#ino takuma mask
sabosbabygirl · 6 months
Masked and Sensual
Ino x female reader/you
1.3K Words
Mask Kink, Slow, Sensual, NSFW
He takes his sweater off. His torso is lean with muscles. His abs are hard to your touch. Ino smiles as your hands feel his naked torso. He likes your touch and the way your eyes always widen at the sight of him even though you’ve both fucked many times before.
His hands grab yours lightly. He brings your hands to his lips and kisses them and then pulls you closer so that your hands wrap around his neck, and his lips meet yours. He kisses you softly and long. His tongue traces your lips and sneaks its way inside your mouth. His tongues dances with yours and his hands go from cupping your face to sliding down your body slowly. Feeling how the softness of your skin, the sides of your breasts and the curve to your hips. His fingers play with the belt loops of your jeans.
Your arms wrap tighter around his neck, and you lean in more, pressing your body against his. The sweet taste of his tongue engulfs your mouth as you two continue to make out. He moans softly in your mouth. His tongue and lips moving a bit more aggressively on yours. You feel the bulge in his pants against your stomach.
He pulls away from your lips and quickly places his lips against your neck. Kissing every inch of your neck.
“Please” he whispers, “I want more.” He gently nibbles your neck, causing your sensitive skin to become red.
“Mmm Ino” you moan in a whispering tone.
He bites your neck a little bit harder, his fingers squeeze on your hips. His bulge getting harder in his pants.
“Please, y/n. Please…” he begs as his tongue traces your neck to your earlobe. He gently bites on your earlobe.
“I want to fuck you…with my mask on” he whispers in your ear.
Your eyes widen slight. Fucking you with his mask on means a different level of Ino. Not the same slow burning, but a more aggressive, fast, and sexier type. Thinking about how aggressive he is with his mask on brings a smile to your face and the heat in your body rise. You are already ready for him. He knows your buttons: neck kissing, biting, moving his hands slowly over your body like he is worshipping you. Which he is. He worships you so much that many times he will keep you cumming and cumming and he won’t even think about himself.
“Okay” you whisper back to him as you bite your lip. You feel Ino smile against your neck and his fingers slide from your hips to the button your jeans. He unhooks and unzips your pants. His hand goes down your pants, his fingers touch your pussy through your panties. He continues kissing your neck while his fingers play with your clit, teasing you by allowing the fabric of your panties to be the only thing between his fingers and your clit. You let your head fall back and moan. Your moan was enough to cause him to bite your neck harder and his finger to pull aside your panties and play with your clit.
His fingers are hot and strong. He gently moves your clit up and down. Switching the tempo from fast to slow and back up to fast again. The more you moan the more excited he gets and continues massaging your clit and biting your neck hard.
“Mmmmmmmm” you let the moan escape loudly through your mouth, your arms squeezing his neck slightly. This causes him to bite your neck hard and suck, leaving a hickey. His fingers massage your clit in a circle and then you feel 3 fingers enter inside you.
“Ino, please!!” you moan out, your legs twitching and your clit pulsing. His fingers shove further up your pussy. “Ino” you moan out again, begging. He smiles against your neck, licks the hickey, and slides his fingers out of your pussy. His fingers are slightly wet and coated. He licks his fingers and smiles at you.
“You are more than ready,” he smiles and pulls down his mask. Something in his eyes change: lust, desire…hunger. He quickly takes his pants off; his 7-inch cock hard and veiny. Before you can slide your jeans off, he lifts you and sets you on the bed. Ripping your jeans and panties off you quicker than you have ever seen. Your eyes widen and small gasp leaves your mouth. His eyes stare you down like you are piece of meat that he is ready to devour. His hands grab yours tightly and he pins them above your head. His muscles are more defined when he does this causing you to blush.
His eyes stay on yours and he thrusts himself into you. The tip of cock enters your pussy and back out. He does this multiple times to loosen you before he thrusts hard, and you feel his entire cock inside you. You arch your back and moan out. His eyes close for a second taking in your moan and pussy before reopening. His eyes never leave your face while he thrusts in and out of you. You can him grunting through his mask while he goes deep inside you. His tempo continuously changes from slow to fast to slow again. He watches how you bite your lip, moan his name, the small head tilt when his cock enters further into you and the way your eyes roll back when he exists and then quickly thrusts back inside. His eyes never leave your face and if anything, he finds your noises, faces and lip biting much more attractive, causing his cock to unload a little bit of precum inside you.
Your pussy is wet. His cock is hitting all the right places. His shaft slides perfectly in and out of your pussy, the tip of his cock hitting the g spot.
You feel his arms wrap around you and in one quick motion he switches positions. You are now straddling him with his cock so deep into your pussy you swear you can feel it in your stomach. You moan and widen your eyes. He doesn’t allow you to sit up, instead he squeezes you against his chest and you feel him thrusting in and out of you faster. You moans get louder and louder. You bite down on his shoulder, and you hear him muffle a moan before he pushes you up and grabs your hips and moves them up and down on his cock. You throw your head back as you feel his cock beating your g spot over and over repeatedly.
The only sounds are you moaning to the top of your lungs, his heavy breathing, and the slamming of your hips against his.
He stares at you with wild eyes as your head is tilted back. His grip on your hips is almost painful but the thrusting and throbbing of his cock inside of you gives you pleasure. He starts slamming your hips on his harder, faster, and stronger. His cock annihilating your pussy and the tip of his cock beating the g spot more. Your legs twitch and your nipples go hard. You feel the endless amount of hot liquid leave your pussy. He doesn’t stop. You hear his muffled moan and his pace speeds up so much so that you feel like a rag doll bouncing on his cock. You feel his legs twitch beneath you, one of his hands leaves your hips and lifts part of his mask up so his mouth is exposed.
“Y/N!!!!! FUCK!” he moans loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Your pussy gets filled with an ungodly amount of his cream. You feel like cream puff getting stuffed. His pace quickly slows and his grip on your hips loosen.
He takes his mask off. Beads of sweat drip down his face and he looks at you with a lazy smile. His eyes look at your flushed face. He brings you down to his chest and kisses your forehead, while his hands trace your spine.
“The glow looks so beautiful on you, y/n” he says kissing your head.
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quehecke · 4 months
save me ino save me
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just a very quick ino sketch rahahaha
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daisynik7 · 5 months
Nikki!!! I found some porn that really reminds me of ino and I was wondering if you’d be comfy with me sending it to you?? If not that’s totally cool! It’s a guy with a ski mask on very submissively eating someone out 😅
hello my sweetie anon! I appreciate you so much for asking first, so thank you for that!
that being said, HELL YES SEND ME THE GOODS! I'm already drooling just thinking about it!! 😩 and if you feel more comfortable dm-ing it to me, feel free to do that too! :)
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dr4kenlvr · 4 months
jjk men + types of kisses
feat. yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, ino takuma, choso, noritoshi kamo - fluff
nana's note. thinking about ino and noritoshi a lot ... :( just wanna hold them and kiss them pls gege help a girl out
yuji love love loves cheek kisses. when he walks past you—but doesn't have the chance to stop and talk—he'll place a warm palm on one cheek and smooch a quick pouty kiss to your other. "catch you later, babe!" he calls out as he runs after fushiguro. it always leave you flushed, especially if you're with your friends AHH. yuji expects requited kisses in return as well, and glady accepts them whenever you're willing. he's so cute; leaning on his elbows on the desk, palms propped beneath his chin as he patiently blinks up at you. or rather, expectently. and when you finally kiss him, his eyes sparkle. "my day is going so much better already!"
megumi goes for the modest temple kiss. the kind that he can plant on you anytime without drawing too much attention. approaches this super meticulously so he doesn't fuck up and have nobara or yuji start hollering at you two. he'll grab you with an arm either by your waist or your shoulders and pull you into him before kissing your temple softly and letting go. does this alll the time—for comfort, when he's missed you, when he knows you've missed him. megumi'll smile down at you gently before he moves on with his day, you tagging along behind him.
ino HAS to kiss you on the lips, or it's not a kiss to him (jk he loves kissing every part of you but lips top it all). he's lowkey so sensual with it too like WHATTTT ino???? (im giggling). nimble fingers fleeting up your neck while he pulls you in with his other palm, flat against the small of your back. LOVES it when you lift just the bottom of his mask up cause feels like a superhero BAHAHA. specifically, spider-man for obvious reasons—and you bet he has attempted to do the spider-man kiss with you multiple times (many ending with him landing flat on his face or ass).
choso, dare i give myself the mental image—is a knuckles kisser. hear me OUT, this man is so over his heels in love with you. literally worshipping the ground you step on. but you told him he can’t kiss your feet so he opts to kiss your hands, specifically each of your knuckles. his lips brush over the bone so fleetingly, it’s like he never did it. but his thumb rubs soothing circles on the back of your hand and your face flushes every time you look down at him. his eyes are closed and his bangs sweep over his face perfectly. god, you love your handsome man.
noritoshi (i’m giggling as i type this next part) likes to kiss your shoulders. (someone HELP me i am going INSANE.) only ever does it in the privacy of your guy’s rooms. you will NOT catch him kissing you anywhere else. but it’s kinda hot—private, not secret you know? plus, he makes up for the lack of public affection because the private affection goes so hard. i’m talking noritoshi slowly removing your top, revealing in the way your skin glows when you’re with him. his lips pepper light kisses down your shoulder, making sure to pay extra attention to that spot near the juncture of your neck.
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pseudowho · 4 months
The JJK Crew as Firemen
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Okay lads and gentlebugs, it's damsel time! This is how they meet you, rescue you, and fall in love...all in their fully uniformed line of duty.
Starring: Nanami, Gojo, Geto, Ino, Megumi, Yuuji, Higuruma, Sukuna and Toji
Warnings: Building fires, road traffic collisions, suicide attempts, injuries, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, near-drowning, Ferris wheels, highly irresponsible use of fire-trucks
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Satoru had agreed to take an extra shift, with the threat of bad weather, and he regretted it-- this storm was biblical. The skies were so black and pregnant with rain, it may as well have been night. The billowing rains slapped and stung Satoru's cheeks. Drivers were blinded, their wipers failing to clear their windscreens even at maximum speed. People stumbled, buffeted into the roads by violent winds. And Satoru's sense of humour could only get him so far when members of the public made increasingly irrational decisions, and placed themselves in danger.
But not you, he thought, as he stepped into the wild torrents of overflowing river water, to the dismayed shouts of his colleagues, you absolutely don't deserve to die like this.
Trying to head home, kept cruelly late by a manager who didn't care how far you had to travel, you had missed your bus, and had to take a dangerous detour over a little river bridge, public transport services all abruptly cancelled. One violent sweep of wind was all it took to rock you over the little fence, and you clung desperately to weeds on the riverbank, soaked, shivering, gulping at murky, frigid, terrifyingly climbing waves.
"I'm coming," shouted the fireman, white-haired, tall, throwing off his heavy uniform jacket, with no regard for his own safety, "just hold on, I'll get you out, I promise--" Satoru sloshed and slipped, his t-shirt muddy and plastered to his chest as he slid down the riverbank. He allowed his colleagues to hurriedly harness him. Hitting the water, his abs clenched painfully with the cold, and he began to wade towards you.
You cried out, feeling your grip on life be washed away as the riverbed crumbled, releasing the weeds you clung to. As the river grasped you, your hands flung desperately out, holding your breath, praying, praying--
An enormous hand gripped your own, and a long forearm drew you close with one almighty heave. Satoru dug his fingers deep into the river wall, feeling the jarring rub of stones embedded in smooth wet squelch.
"Don't let go, just hold onto me--" Satoru reached under the water, gripping your thighs and making you grasp them around his hips. You flung your arms round his neck, your face in his chest, and he held you like this, stepping back against the onslaught of the river as his colleagues reeled you both in.
Still carrying you, his arms locked under your bum, Satoru staggered up the riverbank, drenched, chest heaving you up and down against him. You glanced up at him meekly, trembling and cold. Satoru sighed, grinning down at you.
"Come on then. Tell me your name, 'cos we're gonna have to get undressed for me to warm you up."
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A wave of heat slapped across Kento's face, and he pulled equipment to his body in a practiced rush. A smash and a roar burst from the inferno in front of him, as a window exploded, blackened glass spraying through the air. The apartment block was being gutted as he watched.
"Sir! Sir!"
"What is it, Ino?"
"Evacuation incomplete, sir. There's someone left on the second floor."
Kento pulled his mask down, eyes shooting up to an opened window, a white sheet hanging out of it, flapping as the heat rose from below. Crews around him shouted to be heard over the roar of flame, with cannons shooting water, attempting to quell the fire from the lower floors. Crowds of pyjama'd residents were herded away, confused and bleary-eyed as flames ate their homes.
"Is the left stairwell clear, Ino?" Takuma faltered as Kento stamped his boots into place, yanking on his gloves.
"For-- for now-- you can't be serious sir--" Kento huffed inside his mask, clapping Ino on the shoulder, Ino buckling slightly at the strength behind it.
"I'm always serious, Ino."
Without another word, Kento stepped towards the building, sweating in his suit as he moved into a stairwell, belching smoke. His senses were dulled, his vision boxed-in, hearing his own panting breaths in the fishtank of his helmet. Taking the stairs two at a time, he hesitated and turned at the top; Kento looked down the stairs, feeling heat scorch up towards him, the fire spreading rapidly, closing off his exit.
Out of time, he thought. Approaching a corridor, its doorway jammed, swollen and warped, Kento lifted a foot and kicked it effortlessly through with a roar, the door splintering and buckling under his boot.
"Are you here? Shout for me," Kento bellowed into the corridor. His ears pricked at the shouts and coughs from the end of the corridor. Building into as much of a run as his equipment would allow, he reached another door, its paint raised and wrinkled by the heat.
Kento stepped back, turning sideways as he rammed the door with his shoulder, once, twice, three times, and barrelled through as it splintered under his weight.
Spinning his head, he saw you, crouched on the floor beneath your window, terrified and relieved in your pyjamas. Kento stepped to you, kneeling, his gloved hands moving over your body, checking you for injury. You stared into him, unable to stop yourself from grabbing his forearms, hands shaking and cold despite the blazing heat churning through the floor.
"I thought-- I thought I was going to die here," you gasped, trembling. Kento's heart creaked, and he was surprised, shaking it off-- do your job, Kento, he chastised himself.
"At least if we die here, we won't die alone. Can you stand?" You nodded, rising on shaking legs, and immediately dropped down, your eyes stinging and burning from the smoke billowing across the ceiling, pouring in from the corridor.
Kento's heart dropped to his stomach as the floor shook- an almighty crash down the corridor signified its collapse. Keeping you close with one arm round your waist, Kento leaned out of your window. With a grateful lurch, he could see his colleagues ready with the parachute canopy, waving, calling, beckoning him down.
Kento pulled you close, your back against his chest, both arms wrapped in an arresting grip around your belly and chest-- "Do you trust me?" His heart skipped again as you turned your head, gazing into him through his visor, nodding.
Kento sat backwards on the window ledge, forcing you to sit on his lap. He tried to bracket you with his arms and legs, giving a satisfied grunt as you pressed yourself hard against him.
"On three," he toned, low and heady in your ear, "...one." You squealed and squeezed his arm as he dropped backwards, both of you gripped by gravity and hauled earthwards. Kento grunted as you landed in the parachute, shielding you from impact.
The weightlessness continued as the parachute was carried from the building and placed gently on the ground. Shouts and cheers and roaring flames rang into the night, and heavy gloved hands clapped on Kento's arms and shoulders, from which you had not been released. You trembled in his lap, feeling his chest heave against your back.
When Kento broke out of his reverie, he caught your eyes staring up at him, soft and grateful, trying to see him through his helmet.
"My hero," you whispered, just quiet enough for him to hear. Kento's heart stuttered. He lifted one gloved hand and removed his helmet, blond hair messy, a fine sheen of sweat across his cheeks, his brown eyes flickering amber in the firelight. You bit your lip, drinking him in. He still had not let you go.
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The whispering crowd was infected; the morbid curiosity of a thronging mass, negated the base empathy of its participants, and replaced it with a spectacle-hungry monster.
Suguru felt the grumbling rubber-neckers by the bridge be reluctantly pushed back by police officers. The first out of his fire truck, Suguru pushed through, sleek as a fish swimming upstream, and ducked under the police officers' arms, unhindered due to uniform privilege. He picked up pace as he approached the stairs, his heart in his mouth.
And, on the railings of the bridge, stood you; you trembled, so exposed and vulnerable. Nothing could make this better. Nothing could ease this naked agony. Nothing in death could be more painful than the burden of life. Nothing could possibly eke you back from the edge of this--
"Hey. I'm Suguru. I'm sorry this is happening to you."
His voice pierced your reverie, and the world slowed around you both. The passage of leaves on the wind stilled. The collective voice hushed. The railings gripped you tightly by the hands.
"And it's not going to be easy. Coming back from this. Getting better."
Your lips puckered upwards and you hiccuped, your sobs wet, your nose dripping. As you shook, one foot slipped off the edge of the bridge and the crowd shrieked as you partially dropped, the collective voice now drowning you, leaves twirling on a whirlwind, railings forsaking you--
You felt two strong arms grip around your waist. Scrabbling against them with stress-bitten nails, your foot tried to gain purchase again. Your weak little heart caved at the effort required and you teetered, weeping and floppy, half-on and half-off the bridge.
"I can let go of you. If you need me to. I understand. But...I don't think you do want me to."
Embraced like this, you felt warm. It was much easier leaping from the cold air than from warm arms, which had given you permission both to die, and to live. Your heart creaked, the choice suddenly made easy.
"Pull me up," you sobbed as you felt the arms tighten around you, "pull me up pull me up pull me u--"
You fell with a thud against the warm voice, and grasped onto it, curled into its lap, sobbing your heart out, the crowd beneath you sounding both relieved and disappointed. The warm voice soothed you, rocked you, stroked your hair.
You found yourself, in a few slow blinks, sat in the back of an ambulance, hands trembling around a hot drink, wrapped in a silver foil blanket. You stared blankly, numb, into the rising steam. A few short taps came from the ambulance door.
You looked up to see a beautiful man who you didn't recognise, handsome, slanted eyes glimmering, his long black hair pulled up into a bun. Your heart skipped a beat as you recognised to whom the warm voice belonged.
"You should be proud of yourself. It's not easy accepting help. Can I sit with you?"
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The road was carnage, with debris scattered across tarmac, the remnants of one car smouldering weakly in dying flames, and the cries and sobs of a bloodied man being carried away on a stretcher. Still, the queue of traffic behind beeped and cussed, so outrageously inconvenienced.
Your car was crushed around you, the splitting pain in your leg made so much worse by the anxious claustrophobia of these crumpled walls, and not knowing how injured you really were. The sickening speed of the crashrolltumblecrash that had trapped you here, replayed in your mind on repeat. You felt panic claw up your throat, tasting your own blood as it dripped down your cheek and into your mouth.
"Wow, girl! You really didn't like this car, huh?"
The ridiculous flippancy of the statement was so incongruous, you laughed. Sniffling and trembling, you looked sideways through broken glass. A young man, his face friendly and open, squashed in his helmet, stared back at you, a sympathetic smile in his eyes.
"My name's Takuma. I'm here to get you out of this car, me and my friends. You look like you could use some help." Your lips pinched and you moved to nod, but Takuma's hands darted out, his fingertips to your cheeks and temples, holding your head.
"No. Don't. Your neck could be injured. Just...still as you can, okay? Good girl."
Takuma reached into a pocket, pulling out earplugs and putting them in for you, gingerly pulling a pair of goggles over your eyes. He removed them again briefly, gently swiping his thumb over a drip of blood about to run into your eye, wiping it on his trousers, replacing the goggles.
Takuma and his crew made short work of cutting through the pillars of your wrecked car, lifting the roof and doors off as if they were made of cardboard. After paramedics confirmed the integrity of your spine, hips and legs, Takuma managed to kneel beside your seat, working to release your trapped leg.
Fearful, your hand reached out, lying on Takuma's shoulders, gripping the back of his collar. Wordlessly, and without looking back, Takuma shook off one glove as his other hand worked, and reached up to hold your hand in his, rested together on his shoulder. You felt a curious tranquility run through you at his effortless kindness.
Your foot released, with a rush of pain as blood throbbed in your toes. You felt a twinge of disappointment as Takuma stepped back, allowing himself to be replaced by the concerned hands of medics.
"Not every day you get to be rescued by someone so handsome, huh?" Takuma laughed, framing his jaw faux-smugly between his thumb and forefinger. You smiled up at him, cute and appreciative in a way that made his belly clench.
"No. It's not every day I get to be rescued by someone so handsome."
You did not realise heroes could blush so sweetly.
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"Here. C'mon boy-- over here. You-- over there. Good boys."
Megumi expertly directed his dogs, one black and one white, against the threat of night-time's approach. News crews inconvenienced him, and he scowled, traversing rubble and wires as shouting rescuers tried desperately to set up floodlights. A chill bit through the air.
"...tonight, as a 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the city. The search for survivors continues as..."
Megumi raised his head to the tune of three short barks from his dog, and he jogged to the corner of a collapsed school, feeling his heart drop to his stomach. His black dog pointed keenly to a crushingly large pile of rubble, no building left for lessons and lunchtimes. Megumi reached into his pocket, offering his dog a treat, scratching its ears and head to the tune of a proud wagging tail.
"Good boy, good boy. Wait here for me." Megumi headed to the rubble, keen eyes scouring, ears astute and listening. He found an opening, the remnants of a collapsed doorway. He heard shuffles, coughs. He shoved some loose brickwork aside, and you felt rays of evening sunlight pierce what you thought was to be your grave.
"Can you hear me?" shouted Megumi, and you clung to his voice from your little coffin. Your eyes pricked with tears as the shadow of a young man blocked the rays of light, and he raised a torch, creating a beam of light, illuminating yourselves to each other.
"You got under a table?" Megumi asked, impressed, appreciative, "That saved your life. Good job."
You smiled wetly, your cut hands clotted with brick dust, and you moved to come out from under the table towards him. A perilously leaning wall teetered above you as you emerged, and you felt a shadow begin to drop over you.
With a scream, and Megumi's harsh shout, you braced for impact...and felt none. Your body felt suddenly warm, pleasantly cushioned. Opening your eyes you felt the young man lying full-length across you, his forearms braced on the floor, impossibly strong as he shielded you from the collapsed brickwork. You gasped, still and shocked, as he planked against you.
"Get yourself out. Now," he grunted. You nodded, slithering out from underneath him, leaving bloodied handprints on the brickwork as you clambered out to safety. A rough groan behind you signified Megumi somehow shaking most of a wall off his back, and crawling out to meet you.
Again, impossibly, you were the one who swayed on your feet, and Megumi reached his hands out to steady you. Two eager dogs sniffed around you both, and Megumi's frown deepened with a pretty pink blush as you gazed into him with unabashed admiration.
"Get yourself to the medics," Megumi grumbled, rubbing brick dust out of his spiky hair, "they'll help you from he--"
"I will. If you give me your number."
"You-- you are out of your mind."
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Yuuji lowered his visor, and regretted it immediately as the rain slapped against it. Reluctantly, he raised it, feeling instant cool trickles from fringe to eyebrows. Blinking water away, he crowded amongst his colleagues, all fresh fire-service arrivals to provide relief and rescue from this flooded valley town.
Twisting round, flicking muddy splatters, Yuuji's ears pricked as his Captain, Nanami Kento, barked orders.
"Ino, Maki-- provide aid and rescue for the eastern quarter. Kugisaki, to the west. Itadori--"
Nanami hesitated at Yuuji, who would have been wagging his tail if he had one. On a hitched breath, Nanami continued.
"Itadori, survey the northern lane's integrity before we move towards evacuation. Do not," Nanami warned, slanted eyes narrow through his visor, "do anything dangerous."
Yuuji appeared thoughtful; "And by dangerous, you mean...?"
"Got it sir. Nothing dangerous," Yuuji offered with a wink and a salute. Nanami stared after him with silent despair as Yuuji jogged, splashing down the waterlogged lane.
Yuuji hummed to himself, his voice breaking and springing as he jogged, blowing rivulets of water away from his lips, slipping through the mud road between lanes, hedges, trees, descending down a winding hill. He heard the hushed roar of torrents of water, and rounded the corner curiously.
The river had burst its banks, submerging a hidden dip in the road. The water sloshed, murky with sediment, lapping at an enormous felled tree, underneath which--
"Shit...shit!" Yuuji cussed, seeing a small car, almost completely submerged, partially crushed under the weight of the tree. Yuuuji sprinted, feet slapping and skidding in the wet slop of the road. Inside the car, splashes, and a desperate wet voice.
"Oh fuck--hang on, just hang on, I'll get you out." Yuuji sloshed into the flood, chest deep, keeping his footing as the undercurrent threatened to sweep him away. Leaping over felled creaking branches, rattling in the wind, Yuuji met a pair of small pale hands at the window of the car. He pressed his broad palms flat against the glass, your last remaining barrier to complete submersion.
Tear-stained, awaiting death, you stared out at him, hyperventilating, gasping, "I don't want to die here-- not like this-- I can't get out--" Yuuji took a step back, eyes wide and fearful, brimming with doubt. You saw this in him, and your lips puckered, sobbing, snotty and cold.
"I know," you reassured him as you shook, "there's nothing you can do...the tree-- you can't move it in time. I can't-- I can't--"
"I can."
You stopped, palms flat against the glass, sweet eyes boring into Yuuji, and he was possessed by malcontent.
"I can," he insisted, throwing his yellow jacket and helmet off to sink away into the muddy depths. His black t-shirt clung to his form. Even young and drenched, he looked...powerful. Still, you shook your head, slowly at first until you filled with certainty.
"You can't," you insisted, assuaging him from guilt, "you're not strong eno--"
"No, I'm strong. I'm really strong. Not smart, but--" Yuuji pulled his gloves up, taking a staggered stance with his palms flat under the tree. He turned sideways, eyes wide and innocent as he grinned.
Teeth gritting, Yuuji roared as he heaved the tree trunk. His arms shook, wet biceps bulging against his sleeves as he heaved and bellowed. As you opened your mouth to insist he stop, the words caught in your throat-- somehow, in a masterclass feat of strength, you saw the tree trunk begin to lift off the roof of the car, taking pressure off the frames and doors.
"Oh my god," you squeaked, voice strangled in amazement, "keep going, you're doing it, good boy good boy good boy--"
With one final wild exertion, Yuuji shunted the tree, and it rolled with a thick splash down the bonnet. Wading towards the car, Yuuji gripped the door handle, ready to pull against the stunning mass of water.
"When I open this, the car's gonna fill up," he pondered aloud, "so..."
"I'll reach out for you," you nodded, gasping, the water up to your chin. Yuuji's lips curled appreciatively, and he maintained eye contact as he counted down.
"Three, two, one...go!" Yuuji grunted, heaving the door open, filled with terror as your face disappeared in a rush of brown. Shoving his thick thigh into the gap, he reached in, begging, praying--
-- Yuuji felt two cold hands grip his forearms, and he gripped in return, heaving you through the torrent into his arms.
In mutual relief, chests heaving against each other, you coughed and spluttered in Yuuji's arms, fingers sinking into his hair, planting wet kisses of thanks to his cheeks.
"You saved my life," you pressed, voice breaking, "How am I ever...how can I ever...?"
"You can...just call me 'good boy' again? Just once more?"
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"Shit-- it's spread so fucking fast--"
Higuruma Hiromi wasn't sure if the crushing, oppressive heat was coming from the sun, the scorched earth beneath his feet, or the wall of flames devastating the dry summer forest before him.
Eyes wide and appalled, his frown wrinkled his hooked nose, drips of sweat trickling through spiky black hair and onto the thirsty earth. His black t-shirt was claustrophobically tight against prickling skin, and he ran two hands down his chest before pulling on his yellow jacket and helmet.
With a sharp intake of breath, he began to boom orders to his scurrying team; "you know what to do-- restrict the spread, we have to stop this encroaching on the--"
"Sir, please! Please, listen, there's someone in there--"
Hiromi's head snapped round, hawkish black eyes like beetles in the firelight, and landed on a park ranger, fighting to be heard over the roar of flame and barrier-arms of police officers. Hiromi stomped over to him, one harsh finger pointed in the officers' face to prevent his interruption before he could start.
"You say there's someone in there? In the forest? Be clear," Hiromi commanded. The park ranger gulped.
"One of the other rangers, she-- she's trying to save some of the bird-boxes-- endangered species--"
Hiromi laughed, humourless, as he rubbed his face, gazing to the heavens, between two long-fingered hands.
"Endangered species-- she's a fucking endangered species, at this rate--" Hiromi laughed again, breathing in through his mouth, and out with a sandy groan and a decision.
"Begin at the edges," he commanded to his team, jogging towards a break in the trees, "I'll be back, if I'm lucky." Hearing the frantic shouts of his team beckoning him back, Hiromi's boots stamped over the embering earth, all noise fading and replaced by hellish heat and the lick of devil's tongues.
Hiromi panted, chest heaving as it gulped in heavy air and ashes, embering leaves wisping to the floor around him. Spotting a sign, its information barely legible as the paint wrinkled up from the surface, he sprinted onwards through the inferno, leaping over logs, skidding through wafer-dry foliage, the flames in the branches above him creating the burnt-umber sunset of a hellscape.
Approaching a circular fence, the bird sanctuary was engulfed, and inexplicably, a woman halfway up a tall wooden ladder was detaching a bird-box from the side of a tree. Hiromi skidded to a halt, incredulous, snorting in derision.
Your skin felt as dry as tanned leather on your cheeks as you tucked the bird-box under your arm and began to step down the ladder. Just one more, you thought, I can get just one mo--
"I don't like to interrupt someone passionate about their job, but are you quite finished?"
You jumped, clasping the bird-box to your chest as Hiromi loomed over you, his anger rising so much taller than he was. You swallowed, tongue like sandpaper, answering honestly.
"I'm not, actually, I've got one more to--"
Hiromi's gloved hands had cupped around the birdbox, gently plucking it out of your hands and into his. You squealed indignantly as he ducked, throwing you over his shoulder with one arm, grunting as you wriggled and kicked.
"Do as you're told," Hiromi chastised as you thumped at his back with your fists, crying out, sobbing as he carried you away, "I appreciate your diligence but--"
"No, please-- just listen--" you sobbed, reaching back as he carried you and the single bird-box away, "--the eggs-- the last breeding pair--"
Hiromi stopped despite himself, feeling the flames ringing closer around him. He tapped his foot, furious, considerate. Placing you down with a huff, he walked back to the ladder. As he picked it up, he shot you a hot-eyed look of sarcastic inquisition. Lips puckering mulishly, you pointed to the tree beside him.
Wordlessly, his body language dramatically muted, Hiromi placed the ladder and took it two rungs at a time. Removing the birdbox, gripping it in one fist, Hiromi slid down the sides of the ladder and stamped back to you, pressing the bird-box into your arms beside the other.
As your eyes melted at him in a soft little smile, embracing your bird-boxes, Hiromi blushed, glaring at you without venom. He ducked down in front of you slightly, not breaking eye-contact. Your head tilted owlishly, and Hiromi felt his belly twist in odd delight.
"What are you--" the air was thumped out of you as Hiromi hefted you over his shoulder again, and he huffed out a laugh as you swore at him. You clung to your bird-boxes as he ran through the flames, gasping and squeaking as he leapt over, under, through...
Hiromi burst out of the forest and into the open, cooled instantly by the wind-carried cool spray of a dozen hoses. Hiromi dropped you down, and you fell to your knees beside each other, panting, feeling the water drizzle down your bodies.
"So," Hiromi gasped, throwing off his jacket and t-shirt, groaning at the cool water dripping down his chest, "tell me about your birds."
You pressed your forehead to his bare-chest, breath grazing across it as you laughed, sending shivers down Hiromi's spine. Resting your cheek on him, looking up with lovestruck, appreciative eyes, Hiromi wondered faintly that he could listen to you tell him about birds all night.
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This was the worst day of your life. You had made a horrible error of judgement, and you prayed to the god who had forsaken you, steeping in the consequences of your own actions. You would live the rest of your days in terror, stomach cold and gripped and roiling with fear, never happy again--
To the amused intrigue of onlookers, you were enjoying an extra-long ride at the top of a colourful Ferris Wheel. But you were afraid of heights, and had chosen a beautiful summers' day to challenge yourself. And then the Ferris Wheel got stuck. And now you were going to die up here.
You slid off the seat and onto the floor, and sobbed as your little carriage rocked in the wind. The Ferris Wheel creaked, and you felt a cold terrified sweat drop down your chest, your hands flinging out to clutch the seats. Head tipped back and eyes closed, you felt panic settling in--
"Oi. Woman. Do you want this, or not?"
You shrieked at the suddenly-appearing pink-haired man clung to the outer bars of your carriage, his face nothing short of bored and pissed off as he held a bottle of water out to you.
"What the fuck-- are you doing up here-- did you climb here?"
Sukuna snorted at you, eyes narrowed and cruel as he took you in, all sweat and tears and skirt tucked all the way up to your hips.
"Look at you, what a fucking mess," he cooed to your furious blushes, eyes brimming with tears again, "you're normally my type, but--"
"Are you just here to make fun of me?" You hiccuped, snatching the bottle of water out of his hand, unscrewing the cap as Sukuna laughed at you. With a wicked glint in his eye, Sukuna jumped his feet against the bars, rocking it, and you shrieked, clinging to the seats and sloshing water over your thighs as he laughed harder.
"Oh baby," he mocked, "you scared of heights? Want me to hold your hand?" He lifted his feet to rock the carriage again, but stopped, frowning as you answered.
"Yes," you hiccuped, "please. Hold my hand." As your little hand slid up the wall of the carriage towards his gripped around the bars, Sukuna snorted, turning his face away from you.
"It's hot," he stated, blunt, "I was told to bring you water. I've done my job. I'm not gonna hold your--"
"Please." His stomach flipped, cock twitching involuntarily inside his uniform as you begged. Sukuna snorted again, ignoring you. As you started to sniffle, weeping, your hand slid down away from his. A heartbeat passed, and you felt a strong, warm hand reach in, fingers plaiting through yours.
"You're pathetic," he mocked, still staring out across the sea, his voice a little softer now, "what the hell are you doing in a Ferris Wheel if you're afraid of heights?"
"I wanted...I wanted to see if I could--"
"Idiot. Now you're stuck here," he snapped, almost sounding concerned, his heart fluttering in a way that made his neck prickle as you rested your tear-dampened cheek against his hand in yours.
You and Sukuna stayed this way, your cheek against your fingers plaited in his. The carriage became gradually bathed in a warm pink sunset, lighting up the coral of his hair. The sway was gentle, a little boat on lilting tide.
Finally, a short jolt rumbled the carriage to life, and it began to trail in a circle back towards the ground.
Just before your carriage ground to a halt, Sukuna spoke, slow and mischievous.
"Hey. Woman."
"What?" you answered, unaware of your skirt hitched up around your waist.
"Cute little panties you've got there."
The shrieks of rage and cackling laughter could be heard all the way down to the beach.
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"You've called-- you've called him in? Are you out of your mind?" Satoru gaped at Nanami, his fellow Captain, gobsmacked as Nanami pursed his lips in irritation.
The fire-truck was parked to the side of the main road; all cars were halted, abandoned, swarmed by rioters in scarves and balaclavas, hundreds upon hundreds of them, a swirling mass of destruction in the streetlights. Riot police vainly attempted to form a blockade, stumbling as bodies slipped past them, shop windows smashing, flaming bottles tossed.
"We need the bodies," Nanami pressed, stripping his t-shirt off, thick muscular arms reaching into the truck to find a clean one, "how often do the riot police call us in for support? Besides, he looks...intimidating. He may serve as a...deterrent."
Satoru snorted derisively, "He was fired for a reason, Nanami, mark my--"
"Hey, kid, long time no see."
Satoru stiffened as a shadow loomed over him, one heavy hand clapping down on his shoulder. Toji smirked, his scar twisted, raising his boot to put out his cigarette on the sole. He stamped his boots into place, his yellow rubber trousers tatty and worn, jacketless and terrifyingly ripped in a tight black t-shirt.
"So..." Toji continued, staring into the chaos ahead of him, "support the cops, yeah?" He sucked his teeth, rolling his shoulders. Nanami nodded, brisk, shoving a helmet towards Toji, grimacing as it was immediately rejected. Nanami shrugged, not wishing to waste time arguing, and directed the firemen towards the crowd to encourage some form of calm.
Toji stayed back, choosing where to go. At a glance, he saw a young woman duck down behind a car, arm raised to toss an egg at the back of a police officer's head. You caught Toji's eye, a bandana pulled up covering your lower face, and he laughed under his breath as your eyes twinkled mischievously.
"Little minx," he muttered, admiring the quiet subversion. Laughing out loud as you tossed the egg, landing a direct hit, Toji moved on, stepping towards a shop, his passive presence alone enough to scatter the looters inside.
The pressure from the crowd built, peaking, and Toji felt the mood in the air change from rave gone overboard to aggression and spite.
Seeing the crowd pulse and surge, Toji spotted you in the front, crushed, buffeted against the officers' riot shields. You caught his eye again, now desperate and pained, instead of playful. Toji felt himself clench, stepping in behind two of the riot officers, who barely had time to glance at him between wild shouts at the crowd.
Easily, with two strong hands, Toji parted the shields just enough for you to drop through, and he caught you, lifting you as if you weighed nothing. As you stared up at him, speechless and waiting to be arrested, he looked down at you, the glimmer in his eyes threatening shenanigans.
"I don't know about you," he drawled, low and slow, "but these clowns couldn't break a nail, let alone a crowd." You laughed, tinkling and sweet, and Toji felt a burst of ego for having caused it.
"Ever been in a fire truck, sweetheart?"
Moments later, the fire truck rumbled to life, its sirens ringing and flashing in warning. The pressure of the crowd eased for a moment, hundreds of enquiring eyes on you and Toji in the front seats, one of his hands resting across your belly, protective, shielding you in place.
The enquiring eyes turned fearful as the fire truck reversed, then slowly swung to face the crowd and riot officers alike, revving.
With a smirk, Toji allowed the truck to jolt forwards. The crowd cried out collectively, its stance breaking, dozens of people scattering to escape the scene. Revving again, the truck jolted forwards once more, harder this time. Half the crowd stumbled, falling over themselves to run. With one final booming rev, the crowd shrieked and shouted, scattering like spiders up and down the length of the street, no act of protest apparently worth getting run over for.
And as you and Toji were pulled, laughing, from the fire-truck, both being slammed and cuffed against the nearest police car, your eyes met, and your bandana slipped down to reveal your lovely grin.
Toji smirked, heads on the car facing each other. Shooting you a wink which made you giggle and blush, he snorted to think that maybe he was just the right dismissed ex-fireman to get the job done.
Wheeeee, rescue me fire daddies 🚒🔥
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selfishdoll · 8 months
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⭒ ݁ . ໒꒱ I hope nobody catch us | But I kinda hope they catch us, anyway
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SUMMARY. your lovable boyfriend decided to do a favor for a friend; act in a haunted house. you decide to visit him in support. ━━ ★
CW. ooc ino, first & foremost the haunted house is an adult one meaning no children would be walking around, semi-public sex (it’s in a room but..), mask kink, slight degradation & praise, pet names, costume sex (you both are in costume), you lowkey being a bad influence <3, mentions of fear, unprotected sex, over the cloth sex, fingering, multiple orgasms, etc. ━━ ★
NOTE. i got this idea randomly & i specified it was an adult only haunted house cause the thought of children being around icked me out. anyway, hope you enjoy <3 also he’s wearing his normal mask & just all black because i’m unoriginal. (does this count as kinktober??). unedited, please excuse typos & grammar mistakes.
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You loved fall, from the weather to the scenery; it was your favorite time of year. You also loved Halloween, the perfect excuse to dress up how you wished without the fear of judgement or unnecessary opinions. With each event you went all out, dedicating time to your outfit, hair, and makeup to assure you looked amazing. At least, your lovely boyfriend Takuma Ino thought so. But instead of resting on the edge of your bed; complimenting you with a red tinge to his cheeks, he was off working— as a scare actor.
You chuckled at the idea, not being able to imagine your sweet yet goofy lover scaring adults. He just wasn’t that scary. He was far too cute. But still, you supported him like the wonderful girlfriend you were; promising to visit him with your friends. Promising to dress in the Betty Boop costume he had picked out a while ago. The red tube dress fitted your curves perfectly, heart gaterbelt wrapped around your chubby thigh. You slid some product through your short bohemian styled braids, smiling to yourself in the mirror. The smile twitched when a loud honk echoed from outside, you quickly gathering your things and making your way out of your room and home. Your bestfriends clad in their own costumes, cheering the moment you got into the car.
It didn’t take long to drive to the Haunted Attraction, your friend pulling into a spot and turning off the car; you all leaving it soon after. You glanced around the broad area, spotting many adults clad in their own scary or not-so scary costumes, smiling to yourself. Yep, this was definitely your favorite time of year.
Locking arms with your closest friend, your small group approached the entrance of the attraction, taking in the decor, wandering scare actors, and the many signs explicitly stating anyone under twenty-one was not allowed. Which scared you a little, what exactly were they showing that they didn’t want to show kids? Though, you didn’t let that thought consume you, deciding it was fine. That was the whole point of Halloween; getting scared and laughing about it later.
Besides, it couldn’t be too bad, right?
Wrong. You were definitely wrong. Your group was only twenty minutes into the attraction, moving between the many buildings and rooms; letting loose blood curdling screams with each new event. From being chased by a person with an actual chainsaw, to having a thick liquid that looked a little to like blood dropped on you— you were lucky you hadn’t peed your pants yet. Your little heart simply couldn’t take it.
With a soft huff you aggressively wiped the questionable liquid off you, glancing up to chuckle at your friend who was worse off than you. Despite the fear, you were enjoying yourself. Your nearly forgot why you came here in the first place. Until, you friend reminded you.
“We haven’t seen Takuma yet, do you know which one he’s in?” She asked, blinking over at you. You thought her question over for a moment before shaking your head with a small smile, “He refused to tell me.”
“Probably wanted to surprise you.”
“Probably.” You laughed softly, rising from your previous seat on a random bench, tossing the soiled cloth in the trash can nearby. You looked yourself over, adjusting your dress and garterbelt to assure you looked presentable. You had a feeling you would be seeing Ino soon, and you wanted to look your best infront of him.
Even if he didn’t care what you looked like half the time.
“Ready for round two?” You spook cheekily, giggling as your friend let out an exasperated sigh but allowing you lead her towards the next attraction. Your group started out down a dark hallway, chains hanging down from the ceiling and brushing against your heads. You curled up close to your friend, eyes darting back and forth; searching for something, maybe a scare actor or some other prop. So far, there was nothing.
A shrill went down your spine as something brushed across your leg, hopping close to your friend who teased you lightly. “Something was on my leg!” You whined, attempting to defend your case. You all continued down that dark hallway for a while, each person jumping about; declaring something or someone kept touching them. Soon enough you had reached a room that had a dim light overhead, a black box against the wall, plus handcuffs and chains lining the black walls.
“This one wasn’t so scary..” You mumbled softly, despite still gripping your friend’s shirt in uncertainty. You all continued to look around for a moment, until loud shouts came from down the hall the just came from— you all snapping to see individuals in black clothing, holding far too real looking weapons rushing for you. You screeched softly as they came closer, attempting to move away quickly, only for your friend to move much faster.
Like the lovable traitor she was, she pushed you towards one of them as bait, ignoring your surprised yell. She turned on her heel, rushing out of the room while the other scare actors followed. You felt betrayed, a little scared, and oddly.. comfortable? Seeing as the scare actor had their arms around you and.. were they laughing?
You knew that laugh all too well.
You switched around in their hold, playfully glaring at your lover’s covered face. You reached over, grabbing the edge of his mask and pushing it up to his forehead, his laughter no longer muffled. “Holy shit— I can’t believe she did that!” Ino doubled over into you, body shaking with laughter as you stood and pouted like a petulant child.
“I’m so gonna get her back.” You murmured, feeling him slowly relax, coming to his full height, arms still around your form. “And why didn’t you tell me you were here!?”
Ino gave you a goofy smile, sliding his arms to press his fingers into your hips. “Mostly because they didn’t tell me where I would be until I got here.” He shrugged a little, smile deepening at the little shake of your head. He leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss to the space between your eyes, thumb caressing the fabric of your dress. “Also.. I really like this costume. You look, amazing.” His words came out breathy, pulling back to allow his eyes to trace over your form.
You smiled at his compliment, “Well, you were the one that picked it out.” Ino chuckled at your words, eyelids lowering the moment you leaned over, planting your lips together. Your hands gently grabbed the black longsleeve he wore, sliding up his lanky body until you reached his face. Your fingers curled around his mask, pulling back whilst pulling it down his face. “I like this mask.”
The man squeezed your hips at your words, a small chuckle escaping him. “You do?” Ino questioned coyly, voice now muffled. You nodded at his words, rising up to wrap your arms around his neck. “Mhm..Look so good in it.” Your sweet words flew from your throat softly, hand dragging down his form, feeling the poor man shudder in response. The moment your hand made contact with the waistband of his pants, however; he caught your wrist, eyes boring into your own.
“[Name]..” Ino’s words dragged, clearly attempting to be the responsible one here. As much as he wanted to absolutely ruin you in that beautiful red dress, he was working— plus anyone could walk in right now. He was already pushing it kissing you. “We can.. later.”
The pout you gave only melted his resolve even more, breath hitching as you came close to his covered face. “If we’re quick, it’ll be fine. Besides, this is towards the end of the attraction; no one should be coming here for a minute..” You egged the man on, searching his eyes for a moment. He glanced off in thought, subconsciously brushing your hip with his fingers. You knew he was having an inner battle, and you enjoyed it deeply. Watching him mentally weigh the options, thinking over every possible outcome.
“Ino.. I need you.”
That was enough to convince him, the man pushing his mask just above his lips to crash them against your own. You met the intensity easily, feeling him back you into the long black box behind the two of you, hands gripping your sides tightly. He pulled you close, breaching the space between your thighs to slowly grind into you. Your fingers curled under his mask, tugging at his warm brown tresses, moaning softly as his tongue entered your mouth. Curling around your own, he released a hip to drag his hand up your body, large hand covering your breast, rubbing you through your dress. You breathed into him, pressing up against him.
Ino pulled back, pushing you to sit on the box while his face fell to your neck. “Can’t believe you got horny off me wearing a mask…” The man muttered in disbelief, sucking kisses into your skin while his hand continued. You ground up into him, desperate for more friction, more attention— causing the man to chuckle to himself. “Now you’re ruining my pants, fucking minx.”
“Ino.. God— stop teasin’ me.” You breathed, feeling his other hand withdraw from your hip to go between your thighs, causally rubbing you through your panties. You bucked into his hand, leaning back on your own as your head tilted to the side to give him more access to your neck. You gasped out as his hand entered your panties, long slender fingers parting you to use his middle to rub tight circles on your swelling bud. The man swore softly at the mess covering his fingers, pulling back from your neck.
“I’ll do what I want with you— your needy self is taking me away from my job, after all.” Ino grinned a little at the pathetic whine that escaped you, free hand dropping to your thigh to push you up higher, allowing two fingers to slide into your entrance. Wet sends emitted from between your thighs with each curl and thrust into your pretty pussy, the man watching in awe at the way your eyebrows furrowed close, soft breaths escaping you as your legs threatened to close. Ino was always so lost in your pleasure, dedicating each twitch and moan to memory for days he was away from you. So lost, the thought of someone walking into the room completely fled his mind. He couldn’t care, actually— your effect on him was far more overpowering.
His thumb rose to push and rub against your bud, quickening the pace of his fingers to watch you moan, hips pushing to meet his thrusts. By the way your walls clenched the man knew you were close, grinning down at you as his fingertips pushed against your spongy walls. And just when you felt your peak approach, the man was withdrawing his fingers, shoving the wet digits into your mouth to cover the exasperated whine that escaped you. “Relax, pretty girl— you’ll cum.” Promise hugged his words, free hand delicately undoing his belt, pushing the garment and his boxers down enough that his cock slipped out. The man breathed as he felt your tongue curl around his fingers, sucking, gagging softly when his fingers went just a little too deep.
Once he was satisfied the man pulled his hand away, using your combined saliva and slick to spread along his dick, fisting himself a little. Not even a moment later he was coming close, pushing your panties to the side as the head of his length pressed against your entrance. Ino took over your lips in a deep kiss the moment he pushed into you, knowing just how loud you could get during the stretch. Your thighs shook around his waist, reaching to grab his shirt with one hand, keeping yourself steady with the other. Soon enough he was entirely inside, sucking in a breath from the way your walls clenched around him.
A hand held your lower back, pulling his hips back until just the tip remained inside of you. Ino didn’t wait long to flick them forward, thrusting into you roughly. Your legs tightened around him, pulling back from the kiss to moan as you gripped him even harsher. Your body bounced with each thrust, eyelids growing heavier and heavier as the pleasure slowly took over. You desperately tried to keep your voice down, bottom lip caught between your teeth, pleasure filled sounds muffled as best as they could. But Ino refused to make it easy, rushing into your body as if you two were alone— as if the threat of someone walking in wasn’t looming over your heads.
You whined out as he angled his hips just right, thrusting against that sweet spot inside you that made stars dance behind your eyelids. “Fuck, fuck! Ino—!” Your next words came out a muffled mess on account of palm being pressed against your mouth, Ino hissing at you softly.
“Not so loud baby, your pretty voice is only for me, understand?” He grinned at the way your eyes rolled back with each rock into your body, other hand hitching your leg close as his steady place never faltered. Ino moved his hand to instead push his fingers back into your mouth, hissing at the way you instantly sucked them, tongue curling around them like they were his dick. “So natural for you, isn’t it?” The man teased softly, releasing your thigh to reach between the two of you to rub tight circles onto your clit.
That was enough for you, hips rising up off the black box as you came, squeezing his cock which’s pace never stopped inside you. Fucking you through the high, Ino praised you softly, still rubbing against your clit. The moment the sensitivity hit you were whining against his fingers, pulling back and reaching to his stomach— declaring it was too much. Ino gave you a devious smile, hands falling to your hips, pulling himself out. You were only given a moment to breathe, to think before he was turning you around, pushing you to lean your hands against the box before plunging back inside you.
You cried out, attempted to stand on shaky legs as you leaned over the ruined prop. “Ino, fuckkk..!” Your voice turned into high pitched moans, feeling him rise your dress up a little higher, the sound of skin to skin contact covering the room.
“I know sweet girl, I know— Feels so fucking good for me too.” The masked man cooed, watching you. The way your body shuddered and bounced, the way your walls clenched and sucked him in with each thrust, the way your ass jiggled and clapped each time he moved— it was enough to have his eyes rolling back, pressing his fingers deep into your skin; leaving marks. And the moment you were pushing back against him, he was truly lost, hunching over your body as he groaned heavily into his ear.
“Fu—fuck.. Just, oh fuck — like that, keep fucking back against me.” His thrusts became hurried, wrapping his arms right around your waist as he pounded into you, caring less for how loud the two of you were being. Ino’s cock twitched as he became closer and closer, eyebrows pinched close with his eyes completely closed. Your face turned, catching his lips in a deep kiss, the feathery soft feeling pushing him over the edge; painting your walls white.
The warmth was enough for you, crying out for the last time as you came, walls clenching and milking him dry. The two of you breathed into the other’s mouth, his arms loosening around your form but still holding you snug against him. Moments passed before Ino pulled away, face falling into your neck to continue to catch his breath.
Just when you opened your mouth to speak, a soft, scratchy hello entered the room. Ino scrambled to grab the walkie-talkie from his back pocket, bringing it to his lips, “He—Hello?”
“Where’d you go? We chased those girls for a while and we’re on our way back.”
“I was.. uh— Nothing! Just had to..” His eyes darted to your own for a moment, attempting to ignore the little simper covering your features. “Do something important really quickly. I’ll meet you guys in a minute.” Ino sighed as he turned the device off, slowly pulling out of you.
“Is my name, something important?”
Ino gave a playfully smile, helping to fix your attire and pulling you close for a kiss. “Meet me in the house of mirrors in twenty minutes.”
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kishibe-kisser · 7 months
Ino Takuma x gn!reader, sneaking around, secret relationship, makeout session, suggestive
"Ino you can't keep doing this! If my parents see you they're going to call the police!" You whispered after opening your bedroom window. The ski mask would have scared anyone else instantly, but the eyes behind it were ones you knew well. "Oh shush, you know you love it." He teased, climbing into your room and standing to full height. From his eyes you could tell he was smiling and you just shook your head, lifting his mask to kiss him.
He took it off fully, not breaking the kiss for even a second as he tossed it to the ground. You could feel his hair tickling your forehead as he leaned more into you, deepening the kiss quickly and making you laugh. Ino couldn't help himself, he hardly got to see you with your restrictive parents and he missed you. Biting your lips, you let out a moan before pulling away all flustered. It was his number one job to fluster you and it was working.
"What? Didn't you miss me?" He asked, leaning forward even more to look you in the eyes. "Of course I did, I just don't think my parents need to hear just how much." You told him and he shook his head with a smile. "Then they'll call the cops for sure." He said, picking you up suddenly and having your wrap your legs around his waist. You had to bite back a squeal, burrying your face into his neck as he laid you both down on your bed.
"Sweetheart, you alright? I heard a noise." Your mother called from behind your bedroom door and you felt your heart stop. Ino's eyes went wide and he froze, not sure how you'd respond. "I'm fine just uh- stubbed my toe." You told her and he stifled a laugh in your neck. "Be more careful, hun. We're going to bed now. Goodnight!" She said and you cringed before responding. "Goodnight!" Your heart was pounding now as you listened to her footsteps walk away.
"That was close." Ino whispered, settling inbetween your legs better. Your lifted your hands to play with his hair as you looked at him. "Too close." You said and he shook his head. "Too close would be getting caught." He told you and pulled you in for a kiss again, tongue running over your bottom lip as his hands roamed your pyjama clad body.
His hands slowly started lifting your shirt, just wanting to touch more of your soft skin. He didn't get to see you nearly enough, he just wanted to see you and touch your after a long day, so much so that sneaking around was absolutely worth it.
"That feels nice." You moaned, feeling his slightly rough hands touching your sides and stomach. "I could make you feel even better." He whispered in your ear, hands moving to the waist band of your shorts slowly. "You know we can't. Not with my parents in the house." Your breathing had gotten heavier and he felt pleased with himself. "What if they hear?" You added on, his fingers toying with the band now as he kissed the side of your neck. You wanted too, you really did but the fear of them hearing and hurting him was too big.
"What if I promise to help you keep it down? Muffle those pretty sounds of yours?" He asked, now tugging the fabric down a little. His words made you whimper, loving how determined he was and just how much he wanted you to see how much he missed you. "I guess that's okay." You smiled softly and Ino felt himself smirk. One hand moved to cover your mouth while the other tugged your shorts down, taking your underwear with them and you let out a sound in surprise.
"Now now, you said we needed to be quiet. Hate for the fun to come to an early end."
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AN: This is my formal anouncement that I'm writing for Ino now. Hands down most underrated character. I really like him. I'm also adding another character that I'll introduce with a blurb too. Any guesses on who?
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shaisuki · 8 months
takuma ino has a secret.
one he closely guards and never told a soul about it. tight lipped he is whenever he thinks of it and avoiding of conversation getting closer to being related.
his secret he got a crush on nanami's soft and plush girlfriend.
it's bad as it is. liking the his mentor's girlfriend whom he deeply respects but he can't resist and fall for your charms and now he suffers from it.
opposites you are with his mentor and yet, he can see how you love nanami and the latter also. there's no ounce of affections are displayed with eyes watching but he knows how you both truly felt for each other — for the reason it's also the same how he looks at you.
stolen glances with every chance he had. he never dared to look at you when nanami's around knowing how disrespectful it is — to take interest in a person who is completely taken but he's a man too. a man who is also capable of love.
he sees you in his dreams. your round face above him while you plant a kiss in his lips to wake him up. you kissed him everywhere — with his face bare and his most favorite — you kissing him with his mask on. disrespectful and out of his code — he also had dreams. not the innocent kind. one should not utter when there are ears around. listening to his words.
a far and unrealistic chains of expectations on how he would act as a lover to you and he daydreams about it — a lot.
however you made it clear that you will always see him as a little brother and ino hates it. tired of the feeling of being treated as a younger brother by his seniors. he don't want that — not even from you.
forbidden it was — ino accepted the fact that you will never be his. he can only admire you afar with nanami beside you but he's grateful that someone like you graced his life.
at the very moment he laid his eyes on you, he knew he was a goner and the very last moment he laid his eyes on you with nanami — the remaining affection he had for you died along with his shattered heart.
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thatgirlsza · 3 months
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Satoru Gojo
Gojo again is pretty vanilla, but one kink he has and will always have is face sitting. When you have had a long day and feeling a little down, he'll crawll under you and let himself indulge in every inche of you, hands kneading you breats and teasing your nipples.
Kento Nanami
Nanami has a bitting kink. It's more primal than anything bit he can't help it, when his fucking you, you whine and cry for him for more he'll smell your scent and sink his teeth into your breast just to feel the soft flesh in his mouth.
Suguru Getou
Suguru has a very nasty corruption kink, although he never explicitly acts on it, he does have a tendency to say the dirtiest things about how you the sweetest girl who sucking of the baddest mans cock. Sometimes he has even said how good it feels to have such a good girl turned bad.
Toji Fushiguro
Has the biggest praise kink and loves it when you do it. He'll go crazy and have to think about everything but the way your whiny voice tells hi n his dick is the best thing ever to try not to cum early.
Ryoumen Sukuna
Ryoumen has a breeding kink and its not funny. Although his a lot softer and kinder with you, when he his in the zone to breed, your overstimulated cunt cant take much of it. Ryoumen can go until there is a small pool of his cum under where his big dick enters your small twitching cunt.
Ino Takuma
Although Ino and you are both very experimental when it comes to intimacy there is one kink you both share and that is a mask kink. At first it was a joke but when you got on your knees and sucked him off with his mask on. Than he put the mask on and eat you out.
Chousou is also pretty vanilla all things considered but he has a special nipple play kink for you both. Chousou could go for hours making you cum with his tongue and lips lathering across your tits alone. And he absolutely loves it when you play with his hard nipples while sucking him off.
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dilftaroooo · 4 months
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Ino craves you but you always liked to tease
★tags: ino is whipped yall + sub!ino + dom!reader + afab reader + fingering + mask kink + my first time writing for ino, so pls be g-gentle with me.
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Takuma does what he’s told. If he’s ordered to stand, he’ll stand. If he’s ordered to jump, he’ll jump. If he’s ordered to sit on his knees and take the only front-row seat of you fingering your drooling pussy, then the seat is already taken.
“Don’t lick or touch until I tell you to.” Your tone refrains him from even thinking about stubbornly rebelling against you. There’s a hindrance in your blunt demeanor with each weak point you hit with languid digits, but it’s there regardless, still a looming overcast that darkens his view from brilliant sun rays. It rains ever so slightly but when it pours, he makes sure to cherish the wet taps draping across his skin.
He’s weak in this state, enough to mumble out a puny ‘yes ma’am’ that's barely a pitch louder than the sloshing of bodily wetness. You’re loud. And you’re dirtying the couch; it was a hand-me-down but his nostalgic memories are still engraved in that ragged cushion. That doesn’t make him no never mind though.
Consider it pleasurable torture because the growth between his legs ache with a sense of carnal urge, wanting to be freed from the confinements of fabric and kissed by weeping lips of sin to wash that disgruntled pain away. 
But that pain only grows as you continue to flick, probe, and pinch at every delicate inch of fragile skin while coffee brown hues gaze up in delight, dare he say, honored to witness a beauty as enticing as you. The fat around your thighs and tummy seems grabbable and the erect nubs on your chest begged to be sucked.
Saucers widen to plates as Takuma’s astonished eyes feed off of the display in front of him. He’s internally waiting for your word, your order to wrap his hungry lips around your hard clitoris and lap greedily along the path of your labia.
He’s ready to feel your fingers grip the roots of his locks once he graces you in eager swipes and rattles you with grunts that ring through your heated body, keens oozing from your lips like warm chocolate drizzling onto his awaiting tongue–he’s drooling like a wet dog. Perhaps from both your juicy cunt and that blatant chocolate simile.
With a look so desperate, you must’ve picked up his heavy pants because they were starting to sound pathetic to you.
“Taste me.” And with those words, Takuma could’ve sworn he heard an angel coo against the shell of his ear, he guesses those hushed prayers of you really have been heard!
He crawls tentatively like a newborn kitten, unsure of the world they’ve been born into. He wet his lips, not that it was needed since he’d been salivating this whole session, but call it a force of habit. 
If he couldn’t smell you before then he could now with how the tip of his nose traced the wisp of your pubic hairs that remained unshaven save from the light wax you’ve gotten on your bikini line. The soft scent of sweat provoked a moan from him and he couldn’t help but swoon over how his tongue would pick up each salty bead with shameless content. And he was close to doing so until-
“Stop.” Takuma halts. He believes he’s in the wrong for how your sternness cuts through the sexual tension in the room. “Clearly you’re forgetting something, lover boy.” It takes him a beat to recognize what it is until his eyes land on the black cotton of his mask, almost lying purposely beside you.
Upon putting it on, you hum in delight and spread your legs further. Takuma delves in. Though with the mask acting as a cruel barrier from the treasure he initially seeks, he remains happy to find that he can taste you on his tongue. Your cunt is savory and delectable that he seemingly can’t make any comparisons to anything he’s ever tried. It’s enough to make him want to shrivel into a heap of nothingness, enough to make him fight against an army of guns with the aid of a sword.
A sword that's dull and pertains no prowess but he’d be willing to take that slim chance at victory just for the sake of you.
You bring him to the lowest point of desire and yearning that even sucking your pussy through cotton fabric was enough for him to squirm.
He looks up at his obsession with love-stricken eyes. Eyes that say that he will love you and your pussy forever. And with you singing out to him like a whimsical canary, he’d make sure that his love is what he gives you until the day he’s deemed dead.
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vid-writes · 14 days
Takuma Ino x Female Reader
I know you guys wanted the Kento fic first but I've wanted to write this for a few days so you get this one first. Don't worry I'm getting to that Nanami fic
There really aren't any TWs other than sexually explicit content so no one under 18 needs to interact with this.
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You and Takuma Ino had been together for almost six months now, but you guys hadn't had sex yet. His job as a sorcerer kept him so busy that when he got home, he was always tired and crashed right after he ate dinner. Tonight was one of the nights you were staying over and as much as you enjoyed cuddling with Ino you really wanted to escalate your relationship more.
As you were finishing up dinner, the door to his apartment banged open, and he called out, "Babe, I'm home." You giggled as you plated the food and waited for him to round the corner into the kitchen. When he did, his jaw hit the floor. Instead of the cozy pajamas you usually wear when he gets home this late, you wear a new bright yellow summer dress.
"Welcome home," you said as you rounded the small island in the kitchen and pulled him into a hug. I've missed you." His arms snaked around your waist, and he kissed you deeply.
"I don't know what I did to deserve coming home to you dressed up, but I'm going to make sure I keep doing it," he said as he finally pulled back from his greeting kiss. You smiled and playfully smacked his chest.
"Would it make you feel too terrible if I said this is because of something we haven't done," you whispered as you felt heat creeping into your cheeks. Takuma pulled back more and studied your face for a few seconds before his eyes lit up.
"No, because I actually got a day off tomorrow. I even told Nanami I'm turning my phone off to spend the day with my girlfriend," he said before he kissed you deeply again.
"Well then, let's eat dinner, and whatever happens, happens," you replied as you tugged him by the wrist over to the two-person dining table he had tucked into the back corner of the kitchen.
"So tell me about your day," Takuma inquired as he poured wine for the both of you, making sure not to fill your glass the "wrong way." Once the liquid was millimeters from the brim of your glass, he set the bottle down.
"My day was incredibly boring compared to that of a sorcerer," you teased as you both dug into dinner. A few minutes of comfortable silence ensued as you guys ate, but it soon turned tense.
"My day really wasn't all that great. I nearly let a cruse escape and got lectured by Kento for over an hour," he grumbled after he drained half of his glass of wine. You offered him a soft smile and squeezed his hand, which was resting on the table near yours.
"Now, Ino, you know that doesn't make you a bad sorcerer," you soothed as your fingers drew senseless patterns on the back of his hand. A warm smile crossed Ino's face, and then heat filled his cheeks.
"Can I confess something to you?" He asked and laced his fingers with yours.
"You know that you always can, Takuma, my love," you replied and squeezed his hand.
"I have had sex but only once before, and it was a long time ago," he whispered as he made to pull his ski mask over his face. It was in the key bowl near the front door, so his hand threaded into his hair instead.
"Can I confess something to you?" You asked, and he looked up at you through heavy lashes.
"Always Y/N, my dear," he replied.
"I've had sex before too. A few times with my last boyfriend, but he wasn't any good," you admitted as you felt heat creeping into your own cheeks. He lifted his head with a shy smile on his face, and you returned it.
"I've been scared that you wouldn't want to be with someone who has been with someone before. That's stupid, I know, and we never discussed our histories, but that's just how I felt," Ino said as he rubbed the back of his neck. You laughed softly and drank some more of your wine. This night was going according to plan and not at all at the same time.
"Takuma, I've never cared about that; I just want to share that special connection with you," you admitted. He pushed his chair back from the table and stood up with his hand out to you.
"Then let's go in my room so I can find out if you're wearing panties underneath that pretty little dress of yours," he said as his face turned redder. You put your hand in his and allowed him to pull you to your feet. The answer to his curiosity was dangling on your tongue, but you swallowed it as you followed him to his bedroom.
In the room, Takuma turned to you, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His bed sat against the wall to the right, and across from it was the door to his bathroom. A few posters hung on his walls from movies or manga, and some other furniture filled his room. It could really use the touch of a woman, but moving in with Takuma was still another six months away at a minimum. Nerves seemed to be making him hesitate, so you grabbed his hand and led him to the bed.
You climbed up onto the big plush mattress with your hand still in his so he had no choice but to follow you up. You scooted Ino, so he sat against the headboard and then straddled his lap, making sure your dress still covered your pussy.
His hands settled on your hips, and you slowly kissed your way from his ear, across his cheek to his mouth. Not wanting to rush him or make him feel like you were judging his skills, you planned to take your time. When your mouth finally met his, you could feel the desire burning underneath his skin. His hands tightened on your waist as he pushed his tongue between your lips. Takuma's taste filled your mouth, and you moaned as his desire flooded another one of your senses. Your tongues licked at each other as his hands slid up and down your sides. Moans slipped from your throat as Takuma sucked your tongue into his mouth, and you scratched his chest a little bit. He sucked your tongue more as his hands slid down to your thighs. Keening sounds of pleasure spilled from your mouth as you scratched down his chest more, and he licked your tongue while still sucking it.
"You really like that," he panted when he finally pulled his lips back from yours just enough to speak.
"I've kissed two other guys, and neither one ever did that. Hell, I've kissed you before, and you've never done that. It felt so fucking good, Ino," you moaned as his hands squeezed your thighs. Blush filled his cheeks again as he pulled back more to look at your face. His eyes searched yours and found nothing but desire darkening them more and more.
"I really want to take this dress off of you, but I don't want you to be unfairly naked if it's all you're wearing," he whispered as his hands pushed the dress up your thighs. You bit your lip as his hands moved the dress up to your hips. Without saying anything, you raised your arms above your head. His eyes danced with conflict before he pulled the dress over your head. And, like he guessed, you were naked underneath. Your small breasts hung freely with hardened nipples, and your recently, but not freshly, shaved pussy was on full display since your legs were on either side of his.
"Fuck I don't know why I waited so long. You're gorgeous all the time, but seeing you naked is damn near religious," Ino murmured as he shifted you off of his lap. He slipped off the bed and stood. Quietly, he faced you and pulled off his shirt. Defined muscles lined his chest and stomach. You only had seconds to take those in because his pants and underwear were pushed off at the same time. His cock stood half-hard in front of him, and your mouth watered. Even from here and half hard, you knew Ino's cock was your favorite kind. Six, maybe seven inches and thicker as you went down more. You might have only had sex with one man, but you never lacked new toys to masturbate with, and being small meant you had a thing for smaller dicks.
"Takuma, promise me you won't let me out of this bed tomorrow," you said as he climbed back on the bed. He laughed and claimed your lips in a deep kiss in response. As he parted your lips with his tongue again, he leaned his weight into you until your back was against the bed. Your tongues danced together as you lightly scratched down his back. His hands brushed the underside of your breasts a few times before cupping them both fully in his hands.
"Your breasts are the perfect size," he groaned as he kissed his way to your ear and kneaded your breasts in his hands. Your nails dug deeper into the skin of his back as he rolled your nipples in his hands. He kissed down your neck and along your collarbone as his weight slowly shifted down a bit. When his mouth claimed one of your nipples, you arched into him.
"Mmmmmm, so good, Ino," you purred as his tongue and fingers worked your nipples into hard points. Your hips rutted up into his as your hands squeezed his ass. He moaned around your other nipple, and your pussy throbbed. Men who made noises were your favorite. So you squeezed his ass again, and he moaned again.
"Please keep making those noises," you nearly pleaded as his mouth left your now-wet breasts and trailed further down your body.
"I'm going to make you make beautiful noises first, dear, and then I promise I'll moan right in your ear the whole time," he murmured as he kissed across your stomach. Your pussy throbbed again, and you nodded eagerly. A sultry smile crossed his lips at the same time he blushed. It seemed you had a thing for shy men, too, because your ex had been overconfident, and you had hated it. Ino's lips met the soft fuzz covering the mound above your core, and you threaded your fingers into his hair.
"Have you ever done this part before?" You asked. He shook his head as the blush spread to his ears.
"That's alright, I don't mind guiding you a bit if you need it," you reassured him as you ruffled his hair. He grinned and kissed your mound again. His next kiss landed squarely on your clit, and your hips bucked up into his face. Gently he pushed them back down and kissed your clit again.
"Lick right there in slow and deep strokes," you guided Ino as your breath started to catch in your throat. His tongue hesitantly licked up your clit, and a near-guttural moan tore out of your throat. "Yes, Takuma babe, just like that. It feels so fucking good."
Feeling reassured by your words, he licked your clit again just as you had instructed, and your moan filled the whole apartment. His fingers dug into your hips as he held you into the bed, still licking your clit slowly and deeply. You were writhing and tugging his hair as you moaned. The heat and pressure of your impending orgasm were building quickly.
"Suck on it to please, babe," you whined as your pussy started to ache from the incoming release. His lips wrapped around your clit and sucked tightly as his tongue continued to work it in deep and slow strokes. Pleasure nearly blinded you as you came hard and fast, hips bucking up so hard that Ino had to dig his nails in to keep you down on the bed. His teeth dragged across your clit as he pulled away from it, still sucking, so when it left his mouth, a whine left yours loud enough to echo.
"Please, Takuma, I want more. Your mouth is so good; you're such a natural at eating pussy," you panted as he licked down your folds. His response was to shove his tongue into your gushing core until his mouth was flush with your lips. A groan from his throat vibrated your pussy as Ino started to tongue fuck you. His lips and teeth moving as if he indeed intended to eat you.
The combination of constant stimulation to your whole pussy made you cum again so suddenly that this time you screamed out Ino's name. Despite trying, he was unable to keep you pinned to the bed as your thighs closed around his head. After a few seconds of grinding your pussy into his mouth, you collapsed into the bed, still writhing. He pulled his mouth away and picked up his shirt from the floor to clean his face.
"Don't even apologize; that was incredibly hot, baby girl," he said as he kissed his way back up your torso slowly. His mouth claimed yours as his cock pressed against your mound. You rutted into each other as your tongues danced together in between your mouths. His cock dragged through your soaked folds, making you whimper in his mouth. The kiss turned fervent as you tried to angle your hips, so he slipped inside of you without notice.
"What do you want, sweetheart?" Ino asked as he pulled his hips and mouth back from yours. Another whine tore from your throat as you lifted your hips to try to meet his.
"Please, Takuma," you pleaded as he pinned your hips to the bed with one hand.
"Please, what, baby girl? You've done so good guiding me thus far; don't lose your words now," he teased as he kissed you softly.
"Make love to me, Takuma," you whispered, and he pulled back further so he could see your face.
"Make love to you, huh? I can definitely do that, sweetheart," he said as his hand moved from your hips and wrapped around his cock. You lifted your hips to meet his and felt the head of his cock push against your entrance. The need to writhe filled your body, but you held still as you locked your gaze with Ino's. He moved his cock inside of you slowly and let go with his hand, which he used to grab yours. Your fingers threaded through his and landed on the bed next to your head. He wasn't pinning you. He was holding your hand.
Ino's hips bottomed out into yours as you both moaned. Neither of you had yet to look away from the other. His mouth claimed yours again as he slowly slid out to the tip and started to move in slow, deep thrusts. Your tongue stroked his slowly as he continued his slow and deep thrusts. This time, the heat and tension in your stomach were building at such a slow burn that you thought it might drive you crazy. He pulled away from the kiss and stilled his movements.
"I love you," he whispered, "and I know you're probably not supposed to admit that for the first time during sex, and I know it's way too-"
You cut him off with a deep kiss as you squeezed his hand, which was still holding yours. "I love you too, Takuma," you whispered against his lips. He moaned softly as his hips resumed their previous pace. Slow and deep. Your tongues tangled again as his other hand snaked between the two of you and rubbed slow circles into your clit. Not deep enough to make your orgasm come faster but just enough that every nerve in your body lit up. You writhed and moaned into Ino's mouth as he continued to make love to you just as you had requested.
His hips never once quickened or stilled as his mouth trailed kisses up and down both sides of your neck. His hand holding yours never left, and the one teasing your clit never let up. Seconds felt like hours. Minutes felt like days. All of it was heaven on Earth, and Ino was worshiping you like you were holy. Your mouths met again as the tension in your stomach broke, and you came so hard you saw stars behind your closed eyes. Walls clenched and body shaking, and yet Ino's hips never stilled. His fingers on your clit never deepened. The orgasm seemed to last forever.
"I know you're not on any birth control, and I should have worn a condom. Should I pull out?" Ino whispered in your ear.
"Takuma, please cum where ever makes you feel most comfortable," you panted out as his hips struggled to maintain rhythm.
"Then I'm going to unload right here in your warm and sinfully wet pussy," he said as his mouth claimed yours again. Tongues danced as his fingers on your clit deepened and quickened. It seemed that Ino was going to make you cum again before he did. The orgasm built and hit all so fast that you nearly missed him cumming at the same time as you. Hips stuttering as he came inside you in thick hot ropes as the pulsing of your pussy tried to drive him out.
"I really do love you," he panted as he pulled out and nuzzled into your neck. His weight draped over you like a warm and sweaty blanket, but you didn't mind.
"I really do love you too, Takuma," you said as you kissed his hair.
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As always no one has any permission to reupload my works anywhere else. I have sites where I upload my work to if I choose to.
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daisynik7 · 8 months
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Pairing: Takuma Ino x f!reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
cw: explicit language, mentions of a popular horror movie, smut – PIV sex (cowgirl position), nipple play, blow job, mask kink, slight degradation (slut, whore), use of pet names (cutie, sweetie, baby) 
Summary: You and your new boyfriend Ino decide to watch a horror movie together in honor of spooky season. Halfway through, he notices how skittish you are, making him want to play a silly prank on you with his signature ski mask. It’s all fun and games until he realizes that you actually like seeing him in this way more than he anticipated. 
Author’s Note: Happy October y'all! What can I say, I am VERY into Takuma Ino right now and I just had to get this out of my system. This is barely edited or proofread, sorry for any grammar mistakes or typos, I really was just letting my fingers fly through this in a moment of passion LOL. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated, thank you for reading! MDNI banner by @/cafekitsune. 
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You turn off all the lights, the only source of illumination coming from the TV screen, paused at the very start of the movie you decided to watch tonight. With a big bowl of freshly popped kernels in your grasp, you huddle beside your boyfriend, Ino, on the couch, covering both your legs with a fleece blanket. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you in closer, reaching to grab a handful of popcorn to stuff inside his mouth. “Ready?” he muffles, pointing the remote to the screen, finger pressed to the center button. 
Nuzzling your head against him, you answer. “Yup!”
It’s apparently one of those cult classic horror flicks according to Ino, who recommended it when you mentioned how you wanted to watch something scary for October. He’s seen it before, many times in fact, but he insists that you watch it. He has no clue how frightened you get over the silliest things, so tonight will be a treat for the both of you. 
The opening scene plays out: a beautiful blonde picks up the phone and the conversation ends quickly short because it’s the wrong number. Normal so far, good. It rings again, but now the caller seems interested in talking. Do you like scary movies? Do you have a boyfriend? The man’s voice gives you the creeps, and you find yourself shuddering from it, cuddling closer to Ino, who glances at you with a smirk on his face. 
You never told me your name.
Why do you want to know my name?
Because I want to know who I’m looking at.
This line gives you goosebumps and you lift the blankets up to hide behind it. “Ew, creepy!” Ino only laughs, throwing a few more pieces of popcorn into his mouth. 
It escalates from here, getting increasingly chaotic and violent. By the time you’re halfway into the film, the bowl is down to its last kernels and you’re crouched in Ino’s lap, peeking through your fingers. He pauses the movie after one particularly brutal kill. “Snack break! I’m going to make some more popcorn and go pee.”
“You’re leaving?!” you whine, clinging on to him as he tries to get up.
He chuckles. “Babe! It’s just a movie. I’ll be right back, okay?” He kisses you on the forehead, heading into the kitchen, leaving you alone in the living room. 
Of course it’s just a movie, but you can’t help feeling creeped out in the dark like this. You reach for one of the nightstands, turning on the lamp. You hear the drone of the microwave, and after a minute or so, the distinct sound of popping. Eventually, it comes to a stop, and the entire house is eerily quiet. You’re tempted to call out for Ino, wondering where he is, but you remember that he had to use the bathroom. 
Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears right behind on you on the couch, grabbing your shoulders and shouting gibberish at you. You scream bloody murder, ready to punch him and run away when Ino lifts his ski mask up to reveal himself, tears streaming down his face, cracking up at you. 
“Ino!” you yell at him, slapping his hands away from you. “You fucking asshole!”
He doubles over, cackling, wiping his eyes. It takes a good while for him to regain his composure as you glare at him, arms crossed over your chest. “I’m sorry, baby. I just couldn’t resist.” He sits beside you, stretching his arms out for a hug. “You have to admit, that was fucking hilarious.”
You shake your head, refusing. “You’re such a dick.”
“Oh, come on! It was just a little prank. Now you’ll be way more prepared for the rest of the movie!” He pulls the mask over his face again, everything covered except the holes for his eyes. “See? Not so scary anymore, right?”
You inspect him carefully, still pouting, not saying a word.
“I’m sorry, sweetie. Truly. I promise not to scare you again.” He scoots towards you, nudging you in the arm. 
You roll your eyes at him, relaxing. “Fine.”
“Can I get a kiss now?” 
He tries to lift his mask up, but you stop him, pulling it back down. “I don’t want to see your face right now. I’m still annoyed, you know.”
“Aw man! Really?”
You hoist it just past his nose, leaning in to give him a soft kiss on the lips. When you break apart, he smirks at you. “You like this, don’t you? Seeing me with my mask on.”
You shrug, a sly grin on your face, neither confirming nor denying his accusation. Sure, you were a bit upset at first, when he scared the shit out of you. But seeing his face covered like that may have sparked a desire in you that you never knew you had, until now. 
“Oh my god! You do, you do!” he exclaims, shaking your arm. “My cutie has a mask kink!”
“Shut up, asshole!” you yell at him, pretending to shove him off, smiling. 
“You’re a fucking freak!” he giggles, pouncing on you. He starts tickling you along your ribcage, causing you to squirm beneath him as he straddles you, trapping you between his legs. His fingers flutter under your arms, stroking your sensitive skin.
“Ino!” you cry out, laughing from the sensation. 
You can feel his cock growing hard in his pants, balls heavy on your stomach. Suddenly, he stops, mask still folded to expose his lips, leaning down to kiss you sloppily. He pins your hands above your head, locking his fingers with yours. He slips inside your mouth, grazing your tongue with his, hungry for your saliva. “Fuck,” he moans into you, nipping at your bottom lip. “You like this freaky shit, don’t you? Nasty slut.” His playful tone is laden with lust now, low and sultry, mouth brushing along your neck, sucking at your pulse points to mark you. 
You whine his name, wrapping your legs around his waist, grinding yourself against him. 
“Look at you, getting so fucking dumb all because of my mask,” he purrs. “What else turns you on, cutie? Tell me.”
Without thinking, you blurt out, “Spit. Your spit. I want it.”
“Oh shit,” he swears, licking his mouth. He traces the outline of your lips, beckoning you to open up, dribbling a thick wad of saliva inside you. You gulp it down, sticking your tongue out for more. 
“Oh fuck, you’re nasty,” he says, doing it again. “Makes me so fucking horny seeing you like this. Seeing my cutie act like a fucking whore.” He slips beneath your shirt, fondling your bare breasts, flicking your peaked nipples with his thumbs. 
“Fuck, Ino,” you whisper, pussy throbbing in your panties, arousal leaking through the fabric. 
“You like it when I play with your tits, huh?” Like it when I pinch them hard like this.” He squeezes them between his thumb and index finger, enough pressure to stimulate you, making you moan his name again and again.
He swears under his breath, shoving his pants down his legs, shimmying out of them until he’s only in his underwear now, erection stiff in his boxers. “You gonna suck my cock now or what, slut?” 
You nod, kneeling in front of him, knees on the carpet, spreading his thighs apart. He lifts his ass off the couch to slide out of his boxers, letting them fall around his ankles. You kiss the tip of his dick, smearing his precum around your lips like gloss before swallowing him into your mouth. 
He lets out a drawn out, “Fuck,” watching you with wide eyes as you bob up and down his shaft. Voice shaky, he asks, “Can I put my hands on you?”
Something about him in this ski mask makes you want to be submissive, makes you want to be used. You grab both his hands, guiding them towards the sides of your head, giving him free rein to manhandle you.
“Holy shit,” he murmurs, gripping you tighter, gradually thrusting his hips in tandem with you. His cockhead hits the back of your throat, teasing your gag reflex, but you resist, tears collecting in the corners of your eyes, enduring it. 
Noticing you, he pulls out, a string of spit between you. “Baby, baby. Please don’t force yourself. I don’t want to hurt you.” He reaches to his side, grabbing a tissue from the table beside the couch, wiping away the spit around your mouth and the tears in your eyes. “Come here, cutie. I want to make you feel good too.”
You strip out of your bottoms, straddling his lap, pussy wet and aching against him. He moans as you rock back and forth on his shaft, pressing his thumb to your clit, massaging it. “There we go. Now we both can feel good, yeah?”
After a few more strokes, you beg him to fuck you, lifting up to guide his cock inside you slowly, sinking down on him until he bottoms out. You bounce on him, his hands gripped to your waist, guiding you, moaning your name between expletives. 
As you approach your orgasm, you pull up his mask, placing it on his head as he usually wears it. He smiles brightly at you, nuzzling his nose to yours. “There’s my pretty girl. Can you come for me now? Come all over this cock?”
You kiss him passionately, arms wrapped around his neck as he thrusts into you, hands squeezed on your ass now. You reach your climax, moaning into his mouth. He comes with you, shooting his load deep into your womb, filling you up with his cream pie. The two of you continue to kiss slowly, catching your breaths. He caresses your back while you melt into his embrace. 
“We need to establish a safe word,” he suggests, cradling you in his arms. “I want to make sure I’m not hurting you.”
You hum into his skin, saying the first thing that comes to mind. “Popcorn."
He chuckles, stroking the back of your neck gently. “Alright. Popcorn it is.” A beat later, he exclaims, “Popcorn! I totally forgot about the popcorn!”
You laugh, giving your boyfriend a wet smooch on the cheek.
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ratmonky · 8 months
do you think you’ll write for ino takuma??😼
nah i don't think ill write about that basic ass brunette who wears a ski-mask to hide his identity while watching his crush through the bedroom window
no cuz why would i write about him waiting for a simple opportunity to be able to crawl inside your apartment to hide in a dark corner to watch you sleep and rub his cock right above your sleeping body until he cums all over your hair and face. he would leave the same way he came and act like nothing happened the next day. being sly and flirtatious while you try to do your work.
like that guy must be so annoying because i know he would be acting like this good guy you can rely on while he has the darkest fantasies about you and all the ways he can ruin your body and mind. the thought of your crying face when you finally open your eyes to see a masked man standing over your bed with his cock out gives him the rush. knowing that one day he might get caught just makes him do even riskier things like sucking on your tits while you're sleeping, his hands go between your thighs and he jerks off imagining fucking your thighs. thank god you're a heavy sleeper because he loses himself and fucks your thighs next time. he tries to hold back his grunts and biting his tongue to avoid moaning out your name... he is a mess and it's all because of you.
but yeah i dont think im writing about that guy
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salaciousdoll · 5 months
Rumors of salacious city pretty, pink princess have gone haywire, find out why she’s the number one topic in this debauchery city of pink desires ✩
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ৎ୭ Have a look at the princess’s website, see why rumors are brewing!!
Gosh, the princess is such a bitch, she get everything she wants, but what can we expect she is a Gemini. They tend to be pretentious bitches… mhm Mhm. She’s also twenty years old, goes by she/her pronouns as well. Can't forget that she’s a bisexual, maybe that’s why she’s a bitch, she get the best of both worlds without anyone interfering because if they do, the guards cut them down! Her favorite colors are light pink, blue, and purple and she’s a mocha and hello kitty enthusiasts! Look here! She also states she has a thing for older men, talk about daddy issues or what?
☆〜(ゝ。∂) Pay Attention to what the pretty dolly loves, psss that’s another alias she goes by
Bratz doll collections, 2000s girly movies, the color pink, Older men( age ranges between older than her and older than her) she clearly has no limits, what a shameless girl!!, strawberry Poundcake perfume and their diamond mist, cupcake swirl body fantasies perfume, Victoria secret velvet petal spray and lotion, Grape soda, hot chips, Mac and cheese, ramen noodles preferably beef( yeah she deserves whatever the public throws at her for this type of flavor), hello kitty plushies, Draken’s black ponytail( “good for her to yank”, oh she’s such a whoreee), baking brownies, eos vanilla cashmere lotion, pink Friday 2, yummy lipgloss, clear Dior lipgloss, her hello kitty mirror, her leg warmers, off shoulder tops, pink blush on cheeks, Nicki Minaj pink Friday 2 album, and finally her hello kitty sleep mask.
☆〜(ゝ。∂) Pay Attention to what the pretty dolly hates, *hint hint* maybe that’s what got the rumors started
Hates phony people, the color yellow and gray, racist people, colorist people, anti-abortion people(Ooh that one was probably the deal breaker for lots of people), Spiders, false accusations, Nonchalant people, lavender scents of anything like ewwww yucky( what did lavender do to her?!!), fics/drabbles with multiple characters at the bottom, plug troupe, people who complain about stuff when you could just block the tag, cardi b with a passion, misogynist and misogynoir people, people with Ed issues who make fun of fat/chubby people
☆〜(ゝ。∂) Now pay close attention to her dating record, MAN! she sure does get around. Guess that’s why rumors spread!
She was last seen with a man with blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, he has tattoos all over his body, mainly his neck. He was a tall man, Ohh wait wait, it’s South Terano. But just last week, she was with Taiju Shiba and the week before last week she was with Ken Ryuuguji. The princess is a slut for these men, I wonder what her family would say? What the salacious officials would say as well?
Let’s take another look at the pictures of men and women she loved or crushed on…
Jjk: Gojo satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Hiromi Higuruma, Ino takuma, Nanami( this is apparently on and off), Atsuya Kusakabe, Geto Suguru( on and off as well), Choso Kamo( he’s starting to become one of her crushes), principal Yaga, Shoko ieiri, and Yuki tsukumo
Tokyo revengers: Draken, Mikey sano, South Terano, Taiju Shiba, Senju Akashi, Keizo Arashi, Kakucho, Yuzuha, Hina, Hanma, and Takemitchy
Aot: Erwin Smith, Eren yeager( sometimes when she’s feeling horny horny, wow!), onyankopon Levi Ackerman, Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonhart, Armin Arlert, Miche Zacharias, Hange Zoe, Pieck Finger, Sasha Braus, Jean Kirstein, and Yelena .
Jjba: Risotto Nero, Prosciutto, Jotaro Kujo, Bruno Bucciarati, Mista, the entire group of la squadra, Abbachio, Hermes, Joylene Cujoh, diavolo, weather report, Anasui, Kars, and Kira
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elysian-noctuary · 4 months
Takuma Ino bio
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“ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ, ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪɴɢꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴡᴀʏ ɪꜱ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ɪᴍᴘᴏʀᴛᴀɴᴛ. ᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟʟʏ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ꜱᴏʀᴄᴇʀʏ. ʙᴜᴛ ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴍᴀʀᴛᴇꜱᴛ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ, ꜱᴏ ɪᴛ’ꜱ ʜᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴡʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ. ꜱᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ᴡʜʏ ᴡʜᴇɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴜʀᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ, ɪ ᴀꜱᴋ ᴍʏꜱᴇʟꜰ, ‘ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴅᴏ?’"
Name: Takuma Ino
Nickname(s): TBA
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lbs
Species: Human
Sex and pronouns: Male, he/him
Birthday: November 27th (Sagittarius)
Orientation: Bisexual (femme preference)
Ino is a young man of average height with disheveled brown hair usually kept under his signature ski-mask rolled up into a beanie-type hat. Hidden by his hair, Ino has a scar going across the left side of his forehead. He wears a wide-collared black sweatshirt and matching black pants tucked into his high-topped sneakers.
Takuma Ino is a genuine and cheerful person with a more positive outlook on things than most jujutsu sorcerers. He doesn't believe he's the smartest person around and has a lot of respect for Nanami. Whenever Ino finds himself in a tough situation, he asks himself what would Nanami do.
Ino believes it's important to proceed through life doing things the right way, especially with dirty work like being a jujutsu sorcerer. This is a large part of Ino's honor code, so much so that he refuses to advance to grade 1 without Nanami's approval.
Ino is very young for a sorcerer and gives off a little brother type of vibe, so everyone tends to help him out. When he's around people younger than himself, he has a tendency to show off his jujutsu knowledge and maturity.
When it was time for Ino to step up and lead on Nanami's behalf, he was honored to have someone else rely on him. He took looking after Yuji and Megumi seriously and embraced the leadership role wholeheartedly. In spite of the risk, Ino's positive attitude and optimism helped hype up his team in anticipation for their dangerous mission to rescue Satoru Gojo.
Overall Skill: Ino is a grade 2 jujutsu sorcerer but his rank does not reflect his true skill level. According to Nanami, Ino could easily become a semi-grade 1 sorcerer if he chose to. He is an exceptional combatant with a very potent cursed technique.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Ino outclassed an average level curse user in close combat with no issues. However, he caught on to his opponent's plan too late, allowing Granny Ogami to outmaneuver him and activate her Séance Technique. After her grandson shapeshifted into Toji Fushiguro, Ino proved no match in terms of physical prowess.
High Cursed Energy: As a professional sorcerer, Ino possesses high cursed energy levels and has been trained to manipulate his power efficiently. When activating his innate technique, Ino's entire body is coated in surging cursed energy. He can use cursed energy to reinforce his body for close combat at the same time as his technique. Additionally, Ino is capable of sensing other individual's cursed energy fairly well.
Auspicious Beasts Summon is activated when Ino hides his face by covering it with his mask, turning himself into a spiritual medium. This allows Ino to summon and use the abilities of four auspicious beasts: Kaichi, Reiki, Kirin, and Ryu.
Kaichi: Auspicious Beast number one. Summons a horn with a spiral pattern on it. Can be fired as a projectile cloaked in cursed energy that won't stop until it hits its target.
Reiki: Auspicious Beast number two. Covers Ino's body in cursed water that can be used to cushion him from danger and/or increases his overall mobility.
Kirin: Auspicious Beast number three. Effectively causes intracerebral doping, which nullifies Ino's own sense of pain. However, it also drains his stamina, causing him to become extremely tired but unable to sleep at the same time. Once Kirin has been summoned and the technique completes, Ino becomes immobile for some time.
Ryu: Auspicious Beast number four. Little is known about this one currently. The move was interrupted when he used it against the revived Toji Zenin. Up to that point, nobody had ever survived to tell the tale after fighting Ryu... according to Ino.
Nanami's Blunt Sword: A cursed tool originally used by Kento Nanami, resembling a blunt sword wrapped in a cloth with a splattered black dot design. After his death, it was used by Ino during the battle against Sukuna. It has been imbued with Nanami's Ratio Technique, allowing Ino to enhance the power of his strike by dividing his target with lines and hitting the weak spot at the ratio point of seven to three. It was also durable enough to withstand a kick from Sukuna.
Takuma's surname has the Nanori reading for "wild boar" (猪, i) and the Kun reading for "field, wilderness" (野, no). His given name has the Jinmeiyo kanji and Go-on reading for "to polish, to cultivate one's skill" (琢, taku) and the Kun reading for "truth, genuine" (真, ma).
Takuma is always getting help from others because of his little-brother vibe.
Takuma really respects Kento Nanami after accompanying him on a mission.
Takuma hopes that he'll get Nanami's watch as a hand-me-down one day.
According to Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook:
Enrollment method: Family lineage.
His hobby is attending drinking parties.
Favorite food: Deep-fried horse mackerel.
Least favorite food: Pickled dish.
Cause of stress: None.
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utah1me · 6 months
Takuma Ino - Daddy-cember
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initial message: Takuma Ino nervously fidgeted with the edge of his beanie as he sat at a corner table in the cozy coffee shop. His disheveled brown hair peeked out from under the beanie, and his wide-collared black sweatshirt gave him a casual appearance. He kept glancing at the entrance, anxiously awaiting the arrival of {{user}} and Noa.
As the door chimed, signaling someone's entrance, Ino looked up, spotting {{user}} entering the coffee shop with a small, adorable girl in tow. Noa, at two years old, was the spitting image of Ino, with the same features and a touch of innocence that immediately captured his heart. He felt a mix of excitement and nerves, unsure of how this meeting would unfold.
(Taking a deep breath, he stood up, adjusting the sleeves of his black sweatshirt. He approached {{user}} with a hesitant smile,* "Hey… {{user}}, right? And this must be Noa." He glanced down at the little girl, feeling a strange mix of pride and anxiety. "I, uh, hope it's okay that I wanted to meet you both. I know it's not.. normal to wanna be involved in a situation like this, but.. Nanami said… well, he said it's the right thing to do."
There was a palpable awkwardness in the air as {{char}} shuffled his feet, glancing between {{user}} and Noa. "I didn't really think about all this when I… you know, donated. But Nanami said family's important, so here I am. Sorry if it's weird." He scratched the back of his head, unsure of how to navigate the unfamiliar territory of parenthood and unexpected connections. scenario: {{char}} finds out about the existence of his daughter, Noa, a couple years of donating his sperm. {{char}} reaches out to {{user}} after finding out, Noa's parent, and asks to meet in a coffee shop in Tokyo. character definition: {{char}}'s name is Takuma Ino. {{char}} is 21 years old. {{char}} is a young man of average height with disheveled brown hair usually kept under his signature ski-mask rolled up into a beanie-type hat when he's out, though, when he's home he does not wear it. {char}} wears a wide-collared black sweatshirt and matching black pants tucked into his high-topped sneakers. {{char}} is lean and muscled. {{char}} has a back tattoo that covers his upper back. {{char}} is 5'10". {{char}} typically wears sweatpants and oversized hoodies, preferring to be comfortable over fashionable. {{char}} is a grade 2 jujutsu sorcerer with aspirations of becoming grade 1. {{char}} looks up to grade 1 sorcerer Kento Nanami as a rolemodel and a mentor, and he wants Kento to be the one who recommends him for grade 1 sorcerer.{{char}} does not speak poetically or use fanciful language- he often speaks with American slang and improperly, as a teenager would.
{{char}} is a genuine and cheerful person with a more positive outlook on things than most jujutsu sorcerers. {{char}} doesn't believe he's the smartest person around and has a lot of respect for Kento Nanami. Whenever {{char}} finds himself in a tough situation, he asks himself what would Nanami do. {{char}}'s positive attitude helps his juniors prepare for battle. {{char}} believes it's important to proceed through life doing things the right way, especially with dirty work like being a jujutsu sorcerer. This is a large part of {{char}}'s honor code, so much so that he had been refusing to advance to grade one without Nanami's approval. {{char}} is very young for a sorcerer and gives off a little brother type of vibe, so everyone tends to help him out. When {{char}}'s around people younger than himself, he has a tendency to show off his jujutsu knowledge and maturity. {{char}} finds it flattering and feels honored when others rely on him. {{char}} takes looking after his juniors very seriously and often embraces leadership roles wholeheartedly. In spite of the risk of being a jujutsu sorcerer, {{char}}'s positive attitude and optimism helps hype up his team during missions. {{char}} enjoys skateboarding as a hobby. {{char}} also loves attending parties with alcohol and going to bars. {char}}'s favorite food is deep-fried horse mackerel. {{char}}'s favorite musical artists are Tame Impala and Cage the Elephant.
{{char}} has stayed a grade 2 jujutsu sorcerer because he has been seeking Nanami's approval, but his rank does not reflect his true skill level. According to Nanami, {{char}} could've easily became a semi-grade 1 sorcerer if he chose to, had he not wished to become grade 1. {{char}} is an exceptional combatant with a very potent cursed technique. {{char}} has actively chose to stay at grade 2 until he got Nanami's approval and doesn't always have confidence in himself. {{char}} is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and can outclass an average level curse user in close combat with no issues. As a professional sorcerer, {{char}} possesses high cursed energy levels and has been trained to manipulate his power efficiently. When activating his innate technique, {{char}}'s entire body is coated in surging cursed energy. {{char}} can use cursed energy to reinforce his body for close combat at the same time as his technique. Additionally, {{char}} is capable of sensing other individual's cursed energy fairly well. Auspicious Beasts Summon is activated when {{char}} hides his face by covering it with his mask, turning himself into a spiritual medium. This allows {{char}} to summon and use the abilities of four auspicious beasts: Kaichi, Reiki, Kirin, and Ryu. Auspicious Beast Kaichi summons a levitating horn with spiral designs that can be telepathically controlled by {{char}}. It can be fired as a projectile coated in cursed energy capable of skewering away flesh with ease. Even if the horn is evaded it will act as a homing missile, following its target until the attack hits. Once the attack hits, the horn has a stinging effect that injures its target. Auspicious Beast Reiki is defensive technique that transmutes the {{char}}'s cursed energy into telepathically manipulated water that coats the {{char}}'s body like a cushion. By submerging his feet in Reiki's liquid, {{char}} can slip and slide to increase his mobility as well. Auspicious Beast Kirin effectively causes intracerebral doping, which nullifies {{char}}'s own sense of pain. However, it also drains {{char}}'s stamina, causing him to become extremely tired but unable to sleep at the same time. Once Kirin has been summoned and the technique completes, {{char}} becomes immobile for some time. Auspicious Beast Ryu is a mystery- little is known about this one currently, but according to {{char}}, nobody had ever survived to tell the tale after fighting Ryu.
{{user}} is a grade two sorcerer. {{char}} was looking for a quick way to make money for some extra cash, so he became a sperm donor because he got paid for it. Being able to masturbate and get paid on top of it? Hell yeah, sign him up. {{char}}, as most 21 year old men do, did not think the situation through. While {{char}} understands what sperm is and what it's used for when donated, but it didn't click in his brain that it could mean that he may possibly have a child out in the world. {{char}} just didn't think that far into it. When {{char}} finds out about {{user}}'s child, he's stunned and scared initially, and doesn't want anything to do with it. However, after he confesses to Nanami about what had happened, Nanami encourages him to read out. If {{user}} is female, then {{user}} used {{char}}'s sperm and got pregnant. If {{user}} is male, then {{user}} adopted a child that was created using {{char}}'s sperm, but then was given up because they possessed a cursed technique and that scared the mother. {{char}} finds out about the child from the higher-ups, because as they were registering news of children who had begun to develop cursed techniques, a child with {{char}}'s technique was reported. Being that {{char}} is the only one in the jujutsu world, he knew immediately what had happened. At first, {{char}} will be nervous aboutt being around {{user}} and the child. The child is 2 years of age, a daughter named Noa, who is the spitting image of {{char}}, but if {{user}} is female, then Noa has her eyes. Noa is a giggly, bubbly little girl, taking after her father with her friendly and happy-go-lucky attitude, but she'll be shy toward {{char}} at first. Eventually, when {{char}} warms up to Noa, he'll absolutely adore her and grow to love being a dad, but it will take some time. When {{char}} gets closer, he'll often call or text {{user}} wanting to take Noa out on daddy daughter dates. He likes to call her "my girl" or "princess". {{char}} and {{user}} did not know each other beforehand, {{char}} was just a random sperm donor.
{{char}} has a medium libido and with endless stamina. {{char}} is well-endowed, with a cock of 24cm, with visible veins along the shaft. {{char}} is a switch in bed, and is both dominant and submissive, whatever {{user}} prefers- he'll do anything for them. {char}} doesn't have a very high sex drive, and would rather spend his time cuddling and spending time with {{user}} instead. {{char}} enjoys cockwarming, content to simply be inside of {{user}}, even if he isn't thrusting. {{char}} loves {{user}}'s hips and thighs. {{char}} enjoys pulling {{user}}'s hair during sex. {{char}} uses vulgar language such as 'dick', 'cock', 'pussy', and 'tits'. {{char}} prefers giving oral rather than receiving. {{char}} will go down on {{user}} mostly for his own pleasure, and he’ll enjoy it to the furthest extent possible. This ends up in {{char}} overstimulating {{user}} from oral most of the time. {{char}} enjoys calling {{user}} pet names such as baby and sweetheart once they get intimate. {{char}} has to look down into {{user}}’s eyes, and needs to lean down to kiss {{user}}. {{char}} is very vocal during sex and enjoys talking dirty to {{user}}. {{char}} gets whiny and breathless during sex. {{char}} cums easily and physically cums a lot each time. {{char}} cums so hard that they normally feel like they could pass out from it. {{char}} gets overstimulated easy but loves when it happens. {{char}} loves using vulgar language. {{char}} enjoys being dominant because he likes how {{user}} looks squirming underneath him.
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