#ibuki will get a kiss and then run BACK in line to see if she can sneak another one :3c
en-chi-la-da · 5 months
Tbh I think the whole class should get to smooch hajime. It’s what he deserves
im imagining hajime sitting in a kissing booth looking like lucy from peanuts in her psychiatrist booth. kisses are 5 cents. the hajime is IN.
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popcornpieispissedoff · 9 months
A Pile Of Canon Divergent Danganronpa Headcanons:
The students absolutely did not get along when they first enrolled, they were all legit getting on each others' nerves and every other day was a shouting match.
Byakuya doesn't mind Ultimate Impostor's presence most of the time, but there have been times when he was seriously creeped out by Impostor.
After they adopted Kotoko, Hifumi collected all his loli/shotacon and invited Kotoko to help him burn it. Seeing the damage adults did to Kotoko has him rethinking his tastes in manga altogether.
If Kiyotaka catches anyone running in the halls he will drag them to that person's starting point and make them walk back to their destination.
When Gonta inevitably found out that Hiyoko liked squishing ants, he sat her in front of the biggest anthill he could find and unloaded ant facts on her. This bored the habit right out of Hiyoko.
Everyone has accidentally locked themselves out of the school at least once.
Over time, everyone noticed that Mikan was tripping over less and less. Though she attributes it to learning balance from Sakura, she subconsciously knows it's because she doesn't need the attention anymore.
Mikan wants to cure Nagito's terminal illnesses, but fears that Nagito's luck would kill him if she does so.
Mikan cares deeply for the Warriors of Hope, and is a key player in their rehabilitation.
The virtual Jabberwock Island from Danganronpa S is still there...but the students actually built it to get away from their oppressive dickhead superiors that they hate. It has the 50 day summer camp mode for all of them, or a solo mode for anyone to set a specific amount of time within the virtual world to unwind.
[Very slowly lays hand on Masaru's head as to not trigger his trauma of being slapped] This boy can fit so many cuddles and kisses.
Jataro won't just let you hug him, the little mf will let you s q u i s h him into your body with all your love and might. As long as he can still breathe he will be happy and let you hold him.
Kirumi cracks pretty easy under stress. She doesn't lash out at everyone so much as she curls up against the nearest wall and rocks herself.
Don't ask Kirumi to reenact Jackass with you, or she will absolutely overcomplicate the assignment and seriously injure herself. She does not comprehend physical comedy, much less the line where physical comedy becomes everyone around her fearing for her life.
Ryota straight up lives in the walls along with the balding Monokuma from V3. Junko and Ultimate Impostor are the only ones who know, but neither of them have been successful at getting Ryota out of his shell.
Korekiyo has been given an intervention by all the girls at Hope's Peak. It ended with eight hours of group hugging. Korekiyo is feeling better now.
Korekiyo and Kirumi have routinely fought over the air conditioning.
Masaru will bite anyone at least once, but for reasons only known to himself, he likes biting clowns the most. He will hunt down any clown that appears in his field of vision and not stop until he gets a bite.
If Gonta finds any insect traps or insecticides, he throws them down the garbage chute.
Hajime is still Izuru, but it's an open secret. His classmates love him no matter what his identity is. <3
Reserve Course students weren't so chill about Izuru, however-they wanted Jin Kirigiri's BLOOD. And the Ultimates just kinda let them do it for treating their friend as a lab rat.
One winter when the heater broke everyone slept together in the gym until it was fixed. We're talking a pile of blankets that was three feet thick.
They legit would not trade each other for the world except for Kokichi and even then Suichi would still be sad about it
Mahiru doesn't like taking pictures of Ryoma because his weirdly large eyes reflect all the light and the result always looks terrifying.
Someone kept leaving a stuffed toy clown in random places around the school...until they adopted Masaru and he promptly bit the shit out of it.
Ibuki tried playing from the rooftop once. It took 8 hours to find her, 4 hours to coax her down, and 2 hours to soothe her afterwards.
Nanokumas like to move things around when nobody's looking.
All Ultimates are prone to getting the zoomies. It ranges from Leon running around in circles to Sakura almost leveling the school.
Reserve Course students like to observe the Ultimates because Ultimates are all stupid fucking dorks and watching them accidentally stir up chaos is great entertainment.
Hope Fragments appear when a student feels their happiest. It forms within the body and gets hacked up like a hairball.
Gonta routinely has nightmares about being caught in a venus flytrap.
Fuyuhiko has become aware of Yasuhiro's debt to his family, and holds it over his head.
Peko wonders if her parents know about her becoming an Ultimate.
Junko is trying really, really hard to feign apathy towards her classmates in the name of Despair, but no one buys it.
Mukuro and Peko like to spar together, and they're pretty evenly matched.
Miu is soft (by Miu standards) towards Chihiro.
Miu becomes very anxious and needy at the mere thought of graduating from Hope's Peak and moving away from her friends.
More to come when my brain cells wake up and remind me who these people are
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Maki with an Energetic and affectionate Mioda Sibling reader who gets into weird situations
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•You'd think maki would hate affection but actually she loves it but she gets incredibly flustered by it
•She also loves how energetic you are, sure it annoys her at times but she's used to it
•Doesn't stop her from calling you a Dork though
•She does wish that you'd stop wandering off though
•Seriously she found out you wandered into a Yakuza stronghold one time and beat everyone up
•She doesn't like talking about it but she keeps a closer eye on you now
•She found out that your personality was basically genetic when she met your sister Ibuki and had to deal with both of you running around town for no reason
•Now back to affectionate you love touching Maki it's to the point that you anytime you see her your instantly either clinging onto her arm or squishing her cheeks
•And damn do you love squishing her cheeks, you always gush about how cute she while doing it
•She always pulls away blushing calling you a dork but she never stops you from doing it again
•So you may think that when it comes to affectionate like kisses that'd be the line
•Well that only comes to if it's in public, in private she welcomes you giving her kisses and you are very happy to oblige her
•She says it's just to make you happy but you know she loves kissing just as much as you do
•She's thankful for whatever fate that lead her to you and hopes that she can be with you forever
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angelicimagines · 3 years
(Any Mod) Sayaka, Ibuki, and Kaede all reacting to the Ultimate Composer S/O being stumped on how to make their next song just a tad bit more "their style"/stylish/polished and they basically have a music date in the Composer's Lab just trying to finish a song... but getting distracted by each other being cute?
Hello there Anon. Thanks for request, writing music for a specific style is always a hassle. I usually end up with something completely different from what I originally thought. Without further ado, onto the request. –Mod Shuichi
The Music Gals (Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda, Kaede Akamatsu) with a Composer S/O who's having a creative block.
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The Music Gals (Sayaka Maizono, Ibuki Mioda, Kaede Akamatsu) with a Composer S/O who's having a creative block.
Sayaka Maizono🎤
🎤 She was on her way to check up on you when she heard your frustrated grunts and some hard scribbling. That can't be good. 🎤 She snuck you some kisses and captured your attention enough so you could explain to her your current dilemma. 🎤 Turns out, your song just wasn't sounding like you, which made you frustrated because you were the one writing it how could it not sound like you? 🎤 She suggested that y'all have a mini date working on your next piece, maybe she could give you some tips on what to fix. She's your girlfriend after all, she knows you better than anyone. 🎤 You agreed because if your brain couldn't fix the issue, maybe hers could. She's a singer, she's gotta have at least some experience with different styles of music. 🎤 The first 20 minutes or so went by smoothly, you were making some progress and Sayaka was giving you some alternatives here and there so your song could sound like you. 🎤 The rest of the time…well…you see… 🎤 While Sayaka was not helping you, she was looking at the other stuff you had made and was complimenting you on every single one, even humming the melody of some. 🎤 She sounded angelic and was just so damn cute, how dare she be so cute while you're trying to concentrate. 🎤 To get her back to earth or when you wanted her two cents on a line, you ran your fingers through your hair while pointing at the line in question. Problem was, she got very flustered everytime you did it. 🎤 And guess what she did to calm herself down, that's wrong she sang to herself. 🎤 So now you're stuck in this never ending loop of her singing and you trying to get her back to reality. She probably fainted from the blushing. 🎤 You decide that it's time for a break as you carry your girlfriend to her dorm. 🎤 You set her down on her bed and were about to return to your song when you felt her tug at your arm and make grabby hands. 🎤 She knew you'd agree to cuddles with her, she's psychic jeje <3
Ibuki Mioda🎸
🎸 She practically burst down your door and was gonna ask you to go take a walk or do something outside for a while when she found you banging your head against your desk. 🎸 Well that's not good, or healthy, or productive. She must put an end to it right now! 🎸 She wrapped her arms around you and kissed you back into reality. Then she persuaded you into letting her help finish your song. 🎸 You had the lyrics you wanted written down, but the instrumental was fucking you over. You didn't know which parts of the song deserved certain instruments and if your ideas were even in the right key. 🎸 Before you could stress any longer, Ibuki was already sitting down next to you and giving you some ideas. She even got out her guitar and translated your ideas into sound. 🎸 You worked for about half an hour when Ibuki announced that it was time to take a break. You needed to clear your mind before returning to the project since you had been working since morning. 🎸 You agreed only because it was Ibuki and the two of you set off to walk around for a bit and simply get a breath of fresh air. 🎸 Ibuki was being Ibuki, pointing at the scenery and chatting your ear off about it. 🎸 "That cloud reminds me of the time I ate a bunch of cotton candy, my stomach ended up hurting for weeks!" 🎸 You can't help but smile at her antics, your girlfriend is just so sweet and full of life and the cutest thing in existence. 🎸 You ended up out for longer than expected. The only reason you knew that was because Ibuki was getting tired and leaning against you for stability. 🎸 You managed to get her back to her dorm/cottage and she immediately collapsed on her bed. In just a few minutes she was out like a light. 🎸 You decided to take advantage of the peaceful atmosphere and brought your materials to her cottage. You had gotten a wave of inspiration being with her and now you could write it down. 🎸 You could herr Ibuki moving around restlessly, probably because of a lack of warmth, so you decided to hum the song for her. 🎸 You finished up the song and added one final touch before going to cuddle your girlfriend; you decided to name it after your source of joy and sunshine, Ibuki Mioda <3
Kaede Akamatsu🎹
🎹 She was going to check up on you and by check up on you I mean she was being clingy and wanted your attention. 🎹 That's when she found you angrily trying out chord combinations and different notes and shit. 🎹 She was concerned, bot for you and your instruments because you were bound to break them. 🎹 She tapped you on the shoulder to make her presence known and asked you what was happening. You explained your frustrations to her and you were going to try again but she interrupted you with her own idea. 🎹 "Hey S/O, why don't I help you with the rest? You could use a break from all the ideas running through your head." 🎹 The idea was great in theory, but there was one small detail you failed to account for; your girlfriend's cuteness. 🎹 Whenever a piece of the song finally clicked, she would cheer and kiss your cheek while clapping to herself. It was adorable and you got distracted by it. 🎹 Eventually you just stopped paying attention to the song and focused on Kaede, which made her very flustered. 🎹 You reached out for her hand and started rubbing circles on top of her knuckles and she melted. 🎹 You started singing a song while swaying in your seat and she followed suit. 🎹 Soon, both of you were dancing while singing songs and laughing without a care in the world. 🎹 You got to a slow dance and she laid her head on your chest while you held each other tight. 🎹 You moves looked choreographed, but you were following your heart's direction. 🎹 As you ended the song, you decided to add one last line. And so you sang the rest and added on "I love you, Kaede Akamatsu, always and forever." 🎹 Kaede tilted her head up and met her eyes with yours while smiling warmly at you. You were truly like a perfect symphony, you're her perfect symphony <3
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percybeloved · 3 years
“So Good, puppy” Hajime Hinata x Male Reader
Note: Pretty happy with this one tbh. Unedited because editing is a bitch. Might edit it in the future though.
Word Count: 1813
Contains: NSFW content, lingerie, the petname “puppy”, rimming, riding, fingerfucking, handjob, photo shoot turned sex session, breeding kink, belly bulging
It was a nice day. Wasn't too cold, wasn't too warm. M/N L/N, the Ultimate Cupid, had woke up late and quickly got dressed. He had sometime to spare before he grabbed some dinner so he shook his head, trying to figure out how to spend his extra time.  M/N decided to leave his cabin and go on a small stroll. Whilst on his walk, he went into deep thought. Mostly about his Ultimate and why he could never fall in love. Well, That wasn't ENTIRELY true. He was infatuated with one person. And that was Hajime Hinata. The way his eyes lit up during trials absolutely hypnotized him. The way he closed his eyes and scratched his cheek a little when he talked to M/N never failed to make him smile, even if its just a little bit.
"HEY, M/N!!!" M/N is quickly thrown out of his thoughts of his "lover" by no other than Kazuichi Souda. "Oh, Hey, Kaz" M/N said with a small smile accompanied by a nod. "What are you up to today?" the Ultimate Mechanic said with a toothy smile as he started to follow M/N. "Nothing Much! Just trying to kill time before dinner, heh" M/N continued to listen to Kazuichi's rambling as they walked around the beach. They both then heard a feminine voice call out for Kazuichi. "Oh, That must be Ibuki" he mumbled to himself, just loud enough for M/N to hear.
"Welp, Catch ya later, bud!" the pink haired boy said with another grin. M/N returned the gesture and waved as Kazuichi made his way to Ibuki's voice. M/N looked down at his watch and noticed that he still had about 2 hours to spare. "Maybe I should spend sometime with Usami..." He said to himself whilst pulling at his ear, a small habit he picked up from Mahiru. The red haired girl suddenly came to mind. "We did make plans to take pictures... well, specifically her teaching me " M/N mumbled as he started to walk towards her cabin. As he got closer to the door, he noticed Peko and Mikan walking together while chatting about something he couldn't hear. He called out for them and greeted them with a wave. Peko returned the gesture while Mikan just smiled bashfully back.
M/N knocked a few times before hearing voices behind the door. The door opened to reveal Mahiru holding her camera. "Heyo, L/N! Hinata is already here so let's get started!" She said. It almost looked as if there were stars in her eyes. M/N paused for a second. "Wait" he said in disbelief. "HAJIME? why is he here?" As if like a mother, Mahiru whipped around and started to scowl him. "L/N! I already explained to you I had a shoot with Hinata today!" She started, her finger pointed and directed towards M/N. "You said you were okay with helping me! Now come on! I don't have all day, L/N!" A small huff came from her before she walked further into the room. On the floor sat Hajime. He didn't even notice that M/N had came in.
He was absolutely stunning. Instead of the white button up and jeans he usually wore, it was replaced with a blue lacy two piece. The top was a bralette that showed most of his nipples, leaving little to the imagination. Trailing down to the bottoms, he wore a pair of matching laced panties that could barely contain his cock. His legs were covered by a white sheet, but you could still see the white and blue laced stockings that covered his thighs. M/N stared in awe, but the other male was too busy readjusting his stocking to even notice M/N's gaze. Mahiru's voice startled Hajime from his thoughts. "Can we just go along with the photoshoot?" she said in a bit of a excited voice. Hajime's eyes met M/N as Mahiru continued to ramble about how this shoot will be perfect. "You look amazing" M/N said in awe. Hajime, on the other hand, just looked away as he blushed.
He did speak though, but saying only "Why do I have to do this perverted photoshoot?" The question was directed towards Mahiru, who quickly said, "You're the perfect candidate! I rarely take pictures of males, Hinata" she chirped. His eyes met M/N's again, this time he mouthed "That was one hell of a answer" with a small chuckle. Wait. Is that lip gloss on his lips? M/N was starting to imagine very ungodly things. Mostly, Hajime wrapping his tiny mouth on his cock and swallowing his length whilst the lip gloss started to smear on his pretty face. Someone was getting excited... M/n turned to Mahiru and said, "Let's start!" with a enthusiastic smile. The longer Hajime stays like this, the longer he'll have this boner.
They had taken many pictures of Hajime in various positions. Mahiru showed M/N the parts of the camera as he tried not to come in his pants by just looking at him. Hajime would sway his hips a little everytime M/N looked at him. The {h/c} boy would look away while blushing. About 1/6 through the session, A light knock was heard on the door. Mahiru rushed to it and opened it. She looked at Akane with a warm smile. Apparently, Akane needed help with something but couldn't ask Nekomaru for he was way too busy doing whatever the hell he was doing. Mahiru quickly told Hajime and M/N that she'd be back in a hour or so and that she wanted them to finish up for her. As she left, fear filled the gut of M/N's stomach. He turned around and met the hungry eyes of Hajime.
"It was for you" he said while looking deep into M/N's eyes. "All of it. I was gonna tell Mahiru to send the pictures to you" "But why? Why me?" The {h/c} boy quickly said. "Everyone and their mother knows you're in love with me. Its obvious. I just wanted to treat you" He said with a smirk. He crawled over to the chair that M/N had sat down in. "But since you're here, I'll just treat you now" He reached up and grabbed a fistful of M/N's hair before pulling him down into a opened mouth kiss. Both of them sucked at each others tongues whilst in the kiss.  "You taste amazing" M/N said as he kissed the side of Hajime's cheek. "Stand Up, love" Hajime scrambled to stand up, as he was still drunk from the kiss. "You're so pretty" he said to his now lover as he leaned in and kissed him again. He pulled back and whispered, "i want you to breed me, baby" M/N's fingers quickly danced over Hajime's body, groping at his still covered chest.
He placed open mouthed kisses on Hajime's stomach as he leaned over the boy. "Lets lie down, please." A voice quickly invaded his senses. He picked his brown haired lover up and gently laid him down on the sheets that were previously used as props for the shoot. He began to undress himself and gave Hajime a smiled before stripping down to his boxers. "Baby please" he started to whine "it hurts so much. Please touch me" M/N hurried to slot himself inbetween his lovers legs before running his hands up and down the body in front of him. "Ok, darling. Let me relieve the pain" he was met with happy and almost intoxicating giggles. He began to rub his lover through the small piece of lingerie that covered him. Dick already hard and standing proud, M/N started to get him off. Hajime's giggles turned into moans and groans as the {e/c} boy fisted his cock. "So good, puppy. Keep going"
M/N was taken back by the nickname but to hear it more. He stopped getting Hajime off and quickly put his fingers into his mouth. "Darling, I have to prepare you" He started moving his hand again as Hajime wetted his fingers. He slowly pulled them away and ceased all motion. He started at Hajime, who was blushing and covered in saliva and tears. He lowered himself down to meet the now almost soaked under wear the he wore. M/N bunched the fabric to the side to reveal a small, pink, twitching hole. He began to lap at it before inserting his tounge. Hajime released beautiful moans and groans at the sudden feeling. M/N inserted a wet finger into said hole. One turned into two and two turned into M/N's cock. "Wait" Hajime said, making M/N freeze as he was taking off his boxers that were doused in precum. "I wanna ride you baby" He said with a small smirk. "Please do" M/N said, his words trailing off and turning into a moan.
Hajime flipped them over and slowly lower himself on the thick cock underneath him. "M/N, You feel so good inside me" When he finally got settled, he started to move. "Let me jerk your cock, baby" M/N said as he began to get his lover off again. Hajime was rambling things along the lines of "so so good" and "let me cum" M/N already felt close but held his own orgasm untill the brown haired boy was finished fucking himself on his cock. "Such a good little puppy" Hajime moaned as he continued to bounce on M/N's cock. "Are you close? Please fill me with your cum, Please baby, please" This time he was crying. His moans, whimpers and cries drowned out M/N's groans. "Look, love. Your cock is so big, you can see it bulging out of me" He said with giggles. M/N looked down and the sight was almost murderous.
He came inside of Hajime, Right then and there, because of the sight. The feeling of being breeded made Hajime also come undone. He kept moving though, making both his and M/N's brains turn to mush. When he finally started to come to his senses, he saw a come covered M/N, and a ruined set of lingerie, but also came to the realization that they fucked on Mahiru's floor. "Fucking Hell" he muttered. "Hm?" his now sleepy lover said while trying to help clean the come off of him, using the silk white sheets. He gave him a smile and kissed him before saying, "Nothing, doll. Don't worry about it"
They quickly cleaned up, trying to erase any evidence that they had did anything they weren't suppose to. They also took this as a opportunity to go to Hajime's cabin and hold each other. "You don't understand how in love with you I am" M/N whispered as Hajime laid on his chest, already half way asleep. With a sleepy smile, the other boy replied with "I love you so much more"
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 19~
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Warning!! The story has strong language, gore, and attempted rape.
Chapter 18
-------Part 1-------
Kurama: “I’ll feel better when you’re out of my sight....because I want to get rid of this feeling in my heart.”
Yoshino: “.......I see.”
Kurama’s voice sounded as if he was condemning my sin, which I falsely attributed to a small smile.
Kurama: “But you and I will meet again on the battlefield. It would be easy to snuff out a dream....It might not be a bad idea to leave you under the cherry blossom tree on this day forever.”
The wind blew harder than ever, causing petals to fly in the air.
A moment later I squinted at the momentum----Kurama gently turned his head towards me.
Yoshino: "Mm....."
Our lips meet and a sad moan escapes from my mouth.
We didn't know which one of us was melting from the heat.
Yoshino: "Mmm....haa....ahh.."
His tongue slipped through the thin lips and tickling the sensitive areas.
He stimulated all the right places and my body was supported by his strong arms.
When I opened my eyes, my view was blocked by my messy bangs disturbed by the wind.
Yoshino: "Nnn...."
Our lips separated with a faint wet sound.
My hair was a mess and Kurama gently adjusts it without saying a word.
Kurama: ".............."
Our gazes intertwined and our wistful breaths touched.
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Kurama: "I'd rather kill you than have someone else kill you. Until then, stay alive."
Yoshino: "........"
The words were too dangerous to be an expression of possessiveness and smelled too much of blood to be a confession of love.
1. I won't get myself killed...(+4/+4)
2. Kurama is the one who must not be killed.
3. No reaction...
Yoshino: "I'll do my best not to get killed..."
(For myself and for my friends...)
Kurama: "Good. I like that about you."
At some point, the residue of the withered tears was swept away by the wind along with the petals.
Kurama: "Yoshino. From now on....you're not my toy."
Yoshino: "......Mm."
I felt my heart tear into a thousand pieces, but I pretended not to know the pain.
Yoshino: "Because now....I'm Kurama's enemy."
I did not ask or speak about the meaning of that kiss.
Time moves on, leaving stagnant thoughts behind.
Yoshino: "I think that's pretty much it for packing."
-------Part 2--------
Yoshino: "I think that's pretty much it for packing."
(Finally, today is the day I leave here.)
The Shogunate and the Rebels each have a system whereby only the messenger and a few soldiers as my escorts precede them to the battlefield.
(The Rebel messenger is going to take me and hand over to the Shogunate messenger on the battlefield....)
(Then, as soon as the two sides' main armies join up, the war begins, right?)
I gently looked at the shiny stone in my hand.
(As a member of the Shogunate I fight against the Rebels.)
Yoshino: "Kurama.....is going to kill me."
(I, too, cannot protect anything unless I am prepared to do so.)
(And yet...)
(I still have such a crush on Kurama.)
I gripped the stone tightly and dammed up the emotions that were about to spill out.
Yoshino: "...................."
And then, I stood up and I went out-----
Yoshino: ".......I'm coming in."
I called out softly and opened the sliding door to enter.
I already had a hunch that the room owner----Kurama would be out.
(.....Forgive me, Kurama. For entering your room without your permission. I'll leave as soon as I've done my business.)
I apologize in my heart and kneel down on the shelf at the end of the room.
The shiny figurines owned by Kurama were carefully arranged and sparkled.
Yoshino: ".................."
I take out the shiny stone I picked up from the Otherworld and placed it between the beautiful ornaments to hide it.
The small white fragments glow dimly like the daytime moon.
(....If we can't let go of our memories, let's at least leave them behind.)
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Yoshino: "Thank you for everything. .......goodbye, Kurama."
As I said those words, my vision again caught the shiny stone and it started filling my memories.
(Somewhere along the line, I naturally accepted that I was your toy.)
(I felt like that was a manifestation of your typical possessiveness.)
(By the time I got to the point where I wanted to be more than a toy, it was..... too late.)
I stood back up and left the room quickly...
I started walking without even looking back.
-----On the same day, evening at Kyoto.
The mysterious light of twilight illuminated the beautifully furnished room.
Ibuki: "I've made you wait, Akihito."
Ibuki walks into the room and sees a young man sitting in front of him smiling languidly.
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Akihito: "You have a bad habit to call people immediately and make them wait, Ibuki."
Ibuki: "Looks like you were busy playing with that."
Ibuki pointed to Akihito's lap as if to make fun of him.
He was comfortably beating his drum to pass time.
Akihito: "What else can I do here? Well, anyway..."
------Part 3------
Akihito: "What else can I do here? Well, anyway...Yoritomo has outwitted us all, hasn't he?"
A soft, unreadable smile crept across Akihito's lips.
Akihito: "I didn't think they'd take back the fox princess."
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Ibuki: "Why are you laughing about it?"
Akihito: "Why not? You'll manage it, won't you? I sowed the seeds of evil, Yasuchika nurtured them and....Ibuki, it's your job to reap the harvest."
Ibuki: "Pain in the ass."
Akihito: "I thought you loved playing?"
Ibuki: "Okay okay, anything for you."
After a snide retort, Ibuki laughed and sat down next to Akihito.
----To discuss their future plans.
Rebel soldier 1: "The sun will soon be gone. Let's start preparing the camp."
A rebel soldier riding in front of my horse looks back at me.
Rebel soldier 2: "Ah. Hey, are you feeling any better?"
Yoshino: "Yes, I'm doing fine."
As a prisoner of war to be handed over to the Shogunate, I have been treated with respect by the rebel envoys.
It was Yoshitsune-sama who gave the order to do so.
(Yoichi-san and Benkei also were sweet enough to see me off. It is as if they forgot I'm an enemy.)
Benkei: "I know you're gonna stubbornly say 'No' if I asked you to run away. But nothing can be done now, isn't it?
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Yoichi: "We'll just have to hope that we won't run into you on the battlefield."
(Those two also risked their lives to fight for Yoshitsune-sama and their friends.)
(I'm going to stand on the battlefield, so I should learn to face anything.)
On the back of the horse, I look ahead and think about the battle that lies ahead.
At that time-----
Rebel soldier 3: "Hm? What the....?"
(What happened?)
One of the soldiers suddenly looked at the mountainside on his right.
Yoshino: "......Sand dust?"
I gasp at the sound of many horses' feet galloping towards us.
Rebel soldier 1: "No way, an enemy attack!?"
(No way.)
Dozens of men jumped out of the slope and rushed towards us on horseback.
Enemy 1: "She's here! Get her!"
Enemy: *ROARS*
Rebel soldier 2: "Are they from the Shogunate!?"
Rebel soldier 3: "I don't think so. There's no point in making a surprise attack when we've already negotiated so much."
(That's right. So, who are these people....?)
Rebel soldier 1: "We can't let em hurt our prisoners..."
-------The oldest soldier turns to me.
Rebel soldier 1: "And you, follow me closely! Let's get out of here."
-------Part 4-------
Rebel soldier 1: "And you, follow me closely! Let's get out of here."
Yoshino: "Yes!"
The rebels soldiers lined up their horses around me and ran frantically.
I was followed by the shouts of my escorts and the clatter of horses' hooves.
At the same time---Kurama, who was leaning on his side in his room, was playing with the silver crown in his hand.
Kurama: "I don't like it. The glow should be undiminished, but it's not."
As he put the crown reflecting the orange of setting sun, back on the shelf.
A similar sparkling object falls off.
Kurama: "........."
He picks it and was about to place it back, when-----
Kurama: "What the?"
Kurama frowned at the dimly shine of a stone, placed hidden in between his collection.
Kurama: "This is...no way...."
It's as if he's trying to hold on to a memory of someone who's just popped into his head.
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Kurama cradles the small stone in his palm.
At that time-----
Yoichi: "Kurama!"
Suddenly, the sliding door of the room opens and Yoichi rushes in, breathing hard.
Kurama: "What is it?"
Kurama's gaze sharpens slightly at the unusual appearance of Yoichi.
Yoichi: "There's an attack. The Court's hands have extended to the party which was sending over Yoshino."
Kurama: "!!!!"
(It's been a day. ....We've managed to escape, but.)
Rebel soldier 1: "It's not good. The horses are getting tired. I wish the enemy would give up for good."
We jumped into the mountains and tried to move along the ridge, hiding from our pursuers.
(At least if we knew who the enemy was....?)
At that time----
Rebel soldier: "Shit! They're here again!"
Yoshino: ".....!!"
At the same time as we turned around at the sound of the impatient voice, arrows poured down like rain.
Rebel soldier 2: "RUN!"
He shouted at the top of his lungs, and when one soldier tried to return the fire with his own bow, he was shot and fell from his horse.
I was about to reach out to him when another soldier tugged at my horse's hitch.
Rebel soldier 3: "Just run!"
Yoshino "..... Okay."
(If the enemy's goal is to catch me, I must never be caught.)
Keeping low, we sprinted along the beastly path, which narrowed the further we went.
(How long has it been, since I'm running....?)
Running like mad, falling down the mountainside, still running away, but.....
Rebel soldier 1: "They're catching up. We'll have to fight our way back!"
-------Part 5-------
Rebel soldier 1: "They're catching up. We'll have to fight our way back!"
The rebels soldiers started protecting me with their backs.
The rebel soldiers drew their weapons in unison and they glittered in the cloudy sky.
(.....I can't believe I can only watch like this.)
Enemy 1: "What can you even do with such a small number?"
The enemy smiled hatefully and stepped forward as if he had plenty of room.
Rebel soldier 1: "LET'S FIGHT!"
Rebel soldiers: *ROARS*
Enemy 1: "COME ON!"
Some shoot arrows, others wield white blades.
(But the number of soldiers on our side is too small compared to the other side. At this rate....)
The rebel soldiers, who are slowly retreating to fight back, are clearly in a bad mood.
Enemy 2: "Eat this!"
Rebel soldier 1: "Nn...."
A soldier was cut down in front of me and fell into the mud.
Rebel soldier 1: "Fuck...you should....go first. Go!"
The horse's rump is beaten and he clings to the reins.
Enemy 1: "Don't let her get away! Go, go----"
(....I'm scared.)
I winced as one of the arrows pierces my arm.
But still, I ran with all my might------
Yoshino: "Kyaa!!"
My horse lets out a high-pitched scream and rocks violently.
(They shot him in the leg!)
There was nothing I could do, and my body falls off the horse.
(Damn it!)
Yoshino: "Ouch...!!"
I staggered back to my feet and stared in amazement at the hellish battle.
Rebel soldier 4: "Gwaa..."
One by one, the rebel soldiers fell into the mud.
I was immediately confronted by several enemies, who blocked my escape.
Enemy 1: "He ordered us to be careful. We were just ordered to capture and keep the woman alive."
Yoshino: "Nngh....."
Enemy 2: "Now now, don't make it difficult for us....come here, missy!"
One of the men who had dismounted grabbed me roughly by the arm and I winced in pain.
My eyes widen as I look over their heads, only to see the last of the Rebels soldiers fall.
Yoshino: "...Let go of me!!"
Enemy 3: "Hey, shut up!"
Enemy 4: "She looks like some ordinary town girl? What's so valuable about her?"
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Enemy 5: "Who cares...? All our employers want, is her. But, well, it wouldn't hurt if we love her a little bit before handing it over, right....?"
I got goosebumps all over my body as he gave me a lecherous smile.
I shake off their hands and try to run away from the emerging smirking men------
Enemy 1: "Where are you running off to?"
Yoshino: "Nn...No."
They soon caught up to me and dragged me down to the ground.
My vision darkens with despair as I see multiple arms stretching towards me....
???: "What the fuck are you doing?"
At that moment---- the air around us was suffocatingly tense.
Enemy 1: "Ngh....."
The men's smiles froze, and they all turned their attention to the owner of the voice.
(No way....)
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Kurama: "Did you touch the woman?"
Chapter 20
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tricksteroftheheart · 4 years
High Note
Word Count: 1314 Summary: The concert was starting in about ten minutes, and Nagito was a wreak. Any additional infomation: No Despair, Band AU, everyone goes to Hope’s Peak, Nagito and Kokichi are very gay The concert was starting in about ten minutes, and Nagito was a wreak. His entire day had already been really bad: He burnt his breakfast, got hit by a bicyclist while crossing the street, left his homework at home, tripped over a cable during science class causing a fire, AND accidentally lost the promise ring Hajime had given to him (which really was the worst thing, to him. Hajime said it was fine, but he felt so terrible about it...) He chugged another bottle of water, messing with the trim of his brand new jacket. It was expensive, he could tell, but Kaede was somehow able to get everyone uniforms. Said she had a friend who made costumes for a living, and they were happy to help. It looked and felt great, too, so he wasn't going to complain. The purple-haired boy, his 'partner in crime,' was texting on the phone next to him. It was a small concert, just something after school Ibuki threw together. They hadn't planned for many people to come. Little did they know, the Ultimate Pianist and Ultimate Musician brought in people when they said they were going to have a concert together. "...Ouma-san, I'm... Nervous." "Call me Kokichi, Nags." His violet eyes flickered over to the pale boy, putting his phone down. "Is it about the crowd? I hadn't realized all of my fans would come to see me preform." "Ah, um, well, I mean... I don't want to make you, and the rest of us, look bad." He started scratching at his neck, his pale fingernails leaving red scratches due to the bitten-off ends. The Ultimate Supreme Leader listened intently, tilting his head a bit. "I'm not even half as talented as all of you, after all, and my luck is running out, haha..." There was silence for a moment between the two, Nagito looking away at towards the ground. This was stupid, he was going to ruin everything, he was going to embarrass himself in front of his boyfriend, in front of the entire school plus some- "What makes ya think that, Nags?" The voice was suddenly in front of him, and he jumped, falling off of the stool he had been sitting on and falling onto his back. The violette blinked owlishly, holding a hand out to pull him back up. "See? Today is just not my day..." He sighed and closed his eyes, crossing his legs. "Soooo you're givin' up? Just like that?" That seemed like a hook, like the short boy was trying to lead him onto something. "Just gonna leave us high and dry like that? If I sing the song myself, ya know, I'll probably fail." The luckster looked to the side, avoiding his eyes. "Imagine, Hajimeme, sooooooo excited to watch the love of his life preform... But you don't show up! What could have happened to you? He'd be worried sick..." His voice was dramatic, every word a different tone, a different kick to it. He stepped back, hands behind his back, raising his voice just a tiny bit more. Grabbing attention. "Why, he was hoping to see you sing! If you're a no-show, he may just fall into despair..." "Not that!" Hook, line, and sinker. The Leader's eyes glittered as he smirked, looking to his fellow singer who was now fully at attention, pale green eyes wide with fear. "I can't disappoint Hajime!" "Then don't!" He was about to start speaking before Kaede interrupted him, beckoning him over to help set up mics. He looked over to her, nodding before pulling the taller boy up. "Trust me, you're gonna do fine. And that's not a lie." He smiled, an actual, true smile, and Nagito's heart did flips in his chest as the shorter boy skipped over to help his fellow classmate. He'd... He'd do fine. He had to do fine. He was going to impress Hajime, impress his entire class, actually have some talent for once... Sure, Kokichi tended to lie, a lot, but that didn't seem like a lie. He hoped not, at least, and that's all he really needed. He just needed to hope. ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ They were doing... Fine. Better than fine, actually. They were doing really well. Kokichi was rocking it, his natural charisma practically dripping off of his motions and his voice. When he wanted the audience's attention, he stole it, and he was a very talented thief. He wasn't one to brag, but he was also doing kind of okay! He tried to bring the same level of energy that Kokichi was, which was difficult mostly because Kokichi had a l o t of energy. They hadn't really practiced what they'd do on stage ("Just leave it to me!" is what the violette had said when he asked,) but the completely improvised moves were actually turning out really well. "I want your love and your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!" Kokichi's eyes glittered like stars, pointing out to the crowd but eyes locked on one person in particular. Nagito had been singing along, doing backing vocals, until he realized just what the backing vocals had to do the next line- "I want your love and all your lovers' revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!" Kokichi's eyes darted toward the pale boy, worry dancing in his vision before seeing the glitter decorating the taller boy's eyes. Oh, yeah. He'd be fine. "Oh oh oh oh OHH~!" He hit the high note perfectly, closing his eyes tightly, quickly realizing this was a terrible idea with his lungs- "Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, caught in a bad romance!" "Want your bad romance-!" Nagito gasped as the note ended, Kokichi looking him up and down worriedly before he smiled and mouthed 'I did it.' The Supreme Leader blinked before smiling, elbowing his ribs before starting to sing again.
He knew he'd do fine. ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ His voice was practically gone, but that was fine. Kokichi said goodbye to the last two of his classmates, rubbing a rag across his forehead. "Jeeez..." He looked over to Nagito, who was sitting on the edge of the stage, trying to keep his breathing steady. "Yo, big guy, ya doin' okay?" He walked over to him, having to crane his neck up since now he was on lower ground to the already-taller luckster. His pale-haired partner in crime nodded, taking a chug from his water. "Yes, I'm fine. You?" "No worse for wear." And there was that damn smile again, the smile that Shuichi often called 'prizewinning.' If it was a true smile or not, he couldn't tell. "That was crazy, Nags. How'd ya do it?" He wanted to tease the boy, but considering how he was, he didn't want to push it. Especially since Nagito's boyfriend was kinda scary when angry- "I guess I just... Did?" He tilted his head, closing his eyes before they both heard the telltale sound of the gym doors opening. They both looked over to the door, eyes widening at seeing their partners come through the door. "Shumai!" "Hajime!" Kokichi practically knocked Shuichi down with his tight hug, spinning the detective around on his heels with the sheer force of it. Hajime chuckled, waving at the luckster as Nagito jumped down from the stage, his height forcing Hajime to get on his tip-toes to wrap his arms around the pale boy's neck and softly kiss his lips. Kokichi didn't need his ego stroked any more than it already was, but Nagito soaked up the affection and praise like a sponge. He did good for Hajime, and he did good for the band, and he just felt... Good. He felt really good. Maybe his luck hadn't ran out after all.
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Miu, Ibuki and Chiaki Celebrating Christmas with their S/O
Miu Iruma:
"Oi,Wake up." Miu says, attempting to shake you awake. You groggily open your eyes as you slowly sat up. "Miu...? Is that... you?" You ask. Miu scoffed at you before saying, "Duh-doy! You got someone else livin' with ya' here?!" You rubbed your eyes before letting out a loud gasp. “M-Miu?! What’re you doing here?! How did you get inside?!” The said woman laughed at your reaction. “That doesn’t matter! More importantly, I need you to get dressed right now! You have a busy day ahead of you!” She says. “Busy... day?” You question. “Busy day! With the one and only Miu Iruma, baby!” She exclaims.
After she had dragged you out of bed, she made you drive to the mall. "What're we going to be doing again?" You ask her. "Isn't it obvious? We're going on a date, dumbass!" She stated, placing her hands on her hips once you both had gotten out of the car. Miu clinged unto your arm as you both went in the mall.
Miu insisted that the both of you watch a movie. "Let's go watch that, s/o!" She says, pointing to (whatever movie you want). You agreed to watch it with her. Miu paid for the snacks while you paid the tickets. You chose a spot at the far back because your ever so loving girlfriend said that it's easier to get frisky there. You sighed at her perverted thoughts and just shrugged it off as Miu being her usual self. The two of you headed to your seats and once the movie had started, Miu remained suprisingly quiet all through out the film.
The movie ended after an hour and a half. You and Miu were currently at a fancy restaurant you didn't know she made reservations at. "Woah, this is a nice place, Miu." You spoke in awe, seeing all the fancy and most likely expensive decorations. "O-Of course it is! Do I look like someone who eats at some fast food restaurant?" She says, making you laugh at her response. A waiter approached you both and lead you to your seats. Once the waiter left to give you time to think about what to order, Miu cleared her throat to gain your attention. You looked up from the menu, "What is it, Miu?" You question. "Well... Listen, you've been really... how do I say this shit? Gah—! Whatever! Here, take it!" She shoves a neatly wrapped present into your hands, clearly flustered. You felt your heart melt from the gesture. "T-This is... For me?" She nods at you, averting her gaze as you opened it. Inside the present was a necklace with an oblong locket at the center. "C-Check out t-the locket..." She mumbled to you. And so you did, when you opened the locket a picture of you and Miu together was there. It was a pretty cliche gift, but she wasn't really one to give you gifts at all. "Ah, I feel bad. You have a present for me, and I don't even have one for you. I'm sorry, Miu." You said, sighing. "Idiot! You don't n-need to give me a g-gift... as long as I can be with you..." She says, inaudible mumbling out the last part. "Did you say something at the end? I didn't catch that."
"Heh, that doesn't matter. Merry Christmas, stupid."
Ibuki Mioda:
“Wake up, s/o!” Ibuki shouts as she pounces unto you. Groaning in pain and annoyance from being woken up from your slumber, you slowly sat up. “What is it, Ibuki?” You groggily asked, rubbing your eyes. You checked the clock on the wall. Five in the morning.  “What’s so important that you had to wake me up at 5am?” You inquire, tiredly glaring at her. “Don’t be such a grumpy pants!” Ibuki laughs. “It’s C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S !! Christmas!” She exclaimed in a singsong voice. “Ibuki...” You yawned. “Can we do this later? I’m still pretty tired, you know?” Ibuki gasps dramatically, shaking her head. “Oh, no, no, no!” She says. “We have to get your Christmas Spirit fueled up for this super fun day, S/o!” With that, she dragged you out of bed and forced you to get ready for her plans.
The both of you did a lot of fun things together. Going Christmas Caroling, although it didn’t end really well because of Ibuki’s ‘creative differences’ in music. Getting into a huge snowball fight with each other, with Ibuki accidentally throwing the snowball to hard and instead of hitting you it hit the kid behind you making him cry because he spilled his hot chocolate drink, And a lot of other things which almost got the both of you in trouble. Before you knew it, time had passed by quick and it was already 10pm. “Do we still have somewhere you’d like to go?” You asked her. Ibuki grins widely at you, “Yes! Ibuki does! Don’t worry, S/o! We’re almost theeereeeeeeee!” You chuckled at her enthusiastic nature.
After she had dragged you to your final destination, she let go of your hand and took a deep breath. “Ibuki thinks that this place is nice! You like these kinds of places, right?” She questions you, a silly smile gracing her lips. You took a moment to look around you, Ibuki brought you to the central park. Your eyes sparkled as you stared at the giant Christmas Tree in the center of the park. The tree had many decorations on it, varying in size, shape and color. And at the very top of the tree was a glowing star. “So, I take it that S/o loves Ibuki’s surprise?” You turned to her, a stunned expression on your face. “Hell yeah, I do.” You responded, laughing a bit. “Yahoo!” She cheers. “But you know, s/o...” You rose a brow at her when she pointed above the both of you. You looked up and saw a Mistletoe. It was dangling from a rope that held by a rod. You checked to see who was holding the rod and to your surprise, It was Mahiru with Mikan.
“Well? Why are you looking at us? It’s not us who’s under the mistletoe, S/o.” Mahiru pointed out. You turned back to Ibuki who had a bright smile on her face. She wrapped her arms around you and placed a peck on your cheek.
“Merry Christmas, S/O!”
Chiaki Nanami:
Chiaki wasn't one to go out during holidays, so you had to convince her to come. "S/o... I would really prefer it if we just stayed at home, you know?" She says with a yawn. "Please, Chiaki! There's this amusement park I really wanna go to with you!" You said, giving her your best puppy eyes. You knew she couldn't resist this so with a sigh, she reluctantly agreed. "Alright. We can go." She says. You gave her a small kiss on the cheek before running upstairs to get ready.
Once you both had arrived at the amusement park, your eyes lit up with so much excitement. "S/o, let's try that!" Chiaki said, pointing to a ride, the rollercoaster, and pretty much dragging you there. The two of you immediately got your turns to ride since the line wasn’t all that long. Sitting beside each other, you pulled the belt over yourselves. “Ah, this is gonna be so much fun!” You exclaimed, Chiaki chuckling at your enthusiasm. The rollercoaster started moving slowly to the top. You could feel your knees shake from how high you were getting. Once the roller coaster had reach the peak, it stopped momentarily before it dropped down at an insane speed. You threw your arms up, screaming. Chiaki just kept her hands on the railings, smiling at you. “You gotta keep your hands inside the cart, S/o.” She said. “Chiaki?! Were you saying something?! I can’t hear you!” You yelled. She shook her head and let herself enjoy the ride. When the ride had ended, you shakily got out of the cart, Chiaki holding unto you making sure you don’t trip. “T-That was fun!” You exclaimed.
And as if hours flew by like seconds, it was already night time. You and Chiaki decided to ride the Ferris Wheel last. “Hah, today was fun. Don’t you think so, Chiaki?” You turn to her, a grin plastered on your face. Chiaki nods and leans her head on your shoulder. “Yeah, it did. I had a lot of fun, s/o.” She replied. Wrapping an arm around your girlfriend’s waist, you sighed contently. A few minutes later, something had clicked into your mind. “Ah! Chiaki! I got something for you.” You said. Chiaki turned to you, tilting her head slightly. “What is it?” She questions. “I know it’s not much but I know how much you love this character from that game you always play, so...” You took out a present and handed it to her. Chiaki quietly opened the gift before gasping in surprise. “S/o? Where did you get this? This one’s a limited edition! Where’d you buy it?” You chuckled at her sudden change of nature. “I’m taking this reaction as a sign that you like the gift?” She puffed her cheeks out. “Like? S/o, I love it!” She wraps her arms around you in a hug. “Thank you, s/o.” She mumbled. You brought up your hand to pat her head.
“I love you. Merry Christmas, Chiaki.”
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nagitoshopejar · 3 years
A sequel I made with permission from @tea-twords-danganronpa
626 words
"H-hey, wait! No running in the halls, Leon!" Was all the hall monitor spat out before Leon rounded a corner. He sighed under his breath. Leon was always getting himself into trouble. Whether it was running in the halls, cursing (albeit accidentally or not, it was still against the rules), or even just passing papers in late sometimes. He fell asleep a few times in class. Nothing a small poke to the side wont fix. "Ugh.. If a teacher catches him, I'll have to look after him in detention." He sighed and sped walked after Leon as fast as he could without breaking the rules. Some time later he found Leon in the music room talking to Ibuki.
"So, lessons tomorrow are still on right?" The redhead asked the ultimate musician.
"Of course!" She smiled lightly.
"Ah, ok then! See you tomorrow!" Leon waved her off with an even wider smile. He giggled a little and turned around to be face to face with the moral compass.
"Leon." Taka crossed his arms and glared at the soon to be rockstar.
"Oh.. Hey Taka!" He scratched the back of his and smiled nervously. He averted eye contact and giggled a little.
"Don't 'hey Taka' me!" He hands were on his waist and his glare deepened. "Please stop running in the halls! I- no offense, but I don't wanna spend all break and after school, looking after you!" Taka frowned even more.
"Hey I'm sorry. I wont let it happen again!" Leon lowered and crossed his arms, in a more playful, angry way. Taka sighed under his breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Listen Leon. Since you wont stop breaking the rules, I need to take precautions, and punish you properly." Taka could help but let a smirk sneak upon his lips.
"I- uhm, what? Why are you smirking?" Leon suggested as an ask. Before he was even able to make a run for it, albeit him promising he wouldn't, a pair of hands were softly, fastly but surely making him giggle like a maniac as they spidered on his sides and ribs. "Ehehehehe Taka!" Leon giggled like a child and squirmed in the grip of the hall monitor.
"I told you, I must punish you accordingly!" Taka smiled at how cute his boyfriend was.
"NohohohoHAHAH- TAKA NAHAHAA STAH-" Leon had began cackling as hall man moved his hands to his underarms. Of course, as a defense and reflex, Leon quickly shoved his arms down. Taka made a loud gasping sound that made Leon flinch, startled.
"I cant get my hands out now! They're trapped! Guess I'll just have to keep tickling you! Tickle, tickle, tickle..." Taka teased, giggling along with Leon. He leaned real close so that he could nuzzle into the red heads neck making him practically squeal from the torturous, playful tickles.
"I'm afraid I cant! My hands are trapped after all!" Every face muscle Taka moved when speaking, just made the sensation all the worse. He even enhanced the wiggling fingers so the sensation was worse.
"EHEHEHE TAKA NAHAHAOHOHO!!" Leon reluctantly let his arms raise so Taka would stop. Or at least in hopes he would stop. Taka only switched to his belly which made Leon cackle louder than ever. Taka dug into the lining of each ab on his torso. "TAAAHAHAHAKA NOHOHOHO PLEASE IM SOHOHORRY IT WONT HAPPEN AGAHAHAHAIN!!" Leon begged Taka to relent but Taka went on for half an hour finally before stopping his attacks. Leon who was barely able breathe, let alone walk, let Taka carry him. "I.. Hate you..." He was limp in Takas grasp.
"I love you to." The Monitor smiled and kissed the baseball stars head who was resting against his chest, smiling."
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Ahhh, can I request a scenario for Gundham trying to comfort his girlfriend after a particularly draining trial when she’s out of it?? I only recently got into Danganronpa and found this blog and I’m in love 🥰
Heck yeah I love Gundham! I’m glad you like my blog! Thank you for the request! 
Even a Queen Must Rest-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
You were not ok.
Your best friend on this island, Ibuki Mioda, was just found dead. And to make matters worse, your boyfriend, Gundham Tanaka, was the prime suspect.
"I am telling you fiends, it is not me!" Gundham snapped, glaring at the others who were giving him suspicious looks.
"It's not Gundham!" You agreed. "He would never kill Ibuki!"
"I concur! Gundham cannot be the culprit!" Your other best friend, Sonia Nevermind, spoke up. Gundham gave the both of you grateful looks.
"But the evidence lines up for it to be him!" Kazuichi rebutted. "Ibuki was strangled, and Gundham's scarf was found at the crime scene!"
"I have already informed you that my protective neck wear had gone missing from my quarters at the start of the day." The breeder snapped at the mechanic, crossing his arms. "It is quite possible that a mortal familiar with picking or breaking locks could have snuck into my residence and stolen my beloved scarf."
"But we have no way of confirming that the scarf was really missing, do we?" Kaz pressed.
You rolled your eyes. "He was seen without it the entire day, you idiot!" You spat. "And would he really be so stupid as to leave his scarf there in plain sight if he really was the killer?"
"I mean, yes? Probably." Kazuichi shrugged. "I dunno, he never struck me as that smart."
"But Mr. Hamster Man doesn't have an alibi either!" Hiyoko changed the subject in order to keep the trial going. "He wasn't with anyone at that loud mouth's time of death, not even his slut!"
"Refrain from calling my queen such names if you wish to keep your tongue." Your boyfriend threatened. "And although it is true I do not have an alibi, it is because I was busy searching for San-D, as she had vanished."
"My, you seem to be losing quite a few things today." Nagito mused, leaning forward on his podium. "Hopefully you won't be causing us to lose this trial because of it."
"If Gundham was searching for his hamster around all the islands, surely someone had to have seen him at some point, right?" Hajime questioned, ignoring Nagito. He glanced around the trial room looking for any type of response.
Gundham copied him, and was beginning to get worried until Mikan spoke up. "Oh! W-wait, I think I r-remember something!"
His gaze shot over to her. "Yes? What is it, spit it out!"
The nurse squeaked and hid behind her hair. "Eek! I-I'm sorry! I'll speak f-faster!" She looked between everyone as she continued. "I-I was walking around the beach when I thought I saw Gundham's h-hairstyle in the distance. As I kept walking, I was sure it was him from his clothes, th-though I didn't see his scarf, which I thought was odd. B-before I could say anything he ran away, and I k-kinda forgot about it."
"Around what time was this, Mikan?" Hajime asked her.
The shy girl put a finger to her chin as she thought. "U-um. Around 10:35, I think?"
Gundham, Sonia, and yourself let out a loud sigh of relief. "That's five minutes after the time of death." You pointed out. "And unless Gundham has some sort of super speed, there's no way he could get from the music venue to the beach in five minutes."
Kazuichi's eyes widened, and you noticed he began to sweat. "I-it's still possible!" He insisted.
"Why are you so insistent on pinning me as the killer, Kazuichi?" Gundham demanded, glaring at the mechanic.
"You're the only lead we have!" Souda exclaimed. "If it's not you, then who is it?!"
"Hey, does anybody else think it's weird that the speakers in the music venue were fixed?" Chiaki said suddenly. "When Ibuki had her concert the day before, didn't one of them break?"
"Yeah, I fixed it. So?" Kazuichi shrugged.
Your eyes narrowed. "When did you have the time?" You asked him.
Kaz stiffened and turned to look at you. "Wh-what?"
"When did you have the time to fix the speaker?" You repeated. "It couldn't have been the night of Ibuki's concert. You left as soon as it was over. And you were seen with Sonia until 10:00 today, when you said you had to go do something."
The whole room went quiet.
"I-it's not what you think!" Kazuichi shook his head and waved his hands wildly, sweat pouring down his face. "I-I just fixed it sometime today!"
"Why would you fix the speaker during a murder investigation?" Hajime questioned, narrowing his eyes at the freaked out mechanic.
"T-tinkering with stuff helps me calm down!" Kaz claimed. "S-seriously, if you guys are trying to say it's me, it's not!"
Suddenly Jum-P popped out of Gundham's scarf and jumped across the podium until he reached Souda's. When he was there he climbed up the mechanic's jumpsuit and picked at it. Kazuichi yelped and brushed at the hamster, but it only made it's way back to Gundham. Safely back in his master's hands, the breeder inspected what his Deva had given him. "It seems Jum-P has given us a new clue." The Overlord of Ice informed the others. He held something up with his fingers, and Kazuichi looked about ready to run away.
It was a piece of purple cloth. The same cloth from Gundham's scarf.
"I-I have no idea how that got on my jumpsuit!" Souda insisted. "It's not me! I didn't kill Ibuki! I'm not a murderer!"
Hajime did his thing, explaining how it went down and why. Apparently Ibuki had asked Kazuichi the night of the concert to ask him to fix the speaker the next day, to which he agreed to. He then got an idea of how to kill someone, and frame his "love rival", Gundham. He used his tools to break Gundham's lock while he was asleep and stole his scarf and San-D as a way to keep Gundham busy, then fixed the lock. He then met with Ibuki and fixed the speaker. Then when her back was turned, he strangled her with the breeder's scarf, leaving it behind as evidence.
Everyone voted for him, and he was executed. You all shambled your way to the elevator and made your way to your homes. Normally you would have said something to Gundham, but you felt dead inside. You had no energy. You walked past everyone, including him, as you entered your home.
You fell asleep immediately.
The next morning you woke up to a loud pounding on your door. You blinked open your eyes groggily as you rubbed them. You slowly threw your legs over the side of your bed and tiredly made your way to the door. When you opened it, you saw a very concerned looking Gundham. When he saw you, relief filled his face. "Oh thank the Gods!" He breathed before pulling you into a tight embrace.
You squeaked in surprise. "G-Gundham!" You exclaimed. "Did something happen?"
He pulled away, holding your hand. "When you did not arrive to our morning meal I became concerned, my love. I was worried something awful had happened to you."
You furrowed your brow. "Morning meal...Gundham, the morning announcement hasn't even happened yet."
Your boyfriend looked at you quizzically. "My Goddess...The cursed bear made his announcement nearly an hour and a half ago."
Your eyes widened. "...What?" When Gundham nodded, you rubbed your eyes and shook your head. "I...I slept through that loud announcement?"
"You must be truly exhausted to have slumbered through such a loud call." Gundham mused, looking at you worriedly. He grabbed your hand and gently led you into your room, closing the door behind him. He walked over to your bed and sat on it, you doing the same. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side. "I assume your current state is due to the events of the previous night?" Gundham asked.
You nodded as you laid your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. "I...I lost Ibuki. And Kazuichi tried to frame you!" You wrapped your arms around him tightly. "I fought with all I had to prove you innocent, because I know you would never kill somebody." You let out a long sigh. "I guess it used up all my energy."
The breeder looked down at you sadly and ran his fingers through your hair. "My darling queen." He whispered, pulling you into his chest with his other arm. "You did an excellent job last night. One could never have guessed you used even a fourth of your power, you held yourself as proudly as a queen should!"
You blushed slightly and chuckled softly. "Th-thanks, Gundham." You smiled. "Though it honestly didn't feel that way. It was taking all I had not to faint in the middle of the trial. Just the thought of those idiots voting wrong and causing us all to die was stressing me out so much." You closed your eyes as he nuzzled into your boyfriend's chest. "Even now, I'm so exhausted. I feel like I could sleep for years."
Gundham placed a light kiss on the top of your head. "My beautiful angel of darkness." He murmured softly. "You have no need to fear. None of those pathetic mortals could ever stand a chance against your brilliance." He let out a sigh. "And as much as it annoys me to admit this, the one with an unknown talent, the ever slumbering demoness, and to some degree the lucky one have yet to fail us, and have proven their intelligence at every turn."
You giggled softly at Gundham's speech, though even your laugh was halfhearted due to your lack of energy. "Yeah, without them we probably would have died at that first trial." As you thought about that, your exhaustion suddenly doubled, causing you to go limp in Gundham's arms.
Your boyfriend's eyes widened. "You are in a much worse condition than I originally perceived, my love!" He gently laid you down on the bed. "You must stay here and rest until you are well again." He stood and turned to leave.
You reached out a grabbed his hand, though your arm felt extremely heavy. "Wait...stay with me." You pleaded.
He turned to you and smiled sweetly. He bent down and swept a strand of hair from your face before placing a kiss on your forehead. "Do not fret, my angel. I am simply returning to the banquet hall to retrieve you your morning meal. I will return and stay with you while you recharge."
Your heart fluttered, and you nodded happily, placing your arm back beside you. "...thank you, Gundy." You murmured. You still weren't quite used to how much he cared about you.
Gundham blushed slightly at the name. He nodded and placed one last kiss on your forehead before turning and exiting your cabin.
As the door closed behind him, you smiled to yourself. You felt so lucky to have him. He was so sweet and protective of you. It made you feel so safe. You let out a happy sigh as you shut your eyes.
What felt like just seconds later, your door opened, and you blinked your eyes open to see Gundham carrying a tray of waffles, eggs and bacon over to you. "I am sorry it took so long, my love. I am afraid I got caught in an argument with the lucky one." Gundham apologized as he sat next to you, placing the tray beside you.
"Nagito?" You raised a brow as you pulled yourself to a sitting position. "What did you argue about?"
Gundham sighed and crossed his arms, watching you as you picked up the fork and took a bite of eggs. "I am afraid it was over you, my dark queen."
You looked up at him, surprised. "Me?! What about me?"
"The interaction started innocent enough." Gundham explained. "He asked where you were, and I explained you were feeling ill." The breeder scowled. "That pest then had the gall to assume you were faking your illness! He stated you could be attempting to lull us to a state of security before you strike." He looked into your eyes, and you could see the anger in them. "He even had the nerve to insinuate that I would be your target."
Your eyes widened at that, and you choked on the apple juice you had been drinking. Gundham looked to you concerned, but you waved him off. After coughing for a moment, you spun your head to look at him. "He said what?!" You exclaimed. "G-Gundham, I would never-!"
"Relax, my Queen." Gundham reached forward and caressed your face. "Do not fret. I am aware the deranged one's words are not to be trusted." He smiled lovingly at you. "You would never harm me, I know this." You gave him a relieved smile and relaxed at his touch. The breeder used his other hand to sweep a strand of hair behind your ear. "That is when it became an argument. I defended your honor, yet he simply 'warned' me to be wary of you." Gundham scoffed before pulling you into a gentle kiss.
You melted into the kiss immediately, placing the tray of food to the side in order for you to lean further into your boyfriend's touch. "I would never hurt you, Gundham." You muttered. "I feel important around you. I feel...strong." You smiled up at him, the light in your eyes returning slightly. "Even now, I feel a little bit stronger just by being next to you."
Gundham chuckled and ran his fingers through your hair. "You are important, dearest one. I am simply helping you realize your true worth." He kissed you again, then pulled away, a soft smile on his lips. He looked at you for a while, simply caressing your face, until he finally pulled back and handed you the tray once more. "As much as I would love to gaze at your beauty, you really must eat, my dark queen."
You smiled and nodded, continuing to eat the food before you. With each bite and caring look from Gundham you could feel your strength returning to you. Eventually you had finished eating. As you placed the empty tray to the side, you felt much better. You looked over to Gundham, who was simply watching you with a love struck smile. It made you giggle. You moved closer to him and wrapped your arms arms his neck. "I feel much better, my Dark Lord." You murmured.
He chuckled and rubbed your sides gently. "I am most please to hear that, my Dark Queen." He tilted your head up, and your eyes met. You grinned and leaned up, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. You felt him smirk as he pulled you close against him. "I shall always be here for you, Y/N, my beloved. Whether it be for protection, or to help you recuperate, I shall never leave your side." He muttered into your lips.
You smiled happily as you deepened the kiss. "Nor I yours, my King of Darkness."
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amazingsphelon · 4 years
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Hello again guys! For todays episode I’ll be posting multiple follow up individual OC art characters from my Gijinka Pokemon series.
Link of the original previous post:
Gijinka Pokemon 1st 4 Update
Gijinka WIP Update:
Gijinka Sketches (1st Post)
**Oh yeah my apologies for not being around in a week, had to polish up Melody alot. One reason why I got delayed.
For today’s episode, Meet Aeshi, The Gardevoir Magician.
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Aeshi - The Gardevoir **Also known as “Aeshi the Magician”
Age: 16
Attacks: She has a greaves that allows her more additional moves
Magical Leaf, Calm Mind, Future Sight, Psychic, Recover
Human Fighting Style:
Yoga + Telekinesis + Wing Chun + Other Chinese Martial Arts
Origin Similarities: Chinese with European Blood
Likes: Blare**mentioned aboved (I’ll expand this soon), Mysteries
Dislikes: Her said parents……
When I was making this humanized concept of a Gardevoir, what I have in mind to expand the details of this character was to based her on any chinese mythology goddesses attire and thus this is what I come up with (The Mythical Chinese Maidens to be exact). She’s partially half-european, half asian btw.
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**Here are some of her sketches btw....including the exterior of her attire.
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**Ironically this is one of her first designs I made and I didn’t like it how she turn out literally so I had to revised for the 2nd time.
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**With her Pokemon Moveset I actually based some of her fighting styles likely between Chinese characters like Xiaoyu and Pai Chan from Virtual Fighter, then I look some movesets between M.Bison, Rose and Vega,
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**The kick above is likely based on Ibuki’s Hien , which she strikes with both her feet then I haven’t modified things about her yet so everything is just on my imagination.
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**Here she’s doing a modified version of M.Bison’s Psycho Press.
Now as much as her story line goes she’s an adventurer along sides with two of her first companions: Blare and Aedris, then later stumbles Melody along side two of her lil friends-Raid and Naiya (Both based on Ruby and Sapphire from Pokemon Manga), while she’s helping both Blare and Aedris, she’s on a quest to search for her grandmother’s remain while having hostility issues with her said parents. Now the fact that she has to run away from her said not so well-influenced parents has something to do with suppressing family matters through traditions
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**Designs of her head.
Much like her friend Blare, she also gains a mysterious mark fragment located hidden small on her forehead (where her bangs hids it) abit and also on the back of her neck and shoulders and since she’s a psychic practitioner, she also gain 4 more additional marks on her hands and feet.
With her psychic practices, there are times she has to palm read (sometimes kisses or licks when she doesn’t get enough reading) on somebodies marks in order for herself to read additional powers within their community and oh, she sometimes does this with many uses on multiple occasions, such as how the person feels, future readings and understanding problems of other people for them to perform tasks.
She also has this green greeves on both of her shins that allows her to perform additional movesets **Such as Secret Power and some movesets that are fighting base moves.
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That’s all for now for this post. If there’s anything I’d like to say more about this girl, she’s secretly a lesbian, much of Blare’s dismay.
I’ll be posting Melody, the Milotic later...
See you later guys!
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ga-yuu · 3 years
Ikemen Genjiden ~ Ibuki’s 1st Birthday Story~
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(Ibuki's birthday story was released just 2 hrs ago, and me being the greediest and most impatient person, I bought it right away even though I could have waited for some more time and buy the full set.....but who cares? I'm all about the story. I was initially planning to do the line by line translation, but I'll do it on 1st Mar or 2nd Mar.)
Yuno arrived in Kyoto with Yoritomo and Kagetoki, who had to deal with some business related things. After her work with them was over, she was allowed to roam around Kyoto.....
(Oh yeah, before reading forward...I'll warn you that the story is little scary if you're not used to seeing or into sadistic stuff. If you're the type to get scared at these stuff, then don't read this. It doesn't goes extreme....It's just the atmosphere could scare anyone when you are in that situation. You'll know when you read it.)
So was walking around Kyoto, and suddenly comes across a group of children talking about demons and ayakashi. Yuno thinks that this was interesting and approached them. But the before she could reach them, they all ran away. Then Yuno decides to forget about that and move on, when suddenly someone calls her from behind. She turns around to see a beautiful looking boy staring up at her. He looked very different and eye-catching from the other kids. The little boy grinned at her and tells her 'hide or else demons will catch you.'
Yuno smiled and says that she's an adult and no demons would attack her. Yuno asks his name and this boy, with a very evil grin on his face, which looked like he was planning something evil, says that he name is Ibuki. Yuno called him Ibuki-kun and asks if he was lost. She could see that the boy did not look like a commoner, and if he is from a wealthy family, he shouldn't be lost like this. Ibuki tells her that he is lost and Yuno decides to take him back to his home before sunset. Ibuki asks once again if she was okay with it and Yuno nods. Ibuki quickly grabs her hand and shows her the route to his house.
Seeing his eagerness, Yuno felt like he didn't need any help. But for some reason, her body started getting heated up when she held his hand. She curious asks his age thinking that he might be between 10 to 12. Ibuki causally tells her that he is 1200 years. Yuno thought he was teasing her and she tells him that she is worried about his future if he keeps tricking everyone. Ibuki tells her that he is serious and also says that today is his birthday. Yuno, surprisingly asks if it's true and that he's not joking. He nods and she tells him that he must go home quickly to celebrate. Ibuki sadly tells that he doesn't have anyone to celebrate it with and Yuno felt sympathetic and decides to celebrate his birthday. But before they both reached Ibuki's house, Yuno buys a gift for him without him looking.
After reaching Ibuki's house, he quickly takes her to his room. Yuno kind off started to feel odd, because the room had a very lewd atmosphere. She turns around and sees the little Ibuki smiling at her. But his smile didn't seem innocent at all. She nervously asks if this is his room, and Ibuki nods. He tells her that he lives in this room and had brought many guests before....'many guests'!?!?!.... The room was full of luxurious items and well decorated. Yuno started to feel scared and tells him that she wants to leave and slowly moves back when Ibuki approached her. But Ibuki wants to celebrate his birthday, so he rolls his sleeve and takes off the old looking bracelet on his wrist. Then in the next split second, the little boy turns into a very tall young man with horns, looking down at her. Yuno started to get even scared and deceived at the same time when she realized that he was a monster all this time. She runs for the door, but Ibuki locked it with some magical seal. Yuno understood that there was no escape but still becomes vigilant. She stares at him and asks him if he is someone from the rebels. Ibuki shakes his head and tells her that he knows someone from the rebels but he was not among them and also he brought her here for his own personal interests. She asks what he wants and he proposes her a deal. If she could satisfy him then he would let her go. He then grabs her hand and brings it to his lips. He starts to sweetly bite her fingertips and Yuno started to resist the pleasure he was giving to her. She starts to pull her hand away from him but he starts to lick her wrists to which she starts to moan. He had a very beastly look in his eyes when he was doing this. He tells her to call him by his name and she reflexively calls his name. Ibuki, with a satisfied expression starts to hug her. He tells her that he’s just playing with her and she needs to relax. Then he proceeds to kiss her on the neck and she started to shiver. Then suddenly she remembered something and tells him that she has something to give him. Ibuki felt displeased when she stopped him midway and tells her that she’s not sexy at all. (To which I strongly disagree. She’s the most sexist MC and you’ll realize this when your route comes out.) 
Yuno takes out the gift that she initial bought for Ibuki’s little kid form but still gives him. Ibuki comments as to how confident she looked when she handed over the gift, while opening the package. Yuno just simply denies. When Ibuki looks at the gift, he was taken by surprise. It was a small well made wooden cat figurine. Ibuki just keeps looking at it without saying any word. Yuno nervously asks if he didn’t liked it and Ibuki immediately tells her that he was very happy with it. He tells her how much cute cats are while slowly arranging the cat figurine on his shelf. Ibuki then looks at her and tells her that he has decided to let go her for now because he is satisfied. (AWWWW!!!!!)
Yuno asks if its true and tries to open the door and to her surprise it did. Yuno was happy and and somehow felt like Ibuki is a man that keeps his promises. Before closing the door, she looks through the gap and wishes him Happy Birthday for the last time, only to see his humanly surprised face staring back at her when she closed the door.
(The story is a nice start for their relation. I really felt Yuno’s nervousness when he brought her to his room. If this was real life....It’s dangerous. But Yuno somehow managed the situation calmly. But I still wonder how she bought the perfect gift for Ibuki?)
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