#knee replacement
jamiepage19 · 10 months
Update on Haunted by the Opera Ghost
So. I'm still here. Suffering from severe writer's block and an extreme lack of motivation, but still here.
This chapter has consistently kicked my ass for months now. I think I've torn it apart and rewritten it like four times now. Not an easy feat considering that each rendition was over 2,600 words. And with each rewrite, my confidence dwindles and my insecurity over whether or not I should even be doing this grows. This is a pivotal chapter and I feel like I'm in a war with my characters lol. I have this carefully constructed plot with things I can and cannot do in order to progress said plot and stay true to my ending, and my characters are literally FIGHTING me.
That's a thing, right? It's okay. I'm okay.
It hasn't helped that I had surgery to fix a failing knee implant back in May, and the surgery actually made things a shit ton worse. My knee literally disintegrated while they were in there. So guess who now needs a total knee replacement at the ripe age of 40 instead of the partial they originally had done back in 2019? This girl right here. So yeah. Recovery has been a bitch, and the constant pain (and Lupus--FFS I cannot make this shit up. God I've had a fucking hell of a year. Sigh) and not being able to do simple things like laundry, housework, and yard work (seriously, the only thing I have wanted to do this summer is make my backyard look pretty) has brought a good dose of depression along with it. The only solace I've found lately has been playing the new Zelda game and avoiding everything else.
Anyway. This right here is an attempt to pull myself up by my boot straps. I've been writing fairly steadily the last couple of weeks, and while the progress I've made is small, it's still progress. I think I'm finally satisfied with the latest rewrite and have set myself up to finish the chapter in a way that doesn't conflict with my overall vision of this story. I'm also slowly responding to reviews on FFN and AO3, so if you haven't heard from me yet, you will. Just give me time. Every day is a battle right now, but I can get through this.
So yeah. Thank you for coming to my pity party. There will be party favors at the door. In the form of a chapter update. Hopefully very soon. If you read this til the end, you are a saint and I love you.
TL;DR - Life sucks but maybe a chapter update this weekend???
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So today was interesting. Im equally pleased and devastated. 33 year old me was told a partial knee replacement is my best option. So thats nice.
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kdkeenan · 2 months
My Big Fat Weight Loss Campaign: Part 1—How It Began
I gave up on losing weight a long time ago. I have all my life found the subject of my weight a huge embarrassment. I was not fat as a child, but I was plump, and bullies discovered early on that they could make me miserable by singing “Fatty Fatty Two-By-Four” on every occasion. My father harped on my weight all the time. He was thin as a blade without making any effort, and couldn’t understand…
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rheumannoyed · 11 months
hi hello i have recently diagnosed osteoarthritis & I'm about to have meniscus repair surgery & have been told to 'expect a knee replacement inside of ten years'
how do you manage the social expectations tied up with it? so many people have told me I'm too young for surgery and should get a second opinion. how do you convince people that surgery is necessary and vital, even at a young age? how do you convince yourself?
Oh my gosh I have no idea how long this has been in my inbox; I'm so sorry!
Osteoarthritis sucks. The social bias against young people having an invisible but crippling illness is a lot to deal with. Usually when people say "you're too young!" in a pitying way I respond with something like, "haha tell that to my bones!"
If it's a doctor saying so, I asked what tests I needed done and what my alternative route of treatment would be. It ended up being replacements after all.
But it sounds like you're most often getting genuine disbelief that you would need a replacement. I would tell them all the alternate routes I took, and show them proof of how much better a replacement will be for you. You could always get a second opinion if you want. I genuinely had photos of my x-rays on my phone to show people at one point.
Once it was officially scheduled, I had several pre-op appointments that were extensive Q&A sessions between myself and several different surgeons and orthopedists asking, "Are you sure? Are you SURE?" and talking about every single step of the process. That definitely helped with the self-conviction and assuring others that everyone was on the same page.
That being said, convincing myself wasn't too hard because I was in and out of a wheelchair by the time I got my knee replacements lined up. I knew I had to go through with it after exhausting all other paths. And I was right. And it was worth it.
Best of luck with everything. I'm sorry you have to go through this, but you'll come out the other side!
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kittypatch · 2 years
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Knee replacement at 7:00am. Came home on a walker at noon. Now come the hard parts
No critters allowed in my bed till wound is healed (2 weeks).
The pain went from a 3 1/2 when I got home to about a 6 1/2 now, even on all the meds!
Walking is no fun but after about 15 steps ease up the excruciating pain in my knee cap!
Tomorrow, the day after surgery, starts in home PT! At 9:00am! Sadistic!!
Kittypatch posts will be erratic for a while!
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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sanarhospitals · 1 year
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Sanar is the best total knee replacement surgery hospital in Gurgaon, Haryana - India by the top knee doctors & surgeon with an effective cost. and giving world class knee treatment and chronic knee pain or other issues related to the joint. With more than 2.5 lakh people undergoing the procedure in India every year, knee replacement tops the list of most common orthopaedic surgeries.
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dranoopjhurani123 · 2 years
Knee replacement surgery is a common procedure to treat arthritis and joint degeneration in the knee. It helps relieve pain and restore normal function of the knee
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sandrachung · 2 years
Better living through chemistry... again.
Better living through chemistry… again.
Dr H refilled the slow release and quick release pain killers. Last night I took the quick one after dinner, and the slow release one before going to bed.  That was the best nights’ sleep I have had in a long time.. ok, in two weeks. Got up late, after 8am, and for those who know me, that is very late. Bonus, I didn’t need the Zimmer frame, was able to get around with just using the cane. Was…
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sakthivel96 · 23 hours
Best Knee Replacement Surgery Surgeons in Chennai | MGM Healthcare
Knee replacement surgery is a proven and effective solution for individuals suffering from severe knee pain, stiffness, and restricted mobility due to various knee conditions. In Chennai, many orthopedic specialists excel in this field, offering patients excellent care and results. MGM Healthcare stands out with its team of exceptional knee replacement surgeons who use advanced treatments and technologies to ensure quick recovery and minimal complications.
The Importance of Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery is vital for individuals who have not found relief from other treatments such as physical therapy, medications, and assistive devices. Indicators that may suggest the need for knee replacement surgery include:
Persistent Pain: Continuous pain unresponsive to other treatments.
Limited Mobility: Difficulty with activities like climbing stairs, walking, or getting up from a chair.
Chronic Inflammation: Persistent swelling in the knee joints despite other treatments.
Severe Stiffness: Stiffness in the knee that limits range of motion.
Deformities: Noticeable arches on the inside and outside of the knee.
Unstable Joints: Joints that feel like they might give out or collapse.
Best Knee Replacement Surgeons in Chennai
At MGM Healthcare, the best knee replacement surgeons in Chennai provide personalized care, ensuring minimal discomfort during and after the surgery. Some of the top surgeons include:
Dr. Govindaraj AB: A senior consultant orthopedic surgeon with extensive experience in knee replacement surgery. He specializes in revision knee arthroplasty, joint pain treatment, and minimally invasive knee correction.
Dr. Vijay Kumar Sohanlal: A renowned knee replacement surgeon with over two decades of experience in treating knee disorders and injuries. He is skilled in trauma and joint knee replacement surgery.
Dr. Jayaraman Jagadeesan: An experienced orthopedic surgeon with expertise in various aspects of arthroscopy, including sports injury rehabilitation.
What to Expect During Knee Replacement Surgery
Before surgery, patients undergo a thorough physical examination, medical history review, and imaging tests to assess the extent of knee joint damage and rule out any underlying conditions that could interfere with the surgery or recovery.
During the procedure, patients receive general anesthesia or a spinal block to numb the lower body. The surgeon makes an incision in the front of the knee, carefully moves aside the muscles and other tissues to access the joint, and removes the damaged or diseased parts of the joint using specialized tools.
Advantages of Knee Replacement Surgery
The key advantages of knee replacement surgery include:
Pain Relief: Alleviates chronic pain associated with knee problems.
Improved Mobility: Enables resumption of normal daily activities with greater ease.
Quick Recovery: Modern surgical techniques and technologies have significantly reduced recovery times, allowing faster return to normal routines.
Why Choose MGM Healthcare for Knee Replacement Surgery
MGM Healthcare provides a comprehensive range of orthopedic services, including knee replacement surgery, under the guidance of experienced and skilled surgeons. The hospital's state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technologies ensure that patients receive the best possible care and treatment.
Knee replacement surgery is a crucial procedure for those experiencing severe knee pain and limited mobility. At MGM Healthcare, the best knee replacement surgeons in Chennai are dedicated to delivering personalized care, ensuring minimal discomfort during and after surgery. With their expertise and advanced treatments, patients can expect rapid recovery and improved mobility, allowing them to resume their normal daily activities with greater ease.
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an emu is relative ly tall even though it cannot fly
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baghospital0 · 17 days
Total Knee Replacement Explained - BAGH
Discover more about total knee replacement surgery, including the need for it, how to prepare, and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.
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dhramthakur1008 · 23 days
Best knee replacement doctor in India
Dr. Ashutosh Shrivastava stands out as one of the best knee replacement doctor in India, and several distinctive attributes underscore this acclaim:
let's know why Dr. Ashutosh Shrivastava is the best knee replacement doctor in India
1. Pioneering Surgical Techniques:
Dr. Shrivastava is at the forefront of orthopedic surgery, employing cutting-edge techniques such as robotic-assisted knee replacements and minimally invasive procedures. His ability to integrate the latest advancements in medical technology into his practice sets him apart from his peers.
2. Unmatched Surgical Precision:
With years of hands-on experience, Dr. Shrivastava has honed his surgical skills to a fine art, ensuring each procedure is performed with the highest degree of precision. His meticulous approach minimizes complications and promotes faster recovery for his patients.
3. Holistic Patient Care:
Dr. Shrivastava’s practice is characterized by a holistic approach to patient care. He emphasizes comprehensive pre-operative assessments, personalized surgical plans, and thorough post-operative rehabilitation, ensuring that each patient receives tailored care at every stage of their treatment journey.
4. Exemplary Success Rates:
His exceptional track record speaks volumes, with a high percentage of successful knee replacement surgeries. Patients frequently report significant improvements in mobility and quality of life, which is a testament to his expertise and dedication.
5. Commitment to Medical Education:
Beyond his clinical work, Dr. Shrivastava is deeply committed to the education and training of future orthopedic surgeons. He regularly contributes to academic journals, participates in international conferences, and leads workshops, thereby shaping the next generation of orthopedic professionals.
6. Recognition and Awards:
Dr. Shrivastava’s contributions to the field have been recognized through numerous awards and accolades. His reputation is reinforced by commendations from both the medical community and his patients, highlighting his consistent excellence in knee replacement surgery.
7. State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Practicing in top-tier medical institutions equipped with the latest technologies, Dr. Shrivastava ensures his patients benefit from the best possible surgical environments. These state-of-the-art facilities play a crucial role in achieving optimal surgical outcomes.
8. Patient Testimonials and Referrals:
A significant portion of Dr. Shrivastava’s patients come through referrals, a testament to the trust and satisfaction of those he has treated. Positive testimonials underscore his ability to deliver consistent, life-changing results.
9. Innovative Research Contributions:
Dr. Shrivastava is actively involved in research aimed at advancing knee replacement techniques and improving patient outcomes. His innovative contributions have been instrumental in shaping modern orthopedic practices.
In summary, Dr. Ashutosh Shrivastava’s blend of innovative techniques, precision, holistic patient care, educational commitment, and exemplary success rates collectively solidify his status as one of India’s leading knee replacement doctors. His unwavering dedication to advancing orthopedic surgery ensures that his patients receive unparalleled care and the best possible outcomes.
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rheumannoyed · 1 year
Yo whats up I still love my new joints and my RA is under control ✌️
Always feel free to shoot a message or question my way. Reminder about who I am:
Robyn, 32, she/her
Rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed at age 14, secondary osteoarthritis diagnosed in early 20’s
I got 2 knee replacements and 2 shoulder replacements before age 30
On my 7th different biologic
Joints all working pretty well now! Woo!
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aashlokofficial · 30 days
Discover everything you need to know about knee replacement surgery in this comprehensive guide. Learn about the procedure, recovery, potential risks, and more. At Aashlok Hospital, our experienced orthopedic team specializes in knee replacement surgery to help you regain mobility and improve your quality of life.
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1383-8496 · 30 days
Best Knee Replacement Surgery Doctors in Chennai
Are you seeking exceptional knee replacement surgery in Chennai? Look no further than MGM Healthcare's Department of Orthopaedics. Our team of experts specializes in delivering top-notch care for musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, making us the best choice for knee replacement surgery in Chennai.
Understanding Total Knee Replacement Surgery
Total knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing damaged knee joint surfaces with artificial implants. This procedure is crucial for individuals experiencing severe pain and restricted mobility due to conditions like advanced osteoarthritis or joint deformities.
Why Choose MGM Healthcare for Knee Replacement Surgery?
Experienced Surgeons: Our fellowship-trained joint replacement surgeons have vast experience in performing knee replacement surgeries, ensuring precise and successful outcomes.
Advanced Technology: We employ patient-specific 3D planning techniques to ensure accurate implant placement and optimal functionality.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: With our minimally invasive approach, you can experience faster recovery times and minimal scarring.
Dedicated Rehabilitation: Our structured physiotherapy programs are designed to help you regain strength and mobility post-surgery.
Comprehensive Care: From pre-operative preparation to post-operative monitoring, we provide comprehensive care every step of the way.
Types of Knee Replacement Procedures Offered
Single Knee Replacement: Ideal for addressing issues in one knee joint, providing relief from arthritis pain, and restoring mobility.
Bilateral Knee Replacement: Suitable for individuals with severe arthritis in both knees, offering comprehensive relief and functionality.
Revision Surgery: For patients with previous knee replacements requiring correction or revision due to wear or loosening.
Benefits of Choosing MGM Healthcare for Knee Replacement
Pinpoint Accuracy: Our surgeons ensure precise implant positioning for optimal functionality.
Minimal Tissue Damage: Our minimally invasive techniques result in faster recovery times and reduced pain.
Personalized Care: Each surgery is tailored to the patient's unique anatomy and needs for optimal outcomes.
Faster Recovery: With shorter hospital stays and dedicated rehabilitation programs, you can return to daily activities sooner.
Long-Lasting Results: Our durable knee implants ensure sustained functionality and pain relief.
Are You a Candidate for Knee Replacement Surgery?
If you're experiencing advanced osteoarthritis, severe knee pain, joint deformities, or have had previous knee procedures with unsatisfactory results, you may benefit from knee replacement surgery.
Preparing for Your Surgery
Proper preparation is key to a successful surgery and recovery. We recommend managing your weight, addressing any dental concerns, arranging post-operative support, quitting smoking, and utilizing walking aids if needed.
The Surgical Procedure
Our minimally invasive approach involves administering anesthesia, making a small incision, resurfacing damaged knee joint surfaces, implanting artificial components, and closing the incision for optimal healing.
Recovery and Rehabilitation
Our specialized protocols and multidisciplinary team ensure a smooth recovery journey with effective pain management, regular monitoring, comprehensive wound care, early physiotherapy initiation, and periodic follow-ups for optimal outcomes.
Choose MGM Healthcare for the Best Knee Replacement Surgery in Chennai
Experience long-lasting pain relief and improved mobility with our expert surgeons, advanced technology, and dedicated rehabilitation programs. Book your appointment with our orthopaedic specialists today to discover the best knee replacement surgery in Chennai at MGM Healthcare.
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