#interactive vector
dopemainequation · 9 months
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get textile at:
new product, retail price on other textiles! Good for dropshippers & physical store resellers
get graphics at:
Interctive vector templates DOPEMAINEQUATION
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warchord · 1 month
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this was supposed to be a doodle so i stopped after i added minimal color.
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red-rose-corner · 29 days
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mlm follow-up to the wlw post earlier.
Original found here.
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catamations · 24 days
Hihihihi I just returned from my year long YouTube hiatus and uploaded an experimental castoff AMV and thought I would share it on here! :D
The animation is mostly centered around Frankie since he’s my favorite! :] Even if you don’t know anything about castoff you’ll probably like the animation if you like my art :3
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sonknuxadow · 10 months
the answer to the question of "is vector espio and charmys dad or older brother" is that hes basically charmys dad but to espio he is a secret third thing. some kind of in between of the two options. you cant really fit their relationship into one of the traditional family role boxes but theyre family and thats all that matters. btw.
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tvbbosdarling · 9 days
Hello just wanted to say I love your work! I was wondering as strange as it may be if you could do one for Espio and Vector from team chaotic (Sonic) because I can def see them as caregivers. If not that is totally okay!
<3 Not strange at all !! Here ya go anon, enjoy!!
Caregiver Espio and Vector Moodboard !!
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zabrakghoul · 8 months
had a swtor dream. can't remember what it was about fully but i remember i was the IA and i was coming out to vector for some reason and when i mentioned my pronouns he just said "we understand and support you, agent. we also contain multitudes" and before i could clarify what the 'they' in he/they meant, the cutscene ended and whenever i tried to talk to him, only his right-click dialogue came out of him
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true-blue-sonic · 1 month
If Silver and Espio has an argument (not a serious one but a disagreement) would Charmy take sides?
If it's not a very severe argument (which I think Silver and Espio rarely have, to be honest: I figure they manage to keep things civil between them despite Silver's hotheaded nature because he respects Espio a lot), I think Charmy would consistently pick Silver's side either because he thinks Silver's stance indeed is the coolest or just to dunk on Espio. Considering the fact Charmy's sometimes rather disregarding and cheeky towards Vector and Espio alike, I think he'd love the discourse of him agreeing with Silver just to spite Espio! Espio would be left sputtering about how Charmy is just doing this to make him mad, which Charmy vehemently denies by (probably nonsensically) insisting what he thinks about Silver's argument is right. Silver for his part doesn't have time for this and just wants Espio to consider his point of view, he's hardly impressed by Charmy agreeing with him XD Vector meanwhile might try to remain impartial... but probably fails, either because he got his own opinion or because he agrees with either. Also he might pick Silver's side more than he does Espio's: poor Espio kind of seems to be the guy who's not listened to a lot, haha!
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dopemainequation · 1 year
Graphic design Illustrator & Corel
Those things can save your time from clear your graphic program clipboard all the time, 
reinstall it or install instead another versions - avoid errors in Adobe Illustrator program:
When working with archived files:
To open the files properly - at first extract them - 
its more about AI Vector files rarther than PNG files that can be open up straight from rar.archive without any problem, 
PNG - click the file from Winrar archive & see it immediately in your gallery viewer even if you not yet extracted them. 
Vectors - because sometimes in some Illustrator or other graphic programs the file may behave like there is no action/or command was set up at all & the file just won't open or for example in Adobe Illustrator may appear a notion that "there is not enough space to open the file",
if that's the case you just need to open the file from the graphic program open command (not from archive or the folder after extraction) & then everything is fine.
If there is still problem to save(mostly) or open (not common) - so rename the file after extraction it may be ID:1 err (file name characters) or the default program language that your using(alphabet).
If you resave the files after you making colour or shape changes its better to save them in a brand new name when it comes to serial files or long names or maybe files with a name in a different alphabet language than the graphic program you working on,
& than you avoid errors when saving file - errors like there is no option to export file in high definition(300pp) or at all,
or as an interactive Vector,
if there is still an error & you can't save the file after renaming the file,
than it's better to give a different name or save in a new folder or both mentioned previously,
after that you can rename the file again, if you are working by file name or thats make your work easyer...
this kind of problem source more frequent in serial file long names with numeric order -
ID:1 err & similar to.
If Illustrator & Corel Draw opened together -
when  you make a copy paste to Corel Draw from Adobe Illustrator (possible in some cases) or from Corel to Illustrator (usually without any problem).
or save the file firstable in another version like EPS or else(not cdr or ai).
The benefit to merge Corel Draw & Adobe Illustator is the nodes size(Corel draw have more mesure units).
You can even output those nodes/ancors to Illustrator without install/write any script or add on, because Corel draw allready have similar to Adobe Illustrator working space version built in, so they can interact well.
Disadventage that Corel Draw have too much complex colour filling system by default, number of colour code digits - 9:3( you fill 3,3 times if you want/need speceific colour code).
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kixidust · 11 months
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I made this Vector sprite for myself for playing Pokemon Reborn and figured that I would SHARE! For the 5 other people in this world who want to run around as Vector catching Pokemon.
You need Pokemon Reborn. It's an extensive fangame. It's more mature than Pokemon. CW for suicide and other mature topics. IT'S SO GOOD and has so many quality of life upgrades over the official games and more battle mechanics. And you can get every pokemon through Gen 7.
Download Vector Sprite files (link is to my microsoft onedrive account)
The sprite replaces the black haired boy (called "boy" or "trainer000" etc). Make a backup of the files if you think you'll ever want to play with black haired boy in the future. After that, follow these instructions for where to place all of the sprite files: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/24378-player-character-swap/
Then when you start the game, black haired boy option should now be VECTOR!
I've played the sprite and it works for me but I haven't deeply tested everything so if you run into issues with how it looks at any point, my bad. Lmk if you have questions. In retrospect I should have made Judai or Yuma to fit with the shounen protag vibes of the game protag but I'm in the Vector cult so this happened instead.
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sysig · 7 months
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He dunked up (Patreon)
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
"AI can make art without human interaction because at the end of the day, it does exactly what humans do with art - break each new piece of art down to the quantifiable basis vectors that you've implicitly constructed about 'art in general' and then faithfully reproduce a new observation of that 'art in general' by smoothly interpolating between observed instantiations of those basis vectors.
You know, like how humans do"
#the joke is that it can be argued that if you do art like an ai youre not necessarily doing art youre producing commodities#assumption being that 'art' stands in an internal tension with a society whose subjectivity is shaped by the commodity form#which i think is pretty inarguable - the argument is over how that tension can be reconciled#i think a salient difference to point out that distinguishes human from ai is the countability of the set of basis vectors#i wouldnt disagree that humans do 'break down' art in some capacity - otherwise 'style' would be entirely singular#the point is really 'how many numbers are there between 0 & 1?'#'how many subcategories are these qualia broken down into?'#i think creativity & externality depend on uncountably divisible qualia#some kind of infinity needs to sneak in somewhere to point to the outside#all this to say @ anon lol for thinking ai is like an ontological evil#but also lol @ anyone who treats the form of AI as isomorphic to the form of human activity#taylor series can absolutely objectively represent certain analytical functions - as long as the error is monotonically negative#ie so long as each subsequent member of the series 'gets closer' to a natural representation of the analytic function#mandatory disclaimer for new followers:#human use of ai for artistic purposes is art - ai cannot generate art without human interaction at some point in the sequence#ideology of the blackbox is the same as the ideology of plug-and-chug#(i know theyre the same because they transform similar inputs to similar outputs!)#& im on mobile so cant move this tag back up but i dont necessarily agree w the maximalist take of 'commodified art isnt art'#but i also think there is a qualitative difference between commodified art & non commodified art#& the ai form is actually pretty isomorphic to the value form in general imo#it cant replace all human labor but it couldnt replace any concrete human labor ...#...if that concrete form of labor hadnt become reducible to that which can be reached through gradient descent#also if u argue that the black box of 'ai breaking down art to make new art' is isomorphic to 'human breaking down art to make new art'#then an implication of that is that ai ***can make art without human interaction***#otherwise if the blackboxes are isomorphic then why have humans in the loop? whats the qualitative difference?#the proper framing is seeing ai as an augmentation of the decision cycle of humans instead of having a 'decision cycle' themselves
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mattypattypinky · 7 months
🎀Vector and Megamind Friendship Headcanons🎀
They probably met at a villain convention. Megamind has a booth and Vector wanted his autograph. Megamind would recognize him and get excited.
Vector would ask Megamind to sign his Squid Launcher and Megamind would recognize him.
"You stole the great pyramid of gieeeyza."
"It's giza."
"It's what?"
And Vector would give him a full history lesson since some people think the pyramids are made by aliens, and Megamind is an alien. They'd have a full conversation about it.
Vector would be FASCINATED by Minion. He's a fish. He would love Minion. He'd ask Megamind how he taught the fish to talk, then he'd examine the suit. "What subspecies of carp are you???" and poor minion is just... so nervous and confused😭
Megamind would be fascinated with Vectors weaponry. He'd want to inspect his weapons. He wasn't aware sealife was such good weapons. He'd also be fascinated on how he fit them in the weapons as well.
"If I shot minion out of a gun, would that be affective?"
The conversation would drift from autographs to marine life. Megamind has probably never seen many marine life as he lives in a large city, and probably hasn't had the time or effort to study or see much sea life. Vector would infodump about sealife, and the giant creatures of the deep blue, and Megamind would be simply fascinated by the idea of such monstrously large creatures even existing. Nobody has ever told him monsters were on this planet.
Vector would offhandedly mention a really cool level in Mario 64 that showcases it, and Megamind would be very confused as to what Mario 64 is, causing Vector would be so distraught that Megamind has never played Mario 64, so he offers to let him play it with him at his place and invites him to his fortress.
I feel like he'd be terrified of Fish (Vector's Shark), as the shark has a tendency to run into the glass, as well as it just being a large creature he has never seen before in person. I feel like Vector would have to explain what his shark was, and the entire time Megamind visits on his first visit he's anxious because theres a giant sea-monster under his boots basically while he's trying to learn what Mario 64 is. And what a Wii is. And anything else Vector throws at him.
Megamind would be absolute dog-shit at Wii Sports and Vector would NOT TAKE it easy on him.
Megamind would be fascinated by how much Vector brands. I mean, he has carpets with a giant V on it, toilet paper with a giant V, a toilet with a V, his fortress has, from what I can see, three visible V shapes on it. Megamind would be so interested in the branding opportunities of putting ones First Letter all over the place. Vector would fully support the idea of Megamind putting M on things he owns.
Megamind wouldn't want to use the Vector brand toilet paper because it's not his brand. 😭
Vector would shit talk Gru to Megamind, and Megamind would be clueless the entire time he is doing so. I mean, Megamind would be clueless with 90% of what Vector talks to him about.
Speaking of clueless, Vector doesn't know how to microwave food. And neither does Megamind. I feel like Vector would up and boast about the fact that he knows how to do it (Although he does not) And Megamind would be fascinated and amazed and look up to him for it, causing Vector to have to do all of the cooking and house work stuff when Megamind is around (Because Megamind really wants to watch how he does it)
Vector nearly burns the food in the microwave and lies and says it's supposed to happen like that to save his ego. Megamind took that and ran. I bet he burns his food all of the time because of Vector😭
Despite being so different they're also so alike. I feel like they'd want to be best friends. They'd also really want to match. I feel like Vector would bring up the idea of matching outfits or matching pajamas at a sleep over, and Megamind would hop on it like no tomorrow. Imagine those two having a boys night wearing matching shark PJs.
"that is the coolest thing I have ever heard"
Vector would tease him about his romantic/partner / love life.
They'd have such a boys night sleepover friendship
Megamind would offer to paint Vectors finger nails black because he paints his black and Vector would probably get so excited (He'd want them orange)
I guarantee they go in joyrides in Megaminds invisible car. They probably prank Gru with it.
please ppl of the community please enjoy this I need to see more stuff with them being brotherly/friendly
little girl sleepover vibes yet they're both grown men
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tails-boogie-board · 1 year
It's my 100th post! It means nothing but I'm sentimental so have some baby!Tails. This one is a bit older, it takes place before the other Chaotix one with Charmy. It also explains why he and Sonic were there in the first place
"Nope." Vector said, casually throwing out Sonic's only real lead. "We aren't investigating anything this weird and last we saw him, he was normal. No idea what happened to him."
With a huff, Sonic dropped the orange box on Vector's desk anyway and rolled his shoulder. It was some machine, with Tails' logo in the corner and more importantly, a sticky note with 'vector chaotix tomorow. grab tweezers' still stuck to it.
"Which was?" Sonic asked.
"About 2 days ago." Vector said, and the timeline matched up, "Tails was helping us out. The car got... uh"
"The cops took it!" Charmy announced from the floor, not looking up from his crayons.
"It wasn't the cops." Espio said, sharpening a kunai.
"Uh, yea they were. They had badges 'n everything."
"That didn't make them the police."
"But when we pretended to be cops, we had badges."
Vector sighed, looking up from his desk as the two argued behind him and gestured to the lump of technology.
"It got impounded when we were helping out with Eggman. Tails was givin' us a hand getting it back."
At his name, Tails flew up to the desk to hover next to Sonic. He was holding his drawing close to his chest, but eyed the machine hungrily.
"They always take stuff!"
Vector scooched to the side to give the kid room to land, but Tails just circled curiously.
"He was supposed to stop by yesterday, but we figured something was up." Behind him, Charmy was slowly rising to be taller than Espio.
"That doesn't always mean they're cops, Charmy!"
Tails looked between Sonic and the table and then down at his paper. He dropped to the ground and walked over and Sonic dropped to a crouch instantly.
"What's up, buddy?"
Tails' big eyes got even bigger and he stared up at his brother in awe and Sonic smirked. Rocking on his feet, the kit used his paper to hide his smile before he shook himself down to the tips of his tails.
He pushed his drawing at Sonic, not looking away and Sonic inspected the back of the paper for a second longer than he wanted to admit before he took it.
"Hey! Remember what I said, if you throw crayons, he can throw kunai."
And Sonic had seen enough blueprints in his life not to recognize it, even if this one was in crayon. It was for some kinda plane and Sonic's grin softened, Tails never really changed. There was arrows pointing to potential improvements, probably.
His own name grabbed his attention, and on top of the plane was him, with Tails in the cockpit. They were both smiling and he was pretty sure that it was Angel Island in the background, and the Master Emerald wasn't the large red dot on it.
He looked up from the paper and Tails bashfully ducked behind a Tail. Sonic pulled him into a one arm hug and after a second, mused his fur, it was still kit soft. Tails squirmed to get away and Sonic leaned into him, holding him down with his weight, the drawing safely in the air.
The kit dropped to the floor and Sonic followed, hitting his quills on the desk.
Tails. baby. shorter. Right.
"No! No one throws anything, capache?"
He groaned and there was a victorious giggle above him. Sonic rolled over onto his back, picture clutched to his chest. Tails was hovering above him and shot him a thumbs up before he finally fell to temptation and landed on the desk. Taking a moment to collect himself, Sonic looked at the picture again and at the one star in the clouds.
Rolling to his feet, Tails bare twitched an ear. He was busy messing with the thing -though it was technically his so Sonic figured it was fine.
Vector had Charmy under one arm and Espio's wrist in another and they were both arguing. Vector's headphones slipped and bass filled the air and Charmy yelled louder in response.
The desk beeped and all noise stopped.
Sonic's shoulders hiked and he was a step away from grabbing Tails and bolting before he caught up to himself. Tails looked surprised too and pulled away from the machine. A green light was on, but otherwise it looked the same.
"It's doing some weird stuff." Charmy said, floating closer.
Tails pressed the button again and the light turned off.
Espio leaned in close and looked at the machine, Tails pressed the button again and the light flickered on.
"I assume it is some sort of an EMP or it causes some equal disturbance."
Charmy laughed, "Bet it would take off the boot, no problem."
Vector pushed Charmy away and nodded at Tails who cheerfully turned the machine off.
"Hey Sonic, up for some fun?"
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 9 months
bsc writing an actually cheesy gen fanfic? YEAH:
I actually had a lot of fun writing this and it took me no time at all, so hopefully I’ll be able to finish this one by the end of the year :)
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
shadow and the chaotix is like one of my top wishlist items ever. team dark & team chaotix interacting would be so fun esp with how vector & rouge just, hate eachother lmfao and as you said charmy thinks shadow is the coolest guy ever. and i think espio nomega could be fun. But anyways i chose to believe shadow stayed with the chaotix for at least a bit post shth
literally chaotix and team dark stuff could be so fun . @ sega and/or idw can we talk please
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