#it's rage bait
demovamp · 22 days
cw – pedophilia, sa, rant in tags
( preface: this is 99% rage bait due to the influx of mha hate i have seen on tiktok !! i just needed to rant abt it for a sec because it makes me feel icky. just bcs it's ragebait doesn't mean i can't be upset about it. block and move on. )
i feel like it shouldn't be a "cringe" or "weird" reaction to being disgusted by the fact someone hcs your fav character as a rapist pedo !!
so fucking what if he isn't real? that's not the point.
the point is that someone made an "oc" just for the sake of making tiktoks about said oc being abused by hawks.
like, no other personality traits. just tiktok after tiktok of "hehe my oc was abused by a vv popular character!!"
it's worse that they used ai art.
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nil-number · 4 months
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There is something deeply wrong with some of you I’m ngl
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river-taxbird · 4 months
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Stolen from twitter.
Remember that the ÷ symbol is usually not used in equations, and never used in an equation that used brackets to imply multiplication without a X sign, because it would create ambiguity. You can't give a correct answer to an incorrect equation.
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nudityandnerdery · 4 months
I must not click on rage bait. Clicking is the algorithm-killer. Clicking is the little-death that brings more rage bait articles. I will face my rage bait. I will permit it to pass my for you page and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the external eye to see my algorithm. Where the rage bait has gone there will be nothing. Only I and Muppet gifs will remain.
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tonyzaret · 2 months
(CW: This is rage bait, please do not watch if you do not want to be enraged)
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makanidotdot · 3 months
i did it i finished!! finished enough anyway
How about instead of Tyrande getting possessed by Elune, we actually got to see them have a conversation about why tf she won't let her kill sylvanas!!! And get some real payoff for all the "hmm something's off about Elune"!! And more!!
Warning this one is long and boring. part 2 is way better lol
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sry she should more serious here but w/e we're just going with 'angy' lol
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i think i drew these same poses in the sylvanas one lol oop sry my brain library is not vast
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ok one thing i added at the last second was elune is like pulling from tyrande's personal elune power to get her real form back to properly tell winter queen to fuck off. and that's why tyrande looks like she has spider webs on her it's just glowy elune magic
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and then winter queen does go fuck off bc i didn't want to draw her anymore
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End of part 1!! Also when tyrande is watching elune and WQ yell at each other I imagine it like a kid watching their mom get in a fight at the grocery store or smt lol
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aromantic-diaries · 3 months
Thinking about the whole "cishet aromantic men" thing and I just think it kind of sucks that we see the words 'cishet' and 'men' and think "aha, there's someone who has absolutely nothing in common with us and it's us VS them" and it gets paired up with the shallow perception of aromanticism as just not wanting to date and staying single. I don't think alloromantic people can really understand what it actually feels like to be aromantic and just how alienating it can be sometimes.
So who is this hypothetical cishet aromantic man that we're so upset about? I mean labels aside he is a person with his own thoughts, feelings, goals, interests and perspective. And despite being cisgender and heterosexual, he is still outside of the norm because he is aromantic. This hypothetical person has probably wondered "why don't I feel the same way everyone else does?" He probably looked around to pick someone to have a crush on. He probably watched a movie or read a book with a love story in it and didn't think people actually felt those things. He probably feels guilty about wanting sex but not wanting the romance part of it. He probably wondered why he can't find the right person. And when he learned that he was aromantic he probably felt alone. He probably feels rejected by heteronormative society because he can't fall in love with the women he has sex with and feels rejected by the lgbtq+ community because he still wants to have sex with women.
Again, this is a hypothetical person. I don't know any cishet aromantic men personally. Probably because a lot of them either don't know what 'aromantic' even means or they know what it means but don't know it's what they are, or they know and they don't feel like they can be open about it. And all this aside, if anyone has any example of these big scary cishet aromantic men inserting themselves into queer spaces and causing problems, I would love to hear it because as far as I know this isn't a real problem
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confusedmothboy · 3 months
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can yall guess my favorite character
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pacing-er · 1 month
Finished reading People Love Dead Jews and I'm thinking of that propal who tried reading it and couldn't get past the part where she talks about "Birthright trips." And uh... She didn't even mention Birthright trips. Not once. I think they interpreted the part in the short introduction of the book where the author talks about her first trip to Israel as a Birthright trip?? Even though she did not refer to it that way??? Anyways that was literally in the first ten pages of the book lmao these bitches are so fucking lazy and intolerant. They really do just shit themselves over the first mention of Israel like I'm sorry but if you're gonna claim to be "not antisemitic" and "accepting of Jews" you need to come to terms with the fact that Israel is important to many Jews. It is going to be mentioned in Jewish literature, both in reference to the modern state of Israel and the symbolic "people of Israel" aka the Jewish people. If you cannot handle even hearing the word then you will never stand with us and your support is hollow and performative!
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Can't stop thinking about This prompt/au lol
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I almost like to think that Clockwork kind of half-sent Danny to the ghost-world version of Gotham because he was struggling and is honestly just a kid and could use some guidance. And with how the Observants dislike him to the point of murder, CW sure couldn't keep him in Long Now. But Gotham? Now there's a place that not many go, thanks to curses running amok, a very dangerous City Spirit, and amalgamations of fallen Guardians and Rogues. It's chaotic, dangerous, and a hell of a shot, but the Bat could, and most probably would assist the newborn guardian. The living world and the infinite are intertwined after all, influenced by whatever realm it drifts closest to.
Thankfully Danny seems to be enjoying himself- he has a proper ghost friend now! And he's starting to be able to understand Batblob's cacophony of Silent-EverSilent-Gurgles-DistantWhispers-QuietScreamsSilence easier too without Robin translating. (His Ghost-Speak is getting so good :D) He wishes he could bring Sam & Tucker but it's a little too far into the ghost zone. And the ghosts and Vlad doesn't bother him here! (The last time he tried, unknown to Danny, the older halfa was met with a malicious swarm of teeth and maws ready to rip and tear and not lose another child again-) He's even gotten shown the exits to the living-world's Gotham. Robin likes to ramble about the new and different living-robins and about their friend who was also a robin and who disappeared one day and whose core they carry on their belt. Maybe he can help them find out what happened to him...
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hillbillyoracle · 3 days
This is only going to get more important in coming years:
Think critically when people make claims that someone or something is [insert group here]phobic or [insert group here]ist.
Setting aside the fact that folks misusing terms originally used to name oppression has had demonstrably negative effects on various movements, if you have a few key words someone can use to change what you think about people and groups that are actually on your side then you are incredibly easy to manipulate.
There are people who are actively trying to manipulate you using those words. They are absolutely rooting for these words to become meaningless. They are absolutely making fake accounts to come in an stoke cancelations and make them appear more legitimate.
They have a vested interest in bombarding you with a bunch of terrible things you don't have much agency to impact and then pointing you at people and groups that have long track records of working in your own interest.
They want you to keep your anger pointed at people in your own community because it keeps y'all busy and unorganized while they work against you.
When you boost that stuff, without thinking critically and thinking about who benefits from your rage, you do their work for them.
Which isn't to say that you cannot correct or ask for change from people in your community - we need that. But learn how to make a good faith critique that isn't rooted in rage baiting people with gunpowder terms. Our lives fucking depend on it.
If you're a leader in a space where this stuff is getting passed around, it is fucking vital that you create standards that don't allow for that stuff to spread unchecked (fellow discord mods, I'm looking at y'all).
Think critically. Nuance matters. Don't let people convince you to burn your community down to keep yourself warm.
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konigsblog · 29 days
who’s pick me pearl??? 😭😭 at first i thought the anonymous was referring to pearl from the movie pearl
this is pick me pearl ↓↓ she says things like, ‘women shouldn't be equal to men’ and ‘abortion should be illegal’ (and refuses to acknowledge young rape victims getting impregnated by their rapist because "that's less than 1% of cases!")
just a lot of anti-feminism bullshit. she's right-wing, fs. i'll list a couple things she's said below:
“16 year old chicks are hotter than 26 year old chicks” she has said before. (wtf 😬)
says that cheating isn't a big deal.
if your husband gives you an STD, then you should stay with him.
she downplays domestic abuse.
says that marriage isn't supposed to be equal.
says that you're only hot in your 20s, and said that you're not wanted in your 30s. (she's 27, and hasn't ever been in a serious relationship before, or at least to my knowledge. clock's ticking, babe).
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vidduality · 4 months
It's disturbing how much rage bait ONE line said by a young teenage girl in an EW cover story with so much other content can generate. Dozens and dozens and dozens of click bait articles, rage video analyses, and SO many angry meta posts with people practically ready to tear Katara's actress apart with their bare hands. All for having the audacity to say that she found some of Sokka's more brazenly sexist lines "iffy" in the OG cartoon. She implied it wouldn't translate as well in a live action and that they had toned it down, and you'd think she announced the Avatar is going to be a warmonger the way the internet's turned on her.
This week's fandom discourse has been about as low key and rational as S1 Zuko being offered some calming Jasmine tea...
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so-that-was-okay · 9 days
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Rarely saw such a poorly written rant 😂
Please, people, DO NOT ENGAGE with this kind of ridiculous post. This is (very bad) rage bait, they just want Bucktommy shippers to give them whatever material they need to accuse us of whatever harassment they're fantasizing about coming from us.
Also, this is not what cinematography is but... okay, I guess.
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tonyzaret · 2 months
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"Gen Z Joe"... yeah this toy's A Real American ZERO 😂
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mandyfem · 1 month
This guy's whole personality revolves around trans,HRT and misogyny.
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"Ɯσмαη ιѕ ωнєη cƖσтнєѕ,мαкє υρ αηɗ вσɗу ιмαgє ιѕѕυєs ( ˘ w˘)❤"
They'll never beat the female objectification allegations.
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