#kate's bucket my beloved....
pastawayallday · 2 months
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I don’t particularly enjoy the bad future but Kate Bush came and I had too.
Honestly I like more the idea of Raph dying first (rip beloved) but the fact there aren’t official character designs for future Donnie makes me think my man kicked the bucket really soon 💀
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
Alfons vs Roger event (Part 1)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Crown’s relationship is perfectly balanced.
Though they couldn’t be considered friends or family, there’s an unspoken connection and trust.
—Well, except for a certain “pair”.
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Alfons and Roger: Unbelievable.
Kate: Did something happen? You two said that together the minute you came back from the mission.
Today, Alfons and Roger were supposed to be chasing after a serial killer who had caused quite a stir.
Roger: Al, if you’d drawn him over, I could’ve sent him to the after life in a heartbeat.
Alfons: Wow, you’re putting the blame on another? Had I not chased after you, you would have dropped dead.
Roger: I’m gonna wrap those words with a ribbon and give them back to you.
Alfons: Then I’ll wrap that ribbon around your neck.
Kate: Um, so what happened to the criminal in the end?
Alfons and Roger: William happened.
Meaning William, who seemed to have gone ahead, took care of the criminal instead of these two who couldn’t work together at all.
Kate: Regardless, I’m glad the criminal was caught.
Alfons and Roger: I’m not.
Kate: Huh?
Alfons: Every time I go on a mission with Roger, my delicate heart gets another scratch. Ahhh, woe is me!
Roger: What delicate heart. A delicate guy wouldn’t come at you himself. (•̀ ⌓ •́)
(This sort of sight isn’t surprising anymore)
Alfons and Roger have known each other since they were kids.
Had they been old friends, they would’ve gotten along exceptionally well. However, it;s the complete opposite for the two of them.
(I have a feeling that these two have the worst relationship in Crown…)
Roger: Geez, I can’t deal with this anymore.
Alfons: Oh, then be my guest. Please leave Crown and live as you like.
(A Crown resignation emergency?!)
I look around, but unfortunately, I seem to be the only one around to intervene.
(What do I do, what do I do? Ah, I got it!)
Kate: You two! I won’t give you any chocolates if you keep fighting!
Alfons and Roger: Chocolate?
Roger: Oh yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day today, isn’t it? No wonder the city was bustling.
Alfons: I heard you were making “sweetheart chocolates” last night, Miss Kate.
Kate: How did you know?
Alfons: I’m the well-informed Mr.  Sylvatica.
Last night I was baking sweets with the maids when they encouraged me to make some “sweetheart chocolates”.
(I was planning on eating them all myself…)
Roger: Sounds good. I was gettin' tired of fighting. Let’s have a contest, Al. The winner gets Kate’s chocolates and serves the loser. How’s that sound?
Alfons: It’s the best of the worst of preferences. Yes, I like that.
Kate: Hold on, what is this?!
Alfons: So, what sort of contest are we doing? Anything beside a fistfight is fine. Ah, how about this. We have two shots of vodka, one of which is poisoned. A game with no hard feelings that can be won immediately.
Roger: If one of us kicks the bucket, then there’s no point in the servant rule. Then-
The games the two kept suggesting were so outrageous that it made me dizzy.
(At this rate, a city or two is going to get blown up. What the heck do I do?)
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Victor: O~kay my cute cursed ones! This nonsense stops here.
Kate: Victor!
Victor: You two fight the moment I take my eyes off of you. Bad, I say. Bad!
Alfons/Roger: It’s Roger’s fault./It’s Al’s fault.
Victor: I’m not blaming anyone. I don’t mind the contest, okay? However, I don’t like negative games where the other dies from poison and things like that. I can’t afford to lose either of you. That’s not cute at all.
Kate: ……Not cute?
Victor: So here’s my proposal. Remember my friend, Viscount Morris?
Alfons: He’s the rich eccentric who owns a luxury cruise ship.
Victor: Yes, yes. The viscount’s beloved niece’s birthday is today. A birthday party will be hosted in one of his estates. The girl in honor has fled. I believe she went out of the country on vacation. 
Alfons: She’s a runaway horse, isn’t she? Perhaps a consequence of being raised like a princess. A pity.
Victor: The viscount came to me in tears, so I considered going as her double…
Roger: If the lady suddenly became huge and burly, that’d make a failure of a party.
Victor: Therefore, Kate. I want you to pretend to be the lady.
Kate: I knew this was where the story was going.
Victor: Haha, you’re becoming more like Crown! So, Alfons, Roger, I want you two to serve as Kate’s caretakers so that she doesn’t get exposed.
Roger: But what’s that gotta do with our contest?
Victor: Hm, that’s actually a good question! How about you compete for “friendship points” while acting as caretakers?
Kate:  What are “friendship points”?
Victor: Simple. You get a point if you’re friendly to the other. Oh, and the judge is Kate of course.
Roger: So the winner’s the one with the most points and gets Kate’s chocolates.
The proposal was completely unexpected, but it sounds like a good way for the two to get along.
Kate: I think it’s a good idea. I’ll also help the viscount.
Roger: If the little lady’s fine with it, then I’m game. Besides, it sounds like we’re gonna get kicked because of this pointless fight.
Alfons: I feel as if I’m being forced into something troublesome, but I’m fine with it. I’d also like to put an end to this pointless fight. Well… She and the chocolate will ultimately be mine.
Roger: You sure? I take what I want. You ready for that?
Alfons and Roger looked at me, and I blink in return.
Alfons, in an overly gentlemanly manner, shook Roger’s hand.
Alfons: Let’s have a fair, “friendly” match, Roger.
Kate: Ah. That’s one friendship point for you, Alfons!
Roger: What? Damn it, that was dirty.
Alfons wipes his hand, which had touched Roger’s, with a handkerchief.
Alfons: There’s nothing clean or dirty in this contest, is there Miss Kate?
Victor: Mhmm, it’s charming how they’re becoming fast friends. Fabulous!
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sea-owl · 6 months
What about an au that in it Anthony, Benedict, and Colin recruit their future sister in-laws.
Like the guys are trying to court the loves of their lives but Kate, Sophie, and Penelope are all oblvious and or in denial. So an inside man or rather woman is needed.
Enter Edwina, Posy, and Felicity, their loves' beloved younger sisters.
Anthony got lucky with asking for Edwina's help. One of the few things Edwina wanted the most was to see her sister happily married as well. Kate acted more like a chaperone than a woman looking for marriage herself, which was a shame in Edwina's eyes since she knew Kate was a secret romantic. So when Viscount Bridgerton came to her not as a suitor but as a potential brother-in-law, Edwina was delighted to jump on the chance.
Benedict got Posy's help by complete accident. In this AU, Earl Penwood hadn't kicked the bucket but still only claimes Sophie as his ward. It's an open secret one look at Sophie, and they know she's his illegitimate daughter. But it's not acknowledged, so no one says anything. Sophie does not care for London and is happier when they are in the countryside. She does not want a husband who takes mistresses like her father did and potentially brings more children in the world like her. Nor does she plan to risk any illegitimate children herself. She's decided spinsterhood is best for her and is just waiting it out. Of course, Benedict fell in love with her at first sight. Unfortunately for him, due to her experiences, Sophie is weary of any promises or pretty words a man says. Posy just happened to see Benedict have a woe is me moment in the garden during a ball after Sophie had yet again managed to evade him. Her thought was that this man was pathetic, but then the inner romantic side of Posy thought it was kinda sweet this Bridgerton still held a soft spot for her favorite sister. Posy asked Benedict ofnhe owned any property in the country. Benedict tells her yes and a little bit about My Cottage. Posy then says she'll help Benedict wins her sister's hand so long as she gets to visit. Benedict agrees, enthusiastically shaking Posy's hand.
Now, to be fair to Colin, he was probably on the right track using bribes to get Felicity to help him. Felicity is Hyacinth's bestie, and everyone knows if you want Hyacinth to do something, you gotta bribe her. The downside is that Felicity is Hyacinth's bestie, so she knows how to negotiate a bribe, and the hand of Felicity's favorite sister, plus the add on feature of distracting Eloise to give Colin time with just Penelope, is a high price. Colin's pockets were lighter than when he entered that day, but now he has a partner in crime and a list of gifts he and Felicity compiled together to start his courtship with Penelope.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Batfam when meeting their S/O's parents please
Dick: "Hello sir, it's nice to finally meet you"
Jason: "Your kid calls me daddy too"
Tim: "If the house was on fire and I had to choose between Bernard and the coffee maker, I'd probably choose Bernard"
Damian: "I fail to understand how someone as radiant as my beloved came from you"
Duke: "So... Izzy told me you like fishing"
Cullen: "Do I get a punny gang name too? I'm down with whatever as long as it's not Straight Flush. I'm more of a Queen of Diamonds guy, but Ace of Spades works too. Or Blackjack. That'd be cool too"
Stephanie: "What do I do? Well, that depends. Work-wise, I just finished a three-week stint at iHOP and now I'm moving on to greener pastures at Waffle House, though my ultimate goal is to invent a new way to toast bagels evenly. But I don't wanna be defined by how much money I can make for someone else, so I guess the real answer to what I do lies in my passion for crocheting tiny bucket hats for longer-than-average ferrets" ˆ
Cassandra: *breathes heavily*
Barbara: "I heard you were having trouble setting up Alexa. I can help you if you'd like. By the way, this tiramisu is to die for. What's the recipe?"
Harper: "Don't worry, I make above minimum wage"
Carrie: "I got you a dictionary from 1375 so you'll never forget that 'they' is a singular pronoun"
Kate: "I didn't make your daughter like women, I just upgraded her to Lesbian Premium™"
Alfred: "Do not underestimate my preparedness and ability to live ordinarily amidst chaos"
Selina: "Hi, Alfred. How's it going?"
Bruce: "I love Selina with every fiber of my being, which is why I'm on my knees now begging for your blessing to marry her" *cue chorus of meows* "I owe you all my thanks"
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Some random headcanons with no theme in particular because I definitely should be working on my finals rn-
Constance sometimes puts glitter in Kate's bucket. No one has ever caught her in the act, but they know it's her because who else?
Reynie has tinea versicolor. My boy is so stressed it began manifesting physically god help him.
So many game nights ! They play chess of course, but Uno is a beloved contestant too, especially Uno flip because they get to strategize more.
Sticky's room has different coloured walls, there are three light grey walls. For the last one, he hesitated with wine red but finally settled on a dark-ish shade of turquoise
Kate loves funny socks. Not necessarily funny-funny but interesting ones. Her favourite pair is a circus one Milligan gave her for her birthday
Mr. Benedict knows Gaelic.
ASOUE was one of Number Two's favourite book series as a child.
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mvshortcut · 2 years
Thinking about Milligan and Kate's bucket.
Thinking about the scene after she falls off the cliff - or, more importantly to Kate, her bucket falls off the cliff and into the water. Thinking about the tentative hand on her shoulder, unsure if he's allowed to offer her this comfort. The understanding etched on his face - I lost my bucket, what will I do without my bucket? - you keep going. It's the only thing you can do.
Thinking about how the instant he hears the bucket clatter against the rocks, he's striding over, picking it up and holding it out to her. Watching her face as she reunites with her beloved bucket. Taking in the joy and relief and the calm on her face - and he looks a little lighter, somehow, in that moment.
Thinking about them in the books, too, because of course Milligan's love for his daughter crosses every universe. Thinking about how amid the clamor of the Institute shutting down and the children's mission ending, the governmental tangle they must've been dealing with - not to mention the sudden return of his last ten years of stolen memories - Milligan goes back to the island and recovers Kate's most precious items from her lost bucket. Her spyglass, her Swiss Army knife, her magnet, her flashlight. He helps her start anew with the rest.
Thinking about how when he suggests a utility belt instead, and Kate shoots that down, he doesn't push or insist. He says, Alright, Katie-Cat. How about we build a flip-top together so your items don't fall out of your bucket?
(Was that their first project together? In their farmhouse, so new and yet so familiar, saying we're a family now. I'm in this with you; I'm here for you now. Let's work on your bucket.)
Thinking about how Milligan loves Kate so quietly, so softly, through caring for the bucket attached to her hip. (It's just an extension of Kate herself, really.)
Thinking about how Kate doesn't hesitate to throw her precious bucket in order to save her father from his would-be killer, four stories above the ground on the roof of an abandoned prison. Thinking about how when she finds the bucket later on the ground below, it's bashed in and mangled and almost completely ruined. She belts it to her hip anyway.
But then, Kate's a fighter. Her love has always been loud.
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
ok umm i've really not seen any kate stuff? anywhere? so i'd like to hear your thoughts on kate (preferably angst) please!! you are awesome btw <3
ok i don't actually know if you are intending to talk about book!kate or show!kate but i will be mostly if not completely discussing show!kate rip if that was not what you meant but i've seen the show a lot more recently
OKAY. so. i'll start small with some headcanons:
kate is soooo autistic. and adhd. audhd my beloved. yes i say this about pretty much every character i like but with kate it's PARTICULARLY true. (i believe i said in the mbs server the book!kate feels like she has adhd with a side of autism while show!kate feels like she had autism with a side of adhd and i stand by that. but it's vibes based not like, literal.)
but like she can have trouble expressing her feelings, even to herself. she'll either be unable to hide her reactions/expressions, or she'll barely have one at all, and seem unbothered. she's also very blunt and unafraid to state her opinion to anyone, even if it seems "rude". but she isn't rude, really, as it's not that kind of "blunt truth" some assholes like to parade about when they're really just being dicks to everyone. she's still kind, she only says something negative if someone has done something negative (ie, "you are very unpleasant" to someone actively antagonizing everyone in the room is on the table, but just randomly insulting someone for the sake of "blunt honesty" is not. she's never like, mean.)
also shes GAYYYY. or possibly bi, i don't have an opinion on that. on one hand lesbian energy on the other i could definitely see bi bi bi. but if you don't think her and martina got something on i don't know what to tell you. that being said i could also see her as a-spec, but not necessarily in a way that conflicts with Whatever's Going On With Martina. (to be fair, hpwever, one could argue martina was more into kate than vice versa, i could see an argument for aro kate for sure)
green beanie is comfort beanie. she very rarely takes it off. where do you think she got it? angsty answer is somehow it's from her dad, but realistically she probably got it later in life. (doesn't mean she didn't choose it for similar reasons, though... not knowing why she was drawn to the green hat, not remembering it's the same shade as one her father wore....)
also the bucket. i do wonder when she got the bucket. this one, while again a milligan-related reason would be super fucked up (in the fun sad way), i feel like. i feel like it's more that as a kid she felt like she needed to be Prepared. maybe something happened where she wasn't, or maybe she just felt like she wanted to be ready, just in case, all the time. but like. her getting a bucket, modifying it herself, experimenting with different ways to put it on her belt, the inventory changing over the years as some things were discarded or added over time... idk i just think. kate developing her bucket
kate & constance was so good and i want to see more of their friendship. so bad. each realizing the other isn't so bad bc they're forced to work together... chefs kiss. also, the only person other than mr benedict we really see constance actually seem to openly like in some capacity.
kate & sticky underrated. their talk before the cheating was such a good scene. i also want more of this dynamic
i should also mention kate & reynie, which i do genuinely like--the hug is sweet--but i admit is my maybe least favorite of the society dynamics with kate. although i do enjoy the contrast between kate "IM GONNA GO CLIMB THAT TOWER" wetherall and reynie "please why am i the only voice of reason holding this group together" muldoon
i've only explored it in that one fic but i actually think kate & mr benedict would be such a good dynamic, especially because in the show it's inexplicably established he's into engineering. LET THEM BOND OVER BUILDING WEIRD SHIT PLEASE
okay to get a little more into specifics methinks,
i just think a lot about kate like. immediately after season one, and--we'll just. we'll ignore season 2 for now, let's set this in my current anomalous idea of them all in season one (which, rip wetherall farm, but is currently number two & rhonda off at the airshows with mr benedict, constance, milligan, and kate in the house) so like just.
you've been alone your entire life. you've been independent, and you've grown up thinking that the only person you ever had just left you one day for no reason, and in doing so broke a direct promise. and then now, you not only have friends who've you learned to rely on and not just try and do everything yourself, but suddenly you have reliable adults. and more importantly, more specifically, your dad, who never left you but had been taken. had been erased, and even brainswept had never truly stopped looking.
and kate isn't stupid. she heard his story. she knows he must have been through Some Shit. and that he'd have come back if he could. but there's still that pain, that ache, of how long he was missing, for like, more than three quarters of her life! he vanished when she was 3! but now it's like. oh. he did want me. he was taken. he was taken.
so that's an almost identity altering shift in her worldview. and on top of that, her current world is now so completely different: rather than independence and circus life, she's got friends her age who genuinely like her, who she's bonded with through major adversity, and she has adults who actually listen to her and like her. and she has her dad.
and it grates sometimes--she's independent, she doesn't need to be treated like a baby! but also it's like. it's bizarre, because they care, but they don't condescend to her, they do understand she's intelligent and capable even if they want to protect her. and she's never really had adults like that before. not since she was three
so it's a weird mix of like being sort of happy/pleased, because they care, she can rely on them, and being kind of annoyed/frustrated because while she's learned she doesn't need to be entirely independent she still struggles with it. because she's kate wetherall, and she's always prepared, and she feels like she has to be prepared for what will happen if they leave if they're taken from her. she can't rely on them completely, can she? what happens when she loses them again?
and then the mix feelings of old long-buried resentment/anger under buried sadness/loneliness under a crisp crust of i'm perfectly fine, mixed with the new feelings of anger on his behalf, at curtain, sadness at the missing time, at how close he'd been for all these years without either of them knowing it, sadness for him, for herself. but like all of it is still like. under her trying to pretend like she's fine. (and her difficulty expressing emotions, even to herself, does Not Help.)
not to mention as much as genuinely loved the mission in some ways--her new friends (including martina), the adventure, helping people, her bucket coming crazy in handy, etc.--it wasn't exactly a cake walk.
she has nightmares, sometimes: about martina's face when she walked into the waiting room. about sticky's face when he walked out of it. about falling and falling and falling except there aren't warm, safe arms to catch her. about the nodes attached to her face and the long, metallic spires pointed at her, ready to wipe her like her father had been wiped. about her father leaving and never coming home, never being found. about being caught. about losing her friends. about curtain. about all of it.
but she doesn't want to share it because one, she doesn't want them to feel guilty: she did what she had to, and she doesn't regret it. two, and more importantly, she doesn't want them to not let her come on the next mission. (kate had already kind of had the idea that they would have another--they were a team! teams didn't just split up!--but now she's sure of it. curtain's still out there, after all, and he didn't seem the type to just give up.)
i think maybe constance might bully her into talking about it--we already know she can feel dreams (with her comment about sticky dreaming about steak and sticky asking her how she knew that) and as they're on a more even ground she'd be more likely to actually say something. but constance would poke at her about it and probably get her irritated in the process.
(also possible, she talks to mr benedict about this, bc again im a sucker for their dynamic + part of the problem is not wanting to hurt milligan's feelings, and one thing i like about this is i think mr benedict would be extremely kind and understanding about it, and really help like, gently guide her through it, and she'd be like wow adults have never actually helped me before, wild, and then the second she leaves he's like [collapsing into a mess] oh god. oh god. because on one hand he just desperately hopes that helped, and on the other hand, he's having a million crises. oh god. he put actual kids in danger. she's so small number two. number two she's so fucking small and she's having nightmares and it's my brother that took her dad and ohmygodohmygodohmygod. like literally it's like he goes from "kalm" to "PANIK" the second shes out of range. like the dissonance between mr benedict (around the kids, a calm and kindly mentor who seems to know what he's doing for the most part) and nicholas (0.0003 seconds from a panic attack rn, full to the brim with anxiety and guilt) is. hilarious, in a sad way. but i digress, mr benedict tangent over, sorry)
ANYWAY also kate and milligan. like. getting to know him again, and vice versa. this is personally painful for me. like so many years, this disconnect between them hurts, but like. it starts with that hug, with her letting herself lean into his side, letting him put an arm around her shoulders, and he's like. in tears a bit. and like. then over time just. trying to tell each other about their lives--particularly kate recounting her adventures--and marveling a bit at how similar they are in many ways. milligan slowly getting memories back and remembering her as a little girl and seeing her now, all grown up but so small and hurt still, and like. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i also have so many thoughts head full on them & mr benedict, and also throwing in constance and everyone really, but that's too many and this is already long and i dont even know how to put it to words so i'll refrain for now. anyway my point is: kate wetherall. hug her please
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clancystallings04 · 2 years
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The inaugural version of the biker was obtainable solely in black or brown, however the home, not identified for being shy, soon made them out there in a rainbow of colours. Instead of a somber impartial, your biker may be lavender or lime, persimmon or pale pink—maybe even striped, or daubed with graffiti, in an explosion of high-low exuberance. The “This Is Not a Gucci Bag” is a reference to René Magritte’s 1929 The Treachery of Images portray, but additionally to Gucci’s vandalism of its personal products. The alphabet has reset for Balenciaga codes, with the letters A via D being used for two totally different seasons/years. While the D tag could be either F/W 2003 or S/S 2016, for example, the fonts and styles of the tags for each seasons look completely completely different so it’s straightforward to tell them apart. At the end of the day, no one can let you know if a thousand plus dollar handbag is “worth it.” What I can say, as a former Merchandiser and somebody who holds a B.S. In Apparel Merchandising & Design, is that I do assume Balenciaga costs their baggage fairly for the market and the materials. Similar to different iconic fashion design homes like Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Alexander McQueen, and Christian Dior, Bottega Veneta – Balenciaga is a recognizable and high powered brand name. Balenciaga prices rival that of its design opponents. It might not have been the first designer bag I ever bought – but it’s simply one of my most beloved. This Balenciaga SGH Pompon hobo arrives in a bucket-style design. The gorgeous bag is made from brown leather-based and is held by two top handles and a detachable shoulder strap. 100 percent genuine Balenciaga 'Giant Money' continental wallet in black distressed leather featuring gold-tone hardware. On 1stDibs, discover vintage Balenciaga bags, day clothes, shirts and other clothes and niknaks. Fashionphile items are additionally returnable – a BIG differentiator between Fashionphile and different pre-loved retailers with non-existent return insurance policies. As long as you keep the pink Fashionphile tag on the item and return throughout the return window, you’ll get all of your a refund if you select to return your merchandise. Shopping pre-loved just isn't solely environmentally pleasant, however can prevent a ton of money. Often even the types which may be listed as “like new” are deeply discounted. This is particularly true for a brand like Balenciaga and a bag like the City Bag. The City Bag hasn’t been known to hold it’s worth on the second hand market – which isn’t amazing for sellers but is nice for buyers! The luxurious label nonetheless continues to craft recognizable classics, like the Cabas and Blanket Square which are highly sought upon by many. Bag, leather-based, other patterns, entrance logo, adjustable shoulder strap, zipper fastening, detachable shoulder strap, gold-tone hardware, exterior pocket, internal pockets, day bag Inclu... This Balenciaga Brief tote is ideal for everyday use. Crafted from leather-based in Italy, the bag has a female design with two prime handles, a front zip pocket, and silver-tone hardwar... https://phoenet.tw/balenciaga-replica.html Shopping pre-loved is best for the surroundings, giving types a second probability at love and life in your closet as an alternative of ending up in the landfill. wikipedia handbags He soon followed it with boutiques in Madrid and Barcelona, drawing such clientele as the Spanish royal family. You can request a return or an trade for any product within30 daysfrom the delivery date. Whether it's to store your every day necessities or add fashion to your look, a Balenciaga bag is the ultimate word selection. From celebrities like Mary-Kate Olsen to Sienna Miller, Balenciaga luggage are sought-after by ladies across the globe.
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weinsteinpollock0 · 2 years
Balenciaga Outlet Store, Low Cost Balenciaga Luggage Outlet Sale At Bcgoutletmall Com
The inaugural version of the biker was obtainable solely in black or brown, but the house, not recognized for being shy, quickly made them obtainable in a rainbow of colours. Instead of a somber neutral, your biker could be lavender or lime, persimmon or pale pink—maybe even striped, or daubed with graffiti, in an explosion of high-low exuberance. The “This Is Not a Gucci Bag” is a reference to René Magritte’s 1929 The Treachery of Images painting, but also to Gucci’s vandalism of its personal merchandise. The alphabet has reset for Balenciaga codes, with the letters A by way of D getting used for 2 totally different seasons/years. While the D tag could be both F/W 2003 or S/S 2016, for instance, the fonts and styles of the tags for each seasons look utterly different so it’s simple to tell them aside. At the end of the day, no one can let you know if a thousand plus greenback purse is “worth it.” What I can say, as a former Merchandiser and someone who holds a B.S. In Apparel Merchandising & Design, is that I do assume Balenciaga prices their baggage pretty for the market and the supplies. Similar to different iconic style design homes like Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Alexander McQueen, and Christian Dior, Bottega Veneta – Balenciaga is a recognizable and high powered brand name. Balenciaga prices rival that of its design opponents. It could not have been the first designer bag I ever purchased – however it’s easily certainly one of my most beloved. This Balenciaga SGH Pompon hobo arrives in a bucket-style design. The beautiful bag is produced from brown leather and is held by two prime handles and a removable shoulder strap. 100 percent genuine Balenciaga 'Giant Money' continental wallet in black distressed leather-based that includes gold-tone hardware. On 1stDibs, discover vintage Balenciaga luggage, day dresses, shirts and other clothing and accessories. Fashionphile items are also returnable – a BIG differentiator between Fashionphile and other pre-loved retailers with non-existent return policies. As long as you keep the pink Fashionphile tag on the item and return throughout the return window, you’ll get all of your a refund should you choose to return your item. Shopping pre-loved just isn't only environmentally pleasant, but can prevent a ton of cash. Often even the kinds which are listed as “like new” are deeply discounted. This is especially true for a brand like Balenciaga and a bag just like the City Bag. The City Bag hasn’t been recognized to hold it’s worth on the second hand market – which isn’t superb for sellers but is great for buyers! The luxury label nonetheless continues to craft recognizable classics, just like the Cabas and Blanket Square that are extremely sought upon by many. Bag, leather-based, other patterns, entrance logo, adjustable shoulder strap, zipper fastening, removable shoulder strap, gold-tone hardware, external pocket, inner pockets, day bag Inclu... This Balenciaga Brief tote is ideal for on an everyday basis use. Crafted from leather in Italy, the bag has a female design with two top handles, a entrance zip pocket, and silver-tone hardwar... Shopping pre-loved is better for the environment, giving kinds a second likelihood at love and life in your closet as an alternative of ending up in the landfill. He soon adopted it with boutiques in Madrid and Barcelona, drawing such clientele because the Spanish royal family. You can request a return or an exchange for any product within30 daysfrom the supply date. wikipedia handbags Whether it is to retailer your day by day necessities or add fashion to your look, a Balenciaga bag is the final word choice. From celebrities like Mary-Kate Olsen to Sienna Miller, Balenciaga bags are sought-after by ladies throughout the globe. balenciaga replica bag
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lealbrechtsen2 · 2 years
Chloé Replica Tasche Vintage Geldbörse Vintage Chloe
Over the decades, designers of the stature of Karl Lagerfeld have passed through the firm and the designs of the house have dressed celebrities as admired for his or her sophistication and femininity as Jackie Kennedy or Grace Kelly. More recently, Kate Hudson, Kylie Minogue or Michelle Williams have attended galas and events dressed by the French model. Sharing the bounty of our do-it-yourself pet goodies or giving people an easy way to make their own treats means the world to them. A fantastic present for an animal lover might seem like the everyday cookie or muffin combine layered like paintings in a clear jar. Just layer the ingredients for an extra particular treat designed for a beloved pet as an alternative. The challenges of diagnosing, treating and preventing varied animal maladies, coupled with financial constraints in a culture with a schizoid attitude towards animals , could additionally be overwhelming at instances. Exquisite gold bracelet, hanging in the entrance of the purse, can also be used as a deal with hand carry, saddle and half of the 2 models so that this new bag has a variety of trendy way. Those who have been gathering the crumbs on Cara's romantic path could additionally be confused about whether or not it is men or girls who excite her chloe baggage replica. She conveys a Millennial's ennui on the expectation that she must settle upon a sexual orientation, and her interests—video video games, sure; manicures, no—might register as gender-defiant within the realm of clothes and heels chloe bags outlet 2015. ("I'm a bro-ey chick," says Cara.) As this story went to press, she was significantly involved with the singer Annie Clark, better known by her stage name, St. Vincent. "I suppose that being in love with my girlfriend is an enormous a part of why I'm feeling so proud of who I am these days replica chloe bags uk. And for those words to return out of my mouth is definitely a miracle." The designer’s intention may be to vary the type with three totally different designs of shoulder straps. I have to say that such a design does have the suspicion of catching up with the complexity of the city flyover. How can Chloé followers think that altering the shoulder strap is equal to changing one? Among them, Drew and Faye and tons of other replica bag totes have turn out to be a phenomenon in the style circle for a while, and nearly all ladies who love fashion have a CHLOE ROY Mini Smoky Blue Leather Embroidered Horse Pattern Bucket Bag. Everyone thinks that the value of those two baggage is basically too excessive. "During this difficult time it is important we join together as a group to help each other," the assertion said. One of the two males within the car pointed a handgun at Vazquez, and he jumped out of his car at North Swan and First streets and ran down First.. About a yr after her modeling career took off she was made a proposal to go on a special picture shoot in Brazil. Its unique large physique design continues the pockets and metallic parts of the Faye sequence on the physique, making the whole extra practical. Light green hand-painted pure python snakeskin or dark purple-studded green ostrich leather-based ‘ are paired with a hand-lubricated calf leather-based handle. The leopard-printed horsehair texture calfskin is ingeniously matched to the principle pattern of the 2014–2015 autumn and winter show. The impact of the lace or embossed in the summary stitching design ‘and the hand-colored python skin’ absolutely highlights the interaction of the sample in the pure texture and transparency of the material. The limited version wine red crocodile leather-based is the right expression of the last word luxury of BAYLEE Replica Chloe Bags. "Save the National Parks" is an Ansel Adams esque black and white of tree trunks stacked like bodies, their limbs sawed off. Perhaps you will find the above recommended a number of bag isn't large enough, maybe you’ll like Marcie. Femininity and romance fusion Nineteen Seventies ethnic customs, Marcie Chloe is a typical day pack. Desperate, Reese tracks down a serial killer, Alvin Kapitski, and convinces him to take out Lucifer. If you need to be extra unique, the Replica Chloe Handbags tess saddle bag actually has a special model.He is carrying this bag to go to Paris Fashion Week to observe the present. The spotlight of the particular tees is the embroidered pony, and the pattern of many rivets. https://phoenet.tw/replica-chloe-bags.html The embroidered pony tess saddle bag has four colors, and each is a colour matching. Take the wonderfully made and fantastically completed Chloe dupe mini shoulder bag. Available in either high quality leather in a beautiful caramel brown with suede highlights or faux leather-based suitable for vegans, it's identical to the original right down to the gold steel chain. We can’t fault the finish and solely an skilled would know you're carrying a replica. Chloe bag iconic metal ring, shiny gold metal ring, you can also see the fantastic details. wikipedia handbags The Tess saddle bag is oval, and the bag is surrounded by a belt design that surrounds the bag and is then connected to the shoulder strap. Although the chloe tess saddle replica bag has no apparent brand, it's on a number of leathers. Engraved with logo, together with a hand strap and an extended shoulder strap. It will be on the shoulders of the brown medium-sized Faye Backpack elegant and comfortable. Chloe Marcie Medium Shoulder Bag Marcie handbags impressed by the nationwide wind in the Seventies, the unique hardware design and distinctive style of vintage hand stitching, is according to the retro development. Now, Drew and Faye have turn into Replica Chloe Bags iconic basic bags, and each season might be launched based on the season’s design, with different designs. Schreier, who beforehand directed the 2012 sci-fi movie Robot & Frank, believes the character of Margo resonated with Cara instantly cheap chloe replica bags. "I had her improvise with Nat, who had already been solid, and it was gripping," he remembers. 2015 style tendencies, the Nineteen Seventies and Nineteen Eighties popular retro parts, choose a bag which can be wild with this trend? Replica Chloe tote bag that is the brand Marcie sequence baggage, its design inspiration from the people fashion of the 1970s, and clothes with retro components of nature and natural. "Being on set was like getting to relive college again, but pleased," Cara says. "Trying to be an adult and be mature for therefore long, I'd type of forgotten how younger I was replica chloe bags." Though she first took the stage in a preschool play, she doesn't faux to a lot in the greatest way of technique. "I'm no Method actor. I've tried staying in character, and it's simply exhausting. But after playing Margo, I broke up with my boyfriend in a very Margo method. I wrote him a letter and left. That wasn't me chloe sale cheap 2015, it was Margo."
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estes03berry · 2 years
Robbers Make Off With $54k In Ysl Purses From San Francisco Store
The Solferino bag, a brand-new addition to the Saint Laurent home last fall, takes some direction from the traditional satchel with its boxy, practical design. It has an understated exterior, its foldover flap fixed by a big YSL brand plaque. The adjustable shoulder strap options matching gold-tone hardware. This practical tote bag features each a prime handle and a leather strap, permitting you to hold every little thing you need for the day. This bag has two aspect gussets which give the bag its fixed construction, and a series and leather-based shoulder strap that can be adjusted to realize your desired look. PurseValleyFactory has always synced with the replica fashion developments and have deeply invested within the R & D to ensure which fake brands are in the top-most bucket list of the fake handbags acquirers. Saint Laurent’s creation then carry a DNA however are not, as different brands’ purses, decades old best-sellers. Clever however most of all a jewellery-like work on leather-based is the very definition of the handbags traces at Saint Laurent. This structured shoulder bag comes with a squared entrance flap and is instantly recognizable with its emblem. Its considered inside provides room to at least one primary compartment, a slip pocket, and an open pocket at the entrance. wikipedia handbags A top handle and a series strap in steel hardware add to the bag’s versatility. Lovely black plexiglass minaudière ending with a pompom, typical of classic YSL gadgets. Shop a traditional Saint Laurent Monogram handbag with an ideal juxtaposition of gold or silver letters or an earth-hued YSL tassel bag, fringed like a cowboy’s jacket. Saint Laurent purses are remarkable fashion treasures; heirlooms to cross down from technology to era. Featuring a entrance flap with a leather en-cased interlocked YSL brand, this bag can simply match every thing you need every day. The interior of the bag is split into one main compartment, one flat pocket, and an interior zip pocket. Unlike related totes from other luxury brands, this Saint Laurent bag has an inside zipper pocket to let you arrange your necessities. The leather is smooth and lustrous and comes with a protracted over the shoulder strap to make carrying it easier. Another great YSL purse sale item contains the Saint Laurent Black Quilted Monogram Zip Around Wallet. Included inside are card slots, notice slots, and zippered pockets. Celebrities which have endorsed the Saint Laurent brand embrace Kate Moss, Mia Jovovich, Ellen Paige, and Emma Roberts. Celebs, fashion bloggers, and women of all ages are loving leopard print bags more than ever. Here are only a few of my favorite YSL handbags in leopard print. Saint Laurent’s bucket bag silhouette may be closed with two drawstrings and has a sequence shoulder strap. Saint Laurent was influenced by a selection of people, locations, and things over years that shaped the model id of his trend home. Perfect for an evening out, the oblong Kate shoulder bag is embellished with the gold YSL monogram and a tassel. Although Yves Saint Laurent officially stepped down from his eponymous house in 2002, a selection of notable names in design helmed different sectors of the label. The late Alber Elbaz was charged with women’s ready-to-wear, which he designed for 3 seasons from 1998 to 1999. LouLou de la Falaise, Yves Saint Laurent’s shut good friend and muse for greater than three a long time, the LouLou is likely considered one of the most beloved baggage in Saint Laurent’s arsenal. Its hallmarks are its soft however boxy construction, entrance flap closure, and quilted chevron finish. The brand brings collectively classic designs and modern developments to create handbags that might be at residence in any woman’s wardrobe. The ‘Uptown’ tote bag options Saint Laurent’s signature envelope clutch on the front with a functioning pocket and magnetic snap closure, making it ideal to retailer your essentials. https://phoenet.tw/ysl-replica-bags.html This bag also includes a magnetic pocket on the back that can carry cash or suit your phone into comfy. Nikki’s metal and leather-based strap can be shortened and worn on the shoulder. The Kate bag is amongst the most recognizable within the Saint Laurent lineup and is out there with a tassel possibility. With quite a lot of colours, metals, and leathers out there at Selfridges, the Kate design is a go-to bag for evening time or to take buying. This elegant black digicam shoulder bag is ideal for after work and the weekend! The area had beforehand served as an vintage retailer, so it held quite so much of historical past and allure inside its partitions. Vintage Yves Saint Laurent black hobo bucket shoulder bag with leather-based trimmings and golden brand plate. Saint Laurent monogram bag with entrance flap, that includes interlaced steel YSL initials, a leather-based and metal chain strap that could be worn doubled on the shoulder and y-quilted overstitch... Like many Saint Laurent bags before it, the Solferino’s preliminary providing is proscribed to traditional black, purple, and white leather-based. We’ll be including the iteration in black suede with smooth leather edges to our vacation wish listing. Offered for sale is this black leather-based YSL Yves Saint Laurent Tribute Bag. This is finished in lovely black leather-based and has a YSL Hang tag emblem adornment, twin handles, button closu... Adorable YSL black silk ribbon night bag in glorious situation. Black silk exterior trimmed with a black lace up design along the highest entrance flap, circled velvet lined shoulder ... This fantastic Yves Saint Laurent Large textured black leather journey tote is detailed with a embossed signature "YSL on a series" in the front of this travel t...
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dall18camacho · 2 years
Balenciaga Outlet Retailer, Discount Balenciaga Baggage Outlet Sale At Bcgoutletmall Com
The inaugural edition of the biker was out there solely in black or brown, however the house, not recognized for being shy, quickly made them out there in a rainbow of colors. Instead of a somber impartial, your biker could be lavender or lime, persimmon or pale pink—maybe even striped, or daubed with graffiti, in an explosion of high-low exuberance. The “This Is Not a Gucci Bag” is a reference to René Magritte’s 1929 The Treachery of Images portray, but additionally to Gucci’s vandalism of its personal products. The alphabet has reset for Balenciaga codes, with the letters A by way of D being used for two completely different seasons/years. While the D tag can be both F/W 2003 or S/S 2016, for instance, the fonts and kinds of the tags for both seasons look utterly totally different so it’s simple to tell them aside. At the end of the day, nobody can let you know if a thousand plus greenback handbag is “worth it.” What I can say, as a former Merchandiser and somebody who holds a B.S. wikipedia handbags In Apparel Merchandising & Design, is that I do assume Balenciaga prices their luggage fairly for the market and the supplies. Similar to other iconic style design homes like Chanel, Gucci, Fendi, Alexander McQueen, and Christian Dior, Bottega Veneta – Balenciaga is a recognizable and high powered brand name. Balenciaga costs rival that of its design opponents. It could not have been the first designer bag I ever purchased – however it’s simply one of my most beloved. This Balenciaga SGH Pompon hobo arrives in a bucket-style design. The beautiful bag is produced from brown leather and is held by two top handles and a detachable shoulder strap. 100 percent authentic Balenciaga 'Giant Money' continental pockets in black distressed leather-based that includes gold-tone hardware. On 1stDibs, discover vintage Balenciaga bags, day attire, shirts and different clothes and accessories. Fashionphile gadgets are additionally returnable – a BIG differentiator between Fashionphile and different pre-loved retailers with non-existent return insurance policies. As long as you retain the pink Fashionphile tag on the merchandise and return throughout the return window, you’ll get all of your a reimbursement if you choose to return your item. Shopping pre-loved just isn't only environmentally friendly, but can prevent a ton of money. Often even the kinds which would possibly be listed as “like new” are deeply discounted. replica balenciaga bags This is especially true for a model like Balenciaga and a bag like the City Bag. The City Bag hasn’t been identified to carry it’s worth on the second hand market – which isn’t wonderful for sellers however is nice for buyers! The luxurious label nonetheless continues to craft recognizable classics, just like the Cabas and Blanket Square which may be highly sought upon by many. Bag, leather, different patterns, entrance emblem, adjustable shoulder strap, zipper fastening, removable shoulder strap, gold-tone hardware, external pocket, internal pockets, day bag Inclu... This Balenciaga Brief tote is ideal for everyday use. Crafted from leather-based in Italy, the bag has a female design with two high handles, a entrance zip pocket, and silver-tone hardwar... Shopping pre-loved is better for the setting, giving types a second chance at love and life in your closet instead of ending up within the landfill. He quickly adopted it with boutiques in Madrid and Barcelona, drawing such clientele because the Spanish royal family. You can request a return or an change for any product within30 daysfrom the delivery date. Whether it is to store your day by day necessities or add style to your look, a Balenciaga bag is the last word alternative. From celebrities like Mary-Kate Olsen to Sienna Miller, Balenciaga luggage are sought-after by women throughout the globe.
0 notes
evergreen-lyricist · 3 years
For the character ask meme: Hiccup from HTTYD? Also why is Tony Hale DNI in ur bio
hi anon!! thanks for playing the ask game. now let's see....
a song that reminds me of them: idk, any of the songs from the movie credits, and some of the soundtrack as well (sidenote: the httyd trilogy soundtrack never has a bad track, it's the most bomb ass ost ever (with the notable exception of into the spiderverse))
what they smell like: um..... i guess hiccup would smell like leather & metal & whatever he polishes toothless' saddle with, i have literally never thought about this before so idk, but he could smell like a lot of things!!
otp: HicStrid obviously (i love Them.... like every scene they're in im like 😢😢)
notp: nothing in particular, idk who people ship him with besides astrid
favorite platonic relationship: ok i love him & stoick like..... i Love.... especially in thw when stoick is telling baby hiccup about the legend of the Hidden World.... their energy is unmatched (also i unironically like hiccup's friendship w/ the twins bc it's just stupid fun & shenanigans)
a popular headcanon you disagree with: uh???? idk which headcanons are Popular but im gonna take this moment to get on my soapbox & say that the way some of y'all disrespect the light fury & shit on her & toothless' relationship is not kind & you need to stop. they're cute, ok?? that's not wrong.
the position they sleep in: idk but i feel like hiccup sleeps like a starfish (also: he is the little spoon i will not take criticism)
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: again idk, but i think it would be really cool if there was a httyd & wings of fire crossover.... it would be absolute chaos but it would be AWESOME
my favorite outfit they've worn: i like hiccup's flight suit but i have a soft spot for his outfit in the first movie
n e way on to the next question: if u didn't know, tony hale is the executive producer of the mysterious benedict society show, aka The Mysterious Benedict Society & The Disney Mistake, he also plays both mr benedict & mr curtain ("""""dr curtain""""") which, me personally, smacks of nepotism, and also i Do Not Like the show (no hate to the kid actors they're doing amazing, especially lil russian constance) & mr hale seems to be at fault for a lot of the things wrong with it so he Cannot Talk To Me.
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spader07 · 2 years
Meaning behind names used in The Blacklist - this is interesting….
Raymond - “counsel” and “protection.”
Katarina - pure
Dembe - peace
Harold - “army” and “ruler”
Donald - “world” and “power.”
Aram - "high"
Alina - light Independent
Samar - night talk
Tom - "innocence, naivety, simplicity" or "the end.”
Jacob - supplanter
Christopher - bearer of Christ
Elizabeth - God is my oath
Liz - God's promise
Lizzy - God's promise; God is my oath
Lizzie - oath of God, or God is satisfaction
Masha - "star of the sea" or "beloved."
Agnes - chaste (abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual intercourse.)
Marvin - sea friend
Kathryn or Kate - pure
Sam - God hears
Samuel - God has heard
Dominic - of the lord
Dom - lord
Lena - torch
Virginia - "pure virgin maid"
Constantin - constant, steadfast
Alexander - defender of men
Ilya - "the power of God"
Tatiana - fairy queen
Ivan - god's gracious gift
Carla - Free man
Naomi - pleasantness
Jennifer - the fair one
Reddington - probably a variant of Reading 1, from the place name + the Middle English suffix -tune 'settlement'
Rostova - growth
Rostov - a seaport on the Don River near the Sea of Azov in the European part of Russia.
Kirk - Church
Keen - someone who is brave
Hargrave - habitational names from any of a number of places called Hargrave or Hargreave, of which there are examples in Cheshire, Northamptonshire, and Suffolk; all are named with Old English har 'gray' or hara 'hare' + graf 'grove' or græfe 'thicket'.
Ressler - topographic name for someone living by a slope or drainage channel
Cooper - occupational name for a maker and repairer of wooden vessels such as barrels, tubs, buckets, casks, and vats
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thequibblah · 3 years
hi so i'm looking for some new music to listen to and i thought you could help because you have great taste!
if this helps, i'll tell you what i normally listen to, which is very basic & basically the same few artists over and over lol
- mostly just taylor swift, she makes up 70+% of my listening probably haha and if i had to pick a favorite genre of hers it would be the folkmore style
- some other pop, like olivia rodrigo and conan gray and lorde & some doja cat but i'm not a huge fan of doja's lyrics
- lyrics are really big for me, so is having a pretty voice and nice melodies
- i love your playlists but the old songs are usually not my style (there's been some though that i really like, ty for that !! <3)
- ceremonials is my favorite florence album
- liability is my favorite lorde song
no problem if u don't want to!
OH i basically recommend things for a living so why not music, eh?
so. what i'm getting from this is that you have three big listening buckets: soft acoustic and indie pop and just plain old pop. so i will divide my recs by those broad genres! i too prefer singable music so i will try to lay off on especially dissonant artists, or mark them as such so you can be prepared (LOL)
acoustic/folksy (i'll admit i am a big indie pop girl so this stuff will be a bit sparser)
phoebe bridgers — admittedly she is more alt-rocky, but see garden song, savior complex, moon song, graceland too, prayer in open D
waxahatchee — can't do much (GOD THIS SONG), lilacs, st. cloud
lucy dacus — also more alt-rocky, but here r some softer jams: hot & heavy, christine, green eyes, red face (a jily song)
anything by first aid kit! start with stay gold and the lion's roar
hozier — i feel like most people on the internet have listened to SOME hozier but check out wasteland, baby! (i tried to pick individual songs and ended up listing most of the album LOL)
kacey musgraves — another artist you've probably listened to already, but try golden hour
brittany howard — stay high must be the sweetest song in existence, and basically all of her album jaime
arlo parks — the whole album but especially caroline, hurt, and black dog
lake street dive — i can change, good kisser (a mary song if i've ever heard one), and i adore their hall & oates cover!
anya marina — this whole album has had me by the throat since like 2013
lucius — just the whole album wildewoman, h/t @figg-anon for putting me onto this!
idk what tf genre fiona apple is but try her out as well!
artists i listen to less of but are in this vein: the lumineers, bon iver, vance joy
u know i had to rec some old people shit (LOLLLL), so in this vein, joni mitchell, heart, judee sills, emmylou harris, joan baez, vashti bunyan
one-off songs you might like: hold you now by vampire weekend, big wheel by samia, i eat boys by chloe moriondo, strawberry blond by mitski (i worship at the altar of mitski but she might not be your speed haha), like i used to (acoustic) by sharon van etten & angel olsen, body by julia jacklin, jackie onassis by sammy rae and the friends, cowgirl bebop by HANA
indie pop BELOVED
maggie rogers — ok i cannot recommend this higher like if u like lorde and conan gray drop everything now and mainline maggie's brilliant debut album
HAIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — they've got poppier songs like want you back and more mellow songs like summer girl, but honestly i would just recommend a deep dive because they have a pretty surprising breadth within their own alt-rock/pop niche
caroline polachek — can sometimes get way out n weird in the pop sense but so hot you're hurting my feelings is a very listenable pop standard (also it's so funny she's such a clever lyricist also this is irrelevant here but she sounds amazing live), also love look at me now and her cover of breathless
charli xcx is more experimental pop but would rec trying out warm (FT HAIM!!!), blame it on your love (FT LIZZO!!), and official
rina sawayama — technically her album is all sorts of genres but especially XS, comme des garcons, paradisin', bad friend, and tokyo love hotel
orla gartland is a lil softer and i love more like you, oh GOD, and did it to myself
king princess — especially cheap queen, 1950, holy, but basically all of cheap queen
more one-offs: kansas by ashe, comeback by CRJ (full paean in her honour to come in the pop section), i am a big fan of other people covering the bleachers (LOL) especially rollercoaster by charli xcx and i wanna get better by tinashe (full tinashe praise to come too), saturdays by twin shadow (FT HAIM!!!), the kiss of venus and 3 nights by dominic fike (also his interlude on halsey's album), aute cuture and milionària by rosalía, young lover by st. vincent (i love her but again might not be for u haha), good days by sza, backyard boy by claire rosinkranz, slow dancing by aly & aj, hot sugar by glass animals
if ur down to try out something weird witchy and cool, kate bush is like the originator of 9 billion pop and rock genres and hounds of love is a masterpiece
pure pop (we can split hairs on what makes pure pop LOL but basically everything here is based on ur enjoyment of doja)
carly rae jepsen — ok if u haven't listened to her non-radio-hits u may be like "what?? call me maybe lady???" to which i say YES, especially window, stay away, no drug like me, and too much
victoria monet — this may or may not be a selling point to you, but victoria is a frequent ariana grande collaborator and you can absolutely hear it in her music (see also: the mattress spring background noises in dive JUST like they are in positions...), and i love experience, go there with you, and we might even be falling in love, and why not throw in her ariana grande collab monopoly
magdalena bay — how to get physical which i am destined, nay, contractually bound, to put in a jily modern AU someday, killshot, stop & go
tinashe — basically ALL of her new album!!! SO good. i also love rascal (superstar), esther, and old jams like company (and i JUST found out she has a chaka khan cover!)
chloe x halle have the most angelic vocals in the world
this might sound actually demented because WHO hasn't heard love on the brain but rly... go give ANTI a re-listen...
tove lo — especially are u gonna tell her, mateo, and jacques
WAIT I FORGOT TO SAY ROBYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY ROBYN SONG!!!!!!!
for that throwback poppy sound u may as well go real throwback KJAHKJA and check out donna summer!
one-offs: right to it by louis the child n ashe, serial lover by kehlani (also more by her but im getting lazy now kdjfhgk), missed calls by max n hayley kiyoko, peppers and onions by tierra whack, idk who hasnt heard this song but circles by meg, todo de ti by rauw alejandro (the way i wanted this to be song of the summer so bad ;___;)
hope you enjoy and pls come back and tell me if you really liked any of these!!!! xoxo
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