#it's like you want to be destroyed at this point
shaisuki · 2 days
I saw the ask abt bully!miya twins and bully! suna’s reader talking abt losing weight but what if over summer break she js did it without mentioning it and comes back looking completely different?
you came back looking so different.
the start of a new semester is what they look forward to as the summer gone by since there's no you and you have personal and family obligations and you came back like this.
you lost the weight.
everyone in the school is buzzing how you look. they say you've gotten prettier and fit the image of what expected a manager to look like in a volleyball team. they were the least thrilled about it. considering they're the one who made you feel bad about your weight. they're the one who pokes fun at it in the expense of their entertainment and to your misery.
the team doesn't treat you any different when you came back. the usual training come off and that's when something was odd about you shouldn't you be happy? you were much happier when you're on your body before. you love yourself before you lose the weight and instead your face looks somehow a little sad but it was far from what you really feel.
osamu was the first one to point it out. "ye' lost the weight." he commented and received a smile from you. "yeah. shouldn't you be happy that you can't laugh at my fatness anymore?" the words came bitter from your mouth and 'samu feels a little guilty about it while you continue to pick the stray balls that needed to be placed in the bin.
he remained silent and atsumu is the next one to confront you about it. "so what!? you three always made me feel disgusted on how i look and you complaining about me losing the weight!? go to hell, miya!” you screamed at him. scoffing as you ran away with tears in your eyes. why the hell it was big deal for them when they're always made you feel badthem when they're always made you feel bad about yourself.
atsumu is loss for words. never did he hear you speak to him that way and it made his ego shatter about it and then there's suna. who only reminisce about your plump figure before it was now after getting yelled at earlier. "don't you dare talk about it, suna."
you warned him and he shut up and although you were like that. they understand and they don't want to inflict damage to you anymore and it hurts them to see you restrict your own diet just to maintain your now figure. they like you when you eat whatever you want but there's that ugly comments that wormed all down in the deepest of your heart and somehow they wished in their own stupid way made you feel appreciated before you destroyed yourself.
and now they thought about it when they treated you like worst, regret is always in the end.
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You know what mixture of AUs i havent seen here yet? Danny x Bruce with de-aged clones!
Bruce and danny are near the same age and meet pretty early in batman's career, maybe even before dick was adopted. Danny is a single dad of infant/toddler twins ellie and dante. (To make them young and at the same age, i imagine they were rescued after both taking serious damage and retreated to their cores, and remerged as newborns about the same time, but i also want to leave this open for others to flesh out.) Timeline-wise, that would probably make them somewhere around jason or tim's age.
So now we have an au where the bat kids are collected into a stable home where bruce and danny are also raising ellie and dante. Bruce is much closer to WFA characterization right from the get-go because danny would whip him into shape.
Tim probably gets adopted because one of the phantoms sniff him out, either living alone in the neighboring mansion, or following the bats and ghosts on patrol.
Talia either stole bruce's (and/or danny's) dna or drugged bruce (it didnt work on danny) to create damian. If bruce was drugged, danny is on a warpath and might even find and rescue damian at a much younger age.
Jason's timeline is the most difficult to predict, and i will forever simp halfa jason, so he's gotta die no matter what changes. I dont think that's terribly difficult because the joker specifically targeted him to lure him out (assuming i understand canon correctly - also this is definitely true in the UtRH animated movie canon). If jason isnt interested in finding his biomom in this au, joker will just find a different bait. Would be cool if danny is able to track down jason's ghost during the six-month down time and brings him home, and a potential point of angst if he revives without his memories as a ghost (and is lost for a while before danny tracks him down again.)
(Danny probably doesn't have the no-killing rule like bruce, so he'd have no qualms killing the joker and detaining/destroying his ghost. If not danny, then jazz would. Bruce conveniently looks the other way.)
Batman mythology in this universe is inexorably linked to phantom mythology. They both help each other out with vigilante stuff. Danny's team (sam/tucker/val/jazz) visit often and are considered aunts/uncle to the batkids. Batfam is highly liminal because they are part of danny's fraid. They might even develop liminal powers, if that's your kind of headcanon.
Danny may or may not be ghost king, but i like the idea that he's the crown prince and wont be coronated for several more decades. He's got time and all the resources that position affords him. Danny still gets hounded by the observants, but the batkids have made a game of pranking the annoying eyeballs.
Danny is a founding member of the justice league and of jld (the rest of his team might be as well). Batman is much more knowledgeable of the supernatural because of danny. I like the idea of constantine being more terrified of phantom than batman. He still gets called on for advice because he's the demonology and magic expert, while danny specializes more in ghosts and Realms technology.
Ellie and dante are not allowed to join the vigilante scene until they turn 12 (they managed to argue it down from 14), but because of their powers (and potentially retaining memories and experience) there are numerous occasions before then that they functioned as a sort of vigilante retrevial unit - zooming out and retrieving anyone who was injured or otherwise hit their emergency beacon and bringing them straight back to the cave. They might have even done this once or twice during justice league emergencies.
I'll leave their vigilante identities open to discussion, but im partial toward a really old drawing i remember seeing here on tumblr, someone designed a pink batsuit for ellie with exaggerated bat ears, and a sort of glider cloak that attached to her belt or her wrists to disguise her flight as gliding. (If someone knows the post im talking about, please leave a link so the artist can be credited!)
As for danny's old team...
Jazz works at arkham, helping to reform the place and causing many of batman's rogues to reform a bit earlier. She is the expert called in by the justice league to formulate ways to both detain and to help various rogues globally. She especially likes the flash because of the friendly attitude he has towards his own rogues.
Sam is a humanitarian. If she has plant powers, she's using them to establish food stability in poorer nations, helping the people there become more self-sustaining, as well as providing relief for disaster-stricken areas whose farms need to be completely rebuilt and regrown. Jazz introduces her to poison ivy, and the two end up joined at the hip, helping to reform ivy much earlier. (Would it be weird to make this au have sam x ivy and jazz x harley?)
Valerie probably stays in Amity Park to be its designated hero since danny moved out. If the fentons are good, she works alongside them as the fentons also develop tech for the justice league. If they arent, im gonna assume theyre the reason dante and ellie got de-aged, danny absconded with their cores to keep them safe, and the rest of team phantom descended on the fenton parents like hungry wolves. When the dust settled, valerie and her dad were left in charge of protecting amity and with ownership of fentonworks.
Tucker is a freelance hacker slash tech expert, and will kit out any vigilante's tech and security free of charge. His unique blend of magitech is very difficult to counter, making it all-the-more sought after. He probably helped set oracle up and maybe even trained/mentored barb to some extent.
There are lots of other potential changes, but ill stop here.
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 days
The very peaceful protests and their very peaceful actions. I previously posted about how the Columbia SJP has an infographic on terrorist groups and uses language justifying and endorsing their actions. Well here is the UCSC SJP's Instagram.
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Fig. 1. Depicts a police car that was damaged by an IED on June 1st at the UCSC student Palestine protests.
Listen, I'm as ACAB as the next person. Hell, I'm an independent forensic consultant. I get to see first hand the fuckery that goes down when I get called in, regardless of what side I'm on. But this? This action here on the official UCSC SJP Instagram page? That is employing the same methods that recognized terrorist groups have used around the world. Jews have said for months that these "peaceful" protests were on track to becoming violent. When you shout and endorse the same rhetoric as terrorist groups that have repeatedly stated they want to kill Jews there is the eventuality that you will start using their same violent tactics. We've already seen these student protesters engage in the same behavior as Nazis by preventing Jewish students and faculty from attending their classes and buildings. We've seen them spit on us, threaten us, shout vile insults, attack us, and attempt to burn down / bomb / destroy our places of worship and business, and we have repeatedly said that it will get worse. Well here it is. Once you start trying to blow up vehicles in the street you're too far gone to call yourself peaceful protesters anymore, you’ve become terrorists. Plain and simple. And guess what? The picture on their Instagram has a descript that is equally chilling.
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Fig. 2. Is a message that is attached to the photo in Fig. 1. and includes language that emphasizes violence and terrorist actions. This reads like a manifesto that is attempting to garner support from minority populations here in the USA by appealing to the issues they face. However, the language they are using is a giant warning klaxon because it undermines the actual severity of what these groups face by couching it within the ProPal Western Activist lexicon. Many people, myself included as a death expert, have pointed out that the term genocide as applied to the conflict is improper and does not meet the criteria. That doesn't stop these protesters from using it to appeal to emotion and attempt to guilt others into supporting their cause. It's clearly an attempt to gather support and drive others to violence. Nothing in here says that these are peaceful protesters. They are ready to lay down their lives for the Cause™ in a violent manner.
Glorifying martyrdom.
Red flag.
Death to amerikkka.
Red flag.
Knife to the throat of zionism.
Red flag. You already complained about the more benign Finding Out portion of employers flagging certain degrees from specific universities and wanting to know if their possible employee is an antisemite. The Finding Out portion of actually planting IEDs is much, much worse. At a certain point people will have to accept that the SJP/PSC system blatantly endorses and justifies violent terrorism. This is what Globalize the Intifada means. It means engaging in the same violent acts of the Second Intifada. It's a call to engage in violent terrorism. But ya'll don't want to accept that, regardless of how many times it's pointed out.
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bbcphile · 3 days
The Yin Leaves Threat Is a Bluff (MLC Meta)
Mysterious Lotus Casebook fans: Are we ready to talk about how the yin leaves threat was a bluff?
So many people seem to be taking Di Feisheng at his word that he wanted to make Li Xiangyi eat the yin leaves of the Wangchuan flower to regain his martial arts for one last glorious fight and that he was fine with Li Xiangyi dying very painfully from their poison after. And I see why: after all, LLH took him at his word, too, and LLH is famously smart and a good detective.
However, LLH has a history of jumping to false conclusions about DFS and, like the rest of the jianghu, assuming the worst of him: in fact, his mistaken belief that DFS broke the peace treaty and had his shixiong killed is the central misunderstanding that nearly destroyed both their respective sects and each other. So, since LLH is canonically very bad at telling who actually wants him dead and who loves him, it’s worth investigating this further. And looking at DFS’ history of bluffing is a good place to start.
DFS and Bluffing
Di Feisheng has a history of bluffing and/or threatening to kill or torture people when he doesn’t mean it. Here are some of his most notable examples (but click here for a much longer list of things he’s lied about or withheld info about):
Threatening to kill Qiao Wanmian to convince LLH to let him find a cure for Bicha (he doesn’t kill women)
Threatening to torture Gao Qian for information (he searches rooms instead)
Threatening to kill FDB when LLH says he’s trouble (the smirk after shows he was joking)
Threatening to kill Xiao Zijin at the wedding if LLH doesn’t help him get into 188 prisons (LLH walks him into a trap and yet DFS doesn’t even try to hurt XZJ in the fight)
Lying about poisoning and curing QWM to protect LLH’s identity and pretending to kidnap her
In all of those examples, DFS is trying to help or protect LLH, albeit in a very dysfunctional way. In the first example, he’s trying to blackmail LLH into living; the second example is to solve the case to find Shi Hun to expel the Asura Grass so he can find a cure for Bicha; the third is a joke, but also one designed to make LLH admit he does care about FDB because LLH is pretending he doesn’t care about anything as a prelude to giving up once he finds SGD’s body; the fourth is to get evidence that someone framed the Jinyuanmeng so LLH will trust him again and want to live to figure out who really killed his shixiong; and the last is to protect LLH’s identity (even though he only agreed to protect it until the Asura Grass was expelled. He’s trying to prove to LLH that LLH can trust him and he wants to help him, not harm him.)
All that to say: DFS has a history of bluffing about threatening to kill people if he thinks it will help Xiangyi live, and will take on the role of the villain—role the jianghu regularly casts him in—if he thinks it will help. And as some of those examples show, he also doesn’t share his plans with LLH until after the plan has been completed. And just look at all the things DFS withheld from LXY at their first donghai battle if you need more examples: he doesn’t mention that he knows it’s a frame job or why he stole SGD’s body. In all these examples, it’s not just that DFS has control issues and doesn’t want to share theories until he has proof: it seems likely that he knows/assumes LXY wouldn’t have believed him, because LLH already proved he didn’t trust him when he fell for the frame job, broke the peace treaty, and attacked the Jinyuanmeng. DFS assumes that there’s no point in presenting information to someone who won’t listen to it; he’d think it’s a waste of time and energy that could be better spent actively solving the problem.
But Why Bluff About the Yin Leaves?
Yao Mo’s Questionable Loyalty:
When DFS says he just needs LLH to live long enough to compete with him, he’s not talking to LLH himself: he’s talking to Yao Mo. In fact, the entire yin leaves plan was Yao Mo’s idea. And that changes everything.
Why? Well, for starters, Yao Mo is the one who invented the Bicha poison and gave it to JLQ to use on LXY (without DFS’ knowledge or permission). That alone is reason enough for DFS to not know if he can trust him, and this lack of trust explains why DFS never told Yao Mo that the mystery patient was LXY/LLH or that he was poisoned by Bicha. Since JLQ poisoned LXY because DFS paid so much attention to him and to fighting with him, it makes sense that DFS would try to protect LLH by hiding his identity and not drawing attention to him. 
But of course, as soon as Yao Mo figures out the mystery patient was poisoned with Bicha, that secret is blown. The pained face (and Throat Bob of Emotion) DFS makes while Yao Mo is having this realization shows not only how upset he is that they don’t yet have a cure, but also how worried he is that Yao Mo now knows it’s LLH, which makes everything more complicated.
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DFS was right that Yao Mo would figure it out, since the first thing Yao Mo does after this realization is tell DFS he’s thought of a way “to heal him so he can compete with you.” DFS had pointedly NOT mentioned competing with him in front of Yao Mo yet (to hide LLH’s identity), so this is definitive proof that his cover is blown and that DFS needs to find a new way to keep LLH safe. 
This new plan is to downplay how much LLH means to him, and that motive explains so much about this scene. We know from watching him grieve and tear up while mourning LLH at his personal waterfall after his enthronement ceremony that DFS is miserable because of LXY’s supposed death and that he doesn’t see the point in fighting anymore without him, so we know that one last fight with LXY wouldn’t fix that: he’d still be dead and DFS would still be devastated. 
(Here are some screenshots of him mourning at the waterfall.)
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But this isn’t common knowledge. In fact, it seems to be a closely guarded secret; he’s mourning in private, with only Wuyan as a witness. In public and to the rest of his subordinates, he’s trying to project the attitude of the unemotional, unflappable, heartless demon of the jianghu because his reputation is part of his armor that keeps him safe. It lets him seem like he doesn’t have any weaknesses (since “a swordsman shouldn’t have weaknesses”), and it keeps people from knowing that his primary weakness (other than the mind control bug) is LXY/LLH. 
(NOTE: He’s not even comfortable with anyone other than Wuyan and the three kings knowing he cares more about reaching the pinnacle of martial arts than he does about the Jinyuanmeng itself, and it’s not clear if any of them know that he mainly wants to increase his strength and power to free himself from the mind control bug. That’s how closely he guards his vulnerabilities.) 
With that in mind, if he wants to keep Yao Mo (and therefore JLQ) from knowing how important LXY is to him, there’s only one possible answer to Yao Mo’s question about whether he’d mind if LLH dies from the yin leaves after the fight: pretending he wouldn’t object. If he said he’d give up a fight rather than let LLH die from the yin leaves, then Yao Mo would know LLH matters to him more than fighting, which would be revealing a weakness. If DFS said he would give the entire Wangchuan flower to LLH to cure him and would therefore be sacrificing his chance of getting stronger, it would be painting an even larger target on LLH’s back and showing Yao Mo that endangering LLH would be the key to controlling him. The only safe option for both LLH and DFS is for DFS to claim he doesn’t care if LLH dies after they fight and to give orders to find the flower.
Here’s a gif of his command about the Wangchuan flower:
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Notice his furrowed brow, the tightness around his eyes and mouth, the way he’s almost wincing as he gives the order? He is miserable about having to play this game and his incredible poker face is barely up to the task.
Here’s a still image of right after the pronouncement; you can still see the barely suppressed wince.
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After this command, he dismisses Yao Mo from the cave immediately so he doesn’t have to keep pretending he’s going to sacrifice LLH. The entire time Yao Mo is present, even while he’s walking away, DFS holds himself completely motionless, staying in character from the bluff and desperately waiting to be alone with LLH. The instant Yao Mo is gone, DFS slumps in relief, or at least, does his version of a slump: he bows/droops his head as though the weight of what just happened was too much to shoulder. 
Here’s a close-up of his reaction:
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DFS’s relief at being alone with LLH shows that he believed LLH knew him well enough to know when he was bluffing.
He was wrong. 
LLH: Believing the Worst of DFS (again)
LLH’s belief that DFS wants to kill him for a duel makes sense, since at this point, he still thinks DFS did in fact have SGD killed and broke the peace treaty, and he’s pissed off, feeling betrayed, and also in pain (from the medicine and the Beifeng Baiyang transfer that made him cough up blood, and from all the snake bites–he’s primed to read those as exclusively aggressive and cruel attempts to heal him at all costs for the fight, and not to realize that DFS would absolutely do all these things to himself to heal his own martial arts without batting an eye. And he’s in too much pain to see the horrified look on DFS’s face when LLH coughs up blood and DFS realized he almost killed LLH while trying to cure him.) 
But that doesn’t mean LLH is right. 
DFS, upon seeing that LLH has again cast him as the heartless villain, doesn’t try to dispute it. In the same way that he didn’t explain about why he took SGD’s body at the donghai battle, he doesn’t explain himself about the flower, possibly because he thinks he doesn’t have time to waste arguing. His goal is to get LLH to live–he grieved him for a decade, after all, and doesn’t want to have to do it again–and he is painfully aware that he is running out of time. LLH hasn’t exactly been subtle about only staying alive to find and bury SGD’s body, and now that they’ve accomplished that, he wants to make sure LLH doesn’t give up. Growing up in Di Fortress, DFS probably learned how to recognize what it looks like when people give up on life, and seeing those signs in LLH would explain some of the desperation behind his actions.
So, what does he do instead of trying to convince LLH the threat was a bluff? Here’s a gif of his response:
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He swallows his disappointment at being thought a heartless killer–bowing his head again and shaking it, then looking up at the cave roof in exasperation–and takes a long, long inhale to collect himself and to quickly brainstorm a new plan. Once he’s figured it out, he says LXY’s name and launches into stage 2 of his plan to convince LLH to live: correcting the initial misunderstanding that first led LLH to not trust him anymore. 
DFS tries to convince LLH that someone conspired against both of them a decade ago–the truth he thought LXY wouldn’t believe him about on the ship–because if that worked, then it would solve two problems: 1.  LLH might believe him that he doesn’t want to kill him for the rematch if he knew he hadn’t had SGD killed, and 2. LLH would choose to stay alive to find SGD’s real killer and get revenge. 
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And when LLH doesn’t believe his initial attempt, he gives what is possibly his longest speech in the entire show detailing the evidence supporting his claim that they were both set up and offers to help him find the truth in exchange for their rematch. While he definitely does want a rematch, DFS mentions it here in part because LLH thinks it’s all he cares about; if he were to offer to help without requiring the fight, LLH would be less likely to believe him and even more suspicious of his claims, especially since LLH currently thinks DFS would kill him for said rematch.
But unfortunately, his plan for them to team up fails as he thought it would all those years ago, so he decides to play along with being the heartless villain LLH thinks he is, and it’s only then that he threatens to kill FDB (revealing FDB’s parentage in the process), because he knows that LLH would stay alive to protect FDB. 
I have another 2000+ words worth of thoughts about his talk and fight with FDB–the way he tries to “kidnap” him first instead of fighting him, the way he looks miserable during the fight instead of enjoying it the way he did during the fight at QWM and XZJ’s wedding–but it will have to wait for another meta because this is already way too long as it is. The point, though, is that he’s not fighting FDB because he wants to or is enjoying hurting him: he actually hates every second of it and of performing the role of jianghu villain LLH has once again cast him in. But he’s doing it because he thinks it’s the only way to keep LLH alive. 
These aren’t the actions of someone who just wants to sacrifice his old rival for a fight; they’re the actions of someone trying everything he can think of to keep the person he loves alive. It’s an incredibly convoluted way to show his care, but given that he’s desperate, out of time, and can’t get LLH to trust or believe him, it makes sense that he’d fall back on a reliable skillset that’s kept himself alive despite all the odds: bluffing, keeping his true goals a secret, adopting the mantle of villain, and letting himself be hated for things he hasn’t done.
With both the fight with FDB and with the yin leaves threat, DFS plays the villain to try to force LLH to live, because he’d rather LLH hate him and live than love him and die. 
Because Di Feisheng has never wanted Li Xiangyi–or Li Lianhua–dead.
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eqt-95 · 1 day
I'm here to bring fluff and happiness back with this ♥️
ok so get this: my phone showed your ask as a red heart. so here I was, typing away about deep-throating popsicles and fingering milkshakes when I opened your ask on my laptop and saw a... white heart?! absolute witchcraft!
and since now i don't know what's right-side up from upside down, i offer a mash up: ❤️+🤍 or 'first kiss / realization' + 'kiss at the wedding / milestone'
p.s. thanks for the fluff and happiness injection. i needed it
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Kara loved going to weddings. What wasn’t there to love? There were flowers, delicious foods, endless dancing, and, best of all, that excuse to confess your deepest feelings in front of friends and family to the love of your life. 
She’d watched her sister and Kelly share their vows, commit to each other, and look darn good while doing it. She danced with Nia and Brainy to Bye-Bye-Bye which was technically of Alex’s no-play list, but Nia bribed the DJ. She stuffed her face with cake alongside Esme who was stubbornly fighting off the sleepies. She even had the most amazing pep-talk slash hug slash reveal with Lena.
The very best kind.
The kind that left her warm and seen and cherished.
The kind that left her wanting that same feeling for forever. 
The kind that felt like a Red Sun: held and understood and home. 
So why did she feel so… heavy and twisted inside?
Stumped. She was stumped. She was also in a slump. Her lower lip was quite close to a grump. But how to overcome this hump?
She shook her head. Now was definitely not the time for Dr. Seuss rhymes. Though silently she argued there was always time for Dr. Seuss rhymes.
Serious Kara won out. So instead of rhymes she stewed. She stewed and brewed and searched for a clue(d) -
“What’s up homie?” Nia asked, sliding across the bench and tipsily colliding into Kara’s side. “You missed REO Speedwagon. Even J’onn gave it his all; might’ve thrown out his back though. Poor guy. I am parched.”
Kara bit her lip and scowled and really really wanted a rhyme scheme to get her through this. “You love Brainy, right?”
“Woa, left field there swinger,” Nia smirked. Her attention was on the array of glasses with colorful drinks littering the table behind them. “Sure do.”
Kara slouched and let her chin find the palm of her hand. “So how did-”
“You think this is sour raspberry?” Nia interrupted, a cup of bright blue liquid appearing under Kara’s nose. “Or tropical punch,” she said.
Kara sniffed the cup. “Tropical punch.”
“Bonus,” Nia exclaimed and took a long drag. “You were saying?”
“Um,” Kara began without an ounce of heroic chutzpah. “How did you know?”
The question made the ‘heavy’ feeling morph into butterflies. It did nothing for the twisting. In fact, it exacerbated the twisting. It wrangled around her heart and made her breaths shallow with nerves. Definitely no chutzpah.
“Easy: He’s my person. My ride or die. To infinity and beyond. The Clyde to my Bonnie.”
“Are you sure that’s who you want to compare-”
“Look, it doesn’t matter. They went out with a bang,” Nia scoffed. “But fine, point taken,” Nia conceded then pulled another deep swig. “He’s the Orpheus to my Persephone.”
“I think you mean Eurydice.”
“Sure.” Her lips were now a faint shade of blue.
“But also, didn’t Orpheus fail-?”
“He did no such thing!” Nia proclaimed with rather unfounded enthusiasm. Juice sloshed onto the grass. “He went to the depths of hell for the woman he loved. He descended through souls and ghouls and fools-”
Kara wondered if this was the rhyme she needed. Maybe it was, because it propelled her up and across the lawn and so focused was she that Nia’s parting words of ‘Go get her, champ!’ fell of deaf ears.
She stumbled over lawn darts and accidentally destroyed a life-size jenga game. She nearly walked straight through the barn wall and into a decorative trough. She walked straight past the cake without grabbing a slice. 
Kara Zor El was on a mission.
And that mission was less than ten feet away, laughing and radiating like the sun rose and shone only for her. Her nose scrunched as the smile spread wider when Kara approached. It faded only slightly when the palpable look of fear on Kara’s face was noticed.
“Kara? Is everything ok?” she asked, stepping away from the group and brushing a reassuring thumb over Kara’s arm.
They stepped more steps until the steps led them to crickets and tree frogs and only the white noise of people. And ever the Pulitzer winning wordsmith, these were the words that managed to trip out of her mouth:
“I want to be your Orpheus.”
Lena’s mouth parted and eyes narrowed. “You… what?”
“I want to… shoot, no I mean…”
“You want to trap me in hell?” Lena asked. And bless the straight face she was trying to keep, but between Kara’s fish mouthing and absolutely butchering of whatever heartfelt words she had hoped would appear out of thin air, Lena’s face was doing some serious gymnastics to keep from smirking.
“He didn’t fail! He… he…”
Straws. Those were the things Kara was grasping for. Humiliatingly limp, paper straws.
“I want to fight off souls and ghouls and fools for you. I want the chance. I want you and the world to know that you are the person I’d move heaven and hell for you, because you make me feel whole. You make me feel seen and wanted and loved and I just… I just want you. And I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to realize it but I-”
Soft lips.
Soft lips and deep sighs and the flutter of long dark hair tickling her cheeks.
And then a sigh.
And then a ‘wowzers’.
And then a laugh.
And then again.
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ask game
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Catching up on My Stand In episode 6, and I gotta say - I understand Joe.
I'm not talking about whether he's made all the right decisions or not, there's a lot to consider on all sides, but I do understand why he would take the deal with Ming.
It would be lovely to live in a world where it's possible to borrow money from friends & family without strings, but we don't. The nature of our society's relationship to money doesn't allow it.
There's a reason so many marriages fail due to money. There's a reason groups of siblings will stop talking after their parents' estates are distributed. There's a reason friends will fall out over 50 bucks, much less thousands. Money changes relationships.
Because it's never just money.
Sometimes the strings are ones of love, and guilt, and shame, worries that you are letting someone down, or holding someone back.
Look at the relationship between Joe and his new mom - absolutely one of unconditional love. And they are both utterly wracked with guilt about the financial cost the other one incurred due to their illnesses. His mom was ready to fucking die! Over money!
Taking money he doesn't feel like he's earned causes pain for Joe, because it is a huge fucking deal and he knows it. There will be strings. And it will change things.
And I know Joe is a trusting dude and only consciously thinking of not being a burden, not bringing his problem to people he wants to keep as friends, but also, subconsciously, it makes sense there would be hesitance with them.
Wut has been helpful to new Joe, yes, but when old Joe revealed he had been literally kidnapped, what was Wut's response? Sorry, can't help. He didn't even try to talk to anyone, didn't try to problem-solve, come up with a way for Joe to still work - maybe he doesn't go to sets, maybe he trains the new crop of stuntmen, maybe he learns to do something else. The point is, Wut just shrugged and said sorry. That's when old Joe decided to take the dangerous job. And sure Wut feels guilty now, and is trying to make up for it, but - but what would he do when the chips are down? What would he do if Joe struggled to pay him back? If it impacted his wife, his kid?
And sure, Sol may generally be a "good guy", but he still didn't give a shit about knocking Joe to the ground while fighting Ming. He's not entirely selfless. And what happens if he decides he likes new Joe? Wants to date him? You think Joe would feel like he could say no? Striiiiings.
Those relationships would never be the same.
But with Ming - Ming already destroyed his life. There's no guilt in taking from Ming. Joe sees it as going to work, to once again being a stand in. The strings are laid out upfront, he knows just who Ming is, and thinks he can manage it (which of course we know is not true, but he's trying to believe it!)
So yeah, I get it Joe.
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 hours
So tonight in DnD. I have laughed harder than I have in a very very long time.
As background knowledge, we have an “Oops All Dragons” party. We’re modified young dragons so it’s not a huge advantage but at this point three fourths of the party are dragons.
We get called in to usurp two warlords. The setting is like fantasy mad max desert. One warlord was a warlock, the other a centaur fighter. Our first plan was that our dragons would dye themselves a different color to pretend to be rogue dragons and attack the city. They would take out the warlord. Then our bunnyfolk barbarian was gonna run in and take us down afterward to become the figurehead for the city.
But when we turned up the warlord had a pact with a demon who threatened that if we didn’t throw the fight he’d destroy the town with meteors. We started trying to scope out the magical trigger for the threatened spell. Our cleric-dragon started trying to sense magic.
After swooping all over the town we realized the magic was centered on the warlord. But we didn’t know for sure. And one dragon swooping close was just gonna be a target. So I said, “Hey… this one time my younger siblings loosed their… feces… after a dive”
The resulting hilarity took a while to calm down but finally the DM was like, “You want to try to blind him with your shit?”
Yes. Yes we did. But none of the dragons wanted to be the only one raining shit. It was embarrassing. So we decided that all three of us would try this gambit.
My dragon went, they doused him with a face full of poop but didn’t blind him. The Druid-dragon went next and did similarly well.
But he got the jump on the cleric-dragon, and furious, covered in dragon shit, he cast a fireball at her. Unfortunately for him, she has the ability to steal a spell. So the fireball launched then sling shotted straight back into his face.
There he was. A steaming flaming pile of burning shit. And then she shit on him too.
My dragon managed to dispel the rune circle we’d detected with the gambit, and he fled into the crowd to be torn apart by his oppressed people.
Then we did a WWE style fight with our barbarian and he managed to almost kill our Druid on accident and the dragons fled on schedule.
Success- after a fashion! We usurped the guy and shit all over the town.
There’s a second warlord we need to target. We decide what’s a little identity theft so our cleric posed as a grunt we’d killed previously called “The Haboob Wraith.” A haboob is genuinely a desert sandstorm but it was hilarious regardless.
We roll into town deciding to duplicate our piggyback tactics from the last one on one fight we had. The party was escorted into a champions tent and presented with the finest things before their fight to the death. The finest thing in this case is…. Milk.
We all paused and out of character said, “Did you just say milk?”
“Yeah! Like nice cow milk! It’s rare in the desert!”
I lost my fucking shit that the finest thing on offer was milk. So the Haboob Wraith strode into combat with a stomach full of milk.
The centaur warlord said, "I hope you've prayed to your gods, you're about to meet them."
"The gods pray to ME!" she shouted and went on to slaughter him.
We installed a second puppet warlord and rode off into the sunset, all of us staggered by the utter silliness of the whole session, and said goodnight with many a shit pun.
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ninyard · 1 day
how do you think jean would be post tsc duology with his sexuality with jeremy like i feel like he’s been put into this submissive role at the nest but idk if that was something he enjoyed
Oh you’ve opened a can of worms anon. Here’s a not so short but typically messy, as per usual, look into Jean’s sexuality.
Firstly, I think there are a million different nuances and anomaly’s and sides to Jean’s sexuality. Jean Moreau: whose first girlfriend was a plane ticket to the United States. We don’t know much about his childhood, but we can only imagine it wasn’t pleasant; If he’s anything like Neil, did he date at all as a kid/young teen?
So - let’s picture it. We’re a little while into Jean’s time with the Trojans, we're a little while into Jean and Jeremy figuring each other out, and the sex conversations comes up.
Now, personally, I don't believe that Jean's response to his trauma is anything like Andrew's - we've seen he doesn't seem to have an issue being touched, and nor does he seem to have an issue with sexuality in general. But things that I believe he does have a problem with?
His sexuality, and knowing what he wants vs what he believes is expected of him.
I think Jean has an incredible amount of shame around his interest in men. Most of it having been beaten into him, instilled by Riko into him. I think his gut response to pull away and reject advances and pretend his interest in men doesn't exist comes mostly from that, or from hearing Kevin say to him that it was far too difficult a life to be the child of a legacy and interested in men. How the public would react, how professional exy teams and the media would respond; it's always easier to be heterosexual. It always has been.
The first hurdle Jean has to jump over is that; allowing himself to desire men, to feel like that is okay, to feel like he deserves the way that Jeremy looks at him. The Trojans help, far more than they even know. Cat and Laila help. All of the queer couples and out-and-proud folks on the team help. Immeasurably. It normalises it for him, and he sees how safe they are, how unpunished they are, and whether its subconscious or not, being around them all really helps destroy his bone-deep shame. But he gets past it. At some stage he admits that his sexuality is unimportant to him, as it truly is, but he feels comfortable enough say well, yes, his attraction does also extend to men. It will never be more important that Exy. But it exists. It just eventually becomes a far smaller deal to him that it had originally been.
Skip some time, some awkward and painful conversations, and Jean and Jeremy are together. How that happens, I don't know - do they hook up first? Do they date for a while before they get there? But, when they get there, there comes this point a handful of times in where Jeremy realises he has been leading their encounters a whole lot more than Jean is. In fact, when he thinks about it, as comfortable as Jean insists that he is, he is not in control at all. He follows Jeremy's lead. Jeremy thinks about Kevin's awkward comment the day he was asked to sign Jean.
"Tell me what you want." Jeremy says, having thought too much about it, having wondered if he was imagining things.
"You," Jean responds, maybe. "That is all."
Jeremy sits back and he looks at him, and Jean looks back with that gorgeous and confused look draped across his pale complexion. Somehow they talk for a little while, and find themselves at the point:
Is this how you actually want to have sex, or is it just how you think I want you to have sex?
And Jean doesn't know. It's the question that sends him spiralling, because he hasn't even realised it. He hasn't noticed how he is simply complacent, uninvested in his own desires and pleasure in order to keep Jeremy happy. It's not that he doesn't get pleasure from it, of course he does, but he will not take a step out of line if Jeremy is happy. I think he might have to stop for a while, stepping back from sex while he tries to understand his relationship with sex itself. He's too used to being used and having expectations put on him that he knows no different. He doesn't know what he likes. He doesn't know if he prefers to top or bottom, to be submissive or dominant, or any other thing like that; it's a no-mans land that he's spent far too long people-pleasing in that he's forgotten that he's allowed to enjoy it as well. So I think that takes a lot of time and unlearning to see his own pleasure as something worthy of investigating.
Jeremy is patient, of course, and while he sees how much of a "step back" Jean has taken in terms of being okay with sex, it's worth it; sure, Jean never much had a problem with it, and maybe bringing it up caused a problem, but it sparks that thought in Jean's brain. That curiosity about whether or not the role that he plays during sex has been built by the nest, or if it's what he genuinely likes to do. As I say, it takes a lot of unlearning for Jean. A lot of unpacking of what happened to him, and a lot of really, really hard conversations.
His body is his own, and he knows that now. It does not belong to Jeremy. Again, not that Jeremy thinks so either, to be very clear. He knows Jeremy doesn't think so. Not one bit. But he has to understand that himself. He doesn't have to read Jeremy's micro expressions to figure out what he wants him to do, he doesn't have to just keep him happy. Intimacy can only exist in an environment where it is reciprocated. And while he cares deeply for Jeremy, if he is ignoring his own desires in order to maintain peace, he is not being genuine. He is simply submitting because that's the only option he's known. That's the only choice he's ever had.
I think Jean loves sex - I think Jean really, really enjoys having sex with Jeremy. I just think it's also evident quite quickly that he isn't even thinking about how he affords Jeremy all of the control in every scenario. Jean is submissive because that's all he knows. And I feel like it takes a while and a lot of talking for him to leave that habit behind and freely, unashamedly, fuck without expectation for him to be a certain way or act a certain way. That doesn't mean he has to be a top or a bottom. It does mean that he has to stop himself from studying every twitch and tell on Jeremy's face to try understand completely what the Captain expects of him.
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agirlcandream84 · 3 days
Absolutely obsessed with your writing <3
Can we get a bf Frank upset about your increased partying / self-medicating ways because he just wants you to take care of yourself? Maybe you keep getting too drunk, taking unnecessary risks at night, doing drugs- literally whatever you want up to you! Your diet one helped sm🤍🤍
❤️ thank you SO much. This took me a min because I'm SO straight-laced and afraid of self-medicating that I raw-dog every human experience but I actually love how this turned out.
Angsty!Frank Castle x Self Sabotaging!Reader
"Why do you keep lyin' to me sweetheart?" Frank rumbles, the question pointed but his tone soft. He turns to face you, the heat of his eyes boring a hole into your profile.
You feel your stomach plummet to your feet, your heart hammering in your ears, but you force your face to remain neutral, feigning unbothered confusion.
"Lying about what Frankie?" you ask, even adding a small chuckle to the question. Of course you couldn't meet his eye so you busy yourself with fluffing the pillows on the couch. You hated yourself for gaslighting him but the idea of Frank finding out felt worse.
"Don't do that baby," he counters, a small hint of warning in his tone.
"Do what?" you asking, painting confusion on your face as you turn to finally face him. His brows are stitched in that cocktail of concern and determination and his arms are folded across his chest. You hated yourself for lying to Frank but you were terrified that the truth would have you lose him for good.
Then and there you promised yourself that tonight was the last time. Just one more night and you'd somehow get it under control.
"Yeah, alright sweetheart. Maybe it's nothin'" he replies, swiping an agitated hand down his face, his nostrils flared in frustration. He didn't believe you and you didn't blame him. You almost would have preferred him to explode on you and bring this whole unstoppable runaway train to an end.
He turned to lift his coat from the rack and shrug it on, his hand landing on the door as you manage to ask, "Are you heading out?"
"Yeah, gotta take care of somethin' " he grumbles before letting the door slam behind him.
You rush to the small pouch under the bed and extract the orange prescription bottle, tumbling out 3 pills for tonight and carrying the bottle to the toilet. Your hands are already shaking at the thought of it but you force yourself to hold the small bottle aloft above the open toilet, your hand poised to let them tumble in.
But of course they don't. The abject fear coursing through your veins keeps your wrist locked in place-- the pills rattling in their container.
"fuck, just do it, fucking do it," you mumble to yourself, goading your brain into destroying the very thing you thought was keeping you alive and upright. Those fucking white pills that dulled every sharp edge but had your life by the throat. The same pills that seemed to work less and less until you needed more and more. The pills that were your only ticket to an acceptable night's sleep as long as you took it with a shot of vodka too. Those pills that made you feel like you'd been hit by the M6 bus every morning. Those pills that kept the memories from creeping in. Kept the shame from rearing. Kept the fear from winning.
"Fuck!" you shout, tears already pouring down your face as your hand caps the bottle, pills still safely tucked inside. The bottle gets returned to it's pouch under the bed and you spend the afternoon with shame and fear roiling in your stomach.
You were gone by the time Frank returned home, which happened more often than not these days. In an effort not to be caught swilling vodka to welcome sleep, you often "went a friend's house" in the evening, coming home late enough to avoid questions and head straight for bed, sneaking 3-4 pills before you did.
At 12:15am, perhaps a bit later than your normal night, after three generous shots of vodka, perhaps a shot more than a normal night, you stumble home from the dive bar six blocks away and promptly twist an ankle navigating some busted sidewalk. You manage to fumble your way to a nearby bus bench and inspect your knee, blood already pricking through the skin while your head feels that buzzed gentle spin.
You sit splayed on the bench, suddenly aware of just how colossally fucking tired you were. What poetic justice that the pills and alcohol that had become your tailspin of a life were all in an effort to get better sleep (or on some nights, any sleep at all) but were also the singular source of your exhaustion and misery.
You sat unmoving for minutes, or an hour, who knew-- until a dark van screeches to a halt in front of you and a familiar silhouette rushes out.
"Fuckin' Christ, you're hurt. What the fuck happened sweetheart?" he says, rushing to squat in front of you and inspect your knee.
"Frankie?" you ask incredulously, the vodka making you feel like you were moving in slow motion. What was Frank doing here? How did he find you?
"Why didn't you call me sweetheart? Been worried sick when you didn't come home. How the hell did this happen?" he rambles a bit, eyes still on your knee as he presses a bunched up napkin to the wound.
"I.. oh uh... I was.." you mumble, your brain incapable of making an excuse. It occurs to you that Frank hasn't noticed your inebriation and you're paralyzed not to reveal yourself. "How did you know I was here?" you ask, taking every word deliberately slow.
"Curtis was drivin' past and though he saw you. Called me up right away. Did someone do this to you doll?" he asks, locking eyes with yours, pleading to understand why you were alone and injured past midnight on a bus bench.
"No, no, nobody-- I tripped, I just tripped," you mumble, your heart racing now and your hands shaking. "I just tripped," you add again when Frank's eyes meet yours. You see him see you -- crumpled on the bench, tiny streams of blood caked to your shin, your hair disheveled and your makeup worn. You look at each other for an extended breath and you realize it's not rage or anger but fear in his eyes.
"Yeah. Yeah ok sweetheart," he answers placatingly, "let's get you in the car, yeah?" he says, his arm looped behind your back as he guides you to keep the weight off your twisted ankle. The ride home is silent, only the truck's blinker and his steady breathing fill the tiny space.
Frank tends to you like a patient, expertly helping you up the steps, getting you into your pajamas, taking a washcloth to your face, handing you a readied toothbrush and you obey-- compliant and silent.
You're sat on the bathroom sink while Frank cleans the gash on your knee properly, his hands competent and quick. He finishes and tosses the bloodied napkin in the trash and turns to stand in front of you in the tiny bathroom.
"It's gotta stop," he says directly, jamming his hands in his pockets. You can't meet his eye so he does the work for you, bending slightly at the knees to find your ducked head and says, "Gotta look at me sweetheart."
"Frank, this was one time. It's not a problem or something," you reply, risking a quick glance to his eyes. The lie like acid on your tongue.
"Don't do this. Don't fuckin' do it doll," he says shaking his head, agitation painting his face.
"I'm not doing anything. I-- I don't have to listen to this," you answer, anger masking the fear of being found out. No-- not found out. The fear of being accountable for change. For facing the hard things the alcohol and pills were supposed to mask.
You make to push off the height of the sink but Frank's hands land on your hips to anchor you in place.
"Nah, that's it. We're not pretendin' anymore," Frank says, is voice shifting into something like authority.
"I'm not pretending anything Frank. Let me fucking go," you reply, matching his intensity but fueled instead by the consuming fear of this being the moment you lose him.
"You gonna storm away on your bum foot, huh?! You gonna go get that pouch of pills from under the bed? Is that it!?" he shouts, his tone determined but his eyes pleading-- begging-- for you to listen.
You're frozen at his accusation. The pills. He found them. You felt the room melting off the foundation. Your stomach sinking to the floor. Your heartbeat raging in your ears.
"I don't know--" you mumble but he cuts you off.
"Yes you do sweetheart," he says, his tone hushed, as his hands navigate to either side of your face to cup your cheeks. He tilts your face up towards his, his touch so nurturing you could choke on your own betrayal of it. "Please. I can't lose--" he stops, unable to finish the sentence, "help me understand what's goin' on sweetheart."
You choke out a strained "I don't know how it happened Frankie," before a sob catches in your throat and you collapse on his chest, your hands making fists in his shirt. He hugs you to him with a strength you hadn't felt before, your breath squished from your lungs as you chant "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry frankie. i'm so sorry."
"You're alright. Sshhh ssshhh, you're alright," he responds, stepping an inch closer to the sink so that your legs are on either side of his frame and he hooks his arms under your thighs to lift you from the sink, your arms clinging to the column of his neck as he moves you both to the bedroom.
He places you gently in the bed and climbs in behind you, his shoes and jacket still on, as he cups your body within his. And in the darkness of the room you tell him everything-- speaking your shame and fears into the black stillness -- and he sees you through the other side.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 days
So I did a full analysis/reaction to the trailer because it dropped as my plane was about leave and I was going out of my mind and I needed something to do. Thank you @polinsated for sending the video of the trailer for me to obsess and hyperventilate over while stuck on a tiny chair in a very public place.
Also I apologise for how long this is going to be. I literally had to break it down in parts because tumblr can’t process it but also I had so much fun making this that I just really want it on my blog 😂😂😂
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She seems way to happy with herself for someone’s whose carefully constructed life is hanging by a thread. Pen what are you up to?
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Everyone is so happy and Eloise is just holding on for dear life and some sense of normality. She’s carrying such a heavy secret from her favourite sibling and she’s loosing Pen in a whole new way. The very fragile ground she’s been walking on is collapsing right under her feet. But also please El be kind to Pen and understand that this girl has been wanting this boy her entire life, finally has him and now is being put against the clock to drop this huge bomb that will destroy everything. It’s terrifying and understandable, give her time.
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Give me more of mama Bridgerton with baby Pen. This girl is about to receive so much motherly love she’s been lacking her whole life. Violet has probably been waiting for this moment since Colin was like 5. She’s so happy to welcome the 5th daughter she never had into her home and her family.
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Tbh their reaction at the engagement was my reaction at the trailer drop, jaw on the floor, choking on my tea. Also Finch is just the happiest brother in law??? Like let this man and Rae be the best man and bridesmaid at the wedding at this point. You know it would make his entire year.
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Pen is dressed entirely, from head to toe in lilac, she’s so in love and we love to see it ❤️
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Pen, love, please be happy about your upcoming nuptials. Why do they all look like they’re about to go to a funeral and Portia’s the one planning it excitedly?
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This is the moment we all started to die. Like the fact that we all collectively lost our shit precisely at this moment??? The way they just gravitate towards each other when everyone is going outside? I have always loved you Colin, there’s nothing that makes me happier than being with you??? The way there’s a huge grin on his face and he proceeds to twirl her around?? Just both of them happy and so so in love??? Oh god it is too sweet in here for me to breathe properly.
Then we collectively just kept loosing our shit but for another entirely different reason
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El, darling, I know you’re stressed and unhappy but please be kind to your bestie. It’s hard, it’s terrifying, she just got the boy of her dreams and you’re giving her a clock to drop the bomb that will destroy her dreams. Although we all agree with El, Pen you really should tell him before he finds out on his own and kisses you in the dark alleyways of London
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coddda · 1 day
Light Yagami is so insane specifically for the way that he manages to contradict himself in every way possible. Like I think about it All the time.
He doesn't make mistakes. He makes the same mistakes every single time in every single universe, just in different ways.
He sticks strongly to his own beliefs. He betrays himself and his own ideals by doing exactly what Light Yagami would do, no matter what version of Death Note it is. He betrays himself by seeking out a "better" means of justice, he betrays himself by trying to protect others, by just living and being bored and trying to avoid ever doing wrong. His very existence is a betrayal to himself.
He is proud to be his father's son, he wants to live up to his image more than anything else, he takes after him so much and people can tell. He uses his father for his own gain until the bitter end, sometimes it kills him. He loves his mother and his sister so much. He doesn't see them for the majority of the story, sometimes at a certain point it's like they're forgotten altogether. He won't think of them when he inevitably dies.
He asks himself what Light Yagami would say or do. He is Light Yagami. He asks himself what Kira would say or do. He is Kira.
He thinks everything he does through carefully and methodically, sometimes to unnecessary degrees. He is So fucking impulsive, sometimes his plans are outright clumsy.
He has a successful social life and can make just about anyone like him in just a few minutes. There is hardly a single genuine personal connection he has to another person in the series that he does not outright abandon or squander. He has everyone on his side, even if they think they're against him. In the end he realizes there is nobody left, that he is alone and all that is left is himself and his enemies.
He'll have a literal breakdown and collect himself completely within the next half a minute as if nothing happened. He compartmentalizes emotions like it's second-nature. He is losing his shit in his own head. He never stops thinking.
He acts almost disturbingly normal and polite. He acts and thinks like he does not know how to be normal, under everything he is bitter. He is the most put-together guy ever. He is an actual mess.
If you ask him if there's ever been a point where he's actually told the truth, he'll find the most roundabout way to tell you that he is "just like everyone else" in that regard. If you ask him if he has any understanding of the human heart, if he has ever experienced hunger, if he actually has interest in academics, if he knows how to love, he would tell you that he is just like anyone else. Yeah, that was all a reference, sorry. Do you think Light Yagami has ever sought friendship?
He sees himself a God. He is so, so terrified of death. He wants his life to mean something. He manages to only destroy everything and anyone his life has ever touched.
His name is spelled "moon". It's pronounced "Light". He's everything because he's at the top of the country, he's nothing because he's satisfied by none of it. He's everything because he now has everything he's ever wanted (he came across it by mistake), he's nothing because no matter what he fails and life goes on, every single time. He wants the world to know of his existence. By the time he dies most people won't even know who Light Yagami or Kira really was, what the full picture really looked like.
Every single time Light Yagami, without exception, will eventually betray himself and make the same mistake and faces the consequences and eventually die, then cease to exist. He makes mistakes, he does things that are wrong. He will almost never realize that he was wrong. He will lie to his enemies, allies, friend, family, accomplice. Does that mean he only tells the truth to himself? Well. That would have to come with the assumption that he's ever told the truth even once, from the moment he was born.
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kuyenshino · 1 day
Just a friendly reminder that even when there are some theories going on about Asa and Yoru merging together into one, they are currently NOT the same individual, even when Asa's feelings for Denji are permeating into Yoru somehow (well they share the same body and brain).
Clearly Yoru gives a damn about Asa, including her body autonomy (and you can say that Asa was sa'd by Yoru too bc she didn't consent). I'm saying this bc a lot of ppl thought Asa and Yoru were acting like friendly lately...
The reality is that Yoru doesn't really care about Denji's feelings (and Asa's by extent). She wants to fight with Chainsaw man and doesn't care about anything else. And, well, she's a devil after all.
What happened in this chapter can potentially not only destroy whatever genuine relationship Asa and Denji could have, but Asa and Yoru's alliance too.
I think we will finally see some seeds of a conflict inside between Asa and Yoru once the trust they developed has been broken. This internal conflict can be decisive for the climax of the manga.
Of course, Denji is a SA victim here, but Asa is one too! So I wonder if Asa will have an emotional breakdown and reveal the truth about her and Yoru... Or if shit will get even worse and both will think that the other abused/used them and nothing will be cleared up bc Asa will close herself off from Denji and Denji will distrust her even more...
Anyway, I just don't see any point of still keeping Yoru as a secret anymore since what happened in this chapter is probably the climax of their missunderstandings and bad communication. It would be more interesting, from a narrative point of view, if Denji will finally have to deal with the whole picture about Asa, "her mood swings" and all it implies for their fragile relationship: the ugly, the bad and the good... And what HE will decide about that. Or maybe its just my wish of Denji finally having some kind of iniciative or consent about his own life.
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buuuuuuuu3 · 2 days
I think that what makes me so frustrated about Tashi being called a villain is that people act like Art and Patrick are somehow this great victims of Tashi and I understand that her actions do not have the best light, but you have to also understand that her bluntness hasn’t dramatically change with the years, she was like this as a teenager.
There’s a parallel between how the characteristics of Patrick have also perpetuated in time, he’s still flirty, childish, jealous and clearly looking for validation but this are traits that are celebrated as part of his character. Tashi being a person who is driven, harsh, perfectionist and that is actually pushy with the people she loves are seen as bad traits.
Both Art and Patrick are aware of who she is and the role she plays in both of their respective relationships.
Patrick has this desire for validation that doesn’t make it easy for others to point out his flaws, he wasn’t doing his best for the career that he wanted (we see that clearly in the current timeline), she pointed it out, he saw her pointing something like that out with the jealousy and insecurity that knowing, what she was doing with her career was clearly getting more success than his strategy, gave him.
Art could make peace with that, he wanted her as his coach and as a wife. Was very much in love with her even with her being harsh and blunt and manipulative. And clearly wanted to still be with her even after not needing the push that she 100% gave him in tennis. He wasn’t in love with tennis anymore, he clearly still loved his wife, he was hurt because leaving the sport would hurt her because he knew what tennis meant in this womans life.
Oh she told him she would leave him if he lose the match, and she was crying about it, pleading with this dude to let her husband win. Oh but she fucked Patrick, I understand that is wrong, I understand that has no excuse. But tell me YOU wouldn’t excuse it if instead of Tashi fucking Patrick was Art getting on that car. Tell me you wouldn’t seen thousand of posts praising it. Say that to me with your whole chest!
Even if you don’t like her or don’t think she’s been a good partner, how is she stopping Patrick and Art from getting together? Patrick is clearly open to destroying a marriage and the feelings are clearly there but somehow she is the problem, she is the reason why they are not together and in love?
Give me a break!
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an-android-child · 1 day
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Okay with a hand over my Jason Lover Heart™
That bitch is not a prince. He's a wild beast at best. The thing that roams the forest, the wolfman who refuses to turn back into a human, even when there's no full moon anymore.
But also the idea that Jason and Damian have in common the fact that they're outsiders is like... Not true lmao
Damian, if anything, desperately tries to fit in. He does what he believes is expected of him. The blood son shall rise above the others, so he fights and demeans the rest, the inferior ones. The heir shall inherit everything, so he tries his damn hardest to be the best possible heir at all times, no matter the cost, because that's what heirs do. It's what he believes is expected of him. Everything's a test, a trial, and the moment he fails, the moment he lets his guard down... "Off with his head", as the story goes. He wants a place in his family so, so desperately, he's just doing what he believes is correct, what he believes will finally get him what he's been born and raised for. And yeah, this attitude not only affects Damian, but the others as well in very harmful, tangible ways, but here's the thing... Once he internalized he didn't have to act so hostile to be accepted, he mellowed out. He doesn't want to be fighting all the time. He is kind at his core, in a way not even Ra's was able to kill. He likes animals and has many friends and maybe he'll never get rid of his prickly exterior, but he loves so, so much, and in such a painfully obvious way.
Now compare that with my beloved Jason "I Love Burning Bridges" Todd and ummmmm. It falls apart lmao.
Jason actively wants to hurt others. Actively wants to be completely alone so he can pity himself for his loneliness. Because, in a painfully childish way, he believes he's been wronged so, so deeply, that this is the only way Bruce will be able to prove, no, to redeem himself. By burning all the bridges again and again and again, he expects Bruce to burn himself trying to get to him. Every. Single. Time. He wants Bruce to prove he cared, and he wants him to do it by destroying himself, by changing irrevocably, by proving his death mattered. And the only way he wants that proof is by seeing him hurt by his own hand. But the moment he gives up on him, because the only thing he does is hurt and attack, the moment Bruce decides this is the last bridge? He'll pity himself so, so much. What else could he have done? How else could this have ended? There was no other way, was it?
A dog that wants to be pet while he bites your fingers.
Jason, at his best, is a tragedy in it's purest form, a Shakespearean one, at that. Everything could have been different, but it isn't. Because he chose wrong. And he decided to keep choosing wrong again and again and again. He could have changed his mind at any point. But he didn't. And he'll blame everyone but himself for it. And he'll keep choosing the same option while doing so.
In comparison, Damian is a story about hope. Hope for cult survivors, hope for the lost sheep that made its way back home to his shepherd, hope in the knowledge that what they raised you to become doesn't have to be what you are. Damian is hope in its purest form: a child learning to be a child. And of course, this is completely incompatible with a man who lost every possibility of childhood. Of hope.
Not all by his own design of course. It's not his fault! Not at the begining. He made a choice with his heart! He wanted to help his mom!
And he was killed for it
I do believe him "choosing wrong" is not a matter of morality. He would have always chosen to try to save his mom (even if he fails at that too). Hell, even if he knew she would betray him, even if he knew how the story would end. Because the child that was killed in that explosion was kind and sweet and liked to study and just wanted to have a mom so, so badly. And yes, he had been bad, and angry, and yes, he wasn't perfect, but he believed with all his heart he would always bounce back. Because he had the strongest safety net in the world.
That child died waiting for his father to save him.
And when his father, the embodiment of a mythological greek hero in all its glory, turned out to fail just like a man, like a protagonist in a shoddy play, then it must have been because he didn't try hard enough. It must have been because he didn't care, because Jason wasn't worth trying. And when, after years and years of accumulated hatred, he returns to see his father still alive, still living, still upholding his stupid morals, morals that mattered more than his own son, then that means his death, his life, they simply didn't matter.
And Jason is so blind in his rage, in his anger at the belief that he wasn't loved, in his hurt that he desperately tries to transform into anger with all his strength... That he fails to realize three people died in that warehouse.
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atlasblue85 · 17 hours
ok i haven't made a person post in 5000 years but im losing my mind thinking about this and i can't contain it and i haven't seen anyone else talking about it
in the most recent episode when Armand and Louis are talking in Louis's apartment and Louis gets frustrated about only being able to make fire when he's angry, Armand tells him "I try and find the vulnerability within the object" and like that's just it, isn't it? that's his whole fucking character right there in one kind of throw away line.
And if you take that and apply it to his observation from earlier in the season, "that boy we met in San Francisco, he's still in there and we can find him" like!!!!! it's the same fucking picture your honor
All Armand does is look for the vulnerability and exploit it. He's had the thoughts of changing the coven but he could never say them himself so he lets Lestat come in and do it. "You brought him there so he could destroy it." Armand never gets his hands dirty, he just finds the vulnerability and exploits it by letting something else do the dirty work for him whether it be Lestat or Louis or fire. When the coven goes on the hunt he finds this party full of wealthy people living in luxury while the majority of the country is in post war poverty and he uses that to justify them being killed but also exploits the sentiments of the coven, knowing they'll do the work for him. He doesn't even go inside, barely even glances as they destroy the place.
But ALSO in this scene, he and Louis smoke their cigarettes outside and they both use lighters to light them. Armand isn't showing his full hand yet, he's drawn to Louis but doesn't fully trust him. He doesn't show him that until later, when he's more sure Louis feels the same about him. I think there's another scene then when Louis uses a lighter but Armand doesn't.
Then later we see that scene with Louis struggling with the candle and he says the thing about only being able to do it when he's angry, and then we only see him do it when he's angry. There he's angry because Lestat is invading again, but also angry that he's still being pressured about the coven. When he sets his pictures on fire he's angry about the rejection from the art dealer and then angry at Claudia.
Then there's the final scene on the bench in the rain. He's just allowed Lestat to disappear as Armand approaches, after telling Lestat he's going to break things off with Armand. Maybe it's a lie just for Lestat but I think there's at least some truth to it, some part of him that's going to, but then Armand starts confiding in him, and he realizes he has him completely.
"I used to be real good at running things" followed immediately by "I'm a little wet" he doesn't even ask Armand to put up the umbrella Armand just does it because he told Louis about his past and now Louis has found his vulnerable point and knows how to use it. So then he hands Armand a cigarette and Armand tells him he wants him and Louis calls him Arun and Armans calls him Maitre. He knows it's over now, he's not angry he's in complete and total control so he lights Armand's cigarette first and then his own, and then throws his lighter away.
THAT is the moment so far, to me, where Louis comes into his own as a vampire. Here's this 500 year old master manipulator and Louis has him wrapped around his finger. Find the vulnerability within the fucking object. God.
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soleilonthesun · 3 days
Blue Lock Eleven vs Japón Sub-20 (Blue Lock) | El Partido Definitivo | M...
This 8 minute rap is purely in Spanish/English for the choruses, and here I leave the translation for EACH CHARACTER, because each character speaks for themselves.
I want your wings
Let's make all your effort
No good for nothing
A canterano of Madrid
Playing in Japan
I'll be in charge
To destroy Blue Lock
It's ready
The summons
You must flow if you want
Reach for glory
Go for the win
Because today is not the end
It's the beginning of our story!
Today I didn't bring my thoughts
For the guinea pigs
The field is hell
Welcome to the battle
Winning and scoring goals
That's what I live for
No more reasons needed
The aggressive system is born!
Ready to dance…
Like a stealth ninja
Let's bargain…
With the most precious control
And intelligence
Biting like a dog!
This is how we defend
We are the Iron Wall!
The pass of your life
To me it's an obvious one
I smother your play
Like a snake does
They're thieves…
I'm the police
You'll be arrested
If they come to the goal
Starting the counter-attack
Abusing the dribbles
My ball was chocolate
And he missed that shot alone
But I've got plenty of my own
So I'll go for the rebound
And I'll score a goal
In the corner of the net
While they think it was a pass
1 to 0, you little nincompoops
Do something
Or you're a scam
Your brother is amazing
Shut up you fool.
Or I'll tear you apart
We'll turn your cries of passion
Into sobs
I'm tired of being
In my brother's shadow
He's the protagonist
And we're the villains
I've woken up…
And on this field
I'll copy your shot
And you'll see it's no big deal
To the club!
A second ball!
It's mine!
I'll score a goal
Hold it right there, jinx.
A silent ninjutsu
And I score from the shadows
But a wild doberman…
Doesn't want to eat the leftovers!
It fell from the sky
Like a candy
So sweet to top it off…
I'd better feint here first
I'll shoot so hard
I'll scare my demons away
I'm Nagi Seishiro
And take a spinning shot
They tied…
Because Rin has improvised
They have to go one step further
They've got to flow
I know we can win
We'll make it here
I will be
The best
Devouring you!
I've got you ahead of me at last
And don't nobody get in the way
It's a duel of brothers
And defeating him is my goal!
You're a pain in the ass
You're obsessed
If you always keep hanging on
You'll be on the second side
Playing defense
Doesn't satisfy me
But thanks
For having less attack
Than Demacia
They launch their play
I stop it with grace
My team has…
A watchtower
No weak points
We'll create one
Based on
We'll tear down the wall
We fooled them
They thought we were a duo
We have a panther
In case we're in trouble
You know what I love
Overtaking my rivals
On the wing
Just like Robben did
With Holland!
They go to sleep like pandas
I'm coming in with class
If you're gonna do it like that
I wouldn't even try.
If you're gonna clear
And the ball falls to Rin
You can be sure
That's the end of you
You cover my good leg
What a big mistake…
Because I can shoot
With the outside…
I'm the star of the team
That no one wants to lose
And I swear on my parents
I'll score this goal
I turned it down!
Package, you've had enough
I'm done killing them.
End of part one
And as promised
I'm leaving
Blame the captain
I bet that without Shidou
We'd win here
But we're weak
We'll let him fly
Why are they making so much noise?
For an outstanding play?
Be aware that
You haven't achieved anything yet
We will not make any changes
And the order I'm giving you
Is to destroy all your dreams
In the field
[SHIDOU] How good
It feels to be free
For once!
Your brother chose me
And I know it's gotta fuck you up
My foot hurts
But we'll win
It's not that we can
It's that we must
I want to play upstairs
It's fun to destroy
The dreams of the strikers
There's a foul so you
Take the chance!
And put them in a coffin
Flying like a dragon!
If in the pit they see the light
I'll cover it with concrete!
Demonstrating the attitude
That the Japanese have!
Aaah… I can feel it kick in.
I'm pumped up on adrenaline!
I want all your passes
I'll propose to you
And Shidou
And demon
The balance has been broken
So we'll make changes
To cause a ruckus
Let's kick it up a gear
Hyori will be the pilot
The anchor we need
For our bike
At this wedding
I'll take care of the ugly one
I'm here
To put you on a leash
Stops my perception
And if he steals the ball…
There's a good chance
That I'll score a goal for you
[REO] No, no, no
I won't give them the chance
I copy perfectly
Chameleon Defence
The pass of a lifetime
For me it's an obvious one
I smother your play
Like a snake does
Locked me up like a prisoner
But thanks to Reo
I control it like Leo
I'll defend so hard
I'll scare my demons away
I am Mikage Reo
Take a spinning clearance
I can't reach…
Fly by my head
But I'm a savage
And that's my nature!
Is there a Chilean coming
Did anyone doubt it?
It's not 11 vs 11
It's 1 vs 21
If the world doesn't want to know me
They'll recognise me
Because I'll score more goals
Than feet a centipede
I'm a cheater
Fast as a cheetah
Big bang impact from Ryusei
Not Vegeta's
His reaction
It's triggered
Sorry, we lost
More will have good runs
[ISAGI] Fucking jackasses
We want to win here
When there is no solution…
It's time for the joker
You see that
I see you I want to…
Hunt you and hunt you again…
They don't know what happens
When the beast wakes up
There's no room left in the jungle
For modesty
I play without positions
I move the way I want
And I'll rap more patterns
Because I've got…
The ground moves
When the lion goes hunting
The zebras know it
The ball has to be passed to me
I want to survive
It's a necessity
The light didn't want me
And I embraced the darkness!
When you least expect it
If the ball is stopped
A villain will appear
Eager to be evil
Get off me
My law rules here
Off with my shirt
On your knees before the king!
You can't score a goal
I'm going in
I make it easy
The iron wall
Against me became fragile
I devour anyone
And even Nagi knows that
Because to me
Itoshi Rin is another Isagi
I'm going to listen
To my emotions
And give up everything
What I have in
I've got to make amends
I'm not a story toon
Or else he'll never notice me
A Hollywood star
She got happy
Count me in
For the party
I know you can lead me
We'll score a great goal
After dribbling
We won't leave you
There's ink left in the inkwell
Surprising in your area
I used to be a striker!
I get serious
Numbers, numbers, numbers, numbers come out
I'm better than you, Rin
Take it on, take it on, take it on.
I can finally see
The field in its entirety
And be able to give it my all
And activate my ability
With the focus
On the bonds of their brotherhood
I think I know where
I've got to place myself
I hate you all
I'm going to kill you!
Little brother got angry
And he started drooling
I'm the best in the game
If it hurts you that's the way it is
And I play with my tongue out
Like Mike would do
I'm a winner
Japan the spectator
Arrogant and greedy
I destroy to the inside
Their best weapons
I disarm them
I make your field mine
And make them see
That Itoshi is the best!
But cruelly at my feet
Is not the ball…
At last the pieces fit together
I couldn't take it anymore
And I said to myself:
Go on!
I adapted to their natures
Luck is not created
You get it!
Inside Blue Lock
One has been the champion
And I'll prove
That the next World Cup
Japan's gonna win it
Tags: @glue-thief @someprettyname @galaxynajma @merlucide @melodiclune @jujutsustraycats @bueris @rinitoshisgirl @riririnnnn + CF GIRLFRIEND + BLUE LOCK FANS
I would love for you to support the video! The creators did an amazing job!!!
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