#i wrote it in like 20 minutes
eli0004 · 3 months
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AoT as songs during a breakup and why [Pt. 1 Men Edition]
Contains: Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Levi
Warnings: insecurity, implied cheating, drug use, pining, toxicity, crying
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Eren- [Black Cats- ZillaKami]
After you two break up, Eren goes through three phases. Anger at you, anger at himself, and finally just trying to forget and pretend nothing ever happened. He’s the type of guy that smokes until he’s numb, and forces himself to ignore the heartbreak. If he broke up with you, he’ll probably be back in your DMs in a week. But if you hurt him, he’ll expect you to come back and apologize. The man is too prideful to beg.
Armin- [If Only- Fink]
Sweet Armin 🥹 baby boy, he blames himself. Even if the breakup was your fault, he’s thinking of all the ways he could’ve been better for you. He’ll run through every possible reason you felt like he wasn’t enough for you, any sign he missed that he wasn’t trying hard enough. He won’t get over you, even as the time passes, there will always be room in his heart that he’ll keep unoccupied in case you ever decide to come back for him. This boy will love you forever, even if it hurts.
Jean- [It’s Called: Free Fall- Rainbow Kitten Surprise]
Jean is a very emotional guy…in private. He won’t outwardly show how it affects him, he’ll go out with friends and make an appearance at parties like it’s no big deal. For the first while he’s able to fool himself too. It’s one night when he gets home after a trip to the lake with his friends and starts thinking about how quiet his evenings are without you, he breaks. He feels a bit hopeless, and frustrated that he can’t just turn it off. He doesn’t want to feel it, because he’s scared it will consume him. He’s scared that other people will recognize his vulnerability.
Connie- [Who Needs Love- Trippie Redd]
My man is a LIAR. Connie hates you. He’s talking shit, he’s saying you were toxic and he’s glad you’re gone. He doesn’t need you and he could have anyone he wants, so why be sad? Until he runs into you at a party and you drunkenly admit that you still love him. Suddenly the world is colorful again, and loving really is worth the pain.
Reiner- [Creep- Radiohead]
Even if Reiner isn’t a loser, in his own mind he is. He went into your relationship believing you deserved so much better than him, he never understood how you managed to look at him and see anything worth loving. Everything he ever did was to ensure your happiness, so if leaving him is what will make that happen, he’ll let you go. He’ll watch you post on your instagram story when you go on dates, he’ll see your happy lil smile and he’ll smile to himself, ignoring the tear that escapes his eyes and moistens his pillow. He tells himself that he’s just proud of you, and glad you’re doing well.
Bert- [Break- Alex G]
Bert is a loser, and he believes he’s a loser. It’s endearing, because he doesn’t understand how he managed to pull you in the first place. He would walk to the ends of the earth and back barefoot to make you happy, his love knows no bounds. He’s a certified simp and he doesn’t mind being called one, because he doesn’t see any reason not to be proud that others are acknowledging how diligently he loves you, how devoted he is to your happiness. When things end, he feels cheated and drained. Like it was all for nothing. The type of guy who will say he’ll never love again, and even if it’s not true, it will definitely be a long time before he does.
Levi- [Killer- Phoebe Bridgers]
Levi has some pretty significant abandonment issues. He’s another one that would do anything to see you smile, he believes that the more he does for you, the more worthy of love he is. He doesn’t see himself as lovable unless he can be of service. Even if he doesn’t show it, Levi can be pretty insecure. He knows he isn’t the most approachable, he can be blunt and brash, and he doesn’t always know how to be gentle. But your love makes him feel like he’s good. He’s not ready to give that up, and he’s thinking of all the ways he can show you he wants to make it work. He can’t accept that it’s over, and one way or another he’ll have you back in his arms.
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arealfvckinglegacy · 2 years
my short little heartstopper fic that I wrote today already has 241 hits and 39 kudos on ao3.
i know that's not a lot, but it's the first fic I've written in like 10 years and i'm so happy with it.
anyway if you missed my post earlier you can read it here if you want
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tddoodles · 6 months
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Okay, listen Courtney as a deer faun
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
What’s that? Another first kiss ficlet from me?? Just over 500 words of fluff
“When was the last time you kissed someone?” Steve pauses, then adds, “Or were kissed.” Because there’s a difference. At least, Steve thinks there is. He’s usually the one doing the kissing but there have been a few times when he’s been kissed and… It’s definitely different.
“What?” Eddie looks up from where he’s rolling a joint, brow furrowed. “I don’t— Huh?”
“Kissing.” Steve leans on his elbow, propping his head on his hand. “When was the last time you did it.” He thinks a moment. “No, the last time you were really good and properly kissed.”
“What does that mean?”
“You know…” Steve lifts one shoulder. “Just the last really good perfect kiss.”
“I don’t know.”
“If you don’t wanna talk about it…”
“I just don’t know.”
Eddie looks at Steve for a moment then rolls off the bed, going over to fiddle with the stereo. “Yeah, really.”
And that’s not right. Eddie should know when he was last kissed. He should be kissed all the time. By Steve, preferably.
Steve goes over, leaning back against the dresser so he can look at Eddie, but Eddie isn’t looking at him. Shit. He kicks Eddie’s foot and says, “Hey, man, it’s cool.”
Eddie sighs, ejecting a tape and switching it over to the other side. He looks at Steve. “It’s been years since I kissed anyone, okay, and it was… It was the wrong person. It was awkward and…” He shakes his head. “Not really a lot of opportunity for me to kiss the right kind of person in Hawkins.”
Oh. Steve has wondered. Mostly at the back of his mind, but… The way Eddie doesn’t talk about things like kissing, or dates, or sex makes sense. Well, he doesn’t talk about them in specifics. It’s always vague. “That’s not right.”
“I mean, you should be kissed.”
“You just should be.” Steve leans a little closer, heart beating hard.
Eddie presses play and crosses his arms over his chest. “You got any volunteers in mind?”
“I might.” Steve looks at Eddie a moment, then he reaches out, curling his fingers around Eddie’s wrist, tugging until Eddie unfolds his arms. “But it depends how you feel about the person I’m thinking of.”
Eddie looks over Steve’s face, searching, and then he says, “I don’t— I don’t wanna be wrong about this,” and Steve slides his hand down until he’s palm to palm with Eddie. Eddie makes a choked little noise and laces his fingers with Steve’s. He raises his brows in question, looking at Steve so open and hopeful that Steve’s chest squeezes tight.
So, he pulls on their joined hands, raises his other to cup Eddie’s face, and softly, gently kisses him. He kisses him and kisses him, the way Eddie should be kissed, the way he hopes—is pretty sure—Eddie wants to be kissed. And then Eddie brings his hand up to Steve’s face and then Eddie is kissing him. And it’s so so good.
When they part, Eddie licks his lips and says, “Today.”
“That was the last time I was good and properly kissed.”
Steve smiles and says, “It won’t be the last time,” and he kisses Eddie again.
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nipuni · 8 months
OH my god we just watched Dr.Who "Human Nature" and "Family of Blood"
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loafofryebread · 4 months
there is something so terrifying about wanting to be held, a years deep ache in my bones, like a child sobbing pleading for someone to notice, to care.
come here darling, I swear I will not bite, come here please, smooth away the cracks in my skin, piece me back together with the gold of your love, like the japanese would repair their pottery.
there is something so vulnerable about wanting to be touched, undoing me with a mere brush of the fingers, peeling back my layers like the skin of an orange, and each golden segment of my soul, is an offering (i love you).
oh, do you think you could hold me? just this once? kiss the backs of my knees when they ache? trace the divots of my spine like exploring a foreign land? memorize the shape of my nose, my jaw, my eyes, turning the terrain of my body into something familiar.
Perhaps it is selfish of me to ask for such a thing, I have always been a rather demanding creature, a dog, scratching at the door, begging to be let in.
I will be gentle I swear, curl up in your chest, your ribcage can be a temple, your heart the god I bow before, praying you might hold me, if only for a little while.
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heartsoji · 1 year
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synopsis: nagi wants your attention, but you're working on some pain-in-the-ass school project.
warning(s): light swearing but nothing really
notes: i tried to do like the lazy nagi speaking i always see ('s instead of 'its,' jus' instead of just) but i think i kind of failed
used prompts from here! (12, 14, 20)
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nagi was fed up.
you had been working on some sort of school assignment for how long? days? weeks? months? maybe years.. all nagi knows is that you've been doing it for way too long.
“sad…i have a blanket with all this extra room and no one to share it with.” he droned, hoping you would drop whatever useless school thing you were working on and just come cuddle with him instead, but alas, that was not the case.
"i'll be done soon enough, sei."
'sei.' the nickname would make any outsider think that you loved and cared for him, which you clearly didnt, seeing as you decided that that so-called 'important project for school' was more important than your wonderful boyfriend.
"how much longer?"
"maybe an hour or so,"
an hour? mhm, mhm, no. nagi didnt know if you just suddenly hated his guts, but personally, he wasn't putting up with whatever elaborate scheme to annoy him and deprive him of love and affection you had going on. although it was a pain to get out of his bed, (your bed, actually) he slid out from under the covers and sauntered over to your seated back.
he groaned as he leaned over ("'ts such a pain to bed over to your height," he says) to wrap his arms around your neck, inhaling your scent happily. you giggled and hugged him back, affectionately nuzzling his arm.
"someones feeling clingy." you quipped, smiling.
"ah, that's mean." he pouted, still tightening his hold on you further.
he sighed. "come back to bed. please?"
you looked into his beautiful, grey eyes. those pleading orbs were reaching into your heart and tugging on the strings. he gave you his best puppy eyes and the cutest pout that made your heart so happy.
dun dun DUUUUUN. nagi's jaw dropped in shock at your coldness. (actually, it was more of a slight part of the lips but thats as much as you're gonna get) where did this newfound heartlessness come from? did you suddenly hate him? why were you being so cruel?
"sei, it wont be long until im done! i have to finish this, though."
maybe he should just let you be. you were working so diligently to work on your studies and he was just being a burden to your academic success. it wouldnt be much longer, so he should just go back to..
"no way. your precious boyfriend who you love very much 's right here and he's not waiting any longer."
nagi gently placed you on the mattress (lowkey threw you) and immediately crawled underneath the covers beside you, immediately pressing his cheek to your chest.
"seeeeeei... i need to finish my project,"
"mm-mm. you've been working on it for way too long.. 'ts such a hassle being by myself.."
you sighed, wrapping your arms around him. "alright, but only for half an hour."
he didnt say anything, but he'd knew he'd have you staying longer than that.
he smiled warmly into your chest. "your hugs are nice..."
you giggled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "you're so sweet,"
"mm.. 'ts no need to say. i know." he smiled lazily before adding a quick, "'ts ok though. i dont mind jus' hearing you say it.."
you rolled your eyes but still held him lovingly. soon enough, however, his half an hour was up.
"sorry, sei, but i need to get back to work now." you said, pulling yourself out of bed.
he groaned. "why can't we stay here forever?"
you chuckled. "because i have work to do."
"but 'm right here.. y're really gonna leave me all by myself?" nagi pouted, trying to coax you into coming back.
"yeah." you grinned, chuckling at his pout growing wider. "im gonna get back to work now, ok?"
his long arms circled around your waist quickly before he pulled you back into bed, smushing your head into his beautifully wonderfully toned chest, enveloping you in his ginormous frame. (overgrown mf) "gotta have you with me.. work on it later.."
"nagi! i gotta get back to-"
"WHAT THE HELL?! DID YOU JUST BITE ME?!" you screamed, rubbing the cheek he nibbled on.
he held you tighter, smushing his cheek against the top of your head. "dont call me by my last name.. 's rude."
you sighed. "you big baby."
"yeah. your baby."
you rolled your eyes but snuggled up to him regardless.
"yeah. i guess so."
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eosofspades · 1 year
Something always confused me about the messages Cayde left to his 'killers'. Like, while he could be annoying at times, I just don't see, say, Ikora or the Guardian killing him. Could you clear it up for me?
not sure what prompted this ask, but i would LOVE to talk about Cayde let's go
to me, the thing about Cayde that a shockingly small amount of people seem to understand is that this guy is deeply self-loathing. the best way i've ever seen it summed up is "he was a terrified man who was mostly terrified of himself." (you can read that post here btw.)
Cayde blames and guilts himself for so much. Andal becoming the Vanguard, Andal dying, Taniks not staying dead, making up Ace and his Queen, not remembering Ace and his Queen, probably the Red Legion attack on the Last City (i think it might have been written somewhere that satellites/security was his job, but don't quote me on that) - he's constantly running away from his problems and responsibilities, and when he isn't, he's doing everything he can to try and fix them himself (e.g., one-man suicide mission plan to kill Ghaul.)
moreover, his entire jokester persona is so deeply ingrained into his identity that he genuinely doesn't know if anyone even knows him. in his message to Ikora he says he wasn't even sure if she ever liked him, and Ikora confides to the Guardian that she considered him one of her closest friends.
as such, i think it's completely reasonable within his character for him to assume, somehow, that there could be a reason for Ikora or the Guardian to kill him. he doesn't consider himself integral to the Vanguard "team," and, by extension, to the City. he would like them to like him, of course, but even if they like the lax, aloof, jokester persona he puts on - he doesn't know if they like him. he doesn't even seem confident that anyone would like the real him.
so, if they had to kill him for whatever reason - "the good of the City," because he messed something up, because he did something terrible, some kind of Darkness-corruption (him or them), maybe even if he was just that insufferable and they'd finally had enough - he thinks of himself so lowly that he wouldn't really be able to blame them. (in most of his audios he even sort of has a reason planned - he pissed off Eris badly enough, Zavala had to kill him for the good of the City, the Guardian saved him on Nessus so he "owed it to them anyway" - i think that he carries so much guilt and exhaustion, especially with regards to everything that happened to Andal, that, on some level, he feels like he deserves it.)
so, in regards to your question, sure, WE can't imagine Ikora or the Guardian killing him, but we are the audience, and Cayde doesn't have any idea as to how anyone else might feel about him when the chips are down.
(in fact, life on the line, if someone had to die, i doubt Cayde would even let it be anyone in the City but him. i have a whole post planned about Forsaken + themes of sacrifice, but his whole "Not if I get there first," followed by personally sailing down into a deadly explosion (even with a Ghost) is very indicative of this and a much broader sort of self-sacrificial-ness, but that's... a much longer post.)
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jankwritten · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge: CHB Jason
Nico isn’t sure what’s worse: the fact that his childhood best friend seemingly disappeared into thin air a week ago, or the fact that the hottest guy he’s ever seen in his life has mysteriously appeared within Camp Jupiter’s walls. 
“Of course it was the first cohort,” he overhears after a Senate meeting, whispered in the halls. “He must be crazy powerful, if Lupa didn’t even need to train him!” 
“Shut up, that’s just a rumor. Everyone has to meet Lupa.” 
“They definitely met,” the first voice insists. Nico leans further into his shadows. The pair pass in front of him. “But she just let him go.” 
Hot guy is, of course, the gossip of the week. The month, even. 
Nico privately decides that hot guy is worse, only because it seems like his presence alone has turned the Legion into morons who’ve forgotten their freakishly powerful, supposed-to-be-Praetor has literally evaporated. Poof! No more son of Neptune! 
Nico would think the people who just a few years ago made a massive deal out of every move said son of Neptune made would pay a little more attention to the fact that the whole freaking man is gone! 
But no. There’s new gossip to be had, about a blonde with drool-worthy eyes and a scar on his lip and a suspiciously-missing backstory. 
Spend enough time in the Underworld, and you learn to suspect the whole amnesia act. Shades always know more than they pretend to. 
As the senate hall empties, Nico sinks fully back into the shadows. 
He will not let this stand. 
(to be continued)
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whatsagirltoblogabout · 8 months
Opposite of an Intellectual
“The opposite of an intellectual… you really think you could do that, Caffrey?” Jones asked, reading through the cover description.
“Do what?” Neal responded, blinking at them in confusion. Instead of the overly innocent smile that would usually accompany a question like that from Neal, his face was just blank curiosity. It seemed that for once the con man wasn’t messing with them; he just hadn’t been paying attention. 
“Be the opposite of an intellectual,” Diana repeated for him with an incredulous chuckle. 
Neal’s brows furrowed lightly in confusion. ‘What’s an… intellectual?” he asked, seeming to struggle to recall the word. 
Diana scrutinized him, but despite all the years she had spent working with Neal Caffrey, she couldn’t find a single tell that he was lying. By all appearances, Neal Caffrey genuinely did not know the word ‘intellectual.’
“On second thought, that’s kinda scary,” Jones decided, taking an unconscious step backwards. “Please stop.” 
Neal finally broke, giving them a devious grin and a theatrical bow. Diana had to admit, seeing firsthand how convincingly Neal could become someone diametrically opposed to his actual self was a bit terrifying. The short demonstration had left her heart pounding and breathing slightly shallow. 
“Remember this the next time you doubt me,” Neal warned cheerfully, winking at them before sauntering away. Diana and Jones looked at each other once he was gone.
“That was scary, right?” Jones asked.
“Yeah,” Diana confirmed, “that was definitely scary.” 
Then an idea hit her. “I wanna see Peter’s reaction!”
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gunstellations · 4 months
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"you haven't only received loss"
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poly-space-nerds · 2 years
Finally, after centuries of pining for this dark haired man in front of him, Hob holds Dream in his arms.
Finally, he thinks, as Dream kisses him passionately, hands holding his cheeks close. He opens his mouth, tongues sliding together.
He tastes- He tastes like- What does he taste like? Rain? A forest? An aged book? Blast. How come book characters always know what a person tastes like? See, this was why I was never a poet. It’s okay though. Maybe Shakespeare turned his head but look who’s holding him now? Ha you-
“Have you gotten lost Hob Gadling?” The voice of his stranger gets him out of his thoughts. He’s about to make an excuse when he sees the look on his lover’s face. It’s incredibly soft and fond. The corners of his mouth are lifted almost as if he’s amused by Hob’s daydreaming.
“Oh bugger off.” Hob says as he captures Dreams lips again.
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muqingists · 1 year
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@unrelatabledude made me read svsss and i've been incredibly normal about it. i have so many thoughts about the relation to names in this novel and i probably won't flesh this out further so i figured i'd just put it here anyways!
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hexavo · 3 months
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Silly little guys doing ✨silly little things✨
I was bored while on a train so I decided to read the IDW comic. And here we are.
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robinsnest2111 · 2 months
27. Demon summoning w motley. ill let you decide if one of them is the demon or nah
you're in luck, bestie! this prompt inspired me to draw AND write 🔥
Starting a band wasn't easy, especially if you were missing a decent guitarist. Sure, a bunch of people had shown up for auditions, but none of them were the right fit. After weeks of no success, Nikki turned up at the apartment with a strange book sporting a big red pentagram on the cover. He'd found it while perusing a little curio and occultism shop, off one of the main streets, a little hidden away. Something drew him to it and who was he to resist that fateful pull.
Tommy and Vince were sceptical. What use would that old tome be? Magic was not a real thing and now they were short on money for groceries and other necessities just because Nikki decided he needed to have it and that it would help them.
Nikki carefully studied the book the following days, until he landed on a page detailing the steps to summon various kinds of demons and infernal creatues for all sorts of purposes.
Eventually, he was able to convince Tommy and Vince to help him set everything up to try and summon the perfect guitarist for their band. As ridiculous as it sounded, they decided to just go for it. They gathered candles, chalk, matches, sacrificial items relating to the kind of demon the three of them wanted to summon and went to work.
As soon as Nikki had finished reading the spell, the summoning circle they had drawn out on their living room floor began to glow red. Tommy stepped closer to Nikki's right while Vince grabbed hold of Nikki's left shoulder and upper arm, almost hiding behind the bassist.
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A blinding flash of light, a boom that must've rattled the entire apartment building, and suddenly, Nikki, Tommy, and Vince found themselves staring at a very real and very scary looking demon, a guitar grasped tightly in its hands. It was close in height and stature to Vince but no less intimidating. The demon fixed the three men with an intense stare, as if gazing right into their very souls. Who would've thought that summoning creatures from the depths of hell as an unorthodox band recruitment strategy actually worked?
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Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
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unliving-cs · 2 years
etho always falls asleep next to bdubs, and bdubs always wakes up next to etho.
at first, it was nothing more than a pattern they had fallen into while spending nights together. bdubs sleeps as soon as the sun sets and rises alongside it, while etho works well into the night and wakes up past lunchtime. it's their natural rhythm. etho finds sanctity in coming home from a day of working on redstone projects and meticulous building to find bdubs sound asleep and comfortable. bdubs finds comfort in waking up with etho wrapped around him and making sure he gets enough rest before heading out to work on a new castle or mountain.
there have been times where etho will come to bed only half an hour before the sun rises, and bdubs will have already been awake and prepared to start his day. regardless, etho will climb into bed and bdubs will hold him until he falls asleep. etho always sleeps easier when he falls asleep next to bdubs, and bdubs always feels more content when he knows etho is sleeping enough.
they are together in last life, and sleep close together in the snow fort. they maintain their routine. etho would fall asleep after bdubs, always suggesting he take first watch; bdubs would accuse him of plotting a betrayal those first few nights. in reality, etho took comfort in knowing things were still okay enough for bdubs to fall asleep in his company. bdubs still found warmth in the way he woke up in etho's arms, but over time he realized the grip etho kept was growing a little more protective, and a little more desperate. he'd be lying if he said he didn't find his own comfort in it.
etho struggles to sleep when bdubs dies. he sometimes struggles to wake up, too.
in double life, it isn't etho that bdubs wakes up next to. impulse is caring and warm, and bdubs honestly and truly loves him. the way impulse holds onto him is secure and committed, but it almost feels hesitant. it lacks the clinginess that etho's hold has, more delicate despite impulse's bulk. it's not the same "i need to hold you, to know you want me here," consuming loyalty that etho has. he's never lying when he says impulse treats him right and loves him truly, but it lacks familiarity.
bdubs finds etho at sunrise one morning while working on the pool. he's sitting on his horse, watching bdubs carefully. etho inquires about impulse again, and bdubs gives the same response as always. he doesn't mention the fact he misses waking up in etho's arms. the tiredness in etho's eyes gives away his lack of sleep, and tells bdubs he really doesn't need to.
they sleep together for one night in the deepslate fort, waiting for cleo, scott, martyn and pearl to find them. the night after etho dies, impulse does not need to ask bdubs why he can't sleep.
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