#in memoriam ☆
crushondonald · 8 months
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1969 - 2023
"Now, all these years later, I’m certain that I got famous so I would not waste my entire life trying to get famous. You have to get famous to know that it’s not the answer. And nobody who is not famous will ever truly believe that."
"Nobody ever thinks that something really bad is going to happen to them. Until it does."
... may he rest in peace 🩷
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"My father wanted a football-playing, beer-drinking son, and he got a gin-drinking poetry-reader. Funny isn't it?"
It is ... delightfully funny! ☆
In memoriam of British comedy legend KENNETH WILLIAMS
22 February 1926 - 15 April 1988
To mark the occasion, here's a favourite song from "The Buccaneer", a musical play by Sandy Wilson, staged in 1955 with a young and ambitious Kenneth Williams as the toffee nosed and precocious Montgomery Winterton ... what an excellent typecasting! ⭐️
Happy birthday, love ❤️🏳️‍🌈
... thank you for being there for me, as the unique personality and artist you were. 🙏
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I miss you terribly!
Photo info, please see below:
Kenneth by Don Smith, April 1971
On stage: Kenneth in "The Buccaneer" at Lyric Hammersmith London, 1955
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
When Tina Turner left her first husband - who was also her boss, captor, and brutal tormentor - she snuck out of their Dallas hotel room with a single thought in her mind: "The way out is through the door." From there she fled across the midnight freeway, semi-trucks careening past her, with 36 cents and a Mobil gas card in her pocket. As soon as she decided to walk out that door, she owned nothing else. When she filed for divorce, she made an unusual request. She didn't want anything: not the song rights, not the cars, not the houses, not the money. All she wanted was the stage name he gave her - Tina - and her married name - Turner. This was the name by which the world had come to know her, and keeping it was her only chance to salvage her career. Things could have gone a lot of ways from there. She could have labored in obscurity for decades, maybe making records on small labels to be prized by vinyl connoisseurs in Portland. She could have stayed in Vegas, where she first went to get her chops back up, and worked as a nostalgia act. And, of course, given what she had been through, she might have … not made it. What happened instead is that Tina Turner became the biggest global rock star of the 80s. I'm old enough to barely remember this, but if you aren't, it was like this: The Rolling Stones would headline a stadium one day, and the next day it would be Tina Turner. A middle-aged Black woman - she became a rock star at 42! - sitting atop the 1980s like it was her throne. She managed this because of whatever rare stuff she was made of (this is a woman whose label gave her two weeks to record her solo debut, Private Dancer, which went five times platinum); because she decided to speak publicly about her abusive marriage and forge her own identity, and in doing so give hope and courage to countless women; and also because - in a perhaps unlikely twist for a girl from Nutbush, Tennessee - she had her practice of Soka Gakkai Nichiren Buddhism, to which she credited her survival. She remained devout until the end. Tina's second marriage - to her, her only marriage - was to Edwin Bach, a Swiss music executive 16 years her junior. Of him, she said, "Erwin, who is a force of nature in his own right, has never been the least bit intimidated by my career, my talents, or my fame." In 2016, after a barrage of health problems, Tina's kidneys began to fail. A Swiss citizen by then, she had started preparing for assisted suicide when her husband stepped in. According to Tina, he said, "He didn't want another woman, or another life." He gave her one of his kidneys, buying her the remainder of her time on this earth and perhaps closing a cycle which took her from a man who inflicted injury upon her to a man willing to inflict injury upon himself to save her from harm. Born into a share-cropping family as Anna Mae Bullock in 1939, she died Tina Turner in a palatial Swiss estate: the queen of rock 'n roll; a storm of a performer with a wildcat-fierce voice; a dancer of visceral, spine-tingling potency and ability; a beauty for the ages; a survivor of terrible abuse and an advocate for others in similar situations; an author and actress; a devout Buddhist; a wife and mother; a human being of rare talent and perseverance who, through her transcendent brilliance, became a legend.
Credit: Will Stenberg
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odinsblog · 4 months
Born on February 5, 1995 — today should have been Trayvon Martin's 29th birthday. 🤍
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nemfrog · 7 months
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Victims of capitalism. Hell before death. 1908.
Internet Archive
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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Influential RPG adventure writer, artist, and video game creator Jennell Jaquays has died.
She was a founder of the Dungeoneer zine before it was sold to Judges Guild. Her D&D adventures Dark Tower and Caverns of Thracia became classics, often studied as examples of adventure design. She also wrote and illustrated for TSR, Metagaming, Steve Jackson Games, and many other publishers. Her video game career included developing many of Coleco's titles in the 1980s and level design for the Quake sequels at id Software in the 90s, and she co-founded the SMU Guildhall video game program.
She recently was hospitalized for symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome, and a GoFundMe to cover her medical expenses is still active.
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musicalfilm · 1 year
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Chaim Topol (September 9, 1935 – March 8, 2023)
May his memory be a blessing.
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twigsyy · 2 months
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why-i-love-comics · 28 days
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Ramona & Me (2024)
written by Brittany Holzherr art by June Brigman, Roy Richardson, & Trish Milvihill
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sotwk · 6 months
Farewell, O Captain! My Captain!
R.I.P. Andre Braugher (1962-2023)
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He was a fantastic actor and so much more than his role on Brooklyn 99. I watched many of his movies and shows, but will most treasure and remember him fondly for bringing us gut-busting laughs and countless memes as Captain Holt.
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crushondonald · 1 year
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11 February 1930 - 13 April 2023
Dame Mary was one of the most influential figures in the fashion scene and is credited with making fashion accessible to the masses with her sleek, streamlined and vibrant designs. 
Making her way as self-taught designer, she began catering for a burgeoning set of young customers who were “tired of wearing the same as their mothers”.
Her customers demanded ever-shorter skirts, and a favourite became the “mini”, named after Dame Mary’s favourite car, the Mini Cooper.
In 2014, Dame Mary recalled its “feeling of freedom and liberation”.
“It was the girls on King’s Road who invented the mini. I was making clothes which would let you run and dance and we would make them the length the customer wanted,” she said. 
“I wore them very short and the customers would say, 'shorter, shorter'.”
She also revolutionised British fashion with hot pants and trousers for women, while using the daisy brand design that became synonymous with her creations.
“It was wonderfully exciting and despite the frenetic hard work we had enormous fun. We didn't necessarily realise that what we were creating was pioneering, we were simply too busy relishing all the opportunities and embracing the results before rushing on to the next challenge."
... may she rest in peace! 🌸
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[...] The day hangs heavily. Marilyn Monroe killed herself yesterday & today an English actress (Pat Marlowe, aged 28 and described as former friend of MM) in sympathy did the same. The pointlessness of our life - the awful cheap regard of life. [...] Rain pouring all the time.
The Kenneth Williams Diaries - 6 August 1962
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In memoriam MARILYN MONROE ✨️
1 June 1926 - 5 August 1962
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combatcocktail · 18 days
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you mean a lot to me
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webdiggerxxx · 9 months
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oldschoolfrp · 5 months
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Bryan Ansell has passed away at age 68 (11 October 1955 -- 30th December 2023).
Bryan Ansell founded Citadel Miniatures in 1978 in partnership with Games Workshop, and co-wrote the original 1983 Warhammer Fantasy Battles first edition rules with Richard Halliwell and Rick Priestley. He became managing director of Games Workshop in the mid-1980s, and was primary owner of GW until selling his shares in 1991. He also founded Wargames Foundry / Foundry Miniatures, which continues to produce many older Citadel figures among many other ranges.
(Top: Bryan Ansell from Warhammer Armies, 1988; Bottom: Bryan Ansell (Left) with artist Tony Ackland at the 2017 Bring Out Your Lead oldhammer event at Wargames Foundry)
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moon-yean · 2 months
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LESLIE CHEUNG (12 September 1956 – 1 April 2003)
A Better Tomorrow (1986), dir. John Woo Farewell My Concubine (1993), dir. Chen Kaige Days of Being Wild (1991), dir. Wong Kar-wai Happy Together (1997), dir. Wong Kar-wai Once a Thief (1991), dir. John Woo
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