#kim sori instagram
ksoriedits · 4 years
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🐝.° @/lovesori_ last instagram stories! part2
© juyerns on twt
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cloudcons · 4 years
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* lιke/reblog ιf sαve◞
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sujidotcom · 5 years
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190123 Suji's instagram post: 
2월11일!!! 사랑하는 소리언니의 첫 일본 팬미팅에 저 수지도 게스트로 함께 하게되었어요!! 이런날도 오다니 허허🥳 많이 함께해주세용 카나가와에서 봐요💜 お久しぶりです、スジです! ☺️ソリオンニの初めてのファンミーティングに招待していただいて嬉しいです!2月11日、日本で会いましょう!❤️ https://imx.tstar.jp/cart/events/19227
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rosesphere · 7 years
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Sori Na
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emra666 · 4 years
Ekipa se podijelila u timove. Đek i Cap Amer ostaju i paze na Anteonija, Emilija, Dornelija i Vjekoslavije idu naći jedan grašak, a Klarisa i Hananasija zajedno istražuju grm (WINK WINK).
Dornelija je putem ispitivala Vjekoslavija o onome što je Kardan izjavio. Nije prvo znala ni što da pita, otkud krenuti???
"Uhhh.. Vjekoslavije.. Molim te mi objasni što je mislio čarobnjak kad je rekao da si mi zapravo ti brat, a ne sestra??"
Vjekoslavije okrene očima. "Svi su uvijek mislili da sam zapravo žena zbog moje duge mekane predivne luksuzne kose. Mislio sam da ću biti kralj jednom kad eliminiram Marelija, međutim kralj je odredio za nasljednika našeg bratića Budalinija jer je mislio da više nema muških nasljednika. Mene je protjerao iz kraljevstva jer je mislio da sam prošviko kad sam mu rekao da sam ja zapravo muškarac. " uzdahne.
"Zašto mu niste dokazali.. znate.."
"Daa, baš mi se i ne pokazuje to tati ono sori"
Dorneliju ovo nije previše čudilo, Gasolinije nije često obraćao pažnju na svoju djecu, bitnije mu je bilo izlaženje u Kubanoniju i flexanje svih stvari koje si je kupio svojim masnim parama.
"Oprosti mi što sam ubio Marelija, prolazio sam kroz malo žešću ogorčenu emo fazu, ali barem sam spasio konje... i onak, cijelo kraljevstvo. Zamisli da je on vladao!" kaže joj Vjekoslavije Delicious.
"Čuj ti too, šta ova žena trabunja, zato im ni ne treba dat prava kuššš" kaže Marelije.
"Ni nemamo ih, ovo je srednji vijek." kaže mu Dornelija.
"S kim to pričaš?" pita ju Vjekoslavije.
"Uh.. Ma kažem kiša će" izmota se Dornelija.
Emilija odvuče Dorneliju sebi.
"Ne znam jel mu možemo vjerovat." šapne joj gledajući Vjekoslavija kako skakuče po šumi ko djevojčica.
"Ne mogu vjerovat da imam još jednog brata. Dovoljan mi je onaj jedan, još uvijek me progoni i nakon šta je umro." šapne joj nazad Dornelija.
Tad u blizini vide veliki hram u obliku piramide. Došli su do vrata i na njima su bili uklesani različiti simboli.
"Mora da postoji neki kod" kaže Emilija približavajući se da bolje vidi.
"AKO ŽELITE UČI MORATE REČI LOZINKU" čuje se jako glasno, ali nitko ne vidi otkud.
"Tko je to rekao?" pita Vjekoslavije.
"JA!.... TU DOLJE!"
Svi se okrenu prema podu, spazeći... Ma nije valjda... Bio je to crv Fashion Franko, internacionalna zvijezda i najpoznatiji supermodel crv.
"Fashion Franko???" svi kažu uglas.
"Što ćeš ti tu??" pita ga Dornelija.
"Ovo mi je side job, tu nekad znam stajat i čekat da ljudi probaju uč da ukradu grašak iz hrama." slegne Franko.
"Mi smo ti! Reci nam lozinku... I molim te jedan autogram." kaže Emilija.
"Lozinka se rimuje sa ŽICO SLINI!" Kaže Franko smješkajući se.
"Špicolini?" kaže Marelije Dorneliji.
Pa da!
"Špicolini!!" izdere se Dornelija i vrata se otvoreeee!!
Emilija uzme Fashion Franka u ruke i svi odjure unutra. Unutra je bio veliki labirint.
Krenuli su nesigurno unutra. Hodali su satima i činilo im se kao da samo idu u krug. Fashion Franku je dopizdilo i ostavio ih je nakon što je opalio par slika za instagram.
Svi zidovi su izgledali isto. Na zidovima su bili naslikani slavni židovi. Polako su shvaćali da je ovo hram kulta štovanja židovskog svetog graška. Mora da je taj grašak tražio Kardan.
Kad stignu do još jednog hodnika tamo im se ukaže bijela svjetlost. Iz nje se začuje glas.
"Tko to želi ukrasti sveti grašak židovski?" začuje se.
"Čekaj malo... Krčelije??" prepozna glas Emilija.
"Emilija? Aaaa pa to ste vi ekipa!" ugasi bljeskalicu Krčelije. "Šta vas dovodi tu?"
"Pravo pitanje je šta ti tu radiš??? Šta nas ne čekaš kod broda?" pita zbunjeno Dornelija.
"Pa ne mogu samo to radit cijeli dan, imam ja posla okolo!" uzbuni se Krčelije.
"Trebamo sveti grašak" prekine ih Vjekoslavije.
"Aaaa ma, dođite samnom pa ću vam ga dat, al mi ga morate onda vratit!" kaže Krčelije.
"Ma daaa vratit ćemo mi to dadada" slaže mu Emilija.
"Ako ne vratite ovaj grašak za tjedan dana, bit će posljedica!" upozori ih Krčelije.
Kad je ekipa uzela grašak napali su ih odjenom veliki majmuni. Krčelije ih je zaustavio u zadnji tren i ispratio ih van kroz labirint, pa otišao natrag u smjeru broda.
Dotrčali su natrag do Kardana i Anteonija.
"Imamo vaš židovski grašak!!" izdere se Dornelija i pruži grašak Kardanu.
"ŽiDoVski???? MEni TREba MUsLimAnsKi!!!" kaže ljutito Kardan.
Svi se usprkolje.
"HeHe! ZekAm Vas MALo!" uzme grašak Kardan.
Tad izvadi svoj magični štapić.
"Imaš baš veliki štapić Kardane." kaže stidljivo Vjekoslavije.
"ZnAM, aKo OpeT budEš ReKo da ĆeŠ me NAZVat i niKad To ne NaPRavit iskoRistiT ćU ga Na tEbi!".
Vjekoslavije se zahihoće.
Svi drugi se jako zbunjeno pogledaju.
"EvO Vam gLUpi anTeoNije! SaD me PuStiTe Na miRU!"
Saznajte u sljedećem chapteru EMRA-LOPOV U LJUBAVI
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ketxo · 4 years
Ekipa se podijelila u timove. Đek i Cap Amer ostaju i paze na Anteonija, Emilija, Dornelija i Vjekoslavije idu naći jedan grašak, a Klarisa i Hananasija zajedno istražuju grm (WINK WINK).
Dornelija je putem ispitivala Vjekoslavija o onome što je Kardan izjavio. Nije prvo znala ni što da pita, otkud krenuti???
"Uhhh.. Vjekoslavije.. Molim te mi objasni što je mislio čarobnjak kad je rekao da si mi zapravo ti brat, a ne sestra??"
Vjekoslavije okrene očima. "Svi su uvijek mislili da sam zapravo žena zbog moje duge mekane predivne luksuzne kose. Mislio sam da ću biti kralj jednom kad eliminiram Marelija, međutim kralj je odredio za nasljednika našeg bratića Budalinija jer je mislio da više nema muških nasljednika. Mene je protjerao iz kraljevstva jer je mislio da sam prošviko kad sam mu rekao da sam ja zapravo muškarac. " uzdahne.
"Zašto mu niste dokazali.. znate.."
"Daa, baš mi se i ne pokazuje to tati ono sori"
Dorneliju ovo nije previše čudilo, Gasolinije nije često obraćao pažnju na svoju djecu, bitnije mu je bilo izlaženje u Kubanoniju i flexanje svih stvari koje si je kupio svojim masnim parama.
"Oprosti mi što sam ubio Marelija, prolazio sam kroz malo žešću ogorčenu emo fazu, ali barem sam spasio konje... i onak, cijelo kraljevstvo. Zamisli da je on vladao!" kaže joj Vjekoslavije Delicious.
"Čuj ti too, šta ova žena trabunja, zato im ni ne treba dat prava kuššš" kaže Marelije.
"Ni nemamo ih, ovo je srednji vijek." kaže mu Dornelija.
"S kim to pričaš?" pita ju Vjekoslavije.
"Uh.. Ma kažem kiša će" izmota se Dornelija.
Emilija odvuče Dorneliju sebi.
"Ne znam jel mu možemo vjerovat." šapne joj gledajući Vjekoslavija kako skakuče po šumi ko djevojčica.
"Ne mogu vjerovat da imam još jednog brata. Dovoljan mi je onaj jedan, još uvijek me progoni i nakon šta je umro." šapne joj nazad Dornelija.
Tad u blizini vide veliki hram u obliku piramide. Došli su do vrata i na njima su bili uklesani različiti simboli.
"Mora da postoji neki kod" kaže Emilija približavajući se da bolje vidi.
"AKO ŽELITE UČI MORATE REČI LOZINKU" čuje se jako glasno, ali nitko ne vidi otkud.
"Tko je to rekao?" pita Vjekoslavije.
"JA!.... TU DOLJE!"
Svi se okrenu prema podu, spazeći... Ma nije valjda... Bio je to crv Fashion Franko, internacionalna zvijezda i najpoznatiji supermodel crv.
"Fashion Franko???" svi kažu uglas.
"Što ćeš ti tu??" pita ga Dornelija.
"Ovo mi je side job, tu nekad znam stajat i čekat da ljudi probaju uč da ukradu grašak iz hrama." slegne Franko.
"Mi smo ti! Reci nam lozinku... I molim te jedan autogram." kaže Emilija.
"Lozinka se rimuje sa ŽICO SLINI!" Kaže Franko smješkajući se.
"Špicolini?" kaže Marelije Dorneliji.
Pa da!
"Špicolini!!" izdere se Dornelija i vrata se otvoreeee!!
Emilija uzme Fashion Franka u ruke i svi odjure unutra. Unutra je bio veliki labirint.
Krenuli su nesigurno unutra. Hodali su satima i činilo im se kao da samo idu u krug. Fashion Franku je dopizdilo i ostavio ih je nakon što je opalio par slika za instagram.
Svi zidovi su izgledali isto. Na zidovima su bili naslikani slavni židovi. Polako su shvaćali da je ovo hram kulta štovanja židovskog svetog graška. Mora da je taj grašak tražio Kardan.
Kad stignu do još jednog hodnika tamo im se ukaže bijela svjetlost. Iz nje se začuje glas.
"Tko to želi ukrasti sveti grašak židovski?" začuje se.
"Čekaj malo... Krčelije??" prepozna glas Emilija.
"Emilija? Aaaa pa to ste vi ekipa!" ugasi bljeskalicu Krčelije. "Šta vas dovodi tu?"
"Pravo pitanje je šta ti tu radiš??? Šta nas ne čekaš kod broda?" pita zbunjeno Dornelija.
"Pa ne mogu samo to radit cijeli dan, imam ja posla okolo!" uzbuni se Krčelije.
"Trebamo sveti grašak" prekine ih Vjekoslavije.
"Aaaa ma, dođite samnom pa ću vam ga dat, al mi ga morate onda vratit!" kaže Krčelije.
"Ma daaa vratit ćemo mi to dadada" slaže mu Emilija.
"Ako ne vratite ovaj grašak za tjedan dana, bit će posljedica!" upozori ih Krčelije.
Kad je ekipa uzela grašak napali su ih odjenom veliki majmuni. Krčelije ih je zaustavio u zadnji tren i ispratio ih van kroz labirint, pa otišao natrag u smjeru broda.
Dotrčali su natrag do Kardana i Anteonija.
"Imamo vaš židovski grašak!!" izdere se Dornelija i pruži grašak Kardanu.
"ŽiDoVski???? MEni TREba MUsLimAnsKi!!!" kaže ljutito Kardan.
Svi se usprkolje.
"HeHe! ZekAm Vas MALo!" uzme grašak Kardan.
Tad izvadi svoj magični štapić.
"Imaš baš veliki štapić Kardane." kaže stidljivo Vjekoslavije.
"ZnAM, aKo OpeT budEš ReKo da ĆeŠ me NAZVat i niKad To ne NaPRavit iskoRistiT ćU ga Na tEbi!".
Vjekoslavije se zahihoće.
Svi drugi se jako zbunjeno pogledaju.
"EvO Vam gLUpi anTeoNije! SaD me PuStiTe Na miRU!"
Saznajte u sljedećem chapteru EMRA-LOPOV U LJUBAVI
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theauthoressdefiant · 5 years
here’s why you should support kim sori and stream her new comeback
hey all, i don’t much make my own posts on tumblr, but to me, this is important. Kim Sori is a Korean soloist who just made her third comeback with I Am Not Alone, an EDM-style track with powerful vocals and contemporary choreography. Sori first debuted in the duo cocosori, and then in the project group real girls project. she also participated in the competition show mixnine, along with LOONA’s Heejin and Hyunjin, as well as ITZY’s Ryujin, making it to the final girl group. now, she has a solo career. she also has a youtube channel where she posts vlogs, hauls, and much more.
Sori has faced a lot of hardship in her career. when she auditioned for mixnine, she trended because YG said she was too old to be an idol. she proved him wrong and made it into the final girl group, which sadly did not win or debut. 
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more hardship came with issues in her duo, cocosori. Coco felt that the their company, MOLE entertainment, was not treating them equally. this was odd to hear, because MOLE let Coco have a youtube channel and solo debut before Sori. Coco said a lot of harmful things about Sori and MOLE, causing cocosori to disband. MOLE has said they will take legal action against Coco.
most of the issues come from MOLE being a small company. they have very few successful artists, and thus have trouble funding comebacks. both sori’s comebacks, I’m Ready and I Am Not Alone, have been funded by fans through Kickstarter, MakeStar, and Patreon. 
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Sori’s fans, called Sweetnotes, have fallen for Sori’s genuine personality, charm, and talent. She cares dearly for her fans, often hosting meetups when she’s overseas, and writing thank-you cards for donors. she has been moved to tears over our support, and feels she does not deserve it. Even after the outpouring of support over her recent comeback, she says this will probably be her last comeback. she apologizes for having a small budget and not being very talented, even though she obviously works hard and has improved a lot. she made this video thanking fans that has a lot of Sweetnotes worried that she’s not going to make a comeback.
her most recent comeback, I Am Not Alone, tells her story of how she has always felt hopeless, with lyrics like, “Am I too late?” and “The world is full of regrets and disappointments.” but ultimately says that she is not alone, and neither are we. It is an inspiring message for what could be her last comeback. The song is EDM-inspired and has a contemporary dance choreographed by Choi Hyojin from 1MILLION Dance Studio!
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I’m rather sure Sori will end her music career unless things start to look up. Sweetnotes are working hard to stream the music video and plan to vote for her on music shows, but there aren’t many of us. we are hoping Sori can gain more fans this comeback and maybe get a first win--honestly, even ranking low on a music show would mean a lot, as would getting invited to do a variety show. this is where you come in. Please listen to Sori’s new song, I Am Not Alone. It is available on Youtube, Spotify, iTunes, and Melon. If you like it, please leave a comment of support. You can also follow her social media, like her Youtube Channel, personal Instagram, professional Instagram, and Twitter.
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eojetbam · 5 years
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[ sorry if this pops up while you’re searching through tumblr for your bias ]
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→   JO YU RI
met through training under stone music and became friends at first sight
became closer through their participation to pd48 and all the hardships that it brought - yuri is the only one who could convince hyojin to admit she’d hurt her knee and couldn’t continue the competition
short idiots being too loud together. why do people leave those two alone ever.
living the mukbang life whenever they hand out together; there’s always food involved when they see each other
“YAH! CALL ME UNNIE!” whenever yuri calls her ‘hyojin-ie’
hyojin singing la vie en rose off-key on purpose and yuri joining in and making it a competition to see who can sing the loudest
yuri jokingly introducing hyojin as izone’s thirteenth member on vlive
embarrassing unnie!hyojin kissing yuri 24/7
they can be eating pizza or doing a song cover together on vlive, hyojin will 100% grab yuri’s face and kiss her cheek at one point
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big floofy dog moms club 95 liners club
they go full uwu at each other whenever they hang out and they just can’t help it apparently??
hyojin never hid the fact she’s a huge aoa fan and said several times that seolhyun has always been her bias
they recently met at a festival where they were performing. hyojin had the courage to ask seolhyun’s phone number (she still isn’t sure how she managed) and they’ve been texting regularly ever since
they mostly meet up so that their dogs can play together; they’re just fine texting and doing video calls - they’re still a little awkward with each other
“seolhyun sunbaenim”
take the best selcas together. but blush whenever there’s skinship involved.
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dumbasses club 95 liners clubs
how did they even meet??? nobody knows but the world is a more dangerous place because of it
cringey aegyo for days
post the most random videos ever on hyojin’s instagram account just because they can and don’t know what self-control is
the rumor that they’re dating seems to refuse to die down even if they’ve said numerous times that they’re only friends and their companies also confirmed that they were in fact not dating and have never been
they can usually be spotted dancing
taeyong likes to teach hyojin moves that don’t put too much strain on her bad knee so that they can keep dancing together and have fun like that
they have compliment battles instead of diss battles - they make it work, don’t ask how
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the most precious former label mates
they worked on a song together before hyojin’s official debut under kay entertainment and they produced their own little mv for the collab together
both the song and mv became controversial because of the not so hidden gay undertones that they incorporated to their work
uwu level? IT’S OVER 9000
they like to hold hands and kiss each other’s cheeks all the time. very comfortable with skinship in general and aren’t scared to show it on instagam
hyojin and dahye want to work on a full album together, and have mentioned wanting to involve other female rappers and solo artists in the project as well - they implied that they’ve worked on ballad songs together
hyojin keeps buying her olaf plushies and merch like it’s her job???
heijin shippers are a thing for a good reason. those two love and respect each other so much, their friendship is the purest thing ever
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knew each other before hyojin’s debut. met at star empire before hyojin left the company for stone music ent
were never really close until hyojin’s solo debut
went from 0 to 100 real fast
they’re always commenting on each other’s posts, retweeting from each other. there’s compliments in there, but more often than not, they’re just teasing for the fun of it
drinking buddies who drink way too much beer. way too loud, 1/2 chance they’re screeching like pterodactyls for some reason
big floofy dog moms club together w/ seolhyun because they can.
fans think their skinship is looks forced because they tend to get shy and very flustered when they’re together
soft kisses and hand holding 24/7
aren’t 100% sure what their own relationship really is, but they love being together and it’s all that really matters to them for the moment
buy each other lots of things; flowers, lunch, matching phone cases, clothes, perfumes, candy, chocolates, jewelry, etc, ...
“UNNIE!!!” gyeongree is one of the few people hyojin calls unnie, she’s always calling her unnie and not sunbae/nim,
phoenix  members   (  label maters, all act like siblings  )
eunice   (  dia  )   &  sori   (  star empire trainees together  )
nine muses members   (  through star empire  )
gyuri  &  sian  &  eunyoung  (  pd48, together as stone music trainees  )
jurina  (  pd48, 👀 @ each other until they left the show  )
gaeun  &  eunbi  (  pd48 unnies solidarity  )
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fmdjynx · 3 years
Stage Name: Jynx  Birth Name: Yoon Jiyoo  Nicknames: Hyung, Yoon Oppa, J  Position: Ultraviolet - Main Vocal & Lead Dancer  Nationality: Korean  Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea Birthday: July 1st, 1997 Zodiac Sign: Cancer  Known Family: Father, Step-mother, 2 Step-siblings  Trainee Period: 2+ years  Official Height: 5′3 Blood Type: O MBTI:  ESFP-A Special Skills: Tongue Twisters, Juggling, Handy Girl Hobbies: Dancing, Humming, Watching drama’s that make her cry, going to the farmers market and never buying anything, Singing off-key throughout the dorm, annoying her members, acting like she’s 5  Favorite Food: Black Bean Noddle's  Favorite Color: Light Pink / Dark Purple  Role Models/Inspirations: Beyonce, Laurieann Gibson, Sori Na, Jane Kim, Lee Hyori, Son Dam Bi, BOA,  Bae Yoon Jung Ideal Type: She doesn’t have pets but they have to love animals 
Dorm’s with Lux and goes out of her way to bother her 
Her favorite dance move to pull out is the moon walk 
Likes to be called Yoon Oppa or Hyung 
A tomboy in pastels 
Has a snapchat for fans & is active on twitter and instagram
Loves fashion & makeup 
Can’t cook to save her life and her members keep her out of the kitchen 
A senior in the company had chosen her stage name 
Entered the company as a model and switched to becoming an idol trainee. 
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ksoriedits · 4 years
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🐝.° @/lovesori_ last Instagram posts!
© juyerns on twt
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solplparty · 3 years
MALVO (말보) "같이 걸을까" LIVE CLIP https://youtu.be/vGpjc1u7Rng #MALVO #말보 #같이걸을까 행복한 순간을 꿈꾸는 리듬과 목소리 , 소울 보컬 MALVO의 새 싱글 [ 같이 걸을까 ] 발매 BAND로 돌아온 소울 보컬 MALVO의 새 싱글 시원한 BAND SOUND로 그려가는 레트로 소-울 뮤직 '이 세상 수 많은 사람들 중, 너 하나에 집중하고 있어' 지금부터 너와 함께 하는 모든 순간이 축제야, 우리 같이 걸을까?' 1. 같이 걸을까 시원하게 불어오는 바람과 따뜻한 손길 , 둘만의 감정에 오롯이 집중하는 시간 ' 우리, 같이 걸을까? ' 2. 같이 걸을까 (Inst.) 같이 걸을 때 혹은 홀로 그 순간을 그릴 때 [Credit] Artist : MALVO Album : 같이 걸을까 Release date : 3th, April , 2021 Genre: Soul Record label : HOLYGROUND Excutive producers : MALVO@VBR Creative management : CHAE-WON SIM Lyrics : MALVO@VBR Composed : VBR ( MALVO , Dello ) Arranged :VBR ( MALVO , Dello , CODA ) Vocal : MALVO@VBR Drum : Jin-Woo YANG Percussion : Dello@VBR Bass : Young-Gwang JU Guitar : Kyu-Beom KIM Piano : Dello@VBR Brass : Dello@VBR Chorus : Dello@VBR Recording at CODA studio , LPC studio , SORI-HAM Recording engineer : VBR ( Dello , CODA ) Vocal Recording engineer : CODA@VBR Vocal director : VBR ( Dello , CODA ) Mixing engineer : CODA@VBR Mastering engineer : HYO-YOUNG CHOI@SUONO STUDIO Pre mix : CODA studio , ETRIBE Director of visual art : MALVO , CHAE-WON SIM Director of photography : SANG-WOO KANG of PG studio Director of video : VBR Assistant director : VBR Post production : VBR Video editing : VBR Styling : MALVO , CHAE-WON SIM Hair design : YOUNG-HOON BAEK Hair & Make up : CHAE-WON SIM Cover art : MALVO , CHAE-WON SIM Sketch filming : CODA Manager : CHAE-WON SIM Distribute : VLENDING Actor : CHAE-WON SIM, MALVO , YOON-SOO KIM, CODA, Dello Presented by HOLYGROUND [#] Vlending은 MV, 드라마OST를 유통 하는 공식 채널입니다. [#] Vlending is an official channel distributing MV, drama series soundtracks. 📍 VLENDING OFFICIAL CHANNEL Twitter : https://twitter.com/vlending Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/vlending/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/vlending VLENDING 블렌딩
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inspirazzle · 7 years
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Star Of The Universe, Kisah Cinta Dewa Kematian Yang Sarat Pesan Kehidupan
Butuh hiburan ringan, manis, tapi nggak menye-menye dalam waktu singkat? Star Of The Universe bisa jadi pilihan, apalagi buat manteman yang penggemar K-drama.
Berhubung sedang stres berat, saya jadi agak males nonton film-film yang ada di list must watch saya karena ternyata mayoritas temanya cukup berat. Kebetulan keingatan kalau Suho, bias saya di boyband kpop EXO, filmnya baru saja rilis. Saya search online, lah kok udah tamat?
Ternyata Star Of The Universe ini sepertinya percobaan baru di industri K-drama. Formatnya mirip dengan web-drama yaitu durasinya pendek dan jumlah episode nya sedikit. Tapi buat kualitas jauh diatas beberapa web drama yang saya pernah tonton, malah tidak berbeda jauh dengan k-drama biasa.
Byul (Ji Woo) adalah gadis 19 tahun yang menjadi dewa pencabut nyawa setelah meninggal dalam kecelakaan. Woo Joo (Kim JunMyeon/Suho-EXO) adalah penyanyi berbakat yang tengah mengalami depresi dan karirnya mulai menurun. Byul yang tidak ingin WooJoo meninggal, berhasil diizinkan hidup kembali untuk menyelamatkannya. Tetapi WooJoo yang kesepian menemukan cinta dalam sosok Byul, yang menurut takdir seharusnya menjadi pencabut nyawa WooJoo.
Baca juga review film kami lainnya di inspirazzle.com
Saya harus bilang kalau ini adalah drama termanis yang saya tonton setelah I Can Hear Your Voice. Mungkin karena chemistry antara para aktor yang sangat pas, pengkarakteran yang kuat, dan dialog yang juga kuat. Hanya dengan 6 episode yang masing-masing hanya 30-an menit, artinya bisa tamat dalam 3 jam, emosi seakan diaduk-aduk dengan alur cerita yang naik-turun senang-sedih, pengembangan karakter hingga background story yang terbuka satu demi satu.
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Menurut saya sih, tema utama di Star Of The Universe ini adalah kematian. Romance nya sendiri walau romantis, tapi terasa straightforward tidak seperti kebanyakan k-drama yang berbelit-belit. Saya malah banyak mendapatkan pelajaran hidup dari film ini. Misalnya seperti lakukan apa yang kita suka karena orang yang tulus menyayangi kita tetap akan sayang sama kita apa adanya, jangan meninggalkan rumah dengan kemarahan, sayang orang tua sepanjang jalan atau melihat kemasa lalu dan mengakui kalau kita tidak sempurna. Aih, dalem... 
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Satu kekurangan Star Of The Universe menurut saya adalah kurang komedinya. Walau ada beberapa adegan yang bikin ketawa terbahak-bahak, tapi secara keseluruhan filmnya cukup serius. Sebenarnya kalau filmnya dibuat terlalu komedi ya bakal aneh juga, secara ini cerita grim reaper dan idol terkenal.Buat yang nggak terlalu familiar dengan industri k-pop mungkin merasa kok industrinya begitu amat ya, masa idolanya punya pacar malah pada nggak nge-fans lagi sampai konsernya dibatalin karena tidak ada yang nonton.
Well, kenyataannya memang begitu, karena itu film ini dikritik keras karena menampilkan tekanan mental yang dialami oleh idol karena aturan tidak tertulis di industri kpop termasuk beberapa percakapan yang menyatakan kalau fans itu ATM (karena fans kpop suka memberikan hadiah mahal untuk idolanya) yang dianggap merendahkan. Kalau saya sih malah suka dengan adanya aspek ini karena membuat film nya terasa lebih real.
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Eh saya udah cerita khan kalau filmnya romantis? Nah, selain pasangan utama Byul-Woojoo, ada juga second couple Yoon SoRi-Uhm DaePyong yang diceritakan sebagai dokter ER yang tomboy dan petugas rescue rumah sakit yang cool, yang juga nggak kalah romantisnya. Adegan Yoon SoRi menyatakan cinta wajib banget dipantengin, karena walaupun lucu dan manis tapi juga bikin sedih. Siap-siap tisu ya.
Yang agak mengganjal juga adalah ada beberapa bagian film yang saya bingung ini gimana sih awalnya kok tau-tau begini. Mungkin saya yang kurang serius nontonnya (maklum sambil mainan HP) atau mungkin juga cerita awalnya kena cut supaya panjang filmnya terjaga. Walau cukup bikin bingung, tapi beberapa bagian yang seperti ini nggak terlalu ganggu sih.
Buat yang suka k-drama, sepertinya Star of The Universe ini wajib ditonton banget deh. Buat yang nggak suka atau first timer, boleh lah dikasih kesempatan lah wong 3 jam aja beres kok filmnya. Dan sebelum ditutup blog nya, boleh donk ya dengerin dulu soundtrack nya. Buat yang udah nonton pasti senyum-senyum deh karena tau betapa indah liriknya.
by Sissy • CEO at Petshopbox Studio by day. Blogger by midnight. Wifey & Mommy 24/7. Belakangan sedang suka hal-hal yang ringan-ringan aja. Minuman ringan bersoda salah satunya. Follow Sissy di Instagram, Twitter, Blog Medium dan Quora.
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jessicakehoe · 4 years
Schitt’s Creek Takes Home 6 Prizes at the 2020 Canadian Screen Awards
Nominated for a record-breaking 26 trophies at the 2020 Canadian Screen Awards, beloved TV show Schitt’s Creek—which wrapped its sixth and final season last month—took home six of the night’s biggest honours. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the awards ceremony—originally scheduled for late May—has been taken online, with a series of virtual presentations announcing the winners over the course of four days. Last night, the spotlight was on television.
Canadian legends Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara received the awards for best lead actor in a comedy and best lead actress in a comedy respectively, Emily Hampshire took home a trophy for Best Supporting Actress, and the show also won Best Comedy Series. Additionally, Lisa Parasyn and Jon Comerford won for Best Achievement in Casting, and Annastasia Cucullo and Ana Sorys won the Best Achievement in Hair award for their work on the Season 5 episode “Life is a Cabaret.” Catch Dan Levy, Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara’s acceptance speeches (taped from their homes, of course) on the Schitt’s Creek Instagram account here.
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A few words of thanks from Dan Levy (@instadanjlevy) and Eugene Levy | @thecdnacademy #CdnScreenAwards
A post shared by Schitt's Creek (@schittscreek) on May 27, 2020 at 6:32pm PDT
Other comedy hits that won big include The Baroness von Sketch Show, which took home all the five awards for which it was nominated in the Variety or Sketch Comedy category, and Kim’s Convenience and Letterkenny earned two awards each. On the drama side, Anne with an E, which also recently ended its run, won five awards. Murder mystery Cardinal took home seven awards during the virtual ceremony including best drama series, best writing for a drama series, and best lead actor and lead actress in a drama series.
This year’s national awards will culminate with the Canadian film competition trophies, to be handed out tonight. A complete list of 2020 Canadian Screen Award winners so far is available here.
The post <em>Schitt’s Creek</em> Takes Home 6 Prizes at the 2020 Canadian Screen Awards appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
Schitt’s Creek Takes Home 6 Prizes at the 2020 Canadian Screen Awards published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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ksoriedits · 4 years
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🐝.° @/lovesori_ last Instagram posts!
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ksoriedits · 4 years
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🐝.° @/lovesori_ last Instagram posts!
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ksoriedits · 4 years
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🐝.° @/lovesori_ last Instagram stories! part1
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