#joshua dun fanfiction
warmglowofsurvival · 10 months
[original source]
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j-jinxee · 2 months
NSFW under the cut! [warnings - general sex thoughts]
Thinking about Josh, how he can't keep his hands to himself. How fucking good it'd feel with just his hands, all over you. The way he touches you like no other, how he holds you all night, whether that be through unconsciousness or through an orgasm. He's so good at getting you to focus on nothing but him, your senses immediately crowded by every aspect of him. His hands lace every inch of your body while you desperately plead for him to stop teasing and just fuck you already.
And when he finally does, holy fuck he's so pretty. No matter much he makes you blush, how much you wanna look away, you just can't. You're completely infatuated with him as he hits all the perfect spots, so deep inside you. You see his pupils blow wider with each thrust, completely hypnotised by the feeling. Your hands find their way to his toned back, leaving rough red marks as your nails drag down his skin. The sight of his arms and shoulders flexing as he keeps himself hovering over you, it only gets you closer and closer. He's slow — and deep, only ever fucking you hard and fast if you ask him to. He prefers the intimacy of slowly working you to the edge while you're fixated on his eyes and the uneven rhythm of his breathing.
I like this style of just like yapping instead of like full one shots yk lmao I'm just lazy 🫶🏻🫶🏻 anyway new TØP song soon woohoooo
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Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Word Count: 1,266 Warnings: Very light cussing and that’s pretty much it.
Author’s note: I’m trying to come up with newer things to write about that haven’t really been written before. But, I think that is a nearly impossible task at this point, since there are so many talented writers out there. I hope that you enjoy nonetheless! This will most likely become a miniseries, fyi. —————————— DING!  You heard your MacBook ping loudly through your music as you were shuffling around your apartment, tidying up here and there. You normally had your space clean, but work had really been rough the past few days and you just didn’t have the time. Looking up from the table you were wiping down, a big smile appeared on your face before you bolted to your laptop. You knew what that noise meant. Your penpal Josh had finally messaged you back. The both of you had first met online five months ago, when talking on a message board that was solely based around tech. You had decided to exchange emails first and then moved over to texts, since it was easier to access for the both of you. But, all you knew about him so far was his name and the fact that he plays drums in a band. Neither of you had seen a picture of one another and hadn’t given out any overly personal information. It wasn’t supposed to be anything more than a friendship -- a camaraderie of sorts. But, the more you talked with him, the more you felt you had in common and you had started to catch feelings for him. Great. You knew that he didn’t have feelings for you as he had not mentioned it once in the amount of time you had been speaking, but then again, neither had you and here they were as clear as day. Just the mere fact that you were falling for someone that you had never actually met or even seen a picture of, hell… Even talked to on the phone… Most likely didn’t bode well for any future relationship. But, you had started to fall in love with his soul, his innermost thoughts and his personality. At this point, who cared about how he looked or sounded? He was the most kind-hearted human being that you had ever spoken to and was so soft, caring about how your day was going and how you were whenever you had the chance to write one another. Opening up your text message tab on your laptop, since your actual phone was in your bedroom charging, you let your eyes scan down the contents until it reached the new message from him. 
‘I hope that your day is going well, Y/N/N. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to contact you sooner. Life has been hectic lately and I finally have a day off, so you were the first person on my mind to write.’
A big smile appeared on your lips as you read it over and over, biting your lower lip softly to keep from smiling too wide. He had you on his mind? This was the first time that he had ever said something like that to you, so you weren’t quite sure how to respond back to him at first. You also didn’t want to seem too eager, so you waited a few moments before you started typing back to him.
‘The day has been going good. Keeping myself busy around the apartment, since I finally have a day off too! You’ve been on my mind too. I hope you’re good too, Josh.‘ You hit the send button and take a deep breath, hoping that it wasn’t too forward of you to say. Just as you were about to get back up to start cleaning again, you heard the notification that he had written back to you already.
Raising an eyebrow, you turn back to the screen and feel your heart leap out of your chest at the single sentence he wrote back with.
‘When do I get to see you?’
You stared down at your keyboard for a few moments; your fingers hovering over the keys as they should, but they weren’t moving to type. What were you supposed to say to a question like that? This was the most you both have talked semi-romantically since you first started this communication months ago. What was happening?
‘Well, I can send you some pictures…’
A short pause and then a ding once again.
‘No, in person. I need to see you. I need to know that you’re real.’ Now, normally,  one would feel panic in this moment. He could easily be a kidnapper or a murderer on the other side of the computer screen, but something deep inside was telling you that it was okay to trust this man. You both had invested a lot of time in one another so far, despite not fully talking about backgrounds. But, you weren’t too bothered by it. Gathering up the courage, you both started finally speaking about making plans to see one another and where the other lived. Come to find out, you both lived really far away. He was in Ohio and you were in California. Was this a higher power telling you that this, whatever it was, wasn’t meant to be? That’s when he said… ‘Why don’t you fly out? I’ll pay for it. I just want to see your face.’ How could you say no to that? *~ A few days later. ~* Colombus, Ohio. The weather had looked a bit chilly as you had looked out it from your little window on the plane, so you were thankful that you brought your hoodie with you; even if it was bunched up in your backpack by your feet. You couldn’t help but to feel a sense of sudden nervousness flood over you, as you thought about what the initial meeting would be like with Josh. It wasn’t like you both had no clue who the other was, but… You kind of didn’t know who the other was. It made more sense in your head than anything else. As you made your way along the groups of families and friends that were waiting for their loved ones to get off the plane, you followed the signs that took you to the front of the airport where you say a small line of men in suits with names written on signs that they were holding up. You raised an eyebrow as you say your name on one of them. Josh had mentioned that he was going to pick you up, but he never said in what way. So, this was new. You slowly approached the man while gripping onto your backpack strap and he looked at you with a stoic expression. “Are you, Ms. Y/L/N?” “Yes, that’s me…” You said with a nod. Finally, a smile appeared on the man’s lips as he lowered the sign. “Great! Just follow me, ma’am.” He responded, straightening up his tie a bit before turning on his heel and heading to the exit with you. You suddenly felt very unimpressive in your ripped jeans, beat up converse and band tee as you followed behind this man. You had no idea where you were being lead, but it made you a bit curious just thinking about it. Once outside, you suddenly saw a nice black SUV parked up against the curb that seemed to have a bit of security around it. That couldn’t be where you were going. But, the man you had been following suddenly heads straight to the door and opens it up for you, offering to take your items to put in the back. It took a few seconds for your feet to start moving, before you slowly peeked inside and your mouth dropped at the sight of who you were meeting. It was Josh fucking Dun, greeting you with a big goofy grin. “J-Josh?”
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Keep Your Ass in Check(Part 2 kind of to the Jon fic)
Pairing: Jon/Reader Rating: Mature Warnings: Spanking, Smut, Rough Sex, Public Shenanigans, Dom Jon. A/N: As the title says, this is kind of part two to my previous Jon fic, but loosely.
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The entire tour had been quite exhausting for everyone involved. However, you had really started to feel the effects of it. You were no longer Jon’s main attention, as he had other properties, and had started to dampen your sex life. After that first time in the dressing room, you two were inseparable. Plus, there was a lot of sex, to be expected. Have you heard his lyrics? After a while, stress of rehearsals, the concerts, meeting fans, constantly traveling. It just put a halt to everything after a while. And truthfully, you were ready for him again. It had been too long, so you already had your plan laid out in your head. The bus of people pulled into the driveway of your hotel, and you were excited to take Jon up to the hotel room, but everyone started talking and came to a collective agreement to sit outside at the little cafe area and talk and eat. As if that’s not all you guys did anyway. You groan quietly as you walk beside Jon to a table, and he looks over at you curiously. “Are you okay?” He asks, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into a side hug as you both sit down. “Yeah, no. I’m great” you say, forcing a smile on your face. You figured it’d be a quick meal, then you’d all go your separate ways. As you all order, the conversation starts, and you could already tell this would be a while. You start to get a little angsty, your eagerness and horny level growing. You set you head on your hand and stare lovingly at Jon while him and his crew talk about all the boring technical stuff. “I’m so excited for our next stop.” Jon says. The crew all agree and start making small plans to do extra while there. “Yeah, we should definitely go to-” Jon stopped talking as soon as he felt your hand on his knee. “Is something wrong, babe?” You ask, a look of pure innocence on your face. “No, I’m great” he says, taking a sip of his water. You slowly begin to travel your hand up his thigh, moving towards his crotch, but he grabs your hand and pulls it from under the table to on top, interlacing your fingers. You try to pull them away, put he doesn’t release his grip, simply smiling at you. An extra crew member got off the bus, and looked at everyone. “I’m so sorry I’m late.” She said. “It’s fine, we can get you a seat?” Someone suggests. “No!” You say, way too quickly. “Take my seat. I’ll just…” You trail off, standing from your seat and sitting on Jon’s lap. “Thanks?” The girl says. You didn’t look at his face, but you knew Jon was staring at your back. Blazing through, really. You shift your body slightly, and you hear Jon inhale sharply. You smile to yourself knowing you were getting him riled up. You start to move again, but he brings his hands down, holding your hips so you couldn’t move. Wanting to do something else, you dip your finger into your drink, and turn your head to look at Jon, sliding your finger between your lips, and slowly pulling it back out. Jon’s jaw clenches, as he stands, also forcing you to stand. “I’m getting a bit tired, I’m gonna head inside” Jon says, pulling you quickly behind him. You two get in the elevator, completely silent. You press your floor number and lean back against the wall, starting to think he was actually mad. As quickly as that thought arrived, Jon turned his body to press yours against the elevator wall, and grabbed your face with his hand, rather roughly. “Did you think that was funny? Being a fucking tease? Not to mention you showed everyone just how slutty you can be” he snaps. You stare back into his eyes, thinking of what to say. “Well, maybe if you would’ve just fucked me instead of dismissing me for the tour, I wouldn’t be so pent up.” The elevator door opened, and he let go. “But I’ll just do it myself, you’re probably out of practice” you say, walking out and heading towards your room. You open it, and almost have the door shut before Jon pushes it open and slams it, sending daggers your way. “I must’ve not heard you right. Because you know not to cum without me. Also, the yelling is gonna be a problem.” He says, walking up to you and grabbing the hem of your shirt, lifting it off your body. “Yeah, okay” you say, a hint of snarkiness​ in your tone. “I don’t think you get it. You’re not in control! I guess I’ll have to teach you, keep your ass in check” he says helping you out of your pants. Once they’re off he unbuttons his own, sliding them off. “Let’s put your mouth to better use.” He says, stepping out of his jeans and underwear, shirt coming off soon after. You get down on your knees, licking around his tip. “If you keep this teasing act up, it’s going to get worse” he says. You slide his length into your mouth, using your hands to rub what you couldn’t fit. He lets out soft moans, grabbing onto your hair, pushing you softly. You continue to bob your head over his length, before he pulls himself out, letting your breathe. Once you stand back up, he leans you over the bed, slapping your ass, catching you off guard. “I fucking DARE you to do this again.” He says, slapping each cheek, harder every time. “These are just a few new rules, if you can keep up. You don’t get to act like that in front of people I have to interact with every day” Smack. “You also don’t talk back.” Smack. “And the yelling? Not gonna happen” he says, unleashing the hardest hit, so hard you gasped and felt your legs wobble just from the intensity. As soon as you regain balance, he’s slipping himself inside of you, barely giving you any time to adjust. You let out a soft sigh from the sudden movement, but soon start to enjoy the roughness. He rests his hands on your hips, pulling you back to meet his thrusts, getting deeper. You place your hands on the bed sheet and clutch them between your fingers, and you hear a soft chuckle from behind you, Jon knowing what he was doing to you. After a few minutes, he flips you onto your back, and continues. He leans down, kissing your neck, and sucking and biting, knowing it was going to leave a mark. He pulls back and you can see a hint of a smirk on his lips, before feeling his cool breath hit your neck. He attached his lips to yours, rather roughly, as his thrusts became faster and sloppier. He keeps one hand on your hip, but uses his other to reach down and start playing with your clit. You were almost to your edge, when you hear Jon’s faint whisper saying, “Cum for me.” That was all it took to send you over the edge, your back arching off the bed, your arms clutching Jon, and your whole body releasing all your pent up energy. Jon wasn’t far after, his breathing heavy, hair sticking to his forehead. Once you both had ridden out your orgasms, he pulls himself out and lays next to you. “Are you okay?” He asks. “That was the hottest thing we’ve ever done” you breathe out. Jon chuckles next to you and turns you so he can look at your neck and then the marks on your ass. “You look so good with marks. We should keep it that way” he says. He couldn’t have seen your smile, but it was definitely there.
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pinkhairedtyler · 3 years
i haven’t properly posted here for a while so i don’t know how many of my followers are still active. if you see this rb or say hi bc i wanna properly come back to clique tumblr
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rrickgrrimes8 · 4 years
Josh when...
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Josh when Tyler embarrasses both of you...
"So, (y/n), life on tour, what's that like?"
"Oh well so far it's been amazing. I mean I got to spend some more time with Tyler and Jenna and obviously with my hubby." You said slapping Josh's knee playfully.
"What about you, Josh? What's it's like having (y/n) on tour with you for the first time since you became a married couple?"
"It's great. Really. It's amazing. I know we both were a little scared about basically living in a tour bus for months on end sharing one small bed but we adjusted and we haven't killed each other yet." The interview chuckled at his comment along with (y/n) and himself.
"And you, Tyler? How are you feeling with this?"
"Um well I tolerate (y/n). She's okay I suppose it's just one little thing that they do that just gets in my nerves."
"Oh really what would that be?"
"At night they're just so loud. I don't know what they are doing in their bunk but I really want the moaning to stop. Like man I'm trying to sleep"
"Oh my god." (Y/n) mumbled under her breath before both you and Josh's faces started to turn bright red.
"Just out of interest what are you guys doing so late? At first I thought you might be playing some sort of a game but now it kinda sounds like your wrestling."
"Wrestling? How so?" The interviewer encouraged him clearly finding your embarrassment hilarious.
"Umm I'm not sure recently it's become rougher and louder. Sometimes I can almost hear slapping happening and I'm like Josh you can't slap woman. But sometimes it sounds like she likes it. (Y/n) always shouts about 'how good he is' and 'how much she likes it' but I don't understand what's going on that she likes so much. If I did I would ask Josh to do it to me."
Both the interviewer and Tyler start to laugh while (y/n) shrinks in her chair and Josh looks around blushing. (gif)
"Tyler ,man, Stop."
"What? Why?"
"Dude just stop." Josh laughed pulling (y/n) towards him and kissing her.
"They do that at night too before and after they do the other thing."
"Tyler stop!" They scream in unison.
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beanfic · 4 years
I was doing fine...
Pairing: Josh Dun x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst
Summary: You were doing fine, you truly were, that was until he showed up on your front porch
Author’s note: I feel like I haven’t written angst angst in a while, so I did this? I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is appreciated :)
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“What are you doing here, Josh?” You say sternly, your hands resting on your hips. Your eyebrows furrow as you glare at the boy standing on your front doorstep. The rain patters behind him, splashing upon his ankles. His curly brown hair lays in front of his eyes from the weight of the water. His eyes carry guilt.
“I need to talk to you, Y/N, please let me inside.” He wipes his forehead with his sweatshirt sleeve. Half of your body is hiding behind of the door as you peek around. 
“I don’t know if that is the best,” you mumble, closing the door a little bit more. Josh sighs as he leans over and peers into the crack between the door and the frame. His brows eyes connect with yours, and suddenly you’re drawn in once again. 
“Please.” His voice was barely audible, but you still can hear it. You nod softly and pull the door open, allowing room for Josh to enter. Your eyes are still locked with his. You are not able to look away from his gaze. You drop your hands from the door and slowly takes a step back into the entryway. Josh shuts the door softly behind him. 
“Do you want to go to sit?” You eventually are able to peel your eyes away from his and glance over at the couch in your cozy living room. The sight of the couch brought back the memory of your first kiss that you shared with Josh. It was two years ago, and it was raining, just like tonight. He had invited you to go to the drive in to see one of the newest horror movies that had just been released, but the weather had other plans. Making the term rain check become literal, you two decided on heading back to your place to spend the rest of the night. He showed up with pizza and cookie dough, and make you laugh effortlessly the entire time. You remember how he had asked you to dance to a song that was playing on the record player, and your arms were wrapped around his neck. He had asked to kiss you, making sure you were comfortable with that, and it was one of the best ‘first’ kisses you had ever had.
“Y/N?” Josh’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. You see him already sitting down on the couch, arms resting on his knees, and he was fiddling with the hem on his sleeve. “Are you going to come sit down?”
“Yeah.” You brush your hair out of your face and slowly step towards the couch. Not wanting to sit too close to Josh, you sit as far away as possible. The room is quiet, except for the raindrops prickling on the windows and the soft breaths coming from Josh. 
“I need to tell you I’m sorry. I know I have told you this many times, but we ended our relationship on not so good terms and I don’t want it to be like that,” he begins to speak. The words ‘ended our relationship’ ring in your ears, and your eyes glaze over as reality hits you like a brick. About a week ago, Josh had confessed that the relationship was taking up too much of his time, and it was not healthy for him to continue being in a relationship at the moment. No matter how many times he reminded you that it wasn’t your fault and that it was just timing of life, you didn’t believe him. You tried your hardest to forget about the breakup the past week by keeping yourself busy with picking up extra shifts at work and working on your latest hobby project.
“Ended,” you murmur. The word feels foreign on your lips. 
“Y/N, I know how hard it must have been for you, and I truly am sorry for breaking your hard. This past week must have been-”
“I was fine,” you cut him off. You glance over at him and notice that his eyes are wet with tears.
“I said I was fine. I was doing perfectly fine this past week. Actually, I have been fine until you showed up.” The familiar knot begins to form in your throat, warning you that tears are about to come. You swallow hard and look down at the ground. 
“I should have known, you are the strongest person I have ever met.”  His words are filled with honesty, and you have to shut your eyes hard to keep yourself from crying. You can tell he notices you are about to cry because he shifts in his seat so his knees are facing you. You feel his hand rest on your knee, rubbing small circles into your skin. 
“It’s not like I don’t want to see you, Josh. I’m just trying my hardest to understand and be respectful of you. Of course, I’m broken. I love you and it’s killing me inside that we can’t be together.” 
“I love you too, Y/N, and that is why I want the best for you, you know that. I’m touring so much and it’s not fair for you or me. The time,”
“Is just not right,” you finish the sentence for him. It is not the first time you have hard that come from his mouth. “I understand, Josh. I just need to be okay with it. I just don’t think I can wait around for you.”
“I’m not asking for you to wait around for me, Y/N. I want you to be happy, and that means living life the way you want and to the fullest capacity. Please promise me that you will go and live.”
You sigh and wipe your eyes, “Yes, Josh, I promise I will go and live my life. I’ll always be here if you need something though, okay? I’ll always love you, even if it just platonic.”
“I love you too, Y/N. I’m really sorry, again.”
“Please no more apologies,” you let out a small laugh. “It really is only making this harder. I mean it that I was doing fine before you showed up.”
“Should I leave?” Josh asks.
“I think it would be easier for both of us if you leave, I mean it seems like we are on good terms, right?” 
Josh nods, “Yeah, I agree.” He stands up from the couch, and once you meet height with him he pulls you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around his torso and take in his familiar scent. 
“I’m going to miss you, Joshua,” you mumble into his chest. 
“I’ll miss you too, Y/N.” He pulls away from you but stops with his left hand on your shoulder. His brown eyes are looking into yours, and you shyly smile up at him. You watch him back up towards the door, opening it and stepping outside. You follow, resting your hand on the doorframe. Josh stopped right before taking the last step towards your driveway and looked over his shoulder. His eyebrows crumbled together as he softly smiled as if he was trying to bid farewell without words.
“Bye, Josh.” You continue to keep your strength and not cry as you watch him get into his car and drive away. You wish he said bye with words, but maybe it was best that his last words were that he will miss you, and not the reality of saying goodbye. 
You close the front door and rest your back against the wood. Taking a deep breath, you place your face into your hands and let out a scream. You weren’t sure why your body had chosen anger over sadness as the emotion to with his departure, but you didn’t fight it. It was surprisingly making it easier to accept the fact that Josh was gone, and you most likely were never going to see him again
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thepatricktreestump · 7 years
Temptation: a Josh Dun fanfic
Y/N: Okay this anon ask is hot as fuck honestly. Probably will be one of the smuttiest things I’ve written on here yet. It was asked to be in josh’s perspective with a female reader so yeah… I’m sort of skeptical of posting this just cause some ppl might think it’s disrespectful or not right or whatever but the prompt is hella amazing and I can’t help myself. If you don’t wanna read it, then don’t read it, but pls don’t come at me with hate because I wrote something super scandalous compared to most of my shit. So here it is xoxo (get ready for some steamy, spicy, sexy smut!)
(1/2) Anonymous said: one where Josh and Y/N are roommates and she's always very flirty and barely wearing anything around the house and gets him so turned on and hes always having to take cold showers and has dirty dreams about her but then they have rough sex? (2/2) Anonymous said: About the roommates with josh request can it also be from Josh's pov?
*josh pov, female reader, lots of smut
To say that y/n is hot is an understatement. She’s drop dead gorgeous. And yeah, I know that probably sounds like an overstatement, but it’s not. Not at all. Ever since I moved in with her and we started sharing an apartment, she hasn’t left my mind. She has these amazing eyes and this sly smile and her body, holy shit, her body is better than anything I’ve ever seen in my life. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it, especially with the way she barely even wears anything around the house. It’s sort of like she’s almost asking for it, but I’ve decided by now it’s just her sense of style. She likes to wear as little as possible and still claim it as an outfit. And when she wears lingerie, fuck, I can’t help but just fall apart. So yes, I guess you could say I’d definitely want to fuck her.
The first few days we spent as roommates were pure torture. Mostly because I told myself I shouldn’t fall for her tricks. I thought she was trying to get me to make a move or something, or just plain tease me, but I told myself I was supposed to be respectful and know my place. It started out with me coming home and watching her cook dinner. She’d wear this skimpy little crop top and super short tight shorts, hair up in a ponytail, swaying her hips as she walked about the kitchen, licking her lips after she taste tested the food, sucking her fingers from the cake batter after baking, almost everything she did just for my own amusement. Especially when we ate dinner. She’d always stare at me with these eyes, biting her lip and acting all innocent, occasionally letting her bra strap fall off her shoulder and act like it didn’t even happen. It was all these small little things that got to me. I tried to ignore it, tried to just tell myself she was oblivious to how attractive she was, tried to convince myself that I was the one making all of this up. But it was the course of events that happened over the following couple of days that really fucked me up. Literally.
It was late evening and when I walked into the kitchen, of course, she was there at the table, scrolling through her phone and eating a cupcake. “Hey Josh,” she smiled slyly. “You back from dinner?” Tyler had invited me to go eat with him and Jenna that night and I took him up on the offer.
“Yeah,” I answered nervously, trying to peel my eyes away from her chest. She was wearing nothing but a lacy bra and this miniskirt. That must’ve been what was in the Victoria’s Secret bag I found lying on the couch this morning. Shit, she looked so good. I watched in a daze as she skimmed the frosting of the cupcake with her finger before sucking it off slowly and then pulling the finger from her mouth.
“I thought you were going to eat dinner with me,” she sighed, a tone of disappointment in her voice. I stiffened. It wasn’t like we planned to have dinner tonight or anything, but I still felt a pang of guilt. I also felt myself start to grow hard and I curse myself, and her, in my head.
“I’m sorry,” I swallowed uncomfortably. “I uh, I planned on having dinner with Tyler and Jenna tonight.”
“Mmm I see,” she nodded slowly. “You spend quite a lot of time with him. Tyler.” When she says his name I tense up, and I don’t know why I should be jealous that she even knows his name, but I am. This girl always makes me feel emotions I can’t quite explain. I hate it. I love her.
“He’s my best friend,” I explained, trying to stay calm but it’s sort of impossible when she bites her lower lip and looks at me that way, shifting in her seat so that the lace over her breasts move ever so slightly that it exposes just another inch of skin. I was really getting heated now.
“Friend,” she repeated the word slowly, glancing down at the bulge in my pants before flickering her gaze back up towards me.
“Yeah,” I tried my best to keep my expression neutral. “Tyler’s a friend.”
“Did your friend do that to you? Hmm?” she raised an eyebrow.
“What?” my face turned red. “No, he didn’t.”
“Did his wife?” she smirked and I instantly clench my fist, angry she would even think I’d do something like that.
“No,” I instantly retort. “I’d never do that to Tyler.”
“So if it wasn’t Tyler, and it wasn’t Jenna…” she gave a small chuckle. “It must’ve been me.”
“Must’ve been,” I muttered. “Look, I don’t know what you’re trying to start, but I’m going to bed. Okay?”
“Going to bed?” she frowned. “Aren’t you going to take care of that first, maybe?”
“That’s my own business,” I narrowed my eyes, agitated beyond measure by now.
“Well then that’s a shame,” she sighed. “I was looking forward to maybe helping you.”
“Hmm?” I raised my eyebrows, doing a double take.
“You heard what I said,” she insisted, pushing out her chair and walking over towards me, getting on her knees. I tensed up, staring down at her, watching how she looked up at me, those eyes boring into mine. “I know you want to.”
“W-what are you doing?” I stammered out, trying to stay cool but she put both of her hands on my hips, tugging me closer to her. I was getting super hard now. Shit.
“You know exactly what I’m doing, Josh,” she smirked, taking a hand off of my hip to delicately stroke my member from underneath the fabric of my pants. “Mmm you’re so hard for me, aren’t you?” I bit my lower lip, trying to suppress a moan from escaping my mouth, and I was prepared for her to touch me again when instead her hands left my body and she got back up, dusting off her miniskirt and studying the expression on my face for a second before walking away.
“Where are you going?” I wondered, watching as she swayed her hips back and forth as she walked to the table, picking up her cupcake and starting to head out of the room.
“To my bedroom,” she responded. “It’s getting late you know.”
Before I could respond she was gone, and I was left in the kitchen with a fucking boner and head full of confusion. Did she really just tease me that bad? And I let her get away with it? Fuck y/n. I closed my eyes tight, starting to contemplate whether that actually just happened, and then decided to go to bed where I’d take care of the problem myself. I slip off my t-shirt, slide off my pants, go to shut the door, then climb in bed, tugging down my boxers and getting to work. Damn, the things she does to me. I’m imaging her body, her lips, the way her hands grazed my cock just moments earlier, those eyes staring at me, her seductive voice, everything about her is so-
The door swings open and my eyes widen, I’m sitting up instantly, almost forgetting the fact that I’m completely fucking nude, when she’s standing there, lacy bra, miniskirt, half eaten cupcake and all, staring at me. “I was going to take care of the problem, but it looks like you beat me to it,” she shrugged, eyeing me up and down before strutting off, not even bothering to close the door behind her.
“Wait-” I started to call for her but it was too late. She was gone.
The next morning when I wake up, I feel sore all over. I don’t know whether it was out of sexual frustration or just plain being aroused, but I must’ve fucked myself so hard last night. Especially after she made a surprise reappearance for a split second, catching me red handed as I’m moaning out her name, jacking off, completely naked. Probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I’m not even usually one to do that, hell, I’ve never even really done that before but I couldn’t help it and last night with her hands on my body and her eyes looking at mine, I just couldn’t help it. I stumble out of bed and slip on some underwear, running a hand through my messy bright yellow hair before going into the living room, sitting on the sofa and pulling out my phone.
I’m scrolling through my timeline when she enters the room, and she’s literally wearing nothing but a baggy t-shirt. She’s wearing the most and the least clothes I’ve ever seen her wear around the house so far. Most because the t-shirt goes from barely above her tits all the way down to below her ass, and it’s probably the first time she’s ever covered her stomach while around the house. Least because while although it covers most of her, it’s still apparent that it’s the only article of clothing she’s decided to wear today. “Do you know where the remote is?” she wondered softly, yawning and stretching her arms up, pulling the fabric up with her movement and I’m trying not to pay attention to the way it inches up her skin and I can see those gorgeous curves, so I focus on her face but she’s got her mouth formed in that perfect open O and I think I’m getting a hard on again when I shake my head, try to swallow down my emotions, watch as she raises her eyebrows, staring at me.
“I don’t remember,” I replied.
“Maybe I should look for it,” she thought aloud, walking over to me and I’m about to move but she shakes her head. “You’re fine just where you are.”
“Oh, uh, okay,” I decided, trying to keep eye contact with my phone screen as she bent down right beside me, sticking her hand in between the couch cushions and sticking her ass right in the air, not the slightest look of concern on her face as the fabric shifted up and exposed her entire bum. She only bent down even lower, and my eyes couldn’t help but be glued to the sight before she stood back up again, fabric of the baggy t-shirt falling down to cover her skin again as she clutched the television remote in her hand.
“Found it,” she smiled, spinning around and turning on the television before sauntering off into the kitchen. She makes a cup of coffee and then sits on the couch next to me, a little distance away, and I’m still scrolling through my phone but I notice the way her shirt sags down and I’m trying to calculate how long it’s going to be before the fabric moves down even further when she sighs, downing the cup of coffee and clicking off the television.
“What are you doing today?” she wondered.
“Going to the studio,” I responded nonchalantly, keeping my eyes glued to my phone.
“Ah, are you going to be busy?” she inquired.
“Yeah,” I nodded.
“You must be working,” she murmured. “Drumming, right?”
“That’s what I do,” I verified.
“I love watching drummers,” y/n sighed. “They’re just so good at pounding on those drums. They do it so fast and hard, you know?”
“I guess…” my voice trailed off, my mind slowly wandering off at her words.
“Fast and hard,” she repeated slowly, letting out a low hum. “Tell me Josh, do you get all sweaty after a show? So hot and exhausted after a big performance? Absolutely worn out and spent?”
“Kind of,” I grew uncomfortable with her questions, slowly staring to be suspicious of these suggestive drumming metaphors.
“I see,” she drew out the words slowly. “Well, have fun in the studio with your friend Tyler.”
“Will do,” I replied uncomfortably. However, when I arrived at the studio, I didn’t have much fun at all. In fact, I could not get y/n out of my mind. Her voice, her words, her body, everything about her, it was just spinning around in my brain and I couldn’t concentrate. Hours passed, her words still stuck in my mind, and it was already late when Tyler decided to finally say something.
“You okay?” Tyler asked.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look like it,” he frowned, pulling his hands away from the keyboard and walking over to where I was sitting by the drum kit. “Dude, you haven’t been able to play a single rhythm correctly all day. That’s not like you. What’s up?”
“I don’t know,” I looked down, nervously twirling the drumsticks in my hands. “I just uh, I kind of have someone on my mind.”
“Me?” he gave a sly smile.
“No,” I laughed, but it quickly faded away. “Uh, it’s this girl.”
“A girl?” he raised his eyebrows. “Sick!”
“Not sick,” I shook my head. “I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” Tyler reassured. “It means you’re head over heels.”
“I’m not sure I want to be though,” I sighed.
“Why? Is she a stripper or something?” he joked.
“To be completely honest, I wouldn’t be surprised,” I admitted. “Especially with the kinds of clothes she wears.”
“Woah! Who’s this girl you’re talking about?” he asked.
“Just my roommate,” I shrugged. “She’s a total flirt though, and she rubs it in all the time. She’s smoking hot, and I can’t stop thinking about her. Last night uh…” I decide not to tell him, rather, let my voice drift off.
“You should make a move then,” Tyler nudged my foot.
“She usually does,” I explained. “But she’s super confusing.”
“How so?” he wondered.
“She just says stuff and then does stuff and then acts like it never happened,” I groaned, running a hand through my hair. “I don’t know what to think of it.”
“What kind of stuff?” he inquired, but I just took a deep breath.
“I don’t know,” I mumbled. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“It’s okay,” Tyler reassured. “Just uh, if you ever need to talk to someone, I’m here. Got it?”
“Yeah,” I gave a half smile.
“Now come on,” he laughed. “Let’s not get some silly girl get in the way of your legendary drum skills.”
When I’m driving home, I’m thinking about what Tyler said. How he told me I should make the first move. How he told me I shouldn’t let her get in the way. She’s just some silly girl, right? However, some silly girl would be the last thing I would ever use to describe what I found when I entered the apartment that night. As soon as I entered, I heard a collections of soft moans, and I was about to head right back out the door, well, that was, until I heard my own name. “Joshua?” she whispered, the way her voice echoed throughout the walls making me shiver, how she said my name making me bite my lip, the pronunciation so soft and sweet I was already getting heated. “Baby, is that you?”
“Y/n?” I decided against opening up the door and instead turning around, watching as she appeared in the doorway that led to the bedrooms, naked head to toe. My eyes grew wide and my clothes felt restricting, and so I took a deep breath, examining every inch of her skin. I had never seen her this exposed in all my life. She smirked at my reaction, leaning against the wall, tracing her fingers from her thigh up to her side deliberately slow.
“It’s growing a little hot in here, don’t you think?” she murmured, eyes staring into mine.
“D-do you want me to um, to turn down the thermostat?” I wondered, gaze still fixed on her body. Fuck she looked so good. I tugged at my shirt collar, swallowing uncomfortably as she began walking towards me, that gorgeous body coming closer and closer.
“No, don’t go out of your way to do that,” she shook her head. Y/n reached forward to touch the fabric of my shirt, running a hand down my chest before stopping at the last button of my shirt, unbuttoning the fabric carefully. I inhaled a sharp breath, watching cautiously as she made her way higher, and naturally, my hands came to rest on her hips, gaining a soft grip on her sides, my thumbs brushing against the skin of her stomach lightly. She was so beautiful.
“What are you doing?” I wondered aloud.
“Helping you,” she mumbled, eyes flickering up to meet mine for a split second before unbuttoning my entire shirt, slipping it off of my body and then lightly grazing the skin of my chest with her fingernails, dragging them down from my pecs to my abs and even lower, resting on the waistband of my shorts for only a fragment of a second before she stepped back. “Anyways, I have something I need to finish. Goodnight, Josh.”
“G-goodnight,” I responded, extremely confused as she turned around, her bare ass swaying side to side as she walked back to the bedroom, shutting and locking the door, only several moments passing before I heard a creak of the dip in the mattress, and then the collection of soft moans and sighs continued. I shook my head, trying to get her out of my mind as I traveled through the kitchen in attempts to find a small snack. Whatever the fuck had been going on these past few days was crazy.
That’s when I heard the noises get louder and I can’t take it anymore. I start to think maybe there’s someone in there with her. Was she banging some other dude? I was about to knock on the door when I realize I shouldn’t. Why should I even care? It’s not like we’re dating or anything. We’re just roommates. Hell, she could have a boyfriend for all I know, a husband even. Honestly, as mysterious as y/n sometimes was, I wouldn’t be surprised. We were just roommates, right? I heard her let out a loud moan again and my breath got caught in my throat and I just couldn’t help it. I found myself tiptoeing down the hall to her room, my breathing shallow, my ear pressed against the door- what the hell am I doing? I backed away quickly in realization when her breathy gasps come to a stop and she calls out my name again. “Josh?” she murmured. “Is that you?” I could practically envision the smirk on her face by now.
“Yeah,” I responded sheepishly. “You alone in there?”
“Sadly,” she sighed. “Unless you’d like to join me.”
“I um…” I shut my eyes tight. No, this was wrong, this was wrong, this was very wrong. I shouldn’t even be contemplating her offer. “I don’t think so.”
“Come on,” she tempted, and I could only imagine what she was doing behind that locked door. “Just the two of us. We don’t even have to tell anyone. Not even Tyler.”
“Y/n-” I raised my voice, the thought of her even thinking about Tyler making me angry. He was my friend and my band mate. She wasn’t even supposed to know his name, much less talk about him in this kind of situation. I could feel the redness of my cheeks increase as she let out a soft gasp.
“I know you want to,” she whispered and I shook my head, taking a step back from the door.
“I shouldn’t,” I argued. “I uh, I think I’m going to get some sleep.”
“Sleep…” she drew out the word nice and slow. “Right.”
“Yeah,” I stated more forcefully.
“Sweet dreams,” she dismissed me, and I took another step away from the door, reevaluating my decision before finally just leaving. When I’m underneath the sheets though, I can’t stop thinking about her. She was probably touching herself behind that locked door, the way she was moaning and sighing and gasping, how she said my name, how she fucking invited me to join her… I had to stop thinking about her so much. It was unhealthy. She was just some silly girl, like Tyler said. Nothing more and nothing less.
When I wake up though, I’m covered in sweat, overheated, suffocating in blankets. It was just a dream. One hell of a dream though. I still remember every moment, every dirty detail, every single movement of her body against mine. I shudder underneath my sheets, throwing them off of me and trying to get that dream out of my head. I’m imagining everything all over again, how I was fucking her in my sleep, her gorgeous body underneath mine. I shook my head, forced myself to get her out of my mind, wiped the sweat off of my forehead and grabbed my clothes. It was super late. I must’ve slept through my alarm. I checked my phone and realized Tyler had been trying to get ahold of me all day. I groaned before calling him back, sleepily walking through the house to the bathroom. There were several rings before he finally picked up. “Hey Josh, you okay?” he wondered. “I called you like a gazillion times!”
“You called me eighteen times,” I narrowed my eyes. “And yeah, I’m fine. I just uh, slept in I guess.”
“Okay,” Tyler sighed. “Is it fine if I stop by? I’ve got some tacos and song ideas.”
“Two of the best things in the world,” I laughed. “Yeah, give me half an hour? I’ve got to take a shower.”
“Yeah no problem,” Tyler reassured. He hung up and I took a deep breath, starting up the water and stripping down, tossing my clothes on the bathroom counter, sliding the shower curtain past and getting underneath the downpour, closing my eyes and tilting my head up, humming softly. Maybe this is what I needed, just some alone time, something to clear my head. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging softly, the water rushing past my body and my mind began to become tempted with thoughts of her again. Flashbacks of my dream flashed through my mind, her little gasps and moans all because of me, my hands all over her body, being able to have her so close. I can’t help but slip one of my hands down my chest, lower, and lower, letting out a low moan. I’m so lost in what I’m doing I don’t even realize the door creak open, or the footsteps and rustle of clothing being shed, or the shower curtain be pushed to the side. It was far too late by the time I opened my eyes, alert and startled by the arms wrapping around my waist and the lips by my ear.
“Let me take care of that, baby,” the familiar voice whispered, turning me around to face her, both of us naked and alone together in the shower, and I’m starting to wonder how the fuck she even got here when she pulls me close, kissing my lips and I melt into her touch.
“God I’ve wanted that for so long,” I murmured against her neck, working my lips down her skin. Y/n’s running her hands down my chest, and I’m holding her in my arms, touching her all over, listening to those beautiful sounds escaping her mouth.
“Oh Josh,” she gasped my name as I moved my lips lower and her fingernails dug into my shoulder blades just right, making a small smile tug at the sides of my lips. I’m kissing her over and over and over again, trying to get all of her all at once, and I can barely understand how I’ve managed to go so long without this. She feels so damn good I can hardly believe it.
“Please tell me this isn’t another dream,” I mumbled, brushing her hair out of her face and staring into those gorgeous eyes. The steam of the shower created little droplets of water on her eyelashes and her body was pressed up so close to mine and her lips were so soft and sweet and everything about her was too much all at once and I loved it. “Another dream?” she raised an eyebrow with a sly smile.
“Long story,” I rolled my eyes, pressing my lips to her forehead. “Just answer the question, babe.”
“It’s not a dream,” y/n replied, cupping my cheek with her hand and capturing me in another kiss. “You left the door open.”
“So this is real?” I smirked, unable to get my eyes off of her.
“Very real,” she answered slowly. “Although I’m afraid it might be time for me to go.”
“Don’t leave-” I grabbed her hips as she tried to take a step back but she shook her head and I let my hands fall to my hips, tilting my head slightly in confusion as she sighed, tugging back the shower curtain and stepping out, my head peeking into the bathroom and watching carefully as she wrapped a towel around her body.
“Someone’s at the door,” she explained. She flickered her gaze to my waist back up to my eyes and grinned. “You might want to get ready for company soon.”
“Shit,” I tried to catch my breath. “Look, you’ve got to put on some clothes or something. You can’t open the door for Tyler in a towel like that.”
“Tyler, is that who it is? Hmm?” she raised her eyebrows. I swallowed uncomfortably at how she stated his name and I caught a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Interesting.”
“Y/n really,” I argued. “I’ll get dressed real quick and open the door, you go uh… go.”
“Go where?” she inquired innocently. “Why can’t I greet our special guest?”
“Just, um, fuck…” I ran a hand through my hair, realizing the shower was still running and I was still naked and she was still standing there and Tyler was still knocking on the door. “You know what, just forget it. I’ll deal with it.”
“Suit yourself,” she shrugged, strutting out of the bathroom and not caring to close the door, leaving me there to absorb all that had happened and somehow screw my head back on the right way, scrambling to put on my clothes and dry myself off mostly before racing to the door to open it up for Tyler. I was probably hallucinating. There’s no way that just happened. Instead, I shake those silly thoughts out of my head and open the door, Tyler’s contagious smile getting the best of me.
“There he is!” Tyler laughed, greeting me with a hug. “Ugh, man, you’re still all wet from your shower.”
“I’m sure he is,” a soft voice chuckled suggestively. This made Tyler push back the door even more, craning his neck and eyes widening at the sight of y/n. I looked back and ended up widening my eyes too when I saw what she was wearing. She was dead ass standing in the middle of the living room wearing nothing but dark crimson red lingerie barely stretching over her body, lipstick to match perfectly, hair cascading down her shoulders, devilish grin and a naughty look in her eye.
“So she must be the stripper,” Tyler whispered in my ear jokingly.
“Shut up dude,” I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling my cheeks turn red. What the hell would possess her to wear such a thing with company over?
“Well don’t just stand in the doorway,” she sighed. “Why don’t you take a seat, Tyler?”
“I don’t mind if I do,” he smiled smugly, marching in and sitting down on the sofa comfortably, bag of Taco Bell in his hand, notebook in the other. “Who must this um, lovely lady might be?” I could catch the sarcasm in his voice, but obviously, y/n did not. Hell, she probably thought he was egging her on. In a strange twisted way, I guess he was.
“Y/n,” she introduced. “And you must be Tyler I assume.”
“Oh, so you’ve heard about me?” he raised an eyebrow. “Did Josh over here talk me up real nice for you?”
“He gave me a very loooong talk,” she nodded, stretching out a particular choice of words. “Made sure to tell me all about your biiiiig reputation.”
“Did he now?” Tyler wondered, acting even more curious.
“Yeah, yeah, I did,” I quickly dismissed her constant teasing. “Uh, how about you get us some napkins and plates for our tacos?”
“Dude,” Tyler scowled, jabbing me playfully in the arm. “Since when do we eat like civilized folk? It’s called fast food for a reason. You eat it with your hands! They’re tacos!”
“I guess,” I shrugged, closing the door and walking over to where Tyler was sitting on the couch, now opening up his bag.
“I’m sure he’s just a bit flustered,” y/n reassured, and I tensed up when I felt her hands gently massage my shoulders, working her way down my back, hot breath on my neck. “Aren’t you, Josh?”
“Y-yeah,” I stammered out. “Um, you know what Ty? Can y/n and I talk for a little bit, one on one? I’ll meet you back out here? There’s just a little thing we have to finish up.”
“Last I recalled it wasn’t little at all,” y/n smirked, eyes flickering down to the waistband of my jeans before staring back up at me.
“Stop it,” I glared at her. “Uh, is that okay?”
“Yeah Ty…” she added teasingly. I cringed at her use of the nickname. “Is that okay, sweetie?”
“Sure thing,” Tyler grinned. “You two go at it. Just don’t take too long. You might not have any tacos left waiting for you, Josh.”
“Uh huh,” I responded hurriedly, motioning for y/n to come follow me into my room. I push her in and then shut the door, clenching my fists and trying to find the right words to say, but I can’t, so I let it out all at once. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Huh?”
“What do you mean?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t you try to pull that innocent bullshit on me,” I narrowed my eyes. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
“I really don’t,” she sighed, giving me an annoyed glare, sitting on the edge of my bed.
“Really?” I challenged. “You just come strutting out of the hallway wearing this lingerie and smooth talking my best friend? Calling him sweetie and all that?”
“Why? Are you jealous?” she smirked.
“What?” I turned red right away. “No!”
“I think you are,” she giggled softly. Y/n got up off of the bed, slowly walking towards me, spinning me around and pressing a light kiss to my lips and lingering a second before pulling away, staring me right in the eyes. “You’re just angry because Tyler probably wants to fuck me too.”
“Hey!” I instantly got heated, eyes ablaze with anger. “He has a wife!”
“Oh, and I bet she’d want to fuck me just as bad,” she gave a sly smile. “What’s her name again? Jenna?”
“That’s it!” I clenched my jaw, pinning her up against the door, my anger getting the best of me. My hands were pressing her shoulders up against the wood, fury in my eyes, and I expected her to gasp or be frightened or something, anything, but instead she just rolled her eyes.
“You must think you’re trying to scare me,” she sighed. “But damn, you’re only making yourself sexier, Joshua. Showing me how dominant you can be, letting your emotions seize you, pushing me up against the door like this. Hmm?”
“That’s enough,” I muttered, frustrated, letting go of her and trying to ignore her small chuckle.
“Uh, hey guys,” Tyler knocked on the door. “Everything okay in there?”
“I don’t know,” y/n gave me a playful look. “Maybe you should ask Josh. He’s getting a little handsy lately.”
“Um okay…” Tyler responded. I glared at her before opening up the door, coming face to face with a very confused Tyler, and I could practically envision the smug expression of y/n following behind me.
“You know what, maybe we should head to the studio,” I suggested.
“What?” Tyler frowned. “I just got here. You haven’t eaten your taco yet!”
“I can eat the taco at the studio,” I grumbled. “I think I just need to get away from distractions.”
“Distractions?” y/n inquired behind me, and sure enough, when I turned around, there she was, snapping the strap of her bra and raised her eyebrows.
“Yes,” I answered, frustrated beyond belief. “Hey, let’s go talk outside.”
“Me?” she smirked.
“No,” I narrowed my eyes, tugging on Tyler’s sleeve. “Come on, I have to tell you something, one on one.”
“O-okay,” Tyler stammered, confused. I dragged him out the apartment door and closed it, pulling him farther down the hallway just to make sure she wasn’t listening.
“Did you see that?” I groaned, running a hand through my hair. “Did you see her?”
“See her?” Tyler burst out laughing. “Trust me bro, I saw a whole lot more of her than I ever needed to. Dang, she’s a looker.”
“That’s one way to put it,” I sighed. “Geez, what do I do?”
“Well first off, does she wear that kind of stuff all the time?” he wondered. “Or was that just because she knew I was coming over?”
“Ty stop it,” I shook my head. “Seriously.”
“Okay, I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Look, I just don’t know how to handle that kind of stuff Josh. I mean, if you want to go for her, sure, why not. But if she’s just going to keep teasing you like that, maybe you should tell her.”
“Tell her what?” I whined. “I’ve tried everything. It’s come to the point where I’m thinking about her, dreaming about her, hallucinating about her!” “Woah… hallucinating?” he widened his eyes.
“I don’t know,” I closed my eyes tight. “She’s like a curse or something. I mean, I love her, or at least uh, I think I do. I um, I don’t really know. But I want her so bad.”
“I think you should go for it, buddy,” he shrugged. “I mean, definitely not my type, but you should give her a try. Just tell her how you feel.”
“You know I’ve never been good with talking about this kind of stuff,” I narrowed my eyes. “I can barely even move when I’m around her!”
“I can’t help you with that one,” he sighed. “Look if you-”
There was a creak of a door and Tyler and I both whipped our heads back, and sure enough, she was standing there, staring at us, stupid sly smile on her lips. “You boys behaving out here?” she inquired.
“Dammit,” I whispered. “Uh, Tyler, I think it’s best you leave. Sorry.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” he reassured. “Hey, good luck.”
“Thanks. I’ll need it,” I muttered.
“Enjoy your taco!” Tyler gave a light smile, tucking his notebook under his arm, and giving a wave before heading down the hallway.
As soon as I got back inside the apartment and the door’s shut, I’m blowing up on her. “What the fuck was that about?” I roared. “Seriously? In front of my own best friend, y/n? You think that’s amusing enough for you? Huh?”
“You’re sexy when you’re angry,” she flickered her eyes up to meet mine.
“Answer the question!” I balled my hands up into fists at my sides, anger boiling up inside of me.
“What? You’re mad?” she frowned. “At me, baby? What did I do?”
“Oh,” I laughed darkly. “You know exactly what you did, babe.”
“Mmm,” she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, biting the bottom of her lip. I watched, my gaze never leaving her face as she let out a soft moan. “I love it when you call me that. Do it again. Call me babe.”
“That’s enough!” I finally shouted, closing the gap between us and latching my lips onto hers, pressing her body close to me and enveloping her in a kiss. “Fuck. Oh shit. Damn.” I’m a cursing mess with her in my arms, my lips trailing down her skin, kissing her jaw, her lips, her neck, everywhere.
“Such dirty words,” she chuckled softly as I kissed her harder, my shirt somehow leaving my chest in the process and her legs somehow wrapping around my waist as I pressed her against the door. “How come you don’t cuss in front of Tyler like that, hmm? You act like a good boy? Pretend to be all innocent?”
“Shhh,” I tried to hush her, placing my lips on hers, but as soon as I pulled away, she still had that naughty look in her eyes.
“I know you were jealous earlier,” she murmured. “I thought maybe I’d finally get to you.”
“Well you did,” I replied shakily, absorbing all of the moment, realizing this was real. She was in my arms and her taste was on my lips and she was here, right now, all mine. “Because I can’t take this anymore, y/n. I need you.”
“Prove it then,” she decided, staring into my eyes. “Fuck me, Josh. Fuck me fast and hard.”
“Oh god,” I murmured, leaning in for her lips once again and carrying her off to the bedroom, my bedroom. I laid her down on the mattress, climbing on top of her, tugging down the lace lingerie and unclasping it from the back, tossing it to the side and sucking at her breasts, massaging one in my hand and teasing her other with my mouth, swirling my tongue around, teasing her.
“Mmmm I knew you would be good at this,” she hummed, tossing her head back into the pillows when I grazed my teeth against one of her nipples. “Just like that, baby. Leave hickeys all over.”
“Fuck,” I gasped, alternating to the next, listening to all the pretty sounds she was making for me. “You’re such a noisy little slut for me, aren’t you?”
“Slut, hmm?” she chuckled, and I glanced up at her, afraid I had gone too far.
“I, uh, I didn’t mean to-” I began to say sorry but she just rolled her eyes, pulling my head up to hers and kissing me softly, brushing a strand of my hair away from my forehead and tugging my ear close to her mouth.
“Don’t apologize,” she whispered. “I love it when you talk dirty to me, baby.”
“Yeah?” I swallowed uncomfortably, eyeing her carefully.
“That’s right,” she nodded slowly. “I’m such a noisy little slut, all for you, just for you.”
“Fuck,” I breathed, staring into her eyes before pulling her in for another kiss, trailing my lips down her body and inching down the last bits of lace until they’re down to her ankles, making sure to leave kisses all the way down her legs. I press my lips to her hips, her thighs, her knees, her shins, all the way down to her feet, tossing the fabric off before making my way up her legs again, placing my hands on her thighs and pushing them to the sides slowly, flickering my eyes up to meet her before looking back down between her legs and smirking at the sight. “You’re dripping wet for me baby, gosh. Look at that beautiful tight little cunt. I can’t wait to fuck you, baby. I can only imagine the sounds you’ll make then. Dammit y/n…”
“I’m all yours,” she reminded, biting down on her lower lip.
“You want me to fuck this pretty pussy, hmm?” I raised an eyebrow, rubbing her clit softly, watching in amusement as she gasped. “You like that?” I ran a finger down her slit, my hand covered in her juices, teasing her folds before slipping a finger inside her without warning.
“Oh fuck daddy,” she moaned loudly and I fixed my eyes on hers quickly, inhaling a sharp breath, paused. She closed her eyes, humming softly before opening them up again, grin appearing on her face when she realized what she had done. “What? You know I can’t control myself when I’m around you, baby.”
“Just surprising,” I admitted, starting to pump the finger in and out and watching her revert back to a mumbling mess of moans. “That’s right, baby. Make those beautiful noises for me.”
“Goddammit Joshua,” she muttered as I added another finger. “Please-”
“Please?” I chuckled. “You’re using manners all of a sudden, babygirl?”
“Fuck me,” she moaned out loudly. “Stop teasing.”
“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I’m having fun here, watching you like this, a mess, absolutely helpless. Just look at this, you’re soaked. God I can’t wait to get inside you.”
“Then do it,” she insisted. “I want to cum with you inside me.”
“Anything you say baby,” I complied, letting my fingers linger a bit before drawing them out, sucking on them and watching her stare at me in a daze.
“That’s so fucking hot…” her voice trailed off, eyes still fixed on me as I drew my fingers from my mouth, giving a sly smile before climbing on top of her again. Her hands were at my sides unzipping my jeans and tugging them down, smirking at the sight of my complete hard on, groping me through the fabric before tugging those down as well, trailing kisses from my jaw down to my chest before whispering two words. “Fuck me.”
That’s all it took before I was sliding into her, both of us noisy as fuck, a mess of moans and collection of sighs. I’ve waited so long for this and I can tell she has been too, because we’re both clinging onto each other, her fingernails digging into my skin, my hands a tight grip on her hips, thrusting relentlessly, quickening the pace with no control. She’s moaning into my shoulder and we’re both so desperate for this feeling it’s like our bodies don’t have a limit. I’m pounding her into the mattress at this point, both of us trying to get as much as we can as fast as possible, drowning in this feeling, and it’s not long before we’re both riding out our orgasms, moaning out each other’s names. She’s clawing at my back and I’m holding her body so close to mine, both of us just an assortment of gasps and moans, drowning in this feeling, in this moment. We lay there in silence for several seconds before I finally dare to speak.
“I’ve been waiting literally forever to do that,” I whispered, lying beside her in the bed, staring into her eyes, sliding the palm of my hand across her body gently, from her shoulders to her sides to her hips, pulling her close.
“You were the one waiting,” she chuckled. “Sure.”
“Is that what all that was about?” I narrowed my eyes. “The constant teasing, the barely wearing any clothing, the suggestive comments?”
“Maybe…” she admitted shyly. “I mean, I just wanted you to notice me.”
“Notice you?” I burst out laughing and her face turned red.
“Yeah,” she confessed.
“You didn’t have to tease me all the time,” I sighed. “You could’ve just said you wanted to fuck.”
“Yeah, well you didn’t have to act like you were blind either,” she muttered.
“Blind?” I widened my eyes. “Y/n, are you kidding me? I could’ve spotted you from a mile away with that sexy body of yours.”
There’s a pause. “You really think I’m sexy?” she raised an eyebrow.
“Definitely,” I reassured. “You're quite the temptation.”
“You’re not too shabby yourself, drummer boy,” she added.
There’s another moment of silence that passes. “Hey, I know this is sort of past due, but uh… would you ever be interested in coming to one of our shows sometime?” I inquired. “Me and Ty?”
“Do you play fast and hard?” she smirked.
“Always,” I gave her a knowing look. “I mean, you should know.”
“Then you can bet my ass I’ll be there,” she grinned. “I’d never pass up an opportunity to see that.”
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malfoys-demigod · 5 years
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Imagine Tyler trying to make Josh ask you out.
What if Tyler saw the way Josh would look at you. He found it cute, and would tease him whenever you were nearby. Then, later on Tyler would encourage him to ask you out already!
Sometimes Tyler would say, “Dude, c’mon you have to ask her already!” Or would nudge him whenever you would say hi to them.
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saltynemo · 5 years
Drunk In Love
Warnings: Underage drinking, sexual content, swearing, eDgY tEeNs xd,
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This picture is so pure oMG!
Ok so Y/n has had a crush on her childhood friend, Josh, for a very long time and when Josh invites her over for some illegal drinking, Y/n accepts. She never planned to confess to him.
Word Count: 1.7k words
  Just as I feel myself doze into a sleep in front of my computer, my phone erupts into my ringtone. I yelp, immediately picking my head up. I grab my phone and look at the caller ID. Oh, its Josh! Why is he calling me at nearly 1 am?
     I swipe my phone screen, answering Josh’s call. “Hello?” I speak, the butterflies in my stomach beginning. I always felt like this talking to him.
     “Hey!” He cheers, a smile obvious on the other end. “Um, I was wondering if you could come over-like, right now...” He asks.
     “I cant, Josh! Do you understand its 1 in the morning!” 
     “Its actually 12:57.” He sasses. I laugh at his response, wondering why he would want me to come over. “Please come over, Y/n. My parent’s aren't home and it’ll be worth it.”
     “Oh, um, ok. Yea I’ll be over in a bit.” We say our goodbyes and hang up. His parent’s aren't home I wonder, my heart skipping a beat at the thought. No, no, no he’s too innocent for sex. Is he?
     I shrug, slipping on a jacket and my phone in my pocket. I close my computer down by holding the power button, not caring to exit out of the windows still up. I slide my feet into my shoes and carefully sneak out my bedroom door, making sure not to wake up my mom. I tip toe my way to the front door, hesitating when I heard a creak.
     I successfully sneak through the door, slowly closing it. I begin to walk down the sidewalk, looking forward to me and Josh’s night out.
     As I approach the young man’s house, I text him, alerting him that I was outside. In less than a minute, I see the door swing open, revealing a cutie in a cat muscle shirt.
     “Y/n!” Josh cheers, smiling brightly. “Come in, quick.” He hurries me, motioning his hand to me. I hurry inside the house, hearing the front portal shut behind me. I observe the house, wondering how Josh’s parents let me come this late, or should I say early, at night.
     “So,” I begin, turning to the handsome boy. “Why did you bring me here?” He chuckles, happiness and excitement obviously in him.
     “I’m glad you asked.” He runs into the kitchen, my curious personality following him. I see him dig around in the fridge, glass clinking together. Suddenly, he pulls out a 750ml bottle of Iceberg Vodka. I choke on my breath, finding myself laughing. He smiles as he holds the bottle up for me, presenting it.
     “Josh,” I shake my head, smiling like a goofball. “We cant drink this!” I say, beginning to take off my jacket. “We’re literally 19. And we’re both not turning 21 anytime soon.” He chuckles, putting down the bottle.
     “So? I know you’ve told me before about stealing alcohol.” He grins, fishing through the cupboards for glasses.
     “I know, but what are your parent’s gonna say?”
     “They aren’t here.” He winks, already pouring us a drink. I roll my eyes, walking over to the soon-to-be-drunk Josh. He pours us both short glasses, one that’s pink and the other red. I hold up the pink glass and study it, the words ‘Twerk Queen’ imprinted on it.
     I laugh, “’Twerk Queen’? Really?” He chuckles, picking up his own shot.
     “My mom is a freak when she isn’t at church.” We both share a giggle at his remark. “Ok, enough chat; I wanna get drunk.”
     “You better not become an alcoholic after tonight.” I warn, watching Josh down his shot. I bring the glass up to my lips and slowly drink the liquid, forgetting it’s a shot. I make a sour face as the vodka buzzes through my veins and up to my brain, making me cringe.
     “Y/n!” Josh chuckles, setting his glass down. “You aren't drinking a can of beer. Its a shot. You have to just down it.”
     “Yea, yea, I know. I forgot.” I shush, the strong taste still in my mouth. “ I’m a first time drinker you know, right?”
     “Yea, I am too. I just thought it would be logical for you.”
     “Shut up” We both share a laugh as Josh pours another shot for both of us. He hands me my filled shot as he takes his own.
     “Remember, its a shot.” He giggles, raising the glass to his lips.
     “I know, dummy.”
     As time went on and more and more alcohol was consumed, we became more and more unaware of what reality was; In other words, we got drunk as hell. After shots became too strong for us, we moved to regular beer, Corona specifically.
     I laugh at a joke Josh slurred, covering my mouth with my hand. We were smashed as fuck.
     “Hey, I got a question.” Josh suddenly says, wiping a tear from his eye. I nod my head, telling him to continue. “Are you a virgin?” 
     “No, far from that.” I giggle. “Once I turned 18, I went crazy.”
     “What do you mean by that?”
     “Well,” I began, setting my drink on the counter. “I lost my virginity to Tyler.” I hear Josh silence a laugh, an apparent smile trying to be hidden. “What?”
     “Nothin’, just continue.” He takes a sip of his beer, watching me intensely as I went on.
     “I also fucked Zach, to get payback for Tyler dumping me.” I chuckle, now remember the scene. “And recently, I fucked my old childhood friend, who we can just call Cody.”
     Josh holds a hand up to me, stopping me. “Out of all your fuck buddys, who was your favorite.”
     “Oh, definitely Cody.” I say without hesitation, taking a quick sip of my beer. “He was so rough, called me degrading names and shit.” 
     Josh is taken back by this, not expecting that coming from my lips. “I always thought you were soft and everything.”
     “Well, not anymore.” I laugh.
     “I bet I can fuck you better than him.” He smirks, chugging the rest of his beer down.
     I roll my eyes at his words, “Yea sure, buddy. You cant fuck me good enough to see stars.”
     I see Josh’s eyes turn dark, jaw clenched. “Bet.” He says bluntly.
     “I bet you’re a bottom boy.” I chuckle, seeing how far I could push his patience.
     I see him slam down his glass, making me jump. “Excuse me?” He says aggressively. He slowly walks over to me, bending down close to me. “I’m sorry, I couldn't hear you.” He says, sarcasm dripping from his lips. “Can you say that again?”
     “I said ‘I bet you’re a bottom boy’.” I repeat, making sure to emphasize the B’s. I smirk, hoping to ignite something inside him. He nods his head, chuckling.
     “That’s funny,” He straightens up his posture, staring directly down at me, making me feel small. I feel his hand, snake up my torso, suddenly gripping my neck. He pulls me close harshly, making my heart pound in my chest. “I don’t remember a little slut like you dominating me.” He barks, leaning down so his mouth is right near my ear. “I should fuck you and show you how dominating I can be to a little fucktoy like you.” He grins, slowly tightening the grip around my throat. I was able to breathe, but it felt like I couldn’t. “I’m gonna plow you right here on the hardwood floor; little sluts like you don’t deserve to be fucked on a bed.”
     Josh lets go of my throat and goes for my hair, pushing me down onto my knees. I struggling to bend down without hurting my joints, but was able to accomplish it. He releases his grip and begins undoing his jean button. I push his hand out of the way, finding myself become excited from the idea of being dominated by Josh. I quickly unzip his pants, tugging them down his thighs. I’m met with his underwear, causing me to realize what was going on. I’m gonna fuck Josh? Here, now?
     I hesitantly pull down his underwear slightly, revealing his shaft, then head. His rod bounces up from excitement, smacking my chin. I hold his dick softly, admiring his size. I pump him slowly, spitting on his cock to lube him up. He groans lowly, watching me do my job closely. I pick up my second hand, giving him the two hand twist; that’s what I call it, at least. I slow down and speed up randomly, teasing him. He groans in satisfactory, watching me kiss the tip of his glazed cock. I smirk up to him, watching him unravel beneath my touch.
     “Top teasing me, Y/n.” Josh moans, grabbing me by the hair. In shock, I let go of his dick, gripping his thighs. He guides my mouth to his rod, pushing it against my lips. I open up wide, letting him insert it all. I feel his 7 inches grind against my lower throat, making me choke. “Pretty girl can’t take it?” He chuckles, still holding my hair. “I thought little sluts like you can take this big cock. I guess not.”
     I shut my eyes, trying to halt myself from gagging anymore. My nose presses against his pubic bone, letting me know his dick was in all the way. He doesn't stop there, pulling my head forward and backwards, face fucking me steadily. My eyes begin to water, blinking away tears. His movements pick up quickly, soon fucking my mouth senselessly. I take a deep breath through my nostrils, hoping this would be over soon. No matter how much I want to please Josh, this can’t go on for much longer.
     Suddenly, he pulls out of my sloppy mouth with a groan, looking down at the mess he made of my face. “I’d love to cum in your mouth, baby.” He huffs, leaning down close to me. His lips brush against my ear, making me shiver, “But I would love to cum in something much sloppier...”
     (I apologize it’s quite short, but I really wanted to finish this. Im sorry I disappeared for a while; my life has been hectic and i just got introduced to new classes etc. Not a real excuse but i do apologize. I hope u enjoyed at least some of this content lmao)
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warmglowofsurvival · 10 months
[original source]
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cerebralthundering · 5 years
Oof, I know it’s been forever since I wrote something. This one has been in my head for a while though & just haven’t been exactly sure how to go about it. I hope you like it though. And send me requests! I may start doing Brendon stuff too. Who knows.
Josh x fem reader: smut
Warnings: sex, duh. Bruising/scratching. Cursing.
It was just a chill Saturday afternoon at home where you were watching tv as your boyfriend, Josh, was in the basement practicing his drums. His band was off tour for a couple weeks between dates so you enjoyed having him a home. You were getting kinda bored watching tv after a while though & decided to go check on Josh.
You open the door to the sound-proof room to see him going hard at the drums. He was going so hard & was so focused he hadn’t yet noticed you walk in the room. You stood in the doorway just watching him intently. God, it always turned you on so much watching him play the drums - the way he put his all into it, watching his toned sweaty body, & imagining making that stool bounce in a different way. You bit down on your lip & tightened your legs.
“Hey babe!” he suddenly greets you as he finally noticed you in the doorway, knocking you out of that daydream. He put his drumsticks down beside him on the ground & took a swig of water. Shit, had he noticed the way you had been watching him? “What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing. I just wanted to come see how you were doing. I was getting kinda bored up there,” you tell him.
“Are you sure that’s the only reason?” he asks. You swallow hard.
“Uhh...w-what do you mean?”
“Well, you were standing there biting your lip & looking at me like you wanted to jump my bones,” he bluntly states. Shit, he did notice. You bit your lip & blushed while staring down at your feet. You had never told him how watching him play turned you on so much. You were worried he’d think it was weird or silly. You stumble over your thoughts before answering, trying to think of a good excuse, but nothing was coming to mind.
“Oh...umm...it’s nothing...” Your answer clearly didn’t satisfy him as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Tell me,” he demands.
“Well...uhh...you gotta promise you won’t think it’s stupid, okay?” you plead.
“Babe, of course not. I promise.”
“Okay, well...err...watching you play the drums kinda...um...turns me on,” you mumble out while still looking down at the ground. You hear him take a heavy breath.
“Go on...” he requests while biting down on his own lip now. Damn, him biting his lip always drives you wild.
“The way you so passionately play them...& watching you get so hot & sweaty...& imaging, uh...”
“Say it, baby.”
You take a deep breath before quickly spewing out, “Imaging fucking you on that drum stool & bouncing up & down.” His eyes widened while inhaling sharply. Suddenly he stands up & starts walking towards you. You bite down harder on your lip while watching him intently. His eyes scan your body with lust & then his hands grab your hips & start pulling you back towards the stool. He sits back down on the stool as you’re still standing & he pulls your shirt off over your head. Once it’s on the floor he pulls you down onto his lap & grabs your face to kiss you. You place your hands on his chest while reciprocating his kiss & beginning to slowly grind down on his lap. The kiss quickly heats up & becomes more passionate, feeling him slide his tongue into your mouth. Your hands move up into his hair to gently grab the tufts of his short, dark hair.
After a moment he starts moving his hands to your back to unclasp your bra & then toss it to the floor. You gently inhale as you feel his hands moving back to the front to grab your breasts while still not breaking from the kiss. His thumbs start teasing your nipples as you gently moan into his mouth. You bite down on his bottom lip before you break the kiss to move your lips to his neck to begin to suck & nibble on it, making him softly moan as you continue grinding on him. You can feel his hard-on through his shorts as you press down harder. You feel one of his hands snake down your stomach between your bodies to make its way underneath the waistband of your pants as well as your panties.
“Mmm, you’re so wet, baby,” he breathily speaks out.
“All for you,” you reply as you feel him start to move his fingers between your folds, making you even more wet while moaning into his ear. Your hips still grinding down with his hand now between the two of you is making his fingers feel even better until he suddenly slips his hand back out.
“Stand up,” he insists. You do as you’re told & stand up in front of him. He grabs the waistband of both your pants & panties at the same down & quickly pulls them down before you step out of them. You immediately bend down to do the same to him, helping him wriggle out of his shorts & boxer briefs, causing his erection to spring out. You start licking your lips in excitement, knowing this fantasy of yours that you’ve had for a while is finally about to come true.
“Listen. I want you to get on my lap like you’re gonna ride me but wait a second so I can hold onto your waist when we bounce,” he explains. You nod in agreement & line up his hard cock with your entrance & slowly sit back down, causing both of you to gently moan out.
You wrap your arms around his back tightly, grabbing onto his shoulders as his hands grip tightly on your hips. “Ready?” he asks. You nod again.
He suddenly bounces once to test things out & you feel yourself slide up his cock & then back down while bouncing up & then again as you come down. This quick action makes you scream out from both pleasure & surprise.
“Holy shit!” he exclaims while staring at you to gauge your reaction.
“Fuck! Keep going!” you proclaim.
He starts bouncing again, speeding up slowly, causing you to feel like he’s fucking you at double the speed as normal, causing hard moans, screams, & expletives to fly from both of your mouths.
After he gets a rhythm going with the bouncing you start grinding your hips again, causing an even more explosion of pleasure. You can feel his fingers gripping so tight on your hips that it’ll probably leave bruises. Your fingers & nails are doing the same down his back.
You start to feel the warmth brewing in your abdomen warning you that you’re close. “J-Josh, I -“ your statement interrupted by another scream as you bounce, “I-I’m close!”
“Fuck, me too, baby.” After another breathy moan he growls out, “Make a mess on this stool.”
“Shit!” You continue yelping out as your movements get sloppy as your legs begin to tremble & weaken. Your nails dig into his back as the pleasure begins to erupt. “Fuck, Josh!” you scream out. You bury your screams into his shoulder, savoring this moment. Your walls tightening around his cock pushes him over the edge as well. “Oh god!”
You continue sloppily grinding your hips at a slower pace now as you both ride out your orgasms. He bounces one last time causing one last yelp out of you as you both finally come to a pause & losening your grips. Neither of you said anything for a minute as you both took the time to finally catch your breath, your forehead resting on his shoulder. The sweat is glistening on both bodies under the basement lights.
“Holy...shit...” he sighs. You look up at with a smirk on your face which makes him grin.
“Holy shit, indeed!” you laugh.
“Kinda sad though...” he confesses.
“Why?” you ask, puzzled, furrowing your brows.
“Sad that you didn’t tell me about this little fantasy of yours sooner,” he jokes. You roll your eyes & laugh. “That was the hottest fucking thing ever.”
“Yeah, damn, now I do wish I had told you sooner,” you blush.
“Well we’ll just have to make up to lost time then I guess...” he trails off, slyly smirking.
“Hell yeah, baby.”
You both stay in that position for a couple minutes longer until he breaks the silence. “So, are we gonna stay like this forever? Not that I would mind...”
You laugh before responding, “I, uh, don’t think I can move.” Your legs literally felt like Jello.
“Wrap your legs around me,” he requests. You did as told & wrap your legs as tightly as you could around his waist. He then stands up, his hands holding onto tight under your ass, & walking to the nearby couch before plopping you down. You shift a bit until you’re comfortable on the couch. He grabs the blanket hanging over the back & drapes it over you. He then walks back to grab his shorts & puts them back on.
“I still need to finish practicing this song,” he explains. “You can lay there as long as you need.”
“Okay, but you know what watching you before lead to,” you coyly state.
“Well shit, I’m never gonna finish then, am I?” he jokes.
“Nope!” you wink.
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Chapter Nine
Tear In My Heart | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Mention of Beau, extreme cuteness ahead
Word Count: 2719
Authors’ Note: We hope you enjoy this chapter! (picture credit)
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December 2016 - Before Leg Three of the Emotional Roadshow
Parking your car in the driveway of Josh's home, you got out and instantly got hit by the freezing winds that had formed. December was always miserable in Ohio and you wanted nothing more than to curl up in front of a fire with a big blanket wrapped over you, but you had promised the boys and Jenna that you would be present tonight in order to help decorate the interior of Josh's house. He, thankfully, had done the exterior not too long ago and it looked beautiful. The bright lights shone down on your face as you hurried over to his front porch and knocked on the door.
Bouncing a little bit to stay warm and wrapping your arms around yourself, you waited only a few moments before the door was opened up to reveal a familiar smile in front of you.
"Hurry inside! You'll get sick!" Josh exclaimed and ushered you in, closing the door behind you, as you were greeted by Tyler and Jenna happily.
You smiled widely and waved, looking over to see how adorable the both of them looked in their matching ugly sweaters. It wasn't even Christmas yet, but they showed their spirit as often as they could that month. Suddenly, a pair of warm and strong arms wrapped around you from behind and they belonged to the one person that you wanted to be hugged by. You smiled and looked over your shoulder, realizing instantly how close he actually was to you and blushing almost instantly.
"Thank you for coming! We have the tree and it just needs to be decorated," he exclaimed, trying to brush off what he had just done as if it were no big deal. He let you go and then scurried over to said tree, reaching into a big box he had to pull out some ornaments. You slowly took off your coat to let it hang on the back of the nearest couch and saw Tyler and Jenna smirking in your direction, which caused you to roll your eyes. Making your way over in their direction, you stood beside Jenna and nudged her a bit before the both of you started giggling and helping to put some ornaments on the tree with little help from Tyler. He was too busy trying to get the Christmas music on to liven the mood more than it was. 
After a bit of time, Jenna gasped and caused everyone to look in her direction as if they were worried something was wrong with her. She quickly waved her hand to shoo away any worries.
"I forgot about the goodies! Y/N, come and help me!" she yelled and grabbed your arm, dragging you into the kitchen while you nearly tripped over things on the floor; causing Josh and Tyler to laugh.
After Jenna let go of your arm, she hurried over to the fridge and got out her necessary ingredients to start making the cookie dough mix. She looked over to you with a smile and pointed to the cabinets.
"Can you get me a few mixing bowls?"
"Of course!" you replied. It was obvious that she had brought everything over, because there was no way that Josh just had the correct things lying around his home.
Getting what she needed, you placed the bowls down on the counter beside her, receiving a thanks on her end.  The both of you got to work on the cookies, wanting to make them extra tasty for the boys, and got into a small conversation about the upcoming holidays. When you got to thinking, what you were doing... it was almost as if you and Josh were in a relationship already. You were baking for him - and Tyler a little -, spending time in his home, and helping him decorate.
Isn't that mostly what girlfriends do?
“What has you so happy?” Jenna asked upon noticing the smile on your face.
You glanced over to where the boys were standing near the tree, engrossed in their own activity. Tyler was standing on one arm of Josh’s couch, leaning over to put an ornament towards the top of the tree. Josh was beneath him with his arms out, just in case he fell. Tyler never fell though, you had learned that a long time ago.
“I’m just thinking,” you said, measuring out the ingredients that Jenna had put in front of you.
“What life would be like if… you know. Him and I were to-”
“Say no more,” Jenna grinned as she added an egg to the cookie dough. “I understand you loud and clear.”
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“I take it things with Beau aren’t going well?”
You rolled your eyes, “Not at all. I’ve tried to end things at least five times since your wedding, but he just won’t listen. He always derails the conversation or pretends that he never heard me in the first place. I’m starting to think that I’m stuck in a relationship that I’ll never get out of.”
“You know, there’s always legal options… if it comes to that. The three of us are going to have your back.”
“I know, it’s just,” you sighed, “I don’t want to jeopardize the boys by bringing some giant legal matter onto their radar. Their career is really starting to pick up and I would hate to bring an end to that just because I can’t handle my stupid boyfriend.”
Jenna set down the spoon that she was stirring with and turned to face you, a serious expression now covering her face.
“Listen, I know that those two - idiotic as they may be - would much rather have you safe and happy, even if it meant a hit to their career. You’ve experienced firsthand what their fanbase is like, Y/N, they’re not going to ditch them anytime soon. And you and I both know that Josh would love to see you get rid of this guy.”
“He’s been wanting to see Beau gone since I met him four years ago.”
Four years ago. Had it really been that long since Josh came into your life?
“Just another reason to kick him to the curb.”
“I guess.”
Your conversation was interrupted by the boys wandering into the kitchen, carefully eyeing the bowl of cookie dough in front of Jenna. Josh hung around the far side of the counter, but Tyler was bold enough to come striding over and stick his finger straight into the bowl, earning him a swat from Jenna.
“You didn’t wash your hands!” she groaned. 
“My hands are spotless,” he said, making a show of licking the cookie dough off his finger.
Jenna only shook her head and went back to adding chocolate chips to the bowl. Tyler sauntered over behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. When she was distracted by him, he reached forward and swiped another glob of dough onto his fingers.
“Tyler!” she giggled. “Stop that!”
You couldn’t help but smile when Tyler pressed a kiss to her cheek. Over a year of marriage and they were still acting like the same lovesick children they were when they met. It gave you hope that one day, that might be you too.
Now that Jenna and Tyler were distracted by one another, Josh came wandering over and leaned against the counter next to you. He crossed his arms in front of him, making them even harder to ignore than usual.
“It seems like decorating the tree went well,” you smiled, meeting his eyes to avoid your own from wandering somewhere else.
“I would say so, aside from when Tyler nearly fell straight on top of me.”
“Hey, at least nothing ended up broken.”
Josh laughed and shook his head. You stared for a moment, letting yourself take in the crinkles around his eyes and the few strands of pink hair that were framing his face. He noticed you staring and raised his eyebrows, making you turn away.
“Want to try some cookie dough?” you mumbled, already reaching for two spoons that were sitting out on the corner.
You scooped up two sizable globs of cookie dough with the spoons, handing one to Josh.
“Cheers?” he asked.
You clinked your spoons together and took a bite of cookie dough. It was easily the best recipe you had ever tried, thanks to Jenna. She wasn’t kidding when she said baking was one of her talents.
“This is amazing,” Josh nodded. “Great job, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I really helped,” you snorted.
Josh laughed and bumped you with his elbow. You simply ducked out of his way, stumbling a little in the process.
You giggled, “Guess I’ve had a little too much eggnog.”
“Ok! Ok. Boys out of the kitchen,” Jenna said. You turned to see that she had broken out of Tyler’s grasp and was now standing in front of the oven, waving her arms at all of you. “You interrupted our moment earlier.”
“Your moment?” Tyler asked.
“Yes. Our moment. Now get out of here so we can continue it.”
Tyler made a show of leaving the kitchen, making sure to drag his feet and sigh dramatically now and again. Josh followed behind him and gave him reassuring pats on the back, still holding his cookie dough in his free hand.
Leaning against the counter, you watched the boys leave - your sole focus being on Josh. Shaking your head to rattle yourself out of a small daydream you were having, you suddenly came to the realization that eyes were burning into you. Your head slowly turned to the side to face Jenna, who was staring in your direction with a giant smirk.
"Girl, you have it bad." She wiggled her eyebrows, causing you to laugh.
"Jenna, stop!" you responded with a light push to her arm.
The both of you turned back to your previous task of now placing the cookie dough onto the tinfoil covered trays and putting them inside the oven once it was preheated. Now that the both of you had a little time to spare, you would be able to get in that famous girl talk that the both of you were known for. Josh and Tyler knew full well that if they ever interrupted your girl talk time, there would be hell to pay... mostly from Jenna. She was sweet as pie, but she had her moments where she invoked wrath.
"So, are you going to tell me your true feelings now about the Little Drummer Boy in there?" That sentence alone made you roll your eyes harder than you ever had before, as the reference was ridiculous, but you couldn't help but smirk.
"I honestly wish I knew what they were. I mean... I know that I like him. A lot. But, there's just so much going on with Beau and he won't take a hint that I want to break up with him. I really want Josh to be happy and he deserves it, but am I really making him happy here? Stringing him along while I'm dating someone?" you spoke softly, so that the boys wouldn't be able to eavesdrop. Jenna just sighed and took your hands in her own.
"Y/N... what you have right now? It's not a relationship. You both are just existing in the same space. There's no love there. You have a guy in the next room over that would give you the world. He's waited this long for you. He's not going to leave now," Jenna spoke in a similar soft tone.
Tears started to sting at your eyes as they brimmed up, threatening to spill over and down your cheeks. Sniffling slightly, you squeezed her hands and nodded slowly to her, knowing full well that she had never been more right. You pulled one another in for a huge hug and stayed there for a few moments before pulling away as she checked your makeup for smears. Once you were both good, you giggled a bit together and linked arms, heading back into the living room to see the tree all finished. Josh was just putting the finishing touch on the tree: the star. You and Jenna sat on the couch to watch in awe, her sitting beside Tyler and leaving an open space beside you. The four of you gasped as the light of the star turned on after Josh had plugged it in and you all clapped happily at the sight. Josh came out from behind the tree with a goofy grin and bowed before he made his way over and sat beside you on the couch... a little closer than you thought he would. 
Swallowing hard, you could tell that something was different about his demeanor. Something was off. Was he nervous? Tyler and Jenna hadn't seemed to notice as they chatted with one another while looking on his cellphone at something funny. Josh’s leg bounced in its spot and his hand tapped on his upper thigh as if beating an imaginary drum, causing you to quirk an eyebrow in his direction.
"You okay there, Dun?" you asked softly, seemingly concerned for him.
"Y-Yeah... I, um, was hoping that we could talk, maybe?" He wouldn't look at you.
"Of course."
With that, Josh quickly got up and motioned for you to follow him, and you did so, heading around to the back part of the house in the hallway. He obviously wanted to get out of earshot of the grinning couple that had remained on the couch behind you. Now standing awkwardly with him, you could tell that he was having a hard time with whatever he was about to say and it made your heart start pounding in your chest. 
"So..." he started and you let out a breath of air to silently thank him for breaking the tension. "...Tyler and I have the Grammys coming up and we've been nominated for an award. I was wondering if maybe you'd want to come with me - us. Come with us." He stumbled through his words and it caused a big smile to play on your lips.
"I would love to, Josh." Finally, he looked up to you with a smile that matched the size of your own, suddenly seeming much more confident.
"Great! We'll talk more about it later and I'll give you the details," he said happily and you nodded to him, starting to walk with him back into the living room.
The both of you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Jenna and Tyler standing there with smug looks on their faces. Josh seemed just as confused as you did. Before you were about to say something to question it, Tyler just pointed up above you to show a newly placed mistletoe decoration. You and Josh stared at it for a few moments, before both of your faces flushed bright red.
"You have to do it. It's tradition," Tyler grinned and nudged Jenna, who was giggling a bit. 
Josh looked over to you with a look of fear, not sure what he should actually do in this situation. You decided to take the initiative with what little courage you had and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his cheek, before hurrying to your spot on the couch. Josh stood there for a few moments, dazed, and had a very brief look of love that crossed his face. He tried to hide it, but the grin that was permanently on his lips betrayed him.
You were too nervous to meet his eyes when he took a seat next to you on the couch once again, instead opting to rope Jenna into a conversation so you had an excuse to keep your attention elsewhere. Even as the two of you sat discussing the latest episode of your favorite TV show, your mind wouldn’t stop its endless loop of the kiss you had just given Josh. It had been brief, but the feeling of his cheek against your lips was enough to have your hands shaking. Thankfully, your oversized sweater - and Jenna eventually dragging you back to the kitchen - proved to be enough to hide it.
You just hoped that Josh was willing to wait a little longer.
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@topownsmyheart​ @faceofcontvsions​ @ohprettyweeper​ @tylersheavydirtysoul​ @svintsandghosts @wearebxnditos​ @breadbinishigh​ @patdsinner33​ @leam-2001
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After That Night(Don't Tell Him Part Four)
Pairing: Josh/Reader/Tyler //Warnings: Smut, Blowjob, Spanking, Rough Sex, Bathroom Sex, Handjob. //Rating: Mature //A/N: Not everything is as it seems.
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The day of your wedding was beautiful, magical, lovely, it was everything you had ever wanted and more. You were currently sitting in your dressing area with your best friends and family. Your family loved Tyler, so did your friends, so they couldn’t be happier with the fact that you were marrying him. Your hair had finally been done, your dress was on, makeup was flawless, everything on your end was ready to go. “You ready?” Your parent asked. You nod your head and stand at the back of the line behind all of the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and your maid of honor. She was with Josh, seeing as he was Tyler’s best man. You look between heads and see Tyler under the Pew, looking nervous, but also having the biggest smile on his face. Once everyone has gone down the aisle, the crowds of people in seats stand, and you know it’s your turn to walk. You loop arms with your parent and push through the doors, immediately seeing people begin to cry, Tyler included. You look over to Josh as well, who was smiling happily at you, but still, a hint of sadness resonated in his eyes. You clear your throat and link hands with Tyler as the officiant begins their speech. You each say your vows, before kissing each other, and the friends and family applaud. You smile at everyone as you to walk hand in hand back down the aisle. Once inside, Tyler runs with you up the stairs and shuts the door behind him. “Hello, Mrs. Joseph” he says, smiling as big as he could. “Mrs. Joseph, I like the sound of that” you say as he takes a step closer. You wrap your arms around him and you kiss deeply, everything feeling like it had more meaning. “We should get back, that party is for us, you know” you say, pulling back. Tyler lets out a frustrated groan before opening the door and letting you out first. You walk back down the stairs and go outside, where the reception was being held. You hear a loud applause as the two of you walk out, but all you could focus on was Josh standing in the back. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when Tyler grabs your hand and pulls you to the dance floor. You groan and kick off your heels, obliging to dance. The night was as amazing as the actual wedding, and you couldn’t have had a better time. As the night comes to a close you see that Josh had left early. Before you can even react, Tyler pulls you along to the limo and practically pushes you in. You hit what felt like a person on your way in, and look up to see the familiar mess of yellow hair. Josh. Let’s go back to they night.///////////////////////// Marry me. His words were ringing in your ears and you looked up to see if he was serious. You’re left speechless looking between the boys, both of them expecting an answer. “Tyler, I love you, but I also love Josh. This is something I don’t think I can decide on right now” you say, standing from the bed. “(Y/N) that’s not what I asked” Tyler said. You must’ve been visibly confused, and so was Josh, so he continued. “You were mine first. To the world and anyone looking in, you still are mine and only mine. I don’t think we should end what we've​ been doing. It would kill me to see how upset either of you would be. But, (Y/N), I love you so much more than you will ever know. I just want to be with you forever, and let everybody know. I want to know that whatever happens between the three of us, you will always stick by me. Because I will always stick by you” he finishes, with a deep sigh. You hear Josh clear his throat, and you look at him to see him nodding, letting you know it was okay. You look back at Tyler, smiling. “Well, Tyler, yes. I will marry you”/////////////// The limo pulls off once Tyler is inside the car, and both of the men look at you, while you look straight ahead. Tyler wanted to get married as soon as possible, so the wedding was four months after that night. In all of that time, none of you had sex, or anything relating to such. Now, the sexual tension between the three of you was as strong as ever. You place a hand on one of each of the boys thighs, smiling when they both inhale at the same time. You lean over to Tyler first, kissing him deeply and running your fingers through his hair. You pull back and bite your lip slightly, moving over to Josh and doing the same thing. After a while of this, you get onto the ground of the limo and help them both unbutton their pants and slide them down along with their underwear. You use one Hand on each, stroking them both in unison. The mix of moans between the men was enough to make you get wet yourself, causing you to start rubbing your legs together. You move your head back and forth between them, bobbing your head on one at a time. You can feel their both reaching their ends, which is why you pulled away and sat back up in your seat. Both of the boys are visibly mad and ask why you stopped. You stay quiet until the car stops, and you get out, rushing to the hotel you were staying in tonight. You check in using your name, and take the keys, the boys walking in not far after. “Why the grumpy faces?” You ask, teasingly. Before they can answer, you move past them and walk to the bathroom, going to a stall. You do your business and walk to the sink, washing your hands. You open the door and look up, just to see two very angry faces staring back. “Something wrong?” You ask innocently. Tyler pushes you back into the bathroom and lifts you to the sink, kissing you hard enough to make your head hit the mirror. Josh checks all the stalls before locking the door and walking towards you and Ty. Tyler pulls off your wedding dress, and sets it on a different sink, his breath hitching when he sees what lingerie you had chosen for the both of them. “Mm, baby” Josh says, taking a step closer. Josh and Tyler were now in front of you, staring hungrily. “You know, it’s too bad this is really nice lingerie” Josh says, pulling the strap of the side of your thing and letting it slap back onto your hip. “Because you teased us, didn’t let either of us finish, didn’t let us speak to you, and the list goes on and on baby doll” Tyler finishes for him. “And when you get all defiant. We aren’t so gentle.” With that, Tyler pulls off your bra and Josh pulls down your thing, with so much intensity strings were popping everywhere and scratched you on the way off. You let out a loud groan and Tyler pulls you off the sink, turning you so you see yourself in the mirror. Josh pulls your head back with your hair, and quickly latches his lips onto your neck, while Tyler pulls one of your breasts in his mouth, biting softly. You don’t hesitate to let out loud groans, the wetness between your legs becoming more apparent. Without warning or hesitation, Josh pushes you down onto the ground, pulling you slightly so that you were on all fours. “I had her last time. Take this as a wedding gift” Josh says, moving in front of you and dropping to his knees. You hear Tyler doing the same from behind you, and also heartbeat sound of their pants dropping to the ground. Josh grabs your head and helps you to slowly place your mouth around his length, but Tyler is quick to shove himself inside you, making you take Josh deeper. You begin to choke slightly, but Josh didn’t let up. Meanwhile, Tyler was giving slap after sleep to your backside, always curling his fingers on the spot after each hit. Josh finally lets you move back to breathe, and smirks when you have to recollect your breath. You ease your way back onto him, making sure not to let Tyler’s ruthless thrusts interrupt you. You steady yourself with one hand and use your other to massage your clit. Tyler takes notice and nods at Josh. Josh pulls your hand away from yourself and looks you dead in the eyes. “We didn’t say you could do that” he says, the grip on your wrist tightening. You nod and set it back down on the ground. Tyler’s thrusts become more rough and fast, his hands now gripping your hips and forcing you to take him as deep as possible. He slowly moves one hand down to your clit, picking up where you had left off. It’s not long after that when you finally spill over the edge, and moan around Josh. The boys weren’t finished though. Even though you were done, they continued to use your body, and Tyler continues on your clit, trying to help you reach your second orgasm. Josh thrusts once more into your mouth, finally pouring what he had down your throat. The vulgar sounds he had made were enough to make you spill a second time, Tyler not far behind. With one last sloppy and hard hit, he came, both of the boys pulling out from you. Your arms and legs were so weak that once they weren’t holding you anymore, you fell over and laid stiff on the ground. Both the boys get redressed, and Tyler grabs your dress, sliding it back down over your body, while Josh slid your bra and panties into his pocket. Tyler watches you struggle to stand, and picks you up bridal style, before carrying you out of the bathroom. “We wore you out that bad?” Josh asks, a softness present in his voice. You nod your head. “And i loved every minute of it”
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pinkhairedtyler · 3 years
my only talent is writing really good first chapters of fics and then forgetting they exist
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lemonadetyler · 5 years
Secret Abortion - part two
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x Reader
Type: fluff w/ a lil angst
Word Count: 499. she’s short i’m sorry.
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“Morning, baby.” Tyler coos softly to you.
“Morning.” You reply, trying to put on your happy face. Tyler begins to climb over on top of you, meeting your gaze as he stares down into your eyes.
“I’m gonna go down and grab some breakfast for us, okay?” Tyler tells you.
“See you soon.” You agree before accepting Tyler’s kiss on your lips. He crawls out of your bed and shuts the door behind him. You quickly hop into the shower and try and get ready for the day with Tyler in New York City. While brushing your teeth, Tyler arrives back in the hotel room, this time carrying a tray full of food for you both.
“They didn’t have any of those Belgian waffles you like so I settled for this unknown pastry.” Tyler jokes.
“It’s perfect.” You reply smiling up at him.
“Is it okay if we, uh-” Tyler stops, unsure of how to go on.
“Yeah, we can.” You assure your boyfriend.
“I need you to know that I’m not mad or anything. I’m just a little shocked and kind of sad, honestly.” Tyler begins. “Not about the baby!” He hurriedly corrects himself, making sure he doesn’t put blame on you in an over the top fashion. “I’m just sad that you didn’t really plan on telling me.” He says, batting his eyes down. “It’s you and me, you know.”
“I should’ve told you, Ty.” You admit to the brown-eyed boy, seeing the sadness in his eyes when he tilts his head up at you as you speak.
“How did you get pregnant?” He asks you. “Aren’t you on birth control?”
“I missed a day or two by accident and really messed everything up.” You tell him.
“Y/n,” Tyler says to you. “Did you think it was a mistake?”
“I’m not ready to be a mother, Tyler.” You tell him honestly. “And I mean you,” You begin, but he interrupts you before you can finish.
“I understand if it’s not me who you want that kind of stuff with.” Tyler mutters, clearly heartbroken.
“Tyler!” You say in shock. “You’re the only one I would ever want to have a baby with. I’m not ready and your career needs to come first right now.” You assured him.
“You mean one day?” Tyler asks happily.
“Of course one day, Ty.” You smile back at him.
“You know when that happens, my career won’t come first. I don’t want you to think it comes first now. It’s always you, y/n.” Tyler explains to you. “Did I make you feel second?”
“Tyler, when I’m with you I feel like no one else even exists.” You tell him. “I couldn’t imagine living my life, travelling the world, loving anybody else.”
“I’m gonna marry you one of these days.” Tyler exclaims.
“Yeah, you keep saying that.” You joke but Tyler is tackling you back onto the bed, laughs escaping both of you, him covering you with kisses.
“You’ll see.” Tyler smirks.
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