#it's definitely also important and i think it deserved more expansion
misty-wisp · 2 years
okay so i know ryoji's supposed to be a flirtatious transfer prettyboy and i do find this characterization of him funny at times but that's just how he is with no memories. it feels fake as hell with full context of his character. he doesn't get as much screentime after he regains his memories, but you can tell there's a shift in this, especially in his P3P social link. he becomes much more real and endearing rather than simply flirty, and it feels right, as sad as his situation is.
you see more of this "real" him in his social link even earlier on, though it's a bit more on the hidden side, blended in with his typical flirtiness, and that has me thinking. what if that's just a front he puts up? what if this flirtatious, pervy personality he puts out is just an act he blended into?
he's just a guy who popped into the world after being freed from the protagonist, with no memories at that. he likely doesn't understand a thing about what's going on, or how people are, given his origin. he's probably really messed up on the inside, trying to figure out what's going on with him, because he doesn't remember a thing.
so he acts like nothing's off so any friends he makes don't worry about him or ask about what's going on with him. why his act is specifically that of a flirty pervert? i'm unsure. i think it's spurred on by him being friends with junpei, though(no offense to junpei, we respect junpei in this household).
but when he's with the protagonist, as shown in the movies(specifically the third one lmao) and in his P3P social link, his demeanor changes pretty quickly. he feels a connection towards them, and i'd say that gets him to trust them much more quickly than anyone else. he goes from flirty, and pervy, to just...honest, real, and endearing. he's still lively in nature, but i'd say that's because he's comfortable around them enough to be more of himself. they're really the only person he can be truly real with, even if he doesn't go much into his memory problems, if at all. (i don't really remember if he does, so take that with a grain of salt)
and i think that makes his relationship with the protagonist, platonic or not, so much more important. and so much more tragic in the end.
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outerexpanse · 1 year
downpour headcanons + designs :)
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Thoughts on each under the cut, some contain direct spoilers. (Lots of writing)
Note for pronouns listed: These are just my HCs, use whatever you prefer or see fit. :)
Gourmand: She/He/They Full of love and oh so happy with life. Simply went out into the world for FUN and to learn more, why not? Respected and highly regarded at the Home Tree as one of the smartest slugcats around. Coming up with ways to make meals more filling is always important with so many slugcats! Gourmand returns with many regions mapped out, and thus gives way to more slugcats to explore as groups and create homes for themselves. Teaches about the taming of lizards, and to take care when doing so. What was an incredible enemy can make a greater ally. All around a very positive, happy-go-lucky slug to me.
Artificer: She/Her I wanted her to design to be .. fire-esque with the markings like flames in a way. Obviously very troubled, so incredibly lonely because of it as well. She's afraid of connections, what if the past repeats? It would hurt too much. That SAID.. she will find her way to Outer Expanse and be welcomed with open arms. Prior, I think she was apart of a small nomadic family of slugcats so the Home Tree is something else entirely new. Arti could, in this scenario, take on the role of a community mother in a way. There's still fear of the past coming back in new ways, but in this she begins to open up more and becomes adoptive mother to slugpups whose parents have been lost in some form. I just think!! She deserves the world!!! She gets to relax. No more Situations.
Rivulet: She/He/They Somewhat based on how some aquatic animals have a whiter tummy to blend in to creatures below them in the water, and a darker upper body to camouflage to those looking down in the water. (A bit difficult with all the pink, I wanted to keep that on her though..) Very kind :) she loves to bring gifts to Moon, and periodically pays visits to 5P for as long as he still lives. I like to think they also lived with Moon until they passed themselves. Spent a ton of time listening to Moon reading the pearls he found out in the world, and exchanging stories (perhaps via writing..??) that they both have. Softanthiel still hangs around, primarily used as a way to gauge the danger of potential threats to the tree.
Spearmaster: It/They/He Definitely Looks like a slugcat but with something Wrong (on the wrong blueprints in a way). It is taller and longer than the average slugcat. Leaning more into the bodyshape it has in game (bowling pin looking ass) I’d say it has a harder time retaining fat through a liquid diet and constant movement as a messenger. Built quite sleek, I’d picture it with an agility somewhere between Artificer and Rivulet. Spearmaster has nasty little "spots" on his tail so why not give him little freckles too? SRS did not give SM a mouth, so, to me I think that he would be taught sign language. ASL (Ancient Sign Language) would no doubt be something stored and memorized on various pearls. Given its time around an Iterator it would also know how to read/write in the Ancient's language. I feel like they'd be quite a bit lonely.
Saint: They/He To me, they are a distant descendant of Monk. Their fur is very soft, almost like downy feathers in a way. Absolutely vital to their survival in the now frigid wasteland. Keen to grooming themself like a cat would! The echoes are old friends, a familiar warmth. Seeing them is like visiting family, of which Saint no longer has now. Definitely nomadic, never stays in a den for longer than three cycles. Lanterns are tucked into fur for ease of travelling with free hands. :) He's round and spotted because I love him so much!!
WHEW ok thats all. feel free to share your thoughts :)
note that i dont mind these designs being used or designs inspired by them but i would like my art to NOT be reposted.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
A twofer for ya. 1) This Louis is far more ambitious than book!Louis. What endgame could you see for him that's better/more satisfying for him than being Lestat's consort? Especially since him standing behind Lestat would evoke images of their date at the opera house. 2) How critical do you think it is for us to sympathize with Marius, and based on that, do you think they'll keep the sexual/romantic aspects of his relationship with Armand?
Hey dear!
I think that the show version of the "court" (whatever that may be) will them have on much more equal footing. Now, Louis is instrumental for the last arc(s), but there is also a lot of room for expansion. And, I mean, this Louis has a knack for business, right, and let's be real, a court is an enterprise.
That said, I can also see Louis leaving the more tedious aspects of ruling to Lestat (and even more Marius), and after finally accepting himself having a "good time" with the friends he (canonically) makes there. (And I kinda want that for him! He deserves it.)
I think that the show will definitely (if we get our seasons) go into the resolution for them, the acceptance of themselves. And that includes the "blood communions", but also the "blood spouses" thing, and, as the show has already foreshadowed their dance (and arguably showed us their "wedding"), I think that will come back to be mirrored then. Instead of "a prince" we'll probably have princes :)) (though I'm not sure if the show will ever use these kind of titles).
And also, a (blood) communion is held in a church, or a sacrosanct place, right. There is also the crossover with the (catholic) faith here - my body, my blood - literally. In the books this turns to be literally, and I think that theme cannot be dismissed, especially with the canon layering of Louis' view of Lestat as his errrr... personal Jesus.
Now, I do not see this Louis to be as passive as book Louis, or as ... let's call it neutral, but he is still the same character. They're still playing with that imagery, and applying the text here, as we saw from the teaser. I have no reason to believe they'll eradicated this from the character, on the contrary.
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And we know that for show Louis his faith was an important thing, and one that made him suffer. And I do not think that the comment "raised religion" can be dismissed totally either, because it means there was a shift in him wrt that. Whatever shift that might turn out to be.
This is all a very long way^^ to say that I think Louis will be involved a lot more in the resolution of it all in the end of the arcs. I think maybe his leanings wrt faith will shift Lestat's own acceptance of their rituals (hints of that are in the book, in the "council session" with Gabrielle and Louis). I think he will just be a lot more involved and shaping the court.
I know why Anne had to let Louis go - but the show doesn't have that problem^^- and so I think they will dig out all the little hints for his "endgame" as you put it.
And as per your other question...
I do not know.
Do we need to sympathize with him? I mean...
Marius is a very interesting and very complicated character. I don't think he can easily be judged by "today's" standards. We are all children of our times (and circumstances) and.. well. His were definitely different to ours (this obviously goes for a lot of these vampires).
I do think they will keep all the difficult aspects, yes. I do think they will keep the sexual aspects. I do think they will be quite unapologetic about it all.
If the Justin Kirk rumor turns out to be true, then this actor has no qualms portraying difficult characters. Just look at his character in Succession.
And I think it does take an actor who is able to portray all the facets of Marius quite unapologetically.
I remember that video interview with Jacob, where he said he first loved Marius in TVL, and then as he read on...^^ I think the show will go a similar way, maybe.
I don't think they're going to tone anything down, actually.
And of course we will get his story latest when Akasha happens.
But if that will make us sympathize with him? No idea.
It will be very interesting to see what they choose to show us of him next season. And what part wrt Armand, too.
Marius is involved in all of this, and he is an important character in the VC. Given all these vampires are monsters...
However, all this said, and even without many probably not sympathizing with him^^- I do think the show will show him and Armand reconciled (at some point, maybe even "now"). Because he and Marius reach that point (more or less) over time. And I think that painting on the wall hints at that reconciliation.
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brnineworms · 6 months
My thoughts on the trans rep in "The Star Beast"
This episode is haunted by the spectre of Good Representation™. Representation is a topic too expansive and nuanced for me to interrogate fully, so I'll just say I'm sceptical of the approach and the way it reduces trans (or otherwise marginalised) characters to plot points or blandly by-the-book portrayals. Also the idea that any single character can accurately represent an entire demographic is tenuous. Anyway.
Throughout the episode there's a huge focus on how beautiful Rose is, which is... I mean, I'd hardly be the first person to point out how Weird people (cis people especially) can get about how trans people look. And I get that this is probably a deliberate attempt to counter transphobia, to stress that trans people are cherished and deserve the world. It is a sweet sentiment I suppose, but it can come across as a bit... insincere? patronising? fetishistic, even? You have to recognise that correlating a person's worth with how beautiful you think they are is problematic in and of itself.
I actually really like the scene where Sylvia is stumbling on pronouns and worrying about whether or not it's okay to call Rose gorgeous. It's cute. It's genuine. I wasn't sure about the boys on bikes scene that preceded it – I thought deadnaming Rose was a clumsy way to establish that she's trans – but I've watched the episode again and my opinion has softened. I think it works well to have the malicious misgendering side-by-side with the accidental misgendering, showing that, yes, there is a difference. I know this already, but cis people who get confused about terminology and etiquette might benefit from watching this.
Speaking of pronouns... haha. Yeah, I did not like the "are you assuming he as a pronoun?" "my chosen pronoun is the definite article" exchange. Very awkward and nonsensical. It could have worked with some tweaking, but as it stands it feels more like a transphobic joke than actual dialogue. Ditto "male-presenting Time Lord."
Side note: why are some people so thrown off by the Doctor's gender? It's really not that complicated. The Doctor's pronouns vary depending on whether we're talking about an individual incarnation or the Doctor as a whole, encompassing all incarnations. If we're talking about a specific Doctor, they've all been he/him so far except for the Thirteenth and Fugitive Doctor (both she/her). If we're referring to all Doctors as one entity, it makes sense to use they/them since they're not consistently one gender or another. The Doctor is technically nonbinary I guess but only because they have the ability to regenerate into any gender. They're genderfluid only if you squint.
Is Rose nonbinary? Again, the "binary, binary, nonbinary" line just felt like a joke. Plus it doesn't make a lot of sense as a plot point/reveal. Rose's gender shouldn't actually be relevant because what's important for the meta-crisis thing is that she's Donna's offspring. There's also the fact that Rose had been presented as a trans girl until that point – no indication that she's nonbinary. Yes, it is possible to be a nonbinary girl, but it seems more likely to me that RTD just thinks nonbinary and trans are synonymous. Which is not the case.
The thing is, as I've alluded to already, Rose is an example of trans rep written by cis people for cis people. RTD's heart is in the right place, for sure, but he doesn't really know what he's talking about. I would say I appreciate the effort? But I don't know what the effort was in aid of exactly. I suppose it's nice for cis people to be told it's okay to stumble on pronouns sometimes, and to be shown that transness isn't a horrible and scary thing. I dunno. It's frustrating that trans people in life and in fiction have to educate and inspire and reassure cis people all the time... but we live in a society, don't we? And I'm sure there will be plenty of young trans people thrilled to see someone like them on TV, even if the execution could have been better.
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californiagoddess · 8 months
hey my tarot question is: do I need to chill??
it's about my social life but I don't want to be more publicly specific than that. the universe will know what I mean 🙏
Tasha is going to say this is about coke 💀 but yes the cards will know
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I think you need to chill temporarily lol the first two are saying chill and the bottom three aren't as much. Strength is saying you can sometimes give to others at your own expense too much (libra people pleaser). Five of wands is conflict maybe due to that. Ultimately nobody really wants you to sacrifice any part of yourself and if they do then they don't deserve it anyway. So those two are definitely saying chill
But then the bottom three are saying open your mind. In whatever context that might apply. Page of cups is saying open your mind to new ideas and possibilities, three of wands is saying be open to new opportunities. Three of wands is expansion which is pretty much the opposite of chilling imo. Page of pentacles is saying stay dedicated to whatever you're working on. Like usual I'm reading these in sequence, be open, stay focused, and expand, in that order. Page of cups also suggests idealism so do not be negative or pessimistic in any way. That's important. The cups and pentacles also kind of balance each other here I think, cups are ideals and emotions and pentacles are practicality and effort. But they go together here and balance each other out
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ultrahpfan5blog · 3 months
Dune: Part Two - a step up from part one in every way...
As someone who admired the craft of the first Dune, but was left a little disappointed by it overall, I was still looking forward to Dune: Part Two, because I knew that a major part of the story would unfold in the movie. Added to that was the exceptional reception of the movie. Having watched it this evening, I will say that while the movie is not flawless, it is a significant improvement on the first film in almost every way.
The craft of the film is still phenomenal, except at an even bigger scale. The visuals, the sets, the costuming, the score, the effects, the cinematography etc... are all incredible. The clarity of Denis' vision of this world and the various different people is palpable. The film is also a lot better paced. Not perfect, mind you, because there are still portions that are too slow, and some portions that are too fast. But it is a significant improvement over the first movie in this aspect. In a way, this movie has the opposite problem of having too much story and too many characters to juggle. As a result, some characters don't get the weight that I wished and some story points don't get the explanation or expansion that I desired. But given the density of the book, Denis manages to pack a lot very successfully. The film's visuals deserve to get praised. There are so many shots that are frameworthy.
The cast is fantastic across the board. Timothy Chalamet owns the screen. He has to play the character at different stages of evolution and he does a phenomenal job translating that. Zendaya gets to be the film's moral center in her most impressive movie performance to date. Her character is probably one that is an improvement from the book. Similarly, Rebecca Ferguson as Jessica is scary good, delivering a similar transformation as Timothy, but in a way, even more scary. Javier Bardem as Stilgar is great. His character's arc is incredibly important in the movie, but he also adds some much needed humor at times. Austin Butler is the new entry that stands out in this movie. He is fiercesome in the role of Feyd and I wish we had more of him. Similarly, Stellan Skarsgard only has a handful of scenes, which he makes the most of. Same goes for Josh Brolin, who returns in the back half of the movie. Florence Pugh is solid but her role does seem to be more for setup for the next film. Same with Anya Taylor-Joy's cameo. Dave Bautista is solid, if a bit one dimensional as Rabban. Charlotte Rampling is suitable menacing the Reverend Mother. Lea Seydoux has a small role as well and makes an impression. Christopher Walken is somewhat disappointing as the Emperor, as he seems to be sleepwalking through a fairly thankless role. Perhaps that comes from expectations from a Christopher Walken performance, but he really only gets one quick scene where he gets to make any impact.
All in all, it was definitely a movie that was a memorable experience. I could feel the awestruck silence. I don't quite think it is on par with The Dark Knight, The Two Towers, and The Empire Strikes Back when it comes to epic second chapters in a major saga, but its still pretty damn good and its definitely worth watching in IMAX. Overall, an 8.5/10
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nazorneku · 8 months
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intended to post this right after his interrogation dropped on global, but never went along the plan— probably 'cause when i first read it in CN, it did affect me to the very core... but considering today is his birthday, it should be done in honor of the day beware of mentions of child abuse, child death and suicide, if you proceed to read this post
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In the beginning I want to say that I was utterly excited to get his interrogation, considering Mr. Fox is A rank Sinner, but with collective demands via surveys we got my man a well-deserved lore expansion. Not to mention, I still think with his kit and utility he should be S rank Sinner, but this conversation is for another day—
After a long time over analyzing the man and simply reading his profile with a refreshed glance, it's apparent that Mr. Fox doesn't senselessly gather money for the sake of it. The wealth he amasses is used for bribery, the means to a concrete end he pursues and another way to convince victims without resorting to use own powers. But he doesn't yearn for money in a way an avaricious person would. And this is what Special Conversation 1 is 'bout:
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He purposefully alienates self from these other people, as he personally has no interest in money and it's just an image of a corrupt lawyer that he so skillfully dons. What he really yearns for is punishment.
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Moving to interrogation now. Phase 1, in which Mr. Fox tries to control Chief. There's actually two scenarios, depending on Chief's reaction, and both of them are worthy of mention. So I first will go with the one, where the Chief openly displays that Mr. Fox powers failed to affect them and outrightly denies signing the leave permit. In that case, he strangles self and interrogation ends and is considered failed. To proceed with interrogation, the Chief must play along and sign the permit. But let's also consider why he actually failed to control the Chief. In his file it's stated that his abilities actually have a disadvantage - they are tied to his own mental energy.
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This means when he's stressed or tired, his powers are less effective, and hence why his failure makes sense during the interrogation. It's going against his intention of getting a permit to remain outside MBCC and he realizes that things aren't moving with the Chief, which gets him stressed out and desperate, 'cause he has to be in court or "it doesn't count". This is kind of an immediate stake.
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Phase 3, during the trial Mr. Fox experiences two flashbacks and this is the most important part of comprehending why he does things the way he does. The first flashback is actually 'bout Mr. Fox. A memory from the young days. This describes the abuse (most likely more emotional than physical, in his case) he experienced at the hands of own parents, as they were constantly belittling him and using his shortcomings to justify their mistreatment of him.  
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The second flashback is the past trial in which he represented a domestic abuse case on the side of the abusers.
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From his Arrest Records, that basically summarizes the fallout of the trial that he regrets deeply.
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The abusive parents thanked Mr. Fox for winning the case and their explanation for their gratitude horrified him, causing him later to attempt suicide, but being unable to go through with it and awakening a Sinner ability instead. The trial concludes with Mr. Fox realizing in the present now that he's 'bout to repeat his past "sin" and this time chooses to act differently by turning on his client.
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There are two reasons of why he responded in such a way. The first is that it didn't fit what he has always claimed is the client's definition of justice - "victory in court", instead the justice that the abusive parents claimed he brought them was him proving their son was wrong and they were right. The second is that he realized their rhetoric mirrors what his own parents used to justify their emotional abuse of him, and then feeling the hurt he felt when he was younger all over again. He tried to violently deny it with the "uphold justice" excuse, but subconsciously knew that his clients were people as awful, if not worse, as his parents.
Mr. Fox likely witnessed the suicide of that boy, which amplified his guilt even further to the point he wanted to "meet the same hellish fate" by killing himself in the same way, but was "restrained" as stated by him (either literally physically restrained by people who were at the scene or that despite his strong urge to carry it out, he successfully stopped himself from committing suicide). This trauma of the experience, combined with extreme guilt and shame, caused him to awaken as a Sinner.
And now he's collecting more "sins" (changing victim testimonies, bribing and controlling people, killing witnesses, winning his client's cases no matter the truth) to make sure that when he's finally able to die, he'll get the harshest punishment imaginable.
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Concluding thoughts: while he is able to recognize abuse in the cases he dealt with, Mr. Fox is in denial when it comes to his own childhood memories and hasn't accepted that his parents' treatment of him was also a form of abuse. This denial is what later forms a part of his motivation to stand on the side of abusers and deny the reality of a vulnerable boy's abuse, apart from the financial incentive.
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There's also one neat moment worth mentioning— The meaning behind the tongue piercing and its direct connection to his past "sins" and awakened Sinner ability. To be honest, after long consideration I do not think that he is fit Greed Alignment, 'cause he is actually a fraud, playing the role of the corrupt lawyer in the pursuit of money, when all he does is aimed to taint self as much as possible. He wishes to absorb all the "sins" and corruption, to take it all on himself.
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smallandangry24 · 2 years
A Not-So-Brief Character Analysis of one Anakin Skywalker
TW for discussion of Imperialism, Nazis, and events paralleling sh00tings, brief mention of domestic violence and slavery.
Hello there, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of ranting about fascism on the internet (I know, you’re waiting with baited breath): Star Wars Edition, featuring a very beloved character -- Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader.
Star Wars is many things -- found families. Hope. Rebellion. Democracy. The importance of standing up for what is right, and for those who do not have a voice, even if the world is against you. Holding others and yourself accountable. Corruption. Accidental baby acquisition. And the first space western among them. But at its conception, Star Wars drew a very hard line in the sand (I know, we don’t like sand, but bare with me) regarding a subject that was very relevant at the time, and I would argue still is: Imperialism, Fascism, Slavery, and Nazism.  
“But Mads”, you might ask “why would you get on the internet to rant about such things, probably bringing a very angry toxic fanbase out of the woodworks against you?” For a few reasons, one of them possibly being that I’m a fool. One of those reasons definitely being that sometimes, something needs to be said, regardless of opposition, and you need to be the one to say it, especially if no one else will (and what’s more Star Wars than that?). I hope you’ll find it in yourself to stay with me, but that’s beyond my control. So here it is:
Anakin is a tragedy, in many ways. 1. He could be anyone -- someone’s boyfriend, a brother, a best friend, a son, the guy sitting two tables down in a chili’s in the middle of nowhere Iowa (idk if y’all have Chili’s but roll with it). 2. He cared about his family. 3. He WAS manipulated in fear and put in a situation no child (yes, CHILD) should have ever been put in on the battlefield, nevermind his status as a slave. It is an ESSENTIAL part of his story, but not in the way I see interpreted by so many fans. There is a MESSAGE in his character... a great many!! Sure, he is a type of prodigal son, falling from grace but returning eventually for -- here’s where we disagree. Redemption. Can we call it that? Is he really redeemed? The Prodigal Son, at least in my interpretation, is not about redemption, but forgiveness and mercy -- given because the father, who I think the story is really about, is good -- not because that kindness is deserved (because in it’s context, the story is not about what is deserved, but I digress). Anakin, Vader, can be a story about how people cannot be summed up by good and evil, and instead are made by their choices, and that we have the power to change our choices every day, and that there can be redemption for some. 
But that’s not all there is, or even the biggest part of his character.
There are more messages. Monsters can be anyone, and if we don’t hold people accountable and learn from our past, history will come back to haunt us. My problem is that very few hold him accountable. Let’s go back to the roots. Star Wars isn’t exactly subtle. “The Empire,” “Storm troopers” (the name of Hitler’s private army), the concept of a nationalistic regime taking over under the power of a charming dictator bent on expansion by force, using propaganda to unite his people against a common enemy of a peaceful people who share a religion, etc. It’s about Nazis, and more than their well known atrocities -- about the importance of accountability, uniting in rebellion, how they can come to be, and, most importantly, punching them. 
Back to Anakin. He’s young, under the influence of the man who’s a parallel of Hitler, very stressed because he’s leading an army and just got put in charge of a child, probably needed more talking to regarding healthy levels of attachment and relationships, and he’s been put in a position of power. He’s also played by Hayden Christensen (who did a remarkable job -- this is not a criticism of his performance but an applause. The problem lies in how some interpret it), who, I’ve been reliably informed, is very cute. An increasingly common reaction is “oh it’s not his fault, poor baby,” or  WORSE, “It’s Obi-Wan’s/Padme’s/Ahsoka’s fault -- he/she should have paid more attention/proclaimed his/her love more.” 
*Is violently unimpressed*
Let’s also look at what he did!! *drumroll* He betrays all of his loved ones -- strangling his pregnant wife Padme, who tries to appeal to him numerous times while also stating her love, trying to kill his brother/father figure Obi-Wan, who’s last words prior were about how proud he is of Anakin, and proceeded to tell him he loved him and also tried to bring him to his senses multiple times while Anakin is ACTIVELY TRYING TO MURDER HIM, enslaves the clones, his friends, who fought for him, were willing to die for him, were already struggling with a lack of human rights, further betrayed by Anakin forcing them to turn on their family the Jedi and help him commit mass genocide, made worse by the fact that Anakin used to be a slave, and not only participates and initiates said genocide against his own people (but let’s also not forget the genocide and coverup of the one he committed against the native Tusken people), but cuts down the children who trust him and run to him for help. He his not only a parallel of naziim, but also domestic abusers, imperialists and, currently, school shooters. AND IT’S NOT JUST THESE CHOICES!!! There are more I’m probably forgetting, but it’s the fact that it’s not just ONE time. He makes the choice to be this person over. and over. AND OVER. AND OVER AGAIN. And for what?? To save Padme?? He just choked her out! And after she DIES, he KEEPS GOING. “He was too scared to return, the canonically thought about it,” WELL?? First of all, Obi-Wan was literally begging him to come back and secondly, even if he didn’t “return” he could have stopped, idk, actively hunting down and murdering people and supporting the Empire. Just throwing that out there. 
Yes, Palpatine chose him to manipulate. FOR A REASON: He knew Anakin was powerful enough to turn the tide of the war-- which would have just ended with the death of General Grievous -- in his favor, AND because such power would have been a threat to him. Anakin had the power to threaten Palpatine and the Empire at any time.... but instead, he repeatedly chose to use that power to undo everything he had sworn to protect, everything his friends had fought and died for. And for what purpose? Last time I checked, you don’t strangle people to say “I love you.”
That’s the tragedy of Anakin for me -- the repeated choice to fall, and that he could be any one of us if we allow it. Too often, we let him hide behind a mask and a new name. I get it -- I, too, am a sucker for transformation and cinematic symbolism. But Anakin’s transformation marks the solidification of his choices and the nature being revealed in him -- the corruption of hate and anger and obsession -- but it DOESN’T MAKE HIM A DIFFERENT PERSON. He can’t escape accountability for his actions by hiding behind a fancy new title. Are you a simp, or an apologist? I get it, he’s cute, and there’s an appeal to knowing someone would burn the world for you, but be careful of the line you tread -- with this character, it’s pretty thin.... and quite frankly, my ace ass doesn’t care how hot a Nazi is.
Today, I encountered a new perspective I’ve never seen before, regarding the line, “there’s still good in him.” Iconic, I know. And despite the above... ooops paragraphs, know that I AM A MASSIVE VADER FAN. His character is incredible and complex and (I knooooow) cool. Horribly so, but yes, you can’t deny the dramatics. And I’m an even bigger fan of redemption, hope, the idea that no matter what you’ve done, you can work to be better. I’ve struggled with Anakin -- I’ve wanted to say “YES, in the end, when he choses to overthrow Sidious, he is Redeemed!” .... but it never quite felt right. Today, I encountered the phrase “so what?” Okay, not literally, but someone might as well have written it on a brick and slapped it across my face. There was good in him. So what? He still chose to do those things. And he chose to do them over and over again. Does the fact that he was capable of good excuse the genocide? the slavery? the murder? Does it not make it worse? Do we owe forgiveness to someone who could have been a good man? Are we obligated to -- RESPONSIBLE for bending over backwards to convince someone to be good again? Even at the price of more innocent blood? Or is it HIS responsibility not to spill it in the first place?
The tragedy is in that he was good, once, if a person can be good, but he made those choices anyway. The tragedy is in that he could be anyone. The tragedy is that he is MANY someones today. The tragedy -- what makes a tragedy -- is that anywhere, in all of this mess, it could have been over. It could have been prevented. He could have stopped. The tragedy is that it didn’t need to happen, but it happened anyway.
Today I encountered “It was his choice.” Today, I saw written, “Don’t take that away from him.” 
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polkadotpatterson · 2 years
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists? 🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
This maybe isn't a very satisfying answer, but I'm not sure I can think of any that I'm actively embarrassed about? I definitely cringe when thinking about some of my older writing sometimes, but usually once I read it back I don't mind it too much. There's no one thing that makes me go “oh no why did I write that what was I thinking”, and I'm not sure I actually want to spend too much time thinking about whether there is, so I can live in blissful ignorance lol
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
When you first specified Ziwa I was like OH NO I DON’T HAVE MANY ZIWA THOUGHTS but then I realized I do have a few! I really don't give Ziwa the attention they deserve what with them being team captain and all, so a lot of my Ziwa headcanons are based around other people's interpretations (shoutout to Kit for Ziwa and Tyvi QPPs I love them), but since I have more Dot Thoughts then the average person, I have…
They should be co-captains in the expansion era (at least while Dot is actually on the team lol) bc I think it would be really good for both of them!
 Ziwa gets a chance to step back a bit and stop taking on too much responsibility, because they have a bad tendency to try to do Everything to help the team and distract from their problems, and that workload is not sustainable. They’re a very important part of the Talkers, but the team won’t fall apart without them (as we later learn…) and they deserve a break whenever they need it.
On the flipside, Dot truly feels like part of the team at that point and is more comfortable stepping up into a leadership role and helping out the team in ways other than just being their star pitcher! I think being in the Core helps them with that too; the Mechs don't really have a captain and end up having a very tumultuous first season, so as an outsider with less emotional attachment to the players they're losing, Dot’s able to be a calm and steady presence (outwardly at least lol) and take charge of things that need to be done, like organizing practices.
and I think at that point Dot and Ziwa are pretty close. it took them a while to really understand each other but by the time expansion rolls around they’re good friends and I think their different skill sets combine well as a captaincy duo!
also. I think Ziwa is Dot’s catcher. I know I haven't actually done anything with that in fics but listen. Dot is so focused on pitching and I think for most of the discipline era they don't even pay any attention to whoever's catching. they don't need signals. they know how to pitch. so part of their character arc post-unshelling is learning to actually work with Ziwa both on the field and off, even if Ziwa’s signs aren't telling them anything they don't already know. (this is something I intend to work into squiddish which I am actually going to finish someday I promise)
 yes I made this a lot about Dot but the point is I think Ziwa is cool and the two of them have a really interesting dynamic that's changed a lot over the years and I love them
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chiefatticcreator · 1 year
The "three morality frames" problem, or why 40k's imperium will never be the "most cruel, bloody regime imagineable"
Thinking about Xenos and hwo they get nowhere near as much representation and importance as the imperium, i started to ponder the state of the 40k universe, and came away with this conclusion. While it's nothing new, I tried to format it.
So, we often have the question asked, both in-lore and out, "is the imperium right/justified/good?" And while the answer is "it depends on what the current writer thinks", the actual answer is slightly more layered, depending on the frame of reference one uses:
Frame of morality 1: Our real-world morality and history:
In our current morality system, murder is (nearly always) wrong, judging someone for their religion is generally frowned upon, as are wars of expansions (and wars in general are seldom looked upon approvingly), treating workers badly is not approved of, and close-mindedness is regarded as a great flaw. Furthermore, if we look at the real-life inspirations for the imperium of man, we can see that fascists regimes are never really succesful in the long term. Their hierachies are riddled with corruption and infighting to the point that that they are wholly inefficients, miss crucial details, waste a lot of ressources into pointless projects... they are extremely cruel, pointlessly so, and they eventually crumble. Likewise, regimes that are wholly dedicated to an individual (such as alexander the great) will completely collapse once said individual dies, since there is no appointed successor, or the succesor is contested, and the regime will cease to exist within a handful of generations of the figurehead disappearing. Likewise, regimes obsessed with (religious or genetic) "purity" will self-destruct from infighting, as once the first obvious "impure" are dealt with, a new group will be designated as a target, then a new one, with the in-group shrinking more and more as the definition of what's "pure" will constantly change (for a reverse of this, Irish immigrants were originally not considered "white" in america). In the real world, "survival of the fittest" is an absurd concept, and things like Catachan will only result in malnourished, farmished, feral humans.
tl; dr: In our world, the Imperium is not only completely evil and deserves to be exterminated, but it also wouldn't last long even if left to its own devices
Frame of morality 2: 40k's morality
While in the real world, religious intolerance is wrong, in 40k there are religions of evil who only seek to destroy the world. In the real world, discriminating based on physical appearance is dumb and bad. In 40k, genestealer cultists do look different and are infilitrating society to disrupt it and bring ruin to it. To us, throwing children at the wolves only result in dead kids. In 40k, Catachan does produce extremely strong and competent Guardsmen, amongst the most badass normal humans in the galaxy. On 21st's century Earth, religious fanaticism is only used by people who want to discrimate against others. In 40k, religious faith in the Emperor does give you supernatural powers, protect from demons, banish them, and grant miracles. To our modern societies, child soldiers aren't effective soldiers, and only a move done by the desperate and/or particularly vile ones. In 40k, taking prebuescent children, shoving half a dozen different organs in them and brainwashing them does give you the most badass soldiers the galaxy has ever seen. Xenophobia is unjustified to us, but in 40k Eldars do have their own interest before mankind's, Orks only exists to inflict pain and death on mankind, so do tyranids, and Dark Eldars will horrifically torture anyone they capture. Close-mindedness is wrong, but in the grimdark future of the 42nd millenium, any dangerous knowledge can and will corrupt you into a raving lunatic seeking to bring the imperium to ruins. In 40k, having so many organisation compete with each other and separated helps prevent another Heresy and is a safeguard against a single individual gaining too much power.
tl; dr: By 40k's standard, the imperium is right to do what they do, as they have lasted for more than ten thousand years with such tactics and organisation. Any flaw of fascist regimes is given a justification and a handwave as to why they are acceptable (in broad strokes at least) for the Imperium.
Frame of morality 3: Warhammer 40 000 is a product by the Games Workshop company, and the Imperium is the most popular faction.
Imperium figures sell, and their aesthetic is a big reason as to why. Therefore, no matter how pretty is the statement GW makes supporting frame 1, even if the "logical" thing would be to stop making Imperium-favoured media, Games Workshop will never do so. While Guilliman may protest that "only the fittest deserve to live" is dumb and awful, Catachan will never be terraformed into a habitable world, nor will Krieg ever fully recover, since the backstories and aesthetics of these world are popular. No matter how evil and incompetent the Imperium should be, our viewpoints characters will awlays be Dantes, or Gaunts, or Cains, or Guillimans. That is to say, characters that are oddly tolerant and reasonable compared to the standard dogma of the imperium, since if these products want to sell, the readers need characters they can root for and want to see more of.
tl; dr: No matter how much we want GW to put more emphasis on xenos, or to emphasize how evil the imperium is, GW will never do so, since these would reduce their profits. We will never see a mainline imperium character say that women don't deserve rights, or that left-handed people should be shot on sight since it'sa clear sign of a chaos mutation, etc...
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aye-write · 4 years
An aye-write guide to Showing vs. Telling
I’ll bet that if you’ve ever taken an English class or a creative writing class, you’ll have come across the phrase “Show, don’t tell.”  It’s pretty much a creative writing staple! Anton Chekov once said “ Don’t tell me the moon is shining. Show me the glint of light on broken glass.” In other words, showing should help you to create mental pictures in a reader’s head.
Showing helps readers bond with the characters, helps them experience the emotions and action more vividly, and helps immerse them in the world you have created. So “show, not tell” is definitely not bad advice - in certain circumstances. But it has its place. More on that later. 
So How do I Show? 
Visual Details
So instead, of telling me “He was angry”, show me how his face face flushes red, how his throat tightens, how he slams his fist, how he raises his voice, how his jaw clenches, how he feels hot and prickly, how his breathing gets rapid, how his thoughts turn to static, etc.
Instead of telling me “The cafeteria was in chaos”, you could show me  someone covered in food and slowly turning crimson, children rampaging under the feet of helpless adults, frenzied shouting, etc. 
Handy Hint! Try to avoid phrases like “I heard”, “I felt”, “I smelled”, etc. These are still “telling words” (also known as filters) and may weaken your prose, as your readers could be taken out of the experience and you may lose their attention.
Is Showing Always The Right Thing to Do? 
No! Showing is not always right and telling is not always wrong! It’s important to develop the skill and instinct to know when to use showing and when to use telling, as both can be appropriate in certain occasions. 
So, “Show, don’t tell” becomes “Show versus tell”. 
What is Showing and Telling? 
Showing is “The grass caressed his feet and a smile softened his eyes. A hot puff of air brushed past his wrinkled cheek as the sky paled yellow, then crimson, and within a breath, electric indigo”
Telling is “The old man stood in the grass and relaxed as the sun went down.”
Both of these excerpts are perfectly acceptable to use in your writing! But both do different things, although their meanings are pretty much the same. The first example is immersive, sweeping, visual, engaging. The second example is much more pared back and functional. But both have their places in prose! 
Telling is functional. Think about when you tell people things. You tell your children dinner is ready. The news reporter tells you there’s a drop in crime rates. Your best friend tells you she’ll be late because her car broke down on the way to yours. These are brief and mundane moments in everyday life. 
So, do these deserve multiple paragraphs with sensory detail and action/feeling/thought for every little thing? Do you need to spend an entire paragraph agonising over a minor detail when there’s a sword dangling (physically or metaphorically) over your MC’s head? No. And I’ll explain why.
When To Use Telling
As before, telling is functional. It’s brief. It’s efficient. It gives a gist of a situation without getting bogged down in detail.
Showing is slow, rich, expansive, and most certainly not efficient! 
Here’s an example of some telling: 
“Years passed, and I thought of Emily less and less. I confined her to some dark dusty corner of my brain. I had to elbow my memories of her to the side. I was too busy with other things. Finishing school, then university a year later. Life was full and enjoyable. But then, one dark cold September night…”
You can’t show this example, unless you wanted to waste page after page of your MC waking up, going through everyday life, to get to the point your actual story started. If you do that, you will likely kill off any interest a reader would have in your novel and likely, your book itself.
Summing Up 
Should be used for anything dramatic
Uses thoughts, feelings, dialogue, action, and visual detail 
Will likely be used more than telling
Delivering factual information
Glossing over unnecessary details 
Connecting scenes
Showing the passage of time 
Adding backstory (not all at once!) 
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guxciestone · 3 years
an aspect, placement appreciation post.
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north node square asc ; the fact you’re controversial & you most likely don’t really care is so ❤️ attractive ❤️ you might be a bit over-the-top when it comes to standing out & doing your own thing to a point where you get yourself in not so good situations, but the fact that you ride your own wave & don’t let others get in your way is very inspiring. (coming from a mars square saturn)
natal venus retrograde ; nah, cause we are UNDERRATED. people really like to put a bad name on retrogrades, especially mercury & venus retrogrades. & with the ✌🏼 “your ex is gonna reconcile with you” ✌🏼trope. venus rx is much more than that. 8% to 10% of the population has to struggle with self-love, karmic relationships, & feeling disconnected from life because of this natal retrograde. it’s very depressing when you think of it—but that’s why we need to try our best to appreciate ourselves & accept the fact that we deserve everything in love, beauty, & more. & more direct venus energy will manifest when we do so 💕
lilith trine asc ; what is it like to be so different from others? i noticed like tons of people with this aspect are very different. they ride their own wave & they tend to attract copycats bc of that. i mean, they are THAT perfect. everyone seems to love them, also have a naturally sexually expressive personality. real blueprints. i love y’all 😭😭 provocative individuals 💯
venus conjunct asc/venus in the 1st ; i’m appreciating this placement because whoever has this 9.99 out of 10 has pretty privilege or “the halo effect” 💀💀 let’s get married—respectfully 💐 💍 plus, my mom has this too. so why not?
lilith in the 1st/square, conjunct opposition asc women ; you don’t mean harm, yet you get lots of hate & jealousy just for being yourself. worst part is that these individuals are VERY supportive of other women. & don’t intend to rub others off the wrong way.
venus square, opposition chiron ; i’m so sorry that you don’t feel cared for, or loved by others. or that you feel as if you can’t love others. you might yourself in a few relationships where you get hurt to understand that you don’t really need others for fulfillment or happiness. i promise it’ll get better from here 😔💘
dominant neptune energy ; you guys are adorableee 😩 i hope you guys don’t get taken advantage of because you guys are so gentle, selfless, and ditsy. i just wanna cuddle you 😡😡👊🏼💓💘💘💞💝 you angelic swine- it’s very important to ground yourself, i hope you find yourself & know who you are.
moon-jupiter, jupiter 1st ; we love hilarious individuals with golden hearts! ✨💝 very appreciative & are usually popular & well-liked.
jupiter-uranus ; cause y’all are really the type of people to laugh at random things for no reason. you’ll see a piece of toast fall off of a counter & bust 35 blood vessels 🗿 y’all are some mad expansive people, you’re definitely not afraid of change, for sure.
grand squares or people with TONS of squares in their chart ; it’s okay man. i’m one of you 😔 it must be difficult dealing with internal conflict and feeling stagnant in life—we will get through this! 💕 this placement usually makes very successful people. so please keep going. we don’t give up so easily.
having 4+ retrogrades, lots of challenging saturn aspects ; just a quick reminder...you were not a bad person in a past life 😭😭 maybe you went the wrong way in life but that doesn’t mean you were “bad” or “horrible”. if you really acknowledged the fact that you weren’t the best individual in the past, then you’re not really a bad person right? a “bad person” wouldn’t notice that they are “horrible” 👁👁 maybe you have a bit more obstacles than your peers, & that’s okay!
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grand trine/star of david ; just wanna say that life might be super easy for you. but i’m not gonna hate, i’m just gonna say congratulations 🙃😃—nah but fr💀 you guys have lots of talents & abilities you need to use to your advantage. not gonna lie, you might need to fight laziness since you do have better luck and things come easier for you. because—you’re truly blessed 🌟 activating your pattern can do so much more for you.
mars-pluto ; 💓👅💓 potentially powerful & dominant. can make an impact on others without even realizing. just wanna say i’m a huge fan, i’m super obsessed w/ you ❤️ your drive to do things is incredible. the fact that you guys can transform yourselves through your goals & ambitions is sick. & when you are angry, you can really tear someone down when you really need to. i hope it doesn’t get out of hand and stagnate your success. i really like this aspect 💥👊🏼 OH & i love how passionate you guys are. if i come in contact with a mars-pluto person, i might just 🧎🏽‍♀️🧑‍🦯 👑
capricorn risings & saturn in the 1st ; y’all are just so mature, responsible, and great providers. you guys really know how to teach other people lessons & facts. because you are the epitome of “experiencing karmic lessons”. you’ve gone through the most along with pluto 1st, scorpio risings. yet, you somehow get hated on the most? in my opinion. the fact some people think capricorn energy is “boring”, it breaks my soul apart. if you’re overall just a saturn/capricorn prominent. you deserve more love too :’)
mars in the 1st house ; my mars in the 7th house ADMIRES this placement. doesn’t mind taking the lead, playful, aggressive yet passionate. you guys don’t mind fighting for yourselves & you puts lots of your energy into yourselves. making you self/focused & constant building up who you are. it can sometimes make you controversial but, the powerful masculine energy you hold is unbearable 🔥
leo in the 10th house north node ; okay beyoncé 😳 that’s literally what i think of when i hear this placement so automatically like it 💀 imagine having the same placement as beyonce. just know that you guys are destined for greatness and recognition. & intensified if on top of having north node conjunct mc 🤭🌟
sun conjunct/trine ascendant ; *walks around you suspiciously* so you know how to express your personality, confidence naturally to others & succeed in immense popularity without constantly worrying about having to prove yourself to others? hmmm?? 🤨 so are you gonna tell me your secret or you’re just gonna leave me hangin? 😏💓
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NOT A QUESTION ABT LORE but what r everyone's fave type of music / fav artists / etc . This is very important
oooooh this is a good question and i can probably not give it as good of an answer as it deserves because i grew up in a white evangelical community /neg and was basically not allowed to listen to anything but That Kind of worship music for the first like 14-16 years of my life. so since then i have been trying to figure out how normal-people listening to music works. i still haven’t really figured it out, i’ve just found a few artists that i like and i just kind of put them on repeat and am not sure how to go about regularly finding more new things i will enjoy. like. i listened to over 11,000 minutes of lil nas x last year. (which i am very proud of actually lol.) but like, that one artist was a full tenth of what i listened to the entire year.
[ask me questions abt the backstories/lore for my if you’re going my way, i’ll go with you fic]
answers in terms of general vibes below the cut, although i do not know enough about music as a whole to give really specific examples like u asked for i am sorry 😭 (if you have opinions on what they would listen to, you are Probably Correct and also I Would Like To Hear Them) (also cw allistic ableism mention):
so obviously virgil likes emo, because that’s the law when you write fanfiction with virgil in it lol /hj probably his tastes are a lot more expansive than just emo though. like you can tell that emo is kind of where he started out from, but he’s branched out a ton since his teenage years and he likes a bunch of different genres now.
logan i think likes anything that he can use as an audio stim. stuff with big loud strong rhythmic noises. technically i have not officially made him autistic in this fic but like. probably he is lol. im dragging my feet on talking about it in the fic a little bc,,, i feel like if random people in the fic’s universe find out he is autistic, they are definitely Super fast to draw incorrect connections between his supergenius power and the savant stereotype. which is gross and which logan haaaaates so much. i vaguely have a scene in my head of him like getting really annoyed by some ableist reporter talking to him on live tv and snapping that “actually i have only been a supergenius for 2/3 of my life. i have been autistic my entire life” but also like. ughhh i don’t want to put him through that. so im on the fence about talking about it in the fic or not. but yeah i think he really really likes audio stimming and is hyposensitive to audio in general (which also is part of why he likes to process his thoughts by speaking them aloud) so he likes music with lots of Noise in it.
patton mostly listens to Music Aimed At Little Kids. like disney soundtracks etc. plus anything child-appropriate that logan listens to, bc again, logan does not treat children that differently based on their being children and sees no reason to play entirely different music than normal when patton is around.
i don’t know what janus likes to listen to but i know it is very different from the like disney soundtracks and kidz bop or whatever that patton listens to (and that janus does also listen to because patton listens to it lol) (literally nobody is making them do this but they do it anyway and then complain about it a lot) (but only when patton is not around bc they don’t want to make him think they’re upset at him about it <3). possibly he is kind of snobby about his music taste? but like in a very oh-this-person-is-definitely-in-her-mid-20s way if that makes any sense (im not sure if it does). i have the least idea of what janus’s preferred music is tbh.
remus’s music taste,, again i don’t know what it is but i do know that you can Very Clearly tell that Oh This Man Is Extremely Mentally Ill from looking at what he chooses to listen to.
roman i think has honestly mostly not been allowed to listen to music basically at all up until now. like if his parents felt like listening to music, then he would have to listen to that, but he wasn’t ever really allowed to choose music or have any way to listen to it on his own. his experience with music has been whatever other people choose to play around him and that’s about it.
yeah!! those are the vibes!! i don’t really have a ton of specific genres or artists to name im very sorry 😭 but i am super open to hearing ideas for those if anyone has any!!
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akitokihojo · 3 years
Monster - Chapter 1
And, here we go. Chapter 1 of this monstrosity (no pun intended) is now up and running below, on AO3, and on FF.net.
I'm going to be completely and 100% honest with everyone before you start reading, so please heed this warning! This first chapter is rough in the sense where it contains a bit of brutality and the death of a child. So far, this is the only gruesome chapter, and while the gore is NOT detailed, I still want my more sensitive readers to be wary.
This is the most action-packed fic I've ever written, and also the most expansive world I've ever built (in my humble opinion). With that being said, while the setting is a bit more on the historical side, there are plenty of modern references. For instance, not in this chapter but in future ones, a bathroom is just a bathroom. I don't mention plumbing or the lack thereof. My attention and energy was on more important things and I just didn't care about those details, lol. Additionally, a lot of slang, jokes, and references are fairly modern. Don't @ me (but also do). All-in-all, what I'm trying to say is I built my own damn world where there is no historical accuracy, so don't go looking for it, lol.
Unless otherwise stated, I plan to post each new chapter every Friday. So, yeah... I think that's all I've got to say.... have fun! Enjoy! Thank you for reading! Ily! Bon Voyage! Don't hate me!
The responsibility is ours.
Kagome gasped as her feet slid in the mud, the small decline of the path she and her younger brother hurried down gradually becoming more slippery as the rain began to pour harder. Through the noise of the droplets and the sloshing of their boots, she heard a slight commotion; horses’ huffs, heavy feet, and boisterous men barking orders. Initially, she’d figured it was the village men ushering their families indoors, their livestock into barns, their carts and tools under shelter, and their firewood into a dry place as the storm reared its ugly head. The sunset sky was shadowed in gloom, thunder making it’s entrance in the far distance as it was bound to be banging on their doors and windows in no time. But, at the tug of her arm by her sibling, her attention was shifted to the actual cause of it all: Naraku’s henchmen.
“Again?” She shuddered resentfully.
“Third time this month.” Sota confirmed, clenching his jaw as he slightly tugged his sister behind his smaller frame. He was perfectly aware that he was only twelve, well in the know that he stood no taller than her shoulders, but he’d be damned if he did nothing because of it.
This time, there wasn’t a hoard of them. No, there were merely four, all of which were already off of their horses on the main path through their little village, making demands and threatening anyone who got in the way of their objective.
Throughout the last four and a half years since Naraku rose as a fearsome demon that easily brought down peaceful powers and attempted to control the world Kagome knew, she’d become more than familiar with this procedure. It wasn’t until just recently that they’d started coming more often than a monthly visit, though. And, it was no secret what, or who, they were after.
Anyone of her kind, really.
She was different. She was hunted. Those like her were supposedly powerful, but matters being what they were had caused anyone who shared a similar fate to subdue their abilities to the point of total lack of recognition of their true potential. At least, that’s how it was in most cases. Because, if they were found out, they were killed on sight. The reason for it was entirely unknown. Naraku didn’t just target them, though; he made everyone’s lives hell, especially if they stood out in a supernatural manner. So, while she figured there had to be a yet-to-be-identified reason, she felt it was safe to assume it was also just because he could. Maybe he didn’t like the threat of other, similar forces that could collide against him. Maybe he was egotistical enough to think he was the only deserving being. Whatever the case, he was cruel.
Kagome’s kind had several names through the decades - so many, she hardly knew the correct term for herself. At one point, ages ago, they were called banshees. The title didn’t make sense whatsoever, given their powers and what a banshee actually was, and the story was so old that she didn’t know where the justification even stemmed from, but it caused them to be feared, and for that, she honestly wouldn’t have totally minded if the name stuck around. They were called priestesses, but then it sounded too peaceful, too practiced, and it painted them as “good.” They were called witches, mages, sorceresses, but they committed no typical magic of that sort. Kagome didn’t know a single spell, nor did she have nearly enough time in the day to pack an array of herbs, spices, and what have you into jars that were sealed with candle wax - though she had caught wind that there were some older women of her kind with the ability to curse. Now, they were called conjurers. Their abilities were that of the spirit, aiding with protection, purifying dark forces - passively or forcefully, bringing forth light, and more she was sure.
In Kagome’s unpopular opinion, given what they could do and what they supposedly stood for, priestess was more suitable a term, but she also understood that there was nothing holy about the world they lived in.
There was no birthmark of the conjurer. There was no dead giveaway of their kind. The powers were gifted at random, as far as she knew, not passed down through lineage. The only thing Naraku and his followers seemingly had to go off of was that conjurers were born female.
Sometimes, they’d conduct their mission by way of senseless inspections. They’d rip apart the insides of homes looking for all the wrong things in all the wrong places. Truthfully, with how absurd they carried themselves, it was obvious they didn’t know the telltale signs they were looking for and were wasting their time. Which was what made it clear that for them to be so clueless, even Naraku didn’t know all there was that made up a conjurer. They were ignorant and they were blind, but they were also relentless and ruthless.
The days where they singled women out were the worst. Kagome, so far, was spared that cruelty, but that didn’t make it any better. It was usually the more mature, the elderly, that received the short end of the stick.
More often than anything, they’d line up every woman and girl in town and go down the rows one-by-one, stimulating their nerves in one way or another to see if they could get a “conjurer’s reaction.” Kagome could only guess that meant a sudden surge of purification power. It was the main trait conjurers were known for; but they were going about it wrong. Screaming in their faces, threatening everyone, or jostling them around a bit wasn’t going to get the demons purified, no matter how much she wanted to toss something their way. Of course, she wasn’t going to be the one to tell them that.
Every so often, they’d come in a pack and create havoc with violence. They said it was their way to pressure people into giving up any information they might have, but in all honesty, the smiles some of the brute demons wore said they were bored and simply wanted a little entertainment. Apparently, screaming and pleading were equivalent to a musical number in their bloodlust eyes.
Their own little group of demon slayers that resided in the village helped prevent this from happening when they could, which was why the henchmen came in numbers. The demon slayers fought for a sense of control, not to kill. They would only allow so much, but belligerent violence was not an option. It was obvious that, as of late, their village was a targeted spot, one that got a little more attention than neighboring towns, and for what reason, no one knew. They didn’t have the fighting power to win that sort of fight, though, and the leader of the group of slayers was sensible enough to understand this and explain it to the masses that questioned them. They were made up of a handful of men with rigorous combat skills they didn’t learn from home, refused to take recruits below a certain age, and could only train so many at a time. As much as they’d all love to retaliate and end things for good, intuition was telling them not to in that manner. Even Kagome felt that. Deep in her gut, she knew that even if they could, killing them would only put the people of the village in a worse position. This wasn’t something that would stop by taking out the underlings. Not at all. Far from it. Anyone who was paying attention could see that they’d need to exterminate the head honcho in order for any positive difference to be made.
Unfortunately for them this time around, their little pack of demon slayers had left on a request to take care of a troublesome demon a little ways off just that morning. And, listening to the henchmen now, seeing them in their dark leather, their cloaks, feeling their dangerous energies wafting through the streets of their little town, Kagome could tell that they were going to do whatever they wanted tonight, despite the fact that it was just the four of them. It wouldn’t be horrible, and would most likely be a lineup, but they were definitely going to take their sweet time and see who they could break.
“There’s still time. They haven’t noticed you. We can hide you.” Her younger brother said, his tone more on the convicted side as opposed to suggestive. He should have known she wouldn’t have gone for it, though. So long as every other woman and girl had to stand in front of their villainous promises and vile breath, so long as her mother had to keep a straight face, Kagome would always stand there with them. She’d made a promise to her brother, her older cousin, and especially her mom that she’d never willingly out herself for no reason, but she just couldn’t bring herself to hide when everyone else had to stand through their harassment. She swore that if the demons were ever convinced an innocent was a conjurer, that was the reason to give herself over.
Never would Kagome allow another to mistakenly go down in her stead.
No one but her family knew of her powers, and until necessary, it would stay that way. According to her cousin, the more people that knew, the increased danger she was in.
“Let’s just get this over with.” She shook her head, minding her steps through the small slope of mud as she gently pulled her arm out of Sota’s grip.
“Miroku would say the same thing if he were with us.” He argued.
“Yeah, well he’s not. In fact, he’s probably getting himself into trouble by picking a fight with one of those goons.”
“Kagome, I have a bad feeling about this. Come on, just listen for once.”
“Okay,” She stopped, turning around to challenge his look. “Say something bad is going to happen. Knowing these assholes, you really think my absence will stop that?”
“No, but -“
“Right. They’re going to do something no matter what, correct?”
“Kagome -“
“And then what?”
“And then they’re wrong, but they didn’t get you.”
“How is that fair to the person they might hurt?”
“That person isn’t my sister.”
“What if it’s mom?”
Sota’s eyes slighted to the side, a heated huff leaving his lips just before he begrudgingly sealed them. His jaw clenched minutely as his head gave a little shake, brown eyes once more meeting his sibling’s. “Miroku and I will protect her.”
Kagome gave a fed up smile, sighing, rolling her eyes, and turning back on her heel to continue toward the main path. Families came out of their homes dressed in cloaks as they prepared to, once more, be harassed until Naraku’s men exhausted themselves, husbands and male relatives holding resentful expressions as they guarded their female family members until they couldn’t any longer.
“Sota, quit it. The louder you are, the more suspicious we become.” She quietly warned. Kagome heard her brother’s aggravated grumble before he jogged forward to catch up, his demeanor holding much like every other male in the village.
No one’s feet rushed toward the excitement. The tension of the town was up so dramatically that Kagome could physically feel the crushing weight of it all, the anxiety as they made their way closer to their disgusting visitors was causing her stomach to bubble and waver, and her throat constricted nervously as she and Sota finally met up with the crowd, her brown eyes scouring over shoulders to scout out her family. Sota’s hand encircled her wrist firmly, tugging her to the right as he found them and guided her over. Miroku stood tall in front of their mother, brows noticeably creased and indigo eyes straight ahead until he’d caught their movement in his peripheral vision. Immediately, his posture squared further, as if enlarging his shoulders so that he’d be able to successfully hide both Kagome and his aunt behind his frame. Her mother held out her hand for Kagome to take as soon as they were close enough, a peaceful smile unsurprisingly gracing her lips while she pulled her in, shoulder-to-shoulder. Somehow, no matter the circumstances, she always did her best to calm Kagome’s nerves with the simplest of sweet gestures. Sota took his spot before them, influenced by Miroku’s stature as he replicated it.
Allowing herself a brief moment, Kagome bowed her head further, bracing it on her older cousin’s shoulder. She shut her eyes, inhaling slowly, deeply, attempting to release her trepidation with a long and heated exhale before composing herself and straightening out.
“- But this is too much! Why the hell are you back again!? There’s no conjurer in our village! Don’t you fucking get that by now!?” A man shouted, livid, and it was evident she and her brother had missed the beginning of the argument playing out in the center of the uneven circle created by people.
“Get the fuck out of the way!” One of Naraku’s men yelled back.
“Not until you tell us why you’re back for the third time!”
“Would you rather we made ourselves at home!?” Silence from the opposing man answered his question clearly. “That’s what I fucking thought.” He spewed, and Kagome could hear the spittle fly out as he cursed. His attention returned to the general public, his tone shifting from vicious to gruff as he made his command. “Only girls ranging from ages five to twenty, line up! Now!”
Increased unsettlement coursed through the crowd, mothers and fathers clinging to their young daughters, little girls’ fearful whimpers polluting the air as they hid their faces in their parents’ legs, and even Kagome’s own mother’s hand tightened her grip as a breathy gasp left her lips - understanding that this meant her eighteen year old daughter was being sent into the fire without her. They were narrowing down, slimming the numbers, and the small smiles on the villains’ faces made Kagome assume that something last time may have tipped them off to lessen the demographic.
“What do I do?” Kagome whispered to her cousin, failing in her attempt to hide the sudden panic striking her.
“Nothing. You do nothing.” He urged quietly, shifting his head to look into his younger relative’s eyes. “Listen, Kagome, treat this like routine -“
“This isn’t routine.”
“Treat it like it is. Keep your head down.”
“If they -“
“But, they’ll -“
“Kagome, no. You made us a promise.” Miroku reminded firmly, knowing exactly where her mind was traveling. In the case of an incident, which there seemed to be a higher chance of this time around, she may need to intercede.
She took a deep breath, straightening her face as much as possible so Naraku’s men wouldn’t grow suspicious as they impatiently yelled again for the girls to gather before them. “If this means they suspect something -“
“It may just be a tactic they’re using. For all we know, they have nothing and could leave here with the same. So, treat it like routine. Okay?”
“Promise.” Sota insisted during Kagome’s silence. The mens’ barking got louder, more demanding, as did the crying of little girls being pulled away from their parents. With the building weight in her chest, like a liquid filling her lungs quickly, the density making it almost impossible to take full breaths of air or move without falling forward, all she could muster was a meager nod before forcing herself to walk out. Miroku and Sota both leaned to opposite sides to part their shoulders for her to move through, her mother’s soft hand still lightly holding her own until she was far enough for their fingers to slide away from each other’s.
At most, there were about twenty girls in that age range to offer, and Kagome’s brown eyes drifted over the uneven row of heads as she approached, finding her friend in the mix trying to calm the little girl beside her. Sango glanced her way, as if feeling Kagome’s eyes on her, giving an apprehensive grin and waving her over.
“Ready?” Kagome asked, though it was completely rhetorical. It was just habit for these things. It was unavoidable, unexpected, and overall, impossible to be ready for. But, when they bounced the question off of each other, it was like one final reminder to stone.
Sango knew. Sango and her family were the one exception to the familial rule. She was Kagome’s closest friend and Miroku’s significant other. She was more than trustworthy. And, more importantly, had known since Kagome accidentally found out, herself, as a kid. Because, that’s how it was being a conjurer. You weren’t born knowing. You didn’t have an outward appearance that proclaimed your status much like demons did. It was always an accidental happenstance; in her case where she put a little too much oomph into her bow and arrow lessons and purified the evil - and life - right out of a passing crow demon after missing her target.
She remembered the feeling of total surprise, then tremendous fear because she thought she’d be in a lot of trouble. Kagome had literally thrown her bow to the ground like the thing, itself, was the culprit of the power. Miroku was gawking, Sango was covering her mouth with both hands, and their dad’s shared an identical, tight-lipped expression. Her papa was motionless for an overwhelmingly-tense sixty seconds before shifting his wide, curious eyes to her.
“Did you know you could do that?” He’d asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, daddy.” Kagome innocently answered, but she could feel the red, hot heat in her face from her lie. She was awful at those when it came to the people she was close to. Still was to this day. Give her a stranger and she could keep it straight, but in the face of friends and family, she cracked almost too easily. It was a guilt thing.
But then he’d laughed, ruffling his little girl’s hair before reassuring her that it was okay. He said they’d just have to go about her training a little differently from that point on to make sure accidents like that didn’t keep happening, and it was only because of him, his adventurism, his accessibility to knowledge from his travels, that she even discovered what she was in the first place.
Back then, though it wasn’t quite as dangerous to exist as a conjurer, her papa had still suggested they keep her abilities under wraps. She distinctly remembered binding that with a pinky promise after Sango’s dad had a private discussion with her own. Maybe it was because Sango’s dad was even more educated with the world, and knew the potential hardships that could come her way, being the leader of the demon slayers that he was - and still is. Honestly, the reasoning was hard to determine now because she didn’t put much thought into it when she could and should have. Being the young, spunky, loyal girl that she was, if her dad wanted her to keep a secret and held out his pinky to her, that was all the reason Kagome needed, and nothing pleased her more than making her papa proud. And, when he and her uncle were fatally wounded in a demon attack on their village, even though Naraku’s name had never once yet been muttered near her ears, he still made her do one final pinky promise to him saying, “Protect yourself for me, my little bird. Keep it in its cage. I love you so much, Kagome.”
She wasn’t even a teenager when that had happened. There was a part of her that wondered here and there if he was secretly clairvoyant, or if he merely studied the patterns throughout history of people of her kind and wanted nothing more than to keep her safe and make her life as easy as possible, given the reputation they had, their ever-changing titles, and the ignorance others had of their nature. If only he knew where she was now. Would he still ask his little bird to stay in the cage while the door was wide open?
“Ready. You?” Sango returned, standing straight and allowing the little girl to cling to her leg.
“Ready.” Kagome breathed.
Those not lined up hesitantly backed away, creating space and growing agonizingly silent as they seemingly held their breaths for those that were chosen. Kagome hated when they did that. It was like she could physically feel the onlookers’ anxiety, and it was the last thing she needed on top of that of those actually subjected and her own.
The four men walked back and forth, up and down the two rows of girls, criminal eyes taunting them with silent threats and menacing grins. It was creepy, but no longer was it fear-inducing. Kagome had a bad habit of not shying away anymore. Sure, she was nervous beyond belief, but the last thing she was afraid of were their snarls, scarred and dirty flesh, and crooked teeth. That, of all things, was the least intimidating factor for those who were calloused to the routine.
But, when an abrupt instruction was given by the leader, her already-loose expectations of “routine” fell apart completely.
“Hold out your left hands, palms up!”
Confusion soared through every individual, and Kagome met Sango’s brief side glance, minutely comforted by the fact that she wasn’t the only one without a clue as to what was going on. Questions weren’t allowed though, and even the little ones were well aware of that, so as the small group of men demanded everyone shut up and do it, all outward bafflement dissipated.
Slowly, Kagome raised her left palm, her arm outstretched, swallowing as she willed the slight trembling to cease. Brown eyes searched quickly as she waited for whatever to begin, weeding through the crowd and finding Miroku already pinning her with a stare. It was wary, but hard, his jaw visibly tense.
The sound of an unsheathing blade was unmistakable, and immediately Kagome’s attention bounced to her left where the leader danced the grip of a knife in his fingers, his lips curved downward into a permanent frown. The first girl in line couldn’t have been any older than fifteen, noticeably shaking as her anxious stare bounced from the man to the blade.
A man in the crowd began shouting, stirring, pushing forward through the heap of villagers to reach the forefront, “Hey! No! What are you going to do!? That’s my daughter; what are you going to do!? Don’t you dare touch -“ Abruptly silenced by a defensive elbow to the diaphragm, gifted by an all-too-fast demon.
The young teenager shuddered, not sure what to worry about first as the leader gave her no moment to react, grabbed her hand, extended it further, and gave a small slice with the tip of his knife to the center of her palm. She winced, a whimper easily escaping her mouth from the sharp pain, tears leaking from her eyes quicker than the blood that seeped from her laceration. And then he grabbed her hand in his, sealing their palms together as he stared her in the eyes for a moment. She was utterly terrified, wanting to pull away while knowing she shouldn’t, but as nothing else happened, the man released her, murmuring to stay in line as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his blade, his hand, then moved onto the next.
Kagome’s attention snapped back to Miroku as it dawned on her, his eyes holding the same idea as he gave a steady but stern shake of his head in retort. They were looking for the untrained conjurers. The conjurers who weren’t skilled in holding back. Everyone was already scared, and the wound inflicted a heightened sense of fight-or-flight. Then their hands gripping the victims’ - their demon hands against the victims’… they were working to spark a purification reaction, and they were going about it right this time. It wouldn’t be strong enough to kill them, nothing that small or unsuspecting would be, but it would hurt - much like the notorious fairytale of a vampire taking a quick step into the sunlight before swiftly turning around and heading back inside. And, that was all they needed.
Unbeknownst to everyone but Sango and Miroku, Kagome wasn’t completely helpless. Not only was she well-versed in subduing her powers, but alternatively speaking, she could knock a guy completely on his ass. She’d practiced. She’d practiced for hours at a time for several years now to see what she could do, what sort of strength she possessed, all on the far outskirts of the village, hiding near caves with only her friend and cousin who'd agreed, despite promises and secrets, that they all should try to be prepared for anything. By no means was she an expert, but she could handle her own for the most part and a situation like this was something she’d been well-conditioned for, for quite some time now.
Especially since she’d first received that message in a dream.
The responsibility is ours.
Whatever it meant, no matter how bleak it felt, it was a no-brainer that Kagome couldn’t go on without some sort of knowledge of her own potential.
She took a shallow breath, diverting her gaze to the goon before her as he happily took out his own blade, the other two following suit as they set out to narrow the time this was going to take. He stepped forward, grasping the wrist of the frightened and resistant girl beside Sango, who Sango had to hush into calming, telling her it would be done quickly. When nothing gratifying came from the occurrence, the man moved on to Sango, pinning her with a glare that she challenged right back. She hardly flinched at the slice of her skin, brown eyes never leaving the demonic ones of her assailant. When she shrugged a brow as he clasped their hands together, Kagome could practically see the heat rising in the man’s body language, quickly fuming from how audacious Sango was acting - which Kagome couldn’t help but respect, not knowing if the chuckle she forcefully swallowed was one of matched humor or nervousness.
The man threw Sango’s hand to the side, merely wiping her blood from his palm and blade on his pants before vehemently grabbing Kagome’s and extending her arm completely, bringing an inadvertent gasp to escape her throat. As the tip of his knife pierced her palm, dragging slowly to create a burning gash - one larger than Sango’s, so she suspected her nonchalant pass of amusement wasn’t as admissible as she’d thought - Kagome couldn’t stop the hiss that slid off her tongue, her brows creasing and jaw dropping as crimson dripped from her hand to the mud. With a clap, he pressed his palm to hers, fingers squeezing her small hand with unmitigated pressure. She felt a flurry in her abdomen, her diaphragm, her chest, warmth that drove her power, and that was her cue to hold her breath, to pretend everything was fine, to tell herself she was safe and trick her mind when she really wasn’t. She pretended she was holding Sota’s hand - the first person that came to mind, and the least intimidating one that she knew. Sota as an adult whose hand was finally bigger than hers. She couldn’t help but feel this was a huge insult to her younger brother, so she subconsciously apologized as she continued her visualization. It was like a lump built in her throat, the kind that grew too difficult to swallow, but she also felt completely in control, returning the man’s stare before he dropped her hand and moved onto the girl beside her.
“Shh,” Sango gently hushed the small child. “Everything’s fine now, but you have to stay quiet. Give me your hand.”
Kagome slowly let out her captive breath, the air she sucked in to replace it cold and not the least bit comforting despite the danger she’d evaded. She kept her palm face up but closer to her heart, cradling it for a moment as she tried to ignore the searing pain, diverting her attention to Sango and the kid. Her best friend was already looking up at her, using the long sleeve of her shirt to clean the blood from the girl’s hand and apply pressure so it’d stop bleeding, never minding the bleeding of her own palm. Thankfully, it only looked to be a little knick, and Kagome wondered if the creep of a demon that had handled them secretly had a soft spot for children.
“You okay?” Sango silently mouthed to Kagome. She nodded in reply, picking up the bottom hem of her own shirt and pressing it to her wound.
A sudden, deep, and broken yell punched through the air as one of the demons stumbled away, his hand yanked back, fingers furled in offense, and face twisted in rage. A little girl shrieked as he lunged forward, grabbing her by the collar of her cloak and pulling her out of the line, her feet stumbling to keep up as she cried apology after apology.
No. Conjurers weren’t common; now more than ever. How could there be two in one village? Especially one as small as theirs? How could there be more than one not even miles apart? How did Kagome not know? Didn’t conjurers have the ability to sense one another? She’d only assumed that was the case because of the seemingly-prophetic dreams she’d been having; because of the woman that had been coming to her in those very dreams. It was a weak hypothesis to go off of, but it was the only answer that made sense to Kagome. But, now there was a child being dragged into the center of where the town congregated, begging and pleading for her life while her mother screamed from the sidelines where she was being held at bay, and Kagome was none the wiser to her existence.
She wanted to yell that they were wrong, but how could they have been? It was a physical test. The accidental reaction of her powers was a dead giveaway. They couldn’t even lie their way out of this, or pretend the allegation was false. She was a conjurer. And they were about to kill her.
Kagome’s heart twisted and bunched painfully, that hard lump once more building in her throat, a murmured, “no,” barely leaving her parted lips, and her brown eyes caught a pleased grin on the approaching leader’s face that, just moments ago, seemed stuck in a scowl. He twirled his dagger in his fingers before kneeling down in front of the weeping girl.
“Found you.” He snickered, plunging the blade into her abdomen.
“No!” Kagome gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth in shock. The village was alight with terror, screams, cries, the rumble of defeat, the wailing of a grieving mother striking over all other sounds. Still, she was withheld from her little girl, reaching for her over the shoulder of the unforgiving demon who kept her away.
The knife was yanked free of the girl’s gut and she fell to her knees, her hands braced before her stomach as crimson crawled out, staining the front of her rain-soaked dress. Small hands weakly pressed into her abdomen, the wide look of horror, of pain, of fear etched into every inch of her expression as she gasped tremblingly. All too easily, the leader stood and walked away, not an ounce of remorse displayed.
“She was… she was just a kid.” A sympathetic village man stated morosely. “She wasn’t even ten yet.”
“She wasn’t dangerous!” Another testified.
“Would you like to be next?” A demon threatened, thinking his raised voice would retain order.
Kagome could hardly breathe, tears burning and brimming at her lower lid. All she could think to do was try to stop the bleeding, try to save the child, her feet moving on their own accord as she rushed out of line. Beyond the anger building in the crowd, the yelling growing louder, and the intense disturbance increasing rapidly and overwhelmingly, Kagome heard her name called multiple times. But, she couldn’t bring herself to listen, to stop, as she skidded to her knees in the mud, her arms catching the little girl as she fell forward. Her mother was finally freed, racing over and falling to the ground at her child’s side, helping through her weeping to lay her on her back.
“It’s okay, baby. Mommy’s here.” She soothed as best as she could, hovering over her daughter's face so the rain wouldn’t hit it, shaking fingers pushing sopping hair from her cheeks.
Kagome grabbed the length from the girl’s cloak that stuck out on her side, bunching it and pressing firmly into the wound. The choked gasp that came from the kid was agonizing, and Kagome apologized profusely, blinking away her own tears as she whipped her head around to take in the rousing group of people, fury evident in their tones, in their bodies, as they returned threats with the offending demons.
“Where’s the doctor!?” Kagome asked as loudly as she could, her soaked, dark hair whipping her in the face as she spun her head around to try and find their town's self-proclaimed physician. “Help! We need help!”
“He isn’t here; he left for herbs yesterday.” Sango informed as she dropped down beside Kagome.
“And he still isn’t back!?”
“The storm must have delayed him.” Sango shook her head in response, her brows creased together as she glanced over her shoulder to quickly mind the budding commotion before turning her worried expression back toward the crying child. “What can I do? How can I help?”
“I don’t - I don’t know.” Kagome stammered, her breathing growing heavier as she panicked, noticing the blood was barely halting, the stain in the girl’s dress expanding and absorbing through the cloth she pressed against the wound.
“Apply pressure!” Miroku instructed when he slid to his knees in the mud on their opposite side, careful of the girl’s mother.
“I am!” Kagome cried.
“Stay with me, baby! Stay with me! I’m right here, look at me!” The woman coo’d, sniffling and gasping with her tremors while the comforting smile never left her lips.
“Hey! Leave her! Let her die, or we’ll kill you too!” One of the vile men demanded, though his shouts went ignored, easily drowned out by the encroaching, enraged men who finally appeared fueled enough to physically challenge them. Kagome could only hope they’d hold the demons back so they’d have the chance to save her.
“Here, let me see!” Miroku pushed Kagome’s shaking hands away, pulling aside the cloth of the cloak to take a peek at the wound in her stomach. Kagome had to look away then, the sight of the thick blood seeping through too much to handle. Instead, she focused her attention on the little girl, crawling up to hold her cold, bleeding hand.
Scared, pained, blue eyes focused on Kagome as she took shuddering breaths, her chest convulsing slightly as her small voice broke with her cries. Little fingers softly gripped her hand in return, and the tiniest of smiles curved her lips upward, light beginning to dim from her irises.
“Miroku!” Kagome urged. She glanced back at him and noticed the hopeless expression on his face. One that claimed there was nothing anyone could do. Her heart dropped, a nauseating weight filling her stomach. Quickly, she turned back to the little girl, leaning an inch closer. “Kikyo and the other conjurers, they’re gonna win, okay? We’re gonna win. I promise.”
“You! What did you just say!?” Heavy steps sloshed in the mud toward them, his voice low, growling, dangerous.
Kagome had spoken up to be sure the girl had heard her over the yelling, but she hadn’t realized that it could have been heard by anyone else. She didn’t think about the ramifications. She didn’t think. She’d just wanted to fill the child with some form of final hope. What was wrong with that? Was it the fact that she’d said Naraku would fall?
She’d hardly had enough time to turn and react before she was grabbed by the hair and lifted to her feet, yelping as she was dragged back and away.
“You mentioned Kikyo!” He exclaimed, giving a forceful yank as Kagome loudly gasped from her constant stumbling, the pain on her scalp, the fear racing through her. In the thick of it, she’d forgotten Kikyo wasn’t a person who was widely known. She’d forgotten Kikyo was a secret beacon of hope to the surviving conjurers, who appeared in dreams and spoke in riddles.
“No!” Was all she could manage to reply, screamed brokenly, heard clearly throughout the number of villagers around as the action died down and all attention was on them.
“How do you know her!?”
She yelped again, forcefully pulled backward and released to only trip and fall over some tools.
“Tell me, wench!” He demanded, picking Kagome up by her throat and slamming her back against the wall of a home.
“I don’t!” She adamantly swore, still able to speak. His grip was there, but not choking.
“Liar!” He said, slapping her hard across the face. “How do you know Kikyo!?”
“I heard of her in passing!” Kagome cried, wincing from the sting before she was forced to look at him again.
“I find that hard to believe.” He growled, inching closer to her face. His hold on her throat tightened, cutting off air, thick fingers pinching painfully into the sides of her neck. “Where is she?”
“I - I don’t know.” She sputtered, wheezed, her tears hot as they glided down her face. The rain was nothing but a drizzle now, though the distant sound of thunder roared angrily. She was both cold and hot, her lungs begging for air as his hand pushed further against her windpipe.
“Stop it! Let her go!” Miroku barked, and his presence was just enough to distract Naraku’s henchman and cause him to release some tension from her throat. Kagome greedily sucked in as much air as she could, though he still constricted his fingers against her. It was like breathing through a straw.
Her cousin stood there, dark hair sticking to his temples, bloodied hands braced before him as if to reason. “She doesn’t know anything; she just told you!”
“Oh, another tough guy?” A demon behind him chuckled. “A little scrawny for that, don’t you think?”
“You have me wrong, I don’t want to fight. Release my cousin, and we’ll back away peacefully. She meant no harm.”
“The harm was done when she stepped out of place to save the girl!”
“She was a child!”
“She’s a conjurer! She has no place in this world!”
“She did! She did have a place in this world, and we all know it!”
“You best shut the fuck up, boy.” The leader said from the sidelines. “Word may carry that you’re on their side. Now, you wouldn’t want that. Would you?”
“Tell him to let go of her.” Miroku sternly ordered.
“Back off.”
“Let her go!”
“Suit yourself. Have some fun.” Their leader flicked a finger at the two other demons, allowing them to do as they pleased.
Miroku hissed a low, “Fuck,” before dodging a hit from one of the two demons enclosing in on him. He was able to throw one of his own, nailing an ugly bastard in the face before he was grabbed from behind, bulky arms wrapping under and over his shoulders to hold him in place. The other demon was eager while he arrogantly approached in front of him, smiling as he punched Miroku in the stomach.
“Stop! Miroku!” Kagome squirmed against her own offender’s grasp, her instincts beginning to kick in as she felt a wild sensation build in her veins. Something righteous whispered the power she held in her ear, told her to use her abilities to save her cousin, further fueling the heat that made her forget about the nip in the air.
“Kagome, don’t!” Miroku coughed, pinning her with his indigo gaze before his eyes pinched shut from a swift hit to his diaphragm, blood dribbling over his bottom lip and down his chin.
Control sucked Kagome back to the present, the earnest crackle of Miroku’s voice ringing in her ears and overpowering the one that told her to fight. The grip against her throat tightened again, closing off her air passage as red eyes turned back to her, the lines of his frown deep.
“Don’t, what?”
Kagome wasn’t sure if he actually expected an answer or not, but he’d made it physically impossible. She clawed her nails along the thick skin of his large hand, trying to pry him away so she could breathe. It was dire that she didn’t use her powers; she understood this. But, as the adrenaline raced violently through her body, it was growing increasingly harder to keep it subdued. She’d be killed in a heartbeat; she’d already witnessed their unforgiving lack of hesitation. Her mother and younger brother would have to watch. Her cousin, too. She’d promised everyone she would protect herself, and she'd promised herself that she would protect them. Above all that, a different, deeper, more rational voice spoke to her, drowning out the one that told her to take action just a moment ago, telling her that her fight was meant for somewhere else. Something bigger. She could practically feel the breath hitting her ear, urging her of the importance. It told her to swallow it, hold it at bay, keep it buried no matter how badly it burned for release at the underside of her flesh. Keep it in its cage.
Finally, the demon released his tight hold on her neck, opting to firmly grip the front of her shirt. His upper lip twitched in disdain while Kagome sputtered, and coughed, and gasped for air to fill her lungs.
“Don’t, what?” Naraku’s henchman repeated, this time a little lighter, and it was impossible to miss that he was visibly analyzing for any sort of body language that could tip him off.
“Fight.” Kagome attempted to say, though her voice came out incredibly raspy and broken.
“Like I’d be worried about what a girl as small as you could possibly do to me. Unless,” He cocked a brow. “I’d have a reason to worry. Unless, you’re a conjurer.”
She shook her head, scared to look away from him, hyperaware of any movement she made in that moment. She was absolutely terrified of letting him know she was lying, but what if her stiffness was what told him the truth? What if the vehemence behind her objection was exactly what he needed to convict her? Where was the happy medium? Was there one? Kagome’s bottom lip quivered, resisting the impulse to glance Miroku’s way when he continuously coughed, the sound slightly gurgled, scared the shift in her eyes would be mistaken for something else.
“How else would you know who Kikyo is?”
“I - I h-heard of her in p-passing.” Kagome said, still unable to use her voice, and she wondered if the strangulation was enough to damage her vocal cords or if her anxiety was the cause of it. “I-In a nearby town. By - by the r-river.”
The demon yanked her forward and slammed her back against the wall, the back of her head smacking the wood painfully. “Are you a fucking conjurer, wench!?”
“No!” Kagome wheezed, releasing her own hold on his fist to emphatically present the blunt cut on her palm to him before she repeatedly smacked it against his forearm, smearing hers and the little girl’s blood, showing him the exact reaction - or lack thereof - they were looking for in coming today in the first place.
“Let - let her go.” Miroku was on his knees, breathing impaired, holding his side with one hand while the other braced his weight in the mud. “She’s not a conjurer. She’s not. She can hardly even hunt. I have to take her everywhere. There’s no way anyone that knows her would believe she’s one of them.”
“Being a conjurer doesn’t have anything to do with hunting, boy!” One of them spit.
“Well, how the hell would anyone know!?” Sango shouted from the side, still seated on her knees beside the child. Her cheeks were flushed furiously, and her hands were held out inches from her chest, palms up, covered in blood that she was afraid would never wash off. Their attempts were in vain and the mother wept, clinging to her little girl, her face buried in her daughter’s still chest. “Conjurers are practically going extinct; you’re all winning! We don’t know what they can do! They probably don’t know what they can do! Conjurers either have to hide to save their lives, or they don’t even know they are one yet!”
For a brief second, Kagome allowed herself to glance beyond Sango’s head, finding her family. Her mother’s hands were cupped in front of her mouth, trembling as she never removed her eyes from her daughter. Her brow was creased deeply, concern etched so thick you’d think an artist may have been too heavy with their pen. Kagome couldn’t tell if her mom was breathing slowly, or if she was holding her breath. She couldn’t tell if her mom was saying a silent prayer, or if words could barely form in her mind as she had no choice but to watch the scene unfold. Her mother had to witness a daughter torn away from another; a daughter who held the same, supernatural fate as her own. Kagome could only imagine the stress that currently laced her mom’s system.
Before her stood both her brother and Sango’s, Sota bearing a wide expression, neck tense and lips parted uncertainly, and Kohaku wearing a more cautious grimace, watching apprehensively. Knowing her onlookers were nervous, worried, should have been the very thing to cause Kagome to proceed carefully, but instead it served as the switch that flicked on in her head. She was tired of living like this, done with the dreadful thought that this was their normal. This wasn’t going to continue.
She’d been waiting for a sign, waiting for her cue. Bags were packed and weapons were stored in a hiding place where they’d been training outside of the village. Miroku, Sango, and she had discussed a while ago that they were going to eventually leave together and find the called-upon conjurers, and join Kikyo to fight against Naraku. It was their - the conjurers’ - responsibility. As much as she wanted to know why, pleaded with the apparition of this seemingly all-powerful conjurer time and time again for an answer, at this point it was no longer deemed necessary. Not anymore. Kagome figured she’d hear this magical invitation telling her when and where - which was farfetched but a fair assumption given she barely had anything to go off of. She even thought she might have to wait a while longer until she was stronger, more trained in her capabilities, before Kikyo gave her some form of clear signal instead of these ominous, detail-lacking prophecies in her subconscience that she was currently getting every other night. But now a tick in her core, an itch in her chest, a steady deepening in her resolve told her the time was now. Screw waiting, screw messages, screw rolling over, screw self-pity, and screw Naraku. If he wanted a fight, if this was his initiation all along, his declaration of war, then he was finally going to get one.
“If that’s the case, bitch, then what were you telling the girl?” The demon holding her collar jerked her slightly to demand her attention, receiving it with vexation.
“I,” Kagome took as stable a breath as she could, her throat aching and voice pathetically weak, clearly evident now that it was due to the ruthless strangling she’d received. “I told her Kikyo would kill Naraku.”
“And, why the fuck would you say that?” He asked, almost surprised at her bold statement.
“I wanted her to go with hope, not fear.”
He guffawed, his chest pumping. “You don’t actually believe that!”
Without hesitation, as straight as she could manage while she halted his laughter, Kagome replied, “Yes. Yes, I do.”
His smile faded quickly, humor replaced with anger as his fists bunched tighter and he heatedly pulled Kagome away from the wall and threw her to the floor. Kagome landed on her front, quickly pressing herself to her hands and knees just before he pushed her belly down, her wrists sliding and giving out so the side of her face planted in the mud.
“Kagome -“ Her cousin called, stumblingly crawling her way before another demon kicked him in the side he’d been clutching, a tiny crunch being heard just as Miroku choked in pain.
“Miroku, stop! I’m fine!” She attempted to say clearly, a foot braced on her back.
“Enough.” The leader stated. “Everyone back in line. We haven’t finished yet.”
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” A man asked disbelievingly. “You don’t think you’ve done enough damage already!? Get the fuck out!”
“Yeah, get out of here!” Other villagers began to call out, joining in. “You aren’t welcome here! You’re only taking advantage because our demon slayers are gone!”
“You think that matters?” The leader chuckled. “Go ahead. Revolt. Fight back. Make us leave. See how quickly your entire village will be wasted the next time around. You see four of us and think you stand a chance. You see a large group of us and think you’re safe because you’ve got a little pack of demon slayers protecting you. Funny, that’s never stopped our inspections before, so I don’t see why you think that’d stop us now. Either way, not a single one of you would be left alive if we brought a fraction of the wild demons under Naraku’s control, and he wouldn’t bat an eye if we borrowed them to kill you all. In fact, that’s already in the plan if we don’t check in. You kill us all, congratulations, but you’ll be worse off. Compared to him, we’re the most compassionate monsters you’ll ever meet, and I suggest you learn to appreciate that. Now, get your girls back in line.”
“It’s okay, papa.” An older girl spoke. Kagome couldn’t see from where she lay, but she recognized the seventeen year-old’s voice. Ayumi. She was soft-spoken normally, but also fairly brave and kind. The only child of a widowed father, and a girl, like the rest of them, forced to grow up too soon.
Ayumi walked forward, having backed away from the rowdiness with the majority of the girls who hadn’t run back to the safety of their parents. Notching her chin upward, she raised her left palm, “Let them finish. They won’t seem so big forever.”
“Bold girl.” The demon complimented.
“Yeah. The more I find myself hoping the conjurers win, the bolder I feel.”
“Careful, now. You’ll wind up getting yourself killed.”
“Looks like being female might just get me killed, anyway. So, I might as well go down confident that Naraku is the true evil here, and evil never wins.”
“What a disgusting cliche.” He groaned. “Grow a brain and come up with something original before you spew that sort of shit. It’s embarrassing. Look, I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but as the chick over there stated, we already are. We’re winning. Now, I won’t argue that we’re the bad guys here, but at this point in time, that doesn’t really matter.”
Ayumi swallowed thickly, eyes faltering downward for the smallest moment before she rose them to meet the red eyes of Naraku’s henchman. As sickeningly as that notion sat in her esophagus, Ayumi felt it would be worse if she’d sunken her shoulders at the validity of their power. By no means was she strong, and by no means was she actually all that courageous. Ayumi, true to heart, was a daydreamer, was a fantasy-enthusiast, was a soft, sweet, and hopeful wisher, was tired, was passive. So, while she could admit her stare wasn’t striking, her irises would never be vivid with the passionate heroism she dreamed about, her lips would never curve with a compelling and threatening snarl, she could also admit that just the act of matching his gaze was all she needed to do to defy defeat. With chapped lips parting, not a waver traveling over her tongue, she spoke. “Yes, it does.”
“Yes, it does.” Another girl agreed, approaching to stand beside Ayumi.
“The world hasn’t always been this way. Naraku only grew large less than five years ago.” A woman said, a mother, holding her fearful daughter in her arms. Several more girls got back in line, their shoulders a little more broadened than before. “I find it appalling how arrogant you all have gotten in such a short time. I assure you, conjurer, demon, human, or anything in between, I’d give them my trust sooner than I’d yield to the idea of life staying like this. Good and evil, the difference will always matter. So, yes. Yes, it does.”
“Inspirational.” One of Naraku’s demons remarked sarcastically, cringing.
“Hey, whatever blows your skirt up, lady.” The leader shrugged. “You can believe whatever you want. No sweat off my back. Funny enough, I’d put down all the money in my pockets right now to bet not a single one of them would return that trust, nor would they risk their lives to save you. I mean, not to play devil’s advocate or anything, but look at the twisted circumstances. What the fuck have you done to help them? Human’s are selfish; only looking out for themselves. You hate us showing up because you don’t want us to hurt you. It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with us hunting down conjurers, and it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with that little girl on the ground over there. If it did, you would have never watched it happen. If it did and it was just the ‘shock factor’ holding you back, you still would have done a little more than yell at us about how unfair it was. Oh, cry me a fucking river.” He grinned, stepping over to the first girl in the newly-formed line. There were less than half left that hadn’t been tested, and he got straight to work, unforgivingly slashing at the pre-teen’s palm and slapping his own to hers as he continued his heartless speech. “Even better, there’s two of your own on the floor, both of them getting quite the beating, and not a single fucking one of you did a damn thing to help. I understand the lad; that’s his - er - sister? Cousin? And, I mean, at least the chick tried to help the conjurer survive. I’ll give them kudos, but I think I speak for all of us non-humans when I say fuck the rest of you egotistical pricks. Oh no, my child might have a scar on her hand. Oh no, more trauma.” The leader mocked, his tone high and whiney. “Yeah, well, at least they’re not dead in the mud like little Suzie over there.”
There was a collective gasp from the audience at the harsh and morbid insensitivity. Still, no one challenged him. Someone should have, and no one said a thing.
Kagome tasted bile on the back of her tongue from the disgusting sentiments plaguing the thick, electric air. How cruel. She wanted to open her mouth and beg him to stop and just finish his job already, force her broken voice out to demolish his train of thought and hope he doesn’t mention the death for the remainder of his stay. The only thing stopping her was Miroku’s steady stare on her. It held more power than an order from his mouth to stay quiet ever could. With a foot on her back as a warning for more damage, the impending threat that he would easily be hurt again, and the fact that she’d said enough as it was, no matter how bold she felt in the face of this evil, she knew she was meant to face the source. She could only do that alive. So, begrudgingly, she obliged to his logical demand.
If they wanted them to finish, they needed to stop fighting. They needed to shut up. A double-edged sword. Like bowing their heads to the abuse. Enabling it. Allowing it so it ends quicker.
Kagome could feel her palms burning in the mud, a sense of humiliating defeat flooding her chest, making her feel sick to her stomach. She kept her eyes on Miroku, he kept his eyes on her. She tried to raise the volume of her thoughts, no matter how negative they were, to tune out the gasps and muffled cries of the young girls as they received the cut to their palms for testing.
How could she hold any form of power, yet still feel so powerless? How could she have the privilege of a voice, but feel so irrevocably silenced? She wanted to believe she could save everyone there if she just untied the knots concealing her abilities, but it physically pained her to understand that it was the wrong thing to do. It would be counterintuitive. It would wind up getting them all killed later. She could fight, but she also couldn’t.
“And, there you have it.” The leader finished by wiping his knife clean and slipping it back into the little holster on his hip, the hint of pride and sarcasm on his tongue. “Thank you so much for your cooperation and understanding. We’ll be seeing you.”
The demon holding Kagome down applied a small kick of pressure as he lifted off of her, chuckling as his dirty boots stuck in the mud with each step away.
There was an eerie silence, one that grew more deafening as the henchmen took their horses and disappeared from the village. It was heavy, thick, like sludge. Weighted with failure and death. Even the cries from the mother were muted. For a moment, Kagome thought that instead of drowning out the pained noises with her own thoughts, her brain had responded late to her distress by completely disabling her sense of hearing instead. But, she could hear the stickiness of the mud as she peeled herself from the ground to sit on her knees. She could hear feet slowly walking - most likely children rejoining their families. She could hear the thunder threatening them of the next onslaught of rain to come. The silence that captivated them was one that couldn’t be lifted with a simple, “Thank god that’s over.” No one could make it dissipate by asking if everyone was okay. Because, it didn’t matter.
And, that was something everyone, even the young, could recognize.
The small talk that would eventually come when everyone was back in their homes, the whispers, the crying, and maybe even tiny chuckles from people trying to find the little joys to get them through this, they would all be irrelevant. Because, outside there would be a blanket of despair thicker than the friction-inducing clouds hanging over them at this very moment, and it promised them there that it would stick around as long as it needed to.
“Hey,” A soft voice spoke in Kagome’s ear, a gentle, cold hand brushing her arm, and it was only when she gasped and jerked upright that she realized she’d been hanging her head, sights stuck on her hands on her thighs. “Sh, sh. It’s just me.” Her mother reassured, kneeling beside her and using her sleeve to try and wipe her face clean of some clumpy mud. “Are you alright, honey?”
Out of sheer reaction, she gave a meager nod.
“Look at me, Kagome. Look at me. Tell me you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.” Kagome said as convincingly as possible. When Miroku groaned, catching her mother’s attention and even her own, she was happy to have the focus off of her. Kohaku and Sango were beside him, trying to sit him up, freezing as he struggled.
“Come on, boy. Let’s get you home.” A couple, larger village men came over, better suited to help. One of them firmly clasped his hand in Miroku’s, quickly pulling him up to his feet so the pain wouldn’t be dragged out. Her cousin hissed at the shock, clenching his throat to try and swallow his grumble, and the two men supported him by pulling his arms over their shoulders.
“Can you stand?” Kagome’s mother asked.
“Yeah.” She whispered, not wanting to irritate her throat further and finding no real need to speak up right now. “I’m fine, mama. Don’t worry about me. Miroku needs your attention more.”
“Even if that were true, he’s kind of surrounded. I don’t think I’m needed there, love.” She replied, grabbing her by her elbow to support her as they stood together. “Sota, take her other side, please. Just in case.”
“Wait.” A broken voice called to them, trembling but by no means weak.
They all stopped just two steps in, looking over to the mother on the ground. Her daughter’s body, from head to toe, was covered by a long cloak belonging to one of the villagers beside her now, attempting to give comfort.
“Kikyo? Is that what you’d said? Kikyo?” She asked Kagome.
As clearly as she could, with a little nod of her head as she processed the question, Kagome said, “Yes.”
“Who is that?”
Kagome could feel the tension in her brow falter as the sympathetic, concerned curve in them wilted away to change more into dubiousness. “You - you don’t…” She didn’t know who Kikyo was. Even her own mother knew who Kikyo was. Her mom was the first to hear about her dreams before she started discussing them with the rest of her family. Had her daughter not had the same messages coming to her? Or, was she so confused, so distraught from them all, that she chose secrecy over being seen as insane?
“She’s a conjurer.” Kagome answered.
“Is she - is she a strong conjurer?”
“I think so.”
“I’m sorry, did your daughter never mention anything about Kikyo?” Sango carefully asked.
“N-no. Why would she?”
“We were just under the impression that she may have been sending survivors telepathic signals of sorts.” She said.
“That’s preposterous.” A man scoffed.
“Maybe. We heard it in passing. From an old man, no less.” Miroku said, discomfort laced in his tone.
“What - what could she possibly have had to say to a little girl?” The mother asked, her bottom lip quivering while her hand rested on her daughter’s chest.
“I’m sorry. I wish I knew.” The words were painful to speak. Not from her throat, but from the fact that she had to lie to a woman who’d had her everything stolen from her. A woman who, more than anyone, deserved the truth.
When she’d said what she’d said about Kikyo before, the little girl had muttered something in return before the demon tore Kagome away. It seemed like she was about to ask who Kikyo was. Kagome was sure now that the kid didn’t know. She hadn’t had the dreams, the premonitions, the one-sided conversations, nothing. She hadn’t had any communication with Kikyo, whatsoever. Maybe Kikyo was kind to exclude the young, and only spoke to the older, potentially more conditioned conjurers.
Or, maybe there was a possibility that Kagome was the only one.
And, it terrified her.
“Will she win? Kikyo? Will she defeat Naraku?” The crying mother asked.
Kagome was finding it hard to reply, to communicate. Her throat was tightening up as she watched the woman’s body begin to crumble once more toward her little girl’s; like she needed to be connected with her to prevent her from going cold. She could feel her eyes stinging, tears brimming, her fingers quaking and legs growing weak. Her cheeks felt hot and her chest wouldn’t allow a full breath of air - only unsteady, unmatched, quick puffs that burned. A hot hand slid into her right, her brother’s fingers tightening their grip, but she couldn’t control her body enough to grab it back.
“I refuse to believe otherwise.” Sango answered confidently.
The mother now sobbed, nodding in acknowledgment as she weeped over the covered body of her daughter. “Thank you.”
Kagome wanted to apologize profusely. For failing to protect her. For failing to try to protect her. For her loss. For the chance she was never given to learn to defend herself. For the silence she had to keep. The guilt was so heavy on her shoulders, she was ready to give in in front of them all, but the hand in hers pulled her back, made her move.
More villagers were moving toward the mother and child to help comfort while they removed the body, and that was the prime opportunity to get Kagome out of there. Sota could tell from the moment it started that she was going to break down, maybe even panic. He knew his sister, he knew the signs, he understood the stress she was under, and he wanted nothing more than to get her away and help her as best as he could. So, he disregarded everyone else and began pulling Kagome ahead. Miroku would have to move at a slower pace, Sango and Kohaku would stick by him and the men that helped, and he figured their mom would respect that they needed a moment of peace where they weren’t under more eyes than necessary.
Sota ignored the broken utterances of his name that came from his sister, he ignored the threatening weather, and he ignored anything that could potentially get in his way. He directed Kagome around their house, to the back, and toward the tree line of the woods. Three trees in past the shrubbery bush, on the opposite side of the trunk, Sota found the rope ladder to the treehouse their dad had built them hanging. Holding it steady, he released Kagome’s hand.
“Come on. Climb.”
-> | next chapter |
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lionofstone · 2 years
book of boba fett didn’t hook me in as immediately as the mandalorian did but i am still definitely looking forward to the next episode! i think there’s a few reasons why it didn’t resonate with me as much (mainly that although i like star wars a lot, there’s a lot of lore that i don’t know & it’s also been a long time since i watched the prequel trilogy—or even the original trilogy—so my boba fett knowledge is far from fresh or complete). i do feel kind of bad that it’s going to be so consistently compared to the mandalorian though, bc boba fett does have an established fanbase who deserve to be excited about this character without comparison
another, largely unrelated, point, something i really enjoy about both of these shows is the pacing. i like that it feels a little slower, giving us time to process character and emotion. like i said, my boba fett knowledge is limited, so i really enjoyed seeing the flashbacks about jango & hovering over how that is still effecting him. the limited dialogue and long, expansive shots is really refreshing and makes it feel generally more immersive imo
one more thing that i think might be an unpopular opinion: I didn’t specifically care about knowing how boba got out of the sarlacc pit… like, it was enough for me to know that he did cause he’s a badass. am i complaining that it was shown to us? no, not specifically, especially as the events immediately following seem like they’re going to be important, i was just surprised that 1) that’s where the story started and 2) that tonnes of people seem to be excited about that bc they were curious about it. not really a negative at all, just an observation lol
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Mayans Season 3
Soooooooooooooooo I have a lot of thoughts. Like, a lot. No one asked for this but some of you did express enthusiasm when I told you I was gonna go AWF, so here we go.
DISCLAIMER: I should perhaps also mention that this is simply a critique of the finished product — I understand, of course, there were other issues that affected the production of the season that perhaps didn’t affect seasons one and two, such as Covid and some of the confusion after the departure of Sutter. Some might say, however, that this season without Sutter was easier because there was less tension on set (I’m just re-counting what some of the cast have intimated). Ultimately, though, I really just want this to be a critique of the finished product, in the way that I assume all creators and artists want their work to be judged… Standing alone versus as a potential outcome of problems or challenges.
It’s probably clear by now that I wasn’t a huge fan of this season, so first I’ll start off with what I did like:
• The cinematography was really nice. We got a lot of great wide shots that made us feel how expansive these worlds are, how lonely the desert, how wide the ocean, etc. They showed us the freedom that comes with this life but also how small it can make you feel when you get swallowed up in it. Scenes were also a lot less dark-lit, which was great cuz I didn’t have to mess with my screen’s contrast as much, so that was appreciated.
• There was also some beautiful color work this year. A lot of oranges and purples that I appreciated. EZ was almost always beautifully framed. We got some nice close ups of Angel as well. The scene with the tear running down his cheek was beautiful, which leads me to:
• THE ACTING: Danny Pino was far and away the best for me. His microexpressions, his ability to change emotions on a dime, his capacity for showing us the exact thoughts going through Miguel’s head, as well as his continued excellence at portraying Miguel’s duality and his divided loyalties (his family of origin vs. his current family, his American vs. Mexican heritage, his classy Cornell acapella-singing [!] self vs. his ruthless cartel persona) never ceases to impress me. Carla is amazing as well, she gave me chills in pretty much every scene. Sometimes I remember that she’s my age (30) and I’m just like holy shit, where did all this poise and presence and focus come from?? Couldnt be me! Honorable mentions include Clayton Cardenas (aforementioned crying scene, “WHERE THE FUCK IS RAMOS?!”), Michael Irby/Alexandra Barreto (diner scene), Felipe (telling Gaby to go scene...most scenes with Gaby), Emily Tosta, and Holland Roden. Richard Cabral did great too, although his storyline bored me so much that I couldn’t really pay attention to his excellent performance. Hope also was a distraction for me, but (much) more on this later. JD was pretty strong throughout, although some of his scenes (especially the ones with Gaby) were so poorly written that I imagine it was hard to make them anything but wooden (more on this later too, unfortunately). Sulem was hit or miss for me, but I felt like she hit her stride later in the season, and by the end, I fully bought it. MOMO RODRIGUEZ made me feel everything. There was a nuance and a depth to his performance that I was not expecting. It was a beautiful surprise to have a comic character (and a comedian) bring such an important role to the show. I loved that they made him symbolic of the heavy toll this life can take (I regret his death, but I think it was a wake up call) and how you can’t always escape your pain. And the fact that EZ was the one to try and tell him otherwise, emphasizing his own internal struggle, was especially poignant and heartbreaking, which now leads me to:
• THEMES: I liked a lot that we got to explore some of these character’s inner worlds more this season, and that we finally got to see the emotional consequences for what these characters have done and who they are. I never watched SOA, but from what y’all have said on here, it seems like more of those characters acted with impunity and were largely unphased by their own demons. It’s really nice to see the Mayans own up to what they’ve done and the lives they’ve chosen, from EZ, who wonders about the darkness inside of him and if he always was this way (see: theme of fate, later in this paragraph) to Alvarez, regretting what he’s done and who he has been (killing his own son) and wanting to live a new life, but not sure he deserves it. Angel’s monologue about “no happy endings in this town” was especially revelatory as well. It was also nice to see POCs, notably POC men, allowed to explore their emotions, cry, and lift back the curtain on what this kind of life does to your fucking soul. It humanizes the characters and liberates them from the Latinos = gangsters trope that we’re all so used to seeing, the very racist trope that ludicrously & infuriatingly suggests that POC men, especially Latinos, are almost meant to be gangsters and have no qualms about it whatsoever, that they are good at it because they are unburdened by the strict moral code that governs white people (LOL @1/6/2021). The theme of FATE was also drawn upon heavily, and I really liked that. It harkened back to S1 [Church of] Coco and the conversation he had with EZ on Celia’s floor, talking about how “everything that happens is what was meant to happen.” He insists that even though EZ thought he was supposed to be the “Golden Boy,” he ended up in the MC for a reason, maybe that other life was never an option for him at all. We now know that part of the reason his parents encouraged his Golden Boy persona so much was as a way to KEEP him from indulging his darker side. I liked the development of this theme a lot, but it did, unfortunately, also cause some problems, which leads me to:
Characterization: I think this season suffered from what TV can often suffer from when a new person takes the helm, which is a lack of continuity from previous seasons… I understand, of course, that the characters were going through a lot this season, but I don’t think that warrants a total change in their personalities. The biggest offenders here, for me, were Angel and Coco. While we certainly had an idea that Angel, before he was with Adelita, was something of a hoe, I didn’t get the vibe that he was quite as insouciant or uncaring with his partners as he definitely seemed to be in Season 3. I understand why the show wanted to portray him that way—he was hurting—but it just seemed out of character to me that he would jump from partner to partner, so easily make intense commitments, and somehow be obsessed with creating a family life when that never really seemed to be his focus before… His focus on the baby in Season 2 seemed to be confined to Adelita. Coco, on the other hand, seemed to be very interested in his romantic relationship with Hope this season which really baffled me. Coco in previous seasons was almost the spiritual or kind of mystic element of the show – – his “Church of Coco” musings were, as I previously said, sort of a vehicle to highlight the element of fate as a theme in the show. For me, this made perfect sense as a place for him to be, partially because Richy himself is sort of woo woo (I mean this as the highest of compliments). To see him thrust into a somewhat arbitrary (for me) romantic relationship felt so forced, not only because their sex scene was incredibly dry and uncomfortable to watch (LOL), but also because it just didn’t make sense that Coco would risk everything for this woman he knew nothing about… And even at the expense of his relationship with Letty. As @drabbles-mc mentioned, why spend all this time developing Coco’s relationship with Letty when you’re just gonna destroy it? It feels disrespectful to the writing that has gone before… Speaking of, I want to address the EZ equals psychopath road that we now seem to be going down. As I mentioned earlier, I’m glad that they addressed that his scholarliness and the encouragement of that by his parents was a tactic to distract him from the “darkness” inside of him, however, it feels strange that all of a sudden they are intimating that he has a very very deep darkness inside of him that we didn’t really see in previous seasons. I suppose you could make the argument that it was there before, however I would’ve liked it to be revealed a little bit slower and perhaps have more references to it in previous seasons if you’re going to make this case now. It just feels a little incongruous to what we know about EZ that he is a psycho on the inside… Because that’s what they seem to be suggesting — that he’s dark and can’t be anything but dark. I guess I just would’ve liked to see a more gradual reveal of that versus him saying that he’s always been dark and he knows because of a Goya painting? Seems weird. Like, how is he Dexter all of a sudden? Finally, the Nestor/Álvarez situation at the end: are you telling me that Alvarez really would give a fuck about the Mayans after Bishop betrayed him, especially at the expense of his own life if Miguel figured out that he didn’t do what was asked of him? And how is Nestor, who has always been undyingly faithful to Miguel, all of a sudden going to flake out on his duties, especially when he knows how important this is to Miguel???
Writing/storylines: So, to the extent that this is a separate issue than just simple characterization, I would say that this was the biggest problem for me this season. Lazy writing was a real issue for me and that it took me out of the plot and the moment many times. As I mentioned before, there were some scenes with Gaby and EZ that just felt so stilted that I really couldn’t take them seriously – – the scene in the church comes to mind. In addition to this, there were some plotlines that just felt tired or unnecessary, or didn’t link up. The Angel/Hank/Nails storyline, for example, just seems so boring… We just did a unexpected pregnancy storyline last season with Angel – – why did we need one again? Have they just run out of ideas for him? And to put Nails into the position of baby mama just feels kind of disrespectful to her character. Does every woman in this show need to have her uterus or sex life be a plot line? Bishop is another character that I feel like was done a little bit dirty the season. While I previously mentioned that I adored the scene with him in the diner, I was confused by the purpose of his dead son storyline. As emotional as it was and as great as the performances that it produced were, it didn’t really tie into anything else in the season. I understand that they were trying to give some background to Bishop’s character, but it just seemed like kind of a one-off considering it lasted for a few episodes and then was never brought up again. Perhaps they were trying to show us that everyone lost family or had to compromise something to be part of the MC, but if that was the case, then I would’ve liked to see it be tied to his decisions or his story later on. Maybe they could’ve done something like show that his dedication to the club was because they are the only family he has now that he lost his son? Or that he is wildin’ out now and tryna be the one king because he has nothing left to lose? Idk, maybe that was implied but I certainly didnt catch it — it would’ve been nice to have a more explicit connection there, because to me it just kinda felt like they showed us his pain and then forgot about it and just made him this crazed bloodthirsty madman. I also want to talk a little bit about undelivered upon promises – – Elgin said in a review before the season came out that we would get to see a little bit more into the backstory of each character and why they joined the MC – as I mentioned before, we got a little more about different characters lives but we didn’t necessarily see the why, which is something I really would’ve liked to know. I also was hoping for more social commentary than in fact happened this season – – the new intro seemed to suggest that we would get more of an emphasis on Latinx history or culture or social clashes, but in fact, such references were few and far between, as far as I could tell (although totally possible I missed some stuff). One scene, or rather, one line, that I really really enjoyed was when Gaby said “I risked my life to come here and I try to survive every day and you choose to flirt with death. That’s the privilege of being an American.” I found this line SO powerful, but it was almost a throw-away, and I really wish it had been touched upon more. I was looking forward to learning more about this and having it portrayed in such a Latinx-centered way would’ve been cool to see.
Ok, this is likely to be the most unpopular section of this post (for those of you who are even still around LOL), but I’m including a list of all the plotholes, inconsistencies, or unexplained events from this season, of which there were many. If anyone has an answer to these, please let me know:
Taza and Riz: I’m supposed to believe that he killed Riz just because he wanted to start a war with Palo? Because palo killed his lover over 20 years ago?? Like, could he not have started a war with Palo without involving Riz? And when he said “I didn’t know how many people would get hurt?” What??? How could you possibly have thought that a. Murdering your brother and b. Starting a war with the VM over a personal issue wouldn’t result in carnage?
Dead SOA ppl: why did Chibs never come calling to find out who killed Thomas (?) last season? Or Montez? I know that Montez wasn’t actually killed by the Mayans but he was placed in the Mayans parking lot or whatever so wouldn’t that raise some suspicions??? All that they said about Thomas was that he disappeared and the Sons didn’t know what happened? @starrynite7114
What was the point of the whole Lobos Sonora thing? Why did Palo need to talk to them to get involved with the Tucson mayans? Could he not have just gone to Canche himself? Was this something that they were doing to set up next season? If so, it seems like a long walk to get there…
Speaking of Canche, how the fuck did that cockroach survive a bomb?
Who tipped off border patrol on the night that they tried to move the drugs from the tunnel? Was it the girl in jail? And how come we never heard from her again? Just one of many plotlines that was started and then never revisited.
The Miguel/Felipe thing: We got so close but never actually got there. Are we gonna have to wait a whole other season for this?
Speaking of paternity, who is actually the father of Adelitas baby? I’m kind of OK with not knowing if the baby is alive or dead but I’m ready to know who the father was… Again, I don’t wanna wait another season to wrap this up.
Additionally, did Adelita actually hurt Potter’s family? Did she kill them? It was very unclear.
They essentially said that Potter shut down the border out of spite after the Adelita thing happened… What the fuck does that mean? Are you trying to tell me that a government official can just randomly shut down the border whenever he wants? And what was it about the Adelita thing that pissed him off? That he captured her? That EZ and Angel got one over on him? I really don’t understand… Angel said in the first episode that “the shutdown affected me more than anyone,” ostensibly because he lost his partner and child, but I just don’t see how Adelita and the shut down were related??
CHUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!! GTFOH with that weak-ass excuse.
Coco storyline:
Was he never gonna find out that Hope was the one who took the picture of him and set him up?
What about the fact that Letty essentially conned him into killing his mom?
Also, did Isaac really die? And what about the reaper tattoo on his side? Was he part of SOA? Was that ever going to be addressed? The story just wasn’t wrapped up at all and I cannot HANDLE any more Meth Mountain next season.
I guess my point in all of this is that I don’t have a problem with the cliffhangers per say – – but there’s a difference between “oh this is an exciting unknown that we can speculate about until next season” and “this is just messy writing where many story threads were begun this year and then never finished” or “we were supposed to wrap up storylines from two seasons ago and we just didn’t.” The latter two just feel sloppy to me, and I feel like that’s a lot of what went on this season. The whole show this year felt both slow and overstuffed, both uneventful and packed at the end. Perhaps it was a pacing issue, a problem of Elgin wanting to distinguish himself and pack so much in and make it so different from previous seasons that he bit off more than he could chew and it all became unfocused. As I read somewhere else, the problem when you have this many unfinished storylines is that they weigh you down for the next season – the writers now have to either spend the majority of next season addressing these questions or just forget about them and pretend they never happened, which feels disrespectful to the audience. I guess my hope is just that Elgin will find his footing and be able to deliver us a more cohesive, well-paced season next year. I fully believe he is capable of this, and if he continues to deliver on the things that did work about this season, we should be in good shape.
Tagging some ppl who have expressed interest in my thoughts: @yourwonkywriter @angelreyesgirl @megapeacelovemusic-blog @starrynite7114 @joannasteez @brattyfics @mareethequeen
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