#it's me I'm Lwa fandom
warm-like-autumn · 2 years
The Lwa fandom hoping for a new season announcement at Anime Expo today.
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na-na-namine · 1 month
Welcome to tumblr 2024, where we've moved past elaborate character analyses and indulgent readings into queer subtext to… ignoring subtext entirely and shipping a lesbian icon with a gay cowboy.
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dust-rat-lives-here · 2 years
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Drarry wishes it had what they have
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LWA: I'm going to ruminate a bit more about the parallel between Maggie's & Nina's conversation with Crowley and the Metatron's conversation with Aziraphale--they refer to Aziraphale as Crowley's "partner," the Metatron talks about their "partnership"; both insist that Aziraphale and Crowley need to talk--because while I think it's easy enough to see that the Metatron deliberately manipulates Aziraphale (while not understanding him fully), Maggie and Nina accidentally do the same thing to Crowley (while also not understanding him fully). There's been ample discussion of the Metatron conversation, but not so much about Maggie's and Nina's messing about.
I think we have to begin from the position that Maggie and Nina are mostly misguided and, in Nina's case, explicitly hypocritical. Other people have already pointed out that Nina's barrage of questions about Crowley's and Aziraphale's relationship is ludicrous and inappropriate--this is not even bad fanfic outsider POV levels of behavior--but given her outrage when Muriel pokes into her own business later, the script sure seems to imply that, yes, her barrage of questions really /is/ ludicrous and inappropriate. (She's had, what? Two minutes of interaction with Crowley up to this point? What even is that conversation?) Given that Maggie and Nina are Crowley's and Aziraphale's primary mirrors in S2, although always bearing in mind that Gaiman likes his mirroring to be askew or warped, is it the case that Nina's behavior in particular just reflects our angel-demon duo's behavior straight back at them?
A lot of S2 struck me not as fan service so much as fan /corrective/, in particular about the fandom's tendency to read them as more human than angel and demon. Even in S1, we were shown repeatedly that no matter how much they might like humans and aspects of human affect/existence, they don't move through the world like humans, they don't have a human relationship to time (and not just because Crowley can alter it), they do things the "human way" explicitly for /fun/, and they demonstrate over and over again that they have at best a limited grasp of human psychology. Crowley's "godfather" plot doesn't work not only because of free will, but also because even in the GO comic universe, it represents near-total incomprehension about how messily nurture /operates/; neither of them understands Anathema's fear about accepting a lift home from what appears to be two men; etc. It genuinely does not occur to Crowley (and therefore to most of the audience) that turning paintguns into real guns for fun might be an issue, nor to Aziraphale that wiping Mary Hodges' memory after the interrogation might be suboptimal. This kind of mayhem is bog-standard comic character behavior,* but the trick that GO plays is to ask you to think about the ethics involved when the bog-standard comic character is super-powered. The thing is--and you will have noticed this is a running theme in my asks, I suspect!--is that while it's very easy to identify with these characters as /oppressed/ trauma victims, the novel explicitly and the series implicitly keep warning us that in relation to the humans, they are still the /oppressors./ In the novel, this is Aziraphale's insight at the end, and if S2's more pointed emphasis on how both characters unthinkingly treat human beings is any indication, it's also where the series appears to be tending. (This is why I get a little antsy about reading Crowley's brand of temptation as promoting "choice" or something else positive: it's great that Crowley dislikes killing people, but he's still mucking about with them to make his souls quota. Satan /likes/ what Crowley did with the M25.)
To circle around to Maggie and Crowley again: a) they understand Crowley and Aziraphale about as well as Crowley and Aziraphale understand them, which is to say, they don't, and b) Crowley still does not understand how to apply human frames of reference to his own relationship with Aziraphale. Besides the warning about treating humans like toys--which Crowley, in typically on-brand behavior, excuses rather than apologizes for--the most important thing Nina says is not the "romantic" advice. It's the point she makes about her readiness to be in a relationship after being dumped by an abusive ex, which is to say, her non-readiness. Because it would be cruel to the other person. /This/ is what Crowley needs to hear and understand, and he...doesn't. (Aziraphale also needs to hear this, but he's off having his relationship with Crowley rewritten by the Metatron.) S2 spends a lot of time demonstrating that Crowley and Aziraphale haven't even been dumped by their respective allegorical "exes," let alone that they've recovered sufficiently to actually "go off" together or have a full-blown romantic relationship. Crowley's panic at the end of S2 leads him to accelerate straight into marriage proposal mode, when it is exactly the thing that he has just been warned that he /should not do/. That is, he would have been warned if he grasped the analogy between his situation and Nina's, but he genuinely can't see it, much as neither he nor Aziraphale understands fictional marriage plots. It's an analogy that exists for us, the human audience, but not for him.
I do think fans sometimes forget that Aziraphale and Crowley /are/ comic characters who think and act like comic characters, and that this has ramifications for how S3 will resolve their relationship?
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hello again LWA!!!✨ im so sorry this has been burning away in my inbox for a fair while!!!
i gotta be honest, the mirroring of aziraphale and crowley in the general sense to maggie and nina is something that ive had a pin in for a while, just because of the sheer amount of information the parallel in all its skewed glory contains (and then that got me to thinking about the other mirror couples too, and its taken me a while - and pages of notes - to climb out of that particular rabbit hole). ie: dear LWA, once again you're going to get ramblings you didn't ask for.
on face value, maggie = aziraphale, and nina = crowley, right? maggie is soft and gentle, more readily/outwardly compassionate and innocent, even dresses in a typically lighter palette, and runs a shop that was literally carved out of aziraphale's own one. nina is acerbic and dry, outspoken and unapologetic, dresses likewise in darker clothing, and runs a coffeeshop that not only has a name that offers its patrons a choice, but feeds people with their fix - a material desire, if you like. it's far from a direct copy-and-paste of aziraphale and crowley, but they're instantly recognisable.
but you then have their situations (and im not breaking new ground here; this is just so i exorcise the thought-demons rattling around to make way for new ones) and their behaviours, that then reflect the opposite main character. maggie is shown fairly neatly to the audience, by virtue of her interaction with shax, to follow a similar pattern to crowley's circumstances as shown to us in s2 - linking a silly gifset demonstrating where im coming from on this, bc it saves the typing. she brings what is essentially a courting gift to nina, and then helps her out in the shop after the demon raid (reminiscent of the 1800 chocolates specifically, and then just... every favour/demonstration crowley has ever performed for aziraphale, frankly). nina is shown as being in an abusive relationship that she seems fully aware is abusive, full of gaslighting and possessiveness, but that she can't, for whatever reason, bring herself to leave - especially telling given her line that she thinks lindsay actually "never liked her very much", which aptly seems to reflect a good portion of how heaven views aziraphale. she's understandably hesitant and standoffish, and despite how unhealthy her relationship is, she is faithful and loyal to it despite the (unintentional, circumstantial) temptation being offered.
what i find interesting is that aziraphale interacts more with maggie, and crowley with nina. couple of thoughts on this, and all (and more besides) could be equally true:
aziraphale and crowley are drawn to the circumstances that their mirror is in; aziraphale is drawn to showing kindness to someone who is lonely and trepidatious, crowley is drawn to showing a wider perspective to someone who is inhibited and wary. the eden scene, in this context, feels all the more recognisable... plus, the anathema/newt mirroring!
aziraphale and crowley are drawn to the person that reflects their personality, possibly because it feels comforting and familiar. they feel kinship to the human that behaves more outwardly like themselves. again, im struck by how this feels a lot like their respective interactions with tracy and shadwell in s1
the fact that aziraphale and crowley interact more frequently and comfortably with maggie and nina respectively is used to draw attention to the moments where they don't interact with the other.
this last one is something i want to parse out a little bit. it is almost certain that aziraphale has had previous interactions with nina; he's possibly been in the coffeeshop before given how easily he addresses her, and nina remarks that aziraphale never goes to the monthly meetings, etc. she doesn't know him as well as maggie does, but by virtue of being neighbours, it stands to reason that they have had previous encounters that build up an acquaintance. crowley, on the other hand, does not appear to have met either of them before.
where aziraphale appears to interact with nina, however, in a one-on-one context, is the following conversation (im blithely ignoring the end of ep4 that's not even a conversation):
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specifically, the culmination of where aziraphale has not only presumed that he has license to mess about with her personal life in general, but now with her and the other shopkeepers' autonomies and agencies. he's playing god in this, weaving his power (imo, to varying degrees of consciousness) to set up the perfect romantic scenario for maggie and nina, but also for him and crowley.
the fact that nina doesn't conform, pushes back on that magic, has broken away from the collective mentality of just accepting the situation and instead is questioning it all, directly and without hesitation, is a crucial part of this for me; because aziraphale backs away, leaves the line of questioning, very quickly. he doesn't want to confront it, doesn't want to be shown where this is a reflection on his actions. he's being shown the same way of thinking that scared him with crowley, and aziraphale is still scared of it upending careful order and blissful ignorance.
he brushes it off, and carries on with what he's doing, because it's what he's able to control; aziraphale has to make order of things, cannot conceive of the chaos that asking questions would bring. translate this directly to how he ignores crowley's concerns in ep5, and then basically the fact that a good deal of crowley's characterisation is built on the premise of asking questions, and you can see where this - asking questions - is something that aziraphale still fears; it poses danger (it had direct consequences in the fall, after all!) so, of course asking questions is something to fear.
but then again, is it because nina is a mirror of crowley? if circumstantially nina is actually aziraphale, is aziraphale actually reacting in a way that shows he's scared of himself? he who is starting to ask his own questions? starting to reexamine the status quo? i think this possibly rings more true than the simple nina = crowley thought, because whilst aziraphale may still not be completely comfortable with crowley's questions, and what they mean, i do think that it's a part of crowley's... crowleyness that aziraphale likes and loves. something that he has accepted... but only when it comes from crowley. the aziraphale that baulked at questions in the pre-fall scene/in eden is not, arguably, the aziraphale we see in 2023; he's in love with crowley, as he currently is (or at least, how aziraphale perceives him).
so wouldn't it make sense that aziraphale is actually afraid of how much nina is reflecting his own innermost thoughts back at him? the thoughts that begin to question why it is that an angel and a demon can't be together, what the point of heaven actually is, why heaven is the way it is, and why - if god has set things out the way they're meant to be - does that feel wrong? if aziraphale is questioning all of this, what does that say about him? how close is he to losing being an angel altogether? he's previously defied god and heaven's orders, but is this a step too far?
moving on to the maggie and crowley dynamic; this to me is equally as interest because they... do not interact, as far as i can remember, in a one-on-one context, at all - with the exception of this one scene:
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im not quite sure what to read into this. my initial thought however, if we take the conclusion that maggie's circumstances and subsequent insecurities are a reflection of crowley, i do wonder if it's the absence of interaction that is key; that crowley is avoiding his reflection. that could be for any number of reasons, and no one reason feels quite right to me - arrogance, shame, embarrassment, fear of being seen, vulnerability... it's probably a mix. but it would nonetheless correlate with crowley's portrayal as not only an unreliable narrator at times, but also, as we've discussed previously, that he hasn't quite yet reached the development point of wanting to fully confront a good handful of his decisions and actions, nor want to acknowledge his circumstances that leave him open and vulnerable.
so what seems to be a rather purposeful tepid and... uninteresting? conversation suddenly has weight in everything that is missing. add to this, the way that crowley remains outside the bookshop as maggie, blissfully unaware, strolls into the bookshop, and he leaps in to stop the demons in their tracks before they can get to her, speaks even louder. he's most comfortable in being a protector, a fixer, a hero - even if it goes unnoticed and thankless, because that is his method of control:
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but anyway, to actually head back to what your ask is actually saying! i find the assessment of nina as acting somewhat hypocritical really interesting - because yeah, she definitely appears as a very private person when questioned by just anybody (if we take into her responses to mrs sandwich and muriel into account)... but she does open up slightly to maggie.
she doesn't outright state the true problem with her relationship - again, im fairly certain she's aware of the abusive nature of it - to maggie, but she definitely aludes to its true nature more than we see her do otherwise. when maggie makes the assumption that being bombarded with texts automatically means that the sender must care about the recipient - said with some good measure of naivety - nina puts that to bed with her thinly veiled response that it's not out of care, but out of possessiveness. she reveals a bit more of herself to maggie; it goes from "doesn't like when im late", to the more vulnerable, "...likes it if i text that im gonna be more than ten minutes late..."
so when it comes to how she comes across as hypocritical in how she questions crowley about his and aziraphale's relationship - yeah, it's odd. it's funny as hell, and the comedy of it has its own merit, but it is invasive and uncomfortable at the same time. whilst it doesn't make it right (she ultimately needs to mind her own business, same as she impressed on others to do with her), it's not difficult to see where her line of, "other people's love lives always seem so much more straightforward than our own" would suggest that this is her brand of her escapism from her unhappy one. she's just witnessed gentle/fond ribbing between aziraphale and crowley, otherwise sees them together frequently, and they probably come across to her as an incredibly happy couple, that out of a place of perhaps envy and wistfulness, she becomes inappropriately nosy about it. for me, the saddest line about her relationship, repeating it from earlier, is that she doesn't think lindsay even liked her, which is the abject opposite of aziraphale and crowley.
poking her nose into their relationship, such as it is, is absolutely a mirror to their behaviour in messing about with hers with maggie, but it is understandable why she uses this as her own outlet, same as crowley and aziraphale seem to use hers as theirs. not justifiable, but understandable. but, like you say, it's not at all on the same level playing field - aziraphale and crowley have actual power that can influence the world and people around them, including magically creating scenarios according to what they think constitutes a romantic story, full of violins-swelling, world-stops-around-them moments, whereas nina - as far as we're aware - doesn't have any of that. this very imbalance highlights that they are not the same, and that the two situations cannot be directly compared.
like maggie remarks, she and nina are not a game, and shouldn't be played with just because it amuses them. for all of aziraphale and crowley's preachings about free will (including that they don't have it themselves as an angel and a demon, but that humans absolutely do and should have it, "that's the whole point"), the show expressively indicates that they don't appear to respect it or consider it more important than themselves, going so far as to remove it entirely and render it conditional on their own terms. whilst they may stray into very human behaviours (or maybe more accurately - human situations), they are manifestly not-human, they don't understand (or... care?) how the world in the general sense works, and arguably them being on earth in the first place contradicts that free will... blessings and temptations are all well and good, depending on how you look at them, but they shouldn't be happening to begin with.
the systematic presence of heaven and hell altogether arguably contradicts the foundation of free will, which seems to be something that neither of them fully see - they don't acknowledge that very problem... actually, no! i lie - crowley dances briefly and gingerly on this very point:
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it's interesting how much the condition of humanity fades into the background when the narrative focus is on two supernatural characters and their personal storyline. and it's equally interesting how those same characters prop up their own irony as being the very thing that contradicts humanity from operating as it should, and - arguably - how it may have originally been designed.
everyone accepts that free will came to humanity from knowledge, and that knowledge was tempted to humanity by crowley... but he only says that he was sent up to eden to 'make some trouble'; who's to say that humanity wouldn't have come around to eating the apple anyway, which as crowley remarks was placed very pointedly within the garden, within literal arm's reach? did free will even need crowley to kickstart it? from the very first scene, we know that crowley evidently has free will by choosing to tempt eve to the apple, but we know that aziraphale has free will too, by choosing to give away the sword... so why wouldn't god have made humanity by the same design in the first place?
getting slightly off topic now, but it all seems to feed into the point that heaven and hell are superfluous to humanity's existence, and have only proven to treat humanity as a sandbox for their own ends. unfortunately, aziraphale and crowley don't quite seem to treat them much different in the grand scheme of things, even if their story, their 'version', is very much a 'lesser-stakes' microcosm of the wider narrative. nurture - ie. their unique experiences - may well have changed aziraphale and crowley in many ways, and separated them out from their contemporaries, but they equally still haven't fully shaken off their respective natures, either.
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d0rky-0utfits · 1 year
Fandoms and other stuff i like
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Fandoms I'm apart of 👍
Anna and the apocalypse
Black butler
Camp camp ✨
Casper's scare school
cirque du freak
Clone high
Dan Vs
Dexter's laboratory
Drak pack
Drawn together
Glitch techs
Gravedale high ✨
Gravity falls
Hazbin hotel
Hellsing ✨
Helluva boss
Hey good lookin'
Hi Score Girl
I hate fairyland
Inside job
Invader zim ✨
Jjba ✨
Johnny Bravo
Knd ✨
Kotaro lives alone
Lost in oz
Mad god
Maximum ride
Mha (kinda)
Moral Orel
Pecola ✨
Re-animator ✨
Santa Clarita Diet
School for vampires ✨
Scooby Doo mystery incorporated
Smiling friends
Sweet tooth
Strange hill high ✨
Steven universe ✨
Super crooks
The adventure zone
The boys
The house
The lost boys
The midnight gospel
The office
Total Drama
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Vampire in the garden
Welcome to eltingville
Wendell and wild
Video games I like 👍
Animal crossing
Anything Mario related
Battleblock theater
Cats are liquid
Crk (idk much about new cookies)
Fnf (not including mods)
Little misfortune
Little nightmares
Nintendo as a whole
Sally face
Sonic and the black knight
Sonic colors
Starfox (only for Wolf)
The end is nigh(still gotta finish the game)
Music I like 👍
Stray cats
Studio killers
Patrick wolf
The smiths
The cure
Mother Mother
Jack stauber
Rabbit junk
Marina and the diamonds
That handsome devil
The correspondents
Fever the ghost
Machine girl
Lemon demon
Tikkle Me
Oingo boingo
Extra/random stuff I like 👍
Mothman/other devious creatures
anything animatronic related(like the rae)
Posic related stuff
Wendy Williams ✨
Spilling the milk ✨
[will slowly update]
DNI-proshippers,zoophiles,maps,terfs,homophobes, transabled,transage,trans racial
Kinda random but for the love of God do not talk to me about season 2 episode 11 of sfv. I refuse to talk about that episode we don't mention that episode here. you know what that never happened that episode never happened. If you mention the episode I will remind you that it was probably a dream and that it never happened.
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Anyways have fun✨
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saturnniidae · 9 months
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Basic info:
☆ Hi, I'm Moth (or Saturnniidae, or Deya!) I really like cartoons, fantasy, horror, and Ash Ketchum. They/them, Liberian-American jewish (ethnically, I'm not a very religious person) & aroace lesbian. Sometimes I post art and maybe write. I'm audhd and in highschool (get me out of here)
☆ I'm multifandom, and my interests tend to change every few months due to hyperfixations, but my main ones are: Pokéani (specifically gens 4 & 7), Tales of Arcadia, Minecraft and How to Train Your Dragon. (These are special interests, and I've been obsessed with them for most of my life.)
I find 'pro/anti' terms generally reductive but that being said, if you are a self proclaimed 'proshipper' kindly fuck off and leave me alone.
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Additional info
☆ I enjoy talking to people, but also have really bad social anxiety and stare at notifications like a deer in headlights because I'm not sure how to respond. (Better at talking in tags/comments than dms tbh)
☆ I've been told I can come off as abrasive sometimes; I promise I don't bite, I'm just autistic 🦈🦈
☆ if you're an adult and want to be mutuals or follow me that's fine, just keep in mind i am not
☆ I swear, a lot (just thought I'd say bc ik some people don't like that 😭) and also make/reblog a lot of suggestive jokes. I may also reblog nonsexual nudity (in art) but likely won't be tagged bc. It's just bodies yknow 👍
☆ I lovee worldbuilding, and overthinking implications and what-ifs when it comes to my favorite media's!!
☆ I enjoy talking in tags wayy too much
☆ My other interests: Wakfu, nitw, mcsm, toh, lwa, BNA, ROTBTD, genloss, tales of arcadia, atla/tlok, kipo & the age of wonderbeasts, infinity train, nge, ianowt, bee & puppycat, vld, little nightmares, tdp, miraculous ladybug, gravity falls, hilda, the xmen movies, breaking bad/better call saul (I rarely watch yt or twitch but do sometimes watch Ranboo, Slimecicle, Aimsey and a few others but haven't in a while tho I might rb stuff occasionally 👍)
☆ feel free to send me an ask abt any of my fandoms I'll love u forever
Characters who I love dearly (they give me so much brainrot)
Ash ketchum, Gary Oak, Hiccup Haddock, Champion Iris, Goh, Jim Lake Jr, Claire Nuñez, Nomura, Azula, Mae Borowski, Astrid Hofferson (probably more im forgetting bc my memory's not that great)
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sailorportia · 4 months
I follow your Twitter and after randomly finding your Tumblr I've now just realized you're the sailorportia from the lwa fandom. You're a legend to me, I'm so happy you're still active!!
Omg you're so sweet!!
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laulink · 2 years
You know what’s an underrated LWA Brotp? Akko and Andrew. I mean, their dynamic is kind of interesting.
Oh, they are DEFINITELY underrated ! Honestly, I find it really disappointing how fandom in general, but especially whenever gay ships and rep are concerned, will fight any and every thing that they fear might "come between their ship" or "take the spotlight away" from the characters they feel deserve it more, regardless of the quality of the storytelling.
That's what, I'm afraid, led to Akko and Andrew's friendship being "demonised" by the fandom : the fans were so afraid that LWA would be one more anime where the main girl falls in love with a random hot guy instead of going along with the sapphic vibes she has with her narrative foil that they all dunked on Andrew like they never dunked on a character before. Even two eps before the finale they were still afraid there'd be a confession or kiss coming out of left field and I honestly didn't understand what this fear was about : we would have had hints of it way before that if the anime had been going for it ! It was irrational and only after the anime had ended did Andrew finally get some slack. Poor boy.
Sorry for the rant, your ask just reminded me of how much I appreciated their relationship in the show and disliked how antagonistic the fandom was toward Andrew for being "a threat to their ship" when he was just minding his own business and having a character arc of his own with the help of his friend, goddamnit.
But yeah, Andrew and Akko's friendship is one of my favourite relationships in the whole anime ! It's just really nice to see stuck-up Andrew learn to let loose thanks to Akko and look so much happier afterward, but also braver, more outspoken, especially against his dad and his school, just trying to do the right thing and make people happy like his friend taught him. And I think it's important for Akko too, to realise she managed to touch his heart, because touching people and making them happy and brave is basically the essence of her dream and what she wants to achieve as a witch. They both deserve the best.
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rawrtriesagain · 2 years
Howdy you found me. Welcome to my new (new) art blog! If you wanted to know why this blog exists, you can give my little vent a read here. Basically this blog is for doodles and shitposts and the like.
Anyway I hope to be posting little doodles soon. I fantasize about drawing diana and/or akko at least daily (ha big dreams), and being free from the burden of trying to make them look perfect every time
To clarify some things if it was made weird in my vent: you're free to reblog/like/share things from this blog and interact as if you would any other blog lol I'm not trying to keep this blog "secret" or anything. It's really just a glorified place for my own peace of mind
But most posts will not be tagged so that I’m not spamming the designated fandom tags (like “lwa” and “diakko”). Don’t worry though because most doodles should make their way to my main art blog sometime also and Will be tagged!
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duke-chainsaw · 4 years
Here is a cursed image for the LWA fandom:
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call-me-flicky · 4 years
Episode 22 summary: Akko got bamboozled by Ursula.
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I know the detail is more subtle due to the show being written in Japanese (although there are some instances where it shows through like when Akko introduces herself as Kagari Akko but then as Akko Kagari after remembering the name order is different in English) but Luna Nova would have been primarily English speaking.
So not only is Akko new to the magic world but she's learning every thing in her (presumably 2nd) language and it makes the standards put on her even more absurd.
Additionally she's one of the few characters of color we see within the school that gets much screen time and racial discrimination most likely ties into how some of the teachers and how Hannah and Barbara treated her.
These things were subtle because they were just sort of understood regardless but I think they're really important to put into context the unfairness of how Akko was treated and exactly why Ursula snapped when she was going to be expelled.
Because first and foremost LWA is a story of privileges and how they intersect with disability and change perspectives and it's something that ties the other themes of the show together and I think that's important to take note of when interacting with the show to some degree.
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pastatiger · 2 years
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Anyways here are some league of lesbians arcane bitches (I have no excuse for my absence I just couldn't be asked to draw lol)
But yeah this is a good time to announce that I'm low-key out of TOH while it's on hiatus but I probably won't stop drawing it, I'll just sprinkle it in with other fandom stuff I enjoy (Arcane, LWA, Omori, Deltarune, NGE, Madoka Magica, Danganronpa, Amphibia maybe idk we'll see lol). When the show comes back for season 2B I'll most likely be back full swing with a hyperfixation on it. I hope people don't leave for me multifandom-ing but what can you do lmfao
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Hi! Good *insert time of day*! You seem to have a bit of a different take than most of the rest of the fandom on the final fifteen, particularly the mistakes that Crowley made leading up to it, so I was wondering what your take was on the mistakes Aziraphale made in the lead up? I guess I'm curious whether your reading differs there as well because I have trouble finding theories that don't either pin everything on a single trauma-driven decision or say that their whole relationship was dysfunctional or absolve him entirely via a plot twist and none of those feel correct to me somehow.
hi anon!!!✨ oh of course, there are so many things that aziraphale does ultimately fuck up a great deal on!
now, actually, would be a great time to actually address the bit of the most recent LWA that i felt would be too out of place to address in that response (LWA if you're reading this, which tbh im assuming you are, consider this in part a response to you too) - the way that aziraphale has replaced heaven with crowley.
now look, i do not think that this necessarily means that aziraphale sees crowley as a replacement for heaven - and what i mean by that is that i don't think he sees, or wants, him to be a carbon copy. aziraphale knows crowley is not heaven, and vice versa. i also think that aziraphale is aware of the fact that heaven as the system it currently is, and the archangels that run and operate within it, behave in a way that he can no longer run with.
when heaven refuses to back down from the apocalypse, and will wipe out humanity - you know, the humanity that he not only loves because of the things they have created and he hedonistically enjoys, but also because he literally does it out of kindness and duty (flaming sword being case in point) - this is possibly where aziraphale runs into his moment of "going along with heaven as far as he can". crowley even admits that aziraphale and heaven are no longer on speaking terms in the lapsed four years, and we have no reason at all to doubt this. so for me, when he accepts going back, it's done out of taking the opportunity to change the very things that he could no longer go along with. but i digress-
aziraphale substituting heaven for crowley does not say to me that he misses heaven, not really, but i think he is, in some ways, lost. we start off his introduction into s2's plot with him chilling with some shostakovich; so by large, he seems rather content with how his life is panning out in his retirement. but four years is an incredibly short amount of time to completely break the habit of having a job, a duty, a calling, that you've had for 6000.
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i think aziraphale misses that he can tell someone about his work, about doing good deeds, and having someone to recognise him, even praise him, for it. and heaven did seem to praise him with his work on the antichrist, even if we as the audience see it as condescension, and wholly false or hollow (and on some subconscious level, i think aziraphale knew this too. being talked down to by the archangels is not news for him by this point (job)):
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heaven represented an ideal for him, as well as being the closest he had to belonging. he may love humans, and in time come to love crowley, but i don't think he ever necessarily felt he belonged with them, that there was still something missing, and this is absolutely a reflection on aziraphale himself. the issue is that he never belonged in heaven, either - even less so, frankly - but he still yearned to do a good job, be a good angel (something that, after everything, i think he still considers to be important), and be accepted as a result.
but where i come to addressing what you're actually asking me, anon - about where aziraphale makes his own mistakes - is that when he loses heaven, he tries to fill this void, taking his buried feelings of inadequacy and ostracism (if his reaction to shax's goading in ep6 is anything to go by), by displacing everything onto crowley, and it reaches a point of dependency that is not fair on crowley to fulfil or give.
aziraphale is supported (enabled? arguably) in his hedonistic tendencies by crowley, encouraged to enjoy food and wine in particular (and as an example). shax points this out as being a key insecurity of aziraphale's, suggesting that he is otherwise self-conscious, even ashamed, of it to some degree, and i think we could extrapolate this to say that he entirely depends on crowley's encouragement to justify it to himself. even in the sushi restaurant, at beginning of s1, he seems to anticipate and be comforted that it could crowley joining him.
going back to the previous point of displacement, if we take the fact that aziraphale then also calls crowley essentially for praise, we can infer that he regularly needs his input to re-establish his self worth, exhibiting in reassurance-seeking behaviours. he also seems to display this kind of behaviour when telling crowley about the record in ep2, but moreso in ep3 when he revisits gabriel's statue.
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don't get me wrong, this could just be aziraphale being excited to share his findings, but the almost erratic way in which he does, feels like he needs his praise before he can feel like he's 'done a good job', needs his approval before he can feel good about himself. this coping mechanism of aziraphale's only proves to worsen this level of dependency he has on crowley. crowley may well be happy to give it, which is crowley's own issue, but in the context of the final fifteen it puts an emotional load on crowley who not only has to deal with his own subjective heartbreak, but probably bear the weight of aziraphale's too.
and lastly, whilst i still maintain that this is more prevalent in s1 when he still puts firm stock in heaven, aziraphale does have a sense of superiority over crowley in his being an angel, compared to crowley being a demon. aziraphale is ultimately stating a point as he sees it - that he is in fact holier-than-thou, "that's the whole point" - but fails to recognise that that doesn't make him a better person by rule. it doesn't help that crowley's more... questionable actions... do nothing to dissuade aziraphale of this, but nonetheless aziraphale still sees what is essentially a class difference. by s2, i do think that this thinking wanes in him slightly*, and that he does begin to accept that he loves crowley as a person (including him being a demon), but that is going to leave a lasting scar on how crowley himself will think aziraphale sees him, and in turn potentially how he sees himself (i will be clear, this relationship is not one-sided in its dependency).
*when aziraphale remarks on "you're the bad guys", i don't think from aziraphale's perspective this was ever a criticism on crowley. after all, crowley is a demon, demons are of hell, and hell is the Bad Place - it's a statement of fact, not a judgement - and he even says categorically "well, of course you said 'no' to hell" (ie. literally, 'you're one of them, but not one of them' - echoing crowley's own words of them both being "better than that"). but he doesn't consider how this must come across, given his history of placing himself as crowley's moral and literal superior; he might not mean it that way now, but that is what crowley is going to hear.
all of this is cyclical, and all link intrinsically together in aziraphale to form an unhealthy dependency on crowley, as i said. this is an issue, and is not at all fair on crowley, because of the way we can infer how this could make crowley feel in kind; as a case in point, when he recounts aziraphale's reasons for contacting him, they're all termed like aziraphale never wants to speak to him just for him, as opposed to needing to get something out of it to reinstate his own person feeling of self-worth, and nothing that gives crowley the same feeling back.
it also feeds into the delusion that aziraphale has; that crowley is a completely good person, especially when crowley has repeatedly stated that he is in fact not that at all, but a little bit of both (with arguably the bad outweighing the good, at times - see crowley's line about 'dark grey' in ep4). he essentially places crowley on such a high pedestal that, to continue to metaphor, crowley cant move or wiggle upon without fear of falling off. whilst aziraphale may no longer have any allegiance to heaven as the institution, he still holds fast that it was always intended, always meant to be, the side of good. ergo, crowley belongs there - and leading directly to him even entertaining that crowley would want to be restored. in his eyes, he acts like an angel, so why not be restored as one? why wouldnt he want that?
and this all neatly leads into the fact that aziraphale doesn't listen to crowley; ive said in a post Somewhere that whilst i do think that i understand aziraphale has good intentions behind it, he does nonetheless overstep boundaries that crowley is clearly uncomfortable with, and aziraphale either disregards, or just plainly ignores, are there. crowley doesn't help himself with lying to aziraphale (about the gun, or about him living out of the bentley), but regardless aziraphale can obviously see crowley's hesitation with the bullet catch, can see that crowley expresses discomfort with sharing the bentley, and aziraphale pushes him anyway. this all culminates in that aziraphale gets too caught up in the ball - and his Plan - to recognise crowley's genuine panic about the demons lurking around outside.
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he even goes as far as to lie to crowley, by omission. he lies about the antichrist in s1, and arguably for good reason (ie. in an attempt to safeguard the child - bear in mind he lies to heaven about it too), he still lies. it shows a lack of trust, which if you consider 1941 happening canonically before this, is worrying; crowley does ultimately go on to pressure aziraphale into shooting adam, but it's a conversation that aziraphale should have addressed more thoroughly with crowley. in this instance he was right not to trust him with the antichrist's location, but not right to not discuss more thoroughly with crowley that the antichrist shall not be harmed, and instead they need to find a new-new plan.
he also lies about shax appearing in the bentley, and fails to prepare crowley ahead of time for gabriel being in the bookshop. instead, in the latter, he tries to find a way to make crowley calm down (with bloody eccles cakes, jesus wept...), instead of just being upfront with him. he tries to bluff his way out of changing the bentley, and puppy-dog-eyes (as he knows works in much the same way that crowley's temptations tend to work on him) his way out of it. this may seem innocuous, but as i note in the next paragraph, it shows that he has a tendency to listen to crowley, but not actually hear him.
and okay - all of these, on aziraphale's part, may be rooted in love, but he doesnt stop for breath, doesn't stop to see and to hear him. in this respect, i can't disagree that it creates an environment where crowley may not feel able to communicate with aziraphale (albeit crowley isn't blameless in this either), and makes it all the more difficult for crowley to be able to express himself to him. this even happens blatantly in the final fifteen; he doesn't listen to crowley's panic, his tone, when he starts off nervously trying to confess to aziraphale, and aziraphale can't help himself but to butt in and interrupt. i don't think it's a sense necessarily of entitlement, but that aziraphale isn't reading crowley, and so thinks that his 'good news' is something that crowley will agree is more important that what crowley was going to say. they do, unfortunately, know each other shockingly little in some fairly major ways.
these are two characters that are manifestly impossible to analyse accurately and fairly without looking at the other. they feed into each other's bad parts and behaviours just as much as they do the good - and it keeps spinning and spinning like a water wheel. you can't truly unpick one without the other, and by large all of their actions are equally understandable as they are condemnable. i do feel, i'll be frank, that crowley's actions in the lead-up to the final fifteen are arguably more damning than aziraphale's - and the fandom in general terms seems to be blind to considering them, at times - but that doesn't mean that aziraphale is blameless, because he absolutely isn't!✨
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Hey yall, I'm back. If anyone cared enough to notice. And to those who don't, I wouldn't blame you. I also got a new pfp, yeah, very exciting, totally. I was thinking that maybe it'd help me get more recognised as one of the artists here in the lwa fandom. And not just some fan who browses the Internet and maybe posts somwtimes
Reffering back to those people who've notice my absence, sorry bout that. I was still recovering from that burnout sh*t that a certain lwa project and my own hubris got me into. Also not to get too personal or anything like that but I just recently moved, which helped in both getting me out of burnout and keeping me busy. And boy oh boy do I have this addiction to feeling busy. I'm not sure if I should even call it that. I just kinda feel bad when Im not busy.
But getting back to that project, i do have another deadline being diakko day.
[source-@commieakko ]
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but I'm not really acting upon it as we speak. So the deadline is more or less just a suggestion, and I'm keeping it lighthearted as to not put a damper on my already soaked project. And no that's not literal humor pertaining to the fact that the project got soaked, that never even happened. And as for what I'll be doing on diakko day if I don't follow through with the deadline, don't worry I have other plans.
[source-little witch academia ]
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pbmychoices · 3 years
I liked Slow Burn but there are people in the fandom who didn't. Ms. Match was stupid to me. If I want to see cute matchmaking then I will watch Hitch starring Will Smith. I like Laws and I can't get into The Royal Finale right now because I'm tired 😞 I love the characters but I don't care for what they have done to the series.
I don’t know if Ms Match is something I would try again or not. Maybe just to get diamonds… (btw I love the movie Hitch. One of my go-to movies when I need to have something on!)
Slow Burn looks like it had some nice art but I didn’t hear too much about the story. Not sure if the recipe stuff worked or not?
I have to see more about Lwas of Attraction to really see, but if it’s only those books then I’m not sure VIP is worth $15 a month at this point. 🤷‍♀️
I also just remembered that I never finished The Royal Heir book 3… because it got so tiring and over done. So I guess I’d have to finish that too…
Sooooo I guess I’m really hoping the new books prove worth the wait 🤞
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