#it sounds like you weren't actually trying to be poly at all
not-poignant · 2 years
Im sorry to do this here but you write characters that have done bad things and still get redeemed and still deserve love. Do you really think that? I know it doesnt compare to what Gwyn or Augus or Ef did but I cheated on my partner in February. I kissed a person I met 3 days prior and havent talked to since. I'll give some context, not to be seen as excuse because I know its inexcusable. I'm poly, my partner is not. I didnt know that because they had said "maybe in the future". I thought the three of us could get together. Partner thought they had made it clear they werent poly. Partner thought they could get over it and we stayed together but they couldnt. They broke up with me today. I already felt like the scum of the earth and I still do. I feel like I dont deserve anything and should be punished or something. Kinda what Ef was doing with his apartment. I also dont know if Im supposed to tell everyone. I feel like no one would trust me with anything if they all knew I cheated, and maybe I deserve that, but if I actually deserve absolution orsm then maybe I shouldn't tell everyone. I also feel like I traumatised myself out of being poly. I cant imagine it anymore, not when its the reason i lost them. Do you have advice maybe? Sorry for this
Hi anon,
The first thing I'd suggest is learning what polyamory is, because in my opinion you're not really practicing it. The foundation or bedrock of polyamory is not actually having multiple partners, it's a willingness to communicate honestly and authentically, which you don't do, or haven't done. That's why single people can be polyamorous, and a person in a monogamous relationship can be polyamorous without actually actively practicing polyamory.
Likewise, a person can have multiple partners and not be polyamorous at all.
You really need to do some actual research into what you believe you are. There's so many different stages of communication breakdown in what you've described that it just looks like you need to work on basic human communication and listening skills going forward.
I'm poly, my partner is not. I didnt know that because they had said "maybe in the future".
This is so strange to me, because you did know that, because your partner didn't say 'I'm polyamorous now' they said maybe later.
You're making assumptions that fit you and your convenience, or making things up in your head that aren't there. Telling me you don't know either means you're lying to me, or you're lying to yourself, because your excuse is literally that your partner told you they weren't polyamorous but that they might be later on. You obviously didn't get confirmation about this, and never communicated further on it, and made an assumption for your own purposes that neglected the people around you, and got people hurt.
I thought the three of us could get together.
Why? Your partner never told you that they were polyamorous, and you never communicated anything clearly, or asked for communication. Did you tell your partner that you thought the three of you could get together? Did you tell your partner that you were going to kiss someone you'd only known for a handful of days (did you get an STI screen before doing that? Or did you harmfully put yourself and your partner in further danger?) Did you tell your partner that you thought they were polyamorous now?
Partner thought they had made it clear they werent poly.
Yes. Because they did. Your partner is right, and is absolutely the wronged party here. You made lies up in your head, in a situation where your partner never told you they were polyamorous.
Partner thought they could get over it and we stayed together but they couldnt. They broke up with me today.
Honestly, I'm not surprised. It sucks that it hurts so much, but I would consider how much pain you've caused and then look at ways to repair that in the future, because guilt on its own isn't enough.
It's important to learn what polyamory is, how to do it ethically (which let me be clear - you didn't), and then how to communicate.
Part of that will be communicating to all future partners and potential future partners that you've done this, and are still working on it, so they have this transparency. Like you don't have to tell everyone, but since communication is a skill you really, really need to work on, this is a good place to start. Self-accountability will go a long way for you, because I feel like you made decisions here that solely benefited yourself and no one else around you and are upset that it didn't turn out the way you wanted when other people got hurt because of that (which...of course they do).
I feel like no one would trust me with anything if they all knew I cheated, and maybe I deserve that, but if I actually deserve absolution orsm then maybe I shouldn't tell everyone.
If what you've taken away from Falling Falling Stars is that you deserve absolution when you've done absolutely nothing to change yourself except feel some guilt, then like... I don't know what to tell you anon.
That's not the thrust of the story.
I also feel like I traumatised myself out of being poly.
I don't think it's such a bad thing to realise the way you were doing it was so damaging to others (and eventually yourself) that you need to actually stop and learn how to do it properly and healthily. The person who got hurt the most in this scenario was still your partner/ex, and it's worth considering the wellbeing all future partners going forward. Because what you described to me was not a partner that was polyamorous, and I literally have no idea how you got that impression, beyond just...lying to yourself for your own ends. Someone telling you 'maybe later' is never ever ever ever consent to literally ANYTHING until you get concrete confirmation.
What steps are you taking to make sure this doesn't happen again?
What books or articles are you reading on ethical polyamory?
How will you ensure accountability with yourself and with future partners?
How will you ensure STI safety if you want multiple partners or any partners at all?
What steps are you making to become a better communicator?
When will you know you're a healthy enough communicator to be polyamorous? (You don't have to be a perfect communicator, but healthy is important).
What are you doing to ensure that you're listening to your partners instead of just making things up in your head for your own convenience?
These are the places I would start. Guilt as an emotion is not the thing that will answer these questions. 'I feel really bad about it' is not practical, active, engaged steps and feeling awful makes sense - you did something awful - but it won't last, and after those feelings leave or dissipate it's important to make sure you have something concrete as a foundation for future relationship/s.
People do deserve forgiveness - but not from everyone, and usually once they've done the work to show that they're willing to change and work hard - that is the point of Falling Falling Stars. Idk if you're seeing a therapist twice a week, or went to couples counselling, or actually have been doing any work at all. You trying to convince me that your partner was polyamorous or ready to try poly in general is a sign to me that you haven't done much of this work at all, but the good news is you can start self-accountability and self-responsibility at any point.
Part of that is acknowledging that just as you deserve love and kindness, the people around you deserve this from you as well - and that happens in the form of honest, authentic communication and compassion, which is something you can work towards.
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singmyaubade · 8 months
Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
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Dark!Poly!Marauders x Female!Reader
Summary: Don't be afraid of the dark.
Warning: Containing DARK THEMES such as NONCON/DUBCON, cursing, smut, etc.. Stay advised.
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Studying late at night wasn't always the best idea considering students weren't allowed in the corridors after eight PM.
But of course, Ms. AlwaysTryingToAceATest couldn't resist spending the night before OWL's to study her arse off.
It was truly a bad decision on your part but you couldn't fail your last year of Hogwarts, it was entirely unacceptable.
Getting the perfect scores was something that you needed. But was it worth walking through the dark corridors with a small light beaming from your wand?
You heard a creak behind you, startling you out of your thoughts.
"Fuck," You whispered, looking behind you to see only pitch black.
"No cursing!" An old lady in the painting reprimanded you as you muttered an apology.
"And turn that bloody light off!" A scruffy looking old man yelled at you, causing you to sigh in annoyance.
'You only had a few more steps before reaching the Gryffindor common room, you could make it without light there.' You thought, putting your wand in your back pocket.
You kept yourself to the side of the wall, using your hand to navigate where each door was by swiping it across the walls, hoping to feel a door.
"Y/N," An eery whisper ran shivers down your back as you looked behind you to only see pitch black.
A part of you wanted to calm yourself down by saying that it was all in your head but another knew that you weren't insane and there was no way your brain made up that sound.
Your feet quickened, trying to make it faster to the common room before you felt yourself trip over something hard.
"Shit!" You mumbled, trying to pick yourself up.
You heard a deep laugh behind you which sent the same shivers down your spine you had felt from earlier.
"Alright, who's fucking with me?" You questioned, trying to take your wand from your back pocket to use as a flashlight but you could no longer feel it.
You panicked, feeling around for your wand but you couldn't see and neither could you feel anything around.
It could've dropped anywhere.
You stood up, about to walk backwards before you bumped into what felt like a chest.
You turned around, still only seeing pitch black, "Who are you?" You asked, slowly backing away.
"Why?" The deep voice asked, "Are you afraid of the dark?"
You couldn't make out the voice and it wasn't helping that you couldn't see the figure but it could see you.
The fear was almost radiating off of you but you tried your best to seem stronger than whatever it was in front of you.
"No," You answered, "This really isn't funny whoever you are," You tried to sound strict but you knew you sounded more scared.
"Are you sure you aren't scared?" You heard another deep voice from behind you as it gripped your waist.
You didn't know where you could go, there was two in front of you and you couldn't see a thing.
"Fuck off!" You stepped on the foot of the guy that was gripping on your waist but it only made his grip tighter.
Tears were about to stream from your eyes, "Please stop," You sobbed, feeling the most scared you have ever felt in your life.
"We won't hurt you," The guy behind you whispered in your ear, brushing the hair away from it.
"We would never do something like that," The guy in front of you said, stroking your cheek.
"Never," You heard another deep voice next to you, creeping you out even more.
"How many of you are there?" You cried but it sounded more unserious than you meant for it to sound.
All of them did a throaty chuckle, "Just us three," The guy next to you spoke.
"Please don't hurt me," You sniffled, tears actually raining down your cheeks now.
"Like he said," The guy in front of you whispered, "We would never hurt you," He kissed your neck down to your collarbone.
"Unless you're bad," The guy next you chuckled, palming himself through his pants.
"C'mere," The guy behind you stroked your hand, gripping it lightly and leading you somewhere.
You could feel the two men behind you following you guys and you still wondered how they knew where to go.
You heard a door close behind you as you gasped to already feel hands groping your breasts as a moan left your mouth.
"Keep quiet, you don't want people knowing what a slut you are," The man said, continuing to knead into your breasts.
A man tsked, "Don't be so mean Prongs,"
Prongs? You didn't know anyone by that name nor by that nickname which confused you.
Prongs snickered, "How can I resist?" He said, before reaching under your shirt to feel your breasts, twisting your hardened nipples. He pulled your shirt from over your head.
"Moony," The man said, "Aren't you gonna get in on this?" He asked.
"I'll have my time Padfoot," Moony answered, his voice not that far away from you.
"How about you be a good girl and get on your knees?" Moony asked, still standing where he was. Prongs and Padfoot placed there hands off of you.
You obliged immediately, getting on your knees as you heard footsteps towards you. You heard the sound of a belt being pulled off as you gulped.
"You know what to do darling," Moony said, gripping your hair in his hand.
You placed your hand around his erect cock as you did a small lick on the slit of him, earning a groan from him as you tasted the pre-cum on the tip of him.
You started sucking on the tip of him, teasing him a little bit. You felt him grip your hair harder as you went further, trying not to gag considering how big he was.
Suddenly, he shoved himself down your throat as you placed your palms on each of his thighs.
"Come on, I know you can do it," He encouraged you, your nose being tickled by his pubic hair.
You tried your best to breathe through your nose as he fucked your throat. He pushed your head back as you gasped for air, him letting you breathe for a few seconds.
He lifted you up from your knees using your hair before delivering a harsh kiss to your lips. His tongue exploring your mouth as if he was tasting himself.
You could feel him leading you somewhere, "Bend over," You did as he you felt your bare chest on a cold desk.
You could see a little bit of light peaking through from outside just enough to see that you were in a classroom.
Before you could think deeper, you felt your tights and underwear being ripped.
"At least let he keep her clothes intact Pads," Prongs said.
"Don't have time to take them off," Padfoot muttered, his cock teasing your entrance.
Before you could react, he placed himself inside of you, a guttural groan from him as you moaned. The stretch almost ripped you open, you felt. His fingers reached towards in between you and the desk, rubbing your clit in circles as you moaned loudly.
You could almost feel him inside of your stomach due to how big he was.
"Gotta keep her quiet," Prongs said, positioning himself at your mouth as you opened it willingly, his cock entering your mouth.
Padfoot's movement quickened as you moaned around Prongs's cock, earning a groan from him.
"Fuck, I'm not gonna last for long," Prongs whimpered as you tasted him down your throat.
You could feel your release building up inside of you as Padfoot started pumping inside of you faster.
"Shit," Padfoot cursed as he started going faster, signaling he was about to cum inside of you.
Both of your moans were loud as you both came simultaneously as he placed kisses on your back before pulling out.
You hissed at the sudden emptiness you felt in your stomach.
Prongs moved away from your mouth as you cheek laid on the cold desk, already tired.
"Baby, we still have a long way to go," Prongs whispered in your ear as you felt Moony move behind you.
He gave you no time before inserting himself inside of you. He was longer and thicker than both of the other boys, earning a loud moan from you as you didn't go gentle on you.
The sound of skin slapping and moans filled the room. You knew you were red from how lewd the sounds were.
"You're doing so good for me," Moony praised, placing his hands in your hips to push you into him.
Drool was leaking out of your mouth, the pleasure you felt was nothing you had felt before.
His thrusts became sharper, more of him inside you and faster. You gasped every time he pulled in and out.
"Come on, give me one," Moony said, kissing the top of your ear.
You felt yourself inching towards your release as he pumped inside of you.
You both moaned one final time before both of your releases came.
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After what felt like hours of orgasms, the boys finally let up but you were clearly out of it.
"How was that sweetheart?" James asked, the light beaming from his wand as he kissed your forehead.
"So good," You lazily said.
"Did we go too rough on you?" Sirius said, positioning you upright as he did a spell to fix your undergarments and putting them on you.
"Never," You said, giving him a peck on his arm, "I loved it," You smiled, “By the way, what were those nicknames?”
Sirius smirked, “Just something we made up,”
Remus moved your hair from your face, "How about we run you a bath?" Remus asked, smiling at you.
"That sounds perfect," You grinned as Remus kissed you on the lips, "It was all perfect,"
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A/N: Okay, I am very rusty when it comes to writing smut but woo! The official first day of Kinktober, I am so excited for what's left to go and if you hated this, I apologize LOL.
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ellecdc · 4 months
I talk like this and people like to make fun of it because of it
Can I request for marauders to defend me and pampering me afterwards. Please, thanks
okay, first of all: people make fun of you? - what are their names? where do they live? tell them I wanna talk..... secondly: thank you for your quick requests after my post! you're my hero <3
poly!wolfstar x reader who has a distinct accent (reader's gender not specified)
CW: bullying, making fun of someone's dialect/speech, swearing, pet names.
You knew there was a chance that the laughter was not at your expense at all. Perhaps they were actually laughing at what you said, not how you said it. Or, perhaps they hadn't even been listening to you at all. But your throat still constricted painfully when you heard the girls a few seats down the table in the Great Hall from you start laughing after you interjected in your boyfriends' conversation.
The girls had been particularly catty with you before, though you weren't entirely sure why; perhaps it was because you were dating two of the most popular boys in school, perhaps it was because you were different, or perhaps it was because that's just the kind of people they were.
You'd heard them make comments about your accent before, and though it was a bit of an insecurity of yours, you tried to let it slide off of your back.
You just didn't understand what the big deal was - especially considering you were attending school in the United Kingdom for heaven's sake; if you drive 30 minutes in any direction, the accent of that region is going to be different!
People in England speak English with a variation of a British accent; people in North America speak English with a variation of an American accent; people in Ireland speak English with an Irish accent; and people from your mother country speak English with their own accent too!
So why was it you who was teased for your inflection?
"You okay, Y/N?" Peter asked you quietly from his place across from you. He may as well have shouted it, however, as the sound of your name with the company of any concern acted like a siren call for your two boyfriends, both of whom immediately dropped their conversation with Marlene and James to turn to you.
"What is it, dolly?" Sirius asked immediately, noticing the slight shine of your eyes. You tried to smile at him and shake your head; you did not want to make a big deal out of this.
"Dovey," Remus chided as he gently nudged you with his elbow. "What's the matter?"
Your eyes inadvertently flit to the girls down the table before you turned back to your boyfriends and Sirius' eyes darkened.
"Did they say something to you?" He asked gruffly.
"No! No, please, I'm fine." You begged.
The sound of voices mimicking your pronunciation permeated the air as they repeated your words.
"Oi!" Remus called harshly - so completely unlike his usual calm demeanour.
"What the hell is your problem?" Sirius added.
The girls, not showing any signs of shame waved the boys off "oh come on, it was just a joke! Y/N knows that."
"You're right, you are a fucking joke." Sirius spat as he stood from the table and gathered his book bag. "Come on dollface, we're leaving."
Remus stood as well and helped you from your place at the table. Your face was so hot from embarrassment and the blood rushing to your head left a ringing in your ears. As you left the hall, you failed to notice the shouting from James, Marlene and the others in your defence.
The first few tears fell as you were ushered to Gryffindor tower. Neither boy said anything as you walked - Sirius clearly trying to shake off his rage for your benefit, and Remus keeping a steadying hand on the small of your back the whole way there.
By the time you got to the boys dorm, Sirius let out a shuddering breath as he dropped his bag and turned to you as he opened his arms.
"Come 'ere sweets." he called to you, and you immediately fell into his waiting embrace.
Remus followed up behind you and soon, you were in the middle of a Sirius-Remus sandwich as they rubbed soothingly at your sides and peppered kisses on your head.
"You know they're wankers, right?" Remus finally asked.
You snorted at him before nodding against Sirius' chest.
"We love your voice, and your accent, and your jokes. We can't get enough of it, baby." Sirius added.
"Stop." You moaned.
"It's true!" Remus interjected, before Sirius continued.
"Honest, I almost told James to shut his fucking mouth 'cause I couldn't hear by sweet lovie over all of his yapping. You're always on me about being rude, though, so I bit my tongue. You're welcome."
You chuckled at that, and you swore could feel both boys smile above you.
"There you are; I missed that sound." Remus said, punctuated by a kiss to your temple.
"I have some studying to do, but I was wondering if you could read my textbook to me while I took notes?" Sirius asked you. You looked up expecting to see a smirk on his face but were surprised to see a faint blush dusting his cheeks and a shy smile on his mouth.
"Wait, really?" You asked incredulously.
He huffed a laugh but held strong. "Yes, really! I wasn't kidding; I love the sound of your voice."
"Maybe later you can read my novel to me too?" Remus asked shyly from behind you.
You couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. Whether they were just appeasing you or not, you couldn't help but admit the sound of you reading to them for the rest of the afternoon sounded really nice.
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Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part II
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Thank you to @spookyghostjelly for beta reading and letting me be insane in her DM's ❤️❤️❤️
Part I ~ Part III
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
You sigh as you finish your closing duties, giving the door one last pull to make sure it was locked with a tired sigh. You walked around to the back of the building, heading up to your apartment that was very conveniently located on top of your store. You kick the door shut behind you, haphazardly throwing your shoes in the entryway. You put the kettle on the stove, leaning against the counter and looking out the window as you waited for the water to boil. Your mind immediately wandered back to Vessel, your short interaction had left you with so many unanswered questions. Where did he come from? Why did he choose this sleepy little town of all places to settle down? Was he actually part of a cult? He was so different from what you had imagined. Hearing all the reports in the paper you had been terrified to run into any of them. Vessel, in what scraps of his personality you had seen, seemed so gentle. You were snapped from your thoughts by the sound of the kettle singing.
"At least our mystery man has a name now." You chuckle to your empty apartment. You guess you would just have to wait and see what tomorrow brought.
Music blasted through the speakers in the empty store, you sang along loudly with your favorite songs as you worked on restocking the shelves. You groaned as you hoisted one of the heavy crates of produce off the counter. You screamed, oranges scattering across the floor as you lost hold of the crate. There standing at the door was Vessel. Seeing that he had finally caught your attention, he pointed to his wrist as if he was motioning to a watch. You paused your music and quickly headed over to open the door for him. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot to tell you we close early tonight." You blurt out the second you open up. Your eyes land on Vessel, this was the first time you had been standing in front of him without the barrier of the counter. He was a lot taller than you had realized, you stumbled back slightly to put some distance between you and the absolute wall that was his body. "Every Sunday I have to restock the store, I close at four."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll just-"
"No!" You exclaim, waving your hands wildly in front of you. "No, really, it's my fault. You come in and get what you need, just don't mind the mess. It'll take me a couple minutes to reopen the register." You motion him inside, he follows you hesitantly. He looks around the store, various pallets and stacks of crates are organized into neat categories waiting to be put away. From what he could see it was definitely more work than one person should be handling by themselves.
"Is it just you that works here?" You nod in response as you drop onto your knees to start collecting the oranges you had dropped. Your hand jerked back as your fingers bumped into Vessel's. Your eyes dart up to look at him, "it's my fault you dropped the crate, I'd like to help you pick up a little if that's alright." He says softly as he remains completely still. He could tell being so close to him made you nervous, yet it was somehow different than interactions he had in the past. You weren't scared, more… shy.
"You don't have to go to all that trouble, Vessel, really." You try to reassure him.
"And you shouldn't be alone trying to restock all of this inventory by yourself." You almost rolled your eyes at the statement.
"I've been managing just fine by myself for the last seven years, I think I can handle a spilled crate of fruit." He chuckles at your determined tone.
"I never said you couldn't," he returns to the task of picking up produce as he talks. "I'm saying you shouldn't have to. You work hard, I can tell by how meticulously your store is always maintained." He trails off for a moment, not exactly sure how to phrase his next statement. "I guess I'm just curious as to why you don't have any help."
"There isn't anybody I like enough to have them work here with me." You smile. "This place is my home, literally, my apartment's upstairs." He shakes his head with a slight laugh. "If they aren't someone I would invite into my home they're not someone I would want to spend hours upon end in here with them. Besides, I like working, it keeps me occupied." Vessel finishes helping you clean up. "You go get your groceries, I'm sure you have a long drive back to… your camp? House?"
"Camp works." He quips. You head up to the counter to get the register up and running again, knowing his supply runs never took long. You found yourself unable to tear your eyes away from him. The strange red sigil in the center of his white mask, the ornate detailing on the bottom edge, the black paint that covered every area of exposed skin, everything about him just made you curious. Your eyes snapped to your register as he glanced in your direction and you swore you heard the sound of him quietly chuckling. He carries his groceries up to the counter and lays them out.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"You can ask me as many questions as you want, I can't guarantee I'll answer." He responds bluntly.
"What made you decide to finally start talking to me?" He seemed a bit taken aback by your question, not expecting you to be so forward.
"It's no secret that a lot of people don't like the fact that we're around. Luckily, the only real nuisance we've had to deal with are the reporters, but I'm still worried about what would happen if we ventured too far into town. But, we needed supplies. We could only last so long on the sorry excuse of a garden we managed to start when we originally bought the land, your store is relatively close by and out of the way. As far as why I started talking to you, you're the only person I've met from this town so far that hasn't greeted me with hostility." Vessel laughs softly at your shocked expression. "I'm tired of running (Y/N). Tired of having to move from city to city every other month to try and keep ahead of the backlash from people who don't understand us. If I'm going to do that I need a place to come get supplies where I won't immediately get chased off, someone I can trust in my time of need… after some thought I think you might be that person. There's something special about you, I think we were fated to meet each other, I'm just not sure why yet."
"Well, I appreciate that." You can't help but smile at the admission. He trusted you. "If there's anything I can ever do to help you guys out, just say the word."
"Actually, there is something. Would it be alright if I start coming to grab supplies after you close, at least on Sunday's?" He asks.
"Of course you can. I was actually going to ask if that would work better for you." You admit with a chuckle. "I know that a lot of people around these parts tend to be pretty… close minded, to put it gently. I think it's smart for you to wait until you're ready to have those interactions." He nods his thanks at your agreement, collecting his belongings, and heading towards the door.
"Next Sunday it might not be just me, don't be intimidated." He dismissed himself with a chuckle, leaving you to finish restocking.
You pondered over who exactly he would be bringing with him. No one knew for sure how many members there were living in the woods, from what you had seen everyone except for Vessel dressed relatively similar. You were tempted to ask him throughout your daily visits, but you also didn't want to pry. As next Sunday arrived you kept anxiously looking up at the clock, waiting for closing time to roll around. You bid farewell to your final customer as you locked up. Just as you had pulled the key from the deadbolt you saw the familiar sight of an old, beat up pick up truck rumble into the parking lot. Vessel got out, talking to whoever was seated in the passenger seat before heading in your direction. You waved at him, opening up the door and stepping outside. "Is your friend coming in too?" You ask quietly as he gets closer to you.
"Yeah, he is. I just wanted to tell you something first. II isn't much of a talker until he gets to know people… He also has a staring problem." You laugh, Vessel returns your enthusiasm with a smile.
"If I can handle you giving me the silent treatment for a full week I think I can handle it big guy, don't worry." He waves at his friend to come join you. You waited in anxious anticipation as the passenger door opened, two heavy black leather boots thudding against the pavement as someone jumped out. The slam of the door echoes through the surrounding trees as you finally could see just who Vessel brought with him. II was a bit shorter than Vessel with a lean frame. His striking blue eyes met yours through the holes in his mask, black cloth with the same rune that adorned Vessel's, yet his covered the entirety of his face.
"II, this is (Y/N)." He slowly approaches you, you could tell he was studying you. He offers his hand which you timidly accept. His hand was warm around yours as he feigned the action of bringing your knuckles to his lips, his eyes never leaving your face. "Come on, I didn't bring you to flirt with her." You see the corners of II's eyes crinkle as he chuckles at Vessel's joke. He straightens up, moving swiftly to the door, holding it open and motioning for you to walk inside.
"Thank you II." You smile sweetly at him. Vessel claps him on the back as he walks past.
"We're here to help, what do you need?" He offers kindly.
"Oh, I couldn't ask you both to do that." II steps forward, offering you his arm. You cautiously take it with a curious expression. He leads you to your chair behind the counter, pulling it out for you to sit. He rolls up his sleeves, picking up the first box of stock he saw and searching for its tag.
"See? You don't even have to ask?" Vessel chuckles. You got your restock done in half the time you normally did with their help. Vessel stood in front of the register as you rang him up, smoking smugly. "Wasn't that easier than doing it all yourself?"
"What? You looking for a job?" You shoot back, you hear II breathe out a chuckle at your joke. You bag up his groceries, handing them off with a smile. "II, hopefully I'll see you next week." He nods his goodbye as he heads out the door.
"I think he likes you." Vessel jokes.
“He’s sweet.” You giggle. “If your whole group is this nice you’re welcome in my store anytime.” Vessel smiles at your statement.
“You’ll meet the others eventually, I think they’d enjoy getting to know you.” He starts walking towards the door, shooting you a flirtatious smirk. You waved goodbye to them through the window, catching II’s gaze as they drove off. The next night as you sat reading at the counter you smiled as the familiar sound of Vessel’s sputtering engine met your ears as he pulled into the lot. You looked up as the bell jingled over the door, your greeting froze in your throat as you realized it wasn’t Vessel who had entered the store.
“Hey II.” You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face at the sight of him.
“(Y/N).” He greets you with a slight nod. His gaze traps you in place as his eyes meet yours, he saunters up to the counter, his hands shoved in his pockets.
“No Vessel today?” You ask, trying to keep your flustered state a secret.
“He had something to take care of today.” You could hear the gentle intonation of a smile in his voice. “Call me selfish but I wanted the chance to see you again.” You let out a flustered giggle. He leans his elbows on the counter, bringing his face impossibly close to yours. His eyes slowly scan over your features before catching your gaze. “He sent me with a list, think you could help me out?”
“Yeah, sure.” You stutter, making your way around the counter. He hands the list over to you, trailing behind you to hold everything you pulled from the shelves. You struggled to reach something on one of the higher shelves, a shiver ran up your spine at the sudden warmth that spread across your back as II stepped closer to you.
“Allow me.” He gazes down at you, bright blue eyes studying you for a moment. You feel his eyes on you the entire time as you scanned all of his groceries. You handed the bags over to him, his fingers brushing over yours. You smile bashfully as your eyes lock with his. “Hopefully I’ll see you soon.” He gazes at you playfully.
“Yeah, hopefully.” He bows slightly as he heads for the door.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Goodnight, II.”
Tag List: @herripinkle @themultiverseofmars @wingsofeternitysstuff @mustluvecho @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @jumpcauseimfroggy (if I missed you or you'd like to be added to the Sleep Token tag list, please let me know!)
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 7
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 1
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It was the sleepover you never had. Although there was no pillow fights and a little too much Tom Cruise, you had the best time you've had in a while. "God you sound like Billy." Sydney laid back in her bed toying with her hair nervously. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be hateful. It's not just scary movies either, you haven't seen any classics?" Tatum snickered throwing her stuffed animal in the air, catching it as it fell back down. "Well you haven't seen any new movies. It's like for the past 6 years you've been locked in grandmas basement."
"Maybe you're right." You sat on the floor organizing your bag. "Do you have any songs or movies you like that your dad or someone else in your family doesn't like?" Sydney asked genuinely curious. You thought about it for a second but your silence answered the question for them. "You've been totally brainwashed babe." Tatum quipped in a way that made you feel a little ashamed. "Y/n there's nothing wrong with liking the things you do, but you should be doing it because you like it and not because someone else does."
"Yeah you need to take notes from Syd here. She is thee feminist. Billy and her have been dating for over a year and she still hasn't slept with him." The brown haired girl looked upset at her friend's honesty. "What'd I say wrong? I wish I could do what you do. I know If I left Stu to his own devices he would just find someone else to help him out." You looked to the floor ready to throw up at a moments notice. That's what this was. You weren't special. Billy took an interest in you because he thought you would put out unlike his girlfriend. "Y/n?"
"I should break up with my boyfriend." You said flatly, all the moisture from your mouth disappeared at the realization. "Huh?" Sydney asked confused by the switch up but Tatum however was your number one cheerleader. "Hell yeah kick that bastard to the curb! What did he do?" Dylan wasn't even that good of a boyfriend back home you weren't sure why he wanted to keep things long distance. This whole discussion though made you want to change some things. "He still lives back home and I just really want to start over now."
You rang up your boyfriend and called it quits. The yelling on the phone was a surprise but Tatum quickly took the phone from you saying something you weren't really sure you were allowed to repeat. Sleeping in a house that wasn't your's was hard especially when you kept thinking about the two men you knew a little too well. Sunday morning was a blur, it consisted of cereal, the news going on about the murders, and school gossip. Eventually you and the girls made it back to Tatum bedroom.
"Hello you must be Y/n." The cop held out his hand for you to shake, which you did. "I'm Dewy." He said. His awkward presence was somehow comforting. "Ew dipshit don't flirt with my friends." Tatum complained making Sydney crack a smile. Red sprinkled his cheeks as he tried to defend himself. "You're fine. It's nice to meet you, Dewy. So you're a cop?" You point to the badge just trying to make conversation. "Here we go." Tatum whispered and Dewy smiled. "I'm actually a deputy." He tapped his badge with pride.
"He's just like Arnold Schwarzenegger... In kindergarten cop." Tatum made fun of him again almost making you crack a smile. "I think it's cool." He looked over at Sydney noticing her quietness. "How are you Syd?" She nodded with a fake smile. "Yesterday was hard so today has to be better." Dewy nodded. "I'm sorry to hear about your grandparents." Tatum's brother looked at you as he spoke. The word "grandparents" made you look up. "Oh um... Thanks." You weren't quite sure what the appropriate response to that was. "I'm going to use the bathroom." You excused yourself leaving the three of them together.
"Why would you bring that up?" Tatum scolded. "What happened to her grandparents?" Sydney asked. Dewy leaned on the door frame looking down the hallway making sure you were out of ear shot. "They committed suicide together. Both of them took a handful of sleeping pills, and she found them." The two girls felt bad hearing the information. Tatum remembered a commotion happening at the house down the street but she never knew what exactly had happened. Just that you moved in shortly after.
You walked back to the bedroom once you dried your face off from the water you threw onto your skin. "Well I've got to get going. Do you girls need anything?" He asked and everyone said no. Dewy left with a wave shutting the door behind him. "Sorry he's not very socially aware." Tatum apologized but you just nodded. "It's fine. Really." They didn't believe you but they dropped the discussion anyhow.
The day went on with Tatum doing your nails and trying on half the clothes you brought over. You offered Sydney to join in but she declined. Later on you and Sydney talked about what books you had read which Tatum was not interested in at all. It was much harder keeping them two entertained than it was with Billy and Stu. There didn't seem to be much common ground between the girls. You slept much easier than the night previous. Maybe you were finally settling in.
"Wake up girls." Tatum's mom beat on the door making everyone but Tatum jump up. You groaned as Sydney went to wake up her friend. You pulled a pair of bell-bottoms from your bag along with an old band shirt. It wasn't what you'd normally wear to school but you didn't have the time nor energy to doll yourself up. "I like the grunge look on you." You felt partially offended by Tatum's compliment because there was nothing "grunge" about your look. The outfit consisted of jeans, a shirt, no makeup, paired with hair you hadn't had the chance to fix.
"You look comfortable." Sydney chirped meaning well. Their back handed compliments made you want to crawl in a hole. You sat down with the girls in the kitchen, quickly eating breakfast before Dewy came to take you to school. You offered to just get your car but Dewy refused saying he was fine to drive. The thought about skipping the day completely had crossed your mind multiple times.
The moment the car stopped at school you said goodbye to your friends. "I've got to go grab some things from my locker I'll catch you at lunch." You didn't give them time to protest. Unfortunately for you Stu was at your locker waiting patiently for your appearance. "Yo Betty Crock- Pants?" You weren't in the mood for either one of their antics. "You look lovely today." He said like a kid with a crush. Stu swayed back and forth on his heels waiting for you to acknowledge his existence. "Did I do something wrong?" You slammed your locker shut making him jump.
"I'll take that as a yes." You turned to walk away but it never did any good with Stu. "I can't fix this if you don't tell me what's wrong." You stopped, looking at him with tears stinging your eyes. "We can't do this Stu." You pulled him to the side out of everyone's way. "You and Billy are my friends." The emphasis on friends made his heart shrink a little. "I would hope so after everything-" He tried to crack a joke to make you laugh but he didn't realize you felt like the joke was on you. "Would you just listen!" You cut him off grabbing the attention of some bystanders. You waited a moment for people to pass by before speaking.
"This cannot happen. Me, you, and Billy, can no longer happen. No more hanging out at my place, no more ambushing me in public bathrooms," He smiled at that not being able to take a single thing seriously. "No more hanging around at my locker. Tatum and Sydney are sweet girls who don't deserve what we did to them. As long as they are in the picture I'm not going to be, understand?" The bottom line was you weren't a plaything and you weren't a homewrecker. Stu however took it the way he wanted to.
"I understand. I'm sorry if we overstepped." You were ready for him to get on one knee and embarrass you into forgiving him. This was a nice change. "Thank you Stu." He smiled. "Will you still hang with us at lunch?" Damnit. "No Stu, I won't. I've got to make new friends. Since day one all I've known is you and Billy. And now that I've gotten to know Sydney and Tatum, I realized I need my own thing." The bell rung ending the conversation prematurely. "See ya Stu."
"Shit, Shit, Shit," Stu repeated the word over and over like a small prayer. He walked the halls quickly finding Billy's first period class. Stu waved like a mad man trying to get his friend's attention through the window. "May I go to the bathroom?" Billy asked already getting up from his seat. "You may Mr. Loomis." The boy wasn't too happy with the sudden distraction. "This better be good." Billy started walking towards the bathroom with Stu in tow.
"Y/n is dropping us." Billy stopped in his tracks at the confession. Calmly he took a breath saving his anger for a secluded spot. He picked of his feet once again heading towards the restroom. Stu was terrified not only of losing you but also of his friends short fuse. The moment the bathroom door was locked he exploded. "What the fuck do you mean?" Billy cursed as he pushed open each stall checking for anyone. "She said it was wrong what we were doing to Tatum and Syd and as long as they were in the picture she wasn't going to be." Billy grabbed Stu's shirt by the collar. "This shit wouldn't have happened if you didn't call Sydney the other night."
He pushed his friend backwards letting Stu's back hit the wall. "How many times do I have to tell you I didn't do it man?" Billy didn't believe him. Stu was always doing something he shouldn't be. "We'll go back to our plan. Do everything exactly the same way just a little later than we hoped." Billy breathed out thinking of how to pull this off. "Syd's mom's anniversary was Saturday."
"You think I don't know that dipshit?" He pointed in Stu's face. Running his hands through his hair he tried to calm down. "Neil killed Casey and Steve on Wednesday night. That's when he told Syd he was leaving town." Stu just nodded along listening to Billy. "With all the publicity of the murders he wasn't able to kill anyone's else so he calls his daughter Friday night."
"How does he know she's with Tatum?" Billy paced back and forth. "Neil's been stalking her because she's his next victim. He sees Syd leave his house with Tatum. Anyway he scares the shit out of his daughter Friday night laying low till Monday. Ghostface will make a guest appearance today to meet Syd. Himbry will have to close shop because of the killer. You'll tell everyone you're throwing a party to celebrate the break. Invite Syd and Tatum since Y/n is such good friends with them now she'll have to go with them."
It was like watching a genius at work. Stu really believed Billy could pull it off. "Neil kills Himbry. They went to school together back in the day it could be old revenge. At the party I'll take care of Tatum first but you'll have to send her to the garage and make sure no one goes with her." Billy looked at Stu waiting for him to promise to do his job. "Yes Sir." Billy looked at his boots piecing together the rest of the puzzle. "Neil kills Tatum after that I show up to apologize for being a shitty boyfriend. I'll take Syd up to your room that's where you'll have to "kill" me. You'll grab Sydney and bring her to the kitchen. We'll reveal everything blow her daddy's brains out and then Syd is the cherry on top of a really fucked up cake."
It was a good plan in Stu's eyes. "Where does that leave Y/n?" Billy smiled "She's going to rescue us. Neil's dead and so is his daughter. We've been stabbed left for dead but poor Y/n comes along and calls the cops helping us live to see another day. All we have to do is hit her hard enough to keep her out for awhile. Which means before I show up late I'll need you to get her alone in a room. I'll show up dressed in black and knock her unconscious. You'll go back to the party and I'll show up fashionably late."
"I could kiss you." Stu said happily throwing out his arms. "Don't make me stab you early." Billy threatened. Stu's smile dropped. "Now I'm going back to class I'll see Syd later today just keep being your bubbly self. You got that?" Stu nodded happy everything was going to work out after all.
"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh." Tatum tried to convince Sydney. "She's right Syd I mean those assholes were running up and down the hallways with masks." Sydney shook her head at you sure of what she saw. "It was him. I know it." You walked down the steps right next to your friends. "From now on you are not to be alone. You pee, I pee." Tatum added. Stu ran up spouting some gibberish giving you and the girls a flower. "Darling, I don't know what you did Sydney but on behalf of the entire student body we say thank you!"
Tatum tapped her boyfriend with the flower. "Stop it Stu." She gritted trying to tone down his behavior. "You know I say," He picked Tatum up throwing her over his shoulder. The very cute display made you advert your eyes. You didn't know why you were upset this is exactly what you asked him to do. But it still somehow felt he was going out of his way to upset you.
"Impromptu party tonight, my house. To celebrate this little scare storm, what do ya say?" You and Sydney kept walking while Stu trailed behind. "Are you serious?" Sydney questioned the insane kid. "Parents are out of town." He smacked Tatum's ass causing her to sqeek with a laugh. "If this little vixen doesn't invite the whole world we'll be fine. Mix in with the gathering, mix in with friends." He sat Tatum down letting her talk to Sydney.
You watched Stu trying hard to convince Sydney to go. "What do you say Syd? I mean Pathos could have it's perks. Y/n's never been to one of Stu's parties." Tatum said dragging you into it. "I don't really have party clothes plus what if the killer is there?" You questioned. "I'll totally protect you. Yo I am so buff, I got you covered girl." Tatum laughed at her boyfriend. Sydney whined not liking the idea at all. "I mean come on Syd. For me? It could be fun." Stu proceeded to kiss Tatum's neck bringing back all too fresh memories. "Okay, whatever." Tatum squealed.
"Nice!" Stu said "Make sure you girls bring some food when you come over." Stu left you and your friends to go run off somewhere. "I think I'm just going to head home for tonight." Sydney piped up. "No way. If I'm going you have to go." You threw your head back with a groan. "I don't even have clothes for a party." Tatum spun around. "Now that I can help with."
You raised your hand in protest. "You're not dressing me up like a prostitute." Sydney smiled knowing exactly how Tatum would've dressed you. "You're no fun." Tatum teased as you walked back to Dewy's car. Sydney looked at the ground while you and Tatum discussed what you'd wear. Something wasn't sitting right with her but she wasn't sure what it was.
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(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
Part 8
Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @imobsessedreader @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant
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An Old Acquaintance: Moxxie & Millie x ArmsDealer!Poly!Reader Headcanons
I really enjoyed this if I'm being honest. I'm a sucker for childhood friends getting out of contact and reuniting years later and becoming partners. Will probably do one for Stolas eventually. Hope y'all enjoy!
• It's not a suprise that selling weapons in Wrath raked in a decent amount of money.
• Whether its the locals, a passing assassin, security teams, there was good money to be made, and you took full advantage of that.
• You grew up in Wrath, and from a young age you learned the value of keeping a keen eye on anyone you meet, and a hand on your revolver.
• So, when you figured you had some... connections and a silver tounge, why wouldn't you keep that attitude with your business?
• You weren't rich by any means, but you lived a comfortable life, staying at your family's ranch and helping pay for upkeep.
• Sometimes, when you got fancy clients or very rare items, you even helped get some upgrades made around the house.
• He'd never admit it, but your brother loves the new cooking appliances.
• Back to the important stuff, business had been somewhat slow, but you were in contact with an imp from Pride interested in buying a lot of guns.
• Apparently he ran an assassination business, and apparently he'd be sending two of his employees down to talk terms.
• It wasn't an unusual request, not by a long shot, but not many demons sent a duo to negotiate with you.
• Either way, you didn't particularly care. Until they arrived.
• The guy you vaguely recognized from the last harvest moon festival, but the girl, you recognized her right away.
• Although you and Millie didn't interact much now, your parents certainly did, so you still saw eachother a decent amount.
• Actually, the brother mentioned early got a cushy chef job in Gluttony, and the plan was to invite her family over, since Mrs. Lin was the one who introduced him to the culinary world.
• Needless to say, the two of you had a pretty good time catching up.
• You also had a pretty good time getting to know Millie's husband, Moxxie.
• Moxxie was a far cry from Millie, but was still rather charming.
• Plus, you all could bond over your on-sale arsenal.
• You actually made a handful of jokes about having to steal Moxxie away at some point, which were recieved relatively well.
• After a long conversation, you finally got around to your job and negotiated a deal, but before they left, you invited them over to the party for tonight.
• Moxxie seemed a bit hesitant, but Millie did get along with your brother more than you, and let's be honest, it's hard to say no to Millie.
• Her family was a bit suprised to see them that night, but overall things went smoothly.
• Throughout the night though, you kept getting drunker and drunker.
• You weren't sure why, but you knew that, at the very least, the party didn't get ruined because of it.
• Still, no matter how much you drank, there was a, well, it felt like a knot in your stomach.
• It was just about the time you lost the ability to think about what you were saying that you realized why.
• And that's when Millie and Moxxie sat next to you, and your memory got super blurry.
• You ended up waking up with a massive hangover, a reminder of why you don't usually drink.
• You didn't realize it for a good few minutes, but someone had moved you into your bed.
• It was pretty early in the morning, earlier than what you and your family was used to, so no one else should've been awake.
• Apparently, Moxxie and Millie were
• They had stayed for the night, mostly so they could talk to you in the morning.
• Turns out, you had told them that you thought you were in love with both of them, and that the three of you should be in a big ol' poly relationship.
• That...sounded right, and you knew it probably was.
• You weren't sure what it was, but you had been really drawn to the two of them.
• Granted, you were just going to try to move on, but now you had to deal with the consequences.
• Well, you would've if there were any consequences.
• Both Moxxie and Millie were actually fine with it, which came as a big shock.
• And it turned out that Moxxie thought you were kind of cute?
• They both had to get back to Pride, but left their number before you left.
• Yeah, you'd definitely have to ask them both out when you're more sober.
• For now though, you need coffee and food before your hangover takes you out of commission.
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ahti-the-janitor · 8 months
Okay, so... I have some not-so-positive thoughts about Olu/Zheng and Jim/Archie.
So, I'm supposed to believe Olu talks about Zheng all the time etc etc but we haven't seen any of that. I knew it was gonna happen but there was honestly no buildup. I wish they had at least shown some of that so it would feel a little bit better.
I understand that they wanted to add more female characters and I love that but why do they have to break up Jim and Olu to put them into relationships with said women? That I don't exactly understand.
If they wanted relationships for Zheng and Archie, there are plenty of other characters. But also, they could just exist as fun, interesting characters on their own? I think s2 is already too packed with storylines, so now we have this in my opinion pretty half-assed romance and no explanation why Olu and Jim suddenly apparently fell out of love. I think they are trying to make it sound like they were pretty platonic but happened to fuck and it's kinda weird and kinda hurtful and in my opinion makes zero sense bc there was a whole story arc in s1 of Olu and Jim being in love, pining for each other, etc. It wasn't just a random fuck. And then they got separated unwillingly, and may have thought each other dead. But still their reunion didn't have much emotion. But I doubt your feelings would just die away in that time especially if you thought the other was dead and then they turned up?? I know they talked about Jim kissing Archie and such and Olu didn't mind but as a viewer who loves Olu/Jim and loved their arc in s1, I do feel disappointed. And honestly kinda betrayed even that all that development and stuff was seemingly swept under the rug. It feels rushed and disingenuous and wrong in the eyes of someone who really loved these two and was looking forward to seeing them together again in s2.
In my opinion, ir doesn't make any sense to rush Jim and Olu into new separate relationships after putting so much focus on theirs in s1. Why waste that? And why think I would care about Arcie/Jim or Olu/Zheng nearly as much when they haven't had all that development together? Idk, it feels to me like they just threw all of that beautiful storyline from s1 in the drain. And I know people change and stop loving each other (romantically, in this case) and that's life but idk in these circumstances it kinda makes no sense to me. And especially since it feels so rushed and not satisfying at all as there was - like I've said - zero buildup, we barely even know these new characters. And like I said, s2 is already too short and too packed with conflicts and storylines so why did they have to add this?
I wouldn't mind poly. I think that would be amazing, actually. I'd love it!! Some people say they already are in a poly relationship but... Idk it's kinda vague? And Olu was like "I'm gonna go on Zheng's ship :D" and why would it be such an easy decision if he was together with Jim/Jim and Archie? And I don't think I would mind Archie/Jim and Olu/Zheng this much if it wasn't for the fact that Olu and Jim had a pretty big and solid storyline in s1 and now I feel like it's being dismissed as them just fucking. They clearly weren't just platonic besties who had a crush on each other and fucked like once. I feel like I'm going crazy when people and the show seem to insist that to me as if I haven't seen the first season where that clearly wasn't the case.
I don't know if this makes any sense, I have a hard time writing things out neatly lol. But... Some of my thoughts.
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kjsnugget · 2 years
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Pairing- Poly Bts x Male Reader
Summary- People who didn’t know you would consider you mean. Those who did know you loved you dearly. How does it go when you have to spend the evening with your seven boyfriends and the one guy who gets under your skin.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, reader is considered an asshole.
Notes- I apologize if your name is Jesse. If it is imagine another name. Thanks for reading!!
You wouldn't call yourself spiteful, but you would always give back what you received from people. People who knew you dearly would call you blunt but never rude. You never held back for anyone even when you should.  Some would consider you cold, you would agree. Despite your stand off attitude, you pulled seven men who would lay down their lives for you.
Everyone who knew you on a personal level loved you, those who didn't despised you deeply. Assuming you weren't good enough for the seven men, they would act rude to you. You never batted an eye towards these people. They don't know you and they never would. For their sake you would always hope they knew the lines and not to cross them. Man or women it never mattered, your hands were rated E for everyone.
Many tried to get under your skin, none succeeded. There was only one man who would cause your blood to boil. You respected your boyfriends to never cause a scene, he would tempt you though. His name was Jesse although you never referred to him by his name. It was obvious to you and your boyfriends he had a crush on them. They have remained polite, you have remained corral. Jesse watched you like hawk, waiting for anything he could use against you. You've noticed the changes in his style, following yours. His vocabulary beginning to sound a lot like yours.
The boys noticed the changes as well, they were smart enough to ignore the advances. Despite all seven, including Jimin, being taller then you, they knew you could beat them with your eyes closed.  They loved you nothing would ever come between that.
Today had been one of those you dreaded, Jesse would be coming over. He played nice in front of you, but you could see his crazy from miles away. Jin had been cuddling with you on the couch while Jimin sat on your lap. Jimin was watching you play games on your phone as he usually does. His legs laid across yours and Jin's as Jin's head laid on your shoulder. The knock on the door moved their attention away for a second, it returned when Yoongi opened the door. You snickered when you heard the greetings. You let a smirk tug your lips when yoongi denied his hug.
You felt his eyes on you, waiting for a greeting which you happily ignored. The two remained in their seats as they greeted him. You could sense his anger at the sight of you three on the couch. Everyone made their way to the living room and took their seats. "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" His voice sounded like hell in your ears. "Or we could go to the mall?" He looked towards Namjoon for an answer "actually M/n took us to the mall yesterday" you could see his face twist at the answer. "Oh M/n that reminds me, can you take me to the store later?" You looked for the sound of Hoseoks voice "sure baby, what do you need?" Before Hoseok could answer Jesse spoke up " I can take you now if you need to go"
You could see he was smiling ear to ear, trying to convince hobi to go. "Sorry Jesse M/n and I like this to be our personal time"  once again a smirk tugged at your lips. Jimin decided to get up to go the kitchen "anyone want something to drink?" Everyone spoke up and asked for something. You ignored when Jesse glared at you, following Jimin into the kitchen "I'll help you hyung" As they were in the kitchen Taehyung stole Jimins spot on your lap. Jin also removed himself from you to let Yoongi cuddle with you as he requested.  When the two came back Jimin let out a gasp and a pout "M/n how could you let tae steal my spot" the pout on his lips caused a chuckle to escape your lips.
"Sorry baby first come first serve, plus it's your turn to sleep in my bed tonight remember?" His pout quickly vanished as he remembered he got you to himself tonight. "Why do you call him baby? Isn't that disrespectful since he's older then you?" The small smile you held vanished as Jesse spoke to you "watch your tone, I'll call them whatever I want if they are okay with it" you could see the huff he let out when you spoke to him. "Why are you being so rude? I haven't done anything to you" you glanced up at him. Taehyung noticed the glare and out his hand on your chest. You listened as he whispered in your air to calm you down. You felt the anger fade slightly as yoongi also held a grip on your arm as he cuddled into you. It was his way of keeping you at bay.
Jungkook had been silent through out the day as he also had a hard time being around Jesse. Jungkook would be considered his favorite out of the seven, and Jungkook hated it. He despised feeling uncomfortable around someone , especially in his own home. He was cuddling into hoseok and Namjoon as Jin scrolled through movies. Jesse decided to take a seat next to Jin as he was the only one sitting alone at the moment. Once everyone agreed on the movie it was a discussion on take out "how about pizza?" Jesse suggested and was turned down "m/n doesn't really like pizza" Jungkook spoke up. "Oh well everyone else does it's easy as well" Jungkook shook his head "no let's get something everyone likes." You sent a smile towards jungkook, which made him want to melt in his seat.
"How about we order from that restaurant down the street? We've all been there before." Namjoons voice spoke from across the room, and everyone of course agreed. You were the one who usually did the orders, as you remembered what everyone liked. You already had the orders in your phone. "I can start the order does everyone want the same thing as last time?" Everyone nodded and you looked at Jesse "what do you want?" He shrugged "anything is fine"  you didn't care what you got him it was some type of chicken.
Once the food arrived everyone got comfortable to watch the movie. You decided to use the bathroom before it started, when you came back you felt your blood begin to boil. Jesse had taken your spot next to jungkook who obviously looked uncomfortable.  The boys were staring at you, they could tell you were ready to snap. They would rather have you going off then be quiet. You simply sat on the recliner chair that was open and looked at Jungkook. "Jungkook" his head snapped towards you as you patted your lap. He smiled wide as he quickly took his place on your lap.
You felt daggers aimed towards you as you looked at Jesse who was pissed off. The rest of the night went by quickly without any other incidents taking place. Everything was going great until a loud boom. Darkness spread throughout the house as you guys heard the rain begin pouring down. "Jungkook, can you get the candles baby?" He nodded although he forgot it was to dark for you to see. He quickly grabbed candles and began to light them. Soon you could see and began putting any food away so it wouldn't go away. " do you guys mind if I stay the night it doesn't look to safe to drive" Jesse asked as he stood from the couch. The boys all looked at each other nodding. They then looked at you asking for your input. You gave a small nod.
You didn't like Jesse, but you wouldn't be the cause of his death by letting him drive home in this weather. "I'll go grab extra pillows and blankets " hoseok said as he made his way down the hallway. When he came back the pulled the sofa bed out for him. "Thank you all I really appreciate it!" You didn't respond, you started making your way to your room. Before you made it to the door you felt a heavy presence behind you, turning around all seven men stood behind you. "M/n can we all stay in here, the storm is kind of scary" Yoongi decided to be the voice of reason. You opened the door and they all piled in. Your room wasn't as big as the others. Having a house with multiple rooms was for everyone to have their personal space when needed. Living with seven people can be a lot for anyone to handle. Having all seven men piled into your room was in your opinion adorable.
The night was spent with arguing of who was going to share the bed with you. Jimin had won as it was originally his night. The rest of them spread out through your room.
Sunlight came fast through your blinds, signaling it was morning. It was your turn to cook breakfast today so you did your best to sneak out without waking them. Closing the door quietly, you made your way to the kitchen. Deciding on waffles, eggs and bacon you got everything you needed. You brewed coffee and tea for everyone as you started cooking. Your mind had forgotten Jesse was sprawled out on the couch. You didn't remember he was there until you heard him greet the others Loudly. "M/n you left us in there" this time Namjoon held the pout "sorry baby I was making breakfast for everyone, I brewed your favorite coffee" he smiled and kissed your cheek while pouring his cup. 
"M/n do you make your waffles home made?" Once again his voice dampened your mood "usually I do, I didn't have enough stuff today so they are frozen." Your tone never changes when you speak to him. "Oh I usually make them home made too much better that way" you just hummed in response. Ignoring him was your only way to prevent a scene.
After serving them you were caught up in your own thoughts you didn't notice Hoseok trying to get your attention. Hoseok said your name a few times before he realized you were spaced out. He wasn't upset he knew sometimes you would zone out and never meant any harm by it. Focusing on washing the pots and pans you used it caught you by surprise when you felt a sting on your arm.
"Hey your boyfriend is talking to you, you should pay attention" you were unable to hear his words as all you were thinking about was him laying his hands on you. The boys watched stunned as you gripped the counter top, your knuckles turning white from your grip. You had just looked at him the stare cold, the anger visible. The boys watched as you stared at Jesse they could see fear start to take over. The it happened, before they could process what happened Jesse had red dripping from his face.
The crimson red began to stain his shirt as he held his nose. All seven boys rose from the table immediately going over to you.  They were worried about you and your hand more then Jesse who had been dripping blood through their kitchen. Jungkook was making his way to get the first aid kit when he was stopped "Jungkook oppa your not going to do anything? He just hit me!" Jungkook pulled his arm away from him only for it to be grabbed again. Jungkook tried to stay calm once again pulling his arm away and getting the first aid kit. He quickly made his way back to you although you were trying to calm down it didn't seem to be working.
"You guys are taking care of him when he hit me! I knew he was trouble I tried telling you guys you deserve better" Jesse expected you to say something to him, he didn't expect the others to. He stood shocked as they told him off, before he was escorted out by everyone. He was shocked that they kicked him out, all he wanted was their attention he wanted them to look at him the way they look at you. He stood at their door with blood dripping down his face and shirt, how could they like you so much? You were so mean, quiet, rude. He never understood why they love you. After a while of standing there here finally left debating in his head if he should try again.
Meanwhile the boys focused their attention on you and calming you down. They knew you didn't like Jesse, they only tolerated him because they didn't want to come off as mean or rude. You finally calmed down and explained you would never blame them for this. The rest of your day was spent in bed squished between seven giants who loved you dearly.
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lemon-bat · 2 months
Code: Rayman☆ Raymesis♤ Y/N♡
TWs mentions of torture, weapons, poly relationship, blood, forced relationship
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Rayman and Raymesis both stalked you for a week. After a few days they noticed eachother, and decided to go to an alleyway to confront eachother.
"What are you planning to do with them, Raymesis?"☆
"I could ask you the same thing Rayboy."♤
"Look, Raymesis. I LOVE them, they're my everything! So pardon my French, but back the FUCK OFF!"☆
A shadow casts on Rayman's face, as he death glared at Raymesis.
"Oh please, what makes you think your'e worthy of them? They hardly even know you. And besides, Y/N is MINE."♤
"Heheheh. Last chance, Mesis. Leave now and I won't break every bone in your body."☆
"Come at me BITCH!"♤
Raymesis swung at Rayman hitting him straight in the jaw.
Rayman yelled and fell over, he quickly got up and kicked Raymesis in his side.
"Ow! Why you little-"♤
The fight went on for an hour, but then Rayman had an idea to stop this near pointless battle.
"Wait, Raymesis. I know we don't want to share, but think about it! We would both be there to protect them. And nobody would be able to take them away! Does that sound like a good plan?"☆
" I guess you're right, fine i'm in. But only for Y/N! Besides you can't cook for shit."♤
The duo shook hands and went around to look for you. Only to find some guy flirting with you outside the grocery store.
"Who the fuck is that? "♤
"Don't worry, Mesis. We'll just get rid of him!"☆
So later that night, Rayman and Raymesis followed the guy home. After the guy went to bed, Rayman and Raymesis looked through the window, just to make sure the coast was clear.
"Ugh just look at him, what good was Y/N seeing?"♤
"Raymesis, quiet down you're gonna get us caught!"☆
They waited outside the man's window for another few minutes. Then once they were absolutely sure they cut the screen and carefully opened the window. Once they snuck in they promptly grabbed the guy and took him to Rayman's house. Then they went to the basement doorway, and thew the poor guy down the basement stairs. Raymesis went down the stairs to make sure the man was alive. Rayman went down after, the man had broken a few ribs and an arm. Raymesis and Rayman then tied him to a chair.
"Hahahahah! That's what you get for trying to get with MY Y/N!"♤
"You mean OUR Y/N?"☆
"Oh whatever, Rayboy."♤
After that they went out of the basement, Rayman pulled out his phone, and texted you.
Hey Y/N can you come over?☆
Sure, but why so late?♡
You'll see when you get here.☆
Oh and Raymesis is here too.☆
OK I'll see you in 5.♡
Ok see you then!☆
Rayman put his phone away, and decided to get you some flowers.
"Hey, where are you going? Y/N will be here any minute."♤
"I'm off to get flowers for them! Don't worry, I'll tell them they're from both of us!"☆
"Alright, just be back before Y/N gets here, got it?"♤
"Loud and clear, Mesis."☆
Rayman left locking the door behind him, Raymesis laid on the couch. He then pulled out his phone and went straight to his gallery. In his gallery there were HUNDREDS of pictures of you. Only you, there were some photos that you weren't in but Raymesis didn't care about those. A few minutes late Rayman came back, full bouquet of tiger lilies. Raymesis scooted over and leaned on the right arm rest of the couch.
"Do you think Y/N will like these?"☆
"Hopefully they do."♤
Then the two Thingimajigs heard a knock at the door. Rayman opened it and there they mere in all their glory.
"Hey Rayman! Now what did you need?"♡
Rayman was so flustered and nervous that he couldn't day anything. He simply handed you the bouquet of tiger lilies and gave you an awkward smile.
"Aww how sweet of you Rayman! Thank you."♡
"Uh y-yeah heheh, c-come in come in!"☆
Rayman moved to the side where you saw Raymesis. You decided to sit next to him. Rayman sat on the other side of you.
"So, did you guys wanna do something or?"♡
"Actually, we do want to tell you something."♤
"Oh? And what would that be?"♡
Rayman and Raymesis looked at eachother, there was a relatively long pause.
"*sigh* Y/N, we love you. In a romantic sense."☆
Your eyes widened, as you turned to Raymesis for clarification.
Raymesis nodded in response
"Hero boy's right."♤
Your face fell, you didn't feel the same.
"Look, boys. You both are great friends, but I don't feel anything romantic towards either of you. I'm sorry."♡
Rayman and Raymesis's faces fell. You could see tears starting to well in Raymesis's eyes as he lashed.
Raymesis started crying, Rayman quickly got up and hugged him. With all that, you got up from the couch. Rayman gave you a surprisingly cold glance.
"There's something you forgot here in the basement, it's down the hall, first door to the left."☆
You went to the door, and went down into the basement. You felt around the wall looking for a lightswitch, after a few seconds you finally found it and flipped the switch. But as soon as the light came on you saw him. The guy who was flirting with you, tied up and clearly in alot of pain. Your eyes widened as you stared in horror, then you felt someone's hand on your back. The person behind you quickly grabbed you and put a rag over your mouth. You tried to struggle but to no avail, after a few minutes you were out cold.
"Oh Y/N's so cute when they're passed out."☆
"Yeah, they really are."♤
A few hours later, you woke up tied to a chair, with a clean rag taped on your mouth. You looked around trying to find something to help you get out of here. You saw the man that you saw at the grocery store. He was passed out, but clearly in pain. Suddenly you heard the basement door open. And you saw Rayman and Raymesis walking down the stairs.
"Oh now look at that. The sweet princess/prince is awake!"♤
"Aww, good morning, lovely. I hope you slept well!"☆
You started to cry, you were scared of what would happen to you.
"Oh sweetie, it's ok don't cry."☆
Rayman gently wiped their tears. While Raymesis walked over to the passed out man infront of you. Raymesis quickly whacked the guy's head, promptly waking him up and making him groan in pain.
"Raymesis! Can't you see Y/N needs comfort right now?!"☆
"Oh please, they were probably gonna call him once they got home! I saw this dick give them his number."♤
"I'm sorry, Y/N. But we're doing this to show just how much we're willing to do for you."☆
Rayman walked to a table and pulled it closer. You saw that the table had a tray of torture instruments and weapons. There was a hammer, a scalpel, a pair of tweezers, and a bucket. Rayman noticed the terrified look and the tears streaming down your face.
"Shhh it's ok sweetie, we're not gonna hurt you with these."☆
Raymesis realized how scared you were and tried to pat your head to calm you down.
"Yeah Rayman's right for once, these are for HIM."♤
Raymesis pointed toward the guy across from you. The man seemed incredibly terrified. You felt bad for him, but this was completely out of your hands.
"Now then, let's get started. Shall we Raymesis?"☆
"Heheh yup."♤
Ramesis went behind you and pulled your chair back, making the blood get on you less. Then they proceeded to torture the poor guy.
10 minutes later
The man was near unrecognizable, his limbs were broken, his face was mashed, and you closed your eyes through the whole thing.
"I'm sorry you had to see that, beloved."☆
"Well, now you know just how much we love you!"♤
Raymesis laughed maniacally, while Rayman simply hugged you.
"Now we've gotta shower to get all this blood off us, goodnight sweetheart."☆
With that, Rayman and Raymesis went upstairs, closing the door behind them.
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mermaidsirennikita · 19 days
ARC REVIEW: Evocation by S.T. Gibson
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2.5/5. Releases in audio 5/28/24.
vibes: dark academia, occult societies, polyamory, ex damage
Heat Index: 4/10
The Basics:
Former psychic prodigy turned lawyer-by-day-medium by night David is in danger. A Faustian bargain is about to come due, and his life hangs in the balance--which leads him to the doorstep of Rhys, his ex-boyfriend and rival in their secret occult society. And also Moira, Rhys's wife. Moira is the key to getting Rhys's assistance; but she doesn't exactly trust David. If he's going to survive, the three of them are not only going to have to work together, but truly trust each other.
The Review:
I............. am feeling a lot of feelings. Many of which aren't exactly positive.
The reason this doesn't have a lower rating is that I do like S.T. Gibson's writing style, and in general I enjoyed this overall world. I love a secret society. I love an occult moment. I honestly feel like we need more of this in romance (though, is this romance? Mmmmm). It's all compelling. You can tell that Gibson has done her research on that level.
I was really excited to hear about this book, after enjoying A Dowry of Blood. It was pushed as the beginning of a poly romance series, and it sounded like it sat somewhere between paranormal and fantasy. It does that, and it is poly. But...
I'll go ahead and get the "is it romance?" question out of the way, because you'd think that would irk me the most, but it really doesn't. I feel like this really toes the line. The triad relationship is a core part of the story. In fact, I would say that it basically did drive the plot, as you couldn't really have the rest of it if these three weren't engaging with each other. But somehow, it still didn't feel completely like a romance to me. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it's just not a good romance.
I was initially so intrigued by this tension and anger, this push-pull between David and Rhys. I love messy exes, and I was totally down for the angle of a wife also being in the mix, someone who knew what these two were to each other and like... didn't exactly hate David, but did express wariness. Because nobody wants to get cheated on.
This seems to be a controversial take among people who have critiqued this book, but I actually did like Rhys. Probably because I enjoy the Stern One Who's Trying To Do The Right Thing. And I was into his connection with Moira! They seemed like a real married couple--trying to make their relationship work despite some tough odds and trials of the past. David I was less into because it became abundantly clear to me that, though this book does offer POVs from everyone involved, I was supposed to really like David and be into his mess and he was the snarky guarded white guy and so on and so on and so on......
Moira is where we started running into issues. And not because I disliked her! Nope, not at all. Because of how she functioned in the story.
To preface, Moira is a Black woman from the South. I am from the South, but I am white, so please take anything I have to say regarding her characterization with a grain of salt. I hope that by the time this book is out for a bit, there will be more reviews from Black readers (specifically Black women) who can offer more insight.
I did begin narrowing my eyes fairly early on when it felt like Moira was coming in to offer mystical help to these two white guys--well, more one than the other, as Rhys clearly wanted to help David but also didn't want to fuck with his own marriage... David was the one who needed help--when it really didn't super benefit her. I get not just wanting to let someone die, that's human decency, but I didn't really get as much... conflict? As I wanted. Like, she knows this guy had a very tumultuous relationship with her husband, she knows there is unresolved shit going on, and she knows that David would FOR SURE want another go with Rhys if he could have it (even if it was only momentary). So... while I'm sure I would ultimately help to save a life, she seemed rather magnanimous about it.
And I thought... Bonnie Bennett warning bells.
However, as Moira and David began hanging out together, I liked it. I liked their chemistry. I liked their friendship. I liked their platonic love for each other. And yes, it is platonic, because while this is a poly romance, it is not so much MMF as it is MM .... FM. Big difference. Rhys is bisexual and loves both Moira and David, romantic and sexually. David is gay. David and Moira do grow to love each other, but it's not romantic or sexual. Rhys is the only person in this trio who is with two people, ultimately. Which isn't inherently bad, but, as I've expressed in romance commentary, I do think it's harder. If you don't thread the needle, it feels like one person is getting "everything", where at least one other person is just sort of having to give.
That's where we ended up here. Like, I believe that Rhys loves Moira... although that love also was expressed in a way that felt REAL PACIFYING. Not pacifying her so much as the reader. He calls her "little goddess" and worships her and talks about how good she is... Whereas his relationship with David is fraught, crackling. Yes, one of those dynamics is on paper "healthier" than the other, but one is also more stagnant and safe and seems to have less depth invested in it, compared to the other. When you have Couple A over here tra-la-la-ing their way through problems and Couple B fighting and angry kissing and oh damn he just hit his knees in a Walmart (not in a Walmart, elsewhere, but you get me) it becomes clear that the writer is having a lot more fun with B than A.
And it felt like, frankly, we were being pacified with this idea that Moira was loved and cherished and worshipped in theory, when in reality she gave and gave and gave. She's saving David; she's becoming his friend, even though he's kind of an asshole; she's endlessly understanding of Rhys, except for when she needs to protect David, because we wouldn't want her husband to hurt the feelings of the guy he's cheating on her with...
Because there is cheating; and I'm not inherently against that. I am kind of against the person who was cheated on being like "welp, it is what it is, I FIGURED" about it. Especially when the person who was cheated on is this endlessly giving, nurturing, understanding Black woman who's sort of shuttling between these two white guys who mostly just seem to draw from her "strength". She's so strong that when she finds out her husband cheated on her--with his ex at that--and wants to be with the other person AND her, she's like.. already picked up a book on healthy polyamory? Because she saw this coming?
And like, maybe that book would also have something to say about how to deal with your polyamorous relationship sort of kicking off with infidelity, and how to handle that beyond "I'm good with it, and maybe down the road I'll get someone too, who knows".
So yeah. For all that the book has interesting points and interesting character beats, I really couldn't get past how it felt like Moira was this long-suffering, really cool Black woman with supernatural abilities whose white companions basically kind of jerk her around. And she just takes it like a champ, because she's Strong. It's the Bonnie Bennett issue I referenced above (if you've seen The Vampire Diaries, you get it--if not, then, well, I hope you get it anyway based off of this review). It's not that I didn't like Moira. I did, for sure. I just felt like she was there to serve Rhys and David's narrative, and that made me feel really shitty. Like, I don't want to read white guy m/m with the one dude's wife, a woman of color, going "Have fun, boys!" I want her to have her own role, and I want her to RECEIVE things, versus giving.
The Sex:
There are a few different sex scenes. Nothing crazy, nothing super explicit. Kind of euphemistic. I feel like it would've been hotter if I believed in the relationship(s) more.
If I'm being honest, while this isn't totally without merits, I'd recommend checking out other poly romances over this. I'd also say that if you want to read a Gothic romance series with polyamory and queerness, you could always check out Sierra Simone's Thornchapel books!
I don't think S.T. Gibson intended for the portrayal of Moira to be off the mark; but ultimately, to me this was a case of a writer being much more invested in the M/M than the F. Which is a common issue when you have a "V" triad versus a triangle triad in romance.
Good ideas, and outside of the context of the narrative, good characters. I just think this one needed another draft, at min.
On an audiobook note, Oscar Reyes does a really good job; I've listened to him (actually, on Sierra Simone projects) before, and he's always great.
Thanks to NetGalley and Angry Robot for providing me with an audio copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
Hello, I gotta request. Idk if you’re completely comfortable with this, but can you do dating headcanon for a poly relationship with Hijikata/Gintoki?
Poly relationship with Hiji/Gin Headcanons
warning: it doesn't get nsfw but the theme of poly relationship might trigger some? idk im insensitive and nothing bothers me lol
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Hijikata and Gintoki in a poly relationship actually sounds like the funniest thing ever, as well as a recipe for disaster.
They are both the kinda guys who aren't overly open about their emotions and only truly open up after they put some time and commitment in a relationship.
I wouldn't be surprised if in their attempt of keeping things casual, they ended up in an open type relationship with someone. Like you know, casually dating and seeing the girl without putting a ring on it.
After all, if they really are to give their heart to someone, then they'd better get to know them first before making up their mind. That's their reasoning, but in reality, they are just too tsundere to admit how whipped they are this early on.
Naturally, their S.O. ended up misunderstanding their intentions and while she was dating one, she found herself dating the other, which isn't surprising if one considers their similarities.
She was upfront about two-timing, just not quite as to who that other person was. Neither Gin nor Toshi were particularly elated over the news, but what could they do? It was their fault for not being clear from the get-go.
To get out of this mess, they would both wanna meet the other person, thinking that if she got to compare the two of them, then she'd obviously know who the better pick is and choose them. They are competitive like that though this was no competition, not when the winner was predetermined.
Or so they thought... until they got to see who the other guy was.
Oh man, their faces! Their initial reaction would be to excuse themselves for sitting at the wrong table, only to come back a minute later completely aggravated.
"Oi, Y/N, why is that mayo freak with you? Did you commit a crime or something?"
"The only one committing crimes here is you, Jouishishi. Y/N, don't tell me you are acquainted with this sugar maniac."
Lots of growling, glaring, collar grabbing and near fist fighting would ensue, until you step up and properly introduce one another as your boyfriends.
This is a literal nightmare for them. Having to politely sit by your side without having at each other's throats for once is enough to kill them, yet they both tolerate one another.
Perhaps after they order their food, they each try to feed you some of it in an attempt to assert dominance and be "cute". But even that turns into a contest over whose special you prefer, spoons of mayo and anko flying past your lips one after the other.
In the end, you ended up throwing up, calling it quits for the day. They both felt bad, even if their first instinct was to blame the other for shoving unhealthy things in your mouth, until eventually, they realized that this wouldn't do. If you were to be happy, then they both needed to work together.
And so, the preferred ,be it intolerable route, was settling with dating you at once.
Of course things weren't that easy and they both had ulterior motives. Instead of opening up about their feelings and requesting exclusivity, they'd prove to you how lame the other was. A direct comparison would easily show who the better choice was and that's how they started putting forth their best selves.
Gin would take you on rides around town with his scooter, share his parfait with you and even save enough money to take you on a proper date rip paying rent. He'd try to refrain from picking on his nose and being improper, showing you how charming he could be if needed.
Toshi would take you on dates to the movies, barely catching that late night screening with you (his work habits could get in the way of your schedule), share his mayo and even cook for you. He's the type to bring flowers and act romantic when he wants to, so expect him to be extra gentle and thoughtful while trying to impress you.
Dating the two would be a blast, considering how they each showed a side of them they don't regularly show to others. It would make each moment feel special, though the same can't be said about the time you get to spend together as three.
Most likely they would avoiding the other person's presence, settling for the few unfortunate run ins around town. If they meet one another, they "not so casually" ask how you guys are doing, trying to evaluate their own progress. Of course they both overreact and end up making things look bigger than they actually are.
Gin could claim that you have gotten intimate with one another, even if that's a blatant lie. Hijikata would probably panic and exaggerate things himself as well, hinting at a wild sexual adventure you never had. The result would lead to them being jealous over stuff that never happened, each pushing towards the consummation of your relationship.
This is where I have to mention that I don't see either of them willingly partaking in a fully functioning poly relationship. Other than their little competition over who gets to win the girl, they wouldn't stand for their woman sleeping with the other.
As Gin stated in Patriot Reunion Arc, he isn't a fan of the whole Eskimo Brothers concept. If he found out Hiji and you slept together, he'd probably never speak to either one of you again and the same goes for Hiji. It is a red flag for both.
Okay maybe they wouldn't want to speak to you or the other guy, but you must know that if you ever found yourself in a trouble and came to them, or they just so happened to be passing by, they'd still put their life in the line to save you. Just because things are over, it doesn't mean they don't care about your wellbeing, and would probably think of you from time to time even if they act as if they don't.
In the end, the one who gets to sleep with you first, will be the ultimate winner. Neither of them would choose to go on after being aware of the fact and would terminate the relationship. They are too prideful to keep on chasing after someone who's already made their decision.
Now if you ask me who gets to win, that entirely depends on you. Either Gin or Toshi would make great partners, emotional baggage or not. They'd go on great extends to protect you and would make sure that as long as you are around, there is always a smile upon your lips.
Just make sure you don't end up breaking either one's hearts. Even if they never admit it, their feelings for you are legitimate and precious to them.
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littlemessyjessi · 1 year
"Cure of Infection: A BTS x SKZ Crossover Zombie Apocalypse Story: Part One
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The scenario:  Post apocalyptic AU.  Zombie Apocalyse AU. 
So this IS a BTS fic technically but in reality it's somewhat of a BTS x SKZ cross over and there will be other idols mixed in as well because I think it makes it special and also I got creative liberty and I'm letting my mind run wild.   And it's poly b/c it's the end of the world, dammit and there's enough shit going on.  I say if you find love, hold on to that shit.  
The setting:   The world has gone to absolute shit.  A virus wiped out a good portion of the population and the entire planet plummeted into chaos leaving the inhabitants struggling to survive. 
Two pairs of feet scuffled across the street.  
The dirt and crime of a time not too long ago still stains the world like a fading bruise. 
It wasn't that long ago at all and yet at times it felt like ages ago. 
"N-Noona… I- I don't think I can keep going."  
The voice is breathless and the woman can tell it's because it's struggling to breath. 
"Yes, you can, Lixie.  I got you.  Come on." she said, tightening her hold on him, basically supporting him at this point.  "We gotta get back home.  Binnie is waiting on us with promises of cuddles.   And Minho is probably making supper.  I'll bet it's delicious." 
He forced a laugh, the deep rumbling sound, almost broken and she could tell that tears were building up. 
"Noona, I've been bitten.  I- I - I can't go back." he said. 
"Felix." she said.  "You are going back with me.  No matter what.  I promised you.  You and me forever. You're gonna be fine. We just need to get home and I'll clean the bite and it'll be ok."
"But Noona… it's too far." he said, emotions finally getting the best of him. 
"No." she stated firmly, stopping to completely pull him onto her back. "It's alright.  I'll look after you.  I always do." 
She could Felix crying into her neck as she navigated the streets. 
Ever watchful and on the lookout for Creepers. 
That's what they called them.  
It made it a little easier to do what you needed to do. 
It hurt at times because eventually you ran into someone who you used to know… and they were just gone. 
A shadow of who they used to be. 
She moved along for the longest time, just surging forward. 
She had to get Felix back. 
A groan from over her shoulder made her freeze in her tracks. 
Felix's normal groan was tinged with something and when she looked, his usually beautiful dark eyes had gone cloudy. 
"Shit." she cursed and she hurried him off to the side behind a dumpster.  "Hold on, Lixie.  Hold on." 
He was turning. 
She thought they had more time.  
She knew it would be close but she honestly thought she could get him back but as soon as she ripped his shirt open, she discovered why. 
It wasn't just one bite but two. 
More bites, more virus, faster acceleration, less time. 
She leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead, grasping his freckled cheeks for a moment. 
"It's ok, Lixie.  Noona will fix it.   I'm sorry, baby.  I'm so sorry.  It's gonna hurt but try not to scream if you can."  she said, hands shaking as fear overtook her. 
She couldn't lose Felix. 
Not Felix.  
She'd already lost so many people. 
She couldn't lose him. 
Not her Lixie. 
She pulled the bicycle pump that she had rigged from her bag and attached it to the worse bite.  
"I'm sorry, baby." she whispered before she started pumping. 
He went to scream and she had to stop and slam her hand over his mouth. 
"You gotta be quiet, Felix." she said, tears actually rolling down her face at this point. 
She was scared. 
"Hey, do you need help?" 
She jumped at the sound of the deep voice peering around the corner at her. 
Instantly on guard. 
There were still people left but a good portion of them were absolutely vicious. 
Not all of them … but she'd met a good deal who weren't so kind. 
She didn't have time for this and instantly drew her weapon.   
She couldn't deal with this!  
If she didn't hurry up she was going to lose Felix! 
The stranger put his hands up, "Hey, hey.  Listen, I'm not a threat.  I saw you limping in here with him.   He looks like he's bitten.  And I hate to say it but I mean…" 
He trailed off and she thrust the sword at him. 
"Shut up." she snapped. "I know what I'm doing.  I can fix it if I can get back to it.   I just have to get it before he-  Felix?  Lixie?!" 
Felix's head had tilted back and his mouth fell open. 
She gasped in horror and shook him. 
"No, Lixie. Please, baby!" she said, reattaching the contraption and pumping furiously. 
The newcomer watched in amazement as she pulled the thick black sludge from the bite mark until it began to turn back to the normal color of his blood. 
She wiped it off on her shirt before repeating the same on the other wound. 
Felix thrashed around as she did because the process was extremely painful. 
"I know, Lixie.  I'm sorry, baby. I have too.  It's ok.  Noona will fix it.   Noona will fix it.  Noona's got you." she said, full panic setting into her tone. 
The man sat down beside her and actually flinched back at the aggressive look she gave him. 
He put his hands up, "Hey, I swear I'm not gonna do anything.   What do you need?  I'll help.  I-I had no idea this was even possible.  I- what can I do?"
She never slowed in her process of drawing out the thick black goo from Felix's bite.  
"Just- just keep watch.  And hold this against the other one.  I'm scared he'll bleed to death before I can treat him." she said sniffling. "Please… and thank you." 
He nodded, grabbing the cloth sticking out from her back pocket and pressing it again Felix's torso, making him groan again. 
"Put your hand over his mouth." she whispered, "If he keeps screaming, he's going to draw them and then we're all fucked." 
"I'm Taehyung by the way." the stranger said doing as she asked and keeping a look out.  "Do you have anywhere to go?  How far are you staying from here?" 
She hesitated in answering as she finished the pumping of the other bite and pressed a cloth into it.  
"We… do. But it's too far right now.  I need to treat him right now… and not on the side of the street.  He'll be ok for now.  I've pulled the cells out but that means he's lost a lot of blood and I need to get some medicine in him and a transfusion or… he.." she said, her voice thick with emotion. 
"Noona…" Felix said weakly, eyes opening again to reveal those deep dark orbs she loved so much. 
"I'm here, Lixie. I'm here." she said holding his face and pressing another kiss to his forehead. 
Taehyung stared at them for a moment longer, "Come with me then.  My base isn't too far.  And I'll help you carry him." 
She was hesitant and he sighed. 
"I know you don't trust me.  No one trusts anyone anymore but you just said that you need to treat him and by the looks of you, you're about to fall over any moment now.   You can't carry him anymore either." he said.  "Just accept the help."  
She stared at Felix for a moment later, searching his eyes for an answer. 
"Let's go with him, Noona.  So we can go home.  I want to make it home." Felix said. 
She nodded before turning to look at Taehyung. 
She searched his wide dark eyes, looking for a sign of deception but she saw nothing but kindness and worry in that moment. 
"Ok, thank you." she said.  
Taehyung nodded, helping her get Felix to his feet and slung over their shoulders. 
"We can't go back in the main street." he said and he could already see her beginning to panic.  "He's bleeding too much and there's too much risk of being seen.  But I do know a short cut.  I know this is pointless but you're gonna have to trust me." 
She nodded, "Let's just get him somewhere safe.   I have a short window for treatment before it -  let's just go." Taehyung nodded. 
He didn't have a clue how she planned to do treatment. 
He knew all too well what happened when people got bitten.   
It didn't go away. 
It just got worse. 
But then again, he had never seen anyone pull the cells of the virus out before. 
He didn't even realize that was possible and judging by the look of the young man… it had almost killed him in and of itself. 
Taehyung hurried them along through a small building into a dark alleyway. 
"It's just a little further and we'll reach the gate." he whispered. "You'll be safe." 
She nodded but a low, distorted groan sounded behind them.  
A creeper was close, most likely following the scent of Felix's blood. 
"Get him to safety." she snapped at Taehyung, pulling her backpack off and flinging it towards him.  "There are three syringes of medicine in there.  Give them to him thirty minutes apart.  He'll need a blood transfusion after that.  There are clean supplies in a box at the bottom." 
"I can't just-" he said. 
"Just tell them I'm coming and let me in when I get there.  I'll find it.  That way right?" she said, drawing the sword. 
"But… what if you get bitten?" he asked fearfully. 
Felix's eyes flickered, "Noona, no! Don't leave me!" 
"Go with Taehyung, Lixie.  I'll find you.   I always do." she said before she charged away from them and around the corner. 
Taehyung was frozen for a second and only brought from his thoughts when Felix sniffled in his arms. 
"Come on." he said. "It's ok, man.  I got you.  She'll be back." 
Taehyung pulled Felix along until they reached the gate. 
"Taehyung-ah, who is that?" Namjoon's voice sounded through the system at the gate.  "He looks like he's been bitten, Taehyung.  You know we-" 
"Just let us in and I'll explain, hyung." Taehyung said, glancing behind him, hoping and praying that the woman would appear any second. 
The gate opened and Taehyung pulled Felix through. 
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Hellllo, loves! Ok, so I know this is angsty as hell but I just really wanted to do something like this.  I like angst. I like supernatural and horror and honestly the zombie thing gets me.  So I hope you like the crossover and are excited for the future of this story!  If you do, please let me know because while it's not necessary it does really help me to know what is liked and it does give me motivation to keep going.   
Thank you so much! 
Love, K 
Hey, loves! I hope you liked it! I'm trying out new content styles! If you liked, it please let me know!
Love, K
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pullingyourstrings · 2 years
Hi! I love your polyam fics, it makes me so happy 🥹 can I request Eddie and Gareth taking care of reader, please? maybe they're having a bad day, or a migraine. thank u
Thank you! I'm so glad you like them. All my polyam fics are part of a bigger fic called Exactly What You Wanted!
Not Such a Bad Day
Pairing: Gareth x Eddie x gn!Reader
Summary: You're having a bad day and the boys take care of you.
Word count: 540
Warnings: poly relationship, fluff, migraines, medicine intake.
You're having a really bad day. It was stressful and busy at work, you got yelled by costumers all day, your feet are hurting and you're having one of those soul crushing migraines. You parked at Eddie's with a sigh, a heavy metal song blasting through the thin walls of the trailer. You head straight to his room, finding him strumming his guitar on bed while Gareth headbanged and sketched. You waved at them through the loud music, which usually didn't bother you, and since none of it was their fault you tried to force a smile besides your ruined mood. Failing miserably, you looked like you just had something sour, eyes squinted and nose crunched, the banging in your head making you dizzy and bothered. You reached for your pajamas in Eddie's closet, grey shorts and a band tshirt that was probably not yours, heading to the bathroom and closing the door behind you. Not a single word was said, but Gareth and Eddie shared a knowing look, turning the music off.
You get in the shower, letting the hot water relax your muscles, breathing the steam into your lungs slowly, feeling your worries going down the drain and it's well deserved if you stayed there longer than needed.
When you got out of the shower the bedroom light was low, Gareth fixed the bed with many cozy blankets and pillows and Eddie kneeled on the ground searching through his cassette tapes. Every one of their motions quiet and slow, because they didn't want to make any noises that could hurt you.
"Bad day, sweetheart?" Gareth asked, approaching you and gently cupping your face.
"Yeah..." you nuzzled your face into his hands, closing your eyes at the soft sensation.
"Wanna talk about it?" he whispered worried, caressing you with his thumbs. You shook your head, a tear forming at the corner of your eye. You weren't sad, just overwhelmed and in pain. Being cared for like this made you feel all kinds of soft inside.
"That's okay, you're okay baby" he kissed your cheek just where the tear had rolled down. "Eddie picked a movie and I made you some tea. Let's just relax now. Sound good?" you nodded, making your way to the bed and under the blankets as Gareth went to the kitchen to grab your mug.
"How's your head, honey?" Eddie sat down next to you after he started the movie. He knew you had frequent migraines and by the looks of it, today wasn't different. He fixed your pillows and massaged your shoulders with just the right amount of pressure, trying to alleviate some of your tension.
"Bad" you answered sincerely and he opened the nightstand drawer, picking up your migraine medicine. Gareth entered the room and handed you your mug, both watching as you took the pill and sipped your favorite tea.
"Thanks boys. C'mere" you smiled, genuinely this time, patting the bed for them to lie down with you. They made their way under the blankets, each one by your side and you watched the movie, all snuggled up, soft touches and gentle kisses. Your boys constantly checking if you were comfortable, if you needed a neck pillow, if this amount of blankets was enough.
By the end of the night, you actually felt a lot better, so happy, warm and loved.
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cat-vase · 2 years
Hellooo. I came here to ask away about Metals Family!! Sooo, any ships you're into apart from Vicky/Glam? Do u like ChesGlam romantically? Maybe you've heard about Anna/Vicky? I'm personally VERYYY into VickyChesGlam as a polyamorous ship! I've drawn them SO muchh. I just think Ches as a father figure for the kids is so so adorable, plus the dynamic between Ches and Vicky??? The POTENTIALL??
Yesterday at work I literally thought about Ches and Glam doing the tango together (one of THE most romantic dances, I headcanon Ches to be Hispanic like a lot of other people), I love them so much YESSSSS!!!!! And during it I think it was Glam who whispered to Ches that if he could have Vicky as his wife and Ches as his husband/boyfriend he would be the luckiest man in the world. So then they both talked to Vicky about trying out a poly relationship -- Are you reading my mind??????
So YES on Glam/Ches (especially when they're kids I think it's cute, in high school I had this friend who literally gave me a hickey but we weren't dating. Them energy. But like... they don't even have to be romantic to be the best you know what I mean?) And YES on Glam/Vicky/Ches and YESSSSS on Vicky/Ches I think it would be really interesting since obviously Vicky doesn't meet Ches until later in life and she knows he means a lot to Glam and Glam means a lot to HER so!!!! aaa!!!! Them just.... slowly coming together over the man they both love and finding out they also love each OTHER AA!!!!!! There's art somewhere of Glam and Ches kissing Vicky on the cheek because she deserves to be appreciated I'll try and find it!!!!
I don't think we know enough about Anna yet for her to be shipped with anyone? We don't know a whole lot about anyone other than Glam and a little bit about Ches right now (that isn't an insult, just the series isn't finished yet). But i think it's really implied that Anna is a lesbian or maybe bi with a super female lean? (Good!!! If there's more to her besides being mean) And if Anna and Vicky are childhood friends like Ches and Glam....... idk I think that's really interesting! And also that would make Vicky and Glam so SO bisexual. bi4bi fuck yeah
Speaking of Anna i need Glam and Anna interaction right now RIGHT now!!!!!! Anna and Vicky are friends, Anna and Ches are implied to be friends with benefits, so that leaves Glam!!!! and his super weird self!!!!
Glam has an electric violin shut up. And he uses it to impress his future-wife even though she's not a music person. And that's how he and Anna learn to tolerate each other, like how she said she tolerates Heavy in canon. Because he makes Vicky happy and she wants Vicky happy too :)
CHES BEING A FATHER FIGURE TO HEAVY AND DEE.... T-T I loooove him as the weird fun uncle-dad who used to have so so much energy but now he's just chilling. But also he KNOWS. He totally knows Dee sneaks out and he knows all of Heavy's school crushes and the cat he smuggled into his room (it just sounds like something Heavy would do). Ches acts oblivious but he notices things just like Glam does! And unlike Glam he actually lets himself feel his emotions! And that's why I like thinking about them together!!! And Ches and Vicky together!!!! They're all so good ack!!!!!!
Note: I wrote most of this while I was at work again (on break!) so it was like... 2am please forgive me if this is rambling. I have more but I need to pace myself haha :3 Please talk to me more aa!!!!! I love this little family !!!!!!
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
Part - 16
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, homophobic slang,
Part 1
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Billy and Stu sat down on your couch watching you down a full glass of water. You had told them you needed to have a talk which did nothing but tear at their nerves. With a click, you set the empty glass on the counter. "So," The phone began to ring cutting you off.
"Hello?" You pulled the receiver up to your ear. It was your dad. He called once a day to check up on you and Stu. With a sigh, you held out the phone. "He wants to talk to you." Stu smiled grabbing the phone from your hand. "How's it going Mr. L/n?" Stu grabbed the whole phone off the table sitting back on the couch with it. Billy pushed Stu's feet off his legs when the boy tried to use him as a footstool.
"No way! You didn't have to get me anything." Both you and Billy rolled your eyes. Every day your dad called and spent at least 30 minutes talking to Stu. When he first came over you were terrified of what your dad would think of your friend. Now you would pay him money just to dislike him a little bit. It bugged Billy to no end. Your dad didn't know of Billy's existence but he was best friends with Stu. He loudly laughed thinking what your dad said was hilarious. "Give me the phone." Stu looked up at you holding out your hand. "Sorry man Y/n wants the phone back." Your father because of his job and other factors had no one but you to talk to but you. When Stu came along and they got to know each other your dad felt like he was a kid again. Stupid jokes and random music trivia were all the two men talked about.
"Hey, Dad I'm kind of in the middle of something." Both boys on the couch made a face knowing that didn't sound the best. You pulled the phone away as your dad barked through the device. "I didn't mean it like that. We're trying to talk about school." Billy looked over at his partner. Was that all this was about? If so he had nothing to worry about. Now if this serious talk you had to have was about what he said earlier that day then things weren't looking too good for the boy.
"Yes, I'll call you back later and tell you all about today. Yeah okay, I love you too." You sat the phone down ending the call. "Maybe I can actually talk now." You said with a forced laugh. Your boyfriends did nothing but stare at you with concerned faces. Tough crowd. "I have had a wonderful week with you two. It's honestly been amazing."
"But?" Stu asked knowing Billy fucked this up for both of them. "But you two need to move back home." Stu immediately got upset. His hands covered his face trying to keep his composure. Billy just sat quietly like a dog who knew he was in trouble. "It's what he said isn't it?" Stu asked with a huff. You didn't think he'd throw his friend under the bus like that but here you were. "Not entirely. I'm not even really that upset about it anymore. I just think we need some time apart. Get used to going back to school and being normal kids."
"Would you stop using that word?" Stu snapped. You scrunched your face in confusion. "What word?" If you wanted "normal" neither he nor Billy could ever dream of giving it to you. Stu jumped up off the couch in disbelief. "We're not normal. We're fucked in the head. Like hello?" He shook his hands gesturing to the both of them comically.
"You said we were supposed to have conversations. Talk about things as a group but you're just making decisions." Considering this was your home you thought you had the right to tell them to leave. "I know you're upset that's why we need to separate for a bit. We're all becoming dependent on each other. First, me and Billy fought and now we're getting into it. Maybe we've been around each other too long?" You tried to rationalize the situation but it did no good. Not only did Stu feel like he was losing you he was also losing the home he felt he had. He'd have to go back to the horror house that he'd grown to hate. Billy stayed silent. "This is all your fucking fault." Stu pointed at the boy on the couch hanging his head in shame. "Get off my ass," Billy mumbled in response knowing he played a big part in your decision. "No fuck that man!" Stu shouted pointing at the man still sitting. You held up your hands trying to stop the beginning of a fight. "Stu this isn't his fault. I just need space."
That was a worse word than "normal". Space meant drifting apart and drifting apart meant this would be over. "My dad is usually home one week out of the month. You two can come and go as you, please. I'm just saying we shouldn't live together. Hell, we can have sleepovers if you want to. I'll paint your nails and do your hair but you can't stay here. You knew this wouldn't last forever."
It was true. He thought about the day he'd have to leave almost every night this past week. The reminder made him sick like a kid during the last week of summer break. You walked over wrapping your arms around Stu. Billy watched as guilt pooled in his heart. Stu looked pathetic, his face red trying to stop himself from crying.
You pulled away from Stu as he shook his head trying to fling the tears from his eyes. The plan he just came up with made Billy's skin crawl but he knew it'd help speed up the healing process. Stu's back stiffened as his lover hugged him. It was an intimate act Stu hadn't had the pleasure of receiving from Billy. "What the fuck?" Stu mouthed silently as you shrugged. Billy didn't understand how you made changing for others look so easy. He could lie and charm his way into getting anything he wanted. Afterward, he went right back to being the shitty teenager Stu fell for. Stu gave and Billy took that's how the relationship worked before you showed up.
Stu seemed to melt into Billy's embrace. Billy wasn't sure why he had such a disdain for hugs or other physical contact. It wasn't the feeling itself, no the closeness was what the boy craved. It could've been the fear of getting used to the touch. If sex was what he needed he could go out anywhere and get it. The same moans and sweat, nothing different. His partner's touch, however, that he couldn't get anywhere else.
He feared that this was it. You and Stu would ruin anyone else for him. You'd both eat away at his brain like maggots driving him insane. He still wasn't sure if this "thing" was love but he was damn sure it was destructive.
"I'm sorry for shouting," Stu said once Billy dropped his arms. "It's okay." You reassured watching Billy sit back down as if nothing happened. "Can we spend one more night?" The sorrowful-filled question made you giggle. You were infatuated with two of the most over-dramatic men in the world. "Stu, this is not the end of the world. You sound like you won't wake up tomorrow. Things are gonna be fine. I promise. Billy help me out here." You looked over to the boy with his head down.
Billy cleared his throat. "She's right. You're being overdramatic." You frowned as the boy grinned. That's not at all the kind of reinforcement you asked him for. "Oh, I'm overdramatic? You woke me up the other night listening to Stevie Nicks sing about fucking landslides on repeat. Not to mention your ass was crying." Billy stood up pointing a finger at Stu. "Don't bring Fleetwood Mac into this that's different and you know it." His voice was deep and serious which only made it funnier. You smiled thinking about the fact he was listening to your song over and over. "Guys go get washed up so we can start dinner." You dismissed them both with a grin on your face.
The night continued with you being strangely happy. Both men noticed. The hateful things Billy said to you at school were practically erased from your brain. You had this image of Billy sitting in front of the record player listening to a song he knew you loved. Listening to it over and over trying to remember every word of it because you loved it.
That on top of the fact you had Stu wound so tight that the idea of being away from you was upsetting. This was his home and you were his girlfriend. It wasn't a possessive thing to you. You were happy they depended on you. After all these years you had people who cared about you. They could rely on you and you hoped you could rely on them without having to bail someone out of jail.
"Ow fuck!" Stu cursed pulling his hand back from the hot stove. Before you could help Billy stepped in. "You're such a dumbass give me your hand." Billy shook his head as he ran Stu's hand under some cold water. You watched silently not wanting to disturb the two. You wondered how they lived together before you came along. Based on how you thought of them you assumed Billy would be demanding and hateful to his roommate. While Stu was probably clingy and loud. You were wrong. They were just two confused lovesick teenagers. Sure they had obvious flaws but deep down they weren't much different from the other kids.
"Babe, where do you keep your bandaids?" Billy asked noticing you staring off into space. "Oh um, there's some under my bathroom sink." With a nod, he went off toward your bedroom. "Something's different about him," Stu said striking up a conversation with you. You walked over to stir the mac and cheese.
"What do you mean?" Stu moved his head back and forth because he couldn't gesture with his hands. "He's happy can't you tell?" You couldn't help but scoff. If that was Billy happy then you'd pay money to see him elated. "I'm being serious, he's upset about what he said to you today but you haven't noticed how happy he's been this past week?" It hadn't occurred to you that Stu knew Billy way more than you did. You assumed Billy's helpful nature was just something everyone had to stick around long enough to see. "He's not like that all the time?" Stu couldn't believe you were that oblivious.
Billy was sweet but he was never comfortable. Always afraid of someone walking in, seeing or hearing something they shouldn't. Just a few months ago Billy would've told Stu how to help his hand. He might've even wetted a rag before tossing it at Stu. He was kind but never close. If the two had sex Billy had to flick the lock on the door several times making sure it was locked. The lights would be dim and they would both try to be quiet. The simple hug Stu got from Billy earlier almost sent the boy into shock. That was another reason why leaving your house killed him. He was scared of losing all the progress he had made with his partner.
"You know if somebody robs this place they're going after money, not your bandaids," Billy said walking down the steps. You moved away from Stu starting to set the table. "They were right in the front." Billy laughed at your response as he ripped open the package with his teeth. "You had them crammed behind towels, hairspray, makeup, should I go on?" You shook your head at his exaggeration. Stu looked over at you making sure you took note of Billy's behavior that night. With the package open he dried off Stu's hand placing the bandaid on top of his burn. "That's going to blister so don't pick at it." Billy flicked the wound smiling when Stu winced.
To you, it was a rude thing to do but Stu knew it was how Billy showed affection. "Thanks, pal!" Stu said sarcastically holding his hand. "Anytime." Eventually, you all sat down eating dinner rather quietly. It finally dawned on everyone there that the boys were going home. If Stu's parents were still home Billy would just sneak through his window. Both men knew why Billy stayed away from his own home.
"So..." You spoke trying to break the sad silence. What Dewey told you to do was easier said than done. "Do you two have any plans this week?" That was a normal question, right? Both boys looked at each other in amusement. "Not anymore," Stu said with a scoff. It was petty but you knew he'd get over it eventually.
"I'll probably stop by the video store on the way to Stu's place and stock up on movies for the week." Billy shrugged before taking another bite of his food. A look of confusion appeared on your face. You huffed out a laugh realizing that they couldn't separate. "I thought your parents were still home?" Stu waved you off with a laugh. "Since when has that stopped me? He'll just crawl through my window like he always does." Billy elbowed his partner making the boy groan.
You couldn't help but feel a little upset that you'd be alone while the two of them spent time together. Billy started to smirk as he saw the look on your face. "Having second thoughts?" He asked thinking your jealousy was amusing. "No, I still think time apart will do us good." You stood your ground. "Why the switch up? I mean all week you seemed so happy with us and now you want us out. I get it if it's because of what he said but you're not even mad at him." Stu gestured to his lover and Billy had no objection. He was just as curious as Stu was.
Thinking of something to say without putting Dewey's name out was difficult. You liked Billy and Stu but you didn't trust them not to do something stupid. "Honestly? School was hell for me. The whole fucking place thinks I was sleeping with you and Tatum found out so we somehow murdered everyone."
Both men had heard the infamous rumor. Stu found the idea of you killing everyone rather funny while Billy was concerned with your reputation. "I- I've been looked at and talked about all day and then the one person who treated me with respect you lost your mind over him." You pointed at Billy as you spoke your last sentence. "I just don't want you getting hurt is all." He wasn't lying Billy knew better than anyone that men almost always had ulterior motives. When he first saw you walk into his 7th period his immediate thought was what you looked like under that dress.
You rolled your eyes taking a sip of your drink. "I've got to agree with him we're not the only fucked up people in Woodsboro. What if you became friends with Ted Bundy?" Stu raised his eyebrows with a shrug trying to add dramatics to his point. "If I told you two that some guy was bothering me what would you do? And be honest."
Billy laughed at the question. "If you think we have no self-restraint-" Stu spoke up cutting his friend off. "Kill him." With an open palm, you held out your hand gesturing towards Stu. Billy pinched the bridge of his nose. "What? Did I say something wrong?" Of course, Stu didn't understand how barbaric his statement was. "I'd talk to him. If he doesn't listen, well then we'd cross that bridge when we get to it." Billy's answer was better than Stu's but you weren't too sure of the truth behind it. "I just want to have friends. I don't care if you two have friends."
"That's a lie!" Stu said slapping a hand on the table. Billy looked over at the boy causing a scene. "You would be jealous as shit if me and Billy had girl friends." Billy's tongue prodded the inside of his cheek as he raised his eyebrows at you. It pained you that Stu was right. Earlier that day seeing Stu surrounded by those girls made your blood boil. "Okay fine. What if I introduced you to Chase and his girlfriend? They could sit with us at lunch."
"No that's our spot," Billy said matter of factly. "We've always sat there." Stu chimed in. "You don't have to move I'm just saying they could come over and sit for one day." Neither of the boys was persuaded. You groaned. Getting them to open up was like pulling teeth. "Come on guys just this once. Please..." You puffed out your bottom lip making Billy cringe. The act made Stu melt. You were adorable in his eyes.
Billy still wasn't impressed. You stood up walking over to the boy. Slowly you leaned down whispering something in his ear that would make a sailor blush with shame. "You're a bitch." Billy sighed as you smiled. "I know!" You chirped earning a high five from Stu.
"How does it feel to be pussy whipped Billy Loomis?" Stu spoke into an invisible microphone holding his fist out to Billy. You giggled watching the two get on each other's nerves. "At least I get pussy Macher." Billy raised his eyebrows with a smile. "You always have to hurt me!" Stu cried hiding his face from the boy. "Mrs. Brady here would be happy to lend me some, wouldn't you sweetheart?" Stu batted his eyelashes up at you. You started to clean off the table as the new nickname bounced around your head. "Mrs. Brady?" You laughed raking off the plates into the garbage. "I'm trying it out." He shrugged getting up to help you.
After dinner, you and the boys ended up on the living room floor cuddling while Mallrats played on the TV. Courtesy of the one and only Stu Macher. Billy's back rested against the couch while his arm was draped over your shoulder. Stu chose to rest his head on your stomach laughing every time it made an odd noise.
Little things like this made you question what exactly you wanted. You loved them you were positive. Part of you hated yourself because of it. It was too soon and you were just seniors in high school. You weren't sure if the voice in your head was you or Dewey talking. That discussion with him really bothered you. You wanted to ignore him and continue this little fantasy you had all made out but you knew he was right.
Once the movie ended you helped the boys pack their bags. "I'm calling you when I get home." Stu's words let you know that even though he was gone he made sure it felt like he never left. "I look forward to it." You kissed him for what felt like the first time. Billy smiled partly because the two of you were cute and the other part because he knew he was next. You pulled away from Stu helping him grab all of his bags.
"Don't think I'd forget about you." You grinned before kissing Billy just like you had Stu. His hands found your waist hoping to buy him and his lover some time. Your collar grew hot as his lips trailed down your jaw. "Okay okay, that's enough." Stu stomped his foot. "Damn it! It was just getting good." Billy had a stupid smile on his face making you roll your eyes.
"You two are perverts." You said as Billy started to pack out his luggage throwing it in the back of his car. "And you, my little freak are into it." Stu kissed your forehead making your cheeks grow warm. "Whatever." Stu picked up his bags throwing them next to his friends. "Drive safe okay?" You leaned on the door frame watching the two boys get into the car. "No promises." Billy laughed starting up the car. "I'll miss you!" Stu shouted hanging out of the car window. "I bet."
You watched the car disappear down the street. Dewey had heard Stu's shouting drawing him towards his window. The deputy didn't think you'd follow his advice. Sure enough, there went Loomis and Macher down the road. With a smile, Dewey closed his blinds getting back to his paperwork.
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Part 17
A/N: Hey all you lovely readers. I hit 1,000 followers and I just wanted to thank all of you. You guys are really the sweetest. I'm glad you all are enjoying the series! 💕
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ariaisabitch · 2 years
idk i did these last season and got a lot of notes from it so. Time for a single lesbian to judge a bunch of random straight people!!
S3 Ep2
I did episode one but then tumblr crashed and i lost it all and no way in hell am I re-typing all of that. Just know that I already dislike Cole and am feeling antsy with uhhh whatever his name is. The dude in the first couple. Ok anyways onto the reactions ig.
BRENNON. His name is Brennon. Idk I feel like he's gonna react badly to Alexa (probably cause i'm plus size as well and have that same fear LMAO)
MAN'S WHISPERED "Yes!" under his breath when he saw her, nvm.
Awww ok they're kinda cute. They're like the awkward couple, but they're awkward together. Love that.
HES JUST STARING AT HER AS SHES SPEAKING OK NVM ALL DOUBTS ARE GONE. Why can't I find me a girl like that. This show is so rude.
oh yeah this girl got rejected twice in the same day. Ouch. I mean, I understand their sides cause why would you marry someone when they can't decide what they want? Like this show is literally speed dating x10000000. But also I understand her want to find someone to love her, I just don't think it would be on this show of all things.
YO THIS DUDE GOT MARRIED AT 18 FOR 8 YEARS? AND THEY BROKE UP? FUCKING OUCH. Holy shit. Give this man a massive ass hug.
Ok, she's literally just gonna go to her third choice? This feels like another Jess situation ngl. This shit happens every season omg.
(yet i eat it up everytime)
Yo, Nancy is so fucking beautiful, man. Like holy shit.
Andrew gives me douche vibes. Just the way he holds himself. Dude has barely talked yet and i'm like "nope. ew" he's literally bragging about traveling and cars and shit dude.
Nvm, man's just dropped some really deep shit. Wtf. Where tf did that come from? the casual sip afterwards
I know she did not just basically call this man humble.
Bartise is giving me bad vibes. Like he hasn't necessarily done anything that bad yet, but he just feels off. Idk.
Raven is so gorgeous too. Weren't these the two that randomly started working out on the first date? I forget. oh wait she said she was insecure about something, i missed it.
Honestly, I think the Bartise feeling i have is just his voice. I just really don't like his voice LOL
She's just pacing around in a circle, and she keeps looking directly into the camera and it's fuckin hilarious omg. Girl is just doing hip thrusts as he tells a story.. Dude this girl.. LMAO He's opening up and she's just doin jumping jacks.
LMFAO HE HEARD HER WORKING OUT, THATS GREAT. Aww i kinda feel bad for him now.
SK's voice on the other hand, is so smooth. I could listen to this man read me audio books bro. YOO HIS PARENTS ARE POLY?? Omg this man is an absolute sweetheart. I like SK way more LOL. He's so nice about everything.
He annoys me so fucking much tho omg. I feel like he's trying to be quirky hyper, but he's just annoying hyper.
Zanab is great as well. They're all so nice this season and then the dudes are shit. Except for SK and- why tf is he crying? is he fake crying or just? cause both are incredibly weird. He's fake crying... wtf. Anyways. Except for SK and Brennon.
THEY DATED FOR A FEW MONTHS, GOT MARRIED, AND SHE LEFT HIM IN A FEW MONTHS AFTER THAT? Girl nah, that's a red flag in itself. There's a reason that girl left.
dude just casually asked her to be his girlfriend. He's like the fucking couch steve impersonator from last season that dated natalie.
Colleen and Matt. Forgot about him. Why do so many men have southern accents here? I think it's like two actually. Oh wtf, I blanked out and now he's talking about getting cheated on. Ok, but that situation actually does suck ass.
LMAO RAVEN JUST STOPPED AND STARED AT IT. Can she say no, man? Like, if he's about to propose let's just say no. SHES JUST EATING CHIPS WHILE HES ABOUT TO PROPOSE. Honestly, I don't feel sorry for him ngl. He sounds like a prick rn. LMFAO HER FACE OMG THATS AMAZING.
"I go out there looking for girls that make me feel better" absolutely not.
LMAO THIS GIRL. SHES AMAZING. Raven has been picked as my favorite this season. Absolutely love her. Queen.
I KNOWWW HES NOT TALKING SHIT ABOUT RAVEN. LMAOOOO he calls raven obviously very attractive and SK is like "She's very smart! 😁" he's adorable.
Bro Nancy is just picking the douchebags. Like Andrew needs to be humbled, and Bartise needs someone to smack sense into him.
Nancy is so cute, girl I need you to run. Rip those heels off and full on quarterback run outta there.
Wtf is this? Silent disco? That's not random at all. Literally where tf did that come from.
"I wouldn't want it any other way, I want love in your way" this man..
Cole is a literal child omg
i can't believe she said yes. Well i mean i understand it, but me, personally. Absolutely not.
Matt, that "me too" was not convincing at all
Her pacing around the room is such a mood
"Husband material" girl.... be honest...
"i couldn't see myself being with zanab" yeah cause you got rejected by your number one. Rightfully so.
ok i did not need to hear her moan
"has bigger boobs than i expected" bruhhhh
ok that's enough kissing... ok...
i feel like nancy's gonna pick baurtise and it makes me anxious
I don't think Andrew's amazing, but he's better than baurtise.
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