#it's organized chaos my good sir
amelia-yap · 4 months
Is there any fanfic or comic of your Derg AU?
@powertaco wrote one! in which weiss has a grand ol' time stealing ruby's hoodies and yang suffers:
it's very silly and i love it
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yandere-daydreams · 2 months
file #5: the lactation fic.
part of the FREAK SHIT MARCH evidence packet.
pairing: yandere!sukuna x reader (jjk).
length: 1.8k.
warnings: afab!reader, heian era sukuna, vaguely dubious consent, lactation (not the way you’d expect though), fem!dom, verbal degradation (m. receiving), breast milk, and mentions of death/cannibalism.
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If you could say you’d learned anything about Sukuna, it would have to be that he was not the kind of man you could expect predictability from.
That was, if you could even call him a man at all. It would be more accurate to say that he was not the kind of monster you could expect predictability from, which made sense – monsters were rarely known for having a rational motivation for their senselessness. With Sukuna, though, it was less that you were forced to guess how violent he’d be and more whether he’d be violent with you at all. It was as common for him to demand that you spend the afternoon laying on a shady riverbank, feeding him honey and grapes, as it was for him to threaten to gut you like cattle should you make one more snide comment about the bloodstains his constantly wandering hands tend to leave on your clothes. His other servant, the inexpressive butcher who spoke to you rarely and reeked constantly of blood, claimed to be able to find a pattern to the chaos, but whatever knowledge they might’ve gleaned over their time with him, they’d never seen fit to share with you. You found your own ways of coping, though.
Like right now, for instance – as you hung limply over Sukuna’s shoulder, kept in place only by the hand pressing into the small of your back. Despite the way his arm bit into your stomach, a slight scowl that’d been playing on his lips when he snatched you away from what you’d been doing, you did your best to keep your mind empty, your thoughts limited to a blank ambiance. If there was as good of a chance that he was going to kill you and feast on your decaying flesh as there was that he simply needed someone to fix yet another tear in his favored yukata, you didn’t want to make it worse for yourself by panicking prematurely.
Still, you were vaguely aware of the passing scenery as he hauled you through grand, vacant halls and into the master’s chambers. Sukuna would find a place to dwell wherever he roamed, whether that meant sleeping in a damp cave or on a bed of woven cloud and quail feathers, but a part of you was undeniably (and guiltily) glad that he had a clear preference for the latter. Currently, you were biding your time until Sukuna’s next feeding spree in a palace that used to belong to a wealthy merchant; a merchant whose organs were, if memory served, currently being divided into portions and dried on a rack of—
You were pulled out of your thoughts as Sukuna dropped you onto a bed of down-stuffed pillows and silk sheets. Wordlessly, he fell beside you and, using his lower set of arms, hauled you onto his chest, forcing you to straddle his abdomen. With only a slight huff, a roll of your eyes, you settled into place – bracing your hands on his midriff. “My lord, I have other obligations to—”
“I am the only obligation you should be paying any mind to.” His tone was clipped, his voice gruff. Clearly, he was in one of his poorer moods, today. “Get on with it” he barked, making with a vague gesture to his upper chest. “I don’t have all day, brat.”
You spared a half-second to scan over him. He treated you like a tailor, among other things, but at the moment, his chest was bare, and this wasn’t exactly comparable to the countless times he’d dropped the tattered shreds of a kimono or yukata into your lap and told you to make something more or less wearable. “I… I’m afraid I don’t exactly know what I’m supposed to be doing, sir.”
He rolled his eyes, and you bit back the urge to return his irritation. “Y’know, just…” Another gesture to his chest, this one shortly followed by a disappointed, breathy noise. “Empty them out. It’s starting to get uncomfortable, again.”
Empty them…?
Again, you glanced down, your attention landing on the swell of his chest. He was always sickeningly bulky, prone to wearing his strength on the layers of muscle blanketing his biceps and thighs, but his chest did seem more swollen that it normally was, now that you thought to look, the usually hardened flesh visibly more plush, more tender. You shifted your weight, your fingertips digging into the swell of his right pec, and you felt something warm and wet trickle over the back of your hand and onto the velveteen cushions below you.
Sukuna let out an airy groan, and your mind went entirely blank.
Reflexively, you tried to pull away, but Sukuna had always been faster than you. His hand was wrapped around your wrist before you could so much as break contact, keeping your palm pressed into his pec (breast?). “Don’t act like such a baby. It’s a task even an idiot could manage.” With his hand draped over your own, he ground the heel of your palm into the plush of his pec, and this time, you weren’t lucky enough to look away in time – your eyes falling to his chest as a thin stream of a surprisingly white, surprisingly thick fluid dribbled out of his nipple in short, stilted bursts. Milk, your mind filled in, against your will. Except, it couldn’t be. Sukuna wasn’t human. Sukuna wasn’t supposed to be able to do that.
More out of curiosity than anything, you pressed your palm down again with just a little more force, a little less trepidation. The jet was stronger, this time, and Sukuna’s eyes closed, his lips soon drawn into a thin line only occasionally parting to let out a deep breath or raspy groan. His hand dropped away entirely as you fell into a steady kneading pattern – both of his upper arms soon crossed above his head, as he often did when he was lounging in a particularly entrancing patch of sunlight, while their lower counterparts remained on your waist. “Use both hands,” he grunted, and not bothering to suppress your scowl, you did. Soon enough, milk (because, as unsettling as it was, you just didn’t know what else to call it) frothed steadily, painting both sides of his chest with unorganized streaks of splotchy white – delicate ribbons spread over a canvas of ink and scars.
Despite yourself, you found yourself focusing on that. The word, almost jarringly quaint, repeated in the back of your mind; milk, milk, milk. Almost in a trance, you found yourself bowing your head, lowering yourself until your chest was slotted against his. After making sure his eyes were still closed, his attention still on the steady movement of your hands, you ran the flat of your tongue over his left nipple and—
It was sweet.
His hand was on the back of your head in an instant, but you were already latched on – your lips sealed around his nipple, sucking harshly. There wasn’t a point trying to be gentle with Sukuna, not when you’d seen him take spears to heart without so much as a wayward flinch, but any passing temptation to veer towards delicacy was quickly forgotten as thick fingers knotted themselves in your hair, a reverberating moan tearing past his lips as you lapped and suckled, letting whatever you couldn’t swallow down flood out of the corner of your mouth. He could’ve pried you away, if he’d wanted to, could’ve torn off your head with little more than a flick of his wrist, but all he offered was a weak – pathetic – tug, a few garbled curses spat under his breath. “Brat,” he hissed, as you drank greedily. “Just— Just do your damn job and—”
“You’re so fucking loud,” you muttered, pulling back just far enough to be audible. “For once in your life, would it kill you to be quiet?”
You couldn’t see him, but you’d seen him baring his teeth often enough to recognize his tone. “Know your place, huma—”
You didn’t give him a chance to finish. Before you could think better of it, you braced yourself and bit down, burying your teeth into the tender meat of his chest. You tasted blood, heard Sukuna moan, and felt his body jolt underneath you, hips jutting against yours as something long and thick twitched against your ass. You pulled away as quickly as you could, already grinning. “Are you…?
“Be quiet.”
He was. You could feel his cock against your ass - already hard, already pulsing. Or, his cocks, rather, both standing stiff against his lower stomach despite the loose fabric of his robes. Carefully, you shifted back, straddling his thighs, as you slowly removed the thin sash sitting low on his waist, as you dragged the silken fabric aside in favor of wrapping your fist around the thicker of his paired cocks; your fingers barely grazing each other where they were supposed to overlap. “No wonder you’re always so temperamental,” you went on, speaking slowly, giving him every chance to cut you off, to throw you to the side, to tear you limb from limp. He only scowled, though, only pouted, clenching his eyes shut as thick beads of arousal blotted and dripped over the back of your hand. “To think the King of Curses would get this hard from some powerless human sucking on his leaking tits… You must be so pent up, you just don’t care who touches you, huh?”
His hold on your hips tightened, threatening to bruise. You barely noticed, already distracted by the slight tremble in his bottom lip, the pitchy whine that escaped his grit teeth as you shifted your weight onto your knees and aligned the blunt, flushed tip of his cock with your entrance. You took measured seconds to lower yourself onto him, ignoring the burning stretch in favor of focusing on the heat of it, the immediate and overwhelming fullness. You’d barely gotten the head of his cock inside of you when you stopped, going completely still. A second passed before Sukuna seemed to notice, another before one of his many eyes flickered open – immediately landing on you.
It was barely a whisper, a breath. He was mumbling, as much as you knew Sukuna would loathe you for accusing him of something so meek aloud. “Do your—” A bubbling groan, a hitched gasp as your pussy clenched around him. “Do your damn job, brat.”
Your attempts to bite back your wide, beaming smile were only half-successful. “It would be my pleasure, my lord.”
You rolled your hips as you lowered yourself back to his height, trapping his unsheathed cock between your body and his as your mouth found its way back to his nipple. It was barely another minute before he was swearing, groaning, bucking into you from below in short, stilted thrusts – like he was afraid of so much as coming close to slipping out. It was all you could do to stay concentrated on the task at-hand, to stop your mind from wandering from the taste on him on your tongue, the feeling of his cock throbbing inside your pussy. Still, you found the time to allow yourself a single, self-indulgent thought – one so ridiculous and so simpering that you couldn’t help but laugh against his skin.
Maybe, just maybe, there were sides of Sukuna that weren’t so difficult to predict, after all.  
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Bump P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Adorable + DARK
Requested:  Hello Fiction witch, the new jack Dawkins imagine "Bump" is really good I think some others agree with me that if you could make another one....pleasseeee You are a really good writer and it makes people feel better, warm, and fuzzy. Thank you ❤️ omg I love that It was beautiful, I beg for an equally sweet part 2. It makes me feel all lovely and warm inside your such a good writer, I love all your work. thank you so much for writing these. I love it can you make part two when the baby comes Please Part 2 please 🥺🥺🙏🙏
Warnings: Labour! very very intense descriptions of a very difficult Labour/ Blood / medical tools / improper use of medical equipment / surgery / 1800's doctoring (Which I feel is a category all it's own) / And many other Dark elements!
I pushed my body up hearing my back crack as I stretched, given my body had been shoved into the absolute minimum of the bed. But I didn't want to complain I know she hadn't done it on purpose but she was tired and sore, and just wanted the space in the bed to stretch herself out. 
I rubbed my face a little and grabbed my watch from the side, I needed to get going. I forced myself to get up but I couldn't move as a hand gripped my shirt. I chuckled and Turned seeing her not even awake enough to open her little eyes.
"Don't Go, Jack." She pleaded barely awake, 
"I have to, I have surgery today." I reminded her "I'll be back before you know it," I told her as I stroked her cheek and kissed her closed eyelids and then the tip of her nose. 
She let my shirt go, so I climbed out of bed and got dressed for the day all with her laid sleepily watching me, she stroked her bump almost invitingly like she was trying to make the bed with her and baby look as inviting as possible. 
Which I have to admit was working. 
"I'll be back as soon as Surgery's done," I told her as I headed back to bed as I did up my waistcoat, I knelt my knee on the sheets and kissed her sweet lips "I promise."
"Okay..." She smiled. 
"Take care of little one for me," I told her kissing her bump, 
"I will, Have a nice day Jack." She Yawned almost drifting off to sleep as she said it.
"You too, Love you" I smiled, but before I had even got to the door I heard her little wheezes as she nodded off to sleep again, I chuckled a little "Sleepy Mummy, Well Daddies off to work." I cooed I gave her bump one more kiss before heading downstairs, grabbing some toast from the kitchen, "Elis?"
"Yes, Doctor Dawkins!" She jumped as she came back in from pegging the laundry out,
"Keep an eye on her for me?"
"Course Sir," She nodded. 
I took my toast and my bag, left the house and headed off to the hospital in the dim morning light, but the moment I got there chaos ensued. Not sure why it surprised me as Chaos almost always did occur. 
There had been a bar fight with some group of sailors arguing with another group and before anyone knew where they were we had a hospital full of black eyes, broken noses, and god only knows what kinda damage. Sneed was pouting as usual barely actually helping at all, and Prof was drunk off his arse held up in his office to keep him from causing even more problems. I rushed around like a man possessed every time I glanced at the clock the day had disappeared some more. In the few free moments, my mind had as I wrapped bandages and went from place to place I thought of y/n. Of course, I did.
I hoped she was keeping herself well, even if every day I left her I was fearful given the state of her pregnancy, the baby would be along any day now and her stomach had even dropped so I knew it wouldn't be long. 
By the time I actually got to surgery, you know the ONE thing I was coming into work to do today! was finally set up and organized I was already tired, so I just wanted to get this over and done with so I could head home and crawl into bed. 
But... Things became difficult quickly, I hate when Surgery doesn't go to plan. And Just as it got worse the doors opened.
"Alright, The Surgeon is here!" Prof slurred as he came though still not sobered up,
"Sir I-"
"Dawkins, Leave this in the hands of the professional,"
"....Yes sir." I sighed moving away and handing him the knife, I didn't want to but I knew if I didn't he'd call me insulant and I'd be out of a job. I moved back but still did my best to direct him in the right way given he could barely even hold the blade straight "Sir? SIR!" I had to bolt across the table, pushed him out of the way and try to fix his drunken mistake, I rushed around as quickly as I could to try and fix this and keep him alive, I managed to stabilize him and get him half sewn up before he gave up from shock- "Fuck-" I sighed throwing my knife on the table running a hand through my hair tried to clean the tone of blood on my hands. 
I was angry, frustrated, exhausted, but... at least it's over.
"Dr Dawkins?" A voice spoke up,
Ohh god no what now! I turned on my heels and immediately panicked.
"I-It's-" she began nervously blood across her hands and apron, 
"Y/n?!" I yelled and she nodded,
 I didn't even hesitate, Grabbed my bag and my tools matching out like I was on Military order, 
"Dawkins? Where do you think you going?" Sneed cornered me in the main entrance hall, and he forced me to stop and blocked my exit with his smug grin, his arms behind his back as he leant forward he does in that arrogant way so he could talk down to me like I was a child, "You still have patients to see to on the ward." 
I wanted to deck him for preventing my leaving, but I did my best to be elegant "Dr Sneed, With all due respect, I have been working since four O'clock this morning, I have seen every one of MY patients on that ward, So I'm asking you if you'd wind awfully sodding off out of my bloody way."
"Get back on that ward. Or I'll have you thrown there."
"My wife. is in labour. MOVE!" 
"You mean your whore?" He smirked 
I didn't hesitate I decked him as hard as I could and left, I didn't care what trouble I'd be in I wasn't going to allow him to keep me there. Elis Took my things and I bolted home as fast as I possibly could, my body tried, beyond exhausted but fueled by the pure need to see her. 
I pushed open the door as it had been left unlocked and bolted up to the bedroom.
I could hear her screams before I even opened the door. 
Everything was the same as I left it, but the fire was smothered by the pile of tissues, rags and such like. The metallic twang of blood in the air was so much you could almost taste it. And the most horrific sight that could be imagined. 
Y/n lay on her back in the bed, her body twisting, and squirming, her nightie around her hips, the white cotton flooded heavy with her blood, the bedsheets coated with it almost directly from her as if some hellish blood-soaked monster had crawled out of her, A damp rag beside her that Elis had clearly made up with lavender to soak on her head but it was a little late for that. Her head would throw back as she screamed. I found the sound... so utterly chilling that I froze up. 
It took me two years to grow accustomed to the sight of blood without growing wozy, even longer to feel comfortable, cutting limbs, and organs apart. But still, even now, the screaming is a sound that rattles my bones. It's a sound no doctor can unhear, the sound of unrelenting pain. I found Labor screaming was always the worst, as it is endless and unforgiving, and there is so little you can do as a doctor to help other than hold their hand and let them suffer. 
Even worse so... Given, That's Y/n. My Y/n. 
I had never heard her scream with such agony in her voice. Tears streaming down her face. Her body contorted as it had no other outfit for this level of pain. 
I forced myself out of my state and rushed to her side holding her hand "I'm here! I'm here! You're gonna be okay." I muttered half to myself if I'm honest, quickly checking her over to see what state she was in "Alright, Yep this is... definitely labour."
"Thank you, Jack, I hadn't figured that OUT!" She yelled 
"Contractuions when did they start?"
"About six this morning" She whined
"Six! this morning! and only NOW did someone TELL ME!" 
"You were busy," She said, 
"How bad were they at six?"
"Small, got worse. and worse and now where - AHHHHHYHHHHHH!" She screamed as another contraction ripped through her, 
"Okay... just let me know when the next one is?" I told her as I opened my watch and counted the seconds between her contractions "Oooohhhh okay! That is uhhh" I nodded, I quickly moved to the end of the bed holding her nightie "Is it uhh it okay if I?"
"Go for it, You put the damn thing in there,"
I couldn't help but chuckle at her sarcastic tone even though her contractions, and I checked how dilated she was, and... uhhh she wasn't. "Uhhhhh..."
"Uhh? I don't like Uhh Jack!" She snapped,
"You're not dilated... You've been having early labour contractions for a minimum of twelve hours why the bloody hell are you not dilated?" I asked as I tried very hard not to panic, 
"I don't know! ASK MY VARGINA!" She screamed 
Finally, Elis arrived with my tools so I could get to work making sure things went as smoothly as they could do but the blood was still troubling me, Until I realized 
"Then what's all the- Oh no,"
"You know you have a terrible bedside manner doctor. oddly enough, Oh no! is not something a pregnant lady wants to hear!"
"The blood is your mucus Plug."
"My what!"
"Muscas plug the... Plug, the stopper in the sink that is your womb, it's out, that's all the blood, which means... it's broken." I explained, "How long ago did you start bleeding?"
"Not long ago, I saw blood and told Elis to get you." 
"If you're not dilated then baby is going to try and force its way out of you... as it is. without your hips being wide enough for the head."
"Meaning... either it's going to tear you apart... Or it's head is going to get stuck."
"OHhh fan FUCKING tastic!" 
"I can give you an injection, it might make it hurt more but it should force your body to realize there's a baby trying to get out of it and uhh open the doors as it were." I explained quickly giving her it but it only made her scream louder "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I muttered knowing what I was doing to her, and understanding the horrific pain I was putting her through but I held her hand every second I didn't need it, even if admittedly my hand was numb and her nails had drawn blood at some points. 
"Jack... I'm scared." Her voice was weak, tearful, as if on the brink of death,
"You're going to be okay. I promise you. I know it hurts. I know it's scary. but this.. this is everything you have ever been made to do, your body is made for this, and all of it will be worth it when you hold our baby in your arms," I told her giving her a sweet kiss,
"It's not made to do it comfortably..." She cried "Jack... Please I don't wanna die."
"You're not going to die," I told her almost ordering her as if I was willing her, to force her to stay alive. "I promise it's going to be okay" I told her trying to make sure things moved as they should "I know its hard, this is your first it's not going to be easy, Baby number three, four and five will just glide on out" I joked but the look on her face... that was a badly timed joke. 
"I am never. letting you sleep with me again!" She screamed, She's just kidding... I hope. 
 "Think about it, you have an advantage over most ladies,"
"And what's that?"
"You married a doctor" I winked "Okay, there we go your dilating now. it shouldn't be too long but as soon as that baby starts moving we are going to have to act fast,"
"It's already moving."
She grabbed my shirt "I can feel it moving. like a snake under my skin. this baby is coming!" She yelled in my face 
"Your water hasn't broken yet it can't be- and it should have especially if your mucus plug is gone the water has no protection it would burst on your cervix at least," I told her trying to keep her calm, but she was right, this baby was coming, she wasn't dilated enough yet, and the water hadn't broke. I Knew every second risked our baby and Y/n... I knew the other option. And so did she. 
"Jack. Get. It. Out. of. Me."
"Y/n I can't-"
"You're a surgeon. if anyone can you can." 
"Y/n I can't."
"Jack... Please. I love you. I trust you more than anyone. Please... Make it stop." 
"No woman has ever survived a Ceaseron section. The shock alone would will you. if it doesn't me moving your organs around will. Or the blood loss. or me cutting through something important. Or infection!" I explained "...You can't ask me, you cut you open knowing I'll kill you."
"Even if it saves the baby?" She cried, 
"Do not make me choose between you," I begged her,
"Then I'll decide." She snapped "Save him Jack. Please."
"You cannot ask this of me-" I cried 
"Please... Or both of us will die." 
"...will you give me time? one hour. If I can't feel the baby's head by then... I'll do it. Will you Give me one hour!?" 
"One. But I don't know how much more I can take." 
I kissed her with as much love and passion as I could before I got what I needed from my bag, the tool wasn't meant for this, but... rumour had spiralled that it could be used for such things, I had never tested to know for sure... I didn't imagine I'd be testing on my own wife.  
"This... is gonna hurt," I told her and she nodded so I did my best to be careful holding her leg to comfort her as I needed them close by and her hand was too far, as I used the tool as gently as I could, to forceably break her water. 
The moment I did fluid began to replace blood, and her screams intensified but her body almost knew now what it had to do. Her body knew it had no choice. and was fueled by the natural female power to bring life into the world. 
"Perfect. Perfect. you're doing so good." I told her holding her hand in both of mine even if we were both coated in blood, I walked her through her breathing and soon enough she needed to really push, so I directed her as best I could through her tired screams and tears, I did TRY and help her breath... honestly I also forgot at times. 
Soon enough it became time, I called Eli in as a standby nurse, and I made sure to open Y/n's legs as much as possible, "Comfy? Or do you want another position?"
"He went in like that. He can come out like that" She joked between her gasps 
"Okay... be ready, this all happens a bit fast," I told Elis and she nodded so I turned to Y/n "Y/n... I am, so so sorry for what is about to happen to you. I am going to be honest with you, this is going to be .... the worst pain of your whole life But I will do what I can to make it as quick and painless as possible, I'm here and I love you." I told her giving her a sweet kiss and stroking her cheek "And Nothing bad is going to happen to you. I promise." I told her before I checked her again and it was time, "You're favourite memory, take yourself there now." I told her just as it began. 
Her screams blood-curdling, her body trying to fight itself, tears streaming down her cheeks, that sound, that image, would haunt my nightmares. 
And... I may be a surgeon, But still. 
Nothing quite prepares you for the sight of your wife... as your child's head leaves her body slowly stretching the skin as it forces its way out. 
I walked her through her slow breaths making sure she didn't push and rip everything apart, until finally he was out, and quickly I made Elis pick him up and wrap him warmly. and by some luck almost immediately she delivered her placenta almost as if it was literally pushed behind him, 
"It's done. It's done it's over. it's all over." I told her unable to control my tears as I gave her kisses "It's all over, you did so brilliantly my darling," I smiled making sure the cord was cut and she was set to begin to heal,
"It's over?" she asked understandably very weak,
"It's over. It's all over. you just rest" I cooed "Get your breath back and relax."
"What is it?" She gasped
"A boy Ma'am" Elis Said 
"A boy, we have a little boy" I smiled almost in disbelief unable to stop kissing her "I am... So immensely proud of you, I didn't think I could love you anymore but you have proven me wrong."
"Uhh Doctor..." Elis Spoke up and there was fear in her voice, 
I quickly moved and she handed him to me as he was wrapped up tight in his blanket.
Not moving. Not breathing. 
I did my best not to panic I didn't want to alarm y/n, but panic rushed through me, tears streaming down my face.
"No, No, please... Please, come on little guy, come on, please, Please, Wake up. Wake up. Come on little guy please." I muttered trying everything I could in utter desperation "Please.... Please....Please..." I begged 
and by the grace of god! 
He coughed spluttered and began to cry wiggling his little arms.
I felt, so unexplainable. 
I was proud, joyful, nervous, fearful, on the verge of both passing out, and of tears.
For a moment I held him in my arms by the fire, cradling him in his blanket as he cried freshly meeting the world, and it was as if He and I. Had a moment. Where we are all that exists. 
My son, My sweet beautiful son. 
"Is he okay?" Y/n woke me from this trance having managed to sit up now, she was clearly exhausted I'm sure I'll never be able to comprehend such exhaustion, but with her sly wicked smile almost... Jealous, but joyous all the same. 
I went over being as careful as I could sitting on the bed with her and handing him over to her. 
Her face was an utter picture, she glowed with a sweetness I had only seen briefly, her smile so wide, as she held our baby to her chest, he rested on her bare skin and almost went to sleep so content to be in the arms of his mother. 
"He's perfect."
"Ummm," she smiled pulling me closer so I could cuddle her as she cuddled him her head on my shoulder 
"So, how was labour?"
"Ummm what labour," she giggled 
I smiled and kissed her head "I don't think I've ever been so happy."
"Me either Jack" she smiled "You think of a name?"
"I can choose!?" 
"Mhm, Our first little boy, you can choose."
Honestly, I hadn't much thought about it, I ran through names in my mind trying to think of something that had meaning, but dignity, but found very little. But... I thought of one name. And I knew it had to be him.
"Sebastian," She smiled "It's lovely, Why?"
"... Captain Sebastian Grimm, He's the one who got me out of prison. took me away on a ship. Liked my quick fingers, made me... what I am. I'd still be rotting in a cell if it wasn't for him. Without him... I'd have never even met you." 
She smiled and kissed my cheek "Then it's settled. Sebastian Dawkins." 
"Sebastian Dawkins," I smiled playing with his little fingers and kissing his sweet head. 
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
As someone who has colour-coded all their apps on their phone with a specific aesthetic wallpaper, Simon’s phone is my nightmare. Keeps the system settings and probably doesn’t even have his apps organised, he just downloads them and that’s it. And he’s got no games except maybe Solitaire on his phone.
wait because he also doesn't have a good screensaver, just whatever factory settings it's got. he probably uses the large font too, just because he likes to upset johnny when he peeks over his shoulder.
he has a bunch of apps installed that he doesn't use, and doesn't care about coordination. organized chaos cuz if you're like where tf is your camera he's like oh, it's 3 screens over to the bottom right corner. SIR!!!!
his screen is so bright it's blinding and he types with his index finger.
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50calmadeuce · 4 months
Ch. 2: Two weeks and Counting Down
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Warning: Mention of miscarriage. Some chapters have sex.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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You steered the Expedition off the main road, guiding it onto the lengthy driveway leading to your home.
Jake looked around, his curiosity piqued. "Where is this?"
"We're on the driveway to our house," you explained.
As you continued, trees bordered both sides of the driveway, creating a secluded path. Gradually, the tree line began to thin, revealing fencing on the left side as the landscape opened up to your property.
Jake's eyes widened in amazement as the log cabin emerged into view. You directed the vehicle toward the garage, which automatically opened, allowing you to smoothly park inside. As you switched off the engine, the garage door began to lower behind you. Opening the truck's door, you were greeted by the sight of Chuck standing in the doorway to the mudroom.
Turning to Jake, you offered a gentle, "Welcome home." Then, you stepped out of the truck, and Jake, taking in his surroundings, opened his door to follow suit.
In his early to late fifties, standing about 5'8" tall and dressed in Wrangler jeans paired with a flannel shirt, Chuck approached the Expedition. His white hair was just visible beneath a well-worn baseball hat. As he neared, he announced, "Dinner's ready, Y/N."
"Thanks, Chuck," you responded with warmth in your voice. Turning to facilitate the introduction, you said, "Chuck, meet my husband, Lieutenant Jake Seresin. Jake, this is Chuck." You made the introductions as Jake walked over to join you.
Chuck extended his hand, offering a respectful greeting, "It's nice to finally meet you, Sir."
Jake accepted the handshake. "Likewise," he said, his gaze briefly wandering around the garage.
"Chuck, there are 4 bags in the truck. Could you grab them and bring them to," you started, glancing at Jake for a moment. He met your gaze.
"The master bedroom," Jake concluded.
"The master bedroom," you repeated, directing your attention back to Chuck. "I'd like to give my husband a quick tour of our house."
"Of course, Doc," Chuck replied, ready to assist.
As Chuck busied himself with retrieving the bags from the back of the truck, you focused on Jake, seizing the opportunity to share more about the home he was returning to.
"The place is heated," you mentioned casually, then gestured towards a section enclosed by a barn-style door. "Over there's the workshop. Chuck's pretty handy with repairs, too."
Jake followed your gaze to the workshop area, his interest piqued. "That's good to know. I might have a thing or two that needs fixing," he said, a hint of curiosity in his tone.
You smiled, walking closer to the barn-style door to give him a better view. "We've got a decent setup. Anything from vehicle repairs to some basic carpentry. Chuck has been invaluable around here."
As you slid the door open, revealing the organized chaos typical of a well-used workshop, Jake stepped in closer, inspecting the array of tools and machinery. "Looks like you've got everything you need."
"Yeah, Chuck likes to keep things organized. Says it makes the work go smoother," you explained, watching Jake as he ran his hand over a workbench, inspecting the tools laid out.
He turned to you, a thoughtful look on his face. "I used to help my uncle in his workshop back when I was a kid. Taught me a lot about fixing things, making do with what you have."
"It's a valuable skill to have," you agreed, closing the distance between you two. "Especially out here. It's not like we can just run to the store for every little thing."
Jake nodded, his gaze lingering on a half-assembled engine on one of the benches. "Maybe I can help out around here, too. It's been a while, but I'm sure it'll come back to me."
"I'm sure he'd be into that," you said, catching the direction of his gaze which had settled on a partially assembled engine. "I believe that's from the tractor."
"Come on. There's so much more to see, and tonight you'll only get a glimpse of it." You began to lead the way towards the door that opened into the mudroom.
Jake followed you, his steps mirroring your own anticipation. As you reached the door to the mudroom, you paused, hand on the knob, and glanced back at him. "Ready?"
He nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Lead the way."
Opening the door, you stepped into the mudroom, a well-organized space that immediately spoke of a home lived in and loved. The aroma of the outdoors mixed with the scent of clean laundry filled the air. You pointed out the various features, "Here's where the magic happens after a long day's work. Laundry, pet wash station, and plenty of storage. That bathroom is attached to the guest bedroom."
Jake's gaze wandered over the room, taking in the practical yet cozy setup. "I like it. It's... homey."
"That door over there takes you down the back porch steps and out towards the stables," you explained, moving towards the sliding barn door that would lead into the kitchen and living area.
The kitchen, living room, and dining room flowed together in an open concept layout, imbuing the space with a rustic charm.
Jake surveyed the surroundings, visibly mesmerized. "You built and planned all of this?"
"Yup," you confirmed with a sense of pride. "It was a lot of work, but worth every moment," you continued, watching as Jake absorbed the details of the space. "I wanted a home that felt welcoming, where every corner had a story or a purpose."
Jake walked over to the dining area, running his hand along the back of one of the chairs before turning to face you. "It's incredible. It has warmth, character… It's a reflection of us."
You couldn't help but blush at the compliment. "Thank you. I hoped to create a place that felt like a sanctuary, somewhere we could find peace and comfort."
He nodded, understandingly. "You've succeeded. It's more than just a house; it's a home."
Chuck descended the stairs, interrupting the moment with a practical inquiry, "Are you ready for dinner?"
You glanced at Jake, giving him the opportunity to respond.
"Yeah, I'm actually pretty hungry," he admitted, his attention shifting from the house's interior to the matter of dinner.
"Great," Chuck responded, his tone amiable. "I thought, considering the nights have been getting chillier, we'd have chili tonight." His suggestion seemed to perfectly suit the cozy, rustic atmosphere of the house.
"That sounds perfect," you agreed, pleased with the idea. "Chili is always a great choice for a chilly evening." You smiled at the unintended pun.
Jake chuckled. "Sounds good to me. I can't remember the last time I had homemade chili."
Chuck nodded towards you, "The dining room is all set for you."
"Thank you, Chuck," you replied, appreciating his attention to detail.
He then shifted his attention to Jake, "Is there anything in particular you'd like to drink?"
Jake gave a casual shrug. "A beer is fine," he responded, settling into the homely atmosphere.
"Coming up," Chuck acknowledged, before disappearing down a staircase to fetch the drink.
"Come on. This way to the dining room," you beckoned Jake, leading him to another area nearby.
As the two of you entered the dining room, the ambiance immediately struck you. Candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow in the dimly lit space, creating an intimate and welcoming atmosphere.
The centerpiece of the dining room was a large pine table, accompanied by matching chairs, all contributing to the room's rustic appeal. The wood's natural texture and the room's subtle, earthy tones created a sense of warmth and coziness, enhancing the intimate atmosphere set by the candlelight.
"You can sit wherever you like," you offered, gesturing to the table.
Jake looked around, then asked, "Where do you normally sit?"
You pointed to a specific chair. "When family is here, I sit at the head of the table."
"Then I'll sit next to you," he decided.
As you moved to navigate around Jake, he unexpectedly stepped in front of you, prompting you to stop and look up at him.
"Y/N…" Jake began, but his words were interrupted as Chuck re-entered the room, prompting you both to step apart.
"Here's your beer, Sir," Chuck said, extending the beverage to Jake.
Jake took the beer with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you."
"Dinner will be served shortly," Chuck announced, ready to bring in the meal.
"Great, thanks, Chuck," you replied, appreciating Chuck's help and timing as you sat down in the chair.
The interruption had momentarily paused your conversation with Jake, but as Chuck went back to the kitchen, there was a brief moment of silence between you two.
You looked at Jake, sensing there was something he wanted to say. "You were about to say something?" you prompted gently, encouraging him to continue.
Jake took a sip of his beer, gathering his thoughts. "I was just going to say… it's really nice here. You've done an amazing job with this place. It feels like a real home," he responded as he sat down in the chair to the left of you.
You smiled, touched by his words. "Thanks, Jake. That means a lot. I wanted to create a place that felt welcoming and comfortable."
The conversation was interrupted again as Chuck returned, this time with bowls of chili. The savory aroma filled the room.
"I'll leave you two to catch up," Chuck said and left.
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Jake's gaze lingered on his wife, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Guilt crept in as he remembered how upset he had been when she chose not to quit school after their loss. It was a difficult time, and the distance that had grown between them in the past four years felt more profound in this moment of reflection.
He sighed, his eyes wandering over the dining room. Despite everything, he couldn't help but feel impressed by what you had accomplished in their time apart. The home you had built was a testament to you resilience and dedication. It was clear you had considered both their tastes and needs in its design, creating a space that was both a reflection of your strength and a potential haven for your shared future.
Jake's internal struggle was evident as he continued to observe his surroundings. The home spoke volumes about the person you had become in his absence. It was warm, welcoming, and meticulously crafted—a stark contrast to the empty spaces he had grown accustomed to in his military life.
Realizing the gravity of his past decisions and the impact they had on your relationship, Jake turned to you with a newfound sense of understanding and humility. "Y/N," he began, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "I've been thinking about everything...about us. I know I haven't been there for you like I should have, especially after...after our loss."
You looked at him, your eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and cautious hope. You could sense the sincerity in his voice, something you hadn't felt from him in a long time.
Jake continued, "I was wrong to expect you to put your life on hold. What you've done here, it's incredible. You've built a life, a home, and I... I want to be a part of it, if you'll have me."
There was a long pause as you processed his words. The pain and misunderstandings of the past few years hung heavily between them, but so did the love and shared history they couldn't deny.
Finally, you spoke, your voice soft but steady. "Jake, I've missed you. I've missed us. But we can't just go back to how things were. We need to rebuild, to learn about each other again."
Jake nodded, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I agree. I want to do that. I want to understand you, to support you. I want us to be a team again."
You took a moment, collecting you thoughts before asking, "When do you have to go back?"
Jake answered, "I have two weeks until I have to go back."
Hearing this, you met his gaze with a determined look. "Then we'll make it the best two weeks we've got." Your voice carried a mix of resolve and hope, signaling a willingness to make the most of the limited time you had together.
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radioisntdead · 2 months
I read the request you wrote for lucifer, and it made me so happy!!!!
And, I do have one more request, could you maybe generally write for the hazbin group finding out the readers cause of death being from a roller coaster, and them not knowing who they are? (Could it maybe be a song fic using the ballad of Jane doe?)
A platonic angel dust fic with the reader talking(singing) about their previous family and / or life? Along with them breaking down at the end, with a small bit of comfort from angel dust? (Dead mom from beetle juice)
You can choose either or, it doesn't really matter to me :)
With love,
-Xin 💙
Good evening my dear! So glad to have you sending in another request,
Reader much like Jane Doe is going to be a doll, I like to call this, reader having a lil existential crisis during a trust exercise turned life stories sharing time.
Also I'll tag you like I did last time! @fuck-this-shit-xin
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The fallen saint
People who live in the hazbin hotel x gn reader
Death, decapitation, dolls, I am still terrified of dolls why did I add them? I don't know, accidentally implied underage drinking but the reader isn't underage, reader and Angel are very loosely implied to be besties because yes
Ballad of Jane doe
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You came to the hotel confused and scared, you found a flyer that advertised and you thought that it'd be better then the chaos in the other parts of hell.
You didn't remember much about your life, just that you died from a rollercoaster accident with your friends? Classmates? Family? You didn't remember,
The last thing you remember was someone clutching your hand saying something that was muffled over the screams before a sharp piece of metal sliced your throat and you saw the sky.
Sometimes you get glimpses of life before, school uniforms, arcades, lights, someone saying a muffled name, holding you, smiling at you.
Who were they? A friend? Family?
You wish you knew.
Charlie was the most sympathetic to your situation, embracing you with open arms into the hotel, imagine not knowing who you were? Well you didn't have to imagine.
You were practically a clean slate, perfect for redemption no matter what you did in the past, because you weren't that person anymore.
Charlie had organized a trust exercise that had pinwheeled into mild drunken shenanigans venting about life and how they lived before they died, Husk had revealed that he apparently had a child somewhere that caused a small commotion of "YOU HAD A WHAT-" and that turned into Sir Pentious saying he missed his son,
Niffty brought up some guy she was obsessed with while alive that may or may not have died it wasn't clear, Vaggie revealed small, very small parts about her life in heaven and being an exorcist, Angel dust brought up his family that was in hell and his twin sister Molly who was the only one to go above, and even Alastor was in the conversation talking about his mother and what a wonderful mother she was.
And then it came to you, cradling a alcoholic beverage.
"I wish I knew what my life was like, like What did I do end up down here? I mean I know I died because of a rollercoaster but I don't think that was a sin." You said your fingers circling your glass, Angel dust patting your shoulder in support.
"I'm sure it wasn't anything that bad"
"You probably set orphanages on fire, I can see you doing that" Niffty chimed in staring into your soul
"Niffty what the hell."
You took a breath as music began to play, one of the things you don't expect in death is that everything becomes a musical.
"Some might say we're release, pushing daisies, deceased,"
You place the glass you were holding onto the table in front of you before standing up from the couch you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"But we all know the worms must be fed,"
"And They're singing." Husk muttered taking a swig of his drink as he was told to hush.
"There's just one lingering fear, Oh my soul, is it here?"
It was a silly question but was it? Most Hellborn supposedly didn't have souls but they were still alive in someway, was it the same case with you? Is that why you couldn't remember? Was your soul back on earth where you perished?
You let one of your hands drift up to your neck, feeling the thread stitching that kept your head attached to your neck, it was slightly lighter then the rest of your body, reminiscent of a dolls.
"Or is it rotting somewhere with my head?"
The people you mostly considered friends [Alastor was on a thin line of friend or weird smiley guy that lived in the hotel] watched you pace around.
"Oh my soul"
Who were you?
"Oh my soul"
What did you do? What didn't you do?
''Oh my soul''
What regrets did you have? Did you live life to the fullest? Who did you love, who did you cherish? Did you have friends? Family? Who were they?
"Oh my soul''
"Ooh...Ooh...Ahh...Ahh... ah''
You missed people you didn't even remember,
Were you loved? Hated?
Did someone miss you? Who did you die with? What did you do to end up here? Did you kill someone? Did you set an orphanage on fire like Niffty suggested?
The people that appeared in your dreams, who's faces were blurred, that would disappear when you tried to reach out to them, were they real or were they just from your dreaming state?
"Oh no soul, and no name"
Everyone had come up with their own nickname for you, typically something related to dolls like doll, Dollface, Dolly, Raggedy Ann, Raggedy Andy or Chucky etc
That last one was from Husk.
you didn't mind it but you desperately wanted to know what your name was, did you get to choose it? Or was it given to you? Did you like it? Did you want to change it? Did you go by a nickname instead? Was it long? Was it short? Was it fancy or simple? Were you named after someone? Oh how you desperately wished to know.
"And no story, what a shame.."
Was your life exciting? Dull? Did you wish for something more?
"Cruel existence was only a sham?"
Dying in a rollercoaster accident was odd, insane and tragic, you showed up in hell with a uniform, were you a student? Did you attend some weird uniform requiring college? You died with others you knew them didn't you? Did you die with strangers or did you die with people you knew?
Tears swelled in your glassy, shiny doll-like eyes
"Oh Saint Peter, let me in!"
Charlie and Vaggie shared a look, recalling the whole welcome to heaven thing and him straight up moaning in song.
"You must know where I've been, Won't you tell me at last who I am?"
You could bare it, being in hell, it was horrible because it was hell but everyone else knew who they were, somewhat, they had a name that they chose or got, they had some semblemblance of an identity,
So why didn't you?
"Who I am,"
It wasn't fair, it really wasn't
"Who I am"
Everyone in the room knew who they were, they remembered their lives or in Charlie's case her life so far.
"Who I am"
You didn't ask for much, you helped out at the hotel, you gleefully participated in the exercises, you were a decent person, at least now you were if you weren't before.
"Who I am"
Would you get your memories back if you went to heaven?
"Ooh...Ooh...Ahh...Ahh... ah"
Or would you completely lose your memories again, would you have to start all over again?
You didn't want to forget the folks in the hazbin hotel, they were your friends right?
It'd be one thing if you lost your memories here but it'd be just cruel if you lost them again, you didn't want to lose them again you desperately clung to the glimpses you got of the past, you needed to keep the memories of the present.
"And from the ground, beneath my feet, I hear the anguish of the street"
You glanced outside the window, people were doing whatever they did, someone was actively getting stabbed they probably remembered who they were.
"A choir never complete"
Something flashed in your head
You died in a choir, you were apart of a choir,
You were apart of something, you sung with them, were you all close? Were you like family?
Where were they? Would they recognize you if they saw you now?
Would they? Would you recognize them? Would all your memories come rushing back in an instant like in the movies?
"And like an old forgotten tune, a song that no one knows..."
A appeared in your arms, a doll that had been gifted to you by Angel dust for a day they had dubbed your birthday, they threw you a party and everything, confetti, balloons, cake, you got a few gifts that you treasured, from Charlie, sir Pentious, hell even Alastor gave you a weird doodle of you that laid with the other gifts.
You held it close to you.
"Forgot how it goes, just John, Jane and me"
You didn't name the doll John or Jane, you didn't know a John or a Jane, or maybe you did? Anyways you carried it around with you, finding it as a source of comfort for when your friends weren't nearby
"Forever eternally, Doll Doe"
You hugged the doll tighter as a tear slipped slid down your doll-like face,
You were angry, what had you done to deserve this? You should at least know what condemned you here? What sin was so bad to warrant this?
"And I'm askin' why lord,"
The effects kicked in as the room went darker as your voice raised, desperation, confusion.
"If this is how I die, lord"
Why couldn't you have a normal death at least! Did anyone even find your head? Was it eaten by animals? Did it hit some poor person trying to have a fun day at the amusement park?
"Why be left with no family"
The hotel residents began to develop a found family relationship, and you were apart of it, you loved it but, what was your family from before like? Did you even have one?
"And no friends?"
Assuming no one you knew had fallen down below, you didn't die alone but you came alone while the others had ascended to above.
Background vocals came in out of nowhere lowkey freaking out some of your friends, Vaggie had already gotten her spear ready to Incase, of something maybe if the voices decided to attack
"I've got no celebration, just this consolation,"
Did you even have a funeral? Was it closed casket? Who attended?
"Time eats all his children, In the end"
You had questions and you wanted answers.
Freaky disembodied background vocals
"A melody floats through the air, when silence falls, does no one care?"
You were human once, you didn't care what genre your life fell into, comedy, horror, tragedy, thriller, if you played the role of a villain or a hero, a funny side character, you just wanted to know
"Does anyone care?"
Where were the background vocals coming from, they were freaky.
"Another sad, forgotten tune"
Your story laid forgotten, abandoned on some bookshelf like a book a teenager brought thinking they'd like it but they couldn't even make it past the first page so it lays, rotting away.
"Another song that no one knows"
You wanted to go back, you wanted to live your life again, you didn't know what it entailed but you would do anything, make a deal, throw whatever afterlife you had away.
"So that's how it goes!''
No, you would keep the afterlife you were given, you cherished the memories you've made here.
"Just John, Jane and me"
Your life was cut short wasn't it? What didn't you get to experience, what didn't your choir experience?
Why did you all have to die that day? Why did the rollercoaster have to derail, why didn't they check it?
"Forever eternally, Dollface Doe"
"And she's asking why, lord?"
The disembodied voices were in all honesty a nice touch to the song, still freaky though especially since was now dolls scattered around the area, is that where the voices were coming from?
"Why, oh why, oh why, oh why...?"
You were the one who convinced your choir to go on the rollercoaster, you begged them offering to buy them snacks after,
They agreed, you didn't know.
Was that the thing that condemned you here??
"This is no way to die, lord!"
At least getting decapitated by a rollercoaster made for a good conversation starter, probably.
"No one to sing, no one to sigh"
You only got glimpses, sometimes a nostalgic feeling for something you couldn't remember no matter how desperately you wanted too.
"Now that all is said and done"
Life had ended, afterlife had only begun,
You couldn't go back, no matter what you did, even if you sold your soul, a soul you weren't sure you even had anymore.
"Isn't there anyone to tell me who I am?"
You were turned away from your friends, you didn't want to see the pitying face some of them probably had.
"No singing songs of celebration''
Were you someone who liked to party? A homebody? Were you a sweetheart? Did people say you had a heart of stone,
"Just this sorry speculation"
You could try and force yourself to remember but in the best case scenario you could get a glimpse and a headache, and the worse case you'd be left clutching your doll trying to comfort yourself with a horrible headache.
"Like John and Jane I'll be eternally"
Maybe you should give up on trying to figure out who you were, try to forget that you ever lived before this.
"A forgotten name, some lost refrain"
If anything, you didn't have to have your memories back completely, if you could just remember your name.
"Just 'Doll' "
You closed your eyes, clutching the doll.
The freaky dolls that appeared sneaked close, Vaggie stabbed one like a doll kabob
You twirled and landed back in your seat, you leaned to the table to grab your drink again, intending to down it as the dolls finished your lament.
"A melody floats through the air, when silence falls, does no one care?"
The room began to lighten back up again as the creepy little dolls poofed away one by one, including the kabobbed one.
"Doll Doe."
You got a hug from a tearful Charlie and a two handed headpat from Angel since he couldn't really do anything else since you were trapped in Charlie's hug.
Charlie would later note that it was a successful trust exercise since everyone including you had opened up a little bit, you felt relieved to get that lament of yours off your chest, it didn't change much but breaking out in song was oddly therapeutic, you guessed that's why others did it so often!
Would you ever regain your memories? You didn't know, but for now you would try to remember anything from your past while making new memories with your friends at the Hazbin hotel.
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Good evening folks! thank you for tuning on in, this has gotta be one of my favorite songfics to write to date, AGAIN I REALLY RECOMMEND RIDE THE CYCLONE, thank you for tuning in I hope you enjoyed! Goodnight folks!
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
ok so i've seen a lot of ppl hating on the new thor movie so i'm going to make a list abt what i liked abt it. spoilers obviously
thor rode stormbreaker like a witch on a broom
the hammer/axe jealousy and thor trying to make them both happy
valkyrie covered in ichor with a sword
the goats screamed every time they arrived someplace new/landed
when they put the goats in the guardians' ship and it's just pure chaos as peter is trying to organize everyone to check for distress calls
the music choices were on point!
the ridiculous opening fight scene that seemed a little too good to be true (until the end)
gore! he was such a creepy villain, just so unsettling. it really creeped me out when he smiled. he did an amazing job
"so how are you guys doing?" "we're stuck in a cage made of spikes."
this isn't really about the movie but i liked seeing kamala in the opening sequence
the visuals! it was so pretty! especially the space dolphins and whenever the shadow creatures were being made. it was really cool to see how they went from flat, 2D shadows to 3 dimensional monsters- like how they came up out of the ground. so cool
New Asgard already being half destroyed after the attack in the beginning and thor and jane keep blasting holes in the council room/breaking stuff anyway
valkyrie teasing thor abt jane
the whole last scene where thor's trying to get Love (that's what i'm going to call the little girl, idk her name) to eat pancakes and put on her shoes. felt like a conversation straight out of my family's dialogue
and then thor just gave her stormbreaker!! like sir,,, that ax is as big as she is
the child army!!! that was so cool! i was like 'is he really going to use these kids as an army? i'm confused but i'm here for it' and then he did but in a much more effective way than i imagined!
i also liked how they showed how the different kids fought. some of them with rocks and things that could be actual weapons and some of them with wands and stuffies. it was amazing
thor saying he didn't like meditation, it just made him angrier. i know meditation is a good coping mechanism but whenever i try it i feel like i'm doing it wrong and just get more upset. idk that was just a little thing since ppl don't usually say that in media
at the beginning, peter saying to look into the eyes of the ppl you love and thor just doing that stupid face while sliding into view
Darrel!!! He got a job at new Asgard
When they were fighting in the shadow realm and the only color was from the lightning bolt, stormbreaker, and mjolnir
Jane using all of mjolnirs pieces as an extension of the hammer
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sephyathredon-writing · 8 months
Whumptober #7: Can You Hear Me Now?
Summary: After the Knighting Ceremony, Diego pulls Ambrosius aside and shows him the proof that he needs to know that Ballister is innocent. He goes off in search of Ballister but by the time he finds him, it's too late.
An entry for Whumptober under the prompt "Can you hear me?"
Heed the warnings for this one. If you are not okay with reading a scene where Ballister dies and Ambrosius is really upset about it, this fic is not for you.
Ambrosius stood in the wreckage of the Glorodome, eyes glued to the tunnel entrance that Ballister had just escaped down. He was frozen, his mind swimming with questions. The adrenaline high from the whole incident still kept him on edge as he fought with his heart which was telling him to go after Ballister.
What he didn’t notice was a lone man making his way through the wreckage, not until the man touched his shoulder and jolted him out of his trance-like state.
“Uh, Sir Goldenloin… s-sir.” The voice was familiar and when Ambrosius’ eyes finally snapped from the tunnel entrance to look at the man, his suspicions were confirmed.
It was the Squire, Diego.
“I have something that I need to show you. Please, it’s important. Nothing in my life has ever been so important” He pleaded.
Around them was chaos. The director was organizing squadrons of knights to find Ballister, the queen’s body was being taken away by the paramedics. There was no saving her, but the kingdom had to try. Todd was barking orders, not over the director, but to Blanche and Chad, the cadets that were loyal to him.
They never got knighted, Ambrosius realized.
Ambrosius couldn’t look into the Squire’s eyes and just say ‘no’. He hoped it wasn’t just an autograph that he needed or a picture that he needed to take with him, it had to be something truly important.
“Sure, let’s go somewhere private, how about the locker rooms?”
The squire nodded and began to head across the field to the entrance they had come out from at the beginning of the ceremony. Ambrosius could feel the Director’s eyes on the back of his head as he left, but she didn’t say anything. He’d hoped that he could just slip away without her noticing.
Either way, he ended up in the locker room, sitting on one of the benches. It felt good to just sit after a terrible situation like that. He was still visibly shaking from it.
Diego sat next to him, leaving a good amount of space next to him. He took out his phone and pressed the play button.
Ambrosius watched, curiously showing on his face. The video showed a close up of the Squire, the background Ambrosius recognized as the same locker room they were in now.
[“Check it out, I’m in the locker room, and you are looking at history in the making. Ballister’s armor. It’s speaking. It’s saying, ‘Respect me. Protect me. Put me on. No one’s watching.”]
Ambrosius felt the heavy weight of disappointment settle in his chest. This was what the Squire was itching to show him?
He stood up and started to walk away.
“No, No wait. Sir Goldenloin, please.” He was clearly panicking, reaching out and grabbing Ambrosius’ arm, “This isn’t it, I promise.”
He looked back at the Squire and sat back down, watching as he fast forwarded the video. He watched more of the squire’s antics go by quickly before he looked back, seeing something that made him panic and climb back into the locker, standing stock still like Ballister’s suit of armor usually was.
Ambrosius’ breath hitched as he watched a woman in a white cloak come into frame. She looked around cautiously, revealing her identity.
“No way… the Director?” Ambrosius whispered.
He watched as she swapped Ballister’s sword with the one she had with her. It was undeniable proof that she had set him up.
“I don’t understand… why would she do that to him?” Ambrosius asked Diego as if he had any answers.
“I don’t know, I only know what I saw.” He replied.
Then a realization hit Ambrosius hard.
Ballister is innocent, and he’s out there bleeding, left to treat the wound for an amputated arm by himself.
“I’ve gotta go find Bal.” He jolted from his seat and had to mentally restrain himself from taking off immediately. Instead he took a moment to look at Diego, “Thank you. I don’t know why she did that, but it took a lot of courage to come forth with this video.”
Diego nodded, “I’ll upload it to The Crier, make sure everyone sees it, even if it ruins my reputation.” He looked down at his feet, unwilling to look Ambrosius in the eyes, “Ballister has been like a role model to me. I look up to him. Please, make sure he’s okay.”
Ambrosius nodded, “I will.”
He didn’t say it aloud, but he mentally added ‘because I love him.’
Without another word, Ambrosius took off.
It didn’t take him long to realize that Ballister wouldn’t be anywhere within the city. The whole place was crawling with knights and guards.
So he searched in the forest, but the thing about the Kingdom was that there was still a lot of forest. It took Ambrosius close to an hour to finally found where Ballister was hiding out, and that’s only because he saw the tower peeking out above the treeline. There was a trail of blood leading up to the door.
He slammed it open.
“Ballister!” His voice was worried, not angry.
The smell that greeted him made him want to throw up. It smelled like burnt flesh. Clearly Ballister had attempted to cauterize the wound.
It took him a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light, but he saw Ballister lying on the ground. Without a second thought, he ran over to the other, scooping him up in his arms. Any signs of life in him were miniscule.
“Bal! Ballister!” He shouted, the panic clear in his voice. He saw that the arm that he’d cut off was still bleeding, despite an attempt at closing the wound clearly being visible by the scorch marks around the edges.
Ballister’s eyes opened and the fear he saw there broke Ambrosius’ heart.
“No, no Bal… It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. I… I promise I just want to fix what I did.” Ambrosius sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks, “We’ve got to stop the bleeding.” His voice held desperation in it.
Maybe Ballister could still be saved.
Ballister’s gaze softened and his good hand went up to caress Ambrosius’ face.
“I’m afraid you’re too late, love…”
Ambrosius placed a hand over Ballister’s pressing it into his cheek. He turned his head, leaving tender kisses on the only hand his lover had left.
“No… there must be something I can do… There must be something… I refuse to let this mistake kill you.”
A light laugh rang out, echoing off the walls of the tower, making goosebumps appear on Ambrosius’ skin, under his armor, “I’m afraid not…”
“No…” He took his hand off of Ballister’s to move to his severed arm, pressing hard in an attempt to stifle the blood flow.
Ballister grunted, “Trust me, I would love to stay, but It’s just not possible. I can feel myself slipping.”
“No… no… Ballister. Please.” He could feel Ballister’s grip on his cheek fading, leaving a streak of blood behind, “The Director framed you, it was all a misunderstanding. The squire captured proof, and it’s going to go live soon and the whole kingdom will know that you’re innocent. We can go back to the way things were…”
There was no answer from Ballister.
“Please… I love you.” Ambrosius begged.
Still no answer.
“Please… please… Ballister…” Ambrosius held him tightly, heart racing, mind spinning, “I can’t go on without you. You’ve been by my side since I was a child. You… you’ve been my everything… Bal… please wake up… please wake up.”
Slowly, the realization sunk in. Bal was gone. He wasn’t coming back, would never be the Knight that he wanted to be, would never be the first in a long line of knights with commoner blood.
Ambrosius broke, all his emotions flooding out in tears and sobs and screams and he held Bal’s body tightly and buried his head into the other’s shoulder.
He couldn’t help but stew in his thoughts as he sat there sobbing.
This was his fault.
This was his fault.
And then he remembered the squire and the video he showed him. Putting aside the idea that Ballister might have lived if he had not stopped to watch the video in the first place, he focused mostly on what the video meant.
When he finally had the strength to lift his head, his expression was one of anger.
It was still his fault.
But it was also the Director’s fault, maybe even the fault of the whole institute.
His expression flickered back to one of sadness as he put Ballister down and gave him a light kiss to the cheek, trying not to tear up again and he realized it would be his last.
“I’m sorry, Bal. I can’t bring you back, but I can make them pay for what they did to you… and they will pay.”
By the time he left the tower, he was a new man, a man on a mission. He walked toward the institute, anger showing clearly on his face.
When he got to the city, crowds parted for him, as the people around him could clearly see that he was not in the mood to talk.
It was dark, he didn’t expect the director to still be out ordering the knights around for patrols, it was more likely that she was in her office.
He stopped and fixed the Gloreth statue in front of him with a cold glare, before turning his gaze up to the institute building in the background looming above it.
He walked with purpose. Anger so apparent in his steps. Blood still streaked his face and covered his right hand, painting a pretty grim picture. Even parts of his armor where Ballister had bled onto him were dyed red. If he felt anything other than anger at the moment, he might have stopped and realized the irony behind his golden armor, the biggest symbol of his descent from Gloreth, being stained with Ballister’s blood.
But as it stood, the only thing he felt was boiling white hot rage.
I can barely hear a sound, it's faded
All the words you used to say
Tried to keep me down, I'm elevated
No more rain on this parade
He threw open the doors to the front of the institute, startling everyone inside. They looked at him with confused expressions, but he didn’t pay attention to them and they didn’t approach. One of them called security, Ambrosius did see that. He expected Knights to be on him any second now.
I went deep inside, where monsters hide
To free my mind, and come out alive
Tell me when you kicked me did you ever think that I would get up
The part of Ambrosius’ mind that was still lucid as he drew his sword and began to fight the knights descending on him wondered if this was where monsters came from. Had he turned into one? Had he become the very thing he had sworn to fight?
He pushed that thought away and focused on his mission. If it was for Ballister’s sake, he would become a monster. Even despite the haze of anger, he made sure not to hurt the Knights too badly. There was only one other person that had to die tonight.
He forced his way up many flights of stairs, until he got to the hall that led to the Director’s office. By that time, he’d knocked out the knights tailing him and approached her doors alone, slamming them open.
Tried to find the light between your shadows, but it always seemed to fade
It took some time for me to learn to let go
But I grew stronger from the pain
The director was sitting at her desk and when she looked up, she could see the anger in his eyes.
“What is the meaning of this, Ambrosius?” She stood, glancing from him to the small scepter on a stand on her desk.
“You know.” There was venom in his voice as he spoke, “Queen killer.” He snapped.
“I don’t know what you mean. I would never-” She sounded offended, grabbing the scepter and taking a few steps back. She placed a couple of fingers to her ear, activating some sort of communication device “Security.”
“Oh, I don’t think security is going to save you.” Ambrosius spat at her.
“No, but this might.” She held out her scepter and the diamond on it opened in a very familiar way, with a very familiar green glow.
Any doubts Ambrosius might have had that the Director was guilty, vanished into thin air.
“Ballister is dead because of you!” He roared, vaulting over the desk just as the laser went off. It bore into his side, and it hurt…
…but he kept going, footsteps even and purposeful. Adrenaline was a hell of a drug.
The director turned to flee, pushing aside the double doors out into the balcony. That was her biggest mistake. Ambrosius had her cornered and the wound hadn’t seemed to slow him down in any significant way.
Can you hear me now so loudly?
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs
Can you see me now so proudly?
Looking up at what I've become
A hand shot up and wrapped around her throat, the same one coated with Ballister’s blood. Another hand soon joined the first and Ambrosius took a few steps forward, until the director was dangling over the edge of the balcony.
She locked eyes with his, nothing but fury showing in hers.
“Monster” She spat, “Go back to the shadows from whence you came.”
Ambrosius laughed, “If I’m a monster, then that marks the end of Gloreth’s bloodline, doesn’t it? After all, a monster and a hero can’t be the same person, can they?”
Ambrosius saw something else in her expression, fear.
“Killing me will change nothing.” She reasoned.
“Ha, we’ll see about that” Ambrosius could hear the sounds of Knights behind them, they’d entered the office. He had to do it soon.
If he had to become a murderer to avenge Ballister’s death, so be it.
Tell me when you kicked me did you ever think that I would get up?
Ambrosius let go.
The Director plummeted to her death.
Nobody knows what happened to Ambrosius after that night. There was a fresh grave at the hideout by morning, but nobody saw heads or tails of him. The only thing that was recovered was his armor, somewhere near the wall. Legend says he went over.
Some people say that once a year, on the day Ambrosius disappeared, fresh flowers could be seen on Ballister’s grave. Dandelions that symbolize resilience. Black roses that symbolize death and mourning. Pink camellias that symbolize longing. Sprigs of heliotrope to symbolize eternal love and devotion, and sprigs of rosemary to symbolize remembrance.
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faberown · 29 days
Hi! I'm a fanfiction author that has just start to use Tumblr to sponsor his work. This is the first chapter of my current on-going Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss fanfiction "If Hell is forever than Heaven must be a lie", personally one of my best work. The publication takes place at 6:00 pm (New York City local time), one chapter a day, and is currently close to the conclusion of the first arc. Here is the description:
A week has passed since the angels were forced to retreat and the Extermination was cancelled; the Hazbin Hotel has been rebuilt, peace reigns again, and although the demons still seem reluctant to embark on the path of redemption Charlie is optimistic about the future. That is, at least until an unexpected guest shows up at her door asking for help, revealing the first of a long series of secrets that Heaven and Hell have kept for centuries. With the discovery that redemption is possible, the return of an enemy who was thought to be defeated, the emergence of new threats, Hell which increasingly descends into chaos where the most evil are the masters, and more and more hidden truths that come to light, what will happen to the Hazbin Hotel? Will Charlie and her friends be able to at least save themselves, or will they be consumed by the anarchy into which the entire cosmos is slowly sinking?
This fanfiction for now has:
-) a lot of Bible lore;
-) a lot of Adam development;
-) a lot of Charlie development;
-) Emily development;
-) Adam backstory (a lot!);
-) Exorcists' backstories (they will be sad!);
-) Adam WON'T be a sinner;
-) some Blitz develompment;
-) Sir Pentious' backstory;
-) a further explanation of how it works social structure in Hell;
-) same for Heaven;
-) we will see a lot of new angels, and of course Michael;
-) Michael will be a good uncle;
-) all the Sins will be good aunts and uncles, but netherless they will be the scary power-hungry ruler that they are;
-) Lilith will appear;
-) the Vees will be villains;
-) Stryker will be a villain;
-) and many other things that would be too long to list. If you want to know more, go and read the story. Trust me... you won't regret it. I will constantly post updates for each chapter and possibly answer some questions regarding the lore. Stay tuned!
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bodyguardbracket · 10 months
List of contestants!
I've put together the list of our 64 bodyguards!!! The actual polls will start in a couple days as I still need to organize some stuff for them. That being said, if you have any good pictures of any of these guys (canon images only please!), feel free to send them my way in the meantime!!!
Also fyi that the rounds themselves will be a week long, just for my own sanity lol.
Here's the list in alphabetical order!!!
Adam Frankenstein (Bungo Stray Dogs: Stormbringer)
Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog movies)
Aloysius Knight "The Black Knight" (Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly)
Arm (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Big (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Big Daddies (BioShock)
Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)
Brock Samson (The Venture Bros)
Butler (Artemis Fowl)
C!Grian (Third Life SMP)
Camilla Hect (The Locked Tomb)
Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
Costis (The Queen’s Thief series)
Deathbringer (Wings of Fire)
Dehya (Genshin Impact)
Do Bongsoon (Strong Woman Bongsoon)
Eadaz uq-Nāra (The Roots of Chaos series)
Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Fang Duobing (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
Gareth (Galavant)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Gorilla (Miraculous Ladybug)
Goro Takemura (Cyberpunk 2077)
Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do in the Shadows)
Guy (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!)
Horace Knightley (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Hubert Von Vestra (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Indus Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Joe (Princess Diaries)
Juliet Butler (Artemis Fowl)
Kaladin Stormblessed (Stormlight Archive)
Kiruko (Heavenly Delusion / Tengoku Daimakyou)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lan Mandragoran (The Wheel of Time)
Lexaeus/Aeleus (Kingdom Hearts)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Maihar'du (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Mako (Legend of Korra)
Mifune (Soul Eater)
Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad)
Miyamoto Usagi (Usagi Yojimbo)
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Palm (Never Let Me Go)
Peko Pekoyama (Danganronpa)
Peri Dubois (Entropic Float)
Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Rory Williams (Doctor Who)
Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings)
Sandor (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Sebastian Michales (Black Butler)
Sir Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy)
Son Hak (Akaksuki no Yona)
Soren (The Dragon Prince)
Suh Yoosun (Moonlight Garden)
Tatum Mendoza (Foreign Affairs)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy XIV)
Vortex (Helluva Boss)
Wen Ning (The Untamed)
Wen Zhuliu (The Untamed)
Yura Goro (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 months
OOH for the fic thingy --
"better not to ask" and "the road left untravelled"
i'll be writing this in note form as i think of it. purely organically. brace yourselves lmao
and its also just for royai just because <3
i'm picking up what ur putting down my beloved MWAH TYYYYY
"better not to ask" - oooooh how about. person a (hawkeye lbr) going unhinged to Protect person b (mustang) for Reasons (its hand wavey~ idk). maybe he ends up unconscious and when he wake up there's discussion, what happened etc, and hawkeye just gets This Look... and is like "...better not to ask, sir"
but he sees The Look in her eye. he gets an Inkling. his gut twists and he feels guilty about bringing such a look upon her fine features, because of him... which is almost a constant with him.
so he does what she requests
he doesn't ask
OR. ON A MORE LIGHTHEARTED NOTE. bc that's always good. what about. a little bit of crack...?
picture this: there's Something, Some Occurrence in the office. havoc, breda, fuery and falman are all ~arguing~ - havoc and breda more loudly than the other two for shits and gigs. but the other two have their wee quips which only subtly fuels the fire bc their banter is still top notch 🩷
there's ~shenanigans~
and roy walks is like bruh. wtf is happening below these ceiling panels. what am i witnessing.
and riza is just like "bro. sir. better not to ask"
LITTLE DID WE KNOW SHE'S THE INSTIGATOR MWAHAHHA and is causing chaos and banter and good times bc yeah. even tho they're going ape, its a good time. good vibes!! and roy grins despite it all in the chaos bc these are His People, His Chaos
"the road left untravelled" - OHHHHH THE THOUGHTS I HAVE THUNK. the daydreams i have dreamt for this moment.
thoughts of "what if...." infiltrating my brain....
like. i mean, i already did a "what if riza never went to war" which was a blast and a delight to flirt with mwah. and related to exploring that road which was untravelled between them - being together, loving each other openly, etc
but... i'm thinking young royai...... - not to take away from his character, but what if... roy didn't pursue alchemy as fully as he did in canon (fr those fanfic.net fics were my lifeblood back in the day <333). what if he still sought it out, but found it worth more to stick around for the master's daughter?
a butterfly flapping its wings and all that
it's late. roy is dropping off/relaying something work related to riza.
at her Personal Apartment (shock, horror)
only for them to travel down.... the road which had always been left unravelled
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pxmun · 3 months
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Cleo slowly came to her senses; she remembered being at Tidmouth sheds with everyone and hearing Percy arrive then, nothing.
As her vision began to clear, Cleo could see her brothers standing over her.
"I think she's coming too, everyone give her some room." Came the voice of Sir Topham Hatt.
"Darius, what happened"? Cleo asked.
"You got a bit over excited and passed out." Darius said.
"A bit? Bro she was a rocket ship fueled with sugar that failed to launch." Romeo retorted.
"Not now Romes." Darius warned.
"Over excited? About what"? Cleo asked confused.
"I'm afraid it was my fault my dear." Came a voice.
Wendell cautiously puffed up towards the three siblings.
"Wendell." Cleo said shocked.
"Hello young Cleo, sorry to have caused you to pass out. Are you alright"? Wendell asked.
"Yes, yes I'm fine but, how are you alive and where have you been"? Cleo asked surprised.
Wendell smiled.
"It's a long story my dear, why don't I tell you all about it during teatime? Guessing on how much time has passed this is Tidmouth if I'm correct"? Wendell asked.
"Yes, this is Tidmouth sheds, it's been here for a very long time." Percy piped in.
The silly engine laughed.
"My goodness, Tidmouth sheds is considered old now?! I remember when Ethan drew up the first draft for this place, poor man didn't know how many engines it should house or how spacious the berths should be." Wendell remembered.
He looked over to Gordon, Flying Scotsman, and Spencer.
"But I can see he made the right choice. By the Arc it's amazing how large the new generation of engines have become"! Wendell said astonished.
Gordon grinned with pride.
"Biggest and best, and we pull the express"! Gordon boasted.
"Except when you fall into a ditch." Snickered James.
"And lose your dome." Continued Henry.
"Or need my help getting up your hill." Added Edward.
Gordon blushed out of embarrassment and being crossed; he wasn't expecting Edward to join in on the teasing.
Wendell held back a chuckle.
"No hard feelings my friend, we all get into our mishaps. Why do you think they call me the silly engine"? Wendell grinned.
By teatime, Patty had arrived with some baked goods and tea for the engine crews and her friends. Patty was amazed to see Wendell in the steel and steam, Romeo invited her to stay so the young baker could hear the silly old engine speak.
"So, Wendell I have to ask, what was life back then for you and Dinah? Tidmouth sheds didn't exist back then, so I'm guessing things were probably pretty wild back then"? Romeo asked.
"In a way it was, but it was more of an organized chaos. Before the realms were separated, Ethan and the other controllers had hardly any say on how the railroads were run. Instead, we were commanded by the overseers, and they were in control of everything. Where the engines were allowed to go, which one would pull which train, when we were allowed breaks and for how long." Wendell answered.
"That sounds horrible! Why didn't you and the other engines use your magic to fight back against these overseers"? Thomas asked.
"Well, back then we didn't have magic." Wendell revealed.
Everyone in the sheds gasped in shock.
"No magic?! Then how in the name of Sodor did we rebel against these overseers or are even sentient for that matter"? Scotsman asked bewildered.
"Sodor does provide its own magic, enough for us to be sentient, but we engines were unable to utilize Sodor's magic in such a way like the overseers could. It wasn't until the magic railroad was built that the engines finally had access to magic." Wendell explained.
Cleo was busy writing down what Wendell said into her notes, meanwhile Romeo had a question to ask.
"So, the magic railroad didn't just appear out of nowhere and with it the engines of Sodor could finally use magic and use it to defend themselves against these overseers. Then, who built the magic railroad and who or what split Sodor off the rest of the world"? Romeo asked.
"The magic railroad was constructed by the king and queen of Sodor of course"! Wendell peeped.
"Huh"? Everyone responded in confusion.
"Well, that is how Dinah refers to them. I forgot what their actual names were, but I do remember our interactions. We would see them around Sodor from time to time and the two seemed to have some influence in curbing the overseers abuse towards the engines for the better. Anyway, one day they approached us with a proposal. They would construct a railway capable of giving engines magic while Dinah and I would be placed as the magic railroad's protectors and use our new found magic to reform the railway to be an inclusive and friendly place for all. As for the realms splitting, things got very heated between the overseers and the island of Sodor, so on that fateful night the overseers attacked the island in an attempt to have full control of it." Wendell told.
Everyone was silent, what they heard was horrifying. How could anyone attack Sodor and its residents? For what reason did these overseers feel the need to take over the entire island when they already had so much control over Sodor already? Meanwhile, Wendell removed his headlamp in the same manner a person would remove a hat at place it over their heart.
"In an attempt to save everyone, the king and queen sacrificed themselves by using every ounce of magic they had to split the realms and separate the enraged overseers from Sodor, thus saving all of us " Wendell said solemnly.
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corinthianism · 2 years
call it what you want | the corinthian
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pairing: the corinthian (the sandman)/fem!reader tags: coffee shop au, hurt/comfort warnings: mentions of violence, murder, and obsessive behavior (all on behalf of the corinthian), implied sexual content
note: hi everyone! this is my first post on this account as i tried to post this on my main one which is @starksnoir, which might be shadowbanned or something. anyway, this is very, very self-indulgent and it’s kind of embarrassing but i noticed that not too many people write for this guy compared to morpheus so i’m throwing this out there: a cliché mess that will hopefully satiate your fantasies about this man, err, nightmare. some parts were inspired by other fics (all here on tumblr), namely “Bring me a dream” by @placeinthemiddleofnowhere, “Nightmare” by @dyns33, and “Protective” by @bi-bard. please check those out those fics if you’re a corinthian lover like me and show those authors some love!
highly recommend listening to "call it what you want" and "daylight" by taylor swift while you read
You never thought your life was particularly exciting. You had your hobbies, sure, but all-in-all the days just blended together in a blurb of organized chaos every human on the planet had gone through at some point in their lives. Your coffee shop was your rock and business was doing well enough to keep you alive and comfortable in New York. You never expected more.
So when a sharply-dressed man wearing thick black shades and a charming smile waltzed into the shop, you didn’t think much of it. You saw all kinds of people every day, why was he any different? It wasn’t until he spoke that you noticed all the little things about him with never-before-seen clarity. It seemed like you were lucky you happened to be manning the counter that day.
“Hey darlin’,” his voice drawled out, elbow resting on the counter. “Been thinkin’ of trying something new. Any recommendations for me, doll?”
He leaned in slightly on the last sentence. It wasn’t the first time a customer came in with flowery nicknames for you, but no one ever quite executed it as this stranger did. Maybe it was some sort of Southern charm he possessed, or maybe it was the smile but he definitely had something a lot of people didn’t.
You raised a brow at him and smiled, “Maybe a caramel macchiato? It’s one of our bestsellers.”
He nodded and hummed, seemingly pleased with the suggestion, “Gimme a large.”
“That would be four dollars, please. Oh and… your name, sir?”
“Just put… Corinthian.”
You wrote it down on the cup, not even bothering to ask. You’ve experienced your fair share of weirdos and pranksters coming in and asking you to write down all sorts of ungodly things on their cups, so it was no big deal.
Five minutes passed and you looked for the man, ready to give him his order. You found him in a corner booth with an arm draped lazily over his seat, one leg rested on top of another, and his other hand tapping on the table. Still, the man was intriguing enough that you decided to add a free muffin to his drink.
“Here’s your order, sir.”
He eyed the muffin and shook his head, “I didn’t order this.”
“It’s on the house.”
The mystery man simply smirked. Then he kept coming back every week.
He didn’t know what made him keep coming back to that tiny little coffee shop in New York, but hunting down Ethel Cripps had proved to be a difficult task, even for him, and he needed a break. The coffee was good, but you were better. Cute enough for him to keep visiting.
If he had to describe you he would say you were… interesting. You sat down with him during your break several times over the past two months. The two of you chatted about anything and everything and it had been the highlight of your day. And his, though he would never admit it. Before then, he frequently entertained the idea of eating your eyes. He'd savor every bit of sweetness your humanity had to offer and he'd have a piece of you everywhere he went but that all went down the drain when one day you brought him some cupcakes you baked yourself.
He just finished going over the list of people that might lead him to Ethel for what seemed like the twentieth time. The memory played in the back of his mind over and over again as he leaned back on his chair. 
“Oh! I almost forgot. I made these for you! Sorry, they’re not the prettiest but I think they’re pretty good." You pushed a warm paper bag to his side of the table.
He reached for one cupcake, took a bite, and hummed.
When he turned to look at you, you stared at him, eagerly waiting for his reaction. For his approval. It was an odd feeling.
“So…?” you inquired meekly.
“It’s good,” was all he said.
He could never seem to erase the image of your smile from his mind, even weeks after.
In all honesty, he often wondered if he was capable of emotions. Positive ones. He felt bitterness and rage towards his creator, and a sick satisfaction with every new kill, but nothing compared to the sheer fulfillment that came with eating eyes. It made him feel oh-so-human. So much more than a Nightmare, and in a way, that's all he could really hope for: to be more than what Morpheus intended him to be. He never really bothered to make connections with humans for any reason besides his own gain, so now, whenever he thinks of you, he wonders if you were the answer to all his questions all along.
The Corinthian knew he would have to leave when he finally found what he came to New York for, but he did secretly hope he could squeeze in a visit every now and then. You were… good company. He knew about that reality TV show you watched every Friday night, your childhood dog whose ashes and photos you kept around in a special corner of your room, the humble beginnings of your coffee shop, and that old university sweater you brought sometimes because it was, quote-unquote, “the only damn thing that could keep me warm these days.”
Maybe he could keep you warm. Best not to entertain that thought. He had only ever been good at making humans cold. You spoke to him with so much enthusiasm, blissfully unaware of who and what he was. You made him feel so free. Ironically, it's what also made him want to stay. The first time you called him by his name had solidified that.
It was raining and one of your employees caught the flu. Polly was a good kid, so you offered to cover her shift for the day. Maybe you could get her some soup after you were done with your work.
It was a slow day, too. Not many customers came, and even less stayed for longer than ten minutes. Just when you thought it would be good to close the shop early, in walked the man you saw every week: all in his handsome blond glory.
"Oh hey cowboy," you greeted cheekily before getting a mop to continue your work. "I thought you weren't gonna come today."
You got in the habit of calling him nicknames as well. You didn't really know his name, and he never bothered to ask yours since you had a tag. He left his umbrella by the door and walked over to you.
He tilted his head and smiled: a soft smile you rarely saw on him in the two months you've known him, "And what makes you say that?"
"Dunno"—you led him to a seat before you began mopping—"not everyone would bother since there's a storm raging outside."
You could feel him watching you.
"For you, sweetheart? I'd do anything."
"Those are some mighty big words from a guy whose name I don't even know," you giggled. "Also, are you gonna order something or what? I might close up shop early since I don't think anybody else is coming in."
He ignored your question.
"Oh, but you do know my name," he leaned back in his seat. "You've known since the day we met, doll."
He could see the gears turning in your head before you laughed in disbelief, "What? Corinthian? No offense but either your parents hated you or you're weird. But if that's what you want me to call you, then… hey, Corinthian."
He laughed. A real, genuine laugh, and it shocked him. He didn't remember the last time he did that, or if he did at all. All he knew was that his name sounded so sweet coming from your lips.
The Corinthian was, for the lack of a better word, an enigma to you. You knew he was dangerous and yet he was beautiful. It was like being a moth that can't help but be drawn to a flame. He gave your days some much-needed substance and you couldn't help but want to know more about him. Was it risky? Maybe. You weren't sure if his name really was just "Corinthian" or if he was hiding some big secret. Maybe one was true. Maybe both were. Maybe neither were. It didn't really matter when he looked at you like you were telling him the secrets of the world.
You've never seen him without his thoroughly opaque shades. Whenever you asked, he often reasoned that he had a condition that made him sensitive to the light. Sometimes he was in a smooth-talking mood.
"Well, I have to keep them on or else you'll blind me with your beauty, sugar."
His words ranged from the kind that would make you swoon to the kind that made you laugh with how cheesy they were. There were three things about him that you knew for sure: one, he was a massive flirt. This aspect of his personality was found in every word he’s ever said to you. In recent meetings, he's gone as far as bringing you little trinkets from his "work trips". He never told you much about them but he never failed to bring back some sort of souvenir. Among these souvenirs was a wooden carving of a dog that resembled your childhood dog you told him about before. You even asked him if this was the intention and for the first time, the man had been taken aback as if he was caught doing a crime.
"It's as cute as you; thought you'd like it," he teased, leaning close enough that you could smell his cologne.
The second thing you knew about him was that he was definitely well-off. He dressed and acted like it, too. You realized this when his gifts started becoming more and more extravagant: a gold bracelet there, a simple diamond necklace here.
The third thing you knew about him was that… well, he was lonely. Or at least he seemed like it. Perhaps it was a harsh assumption to make, but of all the fantastical stories he told you of canoe rides in Venice and dinners in Singapore, not once did he mention another person. Not one friend, family member, or significant other.
Significant other. The thought made you uncomfortable. You enjoyed this odd friendship you had with him and yet the boundaries seemed so blurry that you began to wonder about things friends would never do.
The first time you saw him outside of your coffee shop was at a park nearby. At that point, you’ve been seeing each other regularly at the shop for about three months. The park had lots of dogs during the weekends and it was always nice to see them play and be pups. You had just been enjoying a gentle breeze when that beloved Kentucky accent echoed behind you.
"Well, well, well, fancy seeing you here, doll."
You turned around and there he was. Corinthian. The man who was single-handedly making your days (and your nights).
"Oh, hey!" you greeted him heartily. "Didn't take you for the stroll-in-the-park type."
"And what would my type be?" he asked, sitting down next to you on the bench.
"I dunno, me, probably, since you somehow always manage to find your way back to me," you giggled. And then you realized what you said. "Oh. Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—"
He laughed and took your hand in his. You couldn’t help but notice how well they fit together, "Relax, sweetheart. You know you can do that around me"—he squeezed ever so slightly—"hmm?"
You could only nod slowly.
"And for the record, you're right. You are my type."
He kissed the back of your hand, leaving you breathless, "Now, I think I want some ice cream, don't you?"
You would never forget how he licked his lips, and how much you wanted to kiss him right then and there.
The first time he kissed you was at a carnival. Since that fateful day at the park, you started seeing him more outside of the coffee shop, and you loved every second of it.
He allowed himself to have this. To enjoy this. He knew that Morpheus has escaped and would be coming for him soon, and so he allowed himself the pleasure of being with you while his creator was busy looking for his tools.
You led him by the hand to a game of darts, your eyes wide and sparkling at the giant teddy bear displayed at the front of the small booth. With what he could only describe as the determination of a massive toddler, you walked up to the booth and handed in ten bucks.
The guy behind the booth looked up from his phone and looked at the two of you, before scoffing and taking the money, "Knock yourself out."
The Corinthian watched you hopelessly try to hit the bullseye, but none of the darts were sticking.
"Wha- This is rigged!" you exclaimed. The boy laughed mockingly at you.
"No, but a couple more tries might do the trick."
Your date rubbed circles on your back to calm you down before stepping forward and handing his own ten bucks. The guy greedily took it and gave him a new set of darts.
The Corinthian winked at you before throwing the dart.
You knew it was gonna land dead center, but what you didn't expect was the force of his throw being so great that it split the board.
You could barely contain your excited squeals before grabbing both of his cheeks and kissing him. Needless to say, he was left speechless.
"She tastes like vanilla and soda," he thought.
The first time you saw his "eyes" was just a couple of days later. He had settled wonderfully in your life, and while the two of you never made anything official, you were happy.
He made a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant you've never been to so naturally, you got all dolled up for him. The dress you wore was the classiest one you could find in your wardrobe. It was plain red: a color he expressed a fondness for on several occasions.
But the taxi driver dropped you off just a little bit earlier than he should've, and you still had to walk for a minute or two to get to your destination. Unfortunately for you, New York was never the safest of places.
"Look what we have here," a man stepped out from an alleyway you passed.
You froze up. Catcalling was not unfamiliar to you, and yet you still couldn't bring yourself to stay calm when it happened. Your heart was racing.
"Come on, sweetcheeks, don't get so shy around us," another man stepped closer to you and you could smell the cigarette smoke and a pungent something emanating from him. "The jacket needs to go, I think, show us that slutty little dress you're wearing."
"No, I don't think she'll be doing any of that, fellas," a familiar voice intervened. "Not unless you want to lose your eyes."
You could almost cry with the amount of relief that washed over you. The two men who were harassing you, however, not so much. If anything, they got even more hostile.
"Ah, this your girl?" one man taunted, tugging at the sleeve of your jacket. The Corinthian hummed and grinned. It was the kind of grin you found to be very menacing at the moment; nothing at all like the cheeky one he would don during your weekly meetings. "After we're done with her, she won't be."
The other man charged at him, a pocket knife ready to stab into the Corinthian's jugular, but nothing happened. You blinked and all you could see was your date, your partner, standing tall as his attacker slowly fell to his knees with heaving breaths. In his hand was his own knife, now bloody.
The first man took a step back, and tried to make a run for it. He pushed you to the side, thinking it would buy him time but the Corinthian placed an arm on his shoulder, and suddenly all hopes of an escape were thrown out the window. Your date helped you up with his other hand and guided you to get behind him.
"Y'know, I don't appreciate filthy fucking bastards like you messing with my girl," he snarled, stepping you closer to the man who was now shaking. The Corinthian brandished his knife once again, ready to strike when you grabbed his wrist. He turned to you with a look of surprise and lowered his weapon when the other man used it as an opportunity to land a weak blow to the Corinthian’s face and run off.
The strike had removed his sunglasses… and then you saw it: the teeth.
You didn’t run, you didn’t scream, but you sure as hell didn’t get any closer to him. What kind of person had TEETH for EYES? Meanwhile, as you stood there in shock, the man in front of you, if you could call him that, calmly picked up his shades from the floor, wiped them with his handkerchief, and removed your grip from his wrist.
“Well, the jig’s up,” he laughed, but it was empty and unlike anything you’d heard from him before. You could only stare at him. The first man to make you feel something in ages was definitely not human. “What? Were you expecting baby blues?” he asked bitterly, almost accusingly. Almost as if he had hoped you wouldn’t react the way you did.
The only thing you could bring yourself to ask was a weak “why?”
He wasn’t expecting that. You had genuinely looked so confused once your fear had somewhat dissipated.
“Why. Why?” he repeated, seemingly in disbelief. He quickly got angrier by the second, “I’m like this because I was made by some heartless fuck who didn’t give two shits about what I wanted! HE ONLY EVER CARED ABOUT THE FACT THAT I DID WHAT HE MADE ME DO!”
“And… and what did he make you do?”
“I’m a NIGHTMARE!” he bellowed out, the harsh truth of his existence finally out in the open. “He made me like THIS,”—he pointed to his eyes—”because he wanted me to scare the living daylights out of people whenever they slept because a-fucking-pparenly, I’m only capable of being a MONSTER. ”
You could barely follow what he was saying, but you saw his brows furrowed in anguish and how his lips quivered ever so slightly at his admission. You pulled him in for a hug then and touched his cheek; a gesture that was enough for him to freeze up. You gently put his shades back on and held his hand. You always knew deep down that there was something about him that was different, but you also knew that he deserved to be heard. It was hard to push him away in that moment when all you could think about were the late night calls, the ice cream dates, and all the little sacred moments in between. He saved you, and the least you could do was take his cold hands in yours and do your best to help.
“Let’s go to my house, and then you can tell me everything,” you murmured. “This isn’t the best place for me to find out about all of this.”
His breathing was slowly going back to normal again, no longer heaving from rage. He didn’t know if he deserved your kindness. Or your love. He wasn’t even sure if he could call what he was feeling “love”, but this… if this wasn’t love, then he would never want to find love with anyone else. You looked into his eyes, two voids behind the teeth, and touched him like he was fragile. His instinct would be to never let you go; it would keep you with him for as long as he wanted, whether you wanted to or not but he knew that the conscious part of himself would do anything you asked him to do at the drop of a hat. And he would still revere you. You were not Dream and so the Corinthian would follow you to the ends of the Earth, of every realm: he would follow you even into the Sunless Lands. He would worship you, knowing that it was the sweetest, greatest act of defiance against his former master.
So he let you lead him into a taxi back to your home, occasionally squeezing his hand all while you leaned into him and breathed in his cologne. He could feel your heart race. If he had one, it might’ve been doing that too. In your house, where in every corner he found a piece of you, he knew this was most authentic feeling of humanity he could ever get. He probably wouldn’t cease his activities, but he would settle for this, whatever this is, if it meant he could stay with you.
In the comfort of your home, he told you about his past and he explained how much there was beyond the waking world: things humans could seldom wrap their head around. He told you of the Endless, of his own creation courtesy of one of said Endless, but he was careful to omit his own involvement in trapping Dream and keeping him under the Burgess Mansion for over a century. He painted a picture for you: a Nightmare seeking fulfillment and purpose beyond his intended function, silenced by his oppressive all-powerful master. He told you how once he realized that his master wouldn’t be coming after him anymore, he finally felt free. It was the perfect sob story, and it was mostly true. You will never know the things he’s done, nor will you know the things he will do. He didn’t say anything about Dream’s escape. He would deal with it.
Now, as he lies in your bed with your head resting on his bare chest, two naked bodies intertwined, he thinks he could keep you here forever. He’s already got a new lead anyway: Rose Walker. A dream vortex. He was certain, if anybody was going to solve all of his problems, it would be her. He turned to you, stroking your hair, and pressed a chaste kiss to your head. You smiled in your sleep and nuzzled closer to him.
He took you to London, and then Cape Kennedy in Florida. The former you could understand, and as for the latter, not so much.
“Just a treat for my angel for working so hard,” he proclaimed with a kiss on your lips when you asked. You would be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it. It was a nice change of pace, and you were guaranteed to be spoiled practically every day. You left the coffee shop to Polly and your friends. They encouraged you to go along with your now-boyfriend.
“Oooooh, oh my god, Miss, you should totally go!” she squealed. “I love you but, you need a break. And you need that very hunky boyfriend of yours to help with that.”
You may have pinched her arm for that.
So here you were, a hotel away from the convention your boyfriend had been invited to as a guest speaker. All you knew was that he worked as a consultant, which would explain all the work trips he went to. Perhaps he had been exceptional in his field and was conducting some sort of seminar. Your phone rang while you were getting ready to do some solo exploring.
You picked it up and saw the contact name: cowboy &lt;3
“Hey honey,” you spoke. “What’s up?”
“Uh, nothing much to be honest. Just a bunch of people here who appreciate my work,” he responded nonchalantly.
“Oh, okay. You think they’d give me a ticket or something if I said I was your girlfriend?” you joked. He went silent.
“Baby, I don’t think this is a good place for you to be,” he paused. “Lots of misogynists and cryptocurrency nerds here. But if you insist, make sure you call me beforehand, hmm? I’ll be sure to give you some real… VIP treatment.”
On the other side of the phone, he was confident that once he got into Rose Walker’s head, there would be no problems, but oh, was he very, very wrong. Deep down, he knew Dream would be coming, and it was only a matter of time until one of them managed to sway Rose to their own side. His thoughts were racing as he stepped up on stage and settled for a dignified stance behind the podium. There, in front of him were dozens of “collectors”, humans who adored him and what he did. He… dreamed of a world in his image. These people were just the beginning. One day, he would start everything anew.
Before you, fulfillment came in the form of murder. Of eating their eyes and witnessing everything so unique to humanity. Experiences he’s been robbed of because of Dream.
“I don’t usually speak in public,” he began. “But the opportunity to talk to so many people who share the same passion, the same dream, well it was just too good to pass up… because you are special people; very special people.”
Your plans to take a tour around Cape Kennedy had been cut short by your own need to see your boyfriend. It wasn’t hard to figure out where the convention was being held, given that there was only one other hotel that could serve as a venue.
To your surprise, it was completely unguarded. The guards, nor any of the staff, were nowhere to be found. You saw some of the posters and cards that decorated the lobby, which then gave you the location of the main stage. Oddly enough, you started feeling fatigued with every step you took. In a few moments, you were in front of the big doors that separated you and your lover, given how his speech was scheduled to take place at this time of day. Instead, you could hear him talking, but not in a way someone would when talking to a crowd.
It was muffled, but you could still make out what he was saying, “If you think I’m going back to the Dreaming with you—”
“You’re not going back,” another person replied. You felt shivers run down your spine. You knew that voice. Why did you know that voice?
“I brought you into this world to serve humanity. Not to feed upon it.”
“Do you know why I do it?” your lover asked in response. You heard nothing from the other man. “So I can taste what’s it like to be human. And you don’t care about humanity. You only care about yourself, and your realm, and your rules.”
You decide to enter as quietly as you possibly could so that you wouldn’t inadvertently make things worse and so you could be at your partner’s aid if need be.
“I contain the entire collective unconscious. Without my rules, it would consume me. Humanity would be consumed.”
“Or you might actually feel something,” you watched the Corinthian, now without his shades, staring down the other man. They couldn’t look more different but you knew your boyfriend was the one in danger. “I am not the problem, Dream.”
“You’re right. This was my fault, not yours. I had so much hope for you… but I created you poorly then, so I must uncreate you now,” the man, who you now knew as Dream, replied with a sense of finality,
Your breath hitched at “uncreate”. The two men finally looked at you, unaware of your presence before then, and watched with wildly different expressions as you walked closer to the stage they were standing on. Dream looked at you with mild surprise and curiosity though he remained mostly indifferent to you. As if there was nothing about you that would change the outcome of this story. The Corinthian, on the other hand, was near his breaking point. All his emotions were bubbling up to the surface, threatening to tear down all his walls at the sight of you. He looked so defeated and scared, but you could see his love. You could see his desperation. His fears and hopes fighting in the name of your safety.
“What- what is going on?” you breathed out.
“What are you doing here, sugar?” he asked you softly, trying to hide his panic. “I thought I told you to call.”
“Please don’t do anything to him, sir,” you approached Dream. “I- I don’t know what’s happening but please, please, don’t do anything to him.”
You wished you were strong enough to stop the tears welling up in your eyes and to not look pathetic in front of this cosmic entity, but you would endure if it meant you could save your partner, or at least buy him enough time to get away. Your hands shook so you clasped them together, hoping you could maintain some sort of dignity. You could hear the Corinthian start begging you to stop what you were doing; to have some common sense. How it wasn’t worth it. You tried to block him out. He jumped off the stage and grabbed your shoulders. To hell with Dream. He would touch you one last time if this was to be his end.
“(Y/n),” he gasped out. That finally got your attention. You looked at him, brows furrowed. He never called you by your name. “You… don’t have to do this. You have a whole life ahead of you, doll. Don’t throw it all away for me.”
“But you’d do it for me, wouldn’t you?”
“In a heartbeat.”
“I don’t want to die, but I don’t want you to go where I can’t follow.”
“The Darkness isn’t so bad, I'm a Nightmare, remember? I'll be okay,” he tried to reassure you, though you could see that even he couldn't believe his own words. “I’d just miss you too much.”
You let your tears flow freely onto his suit jacket as you pulled him into a hug. He kissed you. It was so different from all the other kisses you shared. It was desperate. It was full of longing. It was sacred. If anyone else could see you right now, eyes closed and holding each other in a tight embrace, they would think you were just a normal couple. The version of you from six months ago would’ve never thought of dreaming of that monotonous normality she couldn’t escape, but now it was your greatest wish: that you and he could walk out of that room alive and well with no worries besides what you were going to have for dinner and how your coffee shop was doing. You felt him freeze up, just like when you saw his eyes for the first time all those weeks ago.
“I’m sorry. I love you,” he whispered. As he turned to sand your arms, you could do nothing but watch and feel him wither away. You fell to your knees in anguish, looking up at Dream and you knew there was nothing you could give that would bring your lover back.
“I’m sorry for your loss, but this was for the best,” the Endless spoke softly, as if trying to protect you from the grief he caused. “He killed many people over the past century that I was gone, and while he had a true reason for doing so, I cannot let him continue lest I fail my duties. Surely you have wondered what he did for a living?”
You didn’t answer, so he continued, “I know this will not fix the pain I have caused you, but I have his memories. I know his love for you was, no, is true. As is yours. You were the one good thing that happened to him in all those years he wandered this world alone, and I thank you for taking care of him.”
Everything faded to black.
In the Dreaming, Lucienne cautiously approached Dream. Unity Kincaid sacrificed her life for her granddaughter, and Rose Walker lived to see another day, now with her brother and her friends who loved her as much as she loved them. The royal librarian, however, could not get over the fact that the Corinthian, of all people, had fallen in love with a human. She then tried to find an answer in the only way she knew how: books, but even that didn’t give her a clear answer. You were an average person.
“My lord, how… how is it possible that the Corinthian found love? I read the story of her life and there’s nothing of significance in there, at least nothing in particular that would draw him to her,” she inquired, exasperated.
“My creations are as much a part of me as I of them, Lucienne. All Nightmares and Dreams have the capacity to feel as I do, perhaps I should’ve seen it coming,” he answered truthfully. “What is most surprising is that when I… unmade him, I saw his memories. I saw his devotion. I saw a lot of myself in him in those moments but unlike me, they may have had a chance at a happy ending if I had not intervened. I do not regret taking him away, I’m only sad to be the reason two lovers were torn apart.”
“Do you intend on remaking him, sir?”
“Yes, but not now, the world does not need him yet.”
“But she needs him. You know she does. And while we can hope for the best and expect her to move on, even without her memories of him, she will feel an emptiness. She has been dreaming, my lord. Of him! She shouldn’t be able to do that!”
“You know what this means. It’s not often the Fates let soulmates meet,” Lucienne insisted hopefully. "You can erase him from her mind, but her heart will never forget. God forbid you separate the first bonded soulmates to appear in the last thousand years."
You never thought your life was particularly exciting. You had your hobbies, sure, but all-in-all the days just blended together in a blurb of organized chaos every human on the planet had gone through at some point in their lives. Maybe one thing about you was that you had recurring dreams of blond hair, and woody cologne... and being called different petnames? Maybe it was your dating status screaming at you to get laid. Oh well. Your coffee shop was your rock and business was doing well enough to keep you alive and comfortable in New York. You never expected more.
So when a sharply-dressed man wearing thick black shades and a charming smile waltzed into the shop, you didn’t think much of it. You saw all kinds of people every day, why was he any different? Except he was. You couldn’t help but stare and try to remember where you saw him.
Then he spoke, “Did you miss me, sugar?”
He looked up at you from behind his shades, revealing the most beautiful pair of blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
“I’ve been waiting for you my whole life.”
note (again): hi! you made it to the end. i hope you liked it and the enjoyed the surprise soulmate au at the end. please let me know what you think as i'm considering moving to this blog and perhaps posting more corinthian (or dream)
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theobsessiveloser18 · 10 months
Headcanons of being the best person in Robby's life
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•It turns out that you were going back to your house with grocery bags and the stream flowed into you, not that serious, it just collided with you and you fell to the ground, and the bags spilled over, in short, all chaos
•He had the opportunity to keep running, he didn't, he decided to help you.
“I'm sorry, I didn't see you, are you alright ma'am?”Picked up and arranged the content that had come out of the bags
“Calm down kid, nothing serious, just try to look where you're running.” He gave a nervous laugh
“I'll keep that in mind” he was about to leave,But an angry man grabbed his arm and shook him.
“You won't get away with that sewer rat”
“Let me go I don't know”
“I will release you after you pay me or after the police come for you”
“Hey sir, let him go, what's wrong with him?”
“This brat robbed me” and I snatched a packet of chips from his hands
“In other words, you made such a fuss over a miserable bag of potatoes, suddenly they would have stolen the money from the box, but a bag of potatoes seriously, ¿how desperate does he have to be to chase and Insult a child for 3 dollars?”
“If it's so little that he pay”
“I will pay him” both men were quite surprised as you took out your bill
“And it's 7 dollars”
“Fine, have 10, it shows that you need” the boy laughed at your comment ,and the man left but not before saying goodbye to you with a cordial “bitch”
“Thanks, but I didn't have to”
“I don't think you would have robbed and run if you were just going to pay 2 minutes later” he ducked a little embarrassed
“It doesn't matter, you apologized and helped me picking up the bags, we're even, can you give me my packages? the sofa is waiting for me”
“oh yes i'm sorry”
“You apologize too much...Nice” You were about to leave but at that moment your ankle pain started to appear, curse yourself a bit for how inopportune it was
“Yeah, I just sprained my ankle the other day, and you know, not all doctors believe that an abnormal lump is a sprain, and if they're not going to take your problems seriously, you don't have to. Seriously your recommendations” He laugh a little “This is good advice Can I help you with the purchases?” You have not been as surprised as now for a long time, normally you would not let an unknown teenager help you or talk to you, but what did it matter you did not want to load the purchases so you accepted
•When I get to your house I give you the purchases, it was the right time to say goodbye, but it was very hot, the way to your house was not short, and if you were sweating and you had only loaded a small amount of pesos, you got an idea of ​​how tired he could be,
“Do you like lemonade?”
the teenager broke into your house, and even went to the trouble of organizing your purchases in the cabinets and fridge
“well, I'm officially being robbed, God willing I'm not something worse happened to me”
You ended up preparing a snack for him, and he left your house at 2 in the afternoon, it was quite a pleasant time, the only thing you regretted was not being able to wear a bra at home
•They met several times, and they spent time together, sometimes he would come to your house without warning and you had to put your plans aside because you weren't slamming the door in a guy's face What did that vine have?
"Calm down, think about what would happen when leaving the family home, if you had a younger brother with whom you get along well”
•Meet Daniel Larusso, your much-mentioned sensei, a nice man but you wanted to meet his daughter, if it meant Robby would stop talking about her in sleep
•It turns out that one day Robby ended up meeting your workplace,and he understood why you defended him when they met in your shovels
“Being a cashier in the United States sucks, and the most horrible part of having an arrogant bum as your boss who inherits daddy's business, is having to see how the humblest people mistreat youth for Follow the paths that they have assigned to you by forsaking them”
A somewhat confusing speech, but well he accepted it The point is that he knew where you worked and visits you several times a month,
“Y/N your son has arrived”
"Don't bother bald fool, hello lad" You gave him a kiss on the hair and he went for his chair
"Don't use family terms when he's here, he's going to be frustrated."
“Then stop treating him like your fucking son" a colleague stuck her nose in
"I can't treat him like a son because I don't know what it's like to have one" you refrained from yelling at him but the irritation was evident in your voice "At most I'll treat him like a little brother and I don't know what it's like to have one either"
•Your Coworkers don't trust him at all, the first thing they thought when he entered the store was that 'he was a punk who was a fan of the Joker', and that they would be lucky if he left without killing them.
“You shouldn't let him play so close to the cash register.”
"Tell her what you really mean, he shouldn't be here, he's putting our jobs at risk."
“I can't go back to court, not even to testify, the judge warned me"
"I thought we had made that part clear, he is in my charge, whatever breaks, dirty, steals, or hides comes out of my pocket"
“And hope she stops being a criminal, being her sugar mommy" commented the classmate you couldn't bear the least, you threw a magazine at her head, and surprisingly no one messed with you for the rest of the day
•Robby helps you at work when he visits, that lessened the mistrust of your colleagues a bit, but not entirely the gossips, idle, liar and unscrupulous continue to watch him, mean half of them to be more precise
•He met his father right in the store, it was chaotic, you had to intervene
"I understand that you have many personal problems but I don't want any crane kick here"
"Who the hell is she?"
"How could such a short answer answer my question"
"Look at our relationship, you don't have labels, it's a bit difficult to explain, but don't open your eyes like that, I'm not intimate with him, I'm not a degenerate"
"Y/N" Robby yelled at the laughter of his father who was turning red as a tom.
"I'm sorry, you know that I don't think before I speak, what a shame, what I want to tell you, sir, is that he and I have nothing to do with it, I literally changed his diapers...Is there a way he misconstrued that?
“There is but I think he got the point"
“Your friend it's too funny to be a girl” You looked at him with an expression that was too clownish, which didn't make it clear that you were offended and said in a humorous tone
“That was sexist, but hey we're laughing, the dispute is over right?
“No, it's at its peak" replied Robby trying to pounce on the man, you stopped him in time
"Stay there sprinter, I just said, no beatings at the venue, not in its surroundings if they want to shout at each other like hermits they will do it 17 kilometers away from here, and if you come back here, I don't want to see Signs that you have hit your father”
"In your dreams girl, I was a 2-time champion of Al Valley, he doesn't have a chance to hit me."
“that's going to look old”
"My God, the karate fighters are going to end my non-existent mental health, out now"
“your new mommy is heated”You and Robby made a real scandal,The man winked at you before leaving
“What's wrong with you dude?
•Much to Robby's dismay, you and his father started dating, as a defense on your behalf, it took a long time before the man was finally able to call your attention.
•But Robby was furious, he didn't want to know anything about the two of you, especially about you, when you finally managed to get him to talk to you, he exploded.
“I can't believe it Y/N of all the people in the world you decide to go out with You decide it's a good idea to flirt with him ”
“I understand that angry Robby but-
"You don't understand anything, you don't know him, he's a fucking coward, now everything could be fantastic for you, but at your happiest moment he will leave you, they are reasons without explanations, he just ran away Like a fucking Nazi traitor, and you'll be so disappointed you won't know you'll have nothing better to do than cry, get depressed, and get stuck in life.”
“Okay Robby you're saying too many words that I can't process"small tears threatened to come out of both their eyes "the one who talks a lot here is me, okay" you said with a sad laugh But it didn't have any effect on Robby, he just looked away trying to hold back his tears "You have no right to lecture me like you're my parents I know what I'm doing, I'm a 28-year-old adult who That she makes stupid decisions that sometimes destroy her, but that other times have resulted in wonderful opportunities, like meeting you."You said that last in a sweeter tone and Robby sobbed.At this rate you were already crying "and I hope that going out with your father is one of those, why doesn't it matter about us, okay, I'm not important, he will continue with his life, he will continue drinking, he will continue Wishing to go back to the 80s to try to improve what has already been done, and will continue to fight for no reason, but in the midst of all that He will keep trying with you because he cares about you... he cares a lot about you, more than your mother, more than the dojo, more than Miguel, more than me, more than you think And even if you hate him and he is tired of trying to get people to reject him, he is not giving up on you, because you are his son and he is not doing this for me, nor because I am inspired or encouraged, it is What he's always wanted to do, and he's confident he can do it now, and I think he'll do it, okay?" You wiped away your tears and started to smile "he'll do it and it'll be wonderful, and they'll do all the things that That a father and children do, they will watch TV together, they will have breakfast, he will show you photos of when he was young, you will have uncomfortable talks about sex “y/n enough” "It's going to be like this Robby, trust me, well you can't do it I understand" "No Y/N will not happen" he shook his head and works to appear calm now that the sob had disappeared and red eyes appeared in its place "It will happen, because no one can stop a man who grew up with the motivation of Rocky Balboa acting in a porn movie"both laughed you dried your tears“Seriously, Robby, better times are coming, and this shouldn't change things for you, because even if your dad and I break up tomorrow or I tie him up in a rope and make him marry me, I will never make you On the one hand, you are very important to me, more than him, lately more than anyone I knowThe boy rushed to hug you more tightly than a person would use for a hug, but in a way it means peace.
Peace had been
"You've never been good at being serious, have you?" you laughed with traces Tears on your face, you clung more to his back
You know me well”
The I finish and Johnny came to the living room eating the burritos That Carmen had given him
“Problems?” He asked with his mouth full, they both looked at him disgusted.
“If what she is too cool to date you” “thank you” replied Johnny as if nothing you and the boy exchanged confused glances for a few seconds before laughing as if there was no tomorrow
Johnny smiled satisfied things were going to be better
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koolkat9 · 8 months
GerEng Week 2023 - Day 1
Let's try this again lol
Prompt: First Meeting || Angel/Demon
Rating: T
Pairing: GerEng (though this is setting up an au so there isn't much romance), Past Fruk, Implied/One-sided PortEng
Word Count: 1208
Read on AO3
Author's Note: This is not at all read over. Just stuck it quickly through grammarly. In case you don't know, I took off for exchange on September 29th so I haven't had time to write, let alone edit. So expect GerEng week from me to be a bit late.
The Tales of the Terrible Angel and Demon
“Luci, baby how are ya?”
It was too fucking early for this. “What do you want now asshole?”
“Now, is that any way to talk to the one who created you?’
“Fuck off.”
God sighed on the other end. “If you had a swear jar you may have been able to pay Ol’ Peter off and get back up here.”
“As if I’d want that,” Lucifer scoffed, “But that’s besides the point. What the fuck do you want?”
“Well… You see…I have this angel.”
“I’m not taking another one of your fucking angels.”
“I wasn’t going to propose that,” God grumbled. Oh, how Lucifer loved the sound even if he only got under his long-time enemy's skin just a little bit. “I was going to ask if you…I don’t know…possibly have a demon with somewhat of a moral compass.”
“What kind of shit demon has a moral compass?”
A knock at the door brought Lucifer’s attention away from whatever retort God had for him. “Give me a sec,” Lucifer said into the phone before putting it down. He could still hear God ranting and raving, but it was garbled. Lucifer returned his attention to his guest. “Come in.”
“Sorry to bother you, sir,” the demon who knocked said.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing Ludwig?”
“So–” Ludwig caught himself and coughed awkwardly. “There is another…What do the humans call it? A Karen? Anyway, there is a very angry lady requesting to speak to you and she won’t take no for an answer.”
Lucifer groaned. This had to be the hundredth one this week. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
Ludwig nodded and with a bow, he returned to his desk. Lucifer had a choice. Hang up on the annoying bastard who sent him to this literal hell hole or face something scarier than anything the deepest fires of hell could conjure up. Hesitantly, he picked up the phone.
“Are you back? How dare you–”
“Just get to the fucking point. I have to deal with a witch and it’s best I don’t keep her waiting.”
“Okay…Are you sure? No one who at least follows some of the rules? I’m sure you’ve heard of Arthur–”
“Oh him. Chaos incarnate. Why isn’t he down here? He’s even worse than me.”
“You know we don’t do that anymore. Anyway, I had a different idea. I’ve been making this new human and they need an angel and a demon. I was hoping I could send Arthur down, but I need a voice of reason.”
“Looking for a voice of reason in Hell. What kind of places do you think–” Lucifer was interrupted by another knock.
“Sir–” Ludwig’s voice called, only to be overshadowed by garbled squawking.
“Actually…” Lucifer said, “I may have someone that would be perfect.”
— — —
Hell was where he wanted to be. Earth could be a fun place to visit. He and Alastair always loved sneaking down for some pub fare and good drinks. But this was not his goal when he had…disrupted…Jesus’s birthday meal.
This could be a blessing in disguise. Perhaps getting up to some shenanigans with his demon partner would be the final straw.
“Promise me you’ll behave,” Afonso sighed.
Afonso, Arthur’s best friend turned nag after he got a promotion to organizing angel assignments.
“I thought it was a sin to lie,” Arthur taunted.
Afonso grimaced, “Fine…Just…Don’t hurt anyone.”
“Don’t worry. I would never go that far.” Arthur’s gaze shifted down below as they descended to Earth. “Dylan would have my head if I did.”
A small congregation of demons and angels stood around the maternity wing, some from the higher ranks overseeing the assignment of each human's angel and demon. Afonso led Arthur over to the mother of his human who was in mid-labour. He looked away, feeling out of place in what should have been a private moment. He looked around at his fellow angels and their demon counterparts, all unimpressed, as if they didn’t want to be there. He wondered which of the demons amongst the group was to be his partner.
Afonso took his shoulder and guided him over to where a demon, in a sharp suit of dark red, almost appearing black. His light blond hair shone even under the dull white lights of the hospital. But the most striking feature was the cold blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through you. It was both chilling, yet also thrilled Arthur deep down.
“Arthur this is Ludwig,” Afonso introduced, “Former secretary of Satan himself.”
“Came down here just for you,” the demon beside Ludwig added.
Wait…That couldn’t be…
“Oh look, the secretary is accompanied by Satan’s personal fuck pet,” Afonso snarked.
Francis, one of Arthur’s first friends (though they had always claimed they were enemies) and one of the last angels to ever fall.
The angel-turned-succubus gave a sly grin. “Aww are you still butt hurt about me getting Arthur’s first–”
Afonso’s wings flared. “Shut your mouth, demon.”
“Can we not bring my past flings into this,” Arthur growled, staring daggers into both Francis and Afonso.
Francis tisked. “Fine, fine. Because you’re so special to me. Now, Ludwig, this is Arthur. My ex and your new partner.”
“You slimy frog.”
“Aww…You still call me by my nickname.”
Afonso grabbed his arm when Arthur tried to lunge for his smirking ex. “It’s not worth it Arthur,” he whispered.
Ludwig, who had been rather quiet this whole exchange, finally stepped forward. He extended a hand to Arthur. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Arthur. I look forward to working with you.”
Arthur accepted the hand hesitantly. “Nice to meet you too I guess…”
“I’ll be honest, this is my first time on earth.”
Arthur smirked slightly. “Well…Trust me, I’ll make sure you have a great time.”
A few minutes later, Francis and Afonso took their leave, Afonso noting that human would be coming any minute. With his babysitter gone, Arthur leaned over.
“Want to get out of here and I can show you how humans have a good time?”
The demon’s eyes widened. “What?”
“We can’t leave, our human will be here any minute.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “Oh please. Everyone knows a baby human isn’t facing moral dilemmas, they barely understand words.”
“But it’s an important day. And the handbook says–”
“The demons have a handbook for this sort of thing?”
“Well technically it’s the angel’s handbook, but it feels like this is something we should witness.”
Any semblance of joy Arthur was hoping to get out of this arrangement drained out of him. Most angels weren’t even this uptight.
Their human gave out a piercing cry, their ‘hello’ to the world. Both the angel and demon stared at the wrinkly, slimy little thing. Ludwig grimaced.
“Is it too soon to say humans are disgusting?” Ludwig asked.
Arthur crossed his arms, unimpressed by the whole ordeal. “Trust me, it gets worse.”
“God…What have I gotten myself into.”
As Ludwig’s grimace faded into a look of awe as the now clean baby was handed to their mother and seemed to calm from the contact alone, Arthur was wondering the exact same thing: What had he gotten himself into?
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helldustedstories · 26 days
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@madefate asked: It's been a hell of a night and, quite frankly, Blitz is getting sick of them. He's never gotten a lot of sleep, but he'd at least like to stop falling off the fucking couch from the nightmares. They still have that quality about them - grainy, too real, too close to home, full of memories more than nonsensical images. He's glowering over his coffee, watching the office, trying to find peace in the routine even as his temples pulsate.
When Moxxie sets up shop in the conference room, papers in hand, and Millie's busy with the calendar outside, Blitz slips in after him, slinking towards the seat across from him. For a few moments he just - watches him. Head tilted, eyes appraising, trying to pick up on anything - out of the ordinary. Less than healthy. Bothering him.
❝ - Hey. ❞ God, he hates talking like this, stripped bare of all the jokes and innuendos that make everything hurt less. But this - this is important. ❝ I've been ... meaning to ask but - have you been okay since that human government bullshit ? ❞
unprompted // always accepting
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Moxxie had set today aside to get paperwork done. He was usually pretty good about staying on top of it (it was one of the things he did his best to keep as organized as possible, to make sure their clients paid them on time and in full), but they'd had some back-to-back jobs that had forced the filing to the back burner. Which meant that there was more to do than he would like, but he'd deal with it, the way he always did.
Truth be told, Moxxie liked doing paperwork. It was one of the things that made sense to him; there were specific guidelines to follow, and he didn't have to try to figure out if he was interpreting something wrong. He could just sit down, make sure everything was properly filled out, and know that he'd done a good job. You couldn't exactly do that with people, after all.
Not to say that he wanted to just do paperwork; he loved field work, too, and he was pretty damn good at it, if he did say so himself. But it could be a nice change of pace to just make sure the papers were in order, as much as he could. It was just another way to make himself useful, really.
He was frowning down at a particularly convoluted invoice (when had they used … did that say mint leaves? on a job?) when he heard Blitz make his way into the conference room, the controlled chaos of Moxxie's invoice system spread across the table. The smaller imp was used to Blitz occasionally just watching him and Millie, and while he normally would have looked up to see if he needed something, his eyes remained glued to the invoice, absorbed in what he was working on.
Even then, the moment Blitz greets him, Moxxie can tell that there's something going on. Between his unusually serious expression and the lack of jokes that frequently accompanies him, Blitz had something on his mind.
❝ I've been … meaning to ask but - have you been okay since that human government bullshit ? ❞
The question catches him off-guard, but Moxxie would be lying if he said he was surprised that Blitz had asked. He'd figured it must just have been him who was still dealing with particularly vivid dreams. But given that he had been dreaming in musicals (that devolved into nightmares more often than he'd like to admit, especially after a chance run-in with one of his father's goons, ships passing in the night), he figured it was fine, right?
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His first instinct is to brush it off, to say he's fine…, but he has a feeling that there's more to this than Blitz is asking right off the bat.
"Well, truth serums, airborne or otherwise, aren't exactly my area of expertise," he starts, but he can feel himself starting to get into something that was a) not what Blitz asked, and b) probably not currently the most relevant to this situation. He pauses, then tries again. "I mean, I'd hoped it was just a weird side effect, but…are you all right, sir?" There had to be a reason he was asking, right?
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