#kaz x wylan
ejga-ostja · 7 months
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Goodnight Kylan nation
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purpleyin · 9 months
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Grishaverse moodboards: Kylan (Kaz/Wylan) - green
I don't like seeing the hate for Kylan lately, as both a multishipper & polycrows enthusiast, so this is to spite that/balance out with love💚
Made for @SoftBoySpring's prompts of green + chemistry. And I love the hc of Kaz & Wylan comfortable playing piano together I tried to include subtly. Quote by Lao Tzu
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sissytobitch10seconds · 3 months
Febuwhump 20: Cherished, Beloved, Treasured
Fandom: Grishaverse: Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows Summary: He had always wanted to hear those words, but not like this. Warnings: Gang violence, massive injury, major character death, and mental angst Word Count: 2,076 Ship(s): Wylan Van Eck/Kaz Brekker
Archive link!
Wylan felt the bullet enter his stomach before he even registered that the gun in front of him was being fired.
He knew that his new line of work was dangerous, but he was supposed to be safe from the worst parts of it. That was what was nice about being the demo man instead of the sharpshooter or the brute force the way that Matthias and Jesper were. He was able to stand far back on rooves or at the back of the fighting so that he could lob his explosives into the crowds of enemies that they were facing. He sequestered himself off in labs and stalls during the day so that he could make what would protect his friend and lover.
His life was nothing like he had thought it would be when he was younger, but he was safer than he could have ever imagined what he would be back then. Now Wylan had a partner that knew him inside and out, was willing to protect him at every turn even if admitting his feelings out loud with his own tongue was beyond him. Wylan had friends that would give up their lives and had tried to on many prior occasions. Wylan knew what he was doing and he was more than a little bit good at it.
He wasn’t exactly happy, per se. He had things that made him happy and things that he derived joy from, but neither of those things were what he was raised to believe that true happiness was. He wanted more than he could really ask from his relationship, both because he knew it was not fair to his boyfriend and because he did not deserve them. He took what he was offered and he held onto it with both hands so that it could not be taken away again. He was not happy, but he was content with what he had. What he had was messy, strange, and a bizarre form of safety.
He had thought that he was safe, at least. He knew that when he was working in the Barrel there was no way that he was going to be struck or hit for not being able to read the same way that he was in his father’s home. He knew that he wouldn’t have to run away in hide in the cupboards of the kitchen or the back of his mother’s long-unused wardrobe. Instead, he could do something about his attackers. There was no safety when it came to people wanting to cause him bodily harm, but there was a safety in being able to retaliate against them.
He supposed that they were just doing the same thing, when they used their guns and knives and explosives to try and harm him. None of them really just wanted the other person to die when they were all faceless people with black ink marking which side they were on. Nothing was personal unless someone was in the position that Kaz was, presiding over every step that someone made and guiding them along the path that he wanted alone. 
Wylan tilted his head down so that he could see the bright red patch of blood blooming on his shirt. He had no idea that liquid coming from inside of him could spill just as quickly as liquid spilled on the outside of him. It was being wicked away by the soft material of the linen shirt that Kaz had gotten him when he had mentioned that all of his favorites were stained. Kaz was always doing little things like that, listening when Wylan was sure that he was thinking about more important things and then acting on those tiny requests.
His first instinct was to reach for the base of his shirt so that he could remove it. Whenever he was in his lab, that was the first thing he had to do then. It wasn’t safe to leave the chemicals that he worked with to make his poisons and explosives that close to his skin. He had learned that the hard way when he had worked at the tannery and could almost feel the chemical dyes leaching into his skin so that they could kill him.
It was as though his fingers were moving like worms, reaching down towards the base of his shirt where it was tucked into his pants. They were slow and drying out as the sun raised higher and higher over the Ketterdam skyline. Once upon a time, he had a bedroom that allowed him to look out over all of it as though he were a mythical prince. His bedroom now didn’t quite allow for it, but that actually made it better in his opinion.
His ears were ringing something fierce, which made it incredibly hard for him to tell what was going on around him. He was aware that they were in the middle of a firefight and he was supposed to being attention so that he could give them the upperhand. Kaz had requested that he throw down a flash bomb or a smoke bomb depending on what was happening with the crew at that moment and what would give them the best advantage. Something had gone wrong and the men had gotten a lot closer to him than they should have though. It was probably something that he had done, a movement that he had missed or a signal that had gone over his head.
Kaz’s voice was the first thing to cut through his mind. By the time that he tilted his head back up, the world was already starting to dim around him. It wasn’t all the way gone yet, but the sounds of the surrounding fight were all but gone. His vision had lines of darkness around the outside edges, nearing the center of his vision but leaving enough that he could still see around himself.
He felt something shy and nervous cross his features when he saw that the others were all gathered around him. Matthias was to his left, his rifle poised out over their heads so that he could shoot at the gang that had been following them. Jesper was on his right, both of his guns drawn and his hands making quick movements so that he could take down each person at the wrong end of his barrel. Nina was standing at his side, her hands already reaching out towards him. Inej was both there and not at the same time, her dark form just barely peaking out of the shadows to let him know she was nearby without giving her position away.
Before Nina had the chance to truly grab him, his legs gave way. He felt his knees buckle and then he was tumbling down to the ground. Despite the pain that was echoing through his body and the alarm bells ringing in his mind, all he could think of was the other night.
He had climbed up all three staircases to the attic room in the Slat that Kaz had turned into his office. He had been called there for something personal instead of something business related, so he was excited. He had been promised a walk down the Lid and some wonderful fried dough or potatoes or whatever else Kaz was in the mood for. Instead, when his boyfriend had risen so that they could go out, he had immediately tumbled down to the ground in a massive heap. He had apologized a thousand times over as he allowed Wylan to move him over to the bed. Wylan hadn’t really minded, especially not when they got to lay in the breeze coming off the ocean and talk about their plans for that day.
Before he hit the ground, he felt a pair of gloved hands reach out and catch him. He was lowered the rest of the way to that his head was pillowed on a pair of legs that was very familiar to him. He supposed that was why he had been thinking of Kaz and their cuddling the night before. He had thought that he had run Kaz out of the ability to touch the others with that activity, though, so he was quite surprised when he was allowed to stay there.
“Guess I ruined the plans for tonight,” he tried to joke around the mouthful of blood that was gathering in the back of his throat. He hadn’t even realized that his chest was heaving as it tried to get oxygen into his blood to prevent him from dying. Perhaps it was the different way that he was positioned, or maybe his sudden fall had caused the bullet in his gut to jostle around slightly.
“You did no such fucking thing,” Kaz replied. “You were supposed to be away from the fighting. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, Kaz. I already told you that,” Wylan shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize for being yourself, not when everyone else was the one to turn you into this. I like this.”
“Shh, shh,” Nina immediately said. “I want you to focus on Kaz but not say anything. I have to go get my kit, we’re just about done with this stupid brawl anyway. Brekker, don’t move him.”
“Her kit?” Wylan asked, despite having been told just barely that he had to shut up.
Kaz clenched his dark coffee eyes shut for just a moment before he opened them again. Wylan always felt like he was a pupil under the microscope of a testing tutor when Kaz looked at him. It was something that made his stomach squirm and his skin feel all tingly in a way that he had never thought he would get before. It was almost addictive.
He felt the gloved hand of his lover move down to the hot wound on his abdomen, carefully applying pressure that had let up when Nina moved away from them. Wylan let out a soft grunt but didn’t object to anything. He liked it when Kaz hurt him, and this actually made everything feel a lot better. “She’s going to try and save you, my love.”
“I don’t think I can be saved,” Wylan said. He tilted his head back so that he could see the blistering storm clouds rolling in from the ocean. It felt almost like Ghezen wanted to wash Wylan away with the storm, pelt him down into the cobblestones and then return him to the god of another culture because of how bad he had been. At least Kaz was there to hold him down until he was ripped away. That was actually quite nice.
“Shut your fucking mouth,” Kaz attempted to snarl. His voice sounded as quiet and broken as it did when he woke from nightmares.
“Kaz, don’t be sad,” Wylan brought his hand up to the other man’s face and cupped his cheek sweetly. Kaz reached up and grasped his hand before it ever made it there and that was when Wylan saw that he had taken his other glove off. “I really like it when you do this,” he said. His words were starting to slur together and he couldn’t figure out why. He felt a bit light and floaty, like he had taken something nice from one of the non-sexual pleasure houses on West Stave.
He felt something bend over his body and them warmth flooded through his entire being. Kaz was laying on him, like he had done the one time that Wylan had gotten so anxious and overstimulated that he had started hysterically bawling and wasn’t able to stop. It was comforting and wonderful. 
His mind was just barely able to register the rasp of Kaz’s voice as his mind faded in and out of that wonderful dark, warm place. “You are cherished, you are wanted, you are treasured, you are worthy, you are my best investment, you are everything that you promised to be and more. I’m so fucking sorry that I was never able to tell you this before now. You deserve better than me, a better investor, a better business partner, a better everything. I love you, Wylan. I’m sorry that I couldn’t have been better to you, that I got you wrapped up in this fucking mess. I’m sorry, I’m so fucking sorry. I love you, I love you, treasure. I love you.”
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salemontrial · 11 months
I know the following is likely very small but I am choosing to elect Kaz x Wylan's ship name as Demolition Lovers.
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theriverdiary · 1 year
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Shadow and Bone (TV), Six of Crows Series - Leigh Bardugo Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker/Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker/Jesper Fahey Characters: Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Nina Zenik Additional Tags: Crush at First Sight, Pining, POV Jesper Fahey, Implied Relationships, Falling In Love, Developing Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff and Angst, Jesper Fahey Has ADHD, References to Canon, References to Addiction, Canon Disabled Character, no beta we die like jordie, Mild Sexual Content, Angst, Reflection, Complicated Relationships, Jesper Fahey & Inej Ghafa Friendship, Everyone Needs A Hug, Self-Worth Issues, Hurt Jesper Fahey, Jesper Fahey Needs a Hug, Kaz Brekker is Trying, Wylan Van Eck Loves Jesper Fahey, Pre-Poly, Idiots in Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, polycrows origin, POV Kaz Brekker, Kaz Brekker Has Feelings, healing together, One Big Happy Family Summary:
Jesper was enchanted with Wylan's eyes. They were consuming his thoughts, reaching into his heart and replacing old, hopeless wishes with softer, happier ones. Ones he could almost see coming true. Almost. If only he'd managed to notice where, or on whom, those eyes always seemed to linger.. it might've spared him what he's feeling right now.
 In which Jesper Fahey, the hopeful farmboy, chose the wrong person to care about, again. Or did he?
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cawcawbeech · 6 months
@ejga-ostja You dont get to Slovenia-nize Kylan and expect me to not Serbia-nize them in return. Thats just unfair.
Kaz → Guarana Aphrodisiac 💔
Wylan → Guarana Mojito 💚
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mcntsee · 2 months
The real barbie is Y/n.
Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.
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littlepeninsula · 1 month
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Something something crow club something something no mourners no funerals…
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ekbelsher · 4 months
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I was beyond excited to draw this scene. Normally I get asked to draw romance, but this time it was a...different kind of passion. Something inside Kaz came loose, indeed 💀 It's one of my favourite moments in the book, despite what he just did, because it's when I understood exactly what Inej means to him. It's amazing what we'll forgive in fiction that we couldn't in real life. (commissioned by @litjoycrate for their Six of Crows edition)
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ejga-ostja · 9 months
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I love Kaz and Wylan. I don't ship Kaz and Wylan. I wanted to see if I could make myself ship them. And then I accidentally wrote a 40k word Kylan slowburn which I've been working on for the past 6 months lol
Coming out sometime next month ❤️
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cilyra · 1 year
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Fanart poster made by me (Instagram / Twitter )
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sissytobitch10seconds · 3 months
Febuwhump 29: What I Say
Fandom: Grishaverse: Six of Crows and Shadow and Bone Summary: He's so sick, sicker than he could have ever remembered being. Wylan isn't going to let him succumb to it. Warnings: Terminal illness, blood, sickness, major character death, and implied human experimentation Word Count: 1,613 Ship(s): Wylan Van Eck/Kaz Brekker
Archive link!
Kaz hated being sick almost as much as he hated Sanatoriums. Despite how he liked to present himself when he was in polite society, he had actually more experience with them than most doctors did. He had been in one when his mother was dying, there to visit her as often as they were allowed given the contagious nature of the disease. He had been in one with his brother when they were both fighting off the same thing that had killed their mother. He had visited a mental institution when they had finally found where Wylan’s mother was being wrongfully held.
Now he was trapped in one again.
He didn’t know how long tuberculosis lived on inside the body, he just knew that it followed him like a shadowed figure. Kaz knew that the disease wasn’t really gone when he left the sanatorium after Jordie died. They were so overrun with cases at the time that they had assumed that Kaz had died and didn’t bother looking for him. He should have stayed in the nice, dry hospital for several months longer until the tubercles had left him entirely. He didn’t, he left for the wet streets of the city that Jordie had dragged them to months before. He found work and he clawed his way up into a position that would allow him to live somewhat comfortably. He had even found a partner that he enjoyed the time of, someone that he could help and cherish.
The symptoms had come back only three months after their wedding (which hadn’t been legal, but was official as it could be in their eyes). He had felt the tickling in the back of his throat. He had become so exhausted that he could barely even get a couple hours of work done before he had to go and lay down again. He had become pale and his appetite immediately vanished, but that happened every now and again anyway.
It was only when he pulled his handkerchief away to confirm what he had already been able to taste in his mouth that he knew for certain. He had kept it a secret for a while as he tried to wrap his mind around the fact that he was sick again. He had never heard of someone coming down with Tuberculosis twice, usually because they died the first time that they got it and then lived a very reclusive, sickly life afterwards. He knew that he had bested it once but he wasn’t going to be able to do it again.
Wylan had found out, of course. Wylan always found out when something was wrong with him. It was part of the reason he had ended up picking the lower level merchant over the woman that he had met from the circus, the one that held stars in her eyes and a drunken laugh in her mouth. She was too good for him, too good to chain down with his bad leg. Wylan was just as bad as him and understood him so deeply that they were almost the same person.
Which meant that it was only a matter of time before his husband deduced the fact that he had relapsed. Kaz was immediately examined by a doctor to confirm what they already knew and shipped away to a sanatorium.
He had spent his days there thinking about what Wylan was doing, reading the letters that the servants had written in the merchant’s stead over and over again. He had also been poked and prodded within an inch of his life as they tried every treatment that someone could reasonably think up and a few that they had unreasonably thought up. As if being sick with something that was eating his insides wasn’t bad enough, the exhaustion of being through the testing completely ran him through.
It had been months since he had been sent to the sanatorium. He had seen Wylan once or twice briefly, when the doctors had thought that it would help him get better or thought that he was improving. To Kaz, it was clear as day that he wasn’t going to get better. He would cough every time he so much as took in too big of a breath and the sputum that he spat into his handkerchiefs wasn’t pretty. He spent most of his days sleeping and was only able to sip on broth, even chewing was too tiring.
He wasn’t at all surprised when he opened his eyes and saw that Wylan was nervously sitting next to his bed, wringing his hands. As soon as his husband noticed that Kaz had awoken, his eyes wrinkled with that wonderful worried smile that Kaz had gotten so many times before. He was wearing one of the white hospital masks, likely one of the only reasons they had let him in. “How did you get in here?” he asked, the curiosity never leaving his tired brain despite his overall exhaustion.
“I flashed a lot of money at them and promised that I would be safe,” Wylan replied. “You hadn’t sent me a letter in a while, I was worried.”
“I got too tired to write, then I had someone writing them for me. But there were things that you deserved to hear that shouldn’t be told through someone else. They might change the words or decide not to write something they don’t like,” Kaz replied. One of his bare hands, he hadn’t been allowed to wear his gloves since his arrival, wormed its way out from underneath the quilts. He reached for Wylan’s and soon their palms were pressed lovingly together.
“Kaz,” Wylan whispered, his voice broken and scared.
Wylan leaned over, pressing his forehead down into the soft white linen sheets. Their hands dropped, which allowed Kaz to slowly lift up his tired muscles and then drop his palm down onto Wylan’s curls. He threaded his lock picker’s fingers through them so that they were buried amongst the pale digits. It was something he had loved to do during the quiet nights that they had taken, away from the servants and Marya and the watchful eye of the people around them. It was private and meant only for them.
“You have to get better,” the other man eventually said. When he tilted his head up, his eyes were blotchy with tears and his face was red from trying to hold them in.
“I’m trying my best, treasure,” he said tiredly. He likely could have been doing more, but he was tired. He didn’t like the treatments that the doctors were giving him and he knew that they wouldn’t work. He had watched his brother suffer and die from the disease, and before then he had seen the same thing happen to his mother. They were trying new things but he was sure that they would have the same efficacy as the ones that had failed to save his family would.
“I can’t lose you,” Wylan sniffled. He wiped at his face with the side of his hand, shifting anxiously on his chair. “I just got to know what it was like to be loved. You have to be around to keep teaching me.”
“Are you trying to guilt trip me out of having tuberculosis?” Kaz asked, giving him an absolutely exhausted smile.
“Is it working?” Wylan asked. 
The laughter that sparkled between them lasted only a second before Kaz was overcome with another coughing fit. He had to sit up as he grasped for the hankie on his nightstand. When he pulled it away, the dark red blood was soaking almost all the way through the delicately embroidered linen. “You’re going to have to apologize to your mother for me. I’ve ruined her hard work,” he commented. Every single one of the handkerchiefs that he had been sent with when he was brought to the sanitorium was going to be burned, which was good because they were either flecked or soaked in blood.
“She doesn’t care about the hankies. She wants you home as much as I do,” Wylan whispered. He leaned over the edge of the bed and began to toy with Kaz’s hair, flicking it over his forehead to expose his skin. He then leaned down and pressed his cloth-covered lips to the spot he had cleared, something similar to what they had done when they were courting.
“You are my home, Wylan.”
“You are my home. You are the family I was always promised but never got. You are my husband and the only one that is allowed to see my heart. I am yours as much as you are mine, but you are mine. Even when I am not around, you have to remember that you were always mine first,” Kaz rasped. He knew that he was being selfish. The other people in the rooms around him had made their lovers promise to move on after they were gone, had assured them a happy rest of their lives. Kaz didn’t want Wylan to be miserable, but he refused to be forgotten when he was the one that had taught Wylan to be loved and had cherished him first.
If Kaz had thought that Wylan was crying before, he had been wrong. The other man’s face completely crumbled and he collapsed down against the side of the bed. The sheets were already soaking through with his tears, which made the mask nearly disgusting, and his shoulders were shaking with the force of his cries. “You can’t die, Kaz.”
“I’m sorry,” he said. And for the first time since his mother had died, he really meant it.
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ravenyenn19 · 1 year
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Interviewer: are those ur friends?
Kaz: never met em. Seem like a goofy group w a lot of $$$ on the line tho😒
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cherries-and-knives · 5 months
Everyone in six of crows: oh no omgggg my horrible dark awful secret I sure hope kaz doesn’t judge me when he finds outttt😫🥺🫣😭
Kaz who has never given a single shit about anything ever in his life except maybe money and inej:
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smolandweirdwriter · 10 months
The fandom focuses so much on Matthias’s character development in terms of how he views Nina and yeah that’s fair, but pretty much NOBODY ever touches Matthias’s views on the other crows in soc vs ck so i will cuz my guy’s relationship with Kaz goes from demjin (accusatory) to demjin (affectionate), he goes from glaring at Wylan in every interaction to thinking of Wylan as brilliant and an equal, he goes from trying to knock Inej into the water to telling her she is the reason he is still alive and being determined to save her from van eck, he goes from ignoring Jesper to all but clocking Jesper’s entire personality, and in this essay i will
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