#jonsas dont interact
rise-my-angel · 9 months
"Perhaps Jon tried to send word earlier."
"No, this is the way he is. The way he's always been. He never asked for my opinion, why would he start now?"
Gods be good Sansa, you are an absolute child. First of all, Jon is King. King in the North. Meaning he is your King. He doesn't need to ask your opinion. You are not a political advisor, nor someone trained to sit on a war council, nor even raised with an education be a lord. Your short time sitting in on smallfolk court sessions in the Vale was nowhere near what it takes to understand what being a lord, leader, king, or war commander is like. Jon has nothing to gain from your lack of insight.
Not to mention, the one time you complained to him that he didn't ask your opinion, he then asked you to say what you were thinking and you immediately proceeded to get upset and whine that you didn't know what to do. Not to mention you then wrote to recruit the Knights of the Vale without ever telling Jon that you had an army at your aid which was fully untouched by war and let Jon command what little Northerners and Free Folk he had into a bloody slaughter, then showed up so late it was entierly possible Jon could've been dead by that point. Clean on your nice horse getting to play hero to a battle you refused to tell Jon you had an ally for. Why would Jon *ever* ask for your opinion after that?
Also also, you argued with him in front of the entire court of lords when he was King. You told him he was wrong for wanting to let the innocent sons and daughters of once traitors to keep a home that had been theirs for thousands of years. When disposing the home of one of your own bannerman when the guilty parties all died in battle is actually never something the Starks have done. Battle by the way, is established as a situation which Jon fully believes acts as a judging sentence. That if you die in battle your crime has been paid for and it is time to move passed it. You are going against what the North believes in Sansa, by demanding to punish an entire house, also consisting of children by the way, to be forced from their homes. And then when Jon was gone you have spent this entire time complaining that hes not good enough to be King, despite that being so open about that is treason.
Also also also, "the way he's always been?" You mean hes always been the brother of yours that you tended to ignore and not be very fond of because of you grew up holding classis views and saw him as lesser then because he was a bastard? And therefore he has never had a reason to go to you with trust?
Listen, I too think Jon bending the knee is entierly out of character and not something he would ever actually do. But that still doesn't justify why Sansa has been nothing but endlessly hostile and antagonistic towards him. Jon has done nothing but risk his life for his family and the North, you have not ever risked your life like that. You are nothing like Robb and nothing like Jon and you have no justified reason to be so openly hostile about his every choice.
Take a note from Stannis's book, Sansa. Just because you don't agree with what your brother is doing, doesn't mean you get to act high and mighty and defy his orders when that brother is also King. You want to be Lady of Winterfell or Queen in the North? Try doing your duty first, and respect your King.
Is this the romance you dreamed of, Jonsa stans? This stesming pile of blatant disrespect and contempt?
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falllpoutboy · 11 months
the show sequel show had the potential to reunite jon and sansa onscreen yet it had to get cancelled huh?
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jackoshadows · 1 year
This whole "Jonryas are the new Jonsas" wank is upsetting and pointless, but I honestly dont think it should be framed as a Jonrya vs Jonerys war because 1) that person used to ship both Jonrya and Jonerys before deciding to turn on the former, 2) I couldn't find a single Dany or Jonerys fan interacting with their posts and 3) they never made a post exclusively about Dany and already whined about how Dany fans talk about Jon as well. So this is more like one Jon stan vs Jonryas drama.
Ah, one of those Jon Snow fans.
I will never understand a Jon Snow fan who does not like Arya and vice versa considering how integral these characters are to each other's arcs. Especially for Jon Snow and his ADwD arc. Not even from a shipping point of view. Just from a 'big brother/little sister' dynamic and platonic/family love Jon and Arya stand out in the books in a refreshing way. It fleshes out these characters and it makes readers look forward to these two uniting. How can one hate them?
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patrocles · 1 year
opinions about jonsa?
i dont think i have super strong opinions, but you can consider me a passive jonsa enjoyer.
i like how their respective arcs echo off each other, i think it creates a nice dichotomy between them. and i think their personalities are very complimentary of one another.
i’ve been very excited to see these two reunite in the books, not necessarily for romantic reasons, but because the way they think about each other. they’re the two who didnt really have a relationship at all before leaving winterfell, and have both changed so much and so similarly, it will be interesting to see how they interact going forward seeing each other in a new way.
do i think there’s anything potentially there with them getting together?? i have absolutely no idea but i think a case could be made for it in a political context.
i will say tho that most of the nicest people ive been in this fandom and on twitter have been jonsas so!
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oh boy i dared looking into the dany tag and holy fuck the GOT fandom got worse or something????
... actually it was def always terrible as well as the story itself in books and in the show but im still surprised, going back to it now after years, that i even liked that shit, it's the misogyny, incest glorification and the fandom normalizing the child fetishization in both shows and books(SPECIALLY BOOKS) and hating on kids for me... btw when i say hating on kids i mean specially hating on Dany(whom i see people hating the most) which everyone seems to forget is a fucking 13 year old and former slave and rape survivor who was heavly groomed and abused all her fucking life by everyone but nooooo, def the villain, not even going to mention how the ammount of people who call themselves her fans only do so with the mind she could be a good sacrifice or broodmare for whatever fucking male characters they are interested in the moment(jorah, darius, jon)... and those are just the sides of the fandom i ended up interacting more, not even going to touch on jonsa or whatever the fuck that delusional honestly worring part of the GOT fandom has going on for the most of it, or how the sark stans are weirdly okay with their faves being turned into racist and xenophobic assholes, or the weird hate for the unsullited(? Idk it has been ages and i dont care, give me a break) meanwhile loving that "let's mock democracy and keep the white powerful people... in power" ending
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ridingbensolooooo · 4 years
Just letting y’all know it’s been 443 days since the end of Game of Thrones and I’m still not over what they did to Daenerys
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kevdayism · 5 years
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modern!au where sansa and margaery meet in high school and fall in love with each other immediately (inspired by @polar-biscuit ’s drawings)
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How has noone ever thought of writing a fic or meta about this?
The post being referenced is this:
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And honestly, anon, you're right. This does not come up enough in fic. I don't write metas, but if anyone does, have at it lmao
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bisansastarks · 4 years
People are still so mad about jonsa .... I just....
GRRM drop TWOW and give us angsty cousins with bad wrong thoughts as they reconnect and retake the north.
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keytothenorth · 5 years
Thinking about the fact that Melisandre tells d*enerys “you have a part to play — as does another. Jon Snow,” inferring that she could be the Princess who was Promised, but she didn’t kill the n*ght king, Arya did. And with that all of the dead fell, no dragons needed. Jon was the one who rallied the North, and he wouldn’t have done so without Sansa coming to the Wall. Without D*ny, Sansa would have still motivated him to fight in the BotB instead of heading South, Jon would have still become King and readied the North for the white walkers, Arya would have still come home North and killed the Night King.
All they needed from her was dragonglass.
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queerbloodyangel · 5 years
jon snows life is just him being a bottom thats constantly forced to act like a top
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
That awkward feeling when jonsa fans interact with you and your very anti jonsa blog. (This is also an anti jonerys and anti jonrya blog too we dont promote incest here)
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thoscheiis · 5 years
do they expect us to believe that jon is fine with d@ny threatening sansa?
the same jon who literally attacks people for using and harming sansa?
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shieldofrohan · 5 years
Which is worse?
A) Marrying your radiant cousin? (Jonsa)
B) Being the father of your cousin? (B0atie)
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
I’m just gonna leave this here...
This was translated from Spanish. It’s not recent,but it stood out to me:
Interviewer/: “Some believe that Jon could end up with Daenerys, as in the series. Even Sansa has been proposed as a second option to be the only noble girl available, do you think a crazy idea, in both cases? In the beginning I had in mind to pair Jon with Arya, although I understand that the current story is far from this”
GRRM/: “We must bear in mind that Jon, in my novels, is dead. The only thing I can assure you is that I never planned to marry Sansa for thinking about Arya when I still did not have a very educated idea of ​​my story. If I discarded the idea, I would be an illusion if I thought to change it to meet the same pattern. In the event that Jon came back to life at some point, that possibility is very remote. I would never marry Sansa. Both have been raised as brothers and neither thinks of the other in a way that goes beyond brotherly love, which does not even exist. Arya has a better relationship with Jon than this one with Sansa and they will not end up together either. To understand your possible relationship with Daenerys, you will have to continue reading”
Soooo.... who wants to tell the Jonsas/Jonryas???
(I’m probably gonna get hate for this aren’t I?)
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juansno · 5 years
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