#i'll update this more as necessary and will make posts to note any changes!!
jalenay · 28 days
Nothing's Wrong with Dale - Publishing Update May 4 2024
So my work work is starting to relax - it'll be 'normal' working hours after May 15, but i'm manifesting some early additional free time (by ignoring some of the things i still have left to do) and i thought i'd give an update on my current NWWD plan to fill you guys in (if anyone wants to know) and to motivate myself to, you know, do it.
let me know what you think and if you have any questions! or if there's anything else you want to know!
So the overall plan is as follows:
First Rough Edit - this is basically just changing the POV from 2nd POV to 3rd POV. This is very tedious and currently what I'm doing right now. I'm also making a list as I go for high level updates/changes i want to make. Just thinking about the story as a whole and what tweaks i want to make now that the whole thing is finally done (primarily moving exposition around, if there's anything extra i can remove, timing of when certain things are discussed, and so on).
My Main Edit - this will be more time consuming but probably more fun as i do my main revise and edit of the story as a whole. i'll likely print the entire story out, make edits on hard copy, and then type up all the edits. I will also probably be sending the updated chapters to my main beta, for her opinion. (this would be the person i first texted about Dale in Dec 2021, she deserves first look lol)
Editor - After I'm happy with what I've done, i'll send the entire thing over to my editors, the main ones who worked on DSM. This will likely take a good amount of time (DSM took one month) but in many ways involves less effort from me lol. Just nerves.
Cover, Self-publishing Details - while my editors have the manuscript, I'll be narrowing down what I want the cover to look like and hiring a cover artist. (i've got a short list of artists right now, but i'll probably continue to refine that). I'm bad a visualizing covers and so this will be hard for me, although i have some basic ideas. i'll need to gather reference photos too and then work with the artist. I also want to publish more widely than just Amazon and will hopefully get DSM out to other places as well as a test run before NWWD. Look into more marketing? This is the most miscellaneous of the steps.
Process Edits - actually go through all the edits and notes given to me by my editor. This takes a lot of time (and is mentally taxing - no one likes to read pages of people telling you what you need to fix about what you wrote even if its overall extremely helpful and necessary)
Finalizing - I'll send the edited version to my first beta and another ARC reader/friend. I'll work on the formatting for the book. Coordinating where it will be published and when.
This is a loose list of steps that I mostly defined right now, but are similar to what i did with DSM. As i said, I'm in step one, currently just finished Chapter 25 of 36 of that rough edit.
I'll try to provide some updates on the process at it moves along, if people are interested in hearing about that. I'll most likely keep those updates on this blog, along with any other publishing specific commentary. if any one has any questions or thoughts on the whole thing, please feel free to send them to this blog or comment on this post.
I'm very excited to really dig into publishing NWWD and looking forward to sharing it with you!
Thanks to everyone for all their support - I wouldn't even be considering this (i probably wouldn't have even had a finished draft) with you!
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faeriegirl · 6 months
Please read before contacting me for a commission, thank you so much!
sketch: $10
lineart: $20
lineart + color: $30
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples for bust art
sketch: $15
lineart: $25
lineart + color: $50
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples of waist-up art
sketch: $20
lineart: $45
lineart + color: $75
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples of full body art
Character sheets and illustrations:
Basic character sheets with front and back view with color palette start at $140, but prices will go up depending on various items, such as additional character images or other items added to the sheet.
Illustrations will start at a base price of $100 but will be adjusted according to detail required and time needed to complete the image.
These works generally take a lot of time and effort on my part, so please allow adequate deadlines if requesting one of these items. I work a full time job and so my illustrations tend to take a lot of my free time, so please be patient and always ask questions if you ever have any concerns.
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-Examples of character sheets
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-Examples of illustrations
$30 full body chibis! (price is per character)
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-Examples of full body chibis
Body Pillows - body pillow designs will be priced at 75$ per illustration (that means 150$ total for a 2-sided body pillow)
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-Examples of body pillow designs
Limbus Company
Madoka Magica
My OCs <3
Genshin Impact
Sketch Commissions/Requests - Sketch comms are rewards for any amount of ko-fi donations or patreon subscribers! Any donation or sub is entitled to request a sketch, so please feel free to message me if you decide to support in one of these ways!
I will draw:
Ship art
Animals + mythical creatures + pokemon etc
Anthro / furry (i have less experience with them but i’m completely open to making art of it)
Landscape, scenery (prices will need to be discussed)
NSFW - you must be 18 or older to commission these however!
In most of my drawings I'll usually put in a simple background of some kind, unless directed otherwise. References are always appreciated and if there is something specific you want feel free to tell me so! Any and all references or details are highly appreciated.
If you have something in particular you’d like me to draw that isn’t discussed in this post, please feel free to ask and i’ll be glad to clarify price ranges and so on.
I'm also happy to design characters, create an adoptable, or make icons if it is of interest! Prices can be discussed with me further if you’d like this.
Some other notes:
I will need the fee for paypal included in the final payment!
I will not draw or provide any content until I’m paid in full!
I will accept partial payment ONLY if the artwork costs $100 or more. In this case, I will accept half of the payment up front, and the remainder must be received BEFORE I complete any finalized art or provide ANY files beyond sketch/lineart.
When I am commissioned, I will be in regular contact and update with progress images, to discuss satisfaction with the artwork and if changes are necessary. Please keep in mind that if excessive changes are requested, I will also request additional payment. I tend to follow the three strike rule, after the third edit, I will request additional funds for my time.
I will do my absolute best to get the content to you as quickly as possible!! I am not the type to leave a task unfinished!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via DMs on shiningcelebi, faeriegirl, or on my twitter @plutopri
if you want my email, please ask and I will provide!
I currently have 3 slots open for commissions! If I manage to fill them up I’ll close them until I’m finished with all of them<3
My paypal is paypal.me/ZoeStabile, please send all payments there unless using kofi
You may not use any art I create to train AI programs of any kind, or use them for NFT’s or any other items of the sort.
If you wish to use my art for commercial projects, please let me know beforehand because our contract will have to change to accommodate this.
I do reserve the right to refuse a commission if need be. Partial refunds will be considered for those wishing to cancel if I’m partway through a commission.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns! I’ll adjust this page or make a new page if and when it is necessary! Thank you for your time!
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 7 months
Occasionally Asked Questions (updated when necessary)
Q. Can I use this idea?
A. Yes, you can use the bad tf fic ideas if you want! (If I have a fic idea I want to write and feel jealous about I will simply not post it to the bad tf fic ideas blog.)
Q. How do I credit you?
A. If you use one of the bad tf fic ideas and you choose to credit this account, then you can just write 'inspired by ...' in your author's note and link to the post. This is not mandatory.
Q. What do I do if I think something you posted is bad? Or what if it makes me feel bad?
A. This account is pretty agnostic about ships and characters. It occasionally contains NSFW written content. It contains all sorts of themes, including ones that may make you feel bad. And I don't delete ideas for being bad (see blog title for details). You can block the blog and you won't see it in your followed tags, though, which should take care of most of these concerns.
Q. Why did you block (or soft block) my blog?
A. Many possibilities! Really strong chance it's not personal. The most common one is that I often block blogs that appear to belong to people who are still in highschool or that have these "do not interact," policies that contain a) vague criteria that might or might not include this side blog (like if they say "basic DNI criteria," or "etc.," or something), or b) specific criteria that definitely does include this side blog.
Also, if you are rude to me, I will block you.
Q. Do you accept submissions?
A. No. This is just my little side blog where I queue up fic ideas. I don't have any intention of it becoming a submissions blog.
Q. How often do you post fic ideas?
A. One a day. This is the challenge I've set and I don't currently see it changing. Maybe I'll stop after a year?
A. 'tf-fic-ideas-of-variable-quality' may be more accurate but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
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meatriarch · 2 months
a few updates / changes i'll attempt to be as thorough as possible going over in this post in light of a mutual decision that was discussed last night. if there's any questions, etc. re: anything noted here, my ims, my inbox & my disc ( meatriarch ) are all open for that ♡
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firstly to note just a few kind of small roster changes but,
there's a few new faces added ( and another muse, carla / di2 likely upcoming ) who i will be writing into texas alongside verses for their respective canons.
im changing ana to a request-only muse -- mostly because i enjoy getting to write against her rather than as her! and its not because i dont love her character but, she was primarily added here bc at the time there werent really active ana's floating around and now there are, and personally i'd rather both write against AND see others' interpretations shine (: ♡
likewise, i am removing nancy's request-only status and placing her among my active muses. i'll talk more about nancy in particular further down.
request-onlys from now on : ana, simmi, vincent
hoyt remaining as an npc who only crops up from time to time gg
everyone else is considered active
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second & main point of this post & what everything else from here out will center around,
certain muses here ( maria, luda & thomas ) are now mutually exclusive with lamb's portrayal of johnny sawyer ( @johnnysslaughter ). ♡ lamb has also made note that his johnny is exclusive to my portrayal of nancy.
obviously this decision impacts several things ( ie. interactions, verses, etc ) here so i will do my best to lay out what things will look like & work from here on out in light of it ♡ and again, if theres any questions / need for further clarification im all ears ♡
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for luda & thomas.
them i'm not too worried over to be fair, but. because of how much lamb & i have been working with integrating the hewitts into the sawyer family as extended relatives, that entire aspect of them ( of them being related, all my hcs regarding the hewitt-sawyers, the reach that the family as a whole has across texas & with authorities, the hewitt-sawyer family tree, etc. ) is closed from here on out between my portrayals of the hewitts & lamb's johnny, and i will not write either of them against other portrayals of johnny. i am, however, open for portrayals of any other of the sawyers / slaughters to be part of that aspect! c: it would just need talks / plotting between lamb, myself, and whoever else! i will, otherwise, default them to their respective remake canons where necessary.
for maria.
the biggest change i think in all of this, but. my portrayal of maria is now exclusive to lamb's portrayal of johnny and vice versa. so much of my maria is heavily entwined with lamb's johnny, we have built and talked about so much with them, so many au's, so many potential trajectories & dynamics between them over these last sevenish months of us writing together. there's alot of comfort and trust that i have in lamb & in their johnny to tackle alot of the more darker themes that can crop up, especially in our shared dire au's. and there's just so much that we've put into our versions of maria & johnny and their bond, their relationships, etc. that we've both realized and talked over how we just can't really picture ourselves writing them against other versions of marias or johnnys. i can't picture my girl, my maria without thinking about lamb's portrayal and vice versa. and it helps, tremendously, with how close and how good of a friend lamb has become over these months and it makes writing them and talking about them together so effortless. our versions of maria & johnny are my roman empire - they are constantly buzzing around in my head & i adore what we've been piecing together for them ♡ it's not often that one comes across a writing partner you really click with but lamb has been that for me this last half a year. so, i will not be writing my maria against other portrayals of johnny from this point on. i know i've sent in a couple prompts from maria and i gently leave what gets answered / deleted from anyones' drafts & inbox up to those i sent them to! i'm also completely okay with anyone reaching out for any further clarity about this change! i have other muses on my roster that, should there be any interest, i'm more than happy to scoot anyones way in light of this - maria, luda & thomas are the muses i am fully exclusive with lamb for, with certain aspects of my portrayal of nancy as well ♡
for nancy.
speaking of momther - lamb has noted exclusivity for his portrayal of johnny to mine of nancy. i, for my nancy, am considering lamb's johnny as my main and because i'm the only person taking on momther - as far as i know at least - my end is not exclusive to lamb's johnny, but my baseline lore for her, her behavior, etc that i will almost always refer to in a general sense is tied back to lamb's johnny. with other portrayals of johnny? i will adapt nancy to fit better into others' thoughts, personal lores, etc! she will retain her abilities as i've detailed them out on her bio! but i will adjust her more on a case-by-case basis ( and i will differentiate which version of her i'm referring to most likely with portrayal-specific tags whenever i happen to yap about her on the dash, once any plotting with her & other johnnys gets going ). i will note, however, that gun's lore point about her and johnny and the dv mention between them? i am not too comfortable with and that itself will definitely take time for me to touch - i have my own history of physical dv in my childhood and so i will be tip-toeing that plot-point extremely carefully with others ( i may have muses who have dealt with that in their backgrounds however, i know what my limits and comfort is with it - others dont ).
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my main verses across the board on this blog - that all my muses fall under as i interconnect their stories together - are as follows : sunlight, shine, wilted, prequel, retribution / ch.2, modern au, college au, & gilded eternity. these verses, for my portrayals across the board, are all tied back to my muses' dynamics with lamb's johnny. this means i will not write in these verses across the board with other johnny's. instead, for any of my muses ( outside of maria / luda / thomas' exclusivity to lamb ) who i may happen to write against other johnnys, i will make alternate, specific au's for those interactions to fall into. my affiliated au's / my dire au's - which are : oath binded & then cold case, no one saved you / we saved us, choke chained, sunflowers & poppies, etc - are all also both tied to lamb's johnny, and will be the only johnny i will explore long-term captive-type plots with for the muses currently involved directly in those listed dire au's. at this point i'm not opening that up for my other muses with other johnny's until there's been both enough plotting and comfort and trust on my end to tackle the kinds of themes that can come up in those dire au's. but, for of course maria as well as my danny at this time, dire routes are exclusive to lamb's portrayal. from this point out, with the rest of my roster, should i write against other johnnys everything will be noted within its own, separate verses / au's from these main / affiliated / dire au's noted above. otherwise, when i talk about johnny in a "general" sense on my blog? i am specifically referring to lamb's portrayal.
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i think? these are the main points i wanted to get across? again if theres any confusion / need for clarification my ims, my inbox, my disc are all open for anyone to shoot them my way and i'll do my best to answer them!
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ocelberich · 3 months
. kaeya alberich has joined the adventurer's guild !
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# OCELBERICH ━━━ private, roleplay blog for kaeya alberich of genshin impact; interpreted & loved by barely ( any pronouns ); affiliated with gnostic hymns.
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portrayal notes.
as stated in the handbook, i prefer to use the chinese dub for kaeya's characterization though i will likely compare it to english & japanese dubs for nuance. though i play the game in english, my preference differs.
a slightly major difference, to me, between the dubs is that, unlike in the english & japanese versions, kaeya sounds more similar to a teasing, older brother figure that you know nothing of, rather than the handsome mysterious companion that i'm familiar with as an english-player. ( though this isn't to say that he isn't a handsome mysterious companion of ours. it's simply a matter of how heavy one mood is compared to the other. ) his inflection is different between performances, of course, but i rather enjoy the tone SUN YE chose to use in his. thus, my kaeya will be written with such.
last canon appearance is, correct me if i'm wrong: version 3.8, secret summer paradise, thus he will be written as of then!
though i keep a document on all muse-related dialogue & information that is constantly updating, i have yet to fully make my document relating to khaenri'ah. so, if you see me yapping incorrectly and want to politely vibe check me, please do! i welcome all vibe checks.
though kaeya's application was written exactly one month ago, i did not expect to write him and, thus, am a bit shy about how i may portray him. this is simply to say that, yes, i will make mistakes, so please be patient with me.
patience, too, comes with shipping. while kaeya is friendly, his ability to recognize certain bonds as real will come late and in due time as a result of his distrust in the world & and himself. while i'm open to shipping romantically, i'll be leaving that to ooc discussions before anything is incorporated on the dash. likewise, my headcanon of kaeya being demiromantic will swiftly be realized, as romance is a wary concept to him.
for now, that's all! thank you for reading and i hope to write with you in the near future 💕
i. handbook ━━━ includes mun information, blog rules, art credit, writing specifics, & more! ii. character ━━━ if you click this link, you sell your soul to me in a blood pact because the about doc is nowhere near finished and i made sure to warn you beforehand iii. talents ━━━ necessary talent page, as of the affiliated group's rule
tags explained.
♛ ━━━ ❝ what is treason to the bloodied plumes of royalty? ・ 【 𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 . ( all posts that are "in character", hence the tag )
♛ ━━━ ❝ whoops! the cavalry captain without his cavalry! ・ 【 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 】 . ( all posts that are "out of character", ex. shitposts, maintenance, meta, etc )
♛ ━━━ ❝ they will know him as the captain with a crown of lies beneath his cape ・ 【 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐘 】 . ( reblogged art, including possible art by the mun, of the muse )
♛ ━━━ ❝ the incarnate of a hunted bird's misery ・ 【 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 】 . ( posts centered around a muse's headcanons, meta, etc )
♛ ━━━ ❝ to enjoy is to consume; to consume is to sacrifice ・ 【 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 】 . ( all reblogged posts with prompts, ask memes, sentence starters and the likes )
♛ ━━━ ❝ he is what a father has made him; what a nation expects of him ・ 【 𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 】 . ( all posts that are replies to an ask, excluding threads made from certain asks )
♛ ━━━ ❝ thread name ・ 【 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 】 . ( the threads tag )
♛ ━━━ ❝ support tag ・ 【 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 】 . ( support tags for all muses this muse interacts with, always liable to change )
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masternest · 5 months
Game Dev Diary # 1
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I'm finally doing it! Something I've always wanted to start was a kind of game dev blog. I would have liked to start with a bigger audience but I decided to do this just for me. This can be a way to recount what I've accomplished, track my next steps, and keep me in line with what I need to do. With that said, I would like to eventually post what I've learned and what helped me. I'll be happy knowing that even just one other soul found some use in all my texts. I'm obviously not the biggest expert out there but I'd like to try to approach this in a way that would even let a complete beginner understand. It might mean a lot more work on my part but that's fine. As long as you're learning, then great. I will still try to continue posting memes and any other thing. But when it comes to my game development stuff, I'll place this title. Or if I decided to make a proper article for a specific topic that's worth it, then I'll do that.
So right now, it's after Christmas break and I'm back to that school grind. Right now they're just requiring me to check for all the necessary things that I'll need for the class. I'm taking up a game design course and they've been teaching me to use Unreal Engine. You need to be diligent in learning the blueprints and how they work together. I'll do my best to explain what blueprints are when it comes to Unreal Engine in the future along with other concepts starting from the start. I also need to review a few things as well so I'll be noting down things that I need to re-learn as well.
Game development really isn't as scary as you might think it is. If you have this mindset, hopefully I can change this for you over time. So for this current class, I'll be working on mechanics which is a key component for any kind of game developer. Let me get to it and I'll try to make an update by tomorrow. They have deadlines to accomplish for certain things which keeps things streamlined. So for all the checks that I need to do, the deadline for this is really two days from now so I'm way ahead of the curve. I just like to get things done as soon as I can so I don't have to worry about them later on. So yeah thanks for reading so far and catch you next time.
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hypsynth-ceo · 11 months
💮 What is HypSynth? 💮
Hypnosis Synthesizer: Division Lyric Battle (HypSynth/HpSy for short) is an AU I came up with that replaces both the rappers and the functionality of the hypnosis microphones from HypMic with vocal synths (primarily Vocaloids). A rundown of the AU's basis has been typed out in this Carrd, more information is below the cut
💮 Group Profiles 💮
🌸 Primary Groups
Virtual Soul
Electric Angels!!!
Singer Song Poid
Inner-Outer Space
Perfect Asymmetry
🌸 Secondary Groups
[There are currently no secondary groups]
🌸 Other Groups
[There are currently no other groups]
💮 Submissions 💮
To submit a group or logo please tag me in a post with all the required information!
🌸 Divisions Open for Group Submission (please try to include group name, group color, group symbol, member stage names, member summons, and member lyric abilities with your reasoning for all):
Ikebukuro (1)
Shinjuku (1)
Osaka (1)
Shibuya (1)
Nagoya (1)
Yokohama (1)
Akabane (0)
Asakusa (0)
Note: Groups submitted for divisions that already have a primary/secondary group will not replace any primary/secondary groups (e.g. you may submit a group for Yokohama division, but that group will not replace ZOLA PROJECT). A group hand sign will not be necessary for submission unless you are submitting a secondary group for Akabane or Asakusa
🌸 Groups Open for Logo Submission (logos must have a transparent background, please explain your reasoning behind the logo):
Virtual Soul
Electric Angels!!!
Singer Song Poid
Inner-Outer Space
Perfect Asymmetry
💮 Project Members 💮
Name/CEO: creator of HypSynth and currently the one taking care of everything related to it (Tumblr @hypsynth-ceo, Twitter coming eventually)
💮 Project Status 💮
As of now HypSynth isn't a very big project because I've never done something like this before. I'll usually just be on my account reblogging Vocaloid and HypMic related stuff and rambling. My account may be a bit behind on HypMic info since I prefer to experience the story through the manga over the drama tracks, so no spoilers past where the manga is please!
My hyperfixations change often so I may not know of new Vocaloid or HypMic information that's relevant to HypSynth right away. I'm a chronic mistake-maker, so I may have overlooked some things in the infoposts. Please let me know if anything needs to be updated or corrected like character info, character pics, post layout, typos, etc.
Feel free to make fanart or headcanons about HypSynth! I'm never opposed to this AU getting more exposure. More exposure means more potential hands on deck for illustration and stuff, so boost any HypSynth content if you like what you see! I want this to be something fun for everyone who can potentially be involved. Want to be a part of this project? All you have to do is ask!
💮 Blog Taglist 💮
📍: pinned posts
ℹ️: infoposts
🗞️: hypsynth updates
🗣️: ceo rambles
💭: asks
🔁: reblogs
🖼️: others' art
Note: When I tag characters in posts I only do it once. I write the tag in firstname lastname order (if applicable to the character) because that's how HypMic writes character names as well
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daisy-billy · 1 year
Fic Update!
Hello, lovelies!! I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to provide this update for anyone who's still reading my fic (aka animmortalist ao3 user), and waiting (so patiently!) for an update on one of my wips.
This is probably gonna be too-long and give more detail than is necessary, so if you just want the cliff notes, feel free to skip to the tl;dr, and that will be followed by a quick hits of this post and what fic updates will look like on ao3 for me in the future.
I want to start by first thanking anyone who has ever read, sent me their thoughts, commented on ao3 or elsewhere, left kudos, shared, etc. re: my fic. I can't express how grateful I am and how I continue to be surprised (in the best way) by it all. You're all the mvps and made the past 3+ years of my life so much better. Each of you helped make me a better writer, and I hope I provided some fun stories (even amongst the angst lol) in return.
If I could, I would write fic all the time and push out updates daily that are well-crafted and that I am proud of. Unfortunately, that's not possible for me, probably ever (but if you're living that life go off we love that for you!!!). I don't know if I'll ever have a truly consistent update schedule, just as a warning. It's not ideal, but I'm learning to accept it, and hope those of you who still want to read my stuff do, too.
I've been dealing with a lot of life stuff the past two years. Like...A wild amount haha. But essentially, I've gotten to a good place with my job, mental health and original writing. All of which were a lot and sometimes a mess for much of 2019-2022. I kind of lost my marbles for a while there, but I want to express how much I appreciate that people are still reading and enjoying my fic. I never thought it would get to where it is now. I am always grateful and so amazed every time I see a new kudos or comment, whether it's a one new or older story.
All of this is to say, I do plan on continuing my work on fic. I can't promise updates all the time, nor can I give a concrete estimate on when they'll be finished. However, I feel committed to my works and want you all to know I'm still writing and thinking about them.
You can find a masterlist of wips here in order of priority. There are certain fics I'm going to prioritize writing over others. This is due to a whole bunch of factors, and while not every wip I've posted is listed, that doesn't mean I won't ever touch it again. But for now, it's not one that I'll be focusing on.
I will probably sprinkle in a oneshot here or there for other fandoms, but that masterlist is my goal to complete. I can't promise it'll be done by the end of year, or really give any concrete date/timeline. I wanted to share it regardless though, just to give an idea for where I'm at with writing. I'll update it as needed—whether that includes the completion of a fic, change in priority, etc.
Please feel to reach out to me with anything on your mind concerning this! I adore you all and sending all the good thoughts your way ♥️
Fic updates are in the works!
You can find my masterlist of fics (ranked by priority) I'm working on here
I love anyone who's read, commented, left kudos, just told me in anyway that they enjoyed it, etc. re: my fic. You're truly the best and I will forever be thankful for you.
Please lmk if there are any questions (asks here and dms on twitter are always open)
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golmac · 9 months
Inform 7 Basics: when the story ends, #2
Hi all! I am travelling tomorrow, so here's Saturday's update. We talked about craft and failure last week. On Tuesday, we looked at some related code. Today, we'll continue looking at the code side of things.
Today's info involves a table, which Tumblr really can't handle. The borogove link at the bottom of this post will take you to some sample code that compiles. If you haven't used borogove before, it's pretty neat!
When play ends, a list of options are presented. In vanilla inform, those options are undo, restore, restart, and quit. These options can be configured, as they are stored in a table called, appropriately, the "table of final question options."
In inform, columns are separated by tabs. Rows are each on a new line. They don't look very good! But they work. It's an adjustment for sure. It's easier when rows fit on one line, so widen the source pane in your IDE if necessary. I'll post the table in the borogove doc below. You can find it in the standard rules [file->open installed extension->Graham Nelson->standard rules].
We can edit the table. The main reason we'd have for doing that is disabling one of the options. If we wanted to prevent undo, we could clear it from the table.
The best time to do something like that is either when play ends or begins.
when play begins: choose row with a final question wording of "UNDO the last command" in the table of final question options; blank out the final question wording entry.
syntax for tables is very specific! You can find more info in the documentation.
The options that Inform 7 prints at the game over screen are pulled from the "final question wording" column. Blank out the relevant entry, and it will no longer appear.
If you want to add something, that's yet another table change. In that case, we'll be adding a row. That's easy; we don't need an action processing rule. Inform 7 will treat our new row as part of the table, no questions asked. You can look at the Borogove snippet to play with it, but here's a picture.
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Do you see the "only if victorious" column? If the value is "true," Inform will only show the option if "end the story finally" is invoked. What's this "final gloat rule?" We can trigger something--text mostly--by making and naming a rule here. That ought to be easy for us now:
this is the final gloat rule: say "Bweh heh heh heh.".
We can do conditional text, read tables, and so forth, but the game is over--changing the world state is almost certainly out of the question. I had several victorious=true rules in Repeat the Ending, mostly related to score, images, and showing the various endings. The player could view the *GUIDE* as well.
What else? You can mess with some of the response text. For instance,
the print the final question rule response (A) is "Nice! Would you like to ".
As a reminder, you can do RESPONSES ALL while playing a test build. Copy and paste the output into a text file! You can hunt down any other text you'd like to change.
As a final note: want to give players "lives," or otherwise make death conditional?
if [some condition you pick]: resume the story.
As a reminder, you can AMA! The tag for this series is #i7 for beginners.
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Pinned Post | About Me | Masterlist | Fandom List
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1- THIS IS A SAFE QUEER PLACE. Queer topics might not come up every posts- but it might happen as well.
2- This blog is SFW ONLY. Suggestive might happen, and will be appropriately tagged and handled, but it will be kept SFW only.
3- Pregnancy is not allowed for asks, ever. Children are an okay topic, feel free to send asks regarding kids.
4- Be careful with heavy topics. I'm somewhat willing to write comfort for heavy topics, but don't vent with details at me. I cannot handle it, and will have to delete the ask, or even soft block you if it's particularly heavy. Please respect that. I'm not a therapist.
5- Say hello, or better, bonjour, or I will come for you.
6- Hey si vous êtes français, oui vous. Je peux répondre en français. <3
7- This is for fun, if you ask for more than I’m willing to take I will also come for you. Be scared.
8- I’m perfectly okay with spam like/reblog/notes. I do not care.
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1- Be polite. If you just demand it like I owe you my free time, I will simply delete it.
2- Don’t spam me asks. I will block you.
3- I can take asks in french and english. Anything else, I cannot, and will have to delete.
4- 4 characters max per request.
5- SFW only. (Suggestive somewhat acceptable to a degree)
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Notable information :
I mainly write Gender Neutral Reader. If asked for Fem or Masc, I would rather the gender have a necessity for the story or the headcanons for it to be relevant. If Reader having a specific gender isn't relevant, or changes anything to the writing, then I will make it Gender Neutral. I always attempt to make it work, but I do not see a point in gendering it if it's not needed. This isn't personal, I just want this to be fun for others and myself.
Yes, Polyamory is A-OKAY. Go for it. Please request polyamory.
If you request a character that canonically has a partner, I will not erase their existence, and it will always be made in the aspect of said character being in a polycule with their partner and Reader. I will never change my stance on that, and any ill comment on it, or request to erase the character's partner(s), will be met with a soft block or a block. I'm very serious about this.
I do not personally feel comfortable with aged-up content. I do not mind it, this is not an invitation to word vomit about it to me. I just don't like doing it myself. Yes that also includes SFW, I will only do platonic content with characters that are minors in story (unless they have a canon timelapse to being adult, then I don't see that applying anymore, obviously).
Please feel free to ask for family or platonic relationship. I adore those, and absolutely wish to make stuff for it.
I'm very queer. Anything queer, you can ask.
If you need a tag added for content warning, send an ask/DMs.
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I'm willing to write ship content in the aspect of a polycule. This is the only ship content that will appear on this blog - and it will be apropriately tagged. I have a blog specifically for ship content, if it's what you search for.
I will not write ships (as in character x character, not both dating reader but not dating each other) for :
incest and stepcest
(any specific ships i personally do not want to write for will be added if ever needed)
And disclaimer : no discourse. Block and Scroll, if I write something and you don't like it, block and scroll. Fandom Etiquette.
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You can find the post about what Fandoms and Characters I write for here. Not everything is always listed if there are a lot of characters, so you may ask if I can write for someone who isn't listed. I'll let you know, and update the list if necessary with my answer if so.
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Pined post, this will be updated whenever necessary.
Last update: January 25th 2023.
This blog is run by @rjalker My pronouns are it/its.
Rules and other info are below the cut! Read this post before submitting a prompt :)
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Along with submitting prompts, if you tag me in art, as long as it doesn't violate the rules, I'll reblog it here! Art of Murderbot will be tagged "Murderbotart"
Submission rules, in no real order
0)) if you think shipping incest or pedophilia is okay, leave, now. Your actions are disgusting and you are not welcome here. This includes between adopted family members.
1)) I highly recommend you type out your prompts in an LibreOffice document or similar word program before submitting it, in case tumblr crashes while you're on the submission page, or if I delete it by accident while trying to post it.
2)) If you submit a prompt here, you can of course also post it to your own blog. You can also post it to your blog, and then @ me to reblog it here.
3)) If you want to submit a prompt anonymously, you can submit it like normal, and note at the top that you want it to be anonymous. I'll copy and paste it into a new post. (You used to be able to open tumblr in a private browser and submit anonymously that way, but I think they've made it so you have to be logged in now in 2024...who knows when that'll change again though.)
4)) Include a name for your prompt when you submit it! This will make it easier to find them later. It can be a simple descriptive name like "Murderbot gets lost in the mall" or something.
5))Please include proper paragraph breaks. I have to be able to read your prompt before it can b published. Not including paragraph breaks will make this take three times as long.
6)) I will be editing prompts submitted, usually to help clarify confusing language or to add paragraph breaks if the submitter doesn't add them in themselves.
7)) If you aren't okay with your prompt being edited before it gets posted, post it to your own blog instead, and then @ me to reblog it.
If a prompt violates the rules in an easily fixable way, I'll edit the prompt to follow the rules.
If a prompt violates the rules in a way that can't be fixed, it'll just be scrapped, and I'll post an explanation of what it did wrong and how to fix it in the future, without naming names.
Unless you're purposefully being malicious, in which case you'll just get blocked and I will warn other people to block you for their own safety.
8)) No shipping Murderbot with anyone, in any way, unless it canonically starts a relationship with someone in the books. It's not anymore okay to erase canon Queer representation when it's representing nonpartnering, everything-repulsed aroace people than if it were representing anyone else.
If Murderbot were canonically an allo lesbian, and you wouldn't want people to erase that, then don't erase that it's aroace and doesn't want any kind of relationship.
9)) No erasing Murderbot's solitaremity, which is a form of touch aversion where not only do you not enjoy touch, you also do not crave it or get "touch starved". Unless Murderbot in the books canonically starts explicitly seeking out and enjoying touch for the pure joy of it, then you need to respect that it is solitaremit. Real solitaremit people exist, and we deserve to see ourselves represented in fiction too.
Touch aversion is a disability, and it's no more okay to magically cure it or sweep it under the rug than it would be to cure Murderbot's very clear autism.
10)) No whitewashing characters OR assuming white people are the default. Just because someone's skin tone isn't described doesn't mean they're white. If you think it does, you're just racist. The only characters you can depict as white on this blog are those who are clearly described as white, like the GrayCris Agent from book 4.
He is in fact literally the only example of a clearly white character in this series so far.
I know, because I was keeping track the first, second, third, and fourth time I've read this series. This, like many things, is an established pattern in Martha Wells' writing.
It is extremely intentional that the only blatantly white character in this series so far is the capitalist pig who is holding a Black woman hostage.
I promise you it won't kill you to draw or describe people of color. You will not be harmed by fighting against the "white people are the default" that is in your head.
11)) No NSFW even if it doesn't involve Murderbot. There are kids in this fandom, I want them to feel welcome here, and I don't wan to see it either. Post it to your own blog and tag it appropriately.
12)) No super graphic or gratuitous violence. It's okay to go beyond what's described in the books (or, I should say, not described at all), but don't be excessive about it.
13)) Original characters are more than welcome!
14)) All human AUs will not be allowed. Murderbot does not want to be human. Turning it into a human anyways is just insulting.
15)) Other AUs that likewise remove Murderbot's constructed status to make it wholly organic will also be dismissed. That's just lazy and uncreative.
16)) No prompts revolving around Christian holidays. I'm tired of it, and you can't convince me any of the main characters are Christian. You just can't. Post it to your own blog.
17)) No misgendering Murderbot unless it's to show that the character / entity misgendering it is a bad person.
Example: A random jackass misgendering Murderbot is fine, as long as it's properly portrayed as that person being a jackass. (Yes, even if it's written from the jackass's POV and they think they're a good person. It's very easy to show that the narrator is not correct even when they think they are).
You writing a whole prompt and referring to Murderbot with they/them, he/him, or she/her pronouns is misgendering and not allowed. If you do this, it will be corrected the first time. If you do it multiple times, you will just be blocked. You get once chance, and that's it.
18)) No headcannoning Murderbot as being binary trans. Why do I even have to say this. Go somewhere else if you hate nonbinary people that much.
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Prompts can be as long as you want, but should be at least a good sized paragraph at minimum, not just a single sentence or two.
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You can submit art as a prompt or for a prompt, as long as it follows the rules above and:
A)) Murderbot's face must not be shown (it puts in a lot of effort to hide its face as often as possible, we should respect that!). Get creative with it. There are a lot of fun ways to accomplish this.
B)) Murderbot must not be whitewashed or light-washed.
Its skin color in the official art is very dark brown, with black hair.
The image below shows the shade of its skin tone taken from official art. The background color, and the box in the middle, are the main shade, and then it is shown being affected by light and shadow.
Lighting can be more dramatic or stylized with different colors, but the brightest lighting in the world isn't going to turn a black or brown person white or pink. Do not desaturate its skin either to make it grey.
Look up tutorials on how to properly draw dark skin if you need to, there are many that people kindly make for free here on tumblr.
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[ID: A simple digital drawing of a hand, with a small pale orange sun next to it as a source of light. The art has a border of light orange in the same shade as the little sun, with black outlines, and the background is dark brown.
Five rectangular boxes are at the top of the screen, showing a simple gradient from warm brown to darker brown, with the the middle box the baseline, which is also the background color. The furthest left box is the lightest, the furthest right is the darkest.
The shades are placed on the simple drawing of the hand, with the brightest color used to highlight the part closest to the little sun, with the second brightest forming a larger part of the lighting, then the baseline, with the darkest color on the opposite side of the arm and fingers that are in shade, with the softer shading taking up most of the shadowed parts.
End ID.]
C)) Murderbot cannot be drawn stick thin and skinny. It's literally designed to be physically powerful and kill people and things. It is not skinny.
D)) Try to include an image description for your art whenever possible. If you do not include one, I will have to create one before it is published, so it will take longer to publish, depending on how complicated the image is.
Memes will be allowed, as long as they don't violate any of the other rules.
As long as your fics follow all the rules, you can also submit full fics here for people to read, as long as each chapter individually isn't too long to fit in a single post. Say whether or not it's okay for people to use your fics as writing prompts.
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All prompts will be tagged:
Murderbot writing prompts
TMBD writing prompts
The Murderbot Diaries
if you want to filter them.
"blogrunner prompt" will indicate prompts created by me
"submitted prompt" will indicate prompts submitted by others
You may request specific tags to be added to your own prompts, like if you're going to be submitting a series of prompts set in the same "universe".
To maybe help keep things ordered, Each prompt will also be given a number in the order it was submitted, no matter who created it, and tagged with that number as "prompt1" "prompt2" ect.
Will this actually help anyone find prompts later? I don't know, I guess we'll see...
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Some common terms and their definitions:
Transmisia is indeed ""transphobia" but minus the "-phobia" suffix, because hating trans people isn't an anxiety disorder like phobias are, and people who do have phobias get treated horribly because people think it means they're bigots when they're not.
The -misia suffix comes from the word "misos" for "hatred", which is also where the word misogyny comes from! Miso-hatred, gyn-women. Misogyny = hatred of women.
Athiktomisia (link to coining post)
Athiktomisia is bigotry towards people who are touch averse, with athikto translating to, roughly, untouchable or thereabouts,and the -misia suffix like above indicating hatred. Athikto+misia = hatred of those who are untouchable.
Solitaremit, soliteremity, etcetera (link to coining post)
Solitaremit is a specific form of touch aversion where the person is touch averse, and also does not get ""touch starved"" or have any desire for touch at all, specifically created because many touch averse people who do not get touch starved were being alienated even in touch averse spaces, because desiring touch and being touch starved was still behind held up as normal and universal.
Solitaremity is...uh, the state of being solitaremit. Example sentence: Most people, even those who are otherwise touch averse, don't even know that solitaremity exists.
Solitaremity was created specifically to be a unique word that is brand new, and thus (meant to be) easy to search for and find, combining the words "solitary" and "hermit" for maximum emphasis.
Solitaremisia is, again, the -misia suffix, combined with solitaremit to specify hatred against people who are touch averse who specifically do not desire touch in any way, even with touch starvation. Which is unfortunately a common attitude even in other touch averse people :|
Gregariable will probably be used at some point, it was created as the counterpart to solitaremit, it means someone who desires touch and gets touch starved, whether or not they're also touch-averse. Aka, 99.99% of people are gregariable. It combines the words "gregarious" and "sociable" to create a unique word so that it would be easy to search for.
Aroacemisia is bigotry against aroace people in particular, again with the -misia suffix to indicate hatred.
Amisia, acemisia, and aromisia are hatred towards aspec people in general, hatred towards asexual people, and hatred towards aro people.
Exorsexism is the specific hatred of nonbinary and genderqueer people, which is separate from, but sometimes a part of, transmisia.
Murderbot is nonbinary, so any transmisia it faces is inherently exorsexist.
It its antagonism
it its antagonism refers to hatred targeted specifically at people who use it/its pronouns, usually always combined with exorsexism. It its antagonism is a form of neopronomisia.
Neopronomisia is hatred of pronouns other than she/her or he/him. This includes but is not limited to pronouns like it/its, te/ter, and they/them.
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unialien · 2 years
✨️🌌💙 Showcasing my new look of my OC Adrex Trans Appreciation works since 2021 - 2022! 💙🌌✨️
⚠️ Hopefully with the new update Tumblr guidelines I don't get taken down my OC works post, this are suppose to be some my conceptual illust artistic expression ideas 🙏💦 But if anyone note me up if is necessary to filter it, I'll just filter it 👍
Last year, after learning so much the art style of the incredible DBZ animation and everything, I decided to make changes to my OC and this is how I brought him his new look ✨️✨️✨️ I cannot believe how much I have improved since I been studying on watching episodes and everything I took advices of incredible DB artists. It's been a huge help on doing 🙏 Everything currently has been huge, and I have a huge love of my OC so much, and I'm gonna give so much to complete my project on doing more studies and concepts as possible 💙💙💙
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There some of my works I wasn't so daring, but with a little confident to do, at least it wasn't too extreme. 😅 Since my OC it's an alien extinct species design I did years ago before I made changes, I might not get too much trouble, since most of my works of my OC are a lot concepts and some are artistis expressions idea on how the character looks, even brief of the story on how the environment it's gonna do the character 💡
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My biggest goal is that I need to create a new updated character sheet of my OC, kinda a big concept art of his full measure body and everything etc depending on 🙏 So hopefully TBA I can start on doing the most the design appearance of my OC 💙✨️
All designs created by me. @unialien.
💙 Support my art & my project for more here: https://linktr.ee/unialien
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jupitersrising · 4 months
Survival of the Fittest Character Guide
Hi lovelies! This is a character guide for everyone mentioned in the Survival of the Fittest Universe. I've talked about the fact that there are a lot of OCs as family member since we literally have no idea who most of them are. I'll be linking this post on the ao3 series when the next chapter comes out as well. This will be updated as I add more side characters, but is made to make it easier in case anyone forgets who is who and how they're related because I know that can be difficult.
(Everything here is from my notes and is subject to change if necessary. A short description will be included with each character that may be subject to minor spoilers in the SotF universe. Some characters not yet mentioned will be included in the list, though they will not get descriptions. Any ages listed will be how old they were at the start of Camp [June 2015] OR how old they were when they passed away.)
Ben Pincus (16):
Family Relations:
Mother: Ann Pincus nee Moore (34)
Father: Colton Pincus (34/35)
Grandmother: Tracy Pincus (deceased)
Holly: Bluebird and previous "pet" (nearly a year) (deceased)
Greyson: Childhood bully (16)
(Dr) Sarah Martinez: Therapist before the start of the series (31)
Mikael Porter: Not yet mentioned (34)
(REDACTED): The girl in the car (assumed less than 10)
(REDACTED): Father of girl in the car (early thirties)
(REDACTED): Mother of girl in the car (early thirties)
The Man in the Hotel: Body found in one of the hotel's along with the note "I'm sorry, Julia" and a gun
Julia: A presumed woman the suicide note was left to.
Bessie: "Dino-daughter"
Darius Bowman (15):
Family Relations:
Brother: Brandon "Brand" Bowman (19)
Mother: Jennifer Bowman (mid forties)
Father: Fredrick Bowman (deceased) (early forties)
The San Francisco Wolves: Brand's high school swim team
Reese: Not yet mentioned
Chelsey: Not yet mentioned
Gerry: Not yet mentioned
Kenji Kon (17):
Family Relations:
Father: "Daniel" Kon
Mother: Ichika “Naomi” Kon (deceased)
Step-Mother: Candy
Kye Alabaster: "Friend" approx. 2 years older (status unknown)
Randy: "Friend" gave Kenji and Kye edibles on that day
Sydney Eston: slept with Kye
Yasmina "Yaz" Fadoula (17):
Family Relations:
Mother: Inaya Fadoula (56)
Brother: Hadi Fadoula (approx. 31)
Sister: Nima (11 almost 12)
Father: I don't have a name for him yet
Brooklynn Torres-Williams-King-Santiago (15):
Family Relations:
Father (Dad): Alexander "Ali or Alex" Williams
Father: (Nial or Pops): Nial Torres
"Mother" (Mom or Aunt): Kestley King
"Mother" (Mia or Aunt): Mia Santiago
(Yes the last name thing is something you can do, to my knowledge, its just not common to have more than 3 last names)
Brooklanders: YouTube/vlogging audience
Samanta "Sammy" Gutierrez (16): (this is a long one)
Family Relations (Gutierrez + Hernandez sides [also Wilson]):
Father: N/A Gutierrez
Mother: Rosa II Gutierrez nee Hernandez
Sister: Valentina "Val" Gutierrez (13ish)
Sister: Carmen Gutierrez (deceased) (early twenties)
Cousin: Angelina "Angie" Hernandez (20)
Cousin: Fidel Hernandez (21)
Cousin: Filipe Gutierrez (18)
Aunt: Lola Gutierrez
Uncle: Emilio Gutierrez
Aunt: Yadra Wilson nee Gutierrez
Uncle: Nelson Wilson
Uncle: Javier Hernandez (Fidel + Angie's Dad) (47)
Grandmother: Rosa Hernandez (83)
Cousin: Antonio Gutierrez (mid 20s)
Cousin: Pedro Gutierrez (late 20s)
Father John: Pastor
Alice: first "girlfriend" (16)
Bessie: emotional support cow
Daisy: Bessie's mother (deceased)
Tomás "Tommy" Cruz: Made fun of Carmen, Fidel beat him up in church services (17-18)
Daniel Nickleson: Scientist Sammy shot and killed (deceased) (27)
Patricia "Patty" Nickleson: Wife of Dan (28)
Elizabeth "Eliza" Nickleson: Daughter of Dan + Patty (Infant)
Carol Nickleson: Daughter of Dan + Patty (5)
Other Characters:
Mitch and Tiff: Antagonists (deceased) (mid-30s)
Hap: Ally (deceased) (early 40s/late 30s)
Dave: Counselor (26)
Roxie: Counselor (26)
Doctor Wu: Antagonist, not yet introduced
Torvo: (deceased) Attacked Ben
Toro: (deceased) Ben attacked her
Allosaurus: Tried to attack Ben near Toro's field
Pteranodon: Dragged Ben off monorail
Baby Pteranodon: (deceased) claws + bones turned into knives
Like a dozen other dinosaurs to add (mostly irreverent)
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no1noman · 1 year
Okay, so apparently people are now going to be, and I quote, "shooting on sight". While I reblog stuff pretty often, I haven't actually posted anything, so I'm making this post to do two things;
Let people know I'm not a bot (please, I swear I'm not 🥺)
Geek out about PvZ Heroes, because I know I'll probably never give myself another chance for this
If you haven't heard of this specific variant of "mobile game for kids made to squeeze money out of parents pockets", it's a card game in the style of games like Magic and Hearthstone. What sets it apart from other CCGs, however, are a few key factors
Firstly, the game is asymmetrical. Plants and zombies each have their own selection of cards to choose from, access to certain keywords, and different places in turn order;
Zombies play minions first
Plants then play minions and tricks (aka spells)
Zombies are then allowed to play tricks
Finally, a combat phase where all the minions fight each other
Secondly, combat in this game is lane-based. Minions cannot attack minions in other lanes, and need to fight the minion in front of them before damaging the enemy hero's health. Tricks and abilities aren't restricted unless stated otherwise, but minions are locked into the lane that they're played in
There are 5 lanes in total; a relatively mundane "heights" lane to the left, 3 "ground" lanes that can host environments (abilities that only effect the minions within the lane they're played in), and finally a "water" lane that is only accessible to amphibious minions. Everything in this game moves from left to right, such as combat, the activation of abilities, and more
Finally, and it's not a feature worth praising, there is a block mechanic. Whenever a hero is hurt, their block meter will charge. After gaining 8 charges, the attack fully charging the block meter is nullified and the hero gains one of their 4 powers to either hold for later or use immediately for free
What makes this unfair, however, is that attacks charge the block meter randomly; by either 1, 2, or 3 charges. A common scenario is someone gaining a "California roll", which is slang for blocking an attack after 3 hits (3,2,3). It can also sometimes just roll really low, and you end up taking a ton of damage
So with that all out of the way, is the game worth playing?
It depends on what you're looking for and how willing you are to hack in all of the cards, since grinding is practically non-existent. Even if you're hitting max rank every season (a feat that is sadly very possible), you have no real way of gaining the funds necessary to keep buying card packs (outside of watching ads for hours on end)
You 100% do not need good cards to compete on ladder. If you want to play with people who are good at the game and have good decks, however, hacking is the only practical option
Finally, you may be wondering about how the meta of this game looks like? Well, there hasn't been an update since 2019. Technically, there have been bug fixes, but no new content or balance change has been made in over 4 years. PvZ Heroes has been thoroughly researched and tested at this point, but most players still don't have a clue what the meta looks like, so ranked has slowly become very uncompetitive and kind of a joke (more than it already was, anyway)
I decided to make packages for each class to represent which cards are often ran, if not auto-included. These are obviously not all of the cards that are meta, but they are some of each classes best options and are used in a lot of competitive decks. I should note that, while Solar and Crazy are the best plant and zombie classes respectively, the others are a bit more debatable
I also have this post on Reddit that you can check out if you want to know which decks are considered competitive. The majority of them are either listed on a public database and/or are made by well-known top players. The exact lists are subject to change, but it's not often that I remove or add any decks
Tl;dr: I'm not a bot and, in fact, am a huge nerd for a dead children's mobile card game
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mjofficehours · 1 year
This week's take-aways from the Office Hours Discord session. I'm sure I forgot/missed some. Please help fill in the details if you can. TY.
I've been doing these for 2 months now so I have some perspective about how goals and practices seem to have evolved in that time and I'll add a brief note about those observations at the end.
Disclaimer: I am not associated with Midjourney, Discord, or this FB group in any official capacity. I do this because many people can't attend the weekly Office Hours via Discord on Wednesdays at noon Pacific. You can find listen to them on the MJ Discord server in the voice channel called "Main Stage".
You're welcome.
1. Wider aspect ratios are available 1:1 - 2:1 and everything in between like 16:9.
2. Every time there is an update it will change the aesthetics to some degree. The more specific your prompts the less they will be affected by small changes in the aesthetic style.
3. NIJI is getting an update soon to fix bugs
4. At this point team is leaning towards conserving energy and pushing towards the v5 model. v4 is not as sharp as it should be and they can’t figure out why but v5 doesn’t have that problem so it makes sense to focus on v5.
Initial images for v5 look really good but they don't know yet how well it will hold up or what fixes might be necessary. They expect testing to be 3-6 weeks.
The images coming out of v5 look so much better and have such higher resolution that he's confident that most people will be happy with them without upscaling.
They are planning to include upscaling but it gets very expensive once the images are already that high rez. He thinks upscaling may only be needed in the case of printing large images. He did not get specific about DPI or anything like that but he seemed very excited about v5 image quality.
v5 will not be the version that improves text generation (text within an image like a title or a logo) we will possibly see that in v6.
v5 will have much better hand generation. It still won’t be perfect but you should notice a huge difference. They expect hands and bodies to improve with every version.
5. Better language stuff (in terms of MJ understanding your text prompt) will probably come in v6. A better knowledge base overall will probably be v7.
Focus now is in turning out one major feature or improvement per update instead of trying cram a bunch of features into one massive update.
6. Working on a new rating system. The launch party for v5 will be an online rating party. You will all be invited whenever it happens.
7. They are continuing to work out how to adjust payment tiers. he mentioned a lot of idea but it seemed very stream of consciousness. His main goals are to improve the $10.00 tier and to somehow create a free tier that doesn't bankrupt the company.
He also mentioned that the only reason they can afford the GPUs to train v5 is because of people paying at the $30.00 and $60.00 tiers so he's very thankful that so many are doing so, and making it possible for him to do this work.
8. Magazine is coming. Don’t worry they won’t randomly send it to you. You have to ask for it. First one is free. You will get a DM asking if you want it once it is ready to ship.
9. They are thinking about planning a souped up daily theme. He did not elaborate but I like soup.
10. They are getting a lot more AI people hired "which is great". They are playing with some real -time stuff (artist's tools). Inpainting and outpainting are still very much on the board.
11. Still working on search functions but it will be fast once we get it.
12. Still need LOTS more front-end people. Send an email to careers @ Midjourney.com
13. He is thinking about an API for individuals but not one designed for corporate professional use.
14. "AI images are like flowers and the users are like bees the flowers are trying to attract with their beauty"
Here's my take-away from 2 months worth of take-aways.
A. The goal posts are more concrete and (to me) seem more realistic. back in December he was talking about having a new update every month and expressed optimism that v5 would be released before the end of December.
I'm actually comforted by these more conservative projections for when updates will happen and what they will contain. It bodes better for the company as a whole imo. Things take time.
2. There is a commitment to customer service and building the community and the main obstacle to improving those areas is the sheer scale involved. David mentioned today that they are specifically choosing not to market MJ because he doesn't think they could handle the influx.
They really want to provide a free tier, community resources, and a better user experience overall but the fact that there are over 10 million of us complicates how to do that.
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lovepersists2 · 4 years
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formerly found at: politicalgenius.
triggers that may apply:  death,  loss,  grief,  child death,  depression,  alcoholism,  overdose,  attempted suicide,  sexual assault,  infidelity,  abuse.   to be expanded upon as i think of more but hi she deserves hugs and a break.  
all information outlined below is based in the latest possible information   (   though some still has to be updated as i rewatch   ),   and can vary by verse.  a lot of it is headcanon based,  and has developed over my time writing mellie,  because she deserves the world and this garbage show really only gave her pain and zero (0) friends / people she could trust.
NOTE:  mellie has views that not all will agree with or like.  these don’t reflect my own feelings,  thoughts,  or opinions,  and anything that may come up will simply be me attempting to stay true to who my girl is! 
BORN:  melody margaret eaves*. PLACE OF BIRTH:  asheville,  north carolina. DATE OF BIRTH:  december 5th, 1966;  age  —  53. EYE COLOR:  blue. HAIR COLOR:  brown. PARENTS: beau eaves  (father,  estranged)*.   evelyn baker eaves  (mother, deceased)*.   SIBLINGS: harmony eaves  (half-sister,  somewhat estranged). SPOUSE:  fitzgerald thomas grant iii  (divorced). CHILDREN:  fitzgerald ‘jerry’ thomas grant iv  (deceased,  2014),   karen grant,   theodore wallace grant. EDUCATION:  harvard undergrad,  yale law. PAST OCCUPATIONS: attorney,  first lady of california,  first lady of the united states,  junior senator from virginia. CURRENT OCCUPATION: 45th president of the united states. POLITICAL PARTY:  republican. SECRET SERVICE CODENAME:  foxtail. SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  she’s a lesbian, harold.
graduated top of her class from both harvard for her undergrad,  and from yale law.
former partner at a prestigious california law firm,  a job she gave up to help fitz get elected governor.
while mellie is a republican,  it’s been noted that she’s the most progressive republican president in over 100 years,  and is pro-lqbt+,  pro-immigration,  pro-choice,  and has notably pushed through legislation for stricter gun control,  and worked toward middle eastern peace.
tbh she’s only a republican bc fitz is and she for political and image reasons she had to match him.
wrote a ‘tell all’ book about her time as first lady,  though only bits of it were published in a ‘leak’ in an attempt to get her better footing as a presidential candidate.
was the first person to air information about fitz’s affair with olivia pope (  though she didn’t leak olivia’s name   ).
ex-wife of 44th president of the united states,  fitzgerald ‘fitz’ grant iii.
once she filibustered for 16 hours on the eve of the christmas holidays to save planned parenthood bc a man told her not to / bc her convictions are so good and i love her.
her son,  jerry,  died during fitz’s second campaign and she spent three months in a deep depression,  where she was regularly attacked by the press for regularly visiting his grave in her pajamas.
she didn’t win the presidential election,  she lost to frankie vargas,  who was assassinated almost immediately after being announced as the winner.  mellie was elected by the electoral college over cyrus beene.
her chief of staff was initially olivia pope,  until mellie forced her to resign.
her original pick for vp was jake ballard,  who was blackmailed out of the position and replaced by frankie vargas’ widow,  luna.  luna died the evening of mellie’s inauguration and was replaced by cyrus beene.
olivia was replaced as chief of staff by jake ballard,  who tried to push mellie out of office with the aid of cyrus beene.
jake was later arrested and sent to a maximum security prison,  and cyrus was forced by olivia to resign as vp.
was under suspicion of plotting to kill cyrus beene while he was her vice president,  though this was found to be a plot by cyrus to unseat her and get his shot at the oval.
underwent impeachment hearings during her first year in office,  though they were later found to be under false pretenses presented by jake ballard.
i headcanon that she convinces susan ross,  who ran against her for president,  to come on as vp;  and abby whelan,  who worked previously as fitz’s chief of staff,  to come on as her chief of staff,  as cyrus resigned,  jake was imprisoned,  and olivia refused to come back on.
also this isn’t necessarily crucial to mellie,  but david rosen definitely didn’t die and is helping mellie to restore her public image post impeachment-hearings thank u.
near the end of her presidency,  mellie does a press conference where comes out as a lesbian and announces proposed initiatives to improve lgbtq+ support nationwide,  and she works hard to implement them before her last term is up.
post-presidency she moves to new york city to live with her best friend and fellow lesbian,  minerva allory  (@crimscnmalice),  and her friendship with min in general is included heavily in mellie’s main default verse and it’s not something that’s at all secret so people Know they’re best friends and it’s soft and cute and Fine.
her marriage to fitz was arranged for political benefit,  as mellie’s father came from old money so her name was ‘good’.
had an affair with former vice president andrew nichols.
was a part of the team that conspired to rig voting machines in defiance county, ohio in order to get fitz elected,  along with olivia pope,  verna thorton,  hollis doyle,  and cyrus beene   (   commonly referred to as ‘defiance’   ).
her son was murdered by a secret service agent under orders from olivia’s father,  rowan pope.
was in a flirtatious relationship with president farid rashad of bashran before he was killed by olivia pope via her b613   (   an underground spy organization,  now dismantled   )   resources.
she legitimately has mason jars of moonshine made by her family stashed around the white house and she’s a barely-functional alcoholic and needs hugs.
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