#kagome's friends
anotherfandom · 1 year
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Fuck giving minor characters names. What's funny is that doing this honestly is less confusing than just throwing out some names because we wouldn't know who she meant, despite them being there from way early on. I sometimes wonder about these girls, Kagome fucking vanished for them. Even if they ended up thinking Inuyasha was chill, you gotta wonder if they thought she got murdered or something.
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fuedalreesespieces · 3 months
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gossiping inukag is the best inukag, actually (ft disgruntled younger brother shippo)
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demi-pixellated · 4 months
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Thought Experiment: Tail
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tropicreme · 4 months
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inukag commission
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kitramune · 4 months
Inuyasha, for all the titular character's adventures in slaying various youkai to gain their powers or save people, is at its heart about Kagome adopting a bunch of strays into a found family. Inuyasha himself is obvious, but Shippou was literally orphaned and though it wasn't onscreen whose idea it was to take him in, he says he hung around because of Kagome.
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Miroku was literally a vagabond roaming around waiting to die since he had no hope of finding (or beating) Naraku. Inuyasha was vehemently against him since he had crook-like tendencies and Inuyasha is already loath to trust people. It's Kagome's influence that brought him along in the end. She was willing to give him the chance he needed, AND was the one to show Miroku Inuyasha was trustworthy in turn.
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Do I even need to get into how she helped Sango?
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landofanimes · 7 months
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I want to change the world Without letting go of my hand Accept that I am watching over you And I'm sure you can do anything
Change my mind I won't let you be alone Everyone is here We'll break through whatever may happen It's wonderland
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mikodaiyo · 4 months
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Sesskag Fluff Week Day 1 // Friendship
Are you unwell, Miko?
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otpadsis · 1 year
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crispy bad quality inuyasha scetches cus i was drawing on small canvas 💪💪💪
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stelera · 11 months
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So @its-just-a-phage sent me some art of a character I wasn't familiar with catching a fish with his mouth. He thought it was my blorbo, but unfortunately not all feral blonde men are Deidara. However once the idea was planted in my mind I couldn't NOT draw Deidara catching a fish with his mouth.
I shared the first doodle with some other friends, and @solarfox6 said I should draw him with a fish in EACH of his mouths. And like... I couldn't NOT do that either??
I mentioned it to @pleasedontstealmysoul and SHE said "do it no balls". And like... I couldn't NOT include that somehow either???
So now here we are...
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chickenstilldancing · 25 days
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fuedalreesespieces · 3 months
kagome: inuyasha's jealousy of koga is dumb and petty
also kagome:
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cherryiiceee · 1 year
So still watching Inuyasha on discord w friends and we made it to season 2
I realized I haven’t posted the funny doodles of things we have said n jokes about
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I love the fact that Inukag is an enemies-> (best) friends-> lovers kind of ship.
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Just enemies-> lovers ships simply don't hit right most of the time.
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just had the realization that kagome probably grew up listening to 80's music
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heynikkiyousofine · 7 months
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Indulging myself in writing a little retelling of Inuyasha, so I wanted to share it with you. 💕
“Uh, hello there?” She called out and when he didn’t move, she decided to climb up to make sure he wasn’t injured. As she grew closer, the warm sensation from before came back, making her stop and look around for that frightening monster. When the area remained silent, the only sound was the gentle rustle of the leaves. She moved to step over the last root, coming just inches away with the man’s face, except he wasn’t a man at all. Not the kind she was used to at least.
Sure, there were plenty of cosplayers back home and people were constantly changing their appearance with the different trends each year, but none looked like him. He looks so peaceful. Raising her hand, she traced his features, her fingertips trailing his sharp nose and jaw. His brows were dark, with matching lashes that fanned across his cheeks and she briefly wondered what his eyes looked like. 
Brushing his bangs aside, she admired how soft his silver hair was, pausing to look closer at two small ears standing at the top of his head. Reminding her a bit of Buyo, she stroked the velvety fur, almost falling from her perch when a soft voice spoke.
He is to you, as you are to him.
Gripping the sleeping man’s red robe and leaning into him, she gazed around the clearing, afraid she had gotten caught. When no one appeared, she straightened herself, nervously laughing at her paranoia when she noticed a single arrow protruding from his chest, exactly where his heart would be. Looking back at the man’s face, she wondered who he was.
“Is that his name?” She whispered, when suddenly an arrow whipped past her head, grazing her cheek as it embedded itself in the trunk. Touching her cheek, she hissed at the slight sting. What the? Male voices yelled out and when she whirled around and positioned herself in front of Inuyasha, she was met with fierce gazes.
“You there, get down girl!” A tall man with dark hair hollered. She assumed he was the leader and suddenly, she was very afraid. I’m alone, in a strange forest with men pointing their weapons at me. Swallowing, she stood her ground, ready to defend herself and the man behind her. Noticing a few holding bow and arrows, she wondered if she could take one of them down and use it to defend herself.
“Child, what are ye doing up there?” An older woman, wearing a white and red robe that she usually wore during festivals at the shrine, appeared, the men parting to let her through. She must be the one in charge. Noticing the black eye patch covering her right eye and her weapon, she wondered if this priestess was some type of warrior princess. Hopefully she wouldn’t let these men hurt her. “Come down, we will not harm ye anymore than the hanyou would.” Hanyou?
Kagome nodded, carefully scooting down the roots, giving Inuyasha one last glance at Inuyasha and stopped right in front of the woman. She observed Kagome, using her good eye to take in Kagome’s appearance and when she frowned, Kagome grew worried.
“Kikyo?” she whispered.
Shaking her head, Kagome corrected her, “No, my name is Kagome.”
“I am Kaede. Would ye mind telling me what ye were doing up there?” She nodded, pointing her chin in the tree’s direction.
“I was searching for my way home when I came upon him.” She frowned, glancing up at him still sleeping peacefully against the tree. There’s something about him.
“Ah, well be careful child, he is not to be touched for he is dangerous.” 
“What happened?” She asked, her heart reaching out to comfort him. Why am I so drawn to him? He is to you, as you are to him. What does that even mean? And who said it? Before Kaede could explain, the ground shook, a deep rumbling making her tremble. A familiar shriek filled the air and Kagome gasped as the men around her prepared themselves for a battle. Oh no, not again.
“Give me the Sacred Jewel!” The monster’s voice cried out, causing Kaede to look at her.
“Ye have the jewel!?”
“I don’t know what she’s talking about!” She called, the creature’s screaming overpowering her own. Suddenly, she was thrown off her feet, landing on her back as a large centipede emerged from the ground, its eyes glaring right at her. Help me!
“Kagome, run!” Kaede yelled, releasing an arrow into the creature’s body. The body, half a woman, half a giant centipede, lunged at her, snatching her leg up in her teeth. Yelping at the pain as her calf was sliced open and as the centipede flung her across the clearing, she braced herself for the fall.
Landing right in front of the tree, she grimaced as blood seeped through the denim, a tear in her favorite. You can buy another pair. Get up! Her instincts called out to her, warning her of the danger and urging her to run to safety. When she glanced back to see a group of men fighting off the overgrown bug, she pushed through the pain and began to climb. Making it to the top of the roots, where Inuyasha’s feet hung, she was suddenly picked up by her waist and tossed into the air, a sharp pain in her side.
Looking down to see a small pink jewel emerge from her body, shimmering in the afternoon sunlight. Did that just come out of me? Wincing as she landed on the ground, she watched the jewel bounce and roll to a stop in front of her.
“The Sacred Jewel! It will be mine!” The centipede screamed, lunging straight for her. Grabbing the orb, Kagome rolled out of the way just as the monster attacked. Breathing heavily, she stood to her feet, gripping the jewel. All this over a gem? 
Kaede rushed over, blocking her with her body and her bow aimed for the creature’s face. 
“Kagome, ye must not let Mistress Centipede have the Jewel Of Four Souls.” She ordered, firing the arrow into Mistress Centipede’s body, slicing off an arm in the process. Slipping the jewel in her front pocket, she noticed a discarded bow and quiver with three arrows to her left. Get to a high vantage point and shoot. Maybe that bright pink light will come back to help.
Ducking as the monster’s tail tried to knock her out, she grabbed the weapon and began to run back to the Sacred Tree, determined to take this thing down. As she made it to the top of the roots once again, she looked to see if Inuyasha was unharmed and froze when golden eyes glared right at her. Gold.
“You’re awake.” She breathed.
“You know, you shouldn’t play with bugs, Kikyo.” He sneered, his eyes flashing with hatred.
“Why you,” She growled, her temper rising, she gripped the bow tight as she stormed up to him, “My name isn’t Kikyo, it’s Kagome. Ka-Go-Me.” 
He leaned forward, discreetly sniffing when his eyes widened and he gaped at her, all traces of anger and hate gone, muttering one word.
“Mate.” Huh?
Another scream from below had her whirling around, knocking an arrow and aiming, shooting the tail of the centipede as it almost took out two men. She had to focus on defeating whatever this thing was so she could home and this nightmare could end.
“Aim for the heart, Kagome.” Inuyasha suggested and the way he said her name calmed her heart. Nodding, she fired the second arrow, missing the heart by inches and slicing another arm off her body. The centipede hissed, spinning around to snarl at her. She was shoved back against Inuyasha’s body before she could grab her last arrow and she dropped her bow and quiver when the scaly body wrapped around the trunk. Gasping for air as pain rickotched through her body, Kagome gripped Inuyasha’s hiori tight.
“Kagome!” He ground out through clench teeth.
“Inuyasha, do something!” She called out, black spots filling her vision as Mistress Centipede squeezed her body tighter.
“Focus. Use the arrow next to my head and stab her in the heart! Only you can purify her!” He managed to say, his voice cracking at the pressure, but she could tell he was in pain all the same. Spotting the arrow he talked about, she managed to wiggle her right arm free just enough to reach and pull the weapon out of the bark.
The centipede’s human body hovered above them, just out of arm’s reach. She needed something to bring the monster closer. An idea popped into her head and Kagome managed to free her other arm, removing the jewel from her pocket. Please, please let this work.
“What are you doing, stupid? She can’t have it!” Inuyasha yelled as the glowing orb caught the monster’s attention.
“The Sacred Jewel!” She gasped, grinning so wide, her bloodied fangs dripped onto Kagome’s shirt. She lunged forward and Kagome dodged just as her body got close enough, praying to whatever kami to bring her strength and stabbed Mistress Centipede in the heart.
A bright flash engulfed them and the centipede’s body turned to dust as her bones littered the ground below. Taking a shuddering breath when she was no longer pinned, Kagome sank to her knees, still holding the arrow and the jewel tight. All was silent for a second, when Kaede and the men surrounded the tree.
“He’s awake!” One man gasped, holding a wounded another on his arm, pointing right at Inuyasha. Tension grew as abled bodied men raised their weapons, aiming their way. 
“She must be a witch!”
“Dark priestess!”
“He must not get free!”
“He will destroy the village!”
Their voices grew louder and Kagome huddled against Inuyasha’s legs, whimpering. She was tired, her body hurt and all she wanted to do was go home. They defeated the monster, couldn’t they let me live?
“Don’t you touch her!” Inuyasha roared, and when she looked up at him, his eyes were seeping with red as purple stripes began to form along his cheekbones, his growl deep in his throat. What is happening?
“Child, slowly come down. We will not hurt ye, but that demon is dangerous, despite his innocence.” Kaede ordered, keeping her eye on Inuyasha. Demon? Unsure of what to do, the little voice from earlier whispered in her ear.
He will not harm you, for you are his.
Slowly standing, she dropped the arrow and slipped the jewel back into her pocket, staring out at the group.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha growled softly and she reached her hand back, intertwining her fingers with his own.
“He won’t harm me.” 
Kaede stepped forward, calling out for her when Inuyasha growled once more, making sure she kept her distance. When she stopped, Kagome nodded, turning to look him in the eyes. What she saw made her confident in her decision.
“How do I free you?” She asked softly.
“Uh, Kikyo pinned me to the this fucking tree with her arrow. Try pulling it out.” He squeezed her hand gently, his marks fading as his eyes returned to their previous shade. Nodding, she reached up, gripping the arrow tight and closed her eyes. If I set him free, please don’t let them harm him. Kami, give me strength to do what is right.
Taking a deep breath, she began to tug, meeting a little resistance. She could hear the voices from below, murmuring between them. She could feel warmth radiating from Inuyasha’s body as his heart beat. Tu-thump, tu-thump. 
The warm sensation that she was slowly becoming used to filled her body and she knew it was time. Opening her eyes, she saw the arrow was glowing a soft blue, much like the well earlier.
“It’s okay.” Inuyasha whispered, giving her hand another squeeze.
She nodded, pulling harder and when suddenly the arrow evaporated into thin air, releasing him from the tree. Smiling, she took a step back to allow him to move, missing her step. Feeling air underneath her feet, she began to fall backwards when red clad arms wrapped themselves around her waist and together, they both landed on the ground
The men scattered, giving them plenty of space and Inuyasha set her down on her feet, his hands still circling her body.. Kaede slowly approached, carefully watching them.
“Inuyasha, do ye still want to possess the jewel?”
“I didn’t do it.” He whispered.
“I know, but you need to let Kagome go.”
“She is my mate and I will not hurt her.” He snarled, his grip tightening and when she winced, he murmured an apology, gently nuzzling her hair.
“She is hurt, I can bandage her wounds if you would like.” 
Inuyasha looked at her, silently asking if that was fine with her and Kagome nodded, smiling. Her energy was fading and she really needed to lie down. Maybe I’ll wake up and this will all be some weird dream.
“Very well,” Kaede turned, heading back to the village, beckoning them to follow. “We can discuss everything and ye can explain what just happened.”
“Why should I trust you, ya old hag?” Inuyasha asked, not moving just yet, eyeing the men still surrounding them.
“Because Kikyo was my sister and Naraku was the one to pit ye two against each other.” Kaede answered, looking at the two of them over her shoulder.
Kagome could tell he was intrigued, and tried to step out of his arms to follow her, her vision blurred. Gripping her head, she groaned, hearing Inuyasha and Kaede call out her name before blackness overtook her.
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celticcatgirl2 · 8 months
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Thank you @patientisthenight for the gifts!!!
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