#implied cream
moodooivy · 5 months
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A Cross x Blue raffle? Sign me up @overflowofcrows
If Errorberry is the best ship (In my opinion), Nightberry is the hottest ship (Again, opinion), then Crossberry is the most adorable ship there is (In my opinion). I added some background action for other ship simps too ow-
Undertale: Toby Fox Blue: Popcornpr1nce Ink: Comyet/Myebi Dream: Jokublog Nightmare: Jokublog Error: Crayonqueen Cross: Jakei95
(I dunno why Dream's face is smeared)
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annaraebananawriter · 2 years
Halloween Special
Happy Halloween!
I actually have a oneshot to give you for this holiday, and I can actually post it for you today too! What are the odds? It doesn’t have a lot of characters in it, but it is centered around out favorite Dreamtale Twins. 
And everyone knows they are my specialty. ;)
I don’t think I have much more to say, so...
Happy reading! 
Fandom: Undertale/UTMV
Characters:  Nightmare, Dream (Who belong to Joku), Killer (Who belongs to  Rahafwabas), Cross (Who belongs to Jakei) and Blue (Who belongs to P0pcornPr1nce) and, finally, mentioned Ink (Who belongs to Comyet) 
Warnings: Mentioned/Descriptions of some scenes from horror movies and a faked break in for a prank, and I think that’s it. Let me know!
Summary: “Dream and Nightmare go to a movie with some friends. Killer makes a bet with Cross. Dream flirts with a random guy. Nightmare just wants to go home. Oh, and it's Halloween. Happy Halloween! (Modern AU, they're all teenagers, Dreamtale Twins Centric)”
Word Count: 5387
“Nightmare, why aren’t you dressed yet? We’re leaving in an hour or two.”
Nightmare grunted, glancing up for a brief second before returning to his book. “Tell me why we have to wear matching costumes again. Or costumes in general? It’s a movie. We’re not trick or treating or going to a party or whatever. It’s just a movie.”
He already knew the answer to his question. This was just something he liked to complain about to see Dream get riled up in response to his nagging. It provided him with the satisfaction he craved and a sense of fulfillment for the rest of the day. And he never really minded the matching costumes; sure, sometimes he felt like they were too old to dress up, but his brother always reminded him that they were dressing up to have fun.
Unless if there was a contest. Then they were dressing up to win the contest and Nightmare did like to win.
This wasn’t a contest, though. They were going to see a horror movie at the theater with his friends, who Dream always referred to as his ‘gang’. They were a fairly new part of this life, literally crashing into detention one day from the ceiling and they had just…stayed in touch ever since. His brother kept teasing him about them, but he knew it was just because he was happy he finally had some friends of his own; you could only spend so long tagging along with your brother and his two friends who never really connected with you before things got a bit awkward.
Dream’s friends had never joined them for their Halloween tradition before. They didn’t necessarily dislike the genre, but they did prefer not to watch horror movies and since their tradition was watching a ton of horror movies for the whole day, it just wasn’t their type of scene. He knew that Dream was a bit disappointed about that, and that’s why it was such a relief when Nightmare’s new friends ended up being the first to suggest going to see the movie at the theater as a group.
Of course, Dream and him still planned to watch some movies of their own afterward. It wouldn’t be Halloween without their tradition and it was theirs first. They would get many watched, but that was fine; this was a nice change of pace for them.
“It’s tradition.” Dream placed his hands on his hips and leaned over him, pouting. “And you like matching with me, you always have.”
Nightmare snorted. “Yeah, when we were little kids. How old are we now? Too old.”
“Oh, stop it. I already bought the costumes and you already agreed to them. We’re wearing them. I’m already basically dressed anyway, just need to find a few more detailed pieces. You, on the other hand, still need to get dressed.”
Nightmare looked up and gave him a look over.
Every year, the twins switched who decided their costumes for the year. This year it was Dream’s pick, and he apparently decided to indulge in some classic nostalgia feeling because he had picked the theme of angels and demons. And no, Nightmare wasn’t the demon of the pair this year, unlike all those years ago when they were ten and picked the theme for the first time. He was the angel this time, with some white clothes and a LED halo glued to a headband, complete with some cardboard wings that Dream had gotten Ink to make for them.
In matching spirit, Dream’s costume was a wash of red clothes, a pair of cardboard wings shaped to resemble demon wings instead of angel wings, and some cartoon-looking horns glued to a headband. A tail dangled behind him, connected to the belt, and it was finished with a pair of red shiny boots. All in all, it was a good costume, and Dream had put far more effort into creating the accessories than Nightmare did for his own.
Read: he just had the base clothes and accessories and nothing else. Yes, yes, he was boring. But it wasn’t his fault, not exactly. It wasn’t his fault Dream picked a boring theme this year.
“I don’t want to,” he lied, stubbornly drawing it out.
“Too bad. If you wait any longer, I’ll confiscate your book.”
“Then I’ll just read on my phone.”
“Then I’ll take your phone or shut off the Wi-Fi.” Dream walked away, giving him one last glare. “Get dressed.”
Nightmare groaned, but obeyed, dragging out the motions to show his reluctance. “It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s honestly not, though, and I hate that you think it is.” Dream’s tone softened and he smiled. “It’s tradition, Nighty. We’re not changing it.”
“Couldn’t you have picked a different one then? This one is childish. And unoriginal.”
“And that’s exactly why I chose it. It’ll be your turn to pick next year, anyway.”
Blue arrived at the house shortly before they left. Dream gave him a hug and they immediately started talking about random things as they waited for a certain brother of his to get annoyed and leave them alone. It wouldn’t do to hear him overhear their plan, as that would just make it so that the plan never worked in the first place.
And Dream needed it to work.
Simply because it’d be funny. And it would be. God, would it be. He’ll need to be quick, and send the video to the group chat before Nightmare realized what happened and started chasing him to get him to delete it. His brother was stronger than him on most days, so the video would probably get deleted off of his phone, but if he sent it to the group chat, the others would’ve already saved it and his brother couldn’t track down all of them.
“And now that Nightmare is officially out of hearing range, care to run it by me again?” Blue asked, even though he already knew most of the plan.
“Of course.” Dream smiled. “You don’t need to do much. I’ll text you when we’re on our way back to let you know to get things into place. The most you need to do is wait for my signal and tend to the trick-or-treaters.”
Blue was pretty much a necessity to the plan. His dear friend usually came over to help hand out candy anyway, as this was one of the neighborhoods that got lots of kids and Blue liked seeing the many, many costumes; his own house was in a rather quiet part of the city, so he didn’t get much of an opportunity on Halloween to see them. And because the twins were going to see a movie with some friends, he would both be able to hand out candy and prepare for the prank to take place.
He even had the perfect supplies for it.
“I can do that.” Blue nodded and then held up his bag. “Where am I going to put it again?”
“If you can get it above our bedroom door and make it so that once Nightmare enters the room, it’ll fall on him, then that’ll be perfect.” Nightmare honked the horn of his car and Dream rolled his eyes. “I better go. Wouldn’t want him to leave me here and miss the movie.”
“Have fun!”
“I will!”
Dream quickly made his way to the car, and Nightmare sighed. “Finally,” he said, turning on some music and backing out of the driveway. “What were you two doing? Gossiping?”
“Something like that.”
The rest of the gang had a bit of a laugh at their costume until Nightmare threatened to show Dream some particular photos from a party the other day and everyone waved him off and finally entered the theater. They didn’t hang out with his brother often and always seemed to want to keep up the appearance of being ‘unreachable bad boys who were mysterious and bad and not dorks’. Of course, because they were twins, Dream already knew the truth, but he liked playing with his boys and keeping the illusion up.
Nightmare stood with Killer and Cross, part of the designated snack team as they waited for the employee to get them their food.
The bunny had been eyeing Dream from the minute they walked in, and was obviously disappointed to see him enter the cinema without getting a snack himself. And when Dream realized this, he would most likely spend a good hour or so playing along and flirting and drawing the poor bunny in. The whole thing about the game was that they wouldn’t meet again, which would be fine with Dream but would probably crush that bunny’s spirit a bit when he realized he’s been played with.
“That’s a stupid bet, Killer,” Cross said, drawing Nightmare’s attention. He was dressed as Mario this Halloween, complete with a fake mustache. It was odd to see him frown in that costume; just didn’t suit the look.
“No, it’s not,” Killer argued. He was dressed as some kind of killer doctor, complete with blood stains and everything. The only thing he didn’t have was a knife. He already got arrested last year because of an incident and now he was cautious about taking a knife with him. Nightmare suspected he still carried one in his boots, but he would have to wait to see if it was true. “It’s a really good bet. You’re just scared you won’t win.”
“I actually know I’d win. It’s still a stupid bet.”
“What bet?” Nightmare butted in, startling the two.
Killer turned and wagged a finger in front of his face. “You can’t join the bet.”
Nightmare frowned, shoving the finger away. “Why not?”
Before Killer could be any vaguer about it, Cross rolled his eyes and explained. “Killer wants to bet on whether or not Dream will, and I quote ‘shit his pants’ because of the movie. He thinks he’ll be scared. I say he won’t be. Killer says I’m being too biased because of my—” He cut himself off, cheeks going red. Killer smirked and Nightmare raised an eyebrow but decided to ignore whatever was implied there.
(He’ll torture Cross about it later. Dream can date whoever he wants to, he doesn’t really care, but he does like making them sweat a little.)
“And I can’t join because I’m his brother and, therefore, what I say will be correct.” Nightmare nodded, thinking the words over and struggling not to laugh at the irony of it all. It’s true, he did already know the answer, and it pained him that he couldn’t rub it in now but he knew that it would be even better to see Killer’s face when Dream doesn’t get scared.
Spoiler warning: whenever there’s a jump scare or someone dies in a horror movie, Dream doesn’t scream, not even close. Dream laughs. He laughs like it’s the best joke he’s ever heard.
Nightmare was too used to it now to be surprised by it. But God, was it amusing to see people’s reaction when they realized ‘innocent’ Dream was the one leaving the haunted house unscathed while so many cried or screamed and that he laughed in the face of those scares. It was like watching someone’s world come crashing down around them, something tainting their view of the person in front of them in an irreparable way.
Killer nodded. “Exactly.”
“I see.” Nightmare smiled, pulling Cross closer and patting his chest. “Cross, you should take the bet.”
Cross blinked. “Why?”
“It’s just a harmless bet. Sure, you’ll lose a couple of bucks, but so what?” The employee placed their food down and Nightmare strode forward to grab it, listening to Killer exclaim about how ‘Night just confirmed I’m going to win, so suck it’. He smirked and shoved some of the food into his friend’s hands and followed them as they entered the cinema.
They found the rest of their friends right in time, the lights starting to dim around them. Usually, Nightmare would sit with Dream, but he willingly gave it up to Cross as he wanted to have a first look at Killer’s face when he hears Dream laugh and realize he was the one losing his own bet. As the movie progressed, he watched out of the corner of his eye as Killer kept glancing at Dream and smirking, and then the first jump scare and death hit. A lot of the theater jumped, and Killer even barely muffled a gasp of surprise.
Dream, of course, just snorted.
Nightmare smirked, looking over. Killer was looking at Dream with wide eyes, mouth hanging open. He had the urge to just shove some popcorn into his mouth and see what would happen, but he didn’t. He did, however, lean over, making his voice as light as he could like he was just discussing the weather for the day.
“Oh, Killer,” he whispered, intentionally keeping his voice low enough for only Killer to hear. “I forgot to mention that Dream loves horror movies. They’re his favorite movies in the world. Horror as a genre is something he adores too. He’s always making up ghost stories to tell at night. One time, we were at a summer camp, and there was this kid that kept bullying me. I asked Dream for a favor and told him to tell him a scary story. Later that night, big bad bully wets the bed and spends the rest of the summer far, far away from me.”
“And he’s always reading horror books, listening to true crime podcasts as he gardens, and he even said that to help him practice his archery, he imagines the targets as zombies.” Nightmare let himself laugh and leaned back a bit, watching Killer’s cheeks start to turn pink. “Movies specifically, though, he finds the most joy in. I don’t personally have a big attachment to the genre, but it makes Dream happy, and I do like seeing the numerous ways things are done. October is just a win-win for both of us since we get to indulge in all of this and have everyone else actually listen in earnest.”
Nightmare snorted, gesturing forward. “Also, he is literally the Devil for Halloween this year. How did you look at that and think, ‘this is definitely someone who gets scared easily’?”
Killer grumbled slumping down in his chair. He shoved some popcorn into his mouth and mumbled through it, Nightmare just barely able to understand. “I thought it was supposed to be ironic…”
Dream turned as he left the washroom, eyes landing on the guy that spoke, a bunny monster—an employee of the theater, if the shirt was anything to go by—leaning against the counter, eyes half-lidded and a sucker in his mouth. His fur was a light pink colour and he had that magnetic look to him that Dream had seen multiple times before when he decided to indulge in some fun and flirted with a boy from school or one of the cashiers from 7-Eleven.
And hey, today was Halloween. He was wearing a Devil costume. This was just him asking for some fun, wasn’t it?
Smiling to himself, he walked to the bunny, leaning against the counter in the same way. He matched his gaze, smoothing his smile into a sweet one that hooked all of the boys he talked to. “Hey.”
Hook, line, and sinker. There we go.
The bunny leaned closer, dropping his head into his hand, slowly taking the sucker out of his mouth. “How was the movie?”
“It was awesome.” Dream said, and meaning it too. It would definitely go on the list of movies to watch on Halloween night. “I recommend it, for sure.”
“You don’t really seem like the kind of person to like horror.” The bunny blinked, and it seemed that the words weren’t supposed to be spoken out loud. “Uh, no offense.”
Dream inhaled, barely keeping his eye from twitching. Practice was the only thing that kept his smile from slipping.
He actually took much offense to that statement. People always assumed he was some angel that could do no harm, and they took that literally, too. Most of the jocks at school didn’t swear around him, were hesitant to make ‘inappropriate’ jokes around him, and they always laughed whenever he tried to make one, and this particular laugh was soft and disbelieving, and they just brushed it over with the words ‘I don’t think you really understand what you just said’. It was infuriating, and he would kill for the day someone finally looked at him and asked him about his favorite movies and didn’t laugh when he gave them a list of horror movies, instead just smiled back at him and asked him more about them and let him ramble—
And he was getting ahead of himself. It was frustrating, yes, but he usually raved about it to himself when he was falling asleep, and this was far from that time. Right now, he was flirting with a boy and would like to continue.
“None taken,” he lied, waving his hand around. “I get that a lot.”
The bunny hummed, looking more guilty. “Really?”
“Well then,” he said, pushing himself up and glancing around the lobby as if to make sure no one was around. He walked around the counter and leaned across. “I think I should make it up to you anyway. Don’t let anyone know, but I give free popcorn to my friends after a movie’s done. Would that be a sufficient apology?”
Dream’s smile turned more genuine, mentally pumping his fist in the air as he counted this as a win. “I think it might. As long as you can put extra butter on it?”
“Of course.”
The bunny turned and started getting the popcorn together. Dream leaned on the counter and watched. He would never turn down getting free stuff, even if sometimes it made him angry with how often someone wanted to buy him something or give him something purely because of how he looked. It just left him with too many things, but he did like indulging in people and letting them give him things that he wanted.
And he did want some more popcorn.
His phone started ringing.
Immediately, his smile faded. He glanced at the bunny, just to make sure his back was still turned, and then turned around himself, making sure he had a good view of the street as he answered the call and send the person on the other end, who was currently leaning against his car that was conveniently parked right outside the theater, a raised eyebrow through the glass doors.
“If you want something, you know you can just come back inside to talk to me. Right?”
Nightmare snorted, and Dream watched as his tentacles flicked. “I don’t want to hear you flirt with an innocent guy.”
“Innocent?” Dream mirrored the snort. “Why would he be innocent?”
“Really? Oh, let me guess. Maybe it’s because you like to flirt so much that you never actually get into a committed relationship and this makes you a classic heartbreaker in every single way because you let down all the boys you maybe like?”
Dream opened his mouth to protest, but nothing came out.
Slowly, he glared at Nightmare, shoving aside how true all of that was. “It’s Halloween.”
“Stop attacking me with things I would rather not think about. What do you want?”
“For you to hurry up.”
“That’s all?” Dream asked, dumbfounded, and he groaned in annoyance. “Nightmare, I swear, if I didn’t take pride in being a goody two shoes, I would be flipping you off so hard right now.” In fact, he was imagining doing so right now and might’ve actually done so had a mother and her two children not walked across the sidewalk outside.
“I have no shame.” And Nightmare flipped him off as soon as the mother went by, holding it there as he spoke. “And goody two shoes my ass. I know you sneak Mom’s wine to your parties with your friends.”
Dream rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’ll be out soon.”
“Make it five minutes. Not a minute more, or I’m gonna just leave you here and let you walk home.” Before he could respond, Nightmare hung up and then walked around the car to get in the driver’s seat.
Dream grumbled to himself and turned, jumping slightly when he realized that the bunny was standing at the counter with the popcorn in hand, looking anywhere but at him. He sent him an apologetic smile and took the popcorn, making a hasty retreat without saying goodbye. Outside, he was surprised to see the beginning of snow making its way down from the sky. Just light enough to be missed.
When they were officially on the road and making their way home, Dream shoved a handful of his popcorn into his mouth and texted Blue to let him know they were coming. And he spent the rest of the car ride imagining what it would be like when they arrived, a smile on his face.
They pull into the driveway, and the first thing Nightmare noticed was that the lights were off. Not that unusual, no, especially considering it was nearing 10 pm and trick-or-treating was wrapping up for most kids.
Still…Blue was here, and Dream’s friend usually stayed up to make sure they got home whenever they left him in charge. There would’ve been some kind of light on.
Killing the engine, Nightmare got out of the car, sending Dream a glare when he stayed put, on the phone with someone. His brother only smiled back at him and waved him forward, laughing at something that was said. Rolling his eyes, he left his brother alone in the car, walking forward to the front door.
He stopped.
The front door was open, just a crack. Maybe Blue forgot to close it after he gave out the last of the candy? But surely he would’ve noticed the chill wind sweeping through the house. He would’ve clued in as the temperature lowered and he would’ve closed it. It definitely didn’t help the picture that the hallway light was off, pure darkness in the gap, hiding whatever was going on inside.
Something was wrong.
His tentacles curled behind him and he crept forward slowly.
Dream. Must’ve finished his phone call.
“Front door’s open,” he said, more to himself than anything. He pushed the door open, hearing it creak as he glanced around. Nothing. He turned on the light to make sure. Still nothing. “Stay behind me.”
Slowly, carefully, Nightmare made his way around the first floor, turning on lights and checking all the rooms. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but still. Maybe it was all those horror movies finally catching up to him, but something just told him something here was wrong. That something happened or would happen, or whatever. It curled up in his chest and didn’t let go. He peered through the blinds of the back door and surveyed the empty backyard.
And then something crashed from behind him, making him whirl around. He blinked as he didn’t see his brother behind him—stupid idiot, never listens to me—and he stepped away from the door.
“Dream?” he called and waited.
No response.
He backtracked, cursing in his mind. He called out for his brother a few more times, still getting nothing in response. Back in the front hallway, the front door was still open. Nightmare shut it with more force than he wanted, and his gaze was drawn to the floor when something crunched under his foot.
Popcorn seemed to form a trail up the stairs, and as his eyes followed it, he swore that something—or someone—moved along the second floor, the floor creaking beneath them. He frowned and started up the stairs.
“Dream? Dream?!”
Still no response.
More popcorn was on the second floor, forming a trail around the railing and heading into their suspiciously door-opened-a-crack bedroom. His eyes narrowed, tensing even more. He knew that nothing would be wrong—maybe Dream just dropped some popcorn and decided to change out of the costume or whatever. He knew that this was probably just his mind trying to string together a scenario that wasn’t there. This was the perfect setup for something, and he knew that, was back in his mind.
He knew that. But still.
He rolled his shoulders and walk forward confidently, intent on slamming the door open and revealing whatever was going on. And he did just that, opening the door as if he was just going to sleep, and the room was pitch black. Someone went the extra mile and turned off all of the sting lights and hide all of the glow-in-the-dark stuff Dream had. But why? What kind of person would do—
Something furry dropped onto his head.
Nightmare continued cursing as he jumped, struggling against himself and stumbling over his feet as he brushed whatever it was off and kept waving his arms around until he was sure it wasn’t on him. Panting, he tripped over something on the ground and crashed onto the floor, grunting in pain. It was still dark, but the hallway light slowly bled into the room and it was silent for a few seconds.
Silence…and then laughter.
“Oh, you should see your face!”
“That was so funny.”
Nightmare blinked. Slowly.
He pushed himself up onto his elbows as someone turned the light on. He looked at Blue, who held in his hand a fake furry spider tied to some string, and who was grinning as he had a hand up as if in an effort to keep most of the laughter in. He looked at Dream, who had his phone in front of him, pointed right at him, and shamelessly laughed at him. He looked between the two as his breath calmed.
Then it hit him and his face flushed, heat rising as he stumbled to his feet. His tentacles rose like a cat’s tail when they were scared—Dream’s comparison, not his—and they thrashed wildly. He scoffed, higher in pitch than he liked.
“Funny? Fun—”
“What?” Blue said, drawing his attention. He held up the spider, waving it at him. He glared at it and then at its owner. “Not a fan of spiders? I don’t really care for them either, but you gotta admit, they make for some of the greatest pranks imaginable.”
“And now,” Dream spoke up, “you can’t ever get away with saying that no prank has ever gotten you before. Because this one did.” His brother grinned, pulling his phone closer to him and typing away at it like he was in a race.
Nightmare blinked again.
Of course. This was a prank. Of course it was! And of course it was Dream’s idea, because who else? Who else wanted to huminite him like that in front of a friend and record it and then share it for the world to see? Not that Dream would share it publicly, not without his permission. He knew that. But he would still share it with their friends and boy, would this be perfect teasing material for a few months.
Unless, of course, he gets that phone away and deleted the video before Dream could do anything…
Nightmare inhaled. “Say, Dreamy,” he said, coating the words in sugar, and he walked towards his brother with his fists clenched. “I think you deserve a reward for this. Don’t you?”
Dream snorted, shaking his head. He held his phone close as mischief and joy lit his eyes, stepping backward. “No, actually. And it’s too late, I already sent the video to the group chat for all our friends to see.”
God dammit!
Nightmare lunged and Dream sidestepped, already out the door and making his way down the steps as his brother chased after him. “Get back here—”
Nim got home shortly after midnight. Her shift had slipped into overtime thanks to a co-worker of hers not showing up when they were supposed to, leaving her to manage their clients and phone calls until they waltzed in with some coffee and some donuts in hand, acting as if they weren’t three hours late. The audacity of people, sometimes…
Most of the lights in the house were out, but she knew better than to believe her sons were asleep. She knew very well the tradition they had on Halloween and knew that they were carrying it out in the living room already, eyes glued onto the screen as a girl ran from a murderer.
Sighing, she locked the front door behind her and placed her keys in the shallow ceramic bowl her mama had made her as a home-warming gift years ago. Another yawn threatened to take over, but she held it in, hanging up her bag and taking her shoes off. She turned on the hallway light and looked into the living room, the light pooling into the darkened room and illuminating the back of the couch, and spilling over onto the wall. It glared into the TV a bit, obscuring Urban Legend. Smiling briefly to herself, she entered the room quietly and peered over the couch, placing a hand on the back.
Blinking, the smile widened as she took in the sight before her.
On the couch, Dream and Nightmare sat together, though they weren’t awake like she had assumed they were. Their snacks—some chip bags, soda pops, the leftover candy from the trick-or-treat bowl littering around—and some small remnants of their costume lay on the coffee table. And her two boys, boys she hadn’t seen even hug each other since they were, what? Eight? They were asleep, curled up with each other; Nightmare had his legs out, feet on the table, a bowl of popcorn held loosely in his arm spilling over onto the couch, and his other arm was thrown over Dream, who had his legs tucked close to him, head resting on his brother’s shoulder, a blanket barely covering him.
They seemed to almost breathe in sync, and it honestly would not surprise Nim if she heard later on in the morning that her sons had one of those shared dreams they get sometimes.
Biting her lip, she held in the coo she wanted to let out and walked around the couch, gently pulling the popcorn bowl away, managing to save a handful of pieces, and with his arm now free, Nightmare immediately rolled over, wrapping it around Dream securely, one foot falling off of the table. Nim chuckled to herself and kept nudging him, knowing that if she let him sleep like that, he’d be even more grumpy in the morning than he usually was, and eventually, Nightmare grunted, half lifting his hand to wave her away, pulling his legs in as he shifted into an almost laying down (but not quite there) position, Dream following behind as he let himself be dragged, turning further into Nightmare’s chest and reaching up a hand to clench loosely at his shirt’s fabric. She paused, admiring the even cuter position her boys were in and eyeing the way Nightmare’s neck lay as she debated on helping him even more—she already got him this far, might as well make sure he was comfortable.
After getting a throw pillow in place, she made sure her boys were in a comfy position and untangled the blanket from Dream’s legs, opening it up and laying it over both of them, tucking them in. Leaning in, she gave each of them a kiss on the forehead, whispering “I love you” in Spanish. She stood there for a second longer, a scream coming from the TV, and then she gathered up the empty bags and cans, taking them to the kitchen.
Oh, and she did come back with her phone to take a picture of her boys. This was prime embarrassment material for future lovers, after all, and she devoured any opportunity to embarrass them. Besides, it made for a really good home screen picture anyway.
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radiance1 · 4 months
You see.
I wasn't exactly Billy's fault that the tyrant of the infinite realms and king of ghosts was summoned to the mortal plane in the streets in broad daylight with the subsequent reaction of causing public terror (since he just suddenly appeared out of nowhere) and pinging every magic user in the city probably.
He just wanted some ice cream.
Pariah Dark, meanwhile, thought that this would be the perfect time to meet his son's friend knowing full well what his reputation currently is.
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norigohan · 1 month
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edwardnebula · 4 months
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koziku · 4 months
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⛓️♥️ | Happy Valentine’s Day <3🍴
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feralsteddie · 2 years
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Based on my lore notes for this post
(click for better quality, you know how tumblr is)
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sleepnoises · 8 months
freaked it on my dinner tomatoes
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
I think that, for a lot of her life, Bonnie is very much unaware that the world is not a fun game. (EDIT: more accurate phrasing might be “that a fun game is not the world.”) I think she puts a lot of unconscious and semi-conscious effort into avoiding reality for her own safety and sanity, but I don’t think she actually tries to use others as pawns. She’s very isolated emotionally speaking (as in she is around a lot of people but rarely makes deep connections with them) and struggles with empathy. She makes things a certain way, it keeps her and her loved ones (okay mostly Neddy) safe, so she sees no reason to change it, even if/when she’s unhappy. This bitch was born with a certain amount of understanding of the living world and how to interact with it, and for a long time, she had no reason to doubt that that was all there was to it. She was a child (emotionally and socially and experientially) who thought she was a grownup simply because she was smart and capable of keeping herself and her brother alive and him content. While Marceline’s emotional growth was stunted at a hugely volatile stage, Bonnie’s was nipped in the bud— in the root, really.
When the loneliness of being a child with adult priorities started to weigh on her, she used a picture of a happy family and the ruins of their home as her entire blueprint for interpersonal relationships. These people are grownups, so they will take care of me. That’s how it works because I read that somewhere.
Can you imagine the shock she must have felt when she first met Finn and Jake? Jake lets his baby brother play with swords and go on dangerous quests, sometimes even on his own?? Can you imagine, then, what Jake must have told her? Finn is a scrappy kid who will play outside in this fucked up world no matter what we do. He’s safer with the ability to defend himself than he would be if he never faced danger. He’s not much like Neddy. Not all people who fill the same roles are much like each other (still a relatively unfamiliar concept to her). Finn loves fairytale stories and grandeur and helping people— he’s like Bonnie. So yes, she will play knight and princess with him, because it keeps them both safe, and because it’s fun! It’s her chance to be kind of like a kid, and there are even some threats (IK) that are easy to delegate because they won’t hurt Finn the way they hurt her! But she’ll also protect him, even if it’s just by allowing him to train and sending him on missions she knows he can handle. Even if her protection hurts him and/or other people.
You’re fighting the knight, you’re seeking the dragon’s hoard, you’re trying to vanquish the demon. You don’t stand a fucking chance with the princess watching you, because unlike them, she’s not worried about being consistent or happy or good. She doesn’t even know what good is.
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Y’know, i was reminded that i drew this. I was gonna clean it up, but maybe the mess is okay.
You were a kid. It was never your fault. You were always enough.
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jag-rat · 10 months
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Okay hear me out. What if the Falmer were culturally far more similar to the modern day nords rather than the altmer or the ayleids?
Like if the Falmer's culture was a more intense version of what we see of the ancient nords in Skyrim. Because the nords kind of just integrated their own culture into the falmers. Maybe the Falmer were originally far more similar to the vikings and other ancient Scandinavian cultures rather than just being the altmer but pale.
Or maybe even towards the end of their reign they started to shift cultures to a more altmer influenced lifestyle and religion making Auri-el a more prominent God figure in their pantheon. Sort of similar to how Scandinavia got christianised.
It would explain why tensions between the Atmorans and the Falmer suddenly became so high when they were previously living peacefully together.
It would also be fascinating to consider the fact the nords could actually be descendants of both the atmorans and the Falmer. Sort of like the bretons. It's very difficult to completely wipe out an entire country worth of people. And not every Falmer wanted to go underground with most being opposed to the idea. So it would make more sense for those who didn't join the Dwemer for protection to be slowly "integrated" with the atmorans which would explain the entire disappearance of the rest of the Falmer. It also gives the modern day Nords a new context which I really like because its sort of poetic irony the nords themselves would be another small part of what was left of the ancient falmer.
Also there's no way a bunch of people living in freezing cold temperatures aren't going to have beards. Bethesda is lying to me.
Anyways it might not line up with canon but it's an interesting thought. Also brings some funny scenarios to mind.
For more details go here
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xxpuppy-teethxx · 3 months
Hes thinking about his boyfriend
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extras under cut :>
bubble version that i think i like a little less than just the stars, the sketch, and the speed paint <3
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Self Aware Au, Clotted Cream Cookie x Reader x Affogato Cookie.
The Consul Arrives.
Affogato was sitting on a bench near the soda lake you made, it’s waters still sparkling but now with some new little Licorice Oozelings you took a liking to. He compiled his thoughts together in one large coherent mass, today was the new council update but you had yet to check on them, he saw Dark Cacao and some others leave for a while along with gaining new memories of a Crunchy Chip Cookie that he didn’t have before. All he knew is that when they returned Dark Cacao was both very angry, distraught in a way, but resolute about a decision.
Then he heard of HIM, this new Clotted Cream Cookie who similar ancients and legendaries got his own special gacha in the events.
Already Affogato didn’t like him, if his suspicions were correct…that blasted cookie could steal his Fortuna away from him! He can’t allow that to happen, he wants to be the one you look at and enjoy, not whoever Clotted Cream Cookie was!
As you logged in your eyes light up at the new update, the new cookies, you couldn’t wait to get them and try them out! Especially Clotted Cream Cookie, he looked really cool and interesting. His smile reminded you of Affogato in a way….Affogato, if he was seemingly self-aware…were the other cookies as well?
Honestly you were a bit nervous to find out, so…you simply just did the missions for Clotted Cream’s event. You saved up for a few weeks and even got Wildberry from the normal gacha in the process. You had noticed that Affogato was oddly not as talkative or acknowledging as he used to be…almost like he was busy or thinking about something a lot. Or was he angry with you?
It didn’t matter at the moment, with a decent number of emblems saved you decided to do a run of Clotted’s gacha. Coins, Rainbow cubes, House emblems, etc. Then, during your last 5 pull it zoomed in on Clotted Cream. You…couldn’t believe it as his gacha animation played and there you were staring at your new magic cookie.
You quickly checked your kingdom and saw him walking around observing the new sights...
“Well, hello there Clotted Cream...” You tapped his sprite; he turned and did a little bow.
“Hello dear Baker, it’s lovely to finally be welcomed to your kingdom.”
Oh…oh no…
Clotted Cream looked up at your face in the sky, a light chuckle escaped his mouth when he saw your reaction. So, you were the baker, the god of this kingdom. He heard of you from the other cookies talking about you, so much praise and love directed towards the one who looked over everything and now he got to see you for himself. You even greeted him when he arrived, how polite~.
He felt a burning gaze towards his back and when he turned, he saw another cookie, this one was dressed in a white, black, and purple kimono while holding an interesting staff. Ah yes, this must be the snake Dark Cacao compared him to. He gave a little wave which only made the glare on the cookie darker, okay another time then.
He continued on his way while Affogato seethed and glared at the consul. Jealous struck him hard and it struck him even more as time continued.
You managed to promote Clotted Cream twice, leveled him and his skill up to where he was getting close to Affogato’s level in power. The cookie mix didn’t miss this, nor did he miss Clotted Cream’s change in behavior towards you. He saw it in the consul’s eyes, the same admiration he held for you. No no no, he can’t let him take you away! You’re HIS dear Fortuna, you’re the only reason he manages to wake with a smile anymore! Your love for all cookies, of all flavors, he can’t lose that!
Clotted cream certainly noticed the jealousy and took some petty pride in giving Affogato a smug grin whenever you were playing, so he couldn’t just run up and attack him in a rage or anything.
The consul loved gazing up at your face and hated being on Expedition duty as it just kept him away from you. He wanted to be by your side in your world or have you here with him…such seemed to be impossible but there had to be a way….Just something about your appearance, your personality, everything, it was all so appealing to him.
“You there, Consul Clotted Cream Cookie correct~?” Said Affogato’s voice, with barely constrained anger.
“Ah, Affogato Cookie, please no need for Honorifics. What brings you here to speak with me?” He replied with that same smile remaining on his face.
"I need to speak with you about Fortuna, I'm going to have to politely ask you to STOP trying to take my place~. You’re not worth my dearest’s affection so don’t even begin to think you are, trust me, I am capable of A LOT of ‘tricks’ consul and I’m not afraid to glitch this game if it means you’ll disappear.” His eyes took on a hollow and deadly look. “TAKE my warning seriously, you’ll only…get it once~.”
With that Affogato turned and left Clotted Cream alone in the kingdom park. Affogato was determined to keep his dearest close, to have your love only directed towards him. He smiled and shuddered with utter joy, he couldn’t wait for you to wake the next day and continue on expanding your lovely kingdom.
Clotted Cream Cookie on the other hand watched him silently as he left. His face was blank for a moment as he was processing the information, before he chuckle and that grin spread yet again. Affogato thinks it’ll be that easy? Well Clotted Cream has dealt with his type before, he’s not unfamiliar to dirty tricks and plots. One of his coat ribbons pointed at a rather hidden oak tree, was a small blast of magic he burned your name into the bark with a heart around it. A little cheesy yes but why not go for it~? Plus, it’s a nice to bit of spite towards Affogato for threatening him like that.
“Heheheheh, alright Affogato Cookie…let’s see who’ll win this game for the Baker’s affections. I’m quite excited to see your moves my friend~.”
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melon-cream-enmu · 1 year
Repost from peach-cream-enmu-archive
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Anon asked: You like kny, right? What about Sanemi, Giyuu, or Enmu babies..? I'm super curious lmao
Your and Sanemi’s babies are really calm babies. They like to watch their dad do things. When Sanemi’s temper starts to sour the babies sit there and just look at him…like ‘wow…that’s my dad!!!’ And when he gets really angry the babies giggle and squeal and clap their lil hands, and Sanemi can’t help but calm down, though he’ll grumble with red cheeks and a scowl as he holds the baby and bounces them in his arms a bit.
Whereas Giyuu isn’t very expressive, your babies are! The smallest little thing can make them laugh, cry, scream, etc. They wear you out very quickly. But one thing they love is their fathers kasugai crow. He’s old, doesn’t like doing much, but he likes the babies. They’re gentle, giving him small open hand pats. They like to sleep with him nearby if you or giyuu can’t lay down with them, and he will.
Enmu babies…thank you anon…finally. They’re adventurous! They love crawling off and almost getting into trouble. Another entry to the ‘very chubby babies’ club, they have round cheeks and chunky legs and cute little baby bellies. They love nap time. Especially when you and dad can lay down with them. The sight of enmu lounging on his back with a sleeping baby on his chest as he strokes their head or back is very appreciated after a day of chasing them around. Enmu will lay down with them to help them to sleep but he will not stay there. He says bed sharing is not safe for babies.
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
it's kinda funny that some people seem to think eggman has a soft spot for kids or something because of his relationship with sage like have you guys not seen the way he interacts with 90 percent of the other characters in this franchise . hes constantly fighting with teenagers and little kids and putting them in danger he does NOTTTT care lmao
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!!! enmu smut, AFAB reader, mentions of Muzan x reader. Non canon obvi
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Muzan calling the lower moons to a meeting, Enmu among the ranks and you a cute powerful thing that the master likes to see from time to time. He likes you, you keep Enmu on track. You may distract him, but allowing him to hold onto you keeps him obeying orders. You aren’t close enough in power to become a moon, but you’re useful.
Settled behind the 5, just before you’d knelt, Enmu’s hand grazed your hip. He giggled lowly before stepping forward, but his touch didn’t leave. Looking down, watching it hold to your robes and slide down, landing with a light thump. As you kneel it crawls it’s way up your leg, placing itself atop your calves, and just under your heat. You can feel its mouths breath on your lips and you shiver. You keep your head down, you don’t dare look at anyone.
The master speaks, and his voice is a velvety chilling sound of far away noise as a tongue drags across your cunt through fabric. You don’t jump, your breath doesn’t hitch, but your nerves alight at the feeling. It soaks through to your skin quickly, aided by your own growing wetness. The hand places a soft kiss to your clit before licking up your lips with more pressure, parting them through your panties. Enmu keeps a straight face though his cheeks grow a violent blush.
The sound of your masters voice halts and you look up. His eyes fall on Enmu, noticing the absence of his hand, and flit to you. He looks down his nose at you, a knowing lust swirling in his eyes. You fight to keep quiet as the mouth increases it’s efforts and pulls that knot in your gut that much tighter. Your head falls, you can’t look him in the eye, not as your body gives in and you fight the blow to your core that is the violent orgasm Enmu’s hand wrenches from you.
You’re unaware of the rest of the meeting as the others disperse. You stand when the master beckons you to, and the hand scurries from beneath your skirts and back enmu. As Muzan takes your arm and turns you to lead you elsewhere, you watch enmu wave with his now reattached hand once before bringing it to his lips and tasting your cum and slick with his tongue.
Muzan chuckles at the sound of air catching in your throat at the sight.
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