#knight marinette
cambcts · 2 months
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liusia-piu · 7 months
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fabseg-reader · 6 months
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I have some Cerisette sketches. This time, happens in a fairy tale AU.
From left to right: Marinette (Knight), Cerise (Witch/Deviless/Demon Queen) and Adrien ("Princess"*)
*he's a boy
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This is the "confrontation" scene.
The Knight Marinette is come to the castle for free the Princess Adrien but she must face Cerise the Witch Deviless and newly owner of the castle (the previous was the "Witch" Gabriel but he's dead (see at the bottom of the post)).
Princess Adrien is the witness/spectator of the battle (In VIP position).
Marinette is planifying her 131st raid/attempt (all the previouses had failed).
The strong fact: Cerise has never tried to eliminate Marinette unlike to the other knights who terribly failed their raids. She has just repelled her. It's because Marinette has managed to dodge all the traps in the castle.
This time, the Knight and the Witch Deviless make a Tie. The two opponents have their weapons (Marinette: Sword and Shield; Cerise: Magical Scepter) both destroyed.
In next moment, Cerise congratulates Marinette and declares Adrien is released from his captivity. The Princess Boy is surprised he can leave the castle (despite the fact Marinette haven't entered to the Adrien's tower room yet).
Cerise doesn't seem interested about continue to fight Marinette. The Deviless comes closer to the Knight and pins her to the wall with a flirtatous tone. First time, Marinette doesn't understand the Cerise's behavior.
Suddenly, Cerise offers a request to Marinette: To accept her wedding confession/to marry her.
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During the battles moments in the past, the Deviless Cerise had developped a little crush on the Knight Marinette.
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This is the first meeting between Marinette/Knight and Cerise/Witch Deviless.
Cerise hasn't just overthrown Gabriel the Witch (and Adrien's gaoler). She has killed him. When Marinette the Knight has finally entered to the throne room, she is confused and shortly horrified to see the recently murdered Gabriel's bloody corpse who is empaled on many objects. Cerise and Gabriel had previously a fight against each other and Cerise had won.
Marinette had worked her Knight's skills during her trainings. She became the champion of the Kingdom after winning the tournament. She prepared herself to defeat the Witch Gabriel and to rescue Adrien. And now, a new Witch (a Demon girl) she had never seen yet is standing up in front of her.
But Cerise turns her interest about the new "visitor". She sits down on the Gabriel's throne, poses like a Femme Fatale (Basic Instinct vibes) and invites Marinette to come closer to her with a finger gesture (the Deviless Cerise's hands are like Dragon claws and her fingers are claws).
Marinette/Knight: Who are you ? 🤨
Cerise/Witch Deviless: I am the Demon Queen Cerise. The witch Deviless. But you can name me Cerise. 😉😘
Concerning the Adrien's fate:
Marinette/Knight: What happens with the Princess Adrien ? Do you free him from the Witch ? 🤨
Cerise/Witch Deviless: I wouldn't say "free", more like, under new management. 😉😈
I let you find some ideas for how can be happened in the next moment.
I just taken the idea from the Gabriel Agreste episode (4.09). The illustrations of Marc and Nathaniel have been used as models for this sketches.
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aalissy · 2 months
Fantasy AU
Woop woop day 9 done :). And it's a fantasyyy AU where I got to write Prince Adrien with his lovely knight Marinette. Ahhh, I loveeee writing this AU hehe. Lemme know what you think <3
Prince Adrien sighed quietly. He rested his cheek upon his fist as he stared out longingly of the tower that he was locked in. His father, the Mad King Gabriel, had summoned upon the magic of the peacock miraculous to keep him imprisoned in the tower ever since his mother had died years ago.
In the span of but a few moments, he had lost both his mother and his freedom. Gabriel had shouted that this was the only way he could protect him from the evils in the world before locking him up.
In the beginning, Adrien had been grateful. After all, his father was right. The world was evil. He didn’t want the same things that happened to his mother to happen to him. But slowly, as the days turned to weeks which turned to months he had begun to see this as more of a punishment than a reward.
He had little to no contact with anyone. The only times he had any form of human contact was when his father came up to restock his supplies. Most of his day was spent cuddling with Plagg, the black cat Adrien had pleaded with his father to have after he had been locked up for half a year and was going mad himself. 
Plagg purred contentedly, causing him to smile down at the cat in his lap. Scratching him behind the ears, Adrien wondered just how differently life in this tower would have been like without him. It would have been unbearable.
The quiet sound of horse hooves had Adrien gazing out his window lazily. Had his father returned early with supplies? He didn’t know if he was ecstatic at the contact or if he was depressed at the fact that he wouldn’t see anyone again for the next few weeks.
Adrien blinked. Then blinked again. The figure approaching on horseback looked nothing like his father. It seemed to be a girl, her pigtails flowing out behind her as she raced toward the tower. She was clad in shimmering armor, her sword glinting in the moonlight. 
He scrambled back falling off the ledge he was sitting on as he crashed to the floor. He ignored Plagg’s unhappy meow and began to panic. Who was this? Was this one of the monsters his father had warned him about? Had she come to murder him like all of the stories his father had read to him?
Adrien gulped, staring down at the sword on her hip. It certainly looked very sharp. Should he hide? Should he at least try and defend himself? He had never thought of a plan for a situation like this. His father had been certain that no one would be able to find this place so they had never thought up any ideas for what would happen if it did.
Suddenly, the steady beat of horse hooves on the rough pavement ceased. Did she leave? Went away to bother someone else’s tower? 
Slowly, cautiously, Adrien poked his head back up to peer out the window. She hadn’t left at all. Instead, she had taken out two small knives and he gulped as he imagined what she would do with those. 
She stabbed the base of the tower and he watched in awe as she tested the hold her knife had. It must have been good because she jammed the second knife higher up into the rocks. Adrien’s mouth dried as he watched her begin to ascend the tower with a skilled grace he didn’t know was possible. 
So awed by her ascent up the tower, he had no time to prepare when the knight crashed through his window. A pair of bright, gleaming blue eyes blinked into his green ones with surprise. He jumped forward, grasping a shard of glass with force as he glared over at her.
His tiny, makeshift weapon was probably no good against her sword but at least he could say he tried. He was not about to die easily. 
“Get out of here!” he spat, praying that just the ferocity of his words would scare her off. “I won’t let you just kill me!”
“Hang on! Hang on!” She held her hands up, obviously trying to lull him into a false sense of security. “What are you talking about? I’m not here to kill you! I came here to rescue you.”
His heart swelled with hope before he quickly clamped it down. She was a liar! Every murderer would say this before dealing their dastardly blows. Adrien may not know a lot but he knew this much at least.
“Liar!” he hissed, eyes narrowing at her as he waved the tiny shard of glass.
“I’m not a liar.” She shook her head before the unmistakable sound of purring filled the room. The both of them looked down as Plagg rubbed himself against the lady’s legs, purring noisily.
“Plagg! What are you doing!?” Adrien shrieked, gesturing for his cat to come here with the knife. “She’s the enemy!”
“Aw! What a cutie!” she cooed, kneeling down as she scratched Plagg behind the ears. The traitorous cat leaned even further into her hand, obviously enjoying the scritches. 
Slowly, he lowered his knife. His father hadn’t warned him about this. Would a killer really pet a cat instead of... well, attacking him with the giant sword at her waist?
Adrien's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Could this knight truly be here to rescue him? Was she not the threat his father had warned him about all these years? Plagg's content purring seemed to vouch for her innocence, but Adrien couldn't shake off the years of conditioning to fear outsiders.
"You expect me to believe that?" Adrien's voice wavered slightly, his eyes darting between the knight and Plagg, who seemed unusually comfortable in her presence. "Why should I trust you?"
The knight sighed, straightening up. "I’ll start by giving you my name. I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the renowned knight who has sworn to protect this kingdom. Your father might have misled you about me, but I assure you, my intentions are pure.”
Adrien's grip on the shard of glass loosened, uncertainty clouding his features. He couldn't just ignore the years of isolation and fear instilled by his father's warnings. Surely, he had locked him in this tower for a reason.
"Please, Prince Adrien," Marinette pleaded, her blue eyes reflecting sincerity. "Let me prove to you that I mean no harm. Your imprisonment here is unjust, and I'm here to set you free."
Adrien hesitated, torn between his ingrained fears and the glimmer of hope offered by Marinette’s words. Plagg, ever the perceptive companion, nuzzled against her leg, a silent gesture of trust.
“Ask yourself this, would I really have stopped to pet your lovely cat and give you my name if I was here to bring harm to you? Unless you truly believe that a piece of glass would be enough to stop me, a trained knight?” She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at him teasingly.
With a deep breath, Adrien lowered the makeshift weapon and nodded slowly. "Alright, I believe you."
Marinette smiled warmly, her relief evident. "Thank you for giving me a chance, Prince Adrien. Now, let's get you out of here."
For the first time in years, Adrien was finally going to know what freedom tasted like. He was finally going outside.
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mila-beedoodling · 2 years
Batch of doodles coming right up xD
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Felix congrulation, miraculous universe need you. Welcome villiainlike mastermind
(I watch mlb season 4 episode 10 today)
I just love knight Marinette and Princess Adrien it was them. I'm in love with the idea .İf there wasn't miraculous and they wouldn't be heroes this was their story even with the miraculous their story like this. Can't stop myself i'll go and write fanfic for this Au. Felix would be help them to defeat The Witch(Gabriel) and take his power anti-hero Felix idea
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Marc and Nathaniel's plan was most intelligent most original and most miraculer plan. I take a bunch of screenshot.
I have no suspicioun from today Felix is most intelligent miraculous character and ıts so easy to see.
Out of the contect Alya would be a better Hawkmoth than Gabriel and take the miraculous . She use ladyblog and act like she love Chat Noir and Ladybug if Alya would be main villiain its more harder than Gabriel.
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yolowritter · 3 months
Miraculous Adventurer Au 2: Electric Boogaloo!
Hi again, it's me! So, quick story time! I was looking through my notes the other day and found a few more things for this Au. I completely forgot I never followed up on it, so here we goooooooooo!
Nah I'm kidding, context/recap first. This Au takes place in Fantasy Anime France, which is Medieval France...but better! Basically just a Medieval Au with adventurers guilds and monsters! Typical RPG shenanigans! Gabriel and Emilie are king and queen (she's alive by the way and Gabriel is more like Hesperia than Hawkmoth. Good guy.), with Adrien as their son. Amelie and Felix also exist in Lunden (London) which is obviously in England. Important note is that this setting isn't tied down to a specific century, I just wanted the vibes. We have vampires, syrens and mages anyway, realism was never a priority. Now...it just so happens that Prince Adrien and Princess Kagami (of an as-of-yet-undecided) eastern kingdom are married. Just follow me on this.
In terms of a recap: Marinette wants to go to the Capital (Paris) to attend a prestigious fashion academy, or at least to try and get in/get a fashion-related job. On her way she decides she needs more money for her trip, and picks up adventuring. Now...it just so happens that she meets a handsome "pro" at the job, named Chat Noir. So naturally, she doesn't give this guy her name yet, because he's a stranger. Marinette's first job is pretty simple. Pick up a sword, whack a couple wolves over the head because they haven't been letting an herblist go into the nearby forest, get paid. Unfortunately, the resident rogue in black leather decides to follow the pretty girl around. Low and behold, they end up fighting the few wolves side by side and turns out they make a pretty good team! Marinette doesn't exactly know how to swordfight anyway, she was basically bashing the wolves with the flat side of her sword.
And so begins the amazing partnership that will surely drive this poor girl insane! And because it just so happens that a ladybug lands on Marinette's face as they leave the battlefield, Chat of course has a new name for her. Ladybug the Scarlet Adventurer is born! And...it just so happens that the herbalist I mentioned last paragraph is named Alya. She is, in fact, a witch. Well...kind of. She specializes in illusion magic, which is completely useless for helping around her village in day to day work. So she got a part time job as a herblist to get some experience. And after being saved by Ladybug (as well as some heroic bragging from Chat Noir), they have their first fan! Back to the adventurer's guild they go, where Chat insists she keep all the money from the job, and urges Marinette to work with him again. He walks away, not giving her a chance to refuse, leaving her a little flabbergasted. I'm sure that won't be important later...
Now...do you all remember how I said that Prince Adrien and Kagami are married? And clearly, Adrien is also Chat Noir? So how can he be in two places at once? Why, Felix of course! Amelie and her son were visiting for the wedding preparations, which lasted a good few weeks, and he got to know Kagami pretty well. Naturally, they fell in love, especially since while she likes Adrien, Kagami isn't in love with him. So...with a bit of help from Amelie, they pulled the swicharoo! Adrien wanted freedom and to explore the country anyway, so why not let Felix (who clearly likes administrative stuff) take over and also marry the girl he loves? Therefore, Adrien Agreste has to hide his identity as the Prince of Paris, and I'm sure that won't be important later...
About Alya, she goes back to her village after getting saved by Ladynoir...and naturally, she decides to also take up adventuring because they've inspired her! What good is she doing wasting away in a small town anyway, when she could be traveling the world and exploring new places? Of course, she drags her boyfriend Nino into this mess almost immediately, since he happens to be a Bard. A DnD-style bard, where music is also (kinda) magic. He would have been perfectly happy to be a local celebrity in a small town if it meant staying with the girl he loves, but hey! If Alya wants adventure, consider him on board! Is it any wonder then that these two duos end up meeting eventually? Ladynoir has gone on a few more jobs, and they're slowly getting the hang of working together and beating up wolves, small smiles and the occasional bandit. So when they suddenly bump into DjWifi a few weeks later, and with a real chance to talk once Nino encourages Alya to push down her hero worship, Marinette and Alya hit it off and become good friends! Adrien is also really happy to have a friendly guy who treats him like a normal person, instead of "your highness" this and "my prince" that. Naturally, they all team up in a party of four! And so, the adventures continue!
I have waaaaay more to say about this Au, for example Max being a genius artificer, Kim being a sailor boy who falls in love with the pretty mermaid Ondine, Luka the travelling bard (and Marinette's ex), Juleka who is nursing a wounded (mermaid) Rose back to health on the Liberty (and also got bit by a vampire recently), and Chloe asking for the famous Ladybug and her team to go on a job for her. So yeah, the Adventurer AU is still alive and kicking! I'll be back with more details, but in the meantime feel free to AMA if you want! Anon asks are on! I'll see you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous!
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dumbass-brunette · 2 years
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An older drawing of Knight Marinette and Princess Adrien
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art-the-f-up · 18 days
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The Blue Scarf
Adrinette knight and princess AU inspired by the painting God Speed
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diadraws · 1 year
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it is pride month so.. POTION OF POST MY HEADCANONS ENGAGE!!!!!! the little trans alien thingy is a symbol i made up for xenogender. (i think using a miraculous for any extended period of time will eventually xeno your gender....)
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bakawitch · 15 days
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He's here-
Detective Roux, your friendly neighbourhood magical private eye! He weilds a magical camera gadget that he affectionately nicknamed 'the Budget'. (Get it? Bug? Gadget? No...? I'll see myself out...)
During the daytime, Adrien is a once child model trying to move into the world of big-time film actors with the sponsorship of his father. He likes burying himself into true crime podcasts during his free time. When the sun goes down, however, Adrien becomes Detective Roux, an ex-hero trying to abandon the shadow of his past as a sidekick and create an identity for himself. While the police are very sceptical about him, he genuinely only wants to help clean up the streets of Paris. He is available for commission during his night hours at a very cheap price!
And here he is with the deranged cat after his heart!
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memesandtvshowthings · 2 months
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I drew them again because they’re sweet.
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winxrus · 1 year
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Usually an evil old witch imprisons the princess in a castle guarded by a dragon. And a knight in shining armor must save her. Well, this is the same story, except you’re a knight, Marinette, Adrien’s princess, the castle is his home, and the witch is his father, Gabriel Agreste.
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The knight defeats the witch
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And the prince wakes up with a kiss from his knight, his true love <3 (consented of course!!)
Gifs by @ouiladybug
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aalissy · 13 days
Anddd here's today's chapter as I finish getting all caught up for Marichat May :). I hope you liked both of these chapters and I'll see you tomorrow for the final one ;).
In the heart of the bustling kingdom of Paris, where the Seine River glittered under the sunlight and the Eiffel Tower stood tall and proud, there was a tale whispered among the townsfolk about the brave knight who guarded the royal family with unmatched valor. This knight, clad in shining armor with a red and black emblem, was none other than Dame Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the protector of Prince Chat Noir.
Prince Chat, with his golden hair and striking green eyes, was a beacon of hope for the kingdom. Admired for his charm and wit, he was beloved by many. However, few knew the true extent of his close bond with his loyal knight. 
Despite his outward confidence, Chat faced many threats that required constant vigilance. Marinette stood by his side, her armor gleaming in the sunlight as she watched over the prince, her blue eyes sharp and scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.
Today, they were visiting a distant village in the kingdom, a routine diplomatic mission that required the prince's presence and, of course, his knight's protection. As they rode through the village, the townspeople cheered and waved, their smiles a testament to the prince's popularity. Chat waved back, his charming smile lighting up the faces of those who saw him. Marinette, though focused, couldn't help but smile at the prince's natural ability to bring joy to others.
"Marinette," Chat said, turning to her as they dismounted their horses. "You've been unusually quiet today. Is something on your mind?"
She shook her head, her expression serious. "Just ensuring your safety, your Highness. It's my duty."
Chat sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate your dedication, Marinette, but remember, you're not just my knight. You're my friend. You can talk to me about anything."
Marinette nodded, her resolve softening slightly. "Thank you, your Highness. I just worry. There have been rumors of unrest, and I don't want anything to happen to you."
He smiled at her gently. "I'll be fine, especially with you by my side."
As they continued their walk through the village, Marinette's senses were on high alert. Suddenly, Chat noticed a shadowy figure darting through the crowd, heading straight for him. Before he could react, however, Marinette drew her sword and stepped in front of him, her eyes locking onto the approaching threat.
"Stay behind me, your Highness," she commanded, her voice steady and unwavering.
The figure lunged, a dagger glinting in the sunlight. Marinette parried the attack with skillful precision, her movements fluid and powerful. The crowd gasped and scattered, giving the knight and the assailant room to fight.
Chat watched in awe as Marinette defended him, her prowess in battle unmatched. She disarmed the attacker with a swift motion, knocking the dagger from his hand and pinning him to the ground. The village guards quickly apprehended the would-be assassin, dragging him away.
Marinette sheathed her sword and turned to Chat, her expression concerned. "Are you alright, Your Highness?"
He nodded, his eyes filled with admiration. "Thanks to you, Marinette. You were incredible."
Her cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. "Just doing my duty, your Highness."
The prince smiled, placing a hand on her cheek. "You're more than just a knight, Marinette. You're my protector, my confidante, and my dearest friend. I don't know what I would do without you."
Her heart swelled with emotion, and she bowed her head slightly. "I swore an oath to protect you, my Prince. And I will, with my life if necessary."
Chat shook his head with a frown. The thought of Marinette dead was too impossible to bear. "I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for me, Marinette. Your life is just as valuable as mine."
She looked up, her eyes meeting his. "Then we'll protect each other. As equals."
He smiled, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "As equals."
As they continued their journey, the relationship between the prince and his knight grew stronger. They faced many challenges together, but their loyalty and friendship were unbreakable. And though the kingdom of Paris would often find itself in peril, the people knew that with Prince Chat Noir and Dame Marinette Dupain-Cheng standing together, they would always be safe. And so, the legend of the brave knight and her beloved prince lived on, a testament to the power of friendship, courage, and unwavering dedication.
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carpetbug · 3 months
knight in shining armor marinette and princess adrien fic but the ‘monster’ guarding the princess is felix :)
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