#just a little doodle from my sketch page today
elbowreveal · 1 year
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Showing your friend a cool rock that you found except it’s actually a kity
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I am formally asking for drawing requests <3
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Three
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Jasper Hale x Reader
Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: None
Notes: So sorry last weekend’s chapter was late this week, I’m back to my regularly scheduled posting! I’m so excited so many of you like this series so far!!
Word Count: 1131
Series Masterlist
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• January 25, 2005 • Forks High School •
My second day at Forks high school started much smoother than the first. It was pretty much uneventful until I decided to eat lunch alone outside on the picnic tables in the quad. It was an overcast day much like all the others and maybe a little chilly, but still decent enough since it wasn’t currently raining. It made for the perfect condition being that no one else really wanted to eat outside.
That is, until I spotted none other than Jasper Hale headed in my direction.
“Mind if I join you?” He asks, pointing to the opposite end of the table I’m currently occupying.
“Not at all.” I respond, idly tidying my area self consciously.
“Sorry, sometimes it’s a little overwhelming inside and I come out here to get away.” He says by way of explanation, laying down the sketch pad he carried with him along with a few pencils and a smudge stick. “Mostly I just come out here to draw uninterrupted.” He sits and flips to an empty page, tilting it a little away from my view.
“I get it, large crowds aren’t my thing either. Plus in the two days I’ve known Emmett I can already tell that he probably creates a hostile drawing environment.” I finish with a light chuckle, turning my attention toward the unfinished apple in my hand.
“You draw too?” He asks, eyebrows lifting as he begins a rough sketch on the blank paper.
“Oh heck no, I don’t have any artistic abilities like that, as much as I wish I did.” I frown, taking a bite of my apple.
“I didn’t think I had it in me either, but I took some classes, watched some videos online, and doodled around a lot. Finally got the hang of it although I still don’t really think I’m that good.” He trails off, concentrating on his pencil strokes. “It helps with the stress though, especially when there’s a lot going on.”
“That is… actually kind of neat. Having an outlet that’s also inspiring, creating art and it centering you in the process.” I muse out loud, watching a face beginning to take shape on his paper.
I’m about to ask who he’s drawing when the bell signaling the end of lunch rings out in the empty air surrounding us. I gather my trash and stand while he tucks his supplies away.
“Thanks for keeping me company today.” I tell him as I gaze into his beautifully golden eyes, not quite ready to part ways with him.
“Thanks for allowing me to disturb your peace and quiet.” And as if reading my mind, “Mind if I walk you to your next class?”
“Oh um, sure.” Trying not to seem too excited by the proposition of spending more time in this gorgeous boy’s presence. I tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear and walk towards him.
“Lead the way, darlin’.” He announces, sweeping his arm in the direction of the main school building, a smirk on his lips.
I laugh and shake my head at his antics, a blush creeping up my cheeks as I walk past him in the direction of my economics class.
Ditching my trash in the trash can as we leave the quad, I miss the way he grins at the accomplishment of making me giggle. I also fail to notice the astounded looks of his adopted siblings as we pass them unaware of their presence through the windows of the cafeteria. Faces reflecting their shocked thoughts at seeing their brother openly flirting with a female compared to his normal stoic facade.
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“How did you do it?” Emmett asks, leaning against the locker next to mine.
“Could you be a little more specific?” I ask, a little confused by his blunt question.
“You’ve been here less than a week and my brother is wrapped around your little finger.” He says, holding up his pinky to wiggle in my face.
I laugh and shut my locker, “Emmett, I’ve had all of like two interactions with Jasper, you’re looking into this a little too much.”
“He usually keeps to himself, this isn't the normal Jasper we’re talking about.” He falls into step slightly behind me on my way to the last class of the day, his large build not moving through the throng of students as quickly as I am.
I turn to look at my new friend, “I literally have no clue, it’s probably nothing Em!” My heart picking up speed at just the thought of Jasper. Is he actually interested in me? Is that what Emmett is getting at?
There’s no way, beautiful people like him don’t go for people like me.
I turn and leave Emmett behind in the hallway as students finish rushing through the halls, the tardy bell ringing.
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American History, the class I share with Jasper Hale and it also happens to be the last class of the day. Unfortunately though, his assigned seat is on the other side of the room. At least it’s more forward than mine, leaving me to observe him for most of the class period without him seeing.
History is also my worst subject; whether it’s world or US history, I hate it all the same. So many mistakes and atrocities, I wish I could let it flow in one ear and out the other without having to remember it for tests.
Today though, I get the sense our teacher has had a difficult day since he’s decided to let us work together freely. Seeing as I don’t really know anyone yet, I’m forced to work alone.
As if he could feel my discomfort and irritation with the assignment, Jasper Hale appears at the edge of my peripheral vision, claiming the abandoned desk next to mine and turning a few heads of our classmates.
“You’re thinking so loud I could practically hear it from across the room.” He mutters lowly without looking up from his worksheet.
“I’m thinking too loud?” I respond defensively as I cut him a look that would normally skin boys alive.
“Would you like some help or not, doll?” He asks, a grin sliding across his lips as his eyes meet mine in challenge.
“I-uh, I hate history.” I manage to blurt out, a little flustered that he so easily bypassed my frustrated facade without a blink.
“I do want that explanation eventually, but we have work to finish and only,” He breaks eye contact to glance at the clock above the board, “thirty seven minutes left before you’re on your own.”
“Alright Hale, what did you get for number four?” I deflate and accept his offer to save me from the misery of suffering through this stupid assignment alone.
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skellyflowers · 23 days
The manor only has two types of weather. Rain and fog, sometimes both at the same time. It makes the place really cozy. It's pretty normal for us to light the fireplace and make a blanket fort. But today is a little different. 
Today Vessel and II are in the study, they have been in there all day. Vessel and II have been composing music for a few days now. III is getting a new Bass so he is also gone. That just leaves me and IV in the library.
I wasn’t really reading the book in my hands. More so looking at the pictures in the book. The book is an antique medieval bestiary. I can't really read the words but I really liked seeing what people back then believed that animals looked like.
IV had been quiet the whole time. That was pretty normal for him. IV and II are the quieter of my boyfriends so I didn’t think too much of it. However, he was sitting in the window seat while I was on the oversized armchair. The chair that is big enough to fit both Vessel and III comfortably. That was odd. All of them are pretty cuddly so the fact that he hasn’t even tried to sit with me is strange.
I look over and see he has a notebook with him. He has been looking between the book and myself for a while. I wonder what he is doing. I stand up and walk over to the window  and attempt to look over his shoulder.
“Hey! What are you doing?” He asked. Pulling the notebook to his chest.
“I just want to see what you're doing.” I say, trying to look around him. “Let me see.”
“No. don’t worry about it.”
“Come on Ivy, Pleasssse.” I give him my best puppy eyes.
“It’s nothing Dove. You would think it’s boring.”
I huff at him and climb into IV’s lap. He gets a little wide eyed. Clearly not expecting my next move. I cup his face so he maintains eye contact. One of his hands is on my hip.
“Nothing you do is boring.” I say. “You’re one of the most interesting people I know.”
I put our foreheads together and hold eye contact. I kiss his forehead, his cheeks, nose and chin. I wait a moment before kissing his lips. The hand of my hip grips me and his other hand crawls up my back.
“Can I see it now?” I ask, hoping he agrees.
“Sure” IV has a dazed look on his face from all the kisses.
I carefully pick up the notebook and look at what is inside. IV hides his face in my neck. The notebook is grid paper and full of little pictures. I didn’t know that IV liked to draw. In the book are drawings of flowers, cats and some little nick-nacks I have seen around the manor. As I turn the pages I see that IV also has done some anatomy. There are pen and ink sketches of hands, potentially Vessel’s. 
I flipped through the pages and saw the people he had chosen to draw. Some of them I recognize like Adam. I see drawings of Vessel and II. There is one rough sketch of III. On the next page is a drawing of me! 
So this is what he was doing! The drawing is of me reading that old book. I try to look at him but when I turn my head IV buries himself in my neck.
“Look at me Ivy.” I say.
Slowly he backs away from me. 
“You have any other hidden talents I should know about?”
“You like them?”
“Of course I do! These are really good!”
“Thank you.” he smiles finally. “I wanted to do a good job. You and III are hard to draw.”
“What does that mean?” The comment makes me a little annoyed.
“You and III are always in motion. Makes it hard. Ves and II can really sit like statues.”
“Do the others know?”
“I have only told Vessel.”
“I won’t tell if you don’t want me to.”
“Thank you.” he puts his hand on my face and lets it slide to my neck. “Get back down here and kiss me again.”
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seangelfish · 11 months
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Matching keychains
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Ramuda Amemura x Reader
Genre/s: Angst (no comfort)
Word count: 2,788
Plot/Summary: This feeling has always been lingering in the back of his mind, but he knew that this can't last forever. Despite loving you for so long, he finally decides to let you go.
A/N: I recommend you listen to the instrumental of Buster Bros' Re:start whilst reading this as I was listening to it whilst writing this and honestly, it made the angst 10x worse! I might continue this fic because I actually really like it, and I love Ramuda so why not?
[I love Hypmic so much and I've always wanted to write fics surrounding the franchise, but I'm still pretty new to it, so please bare with me on how I portray these characters. I'm trying my hardest to make these accurate to the character as possible. Thank you for understanding and I hope you enjoy reading!]
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There was something important that you needed to get done today and it involved you visiting the most popular toy shop in Shibuya. This city was known for its shopping let alone its vast entertainment, fashion, and restaurants, so this task was bound to be easy for you!
You stepped inside the building in awe at the wide range of plushies. They ranged from big to small, from animals to people to even little accessories for them as well! You were already tempted to get something for yourself, but that wasn't the reason why you were here.
You wondered around the shop trying to find a specific item in stock. It was extremely crowded, so you ended up bumping into a lot of other customers.
Hmm, where could it be? you thought to yourself, already overwhelmed. It should be here...!
Thankfully, a shop assistant caught your eye and helped you find the item that you were looking for. Once you were shown the selection of plushie keychains, your worries disappeared just like that. You thanked the worker profusely.
You giggled to yourself as you picked up the two matching bunny keychains. One was pink whilst the other one was white. Both bunnies were wearing bows of the other's colour. It was so cute!
"Ramuda would love this!" you chirped.
Yes, the sole reason you came to this particular area was to buy a little gift for your boyfriend, Ramuda. You saw the two plushies advertised on your Twitter feed and instantly thought of him. You thought it would be so cute to have matching keychains with the love of your life!
You exited the store happily with the plushies you just bought. You can't wait to surprise Ramuda with them, and it was a perfect day to do so because he had asked you to meet up with him this evening.
"I wonder what he has planned for us tonight~" you wondered excitedly.
In his shop, Ramuda was anxiously scribbling in his sketchbook, thinking of ideas on what new clothes to design but to no avail because all he could think about was you.
The page he was currently working on was now filled with messy, indescribable pencil scratches. Whatever he was doodling wasn't pretty and he knew of it. He just wanted to rip everything out, destroy everything until these feelings of his were no more.
"Are you okay?" asked Gentarou, looking at Ramuda's sketches from behind his shoulder.
And as on cue, Ramuda immediately slammed his sketchbook shut and answered cheerfully, "I'm A-OK! I'm just having art block at the moment! Nothing too serious. I'll try again later~!"
Gentarou didn't believe a second of it, but shrugged it off.
"Just so you know," Gentarou began. "You can always tell–"
Ramuda cut him off. "I'm alright," he said slowly.
He jumped up from his seat to give his usual little twirl.
"Well, I'm off to see (Y/N) now~!" he exclaimed. "She's waiting for me, so I have to be there quick! I'll be back, so you don't need to close the shop. See you later~!"
Gentarou watched his friend skip out of the shop hurriedly. Once he was gone, Dice entered.
"I just saw Ramuda run out," he stated. "He wasn't looking too good. Is he okay?"
Gentarou merely shook his head.
You idled around the park, taking in the cool breeze and the amber sunset above. It truly was a beautiful evening and you couldn't wait to spend it with Ramuda.
A thought popped into your head. You should take a picture of the plushies you bought today with the sunset in the background!
You placed the two bunnies down on one of the park's benches, positioning them together as if they were holding hands. You giggled to yourself at how embarrassing this was, but it was such a cute idea! You were thankful that the park was empty at this time.
You quickly snapped a picture and to your satisfaction, it was the most beautiful picture of a sunset you have ever taken. You couldn't wait to post this on your Instagram page with your lover tagged!
You could hear faint footsteps running towards you. Shoving the plushies back into your bag before Ramuda could see them, you turned around to greet your boyfriend with the brightest smile on your face.
His pace slowed down as he stopped a few metres away from you. Seeing you smile at him like that made his heart ache. He would usually match your expression, but this time, he returned your smile with a look of such emptiness that it just wasn’t hard to miss.
Your smile faded away quickly.
"Ramuda... are you okay...?"
The distance between you two was unbearable, but you knew that you weren’t permitted to cross the invisible barrier Ramuda was holding up. So, you stayed stuck to your spot, and he did too.
“(Y/N),” he repeated, but with sadness to his tone. “Remember when you asked me where my parents were… or what my childhood was like?”
You didn’t know where he was going with this.
He continued, “…or which high school I attended? Who I was before I became a fashion designer? Before The Dirty Dawg? …But I didn’t answer any of it?”
You stared at him. He wasn't the Ramuda you were used to seeing everyday. His demeanour was completely different, but it wasn't too much of a surprise to you. Sometimes, you'd catch glimpses of this other personality, but you doubt he'd ever catch you noticing it.
“…I had none of what you had, none of what the average person has had in their lives. You could even say that I did not even have a life before any of this. You may not believe me, (Y/N), but what I’m going to tell you from this point on is the truth. Unfortunately, I can’t give you too many details as it’s not in my right.”
He watched your expression, the confusion and worry on your face. You wanted to ask him why he was bringing this up now, but you continued to stay in your spot, awaiting his explanation.
As he stated before, he didn’t bring up too many details. Though, he confessed that the personality he presented to others including you was all made up – a lie. He mentioned that he wasn’t the ‘real Ramuda’ and that he could never be the real one. He told you that he merely exists for someone else, not himself, and if he were to disobey them, he would be killed. He described himself as ‘defective’ as if he was a product. He revealed why he was a massive sweet tooth as the lollipops helped him to continue living.
“And that’s why… we should break up,” he said finally. “I’m just going to cause you trouble if I continue to be with you.”
You were speechless. It was so much to take in. He had finally told you about his background, but now he was suggesting that you two should break up. You didn’t know what to say, but all you wanted to do in that moment was to touch him.
“So please–” he began.
You pulled him in, letting his chin rest on your shoulder as your other hand held his head gently. It was getting hard to breathe as tears streamed down your face. Ramuda was frozen, his eyes showing nothing but perplexity.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that all on your own," you whispered. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t too attentive or if I wasn’t there for you.”
Ramuda chuckled with some sort of annoyance.
“It’s not your fault, (Y/N). You were always there for me; I just never made those feelings known. But we need to end things now. You can never truly be happy with me for who I am and what I will have to deal with in the future. Things will get too complicated and not only will it hurt you but me as well.”
Even when he was saying all of that, his arms couldn’t help but hug you back. He couldn’t stop himself from shedding a few tears. Why did you believe him so easily? Why did you trust him so much? Why do you still care about him even after confessing that his whole character was fake?
And as if you were reading his mind, you replied, “I don’t want to end things with you. I don’t care about who you were, I just care about who you are right now… even… even if it’s a lie. I don’t care. I know how kind and passionate you are. We can easily overcome these obstacles, can we not?"
Ramuda was silent, pulling away from your embrace. He shook his head and looked at you sadly.
“(Y/N), I’m going to let you go, and so should you. This is my final decision.”
He smirked. “I’m not going to lie though, I really do love you, and it sucks because I’m going to keep loving you.”
He shook his head, interrupting you. “But we can’t keep doing this. I can’t risk you getting involved and I can’t keep you from being in a better relationship. You can’t be happy with me. So, go find yourself a better man; someone that will always make you feel safe and happy… like Ichiro or something.”
Before you started dating Ramuda, you were close friends with Ichiro. This was during The Dirty Dawg days where the leaders of each division were grouped together. Your friendship with Ichiro was genuine and he was so lovely towards you. You would always laugh with him and shared each other’s stories. People often caught you together by the lake watching the sunset.
Ramuda always felt guilty that he robbed you off a beautiful relationship with Ichiro. But despite knowing your mutual feelings, he still shoved his way through the bubble you and Ichiro had together. He did all he can to pop that little bubble of yours, he’d butt into your conversations whenever he got the chance. He didn’t care whether you liked Ichiro or if Ichiro liked you back, he just wanted you to be his. He liked you too after all! And eventually, with all his attempts of breaking you two up, he succeeded.
“What?! Why are you saying that?!” you cried. "Why would you tell me to go find another lover when all I want is you?! My feelings for Ichiro are in the past now! I don't want him, I just want YOU. Why is this so difficult to understand that I don't care about who you are?!"
“(Y/N), stop!” he shouted. “I’m not going to change my mind!”
He was crying. He was crying as much as you now.
“If I didn’t get in between you two, you would’ve been in a happier relationship. You wouldn’t need to worry about me or the troubles I will cause. You wouldn’t need to worry about where he is or what he’s doing unlike me! He’s genuine and he’s real. He’s probably everything you’ve been looking for in me!” he said as he choked on his words. “I’m sorry for doing that to you two. I should’ve ignored you back then so you wouldn’t need to hear me say all this stuff now.”
The tears in your eyes wouldn't stop flowing, but you were also getting fed up with him. You just wanted to reason with him. You didn’t want to end things like this, not now and not ever.
“I said I don’t care!” you yelled. “Ramuda, I just want to be with you! I will only ever love you!”
Ramuda was stunned at your words, but he laughed even with the tears gushing down his face. He cupped your face with both of his hands and kissed you softly – his last kiss to you.
“Ah, (Y/N), I’m really going to miss you,” he croaked. “I… I really am going to m-miss you…”
"Ramuda, please..."
"It's time for you to forget me, okay?"
How did such a beautiful day turn into something so sad? You just wanted to give him your matching keychains…
He whipped out some sort of device – a hypnosis mic? – and sang something. There was no time to react as everything became a blur. You tried calling out his name once again, but the last image you had of him was of him smiling at you with the glassiest eyes you have ever seen.
A few months from now...
There would be times you would feel some sense of melancholy in the air. That feeling would happen whenever you'd enter a particular shop or area, but you never knew why you felt that way.
Ramuda lived his life as usual. Before he took you home, he erased everything of his existence from your phone, computer, and physical photo albums – anything he could get his hands on. It pained him that he had to do this, but he wanted you to start anew. He hoped that you were still able to fall in love with Ichiro again even if it will hurt him.
"And done!" said Ramuda, finishing off his sketches. "It's perfect. The ladies would love this collection~!"
"Oh, you’re finally done?” Dice said as he munched on his lunch Gentarou paid for. “That was fast.”
Ramuda giggled. He was proud of himself for completing such a task. He couldn't wait to see how the final product will turn out.
"Oh, by the way," he started. "We're going to participate in the Division Rap Battle next week, so be ready~!"
You were convinced by your co-workers to watch the DRB with them after work, so you decided to clean your photo storage. You liked taking pictures whenever you’d attend concerts after all!
As you were going through all your photos, you stumbled upon a photo you didn’t remember taking. It was a photo of two bunny plushies sitting on a bench in front of a beautiful amber sunset; a pink and white bunny who looked like they were holding hands.
"I didn't know I had plushies like that..." you said slowly.
You got up and looked around your room for those plushies. As a result, you made a huge mess, but you were just happy you found one of them. It was the pink bunny with a white bow. However, you couldn’t find the white bunny anywhere, and you searched everywhere for it.
"Weird," you commented, looking at the pink bunny. "When did I buy this again?"
It was fluffy and soft, and the feeling of melancholy washed over you once again. You still didn’t understand why you keep getting that feeling. You shrugged it off like you always did.
Attaching the pink bunny keychain to your bag, you left the house to meet up with your co-workers to get to the stadium.
The stadium was packed. The girls around you were squealing over a particular figure, Ramuda Amemura, who was currently rapping against Matenro.
You haven’t seen Ramuda in a while despite living in the same city. You were good friends with him when The Dirty Dawg was still around, but after they disbanded, you two never kept in touch. He slowly became distant with you which kind of annoyed you because you had heard from the others how he still kept in touch with Ichiro and Samatoki.
You would see him a lot on social media though. He was super popular with the girls, and he had the best fashion sense that was to your taste. You even purchased some of his pieces online.
He was now active in Fling Posse and his raps were as brilliant as they were before. He seemed more energetic too.
You watched him from the seats attentively as the girls around you cheered him on. But you were extremely confused because as Fling Posse lost against Matenro and was ushered to leave the stage, you spotted it – the white bunny keychain, the same one in the picture that matched your pink bunny keychain you currently had hung on your bag. Ramuda had the bunny attached to his hoodie.
And yet you still didn’t understand why this sense of melancholy came back to you, tugging on your heart strings even more than ever. Even when your eyes locked with Ramuda’s for just a second, even when your eyes began to water, you still didn’t understand why you were feeling this way.
For some reason, you just wanted to chase after him and hold him tight, but all you could really do was watch him smile at the crowd and walk away.
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Intro page | Hypnosis Mic masterlist | Requests rules
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fowlaroundtown · 1 year
350 Follower DTIYS!!!!
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That’s right! I’m hosting a Draw This In Your Style Challenge from today (June 4th, 2023) until June 24th!
Entering’s easy! Just follow these three steps:
1. Recreate the above image (Donnie taking a selfie) in whatever way you want! Creative liberties are not only welcome, but encouraged!!! Go crazy!
2. Post said image (awesome!) and tag it with #Pats350DTIYS
3. Tag me! I’d love to see your entry, and I can’t garentee I’ll see it otherwise ^^
Secret 4th step: Have Fun!!!!
Okay, now let’s get on to what everybody’s REALLY excited about….
There will be three winners for this DTIYS, hand picked by yours truly, with consult by a buddy of mine who’s not entering the competition. Prizes for the winners will be as follows:
1st Place: Fully colored and Shaded 4-5 page comic of the winner’s chosen subject. Does not have to be tmnt related.
2nd Place: Fully colored and Shaded 2-3 page come of the winner’s chosen subject. Does not have to be tmnt related.
3rd Place: Fully colored and Shaded piece featuring 1-5 characters of the winner’s choosing. Includes background and the winner’s choice of activity. Does not have to be tmnt related.
And, because I this at the end of the day is all about you guys, we have:
Participation Prize: Everyone who enters gets a sketch of a character of their choosing. Does not have to be tmnt related.
Winners will be announced on June 25th 2023!
Now!!! Go and have fun!!! I Can’t thank you guys enough, and I’m so honored y’all enjoy my silly little doodles!!!
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ehh-is-the-name · 10 months
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Today marks the year anniversary since ONE 17 came out, and that means we've seen Airy's true form for a whole 365 days.
I've not been normal about him this whole year. I looked through my files and found out that I drew him a lot more than other characters I like, so I figured eh fuck it. Art dump.
Here's all the doodle's I've drawn and liked of him in chronological order, dating from roughly 15th Aug 2022 to 7th July 2023. They all range from digital, traditional, to even mixed media for the Airy page.
Under the cut are a few pictures of some physical things, like keychains and my goddamn Halloween hat.
Alrighty, first keychain. It was mostly just to practice cross-stitching but he's still on my bag. Idk how I feel about it, it's wonky but idk. I like it. The left is the quick pixel art I did just to see what he'd look like so low-res, and I obviously did some tweaking before sewing it.
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This one turned out a lot better. Near the end of the images above you can see the sketches. I think it's funny how this thing came from some absent-minded doodle on my science work in class. And you know I had to make each side different! That's like 90% of the fun with shrink plastic.
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I can't believe I forgot to take pics of the just hat after I'd finished it, but luckily I'm a hoarder and keep everything. It looked a little better in October, but I can't go back in time and take photos. If you wanna see the costume and wip pics they're in this post btw.
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the-kr8tor · 13 days
Woo today's my momma's birthday! I apologise if this is short because of it lol Daily Hobie HC! Hobie would be the most gorgeous muse- like he looks good every angle. Your sketchbook is filled with multiple unfinished and finished scribbles of this gorgeous man, and he doesn't mind it at all. He likes seeing the way you'll glance up at him with a small smile as he rambles on about any possible projects he's thinking of pursuing while both of you have hot cocoa, with yours still only having been drank half-way on the bedside table. Hobie knows you're listening by the way you're still able to ask relevant questions, pointing out any possible flaws in his projects when he asks for feedback on his plan so he can completely proof it. All while, your pencil works flawlessly (flaw-fully, in your mind) on your page, outlining every detail, working to add shading and lighting to your messy sketch of him. You look up momentarily, staring closely at his eyes. It flusters him whenever you do so, but he's learned to press it down and keep his nonchalant demeanor..for now. He admires the way you can depict him so perfectly on page, whether your reference is a photo on your phone, or just him moving around and talking. He loves the way you manage to get all the details, such as his dimples whenever he beams at you, or just the way his nose slightly scrunches up when he's slightly groggy. Although you dont have a full proper sketch, he notices your little doodles in the corners of the pages, usually showing him in some more extravagant action that you aren't ready to do a detailed sketch of. Either way, he loves every single one of your pieces, and he will always feel honored that you love to use him as your muse. His favourite piece of yours is one you swear to burn every time you see it..yet it's still in one piece. You had tried to sketch him out playing his guitar, yet it didn't meet your standards. Hobie had to practically pickpocket it out of your hands to prevent you from ripping it. He keeps it as a folded note somewhere hidden in his room, teasing you with it whenever you come to hang out. Every time you draw him, he's learned that he can't properly get how much he loves it across to you with words, so he immediately goes to attack your face with big kisses, not stopping until he hears your laughter and you surrendering, admitting that it's good. AAAAAAAAA- -🐦‍⬛
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO 🐦‍⬛ ANON'S MOM!!! Tell her Happy birthday for me and I wish her lots of 🎂🎂🎂 💕
Daily Hobie HC!!!
This reminds me sm of my older artist! Reader fic right here!!! (I ate here ngl) I bet this is what happened after it!
This is so cute!!!!! I honestly think he'd subtly stop what he's doing and pose for you once he realizes you're drawing him 🥺🥺🥺
Oh him loving every piece of art you do even though you don't has me all 🥰🥰😍😍 (his hand in marriage pls) and Him keeping it all to himself?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I bet he has it all in one box for safekeeping
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mustainegf · 9 days
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— Masterpost
— Chapter 17
I woke up to the warm embrace of the morning sun filtering through my bedroom window. It bathed my room in a soft, honeyed glow, casting delicate patterns on the walls. The chirping of birds outside filled the air. As I lay there, slowly emerging from the fog of sleep, a surge of excitement shot through me.
Today was the day. Today, I will get to see Felicity at the hospital after her surgery.
The feeling was electric, buzzing through my veins like an unstoppable current. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The room felt alive, each detail vivid and bright. I could hardly contain my eagerness.
I threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, the first things I could find, and bounded down the stairs. The smell of freshly brewed coffee greeted me, rich and comforting.
As I entered the kitchen, I saw my mom sitting at the dining table, her hands wrapped around a steaming mug. She looked up as I walked in, a knowing look spreading across her face.
"Morning, hun," she said, her voice warm with affection. "You're up early."
"I couldn't sleep any longer," I admitted, grinning widely.
Mom chuckled softly, taking a sip of her coffee. "I can tell."
I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal, barely paying attention to what I was doing. My mind was already at the hospital, picturing Felicity's face when I walked into her room.
It had been a tough few days waiting for this moment, worrying about her, hoping everything would go well. And now, finally, the wait was over.
"Felicity's brother will be here to pick you up in a couple of hours," Mom said, breaking into my thoughts. "He's going to take you to the hospital."
"Okay," I replied, my heart skipping a beat with a nod. I liked Travis, he was into some of the same music as me.
I sat down at the table, shoveling cereal into my mouth without tasting it.
I wanted everything to be perfect when I saw her. I wanted her to know how much I cared, how much I had missed her.
As I ate my cereal, the clinking of the spoon against the bowl filled the room. I thought back to the day of Felicity’s surgery. I was pacing my room, unable to sit still, my mind a whirlpool of worry.
I couldn't shake the images of her lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by beeping machines and sterile white walls.
I must have walked a thousand laps around my room that day. I kept checking the time, wondering how long it would take, wondering if she was okay. Every few minutes, I would sit on my bed, only to get up again almost immediately, unable to quell the restless energy coursing through me.
As I sat there, finishing my cereal, another thought crept into my mind, one that I hadn’t really considered until now.
I realized I had never actually been inside a doctor’s office, let alone a hospital. The closest I had come was the school nurse's office, and even that had always made me a little uneasy..
I tried to picture what it would be like. The waiting rooms filled with anxious families, the hallways bustling with doctors and nurses in crisp white coats, the beeping machines and the hushed conversations.
It was a world completely unfamiliar to me, and I felt a flicker of anxiety. If I was feeling this way just thinking about it, how must Felicity have felt actually being there?
Felicity is stronger than I could ever be, and I’ll always stand by that.
I set my empty cereal bowl in the sink, rinsing it quickly before turning to head back upstairs. The anticipation of seeing Felicity was making it hard to sit still. I needed something to occupy my mind, to pass the time until Travis arrived.
Back in my room, I glanced around, my eyes landing on my sketchbook lying on the desk. I grabbed it and a pen, then flopped down on my bed, flipping through the pages filled with doodles and sketches from the past few months.
Settling into a comfortable position, I let the pen glide across the blank page, my hand moving almost of its own accord. I started with simple shapes, letting them evolve into more complex designs. My mind wandered, the act of drawing soothing me, helping to keep the nerves at bay.
But even as I sketched, my thoughts kept drifting back to Felicity.
I thought about the first time we met, My pen moved faster as the memory flooded in.
I looked down at the drawing in my sketchbook, my eyes tracing the fluid, lazy lines of a girl on the beach. It was Felicity, her hair tousled by the lake breeze, her smile as bright as the sun above her.
I had drawn her sitting on the sand, her legs stretched out in front of her, gazing out at the waves with a look of serene contentment. The sketch wasn’t perfect, my hand had been a little shaky, my thoughts distracted, but it captured something essential about her, something that made me smile.
I tried my best to replicate that beauty in the sketch, to capture the essence of her spirit. Her hair, drawn in loose, flowing lines, seemed to move with the imagined wind.
The drawing wasn’t anything near looking like the beautiful girl on my mind but it was close enough to make me smile.
I usually drew cartoons, so my sketch had its quirks, but my cheeks were pink, and that's what mattered.
I lost track of time, immersed in the lines and details of my drawing. Each stroke of the pen felt like a small tribute to her, a way to hold onto the beauty and joy she brought into my life. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my mom’s voice calling up the stairs.
I bolted upright, the sketchbook slipping from my lap as I scrambled to my feet. My heart leapt with excitement, a rush of adrenaline propelling me forward. I dashed out of my room.
Taking the stairs two at a time, I hurried down, nearly tripping in my haste. I could already feel the anticipation bubbling up, each step bringing me closer to seeing Felicity.
As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Travis standing by the front door, his familiar, reassuring smile in place.
I didn’t know much about him, but I liked him.
"Hey, kid," Travis greeted, his tone warm and encouraging. "Ready to go?"
"Of course," I replied, breathless but grinning.
Mom watched as I sloppily threw my shoes on. Though I knew on a certain level, she was happy for me. I know deep down that the idea of her son going to a hospital, a place that god disapproves of, is weighing heavy on her.
After hugging my mom goodbye, I stepped out into the driveway, where Travis was waiting by his old beat-up truck. The vehicle had definitely seen better days.
I waved to Mom one last time before climbing into the passenger seat.
The truck's door creaked as I closed it, and the seat covers were worn, but the excitement bubbling inside me made everything else insignificant.
Travis started the engine, and we pulled out of the driveway.
For a few moments, we drove in silence, the rumble of the engine filling the air. I had never really spoken to Travis one-on-one before, and I could feel the awkwardness settling in. I glanced at him, noticing the determined look on his face as he navigated the familiar streets.
“How are you holding up, kid?" Travis finally asked, breaking the silence.
"I’ve been better," I replied, trying to sound casual. "But today is good, you know, really excited."
Travis smiled, his eyes flicking over to me briefly before returning to the road. "She’s been looking forward to this too. She talks about you a lot."
A warm feeling spread through me at his words. "Really?"
Travis nodded, his expression softening. "She’s tough, you know. The surgery was hard on her, but she was asking about you the second she woke up."
I smiled, feeling a mix of relief and love. “Thanks, you know, for taking me..” I said quietly.
"No problem, kid," he replied, turning down another street. "She’s my little sister, and I know how much you mean to her. Anything to make her happy."
As we approached the hospital, my excitement reached a fever pitch. The tall building loomed ahead, and I could feel my heart racing.
Travis parked the truck, and we both got out, the warm sun shining down on us.
As Travis and I walked into the hospital, my nerves kicked into overdrive. The automatic doors slid open with a soft whoosh, and we stepped into the bustling lobby.
I immediately felt overwhelmed by the bright fluorescent lights, the antiseptic smell, and the constant hum of activity around us.
It was my first time in a hospital, and the new environment felt both intimidating and surreal.
We approached the reception desk, where a quiet nurse greeted us. Travis handled the check-in process with practiced ease while I took in every detail around me.
The waiting area was filled with people, some looking anxious, others lost in their own thoughts.
The walls were adorned with posters about health—all the things mom had told me were wrong, and the floor tiles were a pristine white, almost too clean.
I followed Travis through the maze of hallways, my eyes darting around as I tried to process everything.
The beeping of machines, the murmur of conversations, and the occasional squeak of a gurney's wheels created a symphony of sounds that added to my nervousness.
Travis seemed calm, guiding me through the corridors. "You doing okay?" he asked, glancing back at me.
"Yeah, just... my first time in the hospital," I replied, my voice a bit shaky. "It's a lot."
He nodded, understanding. "I get it. It’s scary at first."
His words gave me a small boost of confidence, and I focused on keeping my breathing steady.
As we reached Felicity's room, my heart was pounding in my chest.
Travis knocked gently, then opened the door and stepped inside. "Hey, Mom, Dad," I heard him say. "Let's give ‘em a moment"
I stood in the hallway, trying to steady my breathing. This was it, the moment I had been both eagerly anticipating and nervously dreading. I could hear the faint murmur of Travis talking to his parents, their voices a soft backdrop.
Travis reappeared in the doorway, his parents following him out. They gave me encouraging smiles as they passed, their expressions filled with warmth and understanding.
Travis patted me on the shoulder. "She’s all yours, kid."
I nodded, taking a deep breath to steady myself. With one last glance at Travis, I stepped into the room, and he gently shut the door behind me.
My eyes immediately sought her out. When I saw her, my breath caught in my throat. There she was, the most beautiful girl in the world.
Despite the pallor of her face and the tiredness that lingered in her eyes, her happiness was undeniable. It shone through.
She had tubes connected to her, and adhesive stickers dotted her chest, peeking out from beneath the hospital gown that was slightly pulled down.
The sight of her like this, so vulnerable yet so resilient, overwhelmed me.
She smiled at me, but I could see the emotion welling up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.
"James..." she whimpered, her voice trembling. She held out her arms to me, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
In an instant, I was at her side, my own emotions crashing over me like a tidal wave. I moved quickly but gently, wrapping my arms around her in a tender embrace.
I could feel her heart beating against mine, a fragile reminder that she was alive.
"I missed you so much, Jamie," She whispered, my voice breaking as I held her close. "I’m here. I’m right here."
She clung to me, her grip surprisingly strong despite her frail appearance.
I hugged her super gently, mindful of the tubes and monitors, but with an urgency that matched the depth of my feelings.
Being this close to her, holding her in my arms, made everything else fade into the background.
Felicity was alive.
I could feel her breath against my neck, hear the soft, hitching sobs as she let go of the fear and tension she had been holding onto. I stroked her cheek gently as I pulled away to see her, trying to convey all the love I felt in my heart.
She pulled back slightly, just enough to look into my eyes. Her face was streaked with tears, but her smile was radiant, full of hope and gratitude. "I missed you so much," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
"I missed you too," I replied, my voice choking with emotion. "I’m so happy you’re alive."
Her hands gently cupped my cheeks, and she looked into my eyes with a soft, loving smile that made my heart pound.
The only thing that mattered was Felicity and the warmth in her gaze. Her touch was tender, and the way she looked at me made me feel like the luckiest person alive.
I swallowed hard, feeling the full weight of my emotions. As I looked back at her, a realization hit me like a ton of bricks—we had never really put a label on what we meant to each other. We were just friends who were more than friends.
"Felicity," I began, my voice trembling slightly. "I... I’ve been thinking a lot. About us." I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. "You mean the whole world to me."
She nodded, her smile encouraging me to continue. Her eyes shone with a mix of anticipation and warmth.
"I guess what I’m trying to say is," I stammered, feeling a flush of nervousness. "Um.. would you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"
For a second, I held my breath, the room feeling charged with the weight of my question. Then, Felicity’s smile widened, and she let out a soft laugh, her eyes crinkled with happiness.
Relief and happiness washed over me, and I couldn’t help but grin. "So, is that a yes?"
"It’s definitely a yes," she replied, her hands still gently cupping my cheeks.
I leaned in carefully, placing the softest kiss on her lips.
I could feel her smile into the kiss before pulling away not even an inch. “I love you, James.”
My heart squeezed in my chest, her words so sincere, so real. “I love you too, Felicity.”
Always. And Forever.
Taglist: @whatsupvic
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Stuck With You.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: You and Eddie decide that you want to get matching tattoos, but as you are both low on cash you opt for doing stick and pokes in his trailer instead.
Warnings: Do NOT try this at home!!!!!, this is purely fluff/pure content. Mentions of needles for tattoo purposes? Unless you count a couple of curse words as needing a warning? Idk, I haven’t written fanfics in like 8 years so I’m a little rusty…
Note/Request: Requested by anonymous. “it would be so cool if you could write about Eddie and the reader getting matching stick and pokes in his room ;)”
Word Count: 1.4k
Send me prompts to write about!
“So, what are we gonna get?” Eddie asks, sitting with crossed legs on his bed.
He’s got a sketchbook in one hand and a pencil in the other, double page spread in front of him filled with various doodles and sketches that he had done in the time it took you both to brainstorm ideas for what you wanted to tattoo on one another.
Eddie was covered in a few little tattoos here and there, but you were a tattoo virgin. It took weeks of convincing for Eddie to pester you into getting a tattoo, you only agreed if it was small, hidden, and something important to you. You didn’t mind if people got tattoos just because the design was cute, everyone was entitled to their own decisions and autonomy, you just wanted your body to be covered in memories and stories.
“I don’t know, Dee. I can’t settle on one idea…” you huff, looking through one of his old tattoo magazines to get any form of inspiration as Eddie happily sat designing more and more potential options for you.
It had to be something that would look good on the both of you, you didn’t want it to ruin the scratchy flow of his own artwork, but you didn’t want something so uncharacteristically not-you plastered on your body for life for the sake of it.
He kept suggesting things like a guitar, a D20, bats to match his own, and you had to keep reminding him that those were his interests and not your own.
A pout permanently attached to your lips as you tried your best to pick something, fairly restricted as neither you or Eddie were artists or tattoo artists, so it was guaranteed to be a far worse design in reality than any book could prepare you for.
“1984?” Eddie asks, you’re snapped out of your thoughts whilst you glance across at him with a puzzled look on your face, “The year we met? 1984… We could just pick somewhere to write that on each other. Simple, relatively easy, meaningful,” he offers, checking off every box you had made.
“That’s… perfect, Dee. Yes!” you grin, throwing the magazine aside to climb up from the bed, following eagerly behind Eddie as he rushed off to the dining table of his trailer to start setting up the equipment for the stick and poke session you had planned.
You watched nervously as Eddie set everything up, the gloves, the needles, the inks, the alcohol wipes, the cling wrap for afterwards, paper towels at the ready in case of blood, and a sharpie to draw the design onto your body. He coaxed you over towards him like you were a scared kitten, eventually able to get you to sink into the seat opposite him as he smiles reassuringly in your direction.
“You wanna go first, or wanna watch me tattoo myself first?” he offers, knowing you had no tattoo knowledge and he had done this a few times, he would be the one manning the equipment today. It made you feel slightly more at ease knowing that you wouldn’t be in charge of any needles going near anyone’s skin.
“I-I’ll go first, I might chicken out if I have to watch you..” you confess, to which he nods in understanding and gives you a comforting glance.
“Where shall we put it?” he questions, taking a quick up and down glance of your body before simply smiling with his big doe eyes locking with your own, waiting patiently for you to decide.
“Maybe like… on my ribs? Where they meet in the middle cause my bra would cover it so no one would see it, but I would know it’s there? Plus, it’ll be close to my heart..” you shrug, biting on your lower lip as you awaited his approval.
“Perfect, babe. Uh… Go in my room and take off your shirt and bra? You can just steal one of my plaid shirts and just keep the top half unbuttoned so I can get to your ribs, but you can still be modest and comfortable.” He gives you a thumbs up as you nervously wander back to his room.
Once you are dressed in his red plaid shirt, buttons undone until the bottom of your rib cage like he suggested, you shyly walk back into the living room as he grins. You lay down on the dining room table and do your best to get comfortable as Eddie adjusts the shirt just a little to make sure you are as modest as possible.
You watch as he grabs the sharpie and lines up the design as best as he can, offering to let you get up and see in the mirror, but you know you’ll chicken out due to the fear you felt.
“It’s okay, I trust you.” You mumble, closing your eyes as your head falls back off the table.
Eddie is then quiet as he tugs on the sterile gloves, pours out some ink into his little cup, opening up the fresh needle and lightly massaging a small amount of rubbing alcohol over the area to prep the skin. He’s dipping the needle into the ink before glancing up at you, trying to gauge where your head was currently at.
“Are you ready?” he asks, voice full of comfort.
“I think so, yes..” you reply.
“Stay still, okay?” his voice soothing, you nod once and brace yourself to keep perfectly still.
Sticking his tongue out in concentration, Eddie pressed the needle into the ink before he started the slow and painful process of permanently marking your skin with the meaningful piece of artwork.
Reassuring you whenever you needed it, giving you words of encouragement and a promise that the pain would be worth it in the end, a fond smile on his face as you did your best to relax in his care. Once he was all done, he cleaned you up with a fresh wipe before patting the skin dry with a paper towel, taping a small piece of cling wrap over your fresh tattoo to protect it from dirt as it was an open wound.
“All done,” he beams in joy, admiring his handiwork.
Helping you to sit up, he’s then taking your hand once the gloves are removed, and he leads you to the hanging mirror in the hallway where you can appreciate the work. It was a little shaky and uneven, but it was perfect in your eyes, feeling yourself tearing up a little as the adrenaline leaves your body and makes you a soft and emotional mess.
“Dee, it’s beautiful…” you sighed, he immediately agreed.
“My turn!” he yells in excitement, rushing back to his temporary workstation whilst you continue to admire the tattoo in the mirror. Giving you time to yourself whilst he changed gloves and needles for health and safety reasons, glancing over himself as he tried to decide where to put his work.
You peak up at him as Eddie calls your name, wandering over to him with an endeared look on your face, taking the pen that he thrusts in your direction as he declares that he wanted you to write the tattoo on him so it would be in your handwriting. Asking him where he wants it, you nod in understanding before you delicately write the numbers ‘84’ on the patch of skin on the back of his hand in the space between his inner wrist and thumb.
Your cheeks aching from how hard you were smiling, the placement was perfect, it filled you with butterflies that he wants that memory of you plastered so proudly on his hand, where he would see it each and every day.
“Thanks, love.” He grinned, letting you sit back as he started the process on himself.
It took him a little more time to tattoo himself as he stopped to wince, or curse, or bitch about how it hurt more than he remembered, to which you give him a smug smirk and an ‘I told you so’ kind of look.
Once he was done, he cleaned it up and got your help with protecting the skin with the cling wrap, Eddie then throws away the trash and clears up the counter to keep it sanitary. You take his hand delicately between your own so you can bring it to your face and admire it, blushing cheeks as you were a permanent reminder on him now.
“You like it?” you ask, voice sounding slightly hopeful as you wanted him to be happy with the mark that would be forever on his skin because of you.
“I love it, gorgeous!” he pauses, “’84, baby!” Eddie grins, pressing a kiss to the centre of your forehead.
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welcomehomerandomness · 11 months
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) Part 1 (SPOILERS)
Hey guys! Today I'm gonna show you my reactions to the Welcome Home website via my notes on Google Docs. I wrote 5 pages and spent around 5 or 6 hours exploring the website lol. Hope you enjoy it! Here's Part 1!
The little Home doodle is so cute omg
Barnaby’s voice is honestly like a mix of Rowlf and Fozzie from the Muppets which matches well with his personality
Frank’s voice is like a mix of Gonzo from the Muppets and Gyro from DuckTales (the 2017 one)
The Frank and Julie sprites on the FAQ page is so cute
Wally and Barnaby (Winter), Frank and Eddie (Spring), Sally and Julie (Summer), and Howdy and Poppy (Fall/Autumn)
I just realized the golden flowers on Home’s sticker give me Undertale vibes
The Frank and Julie sprites on the News page is so cute too
Question Answerer seems sus
“That’s the most!” Awww Wally
The drumroll on Barnaby’s audio and his little awkward laugh I love him
Yes Julie let’s play a game with a pogo stick, a bowl of pasta, and a pair of roller skates and cause chaos in the Neighborhood lol
I swear I will be depresso if Frank, Eddie, and Howdy get hurt or die…Those three are on my top 3 favorite WH characters (in no specific order) :(
I should make a list of favorite Welcome Home neighbors lol
I love Eddie’s Southern accent and the way he talks sorta reminds me of Launchpad from DuckTales (the 2017 one)
Awww Eddie is scared of a bug and he wants Frank’s help awww
Eddie doesn’t want his paper chains to be ruined :(
I realized the Frank and Eddie one is also called “answer” and so far the two videos mention bugs and Frank is in each video
He definitely sounds like one of those people working on radio stations
I feel like if he’s not a shopkeeper, he would definitely work on a radio station
Howdy’s Radio Podcast when???
Sally’s voice is so dramatic and I love it
*insert scared Poppy chicken/bird noise*
Also is Poppy alright? I’m kinda worried :(
The voices of the neighbors are fantastic so far the voice actors did really great in their roles :D
Poppy and Frank = best cooking/baking duo
I wonder what those seed things taste like…They probably taste good
Frank mentions Wally eating with his eyes
The third “answer” video with Poppy and Frank mentioning butterflies
I love the Sally and Howdy sprites on the Merchandise page
The “duet” page with Wally on the phone is kinda eerie
Wally sounds dead inside
I love you too Wally lol
The rimshot and horn honk on Barnaby’s phone audio lol
Don’t worry Barnaby your jokes always make me laugh
I love Barnaby’s little “Buh bye!”
I reread "It's-For-You!" Talking Telephone Toy page, I thought it said “Mario, Inc.” instead of “Marlo, Inc.”
Super Mario is canon in this universe jk
Julie’s voice is freaking adorable
I wanna listen to Frank’s bug facts everyday
Frank freaking slanders Barnaby
I love Eddie’s jingle
I wanna get some school supplies from Eddie now lol
I love Howdy’s laughs lol
Protect Howdy at all costs
I love the “ta-da!” jingle from Sally
“…I said ‘Hellooo!’ That’s your cue!” Sally radiates theater kid energy and I love her
Poor Poppy doesn’t know how a phone works :(
*insert more scared Poppy chicken/bird noises*
Howdy’s and Frank’s letters to Wally are so wholesome
I love the insect sketches
Sally calls Julie “Juliet” that’s a cute name
Eddie is the most OP character lol
But can Eddie beat Goku tho???
I think Howdy is OP too but who knows
Julie asking Eddie to catch him is basically the “If I run and leap at Terry” scene from Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Also I actually don’t watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine btw I just know the memes
When Frank said “Oh my”, I imagine them blushing asdfghjkl
I forgot to put this here but I love when Frank calls Eddie “Mr. Dear” that’s so cute
I love Julie and Frank’s besties dynamic in the “answer” video
I wanna buy every single merch if they are real lol
The live interview reminds me of those Muppet and Sesame Street interviews and it’s quite charming ngl
“Oh no, I don’t know. I love everyone. I love my friends.” Wally poly confirmed???
The interviewer’s name is Rick (and Morty asdfghjkl)
Miss Beagle is mentioned!!!
“I tell ya, we got a neighbor who's got an arm like a professional baseball player! It’s not easy!” Is Barnaby talking about Julie or Eddie?
I want to watch the "Julie-rella" segment so bad
Also Fairy "Dog"-mother lmao
Hopscotch To The Max wtf hahaha
“It took us an hour to get you down off Howdy's roof, and we still don’t know where the green chalk went…” Julie, you played hopscotch on Howdy’s roof???
I love Frank’s and Julie’s singing voices
I love how Barnaby just barges in and Frank is like “wtf”
I love Barnaby’s singing voice too
“Aw. I wanted to learn the colors.” Awww Wally is so adorable
“Wally, don’t look! He’s INDECENT!” That actually made me laugh even as I’m rereading the transcript and typing this down
A wild Howdy appears! *insert Pokemon battle music*
Also some of the “Just So” song demo seems to be distorted…That’s sus
The concept art of Julie’s “Just So” Bowling Dress is so cute
I also love how Frank and Julie wear outfits that match the games they play that’s so wholesome
Howdy’s laughs cure my depression
I love Howdy slapping the countertop when he laughs
Sole and Lyco awww
Awww Frank’s little “thank you”
“I’m sorry, I’ll see what I can do.” AWWW
I love when Julie translates to what Frank’s plants are saying it’s so wholesome
Eddie: *talks about the entire plot of Jack and the Beanstalk which involves Jack climbing up the beanstalk, encountering a giant, and cutting down the beanstalk with a big ax*
Poppy who is dressed as the beanstalk: Haha. I’m in danger.
Wally’s puppet hands are holding some yarn in “answer” but he seems that he’s not moving…
I can barely hear Poppy and Howdy’s dialogue in the videeo since I don’t have headphones on but I assume it’s a friendly conversation as usual since I can hear Howdy’s laugh lol
Wally’s hand trying to grab the cup of tea??? coffee??? in “answer”
Poppy and Sally talking about plays as usual lol
A human hand??? With a glove???
I don’t know who this human is but I’m pretty sure she’s a Howdy fan lol
I’m answering the Welcome Home worksheet because why not lol
1) Barnaby 2) Sally 3) Poppy 4) Julie 5) Wally
Now where’s my prize/j
I’m guessing that Wally replica puppet is going to come to life lol
I wanna go to this exhibition so bad if this is real lol
Awww the Poppy and Barnaby sprites…
I accidentally clicked the “Hello” doodle on the Guestbook and I’m scared
The page is called “Find”
Wally??? Wally you ok???
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
This week is hard mode emotionally so, we're gonna hyperfixate on the spirit forms of different random Mob Psycho 100 characters because I want to. And it’s making me feel better.
Honestly this is the easiest because @sodasexual's au with spirit Shiego is so ingrained in my head I can't see him much other way. My version is usually smaller than her's but very similar concept. Don't take my word for it, check it out a commission she got for the concept!
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If the link doesn't work: https://twitter.com/pupsicle8/status/1682117598576619521
I think in my head he has he kinda purple space look though vs the lighter colors. I just love deep purples .....a lot. And the ???% hair!
But also it it is pretty much this in my head too hahaha
Me playing around with the idea yesterday with what we like to dub chibi spirits hehe
Teru isn't right here his hair should be more feather like but it came out more like an axolotl (which isn't correct). I want to redo the below they were very rough ideas thrown onto a page
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And the above of course leads me into: ✨Teru✨
My beautiful boy Teru! I just see you as a feathered masterpiece! He looks annoyed in the sketch above because this is from a fic idea I have. Where teru gets kicked out of his body (maybe a curse maybe a spirit, I dunno, something happens).
But yes, I mean, of course Teru would be a stunning feathered being! He is after all....Teru! Above was me playing around with that in a chibi sorta-form of a spirit. His feathers kinda look like gills (oops) but I think he would always have feathers of some kind around him. I may add more in future. This is just my first run at it.
But yeah something kinda seraphim-like and trippy. Feathers coming from his head, down his back. Depending on how much power he has, he would have more or less feathers. I like the idea of the tips of the features dripping in gold or fire.
A very NOT final, more a stream of ideas doodle than anything, pleasedon'tcomeafterme I'm just having fun I know it looks nothing like him.
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He may have a human-esc face or something sharper I really dunno. These are just thoughts. I have nothing that concrete yet.
Another playing around with the idea.
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I think he would be very similar to Shigeo actually, but his color scheme would be different. More oceanic greens and blues and his body would be shimmering like scales underwater. I don't have any doodles of this I just thought of it today. Like this color scheme
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I think his spirit would look more aquatic-like than Shigeo's (I think Shigeo has some almost amphibian qualities, per the slight inspiration of the axolotl from the anime) while Ritsu is more like...deep water fish. Maybe. Again they are all just shapes and these are all just thoughts.
These last two are more off-the-cuff as I have not thought about them as deeply as the above.
I think Serizawa's spirit will be large and warm. A big round, fuzy......something. He may have a shape, and if it looks like anything it would be closest to a bear. He also would loose the fluff and get spikey if he gets upset I think.
No reference photo just....yeah a big bear. Sure. I like it.
Similar to Serizawa no specific animal shape but I see some chameleon aspects to him, like ever changing colors. He is kinda a flowy-fire-like spirit, where his form wouldn't be consistent and maybe a little see-through (like flames) But it would change colors from blue to greens to reds.
That's all my brain's got. I think I'll draw more Teru spirit, maybe I'll try drawing spirit Shigeo more.
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It's way past my bedtime ans my cat is sleeping-purring next to me but I thought I'd post the process of the @ailani-reillata Ailaniversary art I made today just to talk a bit more about it
Disclaimer: doing traditional art is cool until you need to scan it or post a picture of it 😂 also kinda long post below so ofc no obligation at all to read it!
Phase one: Sketching the Idea
My inspiration for the posture was a Yara Flor comic strip I found on Pinterest. Yara looks over her shoulder and her hair falls on the side of her face, and I loved the way it framed her face and thought it would look great with Ailani's hair.
I drew a little doodle on the page to help me visualize how the hair would be divided, and focused on 3 main parts (the lines, the bubbles, the empty space) which would - supposedly- help me during the lineart stage. Below are images of the final sketch.
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I was hesitant on adding details to her arms, such as the folds of a dress, but I was so anxious about ruining the drawing I abandonzd that idea. I was considering adding her tattoos and was still not decided at this stage of the drawing.
Phase 2: Line-ing the Art
Is that even a real word? Idk, I'm too tired to English properly so we will say it is. Following the sketching phase was naturalle the lineart phase, which is one of my favorite stage when drawing. I bought new inking pens too so I was able to test them out, and it went quite well!
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As you can see, the ribbons, outline of the skin and facial features have been done with my new pens, and i was quite happy with the result! It gives a more natural look to the whole drawing in my opinion.
At this stage I decided not to add her arm tattoos and consider this version of Ailani as the one you would find in the early chapters of Begged and Borrowed Time, so before she would get her tattoos.
Phase 2.5: Line-ing the Hair
This stage has it's own part because it was really fun to do! The inspiration for the way I draw hair comes from @/ssavaart (aka Scott Christian Sava on Youtube). I've been following him for a while now and I'm trying to push my art beyond my comfort zone and try new stuff thanks to him, and having fun with drawing hair is one of these things!
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Look how beautiful these curls are. I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm really proud of the drawing at this stage 😂 it's the perfect moment where the inking went well and I have not yet ridked myself with the watercolours - so I always take a long sight (and tons of pictures) to celebrate reaching this stage without incidents.
Phase 3: Watercolours
Here comes the difficult part. It always makes me nervous because I always fear ruining my drawing and all the efforts I put into it by doing the watercolours. But I love the medium too much and if I want to get better I need to practice. So, testing the waters, I finally dive head first into this crucial stage.
The watercolouring goes well, I'm overall satisfied enough to take some pictures and even try to scan it, with the hope that the scanned rendering will be better than the usual "photographing and editing" I do with my phone.
Spoiler alert: the scan was NOT better than the pictures, and no amount of editing could change that. (Or maybe I am just very bad at editing.) So, back to my "photographing and editing" habits, I somehow managed to get a good enough result:
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I still feel unsatisfied as I find these digital versions do not properly render the visuals I have on paper, IRL. With the digital versionsw the hair is either so dark we don't see the details, or too bright, the colours are too warm and light... And while Ailani looks light-skinned, the paper version has these visible brown tones that I struggled to find on the digital version, even when editing the pictures. The closest I got is the tone you see on the first picture, but the image is not lighted enough so the overall quality of the picture is a bit lessened by that.
Still, I won't complain too much, because overall it was a very fun drawing to do, I enjoyed every stage of it and I would love to do another piece like this! But for now I will go to sleep because it is Way Past My Bedtime 😂
If you've made it this far, thank you for your attention, feel free to let me know which stage is your favorite and what you liked most (or disliked most) about this drawing!
I for one really had fun doing Ailani's lips, as well as filling her hair, and colouring her eyes! 😊
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sataniquepanique · 2 years
Painkiller - Part One
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Hi! I'm a long time lurker of fanfics, but a first time writer! Like the rest of you, I have fallen hopelessly in love with Eddie Munson. He also reminds me of not only myself in high school, but a lot of the people I knew. The freaks, the outcasts. I started this fic with my own high school experiences in mind, so those themes are sprinkled throughout. This will be a multi-part piece, with a lot written already. If it gets enough interest, I'll keep posting! Please be nice, I'm new!
Summary: You move to Hawkins during your Senior Year, trying to keep your head down and just graduate. You meet Eddie Munson, who tries to help you adjust to life in Hawkins. You're apprehensive but end up falling for him, only to be roped up in some drama when Eddie goes on the run.
Genre: slow burn, angst.
Warnings: cursing, general angst.
Word Count: 1.1k+
Part One: Cherry Bomb
“This is so fucking ridiculous…” you think to yourself as you walk into the lunchroom. It’s 11:40am, the time you’ve been dreading all day: lunch. High school is hard enough, but moving to a new town for your senior year? That’s pure, sadistic torture. In your head you replay the moment your parents broke the news to you a few weeks ago, 
“You can’t be fucking serious” you said as you deadpan over to your mom’s face. “Watch your mouth…” your dad cautions as he shoots you a glance from across the dinner table. You laugh incredulously, “Mom. I’m starting senior year. All of my friends are here! Why are you doing this to me?” You plead with her, as your eyes start to well with tears. Your dad had gotten a new job in Indiana, some hick town called Hawkins. He couldn’t pass up the offer, so he was forcing the entire family to move halfway across the country from the East Coast. Your mom sighed and looked down at the table as you slammed your chair back and went to your room. There was no stopping this move no matter how hard you tried.
You scan the lunchroom for an empty chair, something preferably away from others. You aren’t very good at talking to new people, and mostly chose to keep to yourself. At your old school, you had a small group of friends who were like you: into art and horror movies and punk music. The lot of you didn’t fit in with any other social clique, but somehow found each other. “Remember…” you think to yourself, “…you’re just here to get through one year and graduate. You’re not here to make friends.” Finally you see it, a seat at the very back at the last empty table. You make a beeline for it, and quickly throw your backpack onto the table and sit down, pulling out your sketchbook and a pencil. You put on your headphones that have been hanging around your neck for the majority of the morning, and escape into Joan Jett’s familiar voice. Art has always been your thing, ever since you were little you were always doodling or sketching something on any blank surface you could find. Your mom had bought you a new sketchbook before the big move, in the hopes that it would stop you from drawing on your arms. Todays project was a space-scape, with a lone figure floating through the abyss. The nothingness of space mirrored your attitude towards this new town. Nothing. You felt nothing. 
Suddenly, your sketchbook is ripped out from under your hand, causing you to accidentally draw a huge dark pencil scratch down the center of the page. “What the fuck dude!” you slam down the pause button on your walkman and look up and see a tall, blonde, smug looking basketball player holding your sketchbook and thumbing through the pages. “Check this out guys, we have a new resident weirdo!” He exclaims as he turns his head to laugh with the rest of his jock friends at the next table over. You remember him from your history class earlier, Jason is his name maybe? He wouldn’t stop ogling the cheerleader that sat in front of you in that class. “Can I please have that back? I wasn’t bothering anyone.” You say quietly, tucking a loose strand of dark auburn hair behind your ear. “Not until I’m done looking at your masterpieces.” Jason smirked, still tearing through the pages. You feel your eyes start to burn, and you try your best to not start crying. “HEY JASON!” You hear a voice boom from across the lunchroom. You look up startled to see a kid you remember from your math class, standing on a lunch table with his fists clenched. His name was Eddie, and you only remember him because he had leaned over in class to ask you for a pen. Not because he needed it to take notes, but because he wanted to etch Slayer into the desk. “Leave her alone, man.” He says more calmly than his previous outburst. “Or what? You want something, freak?” Jason yelled back, tossing the sketchbook back onto your lunch table and clenching his fists. Eddie put his hands up next to his head and stuck his fingers up, mimicking horns, while sticking his tongue out at Jason. You giggled at him, and he shot you a quick wink. One of the other kids at the jock table came up to Jason and grabbed his shoulder, “C’mon man, it’s not worth it.” Jason shot Eddie and you one last piercing glance and went back to his seat. 
Eddie hopped down from his lunch table and slid into the seat next to you. “Hey, sorry about that, he’s a total dickhead. Do you want to come sit with us?” He motioned over to his table, a bunch of misfits wearing the same lame shirt with “Hellfire Club” emblazoned on the front. “No thanks, I’m good.” You said nonchalantly, not even looking at him while you put your sketchbook away. “Oh…uh, my name’s Eddie by the way” he stammered, obviously trying to keep a conversation going with you. “I know” you said matter of factly “you borrowed my pen in math earlier, I’d like that back by the way.” “Oh shit! That was you!” His eyes widened as he remembered. “I saw you drawing in class, you’re pretty talented.” You shot him a look, unsure if he was making fun of you or being sincere. “Listen, we have a club that meets on Tuesdays, Hellfire Club. We play DnD, and tonight is the culmination of a months-long campaign but we’re down a member. Would you want to join? I feel like you might be into it…” he trailed off. “….why? Cause I’m a freak like you guys?” You say, meaner than you had intended. Eddie smiled, the same devilish grin he had used on Jason moments prior, “Precisely.” You threw your bag over your shoulder and made your way towards the door, Eddie following behind. You stop in front of the Hellfire lunch table. “I’ll think about it.” You say, glancing over at the rest of his group, all of which were staring at you. You throw your headphones back on and hit play, blasting Cherry Bomb into your brain. You turned around before Eddie could respond, and made your way out of the lunchroom. 
“Eddie, you seriously didn’t just invite your new girlfriend to Hellfire did you?” Dustin groaned. “Shut up.” Eddie snapped, shooting daggers at him through his eyes. “She’s not my girlfriend. Not yet, anyway.”
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aurum-rays · 2 months
I'm obsessed with stationery. I love buying different kinds of pens, notepads, cute and colorful erasers (although I'll never use them), sticky notes, and cute little notebooks that I do not have the heart to write in and will lay empty-paged on the shelves for years. I love spending time in stationery shops and grocery stores too. It's therapeutic. I read that most people feel this way because of - one, a colorful environment and two, control over decision making. I don't know how much of it is true, but yeah, I can agree that I love the colors and I love that I can splurge on stuff without usually feeling guilty about it because stationery is cheap and it elevates my mood.
There's just something about neatly stacked shelves filled with books, crayons, craft papers, and those rotating display stands with all the DIY materials that make you want to stay in the store as long as you like. There are different sizes of books, some of them too adorable, colorful sparkly tapes, and interestingly designed bookmarks. And oh, the stickers! I could go on and on about all the mouth-watering (for lack of a better word) and tantalizing displays of all the good things my heart desires, all in a single place.
New stationery can inspire the revival of old hobbies. I find it difficult to pick up a pencil and sketch when I spend all my time in front of the computer. Sometimes, a new marker set compels me (in a good way) to doodle and reminds me how much I love to sketch. Occasionally, a new pen I've never used before entices me to buy it for a trial. Those Sakura Micron pens or those brush pens you can fill with water always catch my attention. I always look forward to discovering things I've never used before because, most of the time, they reignite old habits I've abandoned.
I like to take my time walking in the aisles of the stores like I am taking a walk in the Park. It is in fact like taking a walk at the Park. It's soothing, calm, and satisfying. But my slow pace confuses the store employees and they rush to assist me thinking I might need help. I am too awkward to tell them I'm fine so I just tell them I'm looking for “this thing”. Most times I'm not even “looking for” anything. I'm just taking in the scent of pens and erasers and fresh new papers, enjoying my music and feasting my eyes in the aisles. This employee engagement often cuts my time short at the stores. I immediately have the urge to bill the things and leave the place because I “found” what I needed. So, I do. I leave the store and enter another one.
Like a rabbit, I hop from one store to another hypnotized by the colorful carrots and cabbages. And when I get home from all the dopamine I've feasted on, I place all the things I bought on the bed jump on it, and wave my arms and legs like I'm making snow angels. Just kidding. I don't do that. (Anymore) Now I get ready to rearrange and make space on the shelves for my new buddies and eagerly wait for my next trip to the wonderland.
P.S: never would've imagined these pictures I took 7 years ago would be used in my Tumblr blog today. Just shows how obsessed I was with stationery.
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sunny6677 · 1 year
Taking a small break from My Little Spooky Month today since I woke up pretty late, and I'm very tired. And I'm also just a bit tired from writing in general. But to make up for it, I sketched up a doodle page. Most of everything in it besides Skid, Pump and Pinkie Pie spooky dancing are just concepts for the series though. Or just kinda concepts for character relationships and shit.
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