#juliana ewing
lepetitdragonvert · 4 months
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The Brownies and other Tales by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing (1841-1885)
London, G. Bell & Sons
Artist : Alice B. Woodward
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thefugitivesaint · 7 months
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Henry Matthew Brock (1875-1960), ''Jackanapes and Other Tales'' by Juliana Horatia Ewing, 1923 Source
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pulquedeguayaba · 6 months
Never thought Regina Spektor would be such a massive zionist trash
Her post abt why feminists and queers and the like are siding with Hamas and it's all due to the radicalisation virus 😂😂😂
Also she keeps parroting those líes abt the rapes and the babies even if it's been weeks since they debunked them
Pathetic 💩
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enchantedbook · 2 years
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' Old Fashioned Fairytales' by Juliana Horatia Ewing after  Walter Bayes
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iridescentis · 1 year
i completely forgot to comment on anything so MY THOUGHTS RIGHT NOW
hate eric. cannot stand him. he gives off just really gross energy idk he's just awful (the way he got mad when he thought nina and nico were dating EW)
not sure why ada is here but cool i guess
ámbar. i would die for her. that's it.
simbar is very slowburn again but also not at the same time they're playing around with it which is very entertaining
matteo is being so sweet at the moment but i wish he would lay off a little bit like simón told him to be patient but every time he sees luna he pokes her to tell him her feelings i feel like he should just calm it down and be her friend first because they are so adorable when they're just comfortable in each other's company
I'm still not sure if benicio and ámbar actually get together or if it's just fake dating i thought they did but im over a third of the way into s3 so they're cutting it a bit fine for them to start a romance plotline
i miss mora and ana being together all the time it was so cute
gary is a dick nothing new there
mónica is such a sweetheart i hope we get more moments with her and ámbar
nina is kind of useless at the moment i mean i love her but other than the eric plotline (ew) i can't remember anything significant about what she's doing
i love how they're developing all the girls as a big friend group it was so cute when they all had tea together so precious <3
i don't have anything to say about the benson stuff right now bc it's quite boring nothing much has happened yet
rey and maggie <3
not a fan of the delfi and jazmín rivalry it's getting annoying
that's it i think!
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blairstales · 2 years
Broonie, Brownies 🧹 | Scottish Folklore
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You might recognize the term “brownie” from the rank in Girls Scouts, but do you know where the scouts got that name? Folklore! They were named after a story called “The Brownies” by Juliana Horatia Ewing, which was based on Scottish folk tales.
A brownie in folklore is a domestic fairy that tends to attach itself to a family, and help them with all sorts of work.
"They are generally described as small men, about three feet in height, very raggedly dressed in brown clothes, with brown faces and shaggy heads, who come out at night and do the work that has been left undone by the servants." A Encyclopedia of Fairies by Katharine Briggs (Published in 1976)
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They are, however, sometimes women. Maggy Moulach is one of the most popular brownies from Scottish folklore. This chore-completing brownie had a son called Brownie-Clod, who was said to be a dobie. A dobie is a variety of brownie that, while well-meaning, is said to be a bit dull-witted. Does that sound familiar, Potter fans?
Brownies would do almost every chore, and in exchange, they would like a cream, milk, bannock or cake.
"He is allowed his little treats, however, and the chief of these are knuckled cakes made of meal warm from the mill, toasted over the embers and spread with honey. The housewife will prepare these, and Brownie lay them carefully where he may find them by chance. When a titbit is given to a child, parents will still say to him, ‘There’s a piece wad please a Brownie. ’" Notes on the Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders, by William Henderson (1866)
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As well as that, even though their clothes are shaggy, giving them clothes will cause them to leave. Most stories have the leaving brownie lament sadly at being made to leave.
"The offer, indeed, of other than this simple food, or the leaving out for him of clothing, was fatal, and compelled Brownie, in obedience to some condition of his existence not understood, to forsake the abode of the gift-givers and depart, generally reluctantly, to seek other quarters." Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland by J. Maxwell Wood (1911)
Some families are said to have had a resident brownie for many generations, and are so beloved, that they are occasionally offered a small stool or shelf by the fire.
“He lived on eating porridge and slept on a bed of straw in the barn, working tirelessly each night for the farmer and his wife, who are said to have appreciated his work greatly.” The Brownie of Boghall Farm
Audio Recording References:
Helping with chores: 1953
Eternal life: 1976
Old men description: 1976
Leaving out milk: 1958 and 1976
Helping in Mills: 1976 and 1979
Friends with humans: 1976
Pity for cold humans: 1958
Helping a birth: 1976
Saving from witchcraft: 1980
Helping with wealth: 1956
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thebeautifulbook · 1 year
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MASTER FRITZ by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing. London/New York: E. & J.B. Young, c.1883) Illustrated by R. Andre.
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kmp78 · 1 month
´´ Well she's at the top of his follower list, so isn't that an indication it's new. 🤷🏼‍♀️’´
When i watch EW’s followers she s not the first.
I see Andelina, callie and after Juliana.
And yesterday it was callii, andelina et Julianna was after other people
🤔 mhh not very sure like indication
Okay. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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National Brownie Day
Indulge in a rich, chocolatey dessert, whether a mixed selection from the bakery, a tray bake rustled up at home or a brownie gathering with friends.
Brownies: that rich, decadent, purely hedonistic blend of cake and cookie that feels amazing in the mouth and leaves the taste buds craving more.
While the classic brownie still reigns supreme, now there are what seems like a million different derivations of how to make these delicious treats, but there’s one thing they all have in common. Levels of chocolate so thick and rich they should be illegal!
In fact, brownies are so popular that they can be found served as the foundation for sundaes, chopped up in milkshakes, or even made into a version of breakfast cereal.
National Brownie Day is the perfect chance to get in and indulge in all that decadent goodness that might be avoided the rest of the year. It’s an ideal opportunity to go into some serious brownie overload–and not even feel bad about it. Because it’s National Brownie Day!
History of National Brownie Day
The first brownies ever made set the bar for the grand indulgence that was to follow. Created for a ladies’ fair luncheon in the late 1800’s, the first variety of these was found bedecked in an apricot glaze and inundated with delicious walnuts. To this day the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago serves the same recipe as that served to these ladies well over a hundred years ago.
National Brownie Day was established by the millions of fans of this chocolatey-cakey treat, and the recipes that have cropped up over the years have been legion. From Chocolate Mint brownies to those made with rich swirls of caramel, the variations of brownies are limited only by the extent of the imagination.
National Brownie Day Timeline
The Brownies and Other Tales book is published 
Juliana Horatia Ewing tells stories of children who discover they can be helpers, and this forms part of the foundation of what will eventually be a large wing of the Girl Scouts.
Brownies are created 
Brownies are created as a special treat for the Chicago World’s Fair, in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Bertha Palmer of Palmer House Hotel requests that pastry chef Joseph Sehl come up with something new.
First Brownie recipe is published 
The Boston Cooking School Cookbook publishes the first recipe for brownies as they are known today.
Brownie Program is created for girls 
This organization for girls from 7-10 years old, formed in England by Lord Baden-Powell in England, is originally called Rosebuds but the girls wanted to change their name to “Brownies”.
How to Celebrate National Brownie Day
It doesn’t certainly require a lot of work to find ways to celebrate and enjoy National Brownie Day! Eating brownies, baking brownies and sharing brownies with others can all be incorporated into honoring and paying heed to this day. Try out some of these ideas to get started:
Eat a Brownie (or Two!)
Obviously, one of the best ways to celebrate National Brownie Day is to hunker down over a big ol’ piece of brownie and indulge in this favorite treat. Whether it’s easier to buy a boxed mix or swing into the local bakery, don’t let National Brownie Day go by without getting a mouthful of rich cakey chocolate.
Try Baking Brownies
Maybe one of the reasons brownies are so popular is that they are quick and easy to make. Along the same lines of cake, but without the need for a fork or plate, brownies are even easier to make than cookies because they don’t have to be individually placed on the pan.
Also, the fact that delicious brownie mixes can be found at grocery stores and supermarkets, makes it just that much simpler! Add in some goodies such as nuts, candies or frosting, and a basic brownie mix can become so much more.
Whether making them from scratch or embellishing a boxed mix, baking brownies at home is a fun event that can usually be accomplished in less than an hour. That just leaves more time for eating them!
Explore Unique Brownie Flavors
For some, the classic brownie recipe is perfect and doesn’t need to be changed at all. For others, it’s a blank canvas upon which to create all kinds of spectacular flavors and complimentary concoctions. For the purists, that’s understandable–if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it, right?
But for those who won’t be satisfied with something basic, try out these unique ways to take brownie baking (and eating!) to a whole new level:
Nutter Butter Truffle Brownies. Easy when using a regular boxed brownie mix, this idea makes a yummy layer with cream cheese and nutter butter cookies, then tops it with a layer of peanut-buttery chocolate.
Raspberry Cheesecake Brownies. Imagine a base of brownies topped with a thick layer of cheesecake with fresh raspberries baked in. But don’t just imagine them, go ahead and bake them–and then eat them!
Zucchini Butterfinger Brownies. Looking for ways to make brownies healthy but still gooey and delicious? Use zucchini as a base! Topped with crushed butterfinger candy bars, they’re a delicious and more nutritious departure from the standard.
Cookie Stuffed Brownies. Super indulgent, these are brownies that contain other delicious treats that are baked right in! They contain a layer of chocolate chip cookie dough, then a layer of store bought cookies (Double Stuf Oreos, Nutter Butters or Milanos work great) and finally a layer of brownie batter mixture poured over the top. It’s like a cookie-brownie extravaganza!
Share Some Brownies with Friends
Since they’re baked in giant pans and then cut into smaller pieces, brownies are an ideal treat that can be shared with friends and loved ones! Head over to the neighbors to make a brownie delivery, or drop some off at the kids’ classroom to make the teacher’s day.
Bringing in a tray of brownies to your workplace is sure to earn some “brownie points” with those co-workers, and maybe even sweeten up the boss enough to get a raise. Well, perhaps not, but recognition of that generosity might still go far.
Host a Brownie Gathering
Even better, host a party at home or at work that is brownie-themed in nature. With all the varieties in taste out there, you’re certain to have a great collection of treats to indulge in, just be sure to stock up on the milk, as nothing goes with a rich chocolatey dessert like a glass of wholesome milk. National Brownie Day, another great excuse to overload on chocolate!
National Brownie Day FAQs
How to make brownies?
Brownies are an easy to treat made by mixing flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, eggs, butter or oil, and vanilla extract. Mix ingredients together, place in a large pan and bake.
Are brownies gluten free?
While standard recipes for brownies typically include wheat flour, which contains gluten, some special brownies can be made with alternative flours.
Do brownies have dairy?
Brownies can easily be made without dairy, and many boxed mixes only rely on oil and eggs for their liquid content.
Can brownies be made without eggs?
For those who want to make brownies without eggs, it is possible to use either a commercial vegan egg substitute, or ¼ cup of yogurt, mashed bananas, applesauce, tofu or buttermilk.
Can brownies be frozen?
Sure! Like many other baked goods, brownies can be frozen. They work best when sliced and then frozen in layers with baking paper in between.
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jwittekchatter · 7 months
The 23 year old Juliana??? Ew Jeff gets more and more disgusting
I guess this is his new thing now 🤷‍♀️
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lepetitdragonvert · 7 months
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The Brownies and other Tales by Juliana Horatia Ewing
George Bell & Sons
An Idyll of the Wood
Artist : Alice B. Woodward
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bettys · 5 years
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every juliantina kiss (so far)
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legends-of-today · 5 years
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EW Party 2019
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ordinary-beautiful · 5 years
Some sweet spring-time long departed...
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evilfishh · 5 years
I love angst as much as the next person, but tonight's episode hit me right in the feels and it feels very personal. Everything about juliantina's circumstance is so relatable. It's not just some good angst and light drama, it's a realistic situation that happens to real people (not including the hostage situation, which sucks and I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A WORD WITH THE WRITERS WHO CONTINUE TO HURT MY BABIES). I'm so appreciative to see more representation like this on TV. And I'm so grateful that we have two wonderful actresses expressing such feelings realistically and beautifully. I haven't felt this connected to characters in a long time and seeing the choices they made concerning their love for each other is so reminiscent of experiences I've faced. All I can say is that sometimes love just isn't enough, but damn does it make life that more enticing.
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thebeautifulbook · 2 years
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A SOLDER’S CHILDREN by Juliana Horatia Ewing (London/New York: S.P.C.K. ) Illustrated by R. André.
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