alchemisoul · 10 months
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"The "Socratic approach" is what you call starting an argument by asking questions. IS there an ESOTERIC ALLEGORY concealed in the apparently innocent legend of Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs? A religion based on The Goddess of Confusion? Is that the answer to my question?
- Principia Discordia
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alchemisoul · 2 years
"In 1933, in Science and Sanity, Alfred Korzybski proposed that we should abolish the "is of identity" from the English language. (The "is of identity" takes the form X is a Y. e.g., "Joe is a Communist," "Mary is a dumb file-clerk," "The universe is a giant machine," etc.) In 1949, D. David Bourland Jr. proposed the abolition of all forms of the words "is" or "to be" and the Bourland proposal (English without "isness") he called E-Prime, or English-Prime.
A few scientists have taken to writing in E-Prime (notable Dr. Albert Ellis and Dr. E.W. Kellogg III). Bourland, in a recent (not-yet-published) paper tells of a few cases in which scientific reports, unsatisfactory to sombunall members of a research group, suddenly made sense and became acceptable when re-written in E-Prime. By and large, however, E-Prime has not yet caught on either in learned circles or in popular speech.
(Oddly, most physicists write in E-Prime a large part of the time, due to the influence of Operationalism -- the philosophy that tells us to define things by operations performed -- but few have any awareness of E-prime as a discipline and most of them lapse into "isness" statements all too frequently, thereby confusing themselves and their readers. )
Nonetheless, E-Prime seems to solve many problems that otherwise appear intractable, and it also serves as an antibiotic against what Korzybski called "demonological thinking." Most of this book employs E-Prime so the reader could begin to get acquainted with this new way of mapping the world; in a few instances I allowed normal English, and its "isness" to intrude again (how many of you noticed that?), while discussing some of the weird and superstitious thinking that exists throughout our society and always occurs when "is" creeps into our concepts. (As a clue or warning, I placed each "is" in dubious quotation marks, to highlight its central role in the confusions there discussed).
As everybody with a home computer knows, the software can change the functioning of the hardware in radical and sometimes startling ways. The first law of computers -- so ancient that some claim it dates back to dark, Cthulhoid aeons when giant saurians and Richard Nixons still dominated the earth -- tells us succinctly, "Garbage In, Garbage Out" (or GIGO for short).
The wrong software guarantees wrong answers, or total gibberish. Conversely, the correct software, if you find it, will often "miraculously" solve problems that had hitherto appeared intractable.
Since the brain does not receive raw data, but edits data as we receive it, we need to understand the software the brain uses. The case for using E-Prime rests on the simple proposition that "isness" sets the brain into a medieval Aristotelian framework and makes it impossible to understand modern problems and opportunities. A classic case of GIGO, in short. Removing "isness" and writing/thinking only and always in operational/existential language sets us, conversely, in a modern universe where we can successfully deal with modern issues.
To begin to get the hang of E-Prime, consider the following two columns, the first written in Standard English and the second in English Prime.
Standard English
1. The photon is a wave.
2. The photon is a particle.
3. John is unhappy and grouchy.
4. John is bright and cheerful.
English Prime
1. The photon behaves as a wave when constrained by certain instruments.
2. The photon appears as a particle when constrained by other instruments.
3. John appears unhappy and grouchy in the office.
4. John appears bright and cheerful on holiday at the beach.
- Robert Anton Wilson
If you can read this, you're a Pope.
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alchemisoul · 1 year
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"The process by which we construct a kitchen chair out of a whirl of atomic energy is just as creative (artistic) as the processes by which Patty Hearst turned her father from a beloved parent into a Pig Imperialist."
- Robert Anton Wilson, Prometheus Rising
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"Ontological anarchy combines elements of traditional anarchism (see Government as Criminal Conspiracy) with Discordianism, mathematical chaos theory, surrealism, the Moorish Orthodox Science of Noble Drew Ali, and bits of several mystic traditions, especially the Sufi and Taoist.
Basically, it consists of (a) the perpetual anarchist quest for maximum liberty of the individual and (b) a prose style of such post-modern density and Nietzschean fury that it continually “tricks” the reader into realizing just how very little liberty we ever experience, and how much bland tyranny we presently endure.
Poetic terrorism started out as a graffiti campaign, but Bey now defines it as “a strange mixture of clandestine action and lying (which is what art is all about)” and compares street theater with guerrilla theater.
“If you call what you’re doing a ‘street performance,’ you’ve already created a split between artist and audience….But if you stage a hoax, make an incident, create a situation, it might be possible to draw people in as participants and to maximize their freedom.”
- Robert Anton Wilson, Everything is Under Control
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alchemisoul · 1 year
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"If you can master nonsense as well as you have already learned to master sense, then each will expose the other for what it is: absurdity. From that moment of illumination, a man begins to be free regardless of his surroundings.
He becomes free to play order games and change them at will. He becomes free to play disorder games just for the hell of it. He becomes free to play neither or both. And as the master of his own games, he plays without fear, and therefore without frustration, and therefore with good will in his soul and love in his being.”
- Malaclypse the Younger, Principia Discordia
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alchemisoul · 11 months
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“You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as yourself and your friends.”
"Besides Paranoia is a Loser script; it defines somebody else as being in charge around here except me. I prefer to define myself and my friends as the architects of the future.
If David Rockefeller has the same idea about himself and his friends, well, the future itself will decide which coalition was really on the Evolutionary Wave: the Money people or the Idea people".
- Robert Anton Wilson
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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alchemisoul · 1 year
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"People would by and large act a hell of a lot more sanely, especially if when they got rid of “is” they put “maybe” in more sentences. I think if everybody used "maybe” more often - there would be an increase in general sanity.
You’ll find that by dispensing with “is,” and trying to reformulate without “is,” you just naturally fall into the kind of expression which is considered acceptable in modern science, and also it’s the type of consciousness that Zen Buddhism tries to exude.
Using E-prime you will understand modern science and Zen Buddhism both a lot better than you’ve ever understood them before. Instead of thinking the grass "is” green, I think the grass "appears green to me”.
And it saves me a lot of time by the way; I don’t get embroiled in arguments like Beethoven is better than Mozart, or rock is better than soul. I define such things as meaningless and so people get into arguments like that and I just say, well, Beethoven seems better to me than Mozart most of the time, but I don’t say Beethoven “is” better than Mozart...
...You just listen to the craziest people, on the news and on television, and the craziest columnists in the newspapers, they never say maybe, they’re always quite sure, and they never say seems, they always say 'is'."
- Robert Anton Wilson
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alchemisoul · 1 year
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"Never believe fully in anybody else’s B.S. (Belief System), I don’t care if it’s Rajneesh, The Pope, L. Ron Hubbard, Al Gore, George Bush…I don’t care who it is, don’t swallow all of their belief system totally. Don’t accept all of their bullshit, all their B.S. The second rule is like unto to the first: Don’t believe totally in your own B.S.
Which means that, as Bucky Fuller said, "The universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events.”
The universe consists of non-simultaneously apprehended events. Which means any belief system or reality tunnel you’ve got right now is gonna have to be revised and updated as you continue to apprehend new events later in time.
Not simultaneously.
- Robert Anton Wilson
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alchemisoul · 2 years
"On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security Prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jailbreak."
- Robert Anton Wilson
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alchemisoul · 7 months
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If you can read this you're a Pope.
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"Another prevailing assumption is that Order is Good and Chaos is Evil. In fact chaos and order exist outside of good and evil, but contain elements of both.
Chaos is the force that tears down old forms as well as the force that envisions new ones. Order allows us to carry out the plans that will build the new forms, but it also wishes to preserve forms that have outlived their usefulness (the status quo).
This brings up Hexar’s corollary to the law of Imposition of Order: Too much chaos, nothing gets finished. Too much order, nothing gets started. Order is what tells us that we should do whatever we can to prevent forest and brush fires.
On the surface, this is a good idea because letting fire run loose is hazardous to our own lives as well as that of other living creatures. However, the fires also liberate nutrients and send them back to the earth to feed the next cycle.
And we have finally started to get it through our thick skulls that keeping things from burning at any cost only increases the amount of fuel lying around for the fire that will come when we cannot stop it. All of the small fires that we prevent come back to us as one large, devastating fire.
Discordianism isn’t about preaching chaos at the expense of order. It is the realization that one cannot exist without the other. It is the acceptance of the need for balance between the two principles.
Order cannot destroy chaos, it can only change its form. Chaos can either be directed in creative forms, or when stifled turned into destructive (or at least useless) forms. Energy spent clamping down can be used for nothing else."
- Reverend Doctor Hexar le Saipe
First Church of the Sparkly Ball
“Putting the Disco back into Discordianism.”,
From the Apocrypha Discordia
(Art by Daniel Martin Diaz, Phoenix Apocalypse)
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alchemisoul · 11 months
Robert Anton Wilson On Crypto-Currency In 1997
#PopeBob #HailEris
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"Javacrucianism also has the simplest theology in history, teaching one thing only is necessary for salvation, the American Coffee Ceremony—a variation on the Japanese Tea Ceremony. This is performed at dawn, and you must face towards the rising sun, as you raise the cup to your lips.
When you take the first sip, you must cry out with intense fervour, “GOD, I needed that!” If this is performed religiously every morning, Javacrucians say, you will face all life’s challenges with a clear mind and a tranquil spirit.”
- Robert Anton Wilson
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alchemisoul · 2 years
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"People would by and large act a hell of a lot more sanely, especially if when they got rid of “is” they put “maybe” in more sentences. I think if everybody used "maybe” more often - there would be an increase in general sanity.
You’ll find that by dispensing with “is,” and trying to reformulate without “is,” you just naturally fall into the kind of expression which is considered acceptable in modern science, and also it’s the type of consciousness that Zen Buddhism tries to exude. Using E-prime you will understand modern science and Zen Buddhism both a lot better than you’ve ever understood them before. Instead of thinking the grass "is” green, I think the grass "appears green to me.”
And it saves me a lot of time by the way; I don’t get embroiled in arguments like Beethoven is better than Mozart, or rock is better than soul. I define such things as meaningless and so people get into arguments like that and I just say, well, Beethoven seems better to me than Mozart most of the time, but I don’t say Beethoven “is” better than Mozart...
...You just listen to the craziest people, on the news and on television, and the craziest columnists in the newspapers, they never say maybe, they’re always quite sure, and they never say seems, they always say 'is'."
- Robert Anton Wilson
...If you can read this, you're a pope...
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alchemisoul · 1 year
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