her
One teacher owes another 20 bucks for betting that Juls would figure it out first (in my mind this is Kara Danvers and Barry Allen but that’s neither here nor there) 
Juliana acts a little funny the next few days, avoids going out on New Year’s by claiming she has a headache when she’s really trying to figure out what to do now
Valentina shows up at her door the Sunday before winter break ends and demands to know why Juliana is avoiding her
Whatever she’s done wrong, she’ll fix it but please just talk to me 
Juliana breaks and kisses her
Valentina kisses her back
“There’s nothing wrong, I’m in love with you.” 
“Thank god. I’m in love with you.” Valentina kisses Juliana again. “Also, are you aware that literally the whole school ships us?”
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estamos-destinadas · 5 years
So, about those story submissions for the JULIANTINA movie:
Writers, please, for the love of all that is good in the world, don’t submit anything too angsty. 🙏🙏🙏If you do, I’m gonna come at you with a spork lol.
I hope they prioritise the stories from Mexican fans. I know we are international but I firmly believe that the target audience for JULIANTINA is, first and foremost, Mexican WLW. This is theirs, before anyone else’s.
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humblewats · 4 years
Chapters: 18/? New Chap: a thought.  I don’t usually say a lot on here about each chapter, but this one i’m feeling particularly weird about. It continues on with the kidnapping of Juliana and I found it difficult to do it right... I still don’t know if I did. I used what happened in the show as a basis and went from there - I’ve never (thankfully) encountered anything like this so I tried to use the same themes Juliana experiences in canon.  I guess I’m hoping it comes across okay and not too over the top. I tried to keep it as real as possible, with as little violence that someone in that situation would most likely experience. Geeeeez, it was tough! I don’t know why I do this to myself sometimes!  Anyway, I’m glad it’s over and posted, and I look forward to writing some fluffier stuff in the future!! I hope you’ll stick around for it. 
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booasaur · 5 years
u should rly make a juliantina faq 😂 i feel bad ppl are using you as a one stop all the lilies info service. televisa should be paying you
For answering a few questions? Lol, I wish. I don’t mind answering them, at all. 
I just don’t want to bother my followers, the majority of whom did not follow me for this. The stuff that’s been answered before would be answered more quickly if they were able to look at one place and those must be extra annoying for the followers. As it is, I��m trying to space it out, although some people have figured out that if they ask while I’m answering others, I’m more likely to answer those as well. I’m also trying to do the earlier ones first but I’m absolutely terrible at that. 
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fratboykate · 5 years
I got into your tumblr again after years and years of peace, because, you are in the juliantina fandom as well? ....fantastic.... Now we just wait until you start trashing us as well, like you did with the CLs. Or start saying how well suited you are to be the movie’s screenwriter.... Ffs
Me like a week and a half ago on a post that got a crazy number of notes for the random rant it was: "Overall the CL fandom during its peak is kind of the best fandom in the history of fandoms. Iconique."
Me literally like twelve fucking hours ago: "CL is still (and probably will always be) That Ship. Legends."
Me literally like twelve fucking hours ago...again: "I've divorced the ship from the show/the cast and you should too so the mess that is everyone who ever had anything to do with it don't ruin it for you because...you know...they're That Ship. Legends."
One of you possessed furbies today: "yOu HaTe AnD tRaSh ClExA!"
Like.......what? lmao
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atomicse · 4 years
juliantina au 3 + trope 2 + prompt 34
i didn’t think i would get any of these… but let’s go!
spy!au +  enemies to lovers + “i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
(idk if this is any good [or coherent] but i wrote it at 3am so pls be kind. also i don’t think this is what u wanted anon, but…)
“god, this is so boring, this dude hasn’t done anything all day. i don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
juliana rolls her eyes. of all the people they could’ve paired her with, they had to put her with the obnoxious, trust fund baby. “because it’s our job?” she snarks.
the other girl sends juliana what she probably thinks is a murderous glare, but her bright blue eyes and disney princess aura make her look as intimidating as baby yoda. “i’ve worked with this organization for years, i don’t do stakeouts, i do real, important, shit.”
juliana doesn’t say anything, she won’t even try to fight this petulant little girl.
“whatever.” carvajal huffs. minutes pass without her externalizing her displeasure of the situation, and juliana dares to think that maybe, just maybe, she won’t have to deal with her attitude for the rest of their shared stakeout when, “i can’t believe mr. g put me with you.”
“what is that supposed to mean?” juliana asks with a raised eyebrow.
“we’re like, the worst possible combination he could’ve come up with.“ the brunette shrugs nonchalantly. juliana just stares at her. “you’re like, this angsty loner type, and i’m… i don’t know, the kind of agent that has a sense of humor and isn’t brooding 24/7”, she explains.
juliana can’t help but snort, that’s rich coming from her. she’s never worked side by side with the other agent before, -they’ve actually only ever conversed twice, once when she first joined the organization, and right now-, but it is common knowledge that carvajal has this sort of hero complex, people say she’s always hell bent on saving the day. “aren’t you the one that’s always putting herself at risk just to be the hero or whatever?” she sneers. “i would appreciate it if you dropped your preconceived incorrect ideas about me. you don’t know me.” juliana frowns.
“and i don’t want to” carvajal shakes her head, turning to look at their mark.
“well, i don’t either.”
they both stare out the window, silently waiting for the man on the other side of the street to get into his vehicle. once he does, carvajal turns on the engine and drives off without saying a word.
juliana sighs in the passenger’s seat, she doesn’t understand why the other girl hates her so much.
after following their mark for hours and trying to gather as much information about him as possible, they decide to approach him on his last stop of the day, a stupidly exclusive casino on the most expensive side of town.
they get out of the car and juliana thanks whatever entity is looking out for them because they let them in, no questions asked.
“okay so, i’m going to go explore the place,” juliana says, already seeing lots of people she thinks might be useful to their mission. “you should go with aguayo, maybe you can get some info directly from him.”
carvajal gives her a weird look “why me?”
“because i’m too much of a broody loner, no?” juliana reminds her “and you’re a lot easier on the eyes” she adds after a beat.
“did you just call me pretty?” the brunette smirks.
juliana blushes an embarrassing shade of pink, “shut up, just go.” she throws over her shoulder as she makes what she hopes is a smooth exit.
an hour and a half after their separation, juliana has already scooped out the area in search for any suspicious activity (and downed three shots of tequila). she’s sitting at the bar, half-heartedly conversing with the friendly bartender while waiting for her partner to finish whatever she’s doing to subtly interrogate their mark.
“hello, gorgeous, you havin’ fun?” she hears a voice say to her. when she turns, she finds a disheveled man eyeing her lustfully.
juliana’s stomach churns, the way he’s staring at her is painfully reminiscent of the many times man just like this one would look and treat her and her mom like they only existed for their twisted enjoyment when she was young.
she’s since stopped being afraid, she is the company’s best asset, but for some reason, she finds herself paralyzed while the unknown man reaches to grab at her.
juliana’s alcohol dazed brain is just catching up, coming up with a half-baked plan to simply kick this man’s balls off when a sickenly sweet voice captures their attention. “hey, sir, i think you should go find someone more age appropriate.” her partner smiles at her over the man’s shoulder and juliana has never been more relieved to see that annoying little dimple on the brunette’s cheek. “besides, this one’s spoken for.” carvajal adds cheekily.
juliana feels the blood rush to her cheeks and curses herself for falling victim to the brunette’s charm.
the man smirks as he looks between them, surely imagining a whole lot of disgusting things that make juliana want to go back to her plan of just ending his bloodline. “can i join?” he leers at them.
her partner scowls at him and takes juliana’s hand, swiftly removing them from the situation before it escalates.
“can’t leave you alone for a second, can i, agent valdés?” ugh, of course she has to ruin it just when juliana’s starting to like her.
“whatever.” juliana crosses her arms over her chest. “did you get anything out of him?” she inquires, hoping that the other woman’s charm had worked with aguayo just as much as it seemed to work with her.
carvajal nods happily, “yeah, dude’s a total lightweight!” she laughs, “a couple of shots of mezcal and he was ready to spill all his secrets to me.” juliana snorts, she guesses that carvajal must’ve had her fair share of drinking too, since she’s being so buddy-buddy with her. “i thought narco leaders were… different.” the brunette says pensively. 
the woman’s attitude is giving juliana whiplash, before she’d treated her like shit, and now she’d being almost nice. “um, right. did you get any relevant stuff for our investigation?” juliana doesn’t want to be here any longer than necessary.
“yeah, i recorded our entire chat. there’s some juicy shit there.” carvajal shows juliana her phone, a forty-minute audio recording sits on her recently saved files.
“good job.” she awkwardly pats her partner on the back. 
carvajal scoffs. “it was better than good and you know it.” she leans down so her and juliana’s faces are dangerously close, “c’mon, v, tell me i was amazing.” she pouts.
damn her and her stupid wide blue eyes and her perfectly shaped lips and- woah, juliana is more than a little buzzed too. “no, ya vámonos, carvajal. we gotta attend the briefing tom-” she starts to ramble when surprisingly strong arms wrap around her waist and soft lips crash into hers.
juliana has kissed people before, of course she has, she’s kissed her fair share of girls, even a few boys during games like spin the bottle or truth or dare when she was in middle school, but no one has ever made her stomach flip like this infuriating woman right here. the way carvajal gently sucks on juliana’s bottom lip makes her brain malfunction. 
they kiss for what seems like an eternity, only separating when their lungs demand air.
juliana blinks dazedly at carvajal when she calms herself down enough to hold the other woman’s gaze without jumping her. “what was that?” she asks.
“the creepy dude from before was pissing me off, looked at you like you were a piece of meat” carvajal explains without letting go of juliana “also, you were talking too much” she winks.
juliana process the information for a second. “so…” she trails off “… are we done here?” she asks as casually as she can. the kiss left her a little shaken, she can’t wait until she gets home for a nice hot bath -or a cold shower.
“yeah, just let me go grab a bottle of water. i need to sober up a little in case we bump into el alcoholímetro.” the brunette finally lets go of juliana.
juliana nods dumbly before going after her, she really needs to sober up too. 
“thank you for the ride.” juliana says quietly. carvajal had taken her home instead of just dropping her off at the subway station like she had suggested, claiming that she would never let someone take the subway at that hour, even if they annoyed her as much as juliana. (hero complex)
carvajal gives her a dorky thumbs up as she gets out of the car. “night, valdés, don’t let the bed bugs bite!” juliana can’t help but smile back. 
this day was so weird; first, being paired with carvajal had been unexpected, second, the other agent had been hostile towards her for no apparent reason, then treated her obnoxiously nicely, and third, she actually kind of liked carvajal, a little bit.
“do you want to… stay the night?” she asks with an amount of courage she didn’t know she was capable of mustering.
carvajal smirks, “are you propositioning me?”
“it’s late, you shouldn’t be out” juliana explains. “and i have a spare room.”
the brunette seems to think it through and juliana scolds herself for offering, you idiot this is none of you business. “sure, yeah.” oh.
“cool. c’mon i- i’ll show you” juliana stutters a half assed explanation of her home’s layout to her partner while said partner just looks at her amusedly.
“relax, valdés” carvajal chuckles. “i’m not going to bite you …unless you want to.”
juliana scoffs, why is she suddenly flirting with her? “didn’t you hate me this morning?”
“i don’t hate anyone, though i did dislike you a little, but i’ve always been a sucker for pretty girls.” she steps into juliana’s personal space.
carvajal cuts her off “shut up, valdés, you know exactly why you invited me over.” 
then, she joins their lips together, sucking on juliana’s bottom lip like she had an hour ago, and it is just as glorious. 
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captain-tiggy · 5 years
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“Are you seriously this cool all the time?”
(Macarena Achaga interview for InStyle Magazine, October 2019)
This phrase stuck in our heads when we stalked Macarena Achaga on her social media (that is, before an interview, we read, investigate, and we even get into those forgotten corners of the internet to know about the celebrities on our cover.) And we believe that this is the one question that many ask the Argentine actress...she answers it for us.
“I’m so excited, what did you think of the photos?” asks Maca about the photoshoot we did in Barcelona, ​​with the new collection of the Spanish brand “Desigual” (we love them, by the way). Precisely, she is an example of that (desigual), of originality embodied in a person; not only transcending from being a teenage entertainer in Mis XV, to becoming the actress whose character, along with Barbara Lopez, became the first lesbian couple on Mexican television in Amar a muerte, a telenovela written by Venezuelan Leonardo Padron and produced by Lemon and W Studios.
“I don’t want to discount any of my work because each of them has taken me to where I am now and shaped me professionally; I started with Mis XV and there I learned the importance of freedom at a young age. I am very grateful to have done it with maturity and that my parents always gave me the chance to make my own decisions; I constantly say that it’s better to regret the consequences of your own choices than to regret the ones that were decided for you. From a very young age, I faced and lived many things that, without knowing, would later give me the weapons to tell other people's stories and have empathy so that girls feel recognized.”
“That was the number one factor that happened with Juliantina; we were able to raise our voice for so many people out there who don’t have the opportunity to do so and who don’t have the freedom that I had. The transition in my career has been immense, but going through different experiences gave me the strength to go out and act. I do this because it allows me to be the voice of so many who don’t have one. Following what my heart says lets me do my job with a purpose,” confesses the artist who began more than 12 years ago in middle entertainment and today is one of the coolest faces on the small screen.
The growth that the Argentine has had has been tremendous, but she has also encountered unexpected challenges and obstacles. The industry is difficult, “as humans we are made to please. I think that it is one thing to pretend to fit in and quite another to want to belong. I don’t think it’s the same to fit in by changing who you are than to be with a group of people who are moved by the same things you are; however, I don’t look to change my way of being. I’m guided by the projects that align with my way of thinking. When I am old and I look in the mirror, I want to say ‘You did everything out of love’. I look to play roles that touch someone from a different point of view, but at the same time tell a message that I believe in.” And it’s precisely that, that she’s sure is how things are flowing and has been the success of her career.
She even told us a story of one of her castings, that she realized how the camera connects you to the audience, and because of that she is transparent with her acting and she feels that is part of the movement that is taking place with Juliantina.
Without a doubt, there are many girls, regardless of their sexual orientation, who have felt moved after seeing her performance as Valentina, who is part of a same-sex couple: “She encouraged them to speak without such filters. I don’t label myself and I want to convey that message. Of course, this opens up the conversation that you can have the relationship you want in the way you think it best; I think that these stereotypes and ideas that are so deeply rooted in society have finally begun to fall. I feel proud and responsible--even blessed--because so many girls have chosen me to be a voice that gives the message of equality and put it out there with the ideals of thousands of people. I am inspired by the change I see. As for the sexuality argument, it seems to me that it shouldn’t be a topic of conversation, not because it’s bad, but because it shouldn’t remain a taboo.” Macarena celebrates individuality and is sure that being yourself is the path to happiness, although she knows how difficult it is to translate into words.
And for the Juliantina fans comes a very important project: the movie that will take the couple to the big screen. Undeniably, it will mark a before and after in the history of Mexican television in which an LGBTQ+ couple transitions from a telenovela to a movie.
“It's beautiful to listen the community of women who are making themselves heard and who want to see the story that touched them so much. I thank God I was chosen to play it; it needed to be told. It is a romantic story, but above all, real. For me, it’s a response to the audience that’s socially responsible and their hope to see so much love and camaraderie. This opens a window for the world to be part of a turning point of love stories in general,” she emphasizes.
For her, it is important to go beyond generations, to reach entire families and that the audience connects with this moment of change. “It’s inevitable, urgent, and necessary that these issues are on the table, discussing important things requires courage. Talking about sexuality is uncomfortable, but it has to be done and we are opening the conversation. Recently, I had coffee with a fan from Brazil who told me that after a time of struggling, then seeing me on TV, and then on my social media, she realized that there was a life out there that she wasn’t enjoying. I want to end the prejudices and not have to explain, when many times you yourself are still discovering what is happening with you”.
Macarena is different, rebellious and breaking the rules since she was a child because she has a conscience that allows her to identify with what she likes and what she doesn't, although she admits that she couldn’t have accomplished it without the support of her family and fans who send her gifts, even from Korea, and make her feel special. 
“I like to break the rules and it’s important to learn how to say no and be an example without shame. End the excuses, give the answers from a place that comes from confidence in who you are,” she declares.
So yes, the answer is that Macarena is this cool, all the time.
Interview: Karla Jáuregui
Photos: Paola Vivas
Styling: Paulina Zas
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So if you don’t know this hashtag, I suggest you get on the bandwagon because this storyline has the potential to be eye opening. I have seen many lesbian storylines and I have written about many of them, so it’s hard to come by something new. For the most part, it usually starts with one being afraid to be different and then them having to deal with the fact that homophobia is real and does in fact exist in everyone’s circles. Yes, this is still relevant, but it is not the only story that needs to be told. So when a story comes along and finally has something new to offer, you better believe I am here for it.
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Now before you all get into an argument about how there is a lot of content out there, and that we are evolving. I agree, but for the record, I believe that in our part of the world, it is still sorely lacking when it comes to proper representation. Between the disasterous ending for #kana, the disappearance of sophie webster’s love life, the wreck we call #chelly, and the constant airtime breaks with #teriah, I’m starting to wonder if it is really that hard to tell a grown up story about two women. Now while the queer world seems to flourish in all the shows geared for younger audiences i.e. riverdale, batwoman, bold type, supergirl, the list is extensive, I have to say I can only watch so many teen/young adult stories before I need to let my brain breathe. Thus the reason I ended up in the Spanish world,  and I have to say I haven’t been disappointed. Between #juliantina, #flozmin, and #luimelia to name a few (and I really do mean a few because there are an abundance of them) I can safely say they have gotten it right. Can they do more? Of course, but then again, I am currently watching Pequena Victoria in which they have done something the English world still struggles with, giving representation to the transgender community. So I believe that the Spanish world is definitely doing fine in terms of keeping pace, so therefore I applaud that.
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Now, in the English speaking world, it is a little hard to come by couples that have that chemistry and is able to convey a story that can get my heart pumping like the Spanish ones have. However, that was before I came across #willex. I know this couple is relatively new and many would ask what is the big deal, well to me, the big deal can be summed up in this weeks episodes and two poignant lines.
“I don’t want to be your experiment.”
“What if I’m just a phase?”
Those two lines alone, made me sit up straighter and pay closer attention. Willow is supposedly straight, and instead of being afraid, she is diving headfirst into this relationship. She doesn’t understand what is happening but she knows what she wants and is ready to go after it. Alex on the other hand is like yes I really like you, but I need to guard my heart. Right? Because if the newness wears off, Alex will be the one holding her heart in her hand and being told, you know you should never let yourself fall for a straight girl.
That being said, regardless of straight or gay (because I think labels limits), these two women have to wade through uncharted territory while fighting desires and the urge to throw caution to the wind. We get to watch them fall in or out of love, and we get to feel just as giddy as they do. This is the kind of story you can’t help but be drawn into and you want them to be together but also you realize that there is a possibility that it might not happen. I know we want it to happen because well, we all want love. But in life we do go through phases, so what if it is one? What if Willow sleeps with Alex and decides its just not for her? Or what if Alex decides that she doesn’t want to be her first because the expectation is too high? I mean there is no guidebook here.
As I said, this story has the potential to be eye opening because most times, people don’t understand that we go through this. There is a saying, never fall in love with your straight friend. They may look like they could be with you but in the long run it never works. So with that in mind, I am here for this and I hope you are too.
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butimacommander · 5 years
(Here we go again... I was supposed to do a hell week clip next buuut it’s Helsinki pride week and it deserved something happy)
So, lets be honest, this was the clip that we were all waiting for. At some point we thought we wouldn’t get this clip (since it looked like that for sec) but then BOOM it came and surprised us on a normal thursday morning. Gotta love skam españa. 
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Try to look at this picture for more than 10 seconds without crying challenge. This is just so beautiful, these two are so beautiful, love is so beautiful, life is so beautiful, girls are so beautiful and this is art. 
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This reminds me of an infinity sign or a ying & yang sign or apparently basically anything that a basic white girl would get a tattoo of during her travels.
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Knowing what we know now, this breaks my heart. Joana looks so fragile and like she’s afraid this all could disappear in a heartbeat. 
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Joana’s look and tight grip in this reminds me of how she was at the end of the hospital clip: So in love but so afraid that Cris will run away as soon as she finds out the truth. 
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Joana’s little smile. Our girl is so happy. And our other girl is so calm and so very red. 
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Joana being held by Cris. I repeat. JOANA BEING HELD BY CRIS. I made a whole post ages ago about how much this moment must have meant for Joana and I’m not going to repeat that whole thing, but i’ll just say how Joana has one of the toughest weeks of her life ahead, and this, some rest in the arms of the girl she loves, must have given her some energy and hope to get through that.
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This show is basically just hair and hand porn. They know the gays so well. 
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As happy as this all makes me, the more i look at these the more i just really want a girlfriend. So bad.
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“One day i’ll tell you”. Some people have said to me that Joana’s necklace could just symbolise her BDP as a whole, and not a specific event, and that telling about the necklace would mean just telling about her illness. This could be true, but I personally still think that it’s some sort of “badge of honour” for getting through tough times and i really hope that some day Joana will tell Cris the full story of the necklace.
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Any time skames has these shots where the camera is behind some objects i for some reason imagine that i’m actually there creeping and watching this all happen whilst hiding in a corner. Just me? Oooookay. 
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*Patiently waits for the day when Cris will call Joana beautiful* 
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Coming out to your friends is very often linked to trust (as Joana does in this clip), so i really really liked how Cris says that she does indeed trust her friends, even though she does not know how to tell about her and Joana to them. There’s so much more to coming out than simply trust, and at least for me a lot of it is actually just trying to find the right words and the right moment, no matter how close you’d be with someone.
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Cris’s face when she talks about the girl gang says it all - she loves these girls so much. 
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How the fuck is irene a real human part 394.
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Joana’s comments about friends and friendships obviously say a lot about her past. What i gathered is that she’s moved a lot, hence she doesn’t have friends she’d known for a long time, and that her friends stabbed her in the back when she was going through the fucking worst. I really really hope that we find out more about Joana’s past one day and that the girl gang show her what real friendship can be.
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“How can you know what’s the fucking worst?” is actually a very legit question and i really would want to see Joana and Tamara debate this.
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I’ve pointed this out before, but Cris’s smile when Joana says te quiero even though it’s said in a context that has nothing to do with her MELTS MY HEART.
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Joana grabbing Cris’s side makes me feel things. 
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Skam españa’s social media content director (i for sure screwed that title up) said in a tumblr ask that the skam characters have phones that reflect their financial situation (which fully makes sense), sooooo Joana’s iphone 6 should have been a clear sign that Joana is indeed not neighbours with Viri, which was theorised at some point.
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THIS GIRL IS SO IN LOVE and i want to climb through the screen and tell her that so that what happens the coming sunday won’t happen.... 
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I can honestly watch skames without the subtitles at this point thanks to crisana and juliantina teaching me the basics of Spanish, but it makes me so sad that i can’t really tell the difference between Joana and Cris’s accents. I feel like being able to tell the difference in the way these two talk would add so much to their characters... (what i can tell now is that Joana and her mom pronounces her name completely differently than anyone in spain, which i find really funny for some reason)
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Somehow this is the most natural girlfriendesc position to be in. Screw spooning, bring in just laying on your gf’s but.
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I wish i could go back to past me and tell her to enjoy this moment of happiness even more than i did (if that was possible), since we literally went through like 3 hell weeks after this. Good times. 
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Actual girlfriends in love.
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AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is the content i want and need to survive in this cold heteronormative world that we live in.
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As much as i want to concentrate on Cris’s happy face, i can’t help but to concentrate on her nails that look like actual claws in this pic. and joanas waist
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Just putting it out there that Joana’s bed is literally three times bigger than Cris’s, sooooooooooooooooo i’m hoping the future morning cuddles will be there so no one needs to fall of the bed... Well, Joana’s family knows about her and Cris, so it’s probably safe to say that most sleepovers will probably be there anyways. (still hoping that we’ll get a Joana season one day so that we can get a clip of this)
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It’s been almost a month now since this season ended and nope, i’m still not over any of this.
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supreme-stories-z · 5 years
TvyNovelas interview
How did you prepare for this story?
M: We talked a lot before starting to record, we wanted to tell the story of two people who identify with each other and fall in love, where gender wouldn’t matter that much. Also, for me the magic is that between two girls there is always a connection that goes beyond. That thing of how you understand each other, how you feel and that sensitivity with which you can communicate many times without speaking.
B: This relationship has a lot to do with friendship, because it transcends and that is the basis of love.
It was a big responsibility for the small screen …
B: It was an experiment on this side because we did not know what was going to happen and how the audience would react, so we didn't know how much we could put of our own experience or if we just let ourselves go. In the end, the result was incredible.
M: We put things that were not in the script as we were building it, so that the story would be better understood. The greatest responsibility that we had to live with was the ability to translate what they lived and felt, and we achieved that.
What happened when you saw yourselves as a trend for the first time in social media? Did you call each other?
M: It was progressive. Barbara, do you remember that day? What happened is that when we thought that everything was at its maximum, something else always arrived, every night. It was awesome and I can tell you that it made us very happy.
B: exactly that: there have been so many moments that we are very grateful to the fans, it was a lesson of confidence.
Do you have any scenes that specifically remember?
B: The one in the pool, it’s epic with the cold we had! And the shower one because it was another completely different scenario, we were literally boiling.
M: Just as they see us as casual we were trembling, it was so cold, we can not explain it. We clung to the water below and said: “What are we going to do?”, We could not stop shaking. They are super difficult scenes, we were very concentrated and at the same time every detail was taken care of; I believe that they saw us suffer so much (in the pool with the cold water) that in the shower one they said: “We better burn them”.
Barbara, you always said that it is better to go slowly but surely; You already made it, how do you feel now?
B: There’s a say that God’s times are perfect and I think that’s the way it is. I’ve always known that I can do bigger things but I trusted my process, I give a lot of value to every step, however small, and all of that leads to the perfect moment and that is why I am here.
M: Barbara and I talked a lot, especially because of the circumstances in which we ended up working together, and we defined it in one sentence: “Points are connected backwards and not forwards”, life goes by and we question ourselves “why me? ”, Whether good or bad, actually, the answer is seen later, and for us to find each other now makes sense.
How is your relationship off camera?
B: Sincerelly, that is the most important thing, and what makes chemistry go through the screen. I already found a friend in Maca, so why not take advantage of this friendship? It is such an important moment in our lives that we will never forget. Sorority is the word that defines us.
M: Sometimes they teach you to compete, be stronger, bigger, go first no matter what. In our case, this would not have happened the one without the other, “Juliantina” we are two people who will never fault the rights of the other for their own benefit. That is something very valuable, a generational example of doing things differently.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when i say Amar a Muerte?
B: amazing luck.
M: Something that we will cherish forever.
Anything you want to add?
B: Thanks, Maca.
M: There are so many things … thank you, Barbara.
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