#tøp fanfiction
starch1ldz · 3 months
SPENCER REID IS SO SMITHEREENS BY TWENTY ONE PILOTS. “For you I'd go step to a dude much bigger than me, for you I'd go I would get messed up weigh 153, for you I would get beat to smithereens.” TELL ME THAT ISN'T SO HIM ABOUT THE WHOLE DAMN TEAM?
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useyourglutes · 3 months
i'm going back and re-reading all the fics i've posted on ao3 cuz i second guess myself but like, WHY AM I LOWKEY EATING WITH THESE??? HOLY SHIT THE 4AM FUMES MADE ME MODERN FUCKING SHAKESPEARE BRO
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dasloddl · 3 months
twenty one pilots and fanfiction
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j-jinxee · 3 months
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Criminal! Tyler Joseph x Reader
[warnings — Small wounds, guns, police, smn gets tased, kissing]
A/N - aight guys so I'm too impatient to write an actual story and like, make a proper beginning yk? So let's just pretend I wrote an actual start and move on, sick.
You began to pull into a roadside motel. After a full day of driving with this stranger, all you wanted was to get out of this car. You knew Tyler wouldn't actually hurt you, he just needed to act as if he would to stall the police. You'd met Tyler that morning, at your usual coffee shop. He'd been politely asking people for money, simply to get a cab and get as far away from here as he possibly could. When he asked you, you decided to engage in conversation, his demeanour intrigued you. Although, you couldn't recall the conversation due to all the intense events that happened afterwards. Which lead you to end up here, in the middle of nowhere in some sketchy motel, with a criminal stranger.
Tyler hadn't said much about himself, just that he needed to get far away from here, but he had no money. Saying that he got involved with the "wrong people" and can't get out of it now.
You both made your way out of the car, Tyler walked a little faster than you, probably to minimise the amount of people seeing him. Making his way to the front desk and asking for a room, you strolled around the lobby, looking at this rundown little establishment that you probably never had known about if it wasn't for today. You assumed you'd be ok out here, Tyler wasn't a famous criminal or anything, and even if the police did find you, they'd think he held you hostage, not that you were cooperating with him. You only cooperated because he had a gun, sure you could tell he'd never use it, but it's still intimidating when someone's pointing it at you.
"Hey, cmon.." you heard Tyler call as he started walking towards the steps. You hurried behind him and made your way to the room, being greeted by peeling wallpaper and a TV that didn't work, but atleast the beds looked clean. Already feeling sleepy when you sat down, since your adrenaline had shot up multiple times today, really taking its toll on you, but you couldn't fall asleep just yet. You needed to take your makeup off, brush your teeth, you know the regular night stuff.
Before you could even check if the motel provided toothbrushes, Tyler had already shut and locked the bathroom door. You weren't mad, but he could've said something to be less rude. You assumed he was showering, since that's the only reason to lock the bathroom door, so you just waited for your turn.
After about two minutes, your thoughts were interrupted by faint sounds coming from the bathroom. Small noises of discomfort, every few seconds, what was he doing? You got up and knocked on the door, "you ok in there?" "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Can I come in?" You asked quietly, "sure." You heard the lock click, allowing the door to open. Your eyes were met with the sight of Tyler attempting to get the shards of glass out of the small cuts on his face. They'd been there all day, but this is the first time he'd gotten to a mirror. "Woah! hey hey nonono, don't do it like that. You'll cut your fingers aswell." He was attempting to just pull them out with his hands, which would've been fine if his hands weren't shaking. Thankfully you happened to have tweezers in your pocket, so you asked him to sit down and have you take them out for him.
"Can I... ?" You referred to touching his face to keep your hands steady. He gave you a slight nod, making you proceed with the small operation. There were three small slits on his left cheek, two on the bridge of his nose, and one on his right eyebrow. You thought it'd be best to not ask how he got these, he seemed like he wanted to act as if it didn't happen. He avoided eye contact the whole time, looking anywhere but your face, making it hard for you to concentrate. While delicately picking out the glass from his skin, you absent mindedly studied his features. His messy brown hair that framed his face perfectly, his dark eyes that may not have looked at you, but you could still tell were mesmerising, and his scars, even though they hurt, they weirdly suited him.
"All done!" You said smiling, you'd usually disinfect them too but, you didn't exactly have the right equipment to do so in this tiny motel room. So you substituted with cutips and water, sure it wouldn't keep bacteria out, but it'll atleast get the dry blood off. "Stay there" you told him, going to grab some cutips from the bathroom. Coming back with a few damp ones, you gently held his face up and wiped off the blood. His eyes finally looked up to meet yours, you felt inclined to hold eye contact, but you were half way through a job.
"Ok, done for real now" You smiled, though his first reaction was to reach up and touch his wounds. "Don't do that! You'll make them worse." He seemed to listen, even if it was a bad habit he had. "Thankyou" he looked up at you, "you've been the first to treat me like a human in a while." You saddened hearing his statement, "Tyler..." you began, "you don't have to tell me but, what exactly got you here?" Saying you were eager to know was an understatement, but you weren't gonna push his boundaries, even if he dragged you into something you never wanted to be a part of.
He started with a sigh, then quietly explained the events that lead to this. Telling you how he desperately needed to help out his parents, leading him to work for the wrong people, and getting wrapped up with their shit in the process. They forced him to do things that'd land him in prison for life, but he'd made a mistake, now the police were after him aswell as those shady pricks. His voices started to shake, causing you to look at him properly, his eyes were watering as tears began to fall, landing on the dirty carpet beneath him. Saying he just wanted out of all this, "I've put you in danger now too I- I just, fuck. I can't do this anymore" he stood up and started talking with his hands more, gesturing to himself and you. Saying he's just sick of hurting people when his soul intention was to help. You realised you'd probably get kicked out if he got any louder, so you had to stop him gently.
"Tyler, Tyler hey" you placed your hands on his forearms, stopping his frantic gestures. He stopped and looked you right in the eyes, you could see how broken and tired he felt. "This isn't your fault. You had no way of knowing, I can tell you meant well, ok?" You spoke softly, attempting to calm him down with your words. "Anyone would've made the same mistake, it's just hard for others to see when they're not in the same position as you." You reached up to wipe the tears off his face, "I can tell you're a good person, that's why I haven't tried to run. I haven't felt threatened by you at all." You could see his eyes gain a tiny bit of light, "I will stay, and help you get out, ok?"
His dark eyes stared right back into yours. After a few seconds of comfortable silence, they darted to different points of your face, going from your eyes to your lips, analysing them quite obviously. They landed back on your eyes once more, his lips separated, "can I kiss you?" You felt an involuntary smile creep onto your lips, "sure" he leant in and closed the gap between you both, your hands still on his face and jawline. You felt him smile aswell, both of you were comforted by the complete stranger touching your lips right now, why?
This was the last place you expected to be today, feeling this wanted criminal so intently while he was pressed up against you. You both pulled away for air, but not before opening your eyes to gaze into eachothers souls. His eyes regained some light as he saw further and further into your beautiful iris'. You didn't even know this boys last name, but right now, the only thing you wanted was to be around him, he gave you a new sense of life.
Just for all of that to be interrupted by a familiar sound of the door being kicked down. You both jumped and let go of eachother, facing towards the now busted open door as police rapidly came into the room. You looked at Tyler in a panic, forgetting they were only after him, just for him to get tased immediately. He fell onto the bed and started screaming in pain, "Stop! Stop it! He didn't hurt me!" You immediately stated to the police. He was cuffed and dragged out of the room in an instant, you were pretty sure he was also knocked unconscious. An officer came over to you, "Let's get you outta here, we'll get started on pressing charges don't worry." "No! I don't want to press charges!" You stated desperately, hoping to explain everything that's actually happened before Tyler gets taken away in their car. They didn't stop though, hauling him off aggressively and shoving him into the car, he wasn't exactly innocent, but if they could just listen to him explain the full story- I'm sure they could understand.
The sirens echoed through your head as you started to dissociate, you had no idea what would happen now. ----------------------------------------------------
This is so random pls but I love Criminal Tyler who's actually innocent hehe <33 anyway I should write for Josh now aye.
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justachoker · 2 months
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I'm NOT wrong writing a fic about the boys reading fanfiction LOL
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Finally, the conclusion to a very sad series :)) i hope you like it!!! 
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1m-i-n-e1 · 2 years
(From my Wattpad)
Words: 247
Texts Tyler will send you while he's on tour:
💛Ty: thinking about you.
💛Ty: beautiful.
💛Ty: hope your day is doing good.
💛Ty: love you.
💛Ty: I'm eating Taco Bell
💛Ty: I almost ordered your favorite taco. Forgot you weren't here.
💛Ty: I miss you.
💛Ty: I love my lovely lover. Which is you if you are confused.
💛Ty: I really miss you.
💛Ty: I feel like kissing you right now. I'm homesick for your touch.
💛Ty: Josh just said something that made me think of you. "I dOnT wAnNa gEt Up."
💛Ty: your favorite song is playing on the radio.
💛Ty: Bum bum bum badash boom. Josh just taught me how to play text-drums. I'm a natural.
💛Ty: I have Tear In My Heart stuck in my head. Sad I can't sing it to you. YoU'rE tHe TeAr iN mY hEaRt I'm AliVe.
💛Ty: are you watching the live show tonight?
💛Ty: did you like it?
💛Ty: don't forget to close the windows, love.
💛Ty: take care of yourself. I plan on keeping you with me for a very long time.
Texts Tyler sends you off of tour:
💛Ty: I'm hungry
💛Ty: I want Taco Bell.
💛Ty: Josh wants to come over.
💛Ty: we need more red bull
💛Ty: save me. I'm bored and the only cure is kisses. Where'd you go?
💛Ty: I love you more than anyone else does. Even your dad.
💛Ty: once I get home do you want to kiss?
•••Still pretty new. I’m going to start posting some of my short story chapter books next.•••
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mylols16 · 1 year
if you haven’t already please read this fic oh my god
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starboy14176 · 1 year
*flailing my arms around autistically* you don’t get it like I do
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catboylister · 3 months
it says on the ark wikis that lister taught himself how to play drums through youtube tutorials and all that so im choosing to believe he was an unrestricted internet access kid and he saw things. he was markiplier fan. probably had a tøp phase. he knew abt fanfiction before people were writing it about him. also i think that he read percy jackson as a kid. he wasn't the brightest 13 year old but hey he knows a lot about greek mythology for some reason.
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useyourglutes · 3 months
debating on writing a 3rd part to my fic from Josh's POV-ish after Tyler... hmmmm
@ippyhaj opinions??? (sorry for the tag pookie <3)
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I'm currently dealing with really bad mental health so I might not be as active as usual (as you may know I've missed many of my days that I dedicate to the lads). That also means a pause on my fanfiction.
I'll get back to normal as soon as possible but until then, when I do post, you may see a lot of Twenty One Pilots posts. They're currently the band keeping me from falling too far into a dark place.
More Beatles to come soon.
Peace and Love✌💙✨
And to my Tøp mates- Stay Alive |-/
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limerinseme · 9 days
i hate fanfiction i hate the years 2016-2018 what did i ever do to deserve this. why is the tøp fandom the way it is.
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broke-art-girl · 4 months
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Hello!! I'm Broke_Art_Girl aka Ash (she/they) I draw digitally and write on My AO3
Asks/Requests: Open [✓] Closed [_]
How to make a request: Click Here!! :)
My anons: |🌶️| 🪴|🐔|🌀|🤮|📘|🦅
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Original Works:
• "The Loner Boy"
• "She. Wild Mage."
(TØP, P!ATD, MCR, Melanie Martinez, Billie Eilish, Corpse Husband +more):
• "21 Detectives"
Bones and All (2022):
• "- Signed, L."
Stranger Things:
• "This is Home."
• "The Bond."
• "The Billionaire, The Rock Star, and the Somebody."
• "Lily."
Multi-fandom fanfiction:
• "Salt and Bones." (Bones and All & Saltburn)
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One Shots:
Being Human (US):
• "I'll Always be Here."
• "My Love, Mine all Mine."
• "The Physicians Fantasy." (req)
• "The Scent of Love." (req)
Bones and All (2022):
• "A Match Into Water."
• "Wait in the Truck."
• "Lick It Up." (req)
Stranger Things:
• "Hey there, Steve."
• "Signs of Love."
The Batman (2022):
• "The Black Rose."
Tom & Jerry:
"Quiet on Set."
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Head Canons:
Stranger Things:
Click Here :)
Wonka (2023):
Wonka and Noodle (ask)
Wonka and The Chocolate Cartel (ask)
Call Me By Your Name:
Elio and Oliver (ask)
Billie Eilish and Maya Hawke (ask)
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Things I've REQUESTED, NOT written:
Steddie coffee shop date by: zerokrox-blog
Todobaku deaf bakugo au by: zerokrox-blog
Solstice by: sunshowerwriting
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My Fandoms: (including but not limited to)
+more that I cant think of right now xD
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1m-i-n-e1 · 2 years
(From my Wattpad)
Warnings: none.
452 words
There's so many reasons why I love Y/N. Her soft (Y/H/C) hair her beautiful
(Y/E/C) eyes, her radiant smile. She's perfect.
Especially when I wake up next to her. I look at her from my side of the bed, my left arm still under her from snuggling last night, but her back is now turned to me.
I examine her every detail, the way her hair is slightly frizzy from sleeping. The way her back is curved perfectly and comfortably on the bed. She's beautiful.
I pick myself up a tiny bit to where I'm leaning on my elbow and I look at her face from the side. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is gaped slightly. She looks so peaceful.
I carefully wrap myself around her, hoping to not wake her. I wrap my right arm around her frame. My chest pressed against her back, allowing me be able to level my breathing with hers.
I lean my head on her shoulder, our cheeks touching. Her body heat radiates from her, which only brings a smile to my face.
I kiss her on the cheek slightly, and then on the shoulder. She starts to stir a little so I lift my head, freezing in place as if that'll help her not wake.
She looks so peaceful.
She takes a deep breath, which helps me realize she's waking up. I smile slightly, before pressing her closer with my arm.
"Mm, good morning." She says, blinking her eyes open and smiling. I give her a big cheeky grin, as I stare down at her.
"Good morning, love." I whisper, bringing my face closer to kiss her.
She kisses before quickly pulling away and putting her hand to her mouth.
"I have to brush my teeth. My breath probably stinks." She sighs, and I chuckle a bit.
"I don't mind,” I mutter, “I probably should too." I reply. I hesitantly let her go.
She gives me a little smile before slipping out of the sheets and walking into the bathroom across from the bed.
I watch as she tiredly climbs out, her panties showing ever so slightly before she grabs my shirt, that she decided to wear to bed, and pulls them down to cover them.
I smile to myself, as she walks into the bathroom across from the bed.
••• This was my first ever short story. They get better I promise •••
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z4arki · 1 year
hello! i was wondering if anyone wants to be friends?
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i really want some online friends with similar interests as me; i had some years ago but we don’t really talk anymore
i like creepypasta, bijuu mike, anime and manga, horror, art, games, reading, rock and metal music, bands like mcr/tøp/p!atd/green day/metallica/fob/grimes. i also like fanfiction!
my favourite creeps are the proxies and both jacks (LJ, EJ)
ej is my most favourite ^^
im still kinda one of those emo animal jam kids from 2015
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