#kylux ficlet
cosleia · 10 months
Prince Ben Organa is the mysterious, rarely seen governor of Birren who dresses in Naboo styles; Armitage Hux is galactic emperor. The two would make a good match, according to Hux's advisor. But neither of them is interested in an arranged marriage. And besides, Hux has met someone much better, far more interesting, while indulging in his favorite pastime of engineering, in a commoner's clothes. Kylo Ren, a sought-after test pilot, is everything Ben is not: flashy, emotional, powerful, an incredible physical presence.
Ben, of course, is indulging in his favorite pastime of flying, but under a pseudonym, disguised just as Hux is. The two keep meeting surreptitiously in cantinas and hangars and public restrooms. Hux sees Kylo's face but doesn't recognize Ben; there's no makeup.
Hux can't marry Kylo...he's not royalty. But he's not sure he wants to get married at all. He doesn't need a spouse, a weakness. He has Kylo in bed; that's what matters.
Meanwhile, Ben is in awe of how much "Sloane" looks like the emperor. It's uncanny, really.
Of course, when you're royalty, you attend balls. Even the reclusive Ben Organa. Hux isn't looking forward to seeing his almost-betrothed, but he makes nice. When they shake hands, he does a double take. Ben is as large as Kylo. It was hard to tell, under everything he wears.
Ben is amazed. Sloane really does look like the emperor; it wasn't just his imagination. Even up close, he's hard-pressed to tell the difference. He wishes Sloane were here, but of course that couldn't happen. Sloane is an engineer, not suitable for this ball, or as Ben's partner
Not that Ben wants to get married anyway. There were talks of him marrying the emperor, but why would he marry someone he didn't even know, regardless of how handsome? Marriage just seems like more rules to follow, and Ben has enough of those already.
So their hands fall away from each other, and Ben bows to his emperor, and Hux nods and dismisses him, and they go back to their lives, never knowing they have been with each other all along.
Originally posted to Twitter in response to a prompt from @rudbeckiasunflower: "Kylux, crack, secret royalty, mistaken identity". Might get expanded to an actual fic someday...if anyone else wants to take a shot at it feel free!
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parsnipping · 2 years
Another twitfic-ish thing! Be ready for sads!!!
During long missions away, Kylo uses the Force not just for sexual fun with Hux across the distance, but primarily to make sure Hux doesn't sleep alone. He wants to go to sleep touching him every night in case tomorrow is their last day.
Hux still isn't used to all the physical contact and affection. The fingers lightly digging into his hips when they steal a kiss in a corridor, the palm resting on the small of his back when they first enter the bridge, the gentle, almost careful kisses up his thigh. He has a hard time reciprocating. It feels alien after so many years of being taught otherwise. But Kylo is patient with him. It frustrates Hux, because how could Kylo of all people be patient, especially with him. He's used to their arguments, threats, glares across the room. He's used to being cruel, unforgiving, and cold. Untouchable. Now every night Kylo chips away even more, even bigger pieces of his armor. He doesn't want to let Kylo completely in. He doesn't want to risk disappointing him. Hux doesn't want to admit he's terrified of losing Kylo. He loves and hates Kylo's long missions. They give him a chance to patch up holes in his defenses, to prepare himself for another onslaught of affection he doesn't know what to do with. But they also leave him cold, aimless even with a list of tasks at hand.
He won't admit it to himself, much less to Kylo, that he misses the idiot terribly when he's gone too long. So it's a small comfort when every night he goes through the small ritual of calming and opening himself mentally, imagining himself as a beacon for the Knight to follow. And Kylo always finds him, always places that familiar pressure in his skull, radiates it through his body. Hux has grown too used to it. He can't sleep without it. It's weakness, but it's intimate, he argues with himself, over and over. He knows Kylo hears at least some of it. But Kylo never makes demands of Hux's emotions or affections. Demands are for the carnal moments, when one needs the bliss of relinquishing all power to the other. It's that quiet patience, knowing Kylo is waiting, that kills Hux every time he fails to reciprocate even a touch.
Some days he's sorely tempted to purposely antagonize the Knight, just to regain a semblance of familiarity. Hatred was familiar. Determination to win was familiar. Solitude was familiar. It's the solitude Kylo has completely destroyed though, that Hux can no longer find solace in. He thinks he gets a rein on it each time Kylo is away, but the icy pang of loneliness at seeing his bed empty has him almost desperately going through their ritual. He can't keep doing this. He knows it, Kylo knows it. That's clearly why Kylo treats every night like their last.
He doesn't realize just how much Kylo knows of this. How much guilt he feels at peering into Hux's thoughts, his dreams, to gain a better understanding, to act accordingly. He too is used to their bickering and insults. But he wants to push beyond that. He wants his own solace. If the reprieve from his own thoughts, his powers, his connection to the Force, is through distracting himself with focusing his all on Hux, then so be it. But it feels like a farce. It feels like he's using Hux. It only makes him more eager to touch, to make up for it.
Both of them orbit the other, unsure of how to - or if they even should - move forward. Both using the other, too scared to admit it. Too used to the connection to sever it and be done.
So Kylo makes sure Hux never sleeps alone, not knowing if tomorrow will be the day one of them takes that unsure step forward, or snaps the thin bond holding them together.
Neither will admit they're hoping the other will take the plunge and drag them along. Neither wants to identify their dynamic. Neither wants to admit how deep their feelings go. It's weakness, it's using the other, it's unfairly making them wait.
But neither wants to say stop.
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tomatette · 3 months
Please I know I’m late to this but I need to know abt the Kylux John Oliver AU hes my favorite white man pLEASE
It's completely fine, you're not late at all :) So I assume you know this, right?
Ah, you know what? Since I'm not sure this ficlet will EVER see the light of day (though I'd love it to) - I'll just give you the fist tiny scene?
If you want?
The first time it happened, Kylo was standing next to Hux in Snoke’s throne room, making a somewhat rude comment about something the other man had just said. Stiff and straight, Hux stared right ahead, only the way his thin lips were pressed tightly together betraying his distaste. It amused Kylo greatly to rile him up, to cause a crack in that otherwise impeccable countenance of his. The man was simply insufferable, a self-righteous prick. And Kylo was – not for the first time – glad for his mask, as he didn’t have to try and hide his gloating smirk, when Hux was dismissed by Snoke pretty unceremoniously.
He strode away briskly, the soles of his perfectly shined boots clacking loudly on the polished obsidian floor, his contempt for Kylo almost palpable in the air. And then, just when he was about to leave the throne room, the clacking sound stopped for a second, and Kylo could feel Hux’s gaze burning on the back of his neck.
It was then that he heard it for the first time. Hux’s voice, loud and clear, ringing out directly in his mind, like he was broadcasting his thoughts directly towards Kylo.
Step on my throat, Kylo Ren, you rudely large man. Break my fingers, you brooding mountain.
Kylo almost stumbled, his eyes under the mask going wide. What … the fuck?! Was the force malfunctioning somehow? Could the force even malfunction? It had to be, because there was just no way General Stick-Up-His-Ass Hux had just thought … that!
“You are distracted”, Snoke chided. “If you cannot focus on the matters at hand, you are of no use to me.”
Chastised, Kylo bowed his head. “I will meditate to clear my mind of all disturbances.”
“See that you do,” Snoke dismissed him. “Go.”
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*that would be this song, btw
...actually it kinda works when you think about it...
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
May I ask why under construction is going to be your final kylux fic?? I'm gonna miss your writing for them if that becomes true 😭
So I talked a little bit about this on twitter, but tbh should’ve here both because half my audience is here and also because tumblr actually has the room for a complete explanation without worrying about character limits lmao
At this point, I don’t intend to stop writing star wars stuff completely if that’s any comfort. I have some renbens I want to do/finish, also a recent bentai idea, plus who knows what inspiration will strike. Even kylux inspo is possible, especially if we get new stuff at some point (like perhaps that comic in august). Nothing is set in stone here. I never thought I’d actually be at a point where this fic feels finishable lmao, yet here I am, so who knows
However, I have been writing kylux for over 7 years now. I posted that moodboard on my anniversary of the first fic I published, though I was reading fic and stuff for a few months before that as well. And it’s just… after this fic is complete, I’m not sure I’ll have anything left to add to kylux, you know? With it, I feel like I’m saying everything that I want to say about them. Writing this, as both rough and rewarding a journey it has been, feels a lot like closure to me. Tbqh I’m expecting a lot of people not to like the subject matter or agree with some things regarding this fic, but for the first time in a while, it really is about me and what I want. It’s a story I have to tell - that’s why it’s driven me mad for 3.5 years lmao. And after it’s done? I’m not sure what will be left to say. Maybe something, in which case more kylux will happen, but also maybe nothing. Essentially, I’m preparing both myself and the people I care about in this fandom (including lovely readers like you) for the latter just in case it is what happens, even though it may not. Maybe when I post it, it’ll get a ton of love and I’ll get flooded with sudden inspo. But maybe not. Everything has to end eventually, sadly, and this just feels to me like an ending, like the closing of a chapter. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s just the feeling I have. I’m going with my gut here rather than a specific plan
Also, as much as I have people in this fandom I truly care about and adore and I have people who care about and like me, whether we’re close friends, mutuals, or just a follower and a person that have never spoken to each other yet the care is there regardless, there’s also some elements to this fandom that are not so great. I know a lot of people who’ve been driven out. I myself was cancelled on twitter for running a particular event and the rest of the fandom hasn’t treated me the same since. The fandom has changed a lot in those 7 years, some of which is for the better, and some of which I think we could’ve done without. Plenty has also stayed the same; both the good and the bad. And I think the fandom as it is today and what I want to get out of it are just unfortunately incompatible. It’s no ones fault, but sometimes a space isn’t giving you what you need it to. I wish it could still give me that, I really really do, but right now it just seems it can’t. And that’s not the entirety of the reason, but it is a factor as to why I’m not as interested in continuing as I once was. I’m just not getting what I need out of the fandom right now. Again, everything is mutable, but it’s felt that way for a bit now
All that being said though, kylux will still very much exist on this blog. I still very much enjoy the ship and I don’t have a new fandom to move to permanently as of yet, so reblogs will continue, as will shitposting and memes and all of it. I recently finished collecting all the tweets I want to preserve here, so there will be an influx of posts, ficlets, memes, all of it, that will be coming sometime in the near future (whenever I have the energy to actually start the process lmao). This is still the kyluxtrashpit, after all lmao
So I’m not leaving the fandom by any stretch, it’s just that I feel like this fic will say all the things I have left to say about kylux. And because the fandom space isn’t giving me what I’m looking for at the moment, I have less interest in seeking out inspiration and rather am letting ideas to come to me, which at present I just don’t have any more beyond this fic. I could be wrong and who knows, maybe there’s another 7 years of kylux ahead of me lmao. But I want everyone who’s supported me at any point during these last 7 years to know ahead of time that it is very possible for this to be my last fic for kylux because I think that’s the least I can do for you all
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ao3feed--kylux · 2 years
Уязвим в мокром виде
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/D3JKgFv
by fandom Kylux and Co 2022 (Our_Own_Star_Wars)
Кайло не хочет, чтобы Хакс принимал душ без него.
Words: 760, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Series: Part 3 of Кайлаксные мибблы M-E
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Showers, Jealousy, Teasing, Ficlet, Canon Compliant, assertive Hux, Possessive Kylo Ren, Перевод на русский | Translation in Russian, Fandom Kombat 2022, Don't copy to another site
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/D3JKgFv
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mysticmilks · 4 years
Kylo, the first year after joining the FO: I hate Hux, but I can't kill him because we need him to build the SKB
Kylo, in TFA: I hate Hux and he publicly disrespects me, but I can't kill him because Snoke forbids it
Kylo, in TLJ: I hate Hux and he's a total failure who tried to kill me, but I can't kill him because I need him...to crush the Resistance
Kylo, in tros: I hate Hux!!! He's a traitor, who hates my guts and like neither my helmet nor my knights!!! ... But I can't kill him ... I'm too busy now.
Kylo, the first year in exile: I hate Hux. He tried to kill me for #35423532 time this week only. But I can't kill him because this planet is cold, and Hux is warm and ... I CAN'T KILL HIM
Kylo, three years in exile: I hate Hux. I really do. He constantly plotting against me, and his thoughts are annoyingly dirty. But sex is great, and it's really easy to impress him with my cooking skills.
Kylo, ten years in exile: Still hate Hux. Still gonna kill him, but first, we need to send our kids to college...
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huxandthehound · 6 years
94 and 96 for kylux?
94. Hair brushing/braiding96. Scars
Thanks for asking! Hope you like it!
“Hux, stop. What the fuck?”
“Hold still.”
“This wouldn’t hurt if you would just hold… still…”
The couple tussled on the edge of the bed, Kylo half-heartedly trying to weasel his way out of his husband’s grasp. He hadn’t really had the energy to argue, but he hated his hair being messed with.
“I’m braiding your hair. Now, please stop acting like a child,” Hux ordered. Kylo stilled and didn’t respond, so Hux proceeded with carding his hands through his hair now with a little less resistance. “I need you to look presentable for this dinner. None of this nonsense you’ve been pulling around the house.”
Kylo tried to turn around at that, but Hux had quite a firm grip, his hands woven into Kylo’s thick locks down to the root. It was similar to a horse, Hux imagined, but let the thought go.
Hux looked into the mirror of the bureau next to the bed and tried to catch Kylo’s eye, but he was making an effort to look everywhere but there.
“You’ve nothing to be ashamed of, you know that?”  Hux asked, almost a whisper.
He began separating Kylo’s hair, picturing the end product, how handsome he would look, with or without the deep, fresh scar that bisected his face.
“I wish you wouldn’t—“ Kylo began. He fidgeted a little in his seat, but knew the battle had been lost at this point. “I’m going to look like a fool.”
Hux tutted. “Anyone who has a scar like that and has lived to tell the tale is admirable, in my book. You’d certainly catch my eye tonight, if you hadn’t already.”
Hux worked in silence for another few minutes, fixing Kylo’s hair into a single French braid hugging the back of his head. He was thankful to see all of Kylo’s face for what felt like the first time since the accident. Hux had grown quite weary of how Kylo had been wearing it lately—long and messy, like a veil.
Hux caressed the scarred side Kylo’s face, finally making eye contact with him in the mirror. Kylo leaned into the touch before turning his head to place a kiss on the palm of Hux’s hand.
Kylo hummed a quiet laugh. “It does look pretty badass, doesn’t it?”
“It most certainly does.”
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emperor-hux · 5 years
Because Tumblr dying pulled me back in here and rekindled my need to get out some Kylux deets I’ve been coveting, take this.
There's this version of Hux that intrigues me wherein he's under the impression he has and can have the utmost control in most every sexual situation. Hux himself has this belief where resisting the urge of some base instinct of having close contact with another shows he has the utmost control/power. That he's so above it all. He'd rather get off on seeing his selected partner watch him from afar. That's his outlet and it's good. It's inflating his ego, it's stress relief and reassurance, it's benefiting him in all these different ways and most importantly, he doesn't have to put himself on the filthy level as others. Others who he just does not like. Perhaps additionally, he doesn't want to get close to anyone (physically or mentally, as relations such as these could lead to) it scares him even if he's all on board with the idea of getting off.
... Drabble under cut ...
Prior to Kylo, he'd had those few partners and the like. Conveniently enough for Hux, they'd always been too fearful to touch him. One, for his position be it the fact he's Brendol's "son" or because of the way he climbs through the Order's ranks or the way certain individuals around him have been mysteriously ousted perhaps if they'd looked at him the wrong way, later his seemingly untouchable status beneath Snoke. Hux is secure, he's got little to worry about.
Hux laughs at every apprentice the Supreme Leader brings in. They're often petty moldable things and Snoke seems to encourage the challenge Hux brings with his very existence to see if they're worthy.
Until you have the “Jedi killer” Kylo Ren things go as you might expect for the longest time. A back and forth, buildup through the years. This apprentice has lasted longer, succeeding in many cases, jeopardizing Hux's end goal to knock Snoke from the throne. Keeping him on his feet. It's absolutely infuriating. But Hux finds a way as he always does. It's how he's survived for so long.
Whether it's intentional or not you can be certain Hux tries to get that control any way he can. He's desperate at this point, especially now that the Supreme Leader is dead and replaced by this disorganized unstable one. Perhaps he begins straying too far into the realm wherein his frustrations, pent up anxieties and desperation push him to the level where trying his old devices, that extra push in a direction more questionable might get him somewhere. It appears it could work, to at least bring *some* of Ren's guard down, just enough for Hux to get a foothold. The man is always watching him anyway seeing as he doesn't trust the general. Perhaps if anything this will discomfort Ren and give Hux some well deserved distance to lick his wounds and figure out how to topple this new "Supreme Leader".
Only it doesn't, instead, Ren is interested oddly enough. At least from what Hux gathers. For those moments where Hux teases, unspoken and from a safe distance. Because goodness forbid he get close to Ren, the most volatile and reprehensible enemy of all. He feels he has that control. Not all of it of course, but a good amount that he believes he's accumulating more and more of in those moments.
Only when he believes he's finally making progress with Ren, that he's safely wrapped him around his finger in a sense... The truth is, Kylo Ren's been playing the game as well. Too aware of what Hux has been doing, and maybe just maybe it's been hitting on a level Kylo would not have fathomed in the past. And the thing is. The feedback from Hux is all too questionable itself. Kylo can tell when Hux is insincere and when Hux comes to him in moments like these showing more than necessary, acting in ways otherwise deemed indecent and for private only. Hux is all too sincere in his actions. There's hunger and desire there that is not directed at regaining power, it's something else.
Hux is indeed lying to himself when he says it's merely for that foothold, that he's desperate to try anything and this is working so he'll keep doing it. Keep pushing Kylo, keep provoking, whispering what he wants to hear or maybe it's foul mouthed critique. All the while Hux remains lingering just out of touch but close enough that he could be. But Kylo has manners enough that he won't, he's surprisingly tame and that pushes Hux all the more. It's as if it were how it was before where Hux had that power, he was equal with Ren despite the clear power he holds over the General. Now it's something more and he's the one that holds power in those moments and Kylo knows it too.
Until Hux pushes just a bit too far and not necessarily cruelly, flaunting that power so openly, that Kylo Ren finally gets his hands on him, incapable of holding back for much longer. He's intent not only to take back that power and put him in his place, but give Hux *exactly* what he's begging for. Hux wants to be worshiped as Supreme Leader? More? Placed so high on that pedestal he's building himself? He'll “worship” him as such, uttering such praises, teasing him with greatness he might never come to have [though one day he might]. A contrast as he fucks him as if he were merely something to be used and disposed of. A mere plaything. Nothing of interest to keep about for someone in a position of such power as Supreme Leader Kylo Ren.
All the while Hux spits a few curses in absolute surprise, manages to get out how he absolutely hates this treatment, but never tells him to stop. In fact, this behavior is far outweighed by how absolutely taken he is by finally being touched and filled by someone else, starved as he is for contact, encouraging it for how flexible he'd shown himself to be all those times prior. The tease Hux is. Now shifting, allowing himself to be pulled into positions so Ren might get deeper. He didn't even know he'd react this way. The worst part is that it's Kylo Ren doing so. He's never experienced such before, didn't know he would enjoy this. How could he allow Ren to get so close.
And Hux still lies to himself he couldn't want this. That it means nothing and is merely for power that he's allowed Ren to get so close and permits him to touch him and use him compared to all those others he's denied before. But honestly it's clear there's something else at work there.
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persephassax · 6 years
I hope you feel better, Monday always gets us all.
o my god. okay, so i started writing this. and it’s ballooned impossibly and is now closing in on 3000 words. So I’m going to give you an excerpt of the trouble Hux has managed to get into thus far. 
Hux stopped outside the training room the security system had indicated was currently in use by the Finalizer’s resident wannabe Sith Lord. He took a deep breath, gave his unsettled insides a firm talking to, and straighten his uniform before tapping his override code into the door pad. 
The door slid open and revealed, to Hux’s horror, a Kylo Ren in the middle of an intense routine. His usual garb cast aside revealed those broad shoulders to be pale and dotted with moles and sweat. His pants were tight along his hips and thighs, showing the muscles that bunched and contracted as he moved through the steps of the forms. Hux could see corded forearms as Ren adjusted his grip and swung his saber around in a vicious cut that could have easily sliced a man in two. The long dark hair, that Hux had only caught brief glimpses of under the man’s ever-present hood on the rare occasion he saw him without his mask, was pulled up and away from his face, putting a vulnerable looking nape on display. 
Hux’s stomach threatened to riot with his heart cheering it on, beating double time in his chest. Panic blanked out his thoughts, base instinct kicking in demanding flight in the face of this display of power. Before he could banish the thought, the door slid shut behind him with a little chime announcing his presence. 
Ren turned around, saber held up at the ready. When he caught sight of Hux he scoffed and rolled his eyes. He kept the saber ignited but held it relaxed, in one hand, as he wiped his brow with the back of the other. He licked his lips and wiped the sweat dotting his upper brow with the edge of his palm. 
“What do you want, General?” he asked, voice startlingly human without the interruption of the vocoder. 
“I received another damage report, Ren,” Hux replied, proud for the way his voice remained steady and the note of disdain dripped from each syllable. Brendol Hux may have been worth little as a father and a man, but he had certainly taught his son how to keep his emotions from betraying him. “You cannot be allowed to continue to behave in this way. I am here to put a stop to your little tantrums.”
“Oh, really?” Ren asked with an insolent smirk. He extinguished his saber and clipped it to his belt. 
“Yes, really,” Hux replied, with a sniff and a further straightening of his already straightened shoulders. 
In two strides, Ren closed the distance between them, pressing into Hux’s space until he was forced to step back or find Ren plastered along his front. The smell of his body, warm and damp with exertion, wafted into Hux’s nose. Heat rolled off Ren in waves. Hux’s heart swooped into his stomach and then lodged itself in his throat. 
“Do you presume to command me, Hux?” Ren hissed, his hands coming up to bracket Hux against the wall, his voice next to Hux’s ear, breath tickling over the sensitive shell. 
“I am responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of this ship and everyone on it,” Hux replied, slightly hoarse. “If you compromise the integrity of that directive I will take it upon myself to see you disciplined.”
Ren let out a low chuckle, still too close to Hux’s face.
“I’d like to see you try,” he said as he pulled away. “Now get out. I’ll have to start from the beginning due to your interruption.”
Hux flushed as that warmth pulled away from him. Ren turned away from him without hesitation, showing him the broad expanse of his back, unafraid of the supposed vulnerability. Thoroughly dismissed, still on edge, his anxious feeling had spread out from his stomach into a hot, pulsing awareness of every place Ren’s body had nearly touched his. Ear aflame from Ren’s whispers. The epicenter of that anxious coil moved from under his sternum to sit low in his gut. He felt brittle, his breath shallow as he exited the room.
This would not do.
To be continued…
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cosleia · 8 months
Like a Lover
Originally written for a kiss prompt on Twitter. magnetvrs asked for V1 for kylux; V1 was a tender kiss where one partner's hand is gently touching the side of the other's neck.
“Wait,” Hux said.
Kylo stopped two steps from the door. In all the weeks they’d been doing this, Hux had never said anything to him the morning after. He’d get up and go about his morning routine and ignore Kylo until Kylo left.
Kylo had, as of this week, started to leave as soon as he woke up. He was here practically every night, and being ignored wasn’t a particularly pleasant way to start his day.
He had, of course, considered not sleeping over at all. But after, panting and sweaty and spent, it was too easy to curl himself around Hux’s body and go straight to sleep.
Too tempting, too. It had gotten to the point that his own bed seemed cold and unwelcoming.
Kylo didn’t turn around. “What?” he asked.
“Look at me,” Hux said. He sounded irritated, but there was a thread of something else beneath it. Kylo stretched out to his mind with the Force, found a thrumming sort of nervousness there.
Sighing, Kylo turned around.
He’d sensed Hux moving toward him from the bed, but somehow it still surprised him how close he was. They were almost touching. Hux stood there naked, bare feet increasing their slight height difference so that he had to look up at Kylo.
Hux sucked his lower lip between his teeth. Then he reached up with one bare hand, placing it alongside Kylo’s neck so gently Kylo trembled. He gazed at Kylo through golden eyelashes, moving even closer, and Kylo’s heart thudded in his chest.
Kylo had never known the general to be soft. But this was a powerful softness. Kylo could barely move, his thoughts a jumble. Hux was beautiful, naked and unashamed and…and demanding? And then Hux went up on his tiptoes and gave Kylo a kiss unlike any they’d ever shared before.
It was…tender.
Kylo was almost too shocked to reciprocate. When he did, when he brushed his lips over Hux’s in the same soft way, Hux took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes. Kylo’s eyes fell shut too. For a time there was nothing in the galaxy but Hux’s mouth.
Hux let out a quiet hum and pulled back. Kylo watched as Hux’s pink tongue peeked out to wet his lips. “I prefer you to stay,” Hux said, with the same boldness he’d had before the Supremacy, before Starkiller.
Kylo looked at him. He was going to acquiesce and he didn’t know how he felt about it. He didn’t know what to say. He moved back to the bed, flopping down across it fully clothed, and laced his fingers behind his head.
“Yes,” Hux said. “Like that.”
And so Kylo lay there watching as Hux prepared for the day. Watching as the sweet pale creature who squirmed and moaned beneath him, who rolled triumphantly atop him, who had just kissed him like a lover, disappeared behind the facade of general.
Only once he was picture-perfect did Hux allow Kylo to leave. “Have a good day, Supreme Leader,” he said crisply. Kylo felt as though he’d been shown a secret, that this morning had just been for him.
That night, he stripped Hux down himself, revealing his lover layer by layer.
Hux was his. And he, he realized, was Hux’s.
~The End~
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spacewitchqueen · 6 years
Tumblr media
Genie!Hux au! 
Times are hard for modern genies so Hux ends up taking residence in a lube bottle XD 
Absolutely amazing art done by @immmaghost thank you, darling! 
Here’s a little ficlet to go with it.
I Dream of Ginger Genie
This was just another Friday night. Kylo slammed his book shut. He hadn’t really been studying for the better part of the last hour. He could hear his roommate, Poe, jabbering on his phone and already on his way out. He’d spend all weekend with his boyfriend for sure. Meanwhile, Kylo had no boyfriend, no plans, no money to get creative, nothing.
The lightbulb of his desk lamp flickered once, twice, and for a second Kylo thought maybe it was his phone, maybe someone was texting him to ask him out, maybe… No. He wished. He really wished it but he lost hope almost instantly. He sighed and got up from his bed.
“There’s always porn,” Kylo muttered to himself. He rummaged in his nightstand drawer and was more than just a little disappointed when he didn’t find what he was looking for. “Poe, I’m going to kill you!”
Kylo took his jacket, his wallet and keys and kicked the door open. He sprinted down the stairs mumbling something like “...why does he always do this…always... taking my lube… I swear to…”
Kylo was still venting when he got to the store. He wanted to go back as soon as possible but the barcode on the small bottle he picked was not working. Kylo rolled his eyes. The guy at the register took pity on him. “Tough night, huh?” Kylo just growled in response. Luckily for everyone there was a beep and the price appeared on the screen. Kylo swiped his card and was gone before the cashier could say anything else.
He almost ran back home, when he got there, he took the stairs two at a time elbowing some guy he’d never seen.
“Watch it!” The stranger complained. Kylo didn’t even look back. Another two steps and he was in front of his door.
In his haste, he dropped the bag with the lube while he was looking for his keys. Kylo took a step back and tripped on the bottle. Everything went black for a second. He got up rubbing the back of his head and cursing, and went into his room.
Kylo was still upset about how the night had gone. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists, squeezing the lube in the process. The liquid spilt but that was not the weirdest part. Something like a whirl of smoke began pouring out of the bottle.
When the puff of smoke took shape, Kylo was face to face with what seemed to be a man -for the most part- with bright red hair and an annoyed expression on his face.
“Yes?” The entity asked.
“Um, h-hi?”
“Yes, fine, okay, hello. What do you want?”
“Who…?” Kylo had lost his voice.
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m a genie. Now get on with whatever you want to ask for, I was having a really nice dream.”
“So… so you’re one of those genies who grant wishes?”
“Uh huh.” The genie stared at his fingernails.  
“I want a date!” Kylo exclaimed at once.
“How about no.”
“What? What do you mean ‘no’? I thought you had to give me whatever I asked for?”
“Certainly not,” the genie scoffed.
“Well, then you are useless and you are sort of interrupting my night here, so why don’t you go back to sleep or whatever.” Kylo waved his hand shooing the genie.
“I will if you stop touching my home.”
“What, this is your home?” Kylo looked at the bottle in his hand. “I was kinda going to use that so maybe go look for a lamp.”
“No one has lamps anymore.” Genie rolled his eyes.
“A wine bottle then, I don’t know, just go!” Kylo shouted.
The genie floated quietly for a few seconds, considering the situation.
“Alright, listen. I cannot give you a date because I cannot just conjure someone out of thin air and it is against Genie Rules to influence people’s feelings. But I think I can help you.”
“Genie Rules?” Kylo mocked.
“Yes, Genie Rules.” The genie crossed his arms. “Do you want help or not?”
“Yes, sorry. Yes.”
“Good. Maybe I can be your date.” The genie moved closer to Kylo.
Everything went black. Kylo felt surrounded by some kind of warmth, not at all unpleasant. When he opened his eyes, the genie’s face was inches away from him.
“It’s OK, don’t move, you hit your head.”
“What?” Kylo managed to ask. His head did hurt but what had happened?
“Take your time, sit up when you’re ready.”
“I’m new here, just moved a few days ago. My name is Armitage Hux… I’m the guy you just tackled in the stairwell.”
“S-sorry. I’m Kylo.” He sat up and saw the lube container on the floor and he remembered having tripped on it outside his door. He was suddenly mortified and wished he could disappear.  “You look like… someone.” Kylo was confused, had he just dreamed a genie? Of course it was just a dream, magic was not real.
“A nice someone, I hope? Or at least someone you like?” Hux grinned. “If you’re feeling better and you are not, erm, busy, we could go get coffee and you can show me around.”
“Sure.” Kylo smiled and got up. “This way.”
What do you know? Kylo said to himself. Maybe magic was real after all.
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theghostupstairs · 6 years
"You can't just choke me, throw me around, humiliate me and then tell me you are pregnant and expect everything to go back to normal." (Please feel free to ignore if you want/not comfortable with it)
”I don’t expect normal, Hux. I just want us to speak. How else will we raise our son?“
Kylo’s voice carried in the throne room, though his tears were somehow louder. They dripped down his face, making his already pitiful expression just pathetic. Hux loathed to look at it, his hands balled into fists at his sides. "You want to to hear me speak?” Hux asked, drawing near his Supreme Leader, every word a dagger. “Have my thoughts then: You aren’t fit to raise a child if mild inconvenience was enough to justify battery. I will raise him – alone.”
Send your 100 word drabble prompts here.
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kyluxficletfest · 2 years
It’s that time of year again... there’s a poll on Twitter for those of you who want to help out with the scheduling process!
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part-timewonders · 3 years
kylux ficlet fest day 7: evening (or is it morning?)
This is a part of a WIP I’ve been holding onto for over 18 months... it’s time to release some of it into the wild for @kyluxficletfest.
“Hux, let me in.”
“…what the fuck, Benjamin.”
“Oh, come on. Even my mother doesn’t call me that.”
“Fuck you, I’m sleeping. Go be drunk somewhere else. Like your own apartment, because you don’t live here.”
“Hux, please, come on, I’m locked out. My keys are at the bar.”
Hux groans and punches his pillow in a fit of frustration, but he hangs up on Kylo. And then he dials the buzzer code for the building lock downstairs as he staggers into the living room. The wooden floor is cold against his feet, but he only has to unlock the front door before he can go back to bed. He lives in a fourth-floor walk-up, it’ll take Kylo some time to get upstairs, and with any luck, he’ll sleep on the couch.
Hux already looks forward to opening the blinds right in his face in the morning.
He slides back under his sheets, and his feet are just starting to warm up again when he hears the front door open, some heavy footsteps, and then the click of the locks and the quiet slide of the deadbolt.
At least Kylo remembered to lock the door, Hux thinks sleepily. It’s very quiet now, so he starts drifting off again. There’s a pillow and a blanket on the couch, and Kylo can make do with those, assuming Millicent hasn’t claimed them for her own. She’s probably sleeping on the couch, and Kylo will have to be the one to deal with her displeasure if he wakes her up.
He hovers in that grey space between asleep and awake, and then he feels a heavy weight dip the mattress. “What the fuck,” he grumbles, but he refuses to open his eyes because this just has to be some bad dream. He’s definitely just dreaming that Kylo demanded to be let into his apartment and is currently crawling into bed with him.
“It’s too cold in the living room,” Kylo whispers as he slides under the covers too. Hux can feel his bare skin on his back, so Kylo must’ve undressed out there. He smells like cheap whiskey and cigarette smoke and like he needs a shower, if Hux doesn’t want to smell Kylo on his sheets for days after.
But instead of all that, “keep your cold feet away from me,” is the only thing he can think to say as Kylo slides his heavy arm around his waist and huddles closer. Lips press against the back of his neck. He wants to resist, but Kylo’s solid warmth and (massive, toned, glorious) chest are so alluring that Hux leans back into him with a pleased hum and drifts right back into sleep. So, of course, Kylo presses his glacial feet to his calves because he has to ruin the moment somehow.
Hux will kill him one day, he really will.
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ao3feed--kylux · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gnwTOHG
by fandom Kylux and Co 2022 (Our_Own_Star_Wars)
Генерал Хакс ненавидел бег. Бег был подобающим занятием для штурмовиков, а не для генералов. Хакс добился своего нынешнего положения не потому, что был самым быстрым, самым сильным или даже самым умным. Он просто был безжалостнее остальных.
Words: 382, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Русский
Series: Part 7 of Мибблы G-T
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Hux-centric, Kylo Ren Needs a Hug, Ficlet, Starkiller Base, Snow, Blood and Injury, Fandom Kombat 2022, Перевод на русский | Translation in Russian, Don't copy to another site, Find Stars Challenge
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gnwTOHG
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