#kara does therapy
onceuponaweirdo · 2 years
*breath in* another KALEX FREAKING FIC! That's right, I wrote something again 🥺
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I'm currently failing out of college because I'm a shift lead at a Fatburger but honestly I'm thinking about opening a bookstore instead of becoming a history teacher so I might just drop out, get a job at a bookstore in the mornings, and then grandfather my way into owning the store.....
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Speaking of Tuca & Bertie, the relationship between Tuca and Kara in season 2 was an INFINITELY better representation of Toxic and Messy Queer Relationships than anything Helluva Boss could conjure up. That’s probably because Tuca’s mistreatment is treated as, well, mistreatment, and doesn’t go out of its way to tell us that Kara did nothing wrong actually because she’s just some sad misunderstood gay bird girl (STOLAS)
And the best thing about it? Kara actually does develop as a character and become a better person, but she does it after breaking up with Tuca, meeting someone else, realizing she can't bear to lose her new girlfriend, and making the decision to go to therapy and start working on herself. Even then, Bertie never really forgives her for the way she treated Tuca.
That, Viv fandom, is what character development looks like.
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lenakluthor · 7 days
Do you think Lena cleaned and cooked? Like... She's said too many times how private she is (like refusing therapy because she's private like... Honey, I got news for you) so would she be comfortable letting a stranger coming to her penthouse to clean up?
Or would she be in full cleaning mode over the weekends? (Hair up in a messy bun, yellow gloves on, brand new broom in hand, a vacuum cleaner nearby and a random Roomba making its way around with random classical music blasting while she cleans the shower)
honestly, i think lena would have a cleaning service. she's private, yes, but anything she wants to keep hidden would be put away (or locked away) before they arrived. she's not one to leave things out in the open, and her decor style is more sleek and minimal. she's not really a messy person, so the cleaning service is there to maintain. they dust, mop, vacuum, clean the windows, the bathroom, etc. they're not really going through her things, you know?
i do think that every once in a while she does help kara marathon clean kara's loft, though. that's where the messy buns, rubber gloves, and singing comes in. i bet kara even ropes her into a water fight with the sprayer from the sink, or throws a handful of suds at her.
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toxinoire · 7 months
Because of my most recent post about the Love Square and Supercorp I am obligated to make this now because it's easier than an actual thought of fic.
(Also I am still recovering from writer's block so whomever sent me that Heathers Hanahaki ask I promise you I will finish that as soon as a I can)
Kara: So...you two have been crime fighting partners for almost a year now?
Ladybug: Yep.
Chat Noir: Yeah.
Lena: Wow. You've done so much in a year as superheroes and you're still kids-
Ladybug: I'm sorry????
Chat Noir: Haha what makes you think we're kids???
Lena: First of all, you *points to CN* sound like your voice just developed and you *points at LB* are pint sized.
Ladybug: Are you aware that you taking off your heels will make Supergirl look like a giant in comparison?
Alex: OKAY! Do you two know each other's identities?
Ladybug and Chat Noir: No.
Nia: No? To be honest, I'm quite surprised. You guys are basically a dream duo. I kind of assumed you knew.
Lena: Yeah, so did I.
Brainy: There's a 90% chance we all did.
Kara: Well, I understand there are plenty of reasons. But, do you mind if we asked?
Lena: Yeah. Kara and I had our share of secrecy problems and trust issues and...yeah.
Kara: Yeah.
Kelly: Get therapy. Please. Anyway, as far as we know, Monarch is no longer a threat to you guys.
Ladybug: ....I have my reasons....
Chat Noir: Other than it's a rule? I don't know. But yeah, Monarch is no longer a threat. Does that mean we can reveal-
Ladybug: NO
Chat Noir: ...
Ladybug: We're not having a reveal, understood?
Chat Noir: O-Okay.
Lena: You're traumatized.
Ladybug: I- what?
Lena: I know that face. You're traumatized.
Ladybug: ...
Ladybug: *sighs* Fine. In another timeline, Chat Noir got akumatized and destroyed the whole world because we had a reveal which had gone wrong so badly. And I had to fight him. I don't wanna fight him.
Chat Noir: Wait- what?
The Superfriends: Oh.
Supercorp: Oh well shit.
Ladybug: Yeah, so do you understand why a reveal scares me now?
Chat Noir: Yeah, M'Lady, of course I understand.
Brainy: If you kept a secret like that from each other then maybe you shouldn't be partn-
Nia: *covers his mouth* Brainy no.
Kara: ...Is it?
Chat Noir: ...Ladybug?
Ladybug: ....
Ladybug, in one breath: Gabriel Agreste was never the hero, he was Monarch this whole time and he reset and rebuilt the universe so we're all basically just clones with the same memories and emotions while the real versions of us died and I kept Gabriel's secret to protect his family. *covers her mouth*
Chat Noir: What?
Alex: Oh-
Kelly: I-
Brainy: That's too much even for me.
Nia: What the flying fuck???
Kara: ...Okay that's...uh...I don't know how to describe it.
Lena: Maybe we should've just left the discussion of their identities at "they don't know".
Chat Noir: My father was Monarch????
Ladybug: Yeah- wait...you're father..?
Nia: Oh this just got worse.
Chat Noir: ...Yeah.
Ladybug: ...I didn't know he was your father...
Chat Noir: Yeah, how would you?
Ladybug: Adrien???
Chat Noir: ...Hi...
Ladybug: Holy kwami what the fuck?
Chat Noir: How do I tell this to my girlfriend..?
Ladybug: Um...your girlfriend just told you.
Chat Noir: ...What-
Alex: I genuinely thought it couldn't get worse but here we are...
Chat Noir: Marinette???
Lena: Oh no...
Kara: Yeah we really should've just dropped it when they said they didn't know.
Kara: How long do you think this'll last?
Nia: Guys?
Lena: Best guess? By how their both just stared at each other with so many emotions radiating off them? Longer than ours.
Nia: Guys.
Kelly: Oh for the love of Rao please go to therapy. All of you.
Nia: Guys!
Nia: ...Ladybug and Chat Noir left.
Everyone: Shit.
Alex: They'll be okay, right?
Kara and Lena: Haha no
Brainy: Yeah let's go find them.
Kara: Do we talk to them separately or together?
Lena: Together then separately.
Kara: Got it.
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rolling-in-guano · 1 year
31DOD Day 2 (Day 17)
I have never played either game because I am more of a tile based strategy kind of person so I'm going back to Day 2!!
Choosing a favorite issue is so difficult so I'm just going to slap some down.
Secret Origins (1986) Annual #3
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This is a great issue because it recaps a lot of Dick's youth in a really strange angsty way. I also find it hilarious that Dick has managed to make not one but TWO interdimensional demons hat him. Gargoyle and antithesis should make a come back in modern comics. I guess Trigon hates him too but I'm kind of sick of him. (I know Titans Hunt exists but it was kind of lame and very ooc)
Let Them Live: Unpublished Tales From the DC Vault #2
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This one is so much fun! It is the kind of crazy comic book stuff I live for. I imagine Dick does this shit all the time.
Nightwing (2016) #9
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Dick and Clark are one of the coolest duos in comics! One of my favorite quotes comes from here too:
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Nightwing (2016) #42
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Another wonderful story similar to the unpublished tales. I also love the implication that a dragon lives in the batcave now. (add another cult to the list of cults that hate Dick Grayson)
Nightwing (1996) #150
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This one is super nightwing to me. It brings back his beef with Dent which is always nice to see (and feels very forgotten these days). He does parkour between a bunch of blimps to save the day after not sleeping for way too many hours. 'wing is definitely a workaholic and it shows in this one.
Nightwing (1996) #151
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This next one has Dick breaking a world record. Also very entertaining.
Superman/Batman Annual #5
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I love this one because Dick!bats is out there fighting for his life against the greatest Justice League Villains while Supergirl gets a therapy session down the hall. Dick and Kara also have the cutest sibling relationship. I miss that for them.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest Issue #6
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I've said it before, but I am living for the current world's finest comics. Enjoyable read :)
There are definitely others that I go back and read, but I think these have the best stories.
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coffeeshib · 10 months
If it's anything i deeply enjoy your kara centric fics. Something something the weight of a dead world and another world on her shoulders does not make her perfect or excusable for everything she's done and she's probably very messed up too (supercorp endgame but also supercorp go to therapy challenge jdjfkd)
(vibrating out of my mortal shell) yeah!! she is so uncomplicatedly kind & loving & silly & tender & flawed i love her a normal amount!!!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 8 months
For the fic you're looking for is it the one by Lostariel "the house of forgotten memories"? It does have some inpatient care you we're talking about and the visits.
Goodluck finding it if its not this one.
Ooooooooo maybe! I def read that one, and it would make sense for the therapy vibe I'm remembering. Like, it wasn't really a conflict between Lena and Kara that was the inciting incident-- more internal to Lena, which fits.
Guess I'll have to read it again! Bc I remember the action/memory stuff from that fic, but not the recovery.
Oh, no.... I have to read a fic from one of my fave authors.... whatever shall I do??
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bigmammallama5 · 8 months
Do you HC Kara and Lena having ADHD?
I do this with a lot of characters I like because I get to relate with them more (such as Liara or Pippin), and it's a form of therapy for me.
Not personally, no, but I know it does bring people a lot of comfort to do so! ❤️ I only got my diagnosis barely over 2 years ago, it’s still a fairly new thing for me after 30 years of thinking I wasn’t.
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jedifighterpilot2727 · 8 months
All Myx'd Up - Part 4
The fourth and final chapter in the 'All Myx'd Up' miniseries!
I hope you all have enjoyed this little story as much as I have, because it's safe to say that I've written more in the past few months (over all my stories), than I have in years and it's been an absolute blast! I have every intention of keeping up the writing pace, (with some attention going towards the book, of course). As always, I love to hear from you guys! Whether it's about fanfic, or fandom, or just general nerdiness!
After Kara's tearful confession, the group had effectively split up. Kara and Lena chose to stay in the med bay, Alex had taken some samples and run off to her lab, and Lexi had escaped to the computer library.
Which is how she found herself seated at a desk with two laptops, three tablets, and a paused hologram; all focused on a different aspect of research.
"You're doing the thing your mother does." Alex's voice in Lexi's ear startles her, as does the finger poking her in the middle of her forehead.
"Sorry, crinkle comes with the territory."
"Not the crinkle thing; the dark, brooding thing. Other mother."
"Well, you know, if you specified which mother, I wouldn't have to guess." Lexi counters, not bothering to disguise the bite in her voice.
"Whoa, Kiddo. I get it, your mom's acting weird and you're stressed. No need to snap at me, we're on the same team - we'll figure it out. Trust me, your mom will be back to herself in no time."
Lexi closes her eyes and forces herself to take a deep breath, holding it for a moment before exhaling her anger with the air.
"Easy for you to say, your mom didn't completely forget you existed."
"Ahhh. I see."
"I mean, I know I do a pretty good job at hiding it most of the time; but I do have abandonment issues."
"Yeah, you get that from your mother too."
"Both of them." Alex is quick to clarify as Lexi raises her eyebrow.
"Or, ya know, the fact that I got abandoned at an orphanage as a baby, that might have something to do with it."
"Hey, kiddo, we've all got issues, save it for therapy." Alex deadpans, and it has the intended effect with Lexi snorting a laugh.
They stand in silence for a few minutes before Alex speaks again.
"Do you know what exactly it is that the Black Mercy does?"
"Yeah, it like puts you in this dream state where you can't tell what's real life and what's your imagination."
"Sort of. It convinces your brain that whatever your perfect dream world is, it exists, and you're in it. So the fact that Kara thinks she's under the effects of Black Mercy right now says a lot."
Lexi puts down her tablet to give Alex her full attention.
"Like what?"
"Well, for starters; it says that, in her mind, a world with you and your mom is the greatest possible outcome in life that she can imagine."
Lexi is quiet at that, thumb tapping the tip of each of the fingers of the same hand in a silent rhythm.
"It also means that she thinks I'm the fuddy duddy who's come to ruin her fun and drag her back to the real world." Alex smiles deprecatingly. "So she may not remember you, but she remembers me as the bad guy. Arguably a worse position to be in."
"You're not the bad guy." Lexi is quick to correct her.
"No? Why does everyone always expect me to be the Debbie Downer then?"
"It's not that, it's just . . . everyone trusts you to make the right decision. Even when it sucks. Even if it kills you to do it, you'll do what needs to be done. That's why you have the Kryptonite bullets."
Alex freezes at that, eyes instantly narrowing in suspicion,
"How do you know about the Kryptonite bullets?"
Lexi shrugs.
"That's not the point, The point is that you're the only one in the entire universe that the moms would trust to have them - would trust to use them, if the time came. That's not something to take lightly -"
"I don't."
"I know you don't. And I know you don't ever want to have to use them; that it would destroy you to have to use them. But you'd still do it. That's why you're Aunt Alex. That's why I call you when there's a mouse in my apartment, and why you have Kryptonite bullets, and why practically everyone you know has you as their power of attorney if something happens to them. You'll do what needs to be done."
"I know you're trying to make me feel better, Kiddo, but you're just making me sound like a robot with no feelings."
"If you were a robot with no feelings, then no one would trust you with the things that they do. You understand the feelings, you feel the feelings, but you can separate the feelings from what needs to be done. Frankly, it's a shit gig; and I'm glad you're the one who has it and not me. But it says something about your character, you know? Not a lot of people would do what you do. It's one of the reasons you're my favorite aunt."
"I'm your only aunt, besided, I thought I was supposed to be the one making you feel better here?"
"Yeah, you were and then you had to go and make it about you." Lexi counters, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly and Alex answers with a light smack on the back of her niece's head.
"Watch it, kiddo, I'm still your elder."
"Well, you are old."
"When did you become such a smart ass?"
"Hmm, I think it all started around three and a half; about the time I started hanging around you."
Alex's only good response to that is another smack.
"Seriously though," Lexi rubs the back of her head with a laugh. "I'm glad we can at least rule out Black Mercy. Maybe we should start a list of all of the things that aren't wrong with mom."
"Not a terrible idea." Alex concedes. "Kind of like working on a diagnosis, I suppose; instead of getting disappointed by the wrong answers, we can see it as one step closer to the truth."
"So if it's not Black Mercy, what's the opposite of Black Mercy? . . . Black Death?"
"You mean. . . like the bubonic plague? I don't think your mom caught the Black Plague from that alien she fought last night. I mean, I can run some tests -" Alex reaches for her comm button but Lexi waves a hand to stop her.
"No, no, sorry; bad wording. I just mean what if there's an alien spore, but instead of sending you into a deep sleep where all of your dreams feel like they're coming true - it's your nightmares that feel real." Lexi's gaze is a hundred miles away, and Alex can practically see the wheels turning in her brain.
"I'm listening."
"Come on, we should go back to the med bay, my thoughts are all jumbled and I don't want to try and explain this twice."
Alex allows herself to be drug to one of the med bay conference rooms, where Lena is standing at the small lectern while she plays a picture slideshow on the wall.
"Ok, but why did you let me go out in public - much worse a charity gala - with my hair looking like that?" Kara is asking as they walk in.
"Well, to be fair, that look was all the rage . . . for a half a season . . . Catco even did a spread about it."
Kara's face is positively horrified.
"Sounds like the editor should be fired."
"Well, Darling, you're the editor."
Kara's nose crinkles, and she studies the picture again.
"Well, I should definitely fire myself."
"I hate to interrupt this weeks episode of the fashion police," Alex cuts in. "But baby Einstein has an idea."
Hope lights up Lena's face and she turns her attention to Lexi.
"Did you figure out what's going on?"
"Not exactly, but we figured out what's not going on."
"Alright, well, that's something I guess." Lena concedes as she takes a seat next to Kara and lets Lexi have the podium. "What's not the problem?"
"Well, we know it's not black mercy, right? Because if so, the real world would be the crappy world and the dream would be the good world. But instead, the real world is the good world and Mom was sent to some crappy world."
"I'm not following." Lena admits.
Lexi shuts down the slideshow projected on the white board and looks frantically for a dry erase marker.
"Alright, so -" Lexi finally snags a bright green marker from a bin in the corner and writes 'Black Mercy' in large letters on one side of the white board and a giant question mark on the other.
"What exactly is Black Mercy?" she posits the question to the room and Lena can't help but feel a little like she's in a college lecture, especially when Kara raises her hand.
"It's an alien plant that projects a dream of your perfect life into your dreams so that you stay under and don't want to go back to real life."
"Exactly." Lexi writes 'One good dream' under Black Mercy on the board. "So what's the opposite of a good dream?"
"A nightmare." Kara is sitting forward with folded hands and elbows on the table like an eager student or someone way too invested in a game of Pictionary.
So she basically looks like she usually does every game night.
"Right!" Lexi scrawls out 'nightmare' under the question mark. "But what's the opposite of one?"
"Uhhh, a lot?" Alex looks just confused as Lena feels.
"Exactly!" Lexi points to Kara. "And what happened to you last night?"
Kara looks to Lena and Alex for help but is met only with shrugs.
"I . . . fought an alien?"
"Yeah, but like, what do you remember happening?"
"Ummm. Well. I was upset, because Lena wasn't speaking to me."
"Because . . . " Lexi leads.
"Because I waited too long to tell her that I'm Supergirl?"
"Ok, so mom not talking to you, we'll classify that under 'nightmare' category, right?"
Kara's gaze flickers to Lena; a sad, hollowed out expression in her eyes.
"Definitely not the most fun experience."
"Then what happened?"
"Then I went back to my apartment and Mxyptlk showed up."
"Right, so I don't know a ton about this guy, but I think it's safe to say that we can file him under the 'nightmare' category too?"
"Most certainly." Lena answers for Kara this time, reaching out to grab her wife's restless fingers.
"Then what happened?" Lexi presses, and Kara's fingers tighten around Lena's, her expression growing even more sullen.
"Then he basically showed me all the different ways that I could have possibly screwed up my relationship with Lena."
"Were any of the scenarios good?"
"Ummm, no. I mean some weren't as terrible as others, but they were all pretty bad."
Lexi writes 'bad x many' on the board and turns to her moms, looking almost apologetic.
"I know it's not fun to relive, but it supports my theory, I promise."
"And what exactly is your theory?" Alex pipes up.
"Okay, so -" Lexi turns back to the board, circling and underlining as she talks.
"Black Mercy is one, really good dream. What if what we're dealing with is something that's the exact opposite of Black Mercy? Lots of really bad dreams."
"The opposite of paradise is hell." Lena mutters.
Lexi spins, pointing the marker at Lena like she's just won the game.
"Exactly! What if you fought with the alien and it released some kind of fungal spore that has the opposite effect of Black Mercy? So then you go home, everyone thinks everything is fine; but as you're sleeping, the fungus releases its toxin and causes you to enter a dream like state where you experience a series of nightmares. The fungus and the nightmares affect your prefrontal cortex to such an extent that when you finally wake up, the dreams feel like they were a reality."
"So, like the movie Inception, she can't tell what's a dream and what's not." Alex simplifies.
Lena shifts her attention to Kara, who's staring pensively at the board.
"What do you think, Darling?"
"I mean . . . it makes sense, I guess." Kara blows out a breath. "But in the movie, he had the top thing so he could spin it and always know if he was in the real universe or the dream universe. What's my top? How am I supposed to know that this is the real universe and that you guys aren't just my dream telling me it's real?"
Lexi deflates slightly, looking to her audience for help.
"Well, I didn't figure that part out. Any ideas?"
Silence falls over the group as they contemplate this new problem.
"We could ask you questions that only you from this universe would know the answer to?" Alex offers finally.
"The only problem is that I've been studying this world ever since I woke up, what if I only know the answer because I saw some sort of clue?"
Lena drums her fingers on the table, and Kara's hand almost immediately drops to her thigh and gives a reassuring squeeze.
Just like she usually did in times of stress.
As inconspicuously as possible, Lena studies her wife. Kara doesn't even seem to register the fact that she's moved to comfort Lena, her other hand fiddling with her glasses as her eyes squint at the white board. It's then Lena realizes that Kara's acted completely without thought, her body reacting to Lena instinctively.
Instinctive memory that's stronger than conscious memory, sometimes even filling in when the latter eludes us.
"I've got it!" she crows a little too loudly, and everyone swivels their attention to her. "Your pre-frontal cortex is confused, but it can be over ridden by your cerebellum."
Alex and Lexi nod like they've caught on but Kara still looks confused.
"It's like when you forget a key code to a door you've used for years, but if you just kind of unfocus your cerebellum takes over and lets you punch in the code by muscle memory." Lena explains.
Understanding lights in Kara's eyes.
"So my cerebellum will still remember the right universe, even if my pre-frontal cortex doesn't?"
"Exactly." Lena nods.
"Great!" Alex claps her hands, "But how do we test that?"
"Well, like you suggested, with questions that only she would know the answer to. In a rapid fire format so she can't cheat and use clues she's found today." Lena answers, already wracking her brain for questions, but Alex beats her to it.
"What's the speed trajectory that you would have to adjust to if you were flying towards the ground at 170 miles an hour in order to avoid cracking the concrete of the sidewalk?"
Kara opens her mouth to answer but Lexi interrupts.
"Nope, not a qualifying question - Mom still had super powers in the other universe, and the answer would be the same in both." Lexi pauses for a moment before posing her own question.
"When's your anniversary with Mom?"
"September 22nd." Kara answers quickly before looking guiltily at Lena. "I did see our wedding photos today though, so I don't know if I trust that as a good question."
"Even when you don't remember what universe you're from, you still remember your anniversary, way to go for making the rest of us look bad." Alex grumbles.
Kara raises her hands in a shrug, and Lena takes her turn to ask a question.
"You're at the grocery store and I call you and ask you to pick up jelly, what flavor are you getting?"
Kara's eyes start to drift, thinking of the answer and Lena snaps her fingers.
"Quick! Don't think just answer!"
"Raspberry!" Kara blurts out and the rest of the group lets out a collective sigh. "Was I right?"
"Yes." Lena eyes her cautiously. "But why raspberry?"
"Because Lexi only like raspberry or grape, and after she ate too much grape jelly and threw up after soccer practice that one time, she only eats raspberry."
Realization dawns on Kara's face and she looks to Lexi.
"You threw up, all over your soccer jersey; and no matter how many times we washed it, it always had that purple stain on the number." She looks back to Lena, eyes filling with tears.
"You remember!" Lena can barely contain her excitement, and she throws herself at Kara, sending the conference chair rolling across the rug.
"So that's it?" Kara mumbles against Lena's hair. "This is my universe?"
"This is your universe!" Lexi confirms with a grin before her nose crinkles in disgust. "I still can't eat grape jelly."
Alex laughs and begins erasing the white board, but Kara's still tense with worry.
"So all those universes where I told you my secret and you hated me or something bad happened . . . those were all just nightmares?"
"All just nightmares." Lena confirms, and Lexi nods.
"I would say we run some tests to find out what exactly caused your condition, but the way it's progressing, I'd say it's too fast acting and will probably be completely worn off before we even know what we're looking for. Right Aunt Alex?"
"Right. I imagine it was some sort of airborne contagion that came to Earth via the alien you fought but it was diluted too much to affect anyone else by the time you brought them into DEO holding. Judging by your behavior, it's already stopped directly affecting your pre-frontal cortex and you're just suffering the lingering consequences of some very realistic dreams. I'll keep an eye on you, but I'm pretty sure you're through the worst of it."
Kara finally relaxes.
"Oh thank Rao, I don't think I've ever been more relieved in my entire life."
"Me either." Lexi agrees before holding a hand to her stomach. "I have to admit though, all the jelly talk has me craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
Alex smirks.
"Well, at least there's no question about which mother you get your appetite from."
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mywifeleftme · 2 months
341: The Waitresses // Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful?
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Wasn't Tomorrow Wonderful? The Waitresses 1982, Polydor
The Waitresses were such a peculiar project: considered a borderline novelty band based on their two hit singles (no wave-y stripper anthem “I Know What Boys Like” and wondrous ska noel song “Christmas Wrapping”), their membership connects dots between the ‘70s Akron scene (Devo, Tin Huey), Television, the Psychedelic Furs, and John Zorn, and featured an actual waitress on lead vocals. Said waitress, Patty Donahue, was a true natural at the post-punk sprechgesang thing. For other singers, a flat affect was often a way to mask shyness or to de-emphasize the vocalist’s personality. Donahue was cool enough to simply be herself up there, sarcastic, fabulous, smart, and messy. She makes the lyrics sound so natural you assume she’s basically singing her diary—which is why not a day goes by without some bright young woman, who’s felt utterly seen by a song like “No Guilt,” giving a startled “Oh!” at the realization the very much male Chris Butler wrote all the words.
Their debut Wasn’t Tomorrow Wonderful? is often nearly as prog as it is punk (try to follow the zig-zagging “Quit” or “Heat Night”), the songs crammed with wild hairpin tempo changes and skronky bridges that somehow still sound like something you might hear playing over the PA at the grocery store. They need all that busy-ness to accommodate Butler’s absurdly verbose lyrics, which have the respect for meter of a jazzy spoken word recital (so none, I mean). The musicians need to really have their working boots on to keep this stuff feeling poppy, but for the most part they nail it with panache.
And those lyrics! I can think of few albums as legitimately clever as this one, even forty years on. Donahue’s glib performance of a young woman getting her shit together on “No Guilt” could describe any number of girls I knew in college and, from what I glean from social media anyway, still works for the present generation. And truly, today’s assembly line of singer-songwriters trying to score clout by writing the most withering lowercase boy-bye diss (see Kara Jackson’s damp “therapy” for one) wish they could do what Butler does with “Jimmy Tomorrow.” The potshots are sparkling (“There's nothing that's wrong with me / That money can't cure / But I don't want to be somebody else's / Learning experience / Some rich kid's way to spend his allowance”), but Butler understands that the woman in the story’s more intriguing than the bad ex, and by keeping her the focus of the monologue he finds both a pithy diagnosis of her social ailments (“It's what happens when your choices / Are narrowed to fashion or violence”) and her emotional ones (“I guess I set impossible goals / And I don’t know when to quit / Is that it?”). On an album with no ballads and little sentimentality, Donahue’s vocal finds something really resonant in these lines, even as the band absolutely goes off behind her. But for the Waitresses, angst was always best used as a springboard for a brilliant punchline, and they end the album with an all-timer: “My goals? / My goals are to find a cure for irony and make a fool out of God.”
The band didn’t last long (two LPs and an EP), and it’s not clear whether their very specific brand of schtick could’ve survived the transition from new wave to alternative rock without losing its dazzle. But Butler and Donahue deserve to be mentioned when the all-time great lyricist/vocalist tandems are discussed, because like a good kitchen / front of house pairing, they make a very complex business look seamless.
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just-an-ari · 2 years
I *would* like to ask about your headcanons pls
especially about Lena's scars
(also you'll have me going 🥺🥺🥺 all week with the new comic)
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this is also for you guys :) SO- we'll start w/ Lena's scars- also known as (insecure Lena) (scroll for fluffier ones) I feel that in the show we see a good amount of Lena getting into trouble and I would honestly be surprised if after 5 years (canon-compliant time) she wouldn't have any scars on her. Of course, since in the canon-compliant timeline she doesn't actually get seriously injured so they're not very noticeable once they fade (but in my post-canon au I do think she would have slightly more noticeable ones). Anywho- Lena also strikes me as the type of person who is (deep, deep, deep down- god she buries it so far down) pretty insecure. I think sometimes, although she'll go to work in a sleeveless dress or in a shirt that shows off her forearms and just be an all-powerful badass bitch boss, she'll wake up that morning- look at herself, and hate what she sees. She'll be taking a break from work and see a few scars littering her forearms. She'll put another layer on that covers them and tries not to cry (this is why for a while she'll also more frequently wear suits/more masculine coded outfits in my post-canon au). Lena is also definitely very soft and has tummy rolls- and this fuels her physical self-hatred/discontentment. BUT- our beloved Kara comes to the rescue! Kara would just hold Lena sometimes before bed and take the opportunity to tell her how beautiful she is and how much she loves her. Of course, she makes sure to tell Lena all of this at every chance she gets, but on quiet, slow evenings, she'll take the time to kiss each and every single blemish on the brunette's body and make sure she understands how wonderful she is. Kara is also in love with her tummy rolls and takes every chance she gets to kiss her stomach.
Which leads me to my next headcanon! (overwhelmed Lena) Lena (especially at the beginning of their relationship) easily gets overwhelmed by happy feels when she's with Kara cuddling (wow look it's my comic asdjakdja), or it's a lazy Sunday, and Kara's whispering sweet nothings into her ears as she tried to watch a movie or read a book. Kara, once realizing Lena's getting overwhelmed, tries to calm her down and once hearing her heartbeat return to normal- asks what she wants. Lena has two reactions to happy feels overload; "kiss me Kara Zor-El or so help me-" or something along those lines, and, "give me a minute". Kara of course always makes sure to respect all of her wishes. If Lena wants space, Kara goes and gets her a small snack usually. Relating into this, I also think Lena gets uncomfortable with touch on occasion- getting chills or starts mildly panicking when one of her friends brings her into a hug, or pats her back. This also applies to Kara- sometimes gets tense when, without warning, Kara will take her hand in hers, or hug her waist. Of course, Kara picks up on it relatively quickly (the first time it happens she makes sure that Lena knows to talk to her about it, and Lena does) and makes sure to give her space until Lena comes to her. I'll talk about one more darker one and then move on to just some short, cute fluffy ones- (nightmares and grieving)
THE CW DID THEM SO DIRTY. Both Kara and Lena have suffered through so much shit and the CW just skipped over it like how I do with my breakfast. Both Kara and Lena have nightmares. Especially right after the end of s6, they get them more often than not. And they find themselves calling each other after nightmares, and talking (either about them or just other things to lighten the mood). And for a while, Lena cries and grieves Lillian (I think everything that happened right before she died- in those few minutes- just sent Lena into a spiral of emotions she didn't know how to process). It's then that Lena asks Kelly about therapy, and starts getting it. Things aren't immediately better, nor is progress linear, but as the years progress, the pain she feels blends into the background. Kara, on the other hand, does not go to therapy and it takes longer for her to heal. But once Lena starts living with her, she's there and helping her through her grief and pain, and Kara's nightmares slowly become less and less frequent.
NOW ONTO SHORT N FLUFFY -Lena sometimes steals Kara's cape and uses it as a weighted blanket when sleeping (Kara gets and extra one made because she cant seem to take it off of her) -Kara steals various clothes from Lena's wardrobe (we know they swap clothes in the series as well) and the fit shouldn't go well together but IT DOES and Lena (along with half of CATCO is confused)
-After getting married: Kara and Lena wear both wedding rings and bracelets. The human population has absolutely zero clue as to what the bracelets are- and a lot of them speculate they were wedding gifts. But since they are more important to the couple than the rings, sometimes one of them (or both) forgets their ring at home and some of the other media corporations get super confused about it and start speculating every time it happens "LUTHOR-DANVERS: THE DIVORCE OF THE DECADE?" .
-Lena and Kara absolutely love ABBA (but hate Mamma Mia the movies) and have a record player as well as 3 boxes of old records they put on from time to time while cleaning up around the apartment - A not so fun one: (angry) yelling is quite triggering for Lena- and tells Kara so. If they argue, its usually just a heated conversation. -Lena sleeps on the left side of the bed. (Kara loves seeing the sun filtered through glass and creating a halo around the brunette and Kara is so gay). -Kara buys her own merch, but Lena is always the one who ends up wearing it and Kara really can't seem to find it in herself to care. - Lena definitely steals Kara's potstickers (Kara lets her) and the first time it happens at game night all hell breaks loose -Lena sleep talks but usually unintelligibly "ahh ausfnsdfiuefsj and I don't wanna.... asjdkdjskf why australia?". Kara usually wakes up when it happens, and jots down everything she said to tell her in the morning. -Lena makes grabby hands at Kara to show she wants cuddles -While doing the dishes, or other household chores, Kara usually sings about what she's doing (but doesn't realize she does it) "washin the dishes, mmm mhm mhm! aaaaandddd towelin em dry! woo!" and Lena wants to marry her all over again -Kara loves painting (this we see) and tried to convince lena to paint w/ her. Lena can't do art to save her life. - Kara goes out to fight in a supergirl onesie because crime interrupted their game night and everyone flips "What! It was Onesie Wednesday!"
-sometimes for fun, Kara gives Lena piggyback rides and asks lena to make noises like a jetpack or engine- the superfriends are so done with their bullshit
-kara and lena get a cat (streaky) and kara takes the opportunity to; first- do that trend where you let your cat pick their political party, pronouns, etc. (streaky uses he/they pronouns) and then dress him up in the most absurd outfits (streaky doesnt seem to mind, but lena groans and walks away every time Kara bring home a new fit). And for now- this is the last one because I've already been writing for like two hours (im sorry its so long ajsdkasdaskdajsd)
-Kara starts wearing the House of El crest on her clothing more and more often, and works her way up to wearing formal kryptonian attire to galas and events (once getting married Lena asks Kara if it's alright to wear similar attire- with Kara of course being really happy and saying yes). Anyways- asdasjkdaskdjaksd i went overboard and i apologize but uh- ill leave this here :)
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starry-bright · 3 months
Lemme get uh...
11, 23, 42, 56 for Miss Joy
48, 50 for Miss Kara
And 22, 37, 47 for Cliiiiiooooo
- xoxo your biggest fan
For Joy:
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
This is so tough cuz Joy is such a wild card 😂 you’d have to out-weird whoever was impersonating her. Ask her to touch an obvious trap or other stupid reckless thing, if she doesn’t /at least/ try for it, that’s not Joy. Alternatively, say sexually suggestive stuff around “her” and if she doesn’t make a single awful sex joke then you gotta kill on sight.
23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Joy so rarely feels guilt, but I think she holds a non-zero amount of guilt for her past ruining a lot of the underground network she and her ex partner (???) Norma built for ferrying refugees to safety. I don’t think she ever was able to explain the complexity of her past lives and twin soul, and so Norma doesn’t know the real reasons why it was broken down
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
Joy’s TED talk would start as a fun lecture on music and performance, and then she would start bringing up really thinly veiled commentary about class inequality and she’d inexplicably intertwine kickass music with a very charged hidden message of “fuck the man.” She’d title it: “lo-fi beats to revolt to”
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear? (Joy)
Joy doesn’t feel fear towards “average” things, but when she was still facing the huge unknown of her lost memories of past lives, that scared her to an existential degree. She did find comfort in her party members, who for some reason stuck around and refused to be swayed by her bad choices. Without them, she’d probably seek the comfort of a good tavern and a nice lay, tbh. and sometimes she’ll do that anyway xD
For Kara:
48. Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do? (Kara)
Kara hates going to most large social gatherings, but would always go and keep Hua company as the setting’s companion of the avatar, and she never lets her little brother suffer alone. Sometimes her friends Sakiko and Shisui will talk her out of the air temple to participate in their weird wrestling events, and she’d always sweep the floor on everyone and leave as quickly as possible 😂
50. What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with? (Kara)
Oh this is tough…well I guess for one, Kara is much more willing to go the “murder” route, even if she’s now a serene monk that does peace talks every day, than I am. I also think she’s a lot more devoted to a fault than myself, which I used to be 😅 but Kara has a single minded devotion that led her to some sad consequences and mistakes…
For Clio:
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character? (Clio)
This is so embarrassing for her, but being a rich kid growing up never having to do the most basic chores…Clio cannot figure out laundry. She’s terrified of ruining her fanciest clothes and is baffled about the concept of clotheslines. “I mean some random stranger can just snatch my stockings whenever they want!”
37. What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell? (Clio)
Ohohohoh…I don’t think Clio would ever tell anyone, including romantic partners (even her lifelong crush & eventual partner Po), about the origins of some of the scars she has from childhood. Some are self-inflicted, while others were punishments for misbehaving or failing to meet expectations of her parents. Clio would have a very hard time bringing those memories up, and no amount of therapy would make it easier to talk about.
47. Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well? (Clio)
I think there was a bard we met on the road in the campaign I played her in, and she really heckled him and gave him tons of shit. I bet he remembers her 😂 Alternatively, I think she probably bullied another kid at magic school and it really left an impression on them, but Clio eventually goes through her Redemption Arc (tm) and forgets she did that. Maybe they confront her 50 years later and she’s like, “oh, shit. Sorry, um. Here’s 100gp. Does that..make up for it?”
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talas-first-lady · 1 year
Ok so additional Supergirl thoughts that I’m not going to get too in depth with because I feel like death. But. I am now halfway-ish through season 2.
I still do not understand the whole J’onn and M’gann thing. They pretty clearly establish her as a stand in for his daughters at first but then he’s in love with her. It makes no sense and is so vaguely disquieting that I’m half glad she goes back to Mars.
I didn’t remember Lena being this boring.
Look, you know I love Alex Danvers with all my heart but Maggie deserves a raise for putting up with her.
The entire DEO deserves a raise as well for having to exist in the general vicinity of the superfriends.
Everyone on this show needs therapy, but today I am specifically calling out James Olsen for deciding that a metal suit was the correct answer to his problems.
This super annoying thing is happening where I actually enjoy Mon-El before he starts dating Kara. It’s the same phenomenon as Hook on OUAT, Constantine on Legends, etc. Characters that are surprisingly delightful despite themselves up until they become bad boyfriends.
And it doesn’t help that Mon-El plays into my favorite trope which is “I don’t know how to human!” But he puts such an interesting twist on it.
Like I love Wonder Woman because of her innocent excitement at everything she encounters. And then you have Mon-El who has absolutely none of that innocence and is generally acting in bad faith but like... can’t figure out telephones and social security numbers. Diana is amazed by everything but also deeply disappointed to find out that humans suck. Mon-El has no illusions about the world being a good place and he keeps running into petty inconveniences that he just Does Not Get.
It’s just a really interesting take on that trope that he’s not coming from a place of innocence at all. But then they go and ruin it.
The season 2 characters are just so deeply unlikable* that I’m like “at least Mon-El knows he’s a douchebag.”
*Not including Alex and Maggie who are disasters but they’re pretty disasters so I will allow it. Also Lena sometimes.
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broadwayfangirl222 · 1 year
For character ask: Bertie
Favorite thing about them:
That despite her anxiety and stuff she still pushes her self and does all this stuff to at least try to improve her situation and make herself happier. Idk it's just nice to see a character shown to go to therapy a few times and show that it genuinely helps
Least Favorite Thing About Them:
Idk I guess how at points she basically just avoids and runs from her issues but they address that and you can understand her thought process with it at times
Favorite Line:
"I'm losing my shit...for so many reasons" just that whole song is hilarious
Her and Tuca, they just are so sweet and supportive
Her and Speckle are adorable and tbh I also kinda like them and tuca being an OT3 too
Her and Pastry Pete. Just for obvious reasons. Such an asshole
Random Headcanon:
She's into musicals and would love to perform but she has stage fright
UnPopular Opinion:
idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I just don't want the fandom to woobify her and basically infantilize her 'cause of her anxiety and past trauma. I haven't seen it in the fandom yet but i've just seen that happen a lot with characters like her
Song I associate with them:
This song from the musical from the musical "Waitress"
Favorite Picture of Them:
I have others but I just love what this moment meant with Bertie stepping and how it shows she loves tuca as herself unlike kara and it’s just was such a gorgeous sequence
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
I need you (I always will)
by DeathByA1000Cuts77
Lena is worried sick when Kara runs late. She knows she shouldn't be but she can't help it. So when Kara finally does get home, they have a big heart to heart. Lena needs therapy. This is as close as she'll ever get to a session.
“Do you want to break it off?” there was no judgment in her voice just pain, heartbreaking and pure pain.
God no she didn’t want that. Christ, Kara was probably the love of her life.
Lena knew she wanted to stay with Kara for as long as she would have her, but somehow at that moment she couldn’t get any words out. She knew she had to say something, anything but she couldn’t. God only knows why.
Words: 1301, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Dialogue Heavy, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Kara Danvers Needs a Hug, Lena Luthor Needs Therapy, Lena Luthor Gets a Hug, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, One Shot
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/QZRX09l via IFTTT https://ift.tt/QZRX09l
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