#its the forehead touch for me
guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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TK/Carlos + Touch
↳ 4.18 In Sickness and In Health
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bakudekublogblog · 8 days
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not to be dramatic but hori literally out did my own self indulgent wish-fulfillment fanfic with the whole “rest of our lives speech” like I knew that sounded so romantic, and it is, because I literally wrote that line for bakudeku and I intended for it to be romantic
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like hori really is just showing us bakudeku fanfic writers how it’s done
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deatth-spells · 8 months
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okay so just did some quick googling and those anime dudes didn't even have a forehead touch and meanwhile samdean and merthur did so those anime tennis 2d boring asses can suck it
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saturnisfallingdown · 11 months
yeah hurt/comfort is cool or whatever but have you ever done a gentle amateur at-home repair for a beloved piece of technology
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mintedaisies · 8 months
coming to the realization that im insanely cagey about sex & intimacy and its so fucking hard to even ATTEMPT to break out of it without professional help and even that is out of the question until at least november
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steppesliver · 4 months
i know it's part of fandom culture or whatever but when i see con pictures of people with the cast doing really touchy poses i have to scroll real quick you're embarrassing me why are you doing aegyo with jensen ackles of all people
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Drarry prompt : Physical touch as their love language :)
So this may be like...2 years late. I have no excuses. I am so sorry. I hope you like this lmao, i haven't written for drarry in literal ages. It's short and cute and I wrote it in less than half an hour if im being honest.
Touch was special to Harry.
At first it was terrible, coming from a household where every touch was violent and love was rare.
Hogwarts changed that.
Ron would throw his arm over his shoulder after a quidditch match and Hermione would fall asleep on his shoulder while they studied late. It was odd, but soon it became as easy as breathing.
Soon touch became the way Harry communicate. He'd lightly shove Seamus with his shoulder and press his knee to Luna's when he'd sit on the floor with her to listen to her daily rants. He'd kiss Hermione's forehead before she left a room and tug on Ron's clothes to get his attention. He'd make sure that he was always touching someone at some point.
Harry Potter was not a boy who was shown a lot of love through touch, but he expressed it oh so generously.
When Draco and Harry became hesitant friends in 8th year, Harry was nervous.
The war had not ruined his affinity for physical touch as a means of comfort, in fact, it may have exacerbated it.
But Harry did not know if Draco liked to be touched and with a friendship so rocky, he wasn't willing to risk it.
But like all things with Draco, everything just sort of clicked.
When they sat together for lunch in the great hall (a fact that made Harry giddy with joy for some reason?) he found Draco sitting close enough that their arms pressed together.
When they sat next to each other in class, Draco's leg would be close enough to brush against his every now and then.
When they sat on the couches in the 8th year common room, all of their friends sitting together, squashed up on the couches, Draco and him would sprawl all over each other, limbs entangled and unbearbly comfortable.
All in all, Harry loved it.
It was when they started dating that it all came to a crux.
It was their first year out of Hogwarts, and with Draco begining his time consuming journey of training to become a potions master, a relationship was the last thing that you would assume could work out.
But they made it work, they always do.
Harry didn't care that Draco had odd hours because he had to sometimes check on potions at weird times in the night, he didn't care that sometimes Draco would spend entire afternoons reading on potions textbook or the other, he didn't care that sometimes Draco had to cancel plans last minute because his mentor was an utter ass and had Draco running at his beck and call.
It should have bothered him, especially as early as it was into their relationship as it was, but it didn't.
He didn't care becauss when Draco got back from his odd hours he would always kiss the crown of Harry's head, and get back into bed, going back to spooning him like he never left. He
didn't care because when Draco spent entire afternoons reading, he always did it on the couch next to Harry, his legs curled up next to him and his body leaning into his, and afterwards he would kiss Harry and thank him for being so patient with him. He didn't care because everytime before he got back from his mentor he would kiss Harry on the cheek, and hug him, tightly, promising that as soon as his internship was done he would never cancel plans again because he knew how important stability was for Harry.
Harry was never that good with expressing how he felt, but he loved Draco Malfoy, and he expressed that very clearly. He expressed it in the way he linked their pinkys together. He expressed it the way he hugged Draco from behind when he made coffee in the morning. He expressed it in the way he swung their hands when they walked anywhere.
And Draco loved him, oh how Draco loved him.
Draco loved him in the way he let Harry bury his face in his neck when he was cold. Draco loved him in the way he put his arm around Harry's chair when they went to pub nights with their friends. Draco love him in the way he pulled him close when they were dancing. Draco loved him.
Touch was everything to Harry, it was how he loved and how he wanted to be loved.
And oh, how he was loved.
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alienaiver · 2 years
For the little ask game, “come on, don’t do that. My head hurts” + Tsukki if you’re feeling up to him 🙈🙈 if not maybe Kirishima or Hinata??
I SWEAR TO GOD OPAL MY BELOVED MY BETHROTHED MY ONE AND ONLY I APOLOGIZE SO DEEPLY SO SO DEEPLY FOR THE WAIT!!!!!! life happened and while i know that YOU will always get me, i still wanted to give u a quick and DRAMATIC bow for making you wait for your beloved !!!! of course i went with tsukki for u, i love opal x tsukki with my entire heart !!!! <333333 its also so long... so so long compared to this just being a little writing game IDJESFHSEFHSK [clown emoji] <333 but its what u deserve!!!!!!!!!!!! also it isnt proof read and i swear this is FRESH!!! out of my document. i couldnt fall asleep last night before i had written down a note SO I WOULDNT FORGET MY IDEA FOR UR PROMPT!! and i swear. the note is so funny. it makes no sense. im attaching it to the bottom of this bcos. what the fuck.
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You’re situated on the floor, watching the television with intense concentration, eyes wide and analyzing. A documentary is currently on, the sound most likely louder than necessary. In the back of your mind you register the door open and close, shoes shuffled off and feet padding into the living room.
You barely acknowledge his presence as a presentation of giant crab’s anatomy is shown on the screen. He wordlessly bends down behind you and wrap his arms around your shoulders, kissing the top of your head. You hum a distracted sound and he scoffs before retreating back onto the couch.
The documentary ends shortly after and Netflix recommends another one as the ending screen passes.
It’s a documentary about top secret UFO projects that’s been revealed. When it starts you shuffle backwards so you’re situated between the legs that Tsukishima spreads to accommodate you. The introduction is loud and unnecessarily dramatic but as Tsukishima kneads your shoulders, you don’t seem to mind much.
There’s a distinct dissonance between the sound effects and the experts talking so you reach out for the remote on the table to turn it up.
“Come on, don’t do that, my head hurts.” the grumble above you clicks immediately – there’s never been a constant need to communicate between you and with so many years of being together – living together, being quiet isn’t awkward or seen as tense. But he’s usually more talkative on Wednesdays since those are his quieter days.
You turn your back to look at him and by God does he look awful. You didn’t get to see him this morning before he left but he must’ve slept like shit if the bags under his eyes are any tell. Right now his glasses are skewed and you reach up your arms to fix their position but he turns his head, “they’re putting pressure behind the ears and it’s grating.”
You get up and grab his hand to motion him to follow. Wordlessly, you go into the bedroom and find your yoga mat, roll it out on the floor and situate yourself on your knees at the far end. You pat your thighs and he narrows his eyes, “I’m not doing that.”
“Where does it hurt? Forehead? Temples? Eyes?” you search his face for any tells but he remains neutral as he stares you down with his arms crossed, “it’s everywhere.”
“Oh, tension then! Come on you big baby, you know I can make it better.”
He grumbles out something incoherent before he starts walking across the mat to you. “Lie on your stomach,” you tell him and he stops in his tracks, “how would that ever be comfortable? My back would be raised in such a weird position!”
You roll your eyes at him – you don’t mean to, you know he isn’t uncooperative on purpose, just that he gets childish when something has inconvenienced him for the better part of his day. You pat your thighs again, this time harder to get the point across. He sighs deeply and theatrically before he does as he’s told. Before he lays his head on your thighs, you gently take off his glasses for him and put them next to the mat. With a wink you promise he’ll get them back after his treatment. He scoffs and rolls his eyes before he settles, breathing out deeply into your legs. “Can I come up for air?” he asks, knowing full well he can breathe just fine as you do your ministrations, he’s just being a little brat. You ignore him as your hands travel to the back of his neck, gently caressing first and feeling for the tension built up there.
You start slow, tracing his nape, shoulders and up to his skull before you place your thumbs on the part of the neck that connects with the skull, pressing down so hard that he whines underneath you, knowing it’ll help but with a natural reaction to pain. You move your thumbs only a few centimeters across the same section of that edge, feeling the built-up lactic acid. You’ve tried showing him how to relief this during the day when he’s been hunched at the desk or have been stressed because he’s so prone to tension but based on the amount you can feel with your thumbs, he hasn’t been doing his little exercises. You file that information for another day when he’s being unreasonable with one of his own demands to you.
He sighs out as you reach the edge by his ears and you know it’s already feeling so much better for him. Your fingers trace the back of his head and down his nape slowly, savoring the connection you’re having with him at this moment. When the fingers reach his shoulders, you start massaging gently, not really working out the knots with power but simply stimulating the blood flow in the area.
“Can I turn now? I’ve never been so uncomfortable in my entire life.” You snort out a reply but lift your arms with a final pat to his back, “get on your back.”
“Stop ordering me around.” The complaint is without any heat as he turns, his long limps hanging off of the end of the mat. It’s a good thing he doesn’t do much yoga, you think. With your fingers you trace his temples and up to his brow, your right pointer coming to the slope of his nose, tracing a line up and down from the middle of his nose, up between the brows and ending at the forehead before traveling back down, repeating the gentle motion. With your left hand you smooth out his worry lines with similar gentle motion, traveling to his jaw too.
Within a few moments you see all the built-up tension release as he relaxes into your hold, his arms going limp next to him and his legs spreading just a few millimeters more. You smile to yourself at succeeding, continuing for a few more beats before you initiate conversation.
“How was work?”
He scoffs and you feel the worry lines slowly reappear but you’re quick to make him melt again. “Hori and I were told to re-label some old, archived files today, you know, my favorite grunt work.” The sarcasm is thick on his tongue and you feel his head turn with the inward rolling of his eyes, “anyways, Hori made a mistake and while he didn’t explicitly blame me when Maruhi came back from lunch, he apologized for our mistake. The audacity to include me in that.”
You nod along, humming to show you’re listening. He continues on for a while, letting go of the frustration he’s had pent up all the way through practice afterwards. He sighs out deeply afterwards, “but Yama called in my lunch break.”
You smile, continuing to let your pointer go up and down by his nose. Sometimes, he can only really fall asleep if you do the motion on him – he’ll never admit it, though. “How is he?” you ask excitedly and you see the smile gracing your boyfriend’s features.
Tsukishima inhales slowly before his smile breaks out fully, “he got hired by that electronic company he applied to!”
“Really? That’s amazing!”
Tsukishima nods along to your statement, the smile never really fading as he talks about his best friend. He continues to update you on your mutual friend’s college life, how he struggles with food and Tsukishima’s thinking of making a care package – though he phrases it like he thinks you should do it, you know what’s behind the request. You go along with a smile, “you can help me buy things for it, then. We’re going grocery shopping Saturday anyways, might as well get things for him too.”
You lean down and kiss your boyfriend’s forehead. When you pull away, you’re surprised to see a pout on his face and when you ask what’s wrong, he pointedly looks away from you. As you try coaxing out what’s wrong, his pout only deepens. Finally, he seems to steel himself, “I was hoping you were gonna kiss my lips.”
You let out a laugh – one that makes him shake around on your lap from how hard you’re laughing. You then lean down and kiss his lips. “I love you, Kei.”
Instead of replying, he simply leans up and kisses you again, lingering with a sigh. As your hand traces circles on his cheek, he mumbles out, “thank you for always helping me with headaches.”
You know it’s not just the physical headaches he’s referring to. You kiss him deeply with a smile.
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and here is said, chaotic as hell, note <3
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linzumi · 2 years
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bakudekublogblog · 5 months
alright I’m bored so here’s my extremely optimistic crack theory: assuming katsuki seeing a vestige means we’ll see him in the vestige realm, when kudo sorted through izuku’s memories he put his forehead on the wall right??
what if izuku is having a crisis about being left quirkless again and vestige katsuki needs to touch foreheads with izuku to show him all his memories of izuku being heroic without a quirk and he tells him “you never needed a quirk. you were always a hero” or something like that because it’s what izuku always needed to hear
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What if I gave Zane's robot appearance a screen instead of a human-like face? His default face is still o_o but let him emote through symbols and emoticons like ? !! UwU >:O ;-; <3 and >///<. He and Jay could add more and even add kaomojis over time to give him more expressions.
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wishmemel · 1 year
i wanna be married so bad. i want someone to come home to. i want someone to sleep next to. i want someone who i can shower in love. i just want someone to give all of my affection to :/
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swordbreakerz · 1 year
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Happy new years from Them, may you have just as much rivals to lovers and Cool Robots in the new year 💖💖
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ladyofthelake · 11 months
Everyday I wish for this one small thing and that its imagine the finale but Arthur not wearing gloves
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