#inspired by early sunsets over monroeville
letsgo-together · 1 year
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just like my favourite scenes
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otteritos · 1 month
thinking about posting my short stories from my class this semester on ao3
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mieux-de-se-taire · 8 months
Early Sunsets over Monroeville - MCR Interviews
89.5 WSOU FM Interview - 7/11/02
14:12-15:33, 20:21-20:32, 21:20-21:28, 21:47-21:51
Interviewer: Do you think that added to the performance, that you had to actually get through the pain? Gerard: For Early Sunsets Over Monroeville, definitely. I was in-- It was like, I don’t know like 10-- 9:30 at night. We were just getting ready-- It was the last song we did for the day, and I was in so much pain. And I just-- you know Geoffy [Geoff Rickly] was like, “Alright, let her rip.” Interviewer: That’s the mellow song, right? Ray: Right, that’s the-- what’s awesome about that too is the last, I think it’s like the last 3 minutes of that song is just one take, no edits, no stops, no cuts. It’s just...It’s an amazing performance by-- by him and just by all of us, I think because we-- we wrote that song like a few days before we went into the studio. It wasn’t finished when we recorded it, so it was just us, you know, kinda letting all of us [unintelligible], you know? Interviewer: (Overlapping) It was your studio song. Ray: Right, we wrote it in the studio. Interviewer: Well since we’re hyping this up so much... (Ray laughs) We might as well play it ‘cause everyone out there’s going “Wow, sounds like a great song.” Ray: Hopefully Interviewer: “I wanna hear him crying.” (Ray and Gerard laugh) “I wanna hear that tooth.” (Continued laughter) So, I guess let’s go into a little bit background of the song, and then we’ll play the song for everybody, and everyone can hear. Gerard: Okay, Mikey does not want me to reveal-- Interviewer: He’s going “No! You’re out!” Gerard: (Overlapping) what the song is about, but if you-- there’s plenty of clues in it, so if you figure out, it’s-- I’ll say it’s about a film. Is that enough? Ray: Yeah, that’s good. Gerard: Okay, you can figure out-- Ray: (Interrupting) Horror film Gerard: Alright. (Pauses then laughs) You messed it up! (Arguing in background)
Interviewer: What are some of your favorite songs off this record to play live and actually-- or during the recording process? Ray: Um, I think recording process-wise, definitely “Monroeville.”
Frank: (Talking about his favorite songs) And “Monroeville” because I had no clue what I was gonna do. (Interviewer laughs) I wrote it in the van before we recorded, and I had like frostbite on my fingers so it kinda sucked.
Mikey: I like the “Monroeville” song. (To Gerard) It was fun watching you tweak out at the end. (Gerard laughs)
Noise Theory Interview - 11/13/02
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Interviewer: Even though ‘My Chemical Romance’ as a band have been together only a short time, the album displays some excellent and mature song writing skills. Were the album songs written after the band became complete? Ray: We started in October 2001, and had written 5 songs by January 2002. This was when the band was still a four piece. The rest of the songs came together a few weeks before we went to record. Honey This Mirror and Early Sunsets were written about a week before we left for the studio. We asked Frank to be in the band around the same time, so to get his input on those songs really helped them become what they are.
HardcoreNJ Interview - March/April 2003
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Interviewer: What was the inspiration behind "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville"? Matt: Musically there wasn't any inspiration, 2 days before the recording I happened to be strumming an acoustic guitar in our practice space, and the guys all seemed to like what I was playing (which is a rarity). Anyways, we knew we wanted something different on the record to reflect our softer side. I think it was the most magical part of recording process, seeing a 2 day old song kinda just work, we didn't even have an ending for it. We all just jammed it out improvising. Oh, and the vocals were inspired by a certain movie...
89.5 WSOU FM Interview - 7/3/03
8:25-8:31, 8:59-10:27
Interviewer: Alright, so, we’re gonna hear “Monroeville.” Ray: It’s a slow one. Grab your girl...and then shoot her in the head. (Laughter)
Interviewer: I remember a long time ago when you were recording this record that you had a problem while you were singing this song. Gerard: Yeah, I had a hole in my tooth and an abscess in the hole, and it was pushing against all the nerves in my face, and it looked like I had Parkinson’s, and it was (a?) drag, and it-- Interviewer: And your face was droopy, and-- Gerard: It was drooping, and I looked like a-- I went to hospitals the whole time we were recording, and they thought I had facial nerve paralysis, nerve damage, so I had to do that song, like basically with, yeah like the most intense pain and half a face. (Dramatically) Half a face! Interviewer: So, alright, everyone listening out there, now you know he did this song with half a face. Gerard: (After a pause) Half a face. (Laughter) Interviewer: How did you feel about the song after you played it? I know you must have been like, you know, “This can’t be the best I can do” because you’re all messed up and stuff. (Ray protesting in background) Gerard: It felt like that, but (Unintelligible as Gerard and interviewer talk at the same time) when I was doing it, but everybody was so psyched on it when I did it-- Ray: Psyched! People were crying-- Gerard: They were crying man (Laughter) Ray: It was amazing. It was the most amazing, definitely the most amazing-- Matt: (Overlapping) Yeah, we were definitely a bunch of wusses. Frank: Alright, correction, not a bunch of wusses. Ray and Otter (Matt) cried. (Laughter) That’s what happened. Ray: No no no, I will definitely say I-- Mikey: The red sea might have been parted when my brother did that part. Ray: I cried. I think Alex [Saavedra] might have shed a singular tear. Interviewer: A singular tear? Ray: It was definitely some crying going on. (Matt talking in background) Gerard: (Overlapping) I got a hug after that one Ray: (Overlapping) It was bad. Gerard: (Overlapping) I got a hug. I got lots of hugs after that. Interviewer: (After a pause and laughter) Alright, so how’d you feel about the hugs afterwards? Gerard: The hugs were sweet. (Laughter in background) The record was sweeter.
Punk It Interview - 10/29/03
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Sev (Interviewer): What are some of the biggest disagreements amongst yourselves? Gerard: We mesh really well musically and personally. We all have a good time, so there's probably not that many disagreements. The only thing I think we ever disagree upon is if we're going to play "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville" or not. We had a little thing tonight. Some guys wanted to play it tonight, but I'm not sure. It's an ad lib song - the first verse was written, but the last part of the song was freestyle. And I'm not fucking Eminem, so unless the vibe is right, I don't like to do it. I did it in Chicago because the vibe was perfect. It basically happens in the middle of the set. We feel the energy, and if they can deal with it, we can deal with it.
Life On the Murder Scene - 2005
Ray: And Frank played on 2 of the tracks off the first record, and one of them was “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville.” (“Early Sunsets” begins to play) Ray: He just plays some great, great parts. Frank: (Cuts to different interview) When we were doing “Monroeville”, Ray was laying down his parts, and as soon as he was done, I took the parts that they had recorded into a van, that had like no heat, outside the studio and wrote what I was gonna play. Ray: (Back to first interview) A lot of the melody that he plays during the verses and the choruses is just, you know, absolutely beautiful, and I think really makes those songs work.
Barcelona Live Stream - 3/5/11
Ray: (Reading a live chat feed) Ooh, would you ever play “Early Sunsets”? Frank: Oh, we have (turns to Ray while Mikey speaks in the background) this tour? I don’t know. Ray: I can’t even remember the last we played that. Frank: I think it was in Chicago. Ray: Yeah? Mikey: (After a pause) Oh yeah, we played it in the Metro. Gerard: (Unintelligible as multiple people speak) like “The End”? Frank: Yeah Ray: That would be a cool one to revisit. Gerard: It was a cool-- I think especially if we give it some structure at the end like, ‘cause that was the problem with playing that song. It has no definitive ending, like it kinda just keeps going and going.
Kerrang #1376 (alt) - 8/10/11
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Interviewer: I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love” was released in July 2002. What do you think of it now? Ray: You can hear the nervousness and excitement. Every song speeds up which gives them a lot of character. I like the rawness, especially in the vocals. It sounds very true. I get emotional, too. Early Sunsets Over Monroeville is unlike anything we’ve ever done since -- it’s amazing.
Where Are Your Boys Tonight? (Chris Payne) - 2020-2022
Chapter 9, page 113
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Geoff Rickly: When we were in the studio, Gerard’s wisdom teeth were really hurting him, and he wasn’t able to sing, so he went to the dentist to have them out and afterwards they gave him a bunch of painkillers. He didn’t sing with the fire or the venom, so Alex took the painkillers away from him. Like, “You gotta sing in pain, fuck you! You gotta feel it!” I was taking the painkillers, watching him sing the record. I remember lying on the floor and coaching him through how to sing “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville,” the ballad on the record. I was saying, “You’re following the music, make the music follow you. More intense! The music will catch up to you.”
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Song of the day: May 30 2024
Early Sunsets Over Monroeville by My Chemical Romance
About My Chemical Romance:
My Chemical Romance (commonly abbreviated to MCR or My Chem) is an American rock band from Newark, New Jersey. The band's current lineup consists of lead vocalist Gerard Way, lead guitarist Ray Toro, rhythm guitarist Frank Iero, and bassist Mikey Way. They are considered one of the most influential rock groups of the 2000s and a major act in the pop-punk and emo genres, despite the band rejecting the latter label.
(Via Wikipedia)
About Early Sunsets Over Monroeville:
Slower than most songs on the album, “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville” was inspired by the classic George A. Romero horror film, Dawn of the Dead. In the film, the protagonists find reprieve from the zombie apocalypse by shutting themselves into Monroeville Mall in Pennsylvania. Frontman and lyricist Gerard Way described it as “a sweet song about Dawn of the Dead”.
While this song focuses on being trapped in a mall during the zombie apocalypse, Way uses the song’s unique setting to explore themes that occur elsewhere on the album. Themes that feature most prominently include the struggle with losing or killing a loved one, the sense of feeling “dead” in a relationship, and the struggles that arise in a relationship in the face of a dire situation.
“Monroeville” is also notable for being one of two songs that rhythm guitarist Frank Iero contributed to on the album, along with “Honey”. Iero had joined the band after the majority of the album was already written. In their documentary Life on the Murder Scene, lead guitarist Ray Toro said of Iero’s role on the song, “He just plays some great, great parts. A lot of the melody that he plays during the verses and the choruses is just absolutely beautiful and I think really makes those songs work.” Iero would go on to contribute to the entirety of MCR’s future albums.
(Via Genuis.com)
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day ??? without mcr
it throw me off so bad to see people’s posts being like “i got this from franks reverb store” because i’ll remember being like “oooo the frankenstein mask” and then see someone post saying “I GOT THE MASK!!!” oml it’s weird man
i watched the movie early sunsets over monroeville was inspired by and it was pretty good. the “there’s no room in this hell, there’s no room in the next” is inspired by the line “when there’s no more room in hell the dead will walk the earth” and let me tell you i spent like five minutes with the movie paused just going “woahhhh”
also mcr and my chemical romance were trending tags the other day and i didn’t know until my friend mentioned it with the “da fuk they doin ova der” meme and i realised it was because of franks reverb store, fob mentioning them in their cover and the fact that it’s a “beautiful new mexico sunset. i’m sitting on a bri-
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mysticsparklewings · 8 months
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Inktober/Drawtober Day 18: Zombie Saddle 🧟‍♂️ 🐎
And on this eve I come inspired by Breath of the Wild’s Stal horses, My Chemical Romance’s “Early Sunsets Over Monroeville,” and in a bit of a time crunch. 😅
If you want to know more, DeviantArt gives me way more characters for my thoughts:
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manofbeskar · 1 year
I LOOOVEEE talking about the music that inspires specific pieces of mine so here's a list of every artwork and the song that it's inspired by. They either inspire the colour scheme, composition, mood or concept.
The Apostate || Muddy Waters by LP [insp: mood, colour scheme]
Aphra and the Death Star || I Know The End by Phoebe Bridgers [insp: composition, colour scheme]
Dincobb projection || ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine [insp: mood, concept, colour scheme]
Joel and Ellie || American Pie by Don McNeal [insp: concept]
Old and Satisfied || Long Long Time by Nick Offerman [insp: mood]
Bill and Frank Picture Frame || Long Long Time by Linda Ronstadt [insp: mood, colour scheme]
Cobb and the sunset || Binary Sunset by John Williams [insp: mood, composition]
Hanlando on the Falcon || Bang the Doldrums by Fall Out Boy [insp: concept]
Dincobb cape wrap || Yes to Heaven by Lana Del Rey [insp: colour scheme]
Dincobb club dancing || Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA [insp: mood, colour scheme]
The Black Parade Dincobb || I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance [insp: mood, colour scheme]
IBYMBYBMYL Dincobb || Early Sunsets Over Monroeville by My Chemical Romance [insp: mood, colour sheme]
TCFSR Dincobb || Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance [insp: mood, colour scheme]
Dincobb speeder reunion || There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths [insp: mood, colour scheme, composition]
Hanlando car kiss || Favorite Record by Fall Out Boy [insp: mood, colour scheme, concept]
Cobb cantina yearning || Need You Now by Lady A [insp: mood, concept, colour scheme]
Dincobb Free Guy AU || Professional Griefers by deadmau5 and Gerard Way [insp: colour scheme, concept]
Dincobb western bar || Whoever Broke Your Heart by Murphy Elmore [insp: colour scheme]
Dincobb birthday art || Fire Meet Gasoline by Sia [insp: composition, concept, colour scheme, mood]
Western Dincobb for DTIYS || Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen [insp: composition]
Dincobb birthday art (cheek kiss) || Brazil by Declan McKenna [insp: mood]
Tragedy of Anakin Skywalker || everything i wanted by Billie Eilish [insp: concept]
Vaderdala stained glass || In My Room by Chance Peña [insp: mood, concept]
Dincobb twin suns || G.I.N.A.S.F.S. by Fall Out Boy [insp: mood, colour scheme]
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page-2-ids · 11 months
I know this isn’t really the thing you do, so I totally get if you just wanna delete this I just don’t really follow any other blogs I could ask this. Guns N’ Roses, like, took over my life for the past few months, and now that hyperfixations kind of… over. And I’m outta music. D’you have any idea of good music that would be a good transition from that? I don’t listen to a whole lot of rock outside of them atm so really anything is on the table
A little note before the actual post starts, half of this ended up as just me gushing about musicians I like. I think I sell them pretty well, but some of this wording stops being “this is why GnR fans would also like this artist” and turns into “here’s 30 reasons why I love x.” I would try to re-write this to make it sound more like what it was supposed to, but I know myself and that’s not gonna work out well. This is, very literally thousands of words. To anon, and anyone else interested, if this whole… fiasco is not your thing, I list some intro songs at the end of each very, very, long segment. If that’s all you’re here for, and I totally get that, then it’s there!
As someone whose life was also ruined by a GnR hyperfixation, I think I can help! I do wanna say, first, no one really sounds like Guns N’ Roses on the whole. There are similarities with groups of songs to other stuff, or somethings in general playing style, but I can’t really recommend bands saying that they completely sound like them. But! There are some bands with a really similar vibe for one reason or another (mostly their inspirations or bands that were inspired by them), and others with some very similar songs, so I’ve got those!
This one could just be me being a little off, so take it with a grain of salt. My Chemical Romance has a pretty similar vibe to a lot of GnR’s music, especially on the UYI albums. For the more… “literal” stuff,  a lot of the drumming on The Black Parade and I Brought You My Bullets reminds me of Appetite for Destruction (and also Civil War and the songs that Steven Adler did the demos for in 86), as well as Hard Skool & the Chinese Democracy tracks with Ferrer. Ray Toro’s solo style also reminds me a lot of Slash’s stuff, a good example is November Rain and I Don’t Love You feel very similar to me, and there’s just a similar energy there overall. Gerard Way & Axl Rose’s voices aren’t similar in the sense of you hear one of them and think “oh yeah, they sound like the other one” but there’s something there to me. They have a lot of the same strengths: distortion and fading from clean singing into fairly heavy distortion pretty fast, the ability to dance around their range (espeically higher up) pretty easily, incredibly emotional vocals, and some other stuff. I could talk way more about their vocals/voices, but if I do we’ll be here for thousands of words, so I’ll cut that off here. 
There’s also something that just really captivating about both bands’ lyrics that I’m not sure are exactly similar, but they’re both just incredible lyrically, storytelling, emotion, all that fun stuff. Some good intro songs, and ones that remind me of GnR in some way are: I Don’t Love You, Welcome To the Black Parade, Honey This Mirror Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us Our Lady of Sorrows, House of Wolves, This Is How I Disappear, Cancer, Sleep, Foundations of Decay, Famous Last Words. Some other stuff on I Brought You My Bullets has a very My Michelle & You’re Crazy vibe to me, musically speaking. The guitars at the start of Vampires Will Vever Hurt You, Early Sunsets over Monroeville, & Skylines and Turnstiles also remind me of Paradise City in a weird way, but that’s more a vibe thing and most people probably would not agree with me here, so take all of that as you will.
Also, this is where I admit I’ve only listened to that album and The Black Parade so far, I’m working on getting to their other stuff, there’s just also a ton of other stuff on my list (help me).
Motley Crue. I’ll be honest, I’m not as big of a fan of them as I am most of the other bands I’ll mention here, but a lot of fans of GnR found them through Motley Crue and vice versa at this point, so I figured I should mention them. Also, I don’t hate them, it’s more of a personal taste thing than anything wrong with their music. Most of their songs up until Generation Swine are really good, and I do adore a lot of Shout at the Devil, Theater of Pain, and their self titled, I just don’t listen to most of them a whole lot so I can’t gush as much.
The very, very easiest point is just that they were both hair metal/adjacent, and I know that doesn’t mean a whole lot since Bon Jovi is, too, but they do have some songs that fit in a very similar niche to each other. A lot of their party songs, which is arguably most of thier music, has a very similar energy, especially to Right Next Door to Hell, My Michelle, and You’re Crazy. There are some others, too, but those are the most striking to me. They both also have very acclaimed and very unique bassists and, at least for GnR’s tracks with Steven Adler, drummers. I also think Tommy Lee and Frank Ferrer have some similarities, but a little less so.
A lot of the guitar work across Motley Crue’s first 6 albums also reminds me a lot of some of Izzy Stradlin’s work, and also feels a little Slash-y. There’s some other stuff, I think the chorus vocals on their cover of Smokin’ in the Boys’ Room is very Paradise City (also the chorus), some of the other songs on Theater of Pain remind me a little of the “western rock”/“cowboy rock” songs on UYI1 (mostly Vad Obsession, a little Dust N’ Bones) and also Back Off Bitch a little, Kickstart My Heart reminds me a lot of Right Next Door to Hell, and there’s some other minor stuff.
My best intro suggestions (more based on the ones that are my favorites & that I remember the names of off the top of my head than what’s similar) would be Merry-Go-Round, Live Wire, Smokin’ in the Boys’ Room, Shout at the Devil (most of that album, really), and Red Hot.
Quiet Riot. There aren’t a whole lot of similarities there, but they are one of the grandfathers of hair metal & 80s hard rock, along with Def Leppard & Motley Crue, so they’re here. Also I love them and need an excuse to talk about them.
Most of the similarities here are very “fundamental” if that makes any sense. A lot of times, especially looking from Mental Health to Appetite for Destruction and the UYI albums, it seems more like Quiet Riot just laid a lot of the foundation for the whole subgenre and GnR just used them as a kind of necessity. Not in a begrudging way, just that there doesn’t feel like a lot of direct inspiration in that sense. There are a lot of similar notes in the drumming across all four of the albums I just mentioned and it’s really clear that Quiet Riot’s foundation is there in a lot of GnR’s music.
The more interesting thing to me, though, is that it kind of looped around to Quiet Riot feeling kind of inspired by GnR! They’ve been making music semi-consistently since 1983, so they, in a way, outlasted GnR, until the singles in 2021. I can’t prove if they really were inspired like that, since I don’t know if there are really any recent interviews with them, but I choose to believe it. Two of their most recent albums, Hollywood Cowboys and Road Rage have a very “western/cowboy rock” feeling to them, specifically in the way that Bad Obsession and Dust N’ Bones do.
Also, just more generally, they’ve had a couple singers over time that have a very similar power to their voices that Axl Rose does. I don’t know how to make this any more coherent, but I hope it makes sense to anyone who’s listened to both of them. In specific, their original lead singer, Kevin DuBrow, and their singer for Hollywood Cowboys, James Durbin. I really can’t figure out how to put it into words, but listen to My Michelle right before Mental Health (the song) and Think About You right before Hellbender. There’s just a weird similarity there.
I’d probably recommend Arrows and Angels, Hellbender, Mental Health, and their cover of Cum On Feel the Noize as starter songs.
Avenged Sevenfold. Their the first band that I can say for sure had a lot of their sound, at least for some songs, influenced by GnR. Like, GnR is listed as one of their influences and A7x is listed as a band inspired by them. This is clear-cut. It starts really clearly in City of Evil and kicks into a whole different gear, for me, at Nightmare. 
The first thing, that I’ve never seen anyone mention also, is that M. Shadows and Axl Rose have very similar voices. There’s a very similar tone in both of them that I can’t really describe, but they also do some very similar things in their singing. The start of the outro to Danger Line reminds me a lot of Chinese Democracy, especially the start of Street of Dreams and a few parts of Prostitute, and Seize the Day reminds me of songs that are lower in Axl’s range but still a step above Mr. Brownstone or Sorry.
I am going to sound like a dork here, I tried to hold it back during the MCR section but I can’t anymore. You can also cross-apply this to the similarities with MCR, just pretend I used different names.
There’s a very specific kind of… emotionality, I guess, with a lot of the drumming and guitar work across both bands’ music. Especially for A7x with Nightmare and, in the drumming, most - if not all - of The Rev’s work, that is very similar to GnR, especially with Slash and Steven Adler. I have a very hard time explaining this - I have tried with friends and it never comes out coherent - so just… As a very general explanation, to sort of get at what I’m talking about - and why I feel like it’s important for anyone curious - imagine if November Rain had one of its first solos replaced with Eruption from Van Halen. Or, for a more real example, the end of the solo of Every Rose Has Its Thorn suddenly gets a lot faster compared to the rest of the song and it has a very different energy and it’s just very jarring. That’s kind of what I mean by emotionality, it’s capturing the energy of a song/segment, not just doing what is very technically well done. The same applies to really every aspect of music, drumming included even though a ton of people would disagree with me. That whole long thing to say, Slash, Zacky Vengeance, and Synyster Gates have a very strong grasp on that whole concept, as do Mike Portnoy (the session drummer for a lot of Nightmare), The Rev, Steven Adler, and Frank Ferrer. A lot of the guitarists that worked on Chinese Democracy do, too, I’m just way less familiar with a lot of their work. Also, I’ve learned I can’t really talk too much about Izzy Stradlin without it turning into a whole… thing, so I just can’t, right now. Anyway, in addition to a very strong grasp on the emotional side of things, they’re also all incredibly good at what they do from a technical level. I would also argue that that’s where a lot of GnR’s influence shines through most, but this always ends in me laying out very minute similarities that no one else cares about and this post is already getting way too long, so I have to move on to the beginner songs.
Nightmare (most of that album, but…), Danger Line, Seize the Day, Roman Sky, and A Little Piece of Heaven.
Now a shorter one for everyone’s sanity: Aerosmith! I will be completely honest here, I’ve only really listened to their big singles and not all of those yet. I… I know, Im getting to them, too. But, I know they did shows together a while back, GnR covered Mama Kin, and they have some other similarities (very expressive singers with killer ranges, a bit of an affinity for piano ballads, etc.). I don’t think I can really offer better suggestions other than what still gets radio play and what would show up on greatest hits playlists. I’m more mentioning them out of obligation than being able to actually give a good recommendation. I will say, thier cover of Remember (Walking in the Sand) is amazing and, imo, underrated.
The Sex Pistols. This is more in energy than anything literal, outside of a couple few things, I just figured it wouldn’t be right to completely ignore them. The big “literal” similarity is that Paul Cook and Steven Adler have very similar drumming styles, in my opinion.  I’m not very good at describing stuff like that, but it’s definitely there.
The other big, non-energy similarity I have is the style of lyrics between the Sex Pistols and Appetite for Destruction. They’re both very blunt and matter-of-fact and a very specific kind of angry, but it’s all also sort of poetic? I don’t know exactly how to explain it, but I think maybe listening to or reading the lyrics for Paradise City and then God Save the Queen or Holiday In the Sun maybe makes it make sense?
Other than that, it’s just energy. Appetite for Destruction and Never Mind the Bollocks are both very intense and angry and cutting, to me. I know Appetite for Destruction has its happy moments, but they’re all “cut” by something. Sweet Child O’ Mine has the “where do we go” breakdown, the positive parts in Rocket Queen and My Michelle are preceded by just… the rest of those songs, and Think About You is very likely about drugs. There’s this underlying kind of… not pessimism, but definitely some kind of negativity and acknowledging the seedy through that whole album that’s very Sex Pistols.
Pretty much everything else is that they just feel very similar to me. I can’t reall put words to it it’s justa  feeling. They’re both pretty hard edge, I feel like you can tell both bands have a pretty solid respect for more ‘clasic’ bands (at least what was the main era of classic rock when they were big), and all the music across both groups feels very sincere to me. It isn’t all sweet, but it’s sincere.
Intro songs I’d recommend are, personal favorites, Anarchy For the UK, God Save the Queen, Problem, Liar, Pretty Vacant, and Holiday In the Sun.
Velvet Revolver. I’ll be honest, here, I’ve listened to most of their music, but I did it as a quick once-through one night and I haven’t gone back through most of it to internalize song names and favorites, so the suggested songs and some of the similarities/selling points are gonna be brief. However!…
The major point for Velvet Revolver as a GnR follow-up is that every member, other than the singer, was in GnR! That was the big selling point when they first got going. They don’t sound a whole lot like Appetite for Destruction through The Spaghetti Insident GnR, but they all, Slash and Duff McKagan especially, have a very unique sound/style that carries over to Velvet Revolver.
Their music in some ways also reminds me of parts of Chinese Democracy. Not super ‘literally’ (are you sick of that vague bs yet?), but they both exist in a similar, sort of post-grunge segment of alt-rock of the time.
Like I said, I have very little to offer for recommended songs, at the moment, but I will say that Slither took over my life for months on end after I listened to it the first time, so do with that what you will.
Bon Jovi. Okay, hear me out. I know that, on the whole, Bon Jovi and GnR don’t have a whole lot in common, they’re not even really the same subgenre of hair metal. However, I just think I should shill for Bon Jovi- I mean… Jokes aside, I think there are a couple reasons why this is actually way more of a reasonable suggestion than it might look like. A lot of that comes down to that I’m not really recommending their whole discography as a GnR replacement. Honestly, I haven’t even listened to their whole discography yet. What I will say, though, is that there are a lot of similarities between some of their songs with some GnR songs. This whole section honestly doubles for song recommendations, but I do have some extras that don’t really sound like GnR songs that I just like.
Dry County sounds a good bit like Civil War. not cut and paste, but it’s similar. It’s one of, if not definitively, Bon Jovi’s longest song. It’s borderline southern rock, the guitars are very Civil War-ish (stripped back, melancholy, that sort of thing), and some other stuff that I can’t just put in a list. Dry County doesn’t start with movie audio, but it does have an intro with slightly different music and that is sung in a slightly different cadence that feels like it leads into the “true” first verse in a similar way. The way they lead into their guitar solo(s) also feels very similar, and the drumming style is fairly similar. They’re also both melancholy as all get out and just have a very similar energy to them. If I don’t stop myself now, this is going to turn into another few thousand words, so I’ll move on.
Homebound Train reminds me a lot of Rocket Queen, of all songs. It’s a lot more western, maybe southern rock, but the similarities are there. The guitars sound very similar (I’m bad at describing riffs and stuff like that, you just have to take my word on this), there’s a very similar effect over Jon Bon Jovi’s voice in what I think is the bridge of this song that’s a lot like the one Axl Rose used in the chorus of Rocket Queen, and the drumming is very Steven Adler in a way most of their other drumming isn’t. There’s also a really long instrumental segment with no vocals (keyboard solo, guitar solo, and what I’m pretty sure is a harmonica solo) that takes up a lot of the song, like the section in Rocket Queen.
There very well could be other songs with strong similarities between some of their other songs, but I’m days deep into writing this thing at this point, so I’m gonna stop here. In addition to the song-to-song comparisons, there are also some general similarities, especially looking from GnR’s whole discography to Bon Jovi’s first five albums. Jon Bon Jovi’s voice doesn’t really sound like Axl Rose’s, but he’s also really good at portraying emotion through his singing and he also has a pretty solid upper range (obviously not comparable/anywhere near as high, but it’s still really good).
I know this isn’t really the draw for most people, but it’s there and it actually does something for me, so I figured I’d still mention it, anyway. There’s a pretty solid thread of vaguely to strongly religious lyrics between both bands. If you’ve listened to their music and think I sound like I’ve lost it, give a couple songs a listen. Strong examples would be the first verse of Homebound Train, the chorus of Born To Be My Baby, a very specific line in the pre-chorus(?) of I’d Die For You, and a few lines in Dry County, then a quick line in Sweet Child O’ Mine, parts of the chorus for Don’t Cry, a few lines in Yesterdays and a few lines in Civil War. Lay Your Hands on me is a weird case, because I don’t think the lyrics have many religious allusions iirc, but it’s very clearly based on church music. They both have more than this, but if I don’t stop now, I won’t stop, like, ever.
Some other start songs (that aren’t the massive hits) are Social Disease, The Hardest Part Is The Night, Love Lies, and Only Lonely.
Def Leppard. Again, not their whole discography. Their second album, High ‘N’ Dry, has a very Appetite for Destruction sound. Obviously there is some difference, since it’s about six years older and technically pre-hair metal, but the similarities are there. It’s sort of like the early Quiet Riot thing, but I think they’re more similar. Joe Elliot also doesn’t really sound like Axl Rose, but he’s also a very emotional singer and spends a lot of their music in a pretty high part of his range. They’re also next level at breakup songs in a way that very few artists are (Bon Jovi, too, but I can’t talk about them for too long without it becoming a thing). Admittedly, I have a lot less to say about Def Leppard, not because I don’t like them but because they’ve never taken over my life with a hyperfixation so far so I can be normal about them.
Just to summarize the rest of their music that I’ve listened to, there are still some similarities through Pyromania, but Def Leppard were clearly shifting to a more synth-y style of hard rock so there’s less common ground there. And most of this is completely out the window by the time you get to Hysteria, even though it’s still a really good album.
Good starter songs (that aren’t Pour Some Sugar On Me, because that’s too easy) are Hysteria, Too Late For Love, Bringing On the Heartbreak, Let It Go, God of War (or Gods of War?), and Foolin’.
Nine Inch Nails. This is strictly between their music and Chinese Democracy, I don’t really think there’s literally anything similar before that. Also, I don’t listen to a whole lot of NIN, so I… cannot talk a whole lot. What I’ve heard is good and you can definitely hear that Chinese Democracy was at least somewhat inspired by their music, but that’s about all I can say atm. Starter songs (really just the ones I’ve heard) could be Closer, Head Like A Hole, Hurt, and Terrible Lie.
So… this is getting really long. Because of that, and because I don’t have a lot to say about these artists (either here or at all), I’m just gonna list out a couple bands, some starter songs and then stop because this post has done some feral things to me. Also, a lot of the artists here are less literal similarities and more similar energy, just so we’re all on the same page, here.
Green Day: Are We the Waiting; Blood, Sex, Booze; She; Viva la Gloria!; Viva la Gloria?; Peacemaker; Letterbomb (there are more, I just have to stop talking about Green Day at some point, before we’re all here for another three thousand plus words)
Twisted Sister: I Wanna Rock; We’re Not Gonna Take It (look, I listened to Stay Hungry once, I didn’t internalize most of it yet, sorry)
Slipknot: Snuff; Circles; Vermillion (pt. 2, also); Til We Die; Psychosocial; The Devil In I; Duality
Adore Delano: Witch Hunt; 3 Flowers; Pretty Boys Cry; 27 Club
The Clash: London Calling; Should I Stay or Should I Go; I Fought The Law (I have not listened to a lot of their music yet)
Fastball: The Way; Out Of My Head
Pink Floyd: In the Flesh?; Waiting For The Worms; Goodbye Blue Sky; The Thin Ice; Young Lust; One of My Turns; Another Brick In the Wall pt 2; Comfortably Numb (I’ve only listened to The Wall so far)
If I haven’t mentioned someone here that anyone who’s made it through this whole post thinks that I should’ve, you’re probably right and I just haven’t listened to them yet! I think this kind of outed me on this, but most of my music knowledge stops dead before the 80s, outside of Motown, so I don’t completely know what I’m talking about yet.
All that out of the way, thank you for reading, I hope this helps, and I’m so sorry this thing is so long.
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lostinfantasyworlds · 2 years
Gimme the zombies 👀
(For the WIP ask)
Oooooh hi @mrfeenysmustache, thank you so much for asking!! 💕This is the darkest/most different story I’ve attempted so far, and is a total departure from my usual stories, which always include a happy ending.
There is nothing happy about this fic (except for maybe Inuyasha’s reminiscing)  😆. Includes major character death and no happy ending....😬. It will be short (probably somewhere between 1-3k) so the suffering isn’t drawn out at least?
It was inspired by the song Early Sunsets Over Monroeville by My Chemical Romance (This WIP game is making me realize that a majority of my fics were inspired by songs😂). And that song was inspired by the movie Dawn of the Dead (I think Monroeville is the name of the town? I actually don’t watch horror movies so I’m not sure lol)
Here’s most of the lyrics, which will basically tell you the general idea behind this fic:
Late dawns and early sunsets Just like my favorite scenes Then holding hands and life was perfect Just like up on the screen And the whole time while always giving Counting your face among the living Up and down escalators Pennies and colder fountains Elevators and half-price sales Trapped in by all these mountains
Running away and hiding with you I never thought they'd get me here Not knowing you changed from just one bite I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight But does anyone notice? But does anyone care? And if I had the guts to put this to your head But would anything matter if you're already dead? And should I be shocked now, by the last thing you said? Before I pull this trigger, your eyes vacant and stained
And in saying you loved me made things harder, at best
The story starts with Inuyasha holding a gun to zombie-Kagome’s head...and then reflecting on how they ended up there. So...yeah...I’m sorry 😂
My goal is to post around Halloween, and hopefully draw something to go with it!
Thank you again for the ask @mrfeenysmustache!
Full list of WIPs here
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heavensmortuary · 2 years
I forgot there's a MCR song inspired by Dawn Of The Dead
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angelscorpses · 1 month
why are the best songs inspired by movies. first it was props and mayhem by pierce the veil (attack the block), and then i just found out abt early sunsets over monroeville by my chemical romance (dawn the dead)
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scar-crossedlvrs · 7 months
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Works In Progress
keep track of what I’m working on here.
Troublemaker : ID!Leon Kennedy x afab!reader
Summary: As a hired hand, you’re used to all sorts of jobs. You’re also very used to a certain kind of trouble. ( enemies w/ benefits?? ) current word count: 1267
No More Tomorrow : Carlos Oliveira x afab!reader
Summary: In the back of a dirty nightclub you reminisce on your shattered relationship. current word count: 555
565 So Fresh : Carlos Oliveira x fem!reader x Leon Kennedy.
Summary : Three strangers manage to come together after a string of unfortunate events ( p1 of 3 alternate universe ) current word count: 456
Business Casual : Carlos Oliveira x afab!reader
Summary : Corporate office au / workplace romance current word count: ???
take you to the moon : DI!Leon Kennedy x afab!reader
Summary : Returning home from another grueling assignment, Leon seeks solace in your arms. current word count: 712
unnamed request : re2!Leon Kennedy & gn!familial!reader
Summary : You wanted to surprise the only family you had in celebration of his new job, but the incident at Raccoon City ruined everything. current word count : ?
early sunsets ( no room in this hell ) : vendetta!leon no pairing
summary : inspired by early sunsets over monroeville, alone in a hotel room, leon contemplates his options
current word count : ???
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asongforcalifornia · 1 year
extremely fascinated with the opening lines of early sunsets over monroeville. "late dawns and early sunsets/just like my favorite scenes/then holding hands and life was perfect/just like up on the screen." four lines and they've perfectly established the movie this is inspired by (dawn of the dead) as a metaphor for their own struggles and what's going on in the concept album. is the "I" in the next verses from the movie? from the album? both at once? the "you" in the movie is a character, but what is it in the song? is it one of the demolition lovers or is it not even a character but a concept? so many questions inspired by these four lines.
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wheelsupin-five · 2 years
Thinking abt my buddie vampire hunter au inspired by vampires will never hurt you and early sunsets over monroeville by mcr <3
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fangsup-cobrastyle · 2 years
Playing the first part of Early Sunsets Over Monroeville on guitar over and over and over again to try and find inspiration for this really horribly emotionally raw song I’m writing that’s tearing me apart just to write
But I know I want it to sound something like that
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katesattic · 3 years
*keeps interpreting Early Sunsets over Monroeville as a song about depression and the corpse in this bed is the narrator during a depressive episode*
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