#im finally back
zigadoodle · 5 days
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I finally watched the pilot for Ramshackle! This is my first time drawing the crew, and for my first time, I'm quite proud of how they turned out🙂
I first heard of Ramshackle after seeing art made by @/i-ate-your-dog-srry
So I checked it out, and I would recommend watching it!
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aubeezz · 9 months
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shadowbrightshine · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Spies Are Forever - Talkfine/Tin Can Brothers Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Owen Carvour/Agent Curt Mega Characters: Owen Carvour, Agent Curt Mega, mentioned original doctor character, mentioned mama mega, mentioned owens parents Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Sicfic, Sickfic, Sick Character, Flirting, spies in love, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Hallucinations, is it gay to, Yes yes it is, its very gay, Gay, Secret Relationship, Spies & Secret Agents, Pre-Banana Incident (Spies Are Forever), Pre-Spies Are Forever, Pre-Canon, making soup, Period-Typical Homophobia, a little bit of period typical transphobia, neither are trans, multiple POVs, how are there so few saf sicfics this is a tragedy, i gave owen good parents to be subversive, its sad because it's sweet, Snowed In, there's only one bed, hallucinating yourself onto an island, THESE TWO ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME, domestic love is dangerous, when you're spies across the sea in the lavender scare
They're stuck in a safe house under several feet of snow, Owen is frighteningly sick, and Curt is trying to care for him and keep himself entertained. Owen is on the boat to fever island, where the only thing hotter than he is, is how cold the outside world is. today's weather is flickering between proper banter and barely keeping track of what room you're in. ==== “I have to watch you make a fool of yourself in the kitchen.” “Hey! I can cook very well thank you, Mama didn’t raise no invalid.” Curt thumped his chest proudly. “Sit back and relax my friend. I’ve got the skills.” ==== Today was the worst day Owen had had so far. They weren’t sure what he was sick with yet, because they were stuck in the safe house for another 3 days or so until the snow cleared up enough to let them out. The communications were down, and they were trapped. All Curt could do was try and make things a little easier. He left Owen’s preferred foods in more open spaces, he pushed the chairs out and back in when Owen forgot, and he locked the bedroom door at night because whatever this was, it was making him sleepwalk. They’d been here for too long.
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froggytoess · 3 months
Chapter 6 and I’m not dead !!
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avian-maple · 3 months
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Apple? That you?
Some owed art for @/ly_nx. on Discord
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philicheesecake · 8 months
(UL) Moving On
Warnings: Mentions of death and fatal vore, language
Word count: 1613 words
Read on Wattpad
Rebeka stared at Warren with shock after he had explained everything. "So... you found a giant who had previously tried to kill you and you trust him to protect us?"
Warren sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't trust him. I trust Lexie. She's half-human, and Daki clearly cares about her. She wouldn't want him to hurt us, so Daki will respect her wishes."
Rebeka sighed uneasily, staring off into the distance in deep thought for a moment. "We trusted Eli once... And look how that ended up... I'm not sure this will end well."
"Look, it's either this, or the Legion brings everyone to the next town over. Even if it isn't Clayfield, there's no way of knowing what everywhere else looks like. It might be safe, or it might be overrun with monsters... Either way it is a gamble... and I trust Lexie and Rubin... They seem like good people and they saved my life." Warren said. He appeared worried still, though he seemed sincere about this.
Rebeka rubbed her face, going quiet for a while in thought.
"I think we should go with Lexie." Liss spoke up.
Rebeka opened her eyes wide and looked at their sister with surprise. "Liss, but—"
"Lexie is a giant. Daki is a giant. All of us are humans. They can help us better than we can help ourselves." Liss explained.
Rebeka opened her mouth, then closed it with an uneasy look. Liss had a point.
Warren quietly walked down the hallway. He had gotten his prosthetic leg back, thankfully, though the stump of his leg was causing him a great deal of discomfort. He still wasn't used to it. He supported himself against the wall of the hallway for as he walked. He ducked into the nearest store room and began to fill a bag with supplies. Water bottles, granola bars, canned foods, anything useful that he could find. He tried to be quiet as he worked.
Footsteps began to draw near the room. Warren glanced up with a look of panic, then pulled his bag close and ducked behind one of the shelves. A pair of footsteps came into the room, and the sound of the door shut behind them. Warren held his breath, listening.
"You can't just kill every monster in the collecting rooms right now! Skinner is one of us." Katherine's voice sounded afraid. "You can't kill him. We'll just... find a way to deal with the full moon stuff. We can't kill him for just one day of the month!"
"He's a monster, Katherine! We can't start picking and choosing favorites now. It would be impossible to travel with any of the monsters while we're trying to find a new shelter. They all have to die." Another voice responded.
A pause. Between the gaps of the shelves, Warren could see Katherine pacing.
"Look..." the other voice spoke more softly. "I know you and Skinner were close... But he's not Skinner anymore. The Skinner you knew wouldn't have wanted this."
Katherine shot the other hunter a glare. "I'm sure a lot of werewolves never wanted to end up how they are... Maybe we're wrong about all of this... This can't be the way of fixing things... Killing our friends? How can we even call ourselves humans now?"
"We're hunters, Katherine... That's just the way we do things. We can't change it."
He began to walk past her, putting his hand on the door knob. "You can say your goodbyes to Skinner. You have until sundown..." a hesitant pause. "I'm sorry."
With that, the other figure left the room.
Katherine didn't move for a while, appearing in shock by the finality of it all. After a while, she left the room as well, shutting the door behind her.
Warren sat there in silence, feeling sick. As much as the monsters had hurt him, he hadn't expected this... complexity to come from it all. Killing monsters so indiscriminately almost felt wrong, whereas months ago, he might not have thought the same thing. That and one other thing...
Eli was one of those monsters in the collecting rooms. All of the monsters were going to be killed by sundown. Eli would die soon.
Warren didn't move for a while, absorbing this information. He seemed torn at the thought for a moment, before he eventually got to his feet. He headed out of the room, then stopped in the hallway. To his right was the collecting rooms, where he knew Eli and Skinner were being kept. To the left was the alchemy lab and the cafeteria, where Warren knew his sisters were waiting to leave.
After a moment's hesitation, Warren turned left and hurried down the hallway.
Eli was asleep for most of the day. And the previous day. And the day before that.
He had lost track of how long he had been locked in this room. His thoughts were foggy and out of focus. He was dehydrated, drained, and starving. He couldn't think of the last time he ate a good meal... He couldn't think of much of anything.
Footsteps approached.
Eli's eyes blearily blinked open. His eyes were mostly out of focus and he was seeing in double but he knew the scents. It was one of the Unseen Legion's Collectors, mixed with the scent of someone else. The sound of a gun cocked.
"Time to put you down, Old Yeller." The Collector spoke.
Elias eyes widened. "Wait, what?"
"Yeah you heard me, giant." The collector huffed, then cocked her head. "Any last words?"
Eli's eyes widened slightly. "...What...?" He coughed.
The Collector let out a small huff in disappointment. "Ah... I didn't expect anything intelligent coming from you." She sighed, raising the gun to point at Eli's face.
Eli took in a shaky gasp of fear. He looked to the side, then shut his eyes.
The gun fired.
"Soooooo, you know I'm actually overdo for getting some new clothes too! This could be a great opportunity!" Daki grinned, plopping Rubin down on the floor of the clothing store.
Rubin held his arms close, shivering in the cold. The oversized shirt from Daki being his only clothing was not enough. It was winter, and a thin layer of fabric didn't cut it. Daki was still shirtless from donating his top to Rubin, though he didn't seem as affected by the cold. Either that, or he was very good at hiding it.
"As much respect as I have for f-fashion... I th—think I just need s-something warm." Rubin said through chattering teeth.
"Well that's boring! You know, I've heard about how shopping for clothes is a big social activity for humans, and I've only really stolen clothes from my prey's homes before, and even then, I still had to follow a boring dress code. I've never really gotten to go shopping shopping before." Daki shifted to his smaller form to fit in through the door, then skipped about between the aisles of clothing with a gleeful grin. "I've never seen this much clothes in one place! And one person owns so much that they'll have to sell some of it? Wicked cool!"
Rubin grimaced at the casual mention of Daki's prey, but didn't comment, already going off to try to find some pants and socks. His toes already felt like ice. Once he began to pick out some pants, Daki popped up from the other side of the clothing rack. "Whatcha settling on?" He glanced down at the jeans from Rubin's coat hanger, then snorted. "Uh, no. Bad choice. That shade of blue does not do wonders for your complexion."
Rubin tossed the jeans aside and picked up some light brown pants instead. Daki looked at it for a moment, then grinned again. "Perfect. And I think maroon or terracotta would do great for your top."
Rubin snorted, "I think you picked the wrong career, giant."
Daki shrugged. "Didn't have much of a choice in that, did I?"
Rubin gave him an odd look for a moment, appearing thoughtful, before returning his attention to finding the rest of his clothes.
Rubin eventually found everything he needed and got changed into the brown light pants, brown boots, a maroon shirt and a brown leather jacket. He found a fitting blue scarf to replace his old one, then located some gauze in a first aid kit to wrap around his hands to cover his old scars that he seemed very self-conscious about showing. Once Rubin stepped out of the changing room, he choked back an amused snort at the sight of Daki outside. The giant was wearing a pink floral-patterned shirt and a shiny golden jacket.
The giant put a hand to his hip, then gave a turn on his heel, tossing his head. "Admit it. I look fabulous."
"Like a daisy." Rubin snorted.
Once they went outside again, it might had already descended. Daki shifted to his giant form again, then froze for a moment, seeming to notice something in the air. "Alright, I smell something... Keep scavenging the stores for supplies. I'll be back."
Rubin seemed surprised. "Wait— I thought getting back with Ruth and Lexie was our priority."
"Your tiny butt staying alive comes first." Daki wagged a finger in his face, though there might have been more at mind than just that. "Don't do anything dumb without me."
Rubin wasn't able to get out another word before Daki broke into a sprint, dashing off through the crumbling city and out of sight. He stood there in confusion once he was gone, now feeling uncomfortably exposed and alone. Something about Daki's abruptness seemed... suspicious...
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mystiicals · 1 year
open to: f, nb (23+ for romance!) setting: i can't remember the link to this plot idea, but essentially tomas is a lonely farmer and your muse shows up at his doorstep. they can be a runaway, car broken down, whatever fits! note: made with beta editor! can switch to legacy upon request.
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dark eyes watch the dust crop up the lengthy road up to the farmhouse. tomas could count on one hand the amount of times someone dropped by unannounced. he's weary of strangers ---- they all are, in a town that never exceeds a population of two hundred. he moves from the window, lest they see him. it's only a matter of minutes until he hears light footsteps on the porch he's been meaning to fix up. the door opens before she can even rap on the faded wood. his gaze travels up and down, assessing his stranger, face stony. she's prettier than any woman he's known ---- considering all the women he knows live within a 50 mile radius. he tries not to get too carried away with the figure in front of him, or how soft the skin underneath may feel against his calloused hands. instead, he tries to focus on why the hell a woman like this ended up on his doorstep. "can i help ya, ma'am?" he finally grunts.
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mighty-ant · 2 years
Stone by Day, Part Four
Part Three
When Drake finally wraps his head around the gargoyle sharing a cell with him, and not the man-eating FOWL science experiment he was half expecting, the first thing he feels is relief. And not just for himself. 
Gosalyn isn’t the only one anymore. 
Of course, following on the heels of that relief is a swiftly sinking dread. 
I’m going to be alone again. 
A part of him had always known that this was how the adventure was going to end–her safe with her own people, him dragged back under the mantle of Darkwing, chewed up and spat back out by his city. Her wellbeing has superseded his happiness for a long time. Maybe since the first night Gosalyn turned to stone in his trembling arms, his suit stained with her blood when she got herself stabbed trying to protect him. Or since he mistook her for an attacker and twisted her arm on the orphanage roof, even. 
There are boxes of sugary cereal in his kitchen that weren't there two months ago, colored pencils and crayons scattered across his coffee table. He’s gotten used to folding child-sized t-shirts on top of the dryer, and learned how to brush hair without tugging on the knots. Drake isn’t ready to say goodbye to it all. But he will. It’s what’s best. He’s no gargoyle, for all that he apparently has the sleeping schedule of one. 
Speaking of gargoyles. 
The orange behemoth in front of him isn’t Gosalyn’s grandfather, that much Drake knows for certain. For one, he’s orange and Gosalyn very helpfully described her grandfather as green-skinned, with gray sideburns and curling, goatlike horns. This guy is almost on the opposite side of the color wheel, and without any horns to speak of. He is big, though, easily seven feet, about as tall as Gizmoduck in his armor. Part of Drake dreads Gosalyn ever getting that tall when she grows up, if he even gets to see it. She’d never let him hear the end of it. 
“So,” he starts, awkwardness tangling his tongue. Introductions have never been his forte. There’s a reason he appears in a cloud of smoke and vanishes again before anyone can force him to make small talk. “You…know me.” 
A slightly alarming prospect, considering SHUSH has taken pains to ensure he remains more mystery than man in the tabloids. Gosalyn just happened upon him one night and decided to follow him around; it took Drake about a week to realize he had a second, child-sized (sorry, hatchling-sized) shadow. He desperately hopes the big guy hasn’t been tailing him too, or else he’s really lost his edge. 
The gargoyle grins at him like it’s Christmas come early, nevermind that he’s been locked in this cell for gods knows how long. Drake should probably look into that. 
“Course I know you!” The gargoyle chuckles, and it’s a little disarming how effortlessly it transforms his fearsome face into such a warm expression. “I’m a big fan.” He lumbers forward, and it’s through sheer force of will that Drake doesn’t retreat from someone who looks like he bench presses semis in his spare time. He reaches out with a single sharp talon and carefully cuts the cable tie still holding Drake’s wrists together. And here he was planning to dislocate a thumb to get himself free. 
“I mean, uh.” The gargoyle takes a step back, looking abashed. “I’ve heard good things from-from Giz and the others.” 
Drake is briefly distracted by relief; he lets out a breath, the tension in his body easing when the gargoyle surrenders the few feet of space between them and he stops feeling so cornered. Then he has the wherewithal to scoff. “You sure you got the right Darkwing? The Justice Dweebs and I aren’t exactly organizing playdates.”
The gargoyle huffs, wry amusement replacing his earlier uneasiness. “Never would’ve guessed.” He crouches, the same way Gosalyn does when she’s been standing around for a while. In her case, Drake suspects that it’s the posture that feels most natural to her, whether because of her age or her specific gargoyle body type. A body type that this gargoyle definitely doesn’t share. As big and barrel chested as he is, it’s almost like he’s trying to make himself look a little smaller.
Drake crosses his arms, eying the gargoyle as he leans against the wall. The wall of his prison cell. Right, time to get back to business.  
He doesn’t know how long the gargoyle’s been here (days, maybe, if he really is Gizmoduck’s missing person), but it looks like FOWL has left him alone. Most wounds would’ve been healed by stone sleep, but this guy’s clothes aren’t even torn around where an injury would’ve been. And sure, Drake can’t imagine any Egghead or hired goon like Hammerhead wanting to go toe-to-toe against a seven-foot gargoyle, but there are ten hours of the day when the guy is solid stone. And in this place, a sitting duck in every sense of the word. Gruesome as the thought might be, if FOWL wanted the guy dead, he’d be dead and dust by now. 
So the question remains: why have they left him alive? And for that matter, why is Drake?
“We’ve established you know who I am.” He pushes off from the wall to slowly circle the gargoyle. All this mystery is making him anxious. “But you’ve got me at a disadvantage.” 
The big guy doesn’t move, other than to turn his head and keep Drake in sight. He looks unperturbed, maybe a little curious, but definitely doesn’t seem threatened by Drake’s patented ‘bad guy prowl’. And Drake suddenly wonders, if this guy does turn out to be a FOWL plant, could he beat him? If it came down to it and this gargoyle was all that stood between him and going back home to Gosalyn, keeping his word to sing her lullaby 2.0, would he be able to win?
 He’s never had one, single person to fight for. Everything he’s done since burying Drake Allard has been for the city: the belligerent deli owners, the teens playing hockey in the streets, the single moms walking home in the dark. All of them important, but all of them nameless. Gosalyn chose her name, then she chose to give it to him, and with it, someone Drake can live for and not just a cause to die for. 
The gargoyle offers Drake his hand, massive, orange and taloned. He could probably crush all 27 bones in his hand but Drake’s no coward, so he reaches out to take it. The gargoyle surprises him twice. First by wrapping his hand around Drake’s forearm instead, his talons easily swallowing the whole limb. Second by smiling up at Drake, boyish and bright, without a trace of guile.  
It’s a nice smile, and that realization breaks something in Drake’s brain. 
“Sorry about that,” the gargoyle says. “The name’s Launchpad. Launchpad McQuaid.” 
Drake numbly allows his hand to be tugged up and down in a handshake. “I, uh, didn’t know gargoyles could have last names,” he replies inanely. 
Launchpad laughs. “Then you must not know many gargoyles.” 
Immediately, Drake’s limbs lock up in panic. It’s a dead giveaway but he can’t help it–not when he’s been torn from nightmare to nightmare of Gosalyn being discovered, being taken like her grandfather, ripped from his arms and strapped down to a dissection table like the ones he discovered only a few hours ago. 
Launchpad’s brow ridge furrows in confusion over Drake’s reaction, as if thinking back to what he just said. When his prodigious jaw drops, Drake winces. 
“Wait, you have met other gargoyles?” he exclaims. “How? Where? I know there’s a lotta weird stuff in St. Canard, but–”
“Shh!” Drake yanks back his hand to wave them both frantically at Launchpad. “Heron could’ve bugged the cell!”
He shakes his head with utmost confidence. “Nah, she stopped bothering when I kept finding ‘em.”
“Finding them?”
“Don’t miss much with ears like these.” Launchpad grins as he wiggles his ears, and yeah, okay, they’re practically big enough to use as sails. “I can hear the electricity buzzing in the wall.”
Still, Drake is too cautious to discuss Gosalyn openly, in a FOWL prison cell of all places, and Launchpad seems to pick up on his reticence. “It’s great that you’re finally in the loop, though. Gargoyles are kinda an open secret over in Duckburg. The Guild hadn’t been sure whether or not to tell you. Joke’s on them, I guess.” 
“Yeah, joke’s on–hold up.” Drake backtracks, and righteous indignation floods him with the same intensity as his customary 11 p.m. triple shot espresso. “You’re Gizmoduck’s missing person,” he repeats, finally grasping its significance. “You’re telling me that Gizmodork knew about gargoyles before I did?”
“Maybe you would’ve known sooner if you didn’t play hooky at every meeting,” Launchpad teases. Drake surprises himself by flushing a little under his mask; with his coloring and the low lighting, he doubts it’s obvious. But how embarrassing. 
To make matters worse, Launchpad isn’t wrong either. If Drake had just sucked up his pride, for once, and attended the meetings like Gizmoduck practically begged him to every month (and SHUSH technically required of him) maybe he wouldn’t have been so blindsided by Gosalyn’s appearance in his life. He would’ve known about stone sleep, instead of having his heart stop when Gosalyn first turned cold and heavy in his arms after staining the front of his suit with her blood. She might’ve trusted him weeks ago and he would’ve known about her grandfather that much sooner, could’ve had the full force of the Justice Guild at his back when they raided the Bulwark Building and rescued the old gargoyle from whatever tortures Bulba and FOWL’s scientists were planning–were possible even enacting as they speak. 
If he’d listened to something other than his own ego, he certainly wouldn’t be sitting uselessly in a locked cell with a gargoyle who Gosalyn should’ve met ages ago, if only to prove that she isn’t as alone as she fears. 
Drake paces. 
He walks away from Launchpad–one, two, five, seven, ten steps one way, ten steps back, there are no windows and only one door, and if he’s getting claustrophobic he can’t imagine how the gargoyle feels. “How long have you been here?” he demands. “What’s the guard rotation?”
Time is a precious commodity, and stuck at a standstill, Drake can feel it rushing past him, drowning him in sand like a massive hourglass. He doesn’t have his watch, synced up Gosalyn’s (he already knows he’ll be too late to sing her lullaby 2.0 tonight), his gear, or even his damn hat. Everything useful was stripped from him and now he’s just a guy in a domino mask with some decent martial arts training that doesn’t amount to anything when compared to a man in indestructible armor, a literal Greek god, or the seven-foot gargoyle in front of him. Drake is mortal, painfully human, and he’s never felt his weaknesses so keenly. 
Launchpad startles, straightening under Drake’s brusque tone. 
“Uh, it’s been three,” he grimaces, “sorry, four days. And I haven’t seen any guard other than Hammerhead.” 
Drake paces some more, scanning the walls, floor, and ceiling as he goes. There are two circular air vents, too small for anything bigger than his arm to fit through. No loose paneling either–the walls look and feel like solid steel. 
“What have you tried?” he shoots over his shoulder. 
When Launchpad takes a few seconds too long to answer, Drake turns around. “To escape,” he reiterates. “What have you tried to escape?”
“Here’s the thing.” Launchpad won’t meet his eyes. He isn’t even looking at Drake, instead zeroed in on where he’s tapping his first talons together. “I haven’t…tried to escape.”
Drake, very mature he thinks, resists the urge to shake Launchpad. It would probably be just as successful as rocking a brick wall from side to side. He doesn’t, however, do anything to lower his voice, and it cracks through the air like a whip. 
“What–why not!”
Launchpad raises his hands defensively. “Hey, I know how that sounds! But-but I can’t try anything. They’re holding another gargoyle here, I’m sure of it, and I can’t risk Bulba or FOWL ki…hurting them.”
“That’s…insane.” Drake scrubs both hands over his face and through his hair, throwing it into disarray. On a normal night he’d cared about that–his image is half of his advantage against the scum he faces, arriving in a cloud of smoke, all silent menace, cool and collected while they panic and swear–but right now he couldn’t care less. He doesn’t care if Launchpad sees him unraveling, more man than mystery now, because everything that could go wrong tonight has done exactly that. Except that he’s not dead. Yet. 
“You do know how insane that sounds, right?” Drake really needs to hammer that point home. Of all the gargoyles in the world to get stuck with, however few there are, he had to get stuck with the one who refuses to help him see his dau–his charge again. Not that he knows that’s what he’s doing by making himself a martyr, but still. “Do you have any idea if the gargoyle is even here? And what’s stopping Bulba from just killing them whenever he wants? Or you?” The next thought that arises is chilling, but he mentally apologizes to Gosalyn and presses on. “Do you even know if they’re still alive?”
Launchpad smiles weakly. For such a big guy, he’s doing little to defend himself from Drake’s panic-driven onslaught. “I think that they are. I hope they are. But don’t worry about me, Darkwing. I’m, uh, I know Scrooge McDuff, so FOWL knows better than to mess with me.”
(In the back of Drake’s mind, the namedrop of the richest man in the world by a gargoyle strikes a familiar note. After all, Gosalyn told him that twenty years ago, an old, rich human offered her clan sanctuary in Duckburg. Could McDuff have been that human?)
In any event, Drake might actually yank his hair out. Gosalyn, if he ever sees her again, will call him Baldy for the rest of his life and he’ll gladly take it if it means he’ll get to hear her voice. “I’m not worried about you!” he sputters. “I’m worried about–” 
Should he just tell Launchpad he has a kid waiting for him at home–a gargoyle kid–in the hopes that he’ll take Drake’s insistence that they get the hell outta dodge seriously? Is it worth the risk of FOWL listening in, despite the assurance of Launchpad’s supposed super-hearing that they aren’t being monitored? Is he willing to put Gosalyn’s safety into question ever again, no matter how low the chances are? 
He isn’t. Of course, he isn’t. 
Turning away from him, Drake takes a breath. “Listen, Launchpad, I don’t have the benefit of rich friends. I need to get out of here, now. Can’t you, I don’t know, put those muscles to good use and knock down this door or something?”  
Behind him, Launchpad’s already mellow voice is low and apologetic. “I’m sorry, Darkwing. I don’t think I’m gonna have time to do that.” 
Oh for the love of Mike. 
“What do you mean you don’t have–” 
A familiar sound stops him dead in his tracks. It’s the quiet crackling of stone that he’s grown used to hearing following a clumsy lullaby, old cases-turned bedtime stories he’s censored for young ears, or sleepy tales of an expansive jungle canopy and a weeks-long journey. Only one time has the sound accompanied painful, clawing dread: when Gosalyn was apologetic and bleeding in his arms, before she went cold and terrifyingly still. But this is a close second. 
Drake already knows what he’ll find when he turns around. He does it anyway. 
Launchpad’s regretful expression has followed him into stone sleep, and his sightless eyes are locked onto where Drake had been standing last. 
He’s too late. It’s the next day. 
Drake is allowed a few hours of sleep, but with the big, scary gargoyle out of the way, he isn’t surprised when Hammerhead and a half-dozen Eggheads flood the cell and drag him away. 
He hadn’t pegged Bulba as the sort to get his hands dirty. 
White collar criminals tend to earn their title for a reason. They keep well out of the way of the action while the poor mooks they hire have to reach into the blood and mud to fight and claw and scrape to do their dirty work, to survive. 
And anyway, it’s the stooges who Drake usually goes after. He’s one guy–he can’t dismantle an entire criminal empire, not on his own at least. When he’s taken out a couple dozen lower level punks, the ones hitting up stores for protection money and threatening his citizens, and gets enough dirt on their bosses, he’ll pass it all over to SHUSH with their infinite reserve of agents to do the official takedown. 
At most, the few crooked CEOs Drake has faced will have a halfcocked pistol tucked in a desk drawer that they don’t know how to use, and the kingpins who inherited their empires never had to stab a buddy in the back (sometimes literally) to stake their claim at the top of the heap. They have other people to do the fighting and the torturing for them because evil as they are, they lack the proper experience to get the job done. Might even think themselves above it, until they find themselves helpless at the business end of his fist. 
Point being, Drake doesn’t expect Bulba to take charge of his beating, or to do it so expertly. 
The Eggheads bound his hands again and hung him from a hook in the middle of an adjacent cell, all very by the book, interrogation-wise. He can brush the floor with the toes of his boots so he doesn’t have to worry about his arms getting wrenched out of their sockets just from the weight of him hanging there, which was nice of them, if unintentional. Bulba’s cells might be gargoyle-proof, but they lack the state-of-art shackles and torture devices that Buzzard’s Eggheads are probably used to. 
Hammerhead worked him over first. No questions, just fists and headbutting, still sore about Drake getting him arrested the last five times. Not that Drake made it easy for him, kicking Hammerhead in the gut when he was almost out of reach and kneeing him in the crotch when he was close enough. Hammerhead ended up more out of breath than Drake, his nose swollen up like a grapefruit from Drake’s kick to the face back in the elevator, greasy hair hanging in his eyes and fancy gangster tie all undone. 
Then Bulba, lurking at the back during his “interrogation,” steps forward. 
Sometimes it’s hard to tell what you’re gonna get when it comes to these scientist types. There’s the cold and calculating sort like SHUSH’s Sara Bellum, who doesn’t care who you are or what you’ve done as long as you get out of her way. Then there are the sickos, the real mad scientist types, who hurt people for the twisted joy of it. Black Heron is the latter, obsessed with human experimentation, torture, and weapons of mass destruction, to name a few of her hobbies. Seeing her out of her snake pit isn't a good sign on a normal day, and seeing her shacked up with Bulba and the millions at his disposal is a terrible sign. 
Back in that shadowed room, when Drake woke to find himself tied to a chair, Bulba had struck him as the Bellum sort of scientist, albeit with a better sense of humor. But then Bulba hands his exquisitely tailored suit jacket to a hobbling Hammerhead and rolls up his sleeves with a savage sort of grin, and Drake feels a prickle of uncertainty in the back of his mind. 
They hadn’t bothered with removing his suit armor–just their luck, since they’d have a devil of a time trying to pry him out of it anyway–but even through three layers of kevlar micromesh, Bulba nearly knocks the breath of his lungs with one punch. His fists rain down on Drake in a punishing onslaught, a raging storm of unbridled power with no compunction about unleashing it on another. The elegant man who exchanged cheesy supervillain banter with Drake is gone, a mask that Bulba has allowed to slip, revealing someone wild in his place, artless in his recklessness, like a child with a new toy that he can’t wait to break. 
Bulba’s punches remind Drake of the beatings he received at the hands of his own schoolyard bullies–all power, no skill. It’s almost bewildering in its familiarity. As Drake’s lip splits and blood fills his mouth, he’s struck with the half-crazed urge to ask, Do you remember beating up a Drake Allard behind the equipment shed in eighth grade? Kinda nebbish, glasses, liked to wear Dolly Parton shirts? 
But what Bulba lacks in training he makes up for through his sheer size, the breadth of his fists, the coiled power of his muscles. He’s the sort of man who’s come out on top of every fight he’s ever been in because he’s the size of a mountain, and abuses the hell out of that fact. 
Bulba has a pinkie ring on one finger; Drake can tell by the way it rips a hole in his eyebrow. Blood pours into his left eye, but that doesn’t matter so much when it’s already swelling with the beginnings of a black eye. Blows to his torso, cushioned by his armor, mean bruised ribs instead of broken. He sees the fist aiming for his jaw and he moves with it lest he lose any teeth. But he needn’t have worried about the last one. 
Just like Drake’s schoolyard bullies, Bulba tires quickly. Untrained as he is, he’s putting 100% of his energy behind every punch, burning himself out instead of pacing himself. It’s a wasteful, childish technique that only works when he wants to pummel his victims into submission through quick, brutal, overwhelming force. It only works on people who aren't used to receiving beatings on the daily. When they haven’t trained themselves to overcome any measure of pain and get back up. Every. Single. Time. 
Bulba backs off, huffing and puffing like he just sprinted up the last twenty flours of Bulwark Tower. He grins as he wipes sweat off his brow. “So quiet, Darkwing. Not in the mood for witty repartee?”
Drake gathers a mouthful of blood and spits, aiming for the mirrored surface of Bulba’s custom leather A. Testoni dress shoes. Bullseye. “What, you want color commentary? Somebody sounds insecure.” He grins, teeth almost definitely tinged pink with blood. 
Hammerhead takes a little step away from him. That feels pretty good. 
Bulba huffs a laugh, shaking out his fist. His bloodlust has receded, once more tucked neatly behind the mask of an unruffled businessman. He examines Drake with a strange, eager gleam in his dark eyes, as a scientist might a new laboratory specimen. It makes Drake’s skin crawl. 
“I’d heard you could take a beating,” Bulba observes, still out of breath. “But I’m impressed. You don’t stay down, do you?”
Drake sneers. “Not ‘til I’m in the ground.”
 Bulba hums thoughtfully. At a gesture, Hammerhead steps forward to help him back into his suit jacket, though Bulba adjusts his tie himself. 
“You’re small-time, Darkwing. You know that don’t you? An ant among giants.” He begins to circle Drake as he tugs on his sleeves, straightening his ruby cufflinks. Drake wishes he were free, if only so he could stuff those cufflinks down his throat. “Take that Hercules fellow. Everyone thinks it’s a gimmick, that he’s just another superpowered freak. Or an alien like that imbecilic Moonlander. But he’s the real thing. A Greek god, in our own backyard. Life really is stranger than fiction, and so few people actually know it.” 
“So you figured out the obvious. What do you want, a gold star?” Drake grunts, wiggling his thumb as subtly as he can. He wonders how long it would take him to dislocate the bone from this angle and slip his hand out before anyone noticed. 
Bulba stops in front of him, head tilted to the side, and Drake stills. 
“I want to know what you get out of this, Darkwing. This isn’t your place, here, in the light. The shadows are your hunting ground; corrupt cops and court jesters are your prey. All this magic and mayhem isn’t your usual scene. But now, despite what your instincts must be screaming at you, you’ve thrust yourself under the biggest spotlight in all of St. Canard,” Bulba grabs hold of the chain keeping Drake suspended from the ceiling, dragging him in close, until he can count the beads of sweat dotting Bulba's bald head. “And you still haven’t told me how you knew about the gargoyles.” 
And here Drake had been hoping that Bulba’s apparent insanity overrode his intelligence. 
“What, you want my whole life story while you’re at it?” Drake grunts, unable to completely hide his discomfort. Bulba’s right about one thing–he isn’t used to this amount of attention, especially from the crazies he usually fights. It’s usually more along the lines of a frantic punchup in a lightbulb factory or abandoned toy warehouse than getting tenderized like a slab of meat followed by one of the weirdest therapy sessions he’s ever had. 
Bulba scoffs, releasing Drake’s chain. He takes a step back, eying Drake up and down, pointedly unimpressed. 
“I don’t need it. I figured you out after our first conversation.”
“Oh yeah?” Drake can’t help but goad him. He’s lost every defense but his attitude, and he’s not about to let that last shield fall in front of the likes of Bulba and Hammerhead Hannigan, nevermind how cold dread zings through his gut at the bored certainty in Bulba’s voice. Whatever game he’s playing, it’s keeping Drake away from Gosalyn, Launchpad in the next cell, and wherever they’re holding Gosalyn’s grandfather in this labyrinthine tower.
“You act and speak before thinking–clearly you’re used to working alone,” Bulba starts. “And more than that, you’ve always been alone. An only child, if I had to guess, starved for the attention of his parents and his peers, when it wasn’t negative, of course.” He leans in, insufferably smug, resident Darkwing historian that he apparently is. “Definitely bullied. You’re defensive enough for it. And your need to prove yourself the strongest, scariest superhero around also leads me to believe you were weighed down by the expectations of a parent. Most likely the father. Isn’t it always?”
Drake tries, and fails, to headbutt Bulba when the slimeball leans back with an insufferable smirk just in time to avoid the blow. “Does the big scary scientist have daddy issues?” Drake jeers. 
“Ah, childish insults,” Bulba enthuses. “The poor man’s wit. But not in your case, eh, Darkwing? Your reputation speaks for itself. You, my friend, are known for your silence as you throw yourself into all manner of life threatening danger. Because it’s not your life you fear for, is it? That’s been forfeit since you first put on that ridiculous mask and cape. So what changed? Whose life do you fear for? You’ve always been a protector, but perhaps that title has grown more literal. Closer to home.”
Drake swallows reflexively. He doesn’t like thinking about his life before Gosalyn anymore–the great, yawning abyss that was his lonely routine, the filth he so willingly waded into. She’d given him something to fight for beyond the anger that had long since burnt through him, leaving the ashes of disillusionment behind. He’d been living a shadow of a life, and like Bulba so astutely pointed out, was unprepared to be dragged back into the light. 
Before, he’d been angry. Then, he felt nothing. Now, he’s afraid, afraid for her, more afraid than he’s ever been, and he doesn’t know how to hide it. 
“Hm. A recent change, perhaps,” Bulba observes, apparently on a roll now. “And one that would have brought you here, to my building, to seek something out. Or rather, someone. A gargoyle,” he says with such terrible certainty that Drake’s heart stutters. “The one that my aged specimen was mumbling about.” Bulba grins with a mouth full of gleaming, perfect teeth. “You, Darkwing, have a gargoyle hatchling in your care.” 
Terror unlike any he’s known since he was a child, helpless and weak, blinds and deafens Drake for several seconds. Rationality takes a moment to right itself. 
He doesn’t know about the Tower, he reminds himself over the cacophony of blood roaring through his ears. The sun’s up. Gosalyn’s safe as long as she doesn’t leave. 
Even in the midst of his panic, Drake’s detective brain latches onto Bulba’s use of past tense. His stomach drops even as fury wrenches through his heart like a hot iron brand. 
“Was?” he demands, lunging forward on his chain. “What’ve you done to him? Where are you keeping him?” 
Bulba chuckles. “Your loyalty is commendable, Darkwing. Especially for a creature you’ve never met. You didn’t meet him, did you?” he clarifies, sounding curious. 
“Never had the pleasure,” Drake growls. 
“Well, he had a singular mind, let me tell you,” Bulba enthuses with gleeful, off putting passion. “I’ve never witnessed such genius from an untrained source. Everything he knew about physics, transdimensional reality–it was all just theory! He’d only ever read about it in books, but he was able to put that knowledge to use with remarkable ease. I’m ashamed to admit, without his help, the device wouldn’t be nearly as far along as it is.” 
Drake has officially lost the thread of the conversation. “Wha–device?” he sputters, confusion and latent anger simmering in a nauseating stew. The continued use of past tense has dread tightening in his gut like a vice. 
But Bulba rambles on as if Drake hadn’t spoken. “Did you know, we weren’t even looking for gargoyles! Far from it. FOWL lent me a few teams of Eggheads to patrol for your little playmates, and to throw the Justice Guild off the scent before they could interfere with my plans. But when they reported that they’d encountered a live specimen, well, I wasn’t about to look a gift gargoyle in the mouth, now was I? As plentiful as the creatures are in Duckburg, they’re too well-protected by their proximity to McDuff. And by the time they migrate to his sanctuary upstate? Forget about it!” 
Drake jerks forward on his chain, as ineffectual as a fish dangling from a hook, but he’s too angry, too scared, too damn baffled to care. “What the hell are you talking about? What plans? What did you do to the gargoyle, Bulba?”
Bulba blinks, like he’d forgotten Drake was even in the room. “Wow,” he says. “You really don’t belong up here.” He holds his hand open behind him, beckoning to Hammerhead with a wiggle of his fingers. Drake watches with sharp trepidation as Hammerhead slips a slim, black case out of his inner jacket pocket and presses it into Bulba’s waiting palm. He opens it to reveal a single syringe filled with clear liquid. “You should’ve stayed small-time, Darkwing. You weren’t ready for the spotlight.” Bulba clicks his tongue, disappointed, as he removes the syringe and taps on the needle. 
Panic licks up Drake’s throat like hot fire but he grits his teeth and strengthens his glare. “Oh yeah? Then what was the point of all this if you were just gonna kill me?” 
I’m sorry, Gos. I'm sorry I failed you.
“Kill you?” Bulba repeats with a surprised laugh. “No, no, Darkwing, you misunderstand. We’ve got to get you ready for your big scene. Nothing less than a grand finale for our hero.” 
At his nod, Hammerhead darts forward and grabs a handful of Drake’s hair, jerking his head roughly to the side. With his neck exposed, Bulba jabs him with the syringe, emptying its contents in one quick go. 
As Drake’s vision swims and the blackness of oblivion drags him under, he hears Bulba croon, “Just wait till you meet your co-star.”
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fateofthestarsz · 9 months
first dragon of september!! this is manta,since there is still a ton of unnamed seawing princes, i decided to make my own!!
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venusbby · 1 year
im finally FREE
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simpingw0lfi3 · 2 years
each memory, each shot
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He knows. He knows and he worries - his gaze can’t help but fall on the figure of the woman in front of him as she looks up in the starry night sky, her eyes brimming with this self-confidence and determination to reveal the world free from the uncouth surface of lies and defamation. 
Trust me on this, Luke!
The camera she gave as a gift; what could it capture within its glass lens? Would each image only reveal the filth and defilement of a world so corrupt? Or could it speak that mind of hers, the one who has faith in such a place, portraying the beauty the way she perceives it? Memories - the most delicate and precious memories - trapped within a single chip. Journeys, adventures, investigations, detective cases: they were endless with her, and someone with her intellect never disappointed when it came down to finding clues. She truly was his Watson. And he never knew he was going to lose it all. Click after click, shot after shot––
I’m sorry, Luke… I let you down…
He stares outside the window, the rush of the scenery passing by silenced by the slight rumbling of the train and swaying against the track. The chatter of high school students is what he hears - we were once like that. Youthful, happy… Oh my Watson… not a scratch on the lens of the camera he grasps tightly with agitation, nor a tear formed in his eye. 
Why did it have to rain on a day like this? As if the rays of sunshine and warmth hadn’t already been stolen from him. Black umbrellas bloomed and opened like petals of chrysanthemums, providing minimal shelter from the unfavourable weather, dampening the sleeves that carried nothing but melancholy. The droplets of rain battering against the plastic of each umbrella were muffled by thoughts of what should’ve been regret and sorrow. But nothing could be heard; he couldn’t grasp what it was he wanted to say, he couldn’t think of anything but her. She was his childhood friend, his partner in crime, his… everything. The roaring boom of thunder––
His neck snaps up, short of breath, panting, looking straight ahead. That same scene repeats in his head, and just as he is about to clutch her shoulder and pull her away from the barrel pointing at her - his hands grab at thin air. He doesn’t see her anymore. Rather, he’s greeted by the sleek wood of her case, spherical droplets racing down and tracing paths all together once again. Just like how they both did when they collected clues and evidence, putting them all together to come to a conclusion. 
Roses - the thorns cut at him as he squeezes his hands tight. He tosses them in front of him, scattering them on the stone structure that carves the name of the one he holds dear for the rest of the world to see. And he never looks back.
It should’ve been me. It’s not like I had time anyway.
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skamesp · 11 months
It's me, hi
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hotgirlstiles · 10 months
also hi everyone..
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sweetpeaches--69 · 1 year
ok ive started drawing poi (mostly root) doodles again so to all my poi followers: expect some silly doodles later!!!!
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hi how are you doing?
hi i know its a billion years later anon im so sorry but im (finally) doing okay! a few of my Problems got bad the beginning of this year and i had zero interest in writing wafwaf because i was struggling myself and worried if i tried to write brad struggling id relapse completely which. not great! but im mostly stable now and im on new bipolar meds so hopefully im good LOL! i FINALLY finished writing chapter 18 last night so expect that to be up today and hopefully i wont take another stupidly long break between chapters again
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argbvr · 2 years
now its time to remind myself how to use this i guess
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