#im kinda silly sometimes
little-nobody · 2 years
i think about this scene sometimes...
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the fact that Eddie just got Richie the ice-cream and hands it to him without the two of them even saying anything about it,
like dude what are you guys, gay???
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verflares · 2 months
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i thought i felt your shape, but i was wrong. really all i felt was falsely strong, i held on tight and closed my eyes. it was dumb, i had no sense of your size. it was dumb to hold so tight.
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mochippyyy · 4 months
everybody point and laugh
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henswilsons · 8 months
think about all the places we could go
buck/eddie | 2k+ | ao3
“I,” Athena says, slowly, “have a lot of questions.”
“That’s understandable,” Eddie says. “Take your time.”
Athena takes two long, deep breaths. The other officer next to her doesn’t seem to know where to look; Buck sees him desperately pretend to be interested in the one solitary picture Eddie has hanging on his wall, like their family trip to the zoo is pertinent to the matter at hand. “I don’t suppose anyone knows about this,” Athena says.
It’s not a question, but Buck is also currently wang-out in front of his boss’s wife, so he has enough self-preservation not to get caught on semantics, now. “Uh, no ma’am.”
“Don’t you ma’am me,” says Athena.
The other officer is now almost nose-to-nose to the picture with the force of his feigned ignorance. Athena just looks grieved. “Why, then,” she says, “did you get military-grade handcuffs? Were the pink fuzzy ones not macho enough for you?”
Her tone drips with derision. She’s absolutely going home to tell Bobby all about this. “We kept, uh, breaking the pink fuzzy ones,” Eddie admits, and then, “Buck, don’t preen.”
“I’m not preening,” Buck says, probably definitely preening, but like it’s his fault, okay? It’s good to know the bicep curls are working. “Look, we’re two big firefighters. Those flimsy sex store handcuffs weren’t gonna hold us.”
read on ao3!
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pup-pee · 16 days
he wouldve saved every1 on titanic
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hereliesbou · 1 day
Silly Mr. Flower thoughts suddenly while i ingest dairy: cannon, speculation and headcannons
Ever since the most recent Ashur tumblr invasion or whatever the fuck you wanna call it- i have no idea, I keep thinking about "cannon" Mr. Flower. I know there's not much to consider other than like, less than a minute of screen time + stuff Ashur has simply mentioned.
the thing Ashur said about Mr. Flower being Argos' foil and the fact that Mr. Flower canonically had no real lasting interest in Mr. Plant bounces through my head like the dvd screen saver thing.
and when you pair that with the original plot line where Argos was supposed to die? Like damn, Ashur had no intentions of a happy ending for Mr. Plant. But it makes sense considering Mr. Plant's design and the very first clip he ever showed up in with a line that was basically, "Poor Mr. Plant, he can't seem to stop crying"
Or SOMETHING to that effect. I'm too lazy to find the original video. Was it one of Ashur's make a mask with me type vids? Does anyone remember?
Someone halp.
I'm basically just spewing this all out on the spot and pulling up all this info from memory so forgive me for any inaccuracies and if I'm remembering things wrong.
But like, considering all my funny little au's and headcannons, my heart breaks over the idea that Mr. Flower and Mr. Plant were never meant to be, in any shape or fashion.
I'm like halfway thru another twomp rewatch whilst devouring a grilled cheese (grilled cheese info is vital. you will know about my grilled cheese) and like, the ep where Mr. Plant gets a job to pay for his TV he punched made me realize something that hits different.
The guy who Mr. Plant picks up the phone for is basically like, "I guess if you have someone to talk to, you're really lucky" and Mr. Plant was basically like, "yeah i guess you're right." Or so says the narrator (paraphrasing). And Mr. Plant immediately turns to Argos, the implication here to me being (aside from a growing interest in Argos), Mr. Plant doesn't get much interaction from Mr. Flower it seems, even though up to this point, Mr. Flower is still up on Mr. Plant's wall. <//3
I know at this point it was a shift in plans on Ashur's part
But, i both love and hate how this ends up being framed. It makes me wonder if that one return letter from Mr. Flower that Argos steals was the only return letter from Mr. Flower. And considering Argos was the mailman for quite some time, that could likely be the case? Cause I'm sure Argos would be more than ok with stealing more than one letter if he needed to. Or maybe the frequency of the letters and stuff were just dwindling at this point.
Aside from the stuff directly mentioned by Ashur, all of this is just silly speculation of course and i'm piecing things together with scattered bits and bobs.
This is but one bug's possible interpretation of events.
Still, the idea that Mr. Flower was kind of just this unavailable- emotionally, physically and whatever else, individual makes me sad. How many letters did Mr. Plant send to the guy? How often did Mr. Plant try to reach out?
icri evertim :,(
But i'm gonna be honest, this has also served to fuel my Mr. Flower headcannons.
I've always liked this idea he was a very shut off kind of guy. Hard to reach, lot's of built up walls and what not.
My Mr. Flower is a very sad and distrusting sort of person. Not necessarily a bad person- difficult, sure, but he's been thru some shit and it's left him bitter and broken and nobody has ever been around to help him pick up the pieces and he doesn't expect there to be.
As i mentioned to @icechippies who asked, I like to think of Mr. Flower as the kind of guy who likes to keep people at an arm's length distance and to keep up appearances.
"Put on a smile and pretend everything is just peachy, but if you come any closer I'll have a hard time playing my part so you just stay on your side of life and I'll stay on mine, ok?"
He does his best to try to be kind despite this, but life's hard and he's weighed down by his past and all that good cliche sad boy stuff or whatever.
I also stuck him with the (gay) "straight man" trope. Like, the only "normal" guy in the group and part of the reason he's so tired all the time is also because he's surrounded by so much bullshit and insanity in the Void and he's stuck trying to curb it all as much as possible.
At least when it comes to people in his life.
This is also a thing that makes it hard for him to trust others, and sometimes i like to think part of the reason things never worked between him and Mr. Plant (in some of my au's i mean) is because Mr. Plant is just a tad too murder happy for Mr. Flower.
More than Mr. Flower is willing to put up with at least.
Mr. Flower just wants a semblance of peace and a decent dude in his life, is that too much to ask???
The only thing i love more- or at least just as much, as a murder man, is a broken man.
Triple Points if they are both.
I like making myself sad. 👍
I'm going to remain in the realm of au's and headcannons to make myself feel better about all this of course. We have fun in fandoms and what not.
but also i will be chewing on the angst like a dog gnawing at the bones of my owner's wasting corpse.
Good night everyone.
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gifti3 · 5 months
This part kinda me feel a bit melancholic
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But then this brought me back up haha
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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I think I definitely like the original versions more than the edited ones. I'm more happy with the grumpy Fernando one, whereas the bratty Seb one made me want to cease painting forever. So hopefully he looks good?????? I'm sure I'll soften on it, but yeah, not TOO pleased with it right now. His facial expressions are so cute and dynamic and unique until you have to try and paint it and then you dont love him anymore(kidding ofc, how could I ever hate my beloved boy king 🥺)
Anyways, these are them:
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#the caption is a multi-pronged reference so if you get it you get it 🤭#hint: the quote is both a translation of a vettonso thing but its also not...exact. i added a little spice to it#so yeah translate all of that first(the first part of the quote wont work in google translate tho)#and then also the rest of the caption is both a reference to a real life thing but also me making it AUified !!#hehehe let me know your thoughts 🤭 was so fucking pleased w it when i first told C about it#ngl putting that quote was the main thing pushing me thru finishing the seb one#im like CMON YOU CAN DO IT!! IF YOU FINISH IT YOU CAN PUT YOUR SILLY LATIN JOKE!!! YOU LOVE LATIN!!#anyways i drafted this before i even really started the seb one#and my god LOOK AT THEIR HAND SIZE DIFFERENCE WOOF WOOF WOOF#did you guys notice...seb's ring...his wedding...ring? 🤭🤭🤭#wanted to add one to nando but his left ring finger isnt really visible but just so you know hes wearing it#I have a lot of thoughrs about rings and ungloved vs gloved hands grrrrrrr#theres a lot of meaning in it to me and it adds to their characterization so ill try and make a post abt thay sometime !#anyways pls enjoy the fruits of my labor.....#vettonso so good it makes me PAINT TWO PORTRAITS#i think before this au i was kinda trying to get away from painting csuse it stressed me out too much#and then the vettonso brainrot is so horrinle that im willing to paint for like...an undisclosed amnt of time#undisclosed not bcs im being secretive but bcs i have no idea and irs 6 am and i have school JSKFLVL#okay bur yes yes please enjoy. and enjoy my suffering as a purveyor of vettonso 🥹 id do anything for my lieges#f1#formula 1#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#vettonso#catie.art.#boy king au
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dailydegurechaff · 6 months
You don't have to reply to this, but I am very happy to stumble across a non-problematic Youjo Senki fanpage. 💖
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Thank you very much!! I'll continue to do my best!
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 days
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themintman · 7 months
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ily-cheetah · 7 months
optimus and his giant decepticon wife tarn 🫶🫶
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month
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i felt inspired after i saw an image and decided to just kind of remake this with my own spin on it
★ original image under cut :
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scopophobia-polaris · 7 months
i wanna send you a fun post cuz-- your comic with timie? love it. adore it. i like reading things that fuck me up a bit and the comic fucks me up a bit
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oh can I tell you something that fucks me up? These pages right here, I think it turned a lot of people off because it looks shippy as hell but
My interpretation of the red string isn't wholly romantic
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llannasvsp · 2 months
Same Anon.
I do want to say that while you did come across as a bit aggressive, you're opinion is entirely valid. I do not want you to think I was claiming otherwise.
This is your blog; if you don't want people to mention Greenflame here, that's your choice. I was just simply saying that we shouldn't metaphorically scream and shout at the people who do ship it.
Again, you're totally valid, and I agree with all of your points; I just don't want the Ninjago community to turn on each other like I have seen others do in the past.
No, and that's why I appreciate you bringing that up.
I tend to get very passionate about certain topics and then I come across as very aggressive. I do that if I'm passionate about things that I love and things that I hate. I kind of need to dial back a lot when it comes to that. Which is why I deleted the posts because in hindsight it did seem very much like I hated people who ship greenflame which is just... wildly untrue.
I think maybe I need to journal some things before I say them hah.
Basically, at the end of the day, the situation boils down to this: I am not comfortable with greenflame, I would like it if people do not talk about greenflame on my blog, but if you ship it, I won't like... throw you off a cliff or whatever those 2014 anti's threatened to do.
And like I said, the movieverse is a different topic, because I personally think they're in the same grade or like 1 year apart so movieverse greenflame does not bother me. It's only the show that makes me uncomfortable.
Once again, thank you for bringing this up in a kind and not demeaning way, because truly the last thing I want to do is hurt people, and I can totally see how those posts would have come across as me being intentionally hurtful, which was never the goal, I was just venting. Which I need to dial back on and/or filter in the future.
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fyncherly · 1 month
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A text I sent my friend as I spiraled (haha jk) over vampolitics regarding vague plotlines about a multi-chapter suckening fic that diverges after episode 4 and explores an au in which Edward's plotline doesn't play out quite like it did and there's other plays for power alongside his own and what if some key events still happened but, like, a little to the left and within the context of this slightly altered version (an au if you will) and what if the twins and Gref went with Arthur to London and found more and what about that guy Uncle Lazarus huh something up with him and what if the twins leaned more into their royal status and did something with it (or tried to in a more concerted effort) and Mary Davis will be there (mirror Mary sorry this is after ep 4) and obviously Vex & Viv and what if there's a touch more domesticity cuz I'm a fool for that and what if Gref realizes he's been manipulated and they have to confront this and it's messy and awful and necessary and there's layers guys layers and what if I just speculate and make up lore for the stuff that will probably be answered in season 2 anyway hm and what if and what if—
#listen#do i have a plethora of wips#yah#and do i have a freaking clue about anything at any given moment#nah#but the urge to make this fic starting just after episode 4 but slightly to the left and#kinda like if you watched the Suckening through your friend's prescription glasses while wearing your own contacts#is encapsulating like i just want to go a lil off the rails here and write a “well if this happened this is how it'd go down” sort of thing#of fanfic ya know and i wonder if anyone else would care about this#sometimes i wonder if im fandoming wrong lol why do i do this#i'm already on my relisten to prepare for this and guys i have some suspicions regarding Uncle Lazarus#he distracted me with his silly voice and pheasant talk#but something's off here#and i'm going to explore that in my fic because it's called fanfiction for a reason#god i wonder what would happen if i put this much effort and enthusiasm into creating original things#anyheehoo gonna start writing it today probably maybe#also not a set in stone thing but... what if i made illustrations for each chapter#just a thought... a musing of mine... a whimsical pondering#fuck being into both writing and drawing my life would be so much easier if i was only interested one#oh also ships??? genuinely dunno if that'll be a thing but if there's interesttttttt i'd love to hear what people may want to see??#if i do end up writing this and all CUZ WE CAN DO WHAT WE WAAAANT#kudos to you and a pat on the head if you read all the way down here i love you#jrwi suckening#jrwi: the suckening#jrwi the suckening fanfic
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