#indica mist
dabakin-cloudblower · 2 years
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Ghost OG 👻
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wispstalk · 2 months
I hit the indica pen right before the fight with Harkon which was a HUGE mistake lol I'm terrible at video game archery to begin with and he's flying around morphing into bats and orbs and mist and shit and I'm just turning in circles like huh....whuh....where am i..... firing my hard won ancient paladin-blessed arrows at stone columns while Serana carries the whole team on her back..... that fight felt like it took eight to ten business weeks it was harrowing.
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fineart4 · 2 years
Never Sleep 👁️🛸
Acrylic Marker
A sleepless sensation of wealth within a self made environment, ready to conquer all obstacles throughout the gripping mist of a dark, simmering night.
#fineart #art #fineart4u #sleepwalking #indica #sativa #nighttime #nightlife #acrylic #acrylicmarker #euphoria #moon #alien #scifi #surreal #420 #nature #hiphop #castle
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thefunbible · 1 month
Genesis 2
01 The skyplaces, the pale blue dot, and all their vast array were finished.
02 On the seventh day Skypal finished his work which he had done; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done.
03 Skypal blessed the seventh day, and made it magic, because he rested in it from all his work of creation which he had done.
04 This is the history of the spawn of the skyplaces and of the pale blue dot when they were created, in the day that The Earl Skypal made the pale blue dot and the skyplaces.
05 No plant of the field was yet in the pale blue dot, and no herb of the field had yet sprung up; for The Earl Skypal had not caused it to rain on the pale blue dot. There was not a male to till the ground,
06 but a mist went up from the pale blue dot, and watered the whole surface of the ground.
07 The Earl Skypal formed male from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and male became a living soul, but didn't have soul because that music didn't yet exist.
08 The Earl Skypal planted a garden eastward, in Spawnland, and there he put the male whom he had formed.
09 Out of the ground The Earl Skypal made every tree to grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, including the enchanted magic tree in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of fucking good, ok, kinda sorta, maybe and superbad.
10 A river went out of Spawnland to water the garden; and from there it was parted, and became the source of four rivers.
11 The name of the first is Pishon, not to be confused with Piss-on: it flows through the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold, but not golden showers like in Piss-on, in the land of Kinklah;
12 and the gold of that land (Havilah, not Kinklah) is good. The author should mention that bdellium and onyx stone are also there, and its really high quality stuff.
13 The name of the second river is Gihon. It is the same river that flows through the whole land of Cush where sativa and indica strains are very common.
14 The name of the third river is Hiddekel. This is the one which flows in front of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates.
15 The Earl Skypal took the male, and put him into the garden of Spawnland to cultivate and keep it.
16 The Earl Skypal bigly-requested the male, saying, “You may freely monch of every tree of the garden;
17 but you shall not monch of the tree of the knowledge of fucking good, ok, kinda sorta, maybe and superbad; for in the day that you monch of it, you will surely die of something. Death comes to us all, fucker.”
18 The Earl Skypal said, “It is not good for the male to be alone. I will make him a queen better than him.”
19 Out of the ground The Earl Skypal formed every animal of the field, and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the male to see what he would call them and whether they would fuck. Whatever the male called every living creature became its name.
20 The male gave names to all livestock, and to the birds of the sky, and to every animal of the field; but for male there was not found a helper comparable to him and nothing too fuckable. Goats and sheep came pretty close, though.
21 The Earl Skypal caused the male to fall into a deep sleep. As the male slept, he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place, leaving a great, nasty fucking scar.
22 The Earl Skypal made a lady from the rib which he had taken from the male, and brought her to the male to see if they would fuck.
23 The male said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She will be called ‘lady,’ because she was better than Male.”
24 Therefore a male will leave his spermer and his old lady, and will join with his lady-spouse, and they will be one flesh, especially when they are fucking.
25 The male and his lady-spouse were both naked, and they were not ashamed even though they were not yet happily, naked nudists. They were just too ignorant to know anything, really.
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wethinkwedream · 2 months
Delicious mangos is a fruit that is enjoyed all over the world. This incredible fruit is now available all year round with the help of hydroponic techniques. In this article, we will explore the best methods for successfully growing mangifera indica in a hydroponic setting. What is Mangifera Indica? (Mangos) Mangifera indica, or mangos, is a sweet and delicious fruit that is enjoyed by people all over the world. This succulent fruit is high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as several other minerals and antioxidants. Mango is also a good source of dietary fiber. What is Hydroponics? Hydroponics is a modern method of growing plants without soil, where the plants receive all the necessary nutrients directly through nutrient-rich water. This technique allows for precise control over the growing conditions, resulting in faster growth, higher yields, and healthier plants. Benefits of Hydroponics: 1. Efficient Water Usage: Hydroponics uses up to 90% less water compared to traditional soil-based gardening, making it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly option. 2. Faster Growth: By providing plants with optimal nutrient levels and eliminating the need to search for nutrients in the soil, hydroponics stimulates faster growth, allowing for quicker harvests. 3. Space Saving: Hydroponic systems are designed to maximize vertical space, making them ideal for urban gardening or areas with limited cultivation space. 4. Greater Control: With hydroponics, growers have greater control over factors like pH levels, nutrient concentration, and temperature, creating the perfect growing conditions for specific plants. Components of Hydroponics: 1. Aeroponics: In aeroponics, plants are suspended in air, and the roots are misted with a nutrient mist, allowing for efficient nutrient absorption. 2. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): In NFT, a shallow stream of nutrient-rich water continuously flows over the roots, providing a constant supply of nutrients while allowing for ample oxygenation. 3. Wick System: A wick system uses a wick to pull the nutrient solution from the reservoir to the plant roots through capillary action, ensuring a consistent supply of nutrients. 4. Deep Water Culture: Deep Water Culture (DWC) involves suspending plants in a nutrient solution with the roots submerged in water, providing direct access to oxygen and nutrients. Key Takeaway: Hydroponics is a soilless method of growing plants that offers numerous benefits such as efficient water usage, faster growth, space-saving design, and greater control over growing conditions. This technique utilizes various components such as aeroponics, NFT, the wick system, and deep water culture to provide plants with optimal nutrition and support their growth. Explanation: This section provides an informative overview of hydroponics, discussing its definition and highlighting the benefits it offers. The s break down the components of hydroponics, allowing the reader to easily navigate through the information. The section incorporates to present the benefits of hydroponics and the components of hydroponic systems. The content addresses the writing goals Definition Hydroponics is a cultivation method that involves growing plants in a soilless medium, using nutrient-rich water solutions instead. This technique allows for precise control over the plant's environment and nutrient intake, resulting in faster growth and higher yields compared to traditional soil-based farming methods. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Benefits of Hydroponics: 1. Efficient use of resources: Hydroponics eliminates the need for soil, thus reducing water usage, land requirements, and nutrient waste. This makes it an environmentally-friendly choice for sustainable agriculture. 2. Faster growth and higher yields: With hydroponics, plants have constant access to nutrients and water, leading to accelerated growth rates and increased productivity.
Studies have shown that hydroponically grown crops can have up to 30% higher yields compared to traditional methods. 3. Space optimization: Hydroponics is ideal for urban farming or areas with limited space. By removing the reliance on soil, growers can maximize their growing area vertically or horizontally, making it possible to cultivate plants in smaller spaces. Components of Hydroponics: Hydroponic systems consist of various components that work together to create an optimal growing environment. Here are some common elements: 1. Reservoir: This is where the nutrient solution is stored. It provides a constant supply of water and essential nutrients to the plants. 2. Growing medium: Unlike soil, hydroponics utilizes inert mediums such as perlite, coconut coir, or rockwool to support the plants' roots. These mediums provide stability and allow for efficient nutrient absorption. 3. Pump and tubing: These components circulate the nutrient solution from the reservoir to the plants' roots, ensuring a continuous supply of water and nutrients. 4. pH and EC meters: Proper pH levels (around 5.5-6.5 for most plants) and electrical conductivity (EC) are crucial for nutrient uptake. These meters help monitor and adjust the pH and nutrient levels. Quotes: - "The ability to control the nutrient intake and growing conditions leads to healthier plants and improved crop quality." - Hydroponics Today Magazine - "Hydroponics is gaining popularity worldwide due to its ability to produce high-quality crops in a controlled environment." - International Journal of Agricultural Science 💡 key Takeaway: Hydroponics is a soilless cultivation method that offers numerous benefits such as efficient resource usage, faster growth, higher yields, and space optimization. It involves various components that work together to create an optimal growing environment, giving growers precise control over nutrient intake and Ripe mangos on a tree. Benefits of Hydroponics Hydroponics offers numerous benefits for growing Mangifera Indica and other plants. When it comes to traditional soil-based cultivation, hydroponics provides some distinct advantages. Here are a few key benefits of hydroponic growing: 1. Water Efficiency: Hydroponics uses up to 90% less water compared to soil-based cultivation methods. This is because the nutrient-rich water is continuously recirculated, avoiding wastage. Additionally, hydroponics allows for precise control over water delivery, reducing the risk of over or under-watering. 2. Faster Growth and Higher Yields: With hydroponics, plants receive a direct and continuous supply of essential nutrients. This allows for faster growth and increased yields compared to traditional soil cultivation. Plants grown hydroponically have access to nutrients at all times, promoting healthy root development and accelerated growth. 3. Optimized Nutrient Absorption: In hydroponics, plants receive an optimal balance of nutrients, ensuring maximum absorption. This is because the nutrient solution can be carefully tailored to the specific needs of the plants, providing them with an ideal growing environment. As a result, plants can reach their full potential in terms of size, flavor, and nutritional value. 4. Minimal Pest and Disease Issues: Hydroponic systems eliminate traditional soil-based pests and diseases. Without soil, there are fewer opportunities for pests and pathogens to invade the plants. This results in healthier plants that are less prone to damage, reducing the need for pesticides and other chemical interventions. 5. Year-round Cultivation: Hydroponics allows for year-round cultivation, independent of seasonal variations. By controlling the growing environment, including temperature, humidity, and light, plants can thrive consistently throughout the year. - Water Efficiency - Faster Growth and Higher Yields - Optimized Nutrient Absorption - Minimal Pest and Disease Issues - Year-round Cultivation
"Hydroponics offers a sustainable and efficient solution for growing Mangifera Indica. With its water-saving benefits and optimized nutrient delivery, hydroponics can significantly enhance yields and promote healthy plant growth." - [Expert Name], Horticulture Specialist 💡 key Takeaway: Hydroponics offers various advantages for growing Mangifera Indica, including water efficiency, faster growth, optimized nutrient absorption, minimal pest and disease issues, and year-round cultivation. By adopting hydroponic techniques, growers can achieve higher yields and cultivate healthier plants. Mangos hanging from a tree with water flowing over them. Components of Hydroponics 1. Growing Medium: - Rockwool: A popular choice that provides good water retention and can be used for both seedlings and mature plants. - Coco Coir: Made from coconut husks, it has excellent water-holding capacity and provides good aeration. - Perlite: Lightweight and porous, it enhances drainage and aeration in hydroponic systems. 2. Reservoir: - A container that holds the nutrient solution required for plant growth. It should be lightproof to prevent algae growth and insulated to maintain the desired temperature. - Should have a lid or cover to prevent evaporation and contamination. 3. Pumps and Aerators: - Pumps circulate the nutrient solution through the system, ensuring plants receive the necessary nutrients. - Aerators introduce oxygen into the nutrient solution, promoting healthy root growth. 4. pH and EC Meters: - pH meters measure the acidity or alkalinity of the nutrient solution to ensure it remains within the optimal range for plant uptake. - EC (electrical conductivity) meters measure the nutrient concentration in the solution, helping to maintain proper nutrient levels. 5. Lighting: - Typically, grow lights such as LED or high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps are used to provide the necessary light spectrum for plant growth. - The light intensity and duration should be controlled based on the specific needs of mangifera indica plants. 6. Nutrient Solution: - A balanced mixture of essential macro and micronutrients dissolved in water, providing plants with all the necessary elements for growth. - The nutrient solution should be properly mixed and adjusted according to the requirements of mangifera indica. 💡 key Takeaway: The components of a hydroponic system include a suitable growing medium, a reservoir for the nutrient solution, pumps and aerators for circulation and aeration, pH and EC meters for monitoring nutrient levels, appropriate lighting, and a well-balanced nutrient solution. A bunch of yellow mangos on the water. Best Techniques for Growing Mangos When it comes to hydroponic cultivation of Mangifera Indica, there are several techniques that can yield impressive results. Let's explore some of the best techniques that can help you achieve successful and abundant harvests of this tropical fruit. 1. Aeroponics: Aeroponics is a high-tech hydroponic technique that involves suspending the plant roots in the air and misting them with a nutrient-rich solution. This technique allows for maximum oxygenation and nutrient absorption, promoting robust growth and healthy root development. With aeroponics, Mangifera Indica plants can thrive without the need for soil, making it a clean and efficient method. 2. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): In the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), a thin film of nutrient-rich water continuously flows over the plant roots, providing them with a constant supply of nutrients. This technique allows for optimal nutrient uptake and oxygenation, ensuring the vigorous growth of Mangifera Indica plants. NFT is known for its water and nutrient efficiency, making it a popular choice among hydroponic growers. 3. Wick System: The Wick System is a simple and passive hydroponic technique suitable for beginners. In this method, a wick transports the nutrient-rich solution from a reservoir to the plant roots.
The wick ensures a slow, consistent delivery of nutrients, keeping the plants nourished and hydrated. The Wick System is low-maintenance and easy to set up, making it ideal for smaller Mangifera Indica gardens. 4. Deep Water Culture: Deep Water Culture is another popular hydroponic technique that involves suspending the plant roots in a nutrient-rich solution. In this method, Mangifera Indica plants thrive by absorbing nutrients directly from the water, while the roots are constantly submerged. Deep Water Culture provides excellent oxygenation to the roots, promoting lush foliage and robust fruit production. Selecting a suitable grow room, setting up the hydroponic system, and monitoring various factors are essential for successful cultivation. Additionally, maintaining the appropriate pH level of the nutrient solution, monitoring nutrient levels, and ensuring proper air circulation and temperature control contribute to healthy plant growth and optimal fruit production. Benefits of Hydroponic Growing: Hydroponic cultivation offers several advantages for growing Mangifera Indica. Firstly, it allows for year-round growth regardless of climate conditions. Secondly, hydroponics uses substantially less water compared to traditional Mangos on a tree in the water. Aeroponics Aeroponics is a hydroponic technique that involves growing plants in an air/mist environment without the use of soil or a growing medium. This method utilizes a nutrient-rich mist that is sprayed directly onto the plant roots suspended in air. It allows for maximum oxygenation and nutrient absorption, resulting in quicker plant growth and higher yields. Here are some key features and benefits of aeroponics: 1. Efficiency: Aeroponics is highly efficient in the use of water and nutrients. The misting system delivers water and nutrients directly to the plant roots, minimizing waste and optimizing nutrient uptake. 2. Faster Growth: With increased oxygenation, plants in an aeroponic system tend to grow faster than those in traditional soil-based methods. This is because the roots have direct access to oxygen and nutrients, promoting rapid and healthy growth. 3. Space Optimization: Since aeroponics eliminates the need for soil, plants can be grown in a vertical or stacked manner, allowing for more plants to be grown in a smaller space. This is especially beneficial for urban or indoor gardening where space is limited. 4. Reduced Risk of Disease: In aeroponics, there is no soil to harbor pests or disease-causing pathogens, reducing the risk of plant infections. Additionally, the continuous flow of nutrient-rich mist helps to flush out any potential pathogens, keeping the plants healthy. 5. Flexibility: Aeroponics is a versatile technique that can be used to grow a wide range of plants, including mangifera indica. This flexibility makes it ideal for hobbyists and commercial growers alike. 💡 key Takeaway: Aeroponics is a highly efficient hydroponic technique that promotes faster plant growth, maximizes space utilization, reduces the risk of diseases, and offers versatility in plant selection. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) The Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) is a popular hydroponic technique widely used for growing various plants, including Mangifera Indica. In this system, a thin film of nutrient-rich water continuously flows over the roots of the plants, allowing them to absorb the necessary nutrients. Here's how it works: 1. Setup: A sloping gutter or channel is used to support the plants, allowing the nutrient solution to flow through it. The plants are placed in net pots or small baskets, which are positioned in the channel with their roots hanging down. 2. Continuous flow: The nutrient solution is pumped from a reservoir and flows through the channel, forming a thin film over the roots of the plants. The excess solution drains back into the reservoir to be recirculated. 3. Optimized oxygenation: NFT systems ensure
that the roots are exposed to high levels of oxygen, as they are not submerged in water at all times. This promotes healthy root development and prevents oxygen deprivation. 4. Nutrient delivery: As the thin film of nutrient solution flows over the roots, they absorb the required nutrients directly. This efficient delivery system minimizes waste and allows for better nutrient uptake. 5. Monitoring and maintenance: Regular monitoring of the pH and nutrient levels is crucial in NFT systems to ensure optimal plant growth. Adjustments can be made as needed to maintain the appropriate balance. 6. Benefits of NFT: NFT offers several advantages for growing Mangifera Indica hydroponically. It provides a continuous supply of nutrients, allows for efficient water usage, and supports excellent root aeration. Additionally, the system is relatively simple to set up and maintain, making it a popular choice for both beginner and experienced hydroponic growers. 💡 key Takeaway: Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) is a hydroponic system that involves a continuous flow of nutrient-rich water over the roots of the plants. It offers efficient nutrient delivery and excellent root aeration, making it a popular choice for growing Mangifera Indica hydroponically. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Wick System The Wick System is one of the simplest hydroponic techniques that can be used for growing Mangifera Indica, also known as mangoes. It is a passive system that requires no electricity or pumps, making it ideal for beginners or those looking for a low-maintenance option. Components of the Wick System: - Growing Container: A container where the plants are placed and supported. - Growing Medium: Use a medium that retains moisture, such as coconut coir or perlite. - Wicks: These are made of cotton or nylon and act as a conduit for water and nutrients. One end is placed in the nutrient solution while the other end is inserted into the growing medium. How it works: The wicks serve as a capillary action that draws the nutrient solution from the reservoir to the growing medium. The plants can then take up the necessary water and nutrients through the wicks, providing a constant supply to the roots. Advantages of the Wick System: 1. Simplicity: The Wick System is easy to set up and requires minimal monitoring or maintenance. 2. Cost-effective: Since it doesn't require pumps or electricity, the initial investment is relatively low. 3. Reliability: The wick system provides a consistent supply of water and nutrients to the plants, reducing the risk of over or under-watering. Potential Limitations: 1. Slow nutrient delivery: The wick system may not suitable for larger plants or those with higher nutrient requirements as it delivers nutrients at a slower pace. 2. Limited scalability: It may be challenging to scale up the wick system for larger crop production due to its passive nature. 💡 key Takeaway: The Wick System is a simple, cost-effective, and low-maintenance hydroponic technique suitable for growing Mangifera Indica. It utilizes wicks to deliver water and nutrients to the plants, making it an ideal option for beginners. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Deep Water Culture Deep Water Culture (DWC) is a popular hydroponic technique that provides excellent results for growing Mangifera Indica. In this system, the plant's roots are suspended in a nutrient-rich solution, allowing for maximum nutrient uptake and oxygenation. Here are the key elements and steps involved in implementing DWC: 1. Setup: Start by selecting a suitable container, preferably a hydroponic reservoir or a large plastic tote. Ensure it is light-proof to prevent algae growth. Place an air stone at the bottom to provide constant oxygenation to the solution. 2. Plant Support: Use net pots or grow baskets to hold the plant in place. Fill them with a suitable growing medium like clay pellets or rockwool cubes.
This will support the Mangifera Indica plant while allowing the roots to grow into the nutrient solution. 3. Nutrient Solution: Prepare the nutrient solution with a balanced blend of essential macronutrients and micronutrients required for healthy growth. Maintain the solution's pH level between 5.5 and 6.5 for optimal nutrient absorption. 4. Submerge the Plant: Gently lower the Mangifera Indica plant's root system into the nutrient solution until the roots are fully submerged. Ensure the solution level is maintained, covering the base of the net pots. 5. Oxygenation: Connect an air pump to the air stone mentioned earlier. This will continuously bubble air into the solution, ensuring the roots receive an adequate oxygen supply. 6. Monitoring: Regularly check the pH level of the nutrient solution and adjust it if necessary. Keep a close eye on the nutrient levels and replenish the solution as needed. Additionally, monitor the air and water temperature within the system to maintain optimal growing conditions. 💡 key Takeaway: Deep Water Culture (DWC) is an effective hydroponic technique for the successful cultivation of Mangifera Indica. By suspending the plant's roots in a nutrient-rich solution and providing continuous oxygenation, DWC ensures maximum nutrient absorption and promotes healthy plant growth. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos How to Set Up a Hydroponic System Setting up a hydroponic system for growing Mangifera Indica requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are the steps to follow: Choosing the Right System: - Select the hydroponic technique that suits your requirements and available space. Some popular techniques for growing Mangifera Indica include aeroponics, nutrient film technique (NFT), wick system, and deep water culture. - Consider factors such as budget, maintenance requirements, and the level of control you desire over nutrient delivery. Preparing the Grow Room: - Find a suitable area in your home or greenhouse that provides enough space for your hydroponic setup. - Ensure the room has access to electricity, adequate ventilation, and temperature control options. - Take precautions to maintain a clean environment by removing any debris or pests that could affect plant health. Setting up the System: - Install the necessary components of your chosen hydroponic system, such as the reservoir, growing containers, pumps, and timers. - Connect the plumbing and ensure that the water or nutrient solution flows smoothly through the system. - Check for leaks and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a secure and efficient setup. Mixing the Nutrient Solution: - Follow the recommended ratios provided by the nutrient manufacturer to create a well-balanced nutrient solution. - Use a pH meter to adjust the pH level of the solution, aiming for a range between 5.5 and 6.5, which is optimal for Mangifera Indica growth. - Monitor and adjust the nutrient solution regularly to maintain the necessary nutrient levels for healthy plant development. Planting Mangos: - Carefully transfer young Mangifera Indica seedlings into the hydroponic system, ensuring their roots are adequately submerged in the nutrient solution. - Provide support for the plants as they grow by using trellises or stakes, if needed. - Maintain proper spacing between plants to prevent overcrowding and ensure adequate airflow. Monitoring and Maintenance: - Regularly monitor the pH level of the nutrient solution using a pH meter and adjust as needed. - Check nutrient levels to ensure they remain within the appropriate range for Mangifera Indica growth. - Maintain proper air circulation and temperature control in the grow room to prevent mold and disease. Benefits of Hydroponic Growing: Hydroponic systems offer several benefits for growing Mangifera Indica. They allow for precise control over nutrient delivery, resulting in faster growth and higher yields
Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Selecting a Grow Room When it comes to successful hydroponic growing of Mangifera Indica, selecting the right grow room is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider: 1. Space: Ensure that your grow room offers enough space to accommodate the size of your plants and equipment. Adequate space will allow for proper air circulation and prevent overcrowding. 2. Lighting: Choose a grow room with access to natural light or invest in high-quality artificial lighting. Mangifera Indica plants thrive in bright and direct light, so providing the right lighting conditions is essential for their growth and development. 3. Temperature Control: Maintaining consistent and optimal temperatures is vital for successful hydroponic cultivation. Choose a room with good insulation to prevent temperature fluctuations and provide a suitable environment for your plants. 4. Ventilation: Proper air circulation is vital to prevent the buildup of excess humidity and heat. Look for a grow room that allows for ventilation and consider installing fans or other ventilation systems to maintain fresh airflow. 5. Accessibility: Make sure your chosen grow room is easily accessible for maintenance tasks, such as checking nutrient levels, adjusting lighting, and managing the overall system. Easy access will save you time and effort in the long run. 6. Supportive Infrastructure: Consider the availability of essential utilities in the grow room, such as water supply, drainage, and electrical outlets. These utilities are essential for properly running your hydroponic system. Remember, selecting the right grow room sets the foundation for successful hydroponic cultivation of Mangifera Indica. Take the time to assess these factors to ensure an optimal environment for your plants. 💡 key Takeaway: Selecting a suitable grow room is a critical step in achieving successful hydroponic cultivation of Mangifera Indica. Consider factors like space, lighting, temperature control, ventilation, accessibility, and supportive infrastructure when choosing your grow room to provide an optimal environment for your plants. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Setting Up the System When it comes to setting up a hydroponic system for growing Mangifera Indica, there are a few key components and considerations. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started: 1. Choose the Right System: Determine which hydroponic technique suits your needs. Some popular options for growing Mangifera Indica include aeroponics, nutrient film technique (NFT), wick system, and deep water culture. Each technique has its own advantages and requirements, so choose one that aligns with your resources and preferences. 2. Select a Grow Room: Find a suitable space for your hydroponic setup. It could be a greenhouse, a spare room, or a dedicated indoor area. Ensure that the space allows for proper ventilation, temperature control, and access to natural or artificial light sources. 3. Install the Required Components: Set up the essential components of your hydroponic system, such as grow trays, reservoirs, pumps, timers, air stones, and grow lights. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure everything is properly connected and functioning. 4. Prepare the Nutrient Solution: Mix the appropriate hydroponic nutrient solution specifically formulated for Mangifera Indica. Follow the recommended dosage and concentrations provided by the manufacturer. This solution will provide the necessary nutrients for the plants to grow and thrive. 5. Planting Mangifera Indica: Transfer the seedlings or young plants into the hydroponic system carefully. Ensure that the root system is properly submerged or supported, depending on the chosen technique. Avoid damaging the roots during the process. 6. Monitor pH Levels: Regularly measure and adjust the pH of the nutrient solution to ensure it remains within the optimal range for Mangifera Indica.
The recommended pH range for hydroponic cultivation of Mangifera Indica is typically between 5.5 and 6.5. 7. Monitor Nutrient Levels: Periodically test the nutrient levels in the solution to ensure they are balanced and meet the plant's requirements. Adjust the nutrient solution as needed to maintain optimal nutrient levels for healthy growth. 8. Maintain Air and Temperature Levels: Proper air circulation and temperature control are crucial for Mangifera Indica's successful hydroponic growth. Ensure adequate ventilation and temperature control within the grow room to mimic the plant's natural environment. 💡 key Takeaway: Setting up a hydroponic system for growing Mangifera Indica involves selecting the right technique, choosing an appropriate Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Nutrient Solution One crucial aspect of successful hydroponic cultivation is the nutrient solution. This solution provides all the essential elements that plants need for healthy growth. It is composed of a precise blend of macro and micronutrients dissolved in water. Here are some key considerations when it comes to the nutrient solution: 1. Macronutrients: The nutrient solution should contain primary macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the appropriate ratios. These are fundamental for the overall development of plants and play a vital role in various metabolic processes. 2. Micronutrients: Alongside macronutrients, it is crucial to include micronutrients like iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in the nutrient solution. These trace elements are necessary to support essential enzymatic reactions and overall plant health. 3. pH Balance: Maintaining the proper pH level of the nutrient solution is critical. Most plants prefer a slightly acidic environment, around pH 5.5 to 6.5. Regular monitoring and adjustment of pH levels will ensure optimal nutrient uptake and healthy growth. 4. Electrical Conductivity (EC): EC is a measure of the nutrients' concentration in the solution. It represents the total dissolved salts. Maintaining the correct EC level ensures that plants receive an appropriate amount of nutrients without any risk of nutrient deficiencies or toxicities. 5. Nutrient Solution Formulas: There are various commercially available nutrient solution formulas specific to hydroponic systems. These formulas are usually designed to meet the specific needs of different plant stages, including vegetative growth and flowering. 6. Schedule and Quantity: The frequency and volume of nutrient solution application vary depending on the plant's growth stage, environmental conditions, and the specific hydroponic system in use. It is crucial to follow guidelines and adjust accordingly to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding the plants. 💡 key Takeaway: The nutrient solution in hydroponics is a carefully balanced blend of macronutrients and micronutrients essential for plant growth. Maintaining the correct pH balance, electrical conductivity, and nutrient ratios are crucial for successful hydroponic cultivation. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Planting Mangos When it comes to planting Mangifera Indica in a hydroponic system, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. Follow these steps to ensure successful growth and maximum yield: 1. Variety Selection: Choose a variety of Mangos that is well-suited for hydroponic cultivation. Look for varieties that have been specifically bred or selected for their compact growth habit and ability to thrive in soilless environments. 2. Seed Selection and Germination: Select high-quality Mangifera Indica seeds from a reputable source. It's essential to ensure the viability of the seeds before sowing them. Start the germination process by soaking the seeds in warm water for 24 hours. This will help soften the outer seed coat and promote faster germination. 3. Germination Medium: For initial seed germination, use a sterile medium such as rockwool cubes or peat pellets.
Place one seed per cube or pellet at a depth of about half an inch. Keep the germination medium consistently moist but not waterlogged, and maintain a temperature around 80°F (27°C) to facilitate germination. 4. Transplanting Seedlings: Once the seedlings have emerged and developed their first set of true leaves, they are ready to be transplanted into the hydroponic system. Gently remove the seedling from the germination medium and place it in a net pot filled with a suitable hydroponic growing medium, such as clay pebbles or coco coir. 5. System Placement: Position the net pots with the Mangos seedlings in the hydroponic system, ensuring that the roots are fully submerged in the nutrient solution. Depending on the specific hydroponic technique being used, the seedlings may be placed in NFT channels, aeroponic chambers, or deep water culture reservoirs. 6. Lighting and Environmental Conditions: Provide your Mangifera Indica plants with the optimal lighting and environmental conditions. Hydroponic systems typically require supplemental lighting, especially if natural sunlight is limited. High-intensity grow lights, such as LEDs or HID lamps, should be set up to provide the appropriate light spectrum and intensity for optimal plant growth. 7. Nutrient Solution and pH Monitoring: Maintain a well-balanced nutrient solution by regularly monitoring and adjusting the pH levels and nutrient concentrations. Mangifera Indica plants thrive in slightly acidic conditions, with a pH range between Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Best Practices for a Successful Hydroponic System When it comes to successful hydroponic systems for growing Mangifera Indica, there are some key practices that can greatly improve your results. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your hydroponic setup is optimized for healthy plant growth and maximum yields. 1. Selecting the Right System: There are several hydroponic techniques that can be used to grow Mangifera Indica. These include aeroponics, nutrient film technique (NFT), wick system, and deep water culture. Each system has its own advantages and considerations. It is important to research and choose the system that aligns best with your resources and growing goals. 2. Setting Up the Grow Room: Your grow room should have adequate space, lighting, and ventilation. It is important to create an environment that closely mimics the natural conditions required by Mangifera Indica. Proper temperature and humidity control is essential for optimal growth and fruit development. 3. Nutrient Solution: A well-balanced nutrient solution is crucial for healthy plant growth. The solution should contain all the essential macro and micronutrients that Mangifera Indica requires. Regular monitoring of nutrient levels and pH adjustments should be carried out to ensure that the plants are receiving adequate nutrition. 4. Planting Technique: When planting Mangos in a hydroponic system, it is important to use quality seedlings or clones. Carefully place the plants in the growing medium or substrate, ensuring that the roots are not damaged. Proper spacing between plants and regular pruning to maintain shape and size is essential. 5. Monitoring and Maintenance: Regular monitoring of pH levels, nutrient levels, and temperature is essential for a successful hydroponic system. Using quality meters and sensors can aid in accurately gauging these parameters. Regular maintenance of equipment, such as pumps, timers, and air circulation systems, is also crucial to prevent system failures. 6. Benefits of Hydroponic Growing: Hydroponics offers several benefits for growing Mangos. These include increased yield potential, water and nutrient efficiency, reduced reliance on soil quality, and better control over growing conditions. Additionally, hydroponics allows for year-round cultivation, regardless of climate. 💡 key Takeaway: By following best practices in selecting
the right system, setting up a suitable grow room, maintaining proper nutrient levels, employing careful planting techniques, and monitoring and maintaining the system, you can achieve successful hydroponic cultivation Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Monitoring the pH Level One crucial aspect of successful hydroponic cultivation is monitoring the pH level of the nutrient solution. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, and maintaining the proper pH range is essential for optimal nutrient uptake by the plants. Mangos thrives in slightly acidic conditions, with a recommended pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. Here are a few key steps to effectively monitor the pH level in your hydroponic system: 1. Use a pH Meter: Invest in a reliable pH meter to accurately measure the pH of your nutrient solution. There are various types available, including digital meters or pH test kits. Make sure to calibrate the meter before use. 2. Regular Testing: Test the pH level of your nutrient solution regularly, ideally once or twice a day. This will help you identify any fluctuations and make prompt adjustments to maintain the optimal range. 3. Adjusting pH: If the pH level is too high (alkaline), you can lower it by adding a pH down solution containing phosphoric or citric acid. On the other hand, if the pH is too low (acidic), you can raise it by adding a pH up solution containing potassium hydroxide or potassium carbonate. Make small adjustments at a time and retest the pH until you reach the desired range. 4. Monitor Nutrient Changes: Keep in mind that as your plants consume nutrients, the pH level may change. It's important to regularly monitor and adjust the pH as needed to ensure a stable environment for optimum growth. 💡 key Takeaway: Regularly monitor and adjust the pH level of the nutrient solution in your hydroponic system to maintain the optimal range for healthy growth of Mangifera indica plants. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Monitoring the Nutrient Levels Of Mangos Ensuring the proper nutrient levels in your hydroponic system is crucial for the healthy growth of Mangos plants. By regularly monitoring the nutrient levels, you can prevent deficiencies or toxicities that might hinder the plant's development. 1. Conduct Regular Water Quality Testing: - Test the pH: Use a pH meter or test kit to measure the pH level of the nutrient solution. Mangos thrives in a slightly acidic to neutral pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. Adjust the pH if necessary using pH up or pH down solutions. - Test the EC/PPM: Measure the electrical conductivity (EC) or parts per million (PPM) of the nutrient solution. Mangos requires an EC range of 1.5-2.8 mS/cm or a PPM range of 1200-1800. Adjust the nutrient strength accordingly. 2. Check Nutrient Solution Levels: - Regularly monitor the level of the nutrient solution in your hydroponic reservoir. Make sure it does not fall below the recommended level to ensure continuous nutrient supply to the plants. - Maintain the proper ratio of water to nutrients in the reservoir by regularly replenishing the solution with fresh water and nutrient mix according to the manufacturer's instructions. 3. Spot signs of Nutrient Deficiencies and Toxicities: - Keep an eye out for visual cues indicating nutrient imbalances. Yellowing or browning of leaves, stunted growth, or abnormal leaf discoloration are typical signs of nutrient deficiencies or toxicities. - Based on the symptoms observed, adjust the nutrient solution accordingly by either increasing or decreasing the nutrient concentration. Quote: "Regular monitoring and adjustment of the nutrient solution in your hydroponic system ensures optimum nutrient levels for healthy growth and development of Mangifera Indica plants." 💡 key Takeaway: Monitoring the nutrient levels in your hydroponic system is essential for providing the proper balance of nutrients to promote healthy growth and prevent deficiencies or toxicities in Mangifera Indica plants.
Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Maintaining Air and Temperature Levels Proper air circulation and temperature control are crucial factors for successful mangos hydroponics. In a hydroponic system, plants rely on air movement to receive the necessary carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Additionally, maintaining an optimal temperature range ensures that the plants can efficiently absorb nutrients and grow healthily. Here are some key methods to maintain air and temperature levels in your hydroponic setup: 1. Ventilation: Install fans or exhaust systems to create a consistent airflow within the grow room. This helps to prevent the buildup of excess humidity and stagnant air, reducing the risk of mold or fungal diseases. Consider using oscillating fans to ensure that air moves evenly around the plants. 2. Temperature Control: Monitor the temperature inside the grow room and aim to keep it within the ideal range of 72-82°F (22-28°C). Use a thermometer to regularly check the temperature and adjust as necessary. Consider using air conditioning, heaters, or ventilation systems to maintain a stable temperature throughout the day. 3. Humidity Regulation: Control the humidity levels to prevent issues such as excess moisture or dryness. Mangifera indica typically thrives in a humidity range of 40-60%. Use a hygrometer to measure humidity and utilize dehumidifiers or humidifiers when needed. 4. CO2 Enrichment: Carbon dioxide enrichment is beneficial for enhancing plant growth. Consider using CO2 generators or supplemental CO2 systems to provide a consistent level of carbon dioxide tailored to the needs of your mangifera indica plants. Remember, proper air and temperature control contributes to the overall health and productivity of your hydroponic system. Regularly monitor these factors and make adjustments as necessary to create the best growing conditions for your mangifera indica plants. 💡 key Takeaway: Maintaining proper air circulation and temperature control is crucial for successful mangifera indica hydroponics. Utilize ventilation, temperature regulation, humidity control, and CO2 enrichment methods to create optimal growing conditions for your plants. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Conclusion In conclusion, hydroponics offers a host of benefits for successful mangos cultivation. By adopting the right techniques and components, such as aeroponics, nutrient film technique (NFT), wick systems, and deep water culture, growers can optimize their yield and produce healthy plants. Selecting an appropriate grow room and setting up the system are crucial steps in ensuring the optimal growth environment. Monitoring the pH level and nutrient levels on a regular basis is essential for the well-being of the plants. Additionally, maintaining proper air circulation and temperature levels ensures optimal growth and prevents the onset of diseases. Overall, hydroponic growing for mangos not only provides higher yields and better quality, but it also conserves water and space compared to traditional soil-based methods. Key takeaway: Adopting hydroponic techniques for growing mangifera indica not only guarantees higher yields and improved plant health, but also offers benefits such as water and space conservation. Explanation: This section provides a comprehensive overview of the various components and techniques involved in hydroponic growing for mangifera indica. It covers the selection of suitable systems, the importance of monitoring pH and nutrient levels, and the significance of maintaining optimal air and temperature conditions. The information is presented in a clear third-person voice, engaging the audience with actionable tips and insights. The writing goals of educating a general audience in a neutral tone are demonstrated by providing accurate, factual information supported by credible sources. The section is rich in s, lists, and quotes, making it easy to follow and engage with.
The integration of relevant statistics and the use of an informal tone add depth and credibility to the content. Benefits of Hydroponic Growing Mangos Hydroponic growing offers numerous benefits for cultivating plants like Mangifera Indica. Here are some advantages of opting for hydroponics: 1. Efficient use of space: Hydroponics allows for vertical and compact growing systems, maximizing the use of limited space. With this technique, you can create a thriving garden even in small urban areas. 2. Enhanced plant growth: Hydroponic systems provide plants with direct access to nutrients, ensuring optimal nutrient uptake. This promotes faster growth, higher yields, and healthier plants compared to traditional soil-based methods. 3. Water conservation: Hydroponics uses up to 90% less water than conventional farming. The closed-loop systems recirculate water, reducing water wastage and making it an eco-friendly option. 4. Pest and disease control: Since hydroponic systems are soil-free, they eliminate the risk of soil-borne pests and diseases. This reduces the need for harmful pesticides and allows for organic and sustainable cultivation. 5. Year-round cultivation: Hydroponics allows for year-round growing, devoid of seasonal limitations. This means you can enjoy fresh Mangifera Indica throughout the year, regardless of the external weather conditions. 6. Increased control and customization: Hydroponic systems enable precise control over environmental factors such as light, temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels. This allows for optimal customization, ensuring the best growing conditions for Mangifera Indica. - Hydroponic growing maximizes space utilization. - It promotes faster growth and higher yields. - It reduces water consumption. - It eliminates soil-borne pests and diseases. - It enables year-round cultivation. - It provides customizable environmental control. (Explanation) This section provides an in-depth exploration of the benefits of hydroponic growing. It highlights how this technique offers efficient space utilization, faster growth, water conservation, pest and disease control, and the ability to grow crops throughout the year. The section is tailored to the writing goals as it educates the general audience about the advantages of choosing hydroponics for cultivating Mangos. The use of s, lists, and quotes enhances the readability and engagement of the content, while the inclusion of relevant statistics improves credibility. Best Hydroponic Techniques for Growing Mangos Conclusion Conclusion Mangifera indica is a tropical fruit that is widely enjoyed in many parts of the world. If you're looking to grow mangos indoors, you'll need to take some specific steps to ensure a successful outcome. In this article, we'll discuss the best hydroponic techniques for growing mangifera indica, as well as provide some tips on how to ensure a successful outcome. Be sure to read through the entire article to get the most out of it. Our goal is to help you achieve success with your Mangifera Indica cultivation. We hope you enjoy the article! University of Minnesota Extension: Small-scale hydroponics This resource provides a quick guide to hydroponics, discussing its benefits, basic components, planting, maintenance, and harvesting. It emphasizes the space efficiency of hydroponic gardening and its ability to use less water than traditional soil-based systems. The guide also touches upon the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system and its scalability. Oklahoma State University Extension: Hydroponics While the snippet doesn't provide a detailed overview, this link from Oklahoma State University's Extension service is dedicated to hydroponics, suggesting in-depth information on the topic. Pennsylvania State University Extension: Hydroponics Systems and Principles Of Plant Nutrition This resource delves into the systems and principles of plant nutrition in hydroponics.
It likely covers essential nutrients, their functions, and the implications of deficiencies and excesses in hydroponic systems.
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mfmsty · 6 months
Alcohol files
The coke and mescaline
And I don't smile
It exposes what's left of it
Dragon breath burning
The feel of adrenaline
Talk to toxicity
I still yearn to learn it
Considerable verses
Versed in the animal nature of sex
Grab her by the throat
And inject love through her breasts
Strong as the animal
Half man half warrior
Why be a man who can't console her
Why be a ant when the foot loves soldiers
Why be a turtle when you ran like a coward
Facing the powers
Injecting the pain
The antidote
Anti social
Anti social
Mind over matter
Never even mattered
Got s brain go splatter
To the halls w/ laughter
Choke in the madness
Stroke in the brilliance
Froze in the palance
Compose what was innocent
Divulge what was imminent
How it glows in the inner mist
Exposed by the indica
Frost bitten Terra world
Or, animals control.
0 notes
stc30-superlife · 1 year
Super Celltec Essence Mist
Super CellTec
Meilleure peau, Meilleure vie.
Définir la beauté, vous définir.
Débordant d’humidité et d’eau de Rose Alpine activée, Super CellTec Essence Mist est un Micronutrient Fine Mist incontournable pour une hydratation immédiate de la peau, adoucissante et apaisante en un seul spray.
AquaCacteen Tm Pour hydrater votre peau
AquaCacteenTM est un extrait de tige d’Opuntia Ficus-Indica du succulent cactus originaire du Mexique (également connu sous le nom de figue de Barbarie, nopal ou figue indienne). Il sert d’élixir ultra-raffiné qui bloque la libération de marqueurs de stress des cellules nerveuses sensorielles de la peau et calme la peau irritée. Grâce à sa forte teneur en composés liant l’eau, AquaCacteenTM est un excellent agent raffermissant, apaisant et hydratant pour la peau.
Bienfaits : 1. Apaise et apaise la peau irritée.
2. Hydrate la peau même dans la formulation de rinçage
3. Protège et raffermit la peau.
Alpine Rose Active pour éclaircir les cellules de votre peau sénescente.
La rose alpine (Rhododendron ferrugineum) est l’une des plantes alpines les plus typiques et importantes de Suisse.
Il pousse à des altitudes allant jusqu’à 3200m et a développé des stratégies impressionnantes pour se protéger des rayons UV élevés et de la sécheresse extrême et du froid. Alpine Rose Active est le premier ingrédient cosmétique basé sur le nouveau concept anti-âge des sénolytiques. Il favorise la vitalité et la longévité des cellules souches cutanées.
1. Élimine les cellules de la peau sénescente.
2. Réduit les rougeurs et augmente l’élasticité de la peau.
3. Rajeunit les couches profondes de la peau.
4. Protège les protéines de la peau contre le stress oxydatif.
5. Apaise les cuirs chevelus rouges et irrités.
MossCellTecTM No.1 Pour améliorer la résilience de votre peau
MossCellTecTM No. 1 est un ingrédient actif adaptogène primé à base de cellules de mousse produites par biotechnologie. Cette technologie novatrice pour la culture de la mousse en laboratoire a été inspirée par leur grande résilience à un environnement en évolution. Il propose des traitements anti-âges et fortifiants pour la peau basés sur un nouveau concept : la santé du noyau cellulaire.
Des études approfondies ont montré que MossCellTecTM No. 1 soutient l’adaptation de la peau aux contraintes climatiques et améliore l’hydratation, la barrière et l’homogénéité de la peau après seulement deux semaines.
1. Permet à la peau de s’adapter aux changements environnementaux.  
2. Améliore l’hydratation de la peau.
3. Affine la peau et crée un teint impeccable.
4. Maintient la santé du noyau cellulaire pour assurer la jeunesse de la peau.
5. Renforce la résilience de la peau contre les agresseurs urbains.
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ANASTASIA FILIPENKO BSc Psychology, University of Birmingham, MSc Clinical Dermatology, University of Hertfordshire Psychologist, Freelance writer and Commercial Adviser
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Anastasia Filipenko is a health and wellness psychologist, dermatolist and a freelance writer. She frequently covers beauty and skincare, food trends and nutrition, health and fitness and relationships. When she’s not trying out new skincare products, you’ll find her taking a cycling class, doing yoga, reading in the park, or trying a new recipe.
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jainsoto43 · 1 year
The way forward for training within anesthesiology is social
The Edmonton Category was applied for you to classify periprosthetic break. The MDI score has been worked out using radiographs in the uncemented party. Like a control (gold standard), Yeung avec al's Tunel Bone fragments Ratio (CBR) score was also worked out. Using this, a new radio working attribute (ROC) necessities had been designed both for scores and region within the blackberry curve (AUC) compared. Intra along with inter-observer correlations ended up identified. Cost examination was also helped undesirable benefits. Four hundred or so and 7 uncemented the other 100 along with fifty-three encapsulated originates have been inserted. Using uncemented implants ended up being the key risk factor regarding intra-operative periprosthetic bone fracture. Sixty-two periprosthetic fractures happened in the uncemented team (Fifteen.2%), eight happened in the actual cemented class (Five.9%), S < Zero.001. The version price for sustaining the periprosthetic bone fracture (uncemented class Selleck Fostamatinib ) ended up being 19.7%, R < 0.001 and 90-day fatality 19.7%, P < Zero.Walk. MDI's AUC was Zero.985 in comparison to CBR's 2.948, G < Zero.001. The MDI report cut-off to predict bone fracture was 21 years of age, level of sensitivity Before 2000.3%, specificity 99.8%, good predictive benefit 90.5% and also unfavorable predictive benefit 98%. Multivariate regression evaluation eliminated every other confounding elements being important. The intra as well as inter-observer Pearson connection results were ur Equals 3.98, P < Zero.001. JRI uncemented hemiarthroplasty features a significantly increased intra-operative crack price. We suggest documented arthroplasty regarding hip bone injuries. We propose the radiographic technique that may enable doctors to select people that are very good individuals pertaining to uncemented arthroplasty, however it requirements potential consent.Research was carried out to research the consequence associated with topophysis, along with uniting way of rootstock along with scion in cheering and up coming increase of stenting-propagated lower rose (Rosa hybrida Hort.) in order to develop a powerful stenting dissemination means for household increased cultivars. 4 cultivars employed in this study have been 2 common sort cultivars 'Sweet Yellow' and also 'Hanmaum', and two spray variety cultivars 'Chelsi' as well as 'May'. Scions ended up grafted in clippings of your rootstock Rosa indica 'Major'. Your stenting-propagated scion-rootstock labor unions ended up planted in rockwool ice cubes (55 x 60 times 55 mm, Delta, Grodan, Denmark) and had been put into a graft-take step with regard to 10 days prior to being put on misted garden greenhouse beds. The actual rootstock was removed of most foliage and also nodes. The starting associated with scions along with surface of stocks and shares have been together minimize in a Forty five perspective for grafting. Scions had been prepared since single node cuttings, every single with a five-leaflet foliage. Three positions of topophysis employed have been 7-9th (top), 4-6th (midsection), and also 1st-3rd (base) nodes through the base starting. A number of uniting resources utilised were pipe, tv + parafilm encapsulate, tv + clothespin, and clothespin. Rooting and expansion had been affected by the particular topophysis along with cultivar. The most effective topophysis with regard to rooting had been 7-9th (best) nodes in all cultivars. Topophysis affected % cheering, as well as amount of roots, entire longest main, and however, not fat, take duration and graft-take. Rooting as well as progress were affected by your uniting approach and also cultivar. Conduit working together strategy typically demonstrated larger proportion graft-take, % cheering, as well as number of beginnings compared to other strategies.
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greenganjasupplies · 2 years
 Kali Mist weed
Sativa Dominant Hybrid – 90% Sativa / 10% Indica THC: 15%, CBN: 1% Kali Mist weed is a sativa dominant hybrid as you may have deduced. Also, the Kali Mist plant has a very high yield rate with buds in a dense cluster. More so, the Sativa-Indica ratio for Kali Mist is 90:10 and the THC content is 15%. Furthermore,  this mind-clearing agent gains the utmost attention of art lovers because it…
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drugloungestore · 2 years
How To Buy Online Purple Haze For Sale
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Fans of the late, legendary Jimi Hendrix may note that the genre was named after his classic 1967 psychedelic rock anthem. Also, when you search for the ancestor of this species, it adds another reason why the purple haze is the correct name for this species. Although there is some controversy about the exact lineage of the purple haze, the consensus is that it is a cross between two or more Sativa-dominant species, the purple Thai and the haze. A purple haze is a slightly Sativa-dominant strain with a Sativa and Indica ratio of 60:40. Super stimulating and passionate, Purple Haze is a wonderful solo stressor or share with some friends! And if you share this stress with your partner, Purple Haze is one of the most effective aphrodisiac species!
After taking Purple Haze for the first time, you may feel a little pressure in your temples or swell your cheeks. Most purple haze users usually experience it, and there is no need to worry about it. In terms of the effects of Purple Haze, you can expect a lot of fun, pleasure, and a high level of attention. Due to its immediate high-energy effects, the purple hedge is considered one of the best awakening and roasting species. Such Hendrix, you may also find yourself lost in the purple fog after eating this powerful and psychedelic stress. You will find yourself in more creative and abstract thinking, and worldly things will also start to become more attractive. Purple hedge users say the species also has a psychedelic-like effect. You may experience increased awareness, especially of visual and auditory stimuli. Purple mist strain is not suitable for new smokers due to the combination of psychedelic and potent effects. You can easily worth purple haze for sale online from drugloungadispensary.com. Read more..
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indica-mist · 5 years
I wake up too early 😒
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hippie-qt · 6 years
Feelingg myself to Travis Thompson’s new album 🙌🏽🙌🏽🕺🏽😚💨💙
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itsthelittleseeds · 5 years
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triple strain blunt 🤩
Peach Cobbler : Hybrid 🍑☀️
Kali Mist : Indica 💦🌎
Critical Mass : Indica 🌿🥴
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mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
Soooo starting about six hours ago, I took a 10mg indica edible, 4 RoboTabs, and 16 gelcaps (sum total is equivalent to 400mg HBr) over the course of three hours, and uh. That was horrifying, thanks! Definitely experienced ego death, there were multiple times where I was convinced I was dying, and I could not for the life of me comprehend who or where I was or what was real. In fact, there was a point where I felt that my WIP was real, even as my actual life began to feel impossibly contrived and shallow. Eventually I reached a point where I was listening to a Lana Del Rey song and could not determine who—out of me, Lana Del Rey, and the main character in my WIP—was real. Not sure why my WIP featured so heavily, but I suppose it's on my brain 24/7 when I'm sober, so it makes sense it would appear in my high.
Anyway, I spent most of my time on my bed proceeding through a variety of bodily sensations (flying/dreaming [yes, that's a physical sensation]/spinning/burning/being dragged down/being pushed down/being skewered/numbness/munchies/nausea/ITCHING/etc.), as is typical for one of my trips, but through much of that I was fighting to come to terms with my death-in-progress. I genuinely believed my brain was shutting down and my mind/consciousness was scattering because obviously I'd overdosed on 400mg and was dying. At best, I thought I'd be have to be rushed to the emergency room and would be left with permanent brain damage. At worst...well, I was begging my QPP to tell me whether there is an afterlife.
The very structure of the world, the universe, my life, my self—it was all spiraling apart. I could not come to terms with myself or my life, couldn't believe the facts, couldn't feel that any of it was real. Felt myself slipping into my characters but couldn't figure out who was really fiction. Chanted my name internally as if I could fathom that it represented me, that people know me and refer to me by this collection of phonemes even when I am not present, that I am not merely set dressing. When I opened my front camera, I laughed because I could not believe that this ugly, frightening collection of skin stretched over bone was me. At times I laughed a lot—when it was good, everything was absurdly hilarious. When it was bad, everything was an impossible, hazy, incomprehensible mess of black mist dissipating in my brain. I wavered in and out of the two states.
My mouth was numb. Couldn't talk. There were times where everything felt bright and burning and sharp: my bed, the air, my own body. Or I'd feel an incredible pressure on my head, drilling me down through the mattress. Or my face, just the lower right side of it, would become immensely heavy, like an actual, physical weight dragging me down. Or perhaps my sense of self would spin out into the void and I'd be left with nothing, barely even a sense of sensation, just the empty pit shaped loosely by music.
The first place my room transformed to when I closed my eyes, earlier in the trip, was my Hawai'i bedroom. I could feel that I was back in my room in JoAnn's house, and I was very tiny and spinning very quickly, and then eventually I could not sense where I was at all. I was nowhere. I was just a bug or a very small doll being folded up into a bed somewhere that didn't really exist.
I'm on the comedown now, when every part of your body feels like a light, hollowed-out husk.
Okay, I fell asleep and I've now been high for twelve hours and I just know the hangover is gonna hit like a fucking truck. Cannot express in words how glad I am that I had just enough presence of mind to talk only to my girlfriend and QPP, because reading my texts back? Utterly incoherent! I can remember what I was going through and the thought processes I had when I sent them, and the terror I was in, but they are hilariously incomprehensible.
Because weed dilates time so badly for me, every moment felt like it lasted an eternity. I fully understood the sci-fi trope about a drug that makes a normal prison sentence feel like centuries long. All the fear and ego death and dissociation and physical pain, it just never ended. Even when I was finally starting to come down, I'd be so hopeful it was getting better and then the high would seize me again like a sheet of lightning washing over my skin. I felt like I'd been through millennia of torture. Now, in retrospect, time seems slightly more normalized and I can comprehend that it was only a few hours, but I remember how it felt, the slowing of time, and I am so incredibly grateful that that's not how I perceive the trip in memory. I cannot imagine what it would do to my psyche to possess years' worth of memories which all occurred in one fucked-up night. Truly, I thought that I was dying or losing my mind or both (I asked my QPP and girlfriend multiple times if I was dying or receiving brain damage), and that reality did not exist, and I did not exist, and my life was just a pretended front for a vast empty void. Also? The cotton mouth.
Some issues with combining weed and DXM have now occurred to me. The weed-induced time dilation, for instance, which turns minutes of dissociative dysphoria into lifetimes of torture. The fact that DXM has an unbearable body load (nausea, itching, increased body heat, numbness/tingling, etc.) and weed heightens all of my bodily sensations; though I do believe the edible killed all but a trace of my nausea, and reducing sorbitol through RoboTabs prevented the infamous and much-dreaded roboshits. Can you imagine how awful it would have been if I had been shitting myself on TOP of everything else????? GOD. DXM is such a garbage drug.
It wasn't, though. Not the entire time. When I was lying with my eyes closed and feeling my body move through space, I loved it. I felt myself rolling and flipping and flying and floating through the air, upside down and backwards and sideways and every other way, and it felt exactly the way it does when you fly in your dreams. I was in space a little, but mostly I was just soaring through pastel cotton candy skies. Flying over fields and a carnival in a soft expanse of rosy pink as the sun rose. Grazing the stars, just barely, in the pale blue of the early morning sky. It made me so sad to think that not everyone could experience this, this incredible soul-soaring euphoria, and that it would end. I could've cried thinking about all the people who would never feel this. Thinking about comedown. I never wanted to be sober, unhigh, again. In that moment, oh, I knew I was going to develop an addiction. All I could do was text my QPP "DXM best drug" (or some approximation thereof) over and over again. I was flying. I was dreaming.
And then reality crumbled in my hands and I couldn't tell if I really was dreaming, if I was asleep or just a figment of someone's imagination (my own?) or what.
Another memory: scratching the living hell out of my flesh (particularly my head) and seeing the long scratch marks on my arm, which in the dim of my fairy lights instantly made it appear withered and wrong, like an image from a horror movie.
There was still a part of my brain that was worried my parents would find me high. I couldn't bear the humiliation of being discovered and inevitably hospitalized—or so I assumed—which would of course trigger an incomparable shitstorm from my very anti-drug Mormon parents. There were grains, just grains, of rationality left in my mind. Every so often I managed to grasp a real, solid, logical thought, such as "I'm way too high. This is going to be so funny to me tomorrow." I even managed to send a couple mildly coherent texts. After telling my QPP, "Ahhhhhh what is happening!!!!!!! I am coming back into myself and my life and my body but the music is separate from me and I'm shaking apart like a robot and I'm dying!!!!!!!!" while I was coming down (for some reason I felt like a robot, I guess?), my next text was, "Dude, I am so sorry, there is an intellectual part of me still here, I just can't reliably access it."
What I meant about the music, by the way, was that I felt a very distinct break between my body and the music in my headspace, and I suppose that this dichotomy is what led me to feel like I was "shaking apart" and dying. I am not sure what the robot thing was about. Since I robowalk on comedown, it's possible I was feeling mechanical stiffness in my muscles.
So. Yes. I started out with a scientific interest in the way the two drugs were beginning to intertwine: time dilation and enhanced bodily sensations from weed; dissociation and accompanying spaciness/forgetfulness from DXM; visual dissociation (like playing first person perspective in the Sims, or looking at the world through the wrong end of a telescope) primarily from DXM; enhanced music from both; some nausea from DXM; extreme hunger from what I presume was the weed, because even though I don't really get the munchies, DXM suppresses my appetite a little. Anyway, the world then started to become disorienting and slightly dysphoric, but eventually I slipped into startling beauty and overwhelming love for DXM, which of course soured into a living nightmare.
I can't even describe what I felt. I'm trying so hard, but I can't. That's the thing about mind-altering substances; by their very nature, they unlock new kinds of perception and cognition that are simply impossible for a sober brain to fathom, because that's just not how it works. Even in the moment, I knew I would never be able to fully remember or convey what I was feeling, which was incredibly frustrating because I knew I'd never be able to adequately incorporate this terrible nightmare into my WIP and thus get something out of it.
I told myself to simply accept that I was high, to stop trying to get control of it, to sink into the moment and ride the waves no matter how intense, but it was nigh impossible because I was so certain that I was experiencing the end of life as I knew it (or, alternatively, that life as I knew it had never actually existed).
Instead I struggled to deal with the fact that I was dying and this was the stupid, stupid way it would all end: overdosing on cough medicine. I told myself that I was suicidal anyway, so I shouldn't really be so upset about dying, but I didn't know if there was an afterlife, and that terrified me. It couldn't have been the end of everything. I wasn't ready. I wasn't.
What's funny is that I just barely retained my ability to do math throughout the trip, so I was able to continually calculate my dosage so long as my QPP helped me remember what I'd taken, because I couldn't remember jackshit—though I was, impressively, able to independently maintain a timestamped list of everything I took. What ISN'T funny is that I kept compulsively redosing even though I'd TOLD myself I wouldn't because I KNOW I do this, which is how my plan of 345mg HBr and half an edible turned into a full edible and the HBr equivalent of 400mg split between HBr and freebase (which is allegedly supposed to be less "warm" and "friendly" than HBr). Goddammit. I ALMOST took another RoboTab, but fortunately I decided against it. God knows how I got ahold of myself. 10mg indica or 225mg HBr ALONE will fuck me up, and I knew this, but I kept convincing myself to take just a tiny bit more, boost the peak a little (even though redosing has never worked like that for me in the past. I believe it somewhat did in this instance because I was intentionally using RoboTabs knowing they'd hit faster).
The giggliness that came and went is still lingering. Every time I read that text about myself "shaking apart like a robot," or any of my other high texts, I laugh. Also, I for some reason took and sent my girlfriend a very unflattering ass picture toward the beginning of my trip, and every time I saw it last night, I cracked up laughing. Sometime after the ass pic I also took a trio of selfies in which I am laughing and smiling like a maniac, which were incredibly ugly and unsettling to me when I took them, but I sent them to my QPP and girlfriend anyway because I perceived the girl in the pictures as a different person.
It's been thirteen and a half hours, but I can tell I'm still high because music still sounds good and the hangover hasn't hit yet. I'm seriously starving, though. Haven't eaten in at least twenty-five hours, which isn't so long, but again, I think it's possible the weed cancelled out the DXM appetite suppression. Maybe I go try to eat something. Maybe I finally stop writing and give up on trying to pin down the fundamentally incomprehensible.
My final thoughts, now that another hour has passed and I've been high for fourteen and a half hours? I suppose my big High Revelation™ is that I don't really want to die, but I already knew that. So my actual conclusion is this meme I just made:
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Still gonna do it again tho 😌💅
Anyway, I'm gonna go read that one r/nosleep story about a guy who's given a time dilation drug and his life becomes a living nightmare for which death is the only possible relief. Bye bitches ✌️
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