#in this context i find it kinda wholesome tbh
cringeworms · 7 months
I'm writing an analysis of gender performativity in The Silence of the Lambs for my gender and sexuality class and in the course of my research I have encountered so many bad takes!! I can't not say anything so I've come to Tumblr to rant.
The most common criticism I see is that the ending of "Hannibal" discredits, undoes, or diminishes Clarice's feminism, autonomy, or power, or that it ruins the message of SOTL. That indicates a complete misunderstanding of Clarice and the point of the books! The point of "Hannibal" is to show that it does not matter how amazing, powerful, or how much of a feminist you are: if you are a woman in a career, especially a federal career, the system is designed to put you down and keep you quiet. I think there is nothing more she could have done and nothing she could have done differently to prevent her disgrace. When the system is set up to put men in power and keep them in power, your talent and integrity do not matter if they decide they don't want/need you anymore. There is nothing she can do to prevent the label of "female officer" from haunting her credibility. Even Crawford, who respects her and fights for her, sees her with the caveat of "woman." The one man who does not consider her gender any sort of detriment or a reason to treat her differently is Hannibal Lecter. They have genuine mutual respect. When she chose to be with him, she chose respect, love, and comfort over a life of fighting to be recognized, respected, or listened to. Just as much as it is respectable for women to fight for their right to be recognized in their careers, we must also recognize that that fight should not need to exist in the first place. So, why should there be any shame about choosing not to fight that fight anymore? She spent years in an uphill battle, and she probably never would have escaped it (to no fault of her own!). The ending of "Hannibal" is Clarice raising a middle finger to the system, the FBI, misogyny, and the patriarchy by recognizing that she deserves unconditional love and respect and that the system she fought so hard for was, in fact, completely undeserving of her talent or presence. Her decision is powerful and empowered!
"She was brainwashed!" she literally wasn't. Hannibal tried that (I believe because he was so unfamiliar with the idea of love or family that he didn't know how to understand Clarice outside of the lens of Mischa) but he was unsuccessful. If she was able to resist his efforts of brainwashing while in an altered state she certainly had the strength of mind to make her own decisions. Her decision was not impulsive. Also, I think it serves as a testament to her influence and power over him. She gained control of the situation and he didn't resist that. Ultimately, Clarice chose to spend the rest of her life with the one man who ever truly saw her as more than just a woman, who admired her intellect, and who respected her enough to challenge her. That is not weak, submissive, or misogynistic. Quite the opposite. She chose to leave behind the life she put years of effort into building (because she knew it would be fruitless) in favor of being finally honored and appreciated. That takes courage! She knew her worth, and she knew the FBI didn't deserve her.
Also, anyone who paid any attention to the books saw the romantic tension throughout the story. It didn't come out of nowhere. She really just needed an opportunity or an excuse to be with him, and she was finally presented with it.
I think reading the ending to "Hannibal" as anything other than empowering is a mischaracterization of both Clarice and Hannibal and shows a lack of understanding of the message of the books. I think it reflects a shallow understanding of not only the books, but of how feminism operates IRL (especially during the 80s/90s).
I also must give the disclaimer that I do not think these books are epitomes of feminism or representation. The transmisogyny, racism, queerphobia, etc., are obviously inexcusable. Just because I interpret their message as a story of caution about how misogyny operates, and how it is respectable to choose a path that does not work within that system, does not mean I agree with everything presented in them or any of their harmful rhetorics or stereotypes. I have a STRONG love/hate relationship with these stories and I don't ever mean to undersell the "hate" part of that lol.
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tartsinarat · 23 days
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They’re eepy!!
So tbh I need practice in drawing Pip’s curse because it’s complicated to draw and make it look toh-ish in style so I thought it would be nice to be a bit wholesome for once and draw a cute scene between the weirdest set of siblings
The curse doesn’t have a proper name because I can’t think of anything good rn and I always keep on forgetting but I’m leaning towards calling it the deer beast at least for now so it’s a bit less confusing when ever I mention it because it wouldn’t be called a false titan in “canon” because none of the characters have that context of what it actually is except maybe the collector because they had hang out with baby titans and would have probably spotted a couple of false titans lurking around trying to snag a titan to eat.
Anyways I feel like Luz is the one who ends up naming it that because it kinda looks like a deer from a distance, Pip hates that name for his curse because he thinks it barely resembles one and should be called the slime beast or snake beast but the deer beast name does end up growing on him.
No idea what agitated Pip so much that the deer beast took control in this scenario (idk maybe he stepped on a Lego) but like it’s chilling out while Luz and King are waiting for Eda in order to figure out what to do.
Originally It was going to attack Luz as it’s never seen her before and she is in it’s territory but Luz managed to get it to trust her enough to calm down through her knowledge of beast keeping magic and reptiles in general.
Luz finds the deer beast oddly cute because of it looking snake like and because she just finds fuggly animals adorable in a it’s so ugly it’s cute kinda way
King is mostly neutral but is sure that if he can get the deer beast to stop being so lazy about 90% of the time that he can take over the playground and finally reclaim his kingdom but usually whenever king tries to ride this beast into battle he ends up also sleeping alongside it because of how fluffy and warm its mane is, which is what happened here.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Love and Leashes Live Blogging
I've heard it's wholesome and cute despite the subject matter + the femdom piqued my interest, so I'm giving it a watch despite the clip I saw on Twitter with the barking that kinda put me off (just not my thing).
Aug 30
Oh, the Korean title is 모럴센스 since is Moral Sense transcribed in Hangul
Office culture vibes killing me in the first few minutes already rip the sexism and being chill with homophobia
lol the mother talking about how a girl shouldn't confess first because men used to hunt and have the instinct to hunt/dominate. oh ma'am if you only knew what this movie was about
I like how steadfast and stoic Jiwoo is
In English Jung Jihoo (male) and Jung Jiwoo (female) sound similar but the w and h look quite different. In Korean, the spelling is even more similar 지후 and 지우. Jihoo just has that little hat
ngl wasn't expecting the finding a collar and a leash and a kink magazine before the 10 minute mark but this is fun
Yknow what I was expecting this Jihoo guy to be very endearing from the smiley poster of him I saw and so far, he really is
Ooh, I was wondering if she wasn't gonna think he's the dom since he's a man + the magazine had maledom. Seems like she does from this fantasy trance
Jihoo's so clumsy ahh accidental text but he's so akldjf freaking awkward, the secondhand embarassmenttt
oh my goddd he misunderstood Jiwoo as saying she's also into BDSM and the way he's reacting is embarrassing enough but he just said "tbh, I could sense that from you" and I'm alkdjf why would you sayyy that. omg he just offered himself up :0
noooo Jiwoo's trying to not be overly nice to Jihoo even though she likes him and is also deeply annoyed by their sexist boss (mans is literally being patronizing to ppl like as a man, you should know how to grill and as a woman, you should know how to cut fruits to find a husband) but Jihoo thinks she's muttering about him instead of the terrible boss
nooo him crying because he likes her and thinks she finds him annoying :((( Anyway, I guess he's casually asking her to be his master (in a pure/innocent way lol) because he's so drunk
At the workplace? :0
the umbrella trope instead of showing chivalry/"as a man, I'll provide" displaying "how sincere [Jihoo] is to serve [Jiwoo] as [his] master" is so good. I was anticipating it when I saw the rain outside but klasdfj yay
30 mins
is this video planting the seed for a future conflict where they'll want both a BDSM and romantic relationship
foot kissing !! my love. I loved it in Why R U because it was kind of a submissive move from Fighter despite the fact that they weren't dom/sub but this time it acc is in a BDSM context. it's a fantasy I think but still
omg during their workplace blindfold interaction I was hoping she'd caress his hair but she finally did it here in the fantasy
ohhhh it wasn't just Jiwoo's fantasy but Jihoo's too
He's sooo endearing "Punish me? :D" "Why do you look so excited?" "O.O no not at all, I'm not"
I'm slightly confused about this rule that's like can't terminate contract without other's permission or whatever?? It shouldn't need both people to agree to terminate the contract, one person wanting to back out should be enough
Him tryna reassure her like "No touch. I don't have any naughty desire toward you :)" about sex but her being like hmph -_-
Bro they're gonna have their first scene and I'm so nervous/excited and Jihoo is too, idk how Jiwoo's keeping calm rn lol
Okay, pause before the scene actually because it's 12am and I have to be up at 8:15 tomorrow, so goodnight for now, to be finished tomorrow. Got to 37:15
Aug 31
i know he's gonna bark, do I watch or skip
Okay I muted it and skipped a bit (I know she gave him treats out of his hand), I just really don't like watching dog play stuff
omg terrible ass time, sucks that their first scene went like this
Him wearing the glasses was throwing me off, is this different than the ones she gave him for when he needed her orders?
Anyway watching het stuff is wild because I can just say he and she without specifying lol
Her saying "Does it hurt a lot?" when stepping and him saying "It's killing me" is a lot
I like how she also fantasizes about stepping on him
The scenes of them doing stuff at night in between the splices of them at the office during the day is so short but I still keep skipping the nsfw stuff, I think I can only handle watching a specific amount of live action nsfw stuff on specific days
You don't know how badly I want her to slap his face, that's a scene I def wouldn't skip
I read a spoiler that they get caught in the office and I don't know if it's about to happen now but I'm really nervous about it agh
okay, they didn't get caught
omg after Badhaai Do, this is the second piece of media this month that said "look down" while getting yelled at.
Oof, idk why it's taking me so long to finish this 2h movie but I'm at 1h 10
Sep 1
I'm freaking dead actually for real they're not only handcuffing themselves to each other in public, someone she knows (Hyemi) is spotting them T.T
okay whew bullet dodged For Now, miss girl got distracted
feeding :)
oh yeah, I read something about there being a terrible dom as well
naurrrr everything going wrong because of their handcuffs, I don't wanna watch T.T I hate public humiliation sm
k it was a small commotion, they glossed over it quickly
nooo seeing Hye Mi be like self-defense and clever while defeating the rapist mans but then breaking down in the car afterwards T.T + Saying there'd be no use going to the police and that she didn't actually take compromising pics of him like she said because it'd make her as bad as them
She calls him 정대리님, I was wondering what that ending particle was and google says it's just like "deputy" which I don't quite understand. I guess I'd learn if I watched more office kdramas
Ooh, nice juxtaposition of her cleaning and preparing the ropes while he bakes a treat for their scene
1h 33m O.O I wasn't expecting the face slapping but it did !!!!!
rip the last play ending on a sour ass note
naurrrrrrrrrr not the office finding out ?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! I knew they got caught but somehow to me that meant one supervisor found out and reprimanded them, not the mentee accidentally sending a recording to their whole fucking office gbye
the urge to just stop watching and watch later is so strong but i also wanna just get it over with omg like it's not even real why does fictional public or second-hand embarrassment affect me so much
I'm sat here all torn like okay I'm glad he's confessing his feelings but it's during a disciplinary meeting due to them having a scene at their office ummmm
Them smiling at each other in the elevator, I'll combust
Also, Hye Mi is so fucking beautiful like I didn't say so but wowie wow wowowowwow the most beautiful person in the movie
Jiwoo and Jihoo's biggest kink out of all the ones explored is 100% doing things in public
was not expecting this last minute barking T.T they're freaking cute though
Fun show, Jiwoo and Jihoo were endearing, and it was curious to see BDSM get explored outside of like the fics I've read over the years. They shallowly explored a whole lot of different aspects of the relationship without actually showing much or being titillating, was a rather tame but fun movie and it worked well for me because I don't really like watching NSFW sexy scenes in live-action stuff. Also, Hye Mi was so beautiful.
Some things made me uncomfortable but that was mostly my own issues (except that throwaway line about both people needing to agree to terminate the contract, I didn't like that). Most things I didn't like could be forgiven due to the fact that they gave me a guy getting his face slapped during an nsfw scene.
Rating: 6.5/10
0 notes
time-is-an-allusion · 2 years
i have decided that i am comfortable making this a blog that talks about kink, which was not an easy thing to get comfortable with at first because anyone who knows my fics and finds this blog is immediately going to be able to tell that it’s me, and knowing my kinks recontextualizes some of the things that are (going to be) in the fics. 
but I thought about it and like...it doesn’t recontextualize them in a way that makes it bad. like, it’s not like “oh no the writer has a kink for that? that makes the awful thing that happened even worse!” it’s like “oh that’s why the Weight Gain As A Sign Of Recovery trope is featured so heavily in this”. 
feedism is the only kink I feel even a little bit embarrassed abt and it’s as a consequence of fatphobia I’ve experienced (some of it directly most of it just ambiently, yknow how it is). the main issue i had connecting it to the fics I write is that it would like. probably make some people uncomfortable? it makes some people uncomfortable. especially if they saw the parts where the characters gain weight as “wholesome” due to the context. I just worry that this might taint that for some readers.
but tbh I started planning my next project after my fic series, and it’s a horror story with a lot of violence and shit and I won’t describe the sort of stuff that happens in it but due to the nature of some of the stuff and since I’m already openly a masochist - I don’t always connect it to kink but everyone knows i find pain enjoyable - that’ll probably ruin Untitled Horror Game for people much more than knowing I’m into feedism will ruin the fics.
I am not making an active attempt to connect my current fics to my kinks - unless I do end up following up on a suggestion my beta reader made but I’m not gonna get into that rn - but now I’m at the point where like. fuck it. if they know, sure, that changes things, but it doesn’t make them worse. hell, maybe it makes them better because it means the writer thinks the visual signs of these characters’ recoveries make them more attractive, and that’s kinda beautiful.
anyway. I don’t have anything intelligent to end this post with.
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kindaorangey · 2 years
okay ough. alright alright
LOVED it tbh like as a whole LOVED hstv. i really like how the show seemed older and more mature, lending to real situations that teenagers dealing with bullying get into while still maintaining the wholesome nature and overall good vibes of the story whole. normally i’m not a big fan of when the main character is Goin Through It to the degree that everyone has stopped talking them and they’re alone and dealing with that, it just seems overdone at this point and i feel like doesn’t stem from anywhere with roots, but this time it felt refreshing? it felt natural for charlie’s arch with nick and his avoidance there, tao’s hurt at charlie not telling him about nick and their isolation from that. i think it’s because there was a very visible meaning for each of these bits of isolation that add up to more than just miscommunication. both have to deal with the mental status of each of the characters and how they’re perceive themselves and their relationships and how other people have impacted those views, esp. with charlie, which is refreshing. i loved the power charlie had in his arc, same with tara, the two of them finding power in their worth and who they are just felt really good. it really felt like an ensemble show! i love that. like it wasn’t just about charlie confessing to nick and navigating his feelings and their relationship while also still dealing with homophobia and bullying and his other friends. it’s also about elle finding more comfort in herself while at a new school, it’s about tao coming to terms with his relationships and needs and mental status, it’s about tara finding confidence in herself to be out, it’s about all of them! they all ove plots that are more than just side plots because they’re all going through it together! they’re all growing together!! i especially loved the little convo nick and tao had in the last episode, there understanding of each other. that also felt very natural and i thought it was a very good way to bridge that gap between them that doesn’t just. bridge it and then move on with no further context. i really love all the context given to the entirety of the show i think is what it boils down to ajshajdh
now i like imogens arc and i thought that was also very important for nick to help him come to some realizations about himself but i’m not super thrilled with how she’s just. kinda sidelined after that? like she has that heart to heart with nick in the park and then she’s just kinda gone. we see them talking once more before school but nothing much else. i felt like that conversation between them was setting them up to be better friends and for her to be just a little more prominent but maybe i was just looking into it wrong? i thought it would have been a good opportunity to start a stronger friendship between them and seen how the two of them grow, especially parallel to each other but again that might just be me
overall 10/10 would recommend to a friend
agree! im sad imogen was sidelined but i firmly believe it's because her next arc will be more longform and so it's unwise to start it in the first season that may not get renewed for a second. i'm certain she'll be more central again if the show gets a s2. and yea! paris gang ensemble show! characters with agency! main-protag-gets-abandoned plotline that is brief enough and well-set-up enough that it doesn't feel boring! this show fucking rules!!
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sooooo whatya think of the new episodeee?
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Oh it’s definitely my favorite episode of the series so far, i was having such a good time at every turn. I’m glad i went out of my way to avoid spoilers, cause i was glad to actually be surprised by some elements on first watch.
I think this had by far the best opening for an episode so far, we finally get back to the villians, we meet the coven heads, we get insight on belos’s plans-
and then belos gets constipated, which starts getting into the more character driven lore, which is the best part. You instantly can tell GG and Kiki have some bit of tension between them to be Belo’s favorite, though granted i wonder if hunter is the only one to know belos is cursed and actually just always insists to help belos with his fits to prevent others from seeing them.
Including kiki.
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It’s honestly unclear how aware anyone is that belos is cursed, like him eating pailsmans is apparently not something he hides, but like....i feel him being cursed is something that people would know universally if it got out...so i’m left wondering if anyone knows besides hunter.
Regardless, belos turns into a goop monster with an angry side, and i guess his mask doesn’t transform with him compared to the rest of his body so he breaks it again because i guess he goes though masks like crazy.
Hunter turns away in this scene from his outburst and even though he’s masked here i can already tell he’s most likely pained in these scenes. Like he’s probably seen this happen so many times, and i can’t imagine it gets any easier for him, it’s probably awful to watch belos suffer like this for him (Regardless of the abuse)
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And to be honest, it seems pretty painful for him, i think this ep seems to at least confirm whatever this thing is that takes over belos’s body.....belos never actually wanted it in the first place. 
Yeah so after Hunter tells belos there’s not enough trees to medicate him anymore, we’re hit with the “UNCLE”. Which, when i first watched it i needed a second to even process the fact they confirmed their relation.
and i was like “CLOSE ENOUGH”, not his kid but uncle still works just fine for me, i’m just happy my assumption they were related actually came to ahead.
And i rewatched this episode a few times, and on second watch i realized more what happened in this scene. Hunter was talking about his interest in wild magic, and making more pailsman to help belos, and some method that could heal him and as soon as belos looked at him he instantly shut down.
He was clearly rambling about wild magic cures for belos because of his interest in it, and then suddenly remembered his uncle hates wild magic and felt super awkward.
It seems highly likely his interest in wild magic came from trying to cure belos and spending a lot of time reading up on the stuff. 
And then we get hit with the whole “Our family is dead because of wild magic” line, which.....i’m curious to know what happened there. But it does at least explain why belos feels how he does, if wild magic both killed his family beside hunter AND cursed him in the first place. We’re just gonna need more info on what exactly happened.
Also while Belos is def abusive and does not treat hunter how he should, this scene actually does read off to me like belos does care about hunter to some degree. If belos is cursed and his curse works in similar ways to how Eda’s curse works, then it’s worth reminding ppl that eda mentions early this season how stress can amplify the curse even more.
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And sure enough, belos goes goopy on hunter’s shoulder all of a sudden when he grasps him. Which could be considered a sign of stress and that the idea of hunter dying or being in danger actually does stress him.
You could very much also assume this is just due to his curse not being fully handled and just getting worse, or that belos only cares about hunter for selfish reasons....but i’m not taking anything off the table here.
Belos can still be a shitty uncle, and still care about hunter, these aren’t mutually exclusive traits. But we need more episodes for now on this.
But anyways he asks hunter if he can rely on him, kiki is pissed......and we move on.
So i’m glad luz’s impulsiveness is addressed a ton in this episode, they actually bring up a lot of good points. That luz has no plan, that the time she’s spending here might render moot if she goes back to earth, ect ect.
Hunter even calls her out a lot later for not thinking things through, it’s a whole deal in this episode. I’m glad it was brought up cause it’s actually worth asking a lot of these things.
the set up here works, they actually made a good reason for why a pailsman didn’t bond with her. Speaking of which the adoption thing is cute and i love it, it’s a great idea. The designs are all very cute and fun.
Bump face reveal was a lot for me to process, but i find the idea of his pailsman being a pet that can help with his disabilities a good idea.
Also like, i did find it odd that they got staffs so early because we’ve never seen kids their ages with them before, but i guess it’s a new tradition? Does everyone at hexside now have one?
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Honesty not sure why batqueen left the nest there overnight, i meant i guess she assumed they were safe with that shield but in context i dunno why she didn’t take them home after the school day was over.
but whatever, luz stays there overnight hoping  a pailsman will bond with her and GG just kidnapps them cause of pure luck on his part a bunch of pailsman were in a vulnerable spot tonight.
So GG continues to be charming, by whistling the theme song and then being blasted off his ship hilariously, before cockily teleporting himself right back on it seconds later. Like he and luz have great banter, he’s so extra like this it’s so funny, and god he’s so FAST with that staff it’s scary but so awesome.
Yeah so then hand dragon crashes them and i was so excited cause it meant face reveal. Poor dude looked so in pain and then we find out kiki tried to effing murder him because of course she did. But like, i think killing your boss’s nephew is the WORST way to get a promotion tbh.
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(Also i got confused for a bit cause his mask has always been drawn as a mask, but now it’s a helmet in this scene for whatever reason but-)
Anyways, face reveal, Like honestly ppl weren’t too far off with their guesses, really the only thing people didn’t get was the tooth gap (That was fair tho, we couldn’t have guessed that). But it did make him even cuter.
like the banter is funny, he licks her hand, she slaps him, he looks SO pissed at her for this mess.
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and i guess that outfit is his under armor apparently.
He’s lucky she didn’t run away immediately and followed him, but maybe he assumed she would since she had no where else to go.
Also his expressions in this ep are glorious, these had to be fun to draw.
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Also we find out that the coven team members have never seen his face i guess? They just assume he’s a silly kid and are awful to him, so i guess he’s not only the youngest member of the coven but he never really shows his face much.
(”Call your parents”, ha ha.....whose gonna tell them who his uncle is?)
He is however, REALLY good at parkour and he’s fast even without his staff, so he’s well trained alright.
And then they reveal he’s not magical and i was SO happy cause i was so sure something was up when he wasn’t doing magic like the other witches despite his pointy ears. So they outright confirmed what i thought.
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Hunter is pretty smart tho, like he can tell luz wouldn’t hurt him and wouldn’t flee so he knows he has the high ground here. Like he might be being a bit of a dick, but to be fair luz has been nothing but a dick to him throughout the whole episode (Everyone in this episode has been a dick to him tbh)
They team up and i get excited cause i love this kinda stuff and it gets more wholesome because hunter is super interested in her magic, he thinks it’s cool and you can tell how much he actually loves wild magic but then again...shuts himself down because of belos making him fear the stuff.
An then because luz asks, he tells her his backstory.
honestly with how this world treats people who aren’t magically powerful, living and growing up in a world that would find you useless sounds....awful. Hunter must be an anomaly around here, human blood or not.
Luz coming here to learn is different then growing up in a world and being the only one with no abilities and no future without them. Belos provides him with magic and a future, it’s no wonder he stays with him despite everything.
the whole “Found me” thing is weird, cause belos implies they’re blood related and hunter makes it sound like belos semi-adopted him. Which....if he did i dunno why “Uncle” and not “Adopted dad”, but ok....guess that’s for later.
Apparently hunter is important for something tho with the “Titan has big plans for me” thing, not sure what, but-
But yeah as soon as Hunter talked about wanting to make his own future and Rascal tried to land on him i knew EXACTLY where this was going, it was so cuteeeeee. The lil birb wanted to be with hunter, that’s so wholesome.
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And he’s so terrified because of belos and what wild magic did to him, the poor bab.
But yeah, luz then trusts him with his staff back, because again....impulsive. But hunter does actually ask if she’s sure, so he might as well be asking if she trusts him.
The plan goes ahead, and hunter nearly betrays her.
though granted, hunter never promised her he’d stop and let her take them away, the truce was supposed to last till kiki was stopped and they were gonna fight out who got the pailsman. But it does bother luz cause she was hopeful he was better then this.
But just like he did before, she calls him out and he doesn’t betray her, because he’s ALSO too nice to do it, just like he said she was. He says his name (Which also took a moment to process), and then beats the crap out of kiki while letting luz get away and protecting her like a badass.
He might not have magic, but he’s good at fighting
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like he can easily teleport to luz and take the pailsman, but he doesn’t, he lets them get away and luz knows this. Even though she also knows hunter has to go back to the emperor too and they have to separate.
It’s only slightly bitter terms, because in the end he came through for her and she knows it.
honestly, the worst part is i can’t even be mad at hunter for it, i’m sure he was terrified to fail belos. Both because he loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer....but also because of well...being punished. Really says something when his near betrayal doesn’t even make me mad at him, and i can understand why he nearly did it.
He let her go, knowing he’d be in SERIOUS trouble and that it would hurt someone he actually loves, so....ouch.
so yeah at this point i knew rascal wanted him so it was only of matter of what happened next.
Which was, luz getting the wood, which i like more anyway. Eda and King doing this offscreen and coming home like this is actually very funny, and honestly i appreciate the message of it being ok to wait.....means a lot to me.
yeah so belos is like...being an ass, like the kid tried his hardest, you don’t need to hit him with the “Is this the thanks i get?”. He’s a kid and he’s trying to cure you you dick, give him a break he doesn’t remotely have to help you like this.
Also apparently belos has not even told hunter HOW this happened, like...dude. Hunter is trying to be entirely reasonable here and belos spikes at him, which does imply some physical abuse though the only reason hunter doesn’t get a new scar is because he moves.
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but how he reacts implies this has happened before, he is bracing for impact and he flinches. It’s pretty sad tbh, especially since hunter loves him and belos’s respect means something to him.
Belos is such an idiot, like c’mon dude, hunter is trying to help you and you don’t listen to him you dick. Kid shouldn’t have to say sorry for anything he did nothing wrong, he was just trying to help.
Anyways, he gloats at kiki (So at the very least she knows what he looks like under the mask), which he deserves a chance to do anyway. So i guess he didn’t rat her out for trying to kill him, personally my guess why is blackmail.....he was gonna hold it over her head to keep her from doing it again and threaten to tell belos.
But kiki quickly tells he LET the pailsman get away since he was the one to fight her (Curse his cute loose hair strand). So i guess now they have dirt on each other, so that’s fun.
His room is adorable, though the med kit by the bed is concerning.
Rascal comes for him and it;s so cute....though you can tell hunter nearly hurts him on instinct because of force of habit, but it’s so cute how he cares and how the birb loves him and is his new staff.
it was well hinted to as well, it’s so subtle, but the bird being cheery, curious, and his constant habit of escaping boundaries was perfect for hunter. He represents what hunter wants to be and why they got matched is done so well, all without explaining anything.
Hunter indirectly stated his deepest wish, to make his own choices, and rascal resonated with that. 
can’t wait to see where this goes.
great ending shot, love me some conflicted shots looking out of windows like trapped birds.
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also this title was a pun the whole time i can’t-
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Aro Andrew
Growing up never understood crushes, 10/10 thought people where making shit up
When it comes to Neil there’s something but he doesn’t know if it’s romo or not, hell he never knows but he knows he wants to be around Neil at least
Maybe the aro is trauma related maybe not, doesn’t matter tbh, doesn’t make it any less valid
Demiromantic Andrew? Idk I’m kinda here for Andrew never understanding feelings beyond platonic?
I feel like Andrew would struggle to be apart of the queer community? So much discourse and in fights online might have made him uncomfy in those spaces, especially since he grew up in early 00’s
Coming to terms with being aro to some extent would have been extremely hard in that time, there was so so much aro phobia between 00’s and 10’s, but I feel like Andrew eventually slaps an aro flag on his laptop when he’s a lot older, secretly coming out to the world without nessarily telling anyone
Now QPR andriel? Fuckin wholesome. I feel like this would come much much later into Andrew and neils relationship, when andrew has gotten more comfortable with the idea of long term relationships and feels he can trust Neil a bit (as much as one can trust Neil)
Maybe one of the younger foxes announces their qpp on FB or neil finds out from being on the queer community (I feel like neil would be more daring and be apart of the community where he could, more up for fighting aphobes)
‘QPR?’, Andrew slaps it into Google, confused but open to it, he gets hit with the genral info graphics of how a qpr works, something definitely vibes with him about it, kinda reminds him of his relationship with Neil since their relationship isn’t the standard romo sexual shit
Maybe he sends neil a Google link or a YouTube video, no context, expecting him to understand, and neil does, he always does.
Maybe it takes days or months before neil brings it up, Andrew still not the one to talk about what they are to each other, maybe at that point in their relationship they agreed
To call each other boyfriends, but to Andrew he kinda hates the term, but partner? That seemed more permanent, safer.
Neil asks Andrew if he would rather their nothing be a QPR, he takes a while to think and then slowly nods, by then he had done a ridiculous amount of research to understand that this means commitment. Permanency. Long term for them. Some part of him still feels safe.
Over the next weeks they talk about it, Neil talks about all the romo labels he knows and all the things he’s picked up. Maybe Andrew talks about how he thinks crushes are fake. Neil realises Andrew is aro, well he knew from the laptop sticker but now he knows what exactly that sticker means. Andrew has never really had your typical romo feels.
(This is my interpretation! Every HC is welcome)
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marciego · 3 years
I know that l am annoying when l always ask this, but it is interesthing to see how people's views develop.
Your opinions on all the canon SL ships this far?
you're not annoying don't worry :) you like these ships and it's only natural you want to know what people think about them!
so here we go!
luna/matteo: I AM SO ANGRY ABOUT THEM because if i take some of their scenes out of context i can kind of see it? there are times where they HAVE cute scenes if you ignore everything matteo has done outside of that, and it's just...sad to ruin what could be simply cute because matteo is one giant dick 92% of the time. i'm sorry but i just can't forgive what he did to ambar (and is STILL DOING because since luna got with simon he went back to using ambar lmao, also how the fuck does no one point out how fucked up it is that he starts being cold and annoying with luna again when she gets a bf lmao he's such an asshole). also there's possibly nothing more boring than the "uwu misunderstood boy who is not actually that mean changes when he meets the Right Girl tm (and obviously if he was awful to women before that it was their fault because they were evil and shallow gfs right)" trope, it's annoying on every single level and i couldn't care less about it. in conclusion sometimes they have cute scenes and i find myself smiling at them but then i remember it's matteo i'm smiling at and i immediately stop, why the hell is he endgame
luna/simon: they're not endgame so i'm not sure you wanted me to include them? but oh well it's my post and they're the only canon ship i like so i have to say it. I LOVE THEM, if i were to write their story myself i would write a lot of things differently because after matteo kissed luna their whole drama wasn't very good (i have my hc on simon's life that kinda justified it, but from a canon point of view i've never been fan of the fact that he left his COUNTRY for luna, and the fact that he was willing to give up everything because of her doesn't really sit right with me, but bad writing decisions won't stop me from shipping them) and after that the daniela arc was genuinely super bad, plus since they started dating they're super cute but i'm WORRIED of what they'll choose to do with them but. BUT. they're just so so wholesome? their relationship is SO good and i love some good best friends to lovers, i know the show wants me to believe luna doesn't actually love him etc but it's just not true lol (the things you write for drama) and i adore how cute she is when she's with him, but more than that i love how despite their feelings they are still and will always be best friends first, that's simply the kind of thing i fall for. also the fact that they gave lumon eres but didn't make them endgame is beyond me but anyway
nina/gaston: i have.....conflicted feelings about them. at the beginning of the season i had a very bad first impression of them, but when i learned to know gaston better and saw their scenes during the photography class i was like, you know what, maybe i can get behind it. but then felicity appeared and i just...feel very weird about it. first of all i find this plotline so fucking boring, but outside of that i just....don't believe in gaston's feelings for felicity. it just feels fake so i can't get behind it, and the thing is, since they started their felicity plotline they completely ignored nina? like idk i think i could have liked gaston and nina, not gaston and felicity. idk but i assumed their development would be gaston and nina getting closer naturally and maybe giving up a bit on the felicity part? but it's not the case at all, i have 15-ish episodes left and gaston is nice to nina because he's a nice guy but he doesn't feel anything for her and he's solely focused on felicity, so what's next? he's gonna find out she's felicity and be like "oh yeah i'm actually in love with nina"? because if that's what they're gonna do with them i simply do not want to see it tbh. i don't believe in his feelings for felicity, and i don't think loving felicity and loving nina is the same thing, so if that's what they're going to do i know i won't like it. now i hope it won't be the case and i'll like them! who knows! but yeah so far i'm...conflicted. tho i gotta say, props to them for the felicity costume because that's definitely a glow up from roxy, you actually don't recognize her
jim/nico: next time they have a scene together i'm straight up closing disney+ idc i have reached my limit
yam/ramiro: they're both very good characters and their relationship is fun but sometimes a girl gotta be a lesbian. but they're the canon couple i'm the most neutral about i think, they're here, that's cool you know, i don't have strong feelings about them
pedro/delfi: i think i like them? i loved their friendship but i'm afraid they're gonna ruin them szdefrg. but so far very wholesome, i love delfi and i feel like pedro can be really good for her so let's go!! the only canon couple i like with lumon hell yeah
i didn't say anything about them but miguel and monica are the goat and i can't say anything about simbar yet! i wasn't that kind to most couples here so i hope you didn't mind, but this was my honest and detailed answer, thank you for the ask <33
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Sirius or Remus?
Dear Noony,
I have no context (and way too many ask games to check which one this is about) so I'll make this a long-ass post because I just have ✨ thoughts ✨ on these characters.
The topics are:
Who do I ship more with Severus.
Who do I see becoming friends with Severus.
Which character do I prefer more.
Who would win in a fight.
Who would I choose for myself.
Who would I write in my next fanfic.
Who do I see myself getting along with.
Whose counterpart is cooler.
Who do I ship more with Severus: Now, although I like a good Snupin (love it when Moony recognizes Severus as it's mate), it's Snack/Snirius that steals my heart. It just has that perfect level of angst, enemies to lovers, and love angles (not triangles, I usually dislike them, thanks). Hate sex is amazing too, and the fiction is beautiful. And the weird tingling that the fighting seems like flirting in the back of their minds. And when they're both mutually pining but they think that it's unrequited. And more.
Also, yes, Remus may be more wholesome and might give Sev some therapy (after he gets some himself, of course) but I can't ship a relationship that may have a NPC that's being too giving and a replacement for therapy. Trust me, Remus would drop Sev because of how much he hates himself not being there for him as therapy.
Who do I see becoming friends with Severus: Remus, tbh, even though I'd like to say Sirius. Sirius has an irrational dislike for Severus from the start, while I think Remus just went along with his friends. He's the flow in the moment kind of person (I'm pretty sure he's a February Pisces) and they are kind of NPC characters or they believe they are. Obviously, Remus has to stop having NPC syndrome for him to actually move on from his prejudice against Severus and SEVERELY beg for forgiveness if he wants to be on friendly terms with Severus. Severus (in my opinion) has the capacity to forgive people with time and convincing (as I imagine is the case with McGonagall, who used to favor her Marauders). And Remus has the capacity to work really hard for a goal (as we see when he is spying in the Werewolf camp), to the point that people start questioning his loyalty.
When we see Remus go back to his pregnant wife (I hope he did, I can't remember)... We know that Remus can get over all this and try, at the very least, to be Severus' friend.
Which character do I prefer more: I'd love to say that I prefer none of these because I usually do but... I like Sirius more than Remus (not that I hate Remus). As a Pisces Rising, I get that Remus wanted friends and that he had a serious hindrance stopping him, but the fact that even after everyone is dead and gone... He doesn't reevaluate what he thought of Severus really shows. His behavior towards him, his first lesson, the way he minimized what James and Sirius did even after so long really shows that Remus is very comfortable and in love with the position he is in. I get that its easy to not think critically, but Remus was in a position to bring change. You see, after the job was gone, and Harry came to him asking about James' bullying... Remus should have really taken the chance to talk positively about a fellow order member that Harry would be trusting his life onto (if not for Severus, for Harry's mental health because he was trusting Sev with his life). When I realized that Remus was a Pisces, I felt very offended because I would never not use the power I had for some good (he was prefect) and I couldn't imagine life being as passive and unchanged as Remus was. I guess, in the end, I kinda dislike him for personal reasons... I mean, did this fictional character have to be a Pisces??
No shade on Sirius, I actually do like him, and it's not completely based on how much I kind of dislike Remus. Remus is a gray character and Sirius is the kind of gray that's closer to black. But I love him for it because he didn't have any leadership roles (except as Harry's godfather) that he completely fucked up. Sirius does show change, minimal though it is, he really does. As a teen, he believed in complete evil and complete good. He desperately tried to be completely good, who was James ig. He did become mini James but as an adult, he kind of realizes that James isn't completely good. Obviously, his hate towards Severus is still there; he's still the bully. However, I do think that his redemption from that role was set up when he says that line "the world isn't divided into good people and death eaters". I think (?) this is said around Regulus' sacrifice was found so it was mostly applying to Regulus and not Severus for Sirius. But, in my opinion, Regulus is the appetizer for Severus' redemption. And! Sirius told Harry that he never thought Severus could actually become a death eater, so this feeling multiplies. I see amazing Snirius happening Post war (whether they survive or not doesn't matter, they can get together in the afterlife for all I care). Sirius being the elder brother, having all responsibility on his head, and him breaking through them is really cool (although he didn't break away from two stereotypes: crazy and dark/dark gray). Him never feeling remorse is scary af but brief moments before his death, I did see some spark of redemption there. Above that, more than 10 years of isolation and prison does drive people mad, okay? This man needs some serious therapy (I think I also project some of my BPD onto him).
So, in the end, I like Severus only (I almost never need to project onto him because he's that good) and barely tolerate the others 😅.
Who would win in a fight: My man Remus, plz, he'd win anyday. He did, against Sirius, in canon (POA).
Who would I choose for myself?: Neither for sex, Sirius as my slave coz he'd hate it. (He's fictional) I have a gf so I'm happy everywhere else. All I want is a good slave 🤣. Also, dogs are cool, lol.
Who would I write in my next fanfic?: I have two planned already, but I think I want to write some Severus x male!Reader with background Severus x Remus (onesided, atm).
Who do I see myself getting along with: Neither, really, because I would think that Sirius is too much and Remus too NPC. I do think that I'd be acquainted with Remus because we love libraries and chocolate but our interests would vastly differ and I think it's weird trying to talk to someone new when in a library.
Whose counterpart is cooler: I was going to go with Remus, and I'm still going to go with Renus. I do see the potential in Sirius (change at your will) but from a medical perspective, and muggle too, Remus is way cooler. Potion-making barely (if ever) needs magic and that's what the muggles have. Becoming a Lycanthrope doesn't require a magical core (as far as I'm concerned). Lycanthropy is the kind of magic that muggles are familiar with, a moon-blessed-craziness (it's well documented). If muggles research, they can find a way to make transformations completely painless etc. Muggles can be Lycanthropes but not Animagi so Remus is definitely cooler.
Conclusion: Wow, that was long! Okay, in the end, I think they were both complex characters who each had their redeemable qualities. Gray af, too, as most of HP characters are. Too bad, I only like Sev and those who I think matches well with him (he is the bar and if anyone is beneficial to him, only then will I like them).
It's the mentally ill character for me!! Sirius wins!!
Thanks so much for asking and if I didn't cover any part, feel free to ask some more!! Or even if you want more elaborations 😌
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mewtnute · 3 years
Hey hey!!
I just wanted to say your blogs are great! The Itafushi context/Nobamaki is *chef’s kiss* especially since I just started reading the manga!
But I wanted to ask/say something:
1. I really love Yuji in this chapter. I love he really doesn’t give a fuck about looks. I think this chapter easily tells you how Yuji is a character! I like that he’s people for them you know? Also, I didn’t think Yuji was crushing or liked Yuko I just think he would rather choose her than anyone else. I’ve been asked that question before and people are shocked at my answers but that doesn’t mean I would go for them you know?
2. But I also have to say that I hated this chapter too. Please don’t be upset! I am really bad at expressing myself on social media or typing! I’m sorry if I sound really rude!!
I didn’t like it becasue of the interaction between Nobara and Yuko, especially Yuko. Yuko really disappointed me badly because of her reason she changed her look. I understand that she is a teenager and boys are on her mind. It just the way she says it you know? Whenever I read people’s opinion on this chapter they say it’s so wholesome and that she gained confidence and everything but no. I totally disagree. It’s wholesome on Yuji’s part but not on Yuko. I didn’t think she gained confidence on herself at all as a girl but at the fact she probably gained confidence at the fact that Yuji would like her even more if she was the girl that was his type. Which I find it very weird with that whole chapter because Yuji thought she was fine the way she is. What are your opinions on that part?
3. I hope Noabra doesn’t like Yuji in that way because it really would mess up her bad bitch character like homegirl and Yuji don’t even have a romantic chemistry to begin with and it wouldn’t even make sense at all. Like how the hell did she even start liking him? When did it even happen? I dont understand why they force hetero romance like that tbh. What do you think of that too?
Again, I am sorry if I come off aggressive! I just started this manga recently and I love your page and would like to know what you think?
But have a n is day and thank you!!
Chapter 64 was kinda random and weird, I think Yuko changed her look to to appeal to Yuuji’s type more but in the last panel, Yuko is shown to be upset. So I think the message was Yuko changing her look was all for nothing and that wasn’t going to get Yuuji to like her more.
I also wouldn’t want Nobara to fall for Yuuji or anything either but luckily that chapter confirmed that Nobara’s just petty. Instead of disliking the fact Yuuji is getting a girlfriend, she disliked the idea of Yuuji getting someone special before she does. I wouldn’t worry much about female characters getting romantically involved with their male counterparts, the author already confirmed Miwa was the only female character they could do a romantic element for.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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thatblondeperson · 4 years
So I learnt from that Tim Drake Guy's tumblr that Steph is a bully and abusive with Tim is that true. I ask since I know you seem to agree with a lot of the thoughts expressed on that blog. Can you help me find some examples of Tim/Steph comics. I was going to get YJ but the same tumblr blog says it's bad
So I want to preface with some very solid advice I've learned from being in fandom. It's really hard to learn anything from any blog because so much of it is opinion based, that the line between headcanon and canon gets far too muddied too often, and there's also always going to be biases that come from very personal spaces. It's important to take everything that every blog says ESPECIALLY in the DC fandom, with a very large grain of salt because half the fandom really doesn't actually seem to source their information with anything other than out of context panels, shitposts, or their own perfect ideals of what they want to gleam from the pages of each comic. It's all interpretive, and I'm sure that sounds a little bit petty, but I'm adding myself in here too because I have my own opinions separate from others, despite my firm ideology in staying as close to canon as I possibly can.
As far as that blog, I actually strayed away from them because I no longer agreed with a lot of what was being said. It got to the point where it was getting very unnecessarily negative all the time, and I want no part in this ship war that drives practically every bit of drama in the Tim fandom. I think that there is a lot of merit to some of the opinions on that blog, and they're clearly an expert on Tim in many ways. I knew them personally, so I can attest to that. But I think they also read only what they WANT to read on every page, and I think that makes for a lot of gaps where misinformation can leak in. That got filled with a lot of straight up wrong assessments of Stephanie Brown, and unfortunately that blog was already prime traffic for antis to spew unnecessary hate, so once the blog itself got on board, I tapped out.
No, Stephanie is not an abuser or a bully. I think tumblr throws around the word abuse far too casually. At most, Steph teases Tim, but never to a malicious or purposefully hurtful extent. She pokes at him, just like you would with a best friend. He barely even protests. A simple "Steph..." every now and again, but he even teases her back often and jokes with her. She's not an abuser, in fact, she herself is a victim of severe abuse in her childhood. Her flirting at the beginning of her and Tim's relationship is a bit intense, but she's 15, and doesn't know how to catch his attention. Her boyfriend was clearly way older than her and did not treat her well, her father abused her mother, and she was sexually harassed by her father's friends. She's never seen a healthy relationship to know how to act. Once they get together, she mellows out and is actually very compassionate and kind with Tim, and especially supportive.
A lot of haters throw around all this terrible stuff she did.
They say she stole Robin from Tim. He stepped away from the mantle, and she thought she caught him cheating, and Bruce opened up the opportunity for her.
They highlight a time when she almost blew Tim up. Bruce told her to do something drastic to force Tim to be a better Robin. Should she have thought it through? Yes. But she was young, and still desperate to prove herself.
Steph is a loose canon throughout a lot of her appearances. She doesn't always think before she acts, and that is one of her major flaws. She gets into trouble often, and that causes a lot of tension between her and Tim, often from him becoming overprotective of her.
Steph starts out fairly cynical in the beginning and softens up over time. After the explosion stunt with Tim, she does get her act together and she goes through a fantastic character arc where she really improves upon herself. She becomes a beacon of hope, but she really already was one. She's always been a source of light for Tim. She's a constant tether for him throughout their relationship, and she constantly bringing him back to reality. I think their dynamic is really great, and it does hurt me a lot how often she gets dragged through the mud now. It's tumblr, what can you do?
It's also interesting to me how often Steph is called out for being the unhealthy one, and they never talk about how Tim was the shitty boyfriend way more often:
Kept his identity from her but didn't respect keeping hers private
Kissed her when he was dating someone else at the time (he's actually kinda known for subtle two-timing, but this is hardly brought up by fans)
Essentially stalked her for a while
Often told her she needed to stop being Spoiler (overprotective nature yes...but still)
Interesting how the relationship is only toxic because of Steph. Hell she even gets shit for getting upset that Greta straight up tried to kill her in Young Justice, because they think it was selfish of her that she was desperate to learn Robin's identity. Yeah sorry...murder vs wanting to know your crushes name? Which is worse?
I'm also not going to sit here and demand that everyone love Steph. It's ok that people don't like her, I could give 2 shits, but if they're gonna spew hate, I'd prefer it be rooted in truth. Some of what I see written about her is just so so wrong...there's a trend in anti culture to even write her as Tim's rapist which YIKES. That's so beyond a healthy amount of dislike for a character.
Anyway, comic recs!!!
Detective Comics 647-648. (First appearance of Steph/Spoiler with classic "love at first brick" moment.)
Robin 57-65 (First date issue which is the cutest thing ever. Robin does a little flip at the end because he's so happy. And the chronology of Steph being pregnant which Tim was supportive of the whole time. Super sweet)
Robin 100-104 (Steph gets sick and Tim brings her soup. Lots of cute domestic moments, and you get more into Steph's past)
Robin 111 (more about Steph's past with Tim being super supportive, also the infamous piano issue which is a personal favorite of mine)
Robin 116 (very cute moments after Tim forgets his bday and everyone, Steph included, surprises him)
Robin 119 (supportive bf Tim, strikes again)
Robin 120 (Steph being an amazing supportive gf)
Batgirl 8 (Steph's run, where she and Tim collide again for the first time in a long time. Awkwardness and tension ensues, Tim tries to make a move)
Red Robin 10 (more crossover, very fun. More awkwardness and tension)
Convergence Batgirl (Not the best run, but a nice bit of closure for the pre flashpoint universe. Very sweet and wholesome.)
There's way more that I could list but I'm awful with issue numbers tbh. I know the stories, but I don't have the catalogue memorized. Better people than me have probably made a masterlist of TimSteph comics lol
I don't think you should let any blog turn you away from any particular series. I think if you wanna try out the new YJ, go for it!! I'm very cynical to anything published post 2011, but YJ is the only thing I've consistently read that's NEW, in years. I find it fun. Is it the best? No, not by miles, and it gets stuck with a lot of nonsensical filler often. But it's still a very cute and fun run.
I hope this ask gave you a lot of good info! I also recommend the very long post that should be just below this that goes into a lot of fandom misconceptions about Stephanie brown with more picture examples to highlight everything. Thanks for the ask, anon! I hope you have a lovely time reading these comics and hopefully many more!!
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my annotations for chappy 11 of ysijwa
this is just for drea and leyla to read so if you're not drea or leyla pls keep scrolling :)
ok this is pretty chaotic and like i said earlier i treated this ike a wattpad comment section so... have fun ig :)
jealous y/n you say???
now i know why you ignored all my tiktok asks lmao
truly madly deeply intended :)
damn he's kind of a narcissist yk? like "I have to be serious my entire family depends on it" shut up mr darcy you're not special
devout in his religion hmmmmmm hopefully we see some more religious trauma content bc me too vampy
awww he wants kids but now he cant have them bc hes... dead :(
AWWW his sister taught him to knit :( if he doesn't knit bloodbag a sweater i swear to god
stuffy moron is correct
he's so dumb she was with him bc he's hot that much should be obvious to him🙄
i love that he remembers the spinal cord dislocation and the dead leaves . like yea im dead rn but the leaves in my hair are really what's bothering me the most
what the fuck is a maw
ok i looked it up i get it now
"attachment is for gullible idiots" yup and youre one of them vampy 😌
"the warmest skin his icy fingers had ever had the good fortune to touch" im so soft rn
oh so now she has "a wholesome beauty about her nature" ? i thought she was just cute enough 🤨
"the responsibility of keeping her safe, satisfied, and happy" how 🥺 🥺🥺
"as long as he breathes" i thought he didn't breathe lmao BUT I GET THE SENTIMENT
"always when it comes to her" IM SCREAMING RN THIS IS SO SOFT I CANT
ill never forgive him for being so dense either his brain is basically a rock
couldnt be me i dont want to be percieved
HEY a hamilton obsession is not childish😤
'the only person who was allowed to touch him there was y/n' he's like a little kid who's possessive omggggggg
oh this reminds me i rlly hope everything in that chest was new and had never been used on anyone else owijfowiejfioewj
oh please my irish king can control himself let y/n meet the other vamps🙄
"if they knew all along why did it take so long" yk im wondering the same thing dummy
"every day was a battle to earn her love and affection" wtffff how could she hurt him like that he is just a baby
i think he needs therapy tbh
yes he does deserve to be treated with respect and dignity😤
"supporting and tolerating them despite your differences" exactly unless they're a republican
they did everything backwards but it's what baby needed🥺
im literally gonna 🔪 bradley how dare he hurt my favorite ribeye like that
PROPER BOYFRIEND-GIRLFRIEND BONDING PLSSSSS im sure he makes sure to say stuff like "as your boyfriend' or 'since youre my girlfriend' all the time now
"everything that has to do with harry has always and will always make her feel safe and secure" ...who's gonna tell her👀
awwww my love language is also quality times bestiesssssss
(this is more serious you might want to change the words to nose kisses or something because esk*mo is a slur)
HE wants to be wrapped in HER arms and get forehead kissies like a little baby🥺🥺
i can tell you wrote this chappy bc leyla would never write about ice cream
omg i have a thot imagine if she got a heart murmur or something and obvi he knows bc he can hear it so now he has to find a way to make her get it checked out out without being suspicious 😭
“nearly blinds himself for eternity” what a drama queen i love him
maybe learn how to turn your brightness down grandpa
“can women sense emotional distress” why is this so funny oiewfjwieojfioewj
not a psychotic episode 😭😭
crippling mommy issues woejfkljdklsjsdf me too king
awwwww he made her a full buffet i would cry
matchy socks im gonna sob
king is a chef 😌
y/n’s head @ harry’s clavicle rn: 💥
“his plush chest” drea its ok you can say titties
“absolutely flawless”? are you sure shes not just cute enough 🤨
he got her oat milk 🥺the sign of true love
hes such a shithead i love him
she traces a tiny heart on him wtfffffffffff im sad
this… is hot
“theres no room on the counter” owifjlksjfslkfjklsj
HE WOULD WALK THROUGH FIRE FOR HER maybe then he’d be a little less cold
im sorry that was wrong of me lisjfskldjfwoiejewiojrei
oh boy hes gonna kill her
literally shut the fuck up mr english major
do it bestie kick him in the balls
“character development at its finest” what a self aware king
y/n stop being mean to him baby just wants to feel close ☹️
“I’m anemic” ok king whatever u say
ahhhhhhh it’s yoga time
“just ask your cervix” jlksdjflksdjflkdsjflk
“if only you knew” ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
yeah y/n isnt like those other girls 🤪 shes different 🤪
yes bestie objectify him
“He hasn't been this stiff since rigor mortis”
i think about this on a daily basis i truly do
grey shorts? what a slut
“call the lapd im pressing charges” me after walking up the stairs
him using his shirt as a towel im BARKING
“I wasnt jealous” yea ok 😃
yeah harold she just wanted a little kiss 😤
yeah 😃 its bc he ran track 😃
no bc thats so fucking cute that she pretended she had never seen the show before bc he was excited to introduce her to it 🥺
I would do the same tbh i feel like it would be fun to wash dishes with harry idk why
“that skank” oisjksldfjklsjfklsdjflkd
he gets her a cup of water 🥺
ok but like wouldn't she want to wash her hair after it got all sweaty at yoga
awwwww she got his toothbrush ready for him why am i so soft rn
memory foam mattresses sound nice but actually they kind of suck bc you sink down and feel trapped in them 😃
niall is probably on the dumbest side of tiktok idek what side but it’s probably annoying and he thinks it’s hilarious
noooo baby youre not a monster🥺 someone give him a hug rn
well actually you are kind of a monster but its ok we still love u bestie
I too run on caffeine and pizza pockets 😌
chatsnap hes such an old man 😭
true lmao if you dont have social media i immediately dont trust you
not the i just washed my hands tiktok 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“my eyes are stinging” hes such a baby 😭
“are you all right” “I dont know :(’ i cant handle this my face hurts from smiling lksjflkjafklj
he has a kitchenaid stand mixer omg thats so sexy
ok but has anyone ever gotten salmonella from raw cookie dough bc i think thats just a myth
fuck u for that one vampy
wow he could never deal with my chronically ill ass
I agree body is absolutely an instrumental masterpiece
“I know youre kinda into that (getting smacked in the face)” SHUT UPPPPPPP SKJFSKDLJFDS
“I think i popped something” ok old man 😭
why is the word wench so funny lkfjslkfjdslkfjsdlkfj
dont hand it over i want to see him snap
not guerrilla warfare 😭😭😭😭
do it bestie give him a concussion he deserves it
“no piece of art could ever compare to her” 🥺🥺
“remember that time you told me making out was childish” “no” i hate him 😭
THERE IT IS AGAIN “sex isnt the only way he can feel close to someone anymore” SHUT THE FUCK UP IM SOBBING
this reminds me of the dehydrated intercourse with demonrry
“don’t care, relationships are about sharing’ hes so sdjfksldjfklsjf
suing disney for false advertisement 😭
THIS SCENE IS KILLING ME LKJFKLSJFLDSJ “just pucker your lips over it” “You have actual brain damage, dont you?” DREA I LOVE YOU KSDJFLDSKJFLKSDJ
how do those bubbles taste babe
ok drea wtf i was so happy and now this??????
“everything’s wrong” NO SHUT UP SHUT UP ITS HAPPY HOURS
not the boob privileges 😭
WAIT THIS IS FROM THE BSE MV ISNT IT “dance is just so hot rn” “depressing shades are just so hot rn”
“youre so fucking cute, my baby” me when i see literally any picture of him
“betrayed. objectified. taken advantage of. used. “ i hate him sm 😭😭
stop him worrying she’ll think it's weird and wont want to do it 🥺
“bold of you to assume id ever be convicted” PLS DREA LAKFJDKSLFJ
“the more you talk, the more appealing manslaughter sounds” I CHOKED DLSKFJDSKLFJDKSJFDSKLJ
Im sorry but its really funny to me how you wrote the sentence “wrong metal, he thinks ironically” … get it ? like IRONically lkfjdslkfj im sorry i’ll show myself out
“this boy?” what a fucking cutie i want to kick him
I forgot what a bop helpless is thanks for reminding me im gonna go listen to the entire soundtrack again-
theyre so fucking cute i hate them
so yea bascally this is the best thing ive ever read and i love you so much and my face hurts from smiling :)))
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yibuo · 4 years
love your hot takes! was wondering if you could give your two cents on shipping/rpf in relation to idol culture, how more often than not these pairings are subtly if not overtly used as a marketing tool etc. I’m all for freedom of expression / fandom consumption as long as the fourth wall is respected but given recent developments in c-ent I feel like we’re treading on thinner and thinner ice....
EDIT you asked for my two cents and i gave u my entire bank account. nice
ok i wasn’t sure how to answer this tbh without possibly getting attacked but i have a pretty strong opinion of rpf/shipping and how people take it to the extremes and i talked to oomf who validated me so here i go
tldr i mean people can take part in shipping/rpf if they want to and if they keep it lowkey but there’s a boundary as to how far shipping/rpf can go and there are too many instances of where people insert rpf/shipping in places that are unacceptable and this goes for all real ppl pairings 
i’m not meaning to offend anyone, and in no way are my opinions discriminatory, but also, if you’re someone who’s gonna make HUGE stretches regarding to celebrities and push your favorite ships in totally unrelated things, maybe you should step back and think about how your actions can affect your favorite people
and i’m totally stealing this from oomf, but here’s a thought:  if you ask yourself  'if i met this person irl, would i feel embarassed if they looked me in the eyes and i read this out loud to them' and if the answer is 'i would look like a pervert stalker' then like........maybe don't do what you’re doing?  
pls respect ur faves is all n don’t make them uncomfortable ! ! and also pls don’t fetishize same sex relationships !
ok so let me start by saying i’m a seventeen stan and when i was 15-16 y/o i shipped svt members, read rpf, etc, but never really was into overanalyzing every touch or gaze. i obviously enjoyed my favorite pairings interact and i read romantic fics about them. i wasn’t really into reading smut because for me, personally, fics using the members’ names and personalities even in au kinda made smut feel like visualizing the members in a sexual context and i felt like i was crossing a fan boundary, like, would my idol be comfortable with me seeing them in a sexual context with another member they tell us they consider as friends/brothers/sisters? or just in general, would they be comfortable with me thinking of them sexually? but hey, if it was a good fic i would just skip over the smut because good fics are good fics. now idk if it’s because i’m older, or other changes? i don’t really do romantic shipping or read rpf, i stick to reading fics about fictional characters because that’s what makes me comfortable (like if i ever rb two members’ interactions on my main, i stick to just tagging the members instead of their ship name, same goes on here for real people) and i still very much am uncomfortable w/ real people smut literature and art, but that’s just me
ok you see shipping a lot in idol culture because idols are in groups and members spend a good 90% of their time together, so whatever cute interactions you see  kinda lead to people shipping two (or more ig) members. i never really thought about idol shipping culture from a marketing perspective, so i asked some of my friends, and one of them made a really good point about how some ships are more popular than others, and these interactions on shows and stuff might be a strategic/marketing tactic to lure in new fans because of the “ships” being cute. i don’t know how true this actually is, but it kinda made sense. for example, in svt, mingyu x wonwoo is a super popular ship, compared to ships like the8 x vernon which no one ever talks about, even though we know that all the members love each other equally and wholeheartedly. so yeah, there probably is a subtle pushing of certain ships in order to gain momentum in attracting more fans to the group
also i’m gonna be using wonwoo and mingyu as examples but i’m not targetting anyone or anything, just hypothetical situations w/ an idol ship that i noticed to affect the members because how out-of-control SOME stans are
so as i said in my tldr, i don’t really mind romantic shipping, as long as it’s 1) lowkey 2) not pushed in places that it doesn’t belong and 3) not mentioned among the members
keeping it lowkey- pushing ships in everyone’s faces gets annoying. sometimes fans just want to enjoy idols’ content as they give it to us and frankly, it’s a little offputting when you’re trying to watch something or enjoy something and hoards of fans are fangirling over a gaze or a touch between 2 members. keep it on your private acct, or in a group chat, not in the youtube comment section of the video. but still, men and women are allowed to touch each other and show affection without it being romantic, and i feel like shipping culture kinda invalidates the platonic relationship. like unless a pairing is confirmed to be dating, why even bother with overanalyzing these gazes or touches. and no, it’s not homophobic for non-rpf fans to be annoyed, because sometimes fans just want to see the members as they portray themselves to be rather than finding a deeper (and unconfirmed) meaning behind every small thing. fans being like “bro it’s just the touch of two hands it’s not that deep” is not the same thing as fans going “ewww i’m’ not supporting them if they’re not straight” . and sometimes i feel like people try to twist non-rpfers words and call them homophobic if they’re not for shipping when sometimes people don’t wanna romantically visualize 2 people if they’re an unconfirmed couple. how can you use lgbt struggles, which is an issue in society, to fight against people who simply don’t do rpf?? how are you use that as a weapon and for what ??? (also a good amount of people who do this are lgbt fetishizers who aren’t lgbt themselves bye i said it) why can’t we all jus be friends dudes
ok but if you’re against your idols dating someone of the same gender, that’s homophobic and you needa get that checked
but that’s different from treating two members as friends rather than bfs
but this being lowkey concept applies to any pairing, straight or gay, just keep it lowkey dudes. (like for ex we see yibo and meng meiqi shippers, which also doesn’t make sense to me because it’s based off of literal crumbs but ok) it’s ok to be rpfer or non-rpfer as long as you’re respecting the idols and keeping their best interests in mind
respect ur faves pls
not pushed in places that it doesn’t belong- people need to stop bringing up ships and pairings in randomass places. for example, if wonwoo is doing a interview, with mingyu being nowhere in sight, and he’s talking about his hobbies and interests without ever mentioning mingyu, what’s the need to bring up mingyu?? people do it and it’s so... weird? like wonwoo can do things without being constantly associated mingyu? one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when shippers make these ships such a HUGE part of a members’ identitiy, when the members are doing so much w/ their lives? like no, not every move wonwoo makes, and every breath he takes is related to mingyu, but people still wanna have the audacity to mention mingyu in something completely unrelated? what’s your point?
not mentioned among the members in an uncomfy manner- like if you’re interacting with a real person, why are you gonna bring up a ship they’re included in when you have so many other things to talk about?? like ok it’s one thing to ask someone on a livestream “hey this event you guys did on xxxx show was funny, what’s the tea behind that” but it’s not okay to just mention a ship with no relation and no context to the situation. again, this counts as rpf-ers and shippers attributing a single ship to an idol’s identity much more than what it actually counts as. no, wonwoo is not 70% made of mingyu lover and vice versa. we actually saw this between mingyu and wonwoo as people kept pushing meanie (the ship) to their faces, and we saw (and  still see) a much more decreased amount of interaction between them compared to them predebut, because shippers couldn’t stay in their lane. so yes, out-of-control shipping DOES affect idols and can be harmful to their relationships if you don’t control it
^ so y’all see why i feel so strongly about this, because it literally can affect these idols’ relationships on screen
again, this applies for any pairing of any sexuality, i’m just using wonwoo x mingyu as an example because it’s something i saw when i was into rpf. i love both mingyu and wonwoo and they are wholesome together. i have friends who ship them and i’m completely ok with that because they do it without posing any harm to the members, but some people just need to take a chill pill and a seat and calm down ????
so i completely understand that shipping/rpf serves as a creative outlet for lgbt+ folks and that’s completely fine, inspiration, love, cool cool cool. just don’t be so pushy about small interactions especially directly to idols. and as for rpf-ers, don’t let rpf give you a reason to start fetishizing same-sex relationships, that shits weird and problematic...pls
again, if you ask yourself  'if i met this person irl, would i feel embarassed if they looked me in the eyes and i read this out loud to them' and if the answer is 'i would look like a pervert stalker' then like........maybe don't do what you’re doing?  
lol so this is why i’m much more comfortable w/ fictional shipping, because these people don’t exist in the real world and don’t have actual lives and relationships to protect 
just respect ur faves omg and we’ll be fine
“given recent developments in c-ent” and me being a yibo stan and you sending me this strongly leads me to believe you’re referring to out of control bjyx cpf (yizhan shippers)  LOL
i don’t follow much c-ent besides xnine, uniq, r1se, and sometimes unine and the nine percent members, and honestly im not too into the fan culture so i dont follow ships there? so i’ll focus on. this ship
to be completely honest, shipping for idol groups makes some sense to me because idol group members are with each other most of the time, that’s literally their job
shipping actors who haven’t confirmed that they’re dating/no proof doesn’t really make sense to me at all--they work on one project together, and they’re off to their next., with or without each other . we don’t know if they keep in contact every day, much less if they’re into each other, but each to their own! my opinions and takes aren’t perfect and as long as you’re respecting your faves, it is ok~
ok so i’ll start of with saying: obviously, i love yibo. i love xiao zhan. they’re cute nd wholesome and evidently had good times together and learned a lot from each other regarding acting and being in the industry and just developing as people together. good for them, we love character development. amazing
is pushing bjyx a marketing tactic? most definitely yeah by tencent thanks tencent. i think you can see this through the amount of bts videos there are with just bjyx in comparison to other bts videos/interviews, even though there are many more important characters apart from wwx and lwj in cql, we don’t see as much side cast interactions as bjyx, and if we do, there aren’t that many w/ other cast members and yibo and xiao zhan?? relatively speaking
so yeah i think pushing this yibo x xiao zhan thing definitely was a tactic to further the momentum that wangxian was already having to attract stans, and it worked. like i LOVE watching yibo and xiao zhan bts videos because they are two goofs. love them. love my boys. love their camaraderie. and if people wanna ship, then go ship. cool! just be casual pls
i think where this becomes a problem is when people start projecting wangxian’s relationship onto yibo and xiao zhan because...the latter are real people. yibo and xiao zhan =/= wangxian !!!!!! (ok first of all yibo is a gremlin how can he be the wang in wangxian in real life)  what wyb and xz show us in videos is nowhere near what wangxian is hJKNDJNWD and i see so many people just equate the two pairings...nooo... and combining everything mxtx writes about wangxian in the novel and projecting that onto wyb and xz...i don’t think that’s the move dudes they have their own lives they’re not wangxian
my BIGGEST pet peeve is when people wholly credit wyb’s development as an actor and as a person to xz and vice versa. i cannot tell you how many times i see posts saying “wyb brought xz out of his shell” and vice versa and things like “xz looks like he’s having much more fun than he is when he’s with xnine, they’re soulmates” and etc
both wyb and xz have had years of industry experience before getting to know each other. they’ve gone through some of the lowest points of their careers before even getting to know each other well, and they’ve both found Their People in the industry before finding each other. to say that wyb brought xz out of his shell in a summer’s worth of filming based on some bts videos is just so unfair to the bonds xz has made with his other colleagues and xnine  members and the accomplishments he’s had before cql. same with wyb and his career prior to cql. and his uniq members, his ttxs bros, and all his other colleagues. these 2 have gone through some shit with their idol groups and it’s just not fair for cpfs to erase the significance of their career prior to cql to support and find a leverage for their shipping. i’m not saying all cpfs do this, but there is  a Good Amount That Do and it pisses fans like me off
they are not each others saviours bye
also  “xz looks like he’s having much more fun than he is when he’s with xnine, they’re soulmates”, if you guys ever watch xnine videos, you’ll know that xnine is Loud. with members like wu jiacheng and peng chuyue being so loud and extroverted, it kinda makes xiao zhan relatively quieter. but he’s still a gremlin and troublemaker and it’s not like he isn’t having fun. he’s just louder w/ yibo because yibo is more introverted than xz. relationship dynamics are relative to the relationship cmon people !!!! this is basic knowledge !!!! anyway that was a side tangent but ya
but ya my point is, wyb and xz have their own careers and they’re doing their own things now, and it’s unnecessary to bring up xz in an unrelated wyb post/article and vice versa, and it’s just so so unnecessary to link them in everything??? like i heard that cpfs prevented xz from keeping his nomination for an award because yibo wasn’t nominated so xz lost the nomination ./rolls eyes
anyway my point being, if you wanna ship them then go ahead! just do it normally and don’t bring up the ship in unrelated places (like other dramas, tv shows, etc where they’re not together), don’t spam them with bjyx related things, don’t make weird stretches/connections?? the other day on twt i saw a twt about uniq wenhan’s drama, where he was being referred to as xiao zhan (little zhan) in the drama (different  “xiao” and “zhan” characters than actor xz’s name) and i saw cpfs go “omg theYRE CALLING HIM XIAO ZHAN??? IS THIS FATE OR” like no it isnt maam it’s just a name stop reaching
ANYWAY UNNECESSARY SIDE RANTS BUT MY MAIN POINT is that people are allowed to be shippers and take part in rpf, but don’t make their identities “____’s lover”, don’t look past their current and past achievements for the sake of your ship, don’t erase their relationships with other people for the sake of your ship, stop bringing your ship into things that are only related to one person/aren’t related to your ship, stop saying creepy things about your ship (if you think the ship people would be uncomfrotable with what you say about them you probably shouldn’t be saying it)
just. respect ur faves pls no matter who they’re with ...just respect them ty
stan yibo stan xiao zhan stan uniq stan xnine
comment ur fav yibo and xiao zhan moment below
like comment subscibe
ok bye mic drop 
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wakasagayhime · 4 years
Kagerou and/or Rinnosuke?
I’ll do both!! I don’t think about Rinnosuke often but i’ll try my best lmao
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian!! she looves girl
Gender Headcanon: Trans woman!! now more than ever because my lovely trans gf is my kagerou <3
A ship I have with said character: Obvious kagewaka because I’ve devoted my entire life to them, but I also like her with sekibanki in certain contexts as well as occasionally keine or reisen! 
A BROTP I have with said character: also sekibanki! i like to think they’re longtime best friends. also keine here as well, I think it’d be nice for them to have a special bond as fellow werecreatures 
A NOTP I have with said character: never been a huge fan of kagemomi sadly ;;
A random headcanon: On a full moon, her legs/feet turn into wolf legs with paws and claws and everything! This is why she wears a huge dress that hides her legs and feet, so she can cover all of it up since she’s a bit self conscious about it. (wakasagihime thinks its super cute and loves her wolf form toe beans) 
General Opinion over said character: My all time favorite Touhou character and absolute wife 10/10
Sexuality Headcanon: this man is gay
Gender Headcanon: I like to think he’s a trans guy!! 
A ship I have with said character: jokes about him with unzan/genji aside, I’ve seen stuff of him paired with Youki that i think is kinda wholesome tbh!! youmu got 2 dads and 2 moms (yukayuyu) now
A BROTP I have with said character: Yukari and Keine! Admittedly I really need to look into the print works a little more because I haven’t read a lot of the newer stuff involving him but I like when he’s platonically paired with them
A NOTP I have with said character: Him with any of the girls tbh lmao... To each their own but I’ve never liked it, especially if it involves Marisa since I see Marisa as kind of like a daughter figure to him if anything!
A random headcanon: I like to think him and Keine used to date but then they both realized they were gay and decided to break things off while staying friends and supporting each other!
General Opinion over said character: He’s a cool guy! I don’t think of him often because I don’t find myself caring about male characters in general but he is a Touhou after all and I can’t hate any Touhou
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jadedjxsung · 4 years
I’m a simp for ur writing its so good!! Hope u’re well!! could a get a skz romantic ship please? I’m 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 short with long curly brown hair and eyes) I’m really affectionate and really be out here for hugs honestly, I really love to draw and I’m usually very bad at confrontation but if someone I care about or anyone in general is being mistreated I’m ready throw my smol hands, I may have a serious addiction to memes, but I’m always down to help and make people feel comfortable) tysm ily
thank you! this comment made me laugh and also cry a little bit lmao, i can’t say i’ve had someone say they’re a simp for my writing so that’s new djdjdjs
i ship you with...
Tumblr media
look at this cutie aahskghslhg
at first i thought jisung, and then felix. let me explain-
you’re quite similar to jisung in that you’re affectionate and make people comfortable, but then thought that those traits would better lead to a friendship. you asked for a romantic ship so i better deliver on that lmao
tbh i feel like you’d “meet” when you receive a random text from an unknown number. it just says on your notifications that it’s a picture and you’re lowkey concerned
but then you open it and it’s a meme lmao
no context. no other messages. just the meme.
(this is the meme)
Tumblr media
you just sit there for a few minutes. thinking thoughts. 
you decide to just go with it (lmao)
and after about a week of texting, this unknown number realises that it isn’t his friend jisung he’s talking to but rather some random person he’d texted. he apologises profusely and you both get a laugh out of it. he’s got a good taste in memes, what can i say? you reassure him that it’s fine and that you got a good laugh out of it. 
a month and a bit later you suggest you’d like to meet your newfound friend (whose name was felix) in a cafe. he agrees. 
after you meet in the cafe, you get along quite well. this is that good ol’ strangers to friends to lovers going on here. you send memes at 2am, he responds with a meme of his own.
eventually though, uh oh, what is this?? feelings for this lad?? damn
basically y’all do end up dating though and it’s the most wholesome sh-stuff.
hugs. for. days. 
he’s probably one of the most affectionate of the lads so you bet you’re gonna get that affection. whether that is holding hands in public or cuddling on your couch at 2am and laughing at tiktoks or something
also small hands twinsies lmao 
he likes that you’re good at making people comfortable, and that means you get along well with his friends quite easily.
also your art!! he loves it. 
do little doodles on post-its and stick them around his dorm and he’ll keep every one in a very specific place. wait that’s cute i’m- :(((
also you’d probably find yourself just sketching him anyway?? even when you don’t mean to, it just kinda happens. 
andandand when he be cooking like a chef, a 5 star michelin- (i am not sorry for the reference! ha, two references.) 
anyway, when he’s cooking you are either the sous chef or the taste tester depending on your skills and if he needs help with anything. otherwise you just play some music n vibe together. sometimes you just stand behind him and back hug him. 
if someone makes a harsh comment towards him, and he feels down because of it, the person who said it is gonna regret even speaking after you start throwing hands. (lowkey same though, i’m small but will throw hands if i need to lmao) you protecc, you attacc, but most importantly you got lix’s bacc. 
and he loves you for it, a lot :)
thank you for requesting, anon! i hope you stay safe and are doing well :) <3
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court-of-pokemuses · 4 years
Every Bruno ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship
Took out category of Bruno and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Bruno with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon. 
Also ships where a human and one of Bruno’s pokemon have been taken out because again pokephilia. So many people are shipped specifically with his clefablee for some reason
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Bruno w/ a Villian:
Top rated ships: Iapetos, and Tortuga shipping
Bottom rated ships: Battalion, Indistinct, Krypton, and Reprobate shipping
BattalionShipping - Archer & Bruno 0/10 Everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, everyone is shipped with Archer, why the F! Bruh naw I don’t see it. Bruno is too pure for Archer and if anything Archer would just manipulate the Frick out of him.
EquiusShipping - Bruno & Mars 3/10 Mars too! Like seriously she’s everywhere. Eh I mean they both have happy personalities and I could see it working a bit better, but still I dunno how smoothly they’d work together considering life directions. 
GroundworkShipping - Bruno & Giovanni 0/10 Giovanni gets around the most out of anyone though, and always has such a dope ship name. Also hahahaha, no, yeah no Bruno too fluffy. 
IapetosShipping - Bruno & Maxie 4/10 Ehhhhh, maaaaybe? I dunno I just they have some more compatibility as others but if they were together it’d be one of those grumpy lad with fluffy muscle boi. 
IndistinctShipping - Bruno & Petrel 0/10 Bruno why would you put Bruno with the trigger happy lad???? No no no danger!!!
KryptonShipping - Bruno & Proton 0/10 Proton is like that guy who wants to murder every npc in the d&d party, naw.
ReprobateShipping - Bruno & Ariana 0/10 Reprobate means someone without morals so Ariana would likely flirt, and Bruno would 100% not realize what’s going on until like they’re in the bedroom and then you’ve got Bruno breaking the door down to leave cause he’s panicking. 
TortugaShipping - Archie & Bruno 4/10 Heh 2 muscle bros? Ok kinda cute, but if anything I think it’d be even cuter as best bro friends that work out, just saying. friends 10/10
Bruno w/ a Champion:
IronRingShipping - Bruno & Steven Stone 6/10 Heh, ok could be cute. I mean Steven’s kinda a wholesome soul, but they’ve both got some shady stuff too it could be kinda cute. 
PotentialShipping - Bruno & Lance 5/10 The name is amazing for this. Eh potential maybe especially with Bruno’s whole mind being scrambled about thanks to Rocket and his early time with Lance getting also lost. But yeah idk maaaaybe?
Bruno w/ an elite:
Top rated ships: StrongestKnight, Control/StrikingIce, and Giant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Bauble, Despondency, and MuscleBurn shipping 
***BaubleShipping - Bruno & Agatha -50/10 Oh gosh plz no, Agatha is the one that made his brain all messed up. He forgives her but he’s not gonna romance her. Plus age gap much?
ControlShipping/StrikingIceShipping - Bruno & Lorelei 9/10 Heck yes please I think this one would be super cute. Again Bruno would kinda have all those memories gone, but at the same time maybe that’d be the sparking point for them talking again. 
DelilahShipping - Bruno & Karen 4/10 HEY THERE DELILAH WHAT’S IT LIKE IN NEW YORK CITY! I’M A THOUSAND MILES AWAY BUT GIRL TON- Anyway so now that’s out of my system, I think it works smoother than Karen and Koga but I still like the vibe of the four of them being like a family with each other. 
DespondencyShipping - Bruno & Will 1/10 I like this less than Delilah cause Karen connects with Koga, and Will connects with Bruno. It’s like they each have their own older mentor to help them with their specific things to adapt to civilian life. 
ForesightShipping - Bruno & Phoebe 3/10 Phoebe gotta go get shipped around with every other human too. Ehhh kinda cute? But there are others I can see her with better. 
GiantShipping - Bruno & Marshal 8/10 Big bois over here flexin! Yeah I think it could be cute. They’re very similar in personality Bruno is just a golden retriever and Marshal is a Rottweiler. I think it’s cute. 
*JourneyShipping - Bruno & Lucian 7/10 The journey they went on was how the frick to read good. Seriously poor Bruno watches this man whip through a book meanwhile he’s struggling cause he keeps forgetting words. I could see it tbh either with Lucian helping him read and they fall for each other, or just friends with one helping the other. 
LaeliaShipping - Bruno & Caitlin 3/10 Eh maybe? I don’t really feel how they'd really hit it off, but they likely would have some fun as friends though. 
MuscleBurnShipping - Bruno & Flint (elite) 2/10 They’re just gonna be 2 nerds screaming at each other and making bad decisions, but Bruno trying to stop Flint. Please let them be friends and make these mistakes.
ReturnShipping - Bruno & Koga 5/10 Yeah ok this swings between cute as flip to but their friendship is cuter! I’m down for either direction. 
StrongestKnightShipping - Bruno & Wikstrom 10/10 YES! This is cute as frick it’s currently being shipped and I love all of it. 2 wholesome bois who also happen to talk kinda odd, and are muscly. Also bless that ship name, get Bruno Armor please.
Bruno w/ a Gym leader:
Top rated ships: Toughie, Bancho, Ataraxia, and TarotSport shipping
Bottom rated ships: IsshinRyu, Kendo, Rurouni, and Zubon shipping
AtaraxiaShipping - Bruno & Gardenia 10/10 Ok when I first talked about who to ship Bruno with one of them was Gardenia and I still ship it. She has the same wholesome soul as Bruno, and energy but with that soft taking care of plants vibe and it’s cute.
BanchoShipping - Bruno & Jasmine 10/10 This is a Jasmine ship that I do enjoy alot more than others. Bruno does well with wholesome folks, and Jasmine really is top tier wholesome levels. Also she maybe small but home girl tough as nails. Watch her sit on his shoulder to see a concert play or other cute things with their size differences.
**BlackbeltShipping - Brock & Bruno 0/10 Don’t really get this one tbh. Like they both take really good care of their pokemon, and that’s about it....
DjinnShipping - Bruno & Roark 2/10 idk why but I’m just imagining Roark and Bruno in the underground Roark mentioning they’ll have to go around awhile to get this place, and Bruno just punches his way through walls to get there. I dunno I just want them as bros. 
DrillSergeantShipping - Bruno & Lt. Surge 2/10 ....Usually I can see Lt. Surge with a fair amount of people, and like they’ve both been through some trauma in their lives so like I should be able to see it but I just can’t???? idk here
**FrostHeaveShipping - Bruno & Brycen 4/10 Weirdly I kinda see it. Idk just let Bruno find out the other has a whole secret life as an actor and gush over trying to keep the secret. 
GestaltShipping - Bruno & Morty 1/10 The name baffles me. Like I’m just saying prt of a whole? What does that mean? Also naw Morty is too salty of a boi.
*GrasshopperShipping - Bruno & Bugsy 0/10 I need someone to confirm Bugsy’s age before I can feel comfortable shipping him with anyone. I’m just imagining Bruno training his young grasshopper, Bugsy, who is trying to get swol!
IsshinRyuShipping - Bruno & Janine -50/100 0_0 Koga would understandably kill him, and there is no way Bruno could see her like that.
KendoShipping - Bruno & Pryce 0/10 Even without the trauma he caused Will and Karen from the manga no. Like age gap wildly bad.
MikageShipping - Bruno & Clair 5/10 Eh could be cute. I see them bonding via beating each other up though in training. 
MontevideoShipping - Bruno & Volkner 2/10 I feel like Bruno would try to cheer him up and then it wouldn’t go over well, and yeah Volkner is just too broody. 
MuramasaShipping - Bruno & Maylene 6/10 Like him and Clair but Maylene is more wholesome so better chance.
RollerDojoShipping - Bruno & Korrina 4/10 Cute but I am more partial to other ships with Korrina so I don’t see it as much. 
RurouniShipping - Bruno & Roxanne 0/10 I still feel weird shipping Roxanne cause idk her age! F it her only ship is Bugsy fite me. Besides she has that know it all vibe and I just feel like Bruno would feel dwarfed cause of his voice tik.
SenseiShipping - Brawly & Bruno 2/10 Freaking Brawly getting around too. Ship name kinda says the dynamic with Bruno as a teacher and Brawly the student. If you’re into that dynamic then I can see it, but for me it’s ehhh. 
SitDownShipping - Bruno & Flannery 7/10 What is this name?! XD I kinda think it’s cute just Flannery screaming as she does to show confidence and Bruno screaming back cause he thinks it’s appropriate and them both being a general mess. 
TarotSportShipping - Bruno & Sabrina 10/10 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. It’s cute Sabrina is broody like volkner ye but we’ve also seen she has a soft spot for people that make her laugh and Bruno is one of those guys who’s unintentionally pretty funny. Also this is just April and Andy from parks and rec.
TokyoRainShipping - Bruno & Erika 5/10 She’s super soft and wholesome, and I see it more than other ships with Erika. Ehhh idk on this. 
ToughieShipping - Bruno & Whitney 10/10 HOW OLD IS WHITNEY!? Also frick I really hope she’s an adult cause they have the vibe of, guy who looks like he can and would beat you up but his girl friend is the one who is 100% more willing to throw hands. 
VentifactShipping - Bruno & Falkner 0/10 Falkner and Janine tho. Anyways I don’t see what they’d connect on. 
*VestigeShipping - Bruno & Misty 0/10 Naw Misty is like too abrasive for me. And like I know that’s kinda why I like him and Whitney but the difference is that Whitney hides her savageness. 
YevonShipping - Bruno & Elesa 4/10 Kinda cute can see Elsa introducing him to new fashion and all. But there are other ships with Elsa I think would work better. 
ZubonShipping - Bruno & Chuck 0/10 Chuck has a wife and forgets her all the time. No hurting fluffy Bruno boi like that.
Bruno w/ Professor or prof assistant
HokkaidoShipping - Bruno & Celio 2/10 I......what would they have in common exactly?
***ContemplationShipping - Bruno & Professor Oak 0/10 Bruh Oak???? No yeah like c’mon really, no, just I can’t see them being anymore than friends.
GnosisShipping - Bill & Bruno 5/10 Idk maybe? Like Billy gets into shenanigans what with becoming a pokemon and Bruno trying to help with stuff only to end up with a fussy Bill. Kinda cute.
Bruno w/ Minor GAME npcs:
*PersevereShipping - Bruno & Zinnia 8/10 Please. Give me feral girl with confused boi who’s trying to figure out what her deal is. Also them both having small pink pokemon is cute. 
PilgrimageShipping - Bruno & Eusine 3/10 While I do want to see them on a journey/pilgrimage together I don’t see them coming out of it shipped too easily. 
*PowerHouseShipping - Bruno & Greta 1/10 Wild choice, and she reminds me of all the other punchy hit gals but on the same level of connections Korrina but alot less. 
Bruno w/ Minor ANIME npcs:
OsakaShipping - Bruno & Kathi Lee 2/10 Diantha’s manager huh? I mean they’d be cute but I don’t see it lasting long term with Bruno’s lazy habits here and there. 
*PlayFightShipping - Bruno & Duplica 0/10 I think they’d have a fun dynamic but as friends and nothing romance coming out of that. 
Bruno w/ Orre, or Ranger character
EngrishShipping - Bluno & Bruno 0/10 They are just shipped cause of the names, and I don’t see anything else. 
LoveMuscleShipping - Bruno & Lovrina 0/10 Guess what, bam bah bum, she’s a child! and always acts childish. 
Bruno and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: IndigoLeague, and SelfDefenceAgainstFruit shipping
Bottom rated ships: SecretTechniques, QuizzicalBlackbelt, and Ringside shipping
DawnguardShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Marshal, Korrina & Maylene 10/10 This is just all the punch bois and gals together but with a cool name. Although tbh I am totally here for them all hanging out or all being guards in some au. 
*MayleneFatalFourwayShipping - Bruno, Byron, Crasher Wake & Marshal 9/10 The name gives me concern. Are these just all people shipped with Maylene? Ahhh idk I think they’d be good pals tho catch em all teaching each other Dif training techniques.  GachimuchiShipping - Bruno, Chuck & Crasher Wake 7/10 This is the crash and brash gang, and they will wreck everything mostly on accident. 
IndigoLeagueShipping - Bruno, Koga, Lance, Will & Karen 1000/10 YES! GOOD CREW! great buds, SUPER GREAT LOVE EM!
IndigoPlateauShipping - Bruno, Blue (game), Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 9/10 A good group except for the fact that Agatha traumatized the boi, and Blue can be a butt and wasn’t champion as long. Great group video game wise but story wise kinda hard to play with. 
ISMRSShipping - Bruno, Misty & Yellow (Special) 8/10 I can not figure out what the ISMRS means. I’m gonna see this group as feisty girl, big buff guy, and neutral girl  on an epic adventure! And yea I think it’d be fun. 
OriginalEliteFourShipping - Bruno, Lance, Agatha & Lorelei 10/10 Same thing and indigo plateau. It good but kinda limited, but if nothing else time when they’re all in Rocket you got cool story potential. 
***QuizzicalBlackbeltShipping - Brock, Bruno, Aria (anime) & Felicity 3/10 I wanna break this down for ya we got breeder/gym leader Brock boi, the swellest boi Bruno, a super contest lady, oh and someone who appears as TCG art for the lot game corner. This is a wild amalgamation of characters. 
RingsideShipping - Brawly, Bruno, Chuck, Crasher Wake & Maylene 5/10 They all train on the beach, that's it that’s the only thing I got for this ship. 
SecretTechniquesShipping - Bruno, Karuta & Koga 2/10 It’s trying to be focused on a ninja ship but I don’t think Bruno is much of a ninja so it feels forced.
*****SelfDefenceAgainstFruitShipping - Bruno, Cherubi, Tropius & berries 420/10 (for meme worthiness, and ship has nothing to do with weed just adding o the meme) I AM AWARE OF WHAT THE REFRENCE IS HERE AND HECK YEAAAAAAAAH, gosh this is a dumb ship the reference btw, it’s 3 minutes long: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnjYeHBWvKA 
ShitennouShipping - Aaron (elite), Bruno, Drake (Hoenn), Flint (elite), Grimsley, Koga, Lance, Lucian, Marshal, Sidney, Siebold, Wikstrom, Will, Agatha, Bertha, Caitlin, Drasna, Glacia, Karen, Lorelei, Malva, Phoebe & Shauntal (gen infinite) 10/10 All of the elites, all of them, in one room, and hanging out. Heck ye let em party it up. 
TripleThreatShipping - Bruno, Crasher Wake & Marshal 10/10 Idk why but they feel like the most cohesive punchy bois as a group. 
Bruno’s pokemon shipped w/ other pokemon:
HiddenLegendShipping - Clefable & Suicune (Bruno's & Misty's) 1/10 Did....did Misty get a suicune at some point??? Also hidden legend, are you telling me that clefable is like legendary quality rn. what is this cleanable and I’m confused! MaskFableShipping - Clefable & Yamask (Bruno's & James's) 1/10 I mean Yanmask has some fun personality and I think James and Bruno would have some good friendship but idk how to feel about a ship there. 
StrongFableShipping - Clefable & Snivy (Bruno's & Ash's) 1/10 Please explain to me a thing about why Snivy??? Anyway yeah also when is he gonna see Ash much?? StrongLoveShipping - Clefable & Golem (Bruno's & Bruno's) 10/10 See at least these two can actually see each other often. Also yeah I do think it cuter than most like I mean they can actually be with each other and fluff with big rock boi is cute.  WrestlingFableShipping - Clefable & Hawlucha (Bruno's & Ash's) 3/10 Again when they seeing each other? And I mean kinda like the wrestle bpi and fluffy girl but still how it gonna work?
Other Ships Mun likes 
BandagedknucklesShipping - Bruno & Cheryl 100/10 Look Cheryl is soft and cute. Bruno is soft and a sweet boi. They’d be adorable together I’m just saying. Also Cheryl getting into the chaos she gets into and Bruno being the muscle acting like a body guard to her when she needs it. Cute shiz ok!
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