#jiu fluff
writerpetals · 11 days
Hi! For the drabble game :з Dreamcatcher JiU. And I have a song suggestion Nightly - Shirt.
Thank you ❤️
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thanks for requesting jiuuu <3 my dream girl. this definitely wasn't written from someone that's totally in love with her. nope, not at all :_: (however i have seen her in person and she is, in fact, the most beautiful woman in the world ;;; and yes i told her to her face she was gorgeous because it's the first thing that came to my head and i panicked) also actual rock band lead singer jiu? yes pls!
When you tag along with a friend to a rowdy bar in the next city over, you never expected to lay eyes on the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. With a microphone in front of her, she sings her small town band’s latest song with conviction, allowing you to also hear the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen, and God, does she sound perfect. Even as your friend nudges you with a drink in her hand in between her flirting with strangers, you can’t take your eyes off the gorgeous singer of the band you’ve never heard of. 
She jumps a little around the stage as the guitar and drums pick up behind her, silky hair bouncing around her face as the spotlight shines directly over her. The crowd chants along to the breaks in the song, clearly already loving their local band’s new hit. 
“Do you know this band?” your friend asks over the cheers once they finish. You shake your head and quickly take a sip of the drink she ordered for you. The two of you remain seated at the bar, watching the crowd begin to clap for another song. “You seem kinda into them.”
You don’t tell her you’re only kind of into the singer. And by kind of, you’re already picturing picket fences and picking out new kitchen appliances on a Saturday. You watch the smile grow on the gorgeous singer’s face as the crowd hoops and hollers for her band. You can’t help your own grin begin to grow as the band begins another song, this one a little slower. Your body begins to sway to every drum beat and guitar string strung, taking in her light and airy high notes. 
You’re in awe of this gorgeous woman and you know you need to at least try to introduce yourself to her. After all, she should know she has earned a new fan tonight.
Once their set seems to be over with, you watch her hop down from the stage, her black boots hitting the floor of the bar, before she’s making her way through the crowd. She says hello’s here and there, making it evident she’s friends, or at least acquaintances, with most of the audience. Her smile is bright, charming, as she pushes past the groups of people to head toward the bar.
Now your heart starts racing. Are you really going to be so bold? You are feeling a little braver than usual tonight, taking it as a sign you should at least attempt an introduction. Just as you slip off the barstool to step behind her, she turns toward you, bodies clashing, the feeling of an ice cold beverage falling over your chest to soak your shirt. 
“Oh, gosh!” she squeaks, meeting your eyes with the most regretful, yet adorable expression. “I am so sorry!” She hurries to reach for some napkins resting against the bar, grabbing a handful and shoving them your way.
All you can do is stare at her, jaw slacked. This is definitely not how you wanted the first impressions to go. 
“Please don’t be mad!” She’s frowning now, brows creased and a little pout on her lips. “I’m so sorry. I’m so clumsy, sometimes. I didn’t know anyone was behind me.”
You begin shaking your head, laughter beginning to spill from your lips. “It’s alright.” You see the relief flood her expression as you take the napkins to begin dabbing your shirt. “I was feeling a little hot in here, anyway. Thanks for cooling me down.”
She begins to grin, blinking a few times with a shake of her head. Then she tells you her name, as you do the same, and she repeats it with a smile. “Thanks for being cool. If you want money to replace it-”
“Oh, please.” You brush off the comment with a wave of your hand. “This is an old band tee from when I was in high school. It’s seen worse days.”
She’s giggling at the comment, and your heart absolutely melts for her. You try to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, but it’s no use. She could throw gasoline on you and light a match, yet you would still find her beautiful. You’ve never believed in love at first sight, but now maybe you’re contemplating the idea. 
“You sing so beautifully, by the way,” you admit, a shy smile on your lips. Her own smile grows ten times the size, nose scrunching and eye crinkles on display. Your heart begins to race at the sight. 
“That’s sweet, thank you.” She leans closer as you continue to stand at the bar, earning a few glances from those around, but neither of you pay them any mind. 
Before either of you can say another word, her name is being called from across the bar. One of the band members, a shorter girl with a black bob and a bubbly smile, wave to her. 
“Guess I’m being summoned!” She giggles and holds up a finger at the girl. “Thanks for watching my band play. Sorry about the shirt! Lesson learned to look behind me before twirling, I guess. Ha!” With that, she’s slipping away from the bar and away from you. Your mouth hangs open, not being able to think fast enough to find out more about her, or even her number. 
Not that you’re one hundred percent confident she would have given it, but you hate yourself for not even trying. Now, you’re left with only thoughts of the beautiful singer of a rock band, until you convince your friend to go back the following weekend.
However, there’s a new band playing, the crowd is dead, and you only wish you could have had a few more minutes with your dream girl. You leave the bar without ever ordering a drink, only asking the bartender about the band that played the previous weekend, but he was clueless to who you were talking about.
So you use the only option someone with your resources and time could use: the internet. You check the social media of the bar you went to, but it hasn’t been updated since they opened two years prior. Great. You spend an hour each night before bed searching for her band, checking local Instagrams of those that tagged the bar on that night, but no luck. Why wasn’t there a flier or something you could have taken home instead? You didn’t even think of it.
So you continue your scrolling, until one night a recommendation pops up of someone you may know. Suddenly, her face is smiling bright on your screen in a selfie she took just before her latest show. You found her. Or, the algorithm found her for you, but you couldn’t care less. 
You spend a while scrolling through her pictures, seeing her many performances with her band, gorgeous selfies, a few pictures of her dog, and a couple shots of recent meals she’s had. You can’t help but smile, getting a glimpse at the life of the girl you’ve been daydreaming about for a week. Sighing, you press the “Follow” button on her page before setting your phone down and drifting away to sleep. 
You’re surprised when you awaken the next morning to a new follower and DM request. You nearly drop the phone from your hands as you struggle to sit up between tangled bed sheets. You quickly open the app to see a message from her saying she’s been thinking about you since she ruined your shirt, and she would love it if you came to the next show. Entry is on her and she placed your name on the list for backstage access.
You check the venue of her next show, realizing it’s much bigger than the bar you met her at, and with backstage access, it seems a little more official. You quickly message her back saying you will see her there, and she responds only a few moments later with a selfie, microphone in hand next to her smiling face. 
The night of her band’s show comes quicker than you expected considering you’ve done nothing in the meantime except daydream about seeing her again. The moment she sees you heading toward her in a backstage hallway, the brightest grin shines over her expression. 
“I’m so glad you came,” she beams while racing toward you. “Hopefully the extra secret special backstage access to a band you don’t know will make up for spilling my drink on you.” There’s a cheesy grin on her face, one you can’t help but to burst out laughing at.
“Hm, it is kind of cool,” you say, completely downplaying the situation. This is more than cool, but anything would feel perfect when it involves her. “Seriously, thanks for thinking of me. The shirt is totally fine, no casualties. I’m just… excited to hear you sing again.”
Your heart flutters at the look she gives you. There’s gratitude in her eyes mixing with the gentle smile her lips fall to. For a moment, you only look at each other, coming to an understanding of a blossoming friendship that could very well be more one day. Only time will tell, and right now, you have nothing but time to spend thinking of her.
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chaewonplzbiteme · 1 year
Lazy Evaluation {Kim Minji | JiU x Male Reader}
Tags: two ounces of mommy kink, one bowl of age play, two cups of heavenly chocolate, pinch of humor, lots of fluffy fluff-fluff, a plate of hearty cream pie, a single grain of femdom
TW: Math and computer science jokes, mindless smut
4.9k – Read it on AO3.
A/N: The science may not be correct. Please excuse me. Or maybe it is. Most jokes will fly over your head if you are not into mathematics and computer science. This is not a failure on my part, and I will never take full responsibility.
If it helps: It's part of the joke that you do not understand everything about monads... I'm just continueing the meme...
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All ten fingers clawed at your own scalp, trying to soothe the tension between your temples. In a furious jumble they shuffled through the already disheveled hair, not only in a motion to squeeze more blood through the tiny pinch of grey matter that you were sure you had left somewhere, but also to shed with the frustration that had plagued you all week. It was your task to show what you had learned in computer science, explore new frontiers of knowledge, and write a dissertation, at the same time documenting your progress for the lecturer.
“So, a Monad does define two operations, but is not a type itself? How is that supposed to work?”
It was quite perplexing, learning about such abstract and high-level data structures in mathematics. All day you have been attempting your own explanation, and every single time you have produced a different answer. Frustratingly, none of them matched any of the myriad descriptions that could be found, be it from the study book both recommended and written by the professor himself, numerous instructional online sites which most likely copy from each other or even what the latest conversational artificial intelligence could synthesize up for you.
“You still didn’t finish with the abstract?” Your study partner asked in a bright and cheerful voice, as she returned with two hot mugs of mocha latte and set them on the table. Your mood changed instantly with the scent of chocolate that permeated through the room, with a strong note of her own essence. Before you could reach for a mug, she was already next to you and flicking through the study book looking for what she was about to explain. “It is actually quite simple, my dear. Think more abstract, a level of indirection above types. This is why we call them type classes.”
The ease of her words leaned cheerfully against a solid wall of the complicated concoctions that have been woven and tightened in your mind. You could only throw your head back, stretching yourself on the beanbag, hands returning to apply even more pressure on both sides. “Like an interface describing interfaces? Aarrgghh...”
“Interface to classes, if you go for programming terms,” she corrected your inaccuracy with a smirk, knowing your frustration was not going to subside so fast. She had seen the same troubles from fellow students. The wide frame of her glasses was not the only reason you had the impression that she was the more intelligent of the two of you. Her sharp mind complemented her neat appearance very well, neither ceasing to astonish you time after time. “A common error for beginners. My dear, nothing has been proven to be difficult in this field of math. You will be able to understand it once you internalize the basics.”
In practical terms, Minji basically lived here. The dormitories are small and cramped and not made for living, only sleeping. Those who wanted to keep their sanity would spend their time away from home, be it the library, a café or the clubs. She knew her way around your kitchen better than you knew your own desk. You woke up stumbling over her bag, her clothes interleaved in the forest of notes with the data structures and pens and your own all over the ground.
“And next you are going to tell me computer science is just applied mathematics… This is so much to learn,” you voiced out your exasperation. You caught yourself looking at her. Not like this was an issue, since Minji was used to you staring at her. In fact, she loved it when you admired her beautiful face, her fair and radiating skin and smooth cheeks. No spell had to be cast, yet you were possessed by her deep hazel eyes. She took a sip as if there was nothing troubling you, savoring the cocoa aroma and accidentally dipping her nose into the whipped cream. Your eyes were locked on nothing other than the spot dotting her nose as she put down her mug — she did notice you were following the white tip around. The smile she gave was a more effective balsam than your fingers had been. Your gaze remained fixed on her as she shuffled around behind your back, the smell of cocoa giving way to hers.
“Clear your head, my love,” said Minji with a very calm voice, turning your head forward. Her hands replaced yours as her fingers traced circles all around. The sense of clogged arteries started to dissipate at once. “Let Mommy-ji help you relax.”
Your mind followed her fingers around your scalp, feeling the pressure she applied and where it moved to. Your eyes lose the bind to any sense of perception, no track of focus, your brain only processing being grasped between her palms and her digits. The thoughts occupying your head dissolved just as the tension faded. Blood rushed from your head to other parts of your body, among others getting clogged in a certain appendage, building up pressure. You hope it will not be noticed by her, since you wanted to enjoy the moment with her undistracted.
The endearing name for her had been established for a long time already, a logical consequence given the dynamics of both your behavior. While your lazy bum was busy playing video games or otherwise slacking around, Minji was the one who took care of the house and your needs. She did the laundry and cooked for you just like your parents, even spoon-feeding you at times. Not every meal, of course, only some, but you appreciated those the most. One day you accidentally blurted it out and it stuck.
But the image of her captivating face lingered in your eyes, even though she was out of sight. Her sculpt combined an adorable and young face with the mature image of a grown woman. If you didn’t know better, the round shape of her face would have made you believe that she was younger than you. Long and well-groomed wavy black hair was just the icing on top of her enchanting face.
“Not the time to slack off, lazy boy,” she chuckled. Minji was right, this was a subject that needed to be learned and understood. No way around it. You needed to retort, to explain the break in your studies, albeit it happened at her instigation. Not that you would blame her, though.
“B-but mommy, I’m not procrastinating,” you managed to stammer out while you were under the spell of her fingers. “I’m just d-deferring the effort. You know, lazy evaluation.”
What a counter, Minji burst out in laughter. Holding off on work was a viable strategy in certain cases, being efficient by knowing what was needed, if at all, and in what quantity. But of course, not every part of you followed this idea.
“You may be a smart boy, but what you are clearly demonstrating is a stiff amount of premature optimization,” she whispered into your ear, her essence filling your nose completely and stunning you as she traced a hand down your body towards your crotch. “What a horny boy, forming a boner ahead-of-time.”
And she has not even teased you yet – the strong side-effect of her touch. You could not declare yourself to be pure in your function at all anymore. It was obvious every part of your body was thinking about her and her touch. “I-It’s warming up. For you.”
“For mommy? How nice~,” she said with a joyous voice while reaching out for the visible bulge in your pants. Her palm covered the manly mound in a cup, rubbing it, feeling it up. More blood flocked to her touch, its return to regular circulation clogged by its own formed tissue pouch. While it takes a mountain millions of years to rise, your tent was erected in mere minutes at full size.
“Please take a look, mommy,” you said, as she went down on you. “Watch how much your boy has grown.” You were happy with how your body reacted to her touch. The desire for Minji was burning strong, the steam driving your member boiling hot. The beacon of your passion is lit – your cock calls for its caretaker. She slowly removed your pants, watching your tent pole rise even higher as it was not being held back anymore.
Her hand traced the length up and down multiple times before wrapping her fingers around the shaft. “Always so excited to see me~.” It was like your cock throbbed in response, even though it was simply timing with her fingers. She moved up and down very slowly, for you to savor the feeling, moving blood and tissue around.
Minji barely sped up the pumping, instead opting for a regular rhythm at a steady pace. Like clockwork your mind settled into the flow, breathing in at the ebb and bracing yourself for the flow, when her hand reached the tip. Distant grumbling, thundering muttering from your mouth warned of the oncoming outbreak.
“My love, tell me what you are,” she asked, smirking in anticipation of your reply. Her hand went slower now. Thinking about what Minji wanted to hear, there could only be one answer. Not your name, nor that you are her fellow student and attended the same courses. Such returns would not yield an effect. And if your answer had no effect on her, the result might as well be useless. Slower and slower, slower towards the peak, even slower further away. Idle state. Tension.
 “Mommy’sh cude liddle cum fountain,” is the reply you give. That is all what you will ever need to be for her.
“Yes, you are, baby boy~,” Minji approved of you. She dragged her fingers upwards in a slow manner, the tight embrace shifting higher and higher. The alternating grooves and creases of her hand slid across your shaft before leaving your cock, before turning around to cup the shaft and press it against her soft cheeks. Time was nigh’, she demanded your produce. “Cum. I want you to scream.”
At her command, the floodgates of release opened. With intense pressure prostrate launched the stream of ejaculate up into the air. It erupted out in a way more akin to a volcano than a fountain, each spurt leaving with a wave that traveled together with a guttural groan along the entire length of your cock. Minji felt every throb of your member against her cheeks, the hardness thumping against her tender face with each explosion.
“So hard and strong,” Minji praised both your cock and the force of your discharge. “Beating so hard for me~,” she added. The ropes of cum coated her forehead, some getting caught by her eyebrows. Her disheveled hair also showed some wet streaks, collateral damage from the powerful blasts. “Too bad I couldn’t taste any of it,” she demanded more, alluding to the uncertainty principle. To observe how far cum could travel, one could not taste it at the same time.
“Mommy, I want to taste you, too,” you said. The worship of each other’s bodies was a mutual thing, neither of you had the intention to freeload the other’s goodwill. What she gave to you, you better return it many times back. Sensual stimulation is a commutative operation, and it would be a shame if it were performed one-sided only. In other words, love making is better when it is perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
You held her high, pulled her up into a kiss, connected your lips, tongues making out. Your fingers fumbled with the buttons on her delicate sheer blouse. You were quick to pull down her inner top and unclasp her bra, too, revealing her well-developed chest. One of you tripped over – or did someone push? – and again you laid on the ground. It was hard to escape gravity when your soul was weighed down by this radiating beauty and her delectable womanly mounds. All things come to those who wait, but there was no rest for the wicked. You took in everything she had to offer, her smell, her taste, the texture of her skin and how her flesh felt.
Like with any other part of her body, she loved her breasts to be worshipped. Her low hums guided your mouth between her mounds, but your tongue dictated the rhythm of her mellow purrs. The sensation of your devotion to her caused a wave of content pleasure to flood through her body, the current of tingles emanated from her brain surged across her chest, causing sparks to fly through her stomach, and swashed against her core to be forked into separate ripples coasting along her legs, before hitting her toes and causing them to curl.
Your hands did not remain idle. Just like your tongue they moved back and forth all over her body, feeling her up just like you are tasting her breasts. Minji reciprocated your attention by pulling in her lower wings and extending them again, her splendid thighs and heavenly shaped calves were roaming your body. You felt her everywhere, she made sure you got everything from her.
She shifted around, taking away your favorite baby-soother in the process, but instead putting a favorite meal of yours in its place – welcome to your dream world. The musk was strong, a mix of Minji’s own odor mixed with the pungent smell of the dripping wet juices it was coated in. The flavor was both sweet and sour, with a trace of the same taste you experienced on her chest and in her kiss. With every lick on her core, she nudged closer to her destined place on your face. With every fraction of an inch that she moved, she was closer to smothering you completely.
The darkness slowly engulfed you, not that you minded being trapped in the dream – between her voluminous thighs – if it was a good way to bring her pleasure. Plowing through the dampness and exploring the cave before you would be the only way out. A deep dive into her hole brought back a tongue covered in copious amounts of juices, which you deposited in your own mouth before swallowing. You rang her doorbell, asking for a free refill, announcing your return, before entering the cave again.
Minji meanwhile rested on low hills and even shallower grooves, but there was a noticeable pole in front of her. It was hard as steel, yet it was bouncy to her touch. She knew despite its shape it had volcanic properties, being capable of shooting jets of hot ejaculate through its main vent, its solid remains forming a fertile seed for future growth. In fact, she had observed it erupt violently before. A reasonable onlooker would have been cautious in their handling of the erect mast, but Minji was on cloud nine. Her hand was reaching for your shaft. It was as if her brain ran on someone else’s computer.
Minji played with your cock despite the assault on her core by your tongue. It wormed its way inside of her vagina, wriggling around before tracing her lower lips up and down, and drawing a ring around her nub before repeating the procedure. The counterattack to reclaim Wall Maria involved her own tongue tracing your cock up and down, before circling over the bulbous head. Not only did the mast of steel twitch slightly, but the attack stumbled.
Her thick lips now engulfed your shaft. She was out to tame the horny creature beneath her. One would be the tortoise in this hunt to the peak, and the other the hare. Together they would race around the vicious cycle of pleasure, getting each other closer, coming head-to-head on the edge and pulling away again, before entering the next cycle. One was going faster; one was going slower. Because the hornier one would choke on its ambitions, eventually even the tortoise would catch up to the hare. Minji devoured the hare’s tail all the way down, choking on it and feeling it throb and wriggle at the back of her throat. The hare did not relent, however, and instead intensified its attack, its head circling around her nub, unafraid of the secretions her cavern produced in defense, but now even more determined to continue. There would be only one way to break out of this recurring loop – they would have to both lose themselves to pleasure simultaneously.
No matter how hard she worked on it, the pole would not let itself be defused. But without air, there can be no fire. Minji would have to drown the volcano’s air vent, cutting it off from its oxygen supply. You pulled on her thighs, groping her butt, pushing her core further into your face as tight as possible. It was hard to tell who was struggling more, whether she was convulsing more under your assault, or your cock was throbbing harder in her mouth. Small gushes from her walls announced her own impending eruption, telling you to brace yourself for what is to come. But you lose control of yourself when the storm hits you, a downpour of juices bringing you the bliss you were looking for by flooding your mouth and nose. The spit covering the hot rod was not enough to extinguish it, so your cum could fill her throat unhindered.
Minji was gagging on your little volcano as it erupted once more, payback for setting off such a dangerous object. You meanwhile were groaning and choking on her juices while getting drenched by her geyser, locked helpless between her strong thighs. Hips were spasming with their orgasms. Sweaty bodies rubbing against each other, both squirting their fluids into one another.
It took a moment for you both to settle down, to catch your breath. Minji just kept laying on top of you, rubbing your still-hard shaft and thighs and butt. You did the same to her while under her, enjoying the feeling of her.
“I hope your balls are not exhausted yet,” she said with a smile, voice slightly hoarse.
Your answer was to dive back in for a second serving. More of her was never enough. A lot of evenings had gone like this already, and yet you both came to each other for more. This was not the first time you had explored each other. And it won’t be the last time. Breath hitting the wet organs kept the heat in check. She gave you a series of hard squeezes trailing from your thighs to your groin, before getting up.
“I’ll be right back.” Minji went to get something from her bag and threw something on the table, something shiny and square and slightly convex, then she picked up a mug. “Come to me now, baby boy,” she said as she took a sip, but she did not swallow. Now it was her turn to pull you into a kiss. Your mouths connected once more, her tongue pushed through your lips, and you both got to taste the chocolate. Both your tongues danced and wrestled each other in the sweet bath, coating one another and cleansing it off again.
Your hands and arms battled with each other too, groping and guiding each other, pulling on clothes and undergarments to finally get rid of them, getting stuck on every nook and curve. The final piece of wear was her glasses, which she elevated into the air without destination before being catapulted towards the table without aim, bumping against one of the mugs. Another opportunity to trip and fall over, although this time it was you who landed on top of her, noses nearly bumping into each other.
“Minji, how can you be so beautiful,” you conjured up a smile on her face. You loved her beyond her appearance of course. The source of your affection for her was simple: Humans truly are most beautiful when they are just smiling and having fun. Minji could turn your mood around in seconds, and today was no different. Those mesmerizing hazel eyes of her could dissolve any stress you had. “Some days I do wonder why you spend so much time with me,” you whispered your thoughts.
“Midnight, close to you,” she said as she went through her own thoughts. Minji did not have to think a lot. It was easy.
“BEcause I love you.”
Minji launched herself high into another kiss, sucking out of your stomach what hundreds of butterflies had swirled up. It was clear that she appreciated you being there for her just as much as you felt empty without her. “I feel good around you,” she added. She was right. Not only did she spend a lot of time with you, but you went out of the way to be with her, to make her happy, to make her time with you worthwhile.
“I love you, too, mommy.”
Hearing and saying the three words lifted a lot off your mind. She embraced you tighter, your lips seeking out each other. The desire for each other burned strong. Moaning reverbed through each other's mouths. “Mommy, I want you so much,” you managed to say. Your cock was still standing proud, rubbing itself on her doorbell, waiting to be allowed inside.
“Take me as yours then, my chemical hype boy.” Her cheek brushed against yours when smiling. “But first tell me: Would you rather treasure me like a cherished pet or milk me like cattle?” Your logic is screaming: Yes.
Noses hovering over each other, heavy breathing brushing on cheeks and lips, eyes staring into eyes, strong thighs pressing into stronger thighs, one pair spread and the other bent.
“The pole train runs on whole grain!” You screamed, like how bungee jumpers or parachutists exclaim when they plunge boots first into hell. Your cock was racing to be inside of her faster than your thoughts. Like with a perfect equation ready to be solved, you substituted the emptiness in her longing core with the feeling of you. A substitution with the force of a mountain, the heat of a volcano. Minji opened her mouth in shock but in silence, the feeling of your penis spearing itself inside overwhelming her. You were sure she wanted to say something, but no voice came out of her.
Her breathing was labored, sudden gasps with each thrust. Her walls were tight, the cavern had to give way to the intrusive pole forcing its way inside. A ripple, this time physical, traveled from her butt cheeks up her body each time your hip crashed into hers, a wave of pressure making its way to the outlet between her other cheeks before finally venting.
Her tits were squeezed between her body and your chest, but that did not stop them from shaking around with the ripple passing through. Every woman was built different, felt different, thought different. But Minji had made it clear to you that she loved to be overwhelmed.
She had her eyelids closed, letting the waves of bliss wash over her and throughout her body. Her little boy could reach far deeper than your tongue ever could. And it was way bigger, stretching her wider. But Minji enjoyed her time with both – after all, each had their merits. A tongue could not just worm itself into unexplored areas, but also move and rub and push unlike a penis. For now, she just enjoyed her walls being parted in rhythm.
But a question still lingered in your mind. Perhaps now you were more receptive to understanding the concept.
“Minji, tell me again, how do monads work?”
Not a very romantic question, and especially not suitable for intercourse, but she was used to your constant babbling, an indication that your head was free and unoccupied – better hope that we are not going down a rabbit hole. Not that you ever stopped making fun of everything. At the same time, you were not the only one capable of making jokes.
“A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what’s the problem?” she answered with a straight face. Your steady rhythm barely interrupted her voice, a strong display of her composure. You understood the words, but the sentence did not make any sense. Well, ok, maybe not even the words. You should admit that you did not understand anything.
“I could tell you a monad joke, but first... I would need to tell you jokes about functors and... applicatives,” she told another, smiling. Is this retribution for your own silly jokes? She was starting to pant between words. “What do you call... a verb that likes to apply... for jobs?” She was giggling. This one did not make any sense.
“Please, no, stop mommy,” you pleaded. She knew how to get you. You tried to muffle her with a kiss, but she managed to break free. “An applicative,” Minji laughed when telling you the answer. It was a pun, a word play, rather than a scientific joke. “I know some more~,” she chuckled.
“Let me come up with something, too.” It took you a moment, but an idea popped into your head. The missing piece to an equation that no one had been able to solve yet. You could just barely hold your laughter in anticipation. Let us start with the abstract: “Hey, mommy, let me ask you, what’s one plus one?”
Minji realized where this was going. This was simple math, albeit with an imaginary component. “Are you serious!? Three?”
“Well, let’s suppose, inside of your pussy. Penis goes in, penis and baby come out. Math does not check out, what’s missing?” Setting up the introduction for this joke with a central question, you tried to nudge an answer out of her. And the hint you gave Minji was to give her the mating press.
Minji growled. “Fucking sex-ed. That’s how biology works… silly boy.” She was not about to give in to the riddle you had posed. But the thrusts would not stop until the punchline had been served.
“Indeed, the female anatomy is something wonderful, creating new life from nothing more than a deftly deep dicking.” If only you were as smart with your studies instead of cracking terrible jokes. While this was not an exact science, the conclusion that making babies was a product made of thin air and the energy induced by the pounding is alluringly plausible, however inherently flawed.
“OMG fucking hurry up,” she shouted, having had enough of your nonsense. Slowly losing her composure, Minji tightened her embrace around you, closed her eyes, bit on her lips, pulling you in closer. She was close, you could hear it in how she alternated between moaning and squealing. It was also difficult for you to uphold the asymptotic behavior as your hammering approached the edge. It was clear that the limit was about to be reached.
“The most important secret sauce to make mommy a real mommy,” you panted. You were not far behind Minji in the race to the finish line, and you wanted to beat her. It only took you a few more thrusts until your hips began to buckle, starting to spasm – but not just yours. One last push would bring you both over the edge. Finally, content with the procedure so far, you proclaim the solution: “My cum!”
Once is happenstance. Twice is sincere lovemaking. Thrice is proving that Minji is going to get knocked up today. None of her attempts today to stop the volcano have borne any fruit. For one more time Mt. Priapus erupted with boiling hot fervor, sending a stream of molten cream blazing its way through the caverns behind mommy’s lavatory, leading into the chamber of secrets. A tide of secretion was launched against the current, it tried in vain to quench the heat. From the ashes of the hot liquid flooding her womb, a young new phoenix shall rise.
“Cum goes into the whole. Equation is complete. The sum of the ingredients is now empty. Q.E.D. Geddit?” Your cheeky joke was rewarded solely with your own laughter, and a pinch on the nose by her. In closing, this was nothing more than a silly mood booster. You stayed on top of a sweaty Minji, still embracing her tightly while she kept panting, smiling, showing her cheeks.
“What an astoundingly terrible scientific conclusion...” Minji did not know whether to groan or to laugh. Droplets of sweat were running down her face, body sticking to the floor, but she was visibly satisfied with what you had laid on the table. This is a contradiction with her reaction to your elaborate joke. “I think we should invite Yoo over for a peer review,” she suggested suggestively.
You tried to be respectful of her offer, but you were not ready yet. “I-I have barely anything written yet—” Another pinch on your nose cut you off. “I was talking about something else, innocent little—”
A sudden realization hit her. Did she forget something on the stove? Was Minji hatching a devious plan for your future endeavors? Were you too hasty? Would she be open to multiple inheritance with Yoo? The chocolate was getting cold. Glittering on the table. No, something was different this time. She put on a vicious smile that made you feel uneasy.
“Horny boy, when did I give you permission to not use protection?”
Given her question, the answer may be obvious. But we both know that this is an exercise left for the reader.
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gahyeonszn · 9 months
never again
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genre : fluff
warning(s) : none
note : badly rushed and all over the place, i just wanted to get something out since it’s been so long also going to start using gifs since it’s easier than making a moodboard,,,
you had always wanted to be an idol, but your preexisting idol girlfriend, jiu, had advised you not to. she loved being an idol, don’t get her wrong, but she didn’t want you to go through the hardships, crazy diets, and uncomfortable fan interactions that she went through over the years.
you were very open with jiu when it came to your aspirations and interests, but when you talked to her about wanting to audition for a company, she was quick to shut you down.
“you’re an idol though, we could have cute idol interactions and our fans could make cute montages of us…” you whined to which jiu shook her head.
“being a trainee was just as hard as being an idol, i wouldn’t want you to stress or cry over any sort of conflict you may have.” jiu wanted to protect you at all costs since she knew you could be quite the crybaby when it came to harsh comments on your abilities, hell, even she cried rivers when she was given feedback that sounded a little too harsh for her own good.
“fine.” you say with a pout, crossing your arms and letting out a sigh. jiu pat your head before receiving a text from her manager, telling her that the van is waiting for her outside.
“i have to go now, my schedule starts soon.” jiu said, placing a kiss on the top of your head, whispering an ‘i love you’ before leaving your apartment. you were sorta glad jiu kind of convinced you to not become a trainee, you couldn’t imagine a life where you were too busy to have your girlfriend over just because you had to stay at whatever company to practice for your trainee evaluation.
you sighed once more, rolling off the couch with a gentle plop to the floor where you laid there, staring at the ceiling until you had an idea.
“if i can’t be an actual idol then i’ll just pretend to be one.” you said with a mischievous grin as you got up off the floor, making your way to your bedroom.
once you got in your bedroom, you shut the door behind you before turning on the tv you had on there. after that, you went to youtube and searched up nmixx’s roller coaster dance practice. you enjoyed bubbly and happy songs that had fun choreography, you had always wanted to attempt to dance to roller coaster, but since jiu was around most of the time and you were too embarrassed to dance around her, you never had the chance to until now.
the video had started and you were easily following along. you didn’t know who to follow so you just did a little bit of everything, letting yourself get fully immersed into the song. the choreography was pretty easy to follow, it was just the jumps and footwork that messed you up a little stamina wise, but other than that you had fun.
the song ended and you were feeling great. wanting to dance to more songs, you started falling down a spiral of dance practices. bubble by stayc was another one of your favorites that you had enjoyed, but you were getting tired of the bubbly choreographies so you decided to switch things up a bit by dancing to a dreamcatcher song.
“what’s the craziest choreography they’ve done..” you asked yourself out loud as you cycled through all their dance practices. when you saw the demian special clip, you knew you had to dance to it. you remember jiu talking about how exhausting the choreography is and you thought the same when you had originally watched the special clip, but what was the harm in trying it for yourself.
you pressed play and got into jius position since what type of partner would you be if you didn’t do your girlfriends part? as soon as the music played, you quickly started realizing why jiu thought the choreography was so exhausting.
demian needed high stamina and jello bones especially during the body roll that quickly killed you. you gave mental props to sua as you continued dancing, attempting to catch your breath during the parts that you didn’t need to dance to. as the song came to a close, you were glad that you survived, but you were so exhausted that you had to lay on the floor. you were relieved to feel the cold hardwood floor, it was just what you needed after dancing to songs that required tons of jumping and whatever demian was.
you were snapped out of your hardwood floor solitude by someone clapping behind you and when you rolled over to see who it was, you saw a smiley jiu clapping her hands.
“i didn't think you’d survive that.” she said, walking over to you and squatting.
“how long have you been standing there?” you asked, unsure of how you didn’t hear her come into your apartment and open your bedroom door.
“not long, but are you ok? do you need any water?” jiu asked, moving the little hairs that stuck to your face due to sweat. you shook your head, taking one last deep breath of air to regulate your breathing before sitting up and staring into jius eyes.
“tell sua that i’m never dancing to another song she makes the choreography for ever again, that almost killed me.” you said, causing jiu to burst into laughter.
“i’ll be sure to relay the message.”
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let-them-read-fics · 1 year
You Again?
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Pairing: Jiu x Fem!Reader
AU: Non-Idol
Warnings / Misc. -- Some Angst, Smut, Fluff, Happy Ending :)
Word Count: 9,955
Summary: Y/N and Jiu have history. Unresolved tension, unanswered questions, lingering desire: the inconvenient kind. But when they both unwittingly agree to attend a mutual friend's vacation trip, they're forced to confront their feelings head on and learn to live with one another again.
Why, exactly?
Because they just so happen to be rooming together.
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hi everyone! I apologize for my absence, but I hope you enjoy this piece :) I have more stories coming, so stay tuned! 💖 Make sure to eat something good today and drink plenty of water.
💖 Happy Reading 🌹
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This has got to be a day for the record books. One of the worst, most unfair in all of human history. 
Well, let’s be realistic: one of the worst in your life. Maybe “human history” is a bit of a stretch – though you can’t exactly blame yourself for giving into the dramatics at a time like this.
The sound of your best friend sighing in frustration brings you out of your annoyed daze, pulling your attention back to her. 
“Y/N, you’re acting like a child. It’s only for one night.”
“Exactly, Y/BFFs/N; one night is far too long for the two of us to be around each other.”
She scoffs, but you don't budge. There's no way you're accepting this without a fight. 
"Why don't we have somebody else switch?" You suggest. 
She shakes her head, dismissing you. "Most of the girls already went up," she explains, motioning behind herself to the cabin. Sure enough, you can see shadows moving within the rooms – forms hidden behind pulled curtains, almost taunting as they shift around in the visible lamplight.
“And I’ve already told Jiu about it.”
You roll your eyes.
"Plus we all sorted this out beforehand." She shrugs. "Since you both joined at the last minute, it only makes sense to put you together."
Now it's your turn to sigh. Suddenly, an idea pops into your head. 
"How about I sleep in the car?" You brighten at the thought of your own scheme; quite literally anything would be better than being trapped between four walls with Jiu. 
"Ha ha, very funny," Y/BFFs/N mocks, clearly not amused. "You can't stay out here. You'll either freeze to death or waste all of our gas trying not to, and I don't think you really wanna do that." 
A disappointed tut leaves you; your warm breath turns to a puff of white air before dissipating into the night. 
Alright, maybe it's colder than you thought. Maybe.
"I'll talk to the others tomorrow morning and see what I can do, okay?" She offers, bringing a hand up to rub the back of her neck. She looks tired, and a pang of guilt washes over you when you notice it.
"Okay. I'm sorry." Regret shines in your eyes, but it's quickly eased by the growing, sleepy smile on her face. 
"Don't worry about it," she reassures you, looping an arm with yours. The two of you fall in step together, heading back to the cabin. 
"I know it's difficult, after everything. But it's just a few hours. I'm sure you can survive that, no?" 
You shake your head, though you're grinning. 
"We'll have to see. I'm sure she'll make it hard." 
Y/BFFs/N slides her free hand along the polished oak handle of the porch's glass door, opening it for the two of you. 
"Just be civil and it'll all be fine. You don't even have to talk." 
The resulting glare you send her makes her laugh. 
Tonight will definitely be the death of you. 
Across the first floor, tucked away in the kitchen, Jiu is hard at work. She stands in a pair of shorts and an oversized sweatshirt, cleaning the grill she helped prepare dinner on earlier. A few strands of her hair have evaded the grasp of her ponytail holder, coming down to frame her face as she scrubs away. 
“Why don’t you just save that for the morning?” Someone unseen inquires, sounding half asleep. 
She turns around to find one of your friend’s other invites moseying over to the center island, bottle of water in hand. Her face is scrunched up some, and the small bags under her eyes immediately remind Jiu of who she is.
It’s Sua, the person who pre-gamed too early and overexerted herself when the group first arrived at the cabin earlier this morning. She’s been nursing a headache for the past few hours as a result. 
The low groan that she lets out as she hauls herself onto the high-top chair makes Jiu giggle, but she stifles it to the best of her ability. The younger girl has managed to brighten everybody’s moods all day long despite feeling how she does; she's truly a gift. 
“I want to get it done so I can rest easy,” Jiu finally answers. 
Sua rolls her eyes. “Sleep now, clean later. This is a vacation for a reason, you know? We deserve to procrastinate.” She raises her bottle to her lips, taking a long drink. 
“You do that, I’ll clean,” Jiu resolves, nodding to herself. 
“Suit yourself, pabo.” 
Sua folds her arms on the countertop and lays her head down, yawning as she nuzzles her cheek against the soft material of her sweater. Jiu glances at her and smiles, amused. She appreciates her nonchalance likely more than anyone else on this trip; it’s distracted her from her worries.  
Namely, you: her biggest inconvenience. 
When news reached her of Y/BFFs/N’s plans for a week-long getaway, she was intrigued. Work had been a hassle, she was stressed, and all in all she just needed a break. So, she pulled some strings, got her shifts covered, and took the time off.
All was well for the first few hours, when everyone was at Y/BFFs/N’s house, readying up to make the long drive to the forest resort; but then you made a surprise appearance there, busting in and looking just as good as you did the last time Jiu saw you. 
Effectively, it ruined her mood.
You’d glanced at her, then, when you first walked through the door. She was the one closest to you, having been on her way to get a refill of the drink she had in hand. Truthfully, it felt like slow motion; for a second, it was like the two of you were back to where you had been all that time ago. 
When you were still together.
You crossed the threshold with an eager smile, luggage bags weighing heavy in your hands before you allowed them to slip off your fingertips and land on the ground with a soft noise of impact. She met your eye for a fleeting moment, and she unconsciously took a small step toward you. Her lips began to pull back in the soft grin that you always told her you loved, mimicking the happy expression on your face. For that foolish second, she was transfixed. Foolish.
It was as if you were looking through her; you hadn’t actually perceived her at all, really. She was a passing face as you searched for Y/BFFs/N’s, only caring to register hers. 
Just before Jiu could utter a word or reach you, a loud cheer rang out from behind her. The entirety of the group had picked up on your arrival, word spreading fast throughout the living room once one of them caught a glimpse of you. 
She cursed quietly and retreated a few steps, allowing the excited crowd to gather around you and visit. 
You happily shared the story of how your boss – who’s always regarded you with a distant indifference – finally showed her humanity and adjusted the schedules so that you could have some time off. Not the entire week, of course, but a few days to go and be with your friends. Everyone seemed genuinely happy to see you; even the ones who barely knew you, having only heard of your existence through the stories that Y/BFFs/N had told them. It all made Jiu feel like the odd one out.
But she could remember a time when just hearing your name made her heart flutter, too, so she couldn’t exactly fault them. 
From a distance, she watched you. How you moved. How your hands danced around as you explained your stories. The way your lips pouted and pursed with every syllable, almost taunting her. 
She thought she had gotten over you months ago, after things ended. She thought she was stronger than this; but clearly, moving on would be impossible with you around. That was to be done separate, no more strings attached. The idea of having to look at you, to hear your laugh, to be near you in such a way and pretend like everything was fine seemed unfathomable. With every trace of you gone, maybe, maybe then she could move on. 
Anything less destroyed even the chance of closure for her. But, she supposed, closure would just have to wait a week or so. 
25 Minutes Later
Put lightly, Jiu is avoiding you. 
After washing the grill and dishes, she took her time with leading a groggy Sua back to her room and making sure she got settled fine. She made some small talk with some of the other girls in passing, but nothing as serious as she was looking for.
She’d be happy to debate the meaning of life right now if it kept the two of you apart for a little longer.
But with lights out rapidly approaching and everyone dragging themselves to their respective rooms, she knows the chances of that are nearing zero. So, begrudgingly, she makes her way up to the suite. 
With every step she takes, she wonders what you’re doing in there. Are you already asleep? Reading? Watching television? Maybe you’re scrolling mindlessly on your phone. Maybe you’re not even in there at all. 
The questions pile up in her mind until she eventually gets fed up and decides to be unaffected for once. Or, at least, to appear that way. She shouldn’t care regardless, and she reminds herself of that fact. All the two of you have to do is make it through the night, and then something can be arranged so that you can stay far, far away from one another. Not so hard, right?
Wrong. Certifiably, absolutely, unequivocally wrong. 
When Jiu opens the bedroom door, she finds you fresh out of the shower. A lacy bra adorns your upper half, while a towel is wrapped around your waist; you’re bent over your suitcase in search of some shorts to wear.
She looks away quickly, but it’s too little too late; even as she shuts the door and turns around, pressing her forehead to the wooden surface, she can picture your body. 
She mentally curses the water droplets that run their paths down your chest and abdomen, free as they edge closer and closer to where the towel meets your waist. They touch you in a way that she never can again, and she hates that.
More specifically, she hates the fact that she wants to.
Your eyes land on her as you stand up, shorts in hand. A heavy feeling of embarrassment settles over you. 
“Uh, sorry,” you mumble, not knowing what to do. 
She turns back around to face you after a moment, but she refuses to meet your gaze. If she does, her resolve will surely falter and crumble.
“There should still be plenty of hot water left if you’d like to take a shower,” you offer, extending an olive branch of sorts. From the angle you have of her face, you can see relief spread across it. 
She wastes no time in sending you a quick thank you and slipping off to the safety of the bathroom, leaving you to question what the hell just happened.
Most of the time, she’s engaging and bold; her liveliness is one of the things that made you fall in love with her. Even at the end of your relationship, when things were falling apart, it was never like this; she never refused to look at you as many times as she had today, or been so weary anytime you entered a room. She never used to despise you so much, and as that sinks in you realize just how much it hurts.
Despite everything, you hate how unbothered she is. 
While you’ve watched her from afar all day, agonizing over the curl of her lip when someone said something witty or the sound of her easy banter with the other girls, she’s clearly been fine. Paying you no mind doesn’t seem to be a challenge for her anymore, and you dislike that more than you thought you would. 
Truth be told, you hadn’t prepared yourself for that. With the scope of your relationship and the lack of closure you received, it only made sense for you to assume she’d miss you as much as you miss her. To be just as affected now, by it all, as you have been. 
But that’s clearly not the case. 
Once she’s alone, Jiu takes the opportunity to steady herself. Her hands find their way to the cool marble countertop of the sink, and she draws in a deep breath. 
She can’t stand you. 
Now, from just that small interaction, all she can think about is you. The subdued lighting of the room only brought out your features more, leaving shadows to fall across the parts of you that were untouched by it. Your muscles pulled and strained as you sifted through your bag, parting clothes left and right in search of your shorts. She could see your face, too, looking just as kissable as always. 
She really can’t stand you. 
Defeatedly, she turns the water on. The cold streams down, unaccompanied by any real heat whatsoever; this will be a freezing shower, she’s decided. She doesn’t trust what she might do otherwise, alone in here with her thoughts of you and steam clouding her judgement. 
The subtle throb between her legs is enough to warn her; she knows she’ll do something stupid if she doesn’t stop herself now, before it has the chance to start. 
When she strips out of her clothes, she does her best to think of anything other than the way you used to undress her. How you sat on your knees before her, slowly inching her pants down as your warm lips left kisses in their wake. How you’d take your time with her panties afterward, holding eye contact with her and stopping your motions anytime she looked away. 
Even now, goosebumps rise to her skin at the memory. It was torture then, but for entirely different reasons. 
She was promised sweet release then, no matter how much you may have edged or tested her. Now she'd consider herself lucky to even be rewarded with a conversation. 
Shaking the thoughts from her head, she steps into the tub. The frigid water makes contact with her back, and she has to sink her teeth into her lower lip to keep from shouting. But if this is what it takes to keep you out of her mind, then so be it. 
The muscles of your neck and shoulders ache as you sit at the mahogany desk on the far side of the room, half-heartedly working on the report your boss asked you to start. It was what you had to give in order to take the time off, which is only reasonable. Even still, you're having a hard time staying focused. 
The desk faces one of the large bay windows of the room, overlooking the forest and mountains that surround you. Darkness completely envelops the land, save for the occasional house light far off in the distance. Moonbeams hit the treetops, coating them in a sparkle that contrasts with the midnight sky. 
Nearby, an electric fireplace crackles, reminding you of its presence. It's situated as the centerpiece of the lounge area of the suite, providing the room with some additional warmth and light from its place beneath the television. Faux flames waver within it, vibrant as they mingle with one another. Some burn brightly while others glow dimly; the wild versus the tamed.
Despite everything, maybe this trip will do you some good. Escaping the hustle and bustle of your life back home is always a plus, and being in nature never fails to ground you again. Some circumstances might be unsatisfactory, sure, but you're determined to not let that stop you from enjoying this time away. You deserve it, after all.
Just as you find the inspiration to start your reporting again, another one of your distractions makes herself known. 
From the bathroom, a pleasant humming fades in; it's Jiu, reciting the chorus to one of her favorite songs. She breaks into vocals occasionally, switching between the two. 
No matter how much you wish you could, you can't deny that it sounds perfect, coupled with the atmosphere that surrounds you. Given its range and ease, her voice has always been a comfort; getting sick of it is simply impossible. That fact annoys you, but at the same time you give up trying to fight it; you know there's no use.
It takes you back in more ways than you know how to handle, but you don’t complain. For now, you’ll bottle up this feeling and store it away for later, when you part ways and return to the chaos of your own lives. 
Maybe then you could open such a Pandora’s Box.
A few minutes later, she finally emerges from the bathroom; you attempt to ignore the urge to perk up. It's difficult, no doubt, after being left to your own devices for so long. Knowing she's so close and yet so unattainable doesn't help either. 
You don't turn around, just in case she isn't fully clothed.
It isn't anything you haven't seen before, but you're afraid you don't have that kind of permission anymore. The last thing you want to do is overstep.
Jiu wishes you'd look at her.
One thing she misses the most about you is your attention. You always paid it so freely – so willingly – rarely taking it off of her. It was ready for her anytime she wanted it, mainly because she had you so enraptured. 
Just the same as you’d always watched her, she watched you. She lived for the way your eyes lit up whenever she smiled or laughed, shining beautifully in a way they never did otherwise. She ached over how they darkened when she'd strip, parting her legs for you and putting herself on display. 
She was the art and you were the beholder. The only one she ever wanted to share herself with.
But now is a totally different time. You don't even so much as glance in her direction when she comes out, with her towel draped precariously around her body in a way that she was sure would drive you crazy.
It’s disheartening, but it doesn't make her want you any less. As she opens her bag and retrieves her clothes, slipping them on, she keeps an eye on you through the standing mirror in the corner of the room. 
Your legs spread as you readjust in the chair, making an attempt to rid your muscles of the tension within them. They're tight with the culmination of all the stress you've felt lately. 
When you allow your head to loll back, rolling from one side to the other, Jiu has to stop her wandering hands. The angle of the mirror allows her to see the way your brows knit together, pain and pleasure intermingling. She doesn't know how much longer she can stand this. 
One of your hands finds its way to your shoulder, rubbing a knot there, and Jiu gets an idea. Is it wise? Not in the slightest. But is she going to give in and go with it? Absolutely. 
What was it that Sua said earlier? This is a vacation for a reason. She can escape sound judgement and reason for now. Surely they'll return in full once you're out of the equation again, anyway.
She deserves to be a little reckless for once.
"Y/N," she calls, getting your attention. You wordlessly turn to look at her.
A bottle of lotion rests in her hands; she nervously toys with it.
"You can use some of this for your shoulders, if you want. It works pretty well." 
You consider her offer. "Thanks, but I'm alright," you declare, turning her down. "I can't reach what really hurts anyway." 
A beat passes before her eyebrows gently raise. "I can help you," she says, trying to keep the eager tone of her voice at bay. 
You pull a face. "Are you sure? You don't have to do that."
I want to, she thinks to herself.
"It's not a problem." She shakes her head, cementing her decision. "Just come here and lay down." 
You stand and relent with a soft noise of acceptance, almost imperceptibly. She takes notice of the way your eyes track down her body before dropping to the floor, lingering just a second too long for innocence. 
She dismisses the thought at once, not wanting to give herself hope.
When you cross in front of her and pause, though, slipping your shirt over your head with a subtle glance at her, it’s all she can do to restrain herself. The fading sunburn that you received earlier in the day, stretching across your nose and cheeks, looks like a natural blush from this close. 
She wants to kiss it.
“Thank you in advance,” you say over your shoulder, carefully laying down on your stomach. The fluffy comforter welcomes you in full, partially distracting and preventing you from overthinking what you’re about to experience.
She takes a steadying breath and releases it, glancing up at the ceiling like she’s pleading with a higher power. 
"Don't mention it," she dismisses, getting on the bed after you. 
In her mind, she debates the best way to go about this. Where should she sit? Overstepping the unspoken boundaries you've established isn't something she wants to do. 
Her fingertips play with the hook of your bra, sliding over the material. "Can I…" she trails off, both of you aware of what she's asking. 
"Go ahead," you permit.
She unclips the fastener and watches as the two sides fall down, fully exposing your back to her. Once you slip it off of your arms and toss it towards your suitcase, her fingertips ghost over your skin, tracing the gentle curve of your spine. 
She dons a musing smile when she notices goosebumps appearing in their wake. 
Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe all along, you've been the art and she the beholder. 
Her knees go to either side of your waist as she moves to straddle you, settling down onto you. Once she's sure you're comfortable, she retrieves the bottle of lotion from its place on the bed and squeezes some out onto her fingertips. 
It's smooth as it slides against them, medicated and cool. Her favorite brand makes it, and she never leaves the house without it. She'll be thanking her lucky stars endlessly for that habit after tonight.
Something crossed between a hiss and sigh fights past your lips when she makes contact for the first time, spreading the chilly cream across your shoulders. The attempt she made to warm it beforehand clearly didn't work as well as she thought, and she has to stifle a laugh at your reaction. 
Beneath her fingers, your muscles tense and jump; you do your best to relax them as she pushes harder, kneading them with care. She does so with a steady rhythm, using the base of her hands to loosen you up first before focusing her fingers on the more persistent knots. Every circle of her hands against you warms the lotion up more, convincing you to relax and give into the relief she’s able to provide.
You close your eyes, wanting to focus on her motions. 
What you failed to prepare yourself for, though, is the notion that she’s closer to you than ever. Only separated by the material of your shorts and hers, she sits atop you, her warm thighs trembling slightly with effort anytime she has to push herself up to reach you better. 
When she steadies herself on your lower back, splaying a hand across it, you can feel the subtle way her hips rut against your ass as she readjusts her position. 
Maybe you're just imagining it.
Serious work is put into leaving that idea behind, but at every opportunity she gets, Jiu seems to enjoy feeding your delusion. 
When she accidentally gets too much lotion at once, her solution comes in the form of leaning down and running her hands up your outstretched arms, reaching as far as she can to further spread it. In the process, her front presses against the length of your body; her breathing is shuddered, too, just like yours. 
Did she do that to show you it’s mutual?
If only you knew.
Her eager eyes rake over your body, pleased to have you like this in front of her. At her mercy, reacting to the faintest of touches. Possessing this kind of power again makes her feel brave in a dangerous way; should things continue like this unchecked, she might do something impulsive.
But, is she to be blamed? No; she rejects that. 
The subtle rock of your hips is far guiltier than her, adding fuel to the fire of her imagination. The way your hands fist in the sheets, fingers twisting in a show of pain and pleasure whenever she hits a particularly sensitive spot, are in the wrong; the sight makes her wonder, for a desperate second, how they would feel in her hair. 
Her motions – now more wanton, unafraid of touching you – grow a little more rough, shying away from demurity. They’ve arrived at your waist now; a risky place to be. 
She can tell that the appropriate amount of time for two exes to spend doing something like this is dwindling fast; the window of propriety will be closing soon, leaving any further contact between the two of you up for suspicion. She’s aware of that, and yet she has no desire to stop.
In this game of yours, she’s merely a pawn; that’s something she realizes when the sound of a guttural, appreciative moan from you makes her heart flutter wildly. 
She freezes in place, taking a cautious breath; she shouldn’t have enjoyed it as much as she did.
A few beats pass… one…. another…. before you ultimately take her stunned reaction as a sign of discomfort.
“Uh, thanks again,” you say quietly, suddenly feeling ten times too exposed and five hundred degrees too hot. A couple taps to her leg gives her the memo, and she climbs off of you.
Embarrassed and upset with yourself for doing such a thing, you refuse to even so much as make eye contact with her again. 
An apology from you fizzles into the air, but she’s still too overwhelmed to fully process what just transpired. It all happened too fast; she wants to go back and relive it, but it’s too late. You’re already slipping your shirt back on and burying yourself under the covers, humiliated. When you cover your face with the pillow, debating on smothering yourself, she spares you by reaching over and turning the lamp off. 
She lifts her side of the covers afterward, getting in beside you. You face away from one another, back to back, establishing distance once again.
This night is proving to be anything but predictable.
2:07 AM
Insects perform their songs outside, languidly calling to one another from high above – nestled in the leaves of the tree tops – and far below, amid the grassy trails and branching networks of hills. All is calm… until it isn’t.
Suddenly, the stillness of the night is interrupted by a recurring, unintelligible noise. 
The first time you hear it, you ignore it, opting instead to bury your head a little deeper into your pillow. It's probably just the house settling or something outside, you reason.
The second time, you're annoyed enough to pause your attempt at restful sleep with the hopes of discovering its source and stopping it.
It comes again a little later, but from somewhere you never would've expected. Rather, you suppose, someone.
Your name takes the shape of a mumble as it slips through Jiu's lips, altered slightly from how her cheek is pressed to her pillow. Any other time you might find it exciting to hear her say it, but here and now, you can't say you do. 
Warmth spreads to your cheeks as your sleepy mind recalls what happened just a few hours ago, making you relive your embarrassment.
The noise comes again, and a little louder this time; an irritated groan leaves you as you take one of the throw pillows and nudge her, attempting to quiet her. It seems to work for a minute, but just as you settle back down to rest again, something even worse happens.
"Y/N… ah," she moans, her voice breathy and ragged. 
Is she...?
Your eyes open wide when you realize what's taking place right beside you.
Jiu is totally having a sex dream about you.
What a revelation to have.
She writhes in search of relief, causing the covers to fall down her body and expose more of it. Her pajama top, too, has ridden up and ruffled in her pursuit of friction. 
She looks an absolute mess, you realize, as you roll over to look at her. Her hair splays across the pillow in every which way, her chest rises and falls at a faster rate than normal, and her thighs push together to lessen the throbbing between them. Your blood runs cold when you notice that she isn’t wearing her shorts anymore. Only a pair of lacy, white panties conceal her, gleaming in the moonlight with a softness that begs to be touched.
Hot and bothered is the only way to describe her.
"Please," she whines, desperation hanging heavy on the tones of her voice. 
Selfishly, you don’t wake her right away. Seeing her like this, so close and beautiful, is something you don’t want to give up again. At least not yet.
Her full lips part as her head pushes into the pillow, exposing her neck. Her muscles are pulled taut as she squirms; her hands fisted in the sheets at her sides. A thin sheen of sweat is visible on her forehead, showing just how affected she is. 
Maybe you should play nice and put an end to her suffering…
Her hips begin to rock, slowly at first; the motion draws a soft sigh from her as she finally gets some relief. Your body begs you to touch her in some way, feeling your own desire grow at the sight of her. 
Unconsciously – and to prevent you from reaching out to her – your fingers thread themselves in the cover that's thrown haphazardly over you. You bite your lip to keep it busy; otherwise you'd be tempted to wake her up with your mouth, as she's asked you to before.
Only when your own arousal becomes too much to bear do you decide to end this little game. 
She whimpers when you move in closer, still a world away. Her hand falls on your thigh, however, making you falter for a moment. It's warm and dangerously close to your center, trembling slightly against you. Her nails threaten to leave indentations, should she flex her fingers the right way.
Unable to deny yourself such a simple pleasure, you allow it to stay where it is. 
She doesn't stir. If anything, the sound of your voice only drags her further under. Her breath hitches in time with another stutter of her hips.
You'll have to try harder.
“Jiu, wake up,” you whisper, leaving a kiss on her cheek. Your lips hover nearby to utter her name again, should they need to.
Gently, you bring a hand to her shoulder and shake it, hoping to coax her out of her dream and back to reality. After a moment, your plan works; her eyes open gingerly, blinking a few times to adjust from her daze. 
“Y/N?” Confusion is prevalent in her voice, coupled with her drowsiness. It’s cute, really, and it takes you back to all the mornings you would wake up by her side. 
“It’s me; I'm here,” you reassure her, moving your hand to her hip. Now with your arm stretched across her body, you can feel the warmth radiating from her. It starkly contrasts with the chilly air of the room, making you want to hide away under the covers and pull her in close. 
But, of course, you refrain. That’s not something you can do anymore.
Her dark eyes shine in what little light the room has to offer, gazing up at you with a sweet innocence that you find endearing. She's vulnerable in this state, and yet by the way she shifts closer in your arms, she makes it known that she trusts you. 
You watch as her gaze travels down your arm, towards where your hand still rests against her hip. Momentarily, she looks as if she's questioning something within her mind – attempting to piece something together. 
"Y/N, did we…?" She trails off, unsure. 
"Did we what?" You push, testing the waters. You have an idea of what she wants to know, but hearing her say it would be so much better. 
Surprisingly, she puts her hand over yours, keeping it in place. 
"Did we have sex?" The question comes out in a husky whisper as she makes an effort to be quiet.
You shake your head in reply as a slightly humored smile works its way onto your lips. 
The movement draws her attention to them; they're a beautiful shade, with the moonlight hitting them just right. She can't find it in herself to look away. 
A few seconds pass before you speak again; her hand grips yours a little tighter. 
"It was just a dream. You–"
Your explanation is cut short by her lips as they press to your own in a swift kiss. 
You pull away at once, almost like you've been burned. Why would she do that? 
Both of you pause, regarding one another. Your eyes work hard to decipher her intentions – what she wants – through the darkness of the room, as if they have such a gift. Hers do the same, searching your face for the answer she wants.
She gets it in another form, however, as your hand slides higher on her waist. Her heart lurches in her chest, its rate increasing somehow. Part of her is afraid you can feel it; but, truthfully, that's exactly what she wants. If you could feel how badly she needs you in this moment, maybe you'd show some mercy and help her. 
Tension hangs heavy in the air of the room as she slips her hand higher, too, moving it between your thighs. The heat that's come to pool there encourages her, compelling her to cup you through your clothes. 
You gasp, earning a smile from her. You clearly aren't as over her as you pretend to be. 
Empowered, she rolls you over, trading your positions. Now she hovers over you as you lie on your back, waiting with bated breath to see what she'll do. 
Her hand slides up and over the waistband of your shorts slowly, edging closer and closer to your center with only your panties separating her from you. Your eyes flutter closed in response.
"I'm going to kiss you again," she whispers, sounding more confident than ever. "If you want me to stop, tell me. Okay?" 
You nod, trying to stay still. Fighting the urge to rock your hips into her hand is easier said than done.
She leans into you, letting her body mold into yours as she shuffles closer. She replaces the hand between your thighs with a leg, giving you something to grind against. You thank her by slipping your hands beneath her top and pulling it over her head.
"Beautiful," you whisper against her lips, as she presses them to yours again. You take her into your arms in a safe embrace, sighing into her mouth when her bare chest rubs against you. The thin material of your shirt does little to obstruct the feeling. 
Though the shadows hide it, a deep, crimson blush warms her cheeks. She can taste the cinnamon toothpaste that you used earlier and smell the familiar scent of your hair products. You still use the same ones, she realizes. 
Her leg flexes instinctively as you cup her cheek and deepen the kiss, tilting your head to the side. As you raise your hips to meet hers, she slides a hand up to your chest to offer it some attention. A pitiful noise leaves you when she makes contact, cupping your breasts. She pulls away from your lips to admire you, wanting to see the effect she has.
“Such a pretty thing,” she compliments, feeling arrogant when you bite your lip to stifle a moan. She toys with you like a plaything, switching her movements every so often to garner different reactions. You’re restoring her confidence without even trying; such sweet oblivion.
What she doesn’t fully grasp in the moment, though, is that your arrangement is very much so a two way street. You demonstrate the power you still have over her as you take hold of her hips, pulling them down as you thrust up to meet them. 
Just as her thigh is between your legs, so is yours between hers; the mutual relief you receive at the motion entices you, making you repeat it.
She curses into your ear, the sound so full of raw desire that you nearly lose all sense of reason right then and there. Her head falls against your shoulder in ecstasy as she revels a little longer, enjoying the heat that spreads throughout her body the more you touch her.
It’s just like it used to be in so many ways, but somehow new. Still exciting. Still everything she hoped for.
Her lips find their way to your cheek in the darkness, leaving a trail of kisses downward, along your jawline and neck. They’re desperate and needy, accompanied by her shuddered breaths as she attempts to convey everything you’re making her feel. She can only cross her fingers and hope that it’s mutual.
“Come here,” you instruct, tapping her leg. She understands in an instant, wordlessly repositioning herself so that she’s straddling your waist now. The new angle is even more comfortable, and she sits back to give you a better look at her body as a way of expressing her gratitude. Her perky breasts are on full display, looking absolutely divine above the lines of her abs. You run a finger over the latter, tracing the hard-earned muscles in admiration. 
Subtly, her hips begin to gyrate. She wants the movement to be tortuous, starting slow and building up until you can’t take it anymore. It’s only fair to give you a taste of your own medicine after all this time. 
“Shit, Jiu,” you exhale, glancing down to where you’re joined. Her panties glisten as she writhes, displaying the wet spot that you’ve caused; when her grinding becomes a little sloppier, you can feel her slick spread to your abdomen. 
"You like that, baby?" She muses, breathing heavy. You nod vehemently, not quite trusting your voice enough to speak yet. 
You splay a hand across her pelvis, using your thumb to tease her clit. 
She shakes as a surprised, broken moan slips out of her mouth. It’s louder than either of you expected it to be, and you find yourselves wanting to laugh for a moment.
“Play fair,” she warns, glaring at you. “...unless you want to wake everyone in the house up?” It’s posed as a question rather than a statement. 
“I wouldn’t be–” you pause, exhaling when she presses into you a little harder, cocking a brow, “...opposed to that, necessarily.” 
A sexy smile plays on her lips, making them look more kissable than ever. “No?” Something dangerous shines in her eyes.
“Try me.”
She bites her lip, weighing her options. You asked for it.
Her voice is whiny when she speaks again, and about five times louder than necessary at that. “I need you, Y/N. Please…” her hands thread into her hair exaggeratedly, playing into the show she’s giving. “Fuck me–”
You sit up at once, clasping a hand over her mouth and using the length of your body to push her backwards and pin her down against the bed. Adrenaline surges through your veins as you remain deathly still for a few tense seconds, trying to make sure her little stunt didn’t actually wake anybody up. 
You didn’t really think she’d do it.
The sound of distant footsteps fills the hall, a series of padding and waiting, before the latch of a bedroom door clicks. The floorboards creak… someone's weight shifting from one foot to the other as they peek into the hall. 
Jiu smiles against your palm, feeling every thump of your nervous heart. 
When she wraps her legs around your waist and slips a hand between your bodies, your eyes screw tightly shut. 
"Stop," you whisper, the noise like harsh wind on a calm night. 
Her wanting eyes peer up at you, observing. The situation is delicate, so that's exactly how she'll treat it. 
Slowly, she places her free hand beside her head on the bed and glances at it, inviting you to hold it. Upon hesitantly removing your own from her mouth, you thread your fingers with hers as you pin it down.
Innocently, she kisses your neck again, just above your pulse point. Her warm breath tickles your skin, only further stirring the fire within you. 
"Do you really want me to?" She asks, voice sinful and rich. Her lips still, full and tempting, awaiting your answer.
Another door opens somewhere else in the house, followed by heavy footsteps. Someone trekking to the kitchen, it seems. Your mouth runs dry.
Her fingers toy with the hem of your shorts, edging them down little by little. "Say it again and I will," she promises. "Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop." 
You sigh as she pulls your panties to the side, finally slipping her hand past the material. She finds your clit easily, with no real effort necessary; she knows your body now just the same as she did before. 
"I…" you start, fighting back a stutter. Two of her fingers dip down to your entrance, gathering up some of your wetness. "...I can't." 
"You can't what, Y/N?" She moves her fingers left and right, teasing. 
"I can't say I don't want you," you groan, annoyance bubbling up within you. 
"Why not?" You can tell she's smirking just by the sound of her voice. 
"Because I'm sick of lying," you admit. "I've always wanted you." 
Her cocky attitude falters. 
A beat passes.
All footsteps outside retreat back into their respective rooms, and closing doors resound shortly after. 
Effectively, the two of you are alone again.
Silence prevails following your confession – an eternal moment unbroken by any words of reciprocation from her. It lends your mind to chaos, filling it with worry.
You shouldn't have said anything. This was a mistake. 
Embarrassed, you sit up and remove yourself from Jiu, moving towards the edge of the bed. She reaches out for you, though you don't see it. 
"I'm sorry," your head shakes, discontent. "I shouldn't have–"
"Shush," she commands, surprising you. She refuses to let this end like before, with you retreating and shutting her out.
Your eyebrows raise as you turn to look at her; she still lays where you left her, only now she's propped up on her elbows. 
"Don't say you regret it. Please." Her voice sounds small. 
"But I thought…" 
Her eyes remain on you as she sits up, carefully moving to sit next to you on her knees. 
"I never stopped either, Y/N. I just couldn't believe you've felt the same all this time." She explains, not wanting you to misinterpret her silence any longer. 
Your fingers toy at your thighs, still jittery with nerves. She notices, and lays a comforting hand on top of them.
"I've missed you," she adds. Softly, quietly. So as to not disturb this process. Together, you're beginning to pick up the pieces of what you let slip through your fingers before. 
"Me too," you reassure her, bringing a hand up to caress her cheek. She leans into your touch, letting her eyes fall shut. 
The walls she so adamantly built around her heart are lowering, little by little, and the notion scares her. If she gives herself to you tonight and you end up walking away, she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to recover. 
“I’ve got you." The phrase sounds like a promise from your heart to hers; it’s as if you read her mind. “I won’t let things get in the way like before.”
She looks at you again, peeking her eyes open. The earnest look on your face is sincere enough to convince her of anything. “I’ll spend however long it takes proving it to you, Jiu.”
Her eyes shine with unshed tears. “I believe that.”
“Good,” you say, releasing a small breath of anticipation you hadn’t realized you were holding in.
She squeezes your hand three times, reminding you of the past. 
Nostalgia befalls you, both in good ways and bad. So much regret exists between the two of you, centering around the breakup that neither of you really wanted in the first place. Life got in the way, then, and you were both too naive to fight against what you thought were fate’s currents. 
It was decided that if you couldn’t be together, you’d have to settle for the ghost of one another. 
Jiu found you in midnight moonlight, shining brightly amid the darkest of hours. You ruled from high above, with your impact spanning further than you ever realized. 
She found you in the sound of laughter – the kind that starts by surprise, bubbling up from within and spilling out in a way that couldn’t not be contagious. The kind that everyone appreciates when they tell a joke with their fingers crossed, hoping it lands. 
In warm tea and fireside reading you resided; a comforting hug on winter’s coldest day.
But traces of you were left behind in unwanted places, too, like fingerprints on a window. No matter how many cycles of washing and drying her sheets went through, they still smelled like you. 
Her skin still remembered the way you touched her, igniting a fire that only you could put out. Her lips remembered your taste, knowing nothing could compare. She tried, for a time, to replace the imprints you left behind; but her efforts were in vain. 
You were her mirage in the desert; a distant, elusive dream. Glimmering with untapped potential, waiting to be caught. She ebbed, you flowed. That’s how you would be, then and forever.
Or so she thought.
Had she known that she was the Sun to you, perhaps her hope would’ve been restored. 
Or maybe she would have laughed, knowing that you found her in the strangest of places. Like seatbelts, for instance, and napkins; always necessary, and always staving off the bad that the world had to offer. 
She was the chilly blast of air provided by the AC on summer’s most humid day, greeting you at the door of every shop you entered. 
She was the sleepy delirium you slipped into on your days off, all pleasant dreams and comfortable positions.
The flowers and blossoms of the world were all her kisses, like a goddess’s gift to the Earth. Elegant, sweet, perfect. Being showered in them was a good luck charm; they rode the air currents on spring days, fluttering greetings on their way.
Coming home. To you, that was her. The familiarity of the floorboards, knowing where to step to avoid them creaking; the refrigerator light against a pitch-black kitchen, its crescent shape holding the darkness at bay; the support of your bed, offering relief to the parts of you that needed it most.
Truth be told, both of you found each other in everything. Bits and pieces, all fragments far too small to equate to the immensity of what you shared. Glimpses would never do in the long run, and you knew that. But what else were you to do?
Perhaps that silent hope that you held out, all daydreams and utterances of what if, swayed the universe into this. Into giving you an in; an opportunity to right your wrongs. A chance to hold tighter, this time, and accept trials and tribulations as signs of growth to be handled together – not reasons to give up. 
You feel yourself smiling before you realize you’re even doing it. Her presence has a whole new meaning now, a whole slew of possible outcomes. Wherever the two of you decide to take things is up to you again; there’s nothing holding you back anymore. 
She brings a hand up to your cheek, brushing her thumb across your soft skin. Even just holding you like this, so simply, is something she’s been longing for. Since the day you walked into her life, you’ve ruled her world without even knowing it. Sweet oblivion, yet again.
“Kiss me,” she says, after a moment. It draws you from the hold of her spell, bringing you back down to Earth. 
You obey with a smile, but just before your lips meet hers, she stops you. She didn’t mean there.
“Here,” she corrects, as her hand guides yours back between her thighs. She’s wetter now than she was before, somehow, and you moan against her at the feeling. She muffles the noise with a kiss of her own, knowing how badly you need it. 
She bites your lip as she pulls away. “We’re not leaving this bed until you’ve made up for every night we’ve been apart. Do you understand me?”
You sigh, half-amused. “I’m fairly certain that the group is going hiking in the morning,” you inform, “...so I think it’s important that you’re still able to walk for that.”
“Who says we have to join them?” She raises a brow, pushing you down onto the bed and moving to straddle you again. 
You pull a face, feigning concern. “You wouldn’t want to be improper, now would you?” 
Her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug, accepting no blame. “What happens is up to you. Take me now or forever hold your peace.” She declares it proudly, posing herself before you. 
The view of her on top of you – nearly naked, her body humming with want, waiting for your touch – dispels any and all remnants of humor. Your shared desire wins out, filling the air of the room; she’s aware of her power over you, but she’d be a liar to act as if watching your eyes darken didn’t make her stomach flip just like it did the first time you ever took her. 
With a hushed curse, you capture her lips in a searing kiss. She gasps into it when you roughly pull her panties down, showing little care in being gentle now. Her response comes in a similar form, with her hastily tugging your shirt over your head; once you’re exposed to her, she can’t help but stare. She admires every curve like it’s the first time she’s seen it; every line like it’s her last. It’s adoration and desperation, all at once; appreciating it all is important to her, but so too is relearning it. 
Luckily for you, she happens to be best at a hands-on approach.
Her nails drag across your abdomen on their way downward, leaving faint marks on your sensitive skin; she can’t wait to see how many she can leave on you. It’s always been one of her favorite things to do.
In one fluid motion you flip her over, cradling her close in the process. Her hands cup your cheeks as she kisses you, and you hurriedly remove any remaining clothes from your bodies. 
She spreads her legs for you as you begin to slide down her body, leaving one final kiss to her lips. 
Her hands hold your hair up as you explore her abdomen, painting her fair skin with an array of love bites. Her nails dig into your scalp when her impatience hits a high, making you smile against her despite the sting. 
She hums appreciatively when you finally slide your hand down, ready to prepare her for what she wants most. She’s absolutely soaked, and by the whine that she lets out when you press your palm to her clit, it’s safe to say that she’ll only get worse. The bed sheets below her have already received some of her slick, proudly displaying a wet spot for you to bear witness to. 
“Enough teasing, jagi,” she groans, breathless and tired of your games. With shut eyes and furrowed brows, she pushes her head back into her pillow and takes up the writhing again that she had become so good at earlier. Her hands fall to your shoulders, pushing you down further.
You settle her thighs on your shoulders, basking in how smooth and warm they are around you. She’s perfection in human form; divinity personified.
“Keep it down, Jiu,” you command, taking control. “If you pull another stunt like earlier, I’m stopping altogether.”
She nods feverishly, lacking the desire to be a brat anymore. If playing nice is what it takes to have you, then so be it. That promise of release is finally back again, after all this time, and she can let herself get lost in you. 
These four walls – what she once loathed – are creating an oasis.
Her personal utopia.
The Next Morning
Overzealous birds work as your alarm clock of sorts, claiming the prize of waking you up. You blink the sleep from your eyes and stretch, feeling a pleasant soreness in parts of your body it hadn’t been before last night. The ache reminds you of everything you did just a few hours ago, and you find yourself smiling like an idiot as you roll over to greet the resident sadist next to you.
When your hand meets the cold, empty expanse of the bed instead, your expression sours.
The bedside table is void of any note or message, too, you discover, though your phone sits atop it, charging. At some point this morning she must’ve plugged it in for you. Sweet, but not enough. You wanted to wake up in her arms, or at the very least next to her. 
Grumbling, you sit up and head to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
You have no idea what the day will hold for the two of you.
Clean and dressed, you take a seat on the bed. Your fingertips mindlessly press to the hickey on your neck – one of the many, many that you discovered as you got ready – rubbing patterns against the abused skin there.
You unplug your phone and turn it on, mentally crossing your fingers as you scan through your message notifications for her name. 
Your pursuit proves fruitless. Not even a text.
You huff like a child, rolling your eyes. So much for a vacation; now you’re stressed all over again. 
When staring a hole into your phone doesn’t result in her notification magically popping up, you decide to give it a rest.
Standing up, you slip it into your back pocket and head for the door, ready to track Y/BFFs/N down and tell her everything.
However those plans, too, come to a screeching halt right before your eyes as you swing the door open to reveal a shocked Jiu. Your timing truly is impeccable.
“AHHH!” She shrieks, frightened. 
She hastily scrambles to keep the large tray in her hands upright and off of the floor. 
Spilling the spread of foods she just finished preparing for the two of you doesn’t sound too appealing to her, after all.
Immediately, you spring into action and successfully help steady it. Some fruits fell out of their separate containers and a bit of milk spilled over the side of its jar, but all of that is easily fixable. Jiu releases a tense breath as she realizes that the worst case scenario was avoided, but she glares at you as she pushes her way into the room.
“Pabo,” she mutters, striding over to the bed. The slight limp in her step makes you smile inwardly, proud of yourself.
Once the food is safely laid down and she cleans up what spilled, she turns to look at you. 
“Sorry,” you mitigate, grimacing. When you approach her and look at everything she put together, your annoyance from before gives way to guilt. A plethora of your favorite foods decorates the tray, assembled with love.
She regards you for a moment, pretending to be angry. When her eyes land on one of the darkening marks on your neck, pleased mischief comes to gleam in them.
“You’re lucky I like you,” she threatens, pointing a finger at you.
Playfully, you bite the tip of it. 
“I’m aware, jagi.”
Cautiously, you ease your arms around her waist, ready to pull away if need be. Although her lips still rest in an unamused pout, she doesn’t stop you. 
The jackhammering of her heart has eased now, and you can feel its pace returning to normal as you draw her into your arms. She loops hers around your neck and sweetly presses her cheek to yours, content with staying like that for a bit.
You sway gently, rocking from side to side. This definitely makes up for the rude awakening you received earlier.
Once you’re satisfied, you pull away enough to look at her. Your fingertips brush a few stray strands of hair out of her face, tucking them behind her ear. She leans in, finally kissing you good morning.
“Ready to eat?”
Your lips purse in mock contemplation as you scan the food again. 
"Mmm, five more minutes?" You suggest, leaning forward to kiss her again. She laughs into the embrace lightly, returning the gesture. 
Her lips taste of the strawberries and cherries that she stole bites of earlier, as she cooked. It's addicting, you find, when she deepens the kiss and wraps herself around you, melting into your arms. You hold her close, just like she wants. 
"Does this mean…" she mumbles between kisses, "we're still gonna room together?" 
You pause to laugh. "Yeah, jagi. We're still roommates. No getting rid of me now." 
She replaces her lips on yours, kissing them again and again as you attempt to control the growing smile on your face. She sweetly cups your cheeks, rubbing her thumbs across them as you continue.
Abruptly, jarring clapping resounds from the doorway. Fake sniffling can also be heard, and so the two of you look up to investigate. 
It's none other than Sua and Y/BFFs/N, standing side by side with their hands clasped tightly together like proud parents. 
"I told you it would happen," Sua wails, dabbing fake tears from the corner of her eye. Y/BFFs/N agrees, nodding enthusiastically. 
“Mission accomplished,” she quips, looking straight at you. 
It seems as though they had been playing Cupid all along…
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minjiarchive · 1 year
"wear my clothes" | jiu x fem!reader
<3 pure fluff for my fav girl on earth, lowkey half assed this bc its night and im just going off on what my mind is telling me to write lolol
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“minji... your hands are cold and i'm already freezing!” her arm wrapped your waist to pull you tighter to her chest. the immediate touch of her cold hands to your sides made you shiver in response, earning a small giggle from her.
“sorry baby! i'm just teasing,” she tried hugging you closer in hope that you'll warm up soon but you still felt colder than ever. despite being freezing cold, minji held you so close that if she were to pull away, you'd pull her back in in a second. her keeping you somewhat warm isn't necessarily why you wouldn't want her to stop cuddling you but it's the way she does that makes you attracted to her even more.
“sweetheart, why aren't you wearing something warm if you're so cold?”
“because i'd rather have you holding me close than a piece of fabric.” you said in a cheeky manner. you weren't wrong though; she actually found it quite sweet. but it concerned her by how bad you were shivering still. her fingers ghosted your skin softly and she felt goosebumps all over your arm. although you didn't seem to be bother by the cold, she could tell you were trying to keep it in.
“you're so cute, darling, but please go wear a jacket.” minji pouted and looked at you with her innocent eyes that are almost impossible to not make you weak in your knees. you didn't want to disobey her (knowing she's also older than you and that you should listen to her) but you were so comfortable – besides the annoying temperature. due to the amount of affection minji was showing to you, it would take a lot to get you up and going. exceptions are made when it comes to your girlfriend of course.
“... please for me?” she tilted her head slightly to the side which finally broke you to get up and get another layer of something warm.
“how could i ever say no to you,” one kiss to her cheek,
“just keep my side warm on the couch!” and another one on her lips.
“minji...” you called out to her from your bedroom while you relentlessly searched through your drawers and closets for this one specific hoodie you loved wearing so much. you figured it could be in the laundry but you swore you washed it a couple of days ago.
“yes y/n?” she paused the movie to check up on you after hearing the rustling and quiet mumbles from you. but when she got there, minji spotted you in the corner of your room, all slouched against the closet. “babe, what's wrong? talk to me”
“i can't find my favorite hoodie.”
minji looked at you straight in the eyes, noticing the subtle despair on your face that you tried to hide. all your other hoodies and jackets were in the laundry so basically you didn't have any other warm clothes to wear.
she shook her head and hooked her fingers under your chin, she stared at you with the softest gaze ever to put your mind at ease. minji took one of your hands and squeezed them tightly – one of the things she did to have you pay attention to her and reassure you it's going to be okay.
“hey look at me, don't be sad okay? wear my clothes instead, they look better on you anyways.”
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awisespirit · 7 months
Right now, I really want to be layed down with Minji cuddling on her bed. Under her warm blanket as rain pours outside.
I want her to kiss me slowly and praise me for being a good pup for her. All so fluffy.
14 notes · View notes
ot7stan4life · 9 months
“It’s Not Wrong”
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Dreamcatcher (OT7) x Female Reader
Word Count: 8,980
Summary: As the 8th member of Dreamcatcher, you struggle with your growing attraction towards your members, because, in your mind, loving seven different people isn’t natural and couldn’t possibly be considered acceptable by any normal human being… so why would they be okay with it?
“It- it’s wrong.”
“You love us, how is there anything wrong with that?”
Warnings: angst, brief mentions of homophobia, mild sexual content
The audience's excited screams echoed around the arena as we all waved our goodbyes, fading only when the lift lowered us beneath the stage, yet never leaving my mind completely. Even when our managers herded us into two separate black vans that would be taking us to a nearby hotel, the adrenaline pumping through my veins and the dull roar of what sounded like waves rushing in my ears from a night of being stimulated by loud music were permanent reminders of the performance we had just put on.
Kcon LA. It was a big deal for a group of our scale. And, after singing in front of a crowd of that size (one bigger than we had ever seen before), I could tell the members were feeling as elated as I was. If the way Bora pulled me down the hall when we arrived at the hotel and shoved me into our shared room with Minji and Siyeon following closely behind was anything to go off of, I'd guess I was about to experience what being on the receiving end of the dancer's excited energy entailed. I didn't know whether to be excited myself or utterly terrified.
Luckily I was able to convince them to let me have the first shower—which they only agreed upon under the promise that I would stay up to entertain them (not sure what that meant exactly, but I was honestly too afraid to ask)—and immediately took the first chance I got to slip into the bathroom before any chaos ensued. Just fifteen minutes later, my sore muscles had been soothed by the warm water and I was drying off, finally allowing myself to wind down for the night. My conflicting feelings for the members had really been getting to me lately, but I was thankful our busy schedule helped keep my mind off of it.
Though, I had a feeling those emotions would become unavoidable sooner rather than later when I realized I forgot to grab a change of clothes from my suitcase. Even more unfortunately, the only towels in the bathroom were borderline too small to cover all of my... assets.
Wrapping the towel around me as best as I could, I crossed my fingers hoping the members occupying the hotel room had left to get some food or weren't paying attention before I opened the door. Though, my luck ran short not even two steps out of the bathroom when Siyeon began cat-calling me.
"Yah, sexy," she shouted. I froze, looking over at her timidly. "Come over here. Don't be shy." The singer was clearly joking around, but that didn't stop me from blushing at her words.
"What?" Bora laughed at Siyeon's weird behavior. Seconds later, her curious head popped out from behind the wall where she had been sitting to see what the older woman was looking at. I wanted to strangle Siyeon the moment Bora's eyes widened at the sight of me. "Ooooh," she exclaimed, her eyes shamelessly raking over the bare skin my towel failed to cover while a smirk creeped onto her lips.
Attempting to ignore them, I walked further into the room in search of my suitcase. That only made things worse when Minji was finally able to see me and they all started making shocked and impressed noises. "Ooh, so sexy," Minji doted. My cheeks burned being the center of attention and feeling incredibly exposed.
"Omo, jagi," Bora started, "did you come to give us a show?"
My heart skipped a beat.
"Yah!" I shouted in surprise, stopping to look back at her. Actually seeing all of their eyes on me, confirming that they really had been staring this whole time, made my knees go weak. "I forgot to grab a change of clothes, alright?" My voice came out angry, but they caught the hint of a smile on my lips before I could hide it.
Bora started giggling. "Look at how embarrassed she is." Her finger pointed up at me as if they weren't all already looking.
Siyeon laughed, but Minji scolded, "Yah, leave her alone." I nearly fell for how caring the leader sounded, but then I noticed her eyes lingering for a second too long on my bare thighs. She was just as bad as them.
"Oh c'mon, you like it too, unnie," Siyeon said, "don't kill the fun."
"Yeah, the best part's just starting," Bora scooted to the edge of the bed. "I haven't even gotten to touch her yet." My eyes blew wide and I only had a split second to guard myself before the small woman launched from the bed and ran over to start groping me.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled. With one hand holding up my towel, I only had one left to try and block her attacks. This allowed the main dancer to get a few quick squeezes of my thighs and one of my ass over the towel before I ran to the other side of the room, out of her reach. "Stop it," I squealed as she chased after me.
Bora was all giggles while I was full on panicking—for several reasons. Before I could seek safety in the bathroom, the small woman stopped me halfway with a shove. Minji was yelling at us to not get hurt and Siyeon was just laughing as they watched the whole thing pan out. The atmosphere changed quickly though when Bora pinned me against the wall. Even with her being a head shorter than me, I still felt trapped. My pulse throbbed in my ears as I breathed heavily from both the running and the way Bora's small hands had felt against my bare skin.
Miraculously, I had managed to keep the towel on with one hand while the other held cautiously onto Bora as she stood on her tippy toes so that we were nearly face-to-face. Her hands were not as innocent, one at the base of my neck, teasingly traveling downwards while the other lay flat against my stomach, pushing my back into the wall. We were so close that her nose nearly brushed mine when she looked down, not-so-subtly admiring the curve of my breasts revealed by the towel. Her other hand traveled lower, getting a feel for the skin on the back of my thigh.
"You're not even going to give me a little peek?" She whispered just for us to hear, her fingertips dragging closer to what she really wanted to feel. I found my mind fixated on that word: me. It was no longer an us. She didn't care about playing it up for the others. No, it was just her who wanted it now.
Her eyes flicked up to mine, showing me the want deep within them as her fingers gripped the curve if my butt. "Unnie," I gasped, feeling at a loss for words. She had done this stuff plenty of times. The teasing, the flirting, even the ass-grabbing. She was Kim Bora after all. It was to be expected. What was not expected though was the hint of desperation I caught from her in that moment. If she happened to be feeling any fraction of what I had felt for her in the past two years, I knew she was searching for any sort of confirmation or reciprocation of her own feelings from me. And this felt like a confession.
I found myself involuntarily glancing down at her lips. So many countless nights I had spent imagining what they might feel like against mine, overwhelmed by an excited thrill wondering if she'd be just as aggressive in intimate moments as she was normally or if she'd break character, acting more calm and submissive. All these possibilities made my stomach burn and I knew I should stop before my arousal became evident on my thighs, but it was so hard to when she was looking at me like that.
The fact that her and I were not alone was a rude awakening the moment Minji appeared next to us, pulling Bora away just before either of us could lean in and do something we might regret later. Had I not known any better, I might've considered Minji's stern gaze and cocked jaw a sign of jealousy as she berated the younger member for touching me in such a way. But I did know better, brushing it off as merely her protectiveness required as our leader. With no shortage of fussing, the dancer eventually let in, giving me one final once-over before allowing me to grab my clothes and retreat to the bathroom.
When I was successfully clothed, I returned to the room to find the unnie line carrying on as if nothing had ever happened. It had me debating if it was all a dream, but the sting of Bora's firm grip on my sensitive skin still lingered, evidence enough of the encounter. After something like that, they normally wouldn't shut up about it, finding joy in teasing me for days on end. The unusual silence seemed strange. Still, it meant less embarrassment for me, so I gladly ignored it, settling down on the bed Bora was currently on the edge of.
About half an hour of casual conversation had passed between the four of us without anything eventful occurring. It wasn't until Bora started getting loopy from her increasing tiredness that things began to ramp up once more. I made the mistake of joking about her loud voice surely sending everyone in the audience home with hearing problems, resulting in her initiating a wrestling match between us on the bed. She griped at me for being such a 'brat,' grabbing and violently shaking any body part of mine that she could get ahold of.
I couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably at the sensation of her tiny hands pinching at my skin and how easy she was to offend, and now I was beginning to understand why Yoohyeon found it so fun to toy with her. Well, that is... until Bora landed on top of me, straddling my hips with a suddenly very different goal in mind. The abrupt change in mood had my body stilling completely under her. When I dared to meet her stare, I caught a glint of mischief in it that surely couldn't be leading anywhere good.
Like before, her hands pressed down on my stomach to keep my back flat against the bed. Tilting her head to the side, she looked down at me, raising her eyebrows up once before lowering them again. "Your move," she smirked, already conducting another one of her games that would surely end in chaos.
Looking to my left, I noticed Minji and Siyeon watching us with cautious eyes. There was this sort of rush it gave me, just like the concert, that dared me to continue. They had so often tested the boundaries of our relationships, so why couldn't I do the same? Knowing that it would surprise them made it seem that much more tempting. Now that I wasn't exposed and had been handed back the control, I wanted to give them a show.
So, without even considering the repercussions of my actions, I grabbed Bora's hips and pushed her over. She squealed in shock when I ended up on top of her, my body resting between her legs. "Your move." A satisfied smile formed on my lips when I heard the other two members let out mumbles of surprise. Bora didn't allow me to bask in my victory much longer, always insistent on one-uping me. She liked when I got like this more than she'd ever care to admit and was eager to take it a step further.
Her arms previously resting on my shoulders slithered up to my neck and with one firm tug, I was leaning over her, so close that I could feel her breath on my lips. Now I knew I was in over my head. Her beautiful features and her fingers intertwined around the back of my neck locking me into place made it difficult to breathe. Every spark, every chill, every heart flutter that she had ever made me feel resurfaced all at once and seared itself permanently into my chest. There was never any denying that I was attracted to her—I mean, look at her. Who wouldn't be?—but now, as I lost myself in the inescapable pull of her soft, brown eyes, there was absolutely no denying that I was in love with her.
"Your move," she whispered the softest whisper I had ever heard leave her mouth, never once looking away. Her eyes seemed to be communicating in ways that her words couldn't and the expectant, even hopeful look in them had me convinced this is exactly what she wanted.
So, I gave it to her.
The moment my lips met hers, time seemed to stand still. I felt her inhale, forcing her to press further up into me as her fingers tightened at the nape of my neck. My mind went completely blank finally feeling how silky and warm her lips were against mine. They were impossibly softer and her kiss gentler than I could've ever imagined. And I certainly wasn't counting on the fact that she wouldn't want to pull away, holding me there a few precious seconds longer than what I assumed normal.
After what felt like hours, she loosened her grip on my neck, letting me release her lips slowly. The loss of pressure elicited the sound of a light smack, sending an unexpected sensation of pleasure through my body. Her eyes fluttered open to meet mine, appearing dazed and intoxicated by the kiss. Within those few seconds, she granted me a look at the real Bora: the one beyond all the playful, unserious facades she put up. The one that was really as soft and vulnerable and desperate for love as the rest of us were. And knowing that she trusted me enough to give me a glimpse into her heart had me bearing my own for her to take claim of.
However, doubt was quick to take hold of my thoughts when Bora's eyes widened, concealing her initial reaction with an over-dramatic expression of shock. As she laughed incredulously before glancing to her left, I became all too aware of my surroundings. "Jinjja," she yelled, a smile of disbelief painting her lips. I followed her eyes, spotting Minji and Siyeon both mirroring her surprise, mouths drawn open and eyes blown wide.
The weight of my actions came crashing down, suffocating me with unavoidable feelings of regret and embarrassment. How did I really expect this to turn out anyways? Desperate to find an escape from their stares, I hid my face in Bora's neck, clutching her sides as if I could disappear into her.
"Can you believe her?" Bora played it up, pretending like she didn't kiss me back with just as much—if not more—conviction.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled ashamedly, but her neck muffled my voice. God, why didn't I think this through? Reluctantly pushing myself up, I looked down at her shyly. "I'm sorry," I repeated.
Bora paused, her smile faltering as she took in my humiliated expression. I almost thought she was going to reassure me, until a look of uncertainty crossed her own eyes. "Yah," she covered it up, her smile only growing, "look at how red her face is." She raised her hand to point a finger at me like she had done before and laughed. Though she didn't have much room to talk, a pink blush tinting her own cheeks.
"Unnie," I whined, rolling off of her to lay on my back and hide my face in my hands. When would this night ever end?
Following a few more jokes, Bora eventually stopped pestering me about it for the moment. Still, I couldn't ignore the knot that settled in my stomach with the uneasiness lingering in the air between us. Their reaction had been both expected and unexpected. Obviously I knew they'd be shocked, but the three oldest members struck me as the type that would encourage this sort of behavior. In the past I even caught myself wondering if any of them had shared a kiss in the privacy of the dorms out of genuine physical attraction or just pure curiosity. In my mind, it seemed more than probable given the fact that pursuing romantic relationships outside of the group wasn't exactly allowed as well as the inkling I had about at least a couple of the members having a preference for women. Yet, now with all of them appearing avoidant and standoffish after the kiss, I wasn't so sure.
Did I read them all wrong? Did I completely fabricate the concept of them being accepting of that sort of thing because of their touchy and flirtatious tendencies? Most of all though, did I entirely misjudge Bora's reactions to the entire thing?
After all this, I was beginning to think I didn't know anything at all.
It was just a few days after we'd traveled back to Korea and I couldn't seem to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, my mind replayed the kiss with Bora over and over again, encouraging me to over-analyze every single little detail. The prospect that I had crossed a major line was stressing me out, to say the least. Strangely, the whole thing also made me feel sad. That part confused me the most. Maybe I wanted her to tell me it was okay. Or maybe I wanted her to even admit that she liked it. But really, what could I expect her to say with the other two members watching? I wasn't completely oblivious to the fact that she wanted it, but even then, how could I be sure that it meant anything real to her? That it wasn't just playful?
Deciding that overthinking was doing me no good, I left my room and went into the kitchen. It was dark and quiet, the other members having gone to bed a couple hours ago. The dim lights on the bottom of the cabinets illuminated the area enough for me to find the handle of the fridge. When I opened it, bright, blue, artificial light came pouring out, forcing my eyes to squint as they adjusted. I wasn't feeling particularly hungry, but I needed something to satiate my mind. A bottle of water would surely suffice.
As I reached out for one, I felt a whoosh of air and the sensation of hands sliding across my hips from behind. My entire body went rigid as my mind instantly assumed the worst. Even though I had slowly grown used to the abundance of physical affection my members gave me, the timing and scenario had me in a momentary panic.
Before I was able to do anything drastic, arms snaked all the way around my waist and I felt a warm, feminine figure press against my back. "It's just me," the familiar voice of our group's main vocalist said softly near my ear as she rested her chin on my shoulder. I let out a breath of relief, resting my hands on top of hers that had found their way beneath the hem of my t-shirt. Though, it was less calming and more nerve-wracking given my growing attraction to the older woman.
Having her this close allowed more opportunities for embarrassment, or, in her case, teasing. Though, the feeling of her lips pressing gently to my cheek elicited less of a flustered feeling and more of a depressed one. The memory of Bora's response to my kiss suspended permanently in the forefront of my mind, preventing me the luxury of indulging in the idea that little touches like these were glimpses into a deeper truth.
I should've known all along that I'd never be able to have what I truly wanted—never be able to fulfill my heart's deepest desire—but that reality hurt too much now that it had finally revealed itself. Obviously I knew I couldn't have all of them. Giving your heart to two different people with the promise of sharing it equally was arguably unrealistic, so offering it up to seven with that same promise was absolutely absurd. Still, I tried to hold out hope for as long as possible. And the way they all seemed to reinforce their feelings for me on a daily basis only made that hope grow at an alarming rate. How was I supposed to stop my wishful thinking when every thing they did confirmed that it could be a possibility?
"Couldn't sleep?" Siyeon asked, grounding me.
I sighed, feeling exhausted by my emotions, and finally allowed myself to lean back into her welcoming embrace, ignoring the way my heart fluttered at her warmth. "Yeah."
Siyeon unraveled one of her arms from around me to close the fridge door. Missing my opportunity to grab a water didn't bother me as much as it might've had I not gotten a little nauseous from the sickening pain my thoughts brought on. Even though she seemed to be enjoying this quiet moment between us, Siyeon slowly spun me around in her arms. I didn't meet her eyes, anticipating the questioning that would surely follow my admission.
"Jagi," her fingers reached up to brush a hair out of my eyes. "What's wrong?" she said in such a way that had me believing for a split second that she might know what I was going through, but the thought fleeted almost instantly. There's no way she could've.
"Nothing," I replied simply, though even I knew it didn't sound convincing. Clearly it wasn't nothing, but I had already made up my mind that talking to her about it (or any of them, for that matter) would do no good. It's not like she could fix everything and magically make the members fall for me like I'd fallen for them.
Her hand rested on my cheek and she spoke carefully, "I can tell it's not nothing." The tone of her voice compelled me to finally glance up at her.
The look in her eyes was all-too-familiar to me. She worried for her members, sometimes too much, because she cared for us so deeply. And this look told me she knew something was wrong and wouldn't be leaving until it was made right again. It truly was one of the things I loved most about her—her undying protectiveness for her loved ones—but now I was growing to dread it. Fear it, even. Because she had me dangling off the edge of admitting it all to her right there, one slip away from slinging my arms over her shoulders and letting her hold me as I shed every last tear I had stored inside of me.
"It's nothing serious, really." I looked down with a forced smile, hoping she'd just let it go. Though, deep down, there was this desperate cry inside of me, begging for her to continue prodding until I had no other option but to spill everything. All I needed was that one final shove off the cliff to get these unbearable secrets off my chest.
"Y/NN," she said sadly, rubbing her thumb across my cheek. "Is this about the kiss?" Her question made my heart grow ten times heavier in my chest and my eyes darted up to meet hers in surprise. How did she know?
"What, no! Of course not," I rushed out, feeling much too exposed for my own liking. If anything, I was preparing to explain the entire situation to her myself—if I did end up caving. I never could've expected her to know precisely what was bothering me. It made me feel ridiculous. Did I really make it that obvious? But Siyeon wasn't looking at me in a degrading or amused way. In fact, the look in her eyes was so frighteningly sympathetic and understanding that I was almost totally convinced she might even be struggling with the same sort of dilemma. At the thought that I wasn't alone in my suffering, my nose started burning, warning of oncoming tears threatening to fall and expose everything I've tried so tirelessly to conceal. Did she really understand?
"Oh, jagi," Siyeon frowned when she noticed my eyes turn glassy and my bottom lip quiver. The reality that the kiss I was crying over probably meant nothing to anyone else but me made me feel pathetic, yet Siyeon never once seemed to judge me. "Come here," she said, giving me no possible option to refuse her offer of consolation. I obeyed anyways as she gently guided me over to the couch, losing all strength to refuse once the onset of my breakdown approached.
The back of my thighs barely touched the cushions before the older member was pulling me into her chest. That was enough to crack through the dam stifling my endless pool of tears, and now there was nothing to keep them from flowing freely. "It's okay," Siyeon cooed softly, rubbing my back in soothing circles as I cried into her shirt. "I know. It's okay," she reassured and repeated the same phrase over again for the next few minutes, allowing me plenty of time to get everything out.
When the tears began to subside, sobs dwelling to quiet sniffles, Siyeon turned to grab something. I sat up and watched as she pulled a tissue from a box on the coffee table. Without saying anything, she turned to hold my chin and started wiping the tears off my cheeks. As I watched her face, the noticeable shiny glint in her eyes and the way her jaw clenched while she took in my (probably pitiful) appearance hinted that she was likely fighting back tears of her own. Guilt twisted in my gut knowing that I was being selfish burdening her with my pain and not even considering the hurt it might have caused her to see me in such a state.
"I'm sorry," I croaked out, grabbing her wrist.
Siyeon halted her actions, eyes flicking up to mine. "Don't apologize." Her voice was firm, but not angry. "Especially for this."
I shook my head. Why did she have to be so selfless? "You should be sleeping right now, not having to deal with this," I motioned to myself.
She put the tissue down and grabbed my hands, pulling me closer to her. "If you really think I could sleep peacefully right now knowing how you feel, then you must not know me that well." A gentle smile pulled at her lips and her voice softened, "I'd do this every night in a heartbeat if that's what you needed." The sincerity in her words had me on the brink of tears once more. There was no doubt in my mind that she meant every word she said.
I pouted. "Quit it," I mumbled, letting go of her hand to shove her shoulder. "You're gonna make me cry again." My words had her laughing. Feeling a bit more relieved after shedding some of the tears I had bottled up, I was able to laugh with her.
As our laughter died down, Siyeon leaned into me, showing off her beautiful smile. I admired it, feeling a swell of pride in my heart knowing I was the cause of it. It was honestly kind of unbelievable. Here I was, interrupting her sleep and ruining her shirt, yet I was also somehow the one making her laugh and bringing her joy. How could I be so lucky to find myself on the receiving end of such unconditional love? And how could I possibly consider myself deserving after feeling like such a burden?
Siyeon's forehead met mine, drawing me from my thoughts. As if the contact allowed her to hear my thoughts, she caressed my cheek and washed my worries away with three simple words. "I love you." It came out as a whisper, almost like she was telling me a secret. That stubborn spark of hope that I had tried so hard to stomp out the past few days ignited while we shared a moment staring into each other's eyes. The absolute last thing I needed right now was another intimate moment that I'd spend hours on end reading too much into—considering how that ended up with the whole Bora thing—but I could already feel my heart clutching onto those words and savoring the loving look in her eyes as if they were the blood that kept it pumping.
A breath unevenly slipped past my lips when Siyeon finally pulled away, giving me space. I relaxed back into the couch, straightening myself out and staring down at my hands in my lap to avoid her gaze. She shifted, angling her body and propping her head up with her elbow on the back of the couch to look at me.
"So," she trailed off, "do you want to talk about it?" Her voice was delicate, like she was afraid she'd speak too loud or say the wrong thing that would send me into another breakdown or scare me off entirely.
I hummed in indecision while I distracted myself, playing with the two adjustable strings dangling from the waistband of my sweatpants. The longer I debated it, the more I started to doubt how Siyeon would actually react. What if she just assumed I liked Bora? Or what if she doesn't think it's that at all? How would she really feel if I told her I was in love with seven different people? Any normal person would think I was insane.
Her right hand cut my thoughts short, laying on top of both of mine to stop my fidgeting. "What if I start?" she offered when I made eye contact with her.
I couldn't be sure what she possibly had to say, but, in my mind, it seemed like a better option than going first. So I agreed. "Okay," I swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling the nerves creeping back in. Now I was regretting not grabbing that bottle of water.
Siyeon released her head from her left hand and sat up straight, using both hands to grab one of mine and started softly pinching the back of it. I just hoped she didn't notice how cold my fingertips had gotten or the goosebumps that riddled my skin. "I think I have an idea of what you're going through, and I don't ever want you to feel like you have to hide this from us."
The words hit me all at once and the racing thoughts that followed were overwhelming. I was so busy trying to figure out what she thought she knew, I couldn't even appreciate how sweet her words were. She seemed to hit the nail on the head, but what she said could've applied to almost anything. There was still no way she could've known I was in love with all of them, let alone one of them.
I found myself struggling to respond. "But, this is..." my eyebrows furrowed as I focused my attention on the couch under us, face flushing at the idea of giving away too much. "This is different."
"I know," she responded immediately, as if she expected that exact reply out of me, drawing my eyes up to her. "I see the way you look at us," her voice was cautious but it didn't stop my pulse from racing, "and how you react when we touch you." Oh god, I was so obvious.
I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and panicked all at the same time. "Unnie-"
"It's okay," she cut me off, placing her hand on my waistband. "You don't have to be shy," she whispered, scooting closer. The proximity had me burning up. I had to turn my head away from her in order to focus my thoughts.
Alarm bells were ringing in my mind, alerting me that my secret had been found out. But which one? She couldn't know the whole truth, could she? No. She had to be talking about my attraction to women. "It's-" I hesitated. Was I really ready to tell her? "It's not just that." An unsteady breath left my mouth.
"Jagi, I know. We know," she emphasized. "Maybe the younger members haven't made it as obvious, but surely you've seen the way we look at you, too."
...there's no way. I must've misheard...
"I thought our flirting made it pretty obvious," Siyeon said lowly, slipping her hand under my shirt to rub her fingers against my stomach, but I was unable to react to any of it.
"You flirt with everyone," I mumbled subconsciously, my brain slowly breaking down in its spastic attempt to process everything hitting me at once. She knew.
Her warm laugh filled the room, momentarily startling me out of my mental breakdown, "okay, fair point." Right about now, I was ready to wake up in bed and realize this entire thing was a dream. It even felt like one when I started to get lightheaded. Siyeon leaned in even closer, fingers dipping dangerously below my waistband, inches away from turning this moment into something exponentially more intimate. "But it's different with you," she whispered, making the skin under her hand burn as a fire began to flare up between my legs.
My mind wouldn't give in, refusing to let me accept this as reality and bask in it like I'd wanted to for so long. It all felt wrong. She shouldn't even know, let alone be okay with it, let alone confirm my delusions??? This wasn't right. Where was the lack of acceptance, the judgement, the disgust? No normal person reacted this way. She couldn't actually mean it.
I tilted my head up, searching her eyes frantically for any sign of dishonesty. "How are you so okay with this?" I asked in disbelief. "It's unnatural. Y-you should be freaked out by it!" I stuttered as I felt the emotion choking me up again.
"It's not unnatural at all," Siyeon said, voice laced with sadness once she started to realize how I felt. "And why would I be freaked out by it?" How could you not be? How is it not unnatural?
How could you be so accepting of something that I've hated myself for feeling for the last two years?
"It- it's wrong, Siyeon," I whispered, a single tear sliding down my cheek.
In the blink of an eye, she was grabbing my chin and wiping the sadness away. "You love us," she emphasized softly, staring into my eyes, "how is there anything wrong with that?"
Those words made my heart clench painfully in my chest. They were ones that I needed to hear all along, ones that I should've been telling myself this whole time, but they were also ones that my mind still rejected, over and over again. I looked down. "But what would someone think if they found out?"
"No one has to know except for us. And it wouldn't matter anyways." Siyeon shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment as if looking for the right words to say. When she opened them again, I saw a universe of stars in them as specs of light bounced off their now teary exterior and I felt an equally limitless amount of love radiating from them. "All that matters is that you're happy. That we're happy. And I won’t let anything get in the way of that."
I stayed silent, really, truly allowing myself to soak in her words. She was right. Even my mind couldn't argue with that one. The ultimate goal was to be happy. To make them happy. Why would I possibly refuse when that happiness was right at the tip of my fingers?
Choking back my tears, I tried to keep my hopes low and remain realistic. "How do you even know it's really what the other members want?" I whispered weakly, no longer caring if I sounded insecure. All my cards were out on the table now, there was no point in trying to hide from her any longer.
"Honestly, I don't for sure. That's something you'll have to figure out on your own." She frowned sympathetically. Regret was already starting to sneak in and the idea of being rejected or having to choose between any of them had my heart aching. "But, you know, Bora hasn't stopped talking about you since that night," Siyeon's lips turned up in amusement.
"What?" I blurted out.
"She's been acting like it didn't affect her, but I know it did. She just won't admit it out loud." Everything that came out of her mouth was sounding less and less believable by the second. Had Bora really been thinking about the kiss as much as I had? "And Minji," Siyeon let out a short chuckle, "Minji is so clearly jealous. It's funny how they try to act indifferent. It's pointless, really. They're so painfully obvious." Minji... was actually jealous?
For the sake of my rapidly and unrightfully inflating ego, I hoped Siyeon wasn't making all of this up. Although, the thought of Bora and Minji fighting over me had me feeling overwhelmingly hot and I was beginning to think this was gonna be way more than I could actually handle. I never prepared for this, because it so surely seemed like a massively far-fetched fantasy... yet here it was, very quickly becoming a reality.
Even faster than I realized when I dared to ask, "And you?"
"Me?" Siyeon smiled, leaning in again. I kept eye contact, heart beating unusually fast as her finger traced my jawline. "Honestly, I'm a little disappointed you gave Bora your first kiss." Her low tone of voice left me feeling dizzy. I couldn't even say anything, frozen like a deer in headlights. Taking advantage of my stillness, she scooted even closer, making it hard to breathe. "Mm," she hummed, her lips ghosting over mine, "you really do get nervous around me, don't you?" She smirked and I subconsciously squeezed my thighs together, clenching my jaw in an attempt to distract my mind from the way she was making me feel.
My silence was enough confirmation for her, giving her the last final push to lean in. All the oxygen was sucked out of my lungs at the sensation of her lips meeting mine. I had been waiting for this moment for so long and somehow I still wasn't prepared for it to actually happened. With Bora, it was short-lived and I had been the one to initiate it. But with Siyeon, her own control and choices were variables that I could've never even considered. And the concept that she started this and that she was kissing me out of her own want made this feel so much better than I ever thought it could. The way she kissed me slowly, savoring every single second, and cherishing the taste and feeling of my lips against hers.
I could tell she was feeling the same when I backed away for a second to catch my breath and she was quick to chase my lips. I held onto her shirt as her hands clutched the sides of my face possessively, her thumbs resting on my jawline. I could feel her staggered breathing against my skin—telling me her heart was racing—while her lips captured mine over and over again in a mind-numbing rhythm. Now I was beginning to think her description of Minji more accurately suited herself. It seemed like Siyeon was jealous of Bora and couldn't wait until she finally got her turn to claim me as her own.
Eventually though, air became a problem, causing her to release my lips. I grabbed her hands that were holding my face while we both fought to catch our breath. She looked down at me, instantly smiling when she saw how affected I was. I felt shy under her gaze and released her hands to plunge into her embrace. She held me tightly as I clutched the back of her shirt, laying my head on her shoulder. A small laugh escaped her mouth, "you're cute."
I whined into her shoulder, "I'm not cute."
"Oh, really?" She teased, the hint of a smile still evident in her voice.
I lifted my head to look at her, hoping it was dark enough so that she couldn't see the blush on my face. "Yeah really," I reciprocated her smile, staring her down and probably failing miserably at looking intimidating.
I watched as she dropped her hands to my waist and moved to rest mine around her neck. "Then prove it," she whispered, cocking her eyebrow in the most attractive way possible.
My stomach bubbled with nervous-excitement once I realized where this was probably leading. Trying to fight a smile, I bit my lip as my eyes darted down to her mouth. From my actions, her tongue swiped out over her own lips to wet them. Before she ever even gave me a chance to act, she was pushing me down onto the couch and taking her place on top of me. Her hand reached out to grab my chin and her thumb moved my bottom lip from my teeth.
"Don't do that," she said lowly in a way that made the pit of my stomach burn. "Unless you want me to do this." One of her hands made its way to the inside of my thigh and she squeezed down, making me gasp in surprise. She seized her opportunity to lean in and slip her tongue past my parted lips. The sensation of it swiping boldly across my own tongue had me clutching her neck for support, feeling myself growing slick just inches above where her hand was placed. I was so shocked that I couldn't do anything in return. I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do anyways.
She could probably feel my hesitance because she finished with a kiss and pulled back to look at me. I immediately felt the need to explain my tenseness, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to-"
"It's okay," she let out a small laugh and smiled at me. I avoided her eyes, a bit ashamed by my inexperience since she clearly seemed to know what she was doing. "Hey," she whispered gently, releasing my thigh and using her hand to turn my head to face her, "there's no reason to be embarrassed." Her eyes looked so caring in that moment and I wondered how someone could be so perfect.
I smiled, feeling more shy by the second. "I know, I've just never done this before and you clearly have, so I felt the need to-"
She cut off my rambling, "Hey, hey. I know, it's okay," she laughed, finding my nervousness endearing. Her hand started combing through my hair while she waited for me to relax again. "I have to admit, I'm regretting dating that girl in high school right now because the idea of experiencing all of your firsts with you sounds really fucking romantic," she let out a laugh again, and I couldn't stop the massive grin on my face. Now I was convinced she was actually perfect... or a mind-reader, because she knew exactly what to say to make me fall even harder for her. Before she could continue, I pulled her down to steal a kiss. That seemed like a better way to express how I felt about what she said anyways. Plus, it made her laugh happily and steal another kiss back.
Once she was satisfied, she released my lips to finish what she wanted to say. "But now I'm starting to think the idea of me teaching you is way hotter," she said seriously. I laughed lightly, grateful she could so easily make my nerves go away.
"You want to be my teacher?" I teased, raising my hand to brush my thumb against her thick, bottom lip. She leaned into my touch, her lips parting and her nose grazing mine as she struggled to restrain herself. My throat went dry when an intimidating look flashed across her eyes. It was way more satisfying than I expected seeing her have such a visceral reaction to me. Now I was beginning to understand exactly why they enjoyed teasing me so much. If I knew Siyeon was really this affected by every little thing I did to her, I would've been doing it for years.
"Yes," she breathed out against my lips with such desperation that I couldn't help but smirk. "You have no idea how much I want you."
With no time to even process what she just said, her lips crashed back into mine. Now I knew I was reaping the rewards for my teasing when her kisses were no longer slow and gentle. My hands threaded through her hair while she made out with me, and her own found their way under my shirt. With the stimulating feeling of her fingers traveling teasingly up my abs, I made the mistake of parting my lips once more, granting Siyeon's tongue access to my mouth. Still not knowing what to do, I instinctively pushed her away.
"Unnie-" I mumbled.
"It's okay, baby," she said, breathless, "just relax and follow my lead, okay?"
She kissed me again before letting me reply, "Okay." And then she was back at it, swiping her tongue across my bottom lip, silently asking me for permission. So I let her have it and gripped her neck tightly at the way her warm, slick tongue was making all the blood in my body rush to my core.
She kept going, her tongue exploring a different part of my mouth every time it entered before retreating out to be replaced by her lips. After just a couple times, I felt more comfortable, and allowed my tongue to meet hers. Siyeon rewarded me with a hum of pleasure and handed off the control. She let me experiment, practicing exactly what she did to me on her. I quickly learned that the addicting sensation of my tongue inside of her mouth gave me a sickeningly intense feeling of power and had me turned on to such a degree that it was borderline embarrassing. After that, getting to be the one in charge evolved from really terrifying to way too enjoyable. Something about someone as experienced as Siyeon letting me do whatever I wanted to her was so undeniably hot.
When I finally seemed to get the hang of it, we both pulled back, panting heavily. Though, Siyeon wasn't quite finished yet, trading my lips for my jawline. She slowly planted kisses from the edge of my chin all the way to my ear and I could feel her sporadic breaths bouncing off my skin the entire way. It was like she wasn't satisfied unless her lips were on me. She couldn't get enough of me and it had me wondering if she had imagined this moment a million times before just like I had.
"You're being such a good girl for me," she praised suddenly, sending a shockwave of pleasure through my body.
"Fuck, Siyeon," I whimpered quietly out of instinct, though I knew there was no way she wasn't going to hear it with my mouth just a few inches away from her ear.
"Mm, you like when I call you that, baby?" Her voice came out husky as she gripped my thigh, biting down on my earlobe.
I inhaled sharply, instinctively arching my back off the couch, pressing our chests together. "Oh my god," I breathed out, dripping with arousal.
Siyeon groaned quietly at my reaction. "You sound so fucking sexy, babygirl," she mumbled against my skin.
"This can't be real," I said, making Siyeon chuckle lowly as she started kissing down my neck. "I have to be dreaming right now."
She finally stopped what she was doing and leaned back over my face, "Are you saying you often dream of me doing things like this to you?" The smirk on her face made my stomach twist.
"Unnie, please," I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm my heartbeat. If I ever wanted it to resume it's normal rhythm, there's no way I could look at Siyeon's face ever again after hearing those words leave her lips.
She laughed lightly, "you're overwhelmed."
"Thanks for pointing out the obvious," I replied uneasily, only making Siyeon let out a few more quiet laughs before running her fingers through my hair again and kissing my cheek, probably hoping it might help calm me down. "How are you not?" I tried to open my eyes but the second I saw her unrealistically attractive features, I had to close them again. "God, this is way too fucking much for any normal human being to handle."
"I think this is the most I've heard you curse in your entire life," she laughed. I just pulled her down into me, wrapping my legs around her waist. She adjusted her head to answer my question. "And I am overwhelmed, my reaction is just less in the form of almost passing out and more in the form of wanting to kiss you." That finally made me laugh and I turned my head to rest it on hers.
It was quiet for a moment while we stayed locked in each other's embrace and I was sure she could feel my heart pounding like a sledgehammer against my rib cage. Her hands now at the small of my back felt like fire against my skin and I remembered back to what she said a few seconds ago.
"Yes," I answered out of the blue.
She tilted her head back to look at me, "what?"
I finally opened my eyes and scooted to the side so that I could turn my head to look at her face-to-face. The image of her in that moment almost made me turn away. Somehow her slightly messy hair and flushed face made her look a million times sexier than I ever thought possible. It definitely didn't help when I remembered everything she had previously whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath, focusing on my fingers resting against her jawline rather than her eyes so I wouldn't forget how to speak. "You asked if that meant I often dream of you doing things like this to me... and the answer is yes," I explained, the nerves now more evident in my voice.
Without even looking at her entire face, the pull of a smile on her cheek reassured me that I hadn't admitted too much. "Good to know I'm not the only one," she mumbled, pulling my gaze to her eyes. She didn't appear to be lying, maybe a bit timid, but definitely not untruthful. Her eyes stayed on mine as we both started to realize how real this was. It was a relief finally knowing I wasn't completely crazy for feeling the way that I did and that she felt the same. Although, the thought of her picturing me in certain situations suddenly hit me and I felt incredibly shy again, reaching out to grab the collar of her shirt so I could pull her into me.
"What?" She giggled as I hid my face in her neck.
"You're going to be the death of me, Lee Siyeon," I groaned.
"Man, and you haven't even made it to the other six yet," she said seriously.
"Jesus Christ," I spoke in English, eliciting the loudest laugh from Siyeon yet.
The concept of having to go through all of this again with six other members was driving me insane. In that moment, I nearly concluded that it'd be better for my sanity if I just stuck with Siyeon (even though that alone was still detrimental to my sanity).
"Come here," she grabbed my neck loosely and gently pushed me back. "You know, you never said it back to me," she pouted. It took me a minute to understand what she meant, but I eventually remembered.
I looked deep into her eyes, finally letting all of the feelings soak in. And, after tonight, there was no doubt in my mind that my next statement was true, "I love you."
Siyeon beamed, looking over at me like I was the most precious thing in the world to her, and pulled me in for another kiss. This one was unlike the others. It was delicate and sweet and I knew it meant so much more than just a kiss. It conveyed everything she was feeling for me in ways that words couldn't. So I cherished it as if it were my last.
The sentimental moment didn't last long though, a less shocked and more disappointed voice breaking through the silence, "I should've known this is what you were up to." We drew apart, both looking up in surprise, unable to conceal our obvious guilt, finding Minji standing a few feet away with her hands on her hips. Even with the lack of lighting in the room, I could make out the expression of disapproval on the leader's face, like a mother who just caught her teenage daughter in bed with a boy. Realizing her eyes were on Siyeon, I felt somewhat relieved that I wasn't the victim of her scolding... until her gaze shifted to me and hardened in a way that sent chills up my spine.
She really was jealous and I had a good feeling I was just seconds away from reaping the consequences of making out with someone who wasn't her.
A/N: I might post more parts to this with the other members eventually if I ever find the time to write for it.
**This oneshot was transferred over from my Wattpad account OT5Stan4Life**
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19silvermirrors · 2 months
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Time stops its run when they're like this🌌
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goodnight-siyeon · 10 months
Everybody Adores You | Jiu x GN! Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: i didn’t proofread 😔 but no other warnings
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She was known all around the campus. Even if you didn’t share classes with her, you knew who she was. Jiu was everyone’s favorite person at your college. She was known for helping anyone she could. She tutored students, volunteered, made study groups, joined clubs, and anything else she could do. There were few people who disliked her bubbly personality.
Personally, you didn’t have many first hand experiences with her. Despite a shared math class in freshmen year, you hadn’t been around her much. However, on your first day of your junior year, you walked into one of your classes to see her sitting towards the front. Scanning the rows you realized that the only spot was next to her. As you walked towards her you too a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. Even though she was the sweetest girl, it was still nerve wracking to talk to her. Something about her smile when she talked or how she always made eye contact while listening to others made your stomach churn. Before you could even ask she motioned to the seat next to her, “Go ahead!” You smiled and thanked her quietly. “It’s been forever since we’ve had a class Y/N,” She turned to you, flashing her signature smile. The fact that she remembered your name stunned you. The only time you remember talking to her was for a group project but you were sure she didn’t remember. You nodded, “Yeah it has been. It’s nice to see you.” You pulled out your computer, ready for the lecture but she spoke up again. “Oh you got a new computer! That’s good because the old one was bothering you, right,” Once again, you didn’t even know how she remembered that. Your freshman year you still used the laptop given to you in high school. Once you reached college, the poor thing could barely last an hour. You smiled, “Yeah I finally saved up enough to get a new one.” The two of you kept talking until the professor walked in and began class.
“So she basically saved you a spot, remembered your name, and little details about you,” Your roommate, Yunjin squealed. You shrugged it off, “I don’t think she was saving the spot for me. Plus she remembers everyone so it’s nothing special.” Yunjin wasn’t having it. “Mhmmm, sure, nothing special,” She smirked and winked at you, making you roll your eyes.
A few days later, you were out for your usual morning walk since your class didn’t start until later. While walking, you could’ve sworn you heard someone tell your name. You took out your earbud and turned to see Jiu trying to catch up. “Y/N,” She said, waving at you. “Where are you headed,” She asks out of breath, having finally caught up with you. “Nowhere really. Just on a little walk,” You explained at she smiled brightly. “What about you?” She shrugged, “The same I guess! I wanted to feel the nice breeze today.” You both took a second to take in the cool breeze lightly brushing past you. “What are you listening to,” She asked, breaking the silence. Instead of answering, you handed her an earbud, which she gladly took. You continued walking with her, sharing light conversation and listening to music. After a while, you checked the time, “Oh I have to go get ready for class. This was nice though!” She smiled and nodded, “Let’s do it again?” You agreed and she gave you a quick hug before you left.
The entire class you couldn’t stop thinking about your interaction. She didn’t have to walk with you and she definitely didn’t have to hug you. You tried to remind yourself that it’s just who she is but you couldn’t hold your smile. You felt someone nudge your shoulder lightly, “Why are you smiling during a business lecture?There’s no joy in here.” Your friend, Yoohyeon, whined. You laughed at her comment, “I really do love learning about marketing!” The sarcasm in your voice was obvious so she ignored your comment. “Once this professor shuts up I’m gonna bug you until you tell me,” She whispered. Yoohyeon wasn’t wrong because the second you stepped out of class she brought it up. “So you like Jiu? Because that’s what I’m hearing,” She said, too loudly for your liking. “Girl keep it down,” You whispered. She laughed at your reaction, “She’s not hiding behind the bushes or something. You need to accept the fact that you like her!” Once again, any protests you made her shut down.
It had been a few days since you had seen Jiu. You were a little disappointed that you hadn’t run into her but you knew she was probably busy. So when you got ready for class, you felt yourself paying better attention to the way you dressed. “You’re gonna be late if you try on another outfit,” Yunjin called out from her bed. You sighed, knowing she was right, “Fine. I’m heading out!” “Good luck with your crush,” She yelled before you closed the door.
This time, she was definitely saving your spot. When you first entered class, someone had walked up to her. You assumed they would sit next to her so you started looking for other options. “Y/N,” Her bright voice grabbed your attention. You turned to see her pay the empty seat next to her. “Oh, thank you,” You said quietly as you sat down. “You don’t have to thank me. You always have a spot next to me,” She replied. The simple comment had your heart race. Sure she only meant in class but it felt like such a genuine compliment.
You got up early to go on a walk in the cool air that continued to blow. You chose a spot on the grass to sit, closing your eyes while listening to the sounds. A ding sounded from your phone, interrupting the peace. “Hey Y/N! It’s Jiu!! If you’re not busy, I’d love to hangout :)” Your smile grew as you read the text, already thinking of your reply. Of course you said yes, but you asked if she had any ideas for plans. “The school is showing a play tonight! We should go see it! Let’s meet at 7?” You knew your university had a good theater program but you hadn’t gotten the chance to actually check it out. The idea of going to see a play with Jiu made you want to giggle and kick your feet like a teenager.
Checking yourself for the millionth time, you headed downstairs to wait for Jiu. She was already waiting for you when you got off the elevator, “Ah Y/N! You look so good!” You smiled sheepishly as she clapped lightly. “Let’s head off,” She grabbed your hand, leading you out the doors. Throughout your walk to the theater you had different conversations but the warmth of her skin on your hand was too much for your brain to handle.
During the show, Jiu still kept your hand in hers, occasionally leaning over to whisper something. Once it was over, everyone stood and clapped. You were about to leave when she caught your arm, “I want to introduce you to some people.” You nodded and waited for a bit until some of the actors came out into the audience. One of the main girls noticed Jiu and walked over, “I’m so glad you made it!” The two hugged before she glanced towards you. She stuck out her hand, “Hi! I’m Sua! It’s nice to meet you.” You shook her hand, introducing yourself. They continued to talk but Jiu had one arm wrapped around your waist which caused some suspicion. “Wait I didn’t know you guys were,” Sua said, pointing between you and Jiu. “Oh not yet! I still need to ask them on a proper date,” Jiu smiled as if she didn’t just dropped a wild statement. You stared at her in shock which made her laugh. “I’ll see you later Sua! I think I have some explaining to do,” Jiu said, pulling you out of the theater.
“You like me,” You asked in disbelief. She nodded aggressively, “Oh yeah! I have for a while… since our first class. well maybe before that. I don’t know I just,” For the first time it seemed like she was the one struggling to find her words. “Can I kiss you,” You interrupted her rant, already stepped closer. She nodded, looking softly into your eyes as you closed the gap between you. As you kissed, you felt a few raindrops. She smiled into the kiss before pulling away, “This is really cliche of us.” You laughed, grabbing her hand and walking with her, “Maybe, but I like it.”
A/n: AHHHH i hope y’all liked this one i tried to make it a little longer than the others :)) i’m also probably gonna try different formats and groups (mainly svt, dreamcatcher, and other girl groups) let me know if you have requests!
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ryujenini · 4 months
IMAGINE #36 (fluff)
Imagine calling Yoohyeon when you can't sleep just to hear her voice and have her softly sing you to sleep
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dark-night-insomniac · 11 months
When you'll be ready♥️
Could you please write a DC reaction to their s/o proposing them a spontaneous trip to Jeju (or some other resort)? It may be a one to one, or for example s/o asks the whole group. The choice is yours, thank you 😌
A/n: hi there darling! Thank you, i was able to get something out, although shorter then my usual work, i really tried so i hope you can all get a touch of sweetness in your day 🫶
| Warning: kissing, neck kissing, FLUFF
Jeju Suprise ✨
| Dreamcatcher Jiu & Gender neutral s/o
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You drove to Jiu’s company. You were to pick her up after work. When you arrived though, no sign of her. So when you picked up your phone to see a text from her you were somewhat relieved. She texted you that a few more things came up and she’d be a little late.
Although most would be bummed about the situation, especially when you are waiting to meet up with such a wonderful woman, you saw it as an opportunity to make this better. You went back on the road, putting the nearest flower shop in your gps with the help of Siri.
A few minutes later, you parked near the entrance and made your way inside the store. You greeted the woman at the desk before looking around. You swore you could see your girlfriend everywhere, making you giggle at your own humor.
You quickly spotted Jiu’s favorite flower and bought a bouquet of them, quickly paying before driving back to Jiu.
When you arrived at Dreamcatcher’s company, once again, no one was to be seen. You decided on making your way inside after grabbing the bouquet and a special envelope you had brought with you.
You walked in, saluting the receptionist who recognized you and waved you over with a smile, pointing towards where your girlfriend was. You walked closer to her individual studio and knocked.
‘’Who is it?’’ you could hear her sweet voice from the other side of the glass door.
You deepen your voice before answering ‘’Delivery for Miss Kim’’ you shouted
She then opened the door slightly before looking up to meet your eyes, leaving a grin on your face at her shocked expression. The both of you laughed before she pulled you into her studio.
‘’Boyaaa’’ she pouted cutely while putting her arms around your shoulders, yours doing the same around her waist
You couldn't resist and gave her a peck, making her giggle at how entranced you seemed by her presence alone.
‘’Im sorry baby, I'm almost done with work’’ she said, pushing back strands from your face
You hummed, simply content to be in her embrace again. ‘’It’s okay, I just missed you so figured I’d keep you company while you finish up work’’ you sheepishly smiled
She couldn't agree more with the idea, simply letting her palm rest on your cheek while she nodded with yet another cute pout.
‘’But first’’ you pulled away from her embrace, leaving her with a curious frown. ‘’I have this for you’’ You pulled the bouquet in front of her with the envelope.
She looked at you, cooing at your sweetness, although once her gift was within her hands, and your gaze upon her, she seemed flustered and giggled while looking back at you with stars in her eyes.
She smelled the flowers, relishing in the sweet scent before opening up the envelope. Her eyes turned wide as she read the content of it. She looked at you, back at the note, and then back at you.
‘’Really?!’’ she asked confused and excited at the same time
You nodded, bringing her into your embrace by the waist
‘’Really?’’ she asked again in a softer tone ‘’But…I'm working this week’’ she frowned
‘’Well good thing your boss likes me then, doesn’t it?’’ you inquired cheekily
‘’uh?’’ her head tilted
‘’I already asked and you have off that day, so we can go to Jeju together for the week’’ you smiled before kissing your still-in-shock girlfriend. You giggled at her state before caressing her cheek.
As the realization came down upon her, she suddenly threw herself against you, hugging you even closer, now peppering kisses along the side of your neck.
You got flustered at her action, becoming a giggling mess just like she was.
‘’I love you so much y/n’’
‘’I love you too Minij’’ you smiled brightly, leaning in for yet another sweet kiss.
You sat on the love chair behind her desk, watching as she quickly finished her work. All you could think of was how lucky you were to have such a beautiful person by your side.
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ladysunamireads · 2 months
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Your the Omega of the group and having pups
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Requested? Yes
Reader type:  GN!reader, omega reader, Female anatomy
Warning/Notes; Omegaverse Au, Suggestive themes, Pregnancy, Polyamorous Dreamcatcher, Member x Member x Reader, fluff
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For the past few weeks you had felt off. Having a sensitive neck and needing your alphas around practically 24/7. You had even snapped at your friend, growling slightly when they elbowed your stomach accidentally. And yet you assumes it was just stress.
You still hadn’t put two and two together until you started to feel nauseous in the mornings and your alpha friend pointed out that your scent seemed a little different. It was then u decided to take a test. Which led you to where you are now.
“SHIT!” You cursed as the test came up positive, unaware of Minji being just outside your bathroom door.
“Babe?” You heard her call from outside, confusion and worry lacing her voice followed by the sound of her opening the door.
You cursed yourself mentally for forgetting to lock it as she came face to face with you. Eyes softening when she catches sight of what was in your hands. “Is that, it it positive-“ she grabs your shaky hands as you nod and she can’t help but spin you around giggling in excitement. Your heart filling with joy at knowing that at least one of your Alphas was happy with the news. Just then the loud laughter of your second oldest girlfriend came down the hallway followed by the sight of her chasing yoohyeon into the room.
The over sized puppy stumbling and almost landing on you if it hadn’t been for Minji’s growl causing bora to pull her back. both staring at the eldest in utter shock at being growled at out of the blue. “I’m fineeeee” you laugh lightly leaning up to kiss her cheek as she huffs, the other two watching the interaction carefully.
Confused, the scan over you and their fellow alpha girlfriend carefully both their eyes landing on how Minji is caressing your belly ever so loving and careful. It was Yoohyeon who put two and two together.
“OMG-” she rushes to wrap you in her arms gently, “YOUR CARRYING ONE OF OUR PUPS!” Bora gasps not seconds later when she sees Yooh kneel down to nuzzle into your barely visible bump. going over to kiss you softly before nuzzling into your neck on the opposite side Jiu was currently doing the same. Both nipping and scenting slightly causing you to giggle.
After about five minutes of the four of you staying like that, all of you in complete bliss and hearts full of happiness there was a knock on the door despite it being wide open. you cant help but chuckle at the curious looks your remaining girlfriends were sporting, all four heads popped into the doorway slightly.
“Our little Omega has something to tell you” Yoohyeon muses kissing your stomach and essentially giving away the surprise. You nod happily when their curious yet excited eyes flick from you and your small bump. Getting engulfed in affections from all seven alphas just as quick.
You yelp in surprise when Yubin lifts you into her arms and takes of down the hallway shouting a fleeting, “Race you to the nest!”.
She carefully sets you down in the centre barely having time to wrap her arms around you and kiss your cheek softly before the rest of your girlfriends made their way in dotting on you just the same.
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a/n: I forgot the interacting with pups part im sorry! lemmie know if u want that doin
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let-them-read-fics · 2 years
Left Behind
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Pairing: Jiu x Fem!Reader (and platonic relationships with the other members)
Warnings / Misc. -- Angst, Fluff
Word Count: ~ 7,890
Requested By: @3and30aresoultwins
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Hey guys! This was a bit rushed and I’m not entirely in love with it, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Feel free to leave DC requests in my inbox / messages! :)
💖 Happy Reading 🌹
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Life can change in the blink of an eye. Plans you make for the future that you envision can crumble with no warning, leaving you to pick up the pieces and find yourself all over again. 
Dreams can go down the drain just as easily as the blood, sweat, and tears it took to make them possible in the first place. Luck can run out. 
All of those things can happen, and you knew that. You just never expected them to happen to you.
It was a late November day in 2016 when the world as you knew it changed forever. 
Happyface Entertainment had requested that you come in separate from the other members to discuss an important matter. Vividly, you remember how vague they were over the phone; they refused to elaborate on what the meeting would be about. Their voices were soft, holding a carefulness in their tone that you didn’t fully understand until later. 
It was regret – because they knew what you didn’t. They knew that your impending removal from the group loomed overhead, waiting like a cobra to strike once you arrived. 
And strike, it did. Sitting in the meeting room – which was far too bright and far too suffocating – you grappled with the fate you’d just received. Your heart felt heavy, and your head hurt as it all sunk in.
MINX would be rebranding as ‘Dreamcatcher’ and adding two new members, but you wouldn’t be joining them. You hadn’t made the cut.
Just like that, it was over. Years of your life as a trainee, down the drain. So much pain and hard work, all for nothing. So many sacrifices. So many late nights. They hadn’t gone into detail about why you were turned down specifically, and that was probably a good thing, all things considered. It would’ve just been salt in the wound.
An offer was made for you to stay at the company and potentially continue as a soloist, but you declined it. It was a proposition made from pity at best, and you knew it. How could you have accepted? If they had such little faith in your abilities as a member of a group, you couldn’t imagine it would’ve been magically restored for your solo activities. You refused to become a half-hearted money grab that they could fall back on whenever they needed to; it wasn’t fair to you. With the rebranding set in motion, attention and focus would’ve been placed entirely on the girls; you’d have been made to wait in the meantime with no real end in sight, and it was unlikely you’d ever receive a similar level of support.
You’d have become the company’s has-been. Its resident outcast.
And the prospect of joining another company – if you were even lucky enough for that – was just as daunting. After training and growing up with the girls in such a way for so many years of your life, you couldn’t imagine going solo or joining another group. 
That wasn’t something you wanted. And, of course, given the blow that the company’s decision had dealt to your confidence, you felt incapable. You were too overwhelmed to be there any longer with all of their eyes on you, judging in one way or another. 
So while you still had enough composure over yourself, you bid farewell to them and left, leaving behind a part of yourself in the process. 
The real challenge came, though, when you had to say goodbye to the girls. They all handled the news differently, in their own ways, but it wasn’t something they could process easily at all.
Sua was prepared to leave the dorm and have an angry word with the higher ups, but you stopped her before she could. It wouldn’t have done any good; if anything, it could’ve put her in jeopardy, too, and that was the last thing you wanted. 
Siyeon went quiet as the idea of moving on without you sunk in. How could she part ways with someone she’d grown so close to? You were supposed to live out your dreams together. It wasn’t fair.
The normal spark in Yoohyeon’s eyes dimmed, and she retreated into herself. Her bubbliness dissipated in an instant, replaced by more sadness than she knew what to do with. She was the first to begin crying, and she sought the comfort of your arms when it became too much for her to handle alone. 
Dami, ever the reasonable one, was determined to phone the higher ups and talk some sense into them. She was convinced that if the other members all banded together and expressed their disapproval in a logical way, they would have no choice but to give you a chance, at the very least. But you stopped her for the same reason that you had stopped Sua. They had made themselves clear at the meeting, and you knew in your heart that their minds were made up.
You didn’t notice the tears in Dami’s eyes until you took her phone out of her hand and put it on the table beside her. When you brought her into your arms for a hug, they fell onto your shirt, warm and full of sadness. She hated feeling helpless more than anything else in the world, and knowing there was nothing left to do broke her heart.
Watching it all unfold was Jiu. She couldn’t wrap her mind around it; it felt like she was having a nightmare. How could they have turned you away like that? You were just as good at your job as any of them, and you were one of the most dedicated people she’d ever known. The fans loved you. Your talent showed without you even trying; it made no sense that they would let you go so easily. 
She tried to stop her tears from falling, but when you finally looked up at her, surrounded by the other members, she couldn’t hold back anymore. 
You had been her rock ever since she met you – her safe place. She could express her worries and concerns freely with you, despite her position as leader. Hell, you were just as much of a leader to the girls as she was. Your consistency and energy held everything together, and the members depended on you, always. She depended on you more than words could explain; you were the first and last thing on her mind most days. You kept her level headed when she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders, and you never let her lose sight of her goals.
Losing the backbone of the group seemed unfathomable in every way. Never in a million years would she have expected it to happen. 
But beyond that, Jiu felt like she was losing two people. Y/N – the member of her group – and Y/N – the woman she had harbored secret feelings for for as long as she could remember. She had planned to confess soon, but the opportunity for that was stripped away from her by this news of your departure. Her heart broke as she realized that you wouldn’t be in the dorm anymore; all those early morning and late night conversations and hang outs wouldn’t happen anymore. She wouldn’t be able to just walk to your room when she missed you, or hit you up with spontaneous plans whenever she felt like it. You’d be miles away and busy building whatever life you chose in the wake of this.
And the new members? They could never replace you. Not in a million years.
But she made a vow to never take her resentment for the situation out on them, because at the end of the day they were just striving to achieve their dreams as well. And besides, she knew you wouldn't have wanted her to be angry at them. Though, even still, she knew she'd always think of you when seeing them. A disappointment – a longing – would always remain in her heart, lamenting over what could've been. 
Because, at the end of the day, things would never be the same again. No matter how much you tried to stay in contact, conflicting schedules and prior engagements would eventually get in the way. Frequent calls and check ins would fade, becoming few and far between. Communication would be more difficult, given the distance. Nothing would compare to having you by her side in all the ways she had for the past few years. 
It all hit her at once, like an icy slap to the face. She tried to stay strong for everyone, but it was one of the hardest pills that she’d ever had to swallow. 
When you called her over and wrapped your arms around her, it took every bit of courage she had to keep from breaking down. As you wiped her tears and held her close, she tried to commit the feeling of it all to memory. She wanted to store it somehow, so that her body could never forget it. Her nails dug into the material of your shirt with purpose, and you simply hugged her harder at the feeling. 
You had no idea that she was in love with you. You were oblivious to it in the most heartbreaking kind of way. But she knew it was too late to tell you now. Putting that on you in the midst of everything else didn’t feel right, no matter how much she wanted to shout it from the rooftops. She wanted to find a way to justify it, selfishly, so that she didn’t have to deal with the reality of it alone. She wondered if maybe, if things were different, you would’ve felt the same.
It killed her, knowing that she couldn’t have you. Knowing that you were slipping right through her fingers and she was powerless to stop it. She’d have to pretend to be unfazed from now on, but she knew anytime she’d enter the dorm or company building you’d be the first thing on her mind. 
Her eyes would automatically go to the spot you would’ve been in. Choreographies now arranged for seven would always feel a little foreign, in the back of her mind. All the little things were already piling up, and she didn’t think that time was capable of easing the strain they placed on her heart. When it came to someone like you, so interwoven into her daily life and routines, she couldn’t fathom even spending a full week apart.
But the kiss that you pressed to her cheek reminded her that you were still there for the moment. The brush of your soft skin against hers as she nuzzled her head into the crook of your neck brought her peace and calmed her down. 
For now, she could still reach out and touch you. She could call you whenever she wanted to. Whip up a snack for you and show her affection in all the many ways that she loved to. For now.
The company had informed you that they would only give you until the start of the next week to pack your things and find a new living situation before you were officially removed.
It was all so fast. Too fast, for any of them to properly handle. You all knew it would be one of those things that you never fully got over. Just one of life’s cruelties. 
But for the last few days that you had left together, the girls promised to remain at your side. Between packing and bouts of crying, you’d do your favorite activities together. Movies and ice cream would be used to cope, with your sobs excused by whatever sad displays were playing out on the TV. You could go out on the town, order in, sing karaoke in the early hours of the morning, relax quietly – anything. They were determined to make them some of the most special days that you’d ever known.
After all, you deserved nothing less. Their shining star: Y/N.
Time Jump
For a while, things were relatively fine in the aftermath. You settled into the routine of your new life, living on the outskirts of Seoul and working at a quaint coffee shop that had happened to be hiring. The owners graciously allowed you to live in the small apartment above the café, and they treated you well. 
The girls each found time to spend with you, whether it be to shop, relax somewhere together, or just catch a meal at one of your favorite restaurants. They called and texted often, always making sure that you were doing well and taking care of yourself. They never failed to mention how much they missed you and how boring things were without you. 
On exceptionally beautiful Spring and Summer days, Jiu would do her best to have a floral arrangement sent to you. Her favorite flowers were paired with the ones you loved most, and a big bow usually held them all together. Sometimes, a short handwritten note even accompanied them.
If you were craving a specific food and mentioned it online somewhere, every now and then someone (who you later found out was Sua) would have a fresh batch of it delivered to your doorstep. It didn’t happen very often, but when it did you felt so cared for. 
Siyeon made sure to include you in Dreamcatcher activities, whether it be by using your representative emoji / animal in posts or doing a certain hand sign that you had more or less claimed as your own during your time with them. It was subtle, but it meant the world to you.
Yoohyeon sent you letters and pictures from time to time. Following a short vacation to Jeju that the girls went on together, she sent you a handwritten letter and some polaroids that they took with you in mind. 
In a solo project that Dami did, she added some subtle call outs to your situation and how unfair it was. Clearly, she was still as upset about the situation as before, and she missed how things used to be.
They all even posted special messages on their Instagram accounts whenever your birthday rolled around, ensuring that you felt included. 
But, as all good things do, their efforts started to fade after a while. Their schedules picked up during comeback season; events were held that kept them tethered to either their practice rooms, beds, or the stage; and other avenues of life got in the way. 
They faced more backlash than before, too, on the rare occasions that they were seen out with you. Some fans were still supportive and glad to see you, but others expressed their wishes for you to get a life and accept that you weren’t a part of the group anymore. Their comments and heckling were hurtful, adding salt to your still-sensitive wound; but you knew it upset the girls on top of that, and arguably, that hurt you more than anything the haters could’ve ever said. 
By then, you’d grown used to the harsh comments about yourself. But the girls never did; anytime they read or heard them, their once-happy smiles would always fade, and the shine in their eyes would dim as they looked at you. So many emotions were present, yet they remained unspoken. A million things, all too big and complicated for words. 
You knew then that your time with them was dwindling. Every visit seemed to be a little shorter, or interruptions from the company would spring up. Juggling everything was weighing on them, and you could see it clear as day. 
So you decided then that you would distance yourself. For the sake of everyone, you let your connections slip away, just enough. You’d learned over the months that fading away gradually and quietly hurt the least and was the most effective, and so you chose that path. 
For the most part, it worked. Other than on major holidays or birthdays, they were too busy to stop you or change things. Their texts came in less frequently, and video calls were few and far between. 
Although it pained you, you learned to live without them. 
It was more difficult than you expected, especially in the beginning; you’d underestimated just how much they’d impacted even the smallest parts of your life. When good news came or you wanted to share something you’d learned, it was always your first instinct to pick up the phone and dial up their numbers. Sometimes you found yourself looking through old pictures and reminiscing on the memories that were tied to them.
But you had to let go of that. Those habits that you picked up after years of being around them didn’t serve you anymore, and you had to break them. 
When it rained, you no longer allowed yourself to remember the way that Yoohyeon would cling to you under your umbrella after realizing she had misplaced hers.
When the rich scents of the nearby forest flitted their way over towards the coffee shop, you didn’t let your mind wander onto what Siyeon was up to. 
The warmth of the Sun didn’t remind you of Jiu’s smile. 
Loud laughter from patrons didn’t conjure up an image of Sua anymore.
And quiet Fall afternoons passed by the turning pages of whatever book you were reading didn’t make you think of Dami’s quiet charm. 
You didn’t allow the little moments to take you back, because you knew you’d never want to leave that state of mind if they did. It was undoubtedly one of the hardest challenges you ever faced, but you did it nonetheless.
Two Years Later
It all started in time with the changing of the seasons. You were certain of it.
As the anniversary of MINX’s disbandment neared, a heavy feeling came to visit you again, like an unwelcome guest. 
The warmth faded. What few leaves were left on the trees made their final leap to the solid ground below, joining the swaths of others there to wither away. The skies were cloudy a lot of the time, basking the new season in an eerie haze. It wasn’t satisfactory at all – nothing like what that time of year is usually like, and nothing like what people look forward to. The approaching holiday season was off to a lackluster start by all accounts. 
But you did your best to persevere. 
Your job kept you busy most of the time, and you were grateful for that. Had it not, you would’ve spent the hours stuck on the past and wondering what you would’ve been up to at a time like this. Fansigns? Behind the scenes for a new music video? Song writing?
Any lull in the flow of customers allowed you to think, and you didn’t want that. Having no thoughts seemed better than having too many, after all.
But on one fateful afternoon, something unexpected happened. Destiny intervened – interrupting the monotonous flow that your life had taken on – and enabled the universe to work its magic. 
In Your Apartment
You had just sat down to eat a nice late lunch that you had prepared. The café owners had left town to visit some relatives for the evening, and so they gave you the rest of the day off. 
The television in front of you came to life as you pressed the buttons of the remote, and a garbled stream of changing colors and graphics washed across the room as you flipped through the available channels in search of something worthwhile to watch. 
You eventually found something halfway decent and began eating. 
It was a simple sandwich that you had purchased from the store, paired with a salad. Nothing fancy, but it was still tasty. 
No more than five bites in, your phone began to ring on the coffee table in front of you. You sighed and reached out for it, ready to flip it over and see if it was someone you could ignore or not.
Once you saw who it was, though, you froze.
A smiling picture of Jiu lit up its screen, bright and achingly beautiful. It had been so long since she’d called that you almost forgot how to act.
Should you even answer?
“Hello?” You asked, attempting to hide the nervous lilt in your voice.
“Ah, Y/N,” she greeted, a smile evident in the words, “...hi.”
You sat your fork down, curious as to why she was calling you so out of the blue. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to hang out with the girls and I after our performance today. We’ve missed you a lot and we want to catch up,” she explained, as if she read your mind. She was straight to the point, and you both loved and hated that.
Part of you wanted her to trade the usual niceties that come when you haven’t talked to someone in a long time, but deep down you knew that reverting to small talk with her wouldn’t have felt quite right either. 
“But it’s totally okay if you don’t want to!” She interrupted in a rush, pushing the words out like her life depended on it. 
Her panic was endearing; it almost sounded like a teenager asking out their crush, if you thought about it.
You chuckled lightly, oblivious to the way it made her heart speed up. “I was going to say that I’d love to, Jiu. What time?”
This could be a huge mistake, but she had a way of working past your defenses in an instant, even after all this time. 
Her sigh of relief was audible, though you were sure she didn’t intend for it to be. It just made you smile even more.
“We should be finished up here at Show Champion around seven, so how about eight? That’ll give us time to go to the dorm and freshen up first.”
Your smile faltered at her mention of the dorm. “Sounds good,” you agreed. “Where should I meet you?”
She pulled the phone away from her ear and called for the girls, quickly asking for suggestions. A bittersweet smile graced your lips at the image of them in your mind, all thinking hard and throwing out ideas while gathered around her. It brought back so many memories. 
Sua shouted her choice so loudly that even you heard it crystal clear. The rest of them took a few seconds to agree, and then Jiu put the phone back to her ear. 
“How about our favorite restaurant near the dorm? The one we would always go to at this time of year.”
“I’ll be there.” 
“I can’t wait. See you soon.”
You finished your meal and showered before spending nearly a lifetime picking out what you wanted to wear. You didn’t have many fancy clothes to choose from, especially on such short notice, but you managed to put together a nice outfit that was still casual enough for a night out. 
You wanted to do something special – to surprise the girls somehow – just as a way of thanking them for all they’d done. Seeing them would undoubtedly bring back a lot of feelings and memories, but you couldn’t say that you weren’t looking forward to it. You couldn’t remember the last time they’d been free enough to call you up and invite you out, or even when your own schedule had allowed you to be the one to initiate things. So, this once, you felt like indulging a little. Distancing could begin again later. 
Spending some time with them would surely do you some good in the meantime, anyway. At least that’s what you told yourself.
With a glance at the clock, you discovered that you still had plenty of time to throw together a quick little surprise for them. The plan came together in your mind on the fly, and everything seemed completely doable. 
You just crossed your fingers and hoped for the best as you left your apartment and locked the shop up. You really wanted this gesture to make them happy. 
The Four Leaf Clover
Your shoes made soft crunching noises as they treaded over the sidewalk, even and rhythmic with your stride. For once, you didn’t mind the chill that washed over your body when the wind blew; it was refreshing. Your mind was too busy wondering what the night would hold to feel upset about anything, really, and you cherished that. You couldn’t remember the last time that had happened. 
The familiar corner shop – your destination – came into view a couple of minutes later, comfortably lit and cozy looking. An old man – one of its owners – sat outside of it on a wooden chair, completing a puzzle. He greeted you with a warm smile and seated bow, and you reciprocated before heading inside.
A small bell above the door announced your entrance.
“Welcome,” a feminine voice chimed, slightly worn with age. 
“Hi, Mrs. Park,” you smiled, approaching the counter. 
“My, my. It’s been too long, Y/N. How have you been?”
You took a breath. 
“Fine; I can’t complain. And you?” 
“Still kicking, sweetie. That’s all I can ask for.” She chuckled to herself. 
You nodded, regarding her. She still looked the same as you remembered. The years hadn’t even given her another wrinkle yet.
“So,” she started, “What can I get for you?”
“I’d like a custom arrangement: just seven pretty flowers with a nice bow.”
She hummed at the simple request. “And what kind of flowers will you be needing?”
“Oh, I um…” Somehow you hadn’t thought that far ahead. “I’m not sure, actually.”
“Don’t worry,” she mitigated. “I can pick them out for you. Who are they for? And what’s the occasion?”
Your shoulders relaxed a little, put at ease. 
“For some friends,” you explained. “We haven’t seen each other in a while.”
As you pictured all seven of them, Jiu stood out in your mind, like usual. The owner eyed you, studying the unconscious smile on your lips. 
“Friends, huh?” She teased. 
You opened your mouth to respond, but she didn’t let you. 
“I’ll have it ready in a jiffy. Hang tight, sweetheart.” She turned and pushed her way past the swinging doors that led to the back, shuffling off to put together your arrangement. 
You took the next few minutes to leisurely stroll around the small shop and admire all the creations it had to offer. Handmade crafts, knick knacks, and fresh bouquets were displayed beautifully. Small hand written signs indicated their prices, hanging near them or leaning on their stands. The marker lines on them were a little shaky, showing that whoever wrote them had done so with a trembling hand. 
The little details like that, seemingly so insignificant, showcased just how much effort the two of them put into the store. 
They’d been running it ever since you could remember. Having grown up nearby and attended your training at the company, you were never very far from it. When you moved into the dorm with the girls, it only brought you closer. The place almost always stayed busy, being frequented by families and supporters alike at all times of the year. 
Specials were given during exam season, because the Parks were aware of the stress that families were already under. They still wanted the students’ efforts to be celebrated. 
Those in mourning were given discounts on funeral arrangements to lessen their burdens.
Holiday events were hosted towards the end of the year, giving people the chance to come in and learn to properly decorate their own arrangements. Refreshments were provided, and they never failed to bring out the festive joy that that time of year is known for. Classes were taught by Mrs. Park, with her husband handing out supplies and ensuring everyone was well taken care of. 
Even when one of them was ill, the store stayed open. They made a promise to each other to keep their doors open for as long as possible, and they stayed true to that. 
That kind of consistency is beyond rare. 
You can only imagine how many days they saved by simply being open. Birthdays, funerals, anniversaries, parties, house warmings… you name it, they’ve saved it. 
It made you smile to yourself in a grateful kind of way, as your fingertips traced along the side of an antique clock on the counter. This tiny store, so unassuming and quaint, housed so many memories for so many people. 
What a beautiful thing it was.
“Seven orange alstroemerias,” Mrs. Park called, signaling that she was finished. 
You padded your way back over to her and found her zhuzhing up a beautiful array of them. They were vibrant and open wide, flaunting their colors. 
“They symbolize devotion and friendship,” she informed. 
“They’re perfect. Thank you so much.” 
Your fingertips skated over the silky material of the bow she had wrapped around them. It was prettier than you ever could’ve imagined.
She smiled deeply. “No problem, sweetheart.”
“How much do I owe you?” You inquired, reaching into your pocket for your cash.
“Twelve dollars.”
When you handed her the total amount, she took it into her small hands and pressed some buttons on the register to enter it in.
You peered down into the bouquet as you slid it closer to yourself, and a flash of red amongst the sea of orange caught your eye, nestled a little further down than all the others. Its petals were far different, too.
“Oh, ma’am,” you said, catching her attention before she could hand your change back. “You put an extra flower in here. A rose.”
“Oh, did I?” She tutted, but her response gave you the feeling that it wasn’t such an accident after all. “Go ahead and keep it, then. Free of charge,” she waved her hand into the air. “I’m sure you can find someone to give it to.”
She absolutely did that on purpose. The tell-tale smile on her lips as she handed you your change sold her out on the spot.
“Thank you.”
“You're welcome, honey. Have a good evening.”
You smiled just the same as her, finally on the same wavelength. “You, too.”
Show Champion 
The flowers rested in the crook of your elbow as you sent a quick text on your phone, letting your friend know that you were outside the building. The wind blew rather harshly as you waited for a reply; it rippled over your long overcoat and nipped at your cheeks, stinging your skin. 
Go-eun, the woman you were waiting on, had worked here ever since you were still a part of MINX. It was here that you first met her, all that time ago, and an easy-going friendship had blossomed almost immediately. Despite everything that had happened over the past few years, she had remained your friend and stayed in touch through it all. You were beyond glad to have her.
Before long, an outside door creaked open and her smiling face emerged. She had on a headset that connected her to the action that was happening inside. 
Her hand raised to it and she pressed a button as she motioned you inside. You stepped through the threshold and shook the cold off. 
“I owe you one.”
Her head swayed lightly and she waved a dismissing hand. “Don’t mention it. It’s the least I can do.”
“Thank you, Go-eun. Really.”
Her smile simply deepened in response, and she sent you a thumbs up for encouragement. You had explained your plan over the phone on your way to the performance hall, and she herself was excited to see it unfold. 
“Go get ‘em.”
You parted ways and headed down the side hallway towards the waiting rooms for the artists. The layout was still somewhat familiar from your time as an idol, but they had clearly rearranged some things in your absence. Your hands gripped the flowers a little harder, ringing their stems unconsciously.
After some walking, you rounded one final corner and were greeted by a sight that made your breath hitch tightly in your throat. 
Jiu’s laughter filled the hall as she exited a room, leading all the other girls out. They were joking about something that Sua had said, and they lightly jostled each other around. Gahyeon and Handong, the two new members, looked radiant in the dark outfits that their stylists had prepared. They fit into the group seamlessly, filling your shoes in some ways that you never could’ve. 
From what you had seen of them during your occasional bouts of watching Dreamcatcher’s content, it was easy to see how much they shined. They deserved every good thing in the world; they worked hard to achieve their dreams, just the same as the rest of you. They were talented; you could see why they were chosen for a task as daunting as a rebranding. 
No hard feelings existed between you, but your heart undeniably ached at the sight of them all together. Yet again, you were stuck on the outside looking in. 
From idol to fan, just like that. The beheld to the admirer. It still got to you.
Yoohyeon was the first to notice you. Her voice was small and full of cautious hope. She didn’t want to blink and find out that she was imagining things.
“Hi, Yooh. Miss me?” You smiled sadly, tilting your head. 
Her lip quivered in response. She always was the most emotional out of all of them.
Despite the loudness of the stage further away in the building, the hallway had fallen almost completely silent. It rang in your ears. The drop of a pen could be heard. 
The rest of them turned in your direction at the sound of your voice. Jiu locked eyes with you; her brows knitted together pitifully, like she wanted to cry, too. 
“What’re you doing here?” Incredulity shimmered in her tone.
The others perked up behind her, regarding you in quiet astonishment. They never expected you to be here.
Down the hall, near where Go-eun was peeking out at the crowd through a curtain, a security officer pressed the button of his walkie-talkie and spoke an order into it. He was keeping watch, making sure things ran smoothly.
You smiled to yourself and reached into the bouquet to retrieve the rose. Once it was freed, you outstretched it to Jiu. Her fingertips brushed against its petals as she glanced at the others. She realized then that hers was the only rose.
You were able to watch that fact dawn on her, filling her with hope. 
Could this mean that you…
“I wanted to surprise you all and show my support,” you explained. “I hope you–”
It all happened in a flash.
“Stop right there!” A booming voice shouted suddenly. Quick-moving footsteps, heavy and dull as they resounded against the floor, accompanied it.
Just as Sua stepped forward to see what the commotion was, two men approached either side of you and roughly grabbed you by the arms. 
None of you had thought that their warning was aimed at you.
The flowers all fell to the ground, getting stomped on by their careless feet. 
“Hey!” Dami exclaimed in response. 
You struggled against them, tugging on your arms in an attempt to be freed. Despite the attempts you made to explain who you were, they didn’t listen.
“We’re sorry, ladies.” They addressed the girls, “She must’ve managed to sneak her way back here from the crowd.”
Your heart sank. They thought you were just another fan. 
Jiu stepped forward, extending a hand to you.
Siyeon spoke up, “But she’s–”
They smugly shook their heads, and one of them raised a hand to stop her. “Don’t worry, we’ll get her out of your hair.”
Sua looked at them like they were insane. As they turned on their heels and harshly pulled you along, she marched behind them and grabbed the sleeve of one of their uniforms. 
“Yah, saekki, she’s not just a fan!” She shouted. 
They turned around, looking embarrassed and caught off guard by her use of language. “What?”
“She’s our friend. Now let her go.”
If looks could kill, those two men would’ve dropped dead on the spot. They released you in an instant and apologized, quickly bowing multiple times to everyone to show their so-called respect. They rushed away, returning to their posts immediately after.
In their wake, the hallway returned to silence. Blaring, awful silence. 
Although the encounter was over fairly quickly and was now resolved, the damage had been done. 
Yoohyeon approached you and tried to fix your mussed clothes, but you caught her hands before she could. You held them in your own, looking past her at the mangled bouquet on the ground, completely ruined. Aside from being pissed off, the girls all looked distressed and sad. Gahyeon and Handong averted their gazes, feeling ashamed. Jiu was almost teary eyed; Sua was shaking her head in anger; Siyeon went quiet; and Dami had her jaw set with a look of contempt on her face. Staggered curses fell from their lips.
In a matter of just a couple minutes, their happiness had soured and turned into this. What could’ve been a wonderful moment was now marred by your presence and the chaos that you brought along. 
You never should have come here. 
“I-I’m sorry, everyone.”
You dropped Yoohyeon’s hands and turned around, briskly striding towards the side door that you had entered. Tears of embarrassment stung your eyes, and you quickly swiped them away.
Go-eun looked concerned as you approached, but you just shook your head at her and left with a promise of explaining later. The wind was somehow even colder than before as you rushed out the door, and once it mixed with your salty tears you finally let yourself go. 
Fresh ones fell freely, replacing the others that threatened to dry from the wind. You sat down outside of the building and pressed your back against the frigid surface of the wall. Your forehead came to rest on your knees as you cried, feeling stupid. 
Why had you ever expected that to work out? You were such an idiot. 
Gahyeon reached down and picked up the bouquet, frowning. Sua and Siyeon had left directly after you to reprimand the security officers, and Dami was comforting a teary Yoohyeon. Jiu still held her rose in her hands, turning it over and over. 
She glanced back at the girls and nodded before heading after you. In the small gap that existed between her belt and the outside of her pants, she slid the stem of her rose. With it secured in place, she quickly treaded down the hallway.
When she slipped out the side door and saw you curled up, her heart broke. You raised your head at the sound of the heavy metal latching back into place behind her, and inadvertently met her gaze.
You stood up and wiped the rest of your tears before walking in the opposite direction. You didn’t even give her a chance to speak.
Although she was taken aback, she didn’t stall in going after you. Not anymore.
“Go back inside, Jiu.”
You walked further down the sidewalk, tucking your hands into your pockets. “If you stick around me, I’ll just end up causing more problems.”
“Don’t say that, Y/N!” She scolded, sounding even more upset than she was inside. She had no reason to be, since you were just removing yourself from the situation. She wouldn’t have to worry about you anymore this way.
“Why shouldn’t I? It’s true, and we both know it!” You returned, exasperated. “You don’t have to pretend otherwise for my sake.”
“I’m not pretending,” she pressed, following after you. Her outfit wasn’t suitable for the weather, but the emotions coursing through her numbed her to the chill. This exchange hurt her more than the wind ever could, anyway. Why did you insist so hard on leaving?
“Just stop,” you said over your shoulder, not bothering to turn around. “Maybe another day,” you said, in reference to your plans.
You were far too upset to enjoy the night after all that, and awkwardly pretending that it didn’t happen would be just as painful.
“No!” She erupted, grabbing your arm and spinning you around. Your jaw went a little slack at the suddenness of it; this was a totally new side of her. 
“I’m sick of waiting, Y/N. That’s all I’ve ever done when it comes to you, and I’m not doing it anymore.”
Your brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”
Her features were strikingly beautiful – so sharp. Their jaded edges displayed everything she was feeling, despite your inability to read them. You were still just as oblivious as ever.
She snuck a hurried glance around the both of you before pulling you over to the side of the building. She pushed you against it directly after, catching you off guard. Her arms wound around your middle as she moved to hold you close.
You had half the inclination to ask what she was doing, but the feeling of her mouth on yours interrupted those thoughts before they could even finish forming. 
Her lips kissed a reply against yours, saying all the words she never could before. 
I love you, they pressed, urgent and hard enough to bruise.
I always have, they whispered without words, soft in their reassurance. 
A million confessions flowed from them to yours, spreading like the strawberry gloss that painted them so beautifully. She couldn’t possibly have cared less about the messy state you were putting her in; she lived for the way you came alive in her arms, kissing her back with just as much passion as she felt herself. It was a confirmation that the feelings she had were mutual in the best type of way. 
A muffled sigh left you as you brought your arms up to wrap around her neck and draw her in closer. She pressed the length of her body against yours, molding to you like never before. Her hands gripped your hips possessively, begging you to stay for once in your life and see this through. She was afraid to let go again.
Her teeth captured your bottom lip as you tilted your head to the side, granting her more access. She took the opportunity to deepen the kiss without a second thought, releasing her inhibitions. She lost herself in your taste – in the feel of you. It was everything that she’d hoped for and more after spending so many years waiting. 
You were like Heaven to touch. 
The perfume on your neck drew her under as her lips trailed over your sensitive skin there, leaving a mark in their wake. 
She smiled when your hand fisted in her hair, returning the desperation that she felt. Her head was in the clouds. 
“Please don’t ever run away like that again,” she whispered against your jawline, allowing her lips to brush it in the process. “What happened wasn’t your fault.” She left small kisses behind as little reminders of her love for you. 
“Just because things went sideways in there doesn’t mean we don’t want you around. We’ve all missed you so much, Y/N/N… you have no idea.”
“I’m sorry.”
She pulled away enough to touch her nose to yours, moving it side to side. When you laughed at the feeling, she smiled. 
“The girls and I need you more than you know. They love you, and I…” she paused, swallowing nervously, “I love you. I have for a long time now.”
You stole another quick kiss from her lips, rewarding her for her confession. “Me too.”
Her thumbs rubbed comforting patterns against your hips. “Then will you stay? Please?”
You took a deep breath of the evening air to bring you back to your senses. You were still reeling, if you were honest, and thinking straight wasn’t something you felt very capable of with the woman of your dreams holding you in her arms like she was. Her kiss-swollen lips pouted, only further corrupting you. 
“I’ll stay,” you nodded. “And we can still go to the restaurant.”
She pulled away and did a little victory dance that had you smiling in an instant. Her face brightened, donning a beautiful smile as she cheered. She was such a dork that you almost couldn’t stand it. 
If any paparazzi were lurking nearby, her questionable choice of celebratory dance moves would’ve undoubtedly been a larger scandal then the kisses you shared. 
“Alright, alright,” you interrupted after a few seconds, stepping forward and grabbing her wrist to stop her. “We get the idea.”
“I’m just so happy,” she cooed, gazing into your eyes with so much love you nearly swooned at the mere sight of it. 
“So are we,” Sua said from nearby all of a sudden.
“AHHH!” Both you and Jiu let out a scream of terror at the same time.
“How long have you been standing there?!” Jiu barked, recovering with a hand over her heart.
Sua pursed her lips, thinking for a second. “Just long enough to see your dance.”
“Very interpretive,” Siyeon narrowed her eyes and nodded, giving a thumbs up. She slung her arm around Sua’s shoulder as she came to stand beside her.
Yoohyeon and Dami appeared behind them a few seconds later, attempting to suppress their laughter. “You guys didn’t hear the door latch? It’s like a hundred years old.” Yoohyeon giggled. 
You cleared your throat, blushing more than you would’ve liked to. “I guess we were a little preoccupied.”
“Yeah, about to fuc–” Gahyeon began.
“Language!” The unnies all shouted in unison, interrupting the youngest member. She rolled her eyes, but an amused smile rested on her lips regardless as she neared the group as well. It grew wider when she looked at you, causing her eyes to form into little crescents. 
Handong was the last to show herself, but it was for a good reason. 
The bouquet was cradled in her hands, still wrapped in the paper and bow that it came with. Tape was wound around every broken piece of the flowers’ stems, making them semi-straight again. All of the girls had done their best to repair the damage that the guards had done, and that simple gesture alone made you want to cry all over again. The sentiment was unexpected but beyond welcome. 
“We’re really excited to spend the evening with you, Y/N,” Handong spoke, soft and smooth. “The girls talk about you all the time.”
You glanced around at all of them, finally feeling content in a way you hadn’t since you left the dorm all that time ago. So much love and adoration shined in their eyes for you, clear as day. For you, they’d do just about anything.
And while things wouldn’t ever be quite the same as they were before, you knew then that the girls would forge a new future with you in it, however they needed to. They never wanted to lose you again, and something about this time felt different. Deep down in your heart, you knew it would last.
As their arms all wrapped around you in the group hug that Sua initiated, you let your eyes fall shut. 
“I’m excited, too,” you said, smiling to yourself. 
And for the first time in a long time, you really meant it. 
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minjiarchive · 1 year
daydream | jiu x fem!reader
a/n: some fluff after sometime, hope u like it anon... sorry i took long to post it </3
​★ request: jiu calling reader puppy (might not wanna read if u dont like nicknames like that!)
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"honey, what are doing?" minji softly spoke, she noticed how long you were sitting at your desk. you switched from different subjects and assignments whenever she looked back at you. minji wanted to give you some alone time just in case you needed to be alone but she also wanted to keep you company. "i'm studying for my exam that's coming up in a week."
"are you almost done? the side of our bed is starting to get cold without you here."
"i'll be there in a couple of minutes!" she admired how hard-working you are. you weren't the type to let all your work pile up into one big stress load, you managed your time well. she has to admit though that she craves your attention at times.
even you look so good while studying; she can't resist how she feels towards you, minji doesn't hide that from you either. she stopped whatever that she was doing on her phone, tossing it on the bed before walking where you were sitting.
you were completely aware of her footsteps coming up from behind you, followed by her quiet giggling as well which gave herself away. "oh miss minji? are you going to ask me to hold you?"
"will that be too much to ask dear?" her arms already hugging you from behind.
"never, come here love." you spun your chair to face minji in her direction, giving her a more better and comfortable position to hug you in. her soft perfume scent lingered in the air, never failing to bring you much comfort when she's around you. "you smell good."
"maybe because you picked that scent out for me." she said, snickering cheekily at your compliment. minji laid upon your chest, listening to your heartbeat that picked up its pace each time she tried moving closer to you.
you closed your eyes for a moment of rest and peace. you held her tight to your chest, enjoying the moment between you since you didn't know how long it would take for you to be done until you can her close cuddle again. "my good puppy... you've been working so hard you must be tired."
"-minji-ya!" despite the fact she couldn't see your face, she could only imagine your face all flushed at the unexpected name she called you. minji tried to entice you with the lovely nickname anyways.
"what? it's true!" acting unheeding to her behavior right now.
"i know what you're trying to do... just sleep on my lap while i do my work!" you pinched her cheek one last time. massaging her temples to help her fall asleep more easier, you allowed her to daze off in your arms while listening to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
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awisespirit · 6 months
Pet play with dom Siyeon and dom Minji 😩
Mhmm you would be their little kitten. Whenever these 2 come back from work all tired your there to brightened up their moods.
As the front door opens your ears perk up as you run to the door step, meowing.
"Y/N-nie~" Minji coos at you before petting you softly followed by Siyeon.
"was someone a good little kitty while me and Mommy were away for work?"
You guys just cuddle on the sofa after the both of them get cleaned up.
You in the middle of them cuddled up so comfy.
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