#it's no longer a love triangle or maybe it was bela who made it a square
stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Pizzicato
Chapter Nineteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela, Dean/Cas (unrequited)
Other characters: Miriam Talbot (OFC Bela's mother)
Word Count: 2567
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, putting out other people's fires, and old baggage, unbeta'd
A/N: Castiel and Trouble's friendship is something I didn't realize she had been missing until he was in front of her. There are a couple of big truth bombs in this chapter and I hope I handled them respectfully. This is an AU and it is not indicative of this author's feelings on canon or any other fandom shipping practices.
Series Masterlist
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Posting on Dean’s instagram account was par for the course as the band’s publicist. You bothered to know what a hashtag was, for one. For another it also allowed you to check traffic on posts and actively moderate things to help the comment section look best for Dean’s image. Afterall, Dean trusted you, you weren’t going to leak anything or make him look like an idiot.
You were a goddamn professional and this wasn’t the hardest thing you’d done in the last year, but Jesus fuck were you pissed.
Dean hated tattoos. Really, he hated needles. He was black out drunk when he and Sam got their matching flaming pentagrams. He actually had a panic attack the next morning after realizing he let someone “sew ink” into his skin. By sheer force of will and through the bond of shared grief, you got him to go with you for Jo’s memorial tattoo on the tenth anniversary of her death. It was in your all-time top five ultimate Dean-Y/N memories.
And now it meant jack shit.
You edited and cropped the photos, sent two back to Bela to post on her account and then posted the lion’s share onto Dean’s, making him look like the diligent boyfriend while Bela was busy in the chair. You thanked Billie for taking care of “his girl” and made sure the shop was the location and tagged. You wanted to punch something, it looked so good. Then you sat back and let the interwebs do its job.
Okay, in actuality, you emailed about twenty different people, had a conference call with the tour management marketing team, scheduled radio station drop ins and followed up with Meg on the expected release of Dean’s photoshoot and interview. These days it may just end up online, but you hoped she was able to score him real physical print space.
It was just as you were winding down for the night, when your phone rang. It was past any reasonable business hours and you were already done with your skin care routine, but then you saw the caller id.
“Miriam! Hi!” You tried to sound pleasantly surprised.
“Don’t Miriam me, young lady. What is going on out there? Is it drugs? I thought we missed this stage when she quit acting for college. You’d tell me if this hoodlum was pressuring her into risky behavior wouldn’t you?”
Which was a lot to unpack right off the bat like that, luckily you had experience dealing with Bela’s mother.
“It’s just a tattoo. She’s not on drugs, I promise.”
“And what about this Dean? I knew they were seeing each other, but this seemed a bit more intimate— not exactly in the public eye.”
Oh, she was good.
“He’s not on drugs either. And—- he actually isn’t thrilled with tattoos. This might be all Bela, if I’m being honest.”
“Have you seen the things they’re saying? The things they’re calling her, Y/N?”
You rolled your eyes and heaved yourself out of bed, you needed your laptop if you were going to continue this conversation rationally. 
“Let me look into it— what site were you on?”
“Oh, I’m not sure. Olivette, one of the boardmember’s wives, told me she read about it online during dinner.”
You inhaled deeply and started your usual rotation of sites, you’d have to add some new tags to follow Bela’s buzz more closely going forward. 
“And you’re sure this wasn’t just bad blood from Olivia? I’m not finding much besides general surprise.”
“It’s Olivette. And yes, I’m certain. She wouldn’t make me worry without a reason.”
And then you realized what you were missing, it wasn’t just People or TMZ you had to worry about. You went to Hello!’s twitter and you found what had Miriam Talbot’s friend in a huff. 
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You started scanning the comments, gathering the most common complaints and judging their amount of influence via cursory glances. You did not know a lot of the news personalities or celebrity bloggers in the UK. You were going to have to meet with Bela and figure out a better approach going forward.
“Okay, Miriam, it’s almost eleven here. I know you probably called me as soon as you woke up, but consider me on the case. Alright? Bela’s fine and this is just a minor hiccup.”
“If you’re sure, Y/N, dear.”
You sighed. “Of course. I would warn you if there was anything to worry about. But please just let this run its course. You know how the tabloids are.”
“Unfortunately I do, that’s why I called. Please keep me updated if anything else comes up?”
“Will do. You have a good ni-day!”
“Goodnight dear— and thank you.”
You smiled at your lap. “Anytime.”
You let her hang up. Then you promptly pulled up your contacts list and warned Bela that her mother was sniffing about online and to call her at a decent hour. And finally, you spent the next four hours (or so) online until you had swam to the bottom of the cesspool and decided it wasn’t worth your time. At least not right then, not so exhausted.
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Three days passed since the snobby UK gossip rags’ judgment rained down and, as expected, it had already just about fizzled out. You sat in a cafe with a quad shot flat white, waiting for your lunch date to arrive. Not truly a date, though it wasn’t a meeting either.
It was a diplomatic mission.
Then you spotted him and your stomach swooped, feeling the loss of his presence in your life all over again.
“Hey, Cas.” You stood and held your arms open for a hug, which he accepted with a timid smile.
“It’s good to see you, Trouble,” his gravelly voice murmured in your ear. He still smelled the same.
You pulled back and looked him in the eye, searching for anything but the sincere blue reality in front of you. He held no grudges, not with you, without even discussing it you knew he was still your friend. 
You then punched him squarely in the shoulder. “That’s for ghosting us all for the last nine months, assbutt!”
He grunted, and rolled his eyes. “I can accept that.”
“Good. Because I missed you. We all miss you.”
He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows in challenge.
“So— heard you have a kid, huh. That’s —- weird.”
Castiel exhaled and shook his head. “Who told you?”
“What? Nobody. I have eyes. And spend enough time online to draw some conclusions.”
“Kelly told you.”
“She didn’t have to. She’s amazing by the way— are you a thing now, now that you know he exists?”
Castiel looked affronted. “Me and Kelly? Oh, no. That was a teenage mistake. We were young. And we’ve both matured into vastly different people. But I respect her and I think— I hope I’ve earned her trust.”
“Tell me about him—- he’s what? Twenty-twenty one?”
“He’s twenty three and very talented. Kind, impossibly optimistic even.”
“Yikes, tough combo out here.”
“Tell me about it.”
You shared a look and he smiled at you like he knew what you were thinking about. Like you were reliving the same joke.
You blinked away the sting in your eyes.
“Go get your dark roast and get back over here, we’ve got things to discuss.”
His eyes softened, but Cas didn’t argue with you.
You sipped your drink and tried not to let all of the questions that had been building for months run away from you. He was back both too quickly and too slowly. You cleared your throat, the awkwardness you had been fighting back rushed to the surface.
“So— I presume there is more to you calling to get lunch. Not just asking about Jack and goading me about my latest tattoo?” Cas wasn’t one for small talk.
You nodded and swallowed around another perfect mouthful of milk and espresso.
Castiel’s face went through a journey when you didn’t quickly reply. “He doesn’t want to see me—- he made that quite clear.”
“And what about since everything?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know Dean’s called you. He might not have been big enough to actually apologize in a voicemail, but I know he wants to fix things— he misses you as his friend, too.”
“Then he should be able to suck up his pride and make the effort,” Cas snipped, the first sign of the lingering anger from his and Dean’s fight.
“I haven’t exactly seen much of your effort. Do you not want to fix things?--- And I’m not talking about coming back to the band— that ship has sailed. I’m talking about twenty years of friendships you just walked out on.”
Cas stared at his coffee, his eyebrow ring arched with his bitchy expression. He hated being corrected, you knew that. But this had gone on long enough.
“I’ve spoken with everyone but Dean,” Cas explained. “It’s not perfect, but it’s progress.”
“You never spoke to me,” you spat.
Cas’ eyes softened again. “I always knew where your loyalties lie, you took your time, too.”
“Wait— even SAM?!”
“Sam and I haven’t lost contact this whole time.”
You sucked in air. “Oh, he is so dead.”
“Y/N. It wasn’t like we were plotting or anything. He was worried about me, I was worried about Dean.”
“Yeah, but if Dean knew—”
“Ask Sam, but I don’t think he could hide anything from Dean if he wanted to.”
You knew he was right. Ever since Sam got sober, transparency had been something Sam put into his closest relationships anyway. Beside Dean being ruthless and stubborn, well, you supposed Cas was right. 
“Why do I feel like this band just doesn’t want me to be able to do my job?”
“Your position as group therapist is fairly tenuous. Especially with Pamela involved.”
“I meant my real job. If I had known you were on decent terms with, well, everyone but Dean, it would have made things a lot easier, young man.” You couldn’t help but smile now. Sure you were hurt, but the eggshells you had been stepping over for so long really only took up a single corner of the floor.
It was freeing.
“I never meant to cause you any distress.”
“That doesn’t make it go away, Cas.”
He bowed his head, but popped back up to meet your gaze. “I know. I apologize. I didn’t want you to think that I was done— with any of you.”
You pinched your eyes closed quickly and then reached over the table to squeeze his forearm. “Okay. So— you’ll come to Dean’s birthday party, then?”
Cas patted your hand with his left and sat back, breaking the contact and sat with the invitation for a heavy moment.
“What makes you think he’d want me there?”
You glared at him, all tattooed and handsome and absolutely clueless about how much his absence has affected Dean. Sure, Dean got to keep the band, but it wasn’t the same without Cas. Cas has had to start over entirely, become a dad and rebuild his career all without any of the support Dean has had around him through his own troubles.
“Look— I know you’re Mister Independent and I don’t want to set back any of the progress you’ve made without him needing you around. But he still looks for you whenever we all go out. And hanging out with Kevin, made it abundantly clear to him that you were available— you just weren’t interested.”
“Why do you always make it sound like we were an item?”
You rolled your eyes. “Look, we all know Dean has attachment issues. I’m not saying anything was kinky between you guys— that’s not my business. But, as friends, you guys deserve to at least get some answers— closure or forgiveness can come later, if you get there.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Really? You’re not just saying that to get me off your case?”
“Yes, really.”
You smirked and Cas’ smiled with his eyes, fidgeting his lip ring with his tongue.
Cas cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee before changing gears. “So, your friend Bela and, uh, Dean?”
You groaned and hid your eyes in your hand. When you looked up he was laughing at you.
“Stop— we both know what it’s all about.”
“Kevin seems to think Dean’s whipped.” Mischief continued to dance in Cas’ eyes.
“Well, it’s about time.”
“I told him, the only one who has had Dean whipped in over a decade is you.”
You choked on your spit, sputtering at Cas’ bluntness.
“They don’t know it’s for show do they?”
You inhaled deeply. “Sam knows. Dean and Bela have their own private agreement about it all. But, uh, yeah, you pretty much guessed right.”
Cas watched you thoughtfully, futzing with his lip ring with his top teeth now. 
“How are you holding up?”
“Me? I’m fine, why?”
Cas nudged your ankle under the table with his combat boot.
“As someone who was definitely in love with him for most of my life— I know the symptoms.”
You sighed and shivered at being seen and having your long held suspicions confirmed. You rubbed your upper arm, trying to fight the goosebumps. “I’m fine. Nothing has changed. He’s just been working on himself and that is— distracting.”
Cas hummed, head cocking to the side as if looking at you with a different angle would give him more insight.
“I mean it. He’s in therapy and everything. Sam and him are working out. He’s been insanely focused on the latest album—”
“He’s doing penance.”
“Maybe. But he wants to be better. It’s not just guilt. I don’t know how to explain it. But, you’ll see what I mean.”
Cas eyebrow popped up again.
“You will,” you insisted.
“You always were able to read me weren’t you?”
You chuckled at the back of your mouth, short and knowing. “Guess it comes with being stuck with each other for so long.”
“Shared trauma response,” Cas teased.
“Or that.”
You finished the last of your drink and looked around the cafe.
“So, where we going to eat? I think we’ve had enough heavy— sushi?”
“You buying?”
“Phantom Traveler is covering this as a business lunch.”
Cas stood and pushed in his chair. “Okay, well then, bring on the seafood.”
You stood and let Cas walk you outside, his hand on the small of your back until he could offer you his elbow on the sidewalk. You smiled up at him and pulled him tight to your side.
“I’m glad you’re back, Cas.”
“Well, we’ll see if everyone agrees with you, won’t we?”
The afternoon passed quickly, catching up and sharing memories that were now tinted with the grief of the last lost year. Things made more sense the longer you thought about how the band had been acting, especially way back at the Animal Shelter where Cas’ niece had been more than willing to put in her two cents. You texted Sam while you waited for your meals, warning him where you were and what you knew.
‘Have fun.’
His only response. Asshole.
But everything kept from you, kept from Dean, wouldn’t last forever. It couldn’t. Now you at least could control the narrative a bit more by being in on it all. Or most of it at least.
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Chapter Twenty: Arpeggio
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laufire · 4 days
writing woes: may
in general
I decided that this month I needed take a break from my current stories and set those aside for a bit. Instead, I did quite a bit of outlining for longer, future (hopefully mid-long term) projects, often accompanied by writing a bit of them as well. I haven't decided yet but I might end up sharing some excerpts, beginning this month, as part of WIP Wednesday or what have you. Just Because.
original fiction
I mostly did some outlining for "The Leech of Wonderland" (a dark spin on historical and paranormal romance told in epistolary form), and for "Chasing Fanny" (toxic yuri love triangle between a private dick with some medium talents, the femme fatale who once seduced her and betrayed her, and a sob sister with journalistic aspirations who becomes interested in their stories, set in the late 30s). I intend for them to be, respectively, my July Camp Nano and my NaNoWriMo projects. They both used to belong to a larger universe, but I decided they worked best as independent stories. Ideally I'd want to keep them short-ish, but I fear the first one might get away from me if I'm not careful lol.
I also pondered a lot over "The Redstart's Ledger", a longer original series. It tells the story of Latoya and her band of misfits, who I've mentioned before. I've decided the first installment will be my 2025 project, once I'm done with the first draft of "Underground Elysium" (whose first act is done! Now the other four, starting this month).
I was kind of all over the place on this front lol. I made a lot of additions to my outline files for plenty of WIPs, mainly the Jason Survives AU series, but also my Damibats future fic, the Jaytim ghost story, and the Jason & Dick Prison Break not-an-AU.
I also wrote scenes here and there for the amnesiac!Jason WIP and even had the sudden impulse to touch some old, semi abandoned projects (one about Natasha Stark, the genderswapped version of Tony Stark from Earth-3490; another about the Wayward Sisters, mainly focused on Claire and Bela; and at last, my vampire!John Silver idea). It was fun to switch things up.
For this month... I have a few complications this upcoming week in my personal life, so I'm going to keep it lowkey by focusing on the kissing prompts in my inbox. After that, business as usual: the young justice cartoon wip, Underground Elysium's next act, and maybe one wild-card if I have the time.
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fandomoniumflurry · 5 years
Thinking The Worst
for @spnfluffbingo Square Filled: Meeting at the Airport
for @spnangstbingo Square filled: Flying
for @spnpolybingo Square Filled: BelaJoPam(Sam)
words 1099, not really any warnings, unbetad
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She was bouncing on her heels like an impatient child, excited by the impending arrival of her two favorite people. Usually a cold hearted and emotionless woman, these two could bring out the warmth and love in her. There was no one else in this world that could make her smile. In the antique business, she got to travel a lot which meant she didn’t get to see them as often as she would have liked. But they made it a rule to visit at least once a month no matter what. And this time, Bela’s work had brought her home to England, the one place she had promised to bring them to and hadn’t until this day.
She was nervous and anxious and beyond thrilled to share this last part of her life. No one knew more about Bela Talbot than Sam Winchester and Jo Harvelle. The two were a couple before she had ever met them and they hadn’t even gotten along for the longest time. The stubborn brunette denied her attraction to both of them and refused to have anything to do with the pair of goodie-two-shoes. And yet, here she was, two years later, waiting at the airport to pick them up. The hard headed, cold hearted schemer had fallen into a trap she never wanted to escape from.
They had wormed their way into her life and somewhere along the way, made her fall in love and tricked her into being part of their life. She thought she was the con man, the smooth talker and negotiator. But they were smoother, sweeter and subtly broke down the walls she had tried so hard to put up so many years ago. And now she couldn’t even imagine where she would be if they hadn’t come into her life.
The impatience was getting worse the longer she stood there waiting. She watched the screen as flights departed and landed, flights boarding or ones delayed. So far, Sam and Jo’s flight was right on schedule but that meant it should be landing at any moment. The wait gave her mind time to wander and think up the worst case of scenarios. What if the plane went down? What if the flight was hijacked, sucked into the Bermuda triangle or shot down by terrorists? She started to wonder why the news had nothing to share, their headlines said nothing about the plane that carried her whole world, the most precious of cargo. Why hadn’t the tower updated them on the status of the most important flight?
She relaxed a bit when the flight landed a little late but her anxiousness got worse when Sam and Jo weren’t in the throngs of passengers coming into the terminal. Maybe they just missed their flight or were held up at baggage claim. Then again what if they were mugged before they even got on the plan, beaten and left to die on their way to catch their flight? So many bad things darkened her past and that made it hard not to paranoid and pessimistic. She had lost so much in her lifetime and it broke her to think that anything would take her lovers away from her.
A half hour later and she was still sitting in that waiting area but her shoulders were slumped in her sadness, eyes misty and yet still staring out expectantly. There were no text messages, no missed calls or voicemails. Her phone was quiet much like the airport around her. Though there were still people coming and going, none of them paid any attention to the poor girl. And in her state of fear and edging on grief there was no one else, her tunnel vision focused on finding Sam and Jo.
An hour passed and she had nearly given up but she couldn’t will her body to move. She was so close to breaking down into a sob, her body a trembling mess. Perhaps they were fine, back in Kansas happy as a clam and just changed their mind to come see her, changed their mind about being with her. She was broken anyway, who would want to be with her? She could never understand why they had ever wanted her in the first place. It made sense that they would reject her now. For some reason, that thought hurt far worse than the idea of them being dead.
That was the last straw and the dam broke. Her emotions took over and her body racked with her sobs. She held her head in her hands catching her tears as she let them flow without a care. A squeal erupted from her lips and her body jolted when a hand landed on her shoulder. Thinking it was some good Samaritan coming to check on her, she waved a hand and wiped her tears trying to assure the stranger that she was fine.
“Bela? Baby, what’s wrong?” The familiar voice made her head spin nearly causing her to fall from her chair. There was two pairs of worried eyes full of love. Blonde locks pinned up in a ponytail and chestnut hair moppy and matted. The most beautiful sight she had ever seen. She wasted no time in leaping to her feet and throwing herself into Sam’s arms. He didn’t question why she was so upset, he just wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
Jo joined the embrace and Bela clung to both of them desperately, new tears flowing down her cheeks. They didn’t say anything for quite a while, just holding each other as Bela calmed down. They had never seen her like this and it concerned them and all they wanted to do was make sure she knew that they were there for her and that everything was okay.
“We missed the first flight and had to take a later one.” Jo finally explained, running her fingers through Bela’s hair. “We didn’t have time to call and let you know.” Bela visually relaxed in the arms of her lovers.
“You were thinking the worst again, weren’t you?” Sam asked with a crooked smile and his hand rested on her cheek.
She laughed shakily and nodded. “I thought you had changed your mind about me.” Bela sniffled, her cheeks pinkened with shame.
“Oh, honey, you should know by now, we ain’t going anywhere.” Jo beamed and Sam nodded his head in adamant agreement.
“You’re never going to get rid of us.” The giant added. Bela’s heart skipped a beat and she hugged them again, finally whole again.
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dreamytfw · 6 years
I’m bored and impatient again, so I’m answering stuff from an ask game. OP here. I just want to say preemptively that the shipping questions only pertain to me and how I ship or don’t ship them. I don’t care what y’all ship.
1:What is your Supernatural OTP? Destiel.
2:What’s your opinion on John Winchester? I have a lot of strong feelings about that fucking dickhead.
3:Which season finale was your favorite/least favorite? Favorite: season 8′s was really good. Least favorite: season 10. We almost had Dean in space.
4:Which is your favorite episode? Either Changing Channels or The Man Who Would Be King
5:Which episode makes you cry the most? The episode where Ellen and Jo die ALWAYS makes me cry.
6:Which episode is the funniest to you? The Real Ghostbusters
7:What’s your opinion on Megstiel? I’m okay with it up to a point. That point is crazy!Cas.
8:When did you start watching Supernatural? The hiatus between seasons 7 and 8. I finished my Netflix binge something like the day before season 8 premiered.
9:Which episode title do you think is the funniest? The French Mistake. Gotta love Mel Brooks.
10:What’s your opinion on Garth? I loved Garth! Such a massively under-utilized character.
11:If you could bring back any character, would you? If so, whom? I’d like to finally get Adam out of Hell, but I don’t think that’s quite what you’re asking.
12:Who is your favorite angel? Cas. Duh.
13:Who’s your favorite archangel? Gabriel.
14:What’s your opinion on Wincest? Squicks me the fuck out. Sibling incest does in general. Like, we’re not supposed to want to fuck our siblings guys. That’s how we get Joffery and El Hachizado.
15:What’s your opinion on Lisa? (and Ben, if you want) Ben was kind of blah outside of his first episode. I really liked Lisa and how she refused to take any of Dean’s crap.
16:When did you start blogging about Supernatural? Uh... I think I jumped on board right away?
17:Do you think that Chuck is God? How old are these questions???
18:Do you have a favorite Dick (Roman) joke? If so, what is it? Not a joke, but I’m really weirdly amused that his actor does the voice of a recurring minor character in the Kingdom Hearts series.
19:Which is your favorite episode? We had this question before.
20:Who do you ship Sam with? Samena, but I really love fluffy snuggly Samstiel.
21:What’s your opinion on Destiel? OTP
22:Did you like the first or second Ruby better? iunno.
23:Who’s your favorite demon? Demon!Dean deserved a longer arc.
24:Do you read smutty fanfiction? I fucking write smutty fan fiction (I’m just bad at finishing and publishing it).
25:Do you think Destiel will become canon in season 9? (Regardless of whether you want it to or not) Christ this is old. Unfortunately they did not. But fingers crossed for season 14, aka their 10 year anniversary.
26:Have you ever had a dream about Supernatural/the characters/the actors? If so, can you describe what you remember? All the time. I used to be able to lucid dream to some extent, but since I’ve gone off my psych meds I can’t seem to do it as much anymore. The most recent one I had was the other night. I don’t remember it too clearly, but Sam and I said bye to Dean and Cas before heading off on some sort of mission or something.
27:Which episode is the scariest to you? (Horror-movie type scary) That episode where Sam got his throat ripped out this season was the first time Supernatural has actually scared me. Other episodes have been suspenseful, but I was legit scared during those mine scenes.
28:What’s your opinion on Sabriel? I don’t really see it. MAYBE unrequited on Gabriel’s side, but other than that I just don’t get the appeal.
29:Do you think End!verse will happen? If so, are you looking forward to it? Well, Lucifer’s dead now so I’m guessing no. If End!Verse does happen, Dean and Sam’s places are going to be swapped.
30:Do you have any friends off of the Internet that watch Supernatural? Yes.
31:Do any of your family members watch Supernatural? I got my dad and my brother to watch it, but they kind of dropped it. My mom is currently watching it and I regret everything that has led to this point in my life.
32:What’s an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have? The “romantic” subplots in the Scoobynatural episode were gross and the episode would have been better without them.
33:Do you like AU fanfics? DO I!!!!
34:Have you ever written/started writing a fanfic? See my answer to number 24.
35:What’s your opinion on Samifer? That... really depends on the vessel Lucifer is in. See, I’m a fan of selfcest so if I do read Samifer stuff, I always imagine it as Sam basically fucking himself.
36:If you have an OTP, at what point did you start shipping it? First time I watched. Literally that second episode Cas was in when he was standing in the kitchen with Dean and told Dean to show him some respect I was just like “...are they gonna fuck?”
37:Do you think Sam should have completed the demon trials? Nah.
38:Which director/writer is or was your favorite/least favorite? Favorite: I don’t know. I don’t really pay attention to the good writers because I’m too busy enjoying their content. Least favorite: Bucklemming really needs to be fired or relegated to only filler episodes.
39:Which actor would you most like to meet in real life? MISHA!
40:If you could be any character on the show, would you want to? If so, whom? If not, why? Nah. I kind of like being me. I’m the only person I know how to be.
41:Do you prefer cake or pie? Both ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
42:What is your opinion on Sastiel? Is it Samstiel or Sastiel because I just don’t know. I prefer it fluffy. For whatever reason I have trouble getting into smutty Samstiel.
43:Have you ever made a Supernatural reference out loud and received strange looks from some of the people surrounding you? Yes...
44:Have you ever cried over a non-OTP ship from the show? I’m not entirely sure what this question means... Like, have I ever cried over characters in the show that I don’t ship? Yeah. It’s Supernatural.
45:What is your favorite moment from any of the gag reels? “When did you forget how to act?” “Season 2?”
46:Superwholock? Please no.
47:What is/was your favorite Sam hair length? I really liked season 10.
48:What’s an unpopular ship you have? Meg/Bela. Don’t ask, I don’t understand it either.
49:What’s your opinion on Wincestiel? I prefer it as more of a love triangle where Sam and Dean are fighting over Cas’s affection than as a throuple.
50:Can you dig Elvis? Fun fact: I never finished that fan fiction. I loved every moment of it, but I got as far as Dean meeting Adam in Vietnam before I chickened out because I knew there was a bunch more pain on the way.
51:Do you listen to Carry On Wayward Son even when you’re not just watching a finale? I used to, but I’ve since been conditioned to feel pain every time that song starts playing.
52:What’s your opinion on Zachariah? Good antagonist.
53:Do you think Adam will ever get out of the cage? (not as Michael) Not at the rate we’re going.
54:Do you think Sam should have completed the trials? Why are there repeat questions?
55:How long would you survive as a hunter? I wouldn’t.
56:What’s your opinion on Calthazar? Foxhole love/friendly former fwb.
57:Do you have a Netflix account? If so, what’s your username and password? Wait a second, just the first part. I do and I’ve basically just been watching Supernatural on it the past month or so.
58:Have you ever participated in GISHWHES? I did the first year (the one with the pigeon rat mascot). It was fun, but it was stressful to the point where I don’t want to do it again.
59:What movies/shows have you watched because of (or by coincidence) Jared, Jensen, or Misha? Jared: House of Wax... kind of. I turned it off as soon as he got murdered because it was just awful. I also tried watching Gilmore Girls, but I dropped it after two episodes because every character in that show is either a terrible person or blah. The Supernatural Anime. Jensen: My Bloody Valentine, Batman Under the Red Hood. The Supernatural Anime (I know he only voiced the last episode, but he was in it so it counts). THAT ONE EPISODE OF WISHBONE AKA MY CHILDHOOD. Misha: the TSA short films, Karla, NCIS
60:If you could change just one thing about the series, what would it be? I’d make Dean better at using his god damn words.
61:If you were at a Con, what would be a question you would ask?(can be any of the actors) UUUUHHHHHHHH...
62:Why did you start watching Supernatural? Saw it all over tumblr. Got curious. It’s all been downhill from there.
63:What’s your opinion on Sam/Crowley? That’s a thing??
64:What’s your biggest fear for season 9? I honestly don’t remember what it was.
65:What’s your favorite (or at least a memorable) pop culture reference that has been made on the show? Them referencing themselves is always pretty great.
66:Just a random confession you have regarding the show/Asker makes up their own question.
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I just woke up from this really great series of SPN dreams I desperately want to turn out to be a prophecy of what’s to come in the next season.
So, this is the one that me hooked. I was dreaming up an episode of SPN. They were investigating something and somehow this old historical house landed on their radar. Cass goes to check it out, and who should be there but ANNA!!! dressed in a very obvious attempt at her old outfit that was still not quite her old outfit!!! (my dream self later in the dream would think, “It’s pretty clear they lost or threw out her old outfit ages ago, but why try badly to replicate it when they can just create a new outfit and not draw notice to it?”) Anna and Cass had apparently a very snippy back-and-forth in which they both delivered their lines so quickly I had no idea what they were saying despite watching them very intently. To be fair though, my dream self WAS whooping and squee-screaming in radiant joy that Anna was returned, even if I was disappointed that they weren’t giving our the quality, beautiful Anna/Cass interactions of S4. I put that down to the writers just being very bad. I found out later it was supposed to have had a lot of sexual tension in it?
Cass apparently told Sam and Dean Anna was back, because apparently Sam voiced his enthusiasm for Anna/Dean endgame and Dean drove over to where she was like a bat out of hell, which I was SUPER confused by despite being a huge Anna!girl, like. Wait, why is Sam shipping his brother/the girl who tried to kill them all (particularly Sam himself) last they saw her? Why is Dean randomly acting like he’s as much a huge Anna!girl as I am, when [see point raised in prior sentence]? During this part, I put it down to that in-universe Anna said something to quash that issue and Cass passed it on, and that the writers for this episode were just really bad and possibly hadn’t read Anna’s complete entry on the Super-wiki. Anna was standing on the second floor of this house and Sam and Dean came in and noticed her (Gen’s intro in “The French Mistake”-style) and Anna descended the stairs and then it ends with like her standing really close to Dean and grabbing his hands. And I was like, “oh, SHIT, I think they did bring her back as Dean’s endgame, people are going to be SO MAD” and I checked online and YUP people were complaining that Anna/Cass was also being teased like the writers wanted to test it and see who they liked her best with? and people were SO MAD about this love triangle and this particular character returning, they were LOSING THEIR SHIT, and I was also LOSING MY SHIT but in delight because Anna was back IN CANON MOTHERFUCKERS and that meant I could no longer criticize this particular season of the show no matter how shitty it got.
And then I woke up. And laid there awhile staring up at the ceiling, feeling all my excitement drain away, and was just kind of sadly like, “Oh.” This is the second time my own dreams tricked me into believing Anna was coming back, but this time it felt more realistic because the writing was bad and people went apeshit online. And I was like. “FUCK IT, I’m going back in to get me another taste of a better world in which Anna is canonically alive.”
Dream #2 revealed that Anna had escaped from this afterlife world (Purgatory?) with a serrated-teeth bite on her arm that made her faint in the episode (this was a new episode in my dream) and was implied to be slowly killing her. “Uh-oh, you better not. You better NOT kill this literal angel right after you brought her back!” said Dream!MrsBluebertGreggleson. Anna was now living in this decrepit old house (without any electricity or lights? Anna, baby, no) and getting visits from Sam/Dean/Cass (still without lights? Anna, baby, no, don’t let them see how you live) and maybe it was her parents’s abandoned house? She was applying to go back and finish school again like Sam at the start of S8 (that’d be funny if she did just get back from Purgatory and she was combining bits of Sam and Dean’s S8 plots, lol) because she wanted to go back to being human and was ignoring the bite problem and it was all very dramatic. The dream then also showed Ramiel from that one episode of S11 coming back as well and finding out that Sam has Azazel’s blood and regarding him as part of their family because of that. My dream self was very confused by why this particular one-off character got brought back, but I did like him because he was a more evil badass demon in his episode and I was happy that they had him notice that plot point, so I was overall pretty happy with his return too. Except at some point he was “torturing” them by standing next to a perfectly good recycling bin and throwing perfectly recyclable items into the trash instead with this big evil grin while Sam and I screamed “NOOOO!” together, both helpless to stop this horrible, horrible man from not recycling and helping the planet when he coulda.
I woke up again, somewhat annoyed because the whole reason I liked Ramiel  as a new evil badass was destroyed and he got turned into a jokey villain. I still wanted to see how Anna’s return and Ramiel seeing Sam as family would shake out, so I went back to sleep. My dream tried to give me some other bullshit dream instead, and I refused it and willed it back to this weird AU-verse, where apparently Ramiel was going to bring either Human!Bela or Demon!Bela back into the game to do something for him. My dream self is making like a list of all these episodes with their 4-6 word titles I can no longer remember, like “Okay, Anna returned in THIS one, for some reason Ramiel returned in THIS one, and Bela is going to return in THIS one... what a weird season of resurrecting characters, this seems like overkill, idk what’s going on here.” (Now I can justify it as buildup to THE REAL Apocalypse, like the dead shall rise again and whatever.) Maybe I was criticizing its logic too much and hurt its feelings because the dream ended without any more plot or Anna appearing. :( I would’ve dived right back in (and would’ve done it a total of 22 times for a whole season of Anna and other characters coming back), but it was appallingly late at that point. Still confused why the dream!writers picked Ramiel as the demon they brought back instead of, uh, how about just bring back Azazel himself? or Alastair, he was another good creepy one. Meg in a new host body (since Rachel wouldn’t be able to play her, and these dreams were very realistic to the showmaking apparently) or since they were bringing back Anna and Bela, just complete the trend of bringing back largely despised young female characters and resurrect Ruby.
See? I can’t help but criticize SPN’s writing even when it’s all just part of my dream.
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