#korra fic
wandasfifthwife · 2 months
all I want is for you to be safe
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korra x fem!reader
tw: established relationship, hurt/comfort, mentions of an argument, action/fighting discussion, kissing, angst w/ happy ending, discussions of death, minor injury (korra), R isn’t a bender, not proofread lmao
a/n: though this says fem!reader, I don’t beleive any gender is mentioned (I just imagined fem!reader when writing)
As an avatar Korra’s familiar with injuries, both emotional and physical. She understands the weight that actions have, seen the results around her and on herself. She’s seen people loose a family member and have come across how one’s selfish actions affect others. So she should’ve been better with the one she cared for.
It was a valid concern. You had come to her, whispered words on how lately you’ve become scared. Witnessing the danger she was in often made you fear her saftey, but she shoved you off.
It was a joke at first, stating that she was the avatar and everything happening was destined. Then something had come over her; she got defense and hurtful words were thrown. You had left in silence. Korra’s guilt eating away at her as she watched you leave.
She had come back to her room, relieved to see your body in her bed. The room was completely silent when she got ready for bed and finally crawled under the sheets. Your back faced hers and still didn’t turn even after you felt her body dip in on her side of the bed.
She too rolled over with a purposeful huff, the sound annoying and irritating. The two of you laid close enough to know each other was there, but far enough to tell the other that you’re still hurt. You were half asleep, listening to Korra deep breaths when the room shook. Her eyes snapped open, body already slipping from bed to look out the door.
A fleet of earth benders were at the far corner of the city, pushing houses to completely collapse in on themselves. You were reaching her, calling out her name when a flurry of dust and small rocks filled the room. It was suffocating. Her hand met yours, pushing through the smoke with you in toll.
“Go,” she yells, reaching behind her to knock one of them onto a railing below you two.
She curses and grabs a hold of you, grip tighter this time. Air rushes around you, the city looking smaller and smaller as you reached higher altitude. You shout when a stone barrels at you. It crumbled a second later, dust inside adding to the already growing cloud.
“Do you have to be so stubborn?”
Her complain turns into a rant, pushing you into a house on the other side of the city.
“Sorry,” she doesn’t catch how you close in on yourself at her words, hands shaking at your chest.
Her eyebrow twitches in annoyance, “I can’t do this right now. Just stay here.”
Then in a split second she’s gone, door shutting behind her. It left you in a dark room, same worries from before drowning you. You understand where she came from, thinking you didn’t she was strong enough. She already has worries of her own about being the avatar, feeling she needs to prove it at every opportunity.
It still didn’t take away your point, and now was a great example. The universe seemed to be playing you, bringing up the same situation that caused a ripple in your relationship just hours earlier. Time seemed to slow down while you sat in the dark room, hearing and occasionally feeling the walls shake from the extent of their attacks.
They got closer, making your throat clog with panic. You couldn’t match their aggression, you had nothing to fight with; something Korra liked to mention a few times during your fight. You know that she has it all, every fighting chance while you didn’t.
You don’t doubt her abilities, that wasn’t why you sought her out earlier.
You were worried someone could catch her off guard, trap her, use her weaknesses against her. You were worried you couldn’t do anything, and it was so unfair that she used that against you.
Fifteen maybe twenty minutes passed. The city grew quiet once again, residents slowly emerging from their hiding spots. The door to the building you were in bursts open, Korra entering with a brush of her hands.
“They barely put up a fight, too eas—“
Your figure rested on the ground, hands brushing away the tears that continued to trail down your cheeks. The sight slowed her words down, remembering her previous actions and realizing this is the result of them.
She moves with ease, footsteps making no noise as she comes to sit beside you. The sound of your hushed cry hurt to listen to and it was all she could hear at the moment, coming from beside her. She was grateful enough you haven’t shrugged her off or yelled at her.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
“You can be so mean Korra,” you choke out, delivery shaky instead of stern.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why do you need to be so brash? I was only trying to express my concern and you had to make it about yourself. I know you can handle yourself, but you didn’t have to tell me—“
At the notion that you’re working yourself up again, she’s moving herself in front of you and taking one of your hands in hers.
“I’m really sorry. Everything I’ve said lately was completely out of line and mean. I take full responsibility. Nothing of what I said was true, you are capable and—“
“Are you okay,” you reach to brush the cuts on her forehead. A hiss spills from her when you touch the open wound, hands reaching to quickly pull yours away.
“It’ll heal. Are you okay?”
“Will be after you kiss me.”
“Woah,” she arches an eyebrow, “already? Now?”
You initiate, pulling her closer by where your hand was intertwined with hers on your leg. She relaxes into the kiss, slotting herself further between your legs. Her thumb brushes away the tear stains, pulling back with a solemn expression.
“I’m so sorry,” she says softly and so close to your lips, attention staying on your eyes and how they looked comparatively dimmer as compared to yesterday.
“I forgive you,” you rub her face in the same manner as her, small sniffles coming from you, “if you promise to not speak to me like that ever again.” She agrees, a soft smile growing on her face when you bring her back to kiss you again. When she makes it back to bed, she’s pulling you into her, resting her head on yours.
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taintedpearls · 7 days
datting korra headcanons ♡♡ I love your page its so pretty \(^^)/
ཐི⋆༊·˚ཋྀ dating korra headcannons
daily click — palestine mp
note: fluff + reg text under cut – tysm anon! ur too sweet. i'm sorry it took so long and it's quite rushed :(
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love language is physical touch and words of affirmation.
thoroughly enjoys pda, it soothes her whenever in a crowd. wether it's holding your hand or keeping a grip on your waist, she's keeping a grip on you to keep her grounded.
zero shame. whatsoever. she knows she's attractive so she's constantly making flirty jokes and comments that get you flustered and nervous
but you're also really fucking hot, so you use it to your advantage. getting up close to her, returning flirty comments, swaying your hips more than you usually would and now she's the one with rosy cheeks.
whenever she has a hard day of being the start (which lets be honest, is most days) all she wants to do is lay in your arms while you speak to her softly.
adores kissing you! she doesn't really have a preference when kissing tbh. this girl could have a surprisingly good day being the avatar and would rush home just to kiss you aggressively as if someone really pissed her off.
loves cuddling. once again, even in public! she's a very affectionate person and you will more often times than not find the girl sneaking up behind you and wrapping her hands around your waist with a head on your shoulder, hot breath going down your neck. doesn't matter if your in the middle of an important conversation!
there are these little moments whenever she's had a particularly busy week and hasn't been able to see you much that she'll just relish in seeing your face and being able to hold you, hugs last forever with this girl.
you two have this sort of balance to each other. shes hot headed and often speaks her mind but you're calmer and think about what you want to say before saying it.
if you argue she's massive on communication. with the limited time you two can see eachother, she wants to savour the time you do have. so if you're upset at her, she's forcing you to talk to her.
but on more stressful days if she's upset at you... she's harsh and doesn't think about what she's saying. she doesn't mean it, but her words come off mean. she needs time to cool down before you let her come to you.
that being said she can definitely come off as possessive and pushy... and she is!
well she's possessive at least, she just comes off as pushy.
she's not a "oh my god she's gonna leave me for someone else so i have to keep my eye on her at all times possessive" she's more of a "i'm literally the fucking avatar and i'm trying to make sure she's safe" type of possessive
for example, if you get hurt she's pissed. super pissed. blinded by pure rage that you got hurt, at both you and whatever caused it.
"how could you be so reckless! so stupid? i swear you don't think before marching into a fight-!"
"can you please stop? my head hurts"
and then she's rushing to your side, asking if you're okay and taking care of you like she didn't say anything she just did.
constantly worried about whatever you're getting yourself into when you aren't around her.
if she's injured, you just sigh disappointedly while patching her up. she tries to make a stupid joke like "i really outdid myself this time huh?" but you stay silent. you don't want to lash out.
to make it up to you she tries to make you something
key word: tries.
she's an awful cook.
tried to make you two breakfast one time and it looked like she had gotten into a fight with flour.
that being said you're usually the one to cook, even if you aren't much better than her.
game nights go crazy! she's hiding about 247 uno cards under the table.
whenever she works out, she'll always invite you to come with her. wether or not you're working out yourself or sitting down and reading a book beside her, you just like being around her.
always organising little dates around town for the two of you.
going out at night to the markets and mucking around while finding little trinkets for each other.
yeah this girl knew she loved you when you bought a little ceramic polar bear for naga.
watching her early days of doing pro bending matches and SCREAMING her name so loudly she thinks the whole stadium can hear you.
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Legend of Korra team Avatar with a mute or deaf partner
Request by @ultravioletqueen
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- Loves to make you laugh, whether it's a loud laugh or just an exhale of breath she loves to do it as much as possible. She thinks your laugh is adorable. - Korra knows a lot of sign language but is working at becoming fluent because she wants to be able to communicate with you to the fullest extent. She also finds it extremely useful in her Avatar duty as it opens her up to the non-verbal and non-hearing community. - Arguments are really funny because Korra loves to provoke people and verbally argue when angry but you don't take the bait and can easily block her out. You can also non-verbally argue much better than she can so get your way most of the time. - You balance each other out well as Korra is always pretty rash, loud and aggressive whereas you take more time to process words and behaviour. As a result Korra has learned to be calmer from you but will also react on your behalf if someone is ever being rude. - You communicate a lot through your bending. Korra is pretty much an expert at bending forms and you both get a lot from sparring together. - Gets you to read all her Avatar speeches because you're a lot better at communicating than her. - Loves showing off her Avatar powers to impress you. You used to do weights together but that turned out to be a bad idea because Korra would get too distracted trying to get you to check her out. - You're very close to Tenzin and Korra's Republic City family as the air nation is the most inclusive nation and they understand your lifestyle. You love having game nights over at Air Temple island because 1. you and Korra crush it every time and 2. they all know sign language and so all night use your language rather than you having to adapt for them.
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- Very talkative, definitely talks enough for the both of you but importantly always looks for responses whether that's signing, nods, smiles or any preferred form of communication. He never talks at you but has a conversation with you - Loves to learn more about your experience and the first time he met you he definitely bored all his friends with random facts he'd learnt for like a month. - Refuses to ever let you apologise or feel odd for being different. He's always the first person to tell you you're beautiful and valid no matter if you're deaf or mute - Will literally do anything if you ask him to. At first, Bolin would need a few helpful hints at how he can change his behaviour to be more inclusive but he'd always be receptive to any suggestion you gave him. - Bolin really struggles to use sign language but attends classes and practices every day. You actually really love helping him learn because Bolin never gets frustrated or annoyed. He just tries again and his reaction when he gets it is wonderful. - The only thing that annoys him is Pabu listens to you more than him. He can be calling him for ages but all you have to do is gently stamp your foot and he comes running. - Always notices you. You met when he was a pro-bender and there could be hundreds of fans screaming his name but his eyes will always go straight to you and a smile from you is enough to put him in a good mood for hours.
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- Extremely attentive, to the extent you just have to make a face or look at her and she can guess from the situation what you need. - Would probably invent you tons of cool contraptions just to make your life easier e.g. a bed that shakes when your alarm goes off or a machine that communicates for you in public. - Asami learned sign language in like a week after she met you, she's just that good. - She never presumes to answer for you just because you're mute/deaf. She always lets you answer when someone asks a question and only jumps in if you ask her to. She knows you are capable and never patronises you. - Teaches you how to play pai sho and instantly regrets it. While she can usually read you well there's no deciphering your poker face and her cries of protest just make you smirk. - Loves treating you to gifts and surprises. Asami is rich af and so you receive amazing personalised presents at every special occasion. - She seems really strong on the outside but is more vulnerable and soft with you. You're her support system and she comes to you whenever she's stressed or nervous about something. You're an excellent shoulder to cry on and she values your advice over anyone else's. - Similarly you also feel you can show your weaknesses around Asami. Being different you often felt like you had to always prove you were just as good as a non-deaf/non-mute person to be worthy. With Asami it's not like that, she makes you realise you're already perfect which helps you laugh more when you do make mistakes. For example one day Asami got a call from your neighbours because you were blasting music without realising how loud it was. When she rushed home to tell you, you both found it hilarious and it became a running joke between you.
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- Protective, when you go out in public he makes you walk on the inside of the street in case a car comes too close and you can't hear it/don't realise. - Isn't a naturally noisy or talkative person so really likes the quiet and doesn't struggle adjusting at all. He actually gets overwhelmed when he leaves your home at how noisy people are. - Decides the non-verbal and non-hearing community need better treatment so meets with Beifong about having all officers learn sign language. Mako himself is of course fluent in sign language and the two of you have tons of shortcuts and signs the two of you invented yourself. - Finds it easier to open up to you than other people. Mako has never been good with words and so he finds a freedom in communicating with you. You know more about him than anyone else does. - Only introduces you to his friends after you've been dating a while not because he's nervous for them to meet you but because he's nervous for you to meet them! He considers himself pretty lucky to have met you and doesn't want them to scare you off. So he's overly cautious but when you do meet them of course you all get along great. Mako was worried for nothing. - Learns to read the micro-expressions and body language you convey. According to Mako you have ten different types of smiles, he loves your really big smile but his favourite is your small embarrassed smile when he catches you doing something cute and he loves complimenting you on it. - Mako has never been an animal person but you convince him to get a cat and he loves the thing! You name her Sheddy Shin because she sheds so much hair which Mako finds hilarious (you call her shed for short).
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beautifulzhuli · 2 years
Hey, i really liked the bolin prompt and liked how you wrote his character. Can you do another one? Maybe where Bolin walks into Korra’s room to get her and he sees that Korra have the drawing bolin made her framed and up in her room and maybe korra tells him that he really appreciated all his letters even although she never responded. I really didn't like how they barely talked in S4! Their friendship deserved more! Thank you so much!
I loved this prompt! Here's a little headcanon I have about this drawing actually.
Sorry this fic took a bit long to get to. I've been working longer hours at my job for the summer and haven't had much time to myself. Here’s the fic on ao3
Korra didn’t really have a lot of belongings. Just a few books about history and other things, some more clothes, and a couple of knick knacks here and there. It took almost no time to unpack the box her parents had sent some of her stuff from home. 
“Okay, I think that’s everything,” Bolin said, clapping his hands together. “That went a lot quicker than I was expecting. When you asked for help unpacking, I thought this would be an all-day sort of thing.”
“Yeah, I don’t know why I thought this would be a two person job. I guess when my parents said they’d send more of my stuff I forgot how little I actually hold on to,” Korra replied, placing her books on a shelf. “Thanks for helping though.”
“No problem! What do you mean you don’t hold on to stuff?”
“Just like…I mean I guess I’m just not someone who has a lot of things. I never have been. I didn’t really play with a lot of toys as a kid, so I never really had a bunch of them. And we just gave them away when I didn’t want them anymore and when I started my training. And then growing up, I guess I was always kind of hopeful that maybe the White Lotus would let me travel more like past Avatars, so I wanted to be able to just go and be able to travel light,” she explained. “And I don’t know, I just generally never needed stuff as the Avatar. It was just training and fighting, you know,” she explained. “Oh wait there’s one more thing in here,” Korra drifted off, peaking into the box. She reached in and grabbed a small frame that Bolin overlooked and chucked as she turned it for him to see. “It’s the picture you drew for me!”
“You kept that?” he questioned.
“Of course. I kept all the letters you sent me. I guess those are still at home. It meant a lot to me knowing that you guys were still thinking of me while I was gone…I know I never wrote back to you, and that was because I just didn’t know how…but I thought about you guys everyday. I really missed you.”
“I missed you too,” Bolin replied, bringing Korra into a giant bear hug. “I’m just glad you’re back.” 
“Me too.” Ending the hug, they turned to look at the drawing once more. “I do have one little adjustment I’d like to make,” Korra noted, removing the frame and folding the paper in half, hiding the side with Kuvira. 
“You know what,” Bolin started, “I think it looks a lot better this way. Great fix,” he chuckled. 
Korra put the picture back in the little frame she had it in and set it on her table. Stepping back to look at it, Bolin threw his arm over her shoulder, looking at the picture again. 
“We’re different people now,” he mused. “It’s a different time.”
“Yeah…let’s get out of here,” Korra said. As they exited the room, Korra paused to look back at her room. “It’s good to be back,” she thought as she turned off the light and left to be with her friend. 
Thanks for reading and for the prompt! I have another short drabble coming tomorrow!
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tossawary · 3 months
Listening to someone else watch the original ATLA again, just starting season 3, and there's this line where Aang suggests that it didn't just look like he died, but he DID actually die and Katara brought him back. And look, I don't know much about the lore introduced by TLOK, but this sounds like a really fun place to start an AU inspired by "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"'s take on the temporary death and resurrection of a cyclical chosen one: Aang is brought back to life and is STILL the Avatar, but his temporary death still also causes another Avatar to be born into the Southern Water Tribe (or Swamp People or refugees on some southern island, whatever).
Like, I know the Avatar is a reincarnation thing, but weird things can happen with spirits! Maybe this glitch in the cycle causes the spiritual equivalent of mitosis to happen to the Avatar and the spirit attached to them, so there's just two of them now! Maybe having two Avatars has some spiritual downsides, maybe not, it's up to whatever path you choose to explore in this AU.
I just think it would be really funny for post-canon 21yo Aang (and the Gaang and the White Lotus and all the spiritual / religious orders on the planet) to suddenly be confronted with a 10yo water tribe kid who is ALSO the Avatar.
A water tribe couple shuffle awkwardly up to Sokka, like, "Sooooo... we think our 10 year old daughter might be the Avatar...? She can, uh, bend all the elements and all that. Look at this shit." And Sokka is like, "Fuck, Aang is dead?!" Before he's like, "Wait, I saw Aang last week, this kid is way too old?!" And he has to hastily contact Aang like, "Hey, buddy, you're still alive, right?" And Aang can only reply, "Uhhh, last I checked, yes?!?!"
It's probably Sokka and Katara who put the pieces of the timeline together and figure out what caused this, because all of the other Avatars are probably initially like, "Yeah, I have no idea what's happening here. I'm you and you're me, but I'm also her and she's also me, and you and her are kind of the same person, but you're obviously different people now? Wow! Good luck figuring all that out, kid! You're really going places none of us have gone before! A real groundbreaker!"
Aang, through gritted teeth, "I am really not TRYING to do that, thank you!"
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giisip · 1 month
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Killer green eyes.
Inspired and taken from ch2 of this beautiful fic by selftaughthuman!
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lovelooksgudonu · 3 months
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doodled asami. i'll add korra next
this is how i see her in my head tbh
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splosh-crime · 7 months
ATLA AU - Zuko Can See Ghosts
Dead people in ATLA either reincarnate or stay as ghosts until they’re ready to do so. There is no afterlife just as there are no gods. The closest thing to gods ATLA has is spirits but if the Spirit World was the afterlife, I think there would be a lot more humans around when Avatars visit. Iroh’s only there because he went in before he died.
Zuko knows why his mother left because Grandfather Azulon is still there as a ghost to tell him Ursa poisoned him to save Zuko’s life. He was going to haunt Ursa until he realized Zuko could see him and haunted him instead. Surprise, surprise, the guy who ordered the death of his grandson is a dick.
There are many servants dead by Ozai’s wrath in the palace. Their ghosts teach Zuko to stay quiet and fade into the background where it’s safe.
When Lu Ten dies, he regrets that he wasn’t able to save his young cousins from Ozai. Lu Ten stays a ghost and mentors Zuko in combat, bending, and strategy.
When the 41st Division die despite Zuko’s protests, and Zuko himself is burned and banished, the 41st Division find out Zuko defended them and stay ghosts to teach him all they can.
Zuko’s able to escape before the pirates hired by Zhao blow up his ship because the ghosts haunting the pirates warn him. This doesn’t change the plot, but it does save Zuko some pain.
Aang is followed/haunted by Monk Gyatso while Sokka & Katara are followed/haunted by Kya.
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hazashiovo · 3 months
hello!! saw u were taking requests and i was wondering if you could do a bolin x gn!reader? where the reader is SUPER affectionate and just spoils bolin a whole bunch whenever they go on dates
Yesss! Bolin getting the love be deserves :D
Bolin x gn! Reader
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Bolin is in love.
He swears he's the luckiest man in the entire world to have you as his s/o. Sometimes even him would wonder how can you be so loving?
You are usually a friendly person,but when you're with Bolin? Oh Lord.
He couldn't shake you of his arm even if he wanted to try. Of course he loves the feeling of you close to him.
Not mentioning the rib breaking hugs you give him each time you meet.
Sometimes he'd try to count how many kisses you gave him in an hour,but he lost count so many times he started thinking it's useless to even try.
When the two of you are with the group, Korra would tease him,saying things like how he got a second Pabu, not in an offensive way tho. He'd laugh, bringing you even closer to him if possible.
When you're walking together you're glued to his arm,a smile adorning your face.
You sometimes have the weirdest conversations with Bolin,he never makes you feel awkward or unwanted. The boy makes you feel so loved, you give it to him double in mass,and you're not ashamed of it.
He has a personal shrine at home of things you made for him,or bought him.
Oh how you love how his expression lights up when you gift him yet another love letter,followed by a loving kiss.
He wouldn't know what to do without you.
I feel like reader tbh.
Kinda short but I'm proud of this. :>
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waitingonher · 2 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ korra and her love languages
i. korra whose love language is physical touch. korra whose love language is physical touch because she finds solace in the warmth of your touch. 
if she could, korra would spend the rest of her life like this, with you nestled in her arms as the sun rises to paint republic city in hues of oranges and pinks. there’s nothing like waking up to a beautiful girl next to a beautiful sunrise. korra lays there silently, playing with a strand of your hair. 
in about an hour, she has to carry the weight of the avatar, but right now in this quiet corner of the world, korra wants nothing more than to just be ‘(y/n)’s girlfriend.’ and so she does. 
her eyes roam over your figure, drinking it all in. how did i get so lucky? from your cascading hair, to your plump lips, to your soft hands that just seem to flawlessy fit in her own, korra never knew it was possible to be this perfect. all her life people have only seen her as just the avatar, but you were the first to see her as just korra. you were the first to treat her as if she wasn’t some expendable end all be all to the world's problems. 
��(y/n),” korra starts, the back of her hand grazing your cheek. her voice is barely above a whisper, “i know i don’t say it as much as i should, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i love you so much and i-”
beep. beep. beep.
“stupid alarm.” she mutters, reaching to shut it off.  
with a soft groan, your eyes flutter open slowly, the warmth of korra's touch lingering on your skin. as consciousness filters in, you feel the strong arms of your girlfriend pulling you close. 
“good morning, baby,” she whispers, placing gentle kisses on your forehead. 
with a contented sigh, you gaze up at korra, smoothing out her tousled hair, “mm, good morning.” 
she chuckles at your groggy voice before placing a final kiss on your crown. making efforts to rise from her position, she untangles herself from the bedsheets, “i’ll get the tea going. we’ve got a busy day ahead of us,” she sighs. 
“korra,” you draw out her name. reaching for her arm, you gently tug on the sleeve of her pajamas, a silent plea for her to stay, “please my love, stay. ten more minutes?” 
you flash her your signature puppydog eyes, your lips pulled downwards, eyes widened. and as easily as that, korra’s resolve falters. how can she say no to you? especially when you look so beautiful, your tired eyes looking up at her so sweetly and your open arms inviting her back to the comfort of your touch. 
“well…” she gives you that saccharine smile you’ve always been fond of, and that’s when you know you’ve got her, “i guess the world can wait another hour for their avatar.” 
and she climbs back into bed.
ii. korra whose love language is quality time. korra whose love language is quality time because amongst all of her avatar duties, she'll always want to come home to you.
the arctic hen sizzles beautifully on the pan as you take in the fragrant aroma of the kitchen. it’s savory from the arctic hen, yet delicately sweet from the cookies in the oven. you dance around, tending to the sea prune stew and seaweed stir fry. checking the clock, it reads 6:46pm, serving as a gentle reminder of korra’s anticipated return by 7:00pm. 
everything is perfect. 
after all, it is korra’s birthday. it has to be perfect. 
you begin plating everything, attempting to replicate the elegant plating from a mover that you had watched over the weekend. a little smear of sauce. some accent dots. and finally…seaweed flakes for garnish. clapping your hands together, you take a step back from the dining room table, admiring your hard work. as if on cue, you hear the front door slide open. 
“babe, i’m home! wow it smells really go-”
“happy birthday, my love!" you exclaim, catching korra off guard as you dash over and envelop her in a tight embrace. stepping back slightly, you tenderly sweep a stray lock of hair behind her ear, your eyes overflowing with affection. leaning in once more, you share a deep, heartfelt kiss, your whispered words carrying the weight of your emotions. "i love you so much, korra.”
she swears she’ll never get used to you doing that, her rapid heartbeat a testament to that. korra chuckles, her hands finding purchase on your waist, “i love you too. now, what smells so good?” 
her gaze wanders the kitchen, taking in the familiar sights, as you gently grasp her hands, guiding her toward the dining room. as korra enters, a gasp escapes her lips, and she feels a rush of emotion at the sight before her. the table is adorned with an array of dishes, each one a cherished memory from her childhood, meticulously prepared with love.
with a sheepish smile, you guide her to the two wooden chairs at the table, “now i know it’s not a lot. but i asked your mom for the recipes so i hope you like-”
korra shuts you up with a kiss. her hands again find their way to your hips, holding you. and by the look in her eyes, you know that she's been needing this. korra knows she’s never exactly been the best with words, so she hopes you understand what she’s trying to say, “(y/n), it’s perfect.” 
you lean into her side, a sigh of relief escaping you, “oh good, i was so worried you’d hate it.” 
your girlfriend turns to you, an expression of disbelief painted on her face, “what? babe, i’d love it even if you were a bad cook.” 
“what about the time i burned the seal jerky?”
“okay maybe that’s the exception. how do you even burn jerky?” 
“hey! you were distracting me!”
iii. korra whose love language is acts of service. korra whose love language is acts of service because when she’s not out there saving the world, she’s making sure her baby is taken care of. 
if there were a competition for the worst worst day ever, today’s events would take the cake. first, you and korra totally overslept, thus causing you to be late to your crucial work meeting. after a solid ten minutes of your boss’s scolding, of course, your coworker just had to call out sick, and just like that, you had to complete his portion of the work project. oh and for the cherry on top, your favorite lunch spot was inexplicably closed. 
today was not your day, you conclude. 
with a heavy heart, you trudge homeward, with nothing but your bothersome chores in mind. fold the laundry, dust the shelves, reorganize the desk…each task more dismaying than the last.
unlocking the front door, your ears are met with the quiet melody of an upbeat jazz tune. that’s strange. there’s never really music playing unless you’re home. then you’re greeted by naga, her gargantuan head nuzzling your side. and it’s even stranger, usually korra’s the first to welcome you home, “naga,” you stroke the top of her head, white fur as fluffy as always, “where’s korra?” 
the polar bear dog offers you a hushed bark as her nose points you to your shared bedroom, “thanks girl.” 
you find the door closed, the music resonating softly from the room. as the door swings open, you’re met with korra precariously balancing on her tippytoes, diligently dusting the shelves. the rest of the room seems to be spotless, the laundry basket empty and your desk absolutely pristine. 
at the sound of your voice, your girlfriend whirls around, almost surprised, “(y/n)! hi! you’re home early.” 
you chuckle, her crooked smile on display, “yeah, i spilled stew on my pants so i got to go home,” you gesture to the brown stain on your thigh, “but wait, wasn’t i supposed to do all of this? you only had to do the dishes and clean the bathrooms.”
“yeah, i know,” she lilts. korra’s grin widens as she hops down from the wooden stool, meeting you where you stand. her hands come up to rest on your waist and she plants a sweet kiss on your lips, “but i did them all anyways.” 
your astonishment quickly melts into gratitude. maybe today isn’t as bad as you had thought, “but…but when did you even have the time? didn’t you have to meet with the city council?” 
korra nods, savoring your reaction, “mhm, but they cancelled, so i came home and got a head start on everything. and plus, i wanted you to come home and not have to do anything for once. i know how much stress your work has been putting on you recently.” 
as you stand there, taking in the scene before you, another wave of gratitude washes over you. tears begin to well in your eyes, a floodgate opened by the weight of the day's trials and tribulations, mingling with a profound sense of appreciation for your girlfriend. korra knows all too well what you’re feeling—what it's like when the dam breaks. once more, she pulls you into her tight embrace, sturdy arms enclosing your waist.
“i’m sorry,” you begin, attempting to hold your tears back. korra gives you a sympathetic smile, “i’m happy, i promise. it’s just…everything today was such a big mess. so, thank you.” 
“it’s no biggie, babe,” korra states, her hands gingerly wiping away your tears. she places a soft kiss on each tear stained cheek before taking hold of your hand, leading you out to the living room, “bolin’s new mover is out. wanna give it a watch?” 
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waterfire1848 · 10 months
I’ve seen a few fics where The Gaang is transported into the future and sees Korra’s time but has anyone ever done a fic where Tenzin, Kya, Bumi, Izumi, Lin, and Suyin are transported into the past during the Hundred Year War?
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wandasfifthwife · 2 months
I’m gonna write a korra fic and publish it with this title, “should tell my boyfriend what I’ve been doing,” after all of these edits have come out with her w/ that audio. IT ONLY MAKES SENSE
(+the plot fits the title as well 😏)
edit isn’t mine, credit to editor in video
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taintedpearls · 2 months
requests for korra are now open !!
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kyoshi-era-week-24 · 2 months
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To commemorate The Rise of Kyoshi's 5th anniversary on July 16th, the Kyoshi Era Week 2024 will happen from July 14th to July 21st! Please, save the date and check the prompts below to start planning!
Sunday 14th - Team Avatar || Found Family || Daofei
Monday 15th - Parental Figures || Protectiveness || Possessiveness
Tuesday 16th - Yokoya || Fire Lilies || "Damned if you do, damned if you don't"
Wednesday 17th - Growing Old Together || Spirit World || "Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
Thursday 18th - Hair Brushing || "Blood is thicker than water" || "Do as I say, not as I do"
Friday 19th - Avatar State || Companion Animals || "Touch her* and I'll kill you"
Saturday 20th - Recovery || Healing || Jealousy
Sunday 21st - Gay Panic || Touch Starved || Flirtation
*Feel free to change this to any other pronoun.
The prompts are supposed to inspire you, not to restrict you. So, do as you wish with them!
Thank you to everyone who voted and/or reblogged the prompt polls! We hope you enjoy the event!
Do you want to be a mod? Do you need a tw/cw tag? Do you want to join the Discord server? Please send us an ask and we'll answer privately.
Click here to check the event rules!
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loklove48 · 3 months
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More art from a fic I’ve started.
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jade-of-mourning · 6 months
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season 1 krew! hoping to rewatch lok really soon yay :>
i was genuinely finishing the lineart at 4a.m. last night and coloring in the car please forgive inconsistencies to the actual characters
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