#kettlebell handle
shreddeddad · 4 months
Powerblock Kettlebell Handle Preview: Turn a Dumbbell to a Kettlebell
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shibaraki · 2 years
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tags: GN reader, gym au / gym owner iwaizumi, reader works out casually, brief sexual harassment (unwanted advances towards reader; not from hajime), pre-relationship, lots of awkward flirting, GOOD GUY HAJIME <3, hopeful ending
wc: 3k
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There’s a pointed pressure against your back as the kettlebell swings between your legs. Someone has been staring since you arrived an hour ago—restless from a full day of work, you had wanted to wring out the stress from your muscles and quieten your thoughts before falling into your soft bed.
The unsettling sensation of being watched pulled taut the sinews in your body. Your form was undoubtedly off, hesitant to bend and stretch as you properly should. It hadn’t taken long to notice who it was; an unassuming man had been lingering in your peripheral, commandeering machines soon after you had used them. You weren’t naïve. You understood well enough that people might look, and maybe even admire you, as you worked out. An appreciative glance can be pleasant when done respectfully, and you can admit to briefly checking out a fair few of the regulars here yourself. 
But this was different, and all too familiar. His eyes raked over your frame and you felt it cling to your skin, unease settling like lead in your sternum. After he’d purposefully moved to sit himself on the bench behind you as you lifted you’d tried to finish your reps with the added weight, breathing through the feeling, but ultimately abandoned the set and found solace in your phone. 
A spark of discomfort prickles along your spine, hot frustration pooling in your gut. You had only been coming to Kaiju Fitness for a month and a half, but you’d quickly grown fond of the place. Everyone was respectful and friendly, the evening staff knew you by name and assisted with your form. You felt relief in knowing it was nothing like the multitude of other gyms you’d tried in the past. Finally, a place you were comfortable and safe exercising in. 
Until today, that is. 
He must be new, because you came in every other day after your shift like clockwork and this was your first time seeing him here. He meets your gaze in the reflection of the mirrors, offering a smarmy and unashamed smirk that soils you. Where your fingers tighten around the handle of the kettlebell, you seriously contemplate throwing it at him despite the legal consequences. 
Arrogance is dangerous, daunting. Taking it as an invitation, he stands to approach you even as you keep your eyes on your phone, thumb swiping back and forth through your playlist to feign ignorance. It doesn’t deter him in the slightest—in his single celled brain, you were willing to bet that he thought you were just playing hard to get.
Nervousness takes root despite your anger. The dipole between your bodies distorts the closer he gets, and an innate sense of helplessness keeps you frozen in place, as if you were playing dead. All you can do is sew your eyes shut, breathing inaudibly murmurings of “go away, go away, go away,” in hopes of creating a barrier through sheer will. 
“Hi sweet—”
“Hey, man. Can I help you?” 
In your periphery, a larger man cuts in between you and the strangers intended path. Glancing back towards the mirrors, you find the broad expanse of his back in the reflection. He’s well built, tanned biceps straining against the hem of his t-shirt sleeve where his arms cross decisively over his chest. You can’t see his face but you wish you could as his head tilts, dark hair short and spiked in a way that is almost boyish. 
They’re arguing. Voices low to avoid making a scene, but their postures are anything but civil. Your nameless hero raises a hand to beckon over an employee—Hanamaki, you quickly recall—from the front desk in an authoritative manner. 
You can’t hear much over the quiet rock music reverberating around the gym and the pulse in your ears, but you do latch onto the words “removed from the premises” and “membership cancellation”. In a stunning turn of events, Hanamaki begins to corral the stranger away from the weights area toward the exit. 
“Holy…” still stuck on processing the scene, you almost miss it when the larger man turns to address you “…shit”. 
The man’s face is still pinched with irritation, but it visibly softens when he sees you watching. It’s a little embarrassing, the effort it takes to keep your jaw from slacking when he smiles sheepishly at you, rough hand scrubbing over the crown of his head in what must be a nervous tic. “Sorry about that—” he pauses, his amicable expression faltering for a moment, “—that was ok, right? I didn’t misread that he was making you uncomfortable?”
You sit up straighter and shake your head, quick to placate his worry. “No! No, thank you so much. I—I wasn’t sure what to do so I just hoped he would get the message,” you reply. 
His shoulders relax, the corner of his mouth deepening into a crooked but pleased grin as he stuffs both fists into his sweatpant pockets. “Good to hear, though I’m sorry I didn’t catch on sooner. If anything like that happens again you can always go to the front desk or come find me”. 
Glancing across his chest now that he’s facing you, your eyes catch on the embroidered logo over his breast. He must work here. “You work here then? I haven’t seen you before”. 
His brows pinch into a frown as he tucks his chin, momentarily glaring at his shirt with the click of his tongue. “Shit. Sorry, I’m pretty bad with losing my name tag, the thing must’ve fallen off somewhere…” you exhale a breath of laughter, endeared by his awkwardness as he steps forward to offer you his hand. “I’m Iwaizumi Hajime, owner and founder of this place. Should probably have my act together by now, huh?” 
You take it, palms clammy where they kiss, wrist firm as you shake his and offer your own name. You try not to focus on the difference in size, in how his thumb grazes the peaks of your knuckles, or how his stare is drawn to where your teeth sink into the skin of your bottom lip as you withhold a grin. The touch lingers. 
“It’s pretty reasonable to say that most people don’t have their act together,” you say, lacing your words with mirth, “so I won’t hold it against you”. 
“I appreciate it,” he replies equally amused, the grip on your hand loosening until he lets go and your fingers curl into a fist as if to keep hold of the heat. Falling into a sudden lull, he appraises you with his mouth pursed into a contemplative pout. 
“Are you sure you’re alright? Has this ever happened before?” 
“I’m fine. Actually this is the first time something like that has happened here,” you set your sights on the weights left by your feet, phone still laid on the bench between your thighs. Idly, you wonder just how much Hajime could lift, followed by a brief flush of heat and shame. “I’ve been to a lot of the other gyms in the area and never felt comfortable in them until I found this place”. 
“Seems the guy had only been a member for a few days, so I want to believe this was an anomaly. I won’t tolerate harassment of any kind here,” you look up in time to see his features soften into something apologetic. “Health, safety and comfortability is priority. I hope this won’t deter you from coming back”. 
“Not at all,” even if it had, you would have simply changed the times you came to the gym to avoid any issues. You enjoyed the place too much to give it up over one mishap. Grinning, you add, “I have a strict ‘three strikes and you’re out’ policy for everything in life”. 
Hajime snorts, the swell of his cheek sinking slightly as if he were biting the inner flesh between his teeth. “Then this can be the first and the last,” he murmurs, crows feet deepening by his warm eyes—a pale green that reminds you of the first week of spring, when nascent saplings are just beginning to grow into themselves. 
“If there’s no other problems then I’ll gladly leave you to finish your reps,” he continues, reigning himself back into a more professional tone, “we’ve escorted him from the building but if you’re parked nearby and still feel unsafe, Makki or I will gladly walk you to your car”. 
You can feel it take root in your sternum, a silly little crush. Giddiness spreads through your belly, and you try not to think about how disheveled you probably look. “I’m actually about to wrap up this set!”—you aren’t, the clumsily typed out reps in your notes app would say otherwise—“I would really appreciate that, if you’re happy to wait”. 
Hajime nods, momentarily shifting between each foot as if he were tempted to linger. Emboldened by this, you return to the weights at your feet and prepare to squat. 
“Ah…“ then, there is a large presence sidling up beside you. “Mind if I correct you a little first?” Hajime motions toward your legs. 
Anticipation prickles through you. “Not at all!”
He crouches, careful to ensure his fingers barely apply any pressure to your skin as he coaxes your feet apart, tapping the toe of your shoe to point them further outward. You aren’t uncomfortable, yet you find yourself enduring his proximity with bated breath. 
When he stands upright he looks quietly pleased. Less discomfited than before. You’re reminded that this is his job, and presumably what he loves to do. “There. Try one rep for me?” 
You exhale steadily, rooting yourself into the new stance and nodding. Bending at the knee, but taking care not to overextend, you lift the kettlebell up and feel a satisfying ache deep in your glutes. 
“Much better, right?” he asks, observing you in the reflection of the mirror. “You'll feel it a lot deeper like that”. 
“Yeah,” you rasp, tongue idly wetting your bottom lip as you flex your grip on the handle. It was a helpful comment to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself, all the while getting better results. That’s all. “A lot deeper”. 
“Great,” he says, pointing vaguely over his shoulder, “come find me by the front when you’re done, then,”
His low, warm tone settles in your chest long after he leaves. He had spoken to you in a soothing yet awkward manner, like a man used to being perceived as intimidating against best efforts. You thought it quite charming. And awfully attractive. 
As promised, Hajime is waiting by the entrance. He has both arms folded atop the front desk, leant forward across the surface to talk to Hanamaki. In closing the distance, the first thing you realise is that the tip of his ears are red. 
You smile, overhearing the teasing tail end of their conversation, “…on the job? Tut tut, bossman. I’m gonna text your mother about this”. 
“Dickhead. You don’t have her number,” at that, a slow, smarmy grin spreads across Hanamaki’s face. Hajime makes a move to snatch his collar and he sinks back against the computer chair, “Give me your phone”. 
“I’m sure there is some law out there you’re violating right now,” Hanamaki wheezes, his laughter bleeding into the words. You feel compelled to step away from their brotherly moment, but before you can, your gaze is meeting his. “And with an audience? Impeccable customer service, Iwa—!”
Hajime’s head whips around and his sights settle on your figure. You’re back in a comfortable hoodie, backpack half slung over your shoulder with fingers threaded between your car keys. You have settled them between your knuckles by way of habit. 
His eyes widen in realisation, but before he can start to needlessly apologise, you say, “I’m all good to go if you are”.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” he replies, jaw shifting with clenched teeth as he shoots Hanamaki a quick glare. “Let’s get you to your car”. 
The late evening air is crisp, cooling on your skin as it dances into the sleeves of your sweater. This late into the year, the days turn to night far quicker than you liked. Everything feels slightly more daunting. With your car parked a little to the far end of the lot, black pavement and gravel illuminated only by rust coloured streetlights, you find yourself glad for Hajime’s offer. 
“I’m right over there,” you tell him, forefinger pointed towards the vehicle in question and hoping to stir some last minute interaction before you parted ways. There was no telling when you’d get to see him next, given that he clearly didn’t go out into the gym floor too often. 
You hear him hum in acknowledgment at your side. He’s close. Though he’d foregone wearing a jacket, the heat still emanating from his body prickles the back of your neck. You wanted to curl up beside it, inside it. 
“Not what I pictured you driving,” he jokes, and in the next step he’s lightly nudging your side. Glancing over, you try not to grin at the grimace that follows his words. You can’t tell if he’s simply awkward at conversation or awkwardly flirting—either or would be equally endearing. 
“Oh yeah?” you nudge him back to assuage any doubts, feeling just how sturdy he is in comparison. “And what do you drive? Something gaudy, maybe one of those ridiculously big off road cars?” 
You count it as a victory to hear him laugh. “Not quite,” he murmurs, tilting to meet your eyes. Suddenly, the lamplight's eerie glow evolves into something atmospheric. Intimate. The two of you have noticeably slowed your pace, reluctant for the moment to end. 
“Got my old man’s 1970’s Datsun secondhand. Can barely squeeze my knees in”. 
A vintage, you note. Arriving at the bumper of your own car, you run an idle hand over the hood as you circle toward the driver's seat. All the while, you’re watching him with a grin. “Aren’t Datsun’s known for drifting?”
“Not when I’m driving they’re not,” he snorts, a distinct fondness settling into his features as he recalls a memory. “I’ve had it since I graduated. I don’t like buying anything new until what I have is beyond saving”. 
Handsome, endearing and respectful. Accountable with his money. Frugal, despite having a good income—you assume. Internally, you can’t help ticking away at the boxes. 
“That’s very responsible of you,” you push your keys, wincing at the pitched beep as the doors unlock. “I’d like to see all six feet of you squeezed into it one day”. 
“Five eleven,” he corrects, gleaming with amusement. “That a dealbreaker?”
“Honest with his money and his height. You really are an anomaly”.
His smile shifts, slightly wry as he takes another step forward and replies, “Thank you”. 
The inside of your cheek is tender between your teeth as you observe him for a drawn out moment, before finally pulling the car door open and throwing your backpack onto the passenger seat. “Thank you,” it clicks, and the ugly charm hanging from your rear view mirror lights up, “for walking me over. I really do appreciate it”. 
“You’re sure tonight hasn’t scared you off?”
“I’m sure. I promise to leave a positive review,” you continue to lean against the open door frame without climbing in, still lingering, still wanting to talk to him. “Spacious, clean equipment, good music… oh, also comes with your own personal white knight—”
He barks a laugh, quickly holding his fist against his mouth to muffle the abrupt sound. The swell of his cheeks are lifted and pink when he uncovers his face, just like the tips of his ears, eyes squinted yet bright under the dim lights. “Maybe don’t add that last part. People might get the wrong idea”. 
“And what’s that?” 
The tension gently shifts as his gaze meets yours, breathing hitched in your throat under his boyish grin. “They might start to think I’d do this for everyone,” he says. 
You shift forward slightly with the urge to touch him, like your body was drawn to him instinctively. His hand comes down onto the top of the car door, right beside your own, his heat stark against your skin. It was purposeful, if not cautious. Maybe you shouldn’t be so easily swayed by a handsome smile and common decency, but you trusted the feeling in your gut. 
“Somehow I think you would do this for everyone,” you swallow, extending your little finger to meet his knuckle, “you seem like a good guy, Iwaizumi”. 
“That…” he clears his throat. Your abrupt sincerity seems to have thrown him off kilter, obvious about his avoidance of your gaze in favour of staring at the place where hands meet. Your heart stutters when he presses into your cautious touch. 
And then, followed by a sharp inhale, Hajime is stepping away to maintain a respectful distance from you, fist clenched against his sternum. “Good. That’s good”. 
“Yeah,” you give him what you hope is a reassuring smile, “I should get home”. 
The tension dissipates and he mirrors your expression, at ease again. One foot in the car and bending, Hajime’s eyes follow as you settle into the driver's seat. He ducks around the door, “I’ll see you later, then?” 
“You will,” the engine slowly begins to hum once you twist your key into the ignition. Happy with your answer, Hajime closes the door for you and leaves two departing thuds to the roof of your car. 
Glancing through the windshield towards the gym’s entrance, a final thought crosses your mind. Rolling down the window as you pull away, you call out to him, “Make sure to get back quick, before Hanamaki really does start texting your mum”. 
He breaks out into a jog, and you can't help but laugh.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
This is weird but right now I have a strong desire to climb your tall bois like a tree and chill around their shoulders
How would Breg, Vinnel, Belo, Krulu and Rinx react to that?
Reaction to being climbed
Breg sees nothing wrong with this. Breeders are climbers after all, their kind is used to sticking to surfaces and crawling their way through tight or otherwise uneven passages. Plus, younglings are known to climb their parents and encouraged to do so, so having a smaller mate do this to him is honestly just very validating to his monstrous instincts. The breeder will let you struggle your way around his body, giggling because you're awfully clumsy at this, and possibly give you a helping hand. Can- Can you please put your thighs around his neck? Just for a little bit? No? Well, maybe he's not letting you down so soon then.
I've said it a hundred times before, I'll say it a hundred more, Vinnel is a dick. The moment he notices what you're up to, he lets you get a footing then slowly floats further into the air. Enough that you won't notice until it's too late. Wasn't such a wise idea now, was it Poppet? However will you make it down now? At the end of the day, he'll enjoy carrying you around and pretending he's going to drop you when you least expect it. Such fun. He won't let you hang by his shoulders because you'll ruin the jester's frills.
Belo startles. He's not even that tall, what are you climbing him for?? Can't he just kneel? Unless you're quite thin/small, you'll dislodge the angel a tad, so he'd rather just pick you up and set you on his shoulders himself. That way, no one gets hurt. Do be careful with his smaller set of wings, as they'll either rest on your thighs or fold awkwardly. On the plus side, his head is shaped like a kettlebell so you have a handle to grab onto. He does not like this. Belo will go about his day as smoothly as he can, but at some point he will simply get too flustered to humor it anymore.
Krulu has a policy where you're not to touch him excessively without permission, trying to match him in height is seen as a great offense for a lesser, and he'll let you know from very early on. If you want to be held, ask. They have six hands, one can be spared. In days where he's bored, Krulu will watch you attempt to crawl his body before setting you back down so you can do it again until you inevitably give up. He thinks it's adorable, you can see him grin behind his fingers.
Rinx's first instinct is to use his big ole hands and grab you. Because clearly, if it's climbing him, it's his. And in a way, he's correct! You're quickly picked up and deposited on his shoulders. Given the Icon's thin neck, you can comfortably sit and grab onto his semi-solid horns. Rinx will not let you down for hours if he can help it, everytime he has to set you down, he keeps a hand on his prize. Whine too much and it's leash treatment for you.
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docholligay · 4 months
Holligay Tries Things That Aren't Running: Kettlebell AMPD
The answer is a very obvious, 'Because people like it that way' but I swear to god, working out in groups is just choreography, and, why?
I walk into Kettlebell AMPD after a full week of doing strength classes, and I'm not too proud to tell you: I am beat to shit. I literally put dinner on the table and ran out in my Extremely Noble Quest to win an overpriced and unnecessary kitchen item, after having ran in the morning, and the idea of lifting a weight is not thrilling to me.
But, the only way to get a sticker is to do this class, and I've picked it specifically because it's only 45 minutes, and not an hour, and I am lazy.
The teacher's name is Lacy*. I am worried that she will think I'm a lazy shit, because I have every intention of picking up a 10 pound kettlebell and being a lazy shit. Echoes of Boot Camp haunt my mind. She'll see me for sure.
Then she struggles to tell the teenage boys playing hoops that open gym is over, and I offer to do it.
I grab my ten pound kettlebell. She ain't saying shit.
A kettlebell is essentially a flat-bottomed bowling ball with a handle. I've been in enough classes involving weight to have a rough idea of what is going to go on here, but what I could not have imagined is that the squats and bicup curls and whatnot would be set to the beats of That's What I Call Music: Doc is in and around High School.
I want you to imagine trying to get a serious workout in while you're listening to Fall Out Boy and The All American Rejects. You're doing squats in time the Good Charlotte. Am I the dad rock?? I ask myself. I never listened to this stuff really, but there is nothing like the popular music of your generation being used to inspire a bunch of greying women in t-shirts to make you realize that the greying woman is you, DocDoc.
All of which would have been fine until some other unspeakable mid00s hit came on, and she displayed a motion of making a wide swing with the kettlebell, trading it over at the top of her head, squatting down and passing it to the other hand, again, through her legs.
Like most people just this side of 40, I have a handful of infirmities, my only saving grace being that they were caused by something other than being old: Being an idiot.
When I was about 19, I fell through the floor of an abandoned farmhouse, from the second floor to the first, and have a handful of issues to show for it. A few light scars that most people never notice unless I point them out, a knee that gives me trouble occasionally, an elbow with a weak ligament that gets overtaxed easily, but most interestingly, a hand that drops something if I grip it wrong.
I assume this is some kind of nerve injury, as it's the same hand that loses feeling in two of the fingertips if it gets cold, but I don't know as I've never had the money and inclination to chase down an injury for which the diagnosis will be: Hell of a thing! But what it means is I often have to be thoughtful about the way I lift something with that hand, especially something heavy. I have done it so long that people never notice I do it, and honestly it's generally easy to avoid.
Swinging a kettlebell around my legs and through the air to the beat is PRIME TIME for me to be grabbing something incorrectly and sailing it off into Kelsey's head. I stand there for a moment like an idiot, unsure of what to do. Then i just go grab a 5 pound kettlebell and .5% ass it.
I would say I got nothing out of the class, but in fairness I didn't really give it anything to reinvest, it's not like I was actually trying. I don't think I would do it again though, it was weightlifting without any actual oomph. I would go to that class every week and never get any stronger.
We finished with a stretching session to Jimmy Eat World's song about a dead person.
*Or, as with these (reviews? Thoughts? Pointless asides?) a close enough approximation of her name.
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yellowcry · 4 months
Who walk back down again to feel your words and their sharp sting?
Luisa had got a gift of super strength. It was perfect to keep them safe.
The only problem is that she tends to worry. And it is what killed Alma back then
Pedro and Alma swap
Pedro had to admit he was a bit nervous right now. Luisa just had gotten her gift, and to a giant surprise, it was a super strength. Part of Pedro had wondered why would a girl get such a gift. 
But, Alma was the one to sacrifice herself. Maybe it was supposed to be a reminder of his weakness that night. Regardless, Luisa was now the strongest kid in town. And her strength had proven itself already.
Before the ceremony, Pedro could call Luisa his least favorite. She was way too active and had been getting into accidents every so often. Unlike Dolores who was quiet and didn't like to move around much and Isabela who was active too but also was obedient enough to know her limit, Luisa had given Pedro a dozen gray hairs for doing things that could intentionally harm her. 
Now, she was able to handle it without sweat, and Pedro was grateful for this. 
And, with this strength, Luisa could actually protect herself. She could protect everyone. It was strange to admit. The girl was the strongest in here (just like Alma was stronger between them both). Luisa would be the perfect person in case of danger.
There was only one problem. Luisa was way more inclined to cry or panic than the older girls. And Pedro knew that this wasn't just upsetting, it could kill them if Luisa had lost her cool in a fight. So...
"Luisa, mija, could you sit down at least a little?" Pedro called his third oldest nieta, Luisa looked up at him from where she was lifting weights that Casita had prudently put in her new room.
With a loud thud, Luisa dropped the metallic kettlebells, rubbed her palms, and looked up at Pedro. "What is it?" She smiled widely, flashing a toothy smile.
Pedro took a deep breath and kneeled down, getting to the same height as Luisa. Dolores was in her room, he asked her to stay there for a bag of sweets and a new book. Isabela was with her, so this talk was really private. "You know about your Abuela's death, right?"
Luisa tensed a little. "She... She didn't make the way and got lost?" Her voice was nervous, she knew that this kind of lost wasn't like when Dolores fell asleep in a basket and grownups were worried sick. It was that kind of lost where no one could find her ever.
Pedro nodded. "Yes, we had just gotten our babies when the war started." He knew Luisa didn't have much information about this. He didn't like to mention it, that time was painted in pain and regret that he couldn't wash away. "Everything was on fire. Homes were burning, the shouting filled the air, piercing through the quiet streets. The blades were swinging around, and it was insanely loud." 
Did he feel bad about telling this? Yes. It was something that had hurt him deeply as an adult, leaving a deep scar in his soul. Luisa looked startled, clearly nervous and scared about this. But it wasn't about her. It wasn't about Pedro. It was about their family. About the entire town. And if Pedro had to get Luisa out of child innocence so early... Well, it would be then.
Even talking about this was hitting him with more pain than any sword could ever harm him. But he had to, for their family's safety. So Pedro was talking with every detail he could remember. Especially those that were telling Luisa about the pain, the smell of burn, and the death screams of people surrounding them. He told his grandfather about Alma's death. At this point, Pedro had to slow down not to lose his cool. "The sound when the saber getting through her skin sounded like the squelch of meat when your mama cooks. A disgusting sickening splash, mixed with her screams of agony and pain in front of my eyes, until she fell into cold water."
Luisa hugged herself, her face was white in terror, and her pupils were shaking, staring at Pedro's face. This had definitely made him feel bad. This wasn't something that five-year-olds should know. But again, if this would protect their family, if it would make Luisa realize the truth, Pedro had to do it. He took a deep breath and put his palm on Luisa's cheek, forcing her to look up. "You see, Alma died because my fear and panic got the best of me." He spoke softly, trying to keep Luisa calm. "What would happen if somebody evil had found us and decided to harm our family?" 
"They would?!" Luisa gasped in shock, her voice trembled with horrified panic. The fact that even this talk was enough for Luisa to get this worked up was enough of a proof that Pedro was right when he decided that he had to have this talk with Luisa.
"Yes, they would. They would break through the mountains, burn our small village to ashes. And then they would break to us, kill everyone if you won't be. strong enough." He nodded. It was the harsh reality, no matter how much it hurts. "If your emotions would get the best of you, our family will get killed right in front of your eyes." He looked into Luisa's red eyes, taking her arms in a strong grip. Not painful, but enough to feel pressure. "If something bad happened and you got as worried as right now, somebody would die." Pedro closed his eyes, leaning his head. "And it would be your fault." In a few seconds, he looked back at Luisa, returning the soft patently tone. "You don't want this to happen, do you?"
The girl shook her head panicky. "I don't want anyone to... to die..."
Pedro nodded, getting onto his feet. "So, you have to be able to ignore what you feel. Being rational, regardless of the situation." Luisa nodded, still extremely nervous. "And this contains now. Try to pretend you aren't worried about our family right now"
Luisa's eye twitched as she tried to relax but to no avail. "I'm sorry, I'm trying.." She mumbled, at least suppressing her shaking. 
"Good job." Pedro smiled when Luisa's pose became more relaxed. Still tense and shocked, but there was some progress. It would take time, but one day Luisa would surely get better than he was.
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shoyoist · 1 year
PAPA KAISER PAPA KAISER PAPA KAISER <33 papa kaiser w two girls! HES JUST LIKE SAE! he’s a girl dad and they inherited his attitude LMFAO he loves his girls very much!! AAAAHH thinking abt it makes me so happy n sososos <33 he probably softened a lot more too
ALSO ALSO W PAPA SHIDOU i like to think that papa shidou probs changed his ways for you :(( n when u had ur first daughter w him, he changed completely! his little princess n you r what he loves the most n it shows, he’s so sweet to u n his child it’s almost hard to believe he was someone w a violent persona! /j he might also be the overprotective time ykwim! i see him teaching his daughter a few self defence techniques bc he knows he might always be there to protect her </3
kaiser and his daughters have the exact same facial expressions i tell you. when the three of them roll their eyes at you in perfect sync with eachother like 🙄🙄🙄 or when they turn their noses up at you for putting your foot down about something... it's so irritating but they're so cute 😭
and omg you're so right about shidou :( he's so gentle and caring but still has that hellcat (thanks to my beloved river @ katasstrophy for coining this term for him hehe) streak to him 💓 you'll come into the baby's room and find him towelling her dry after the bath he gave her, talking away about anything and everything, asking her for her opinion and going “exactly! you get me, don't ya? smart fuckin’ girl.” when she giggles at his tone.
and you can't decide if you should kiss him for how sweetly he's handling his little daughter or slap him for cussing her innocent little ears off 💀 ++ he definitely teaches her how to fight, and it's almost unintentional! yk how those gym rat dads take their baby sons to the gym with them? shidou does that with your little girl. gives her the smallest kettlebell on the rack and lets her tug it around while he does his own workout (i think he'd do callisthenics v_v). and eventually she starts copying his workouts and he gets really into it 😭 involves her in everything he does and she ends up becoming a lil fighter LMAOO
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davidboles · 3 months
Bells Build Massive Biceps
Hello again, my Kettlebell friend! We always want to look and feel our best — that’s why we do what we do everyday with slinging our rounded iron! Yes, creating massive biceps is a common goal for many fitness enthusiasts — not that there’s anything wrong with that! While traditional dumbbell exercises are widely recognized for bicep development, kettlebells offer unique benefits and challenges that can lead to impressive muscle growth and strength. This article will guide you through an effective kettlebell workout specifically designed to target and build massive biceps.
Why Kettlebells for Biceps?
Kettlebells, with their off-center mass, engage muscles differently than dumbbells. This means your muscles have to work harder to stabilize the weight, leading to increased muscle activation and growth. Additionally, the thick handles of kettlebells improve grip strength, which is crucial for pulling exercises that target the biceps.
The Workout
This kettlebell workout for biceps focuses on high-intensity exercises that stimulate muscle growth. It's important to start with a warm-up to prevent injuries. A good warm-up could include arm circles, wrist rolls, and some light kettlebell swings to get the blood flowing.
1. Kettlebell Bicep Curls
How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in each hand. Keep your elbows close to your torso, curl the weights while keeping your palms facing up. Lower them back down after a short pause. Aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
2. Kettlebell Hammer Curls
How to: Similar to the bicep curls but hold the kettlebells with your palms facing each other (neutral grip). This targets the brachialis, a muscle that can push your bicep up, making it look bigger. Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps.
3. Kettlebell Clean
How to: Start with the kettlebell between your feet. Bend your knees slightly, then explosively pull the kettlebell up, flipping your wrist so it rests against your forearm at shoulder height. This not only works your biceps but also engages your core and shoulders. Do 3 sets of 6-8 reps per arm.
4. Kettlebell Concentration Curl
How to: Sit on the edge of a bench or chair, spreading your legs wide. Lean forward slightly, holding a kettlebell with one hand. Rest your elbow against your inner thigh for support, and curl the kettlebell towards your chest. Focus on isolating the bicep. Perform 3 sets of 10-12 reps per arm.
Tips for Maximizing Bicep Growth
Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight of the kettlebell as you get stronger to continue challenging your muscles.
Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on the contraction of the bicep muscle during each exercise to maximize engagement.
Recovery: Biceps need time to repair and grow. Ensure you're not overtraining and that you're getting enough rest between workouts.
Nutrition: Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth. Make sure your diet supports your fitness goals.
Hey, Incorporating kettlebells into your workout routine can significantly enhance your bicep development. The unique properties of kettlebells, combined with the exercises listed above, can help you achieve massive biceps. Remember, consistency, proper form, and a balanced diet are key to seeing the best results. Start integrating these kettlebell exercises into your routine and watch your biceps grow! Be careful out there! Get bigger out there!
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nihilight · 1 year
i haven't been remembering my dreams for about 2 years. even more rare is when i have the epic -- be it good dream or nightmare -- Whole Sleep Dream. the kind where, even hours after you wake up, you remember EVERYTHING.
last night i had both, & it went a little something like this:
CW: animal death, SA.
your usual apocalytic setting. the weather was frightening & gorgeous. the sky was a juxtaposition of sunlight & storm. snow came. falling ice shards. so much snow & sunlight; it can't possibly be so hot & cold at once, but it is.
my house is some hybrid of my house, my mom's house, and the basement of shy's grandfather's house, where we lived briefly in 1996 in a moldy, spider & ant infested room, with an even worse bathroom on the other side of the basement.
keith is keith, but keith doesn't look like keith? it's a male, same approx build, but i never see his face, either because of a face shield/ski mask/scarves, etc. the voice isn't right either.
people are frantic. the snow is piling up & the hot hot sun won't melt it. planes in the air are crashing, falling. news can't keep up, but towers that carry signals are exploding by the second, all over the word, so we're all on our own.
i'm trying to figure out how to get shy, J, & my mom back to our house. keith tells me to start reinforcing windows & get the girls food, needs, 1st aid stuff, basic food, water, & everything gathered. we decide given the pace & direction of the weather that our bedroom will be our hole up spot.
we are a solidified unit, a team. we got this.
i do this, he takes the blazer to fetch the family, chilly, ruby.
<i wake up here. i turn over, push mina a little, readjust, go back to sleep.>
4 hours later, keith returns. they only live like maybe 2 or 3 miles away, and it took 4 hours. by now, there are a few more people in our house bc i can't say no. people who i let in, had something to contribute: food, radios, flashlights, water, blankets, etc.
i go into hyperfixation mode & get everyone organized with a little spot, that still leaves room to quickly move around, etc.
it takes forever to get the door back open against the snow & ice over it, that the sun is somehow still not melting. (yet how did i get people in? idk, dream logic) vehicles are smashed & on fire here & there but it isn't melting anything either.
as we're getting everyone in, some monster truck comes flying through out of control, having hit an iceblock in the road. it smashes into our blazer. 'fucking hell,' keith says, & then magically sparrow is there, runs out frantically bc she's confused, & gets hit by another car flying through.
i lose my shit. keith says to stop being emotional because there isn't time for that. i feel my heart both shatter & flare with anger at those words. i say nothing, & help get everyone inside as 2 more planes crash in the air, & pieces fall down.
<i wake up here, cold sweat. i spend a few minutes petting mina with my face in her flank. mina rumbles, does big comfy breathing sighs. i fall back asleep>
chaos at hume home across the street. half the building is smashed from airplane parts. 'can you come cook a few meals to get us through a couple days? we'll send you home with a few huge cans of veggies, milk, cooler boxes...' (we don't have cooler boxes IRL, but sure.)
it takes me about 25 minutes to get over there (2 mins IRL), over all the ice chunks, busted cars, bodies, airplane parts. i do the cooking, they tell me cleanup doesn't matter but i do it anyway (???), and then i work on making the trek back home.
i see keith talking to the dude with the monster truck who hit our blazer. i call out for help dragging these cooler boxes full of shit, but they both just look at me. 'you've been doing kettlebells,' says monster truck driver, looking me up and down, creepy. 'you can handle it. it'll keep you warmed up.'
'for what?' i ask. i need to know what's coming. i need order. i need... something, here, bc so far i've been doing a damn good job at not losing my shit, especially with sparrows body getting covered up by ice that the sun won't melt, 15 feet away in the street.
they don't answer. when i get to our driveway, keith grabs the boxes, says thanks, kisses my forehead and adjusts my hat and scarf, then gets inside. confused, i go to follow him, but monster truck guy grabs my arm.
'just be quick,' keith says to monster truck guy, then goes inside and shuts the door.
s*x traded for the truck.
'it was you or your kid, i mean... it's a monster fucking TRUCK!'
so, that happens. on a jagged pile of snow & ice that the sun won't seem to melt.
when i get all my layers put back on, wipe my nose, ignore all the cold/hot cuts on my back, & get inside, i start to cry.
"you have to stop being so emotional about this," my mom says, tiredly, from a couch in my living room that's purple now, instead of brown. part of me is frantically trying to point this out to another part of me (forcing lucid dreaming--it's a long explanation), or look for my hands, or something. 'everything's different now, we have to make sacrifices.'
shy & i's eyes meet from across the room. 'wake up,' they said.
there's a pounding at the front door, & someone yelling that i need to get back to work. the sound of collision, an inward sucking of air that pulls everything into silence, & then a crash as more airplane parts drop on the front porch section of the house.
shy's at my elbow now, their little hands curled around my bicep. 'wake up,' they said again.
i woke up, and it was 8.45a, mina was curled against me. i exhaled. i started to just sob, hard, for maybe ... idk, 20 seconds?
but i stopped, bc i was ✨ being emotional ✨ & now i'm just angry & feeling sad.
i guess the gist here is that something in me is damn sick and tired of being pegged as emotional, crazy, or bitchy, when things keep changing with no pre-amble or slight explanation, i get pushed, or etc, & even more sick & tired of having to explain why to save face. i feel like i'm being gaslit & brain-r*ped when people do it.
yeah, i see you out there, i heard what you said, with your MA in psychology. it sure does seem like i'm using my NDs as an "excuse," doesn't it? it's because i fucking have to keep explaining why.
but i'm done! :) i've cared too much about people liking me, or being the one that people DON'T have to whisper about. well, whisper away... cause i can't be myself happily when juxtaposed with having to embarrassingly explain myself too. i'm turning 40-fucking-5 tomorrow. i'm halfway to 90.
i literally don't have it in me to care about people outside my circle anymore, if they aren't even going to take 10 seconds to try to understand someone outside their norm.
& also when the world ends? i hope it's that fucking gorgeous.
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rochellelagorge · 1 year
Always liked coming to this gym. Coincidentally the same meathead I grew fond of watching came in before work as well. His skin reflected the light with his sweat. He had a full head of hair and a smile that I'd only wish to see hovered over me while he pinned me down. There was a time where shooting my shot wasn't an issue. But it was now, for this gorgeous man.
I walked up to him and said hello, thinking he'd move so I could get a few kettlebells off the rack. I grazed him with one on the way to the studio which was pretty abandoned unless there was a class. I set up the weights and turned on a playlist I could get lost in. He was nowhere in sight but seemed rude anyway.
I began to deadlift in intervals. Through the corner of my eye, I saw meathead looking at me. I paused, he walked away. I continued my sets then put the weights back hoping he was gone. Figured it wasn't going to work anyway.
Meathead hadn't left but I still had sets to complete. I set up the hex bar with 250 to start. He stood behind me with a smirk. I glanced back using the mirror. I paused, remaining bent over. He walked over to my side as I started to pulse the weight. His lips were moving but I was lost in my music.
I removed a headphone and looked at him, "what?"
He smirked, "little light lift today?"
I blushed. "Excuse me?"
He chuckled, "you're normally almost double."
I nodded, "some asshole was hogging the plates" I gazed over at his setup.
He smirked, "you could just come on over," he walked away.
I was tempted to follow. I finished my set and saw him continuing with his deads. He stopped mid bend and looked at me. He caught me staring at his legs flexed. Sweaty and shaped well.
I turned away to walk out of the gym, "weak sauce."
I finished loading my car and closed the trunk. As I opened the driver-side door, meathead walked over and blocked me from closing the door.
"Can I help you?"
He rolled his eyes, "weak sauce?"
I laughed and nodded. "Looked like a light set for you."
Meathead ticked his teeth, "someone was hogging plates"
I shook my head and reached for my door handle to attempt to move him away. "Move dude."
Meathead smiled and put a piece of paper on my thigh and gave it a firm squeeze before walking away. I drove home and opened the paper. Apparently meathead had a name...Joseph. I added him to my phone and we exchanged a few texts before I decided to pull away from the conversation.
◇Hey, plate hog, now you have my number.
♤Hello...that I do. Going back tomorrow?
◇Nope. Especially if there won't be plates to use!!
♤Just work out with me. I'll show you the ropes.
The next day I thought about it more and decided to go to the gym. Joseph was waiting by the door with a sly grin on his face. His teeth poked through as I approached him.
"You sure you can handle me?"
He laughed, "Don't worry about me, Princess"
I continued inside, feeling him follow. After setting up the bench, he laid down under the bar.
"Are you spotting?"
I shook my head, "nope, your rude ass should have let me go first"
He rolled his eyes and laughed then started his set. I smirked as I watched him. His shorts tightened around his crotch as his lower back arched. He paused, I let out a laugh watching him struggle.
"You can say please"
He tried not to laugh as the bar lowered back to his chest. I smirked and walked over to him. Helped him lift the bar onto the rack. He sat on the bench shaking his head and adjusting himself.
I stood in front of him, my tits slightly invaded his personal space. I squeezed his thigh and got closer to his ear. "Weak. Sauce."
I tried to pull away and he grabbed my arm then pulled me to sit. "Your turn," he said as he approached the head of the bench.
I laid down, looking up at him, his quads bulged a bit, the cut lines enhanced from his sweat. I felt my cheeks grow slightly red as his shorts still hugged his crotch snugly.
He finished the set with me. My arms felt like jello but I didn't want him seeing the struggle. I sat up and looked at him then headed outside.
He followed after me, "where are you going?"
"I have things to do. I don't live at the gym as some plate hogs do"
I heard him chuckle. I loaded up and sat on the driver's side. He blocked the door again.
"You know, you really shouldn't keep blocking my door"
His lip curled in the corner, "what are you going to do about it?"
I climbed out of the car and made eye contact. "Move. I won't tell you again."
Joseph smirked and took a small step to the side, still blocking the door. He laughed softly as I let out a huff and rolled my eyes.
I walked over to the passenger side and mixed my protein. He stood on the driver's side looking at me. I climbed into the passenger side and drank. Before I finished swallowing, he climbed into the driver's seat and locked us in.
"Uhm, no. You're asking for a beating little man"
Joseph turned to me and nodded, "if that's what you want."
He grabbed the keys and walked over to the passenger side. He forced the door open, my arms still shaking from lifting. I sat still looking up at him. He smirked and placed a hand on the center console. His other hand found my thigh. I felt my body tighten.
He smirked again, "a beating?"
I nodded and reached for the top of his hair. Pulling roughly, he winced as I sat forward trying to get out of the car. Joseph grunted then growled deeper as he ripped his head away from my hand. One of his hands grabbed my face, the free one pressed against my chest, pinning me against the seat.
"Are we doing this here?" He raised his eyebrow.
I smirked and shrugged.
He let go and took a step back. "Come on out then, brat"
I put my hair in a ponytail and climbed out. I stood in front of him and made sure I was just out of his reach.
"You wouldn't do shit in public....I'll scream, and just be the helpless woman getting pummeled by some meathead with roid rage"
Joseph raised an eyebrow and in a single swift motion, grabbed the top of my head then pulled me close into his chest. His free hand wrapped around my waist while he adjusted his grip to my ponytail. I gasped and struggled against him.
"Doesn't seem so easy, hm? I thought you were going to scream?"
He pulled me back to make eye contact. I opened my mouth slightly, just as quickly he thrust 2 fingers inside and gagged me. I choked, trying to pull away, his grip on my hair tightened as he pulled his fingers out, wiping the string of spit on my face.
I looked at him, frustrated. "Let go."
He laughed, "you screaming again?"
I pouted slightly and struggled against his grip. He spun me around and put me in a headlock.
His head lowered next to my ear. "The more you struggle, the more fun I have"
He released me, I grabbed my keys and got back into the driver's seat, immediately closing the door and locking it. He motioned for me to roll the window down. I laughed, flipped him off, and drove away.
A few days went by with no text from him. I went to the gym and started my workout. Was a fairly slow day for them so I had the gym almost to myself. I laid back on the bench and pulled the bar off. Halfway through the set, the bar seemed to increase in tension. I opened my eyes, Joseph was standing at the edge of the bench with his arms bracing the bar. He inched forward and lowered the bar towards my chest. I tried to resist but he was much stronger than me. I could see his genitals gently framed by his shorts.
Joseph bent his knees slightly and his balls rested on my face. I felt my clit twitch as his dominance over me grew. I tilted my head back trying to hide the kisses I gave them. He stepped back and placed the bar back up. I sat up and looked back at him. He seemed to have moved on. I finished my workout and walked to my car.
Joseph came behind me and grabbed my keys from my hand. I turned and looked at him then attempted to grab them away. Joseph smirked and grabbed my wrist. He twisted around and held me from behind. We walked to the passenger side and he put me on the seat. He tied my hands together and against the headrest then buckled my seatbelt. My clit throbbed, feeling his assertiveness. He climbed in the car, started it, and drove away.
"Where are you taking me?"
Joseph smirked and looked at me. "My house, you slut."
I tried to come up with a witty reply but ended up pouting. He turned into a driveway and turned the car off.
Joseph stood in front of me, "You're going to walk inside, and say nothing. Follow me to my room. If you talk, I'll make sure your ass is so bruised you can't walk."
I nodded and he untied me. We locked the car and I followed him in. His roommates were on the couch. I could've run out but I was already becoming malleable for him. We stood in his room and he locked the door. He emptied his pockets and looked at me.
"Come here."
I approached him slowly. "What? You want to fight?" I backhanded him hard enough to turn his head.
He recoiled back and stared at me then smirked. He swiftly grabbed my throat and pinned me against the wall. He kissed my forehead then smacked me.
Joseph chuckled, "Let's go then. I'm going to make you my fucking toy. You're going to learn from that mistake."
I whimpered and my breathing started getting heavy. He smacked the other side of my face. My ears were ringing. I stared at him and opened my mouth but nothing came out. He shoved 3 fingers to the back of my throat. I gagged. He began finger fucking me. He alternated between fucking my throat with his fingers and slapping me. My eyes teared up as I tried to catch my breath.
Joseph stepped back and grabbed my hair. He put me on my knees and spit in my face. My face grew red with embarrassment. His smirk grew as he smacked me again. I looked up and stared at him. My pussy had a heartbeat. He took his shirt off then stepped closer to me.
He put his finger on the underside of my chin and lifted my face with some pressure, "now, are you going to behave?"
I nodded and looked at him. He smiled back down at me. "Take off your clothes."
"Gross. No."
Before I could finish my sentence he stood me up and grabbed my top. I struggled but his strong hands ripped my top off. He slapped both my tits and I took off my bra. I tried to hide my body. Joseph slapped my hands away, grabbed my throat, and dropped me on his bed. I let out a small squeak as he straddled me. He tied my wrist together and secured them. As he climbed off me, he took my shorts and panties with him. I crossed my legs. As my panties hit the floor, he saw the white strip of cum my pussy left behind.
"Oh, so this is exciting you?"
I shook my head. Joseph lifted my legs by the back of my knees and opened them. My pussy slowly peeled apart. I felt the juice flow creep down. Joseph smacked my clit, I whimpered and tried to close my legs. He put my legs down and tied each ankle to the corners of the bed. Joseph stripped himself. He stood at the edge of the bed. I struggled as he firmly placed a wand against my clit and turned it on. My whimpers became louder moans. He grabbed his belt from the wall and started to smack my thighs. I squirmed with each hit, feeling my inner thighs start to burn. He grabbed a cane from inside a nook in his closet. He began with slow taps and increased with firmness as he traveled around my body.
I whimpered and began to pant. My body tensed as I started to cum on his blankets. He stopped as he saw my muscles contracting and stood at the foot of his bed. He removed the wand and examined the blanket. He firmly smacked my clit, I screamed, he smacked it another 3 times.
"I didn't give you permission to cum, did I?!
I shook my head and mumbled. He smacked me again then dug his hands into my beaten thighs. "No, but -"
"But nothing."
Joseph grew quiet and untied one of my ankles. He flipped my body then pulled my hips up. He secured my ass in the air and my legs open. I felt his cock gently tap against me. He gripped both my ass cheeks then smacked them. The sting made me jump. My ass wiggled a bit, which made him groan a bit as he grabbed the flogger. He started to swing it on my ass. I let out small deep moans. He picked up his pace and my back and ass started to sting.
I muffled an apology. He stopped briefly and I moved my head to the side. "I'm sorry. I'll ask permission."
I whimpered as I felt him gently let the flogger fall. He climbed up behind me and inserted the tip of his cock in me. I tried to push back but he stopped me. He took it out and smacked my ass.
"Listen slut, don't fucking think I won't just beat you. If you want me to wreck that filthy cunt, I'm going to tease you."
I nodded, "Okay"
"No, you say yes Daddy"
"Yes, Daddy." I whimpered.
Joseph grabbed my hips and thrust quickly into me. I screamed as I felt his thick cock separate me and punch my cervix. My moans grew as he created a rhythm. I heard him grunt as he grew faster. His balls swung against my sensitive it. I began panting more as he pumped deeper into me.
"Daddy, may I cum?"
"Say please."
"Fuck no!"
Without a word, Joseph dismounted me and walked over to my face. He grabbed the back of my hair and smacked me.
I opened my mouth and without giving me time to adjust, he shoved his cock in my mouth. I tasted my pussy, slightly mixed with his precum. I began sucking and stroking the underside of his cock with my tongue. He let out a few short moans as his thrusts grew more forceful. His cock stopped in the back of my throat. I gagged heavy. He pulled out, spit on my face then finger fucked the back of my throat to rub it on my face. I looked up at him panting, keeping my tongue out. His cock thrust back into my face. I gagged heavier and panted as I tried to keep up. He stood still in the back of my throat, his cock pulsed. I felt his hot stream of cum leak down mg throat. He pulled out slowly, my tongue swirled around the tip. He let go of my head and stepped back. He grabbed a crop and started to work it up and down my body.
The next 15 minutes he spent beating my skin with different implements. I squealed and squirmed. My body was hot and sensitive. Some parts had welts on them, others looked almost ready to burst. I was almost in tears when he stopped. He untied me and put me on my knees. He sat at the edge of the bed and guided my head towards his cock. I looked up at him and slowly put the tip inside. I closed my eyes and moaned as his cock grew harder. Mouth traveled up and down his shaft, tasting every inch.
He pulled me off and laid back on the bed. "Ride me, and don't make me tell you twice."
He sat up as I hesitated. His hand firmly grabbed my throat and guided me over his lap. He laid down, bringing my throat with him. I mindlessly knelt right above his cock end guided it in. My pussy coated his cock, it leaked down his balls. I slowly rocked my hips with the movement of my neck in his hand. I sped up and he began smacking my tits as they swung toward him. My clit started to harden as I felt him punch my cervix. He let go of my throat and I sat up. I sped the rhythm my hips were moving. He went with it and thrusted upward. My moans grew longer and I slowed down. Joseph smirked and began working my hips with his hand. I whimpered and looked down at him. I began begging to cum.
He grabbed both of my nipples and pulled. I squealed and begged harder. Joseph smirked then permitted me. As I squirt on his cock, I felt his body tighten under me. His hot load mixed with mine as I continued to ride. He stopped me then pulled me off as he relaxed. He laid me between his arm between his bicep and pronator.
I melted into him. He pet my head, "good kitten."
"Thank you Daddy."
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
Hello Davide said you know about getting big arms do u have advice
I mean I think he's being pretty generous about my singular muscle and also tbh my experience may not be replicable but I'll tell you about these WIP gains
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first off the main thing is I got a personal trainer. and this is why I don't know how replicable it is bc she's just amazing, she specialises in disabled and queer clients who might not feel comfortable at the gym AND she charges £50 a month, and both those things are fairly hard to find I suspect.
So I have been seeing her once a fortnight since October with a focus on weightlifting - we do a bit with machines but mostly we're doing stuff with free weights (kettlebells, dumbbells etc). Just now we're kind of building up basic strength and form with the intention of constantly increasing weights (we've started doing bench press now which is VERY exciting and makes me feel VERY strong)
Cause that's only once a fortnight, sometimes less, I also started doing wee morning workouts every day to keep moving between sessions (cause I can't go to the gym on my own or I will die) and I honestly think that's what's made the most difference. I was just doing 5-10 minutes of body work but then my partner got me some dumbbells for my birthday so now I'm doing weights too and it's gone up to about 15 minutes a day, first thing, like I do it in my jammies before I get up. So right now it looks like:
14 webslingers (from a plank, bring one foot up and swing your arm around behind you like you're Spiderman)
20 dead bugs (lie on your back with your arms and legs in the air and lower one arm and one leg until your core kicks in)
14 glute bridges (hip thrusting to the sky)
14 one-armed chest presses, alternating hands (6kg in each hand now! I started on 3kg)
14 normal chest presses (again, 6kg in each hand atm)
30 seconds elevated planks (I was doing normal planks for a minute, but it hurts my bunions 😭 so now I kick my feet up onto the bed with my hands on the floor. but that makes it WAY harder so I can only do half as long)
14 squats or 10-14 thrusters depending on how I'm feeling (squats with or without weights, thrusters are like squats but with a weight in each hand and as you come up you use the momentum to lift the weights above your head. I'm also at 6kg per hand here, so squatting 12kg total - because it's a faff to change weights I have just been doing my whole workout with the same weight. so like, I can definitely do more than 6kg chest press, I'm doing 9-10kg at the gym, but I can't do more than 6kg for thrusters atm so we're stuck at 6kg for both)
for me because of the flavour of brain I have, it's about habit forming, so once I committed to doing the same workout every morning it was pretty easy to absorb into my routine. YMMV though bc I'm aware this is a personal weirdness. I haven't missed more than 3 morning workouts a month since October purely because I know that once I start letting it be optional I won't do it at all, but I have found it really helps me wake up too. If I'm at someone else's house and don't have weights or the little handle things I have that make planking not hurt my wrists, I pick and choose and do the stuff I can.
but yeah my main advice is: everything I have achieved so far is purely down to finding a really good trainer, cause I wouldn't know where to start otherwise. The morning workout first came out of the regular warmup exercises she had us doing (webslingers, dead bugs, squats) and I've been just adding stuff we do at the gym in month on month as I get confident enough to do them on my own. especially as a guy with bad joint, I definitely have tried doing home weight exercises off my own back in the past and just not been able to consistently do anything without hurting myself, so Huld really has been invaluable in that.
but yeah other than that doing the daily stuff has really helped. my gym progress and confidence is a Lot Accelerated. on the other hand my partner hasn't to my knowledge been doing that kind of daily routine and he's also definitely bulked up, but he's a bit more prone to musculature anyway (and him having softer arms is a recent thing cause he's done a lot of heavy-lifting jobs, whereas I'm learning to lift properly for the first time)
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suzieb-fit · 1 year
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Lots going on in my world right. Mind having to shoot off in different directions. Selling the house, getting a new place to live, consoling myself that my boys ate all grown ups and can handle me being 50 miles away, hating the job and trying to find a new one etc. Ugh.
So it's great being able to dial all of that down and get into a very challenging workout.
I can't stress about anything when I'm blasting into switch climbers and scissor tuck jumps!
Last of this stage of my Nike programme. Stage six, the final stage, comes next.
Yep. It was tough. Exactly what I need, even if I didn't particularly want it 😂.
Really threw myself into it. Gave it everything I've got.
Yay for true effort and real work!
I sat down for an hour, searching for jobs, sipping my green tea before back on it with this kettlebell workout from Fiton.
Strength based, but with swings and a fast paced theme throughout, bringing in that cardio element.
I feel awesome.
Just less than an hour to curl back up in bed before getting back up and waking the boss with a cup of tea.
I'm only doing that bare minimum 12hr fast time today, but I'm breaking it with one of my protein decaff filter "coffees". Porridge will be anything up to an hour later.
It's 6.15am and I'm already halfway through today's fitness!
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farlydatau · 1 day
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Everything You Need To What About Competition Kettlebells
To train and compete at the best level, Competition Kettlebells give you the edge in performance, durability, stability, and feel. The bell's high-grade alloy steel construction and stainless steel handle make it highly durable. Elevated with a striking surface color that gives a premium glossy surface. This ensures a smooth surface to protect the bell from wear and tear and provides a superior touch and feeling. The premium color easily sets the competition kettlebells apart from other vinyl-coated kettlebells and has a longer lifespan, even with heavy use. They also have a minimum weight tolerance of +/- 0.5%. It comes with a unique silver-gray coated stainless steel handle, which provides an ergonomic handle that Prevents side slipping and reduces fatigue.
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About The Competition Kettlebells:
Competition kettlebells retain their common handle sizes and diameters regardless of weight difference. This makes it easier to maintain the same technique as you add weight. The increased mass in the kettlebell allows for better ballistic ability and more natural movement throughout the exercise. Considering the same external dimensions, Bells are color-coded according to specified standards. To be able to identify weights quickly and instantly, the embossed front shows weight in kilograms.  Overall, these kettlebells are ideal for lifters who want to train for kettlebell competitions. Or elevate your exercise level and add variety to your exercise style. When buying a kettlebell, Make sure that the handle is manageable and vice versa, not too small. The bell should sit comfortably in the rack position on the forearm. Look for uniformity in the bell curve.  
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
i want to gently grab Belo by the head handles and give him kisses all over his face
The kettlebell is there precisely to hold his head in place! And if there's anyone who should get to do such unpunished, it's his perfect cherub.
The only thing that disorients Belo more is grabbing him by the head wings, which is very intense in a lot of ways. His pupils will be visibly dilated, and he'll likely get too flustered to pay attention to anything you say.
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rwoshop · 11 days
JLL® Kettlebells with Coloured Neoprene 4kg We have a great collection of WFH products in our online shop. Our shop includes other essential remote home working devices like Webcams, Chairs, Tables and much more. Lets improve your WFH enrolment today with the JLL® Kettlebells with Coloured Neoprene 4kg. https://www.remoteworkingoffice.com/product/jll-kettlebells-with-coloured-neoprene-4kg/?feed_id=4338&_unique_id=665495290542f #homeoffice #remoteworking #ratemyoffice #homeworking #rwo #remoteworkingoffice
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ammenediel · 15 days
Transform Your Home Workouts with the Egathered Kettlebell
Are you looking to elevate your home workout routine? Look no further than buy Kettlebell, a versatile and essential tool for anyone serious about their fitness journey. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting, the Egathered Kettlebell can help you achieve your fitness goals efficiently and effectively.
Why Choose the Egathered Kettlebell?
1. Superior Quality and Design
The Egathered Kettlebell is crafted with precision and care, ensuring durability and performance. Its ergonomic handle provides a comfortable grip, making it easy to handle during even the most intense workouts. The smooth, balanced design ensures safe and effective movements, reducing the risk of injury.
2. Versatility in Workouts
Kettlebells are renowned for their versatility, and the Egathered Kettlebell is no exception. With this single piece of equipment, you can perform a wide range of exercises targeting various muscle groups. From swings and snatches to squats and presses, the possibilities are endless. This versatility makes it an excellent investment for a comprehensive home gym setup.
3. Compact and Convenient
Unlike bulky gym machines, the Egathered Kettlebell is compact and easy to store. It doesn't require a lot of space, making it perfect for home workouts. Whether you live in a small apartment or have a dedicated workout room, the Egathered Kettlebell fits seamlessly into your space.
Benefits of Kettlebell Workouts
1. Full-Body Conditioning
Kettlebell workouts are renowned for engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. This full-body conditioning improves strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health. The Egathered Kettlebell is your key to achieving a toned and sculpted body.
2. Enhanced Core Strength
Many kettlebell exercises, such as swings and Turkish get-ups, are fantastic for building core strength. A strong core not only improves your overall fitness but also enhances your stability and balance, reducing the risk of injuries.
3. Time Efficiency
In our busy lives, finding time to work out can be challenging. Kettlebell workouts are incredibly efficient, providing maximum benefits in a short amount of time. With the Egathered Kettlebell, you can achieve a highly effective workout in just 20-30 minutes.
4. Functional Fitness
Kettlebell exercises mimic real-life movements, improving your functional fitness. This means you'll perform daily activities more easily and with better posture. The Egathered Kettlebell helps you build practical strength that translates into your everyday life.
Why Buy Kettlebell from Egathered?
When you decide to buy kettlebell, you want a product that stands out in quality and performance. Egathered is committed to providing fitness enthusiasts with the best equipment on the market. Here’s why purchasing from Egathered is a smart choice:
1. Unmatched Quality
Our kettlebells undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet the highest standards. You can trust that your Egathered Kettlebell will withstand intense workouts and last for years to come.
2. Customer Satisfaction
At Egathered, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We offer excellent customer service, ensuring that your shopping experience is smooth and enjoyable. If you have any questions or concerns, our dedicated team is here to assist you.
3. Affordable Pricing
We believe that high-quality fitness equipment should be accessible to everyone. That’s why the Egathered Kettlebell is competitively priced, offering you great value for your money.
4. Convenient Online Shopping
Buying your Egathered Kettlebell is just a click away. Visit our website, browse through our products, and make your purchase from the comfort of your home. Our secure online payment system ensures your transaction is safe and straightforward.
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