#kim jung un
sher-ee · 1 month
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“As soon as the lie I wrote and recorded for the audiobook was brought to my attention, I lied more about it.”
Pathological liar continues to lie.
The psychopathy of the GOP is staggering.
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odinsblog · 2 months
Usually, when refugees flee an oppressive regime, they know what they’re leaving behind; they can taste the freedom they’re searching for. But part of the story “Beyond Utopia” tells is that the citizens of North Korea don’t fully understand how oppressed they are. They can’t; they’ve never seen any other way of being.
In that sense, apart from Nazi Germany, the country that North Korea most resembles is Mao’s China during the insanity of the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward. Tens of millions of people died in China from famine, due to Mao’s disastrously unhinged economic policies. In the aftermath, partly to cover all that up, China became the first National Propaganda Media State, subjecting its vast populace to a daily brainwashing, with Mao held up as a living deity.
The North Korean regime, in many ways a depraved outgrowth of Maoism, goes even further. As the film shows us, it has taken its made-up theology from the Bible, with Kim Jong-un portrayed as a Christ figure, and we see footage of the great mass stadium exhibitions that the citizens, including thousands of schoolchildren, rehearse for a year at a time — displays that look like the opening ceremony of the Olympics staged on a mile-wide electronic billboard in which every LED light is a choreographed human being. All of this loony-tunes spectacle is meant to celebrate the “utopia” of North Korea, with the outside world, especially America, portrayed as such a demonic place that the only word used to refer to someone in the U.S. is “American-bastard.”
The joyless suppression of life in North Korea prompts at least some citizens to suspect that a better life must lay on the other side. The family of defectors in “Beyond Utopia” are like that; they’re ordinary people who have put themselves on a moving mission.
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workersolidarity · 3 months
🇰🇵 🚀 🚨
📹 Footage published by the DPRK showing the North Korean leader, Kim Jung Un, as he oversees the testing of long-range missile systems their military has been developing.
Despite wide-ranging and devastating Western economic sanctions, the DPRK has continued to develop nuclear weapons, along with the missile systems required to strike at the countries antagonizing the east Asian nation.
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blile59 · 9 days
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grundtvigenjoyer · 1 year
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What if tho.. 👉👈🥺
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maxpnj · 5 months
Laibach Performs Live In North Korea
Ce troll de malade qu'ils ont réussi !!
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paulthepoke · 5 months
This Week in Prophecy: Gaza Update, Satan Club, N Korea's Kim Bans Xmas, Japan Quake
This Week in Prophecy: Gaza Update, Satan Club, N Korea's Kim Bans Xmas, Japan Quake
Here is the latest from the Gaza Strip… #Gaza map update:The #IDF has continued to clear areas in northern Gaza, with presence in a handful of neighbourhoods yet to be confirmed.They have also advanced into Bureij and made some advances around Khan Yunis.High resolution and zoomable map: https://t.co/0Zt2fBchUF pic.twitter.com/kIiOcfLhkm— War Mapper (@War_Mapper) December 31, 2023 ~ Exodus…
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sarahaubel · 8 months
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“Tu me fais peur parce que je t’aime” / Je me suis perdue dans l’ennui / “Les otites faut faire attention que ça tombe pas sur les coucouillettes” / Je ne sais pas quoi vous dire. Ce qu’il y a de plus beau se cache encore dans les soupirs / Je pardonne au printemps d’être ce qu’il est parce qu’il porte au creux de ses bras la promesse endormie des jupes trop courtes, des peaux qui collent et des nuits fauves / Les rêves s’éloignent pour l’homme qui ne dort pas / Vraiment ils n’auront pas réussi à s’aimer correctement / Couverture de survie au sol de Gare de l’Est. C’est pour moi ? L’art contemporain accessible à tous c’est vachement bien / L’inventeur des bouteilles de gel douche est un connard masochiste. J’aime pas du tout cet homme-là. Il faut l’âme d’un tortionnaire pour avoir inventé ce système grâce auquel à la moindre pression la bouteille vous explose dans la main, avec un bruit de pet mouillé qui plus est. Je me demande si ce type a dormi sur ses deux oreilles jusqu’à la fin de ses jours comme un bon petit dictateur, un Kim Jong Un senteur tahiti douche. Chaque matin, gonflée à bloc, je m’élance dans un duel avec Sanex dont l’issue ne fait aucun doute. Irrémédiablement, je me retrouve avec de quoi savonner un corps de 30m3 dans la paume de la main. Je vais m’acheter une savonnette. Monde de cons.
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garudabluffs · 9 months
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Donald Trump 'cowed': 'Strong changes to his behavior' show ex-POTUS 'defeated'
READ MORE Donald Trump 'cowed': 'Strong changes to his behavior' show ex-POTUS 'defeated' (msn.com)
Body language experts reveal Putin & Kim’s hidden messages at ‘Axis of Evil’ summit…and who is REALLY in control | The Sun
Putin's Body Language in Meeting with Kim Comes Under Scrutiny: 'Weak'
READ MORE Putin's Body Language in Meeting with Kim Comes Under Scrutiny: 'Weak' (msn.com)
Body language experts reveal Putin & Kim’s hidden messages at ‘Axis of Evil’ summit…and who is REALLY in control
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"While the exact details of their discussions are not known _ _ _
The meal the two leaders shared on Wednesday is said to feature a salad of duck, fig and nectarine followed by Russian "pelmeni" dumplings made with Kamchatka crab and then a White Amur fish soup and a sorbet from sea buckthorn.
For the main course, the leaders had a choice of sturgeon with mushrooms and potatoes or marbled beef with grilled vegetables.
For dessert, they were offered red bilberries from the taiga with pine nuts and condensed milk."
+ "Kim's space ambitions are likely tied to his efforts to develop more powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles that are designed to reach the U.S. mainland as space-launch rockets share the same core technologies with those weapons, experts say.
Some analysts say Kim could also seek Russian help in developing ballistic-missile submarines and nuclear propulsion submarines.
Still, it would take considerable time, resources and technological improvements for the heavily sanctioned nation to build a fleet of at least several submarines that could travel quietly and execute attacks reliably.
The Sun told earlier how Putin is looking for "partners in destruction" after isolating from most of the world, with Russia expert Keir Giles saying Moscow and its allies are "a coalition of countries that want to bring down the world order as we know it."
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troughtonmedia · 9 months
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North Korea celebrating a nuclear submarine
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oldpoet56 · 11 months
A Few Things For Us To Think About ( #1143 )
A Few Things For Us To Think About ( #1143 ) ( A few comments for the amusement and entertainment of my family, friends and loved ones to consider ) 1.)  I am a white guy who happens to believe that neither black or white is beautiful. Personally I believe that brown skin is the prettiest. So, in your mind does this make me a racists just because some people do not believe the same things that I…
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workersolidarity · 9 months
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Photo: KCNA
The General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Kim Jung Un gave a speech Thursday which was reported in the DPRK's official news outlet, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).
In the speech, Comrade Kim made the announcement of the new Constitutional amendment which enshrines the DPRK leader's Nuclear Policy into the very framework of the nation:
"Today the strategic strength of our state, the nuclear war deterrent, is being remarkably bolstered and steadily strengthened to the extent incomparably greater than the past decades."
"The major tasks of the Five-Year-Plan for the Development of the Defense Science and Weapons System have been successfully carried out and a radical leap was made in the development and introduction of powerful nuclear attack means and new strategic weapon system of our own style. Thus, we demonstrated the reliability of the nuclear strategic force of our Republic to the whole world, exposing the hostile forces to insurmountable threat and striking terror in their hearts."
"This eye-opening success, which actually shows great military muscle of the Republic fully equipped with strong and overwhelming defensive and offensive capabilities, clearly and definitively proves the courage and decisive action ability of the DPRK not to tolerate any acts of violating its sovereignty and right to existence."
"The present SPA successfully carried out the work of reflecting the actual state of our national power in the new era in the constitution of the country, along with the adoption of various laws related to state administration, economic development and people-oriented policies. As a result, the current session has been recorded as a historic one which added a remarkable page to the constitutional history of the DPRK."
"It is of very deep and weighty significance that we have adopted the decision with unanimous approval to supplement Article 58 of Chapter 4 of the Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea with new contents- to ensure the country's right to existence and development, deter war and protect regional and global peace by rapidly developing nuclear weapons to a higher level - just in this assembly hall where the codification of the policy of the state nuclear force solemnly took place in accordance with the general will of all the Korean people just one year ago."
"The DPRK's nuclear force-building policy has been made permanent as the basic law of the state, which no one is allowed to flout with anything. This is a historic event that provided a powerful political lever for remarkably strengthening the national defense capabilities, including the nuclear force, for firmly consolidating the institutional and legal foundations for guaranteeing security and protecting national interests by relying on it, and for accelerating the overall development of our style of Socialism."
"The crystal clear stipulation of the keynote policy of bolstering the nuclear force in the supreme state law, which will permanently exist along with socialist Korea, is the most just and reasonable crucial step which fully meets, not only the urgent requirements of the present era, but also the lawfulness and the long-term requirements of building a socialist country."
"It is the fact recognized by the world that the DPRK inevitably had access to nuclear weapons for self-defense and developed its policy of bolstering up the nuclear force into a law, for it is standing in protracted confrontation with the US., the world's biggest nuclear weapons state and the most dangerous war state, and its vassal forces."
"Saying that the important task facing the WPK and the DPRK government, the fulfillment of which should be pushed ahead with nonstop in implementing the present-stage fighting programme set forth at the 8th Congress of the WPK, is to rapidly bolster up both in quality and quantity the nuclear force, he stressed the need to push ahead with the work for exponentially boosting the production of nuclear weapons and diversifying the nuclear strike means and deploying them in different services."
Kim ended the section of the speech about nuclear deterrence by urging the external affairs sector to, "consistently hold fast to the external strategy of the Party Central Committee and conduct in a broad and prospective way the external activities for creating conditions and environment in favor of the Korean revolution and further promote solidarity with the nations standing against the U.S. and the West's strategy for hegemony while firmly adhering to the revolutionary principle and the stand of independence at the fore of the struggle of the anti-imperialist independent countries."
You can read the Full speech of the DPRK leader's speech here:
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theofficialuriel · 24 days
as enamored as I am with yoohankim, my mind keeps drifting to dokja x heewon x hyunsung.
the dynamics being the sword, the shield, and the body they’re protecting
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hersurvival · 17 hours
In my "all I want to do is sleep but can't actually fall asleep" era.
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paulthepoke · 2 years
TWIP: Israel & Lebanon Gas Deal?; Crimean Kerch Bridge Fallout; Kim Jung Un; Food Inflation
Isaiah 10:34 He will cut down the thickets of the forest with an axe, and Lebanon will fall by the Majestic One. On This Week in Prophecy… It would appear Israel and Lebanon have reached a historic agreement in regards to maritime borders and the development of natural gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea. The agreement has not been signed on the dotted line. Details are beginning to leak out…
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vogelmeister · 3 days
found out today im three degrees of separation away from putin
and also kim jung un
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