#isopod justice
catgirlbussy · 11 months
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its so sad we need to support her ;w;
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luxudus · 5 months
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    Took me long enough but heres the sequel to the september cutting room floor. Ending this series for good. Staring in order by their number Starting with the entries made for 2022
    1. A mammaloid alien native to a dangerously cold planet iconic for it’s red and blue plantlife. They are skittish herbivores. Grazing along its planet’s “grass” by grabbing handfuls of plants with its oral tentacles and brought it to a mouth located in a hollow space in between its oral tentacles and head. And would sport vibrant patterns to blend in with it’s equally colorful forests
    2. Originally a suggestion by my friend Lemuel. They were a descendent of pill bugs/roly polies that evolved powered flight. They soared through forest understories with three sets of flattened legs and held onto branches with their hind pairs of limbs. In spite of the radical change to their movement, they would still act and eat like any other Armadillidiid Isopod. Only now they could get to their food much faster
Now onto the entries made for 2023.
    3. An alien predator that has all of our senses, but none of the familiar organs. They see the world with an organic sonar dish so powerful it could see colors as good as any eye. They smell and feel heat through heat pits on the sides of their body. They hear sound through sensitive whiskers on the feet of their hydraulic legs. And they eat and taste with a liquivorous proboscis.     And on top of their unique sensory organs and a testament to their overwhelming success, they are also freakishly intelligent. Not fully sophont, but still able to run circles around earth’s smartest life aside from humans.
    4. An orbital view of a carbon planet. A hypothetical world where it and the rest of it’s star system formed with much more carbon in its composition than standard oxygen. In place of water would be oceans and clouds of hydrocarbons. And nestled right in between the crust and mantle would be a hundred-kilometer-thick layer of pure diamond.     Sadly how life would evolve and take advantage of such a world was never conceptualized before spectember ended. Maybe someday this idea can be covered again and be brought to justice.
    5. A descendant of azhdarchid pterosaurs from the same world (or at least set of timelines) as the aforementioned Dinosauroids. They live in hierarchical herds where the strongest males have ownership over the herd’s female members.     They are also extremely violent, capable of killing their own predators if a hunt goes slightly wrong, And changes in power often escalate into bloody fights that could end in death. Some members are even willing to kill their herd mates' children if it means they get a chance to continue their bloodline.
6. A descendant of the golden snub-nosed monkey that has evolved to mimic the violet deathhead from my last official september post. Their fur is a speckled brown to blend in with the trees it lives on. The structure mimicking the deathhead sail is derived from nasal flaps once used to attract mates. The primate’s blue skin paired with clusters of veins within the nasal flaps create the iconic purple hue.     High concentrations of melanin along the tip of the nasal flaps mimic the black stripes. And even the orange spots are recreated by rows of unusually thin skin refract sunlight the same way the webbing between our fingers turns orange as a close light source passes through it
    7. A dinosauroid microbiologist who lived in a time when their people colonized the solar system. A Chia’J-di ecologist who lived in a time when their species’ industrial revolution provoked an equally powerful environmentalist counterculture, the globe they are holding is earth 500 million years in the future and long after pangea ultima split, the version of earth their species hails from. And a masculine female human sophontologist who lived in the aztec empire during it’s height. All pose for a picture.     Despite their different walks of life and origins of separate timelines. They are all heads of research within the earth division of the Inter-Timeline Evolutionist Union, better known as the ITEU
The ITEU is a non-profit, nongovernmental secret organization spanning the entire multiverse. With the goal of documenting and archiving the evolution of every species and civilization that has ever lived and will ever live across every possible timeline.     Their employee count ranges in the quantifiable infinity, and the division of a single planet is still big enough to utterly dwarf the largest and most technologically advanced civilizations ever documented. And their membership program accepts anyone from individual sophonts like you and I, galaxy spanning gestalt super-intelligence, to even celestial deities that create their own worlds and galaxies and seed them with life.  
    The symbol above the heads of the earth division is the logo of the ITEU as a whole. Surprisingly very little is known about the meaning behind it. Theories range anywhere from it representing the multiverse as a stream of timelines. The evolutionary tree of life, the infinite fractal-like scale of life and the multiverse. To possibly even the form of the ITEU’s founding species.     There’s a very good reason why the logo is a mystery to all. The ITEU has some pretty big flaws in spite of their noble goal. The organization is very secretive, even to it’s own members. Nobody outside the ITEU knows it even exists. The organization’s founders and early history remain a complete mystery. And despite its multiversal span being common knowledge. no one truly knows the full scale of this organization or the multiverse. 
    They are also very non-interventionist, and will stop at nothing to not leave a mark on the natural world and make any irreversible changes to the course of time. Even if it means never sharing their knowledge with the multiverse’s most advanced civilizations. Allowing interdimensional atrocities to keep going despite having the power to stop it. Or even keeping their own members from ever returning home.     This whole entry was meant to be a bigger grand finale to 2023’s spectember instead of the Batesian mimicry ring or the neurodivergent posthumans. And was meant to be a meta look at 2023’s entries and the genre of speculative evolution as a whole before spiraling out into its own thing entirely.
(i apologize if the aztec woman appears culturally and/or racially insensitive, if anyone who's an expert on aztec culture wants to give feedback I'd appreciate it a lot i want to improve more on illustrating other cultures)
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isopodlover6969 · 15 days
Fun isopod fact #24: the isopod justice system is deeply flawed
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luasworkshop · 1 year
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(Cribbing this format for my Arcana self-insert from Yeshe @the-iron-orchid​)
Name: Coral Alice McCarty
Pronouns: She/Her will have to do
Gender: Uh.  Hm.
Age: Late-30s
Occupation: Cheesemonger by day, artist by night, dreams of little fishes
Nationality: A mess, just Vesuvian for sake of ease
Favorite Food: Fried Shrimp
Favorite Drink: Cucumber Melon Soda
Favorite Animal: MANY (but especially cats, sharks, marine isopods, birds, hagfish, octopus, horses, bees, snakes...)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Flower: Wysteria
Major Arcanum: Justice (how’s that neurodivesity workin’ for you, buddy.)
Minor Arcanum: Queen of Wands
Fun Facts:
Managed to avoid the plague, but suffered not one but two major medical crises during it. Survived ok, but feels real REAL weird about it.
Is reasonably artistically skilled, but struggles making a living at it due to just… not having any concentration for any one thing or another.  Keeps at it for fun and occasional profit but without consistency.  Jack of all trades, master of none, but still better than a master of one.  Has done some real weird/cool commissions.
Would have liked a scientific career, but further education was a bit of a disaster and it’s too much to try again (mentally, emotionally, financially.)
Knows a lot about food, theater, art, architecture, animals, the ocean, and won’t shut up once going. Can come across opinionated or bossy but is usually just excited and eager to share.
Fell into chesemongering by chance, but enjoys it and keeps it up in lieu of many many other things that haven’t played out.  It works, it’s fun, it’ll do.  Makes a great shark coochie board.
Owns a storefront but doesn't manage or run it – focuses on buying and supplying and being the ‘face’ for large suppliers and buyers and deals with catering and party planning, but does step in to do anything else in a pinch.  Didn’t found the business either – took over from previous owners by chance (just worked up the ladder,) which is why management is it’s own hired entity.
Parents are still around and live close to the border of the Catclaw Desert North of Vesuvia, near the ocean, but aren’t from there.  Both spent years working in Prakra as architects (although they aren’t natives there either.)  Massive inferiority complex next to parents who are loving but distant.
Needs glasses to see distance, and to see in dark situations.
The Brewer (Husband and Closest Friend)
Yeshe, The Temple Painter (Friend and Conspirator)
The Bouncer (Friend)
Lua & Aleis (Friends, Buyers)
Asra Alnazar (Buyer)
Count Lucio (Frequent Buyer and Occasional Arts Patron, Unfortunately)
Nadia Satrinava (Frequent & Bulk Buyer)
Evander Murena (Frequent & Bulk Buyer)
Aiello Family (Antony’s Family – Suppliers (Dried Fruit, Nuts, etc.))
Conti Estate (Liliana’s Family – Buyers)
Valerius’ Estate (Bulk Buyer)
More TBD!
“What are you gonna do?  Get a horrible butt disease???”
“There’s some people who don’t like spiders who like other things...”
“Cheese isn’t lube.”
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weirdshrimphours · 11 months
hey whats up im orion
he/him/his | 90s baby | MI, USA
i do art. i rarely post completed art online for a variety of reasons, but I’m a science illustrator and fine artist.
i do ecology. got 6 years of landscaping experience, 3 of which consist of restoring midwest floodplains and prairie ecosystems! ask me about the many benefits of plants that are acclimated to their environment.
i do herpetology. I have 7 snakes - Octavia, Klavier, Sandwich, Bacon, Tulip, Petrichor, and Maranta. I also took on 13 neglected crested gecko yearlings from a family member and you should pm me if you are looking for a crested gecko LOL.
i love a whole lot of other things. trans justice, amphibians, arthropods, cambrian and ediacaran fauna, giant isopods, final fantasy 9 and 7, and my dog doppio!
go find a plant and give it a kiss for me. common tags to blacklist under the readmore
broadly: if bugs n snake talk aren't your thing, this probably isn't the follow for you. i used to be more religious with tags but now i'm just here to curate a happy page of things for me to look at and have a silly littel grin from time to time. :) i tag some things for friends and to weed out for myself later:
spiders - tagged as spiders nonspider bugs / arthropods - usually tagged as skittery bits. uspol - united states bullshit. fuck landlords tag - anticapitalist nonsense transphobia - yeah i tag that shit long post - ask about 2012-15 tumblr if u really gotta know why
feel free to ask if you need somethin tagged and i'll do my best to tag it with very few exceptions. i have a separate snake/herp blog and body weirds blog, and once in a blue moon a bird blog.
heads up that i have a very low tolerance for egregious discourse. if i get a lick of something fishy happening anon goes off and i block liberally. mostly have to put this here bc of Ye Olde Hair Loss Post which people still dig up and get terfy on sometimes. trans ndrophob a truthers and other tra sp obic smellin' content generally earns you a block. godspeed
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erythristicbones · 2 years
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My bug children are here!!!!
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adragonsoulants · 2 years
Checked in on the winter ants today, and I've got good and bad news. Bad news, one of the queens died making it now a colony of 3 queens. I had a strong feeling this would happen as 2 of the four queens still had wings when I caught them, however, one of the winged queens I know is mated as I caught her with male alate still hanging on lol.
I gave the dead queen to the isopods, feels appropriate. I've been giving them all of the ants stuff.
Good news now!! There's eggs!!
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Really hard to see, had to use the micro lens to confirm it as I mistook pulled off cotton for eggs last week.
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Tried to get some better lighting on them to show off their oranges but I don't think my lights do them much justice.
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snuflin · 3 years
Isopod sunny..
Sorry. Your idea is so cursed that it could only be done in MS Paint with my mouse.
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It was the only way to do it justice.
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kirstielol · 3 years
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back from the expo already :') got to see 3 of my favourite youtubers which was suuper weird just seeing them in person lol. too nervous to actually say hello to any of them though 🙈 maybe i'll appear in the background of one of their expo videos lmao
got so much stuff today! first of all look how damn cute my new lil froggy is. he's a strawberry pacman frog and he's adorable. i'll post a better picture of him in his new tank after this post 🐸🍓
i also got a framed morpho menelaus butterfly and pictures do not do this thing justice, it's so iridescent in person. goes from purple to bright metallic blue depending on the angle you look at it.
also picked up some miscellaneous supplies, terrarium cleaner, a tiny ceramic dish for mochi's calcium, zebra isopods to add to my colony after kiwi decided to eat all the ones i put in her enclosure lol, and lastly that big blue pet paradise bag is full of branches to put in my snake enclosures for climbing enrichment!
once again they weren't allowing pictures inside the expo so i couldn't get any pics from inside. but i saw so many awesome animals. the tiniest of leopard geckos and crested geckos. baby dart frogs.. those guys are so tiny i almost cried. lots of skinks, tegu's, monitors, and cool snakes. sadly no rainbow boas though, i was really hoping to see one.
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kissayoubasard · 2 years
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I don’t know what possessed me to draw these, but what if they were pokemon.
And before anyone asks, spamton isn’t here because he’d be a digimon. C’mon.
My thoughts under read more
Before I start, here’s tbh’s creator and here’s gtfo’s creator
Their types are purely out of vibes, by the way. I just feel tbh always has the wettest eyes ever. gtfo is yellow (like fire sometimes) and among us beans are kind of an eevee situation, they can be any type, so since I needed a grass type, I made it a grass type. And then I got waaaay carried away with it.
tbh’s last evolution (which I named podnest (isopod + honest)) would be water/normal, while gtfo’s would be fire/ghost. Though if I ever decide to expand on either of them it might change, because I really struggled coming up with their evolutions.
I considered making gtfo’s last evolution just gtfo with cowboy boots. I also saw this tweet that tbh’s creator retweeted and I thought it was perfect. But I had already drawn podnest and with its design I just amplified tbh’s characteristics (more legs, bigger eyes) and it ended up looking like a lobster or an isopod.
So onto the Amongi line: I knew I had to make it somewhat mushroom related because of the pun on fungi, and since the mongus beans have floating hands and some psychic pokemon have association with space, I decided to make it grass/psychic.
I first drew its final evolution, Crewmage, and though I didn’t do it justice with the colors, I’m pretty happy with its design :) Its hat is supposed to look like a satellite and mushroom cap, I merged the amongus beans backpack to its body in the hopes of making a cloak shape, and though I’m not sure if I suceeded, it kinda looks like an A so I kept it lol
Then I had the idea of making an alternative evolution for the impostor instead of making it a different line. I don’t care if it’s a completely different type than the other ones. I think it’s neat. I didn’t have much to go off to diferentiate it from Crewmage since in the game impostors look just like crewmates, so I took that alien tongue kill animation and the use of vents + other sabotages around the ship to its look. And now a list of facts I thought about them because I’m too tired to properly write the rest:
- Amogi’s first evolution (the middle one in the evolution line) need a lot of positive attention to evolve into Crewmage. Also I liked the shiny colors better.
- Crewmages communicate telepathically even from very far away. They love doing repetitive tasks, so a lot of gardners have them. They can use the stars’ power to make plants grow. They’re too trusting of everyone.
- The impostor evolution can control the air vents on its back. They usually store things there. They love to destroy friendships. Their legs, tongue and hands are very sharp. They rip the wires on their stomach to litter or leave false evidence.
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catboygirljoker · 2 years
You have thoughts on invincible? Can we see them?
well for starters i dont think it's a very good show lmao. i just don't think it's very well written. like, do we ever find out why omni-man killed the not-justice league? besides "to demonstrate that he's evil"? that's the entire mystery of the show and we're just left to infer why he would've--that's beside the point, i was gonna talk about fascism
i don't mind superhero stories, and i don't really mind superhero stories where the superheroes are inherently more powerful than other people. some might argue that kind of story is inherently fascist, i don't. but the show makes direct intentional aesthetic parallels between the Viltrumites and fascism. and they share the same core ideology: strength above all else. the strong rule, the weak don't. "look what they have to do to match even a fraction of our power!" and who's strong and who's weak is usually predetermined by race.
but the response to this worldview isn't "that's mean! the strong should help the weak!!" and it's especially not the response 99% of superhero media gives which is "it's wrong to kill people!" the response is "you are incorrect about who is strong, who is weak, how that is determined, and the nature of power itself."
that's why people are critical of a "colonialism is the biggest evil of all" model of world history, because it's no counterargument to white supremacy. it still feeds a worldview that Whites are inherently conquerers and strivers and achievers and Everyone Else is borne forth on the waves that Whites create. so it was disappointing to see the story make intentional parallels between Viltrumites and fascists/nazis/what-have-you and then not really deal with that kind of ideology or tackle it in a more meaningful way than "killing people is wrong :( stop it dad ur making me sad"
tbc i dont think this makes invincible an inherently fascist story, and i definitely don't think it's the biggest flaw of the series's writing. i just sometimes like to see story beats and turn them over to look at all the ~Ideology~ crawling around underneath like lil isopods :]
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fatehbaz · 4 years
A thing that I love to do is to intentionally unlearn English common names for plants and animals. Ascribing of strict formal names to living things for processing through institutionalized knowledge systems is an act of capture. And I am not interested in capturing, possessing, any creature. Why do I call the “Idaho giant salamander” the “Nez Perce giant salamander” instead? Does the salamander have a meaningful reciprocal relationship with a political entity less than 200 years old, or does the salamander have a relationship with the ancient cedars of the rainforest? Which has existed longer: the arbitrary political entity of Idaho, or the Nez Perce people? Who has known these forests? What do some English common names teach us about a creature? Names are powerful. These are things that I often contemplate together in relation to each other: folk taxonomy, animal naming conventions, the way that people like Robin Kimmerer write about “the power of names,” erasure of local environmental knowledge, and rare and endemic species with specific microhabitat preferences. I know this doesn’t sound like a new or original observation, and it’s not. And forgive me for my navel-gazing tone of voice here, but I’ll try to describe why this is important to me.
What would you call this creature?
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 A frog species might only live in one small stream system, cascading down the north slope of a single mountain ridge in temperate rainforest of the Andean slopes, in the traditional territory of the Mapuche people; the frog might always be found living alongside a special isopod, a rare orchid, and a community of soil microorganisms, all of which share the same dependence on these little pockets of suitable habitat in the shade of forest, at the streamside. Is the frog named after the stream, the source of its life? Is it named after the temperate rainforest ecoregion, this safe harbor of fertile vegetation which the frog requires? Does its name refer to the aquatic invertebrates that it relies on for food? If the rare orchid is always present, perhaps the frog might have a name alluding to the wildflowers? Does the name reference the Mapuche, who have known the frog for centuries? You might come to find, instead, that the frog is named for a museum curator in London who had never visited the Andes, or the frog is named after an eighteenth century plantation owner who contracted the European land surveyors to map the area.
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As a little kid, I would draw my own custom “homemade” distribution maps for reptiles and amphibians. (I wanted to see snakes. Much of western Canada and the US had not really been surveyed for these creatures; at the library, the outdated mid-twentieth century field guides provided distribution maps, with huge question marks labelled over vast regions of geographic space. You had to guess where the creatures lived based on habitat associations with specific plants, which also required looking at plant distribution maps.) So I would be irritated to notice, when comparing maps, that a creature might have a distribution range that was so closely tied to a very specific landscape, with a very specific wider ecological community of plants and soil types that was also closely tied to that region, and yet the animal would be named after a wealthy Dutch scientist. A salamander might only live in one single river’s watershed, and would always live alongside a certain specific moss or fish or mollusc, and instead of being named after that ecoregion or after the Indigenous people who maintained the regional ecology, the creature would be called something like:
 “Smith’s salamander.” Now, not only has the creature been captured by formal name, but it’s also been possessed by an individual, literally given the name of a single powerful European administrator.
Does this name respect the creature? What does this name tell us about the entity? What does this name gift to you? I understand that no name in human tongue will convey the entire essence and weight of a creature.
But to me, this European style of naming still seemed inadequate, these names didn’t seem like they reflected anything about the creature itself. The name didn’t reflect where it lived, how it behaved, what its habits were, the fact that the frog seemed to love shaded north-facing slopes, the local culture that interacted with it for centuries, the trees and wildflowers and millipedes and ferns that happened to live in every place where you would also find the frog. A frog might be named after an imperial British adventurer who recorded the creature for audiences at European museums. They called “dibs” on the frog, despite the fact that local Indigenous communities may have had an ongoing relationship with the creature for centuries. So I would try to learn a folk name for the creature, or instead I would apply a new name for an animal based on the geographic area, ecoregion, plant community, or ecocultural region that the creature was most closely associated with.
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The amphibians that I interact with, maybe more than any other, are the Pacific giant salamanders. They are the largest terrestrial salamanders in the world; there are only 4 species, in the same genus, and all of them are endemic only to the streams in temperate rainforest of the Pacific Northwest. They’re capable of “yelping,” like a bark or shout. Uncannily similar to a dog or child. Their aquatic larvae swim around in small, shallow, cold, fast-flowing mountain streams in the shade of pine forests with many hanging arboreal lichens, sometimes congregating in the relatively still pools beneath small waterfalls. At night, in heavy rain, the large adults may crawl across the moss-covered cedar logs of the streamside. Only one of the species lives away from the Pacific coast. Dicamptodon aterrimus, known in English as “Idaho giant salamander,” lives in the inland temperate rainforest region, away from the ocean. “Idaho” is a political entity with arbitrary borders. The salamander being named after “Idaho” does not reflect the fact that the salamander is closely associated with cedar, hemlock, mosses, lichens, ferns, fungus, and tailed frogs in mountains of the inland temperate rainforest region. The salamander is found almost entirely within the traditional land of the Nez Perce people. The extent of Nez Perce territory, and the extent of the giant salamander’s presence, mirror each other  very closely. 
And so I pointedly call this rainforest creature the “Nez Perce giant salamander.”
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I think that maybe no name can do justice to the entire rich existence of a creature, but we can really do better than some English common names, especially in those cases when an animal is named after a lone individual human. And so, in naming, there might be a difficult decision to make. Do you name a creature for its behavior, its location, its appearance, its season of activity, its prefered habitat, its companion species? Maybe you have your own, personal, relationship with the creature. A living thing has so many interweaved relationships with others. Maybe its “meaning” changes with context or season or emotional state of the human observer. Maybe I will sometimes call the creature “the cedar salamander” or the “guardian of the waterfall pools” or “the giant of the stream” or “moss dragon” or whatever.
More navel-gazing: We are all of us, salamander and human, more rich and complex than associations with mere behavior, appearance, habitat preference, or the surveyors that try to capture and catalogue us. And sometimes, I’m uncomfortable enclosing us with a strict name. I don’t assume that I know enough about a living thing to possess it through formal naming conventions.
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itistimetodisappear · 4 years
I just started Twitter and I can totally see why everyone is so stressed out by it. It's almost solely comprised of critical jokes, current events, political opinions, hot takes. Yeah theres alot of social justice on tumblr, but its all interspersed by deep sea isopod discourse and other non-stressful shitposting. I dont feel the existential horror as much on tumblr like I do on twitter.
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encyclopika · 4 years
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #113
Brought to you by a marine biologist who trusted the names this time!
We are continuing with crab week, folks! Yesterday we covered small freshwater friend the Mitten Crab, and today we’re going back into the sea. I gotta tell you guys, this is one of my favorites. Yes, it’s a pretty cool animal, but it’s also my favorite thing to eat. The legs of this fairly large species are a popular dish the world over, and it’s wide distribution in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic Ocean make it accessible to many different countries.
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But man is this thing a pain to find and catch in ACNH! It’s extremely rare - I haven’t even caught one yet! Luckily, you will know when you’ve spotted one because it runs. Like the Giant Isopod and Gigas Giant Clam, you will be hard pressed to spend less than ten minutes chasing this thing around your island. When you do finally catch it, it’s extremely satisfying, though. Fortunately, they are available all day, so if you have some time to kill, why not go crab fishing?
Anyway, figuring out what species this was gave me some trouble, until I remembered the Japanese version of the game may give me more clues than I give it credit for. In fact, the name in the English version also helped confirm it as well. 
If you’ve been following these fish posts for a while, you’ll see a common pattern of ACNH not really committing to particular species when naming their animals (or just flat out getting it wrong, but I digress). And, yeah, I know, no one cares except me, but it does make the game a little less than trustworthy when I’m trying to ID them for you all. This time started out no differently - all seven species in the true crab genus of Chionoecetes are often called “snow crabs” because they can be found in the colder waters of the North. They all generally look the same, too, with round, squat bodies with very long, flattened legs and bulbous pincers. Wouldn’t you know it, there’s a particular species in this genus called the Red Snow Crab, Chionoecetes japonicus that hails from the Sea of Japan. Closed case, right? Except for some reason I just didn’t like it. I found a scientific article that mentioned the species naturally hybridizes with Chionoecetes opilio, the (OG) snow crab (also called opilio crab to be less confusing, I guess). Their ranges overlap and both species are very important to Japan, as well as any other country that borders their range (including Korea, Canada, Norway, the EU, etc.) So, I thought, this very well could be C. opilio, and ya know what? I think it really is and I’ll explain why (that’s what we’re here for, yes?)
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By Totti - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80235225
Normally, in science, you don’t refer to species by their common name. Depending on where, a single animal could have ten different names, which is why we always use the binomial, in this case that’s Chionoecetes opilio. In English, we call it “Snow Crab”. In Japan, they call it “Zuwaigani”. And, yup, you guessed it, that’s exactly what this crab is called in the Japanese version of the game, too. The other species we were considering, the Red Snow Crab, C. japonicus, is called Beni Zuwaigani (”Beni” meaning “Red” in Japanese). So, what the hell’s the difference? Well, quite a bit, actually.
Both species are fished for in the Sea of Japan where their ranges intersect and both are eaten in Japan, too, but where Beni Zuwaigani is considered inexpensive and can be purchased cheaply, Zuwaigani is considered luxury. Only the very best for ACNH, and that would probably explain why it’s so damn rare and sells for 4,000 bells a pop. Both crabs are caught during the winter and prefer the cold waters of the North and deep sea, down to 1400m. Could explain why they’re available now throughout the winter, and are put in the deep sea tank in the museum, although they’d probably be more at home in the ice tank. 
There are a few details that could make this C. japonicus, one being the placement in the museum, as C. japonicus appears more typically in deeper water than C. opilio. Nevertheless, I feel that more evidence, as well as the more muted purple-y red of the game model fits with C. opilio more. They don’t call the Red Snow Crab that for nothing - it really is so much redder than the Snow Crab, and the model really doesn’t do it justice if that’s what they were going for. Feel free to discuss and disagree, though!
So, yeah, ACNH actually called this thing to-species!
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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woodcut-archive · 4 years
recently i’ve reorganised my tagging system, so i made this post to serve as a directory/explanation of all tags i use! feel free to ignore it as it’s mostly for my personal reference ^___^
tags that are used for blacklist purposes (except #moths and #isopods) aren’t listed below!
#fav - i like to look at these :] #insp - stuff that inspires me! #heart tag - for when i’m sad! #trans tag - i’m trans and happy about it :) #nd tag - i’m neurodivergent (and also very sexy)
#polskie - i’m so so sorry #important - mostly social justice stuff #boost - donations, crowdfunds, things that need attention imo #politics - yeah #misc - miscellaneous things! mostly textposts and stuff to laugh at
#tweets - ...self explanatory #vid - this too #music - there’s only one post under this tag
#save - things to read/look through. includes mental health reminders #writing tips - oh you know #tutorials - for drawing!
#art - things with clear artistic intent! #other’s art - artwork of other tumblr users! i gush a lot after this tag..... #paintings - as it says on the tin. not necessarily made with paint, tho #illustrations - either scientific ones or artwork not looking like “traditional” paintings #photography - real life captured! #textiles - fabric :] #words - either poetry or typography! there aren’t a lot of things because i. rarely read
#landscapes - artwork/photography with an open composition! or else #nature - for when animals and/or vegetation are the main focus of an artistic piece #plants - for when only plants are the main focus of an artistic piece
#people - mostly photography of models :] #cementaries - please ignore the misspelling and the fact that i forgot the word “graveyard” exists #buildings - includes interiors! #space - ...well!
#canids - dogs, wolves, etc. #cats - cats! :) mostly includes photography of irl ones #isopods - i think they’re neat
#birdblogging - birds are my first and biggest special interests!!! #paleoblogging - DINOS!!! THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD!!! paleontology/paleobiology is my second special interest! #moths - ...moths! i’m slowly getting into them :) #techblogging - i don’t know much abt it yet, but old tech is cool!
#off - as in. the game #dorohedoro - <3 #flight rising - i’m currently on hiatus, but i have a sentiment for my stupid gay little dragons #warrior cats - ew #ENA - by Joel G!
#my art - i draw sometimes :) #OC: - general tag for posts that remind me of my own characters! neither all of them have their own tag, nor are from the same story, but here’s a list of those who do have their own space on this blog:
#Fiołek - not his actual name
if you see any name that isn’t EXACTLY after the OC: tag...... then it’s of a real person and a mutual of mine
#little gildings insp - inspiration for my original universe that encompasses two stories of mine! it’s forever a wip, but i love it to pieces
#lore insp - formerly a tag for my Flight Rising lore, but i’ve turned it into an original story set in a semi post-apocaliptic setting in an original universe :)
#better island insp - this story isn’t even named this way anymore, but whatever
#ans - an. unnamed story of mine on which i can’t start even working, because it requires knowledge of advanced physics and maths. i’m a junior in highschool.
#in the last day of my youth - a short story i’ve invented in a suddern burst of creativity and it infested me with brain worms
#untitled insp - a surrealistic universe i saw in a dream once
#01 - brown/orange/sepia/rustic aesthetic! my fav :) #02 - uuhh....... i don’t know, really. mostly white/grayscale/pale things #03 - RED. #04 - colourful stuf!! mostly pink :) #05 - green and blue! very nature themed
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To everyone: what would your Pokemon teams be and why?
Oh good god.
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Well… this is going to get complicated. At least from me.
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Let’s start with assuming no legendary Pokemon. Makes life a bit easier. Of course only a bit.
So… first off a lot of this depends on generation and limit. If you’re asking for a full team that I would have with rotations and stuff, we’re looking at… probably close to 10 full teams of 6, maybe even more.
In my defense, I’m a major Pokemon fan and I really really like a lot of them.
Of course, if we’re going to cut down the team to a more manageable six which can be from any region/gen, but only one from each region/gen to keep things interesting and varied… well, it would depend on a lot of things, including mood and such, so if one were to ask me this question again it would likely change. But, here would be, as I feel right now, the team I would use if I was limited to only six, one per region/gen.
1: Lucario. I’ve been a fan of this guy for so so long, ever since it was first introduced. I loved Lucario and the mystery of Mew as a kid (still kinda do). The whole concept behind aura is amazing. One’s spiritual energy/life force/ soul being utilized in combat? Being able to sense others and see without seeing? So awesome. Lucario is just SO. FREAKING. COOL. It’s design is wonderful as well. Jackel/Anubis? Yes please. Plus, I’ve been maining Lucario in Smash Bros. ever since Brawl. You better believe it’s making my team.
2: Tyranitar. Is it probably the weakest pseudo legendary when it comes to typing? Yes. Do I care? No. Tyranitar is BA. First, it’s one of the only two pseudo’s to not be a dragon. Yes, 8 regions, 9 pseudo’s, and only 2 are not dragons. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some dragons. But… variety would be nice, you know? But yeah, not a dragon, still awesome. It’s Godzilla for crying out loud! Plus, its design is just so good. It’s simple but perfect. It’s a giant Lizard creature that could fell mountains. It doesn’t need to be complicated, and is perfectly awe-inspiring and terrifying without being complicated. I also used a Tyranitar in my Ultra Sun playthrough, a male one named Typhon, Man was he fun to use.
3: Golisopod. Listen, if a Pokemon is good enough for YOUR BOI GUZMA to use it on his team, you know it’s a good pokemon. It’s the Alola take on Gyarados and Milotic (weak pathetic first stage with few moves  and while those two do have a slightly higher BST, that ain’t enough to keep my boy Golisopod down. Golisopod’s design is just so good. An Isopod mixed with a Samurai? Sign me right up thank you. It mixes the creepy crawly aesthetic of the bug type with the strong proud samurai perfectly and I love it. And yeah, sure Emergency Exit can be kind of annoying, but it allows you a second usage of First Impression. That is worth it. Also, it’s shiny is dope.
4: Toxtricity. Part of building a team means keeping in mind type composition. I love Grimmsnarl dearly and equally, if not more so, but I already have one Dark-type on the team, so Toxtricity manages to bag this spot. At least, for now considering my current mood. Ask me again tomorrow, or even in an hour, my answer may very well change. Anyway, Toxtricity itself. When I fist saw the design, I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt. It was… interesting to say the least, but I couldn’t figure out what I was looking at, or what it was supposed to be. But after some more time with it, learning more about it and using one I can say that Toxtricity is easily one of my new favorites. Quite possibly my absolute fave from Gen 8. A punk lizard that plays music? Rock/Metal? HECK. YES. The form change is also pretty nice. The stats don’t change between the two, but I honestly like it that way. Just the idea that more energetic natures would have an ‘Amped Up’ form based on an electric guitar while the more mellow natures would have a ‘Lowkey’ one based on a bass is ingenious. Same with the movepool changes. It makes sense that the different forms with their different music preference would have different moves. (My personal fave is the Amped Up, especially with its shiny colors.) Plus, an electric posion type? SO. COOL. Who cares about 4x weak to earthquake, this thing is boss! And Punk Rock is an amazing ability.
5: Flygon. Man oh man was Flygon treated poorly. Added in Gen 3 as a solid pokemon, but with a better attack stat than a special attack one. True, not bad in it of itself but before the Special/Physical split, ALL Dragon-type moves were special. Meaning Dragon Claw, a solid dragon type move back in Gen 3, wasn’t yet a physical move. And Outrage wasn’t even something Flygon could learn yet (it wouldn’t be until Gen 7 that it became a TM). Then came gen 4. Now, I love gen 4. I truly do. It is by far my favorite Gen. And it did do something very good for Flygon. It gave the special/physical split, allowing some Dragon type moves to now be physical as well. But you know what else came along? Garchomp. Honestly, I like Garchomp, I do. But suddenly here we are with a new Dragon/Ground type that is a pseudo-legendary? My poor poor Flygon. And it didn’t get any better. I mean seriously, give Mewtwo and Charizard two megas but none to Flygon? WHILE GIVING ONE TO GARCHOMP WHO DIDN’T NEED IT AND WAS ITS BIGGEST COMPETITION?! Why Game Freak? Why?Anyway, mini-rant aside, I love Flygon. The design is incredible. The line is based on an antlion and is so cool. That sweet green design and the little lenses over the eyes? Perfect, just perfect. Plus, it has some sweet lore. Appearing in sandstorms with haunting music coming from its wings? Yes please. Beautiful pokemon that was done such disservices. It’s a shame really. With Megas gone, Flygon will likely never get that final boost it needs. Though considering it is in Galar while Garchomp isn’t… maybe Flygon will have a chance to shine again. (A shame though that it will never get to have a type change to Bug Dragon. Would be sick.) Regardless of the future though, Flygon will always have a place in my heart, and in my team. 
6: Zoroark. Yeah, I know what I said about team composition above with Toxtricity and Grimmsnarl. But  I also pointed out mood has a lot to do with it. Anyway, for Zoroark itself. Like Lucario, I’veb een a fan for so long, ever since it was first introduced. It’s kinda funny in a way. Zoroark acts as the perfect yin to Lucario’s yang. Lucario uses aura to sense things and to see, Zoroark is the maser of illusions. In it of itself, this illusion business is awesome, but add in how it counters Lucario and it works just so well. Typing as well, Lucario is a fighting steel, the type you’d think of for a chivalrous paladin of justice and truth, while Zoroark is dark (evil type in Japan), perfect for a sly illusion master. Of course, it’s not just dualism with Lucario. The line is just so amazing itself. Clearly drawing from Kitsune, Zoroark is a sly fox that is able to not just use illusions, but masters them to the point of being able to create solid constructs out of them (see the anime). It is just so cool, how can I not love it? Also, like Tyranitar before it, I used a female one named Vixen in my Ultra Sun playthrough and it was a delight. 
Anyway, that would be my team. You know, assuming all the limitations I put on myself and my mood at this moment. But if you guys enjoyed this and want to know more about my favorite pokemon, please let me know. I’m always happy and excited to talk about Pokemon.
Anyway, going to hand this over to the other mods. I’ve been monopolizing this ask for too long.
Ooo!! This’ll be fun to answer! Cause, well, I love Pokémon!!!
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But, forgive me for this; I haven’t played any of the games.
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So im just saying my favorite characters!!!
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1: Glacieon, I really, really like glacieons and have always loved ice type Pokémon. Mainly because I really like the cold. Like; really, really, like the cold. I also really like her attacks, their cool!!! (Pun intended)
2: Furret. Absolutely furret, I never knew why I liked furret, but. I’m just gonna blame it on me really liking Ferrets and cause I honestly have really liked normal types for some reason.
3: Vulpix (either one), I really like any fire type Pokémon mainly because I’ve always just had a very weird interest in fire and because vulpix can be either a fire or ice Pokémon I love that about them. And they remind me of a bunch of irl animals that I love!!
4: Smom , I LOVE THOSE LIL ICE BABEYS SO MUCH!?!? They are so cute-!? I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH???! They are all my children and I want to adopt them all, and I will. No one can stop me………except maybe the other mods-
5: Sylveon, absolutely. I always have such an attachment even with digital animals, so I absolutely would give my eevee enough attention and love for them to evolve into sylveon. Honestly, it’d end up be accidental, but, I still really love Sylveon, and wouldn’t care if I got more than one of them-
6: Flareon, listen- I just love eevees okay-? I love them all so so much, and would lay down my life for each and every one of them. Just 💞💞💕💖💓💖💝💞💖💕💝💓💕💞💖💞💖💝💘💖💕💕💞
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Ah, I bet you missed hearing from me! No worries, I’ll tell you my pokemon team, even if it’s not particularly exciting.
First off, a Pachirisu is a must for my team. I’ve always loved how hyper it can be and the mishaps it would cause. Plus, c’mon- who doesn’t like its color scheme?
I’d also incorporate Chimchar to my team. I’ve always had a soft spot for Chimchar, since it was my first ever starter and I leveled mine all the way up to 100 in my Pokemon Platinum playthrough.
Yamper definitely had my heart the moment I saw it! I have a really strong love for dogs, and its addition to the game got me so excited!! Kirigiri can vouch for me on that one.
Growlithe is also integral to me. When my dog was a puppy, I used to jokingly call her a growlithe. I don’t think I still have pictures, but I even got her a floof for halloween once so she could be in a costume with me. Also... Arcanine is seriously badass.
Wooloo is super cute too! I love that it rolls away from its problems, and I, too, wish to do that. Plus the braids immediately reminded me of Peko, so I was super soft for it the moment it was revealed.
Finally, I’ll add my favorite Eeveelution to the team: Glaceon! Something about its sleek design always made me happy, and the way its fur sharpens as defense is super interesting!
(If legendaries were allowed on the team, I would’ve added either Giratina or Shaymin. They’re my favorites.
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