#land crab
herpsandbirds · 6 months
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Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi), family Gecarcinidae, Jamaica
photograph by el_gallo
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coconut crab?
Today on CHUNK! FUNK! GUNK! We rate
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5/10 Chunk
8/10 Funk
0-1/10 Gunk
Here you go, crab enjoyer. I know you’ve been asking for coconut crab for a while now lol
What a big guy! Though it is a crab and therefore majority carapace instead of skin or fat, it does have a big ol’ badonker so it can get a little chunk. While it is a pretty regular looking crab in my opinion, I do think that it is recognizable when compared to other crabs. Especially since I believe that it’s one of the largest (or THE largest) species of land crab. It gets to have a little higher than average funk. I could not find any information on its slime or mucous secretion, so I am left to assume that it is a dry little guy.
Overall: 5/10
A very solid and interesting crab. I feel like I would find them a lot more interesting if I could see one in real life, but from photos alone it does not have the ‘wow factor’ for me.
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typhlonectes · 11 months
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Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi)
Blue land crabs are a species of terrestrial crab found along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico. They live in burrows near the water table, emerging to search for food and to mate.  Male crabs have dimorphic claws, meaning that their two claws look different from one another. One claw is larger to attract the attention of females and defend their territory.  
photograph by Keenan Adams/USFWS
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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A Sea-Creature Science Saturday
We have featured quite a range of English Naturalist Mark Catesby’s avian specimens, but today we turn toward the sea. To be sure, both species of crabs shown above are terrestrial, but their lives begin in the ocean and they spend their lives Atlantic-adjacent, so we think it’s an acceptable grouping! 
These plates come from our folio-sized facsimile of English Naturalist Mark Catesby’s The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands, published in 1974 by Beehive Press of Savannah, Georgia in a limited run of 500 copies. It was designed and printed by The Stinehour Press in Vermont, and the fifty colored plates were printed at Meriden Gravure Company of Connecticut.
The plates above depict, from top to bottom:
Atlantic Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata), identified by Catesby as a Sand Crab (Cancer arenarius)
Upper: Atlantic Blue Tang (Acanthurus Coeruleus), called simply “the Tang” and classified Turdus Rhomboidalis  by Catesby. Lower: Coney or Butterfish (Cephalopholis fulva), identified as “Yellow Fish” and classed as Turdus cauda convexa by Catesby.
Green Moray (Gymnothorax funebris).
Purple Land Crab (Gecarcinus ruricola), classified Cancer terrestris by Catesby.
Stoplight Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride).
You can read more about Mark Catesby and the making of his Natural History by reading our former intern Sarah’s post on the 1771 edition of The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands.
More Catesby posts can be found here.
And find more Science Saturday posts here.
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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normaldex · 2 years
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#098 Krabby and #099 Kingler
I have a handful of more complicated WIPs in the pipeline, so I figured I should try to churn out an easy one. Krabby and Kingler are the only actual crabs in gens I-V, and as such they seem to be the only suitable candidates for land crabs. However, I didn't know they existed, so when I found out they did, I thought it was a Normaldex slam dunk! From a distance, land crabs and sea crabs look quite similar, so there wasn't quite a need for much modification. However, I did want to switch up their colorations. I originally wanted to color Kingler as J. lagostoma, but there are other more interesting colorations, such as the Halloween crab!
Krabby and Kingler really don't get enough credit, and I love them. These guys are cool too, I think.
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elijones94 · 10 months
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🐴🦀 A coupe of horses and a crab were present this evening at Ocean Park Beach. 🌊
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
It has come to my attention that I haven't drawn sun and moon as chibis yet
I have rectified the situation:
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all is right with the world
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bug-maniac · 11 months
I see a lot of definitions of what exactly constitutes a bug, so I want to know what you guys think makes a bug.
So if you think that earthworms are bugs but spiders aren't, you'd click "An above definition + land worms" and then say "insects only" in the tags.
I wish I had one more option so I could just have a "see results" button but I won't. 😭 Please reblog so the rest of bugblr can see it!
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daily-crabbys · 17 days
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Today's crab is: buried halfway
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happycrabitat · 2 months
Scuttles getting a drink
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madcat-world · 5 months
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No Man's Land boss (1 of 2) - Robert Ryminiecki
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herpsandbirds · 2 months
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Blue Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi), male, family Gecarcinidae, Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, FL, USA
photograph by Keenan Adams/USFWS
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t00thpasteface · 15 days
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if someone asks, this is where i'll be...
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i will never get over how bcs enhances and adds context and depth to even the most minuscule things in brba. like saul’s law degree from the university of American Samoa. when you see that degree hanging in his office in breaking bad, you think to yourself: that’s so funny. sounds like a fake law school. of course saul goodman would have a sketchy law degree because he’s probably not a real lawyer. but then you watch better call saul and suddenly that degree means something: it belongs to Jimmy mcgill, Jimmy who worked tirelessly to get into a law school, any law school that would take him, and then busted his ass 3 times to pass the bar. the law school that allowed him to do that? the university of American Samoa. the degree means something, and then it’s even more heartbreaking to realize that he changes his name on his diploma by the time breaking bad occurs. truly wiping away any heart and soul that the degree once represented
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Name: Monkey Crab
Debut: Splatoon 2
Today we are talking about a Splatoon character beloved by all. More popular than the Squid Sisters! More respected than Off the Hook! It’s Monkey Crab! The world-famous Monkey Crab!
Now if you didn’t notice from us using a plushie as the header image, Monkey Crab is not real. Sorry. And I don’t just mean in the sense that most Splatoon characters aren’t real! He’s not real in the world of Splatoon! He’s what we call a cartoon guy, in the business. An in-universe fictional character! 
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Monkey Crab first shows up in the stage MakoMart, which is a supermarket, and the devs had to make a bunch of fake food packaging for it! There is a lot of fun stuff like Off the Hook flavored cereal, but our star here got three different types of cereal all for himself! I think this stuff is super cool, since the world of Splatoon is already so cartoony, what would their cartoons look like? Monkey Crab gives a glimpse into that world, and what a world it is!
So Monkey Crab is a cereal mascot! Case closed! He is like a Toucan Sam or a Tony the Tiger, or a Buzz the Honey Nut Cheerios! But a fake cereal guy is not bound by the rules of our world, because...
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A few months later, Monkey Crab returned to us... in the Amusement Park stage, Wahoo World! Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t see a lot of cereal mascots in amusement parks, in our world. I mean, maybe sometimes they collaborate? But this means either A. Monkey Crab was a cereal mascot who achieved incredible widespread success, or B. Monkey Crab was not originally a cereal mascot, he just happened to have a cereal tie-in. I choose to believe A, because it’s funnier!
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Look, here he is in Inkopolis Square, eating Cereal! It’s SO his thing! So if mammals don’t exist in Splatoon, what kind of Milk do they eat with their cereal? Monkey Crab says Don’t Worry About It! :)
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Keep in mind we didn’t even have a name for this guy until a Japanese exclusive magazine, where he was revealed to be called Sarukani! Sarukani means monkey crab. It definitely is a crab, and his face sort of is monkey-ish! (Though, monkeys are extinct, right?) Thanks to the power of Japanese Google, I managed to find a picture, with his official art and everything! So I did my best to translate it, even though other people probably have before:
He greets you with an 100% smile, the most popular cereal mascot at MakoMart! His smile is so wonderful, he's been showing up lately on commercials on the giant monitor in Inkopolis Square. (He's so popular that he's even being used on skateboard designs!)
So yeah! That pretty much confirms he’s a cereal character first and formost! And his smile! It’s the secret to his success, and you have to admit it’s a pretty great smile. What about the skateboards? Uh... we’ll get to that!
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Now there’s actually a Japanese folktale about a monkey and a crab, which I am reading about on Wikipedia just now. It’s about a monkey who murders a crab with persimmons. And so much more! But none of that is important right now. The point is it’s usually known as Sarukani Gassen, or Monkey-Crab Battle, which might be where the name Monkey Crab comes from? Maybe? I dunno? It’s the sort of thing I’d expect from Splatoon, but I’m not sure how it relates to cereal!
Of course, I’m only really writing this post because of Splatoon 3, which introduced customizable lockers, and lots of Random Junk to customize those lockers with! And it just so happens a lot of that junk features Monkey Crab! I have a dedicated Monkey Crab shelf in my locker, and you should too!
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There’s the monkey-crab cushion from the top of this post, but how about a monkey-crab mug! Would you drink hot beverages from this? Would you drink cold beverages from this? Look at that face. He is so happy to be providing a container for liquids.
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And the aforementioned monkey-crab skateboard! Of course cereal mascots are no strangers to skateboarding in real life. Do you think Monkey Crab has a radical commerical encouraging Inklings to eat a balanced breakfast and do Extreme Sports? Because I hope so!
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All three cereal boxes are available to purchase too! It’s interesting how they get progressively more expensive. Is coconut cereal rarer? Is someone scalping cereal? That they sell in the supermarket?
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Are you in need of a laugh? Monkey Crab is sure to make you giggle and chuckle and chortle with his comedy comic! I’m laughing out loud just looking at this cover! I’m crying with laughter! I just love Monkey Crab so much!
But of course, this has all been a lead-up to the peak of Monkey Crab’s career, my personal favorite item in his collection...
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Monkey Crab in Silly Land!
Isn’t it wonderful? Just the title alone inspires such joyous whimsy! A whole Silly Land, for you to explore with your best friend Monkey Crab! Not only is it great they gave this cereal mascot an entire Switch game, but this officially makes Monkey Crab an in-universe scrimblo! Congratulations, Monkey Crab! If anyone deserves it, it’s you!
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That’s all for today fellow Monkey Crab enthusiasts, but keep an eye out for our next cool post, where we write about Mister Shrug and Missus Shrug, and their spicy secrets! We’ll finally get to the bottom of... hm? Hm. I’m being told that I’m not allowed to write a post on Mister and Missus Shrug. Sorry everyone.
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crabmuseum · 2 months
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