#im still jumpy and scared that he might come again
jonny-b-meowborn · 10 months
I know I don't have to justify my yesterday's breakdown after seeing my mom's ex, but I just want to make it clear how much I hate this man.
When I was ~14 years old one night I heard/witnessed an argument between them so bad, that the next morning I ran away to my sister. Back then she used to live in this small town near mine, but there was no public transport connecting the towns and she doesn't have a driver's license, so she hitchhiked to pick me up, and we walked along the road until someone picked us up. I left a note at home to my mom, saying where I am and that I don't want to come back as long as her partner lives with us. She didn't acknowledge the contents of the note, but she read it. I ignored her texts and calls the whole day, until in the afternoon she texted me that if I don't come back right now to take care of my younger brother (he was ~8 then) I won't be allowed to visit my cousin the entire winter break. So basically she didn't even ask me to come back because she was worried, but because she wanted me to look after my sibling, and she pretty much blackmailed me to come back. And I had to come back that afternoon, but since it was january it was dark already, and really cold, and no one wanted to pick us up for like half the way. The town my sister lived in wasn't too far, it is a walkable distance, but like, we walked for like over two hours in the cold before someone drove us to my town. And mom never acknowledged the whole situation, she was just angry but didn't talk about any of it. So yeah. I think if his presences made me do that I'm absolutely justified in panicking when I see him now.
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archangeldyke-all · 10 days
Oooh for Roach Verse, what about:
-Holiday funtime antics?
-Jinx has a school bully and those chuckleheads create the most over the top plots to help her out, lol
-Jinx brings home a stray
-The gang gives Roach the day off from cooking/ healing/general caretaking and it goes about as well as you'd imagine
-Jinx has a crush on some kid, and Silco/Sevika are not coping well
That's off the top of my head, I gotta go reread the Roach series now! lol
these are so fucking fantastic, i might revisit this a few times to do some of the other prompts too omg. but the one with jinx bringing home a stray??? chaos i love it.
men and minors dni
lock's been avoiding you all day.
it's strange. usually, you, lock and ran are like the three musketeers-- always getting into and back out of trouble together.
but today... lock's been avoiding you like the plague.
it's a little funny. the man's three hundred pounds of pure muscle, tattooed and pierced on nearly every inch of his skin, but each time he walks in a room with you there, he turns on his heel and runs away like a scared little girl.
mostly, though, you're just worried that you've pissed off your friend.
"he really hasn't said anything to you?" you ask ran. they're 'helping' you make sandwiches for lunch-- eating more than they are assembling, but still. you appreciate the company.
"nah, he's been jumpy around me too." they mumble around a mouthful of turkey. you cringe in disgust as you watch them squirt a dollop of mustard directly into their mouth, on top of the mush of turkey on their tongue. "don' worry. we'll get 'im drunk and interrogate him tonight." ran promises, patting your shoulder. you giggle, smacking your friend's hand away from the cold cuts.
twenty minutes later, you're making your rounds across the bar and delivering sandwiches to the crew.
singed and deckard barely notice you, both of them searching the lab for something when you drop off their sandwiches. singed shouts a distracted "thank you roach!" before the basement door slams behind you.
thieram's still asleep-- preparing to stay up all night tonight for work. you put his sandwich on his desk and gently nudge him. "'s almost two." you whisper. he grunts.
"thamk y' r'ch." he mumbles.
your next stop is silco's office, since lock is still hiding from you. you gently knock on the door. "lunch!" you call.
"come in!" silco shouts.
silco's laying back in his office chair, his feet propped up on his desk, a cigar between his lips as he scrubs at his temples. you raise an eyebrow at his haggard appearance, gently placing his sandwich beside the papers littering his desk.
"rough day?" you guess. silco groans. from the sound of his groan alone, you know he needs a bitch-session. you happily plop down on the couch next to his desk, tearing into your sandwich and nodding at silco. "spill. but make it quick, i still gotta feed the kid."
silco groans again at the mention of his foster daughter, and you burst into laughter. of course it's about jinx. silco's never this angsty about business. "she's been avoiding me all day." he sighs, dropping his hands to look at you. you furrow your brows.
"it's only one." you say. he huffs.
"she was acting cagey last night too. has she said anything to you?" he asks. you shake your head no.
you're usually the first person jinx goes to bitch about silco to. you or sevika. so the fact that you haven't heard anything only makes her behavior stranger. silco groans again.
"i don't even know what i did! we were perfectly fine at lunch yesterday, and now she won't even let me in her room!"
"she's probably just hormonal. puberty, silco, it's different for girls man." you try to explain. he just shakes his head.
"no it's not that."
you take another bite of your sandwich, gesturing at silco to do the same. he huffs and rolls his yes, but he at least takes a bite, so you're happy. "lock's been acting jumpy around me too. maybe it's just somethin' in the air." you suggest.
silco's eyes sharpen at your words. the second you hear yourself say it, you figure it out too.
"oh, shit." you mumble, jumping off the couch. "what did those shits get themselves into now?" you ask, scooping up the last few sandwiches you have left to deliver and running toward the office door. silco starts to chuckle behind you-- a defeated laugh, one that means he knows he's about to have an even bigger headache that he did when he just thought jinx was upset with him.
"don't let them drag you into it, roach. i need you as my informant." he begs. you laugh.
"i'll let you know what i find out." you call over your shoulder as you stumble into the hallway and slam silco's office door shut behind him.
you take off toward jinx's room, not bothering to knock, knowing it would only give them time to hide whatever shit they're up to.
you slam the door open, and your eyebrows fly up your forehead when not just jinx and lock; but jinx, lock and sevika all turn to look at you with big guilty eyes.
you groan. "what did you do?"
"now, hold on, why do you assume we--"
"babe, i promise i had nothing to do with it until just this morn--"
"i am so sorry roach, i told her not to--"
they all start to speak at the same time, flailing wildly as their voices overlap. and then, from a pile of blankets and plushies on jinx's bed, a raspy 'meow' floats above all the rambling voices.
they all cringe simultaneously, their heads snapping over to the bed. you burst into defeated laughter.
"a cat!?" you ask, walking over to the bed. jinx's eyes grow a little wider at the smile on your face, and she's the first to run up to your side. "oh, janna." you groan through your smile as you look down at the mangy thing. "fuck, jinx, it's probably getting fleas and lice all over your covers."
she blinks up at you with wide eyes. "but she's so cute, roach!" she squeals. you giggle at the girl, then look up at your friends.
lock's cooing down at the cat, gently patting its forehead as it purrs into his hand. sevika's watching it with a smile she's trying and failing to bite back.
"you're all suckers!" you cry. they both look up at you guiltily.
"jinx is gonna name 'er shitstorm." sevika supplies. you laugh despite yourself, reaching out to ruffle jinx's bangs. it's the perfect name for the poor little cat.
"where did you even find this thing?" you ask. jinx shrugs.
"i heard meowing in the lab last night. found her hiding in a corner, all scared and alone." jinx pouts, reaching down to pet the cat. it seems to know jinx is it's savior-- licking at her hand and closing its eyes as she pets it.
it occurs to you that this is probably what deckard and singed were looking for earlier. you have to bite back a laugh-- this cat is one lucky fucker, narrowly avoiding a brutal death of shimmer experimentation to become a little girl's fur-baby.
"roach..." jinx whispers. you look up from the little cat, rolling your eyes at the wet puppy eyes jinx is blinking at you. "please can we keep her?" she whines.
you huff, throw each of your friends their sandwich, then lean forward and pick the cat up, holding it to your chest. it's a docile little thing, cuddling against you the second you got it in your arms. jinx is wiggling with glee before you, already knowing what your answer's going to be. you flip her off, and she grins.
"fine." you grunt. jinx and lock burst into happy squeals, jumping up and down as they hold each other's hands. sevika's grinning behind the pair. "but you three gotta help me take care of this mess understand?" you ask. they all nod.
"whatever you need, roach." lock promises, grining. you giggle.
"okay. lock, take jinx's bedding out back and burn it-- it's easier than trying to wash out all the bugs and diseases." jinx pouts a bit at the thought of losing her star-themed sheets, and you nudge her with your foot. "you still got your dinosaur sheets in the closet. and i'll buy you a new set next time we're at the markets, okay?" you ask. she nods up at you. lock gets to work stripping her bed.
"jinx, go talk to silco. he thinks you're mad at him."
"you think he's gonna let me keep 'er?" she asks, worried. you snort.
"jinx, you could ask silco for the moon and he'd find a way to bring it to you." you say. jinx smiles shyly at this, and you ruffle her bangs again. "tell 'im i say that pets are good for kids' social development, or some bullshit like that. she'll be good for pest control in the bar. get him to take you shopping for some food and a litter box for little shitstorm, okay?" you ask.
jinx grins and nods up at you, wrapping your legs in a quick hug before taking off down the hall to talk to silco. you laugh as you watch her go.
sevika's the only one left, blinking at you guiltily from across jinx's room. you snort at the sight of her. "come help me clean this little shit." you mumble, nodding toward jinx's bathroom.
sevika follows with a smile.
"you're the sucker." she teases as you pass her the cat, plugging the sink and filling it with warm soapy water. you snort.
"you know she was supposed to be one of singed's test subjects?" you ask. sevika bursts into laughter, scratching the cat under her chin. she purrs so loud it's like a little motor. "i went down there today, he and deckard were tearing the lab apart looking for the cat." you laugh.
sevika snorts. "after her bath i'll go break the news to 'em."
down the hall, silco's shocked voice rings out. "a cat!?"
you and sevika burst into giggles.
you take the cat from her hands, firmly holding it as you start to scrub it's skin free of bugs. she yowls at the water, but settles down once you start to scrub her, seemingly liking her bath. sevika wraps an arm around your waist, kissing your head as you work.
"she is a cute little thing. makes me feel bad for all the creatures jinx didn't rescue from singed." you whisper. sevika chuckles.
"honestly, babe, we're just lucky singed hasn't started experimenting on humans yet." she jokes.
thumping footsteps come running toward jinx's room. you both look up in time to see ran round the corner, a manic grin on their face. "a cat!" they squeal, pushing into the bathroom to coo down at the sweet little thing. "awe, hello sweet girl!" they cry, taking the cat out of your hands and into their arms.
you giggle at sevika's shocked expression-- ran's just a ball of sunshine under their bangs and eyeliner-- and pass ran a clean towel to wrap the cat in.
"you got it from here?" you ask your friend, trusting that they know how to care for the creature better than you. they grin, pressing kisses to the wet cat's head.
"jinx already named me godparent. suck it, bitches." ran says, sticking their tongue out at you and sevika, hugging the cat closer to their chest.
sevika snorts and you roll your eyes fondly.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
Finished reading that s/o being stalked and I must admit it's a chef kiss. If you have free time can you do part 2 with Fyodor,Nikolai and sigma if you write for them? Or if you can't, can you do where the stalker still stalks the s/o ?
!Nikolai Gogol With An S/O Who Has A Stalker!
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Scenario:Nikolai finds out you have a stalker!how will he deal with it??
Pairing: nikolai gogol x gn!reader
Genre: im rly not sure tbh...
Type: oneshot
A/N: Hi anon! Okay soo,here’s the deal,i dont rly write for any of them but i also dont think the stalker would ever come back...buttt i also dont wanna ignore your ask or just not give you anything sooo,imma do a nikolai piece!also disclaimer it might be ooc cos im not rly sure i hv his personality down right so apologies in advance :’) i hope you like it and feel free to lmk what you think if you want!
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Nikolai gogol was an observant individual,and even though many people just took him to be an eccentric and impulsive clown(which he was) he did in fact have the ability to be calculated and observant,he just didnt wanna be~
So when he came home from a looongg assignment,he noticed how on-edge you seemed.how scared,uptight and jumpy you were.
He also knew you wouldnt tell him what it was for fear of either boring him or coming off as bitchy and childish.
So he dug;his curiosity was piqued and he was bored soooo he made it his mission to find out what was haunting you.
After not a lot of digging he found the root cause of your paranoia!
A stalker~
Honestly when he found out you had a stalker he was overjoyed!
Now he had a new plaything~
The next day your stalker was preparing themselves to send you another 'love' letter.
But after they'd dropped it into the box to be collected and delivered the next day,they ran into a young man.
He looked to be in his early to mid 20s and he had dual coloured eyes and snow white hair.
Your stalker excused themselves and was about to be on their way when the young man grabbed their wrist and ,whispering in a happy tone, said, "do you like quizzes????? " before enveloping them in his coat.
Your stalker then found themselves in a dark room that smelled like dust.
They tried to get up,but were repeatedly knocked down by an invisible attacker,eventually they stopped trying and just crouched down.
“WHO ARE YOU!” Your stalker asked, “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!”
‘Ha!’ Nikolai thought to himself, ‘they look really upset,the audacity on this one is marvellous!’
But all he said was “Shhhhhhh, i’mmm the one asking the questions here~”
“And if you’re even hoping to escape,you’ll listen and answer them well”
He heard a gulp and a shakey breath being drawn,which caused him to smile from his hiding place.
“Now then, why dont we start with an easy one, what do you want with y/n l/n?”
“Who??i dont know what the hell youre talking about!!”
A golden vortex appeared and swallowed your stalker’s leg.
they were left one leg short.
After realising what had just happened, they screamed out!
“Hehehehee sorry,did i forget to tell you the rules????? Oh silly me!always forgetting important things! The rules are simple! Tell the truth,”
“Or lose a limb!”
He cackled maniacally and your stalker broke into a cold sweat.
They were in deep shit now...
“So~ go on, second chance! What.do.you.want.with.y/n l/n.”
Nikolai wasnt even asking anymore,he was demanding.
“AEK!! WRONG AGAIN!Gosh i really thought you’d answer when you knew the stakes....But i guess your appendages must mean nothing to you~”
Your stalker’s other leg was swallowed up.
Another scream pierced the air.
Nikolai yawned.
“Ooohh suddenly compliant are we? Well then! Sad to say you’re answer wont save you~”
“Oh yeah.i cant have you bothering my love now can i?? Sooo you’ll have to die!”
And with that another vortex appeared but this time a man pointing a gun stepped out.he pulled down the hammer down and cocked the gun before holding it right to your stalker’s head.
“Ehhh no~ id much rather kill you.eases my conscience~”
“Sure sure,threatening letters arent anything wrong but also,regardless of if you did that or not id still kill you.because i want to.its my will.and unlike you im not restricted by the bonds of morality.I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!”
“And right now,i want to shoot you”
Nikolai gogol got home that day and saw you sat at the table doing some work.
He hugged you from behind and burried his head in the crook of your neck,his stray hairs tickling your ear.
“Hello y/n~” he said,peppering kisses all over your your cheek,neck and shoulder.
You raised your hadn to let it sit in his hair,ruffling the white floofles you loved so much.
“Hey kolya....how was your day?where were you?”
“Oh you know,taking care of some business.”
“Hmm” you sighed at his response.
“Oh and about that stalker of yours,”
You suddenly went stiff,you hand which had come down to lay over his arms which were wrapped around you,gripped them with sudden tension.
“Dont worry,i took care of it.gave them a stern talking to!they’ll never bother you again!” He said.
And you deflated at that,sudden tears of relief streaming down your face.
You got up and turned around in his arms to face him.the smile on your fave was as radiant as ever.
“Thank you,kolya” you said before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
You both smiled into the kiss.
“Anytime dove~”
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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still not over the fact that all your work is très magnifique 😍 (dont mind me binge reading at 4am)
if i may request, how do you think dream would react when his lover(reader) is very jumpy or easily flinches. we all know morpheus can be rather mysterious-in-the-shadows type and as someone with anxiety i feel like him popping out of no where will just make me jump all the time
Hold My Hand
Dream of the Endless x Reader
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures, your measure for Dream giving you near death experiences involved a very particular accessory.
Word Count: >600
Warnings: some kinky inclinations lol, gender neutral!reader, kitty meow meow dream (real), pouty!dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HHIHIHI IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY FICS ENOUGH TO LOSE SLEEP OVER IT ANON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BUT ALSO GET SOME SLEEP PLS T_T the gif is how i imagine dream apologizes for scaring you Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9
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I let out a long, exaggeratedly prolonged, scream when I feel someone come up from behind me in this dead end of the library. It was instantaneous, the hug and the concerned voice that came after.
I mean I really was scared, but still, I was 100% sure I was born dramatic. I heaved heavily as I leaned into the embrace of the being behind me.
Dream cranes his neck down to kiss the side of my neck, "I apologize, my dear," he speaks with genuine guilt, "I was only thinking about how you told me you enjoyed back hugs and I could not help myself."
"It's fine," I sigh deeply, placing the book in my hand back in the shelf.
Dream, although he knew I was not making an attempt to leave him, pulls me back, as if unwilling to have a fraction of space between us. I chuckle, "alright, alright, gimme a sec, geez."
Once the book is back in its spot, I twist in his arms and position myself into a comfortable embrace, cheek pressing against his chest.
Dream tightens his hold, relaxing against me; his previous guilt of rousing my anxiousness finally seemed to leave him.
I can't help but chuckle when he nuzzles against my head, "rough day?"
He hums, "everything is suddenly bearable after I feel your touch."
I smile against him and pull back to show this. In contrast, he has his pouty lips curved down and it makes my brows raise, "what's wrong, Dreamy?"
"I do not enjoy the fact I keep agitating you when I phase to your side."
I snort, "well, actually," I pull away from him, "I may have a solution."
His brows furrow, appalled by the fact I was pulling away from him. His frown deepens.
"Dream," I chuckle, "I'm literally still right here, please, I just need to get something out of my pocket."
A line between his brows forms. He barely loosens his tight grip on me. I cannot help but press my lips as I look at him in amused annoyance.
"Here," I say, as a pull out a tiny choker and dangle it between our faces.
Dream averts his attention, furrowed brows raising.
"I had a cat once," I start, undoing the clasp of the necklace, "she was so sneaky, my family did not know peace until we gave her a bell."
I bring my hand over his shoulders, placing the black and gold thing around his neck. I rise to my toes and look over Dream's shoulder when I do this. Once I am done securing it, I release a sigh and fall flat on my feet. "Now," I smile, grabbing his cheeks, "I might find peace with your bell."
Dream looks down at the choker. I grab the bell at the center so that he could see it, but I'm unsure he does.
His hands travel up my back as he averts his gaze back upon me, "if it can rid of my jump scare tendencies-"
I snort at his use of my term.
"- then I am happy to wear it."
I break into a fit of giggles when he leans in and peppers my face with kisses. As innocent as those were, my breathing begins to grow heavy when his lips trail down my neck, "Dream... Lucienne might catch us again..."
Meanwhile Matthew's head cocks from side to side as he looks for bright ringing sound he could not for the life of him find. "Lucienne, am I going bonkers, or do you also hear that bell ringing?" "I thought you were already bonkers." "Lucienne, I'm serious-" Matthew's beak stays open when he sees Dream pass by out of nowhere. "D-Did you- did he- is he wearing a collar?" "Matthew, Dream is a consenting adult-- in fact, he's much older than that." Safe to say, the sound of the bell was so much more hard to ignore now.
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marsgod · 2 years
the fact that we actually became friend because of ur first matchup event and now u have another one is just >>>>>
so to honour (a previously nonexistent but shhh) tradition imma request again, but this time for genshin instead of twst.
i'd sure hope u know me by now but still (ill help jog ur memory if needed and try describe myself in a diferent way than i usually do too). my mbti is intp im a cat person and i hate getting up early in the morning w every bone of my body. my green flags are that im a good listener, loyal, selfless (when it come to ppl i care abt) and i value honesty. my biggest red flags would be the fact that my top kin is (unfortunately enough) dazai osamu from bsd (idk if u know who that is but hes not someone u wanna relate to even after reading real dazai's books) and the fact that i use humour as a coping mechanism (it does make me extremely funny but still)
im still look the same, except my hair is shorter cuz i had to cut it at the beggining of the school year since my school doesnt allow dyed hair. so no more blue tips :(
my hobbies are literally anything creative from painting to writing (ofc) and my dream date is still smth like stargazing on top of this very specific abandoned building near my house w a picnic if junkfood or visiting all the hole in the wall type places in a city of all dif types (from restaurants to smoll libraries to unknown thrift shops) and holding hand in the public transport to get there.
still u get the ideea.
(also u dont have to do this if u dint want to i wont take it personally or anything)
and again congrats on ur milestone ily dont forget to drink water and eat something! (its 1 am as im writing this i had a history essay to finish lol, but i know its like midday for u so enjoy the rest of ur day im going to sleep now byee)
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╰┈➤ I’d match you with… Thoma!
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Thoma is like.. The ultimate animals person in general, imma be honest, and he’s def gonna take you on cat island dates for lunch and stuff
Maybe camp there if you two get the chance!
He’s slightly concerned at the humor as a coping mechanism, but if it helps you then you’ll receive a slight nod with and small smile
He might snort due to being caught of guard
Thoma writes these little entries just to keep track of when was what, but writing overall isn’t his thing, but lean/lay on top of you while you write and mess with your hair<33
since Thoma generally makes it a point to get to know local residents of wherever he’s at, he learns about any “secret” and hole-in-the-wall places fairly quickly, specifically for food!
Abandoned buildings specifically make Thoma sorta jumpy, but he loves you so he’ll go for you
Thoma will just be incredibly nervous and sweating
Not super into PDA but still likes to hold your hand and. all that<333
Thoma, unfortunately, gets up with the sun, and manages to run into every possible thing while still drowsy
Don’t be surprised if you wake up scared shitless because Thoma just ran straight into a door frame.. Or your desk, or literally anything
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“- And the tabby over there is Mei, she’s an old lady.. Be careful, she’ll scratch you!”
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venfx · 3 years
magnus fic roundup
as tma comes to a close, i thought i'd post some of my favorite fics to come out of this fandom. most of these are classics, listed in no particular order.
A Weather In The Flesh by @cuttoothed​ | 3K | S1-S4 | Jon/Martin | Complete
"There is a span of years where Jon doesn’t touch anyone other than the occasional hand shake. It’s not so bad. He’s never been someone who’s needed physical affection."
Jon has never been any good at making people want to stick around.
↳ this is such a well-done exploration of jon’s character and his relationship with touch, and i’ve re-read it at least five times. sweet and sad and phenomenally well-written.
in the chillest land and on the strangest sea by imperfectcircle, singlecrow | 20K | Safehouse, S1-S4 | Jon & Daisy, Jon/Martin | Complete
Jon remembers a statement he read years ago given by a Jesuit priest, who said that the shortest prayer he knew was, just, fuck it, as in fuck it; it's in God's hands. He takes Daisy's hand and trails on after her.
or; hope is a thing with feathers.
↳ hey, you wanna fuckin..... feel things? read this.
The Magnus Institute vs the 21st Century: a series of emails and IMs by shinyopals | 26K | Series | S3 | Pre-Jon/Martin | Complete
The Magnus Institute hires a Data Protection Officer. He sets about diligently booking in meetings, writing policy documents, and training all the staff in the importance of confidentiality. Now if only he could get hold of the Head Archivist, who seems to have vanished again...
(Jon is only trying to save the world, but apparently some people think he should still be doing his day job.)
↳ i’d be surprised to find people who haven’t read this series, but it’s the definition of “the magnus archives is a workplace comedy”. also, alasdair stuart has actually read some clips of this on Twitch, so that’s a fun bonus.
Bell, Book, and Candle by yellow_caballero | 102K | Series | S3 into S4 | Jon/Martin | Complete 
In accordance with the Ride or Die Pact of 2009, Jonathan Sims can call upon Georgie Barker at any time for aid with no strings attached. Despite their rocky history, their childhood friendship, and Jon’s barely recovered alcoholism, this pact is sacred and must be upheld.
Georgie Barker may regret this. She may regret it when she discovers that the world is full of monsters and eldritch gods and dickhead managers. She may regret it when a punk rocker who should be dead collapses on their doorstep, a teenager again who needs their help. She may regret it when her stupid ex-boyfriend starts selling his soul for knowledge and the ability to keep his new family safe.
But she probably won’t. Georgie isn’t scared of anything - not a Clown’s apocalypse, not the apocalypse that Jon is destined to begin, and not Jon’s own loss of humanity.
Maybe she should be.
↳ if you’re looking for an everyone-lives-no-one-dies-happy-ending fic that also happens to be massively chaotic, look no further. 
The Reverb in These Holy Halls by @wolftraps​ | 98K | AU, S1-S4 | Jon/Martin | Complete
Undoing the apocalypse would have been enough for Jon, if all his people survived. Without them, Jon's only recourse is making it so it never happened in the first place. He's going to do better this time.
↳ quintessential time travel AUs. plot-wise, i feel like these can be difficult to write, but op does a fantastic job of tying things together in a way that makes sense. plus, it’s just fun to read.
jon sims v the nhs by @thoughtsbubble​ | 12K | Series | S3 | Complete
Joan Bright has a new patient. He's carrying an old tape recorder and is covered head to toe in scars. Jonathan Sims looks dangerous, but Dr Bright has dealt with all sorts of atypical individuals. She has no reason to be nervous.
↳ if you’ve ever thought “hey, jon should probably go to therapy”, then 1) you’re absolutely right and 2) this is... probably what would’ve happened. prior knowledge of The Bright Sessions is not required. also, apparently, this fic is written by the showrunner of The Underwood Collection? wild.
Family, Found by Dribbledscribbles | 9K | S4 | Complete
It’s Basira who catches onto it.
The collective shift that seems to come over them when heading in or out of the Institute. Not just the oppressive sensation of being observed, their every move catalogued for the voyeuristic cravings of some unseen Eye(s). That feeling remained with them even when they left the Institute these days, but it was always stronger inside its walls. That wasn’t the change. Nor was it the point.
The point was: making life worse for Jonathan Sims.
↳ i think being part of the avengers fandom circa 2012 has given me permanent found-family-trope brainrot, but you know what. jonathan sims can have a little happiness, as a treat. 
Road to Damascus by @titanfalling​ | 107K | Series | S4 | Jon & Tim | Complete
n. an important moment of insight, typically one that leads to a dramatic transformation of attitude or belief
Or, in which Tim becomes an avatar for the end of all things.
↳ tim dies and then he doesn’t. there is catharsis and world building. just....read it.
Come, Change Your Ring With Me by @backofthebookshelf​ | 29K | S3 | Peter/Jon, Jon/Martin, Peter/Elias | Complete
The Lukases demand the Archivist marry into the family, and the Institute relies on them too much to say no. Peter is smug. Elias is fuming. Martin is suffering. Jon thinks this might be tolerable if only Peter would hurry up and leave him alone already.
OR, the soap opera we call an Archives revolves around Peter Lukas this time.
↳ superb evil-bastards-in-love content, feat. martin pining, tim being obnoxious, and jon being... well, tired, mostly. i will literally never get tired of how op writes peter. 
creatures that i briefly move along by @dotsayers​ | 16K | Series | AU, Post-S4 | background Jon/Martin 
Mr Sims was so weird, was the thing. Miss Grant always said calling people weird was rude, and Anna sort of agreed, but she didn’t know what other word to use to describe Mr Sims.
He’d only been in with the class for a few days, really, and half of that he just sat at the back listening, but that didn’t stop her from making a swift judgement. 5BG had had student teachers before, back when they were 3ST, and they’d been uniformly normal.
Mr Sims was… actually, Anna had a better adjective. He was interesting.
↳ i just.... love teacher!jon fics. this series delivers. 
Once Bitten by @apatheticbutterflies | 1K | S4 | Jon & Daisy | Complete
Jon Sims has always been a jumpy kind of guy. Nervous. Twitchy. Daisy used to think it meant he was guilty. Turns out he was. Just not of what she’d thought.
Daisy learns how to peel an orange.
↳ daisy and jon’s relationship is an example of an instance where i’m happy to say “fuck what you wrote mr. jonny ‘chocolate torte of tragedy’ sims, i want them to be friends”.
pins and needles by mutterandmumble | 13K | S1-S4 | Complete
He’s got a reputation to uphold anyways; an uptight, rigid reputation that dictates the way that he interacts and functions and is such an integral part of him that he can’t let go of it anytime soon. He likes his safety nets. He likes his contingencies. He likes his privacy, and everything around this place right down to the walls seems to have ears, so he’ll stay tight-lipped up to and beyond the threat of death.
He’s good at that.
In which Jon takes up embroidery and bumbles through life the best that he can.
↳ out of all the introspective jon pieces i’ve read (and there are many), this one stands out. maybe it’s the symbolism or the characterisation, or maybe it’s the fact that i have an embroidery kit lurking in the back of my closet along with a hundred other half-pursued hyperfixations. whatever. this is excellent.
sleeping in by @ivelostmyspectacles | 5K | S2 | Jon/Tim | Complete
“Who are you trying to convince?”
Jon gives up, letting his head sag against Tim’s shoulder. “I don’t know.”
aka Elias gets tired of Jon and Tim's bickering, sends them away for a "team-building" weekend trip, and is sure to book them a room with only one bed
↳ this has everything you’d need from a “oh no there’s only one bed” fic. someone please get these men therapy.
if you try, sometimes (you get what you knead) by @ajcrawly​ | 3.5K | S1-S4 | Jon/Martin, Tim/Sasha | Complete
It starts with an abundance of boeuf bourguignon and ends up as a team tradition.
Food and love in uncertain times.
↳ more found family fic, this time with a diverse og!archival staff and food as a metaphor for love. hurt in all the right ways. made me hungry in the process.
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talsiaa · 3 years
Coming Out
Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x Reader (It’s more fem, but I try not to use many pronouns)
Warnings: None, it’s fluffy (i hope) :)
Word Count: 1,184
Summary: You’re finally ready to come out as bi to your wonderful boyfriend Remus Lupin but you’re scared of what he and everyone else will think of you.
A/N: this is purely because im bi so I hope it brings someone somewhere comfort? It’s not too long, I’m not used to writing for the marauders yet but I hope you enjoy it!
The Black Lake on a summer’s evening was one of your favourite sites, it really never got old. The soft amber and red glows of sunset reflecting from the calm waters made you feel cosy and safe, hence why you were sat there now, your back against a tree and a book in your hand. Although, you couldn’t quite focus on the words - your mind was instead racing with the possible outcomes of the conversation you were about to have with your adorable boyfriend, Mr Remus Lupin.
Yourself and Remus had been together since fourth year and now, in sixth year, you still feeel all giddy while you talk to him. You had always been nervous around him, even when you started dating, but it was a good nervous - the type where your stomach feels like its doing somersaults and your heart just won’t slow down because you’re so in love. This time however, you felt nervous like you were about to sit an exam you hadn’t revised for, your tummy was sinking with your heart drumming too loudly and it was just all overwhelming. Despite your body trying to tell you otherwise though, you knew you were ready to tell someone and that someone had to be Remus.
“Hey, dove,” Remus’ voice caught you off guard as you spiralled, making you jump a little but still force an uneasy smile at him as he sat down next to you. You couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he looked, especially with the golden sun rays dancing across his scarred nose, with his tie loosened and his uniform slightly askew. Usually he was, of course, very smartly dressed as an example to the younger years (he was a prefect, after all) so you enjoyed this, looking at him with his sleeves rolled up and his hair ruffled. Remus was another one of your favourite sites.
“Hey.” you tried to say, but it came out as a soft whisper as you pressed your lips together, hard. 
“Are you going to tell me why you’ve asked me on a top secret trip to the black lake?” he nudged you, both teasingly and apprehensively, not knowing why you were suddenly all quiet and jumpy. You took a deep breath.
“I need to talk to you, Rem.” you looked back at the Black Lake, trying to anchor yourself to this moment and prepare for the worst, setting your book down next to you.
“Oh Merlin,” he mumbled, causing you to look back at him. His face was full of fear now. “Are you breaking up with me?”
“What!?” You cupped both of his cheeks in your hands, moving onto your knees next to him. “No, no of course not. I love you, I’m definitely not breaking up with you.” his hand came up to hold your wrist and draw soothing circles on it while you lent forwards to lightly kiss his nose (it always brought out a beautiful smile from the lycanthrope). “It’s something I-I need to tell you,” 
You settled back down with your back to the tree but now Remus placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards his so you could rest your head on his shoulders. His other hand still held yours, drawing different shapes onto your palm. 
“You can tell me anything, sweetheart. Promise,” Remus gave a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“You won’t be mad? O-or break up with me, or tell everybody or call me some awful name?” you stammered, knowing full well that Remus would never do anything your head was telling you he might. This only concerned Remus more, pulling you closer and stroking your hair as some tears started to fall down your face.
“I love you more than anything. I promise you I won’t be mad or break up with you or any of that. I don’t want to pressure you into telling me, though. If You want we could just go on a walk while the suns still setting?” how Remus found the words to make you feel so safe and loved every time was a complete mystery to you. He was simply perfect.
“Thank you.” you whispered, building up your courage to just tell him already. “I’ve been confused and frustrated with myself for a long while now. I didn’t fully understand certain thoughts and feelings and it made me miserable but since I figured it out - figured myself out - it’s something that feels so right and I just know this is what I’ve been lacking for ages now. I-It’s like a jigsaw puzzle and I’ve finally found the last piece and I want to be proud of it and I want the people I love and care about to know.” you filled your lungs with another deep breath. Remus just silently listening to you so intently, still caressing your hair and giving the occasional kiss to your head was just so comforting. Now that you were doing it, you were so glad. It felt very right. You lifted off of his shoulder, facing him and taking both his hands in yours, very confident in what you were saying. “Remus, I love you so much and I want you to know that this doesn’t change the way I feel about you one bit. I’m bisexual and I think that you deserve to be the first person I tell.”
Remus’ brows pushed together a little, his lips parting then pressing together again while he gave your hands a squeeze. “Darling, please tell me if I say something wrong, okay? I really, really don’t mean to, I just don’t know a lot about all of this.” he brought one of your hands up to press a soft kiss to your knuckles. “Firstly, is bisexual where you like men and women? Sorry for not knowing properly, I just-”
“Don’t worry, Rem.” you cut him off with a smile. It was the 70s after all, there was a massive stigma around LGBTQ+ and it wasn’t exactly taught about in schools (although 50 years later you would’ve thought it might have at least it’s own official section in PSHE). “I didn’t expect you to be an expert in all things gay and yeah pretty much.”
“Right, good. I understand. So secondly, I’m so glad that this is something that makes you feel whole and I’m so proud of you for telling me. I know that must not have been easy for you and I’m honoured I’m the first person to know. I love you so much and I just want you to be happy, above all else.” at this point you were overcome by so much joy that this had turned out so perfectly and pulled him closer to you for a kiss. It was quite possibly the best kiss you had ever had and you both poured so much love into it. 
“Thanks, Rem,” you said softly, pulling away from him.
“You’ve got nothing to thank me for, darling. You’re happy and that’s what matters.”
Godric, he’s literally the sweetest, most perfect person on the planet.
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [11]
Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
➜ Words: 4.5k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
➜ Warning: Suggestive content
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Life is like a box of chocolates — you never know if it’s gonna fuck you over and end up giving you the shits.   It’s in the middle of the night when he feels someone crawling into bed with him. The sheets ruffle. The covers are pulled, and he feels a weight settle onto his hips. Jungkook’s shaken awake from his slumber and through the slits of his eyes, he sees you grinning down at him, palms laid on his chest.    “Wh-What are you doing here?” Jungkook croaks with a voice thickened with sleep, completely disoriented. He tries to lift his head to look around his dark dorm room. “How’d you get in?”   You brush your hair back and lean down close to him, whispering, “Does it matter?”   Your hot breath skims against his skin and sends goosebumps all over his flesh. Suddenly, your lips lay on the juncture between his neck and shoulder and he feels your hips rocking into him.   Immediately, Jungkook lifts his hands to find purchase on your waist, halting your movements. “We shouldn’t do this.”   “Why not?” You pout and just to tease, you swivel your hips again, grinding down on him.   Your name chokes out of Jungkook. “W-We’re friends.”   “Really?” Your lashes bat, body heat warm against his. “Friends don’t do this, Kookie.”   Jungkook realizes that you’re just in a white night slip with thin straps he can easily tug down. Your underwear is gone too and he can feel the heat of your center as you shift to sit right on his crotch that’s growing harder by the second. Jungkook groans and you whine back at him.   You grab his hand, guiding it to palm your breast, and Jungkook squeezes. It feels soft like a pillow. “Friends don’t touch each other like this,” you murmur to him, rocking yourself against his clothed length. The bed creaks quietly and Jungkook can feel his pajama pants becoming damp.   “Friends don’t get this wet.” You kiss his jaw. “Friends don’t want to touch each other.”   “God, Y/N.” Jungkook doesn’t know what’s happening. But he can’t resist the temptation. He can’t control himself. It only takes one more eager jerk of your pelvis before he’s embarrassingly coming undone in his boxers like a prepubescent teen.   “Feel good, Kookie?” you coo and when he manages a husky ‘uh-huh’, your lips curl. “Then why do you fucking suck at making cakes, huh?!” Jungkook’s startled when you abruptly screech into his ear at the top of your lungs and his horror only accelerates when you stand on the mattress, looming over him and placing your foot on his crotch. “You’re a fucking joke!”   Your heel digs into his soft dick and he’s unable to pry it off, scared shitless.    “Your cakes are DRY!” The whites of your eyes bleed red, skin morphing into purple as the strands of your hair raise. The word ‘dry’ is jarringly spat with multiple demon voices in low tones overlapping your own. It echoes all along his room, surrounding and suffocating him. All of a sudden, your jaw unhinges and smoke begins to ooze out towards him. Jungkook screams and his vision is flooded in pitch black.   Jungkook jolts on his mattress. His eyes pull back. He hyperventilates, catching his breath.    The first thing he sees is the white mug you gave him on his bedside table, ‘Jungkook — World’s Best Chocolatier’, unused and kept pristine. But he rolls away and realizes his hand has been tightly squeezing a pillow, that he’s dripping of sweat and his pants are soiled, that you’re not here — that you never were.   What the fuck.   It was a wet dream, or rather, a wet nightmare.    //   It’s an understatement to say Jungkook is utterly traumatized. He wonders if his subconscious is broken, but the nightmare has stained his brain permanently and he is still horrified by morning. He couldn’t fall back to sleep and stayed in bed motionless for two hours, deeply disturbed to his very core.   He’s shocked out of his thoughts by a brush on his arm.    Jungkook whirls his head over, and there you are. Manifested into thin air. Coming from nowhere. As if you were summoned through his thoughts like the devil. He screams and stumbles back.   Your eyes are wide, brows lifted. “Jungkook?”   “Fuck! You scared me!” He presses his hand over his heart where it’s thundering against his rib cage.    “I called you three times! Did your one brain cell die? God, you’re so embarrassing.”   People are looking at him, startled from his shriek and stopped in the middle of the corridor. Jungkook swallows hard and quickly collects himself. “S-Sorry.”   “Geez, get it together, Jeon. Anyway, I was going to ask you about…”   He tries to talk to you and not stare at the petals of your lips that had softly kissed his neck in his nightmare. He tries to focus and not let his eyes stray down to the swell of your chest that was firmly pushed against his own in the nightmare. He tries to ignore that nightmare, the nightmare of you climbing underneath his warm covers, pressing yourself to him, whispering in his ear—   “Jeon—”   Jungkook screams again, the silver bowl of chocolate knocking against the counter in a deafening clang, but thankfully not spilled. Your classmates are wide-eyed like you are and the teacher spins around, afraid that someone is on fire.   “S-Sorry,” he apologizes to you and the rest of the people in the kitchen.   Everyone turns back to their stations and you frown, ducking your head in second-hand humiliation. “Dude, what’s wrong with you?”   You’re leaning too close to him, your scent is overwhelming and Jungkook’s heart is beating fast enough that it’s going up his throat. He might just have a heart attack.   He frantically shuffles back to put some distance between the two of you. “Nothing.”   “Really?” You have a doubtful expression. “Are you sick? Do you need to go to the hospital?”   “No, I’m not. I’m fine.”   “A—lright then, weirdo. I just wanted to ask you if you have any extra eggs I can borrow.”   “Borrow?” He quirks his brow. “You’re gonna give me back the eggs?”   You grin mischievously and it does something to him that is quite unsettling. “Can I take some, please?”   Jungkook swallows hard. He’s not sure why you’re batting your lashes like that, why you’re trying to act coy. It’s not cute. But he doesn’t comment, instead diverting his eyes and sliding the carton over. “Take it.”   “Thanks, Jeon.”   It’s not going to work and he knows it. Pretending and trying to ignore what’s on the forefront of his mind will only arouse more suspicion from you. It won’t be long until you think he needs to have medical attention. Which he probably does at this point. But your concern will only unknowingly throw fuel into the fire.   Jungkook knows the only way he can shake this weirdness off is by switching strategies. And the best strategy of all is time.   //   When Jungkook enters the lecture hall, he urgently claims a spot at the very back, even if he can’t see the white board and he knows it’ll be hard to hear. He ducks his head, wearing the hood of his sweater and instantaneously picks you out in the crowd.   You’re in the middle rows at the usual spot with your seat beside you saved. And as time ticks closer to the lecture, he can see you looking around, searching for him.   10:58 pm. Y/N: are you skipping class again idiot 10:58 pm. Y/N: im not giving you the notes   Jungkook sees your text but doesn’t answer.   At lunch, Jungkook books it to the dining hall and just dumps whatever is convenient onto his tray. He sits down and begins to scarf down his food.    Yoongi, who hasn’t even been able to take a bite, eyes him.    “Wow, you’re hungry today.”   Jungkook chugs his water so the food can easily slide down his gullet.   Yoongi lifts a brow at how he hasn’t answered and blatantly stares at him. “What’s your problem, Kook? Is someone chasing you?”   The dark-haired man in his campus hoodie and dark jeans checks his watch. With his cheeks full, he mutters, “Class ends in three minutes which means she’ll be here in five.”   “Who? Y/N? Did you do something to piss her off?”   It’s not exactly that. But Jungkook doesn’t respond. He’s too busy slurping up his noodles. Then swiftly, he stands with his tray and grabs the hard piece of bread in his other hand. “See you.”   There’s a permanent question mark etched onto Yoongi’s face and the tired man watches Jungkook dump his unfinished food into the bin and runs off with more vigour than he could ever have.   And like clockwork, exactly as Jungkook predicted, you come into the dining hall thirty seconds later. You pick up your food while humming and then sit yourself down across Yoongi.   “How was class?”   “Fine.” Yoongi doesn’t explain. He cuts straight to the chase. “Did something happen between you and Kook?”   “What?”   “He was just here.”   “He was?” You turn around but the mop of black hair is nowhere in sight. You shift back to Yoongi, completely befuddled. “No, nothing’s wrong. He’s just been jumpy today, I don’t know what his issue is.”   “Huh.”   12:06pm. Y/N: is everything okay???   Guilt crawls up Jungkook’s throat as he leaves another text unanswered. But it’s not his fault.   You’re a witch for plaguing him with these feelings. These horrible feelings that he doesn’t even know how to begin describing. It’s like he’s horny but when he touches his dick, you’re the first person to come to mind. And it makes him stop — aware it’s too fucked up to continue.   He can’t believe that the span of a few hours and one measly nightmare has changed the entire wiring of his brain. Or maybe you’ve bewitched him, cursed him somehow, voodooed him. Frankly, Jungkook wouldn’t be surprised if you actually did that to get back at him for something he doesn’t remember doing.   You’re a witch and you would probably cackle if you knew what was going on.   2:43pm. Y/N: wanna go eat out tonight  2:43pm. Y/N: im hungryyyyyy again   2:56pm. Y/N: BITCH 2:56pm. Y/N: ARE YOU SERIOUSLY LEAVING ME ON READ   What Jungkook needs most is to turn off his phone and get away from you. Or at least, anywhere where he could potentially run into you on accident. So after class, he goes to the best place he can think of to get his mind off of things.   “Damn, you look rough, dude.” Taehyung shuts the door to his dormitory room and grins. “Did you have another wild night?”   “Uh, no, not really.”   “What are we playing? Overwatch? League? PUBG?”   “I’m good for whatever.” He plops onto Taehyung’s bean bag chair, ignoring the spilled chips on it.   Taehyung’s dorm is ten times nastier than Jungkook’s room has ever been. It’s a literal dump. You would never step into it and he knows it for a fact.   Taehyung’s pig style lifestyle is Jungkook’s ultimate refuge.   “So you gonna tell me what’s up?” Taehyung glances at Jungkook as the loading screen appears.   Jungkook musters a half-scoff, half-laugh. “There’s nothing up.”   “Okay then.”   There’s a long silence. The music plays. The screen continues loading.   Jungkook sighs and leans back, gesturing wildly. “Okay. I had this dream.”   Taehyung cocks a brow. “You had a dream?”   “Yeah, and it was really, really, really, really weird—”   “Dude.” The brunette laughs. “I get it. It was really weird. Get on with the story.”   “And now it’s fucking with my head.” He releases another sigh. “It was about Y/N.”   “Y/N?” Taehyung grins. “What? Did she shoot you point-blank? Did she knife you in a back alley and now you think this is some kind of sign for the future and you’re gonna die?”   “No—” But before he can explain himself, Taehyung’s phone dings and he pulls it out.   His boxy smile expands on his face and he momentarily shows his screen. “Well what do you know, speak of the devil, Y/N’s coming over here right now.”   “What?!”   Jungkook sputters, choking on his own spit, heart stuttering.   Taehyung smiles. “I’m giving her the lemon meringue pie recipe in exchange for her red velvet cupcake recipe. Don’t tell Yoongi though, he keeps on talking about selling it and keeping it a secret, but I personally don’t really think it’s going to work— Hey! Where are you going, dude?”   Jungkook has grabbed his bag and shoes, and is opening the latch on Taehyung’s window. Thankfully he lives on the bottom floor and it’s easy to climb out.   “Are you being serious right now?” Taehyung stands, appalled.   “Yeah.” He swings his legs over the ledge. “Don’t tell Y/N I was here.”   Both of Jungkook’s feet land on the ground and he takes off running without glancing behind him.   In the meanwhile, Taehyung blinks hard. He’s shocked and shouts out the window— “You never finished telling me about that dream!”   You’re a witch — Jungkook’s sure of it. He has no solid evidence yet but there was just no way you could appear at every single place he’s at. Always two steps behind him. One corner away.   He didn’t know it would be so hard to avoid you. You’re truly like the plague.   “Jungkook? What are you doing?”   The man is lightly jogging, but stops in his tracks. Hoseok and Aeri are hand in hand together in the middle of the path across campus. Jungkook automatically grins, thankful to see them.   What he needs most is to surround himself with people and to not be trapped inside his own head. “Hey, guys! Was just going on a run.”   “In jeans with your backpack?”   “Never a better time for exercise,” he declares and Aeri laughs. But Hoseok quirks his head to the side, unsure. “Where are you going?”   “We were just heading to the gelato place by the west building. We still haven’t tried it since it opened.”   “Great!” Jungkook joins them happily, throwing an arm over Hoseok’s shoulder. He doesn’t realize how the way he stands in the middle forces their interlaced hands to break apart.   Hoseok flashes him a dirty look that Jungkook’s subconscious chooses to ignore. “You’re coming with us?”   “Well I haven’t tried their gelato yet either and I heard their strawberry flavour was pretty good.”   “I heard it was good too!” Aeri smiles, trying to be polite. And when Jungkook isn’t looking, she sends a sheepish look to her boyfriend, mouthing to him that it’s okay.   The three of them walk together and when the sidewalk becomes too narrow for three people, Aeri falls behind. Hoseok glances at her over his shoulder, apologies swimming in his eyes.   Eventually, they get across campus and order before sitting out on a bench to enjoy their sweet desserts.   It should be lovely — the weather pleasant as the sun is going down. Aeri is holding Hoseok’s hand comfortingly as they both eat their waffle cones. But the date is interrupted with Jungkook’s loud chewing and they’re squashed with three people out on the wooden bench.   Hoseok’s thigh should be brushing against his girlfriend’s. But instead, it’s squished against Jungkook’s muscular ones.   “If we’re watching a movie after this, I heard the new Terminator was pretty decent.”   “We were planning to watch When Spring Meets Autumn,” Hoseok deadpans lifelessly, eyes blankly looking out at the distance as the man considered how this cute date turned out this way.   “A rom-com?” Jungkook blanches. “Since when did you like rom-coms?”   “I like them,” Aeri pipes up. “But I’m okay with Terminator too if that’s what you guys want.”   “The reviews are pretty stellar, so it should be good. Are you planning to grab dinner afterwards too?”   “Y-Yeah, maybe,” Aeri timidly answers   Jungkook finishes his cone and dusts his hands off. “There’s a McDonalds nearby the theater and they have a new angus burger I’ve been meaning to eat too. We should try it.”   Hoseok glares at him. Jungkook’s doe eyes overlook it.   Suddenly the phone rings, and it’s Jung Hoseok’s saving grace.   He sees the caller ID, smirks and answers, pulling it up to his ear. “Oh, hey, Y/N.”   Jungkook’s entire body freezes. His muscles become rigid.   Hoseok glances at him. “Yeah, great timing actually. He’s right here with me. We’re at the edge of campus right by the west building in front of Dog World’s Gelato. Yep. Okay. See you soon.”   Shit.    Jungkook gets up right away. “Uh—maybe we can hang out next time, guys. I should get going.”   Hoseok grabs onto the bottom hem of Jungkook’s sweater before he can book it. The male’s fist is tight enough that his knuckles turn white and he musters a stiff smile, trying not to show how much he’s enjoying his act of vengeance. “Why, Kook? You should join us! Y/N’s actually coming right now! She’s been looking for you, right?”   “Uh, t-tell her I’m busy. Just realized I have an assignment. Gotta go finish it before the deadline!” Jungkook rips his sweater back from Hoseok’s grip and runs for the hills.   Finally Hoseok and Aeri are left at peace to enjoy their outing.   “Is Jungkook avoiding Y/N?” Aeri asks curiously, watching Jungkook’s backside diminish.   “They’re playing some kind of cat and mouse game. You should see the group chat.” Hoseok chuckles. “I don’t know if Jungkook’s checked at all, but Y/N’s out for murder.”   Jungkook sprints across campus again, this time taking the route through the underground parking lot to avoid you. There’s only one person left who can save him and he trusts this person wholeheartedly. He knows they won’t betray him, that they’ll protect him until the very end. Sweet, summer child—   “Jimin!”   “Hey.” The boy grins, eyes crinkling into half-moons. He put down his pen on top of his textbook, seated at the small table in the corner of the second floor of the library. You never come here. He’d shit himself if you did. “I saved you a spot when you texted me.”   “Thanks.” Jungkook’s out of breath and falls into the seat across from him. He turns to the windows to watch the sun lower over the horizon and Jimin smiles at him, chewing on his slices of deli meat. Jungkook never understood why, but the man loves snacking on deli meat and cheese.   “Did something happen?”   Jungkook steadies his breathing. “Nothing really. What are you working on?”   “Just some theory for sugar work. Gotta prepare for that test. Do you need some water?”   “Please.” He gulps down the rest of the water bottle that Jimin hands him, quenching his dry throat.   And the brunette watches him with a grin, waiting patiently until he’s finished. Then, he asks—    “Are you sure this has nothing to do with Y/N?”   Jungkook wheezes on air. He chokes and sputters, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His doe eyes are rounded like a deer in headlights. “How’d you know?”   Jimin turns to the phone beside him, swipes and then quotes, “Where is Jeon? When I get my hands on him he is going to die I swear to god.” The way Jimin reads it is very matter-of-factly, deadpanning, but Jungkook groans, already imagining your yelling.   Jimin looks at his friend again, eyes twinkling with amusement. “There’s more in the group chat, but you get it. So...what did you do?”   “I didn’t do anything!”   Thankfully, there’s no one around the library to send him a glare when he defends himself in a higher-pitched voice. But it’s a lie. It is his fault. Jungkook’s been blatantly avoiding you all day, running from you and leaving you on read. Yet, the ironic part and what killed him the most is that Jungkook was actually beginning to miss you.   It’s just harder than he expected to distance himself.    For the past few months, you’re almost always together.   “I….I had this dream last night,” Jungkook confesses, finally letting the burden off his shoulder.   Jimin raises his brows, lips falling to the side as he earnestly listens. “A dream?”   “About Y/N.” Jungkook cringes, but lets it tumble off his tongue. “Itwasawetdream.”   “Oh.”   “Yeah.” He sucks in his cheek. Jimin’s expression is blank too, registering in the confession. Jungkook’s about to burst out laughing and spit out ‘sike’ to take it back. But his close friend beats him to the punch—   “Isn’t that normal?”   “What?”   “I mean Y/N is attractive and you are too, so you’re probably attracted to each other at least on some human level. Isn’t it natural to be attracted to someone and think of them like that?”   “Yeah, but this is Y/N we’re talking about here. Y/N.”   The person who tells him about your face acne and your period flows — that tells him he sucks at icing and piping — the person who calls him a bitch when he slyly passes his used bowls in the sink while you’re washing your dishes — who tries to sing IU songs and absolutely grates his ears.   But Jimin merely shrugs. “So? Y/N’s still human. It’s not weird unless you make it weird.”   It’s easier said than done. Jungkook is being driven crazy by you.   Jimin stares at him.   “Do you like Y/N, Jungkook?”   You? No. Of course not.
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‘The fuck is wrong with Jeon?’ seems to be the question of the day.    It’s pinpointed on your mind and one you have no idea what the answer could be. And the more you sit and think about it, the more you become enraged. Your blood is boiling, temples pounding, and you’ve never been one to sit aside and let things happen. So, you seek him out to get some answers.   You sneak in and pound on his door at ten at night. Hard enough that the surface rattles against the hinges. He can run from you all he wants all day but he has one place to sleep at night.   The door opens a sliver, Jungkook’s eye and big nose pokes out, horrified. “Y/N?!”   You push the surface but he holds it. There’s a struggle. “W-What’s your problem?”   Finally, you stumble in. Jungkook steps back.   His room is pitch black but the light from the hall illuminates his small space and your eyes dart to his ruffled sheets, the laptop pushed aside, the lube on his nightstand by the cup you gave him for Christmas. Immediately it clicks and your pupils dart to his crotch. You see something poking out from his gray sweatpants and he covers it with his hands, but a moment too late.   You groan. “Ugh. Are you seriously getting off, right now?”   “Fuck off, I’m...just a little sexually frustrated.”   “Is this what you’ve been doing all day?”   “No!”   “Then why did you leave me on read?!” You confront him, not leaving room for excuses. And as for receipts, you hold up your phone where tens of messages were left unanswered today. You sigh when Jungkook says nothing for an excruciating thirty seconds and you soften. “Just tell me what I did wrong, so I can apologize for it and fix it.”   “No, you didn’t do anything wrong.”   “Then why did you ignore me all day and make me feel like….like some kind of clingy ex?” The words taste bitter as they come out. You’re reminded of what happened not too long ago, how you were ghosted by Kim Seokjin and you don’t appreciate Jeon Jungkook doing the same to you.   You don’t enjoy being shunned and abandoned by your best friend.   Jungkook can see the hurt in your expression and realizes he’s fucked up. Big time.   His ears perk when you sigh frustratedly.   “This morning, you act all weird and then you don’t show up to class and Yoongi tells me you shoved your lunch into your mouth and left seconds before I came. Okay. Whatever. I was going to let it go. Maybe there’s something up. Maybe you need space.” You step forward and he staggers back. “But then….but then Taehyung tells me you jumped out of a window when you heard I was coming.”   Jungkook curses his friend for betraying him inside the recesses of his head.   You’re imposing, closing the distance with one large step. Jungkook wobbles back. “And then when I call Hoseok to try to find you and see what the hell is going on, he tells me you’re over in the East building. But when I get there, apparently you’ve run off. Again.”   “So what the hell?”   You take one more step and the back of his knees hit the edge of his mattress. Jungkook falls back onto his bed into a seated position. He swallows hard, palms feeling sweaty. Your hair is falling in front of your face as you lean down, connecting your eyes with his. It’s just like it. The nightmare. If he wanted, he could reach out and hold your waist, sit you on his lap—   “I had a dream about you,” Jungkook murmurs.   Your brows furrow. “A dream about me?”   Jungkook holds your gaze, unwavering. “You stabbed me.”   It goes silent.    Then you step back, bursting into laughter. You believe the lie. But Jungkook doesn’t relax. The sound of your giggles make him stiffen more as his heart rate picks up speed like he’s about to die.   “You had a dream I stabbed you? Damn your subconscious must be really scared of me or something.”   “Hey, it felt really real, okay? You like shanked me with a kitchen knife right in my stomach. It freaked me out…”   You feel enlightened. Relieved. It makes sense in your brain as to why he was so jumpy this morning. He was probably scared enough to avoid you all day. And here you thought you did something wrong and the friendship was over.   You approach Jungkook and grab his face. Your palms squish his cheeks together and you make him look at you. “I wouldn’t ever stab you, Jungkook,” you tell him with your utmost sincerity. “Not now. Not ever. So you don’t have to worry about it. At the worst, I would step on your foot or pull your hair. Promise.”   He gently pulls your hands off him and holds it. “Thanks for the reassurance,” he says sarcastically with a small smile. “But I already know. You can’t overpower me.”   “Is that a challenge?” You quirk your head to the side.   “You just promised you wouldn’t ever stab me.” He grins boyishly. “But I’m sorry. I am. I didn’t mean to ghost you and make you feel….like I…”   “It’s okay. I get it.”   You smile at him. The corner of your mouth lifts, eyes tender, lashes fluttering. The warm light from the corridor casts upon your skin and features, making you glow.   Jungkook stares up at you and swallows hard. The feelings train runs him over, the locomotive crushing his entire body, steel wheels stomping him flat. And he knows.   Damn. He’s so fucked.
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datawyrms · 4 years
Ectober Day 2: Possession
“Soooooo, what’s eating you?”
Sam’s question jerked Tucker out of his roaming thoughts. “Shouldn’t you be asking what I’m eating?”
She rolled her eyes at the joking deflection, edging across the attic floor towards the space Tucker had set up his ‘workstation’, ie his homework that was getting ignored and everything he needed to keep his PDA running. “Fine. What’s bugging you.”
“I’m the one that does that too! No more spy cams for creepy old ghosts.”
Her stare was cold and unimpressed, and gnawed at him even as he pretended not to notice, studying the ceiling very intently.
“I can’t help if you keep pretending you’re fine, you know.”
“I’m fine Sam. You’re just wearing so much eyeliner everyone looks depressed.” His grin was short lived, as it didn’t manage to even get an amused snort out of his best friend.
“Whatever.” She leaned back, book in hand as she got back to trying to study. Yet even with her distracted he felt a pang of guilt for continuing to deflect. Of course she was just trying to be a good friend, but it wasn’t like she could do anything about the problem.
Rechecking the same things over and over on his PDA wasn’t getting anything accomplished, and the loss of casual conversation as they worked just made everything feel more awkward. This was meant to be a relaxing time, when they could just chill and not worry about stuff for a bit, but he’d gone and made it all weird by being jumpy. Sam was way better at keeping silent for long sketches of time too, so she’d win this. His fingers itched as he considered. Maybe he could just make something up? Nah. They knew one another too well for that to actually work.
“It’s seriously nothing bui-”
“But what Tucker. Whatever it is, you’ve been weird all week.” You don’t have to pretend it’s not a big deal.”
“Okay, okay! Let me finish, sheesh.” That earned a smirk at least, though he still hesitated. “Well you know the whole...overshadowing thing.”
“Yeah? It’s freaky, but he’s cut it out. Mostly.” she shrugs, then narrows her eyes. “Wait, has he not cut it out? Do I need to give him a lecture about bodily autonomy for three hours? Because I will.”
He chuckled, remembering the time his absent friend had been going on about how you should never anger a Manson. “Did you actually have a slideshow?”
“I had three slideshows, thank you very much.” She seemed a bit more at ease, but wasn’t shaken off poking for an answer. “Seriously Tuck, if he’s just being an unthinking idiot again you gotta say something.”
“No, Danny’s been fine on that. I think he learned his lesson after last ime.” He’d gotten quite the apology from the half ghost after Sam chewed him out about what he was actually doing when he went and overshadowed someone. “I just. I don’t know, hasn’t he seemed a bit…” He waved his hand, unable to find the word he wanted.
“Overprotective? Yeah.”
“Like today? Acting like we might drop dead at a study session because he’s grounded?”
She raised an eyebrow. “Or he was just grumpy about being grounded?”
“I don’t think so. He gets weird whenever we might not be around, even if he isn’t grounded.” A pang of guilt made him lower his voice, even if his friend had no way of overhearing him. “I swear I’ve caught him going all ‘scary eyes’ when mom and dad have plans.”
“You’ve seen that too?” Sam looked uncomfortable, eyes flicking around the room for a ghost that wasn’t there. “Y’know how I’ve been trying to befriend Paulina now that she’s chill out a bit?”
“And you chilled out a bit.”
“Hey, she tried to date Danny just to get at me, I get to be petty.”
“A little. Though you almost squashed her.” he teased, getting a light shove.
“Quiet mister ‘I’m just going to be a fear hulk ghost that steals cars’.”
“Man that sounds messed up.”
“Get used to the dumbest things around here, I guess.” The goth nodded. “Anyway, Paulina. It always starts getting cold if he spots us chatting or whatever. Nothing big, we’re more acquaintances than anything but it’s kinda weird.”
“Does he know he’s doing it?”
“No idea. I’ve hissed at him to cut it out, but I can’t tell if the dumb look is genuine or not.”
“It does always look natural on his face.”
“Oooh, blackmail. I’ll totally tell him you said that.”
“No you won’t, ‘cus you started it.”
“Shoot.” Yet even as the pair’s snickering subsided, the vague sense of unease stayed.
“I get he probably doesn’t mean anything by it, but it’s like the whole overshadowing deal. Doesn’t it kinda feel like he seems a bit…” he trailed off, not really wanting to voice it even if he’d brought it up in the first place.
“Entitled to our attention?”
He shook his head. “No, not that. More like...we belong to him, or something? That we’re his ghost property?”
“Darn it Tuck. I really want to say no, you’re totally off.”
“But you can’t, can ya.”
“Ghosts have possession issues part two?” She groaned, rubbing at her forehead. “This is so not gonna be fun to point out, you know that?”
“Better we do before he tries scaring anyone who comes near us off.”
“Ooooh no, you’re gonna break it to him. Not me. Nuh uh, I had to do it last time.”
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diamo-chan · 4 years
AAAAANGST  (ノ^∇^)ノ゚
(not beta-read – we die like men)
Pairing: Eloise x Ethan - what else could you expect of me (¬ε¬)
Word count: 1,8k
They were all chilling in the living room, Beliath annoying Vladimir to pass the time when he was locked in the mansion instead of relaxing in the Moondance, with Ethan, who was sulking upstairs, Aaron and Raphael were leaning against each other, reading in silent harmony, because there was no way they would leave the house when the water was coming down in buckets. No one knew where Ivan was, but most likely he locked himself in his room.  
Eloise went upstairs to the attic to get new candles, after the thunderstorm has left the mansion without electricity, and the last candle on the holder went out. No problem for the vampire boys. But Eloises senses were kind of gone at this level of darkness, so she had to follow the wall on her way to the second floor, it made her struggle even at the first set of stairs.
While she passes one door there is suddenly a shriek from within as lightning floods the hallway from the end of the corridor. At that point she notices that her hand lies on the door of the boys bathroom.  There were sounds coming from behind that door. Whimpers and whispers.
Jumpy? Crying? Apparently she found Ivan. Carefully Eloise knocked at the door to not startle him any further.
“Ivan? Are you alright?”
The answer came quick and almost unexpected: “Fuck. Off.“
Nope… not Ivan. The usual energy was drained of any bite that those words might have held under different circumstances. But that didn’t stop her from her plan. No way she would let someone cry on their own, this was not something she would be able forgive herself for. In the orphanage there was always someone who took care of those who were at the edge of breaking under the care of the strict educators and social workers. Even worse than the feeling of abandonment in the past, was the lack of love in the present. This is why everyone needed people who care about them. Even total assholes. Even Ethan.
“I will come in, Ethan.” It was a warning, not a question. And she didn’t even give him the time to get to the door and lock it, pressing herself against the old wood
“No… “ The weak sound of objection that rang through the door, it broke at the end.
She entered the boys bathroom and locked the door behind her out of reflex. It was everything she had imagined: a little bit messy, with that typical masculine smell and tons of different shampoos that could belong to no other than Beliath.
In the furthest corner, between the toilet and the bathtub, sat Ethan, on the tile floor, knees pulled all the way up to his chin. His hands were clenching and unclenching while pressed to his sides. And he looked angry that she entered without being asked in. maybe angry was not the right word. But to put it simple: he looked like shit.
Not in an insulting way, but rather his face was a grotesque mask of over-layering emotions and he was having a hard time in keeping up the one of fury while suppressing the rest. Eloise believed that there was even relieve, somewhere among those layers.
One step away from Ethan the girl sat down on the edge of the tub and leaned down so her torso was laying on her thighs. This brought them on the same eye level. Hastily he removed the streams of his tears with his shirt. Every rumble of thunder made him tense up, while his gaze locked itself on the floor somewhere in front of her feet.  The echo in the small tiled room made the sound of the rain incredibly loud, a constant rushing that overscreamed the silence and muffled his sniffles. Eloise felt the weight of the loneliness that surrounded him. It was surely different when he was in the club, surrounded by people, the bass in his bones, the alcohol in his veins. There was a terribly sober and drowning feel to this.
“You should come downstairs. Sit with the others, keep yourself in company.” Eloise suggested.
Ethan forced a laugh and his eyes were cold when they met her grey ones, there was a resignation to the pressuring fear clouding them. “And give them the satisfaction of seeing me pathetic like that.”
‘They would not care’, Eloise wanted to say, but stopped herself. He would definitely get it the wrong way. No, she didn’t know her housemates well enough to reassure him that way. And even if she did care, the others might not be the best at helping, if Ethan decided to stay here, on the cold tiles, between toilet and tub. Gloves off, hair wet, whether it was from sweat or water, didn’t matter. But his fear did!
She crouched down to his eye level and took his face into her hands to prevent him from hiding in his shell. The blue irises of his hid a storm and were surely competing with the sky outside by the way they were shooting lightnings her way, in annoyance of her intrusing way of handling him. He was an ugly crier, she took note of it, the red of his puffy eyes stood out even more in contrast to his generally pale complexion.
He bared his fangs in a desperate attempt of scaring her away. But Eloise didn’t even move an inch. With the seconds that passed a whole story was told by his face as his fury lit up even more intensely after the confusion over her neutrality passed. She could see his hands shake with the wish to slap hers away. A thought crossed his mind and once again there were tears at the brim of falling. The brilliant white of his hair has adapted a sullen and grayish tone. Denying them was futile, in the face of the situation she found him in.
Thunder shook the windows with a mite that could only come from the fact that it was right above them. Drops fell unto his knees. It was so very bright, suddenly, Eloise had to shield her tired eyes.  In the luminance of the moment, she could see the whole extend of the chaos in Ethan’s heart that was reflected on the young bony features. It snapped. He gave up. The light in his eyes dimmed. It looked as if he died over again.
She stood back up and turned to the door, shaken to the core, fleeing from the responsibility that was too much for her, when a shaking, sweaty hand clamped down around her wrist to stop her in her motion. He had leapt after her, was on his knees, one hand against the floor to keep his balance, the other holding hers to prevent her from leaving. “Wait... Stay…”
Eloise exhaled deeply. She didn’t want to leave him alone, but seeing him like this made her insides clench with the knowledge that she could not heal this. It wasn’t as easy as giving him blood and everything is back to normal. And since the hope that he will one day open up to her entirely is a tiny flame in a windy valley, any wrong word might cause him to push her away again. Maybe Raphael would know what to do, or Aaron, or Beliath as he is the closest to him.
“The others are still waiting for new candles. I can get someone… Beliath or-“
He shook his head. “They will manage. You will hurt yourself in the darkness.“
Blinking her surprise away, she came back to him, closer, so close that her knees were touching his. He was right, the others were vampires, they would not crave the light. But more importantly Ethan had asked for her company. It was almost strange with how she felt like the personification of cancer whenever he talked to her. But now… this Ethan was different.
She unclasped the hand, he was holding her with, so she could sit down next to him. There was a resistance before he let go. Was he afraid that she would run?
Instead she supported herself against the bashtub when she sank to the floor. Eloise was between the tub and the vampire, who made no movement to pull away or give her more room, the chalice ended up presses flush against him. Once she was more or less comfortably seated she felt a tingle against her hand. Then the caressing pressure of fingers interwining with hers. Her heart skipped a beat and there was surely a bright red blush covering her from the roots of her black hair down to her décolleté.
Ethan rested his head against her collarbone. The movement was slow, hesitant, to give her the chance to back out of it, to break their proximity. But she gave him more room to get comfortable and rest instead, moved her hair out of the way so he would lay on her skin. His mouth was right next to her neck, close to the marks what were slowly fading. If all of this would turn out to be a lie, would he bring her to the edge of death? Again?
Eloise’s hand reached up and let her nails comb through his hair that was indeed sweaty, but that did not matter. In a slow pace she massaged his scalp in the way that always comforted her as a child. Surprisingly enough, he let her, even pressed closer to her. A content hum escaped his involuntarily curling lips. Docile like that, he was like a child, with a small pout on his lips; his attempt, to go unnoticed, failed. His cheeks were still warm from crying; forehead feverish from the racing thoughts, that must occupy his mind. She felt the goosebumps on the arm where their fingers were interwined. How long has he been here before she found him? The wish to hug him rose up in his chest, but that would be too much for now. Don’t rush Eloise.
His breathing became even and calm. The weight of his head was a steady reminder of his vulnerability, the just how breakable this moment was. In his trust she let herself relax as well. Slumping down into a more comfortable sitting position while still supporting the white haired boy.
In her own dozy half-sleep Eloise heard footsteps come closer. Someone pulled the handle of the bathroom door, only to find it locked. Ethan’s lashes fluttered slightly but fell back shut, the hand that was holding hers tightened a bit. The young girl smiled and let her eyes rest as well.
Tomorrow she would whine to him about her sore neck. So his hands do those wonders to her already tensed muscles. Even if his sole motivation was to keep her quiet.  She would have to accept that. Just one more of the many things, she was willingly accepting, when it came to Ethan.
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New Dynasty Chapter 12
Wade heard the others arguing about the best way to handle the children as he and Spiderman went through opening the cells to let them out and Iron Man used his fancy suit to steal all the information off the hard drives of the computers. Iron Man said it would help figure out what had been done to the children so they can get help, but Wade already knows. He can see it in their shadowed eyes and the jumpy way they keep looking at the new people, expecting to be punished.
[Damn. Where are all these kids going to go?]
{They’re gonna need therapy. Oh, look at that one jump! Think he’s got boxes too?}
Deadpool ignored them. He ignored everyone until the last cell door was open (even opening the empty ones, because there were some that were just that good a camouflage. When he reached the end of the hall he turned—and didn’t know what to do, because all the children just sat there. They were too afraid to leave.
“Hey!” called Spiderman with a wave to the kids. “Do any of you know who I am?”
A boy with curly black hair scoffed. “Of course we do,” he said looking at them. His brown eyes reminded Deadpool of something, but he wasn’t sure what it was. “You’re Spiderman.” He pointed to the girl next to Spiderman and added, “She’s supposed to take after you.”
“That’s right,” Spiderman cheered. “And that’s Deadpool,” Deadpool waved halfheartedly at the children, “and Iron Man’s in the other room. We’ve come to get you out.”
One of the girls, a petite little thing with red hair pulled her feet under her. “We can’t leave,” she protested. “We’ll be punished.”
Only Deadpool sees the glare she shoots the little girl by Spiderman, who cringes next to the hero.
The hero, who then steps towards the redhead.
And doesn’t notice at all. Doesn’t notice the little girl looking lost and abandoned. Doesn’t notice the brief smug look on the face of the redhead. Just—doesn’t notice.
Then again, Spiderman is used to seeing the good in all creatures (even evil dickheads who try to end the world on a weekly basis), so there might be a good reason that Spiderman didn’t notice.
Deadpool did. He made sure his katanas were sheathed, walked over to the little girl, and picked her up. She stared at his mask with wide eyes and, for just a moment, her breath hitched. Then she relaxed and pat him on the shoulder with her free hand. Then, as if she had to think about it, twisted slightly to the side and butted him with her head again.
[Why did she do that?]
{It’s adorable—but so weird.}
Like you’d be normal if you were stuck in a place like this. “What’s your name?” he asked.
The kid with the curly hair spoke up, as if Deadpool had been talking to him. “I’m Experiment 27-IM. She’s Experiment 14-S.” When Deadpool turned to look at him, he shrugged. “Those are the only names we’ve got.”
Iron Man stepped into the room. “This is all fascinating children. Can I get everyone’s names?”
“Experiment 25-BW.”
“Experiment 15-H.”
The kids went on. All their names started with the word, experiment. It made Deadpool sick and he had to leave. He went back to the room, still carrying the little girl, and sat on one of the desks. The kids didn’t even have real names. Even he had a name. And why was Tin Can bothering with the names anyway?
“Row!” called a cat. Deadpool looked down at the gray cat and wondered how the sleek, well-fed thing had gotten down into the lab. It bumped its head against his leg with another mew.
The girl on Deadpool’s lap bumped her head against his shoulder and he made the connection. She was imitating a cat. This kid—child—had had so little interaction with humans that she was imitating a cat.
[It might not be that bad.]
{True, there are socialized children who imitate animals all the time.}
Carefully watching the girl he gently rubbed the side of her head and she leaned into it making an odd, raspy noise.
The child was trying to purr.
“Deadpool.” He turned to see that the other children were with Spiderman and the Tin Dick. “We’re heading back to the Tower; Tony called for a ride,” Spiderman continued.
Deadpool nodded, and handed the child he was carrying to Spiderman.  Her eyes went wide as she stared at him for a moment, sucking her thumb. Then she gently bumped him with her head.
“I hope it’s big enough for all of us,” Deadpool commented as he looked at the mob of children.
“Well, Deadpool can always walk,” Iron Man said.
“Or,” Spiderman said firmly, “Tony can fly.”
[Shame they’re both in suits. I bet Spiderman’s glare could curdle milk.]
{It’d certainly curdle our guts.}
The group (barely) managed to fit into the elevator. Deadpool wasn’t surprised. He bet the elevator had been designed for several adults and a gurney with a child on it. So they could take the child for experiments.
[Stop. Keep that up and you’ll blow a gasket.]
{And probably the spider’s trust. It took a while to get that, remember?}
The elevator ride would have been unnaturally silent if it wasn’t for Spiderman talking to the scared, pale children. “So, Mr. Stark has a nice house that he’s going to let all of you stay in until we learn where you’re supposed to be.” A few of the kids shuffled nervously, but he continued. “And there’s also his fiance Pepper.” Spiderman paused and looked at Iron Man. “You did warn her, right?” he asked.
Iron Man swore and began talking to his suit as a couple of the children let out a giggle, and then cringed, as if they were waiting for punishment. Punishment. For laughing.
Spiderman twitched, but the Tin Can didn’t even seem to notice. The elevator stopped, and the door opened. The children walked out (except for the one that Spiderman was carrying), and Deadpool noticed they were all barefoot. They were also stumbling, but it was probably the farthest most of them had ever had to walk in their pitiful little lives. Sure enough, just outside was a large van, more than big enough for all of them—even in suits.
The woman in the lab coat began talking as they walked. “You don’t want these children,” she said. “No one does. That’s why they’re here. There’s no one to miss them.” The group ignored her; she was still webbed to the ground. “Someone needs to be punished,” the woman said firmly.
Deadpool, still watching the children, saw the little girl in Spiderman’s arms flinch at the simple statement.
It was too much. He couldn't take it anymore. Before anyone could react he pulled one of his blades and cut off the woman’s head, leaving a webbed corpse.
[Spiderman is going to be so disappointed in us.]
{Yeah, were doing good on that whole no killing thing.}
“I’m—going to walk,” Deadpool said firmly.
“Wade.” He turned towards Spiderman. “See you at home.”
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shit (me again and again and again) i saw somebody else’s request on another fandom and i thought it was really cute so i’m going to copy them, you buy a pregnancy test but chris finds it before you can take it?💕
A/N- This one was super sweet (got me feeling all fluffy) and I hope that you like it Babes. 
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Chris had his head ducked under the bathroom sink, looking for the dog shampoo, Dodger had gotten himself muddy in the fresh spring grass and tracked through the house. Chris’s first goal, get the mud off him before tackling the floors. 
“April showers bring May flowers... and muddy prints all over Y/N rug Bubba.” Chris glared a bit at Dodger who was now sitting in the bathtub, wagging his bushy tail to thump thump thump against the tubs side. Chris sighed with amusement and reached over to give the dog a rub on the ears.
“Just be patient boy, we will get you situated before you know it.”
A bark was given in agreement, and Chris ducked his head back under the sink, and then started looking in some drawers, wondering if it got stuck somewhere else when a box tumbled out at Chris’s feet. He bent down to collect it and put it back when he happened to notice what it was.
A pregnancy test?!
Chris sat on the edge of the tub suddenly, and just stared at his hand a moment. It wouldnt be unusual for you to keep a test right? Just in case. Nothing was ever a hundred percent sure proof as far as birth control, and it was best to be safe then sorry. Dodger rested his head on the edge of the tub and his big eyes looked up at his human, giving a slight whine at the difference in Chris. Absently his hand went to pet Dodger, who nosed him back to the present.
“Hey boy... what do you think I should do?” Chris eased the box up on the bathroom counter and stared at it a moment. “Should I ask Y/N about it? Or just... assume its nothing?” Dodger tilted his head and gave another whine, getting impatient at being stuck in the tub. “Okay, Okay Bubba, hang tight.” Chris grinned and move to his knees on the outside of the tub, turning on the water. “I know, youve been so patient Bubba, lets get you cleaned up and go find Y/N” No he didnt have the dog shampoo, but he could get the mud off and put it on the list of supplies needed.
You were just coming inside from picking up the yard, and listened to hear Chris talking to Dodger upstairs in the bathroom, You had to smile to yourself, brushing your hand across your sweaty dirty forehead to wipe away the stray hairs plastered, and went for a glass of water. Fretting a bit as you glanced at the calendar, you thought back on your purchase yesterday. You had told yourself purchasing it if Aunt Flo hadnt turned up today, well... You were gonna have to tell Chris and take the test. This was honestly a first for you, having had to recently go off your regular birth control and hadnt yet gotten a new one started.
It scared you, rationally you knew better, Chris had always said that kids were something he wanted in the future and he couldnt wait to be a daddy. It was his term In the future. What if he wasnt ready for this? What if you werent? His career was at its peak, daily there was offers for him to sort through, show interest in or pass along, you were busy with your shop, and it needed all your time right now. Your hand grasped the counter, going white knuckled at the idea of it all suddenly overwhelming, the glass you held shook slightly, but you didnt notice. You were lost in a moment, your thoughts taking over, and Chris’s voice broke through. “Baby? Y/N?”
A slight jump sloshed the water. “Oh shit... “ You hurriedly say and set the glass down, grabbing a rag to wipe it up. Chris came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you to calm you down, kissing your shoulder. “Sorry, I didnt mean to startle you Babygirl.”
“Ugh, Im just jumpy” Your still wiping up the counter, when he set the box down in front of you, and you zip right up, staring at it.
“I happened to find this looking for Dodgers soap.” He eased you around to face him, his hands rubbing along your sides gently to ease you. Your eyes lift and his, well his blue ones looked hopeful at you, seeming to want you to confirm what he was suspecting.
“I- I bought it yesterday, it occurred to me that Im late. And well going off birth control, it takes a while to get back into the swing of things, but its been a while since ive stopped and.... You just, never know.”
“you never know... “ Chris’s voice echoed back and you bit your lip, pulling in a bit closer so his arms slid around your hips and you looked up at him.
“I should take it, I have been holding off, wanting to tell you, but now that you know, well theres no more reason to wait.” You reach behind you and take the box, peeling it open and taking out one of the sticks. “Uuuhh, how will you feel if its positive?” You fret with the wrapper, a bit scared of the answer.
Chris’s fingers slip under your chin and tilt your face up to meet his, warm lips press against yours and his tongue slips past the seam of your lips to glide around yours. It was a passionate, loving kiss, your hand dropping the stick to slide your hand around the back of his neck, sighing softly against his lips when you two part.
“If were pregnant Y/N, nothing would make me happier. I love you, and cant wait to see you radiant with that baby bump.”
“You mean you cant wait to see me fat and all bloated?” You teased him, so relieved to hear how absolute he was in his answer.
“Oh babygirl, I will have such a hard time keeping my hands off you, all the back rubs and belly kisses, watching you ride on top of me to get pleasure.” He grinned, at all he was describing and you rolled your eyes playfully, about to reach down for the stick, but he swept down first and handed you the still wrapped test.
“Well dont get to excited Chris, cause it might just be me after all.” You warned him, and took his hand, leading him up the stairs towards the master bath. When you two enter, you look at him nervously. He cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “Are you ready to have a baby?” Chris simply asked, and you nodded. “Lets find out then if thats in the cards for us today then.”
You went inside and looked over your shoulder to see him go to sit on the edge of the bed, his hands folded between his knees, ready to wait as long as you needed. You close the door a bit for a bit of privacy and do your business. Sitting it on the edge, you pace around and walk back out, Chris’s head whips up, a questioning look. “Now we wait.” You say as you go to sit next to him, but he isnt having it and he draws you into his lap, rubbing the small of your back.
“Can you imagine... our lives with a couple kids?” You ask him and he cant help but grin, thinking about it.
“I can and have.” He states, falling into what hes imagined, your head tilted watching as his face lit up, eyes growing wide and gleaming with the idea. “The pitter patter of feet running down the hallway with Dodger right behind to jump in bed with us, cuddling right up to there momma.” He brushed his lips against your neck, breathing your soft scent in. “Getting up middle of the night to check for monsters in the closet, plan out birthday parties, family vacations, getting to cuddle with all of you watching cartoons for the night.” He continued on, and you couldnt help but ache for all that to.
“Family dress up for Halloween. Can you imagine how many times they would want to be avengers? Since there dad is captain america after all.” You giggle a bit, and he embraces you against his chest, chuckling softly.
“I might even still fit into it at that point. Maybe. Okay baby, times up. Want me to come with you?”
You slip up and pause him. “No, be right back Handsome.” Slipping into the bathroom, you pick up the stick, and your heart sinks slightly. It was a negative. You couldnt help but feel overwhelming disappointment at it. Going back out, you shake your head softly.
“Im sorry Chris...” You start but he interrupts you and pulls you closer to him.
“Hey, theres no need to be upset.” He assured you, and when you look him in the eyes, theres a determined glint in those blue orbs, and he wiggled his brows, sweeping you to lay on the bed, and he moved over you, kissing down your neck, growling softly through his kisses and his hands slid under your shirt.  
“Just means we get to work on making a baby more often.”
You had to admit, you rather liked the sounds of that.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Hairspray pt. 1
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x plus size! female reader
Warning: curse words, body-shaming, things get a lil steamy at the end
Specifics: comedy, angst, fluff, romance, chapter fic, race neutral reader, plus size reader, chubby reader, pictures
People: billy hargrove, nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, heather, your dad, your mother, amber (bully, oc) 
Words: 4,089
Summary: Based on Bell’s 2.5k Challenge, @acciosnapes. Being rich was tough. Your parents expected so much out of you; they expected you to be perfect. Owning practically all of Hawkins, Indiana; they perceived themselves to be above everyone else. Having that thinking made you alone, as you were not allowed to hang out with people beneath you. 4th of July of 1985 holds the fair for Independence day. You had feelings for a certain bad boy and if luck comes your way you may tell him the truth and who knows maybe he’ll even ask you to the fair. During those moments though, you will have to endure top secret evil science labs and experiments. You will uncover Hawkins secrets, make friends and who knows maybe break a couple of rules.
Authors Note: y/f/n = your father’s name
y/m/n = your mother’s name
this is the first part of the chapter fics hairpsray. this is for a challenge and i love this so much. i love writing confident plus size characters and readers. the aesthetic was made by me and the beginning to the end of this fic i got inspired by hairpsray 2007 by the start of the movie all the way to miss baltimore crabs number. i put an amber in here like the movie and some quotes and dialogue is taken from the movie hairspray, lets see if u guys can figure it out. anywho i love this hope u love it and im so happy i did this challenge there will be more so check out for this series and im excited to show u guys. yay! 
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The summer of 1985. It was hot and sticky outside. The cicadas singing as they made their way near you home. You were excited. You were going to, no matter who tried to stop you, get a job.
It very well likely might not have made sense to anyone. You were rich. Grew up with a golden spoon in your mouth. You never knew life to be hard. Every little thing was given to you, whether it be toys, dresses, makeup, you had it all. At least thats what your parents thought. Your father was basically equal with the Mayor. The two helped each other out with smart work and of course the dirty work. Y/f/n thought you didn’t know but you sniffed out the clues and put them together. You knew your father was no innocent man. He played his cards right to get this money, not earn it. And y/m/n, just followed your father around like a lost puppy. You could see the kindness in her sometimes but she always listened to your father. 
What your parents didn’t know was you were searching for something more important. Something that meant a whole lot to you. Money didn’t matter. You didn’t want that life. You wanted to be independent and be able to make mistakes and live life. Your parents always disciplined you on peers. You were not allowed to be with low lives; people who weren't as successful as your family. But all the friends your parents wanted you to love were snobs and thought so highly of themselves. You wanted to get away from that life. Your whole life was planned out for you. You are forever and always this pretty, perfect sweet girl who follows rules even though sometimes you didn’t feel those things. 
You woke up to the sun beating down on your face. You rolled around on your pastel pink king sized bed. Groaning, as you subconsciously hit your alarm clock but noticing you were awoken before its ring. 
“Hmm, thats never happened before.”
You stretch as you jump out of bed to start your first day of work. You would never tell your parents. They would never understand and probably make excuses to stop you. You were going to try to get hired at Hawkins Community Pool. It was a risky decision based on your size. You were plus sized and adored it! You felt on top of the world most times and never cared what anyone thought. But there were times where you did get down from comments but you still pushed ahead and loved yourself. You were willing to give the lifeguard gig a chance and there was a plus side. Your crush Billy Hargrove was there. You just hoped you could entice him enough to give you a go. 
You scrambled to your feet as you raced to your phone. You dialed your best friend Nancy’s number. You had to keep the relationship a secret. If your parents knew about your friendship they probably would flip. You knew about all the secrets of the kids and Hawkins lab. Nancy felt guilty not telling you so she spilled the beans about everything to you. About Eleven, the monsters, scientists. It sounded unreal but you knew Nancy would never lie to you. 
“Hey Nance, are we still on for the mall today?” You asked, twirling the cable with your fingers. 
On the other side you could hear Nancy struggling, “yep we’re still on. Sorry I’m running late to my first day of work.”
“Oh yeah its today. What are you gonna be doing again?”
Nancy made a yelp as the phone was muffled, “sorry I just slipped putting on my dress.” Just as Nancy said that you could hear Jonathan’s voice in the background. 
“No way!” You squealed. “Did you sleep with Jonathan?”
Nancy giggled, “...sorta...kinda...yeah.”
“You naughty girl!”
“Tell him I said hi,” you said.
“Oh my god y/n, you’re unbelievable but I gotta go now.”
“Wait? Are you still coming with me to get my bathing suit?”
“Like I would miss this. Y/n’s first job and pretty much your first time being a independent young lady. Y/n, we’re definitely going to celebrate!” She hanged up the phone and you got dressed for the day. 
You went to the living room and turned on the tv. “Good morning Hawkins, Indiana.” The news man and lady said as they raised their morning cup of coffee to the viewers. 
You skipped around the kitchen finding something to eat. Humming a tune you couldn’t get out of your head as it was a song you made up. 
“I love you Hawkins, and someday when I take to the world, the worlds gonna wake up see. Hawkins and me,” you sang as you were stopped by your father. 
“Why are you so jumpy this morning?” He wore a scowl on his face. 
You shrugged, “nothing in particular dad.” You kissed him on the cheek. Your mother walked in swatting your hand as you were about to make breakfast for yourself. 
“The maids can get it honey,” she said as the maid ran in and got started in cooking you your favorite. 
You rolled your eyes as you got your bag, “you know I think I’ll just eat on the road. I’ll pick up something on the side.”
“Honey, make sure its nothing greasy,” your mother said. “You have to try to back away from foods, remember.”
“You remind me everyday mother.” Your parents always pointed out the fact that you were bigger than most girls your age. They always tried to put you on diets and workouts but nothing worked. It didn’t work because you didn’t want it to work. You were totally fine with your body and wish they could see what you saw. 
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Finishing the rest of your corn dog from the food court you awaited on Nancy by the store. Checking your time you knew Nancy was supposed to be here.  
“C’mon Nance, where are you?”
Finally she showed up from around the corner. Her hair all disheveled. It looks as if she was rushed. 
“Hey there best friend...you okay?” You asked, hugging her as she came up. 
She waved your question off. “It can wait. So what are you thinking of getting? Whats your vision?”
“Well,” you said as you entered into the tiny shop. Women of all sizes were there but you can see the look of disappointment on many of the bigger girls faces. There was barely anything there for them. You looked through the clearance for “Big Girls” it read on the sign. “since I have to make a good impression, I’m going to wear something sexy but also professional. I don’t want to look like no stripper.”
Nancy chuckled, “right. Also isn’t this swimsuit for only this time cause you have to wear their red one while you work there.”
“Correct. Like I said though I want them to see I am trying and I am not going to half-as* it.”
“How bout this one?” Nancy said as she brought out a blue one. It had sequins on it; very beautiful. But it was too sexual. The breast area was very much wide and open. The back showed too much butt. “What do you think about this?”
“Don’t get me wrong its super pretty but like I said; I need to look professional. Plus there’s gonna be kids there.”
“I gotcha. Sorry I maybe just want everyone to pass out when they see my friend.”
“Oh I bet everyone will, even if I don’t wear anything sexual. They’re probably gonna be like agghhh an earthquake when they see me walking in and I’ll respond like, you bet b*tch.”
Nancy laughed. 
“How bout this one?” You pulled out a Hawaiian one. It was pretty but more for old ladies and it was boring. 
“Okay yeah sure...for my nana!”
“Well how do you know me and your nana don’t have the same taste?”
“Look you need something more than that. Like you said, making a statement.”
You bit your lip, “man this harder than I thought. I’m kind scared to be honest about doing this. Like I think the last time I ever got this scared was when they announced the new coke.”
Nancy tried her hardest to hold back a giggle, “why are you scared?”
“Picture this, what if a stranger hands me a blunt and you know I’m curious by nature and I accept it? What in the world will Billy think? He’ll probably think I’m like a druggie 24/7!”
“First off, that is the oddest situation I’ve ever heard of. Second, is this your weird way of saying what if Billy doesn’t like you?”
“No I know he’ll like me sexually but I mean platonically. What if he doesn’t want to be like a normal couple and hang out? What if he’s ashamed to be with me? These are good questions.”
Nancy held your hand, “than he’s the jerk I always thought him to be and you’re too good for him.”
You nodded, “I mean I’m too good for him now but in that moment, if he’s a d*ck then I will be 10 times better than him. So any ways...how was work?”
Nancy rolled her eyes and looks down, “I kinda don’t want to talk about it.”
“What? What happened? Am I gonna have to slap a b*tch?” You became territorial and overprotective of your friend.
“No, no, no its just, the men at work sorta treat me like I’m dumb and that I’m not really of use to this type of work. I guess cause they see me as a woman they think they can take advantage of me. They make fun of myey/n. In front of everyone. Its bull sh*t.” Nancy almost looked as if she wanted to cry.
“Hey its okay. This is your first day. People are going to be jack as*es but you listen to me. Whenever any one has talked about me differently or made fun of me because of my weight or whatever I either laugh with them, ignore them, or say something smart back to them. There are ways that we women can stand up for ourselves without having to insult or hurt someone physically.”
“Its just easier said than done. But I’ve got a lead. A lady called me today about diseased rats. I think that maybe this is my chance to be a journalist like I’ve always wanted to be.”
You clapped her on the back, “atta girl. You take that chance. You take it right in your hand and never let it go. No matter what they tell, or do to you; you have the right, the power. Use it Nancy. Use your voice.”
Nancy smiled and picked out an orange swimsuit. You didn’t care if people called you an actual orange; all you saw was perfection. 
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“How bout this one y/n?”
“Thats the one Nancy. Its perfect!”
“Hey pancake y/n and Nancy drew,” Amber, your arch nemesis. The bully, the b*tch of the town walked up to you two. Her high heels clicked as they met with the floor. Her skirt was so short you could almost see her goodies from up high. Her makeup was too overdone and her blonde hair was as perfect as Tom Cruise’s abs. She snickered as she saw you hold up your swimsuit to pay. “And you’re gonna wear that? Where are you going? To the Hawkins pool?”
“Yes as a matter of fact I am. Thanks for you looking out for me...Amber.” You said as you walked right by her; nudging her lightly. “Now I don’t wanna get there late so if you excuse me-”
“Oh sorry, too skinny of a space?”
“Amber-” Nancy started but you waved a hand out to her. 
“No its okay Nance. She’s right, it was too skinny for my delicious body.” You shrugged. 
Amber motioned closer to you. Her foot stepping on yours. “Are you going to the pool to see Billy?”
You almost forgot. Rumor had it that Amber was going to try all Summer to get with Billy but so far you heard he was single and you sure as he*l were not going to miss the opportunity. 
“Well I mean I will see him whether I want to or not. He kind works there.”
“I’m not talking about that fat-a*s. I’m saying are you doing all this. Wanting to work there just because he’s there?”
“Wow Amber! I didn’t realize you were my mother. Congratulations! Now shall I tell you about all my business?”
Amber snarled, “I swear to God if you try anything with Billy I will hunt you down. If you think for a moment that he would ever like someone like you? You are completely and utterly stupid. Know your place and be careful... you might stop traffic in that.” Amber chuckled as she walked away. Her butt swaying as she tried to show you she was better than you.
“Yeah well I have a better a*s than you!”
Nancy shook her head as she led you to the register, “C’mon y/n, lets just go.” 
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Did that little interaction ever stop you? 
Never! You still went with your plan. Get this job in order to get your Billy. It was plain and simple. And also to prove to yourself and your parents that you can do things on your own and you didn’t need anyone. 
Nancy dropped you off. You got changed in the bathroom and knew it just turned into Billy’s shift. You met with the other kids at the front desk. As they saw you they laughed. “Well, well, well if it isn’t y/n l/n, the rich girl. What can we do you for?”
As you were about to speak one of the boys put his hand up, “I’m sorry but we don’t have any gold bars here at the moment. Maybe you’ll have to ask the President of the United States.”
You glared at the boy and were silent. The boy thought he broke you and you acted very suspicious. Suddenly you laughed, “yeah well maybe I’ll go ask your dad since he seems to pay me every time I’m with him.” You of course knew it wasn’t true. You had never even slept with anyone before heck with his dad. It was all for games. 
The others hollered out loudly at your come back and the boy stood back flushed. 
“Now I want to work here and I think I deserve a resume. I see your sign that you are hiring so what do I have to do here folks?” You clapped your hands. 
A girl named Heather walked by and heard your conversation. “Y/n, right?”
“Thats me.” You shook her hand. 
“Awesome, yeah I remember your call. You wanted a job here?”
“Correct again.”
“Well around here we do things differently. In order to get the job we need to see your walk.”
“My what?”
“Your walk.” The other teens tried to stifle their laughter. “Thats the most important step. We need to see how you walk in order to get to your post.”
“Oh okay for a minute I thought you wanted me to walk on water or something.”
Heather rolled her eyes. “No. I need to see how you do and then we can talk and I can give you a resume.”
“Wait. You’re the one who conducts the interviews around here and stuff like that?”
Heather nodded. Lying.
“Cool so when do I start the walk?”
“Now!” Heather pushed you into the open. 
“Oh okay,” you were shy at first but then conducted yourself. The sun shone on your skin deliciously making your skin glow. You looked at your surroundings. A lot of kids. A chubby kid running, which you knew was a no-no. The other side, near Billy was, “Mrs. Wheeler? What in the world is she doing looking at Billy like that?” You felt anger erupt within you. Yes, you were a little jealous. Even though their relationship was extremely wrong you still felt jealous. You proceeded to walk. Not caring if anything budged out, jiggled, nothing. You felt sexy, beautiful and that’s all that mattered. 
You shook your hips as you walked up to the chair. You had talked to Billy before but never a full out conversation. It was little ones. Billy stood right by the chair, talking to Mrs. Wheeler. As you showed up Billy looked at you straight in the eye. You bit your lip winking at him. Billy then looked all over you, raising his brow. He licked his lips. 
“Hi y/n,” he said all suave; putting his hand out to stop Mrs. Wheeler’s conversation, interrupting her. 
“Hi Billy, hello Mrs. Wheeler.”
Mrs. Wheeler seemed angry so she sat back down in the sun. 
“Well, well, well, what are you doing here?” Billy asked as he leaned against the lifeguard chair. 
“Well I heard y’all were hiring. I saw in the newspaper that they’re making another lifeguard here, coinciding with the first one of course. Heard it gets hectic around here.”
Billy chewed on a toothpick as he came closer to you, smirking. His eyes seeming almost a sea green when it hit the sun. “Yeah it sure does get hectic around here, but I think with you around; things will get more hectic. Trust me.”
“Will it be by your doing?” You got closer as well. Playing his games.
“I don’t know, might be.”
“Got any more bigger girls like me around here?”
“No just the one and only you.”
“Oh so you were looking?” You didn’t mind that he called you bigger or when someone called you fat. It was the truth and you learned to love those words. 
“Is that a bad thing?” Billy asked as his eyes scanned all over you once more. His eyes became lustful. 
“No, I mean you might as well learn what a real woman looks like. I guess I’ll be making history around here. Y/n l/n, the first lifeguard that is really and surely a-”
“Whole lotta woman,” Billy said as his voice came out raspy and more of a moan. 
Your knees were becoming weak. “Thats right.”
“Alright miss making history. Why do you want this job? Aren’t your parents rich? Doesn’t your dad work with the mayor?”
“Yep but I feel as a young lady, I need to learn and live.”
“Don’t worry you’ll learn all those things here; I’ll make sure I’ll teach you.” Billy said as he touched your arm, sending electricity coursing through your veins. 
“So Billy Hargrove will be my lifeguard teacher, huh? Not bad. But...will you ever need to punish me?”
Billy looked shocked as you said that and laughed. He inched closer to you until his plump lips landed on your ear, “only when you’re being a bad girl.”
It took everything out of you not to moan right there. You coughed as you tried to act natural again. Billy got you good. 
“Bashful much?”
“More like turned on,” you muttered not knowing Billy heard as he smiled wide. You turned around and walked straight back to Heather. Your a*s shaking a lot as you walked back making Billy almost have a heart attack. There was no way he was going to go through summer without you. 
“So how’d I do?” You questioned Heather. Excited to hear the news. 
“Well...it was okay.”
“You weren’t supposed to talk to anyone yet.”
“Um, its a community pool. Everyone's talking.” You said. 
“No we mean when you were talking to Billy. You see a lot of the girls here like him. And we can’t have you jeopardizing their chances and scaring Billy if you know what I mean.” Heather said as she winced. 
Billy had wanted to hear the news about you working here and stood nearby; hearing the whole conversation. 
Your eyes widened, “no I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean?”
“Its just with your rich parents and well your weight for another thing we feel as its just too much...stuff for this job requirement.”
“So you’re basically saying I’m too fat and rich for a small summer job?”
Heather tried not to laugh as the other kids in the office did. You rolled your eyes. “And all this walk and stuff, that was fake too I suppose.”
Heather couldn’t control herself. She bursted out laughing. “You’re totally right! And you fell for it!”
You tried your hardest not to let them get to you. Not to cry. But it was difficult. They embarrassed you, hurt your feelings, rejected you because of your weight and life. You felt like you could get nowhere with them. 
You smiled, “thank you for your time guys.”
“Whatever!” Heather waved you off. 
Billy on the other hand was furious. He knew what it mean to be treated differently and to be hurt. He wanted to stand up for you but he was scared he would lose his job. 
You walked away and Billy walked up to Heather. “Hey, why do you have to be so cruel?”
“Says the guy who literally bullys everyone. What makes y/n any different?”
“Maybe its because she’s not a b*tch. Like some people are.” Billy walked away to get back to work but he could not for the life of him stop thinking about you. You clouded his brain all day. 
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You walked home. Thinking about all that was said to you today. You had high hopes of getting the job but now you didn’t know where to go. Crashing onto your bed you cried onto your pillow. Your mother was out shopping with a group of her rich friends and your father was helping the Mayor out with the 4th of July fair. They didn’t care how you felt that day. When someone hurt you. They only cared about themselves. 
Your phone rang and it was Nancy. You sniffled your tears, wiping your face, “hello Nance. Whats up?”
“Hey y/n oh my god you’re not going to believe it! I got a lead on the rats! Me and Jonathan went to go check it out at Mrs. Driscoll. She showed us her basement and all the fertilizer bags had holes in them from the rats. She said that maybe they had rabies and wanted us to notify the public but y/n when I got a good look at these rats it was not like the norm.”
“What do you mean?” You sat up.
“What I mean is that these rats were like having a convulsion. They were acting really strange. Like crazy, I’m gonna investigate more tomorrow and then maybe just maybe the guys at my work will actually take me seriously.”
“You show them! But be careful okay, I don’t want you or Jonathan to loose your jobs. Pursue this story your way.”
“Thanks. Hey what about you? How did things go for your lifeguard summer adventure? And what about Billy? Oh my god did he see you that? He probably had such a big boner-”
“Nancy!” You started to cry again. “I didn’t get the job.”
“What the h*ll do you mean? Do I have to smack a b*tch?”
You chuckled lightly, “no its nothing like that or what I mean is theres nothing you can do. I went in and they pranked me and called me names and pretty much made fun of me saying that I couldn’t work there because I was rich and fat.”
“So? Who the h*ll cares? Jesus, I hate people.”
“Me too, but never you.” You sighed. 
“You know what you do?”
“What Nancy? I tried everything-”
“You try again! Go tomorrow and wear their attire their red swimsuits and show them that you are not playing around. Make them see that you are the woman for the job. You are an amazing person y/n, show them and show Billy.”
You wiped your tears away and got the boost you needed. “You’re right Nance, thanks. I’m gonna keep trying until I have done all that I can.”
“Yeah and if not there is a new mall that you could work at and really anywhere. People would be lucky to have you.”
“Thanks Nancy. You always know how to make me feel better.” You hanged up the phone and got a good nights rest for the next day where you would try your hardest to achieve something you so badly wanted. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
also if you wanna be tagged in the series hairspray, comment :)
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bleufrost · 5 years
Band-aids and Broken Hearts || Jim Hopper x reader 18+
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Request: Hopper with the school nurse or a nurse...a bit frosty at first but leads to something...SMUT obviously included.
Requested by: anonymous
Warnings: smut. thats it.
A/N: im so sorry this took forever for me to write! i thought i would come back and surprise you guys with some smut with good ole jim hopper as a thank you for being patient with me. hope you guys enjoy!
“Alright, so just try not to run around too much, keep the bandage on, and remember to clean it when you get home.” You finished throwing away the used gauze pads and wrapping from the bandage you had just placed on Dustin Henderson’s leg. Him and his friends were constantly in and out your nurses office, and sometimes you worried that their injuries came from worse than just fun play on the school yard. The young teen gave you a toothless grin, thanking you and getting up to leave. 
“Thanks, I promise I’ll be back in tomorrow with a new battle wound.” He laughed as he saw your face, and you could hear his laugh grow louder when you called out a frustrated, “Dustin, that’s not funny!” Shaking your head, you couldn’t help but have a soft spot for the boy. He was a good kid. Your mood instantly shifted though when you heard a knock on the wall by the open door to your station and looked up to see him.
Jim had just came back from checking out some weird bird attack and was in desperate need of a break. He sat in his office with his feet up, hat down, trying to get some form of sleep before the next oddball disturbance came in that he would surely have to check out. Unfortunately, he had just gotten comfortable when Flo yelled from down the hall. “Jim! You have a call coming in from the middle school, would you like me to take a message?” Jim breathed out an exasperated sigh before deciding it would be easier to just pick up the damn phone himself. “I got it Flo, thanks.” He let out one more long and irritated sigh before putting his feet down and picking up the phone.
Apparently there had been some trouble in the AV Club room and one of the teachers was afraid there was a live animal taking up residence in there. Jim had gone in and checked it out, pushing around some wires and bolts while the jumpy science teacher huddled over his shoulder, yelling at him every few seconds for touching something he shouldn’t be. Turns out there was nothing in there, but Jim had managed to get a pretty nasty cut above his eyebrow when he bent down to get a closer look at one of the cracks in the wall and had been startled by the teacher once again yelling about safety in the club room. He was bleeding, and had been instructed to make his way over to the nurses station, something he did with a bit of hesitation. 
He didn’t care for doctors and, although you were not a doctor, he definitely didn’t feel up to seeing you today either. It wasn’t that he didn’t like you, in fact he liked you a little too much; that was the problem. The two of you had gone out for dinner one night and things had escalated pretty quickly, but the next morning Jim snuck out before you could wake up and refused to take any of your calls after. One night stands he could do, but the things he felt while being with you scared him and made him run away like a coward, maybe now would be the chance he needed to apologize; if he could muster up the courage to do so. When he made it to the open door, he knocked against the wall to signal to you of his presence. 
Looking up to find Jim Hopper was not what you expected or wanted today. You had harbored feelings for the chief for years before you finally built up the courage to make a move. You two had gone out and had an amazing night together that extended far into the early morning, but still you had woken up alone. It had hurt, but you assumed that he just had to go into the station for something, he was the chief of police after all. Unfortunately, that hope was dashed away when your calls went unanswered and Jim even went so far as to turn the other way when he saw you in the supermarket. He was avoiding you, and you finally gave up and counted it down as a one night event for him, even though you had desperately hoped for more. It left you angry, but there wasn’t really much you could do.
“Can I help you?” Jim avoided eye contact like a professional, and that pissed you off even more. He lifted his hand and pointed at the cut that bled over his brow. “Yeah, got a bit of a scratch here and I was told you could help me out.” 
Calling him over to your table, you tell him to sit on the chair beside yours. This was quickly revealed to be a mistake though, as you realized you would now have to stand to be able to comfortably reach his brow where the cut lay. You sigh and get up, grabbing a disinfectant wipe and placing your fingers beneath his chin to guide his head back a bit, giving you better view...of the wound. His beautiful blue eyes had nothing to do with this, yet you couldn't help but notice how stunning they looked even as the dingy yellow school lighting reflected against them. 
He caught you staring pretty quickly, but his own urge to look at you won out for a moment before he spoke up. "This gonna sting at all nurse?" That snaps you out if it really quick and you once again move to clean the cut. 
"Not as much as it should." You grumble under your breath and Jim sighs loudly. "Look, (y/n) you can be pissed all you want. Shit, you have a right to be mad. I'm not going to apologize though, I did what I had to." You press down harshly and Jim whinces, pulling back. 
"You did what you had to? Seriously, Jim? Why the fuck did you use me to get off and then leave like I was some fucking girl you picked up off the street? Why did you have to do that?" Jim reaches up and rubs the base of his nose with his two fingers, sighing heavily before letting his arm fall back to his side. "Is this really a conversation to be having at a school?" That seemed to break you. You were tired and had had enough of this childish game of avoiding feelings.
"You're right, Hopper. You should probably go." Jim looks you in the eye and you almost think he has the nerve to give you a look that made it seem you were hurting him. Shaking his head, he turns around and grabs the bandage from the desk before walking out the door. It's what he was good at. 
The rest of the day seemed to last forever. The hours drug on as your mind constantly wandered back to Jim. Why did he have to be so stubborn? You couldn't understand why he refused to even give you a chance. 
The bell rang and the kids left, but you remained in your office. You had some of the students' medicines that needed to be organized and accounted for, and you had nothing to do at home so you made the decision to just stay and fix everything up. It would be a long night, but at least it might keep your mind busier than being home would. 
Jim had spent the whole day cursing himself for being too big of a coward to tell you how he felt. How could something as simple as feelings be so hard for him? At the end of the day, he found himself making final rounds to see if anything needed to be done in Hawkins, and eventually he found himself back at the middle school.
Initially he wasn't planning on stopping. No one would be there so there was no point; but then he noticed the light on. More importantly Jim noticed that it was your office light that was on. And so he parked and forced himself out of the car before he could chicken out again. 
You had just placed the last filed medical sheet into the drawer and were turning to lock it up when you noticed Jim standing in the doorway of your office and nearly let out a scream. "Jim, what the hell are you doing here?" 
Jim just stares at you for a moment before he walks closer. "Look, (y/n)...I'm not- this kind of thing, you know it's not my thing." You can see the inner turmoil in his eyes, but you honestly don't understand what he's trying to say. "Jim, what are you talking about?" You can feel the confusion on your face, but he just shakes his head.
"I don't know. I just-" he lets out a frustrated sigh before leaning forward and kissing you. You let out a surprised little yelp and he quickly pulls back. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just grab you. That wasn't right-" Once again he's cut off, but this time by you pulling him down to meet your lips in a hungry kiss.
You forgot how much you loved to feel him against you. His lips, his hands,  his body. Jim was so warm and big in every possible way and you feel the familiar heat coursing through your veins as he pushes you back against the desk you use everyday. You barely have a chance to breathe as Jim holds you close against his body, pulling you in to press as tightly against him as possible. 
He pulls back for a second and looks you in the eye, pushing your hair away from your face gently. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I don't want you regretting anything." You see only genuine concern and honesty in his eyes, and you know that if he leaves again you'll hate him; but if you don't get at least one more night to feel every inch of his body pushed deeply within yours you're going to hate yourself a lot more. "I want this if you do." 
That's all he needs to hear as he pushes his lips back to yours. You bite gently and suck on his bottom lip, hearing a low moan escape his throat that sends a shot of warmth straight down between your legs. His chest vibrates as he breathes deeply against you.
Jim pulls back and helps you lift your shirt over your head, eyes looking into yours once more as you shoot him an encouraging smile. His eyes then roam down to take you in. He leans forward and kisses you gently before moving down do suck on your neck more forcefully.
You can't stop the soft sighs from leaving your lips as you feel his hands come up to play with your breasts. Your eyes fall shut and soon you can feel the rough pads of his hands as they make quick work of removing your bra and begin playing with the soft skin of your chest. 
You nearly let out a scream as you feel his teeth give a particularly hard bite on your pulse point at the same moment Jim gets bold and begins to roughly pinch at your nipples. He chuckles lowly in his chest and looks back to your face, reveling in the look of your lust blown pupils. "Is that a little too rough for you baby?" You look him in the eyes as you adamantly shake your head. "Never." 
It takes only a second for Jim to start up again. This time, he uses that expert tongue to take your nipple into his mouth, nibbling on it gently and then giving your breasts soft licks and blowing cool air on the sensitive buds. You gasp again and your hands fly to his hair, running your nails through his scalp and eliciting a heavenly groan from him that vibrates against your sensitive skin. 
Jim reaches down and undoes the button of your pants, pushing down the zipper before shoving his hand into the fabric. His fingers play with the silk of your underwear, tracing up and down your slit through the barrier of your panties. You let out another whimper and moan his name in a desperate little whine; your whole being was aching to feel him and you desperately needed him to touch you. Jim looks at you and lets out a shaky breath.
"What do you want baby? Tell me what you want me to do." Your face flushes red and you look down as you whimper. "Please Jim." He moves his hand, leaving you cold and you move to pull him back but he grabs your hand and pushes it down. Using his other hand, he lifts your face to look at him. "Use your words or you get nothing." It was this demanding side of Jim that attracted you to him years ago, and fuck if it didn't get you even wetter now. "I'm sorry." Jim gives you a stern look. "Sorry, what?" Suddenly your face flushes again as you realize what you forgot to say. 
"I'm sorry, sir." Smiling, Jim moves his hand back to remove your pants and underwear the rest of the way. He puts his fingers against your lips and you take them into your mouth immediately. Sucking on them expertly, you swirl your tongue around each finger, making sure they'll be dripping wet when he removes them from your mouth. 
Taking them out slowly, Jim breathes deeply again before lowering his hand down to your core. "Now, tell me what you want me to do baby." This time, you look him straight in the eye while answering. "I want you to fuck me, sir. Please, make me scream." Jim groans loudly again before chuckling and slowly pushing his fingers into you. 
You let out a loud moan as he pushes in and out of you. His fingers, like many things about him, were huge. He was using them to make sure you were stretched out and soaking wet, and you let your soft moans work as a thank you because you knew you would need the preparation for what was to come. 
Leaning down, you feel Jim's warm breath against your clit and almost squeeze your legs shut as his tongue darts out to take it into his mouth. He pushes your legs open, holding them apart as he continues his assault on your little bundle of nerves while still pumping his thick fingers in and out of you. 
Suddenly you feel a tight heat radiating through your body. A tightness starts to grow in your core and your legs begin to quiver slightly. Jim looks up at you and laughs against your pussy. "You gonna come for me baby? Come on, come all over my face babygirl. Let me taste you." 
That sends you over the edge. Jim speeds up his fingers, licking at your pussy as you feel yourself coming undone. He helps you ride out your orgasm before giving another long lick to your sensitive slit, pulling his sticky fingers out slowly. 
You sit there in a daze as you watch him take his fingers into his mouth. He closes his eyes and breathes in deeply before releasing his fingers and leaning over you. "Taste yourself baby." You grab his hand gently and pull his wet fingers into your mouth, sucking lazily as you taste your own juices mixing with the familiar taste of his mouth. You use his arm to pull him down, replacing his fingers with his tongue as you kiss him deeply. Tasting yourself on his lips and tongue sends another rush of warmth down your body and you know that you need him now. Reaching down, you unzip Jim's pants and reach in to pull out his hard length. 
He's large and warm against your palm, and your lazy strokes slowly speed up as he lets out a strangled moan that makes you yearn for him even more. You move to get on your knees, but Jim stops you quickly. "Not today baby, I just need to be inside you." 
Guiding you back up, Jim wraps his hands underneath your thighs as you jump up, successfully getting propped up on the desk and at perfect level with his hips. You quickly take hold of him again and pump his cock a few times before using your legs to pull his body closer to yours.
“Do you want this baby? Do you want me to fuck you?” You look up expecting to see some form of smirk or general sense that he’s trying to mock your neediness, but Jim looks completely sincere. “I do want this, if you’re willing to give it.” Looking each other in the eyes, you both knew this meant something more than consent to sex; it was a question of whether or not you would both be open and willing this time to be more. You hold your breath in anticipation of what he would respond with, but you don’t wait for long. 
Jim sweeps down and kisses you with an open passion so unlike anything you’ve received from him in the past. He holds your face in his palm and pulls back, looking at you and allowing you to really see him for the first time ever. “I think I’m more than willing to now.” He smiles gently and you return the look of glee, but that smile is wiped from your face as you feel him push into you. A loud moan escapes your lips and Jim groans lowly in your ear, entering slowly before he finally fills you all the way up. “Are you alright babygirl?” He mumbles against your skin, breathing in a deep breath of air that hitches when you roll your hips against his. “I’m more than alright.” 
Jim chuckles, making possibly the most sexy sound you had ever heard. He takes your thigh in his hand and rubs it gently, starting to move in and out in a delicious way. You struggle to contain your moans as he picks up the pace, your hips moving to meet his of their own accord. He lifts your thighs up further, giving himself both a better view and deeper access to your tight heat. Jim is moaning loudly above you, and with each moan you’re driven further and further toward the edge. 
“God you are so fucking wet for me baby. You like feeling me inside you? You wanna cum for me sweetheart?” His voice alone could get you off and the shocking heat radiating from your core is slowly taking hold of your entire body. You let out a little whine as you feel his thumb on your clit, rubbing tight little circles on it that are nearly pushing you to the edge. He slaps it roughly and you scream at the painful flash of pleasure it erupts. “You have to answer me baby.” Jim’s dark, lust blown pupils let you know that he isn’t messing around right now, so you don’t even try to misbehave; part of you wonders if you could have even tried to deny him at all in that moment. “Yes sir, I want to cum for you.” Jim chuckles again, but it slowly turns into a growl as he speeds up his thrusting. His fingers find their way back to your clit and he runs his thumb over it at a brutal pace. 
“Come on baby, cum all over me. I want to feel your little pussy get tight for me.” If you weren’t about to unravel before, his voice definitely sealed the deal. Your legs start to shake as you feel the tight coil within your belly spring loose and in an instant your whole body is quivering as your orgasm erupts from that place deep within you that only Jim can unlock. 
Jim’s hips are still moving, helping you ride out your orgasm as your walls begin to milk him of his release. He lets out a cry and kisses you roughly, his hot cum shooting itself deep within you. You both breathe heavily and you remain unmoving aside from a few sweet little kisses as you come down from your highs. When you can finally trust yourself not to collapse from standing, you sit up on the desk and Jim steps back, offering you a hand before thinking better and lifting you off the desk to place you on the ground. You both grab your clothes and begin putting them back on, and the silence is beginning to worry you as you realize that promises made in the middle of passionate sex don’t always hold up afterward. Just as you are about to speak, Jim beats you to it.
“Would you want to maybe go out and get some dinner tomorrow?” He’s looking down nervously, avoiding eye contact in an attempt to save face in the event that you reject him.
You smile and place your hand on his face to guide him back to look at you before placing a small kiss on his lips.
“Pick me up at eight.”
Tags: @thatlittlered @mishaissocoollike @upsidesdcwn @southside-imagines @laneygthememequeen @krajcikmagic @live-the-beautiful-game @happy-hopper @mashedkids @isiiunia @thephenomenalkingofthebrogues39 @artistic-beauty @starrykitn @jariksolo1138 @kkgraham @tiny-boo @no-mom-its-not-about-tumblurs @kassiecopas @madicardi @queen-under-the-shire @cheydanoa @mbeezy514 @mrstellerwinston @ohicanonlyimagine @dusty-strawberry @jointhehunt67 @casiaregina @hufflepuff25 @wraith-queen-todd @motherhyuckerdude @joppersolo1138 @hoppingsnape @na0my @melxoxo23 @nhlcouture @tonystarkismyboy @justeveeeee @cumberbabe92 @artistxalex @sattyrs @cookiemunster10 @21bruhs @nightmare-mermaid4792 @letscici @billyrussosbutt @immirandaq @gofxckthatuniverse @littlewhale0828 @cisquexlily @bugga-bee @nananthusvittatus @ilovesloths1155 @ayatimascd @drawandread @nocturneinaminor @jellyfishpoptart @dewy-biitch @marriedaquarius @r0cky-lynch @groovychopshopstranger @holding-on-to-francis @itztitz @itscali-ali @amber8408 @gamingaquarius @petlaufeyson @austinspost @cmw2392 @bluelionessbabe
(message me to be added to my harbour list!)
A/N: Im working on more requests that were submitted before i went m.i.a.but hmu if yall have any head cannon ideas or drabble stuff!  Love yall, and as always, any feedback/interaction is highly appreciated and makes my day (this is a side blog so i may not always be able to reply to comments, but please know i love you so so much for taking the time to leave them)
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ultradiplr · 5 years
A SigmaxReader story. 
Plot: Reader is sent to keep Sigma company for the night but he has other plans and needs reader’s help with an ahem “experiment.”
Tags: Exhibitionism, humiliation, Reader has a vagina but pronouns aren’t explicit  Age difference (Reader is in 20s and Sigma is 62). Size Difference. Dub-con? Reader never gives verbal consent and is also in a sort of scared of falling during the whole thing? Also Sigma is kind of a shameless creep in this that the reader is in to.
Also this is my first smut so go easy on me (and if there are more warnings I should add please tell me)
The night had started out fine, you were told to keep subject Sigma, or Dr. Siebren, company as he worked for the night. A common thing for low level lab grunts like yourself to do, which you actually enjoyed since you were able to take a break from the other clearly malicious scientist and spend the time “helping” someone decent for once. And Dr. Kuiper was a decent man, a bit intimidating, especially to you since he stood a clear two feet taller than you, but a nice man.
Though there was more than his attitude that made you like him if you wanted to be truthful, a quite handsome looking man, older of course, but that has never stopped you from swooning at him passing by. Tall and broad with intense features and soft periwinkle eyes, sometimes you catch yourself dreaming about being held in his strong arms, or feeling his large hands on you, but you’d shake those thoughts from your head and find content in the fact that you at least got to spend time with him every few nights.
When you got to the checkpoint outside of his lab you gave a cup of coffee to the guard stationed outside, and saw Sigma floating next to a whiteboard on one of the screens.
“How’s he been tonight?” You asked looking at the monitors that recorded every inch of his lab, bedroom, and even bathroom that existed in his private wing of the facility.
“He was a bit jumpy a while ago but he seemed to have mellowed out.” The guard yawned, relaxed with his feet up on the table, “Easy night hopefully.”
“Hopefully” You smiled, already heading toward the door.
The guard pressed a few buttons and a door opened to a hallway, the entrance to the wing he lived in. It was a short walk to his lab and when it opened to you you walked in with a chipper attitude.
“Good evening Dr. Kuiper.” You greeted, walking up toward the hovering scientist.
When he turned to regard you with a warm smile you’d come to love you could feel your insides melt, he was so handsome,
 “Goedenavond, Dr. Y/N, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, and that voice could always make you feel lighter than air.
“Just wanting to see how your research is doing.” You say happily up at him.
“Not so well, im afraid.” He said, looking worriedly at his equations.
“Anything I can do to help?” You asked immediately, this kind of stuff was beyond you but helping Siebren with anything was always fun.
He looked at you with worry and seemed to consider this, “I don’t know, it requires some hands on work.” He said folding his arms over his broad chest and scratching his chin, “You might not be experienced enough.”
Working hands on with Sigma’s abilities? Why, you’d never thought you’d see the day, usually that stuff was saved for the actually research team! You nearly burst with excitement,
“You know I’m reliable, c’mon how bad could it be.” You said nonchalantly, not trying to convey how excited you really where.
Sigma looked you up and down with a curious look in his eye, then he smiled and clapped his hands together, “Alright then, come.” He said, motioning you to step up closer to him.
You did and were surprised when he picked you up easily by the waist and hoisted you up into the air. You clung to his chest as he brought you near the ceiling, the top of the tall multi-board stack, and a good twenty feet off the ground. You never even noticed the room was so tall before. You gulped and tried not to look down, your fear of heights almost outweighing the pure delight you felt actually being held by Sigma. It was a dizzying concoction.
“Can you see anything wrong here?” He said pertaining to the white board you were too scared to move to look at.
“I- uh- I don’t- yes i guess” You started to shake a little, god this was overwhelming, would it be rude for you to ask him to put you down?
“Onnozel, you didn’t even look.” He tisked, his voice sounded weird, still soft in his normal way but just, weird, “Here, let’s turn you around.”
You whimpered when he turned you around in his arms, easily removing your iron clad grip on his lab coat like it was nothing, his strength dumbfounding you just a bit. He settled your back against his chest, one arm wrapped around your waist to keep you against him while the other gestured to the board.
“Now then, do you see anything wrong?” He asked again but this time it seemed a little pointed and… smug?
You still couldn’t look at the equation, eyes glued to the sight of your legs dangling toward the ground that seemed so far, probably a lot farther than it actually was. You couldn’t stop shaking now, pushing yourself harder into Sigma behind and gripping tightly to the arm around you waist.
“Ogen omhoog, the equations are,” His free hand came to grasp your chin in two fingers and force your head forward to look at the board, “here.”
His grasp on your chin was a little harsh and you could feel his fingernail in the skin of your chin but you focused on the equations in front of you. You took a deep breath and focused, reading line by line the math in front of you. His hand relaxed a bit when you began mumbling the work being done in your head and he let your chin go. But his hand didn’t leave, instead it gently caressed your neck.
You gulped and momentarily lost track as you felt his fingers graze your skin, feeling that he could easily wrap one hand around your neck if he wanted to. He was so much larger than you, so much stronger, yet you didn’t feel afraid you felt… incredibly turned on.
You continued checking the math and he continued his downward touches, moving his fingers over your shoulder, into your lab coat, down your chest and stomach and picking at the hem of your shirt. You whimpered when his fingertips barely grazed your bare skin, earning a dark chuckle above you.
“Does my math check out, Y/N?” His head came down upon yours, nuzzling ever so slightly against it, “You have not lost track have you?” he was teasing you.
You shake your head, feeling embarrassed and hot to your core and continued trying to focus on the board. He hummed above you, the feeling radiating through his chest and into your back, calming you slightly as his fingers continued to paw your abdomen shamelessly.
In the middle of a rather long equation a whine erupted out of you as Sigma grazed a thumb over a nipple and made it hard. He let out a soft, oh? And you could feel the smile that spread across his face as he grazed it again. You fidgeted slightly in his arms and he chuckled.
“Is something wrong, do you need help?” He asked smugly in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.
You shake your head and closed your eyes, focusing on the feeling of him for a moment, broad back behind you, strong arm around you, beautiful hand touching you, face mere centimeters from your face. God you could die happy right now.
“Oh, are you done now? Everything looks good?” He asked, chipper tone as before but with the added feeling of him still pawing at your chest.
“Y-yep, everything looks good.” You lied, you were still on the third line but any longer up here in his arms you were sure to pass out.
“Hmm, then if it is not my math, it surely must be the execution.” He said innocently and it was messing with your mind as he continued to touch you.
“Must be.” You said through a whimper as he pinched your nipple rather roughly,
The unsatisfying friction of your pants was killing you and you just wanted to be put down and ravaged but Sigma seemed uninterested in your obvious physical plights to do so. He made a sound of contemplation and let up on teasing your chest. 
“Let’s go through the motions and see whats wrong, shall we?” That damn innocent tone was making you stomach flip a little, it was off putting but also kind of hot.
Without hesitation he began unbuttoning your pants and pulling them off with one hand as he kept you secured to him. You yelped in surprise but didn’t make a motion to stop him as he pulled the offending garment off your legs and let them drop to the floor below you. Far below you. Oh, you had almost forgot.
You began to shake again but his free hand came up and soothingly massaged the back of your neck, “Rustig kleintje, you’re safe.” he shushed, “We do not want them to think you’re in danger now, or our experiment will be cut short.”
A shiver ran up your spine at the implication and you could feel yourself clench in anticipation. They where watching, weren’t they. Watching him touch you and watching you love it. Oh god, the ridicule you’re going to face if word ever got out. The condescending stares the research team will throw at you. The stern talking to from Dr. O’Deorain. Perhaps even getting fired, or worse for messing up her experiments.
Shame filled you as you glimpsed at a camera not to far from you and Sigma must have caught that because he nuzzled into the side of your face. “Hmm, are you afraid of them?” he asked in a mocking tone.
You nodded slightly and he laughed, actually laughed, making you flinch away from him a little, “Bang om te laten zien wat een slet je bent?” He said amused, hand coming to cup your mound.
You canted in his arm, your body trying to find friction while you mind was reeling from the harsh tone. Your body was so hot, so needy, you needed him to touch you but you also wanted him to let go so you could go curl up in a hole and die. Conflicting feels bubbling up and bursting when his fingers finally made contact with your slick lips.
You moaned and arched back, one hand coming to hold onto his shoulder behind you and the other to grip at the arm around you. 
“You must not mind the cameras too much if you’re this wet.” He said hotly against your temple and you could only moan in response.
His fingers where large and skilled and rubbing your clit at just the right pressure and in just the right way to make your legs feel like jelly and to bring you right up to the edge very quickly but he pulled away when he felt you shivering, teetering, and you let out a frustrated cry.
“Close so soon, you must really want it.” He growled.
When he felt you were calmed enough his fingers returned, probing at your entrance as you tried to move in a way that will finally get him to enter you. After frustrated grinding and a good bit of breathless begging he finally conceded and slipped two fingers into you smoothly.
You moaned from deep within you chest and shivered, panting into his neck as he gently pumped you open.
“Sigma, please.” You whimpered and he kissed the top of your head.
“geduld, sweetling, I don’t want to break you.” he whispered hotly, humming with please when he felt you clench at that.
He worked you up again and this time let you come on his fingers that you trapped between your legs as you hunched over his arm and shivered uncontrollably. He kept fingering you through your orgasm to the point of over stimulation and laughed when you started yanking on his hand.
He let up and slipped from you, bringing the wet fingers to your mouth which you happily accepted, much to his delight.
“Hongerig katje, you have no shame do you, licking yourself up for me.” He teased but you felt too good to care.
You nodded and sucked, vibrating with pleasure as you felt his fingers flex in your mouth and press down on your tongue. He pumped his fingers in and out slightly, eliciting a moan and he groaned in response, his steady control so far slipping.
He pulled his fingers from your lips with a wet pop and you whined to his amusement. He reached down between you two, moved you lab coat out of the way, and unzipped himself. You wished you could take your time and suck him, but he seemed intent on taking you like this right now.
You couldn’t see past his massive arm but you sure could feel him as he thrusted up over your slit and hear him as he moaned loudly next to your head. Thick and long, you were a moaning mess before he even penetrated you, feeling it sliding along your wet folds was ungodly satisfying and a large part of you wished you were in a different position to actually see it thrust over you.
His free hand was helping him slick himself on your folds and when he felt prepared enough, lined himself to your opening. 
“Ready?” He asked breathlessly and you could do nothing but nod.
He was slow, letting inch by inch slip inside you gently to let you adjust as his hand came up and held your neck in a soft grip. You whined and moaned, feeling full halfway through and feeling absolutely bursting by the time he hilted. He was nuzzling your head mumbling dutch gibberish as you tried to focus on breathing, his voice and his protective grasp helping relax you.
“So tight, so wet, so warm.” He whispered for only you to hear and you clenched at the sound of him being absolutely wrecked.
“All for me, or for the camera, lieveling?” He asked, taking an experimental thrust that made you cry in pleasure pain.
You couldn’t answer because you didn’t know. Somewhere in the back of your mind you thought about the poor security guard having to watch you get fucked by an old man twenty feet off the ground, but currently you didn’t really care. This was the best thing ever and if you were going to get killed for this, you might as well enjoy it.
Despite the strange angle and the way he was holding you up, you began your damnedest to try and thrust yourself back on Sigma, maybe being able to move and inch or two by yourself. Sigma laughed breathlessly, a moan getting caught in his throat when you clenched around him to stop his mocking. He got the point and began to ease himself out of you and then back in, a slow pace that let you feel every inch of in on the way in or out.
Every thrust forward pushed a whimper or moan out of you and before long you where steadily chanting Sigma’s praises, to his delight. He kissed your neck, your face, your shoulders, his hand experimented different pressures on your neck, all while his arm kept you firmly in place. 
“I bet you look so beautiful from that camera.” He panted against your face, “Like a slut getting thoroughly fucked.” there was no malice in his voice, only overwhelming need.
“S-sie-gma” Your brain was getting fried with the way he was speaking to you, touching you, opening you up and ravaging you, you couldn’t even form a sentence. It was so much, too much.
“Imagine it, a video of-” He moaned, stilled for a second before continuing his bruta, steady pace, “Of you getting used by me forever on their damn servers.”
You nodded, the idea sounded so awful yet so good at the same time, “You like that don’t you? Proof, proof this finally happened, hmm?” 
His teeth were clenched tight, you could hear it in the way he ground that out, he was close, so close. And so where you, gone completely, Sigma the only thing anchoring you to reality. You could only focus on him, his tight embrace, his smell, his breath. Him, Sigma, Siebren.
And then your mind went blank as stars exploded behind your eyes and your vision went white for a moment, the hardest you’ve ever come. When you came to your senses Sigma had halted inside you, the feeling of something warm dripping down your leg and filling your insides.
He was clinging to you tightly, whimpering something you couldn’t understand and for a while he just held you. His hand left your neck and pet your hair, his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck while he twitched inside of you. Overall his body language changed completely and even his arm hold on you slackened just a bit. When he pulled out you whimpered and he placed a kiss on your shoulder.
You heard the sound of his zipper as he made himself decent again, and turned you in his arms to cling to him again. He was all blissed out smiles and half lidded eyes and it made your heart flutter like nothing before. He looked so relaxed, relieved, happy, you couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of pride.
He lowered you both back toward the ground and sets you on a table to sit, floating away momentarily only to return with some paper towels. He let you wipe yourself and when you were done helped put your pants back on.
You were exhausted through and through, and he could tell. He easily scooped you into his arms and floated out of his lab and toward his bedroom. Inside was dark but he was able to find his bed easily and slipped the both of you under the covers. Momentarily your tired brain worried about falling asleep on the job and tried to get up except Sigma was holding you firmly in place.
“They’re going to be wondering where I am.” You said sleepily, already partially asleep.
“I don’t think anyone will be wondering where you are, my dear, just go to sleep.” He said tiredly and you conceded.
If this was your last night on earth, at least you got to spend it here with him.
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trashyslashers · 5 years
Im not sure if i requested this but can i get the slashers reacting to their S/O almost dying and them nursing them back to health
I just did the main 4!
I misread this at first and thought you were asking for the Slasher almost dying and then their s/o helping them and wrote a whole thing oops but I fixed it
Also for Freddy’s… I know that dreaming really doesn’t happen in comas and I doubt that those dreams would do much to you physically, but for the sake of simplicity we’ll pretend they do.
Michael Myers:
It had been almost a month since you and Michael had seen each other - and he couldn’t help but get a little angry. Had you left him? Had you run away? Were you finally fed up of him and his issues and were getting the police to go after him? It’s the first time in a long time Michael’s felt genuine anger. 
But that wasn’t the case, which Michael soon found out. Being as silent and unnervingly stealthy as he was, he managed to track you down - to the small local hospital. You were awake, you were alive - but apparently severely injured. You’d gotten hit by a car, and the doctors were just barely able to bring you back from the brink. 
Of course, after much protest on your end, Michael decides that the hospital is no place for you - you need to be with him. Michael can be remarkably selfish and it shows during times like this; after you argued with his silence, a few days later you were able to discharge yourself AMA once the doctors decided you weren’t in such terrible condition anymore. 
At home, Michael doesn’t want you to leave the house. The world’s too dangerous out there - wasn’t the accident just proving that? Someone could hurt you again. He’s super protective of you; any time your’re in pain he’s pulling you to him and looking over you to make sure none of your injuries are worse. 
Michael is much more affectionate with you now. He tries to be gentle - a hand ruffling your hair, he’s much more willing to pull you close to him and let you cuddle up to him. He’ll keep you close - did I mention he’ll try to keep you from going to school or work too? With enough pressing from you he’ll let you, but don’t be surprised if you glance out the window and you see him lingering in the shadows, watching you. 
He’s willing to get you whatever you need - pain meds? Food? He has no qualms with stealing from the local discount or grocery stores for you. It’s one of the rare times that Michael’s doting side comes out - enjoy it! 
Jason Voorhees:
The rage Jason felt when he entered the cabin and saw you sitting on the flood, bleeding profusely from god knows where as you cried to him about someone coming into the cabin and attacking you was comparable to the rage he felt when he “saw” his mother get killed all those years ago. 
Of course, the first thing he does is wrap you up tightly as you explain to him in messy, tearful words what happened and what the perp looked like. The wound wrapped in old gauze, wrapped even tighter with whatever kind of tourniquet he could find, setting you on the bed and pressing gently on your shoulders to communicate “Stay here and rest”. After that, he’s out. He’s hunting down whoever did it - according to you they didn’t leave too long ago, so he has no trouble chasing them down.
Jason won’t leave your side after the event. He’s not the greatest at caring for huge injuries - he’s used to his own, and even then it’s not like he’ll die from them. He just remembers what his mother would tell him - keep pressure on the wound, keep it clean, get rest. It didn’t look like you needed stitches - it was probably too late for them anyway. 
He’s hanging over you, sitting by the bed and watching you sleep. He won’t leave you be after that. He’s almost kind of suffocating - though he means well. He doesn’t want to lose you. He’ll bring you anything nice he finds outside to keep you entertained, and will be stern about it if he thinks you need to rest more. The only time he’ll ever leave your side is if you need food and he has to go somehow get some - and even then, he makes sure he’s gone for less than an hour. The cabin is barricaded on both the inside and out. 
Once you’re better physically, he gets much more touchy with you. Long hugs and cuddling; lots of him pulling you into his lap, up against him. He wants to keep you safe - and to him, the best way to do that is to keep you right there with him.
For the next several months, any campers/trespassers are treated as an immediate threat and Jason wastes no time in going after them and either killing them or at least scaring them off. He’s never risking your safety again.
Bubba Sawyer: 
A soon to be victim manage to bust themselves out of the room under the stairs, and of course you were the only one they could find in the house - Drayton was long gone at the gas station with the others, and Bubba somewhere outside. The incident was a quick, but painful one. You were struck over the head with some sort of blunt object and had the life almost strangled out of you. You couldn’t remember exactly what happened, but you remember being able to scream for help only once before you couldn’t breathe. That, and coming in and out of consciousness and watching Bubba appear from no where and tear the girl off of you. Your head was spinning, your vision fuzzy and it felt like your throat was crushed as you laid on the floor gasping, before you passed out. 
Drayton said that Bubba managed to call them at the station - while he couldn’t word what happened, it was evident by the tone of his whimpers and crying that something was wrong. By the time everyone got back, you were barely breathing. 
Man ,if you thought Jason was overly doting and concerned? Bubba is absolutely fretting over you and will not leave your side. He doesn’t care if Drayton gets on his case and yells at him, he’s sitting at your bedside and watching over you until you’re back to normal.
Bubba is actually really good at taking care of someone who’s injured! That is, when he can thinking clearly and isn’t absolutely losing his mind over the situation. He can’t help but blame himself - you didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t deserve to get hurt when you were innocent. He feels it was his fault, too: he shouldn’t have been outside, he shouldn’t have left you alone… but he won’t let you know any of this. 
Any sign of discomfort from you is greeted by a jumpy Bubba, ready to get you anything you need or want. Water? Food? Be careful with solid food - you might not be able to eat properly yet. Sleep? Bubba will sleep with you to make sure you’re alright in your sleep. Fresh air? Sure, but you can’t walk anywhere, he needs to carry you. 
Even once you’re back to full health, Bubba’s still all over you. He won’t leave you alone in the house if any victim is still living, he doesn’t trust anyone aside from himself and his brothers around you. He’s not going to let anything happen to you ever again.
Freddy Krueger:
You may have thought Michael was the champion of awkwardness, but Freddy takes the crown. While he absolutely is worried to death, he’s shit at showing it.
You were in a car wreck - an awful one. You were tboned while crossing an intersection, the the force of it all led to you hitting your head off the window. Paramedics didn’t expect you to make it - but your body fought. As time went on, your vitals and body improved, but you had slipped into a coma - it had been almost a week since you were last conscious. The doctors did expect you to make it and wake up, but they weren’t entirely sure when.
When you die, you’re dead. There’s no sleep. There’s no dreaming. By no means is Freddy a super emotionally intimate guy, he can be kind of a jerk at times and sometimes seems totally incapable of being decent, but he does love you. And with that love came the fear that you may die - and considering his career of murdering people while they sleep, for him to worry that that may be what happens in your case speaks a lot.
In your dreams with him you’re whole and healthy, but that doesn’t get him off of you. Awkward pats on your back as he asks if you’re okay, he seems a touch more cuddly. It’s these small actions and changes in his behaviour that make you realize how actually concerned he is for you.
He can’t do much for you in the physical world - he doesn’t have that ability. At least, that’s what the two of you thought. Turns out, in the physical world - the course of your dreams were effecting you physically. Minimal increases in heart rate, on a few occasions in your dream when you were holding hands with Freddy doctors noticed in small twitch in your hand - a few times they’d ask you to squeeze their hand so they could determine how conscious you were exactly and a handful of those times you actually managed to comply. 
Eventually, though - you do wake up. You do manage to make a fairly full recovery, and return to life as normal. Freddy, though not obvious about it, is nothing short of relieved. In your dreams, Freddy’ll tauntingly tell you to not get in another car wreck (”Like it was even my own fault, Fred”), but he is relieved, even if he wasn’t able to do much for you. 
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